diff options
authorbrian <>1997-05-23 04:54:03 +0000
committerbrian <>1997-05-23 04:54:03 +0000
commit6d0cdc4cfb3fa176c7652dec4a5d653682c90b2a (patch)
parent68e0b00a5914f21f0856d21dcbefb44edf0d7138 (diff)
Use the latest alias engine - now in libalias.
Submitted by: Charles Mott <>
13 files changed, 841 insertions, 2626 deletions
diff --git a/usr.sbin/ppp/Makefile b/usr.sbin/ppp/Makefile
index 4a2e2ba..94e0c7f 100644
--- a/usr.sbin/ppp/Makefile
+++ b/usr.sbin/ppp/Makefile
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
-# $Id: Makefile,v 1.17 1997/03/30 12:12:20 brian Exp $
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.18 1997/03/31 22:50:59 brian Exp $
PROG= ppp
-SRCS= async.c auth.c ccp.c chap.c chat.c command.c filter.c fsm.c hdlc.c \
- ip.c ipcp.c lcp.c lqr.c log.c main.c mbuf.c modem.c os.c \
- pap.c pred.c route.c slcompress.c timer.c systems.c vars.c \
- vjcomp.c arp.c alias.c alias_db.c alias_ftp.c alias_util.c \
- passwdauth.c sig.c
+SRCS= alias_cmd.c arp.c async.c auth.c ccp.c chap.c chat.c command.c \
+ filter.c fsm.c hdlc.c ip.c ipcp.c lcp.c log.c lqr.c main.c mbuf.c \
+ modem.c os.c pap.c passwdauth.c pred.c route.c sig.c slcompress.c \
+ systems.c timer.c vars.c vjcomp.c
-LDADD += -lmd -lcrypt -lutil
+LDADD += -lmd -lcrypt -lutil -lalias
MAN8= ppp.8
BINOWN= root
diff --git a/usr.sbin/ppp/README.alias b/usr.sbin/ppp/README.alias
index 51465f8..de5b3c9 100644
--- a/usr.sbin/ppp/README.alias
+++ b/usr.sbin/ppp/README.alias
@@ -1,112 +1,352 @@
User PPP Packet Aliasing
0. Contents
1. Background
2. Setup
- 3. Future Development
+ 3. New commands in ppp
+ 4. Future Work
+ 5. Authors / Acknowledgments
+ 6. Revision History for Aliasing Code
1. Background
-User ppp has embedded packet aliasing (IP masquerading) code.
-When this capability is enabled by the "-alias" command line
-option, the ppp host will automatically alias IP packets forwarded
-from a local network so that they appear to come from the ppp
-host machine. Incoming packets from the outside world are then
-appropriately de-aliased.
+User mode ppp has embedded packet aliasing (IP masquerading) code.
+Enabling this, either by the "-alias" command line option or the
+"alias enable yes" command in a ppp.conf file, makes the ppp host
+automatically alias IP packets forwarded from a local network, making
+them appear to come from the ppp host machine. Incoming packets
+from the outside world are then appropriately de-aliased.
-The process of aliasing involves both the IP address as well as
-TCP and UDP port numbers. ICMP packets can be aliased by either
-their id or sequence numbers.
+The process of aliasing involves both the IP address and the TCP or UDP
+port numbers. ICMP echo and timestamp packets are aliased by their id
+numbers. ICMP error messages can be properly directed by examining the
+fragment of the offending packet which is contained in the body of the
This software was specifically meant to support users who have
-unregistered, private address IP networks (e.g. 192.168.0.x or
-10.0.0.x addresses). The ppp host can act as a gateway for these
-networks, and computers on the local area net will have some
-degree of internet access without the need for a registered IP
-address. Additionally, there will be no need for an internet
-service provider to maintain routing tables for the local area
-A disadvantage of packet aliasing is that machines on the local
-network, behind the ppp host, can establish tcp connections and
-make udp inqiries (such as domain name service requests), but these
-machines, other than the ppp host itself, are not visible from
-the outside world. There is, in effect, a partial firewall.
-A second disadvantage is that "IP encoding" protocols, which send
-IP address or port information within the data stream, are not
-supported unless exception code has been put in place. A workaround
-for ftp, which is the most well known of the IP encoding protocols,
-has been developed in this implementation, so users do not have
-to depend on using the ftp passive mode, as is sometimes the case
-with other masquerading solutions.
-All standard, non-encoding TCP and UDP protocals are supported,
-Examples of these protocols are http, gopher and telnet. The
-standard UDP mode of RealAudio is not presently supported,
-but the TCP mode does work correctly. IRC is reported by users
-to work in some, but not all, modes.
-The packet aliasing code also handle many ICMP messages. In
-particular, ping and traceroute are supported.
+unregistered, private address IP networks (e.g. 192.168.0.x or 10.0.0.x
+addresses). The ppp host can act as a gateway for these networks, and
+computers on the local area net will have some degree of Internet access
+without the need for a registered IP address. Additionally, there will
+be no need for an Internet service provider to maintain routing tables
+for the local area network.
+A disadvantage of packet aliasing is that machines on the local network,
+behind the ppp host, are not visible from the outside world. They can
+establish TCP connections and make UDP inquiries (such as domain name
+service requests) but the connections seem to come from the ppp host
+itself. There is, in effect, a partial firewall. Of course, if this is
+what you want, the disadvantage becomes an advantage.
+A second disadvantage is that "IP encoding" protocols, which send IP
+address or port information within the data stream, are not supported
+for the cases where exception code exists. This implementation has
+workarounds for FTP and IRC DCC, the most well known of the IP encoding
+protocols. This frees users from depending on using the ftp passive
+mode and avoiding IRC DCC sends, as is sometimes the case with other
+masquerading solutions.
+The implementation supports all standard, non-encoding TCP and UDP protocols.
+Examples of these protocols are http, gopher and telnet. The standard UDP
+mode of RealAudio is not presently supported, but the TCP mode does work
+The packet aliasing code also handle many ICMP messages. In particular,
+ping and traceroute are supported.
2. Packet Aliasing Setup
-It is recommended that correct ppp operation first be verified
-without packet aliasing enabled. Then ppp can be started with
-the "-alias" option in the command line. Correct network operation
-of the ppp host in packet aliasing mode should then be verified.
-Finally, machines on the private network should be checked to see
-whether they can access the internet.
-Since the masquerading software aliases all packets, whether
-they come from the host or another computer on the local area
-network, a correctly operating ppp host will indicate that the
-software should work properly for other computers on the private
-If the ppp host can access the internet, but other computers on
-the local network cannot do this, then it should be checked that
-IP forwarding is enabled on the ppp host and that the other
-computers use this machine as a gateway. Of course, proper
-communications between machines within the local area network
-should also be verified (do they use consistent subnet addresses
-and masks?).
-3. Future Development
-What is called packet aliasing here has been variously called
-masquerading, network address translation (NAT) and transparent
-proxying by others. It is an extremely useful function to
-many users, but it is also necessarily imperfect. Workarounds
-(hacks) are always needed for the occasional IP-encoding
-The specific solution implemented here does not block off or
-reserve any segment of TCP or UDP ports on the ppp host for use
-by the masquerading function. No communication to the kernel
-is needed in this matter. All packets are aliased, whether
-they originate from the ppp host or other computers on the
-local network. This is a central issue, and some programmers
-may wish to handle this differently.
-The packet aliasing engine (alias.c, alias_db.c, alias_ftp.c
-and alias_util.c) runs in user space, and is intended to be
-both portable and reusable for interfaces other than ppp. The
-basic engine is accessed by four simple function calls
-(initialization, communication of host address, outgoing
-aliasing and incoming de-aliasing).
-Limited IP fragment handling exists. Once the packet aliasing
-software sees the header fragment of a packet, all other fragments
-will be correctly forwarded. However, if the header fragment
-does not come first, then some fragments will be lost.
-Charles Mott (
-December 4, 1996
+It is recommended that users first verify correct ppp operation without
+packet aliasing enabled. This will confirm that the ppp.conf file is
+properly set up and that there are no ppp problems. Then start ppp with
+the "-alias" option on the command line. The user should verify that
+the ppp host can correctly connect to the Internet in packet aliasing
+mode. Finally, check that machines on the private network can access
+the Internet.
+The masquerading software aliases all packets, whether they come from
+the host or another computer on the local area network. Thus, a correctly
+operating ppp host indicates that the software should work properly for
+other computers on the private network.
+If the ppp host can access the Internet, but other computers on the local
+network cannot, check that IP forwarding is enabled on the ppp host. Also,
+verify that the other computers use this machine as a gateway. Of course,
+you should also verify that machines within the local area network
+communicate properly. A common error is inconsistent subnet addresses
+and masks.
+3. New commands in ppp
+In order to control aliasing behavior in a simple manner (no need for
+recompilation), a new command has been added to iij-ppp: alias. This
+is in addition to the -alias command line option. System managers and
+more experienced users may prefer to use the iij-ppp command syntax
+within the ppp.conf file. The alias command also allows packet aliasing
+behavior to be more precisely specified.
+The decision to add a command instead of extending 'set' or 'option' was
+to make obvious that these options only work when aliasing is enabled.
+The syntax for 'alias' is
+ ppp> alias option [yes|no]
+where option is given by one of the following templates.
+ - alias enable [yes|no] (default no)
+Enable packet aliasing functionality. If disabled, no other alias
+options will have any effect. You should usually enable aliasing
+before routing any packets over the link; good points are in the
+initial script or right before adding a route. If you do not always
+want aliasing, consider using the -alias option to ppp instead of this
+ - alias deny_incoming [yes|no] (default yes)
+Set to "yes" to disable all incoming connections. This just drops
+connections to, for example, ftp, telnet or web servers. The aliasing
+mechanism prevents these connections. Technically, this option denies
+all incoming TCP and UDP requests, making the aliasing software a
+fairly efficient one-way firewall. The default is no, which will
+all incoming connections to telnetd, ftpd, etc.
+ - alias log [yes|no]
+Controls logging of alias link creation to "/var/log/alias.log" - this
+is usually only useful if debugging a setup, to see if the bug is in
+the PPP aliasing. The debugging information is fairly limited, listing
+the number of aliasing links open for different prototocols.
+ - alias same_ports [yes|no] (default yes)
+When a connection is being established going through the aliasing
+routines, it will normally have its port number changed to allow the
+aliasing code to track it. If same_ports is enabled, the alias
+software attempts to keep the connection's source port unchanged.
+This will allow rsh, RPC and other specialized protocols to work
+_most of the time_, at least on the host machine. Please, do not
+report this being unstable as a bug - it is a result of the way
+aliasing has to work. TCP/IP was intended to have one IP address
+per machine.
+ - alias use_sockets [yes|no] (default yes)
+This is a fairly obscure option. For the most part, the packet aliasing
+software does not have to allocate system sockets when it chooses an
+aliasing port number. Under very specific circumstances, FTP data
+connections (which don't know the remote port nubmer, though it is
+usually 20) and IRC DCC send (which doesn't know either the address or
+the port from which the connection will come), there can potentially be
+some interference with an open server socket having the same port number
+on the ppp host machine. This possibility for interferience only exists
+until the TCP connection has been acknowledged on both sides. The safe
+option is yes, though fewer system resources are consumed by specifying
+ - alias unregistered_only [yes|no] (default no)
+Packet aliasing normally remaps all packets coming from the local area
+network to the ppp host machine address. Set this option to only map
+addresses from the following standard ranges for private, unregistered
+ ->
+ ->
+ -> */
+In the instance that there is a subnet of public addresses and another
+subnet of private addresses being routed by the ppp host, then only the
+packets on the private subnet will be aliased.
+- alias port <proto> <local addr>:<port> <alias port>
+This command allows incoming traffic to <alias port> on the host
+machine to be redirected to a specific machine and port on the
+local area network. One example of this would be:
+ alias port tcp 8066
+All traffic to port 8066 fthe ppp host would then be sent to
+the telnet port (23) of machine Port numbers
+can either be designated numerically or by symbolic names
+listed in /etc/services. Similarly, addresses can be either
+in dotted quad notation or in /etc/hosts.
+- alias addr <local addr> <public addr>
+This command allows traffic for a public IP address to be
+redirected to a machine on the local network. This function
+is known as "static NAT". An address assignment of 0 refers
+to the default address of the ppp host. Normally static
+NAT is useful if your ISP has allocated a small block of
+IP addresses to the user, but it can even be used in the
+case of a single, dynamically allocated IP address:
+ alias addr 0
+The above command would redirect all incoming traffic to
+If several address aliases specifiy the same public addres
+as follows
+ alias addr public_addr
+ alias addr public_addr
+ alias addr public_addr
+then incoming traffice will be directed to the last
+translated local address (, but outgoing
+traffic to the first two addresses will still be aliased
+to the specified public address.
+4. Future Work
+What is called packet aliasing here has been variously called masquerading,
+network address translation (NAT) and transparent proxying by others. It
+is an extremely useful function to many users, but it is also necessarily
+imperfect. The occasional IP-encoding protocols always need workarounds
+(hacks). Users who are interested in supporting new IP-encoding protocols
+can follow the examples of alias_ftp.c and alias_irc.c.
+ICMP error messages are currently handled only in the incoming direction.
+A handler needs to be added to correctly alias outgoing error messages.
+IRC and FTP exception handling make reasonable, though not strictly correct
+assumptions, about how IP encoded messages will appear in the control
+stream. Programmers may wish to consider how to make this process more
+The packet aliasing engine (alias.c, alias_db.c, alias_ftp.c, alias_irc.c
+and alias_util.c) runs in user space, and is intended to be both portable
+and reusable for interfaces other than ppp. To access the basic engine
+only requires four simple function calls (initialization, communication of
+host address, outgoing aliasing and incoming de-aliasing).
+5. Authors / Acknowledgments
+Charles Mott ( <versions 1.0 - 1.8, 2.0, 2.1>
+Eivind Eklund ( <versions 1.8b - 1.9, new ppp commands>
+Listed below, in chronological order, are individuals who have provided
+valuable comments and/or debugging assistance.
+ Gary Roberts
+ Tom Torrance
+ Reto Burkhalter
+ Martin Renters
+ Brian Somers
+ Paul Traina
+ Ari Suutari
+ J. Fortes
+ Andrzej Bialeki
+6. Revision History for Aliasing Code
+Version 1.0: August 11, 1996 (cjm)
+Version 1.1: August 20, 1996 (cjm)
+ PPP host accepts incoming connections for ports 0 to 1023.
+Version 1.2: September 7, 1996 (cjm)
+ Fragment handling error in alias_db.c corrected.
+Version 1.3: September 15, 1996 (cjm)
+ - Generalized mechanism for handling incoming connections
+ (no more 0 to 1023 restriction).
+ - Increased ICMP support (will handle traceroute now).
+ - Improved TCP close connection logic.
+Version 1.4: September 16, 1996
+ Can't remember (this version only lasted a day -- cjm).
+Version 1.5: September 17, 1996 (cjm)
+ Corrected error in handling incoming UDP packets
+ with zero checksum.
+Version 1.6: September 18, 1996
+ Simplified ICMP data storage. Will now handle
+ tracert from Win95 as well as FreeBSD traceroute.
+Verstion 1.7: January 9, 1997 (cjm)
+ - Reduced malloc() activity for ICMP echo and
+ timestamp requests.
+ - Added handling for out-of-order IP fragments.
+ - Switched to differential checksum computation
+ for IP headers (TCP, UDP and ICMP checksums
+ were already differential).
+ - Accepts FTP data connections from other than
+ port 20. This allows one ftp connections
+ from two hosts which are both running packet
+ aliasing.
+Verstion 1.8: January 14, 1997 (cjm)
+ - Fixed data type error in function StartPoint()
+ in alias_db.c (this bug did not exist before v1.7)
+Version 1.8b: January 16, 1997 (Eivind Eklund <>)
+ - Upgraded base PPP version to be the sourcecode from
+ FreeBSD 2.1.6, with additional security patches. This
+ version should still be possible to run on 2.1.5, though -
+ I've run it with a 2.1.5 kernel without problems.
+ (Update done with the permission of cjm)
+Version 1.9: February 1, 1997 (Eivind Eklund <>)
+ - Added support for IRC DCC (ee)
+ - Changed the aliasing routines to use ANSI style throughout -
+ minor API changes for integration with other programs than PPP (ee)
+ - Changed the build process, making all options switchable
+ from the Makefile (ee)
+ - Fixed minor security hole in alias_ftp.c for other applications
+ of the aliasing software. Hole could _not_ manifest in
+ PPP+pktAlias, but could potentially manifest in other
+ applications of the aliasing. (ee)
+ - Connections initiated from packet aliasing host machine will
+ not have their port number aliased unless it conflicts with
+ an aliasing port already being used. (There is an option to
+ disable this for debugging) (cjm)
+ - Sockets will be allocated in cases where there might be
+ port interference with the host machine. This can be disabled
+ in cases where the ppp host will be acting purely as a
+ masquerading router and not generate any traffic of its own.
+ (cjm)
+Version 2.0: March, 1997 (cjm)
+ - Incoming packets which are not recognized by the packet
+ aliasing engine are now completely dropped in ip.c.
+ - Aliasing links are cleared when a host interface address
+ changes (due to re-dial and dynamic address allocatioa).
+ - PacketAliasPermanentLink() API added.
+ - Option for only aliasing private, unregistered IP addresses
+ added.
+ - Substantial rework to the aliasing lookup engine.
+Version 2.1: May, 1997 (cjm)
+ - Continuing rework to the aliasing lookup engine to support
+ multiple incoming addresses and static NAT.
+ - Now supports outgoing as well as incoming ICMP error messges/
+ - PPP commands to support address and port redirection.
diff --git a/usr.sbin/ppp/README.nat b/usr.sbin/ppp/README.nat
index 51465f8..de5b3c9 100644
--- a/usr.sbin/ppp/README.nat
+++ b/usr.sbin/ppp/README.nat
@@ -1,112 +1,352 @@
User PPP Packet Aliasing
0. Contents
1. Background
2. Setup
- 3. Future Development
+ 3. New commands in ppp
+ 4. Future Work
+ 5. Authors / Acknowledgments
+ 6. Revision History for Aliasing Code
1. Background
-User ppp has embedded packet aliasing (IP masquerading) code.
-When this capability is enabled by the "-alias" command line
-option, the ppp host will automatically alias IP packets forwarded
-from a local network so that they appear to come from the ppp
-host machine. Incoming packets from the outside world are then
-appropriately de-aliased.
+User mode ppp has embedded packet aliasing (IP masquerading) code.
+Enabling this, either by the "-alias" command line option or the
+"alias enable yes" command in a ppp.conf file, makes the ppp host
+automatically alias IP packets forwarded from a local network, making
+them appear to come from the ppp host machine. Incoming packets
+from the outside world are then appropriately de-aliased.
-The process of aliasing involves both the IP address as well as
-TCP and UDP port numbers. ICMP packets can be aliased by either
-their id or sequence numbers.
+The process of aliasing involves both the IP address and the TCP or UDP
+port numbers. ICMP echo and timestamp packets are aliased by their id
+numbers. ICMP error messages can be properly directed by examining the
+fragment of the offending packet which is contained in the body of the
This software was specifically meant to support users who have
-unregistered, private address IP networks (e.g. 192.168.0.x or
-10.0.0.x addresses). The ppp host can act as a gateway for these
-networks, and computers on the local area net will have some
-degree of internet access without the need for a registered IP
-address. Additionally, there will be no need for an internet
-service provider to maintain routing tables for the local area
-A disadvantage of packet aliasing is that machines on the local
-network, behind the ppp host, can establish tcp connections and
-make udp inqiries (such as domain name service requests), but these
-machines, other than the ppp host itself, are not visible from
-the outside world. There is, in effect, a partial firewall.
-A second disadvantage is that "IP encoding" protocols, which send
-IP address or port information within the data stream, are not
-supported unless exception code has been put in place. A workaround
-for ftp, which is the most well known of the IP encoding protocols,
-has been developed in this implementation, so users do not have
-to depend on using the ftp passive mode, as is sometimes the case
-with other masquerading solutions.
-All standard, non-encoding TCP and UDP protocals are supported,
-Examples of these protocols are http, gopher and telnet. The
-standard UDP mode of RealAudio is not presently supported,
-but the TCP mode does work correctly. IRC is reported by users
-to work in some, but not all, modes.
-The packet aliasing code also handle many ICMP messages. In
-particular, ping and traceroute are supported.
+unregistered, private address IP networks (e.g. 192.168.0.x or 10.0.0.x
+addresses). The ppp host can act as a gateway for these networks, and
+computers on the local area net will have some degree of Internet access
+without the need for a registered IP address. Additionally, there will
+be no need for an Internet service provider to maintain routing tables
+for the local area network.
+A disadvantage of packet aliasing is that machines on the local network,
+behind the ppp host, are not visible from the outside world. They can
+establish TCP connections and make UDP inquiries (such as domain name
+service requests) but the connections seem to come from the ppp host
+itself. There is, in effect, a partial firewall. Of course, if this is
+what you want, the disadvantage becomes an advantage.
+A second disadvantage is that "IP encoding" protocols, which send IP
+address or port information within the data stream, are not supported
+for the cases where exception code exists. This implementation has
+workarounds for FTP and IRC DCC, the most well known of the IP encoding
+protocols. This frees users from depending on using the ftp passive
+mode and avoiding IRC DCC sends, as is sometimes the case with other
+masquerading solutions.
+The implementation supports all standard, non-encoding TCP and UDP protocols.
+Examples of these protocols are http, gopher and telnet. The standard UDP
+mode of RealAudio is not presently supported, but the TCP mode does work
+The packet aliasing code also handle many ICMP messages. In particular,
+ping and traceroute are supported.
2. Packet Aliasing Setup
-It is recommended that correct ppp operation first be verified
-without packet aliasing enabled. Then ppp can be started with
-the "-alias" option in the command line. Correct network operation
-of the ppp host in packet aliasing mode should then be verified.
-Finally, machines on the private network should be checked to see
-whether they can access the internet.
-Since the masquerading software aliases all packets, whether
-they come from the host or another computer on the local area
-network, a correctly operating ppp host will indicate that the
-software should work properly for other computers on the private
-If the ppp host can access the internet, but other computers on
-the local network cannot do this, then it should be checked that
-IP forwarding is enabled on the ppp host and that the other
-computers use this machine as a gateway. Of course, proper
-communications between machines within the local area network
-should also be verified (do they use consistent subnet addresses
-and masks?).
-3. Future Development
-What is called packet aliasing here has been variously called
-masquerading, network address translation (NAT) and transparent
-proxying by others. It is an extremely useful function to
-many users, but it is also necessarily imperfect. Workarounds
-(hacks) are always needed for the occasional IP-encoding
-The specific solution implemented here does not block off or
-reserve any segment of TCP or UDP ports on the ppp host for use
-by the masquerading function. No communication to the kernel
-is needed in this matter. All packets are aliased, whether
-they originate from the ppp host or other computers on the
-local network. This is a central issue, and some programmers
-may wish to handle this differently.
-The packet aliasing engine (alias.c, alias_db.c, alias_ftp.c
-and alias_util.c) runs in user space, and is intended to be
-both portable and reusable for interfaces other than ppp. The
-basic engine is accessed by four simple function calls
-(initialization, communication of host address, outgoing
-aliasing and incoming de-aliasing).
-Limited IP fragment handling exists. Once the packet aliasing
-software sees the header fragment of a packet, all other fragments
-will be correctly forwarded. However, if the header fragment
-does not come first, then some fragments will be lost.
-Charles Mott (
-December 4, 1996
+It is recommended that users first verify correct ppp operation without
+packet aliasing enabled. This will confirm that the ppp.conf file is
+properly set up and that there are no ppp problems. Then start ppp with
+the "-alias" option on the command line. The user should verify that
+the ppp host can correctly connect to the Internet in packet aliasing
+mode. Finally, check that machines on the private network can access
+the Internet.
+The masquerading software aliases all packets, whether they come from
+the host or another computer on the local area network. Thus, a correctly
+operating ppp host indicates that the software should work properly for
+other computers on the private network.
+If the ppp host can access the Internet, but other computers on the local
+network cannot, check that IP forwarding is enabled on the ppp host. Also,
+verify that the other computers use this machine as a gateway. Of course,
+you should also verify that machines within the local area network
+communicate properly. A common error is inconsistent subnet addresses
+and masks.
+3. New commands in ppp
+In order to control aliasing behavior in a simple manner (no need for
+recompilation), a new command has been added to iij-ppp: alias. This
+is in addition to the -alias command line option. System managers and
+more experienced users may prefer to use the iij-ppp command syntax
+within the ppp.conf file. The alias command also allows packet aliasing
+behavior to be more precisely specified.
+The decision to add a command instead of extending 'set' or 'option' was
+to make obvious that these options only work when aliasing is enabled.
+The syntax for 'alias' is
+ ppp> alias option [yes|no]
+where option is given by one of the following templates.
+ - alias enable [yes|no] (default no)
+Enable packet aliasing functionality. If disabled, no other alias
+options will have any effect. You should usually enable aliasing
+before routing any packets over the link; good points are in the
+initial script or right before adding a route. If you do not always
+want aliasing, consider using the -alias option to ppp instead of this
+ - alias deny_incoming [yes|no] (default yes)
+Set to "yes" to disable all incoming connections. This just drops
+connections to, for example, ftp, telnet or web servers. The aliasing
+mechanism prevents these connections. Technically, this option denies
+all incoming TCP and UDP requests, making the aliasing software a
+fairly efficient one-way firewall. The default is no, which will
+all incoming connections to telnetd, ftpd, etc.
+ - alias log [yes|no]
+Controls logging of alias link creation to "/var/log/alias.log" - this
+is usually only useful if debugging a setup, to see if the bug is in
+the PPP aliasing. The debugging information is fairly limited, listing
+the number of aliasing links open for different prototocols.
+ - alias same_ports [yes|no] (default yes)
+When a connection is being established going through the aliasing
+routines, it will normally have its port number changed to allow the
+aliasing code to track it. If same_ports is enabled, the alias
+software attempts to keep the connection's source port unchanged.
+This will allow rsh, RPC and other specialized protocols to work
+_most of the time_, at least on the host machine. Please, do not
+report this being unstable as a bug - it is a result of the way
+aliasing has to work. TCP/IP was intended to have one IP address
+per machine.
+ - alias use_sockets [yes|no] (default yes)
+This is a fairly obscure option. For the most part, the packet aliasing
+software does not have to allocate system sockets when it chooses an
+aliasing port number. Under very specific circumstances, FTP data
+connections (which don't know the remote port nubmer, though it is
+usually 20) and IRC DCC send (which doesn't know either the address or
+the port from which the connection will come), there can potentially be
+some interference with an open server socket having the same port number
+on the ppp host machine. This possibility for interferience only exists
+until the TCP connection has been acknowledged on both sides. The safe
+option is yes, though fewer system resources are consumed by specifying
+ - alias unregistered_only [yes|no] (default no)
+Packet aliasing normally remaps all packets coming from the local area
+network to the ppp host machine address. Set this option to only map
+addresses from the following standard ranges for private, unregistered
+ ->
+ ->
+ -> */
+In the instance that there is a subnet of public addresses and another
+subnet of private addresses being routed by the ppp host, then only the
+packets on the private subnet will be aliased.
+- alias port <proto> <local addr>:<port> <alias port>
+This command allows incoming traffic to <alias port> on the host
+machine to be redirected to a specific machine and port on the
+local area network. One example of this would be:
+ alias port tcp 8066
+All traffic to port 8066 fthe ppp host would then be sent to
+the telnet port (23) of machine Port numbers
+can either be designated numerically or by symbolic names
+listed in /etc/services. Similarly, addresses can be either
+in dotted quad notation or in /etc/hosts.
+- alias addr <local addr> <public addr>
+This command allows traffic for a public IP address to be
+redirected to a machine on the local network. This function
+is known as "static NAT". An address assignment of 0 refers
+to the default address of the ppp host. Normally static
+NAT is useful if your ISP has allocated a small block of
+IP addresses to the user, but it can even be used in the
+case of a single, dynamically allocated IP address:
+ alias addr 0
+The above command would redirect all incoming traffic to
+If several address aliases specifiy the same public addres
+as follows
+ alias addr public_addr
+ alias addr public_addr
+ alias addr public_addr
+then incoming traffice will be directed to the last
+translated local address (, but outgoing
+traffic to the first two addresses will still be aliased
+to the specified public address.
+4. Future Work
+What is called packet aliasing here has been variously called masquerading,
+network address translation (NAT) and transparent proxying by others. It
+is an extremely useful function to many users, but it is also necessarily
+imperfect. The occasional IP-encoding protocols always need workarounds
+(hacks). Users who are interested in supporting new IP-encoding protocols
+can follow the examples of alias_ftp.c and alias_irc.c.
+ICMP error messages are currently handled only in the incoming direction.
+A handler needs to be added to correctly alias outgoing error messages.
+IRC and FTP exception handling make reasonable, though not strictly correct
+assumptions, about how IP encoded messages will appear in the control
+stream. Programmers may wish to consider how to make this process more
+The packet aliasing engine (alias.c, alias_db.c, alias_ftp.c, alias_irc.c
+and alias_util.c) runs in user space, and is intended to be both portable
+and reusable for interfaces other than ppp. To access the basic engine
+only requires four simple function calls (initialization, communication of
+host address, outgoing aliasing and incoming de-aliasing).
+5. Authors / Acknowledgments
+Charles Mott ( <versions 1.0 - 1.8, 2.0, 2.1>
+Eivind Eklund ( <versions 1.8b - 1.9, new ppp commands>
+Listed below, in chronological order, are individuals who have provided
+valuable comments and/or debugging assistance.
+ Gary Roberts
+ Tom Torrance
+ Reto Burkhalter
+ Martin Renters
+ Brian Somers
+ Paul Traina
+ Ari Suutari
+ J. Fortes
+ Andrzej Bialeki
+6. Revision History for Aliasing Code
+Version 1.0: August 11, 1996 (cjm)
+Version 1.1: August 20, 1996 (cjm)
+ PPP host accepts incoming connections for ports 0 to 1023.
+Version 1.2: September 7, 1996 (cjm)
+ Fragment handling error in alias_db.c corrected.
+Version 1.3: September 15, 1996 (cjm)
+ - Generalized mechanism for handling incoming connections
+ (no more 0 to 1023 restriction).
+ - Increased ICMP support (will handle traceroute now).
+ - Improved TCP close connection logic.
+Version 1.4: September 16, 1996
+ Can't remember (this version only lasted a day -- cjm).
+Version 1.5: September 17, 1996 (cjm)
+ Corrected error in handling incoming UDP packets
+ with zero checksum.
+Version 1.6: September 18, 1996
+ Simplified ICMP data storage. Will now handle
+ tracert from Win95 as well as FreeBSD traceroute.
+Verstion 1.7: January 9, 1997 (cjm)
+ - Reduced malloc() activity for ICMP echo and
+ timestamp requests.
+ - Added handling for out-of-order IP fragments.
+ - Switched to differential checksum computation
+ for IP headers (TCP, UDP and ICMP checksums
+ were already differential).
+ - Accepts FTP data connections from other than
+ port 20. This allows one ftp connections
+ from two hosts which are both running packet
+ aliasing.
+Verstion 1.8: January 14, 1997 (cjm)
+ - Fixed data type error in function StartPoint()
+ in alias_db.c (this bug did not exist before v1.7)
+Version 1.8b: January 16, 1997 (Eivind Eklund <>)
+ - Upgraded base PPP version to be the sourcecode from
+ FreeBSD 2.1.6, with additional security patches. This
+ version should still be possible to run on 2.1.5, though -
+ I've run it with a 2.1.5 kernel without problems.
+ (Update done with the permission of cjm)
+Version 1.9: February 1, 1997 (Eivind Eklund <>)
+ - Added support for IRC DCC (ee)
+ - Changed the aliasing routines to use ANSI style throughout -
+ minor API changes for integration with other programs than PPP (ee)
+ - Changed the build process, making all options switchable
+ from the Makefile (ee)
+ - Fixed minor security hole in alias_ftp.c for other applications
+ of the aliasing software. Hole could _not_ manifest in
+ PPP+pktAlias, but could potentially manifest in other
+ applications of the aliasing. (ee)
+ - Connections initiated from packet aliasing host machine will
+ not have their port number aliased unless it conflicts with
+ an aliasing port already being used. (There is an option to
+ disable this for debugging) (cjm)
+ - Sockets will be allocated in cases where there might be
+ port interference with the host machine. This can be disabled
+ in cases where the ppp host will be acting purely as a
+ masquerading router and not generate any traffic of its own.
+ (cjm)
+Version 2.0: March, 1997 (cjm)
+ - Incoming packets which are not recognized by the packet
+ aliasing engine are now completely dropped in ip.c.
+ - Aliasing links are cleared when a host interface address
+ changes (due to re-dial and dynamic address allocatioa).
+ - PacketAliasPermanentLink() API added.
+ - Option for only aliasing private, unregistered IP addresses
+ added.
+ - Substantial rework to the aliasing lookup engine.
+Version 2.1: May, 1997 (cjm)
+ - Continuing rework to the aliasing lookup engine to support
+ multiple incoming addresses and static NAT.
+ - Now supports outgoing as well as incoming ICMP error messges/
+ - PPP commands to support address and port redirection.
diff --git a/usr.sbin/ppp/alias.c b/usr.sbin/ppp/alias.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a99fb9..0000000
--- a/usr.sbin/ppp/alias.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,838 +0,0 @@
- Alias.c provides supervisory control for the functions of the
- packet aliasing software. It consists of routines to monitor
- TCP connection state, protocol-specific aliasing routines,
- limited fragment handling and the two primary outside world
- functional interfaces: PacketAliasIn and PacketAliasOut.
- The other C program files are briefly described. The data
- structure framework which holds information needed to translate
- packets is encapsulated in alias_db.c. Data is accessed by
- function calls, so other segments of the program need not
- know about the underlying data structures. Alias_ftp.c contains
- special code for modifying the ftp PORT command used to establish
- data connections. Alias_util.c contains a few utility routines.
- This software is placed into the public domain with no restrictions
- on its distribution.
- Version 1.0 August, 1996 (cjm)
- Version 1.1 August 20, 1996 (cjm)
- PPP host accepts incoming connections for ports 0 to 1023.
- Version 1.2 September 7, 1996 (cjm)
- Fragment handling error in alias_db.c corrected.
- Version 1.4 September 16, 1996 (cjm)
- - A more generalized method for handling incoming
- connections, without the 0-1023 restriction, is
- implemented in alias_db.c
- - Improved ICMP support in alias.c. Traceroute
- packet streams can now be correctly aliased.
- - TCP connection closing logic simplified in
- alias.c and now allows for additional 1 minute
- "grace period" after FIN or RST is observed.
- Version 1.5 September 17, 1996 (cjm)
- Corrected error in handling incoming UDP packets with 0 checksum.
- Version 1.6 September 18, 1996 (cjm)
- Simplified ICMP aliasing scheme. Should now support
- traceroute from Win95 as well as FreeBSD.
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <netinet/in_systm.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <netinet/ip.h>
-#include <netinet/ip_icmp.h>
-#include <netinet/tcp.h>
-#include <netinet/udp.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include "alias.p"
-/* TCP Handling Routines
- TcpMonitorIn() -- These routines monitor TCP connections, and
- TcpMonitorOut() -- delete a link node when a connection is closed.
-These routines look for SYN, ACK and RST flags to determine when TCP
-connections open and close. When a TCP connection closes, the data
-structure containing packet aliasing information is deleted after
-a timeout period.
-TcpMonitorIn(pip, link)
-struct ip *pip;
-char *link;
- struct tcphdr *tc;
- tc = (struct tcphdr *) ((char *) pip + (pip->ip_hl << 2));
- switch (GetStateIn(link))
- {
- case 0:
- if (tc->th_flags & TH_SYN) SetStateIn(link, 1);
- break;
- case 1:
- if (tc->th_flags & TH_FIN
- || tc->th_flags & TH_RST) SetStateIn(link, 2);
- }
-TcpMonitorOut(pip, link)
-struct ip *pip;
-char *link;
- struct tcphdr *tc;
- tc = (struct tcphdr *) ((char *) pip + (pip->ip_hl << 2));
- switch (GetStateOut(link))
- {
- case 0:
- if (tc->th_flags & TH_SYN) SetStateOut(link, 1);
- break;
- case 1:
- if (tc->th_flags & TH_FIN
- || tc->th_flags & TH_RST) SetStateOut(link, 2);
- }
-/* Protocol Specific Packet Aliasing Routines
- IcmpAliasIn(), IcmpAliasIn1(), IcmpAliasIn2
- IcmpAliasOut(), IcmpAliasOut1()
- UdpAliasIn(), UdpAliasOut()
- TcpAliasIn(), TcpAliasOut()
-These routines handle protocol specific details of packet aliasing.
-One may observe a certain amount of repetitive arithmetic in these
-functions, the purpose of which is to compute a revised checksum
-without actually summing over the entire data packet, which could be
-unnecessarily time consuming.
-The purpose of the packet aliasing routines is to replace the source
-address of the outgoing packet and then correctly put it back for
-any incoming packets. For TCP and UDP, ports are also re-mapped.
-For ICMP echo/timestamp requests and replies, the following scheme
-is used: the sequence number is replaced by an alias for the outgoing
-packet and this sequence number, plus the id and remote address are
-used to find the packet on the return path.
-ICMP error messages are handled by looking at the IP fragment
-in the data section of the message.
-For TCP and UDP protocols, a port number is chosen for an outgoing
-packet, and then incoming packets are identified by IP address and
-port number. For TCP packets, there is additional logic in the event
-that sequence and ack numbers have been altered (as is the case for
-FTP data port commands).
-The port numbers used by the packet aliasing module are not true
-ports in the Unix sense. No sockets are actually bound to ports.
-They are more correctly placeholders.
-All packets are aliased, whether they come from the gateway machine
-or other machines on a local area network.
-struct ip *pip;
- Un-alias incoming echo and timestamp replies
- char *link;
- struct icmp *ic;
- ic = (struct icmp *) ((char *) pip + (pip->ip_hl << 2));
-/* Get source address from ICMP data field and restore original data */
- link = FindIcmpIn(pip->ip_src, ic->icmp_id, ic->icmp_seq);
- if (link != NULL_PTR)
- {
- u_short original_seq;
- int accumulate;
- original_seq = GetOriginalPort(link);
-/* Adjust ICMP checksum */
- accumulate = ic->icmp_cksum;
- accumulate += ic->icmp_seq;
- accumulate -= original_seq;
- if (accumulate < 0)
- {
- accumulate = -accumulate;
- accumulate = (accumulate >> 16) + (accumulate & 0xffff);
- accumulate += accumulate >> 16;
- ic->icmp_cksum = (u_short) ~accumulate;
- }
- else
- {
- accumulate = (accumulate >> 16) + (accumulate & 0xffff);
- accumulate += accumulate >> 16;
- ic->icmp_cksum = (u_short) accumulate;
- }
-/* Put original sequence number back in */
- ic->icmp_seq = original_seq;
-/* Put original address back into IP header */
- pip->ip_dst = GetOriginalAddress(link);
-/* Delete unneeded data structure */
- DeleteLink(link);
- }
-struct ip *pip;
- Alias incoming ICMP error messages containing
- IP header and first 64 bits of datagram.
- struct ip *ip;
- struct icmp *ic, *ic2;
- struct udphdr *ud;
- struct tcphdr *tc;
- char *link;
- ic = (struct icmp *) ((char *) pip + (pip->ip_hl << 2));
- ip = (struct ip *) ic->icmp_data;
- ud = (struct udphdr *) ((char *) ip + (ip->ip_hl <<2));
- tc = (struct tcphdr *) ud;
- ic2 = (struct icmp *) ud;
- if (ip->ip_p == IPPROTO_UDP)
- link = FindUdpIn(ip->ip_dst, ud->uh_dport, ud->uh_sport);
- else if (ip->ip_p == IPPROTO_TCP)
- link = FindTcpIn(ip->ip_dst, tc->th_dport, tc->th_sport);
- else if (ip->ip_p == IPPROTO_ICMP)
- if (ic2->icmp_type == ICMP_ECHO || ic2->icmp_type == ICMP_TSTAMP)
- link = FindIcmpIn(ip->ip_dst, ic2->icmp_id, ic2->icmp_seq);
- else
- link = NULL_PTR;
- else
- link = NULL_PTR;
- if (link != NULL_PTR)
- {
- if (ip->ip_p == IPPROTO_UDP || ip->ip_p == IPPROTO_TCP)
- {
- u_short *sptr;
- int accumulate;
- struct in_addr original_address;
- u_short original_port;
- original_address = GetOriginalAddress(link);
- original_port = GetOriginalPort(link);
-/* Adjust ICMP checksum */
- accumulate = ic->icmp_cksum;
- sptr = (u_short *) &(ip->ip_src);
- accumulate += *sptr++;
- accumulate += *sptr;
- sptr = (u_short *) &original_address;
- accumulate -= *sptr++;
- accumulate -= *sptr;
- accumulate += ud->uh_sport;
- accumulate -= original_port;
- if (accumulate < 0)
- {
- accumulate = -accumulate;
- accumulate = (accumulate >> 16) + (accumulate & 0xffff);
- accumulate += accumulate >> 16;
- ic->icmp_cksum = (u_short) ~accumulate;
- }
- else
- {
- accumulate = (accumulate >> 16) + (accumulate & 0xffff);
- accumulate += accumulate >> 16;
- ic->icmp_cksum = (u_short) accumulate;
- }
-/* Un-alias address in IP header */
- pip->ip_dst = original_address;
-/* Un-alias address and port number of original IP packet
-fragment contained in ICMP data section */
- ip->ip_src = original_address;
- ud->uh_sport = original_port;
- }
- else if (pip->ip_p == IPPROTO_ICMP)
- {
- u_short *sptr;
- int accumulate;
- struct in_addr original_address;
- u_short original_seq;
- original_address = GetOriginalAddress(link);
- original_seq = GetOriginalPort(link);
-/* Adjust ICMP checksum */
- accumulate = ic->icmp_cksum;
- sptr = (u_short *) &(ip->ip_src);
- accumulate += *sptr++;
- accumulate += *sptr;
- sptr = (u_short *) &original_address;
- accumulate -= *sptr++;
- accumulate -= *sptr;
- accumulate += ic2->icmp_seq;
- accumulate -= original_seq;
- if (accumulate < 0)
- {
- accumulate = -accumulate;
- accumulate = (accumulate >> 16) + (accumulate & 0xffff);
- accumulate += accumulate >> 16;
- ic->icmp_cksum = (u_short) ~accumulate;
- }
- else
- {
- accumulate = (accumulate >> 16) + (accumulate & 0xffff);
- accumulate += accumulate >> 16;
- ic->icmp_cksum = (u_short) accumulate;
- }
-/* Un-alias address in IP header */
- pip->ip_dst = original_address;
-/* Un-alias address of original IP packet and seqence number of
- embedded icmp datagram */
- ip->ip_src = original_address;
- ic2->icmp_seq = original_seq;
- }
- }
-struct ip *pip;
- struct icmp *ic;
- ic = (struct icmp *) ((char *) pip + (pip->ip_hl << 2));
- switch (ic->icmp_type)
- {
- if (ic->icmp_code == 0)
- {
- IcmpAliasIn1(pip);
- }
- break;
- IcmpAliasIn2(pip);
- break;
- }
-struct ip *pip;
- Alias ICMP echo and timestamp packets
- char *link;
- struct icmp *ic;
- ic = (struct icmp *) ((char *) pip + (pip->ip_hl << 2));
-/* Save overwritten data for when echo packet returns */
- link = FindIcmpOut(pip->ip_src, pip->ip_dst, ic->icmp_id, ic->icmp_seq);
- if (link != NULL_PTR)
- {
- u_short alias_seq;
- int accumulate;
- alias_seq = GetAliasPort(link);
-/* Since data field is being modified, adjust ICMP checksum */
- accumulate = ic->icmp_cksum;
- accumulate += ic->icmp_seq;
- accumulate -= alias_seq;
- if (accumulate < 0)
- {
- accumulate = -accumulate;
- accumulate = (accumulate >> 16) + (accumulate & 0xffff);
- accumulate += accumulate >> 16;
- ic->icmp_cksum = (u_short) ~accumulate;
- }
- else
- {
- accumulate = (accumulate >> 16) + (accumulate & 0xffff);
- accumulate += accumulate >> 16;
- ic->icmp_cksum = (u_short) accumulate;
- }
-/* Alias sequence number */
- ic->icmp_seq = alias_seq;
-/* Change source address */
- pip->ip_src = GetAliasAddress();
- }
-struct ip *pip;
- struct icmp *ic;
- ic = (struct icmp *) ((char *) pip + (pip->ip_hl << 2));
- switch (ic->icmp_type)
- {
- case ICMP_ECHO:
- if (ic->icmp_code == 0)
- {
- IcmpAliasOut1(pip);
- }
- break;
- }
-struct ip *pip;
- struct udphdr *ud;
- char *link;
- ud = (struct udphdr *) ((char *) pip + (pip->ip_hl << 2));
- link = FindUdpIn(pip->ip_src, ud->uh_sport, ud->uh_dport);
- if (link != NULL_PTR)
- {
- struct in_addr alias_address;
- u_short alias_port;
- int accumulate;
- u_short *sptr;
- alias_address = GetAliasAddress();
- pip->ip_dst = GetOriginalAddress(link);
- alias_port = ud->uh_dport;
- ud->uh_dport = GetOriginalPort(link);
-/* If UDP checksum is not zero, then adjust since destination port */
-/* is being unaliased and destination port is being altered. */
- if (ud->uh_sum != 0)
- {
- accumulate = ud->uh_sum;
- accumulate += alias_port;
- accumulate -= ud->uh_dport;
- sptr = (u_short *) &alias_address;
- accumulate += *sptr++;
- accumulate += *sptr;
- sptr = (u_short *) &(pip->ip_dst);
- accumulate -= *sptr++;
- accumulate -= *sptr;
- if (accumulate < 0)
- {
- accumulate = -accumulate;
- accumulate = (accumulate >> 16) + (accumulate & 0xffff);
- accumulate += accumulate >> 16;
- ud->uh_sum = (u_short) ~accumulate;
- }
- else
- {
- accumulate = (accumulate >> 16) + (accumulate & 0xffff);
- accumulate += accumulate >> 16;
- ud->uh_sum = (u_short) accumulate;
- }
- }
- }
-struct ip *pip;
- struct udphdr *ud;
- char *link;
- ud = (struct udphdr *) ((char *) pip + (pip->ip_hl << 2));
- link = FindUdpOut(pip->ip_src, pip->ip_dst, ud->uh_sport, ud->uh_dport);
- if (link != NULL_PTR)
- {
- u_short alias_port;
- alias_port = GetAliasPort(link);
-/* If UDP checksum is not zero, adjust since source port is */
-/* being aliased and source address is being altered */
- if (ud->uh_sum != 0)
- {
- struct in_addr alias_address;
- int accumulate;
- u_short *sptr;
- alias_address = GetAliasAddress();
- accumulate = ud->uh_sum;
- accumulate += ud->uh_sport;
- accumulate -= alias_port;
- sptr = (u_short *) &(pip->ip_src);
- accumulate += *sptr++;
- accumulate += *sptr;
- sptr = (u_short *) &alias_address;
- accumulate -= *sptr++;
- accumulate -= *sptr;
- if (accumulate < 0)
- {
- accumulate = -accumulate;
- accumulate = (accumulate >> 16) + (accumulate & 0xffff);
- accumulate += accumulate >> 16;
- ud->uh_sum = (u_short) ~accumulate;
- }
- else
- {
- accumulate = (accumulate >> 16) + (accumulate & 0xffff);
- accumulate += accumulate >> 16;
- ud->uh_sum = (u_short) accumulate;
- }
- }
-/* Put alias port in TCP header */
- ud->uh_sport = alias_port;
-/* Change source address */
- pip->ip_src = GetAliasAddress();
- }
-struct ip *pip;
- struct tcphdr *tc;
- char *link;
- tc = (struct tcphdr *) ((char *) pip + (pip->ip_hl << 2));
- link = FindTcpIn(pip->ip_src, tc->th_sport, tc->th_dport);
- if (link != NULL_PTR)
- {
- struct in_addr alias_address;
- u_short alias_port;
- int accumulate;
- u_short *sptr;
- alias_address = GetAliasAddress();
- pip->ip_dst = GetOriginalAddress(link);
- alias_port = tc->th_dport;
- tc->th_dport = GetOriginalPort(link);
-/* Adjust TCP checksum since destination port is being unaliased */
-/* and destination port is being altered. */
- accumulate = tc->th_sum;
- accumulate += alias_port;
- accumulate -= tc->th_dport;
- sptr = (u_short *) &alias_address;
- accumulate += *sptr++;
- accumulate += *sptr;
- sptr = (u_short *) &(pip->ip_dst);
- accumulate -= *sptr++;
- accumulate -= *sptr;
-/* See if ack number needs to be modified */
- if (GetAckModified(link) == 1)
- {
- int delta;
- delta = GetDeltaAckIn(pip, link);
- if (delta != 0)
- {
- sptr = (u_short *) &tc->th_ack;
- accumulate += *sptr++;
- accumulate += *sptr;
- tc->th_ack = htonl(ntohl(tc->th_ack) - delta);
- sptr = (u_short *) &tc->th_ack;
- accumulate -= *sptr++;
- accumulate -= *sptr;
- }
- }
-/* Finish checksum modification */
- if (accumulate < 0)
- {
- accumulate = -accumulate;
- accumulate = (accumulate >> 16) + (accumulate & 0xffff);
- accumulate += accumulate >> 16;
- tc->th_sum = (u_short) ~accumulate;
- }
- else
- {
- accumulate = (accumulate >> 16) + (accumulate & 0xffff);
- accumulate += accumulate >> 16;
- tc->th_sum = (u_short) accumulate;
- }
-/* Monitor TCP connection state */
- TcpMonitorIn(pip, link);
- }
-struct ip *pip;
- struct tcphdr *tc;
- char *link;
- tc = (struct tcphdr *) ((char *) pip + (pip->ip_hl << 2));
- link = FindTcpOut(pip->ip_src, pip->ip_dst, tc->th_sport, tc->th_dport);
- if (link !=NULL_PTR)
- {
- struct in_addr alias_address;
- u_short alias_port;
- int accumulate;
- u_short *sptr;
- alias_address = GetAliasAddress();
- alias_port = GetAliasPort(link);
-/* Monitor tcp connection state */
- TcpMonitorOut(pip, link);
-/* Special processing for ftp connection */
- if (ntohs(tc->th_dport) == FTP_CONTROL_PORT_NUMBER
- || ntohs(tc->th_sport) == FTP_CONTROL_PORT_NUMBER)
- HandleFtpOut(pip, link);
-/* Adjust TCP checksum since source port is being aliased */
-/* and source address is being altered */
- accumulate = tc->th_sum;
- accumulate += tc->th_sport;
- accumulate -= alias_port;
- sptr = (u_short *) &(pip->ip_src);
- accumulate += *sptr++;
- accumulate += *sptr;
- sptr = (u_short *) &alias_address;
- accumulate -= *sptr++;
- accumulate -= *sptr;
-/* Modify sequence number if necessary */
- if (GetAckModified(link) == 1)
- {
- int delta;
- delta = GetDeltaSeqOut(pip, link);
- if (delta != 0)
- {
- sptr = (u_short *) &tc->th_seq;
- accumulate += *sptr++;
- accumulate += *sptr;
- tc->th_seq = htonl(ntohl(tc->th_seq) + delta);
- sptr = (u_short *) &tc->th_seq;
- accumulate -= *sptr++;
- accumulate -= *sptr;
- }
- }
-/* Finish up checksum calculation */
- if (accumulate < 0)
- {
- accumulate = -accumulate;
- accumulate = (accumulate >> 16) + (accumulate & 0xffff);
- accumulate += accumulate >> 16;
- tc->th_sum = (u_short) ~accumulate;
- }
- else
- {
- accumulate = (accumulate >> 16) + (accumulate & 0xffff);
- accumulate += accumulate >> 16;
- tc->th_sum = (u_short) accumulate;
- }
-/* Put alias address in TCP header */
- tc->th_sport = alias_port;
-/* Change source address */
- pip->ip_src = GetAliasAddress();
- }
-/* Fragment Handling
- FragmentIn()
- FragmentOut()
-The packet aliasing module has a limited ability for handling IP
-fragments. If the ICMP, TCP or UDP header is in the first fragment
-received, then the id number of the IP packet is saved, and other
-fragments are identified according to their ID number and IP address
-they were sent from.
-In general, fragments seem few and far between these days. One way
-to generate them is with a ping request specifying a large data segment.
-This is how the software here was tested.
-In principle, out-of-order IP fragments could also be handled by saving
-fragments until the header fragment came in and then sending them on
-their way. However, this violates a basic interface rule of the
-aliasing module in which individual packets are sent for remapping,
-and nothing is actually known about how to write these packets to a
-device interface.
-struct ip *pip;
- char *link;
- link = FindFragmentIn2(pip->ip_src);
- if (link != NULL_PTR)
- GetFragmentAddr(link, pip->ip_id, pip->ip_p, &(pip->ip_dst) );
-struct ip *pip;
- pip->ip_src = GetAliasAddress();
-/* Outside World Access
- PacketAliasIn()
- PacketAliasOut()
-struct ip *pip;
- int checksum_ok;
-/* Verify initial checksum */
- if (IpChecksum(pip) == 0)
- checksum_ok = 1;
- else
- checksum_ok = 0;
- if ( (ntohs(pip->ip_off) & IP_OFFMASK) == 0 )
- {
- switch (pip->ip_p)
- {
- IcmpAliasIn(pip);
- break;
- UdpAliasIn(pip);
- break;
- TcpAliasIn(pip);
- break;
- }
- if (ntohs(pip->ip_off) & IP_MF)
- {
- char *link;
- link = FindFragmentIn1(pip->ip_src);
- if (link != NULL_PTR)
- SetFragmentData(link, pip->ip_id, pip->ip_p, pip->ip_dst);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- FragmentIn(pip);
- }
-/* adjust IP checksum, if original is correct */
- if (checksum_ok == 1)
- {
- pip->ip_sum = 0;
- pip->ip_sum = IpChecksum(pip);
- }
-struct ip *pip;
- int checksum_ok;
- if (IpChecksum(pip) == 0)
- checksum_ok = 1;
- else
- checksum_ok = 0;
- if ((ntohs(pip->ip_off) & IP_OFFMASK) == 0)
- {
- switch (pip->ip_p)
- {
- IcmpAliasOut(pip);
- break;
- UdpAliasOut(pip);
- break;
- TcpAliasOut(pip);
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- FragmentOut(pip);
- }
-/* Adjust IP checksum, if original is correct */
- if (checksum_ok == 1)
- {
- pip->ip_sum = 0;
- pip->ip_sum = IpChecksum(pip);
- }
diff --git a/usr.sbin/ppp/alias.h b/usr.sbin/ppp/alias.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4075822..0000000
--- a/usr.sbin/ppp/alias.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- Alias.h defines the outside world interfaces for the packet
- aliasing software.
- This software is placed into the public domain with no restrictions
- on its distribution.
- Initial version: August, 1996 (cjm)
-#ifndef _ALIAS_H_
-#define _ALIAS_H_
-extern void PacketAliasIn __P((struct ip *));
-extern void PacketAliasOut __P((struct ip *));
-extern void SetAliasAddress __P((struct in_addr));
-extern void InitAlias();
-extern void InitAliasLog();
diff --git a/usr.sbin/ppp/alias.p b/usr.sbin/ppp/alias.p
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d33f12..0000000
--- a/usr.sbin/ppp/alias.p
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
- Alias.p contains the function prototypes for alias.c, alias_db.c,
- alias_util.c and alias_ftp.c (as well as any future add-ons). It
- is intended to be used only within the aliasing software. Outside
- world interfaces are defined in alias.h
- This software is placed into the public domain with no restrictions
- on its distribution.
- Initial version: August, 1996 (cjm)
-#define NULL_PTR 0
-/* General utilities */
-u_short InternetChecksum(u_short *, int);
-u_short IpChecksum(struct ip *);
-u_short TcpChecksum(struct ip *);
-/* Data access utilities */
-int StartPoint(struct in_addr, u_short, int);
-u_short GetNewPort();
-int SeqDiff(u_long, u_long);
-void ShowAliasStats();
-/* Internal data access */
-void CleanupAliasData();
-void IncrementalCleanup();
-char * FindLink1(struct in_addr, struct in_addr, u_short, u_short, int);
-char * FindLink2(struct in_addr, u_short, u_short, int);
-void DeleteLink(char *);
-char * AddLink(struct in_addr, struct in_addr, u_short, u_short,
- u_short, int);
-/* External data search */
-char * FindIcmpIn(struct in_addr, u_short, u_short);
-char * FindIcmpOut(struct in_addr, struct in_addr, u_short, u_short);
-char * FindFragmentIn1(struct in_addr);
-char * FindFragmentIn2(struct in_addr);
-char * FindUdpIn(struct in_addr, u_short, u_short);
-char * FindUdpOut(struct in_addr, struct in_addr, u_short, u_short);
-char * FindTcpIn(struct in_addr, u_short, u_short);
-char * FindTcpOut(struct in_addr, struct in_addr, u_short, u_short);
-/* External data access/modification */
-void GetIcmpData(char *, u_short, u_short, u_long *);
-void SetIcmpData(char *, u_short, u_short, u_long);
-void GetFragmentAddr(char *, u_short, u_char, struct in_addr *);
-void SetFragmentData(char *, u_short, u_char, struct in_addr);
-void SetStateIn(char *, int);
-void SetStateOut(char *, int);
-int GetStateIn(char *);
-int GetStateOut(char *);
-struct in_addr GetOriginalAddress(char *);
-struct in_addr GetDestAddress(char *);
-struct in_addr GetAliasAddress();
-u_short GetOriginalPort(char *);
-u_short GetDestPort(char *);
-u_short GetAliasPort(char *);
-void SetAckModified(char *);
-int GetAckModified(char *);
-int GetDeltaAckIn(struct ip *, char *);
-int GetDeltaSeqOut(struct ip *, char *);
-void AddSeq(struct ip *, char *, int);
-/* Tcp specfic routines */
-void TcpMonitorIn(struct ip *, char *);
-void TcpMonitorOut(struct ip *, char *);
-void HandleFtpOut(struct ip *, char *);
-void NewFtpPortCommand(struct ip *, char *, struct in_addr, u_short);
-/* Protocal specific packet aliasing routines */
-void IcmpAliasIn1(struct ip *);
-void IcmpAliasIn2(struct ip *);
-void IcmpAliasIn(struct ip *);
-void IcmpAliasOut(struct ip *);
-void IcmpAliasOut1(struct ip *);
-void UdpAliasIn(struct ip *);
-void UdpAliasOut(struct ip *);
-void TcpAliasIn(struct ip *);
-void TcpAliasOut(struct ip *);
-/* Fragment handling */
-void FragmentIn(struct ip *);
-void FragmentOut(struct ip *);
-/* Outside world interfaces */
-void PacketAliasIn(struct ip *);
-void PacketAliasOut(struct ip *);
-void SetAliasAddress(struct in_addr);
-void InitAlias();
-void InitAliasLog();
diff --git a/usr.sbin/ppp/alias_db.c b/usr.sbin/ppp/alias_db.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f144c0b..0000000
--- a/usr.sbin/ppp/alias_db.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1146 +0,0 @@
- Alias_db.c encapsulates all data structures used for storing
- packet aliasing data. Other parts of the aliasing software
- access data through functions provided in this file.
- Data storage is based on the notion of a "link", which is
- established for ICMP echo/reply packets, UDP datagrams and
- TCP stream connections. A link stores the original source
- and destination addresses. For UDP and TCP, it also stores
- source and destination port numbers, as well as an alias
- port number.
- There is a facility for sweeping through and deleting old
- links as new packets are sent through. A simple timeout is
- used for ICMP and UDP links. TCP links are left alone unless
- there is an incomplete connection, in which case the link
- can be deleted after a certain amount of time. TCP links which
- properly close are deleted by a function call to DeleteLink()
- from alias.c.
- This software is placed into the public domain with no restrictions
- on its distribution.
- Initial version: August, 1996 (cjm)
- Version 1.4: September 16, 1996 (cjm)
- Facility for handling incoming links added.
- Version 1.6: September 18, 1996 (cjm)
- ICMP data handling simplified.
-/* Include files */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <netinet/in_systm.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <netinet/ip.h>
-#include <netinet/tcp.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include "defs.h"
-/* Constants */
-#define LINK_TABLE_SIZE 101
-#define LINK_ICMP 1
-#define LINK_UDP 2
-#define LINK_TCP 3
-#define N_LINK_ICMP_DATA 20
-#define N_LINK_ID_DATA 20
-#define N_LINK_TCP_DATA 20
-#define ICMP_EXPIRE_TIME 60
-#define UDP_EXPIRE_TIME 60
-#define TCP_EXPIRE_TIME 60
-#define ALIAS_PORT_BASE 30000
-#define ALIAS_PORT_MASK 0x7fff
-#define ALIAS_PORT_TABLE_SIZE 0x8000
-/* If MONITOR_ALIAS is defined, a message will be printed to
-/var/log/alias.log every time a link is created or deleted. This
-is useful for debugging
-/* #define MONITOR_ALIAS */
-/* If ALLOW_INCOMING is defined, then incoming connections (e.g.
-to ftp, telnet or web servers will be handled. Otherwise, these
-types of connections will be prevented by the aliasing mechanism.
-/* Data Structures
- The fundamental data structure used in this program is
- "struct link_record". Whenever a TCP connection is made,
- a UDP datagram is sent out, or an ICMP echo request is made,
- a link record is made (if it has not already been created).
- The link record is identified by the source address/port
- and the destination address/port. In the case of an ICMP
- echo request, which has no port numbers, these fields are
- set to zero.
- The link record also can store some auxiliary data. For ICMP
- echo requests, there is space allocated to save id and sequence
- numbers. For tcp connections that have had sequence and
- acknowledgment modifications, data space is available to
- track these changes. A state field is used to keep track in
- changes to the tcp connection state. Id numbers of fragments
- can also be stored in the auxiliary space.
- The link records are chained together and initially referenced
- from a table in order to shorten lookup time.
-struct id_data_record /* used to save data about ip fragments */
- u_short id;
- u_char protocol;
- struct in_addr src_addr;
- int active;
-struct id_dat
- int index;
- struct id_data_record data[N_LINK_ID_DATA];
-struct ack_data_record /* used to save changes to ack/seq numbers */
- u_long ack_old;
- u_long ack_new;
- int delta;
- int active;
-struct tcp_state /* Information about tcp connection */
- int in; /* State for outside -> inside */
- int out; /* State for inside -> outside */
- int index; /* Index to ack data array */
- int ack_modified; /* Indicates whether ack and seq numbers have
- been modified */
-struct tcp_dat
- struct tcp_state state;
- struct ack_data_record ack[N_LINK_TCP_DATA];
-struct link_record /* Main data structure */
- struct in_addr src_addr;
- struct in_addr dst_addr;
- u_short src_port;
- u_short dst_port;
- u_short alias_port;
- long timestamp;
- int passthrough; /* set to 1 if non-aliasing link */
- int link_type; /* Type of link: tcp, udp, icmp, frag */
- int table_index; /* Index number in lookup table */
- int socket; /* Socket used to bind alias port */
- struct link_record *next; /* Pointer to next data structure */
- struct link_record *last; /* Pointer to previous data structure */
- union /* Auxiliary data */
- {
- struct id_dat *id;
- struct tcp_dat *tcp;
- } data;
-/* Function Prototypes */
-#include "alias.p"
-/* Global Variables
- The global variables listed here are only accessed from
- within alias_db.c.
-struct in_addr aliasAddress; /* Address written onto source */
- /* field of IP packet. */
-struct link_record
- *linkTable[LINK_TABLE_SIZE]; /* Lookup table of pointers to */
- /* chains of link records. */
-char portTable[ALIAS_PORT_TABLE_SIZE]; /* Table showing which ports */
- /* are in use (no distinction */
- /* is made between TCP and UDP */
-u_short alias_sequence; /* used for aliasing sequence numbers of */
- /* ICMP packets */
-int icmpLinkCount; /* Storage for link statistics */
-int udpLinkCount;
-int tcpLinkCount;
-int fragmentLinkCount;
-int cleanupIndex; /* Index to chain of link table being */
- /* inspected for old links */
-int monitorAlias; /* Debug variable (set to 1 when active) */
-FILE *monitorFile;
-/* Internal utility routines (used only in alias_db.c)
- StartPoint -- find lookup table start point
- GetNewPort -- find and reserve new alias port number
- SetTimestamp -- save last access time
- SeqDiff -- difference between two TCP sequences
-StartPoint(dst_addr, dst_port, link_type)
-struct in_addr dst_addr;
-u_short dst_port;
-int link_type;
- u_long n;
- n = dst_addr.s_addr;
- n += dst_port;
- n += link_type;
- return(n % LINK_TABLE_SIZE);
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<20; i++)
- {
- int port_offset;
- port_offset = (int) (random() & ALIAS_PORT_MASK);
- if (portTable[port_offset] == 0)
- {
- portTable[port_offset] = 1;
- return( htons(ALIAS_PORT_BASE + port_offset) );
- }
- }
- fprintf(stderr,
- "PacketAlias/GetNewPort: Can't allocate port number.\n");
- return(0);
-char *clink;
- struct link_record *link;
- struct timezone tz;
- struct timeval tv;
- if (clink != NULL_PTR)
- {
- link = (struct link_record *) clink;
- gettimeofday(&tv, &tz);
- link->timestamp = tv.tv_sec;
- }
-SeqDiff(x, y)
-u_long x;
-u_long y;
-/* Return the difference between two TCP sequence numbers */
- This function is encapsulated in case there are any unusual
- arithmetic conditions that need to be considered.
- return (ntohl(y) - ntohl(x));
-void ShowAliasStats()
-/* Used for debugging */
- fprintf(monitorFile,
- "ShowAliasStats: icmp=%d, udp=%d, tcp=%d, frag=%d / tot=%d\n",
- icmpLinkCount, udpLinkCount, tcpLinkCount, fragmentLinkCount,
- icmpLinkCount+udpLinkCount+tcpLinkCount+fragmentLinkCount);
- fflush(monitorFile);
-/* Internal routines for finding, deleting and adding links
- CleanupAliasData() - remove all link chains from lookup table
- IncrementalCleanup() - look for stale links in a single chain
- FindLink1() - find link based on original ports
- FindLink2() - find link based on alias port
- DeleteLink() - remove link
- AddLink() - add link
-void CleanupAliasData()
- struct link_record *link;
- int i, icount;
- icount = 0;
- for (i=0; i<LINK_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
- {
- link = linkTable[i];
- linkTable[i] = NULL_PTR;
- while (link != NULL_PTR)
- {
- struct link_record *link_next;
- link_next = link->next; icount++;
- DeleteLink((char *)link);
- link = link_next;
- }
- }
- icmpLinkCount = 0;
- udpLinkCount = 0;
- tcpLinkCount = 0;
- fragmentLinkCount = 0;
- cleanupIndex =0;
-void IncrementalCleanup()
- int icount;
- long secs;
- struct timeval tv;
- struct timezone tz;
- struct link_record *link;
- gettimeofday(&tv, &tz);
- secs = tv.tv_sec;
- icount = 0;
- link = linkTable[cleanupIndex++];
- while (link != NULL_PTR)
- {
- long idelta;
- struct link_record *link_next;
- link_next = link->next;
- idelta = secs - link->timestamp;
- switch (link->link_type)
- {
- case LINK_ICMP:
- if (idelta > ICMP_EXPIRE_TIME)
- {
- DeleteLink((char *) link);
- icount++;
- }
- break;
- case LINK_UDP:
- if (idelta > UDP_EXPIRE_TIME)
- {
- DeleteLink((char *) link);
- icount++;
- }
- break;
- case LINK_TCP:
- if (idelta > TCP_EXPIRE_TIME)
- {
- struct tcp_dat *tcp_aux;
- tcp_aux = link->data.tcp;
- if (tcp_aux-> != 1
- || tcp_aux->state.out != 1)
- {
- DeleteLink((char *) link);
- icount++;
- }
- }
- break;
- if (idelta > FRAGMENT_EXPIRE_TIME)
- {
- DeleteLink((char *) link);
- icount++;
- }
- break;
- }
- link = link_next;
- }
- if (cleanupIndex == LINK_TABLE_SIZE)
- cleanupIndex = 0;
-char *
-FindLink1(src_addr, dst_addr, src_port, dst_port, link_type)
-struct in_addr src_addr, dst_addr;
-u_short src_port, dst_port;
-int link_type;
- int i;
- struct link_record *link;
- i = StartPoint(dst_addr, dst_port, link_type);
- link = linkTable[i];
- while (link != NULL_PTR)
- {
- if (link->src_addr.s_addr == src_addr.s_addr
- && link->dst_addr.s_addr == dst_addr.s_addr
- && link->dst_port == dst_port
- && link->src_port == src_port
- && link->link_type == link_type)
- {
- break;
- }
- link = link->next;
- }
- SetTimestamp((char *) link);
- IncrementalCleanup();
- return((char *) link);
-char *
-FindLink2(dst_addr, dst_port, alias_port, link_type)
-struct in_addr dst_addr;
-u_short dst_port, alias_port;
-int link_type;
- int i;
- struct link_record *link;
- i = StartPoint(dst_addr, dst_port, link_type);
- link = linkTable[i];
- while (link != NULL_PTR)
- {
- if (link->dst_addr.s_addr == dst_addr.s_addr
- && link->dst_port == dst_port
- && link->alias_port == alias_port
- && link->link_type == link_type)
- {
- break;
- }
- link = link->next;
- }
- SetTimestamp((char *) link);
- IncrementalCleanup();
- return((char *) link);
-char *clink;
- struct link_record *link;
- struct link_record *link_last;
- struct link_record *link_next;
- link = (struct link_record *) clink;
- link_last = link->last;
- link_next = link->next;
- if (link_last != NULL_PTR)
- link_last->next = link_next;
- else
- linkTable[link->table_index] = link->next;
- if (link_next != NULL_PTR)
- link_next->last = link_last;
- switch(link->link_type)
- {
- int port;
- case LINK_ICMP:
- icmpLinkCount--;
- break;
- case LINK_UDP:
- udpLinkCount--;
- port = ntohs(link->alias_port);
- if (port != 0 && link->passthrough == 0)
- portTable[port - ALIAS_PORT_BASE] = 0;
- break;
- case LINK_TCP:
- tcpLinkCount--;
- port = ntohs(link->alias_port);
- if (port != 0 && link->passthrough == 0)
- portTable[port - ALIAS_PORT_BASE] = 0;
- free(link->data.tcp);
- break;
- fragmentLinkCount--;
- free(link->;
- break;
- }
- free(link);
- if (monitorAlias == 1)
- {
- ShowAliasStats();
- }
-char *
-AddLink(src_addr, dst_addr, src_port, dst_port, alias_port, link_type)
-struct in_addr src_addr, dst_addr;
-u_short src_port, dst_port, alias_port;
-int link_type;
- int i;
- struct link_record *link, *last_link;
- i = StartPoint(dst_addr, dst_port, link_type);
- last_link = NULL_PTR;
- link = linkTable[i];
- while (link != NULL_PTR)
- {
- last_link = link;
- link = link->next;
- }
- link = malloc( sizeof(struct link_record) );
- if (link != NULL_PTR)
- {
- if (last_link != NULL_PTR)
- last_link->next = link;
- else
- linkTable[i] = link;
- link->next = NULL_PTR;
- link->table_index = i;
- link->last = last_link;
- link->src_addr = src_addr;
- link->dst_addr = dst_addr;
- link->src_port = src_port;
- link->dst_port = dst_port;
- link->alias_port = 0;
- link->link_type = link_type;
- link->passthrough = 0;
- switch(link_type)
- {
- struct id_dat *aux_id;
- struct tcp_dat *aux_tcp;
- case LINK_ICMP:
- icmpLinkCount++;
- link->alias_port = alias_port;
- break;
- case LINK_UDP:
- udpLinkCount++;
- link->alias_port = alias_port;
- break;
- case LINK_TCP:
- link->alias_port = alias_port;
- aux_tcp = malloc( sizeof(struct tcp_dat) );
- link->data.tcp = aux_tcp;
- if (aux_tcp != NULL_PTR)
- {
- tcpLinkCount++;
- aux_tcp-> = 0;
- aux_tcp->state.out = 0;
- aux_tcp->state.index = 0;
- aux_tcp->state.ack_modified = 0;
- for (i=0; i<N_LINK_TCP_DATA; i++)
- aux_tcp->ack[i].active = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "PacketAlias/AddLink:Cannot allocate auxiliary TCP data"
- );
- }
- break;
- aux_id = malloc( sizeof(struct id_dat) );
- link-> = aux_id;
- if (aux_id != NULL_PTR)
- {
- fragmentLinkCount++;
- aux_id->index = 0;
- for (i=0; i<N_LINK_ID_DATA; i++)
- aux_id->data[i].active = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "PacketAlias/AddLink:Cannot allocate auxiliary id data"
- );
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "PacketAlias/AddLink: Cannot dynamically allocate memory.\n");
- }
- SetTimestamp((char *) link);
- IncrementalCleanup();
- if (monitorAlias == 1)
- {
- ShowAliasStats();
- }
- return((char *) link);
-/* External routines for finding/adding links
- FindIcmpIn(), FindIcmpOut()
- FindFragmentIn1(), FindFragmentIn2()
- FindUdpIn(), FindUdpOut()
- FindTcpIn(), FindTcpOut()
-char *
-FindIcmpIn(dst_addr, id, seq_alias)
-struct in_addr dst_addr;
-u_short id, seq_alias;
- return(FindLink2(dst_addr, id, seq_alias, LINK_ICMP));
-char *
-FindIcmpOut(src_addr, dst_addr, id, seq)
-struct in_addr src_addr, dst_addr;
-u_short id, seq;
- char *link;
- link = FindLink1(src_addr, dst_addr, seq, id, LINK_ICMP);
- if (link == NULL_PTR)
- link = AddLink(src_addr, dst_addr, seq, id,
- alias_sequence++, LINK_ICMP);
- return((char *) link);
-char *
-struct in_addr dst_addr;
- char *link;
- link = FindLink2(dst_addr, 0, 0, LINK_FRAGMENT_ID);
- if (link == NULL_PTR)
- link = AddLink(aliasAddress, dst_addr, 0, 0, 0, LINK_FRAGMENT_ID);
- return(link);
-char *
-struct in_addr dst_addr;
- return(FindLink2(dst_addr, 0, 0, LINK_FRAGMENT_ID));
-char *
-FindUdpIn(dst_addr, dst_port, alias_port)
-struct in_addr dst_addr;
-u_short dst_port, alias_port;
- char *link;
- link = FindLink2(dst_addr, dst_port, alias_port, LINK_UDP);
- if (link == NULL_PTR) {
- link = AddLink(GetAliasAddress(), dst_addr,
- alias_port, dst_port, alias_port,
- if (link != NULL_PTR)
- ((struct link_record *) link)->passthrough = 1;
- }
- return(link);
-char *
-FindUdpOut(src_addr, dst_addr, src_port, dst_port)
-struct in_addr src_addr, dst_addr;
-u_short src_port, dst_port;
- char *link;
- link = FindLink1(src_addr, dst_addr, src_port, dst_port, LINK_UDP);
- if (link == NULL_PTR)
- link = AddLink(src_addr, dst_addr,
- src_port, dst_port, GetNewPort(),
- return(link);
-char *
-FindTcpIn(dst_addr, dst_port, alias_port)
-struct in_addr dst_addr;
-u_short dst_port, alias_port;
- char *link;
- link = FindLink2(dst_addr, dst_port, alias_port, LINK_TCP);
- if (link == NULL_PTR)
- link = AddLink(GetAliasAddress(), dst_addr,
- alias_port, dst_port, alias_port,
- if (link != NULL_PTR)
- ((struct link_record *) link)->passthrough = 1;
- return(link);
-char *
-FindTcpOut(src_addr, dst_addr, src_port, dst_port)
-struct in_addr src_addr, dst_addr;
-u_short src_port, dst_port;
- char *link;
- link = FindLink1(src_addr, dst_addr, src_port, dst_port, LINK_TCP);
- if (link == NULL_PTR)
- link = AddLink(src_addr, dst_addr,
- src_port, dst_port, GetNewPort(),
- return(link);
-/* External routines for getting or changing link data
- SetFragmentData(), GetFragmentData()
- SetStateIn(), SetStateOut(), GetStateIn(), GetStateOut()
- GetOriginalAddress(), GetDestAddress(), GetAliasAddress()
- GetOriginalPort(), GetDestPort(), GetAliasPort()
- SetAckModified(), GetAckModified()
- GetDeltaAckIn(), GetDeltaSeqOut(), AddSeq()
-SetFragmentData(clink, idnum, protocol, src_addr)
-char *clink;
-u_short idnum;
-u_char protocol;
-struct in_addr src_addr;
- struct link_record *link;
- struct id_dat *idx;
- int i;
- link = (struct link_record *) clink;
- idx = link->;
- if (idx != NULL_PTR)
- {
- i = idx->index;
- idx->data[i].id = idnum;
- idx->data[i].protocol = protocol;
- idx->data[i].src_addr = src_addr;
- idx->data[i].active = 1;
- i++;
- if (i == N_LINK_ID_DATA)
- idx->index = 0;
- else
- idx->index = i;
- }
-GetFragmentAddr(clink, idnum, protocol, src_addr)
-char *clink;
-u_short idnum;
-u_char protocol;
-struct in_addr *src_addr;
- struct link_record *link;
- int i;
- link = (struct link_record *) clink;
- for (i=0; i<N_LINK_ID_DATA; i++)
- {
- struct id_dat *idx;
- idx = link->;
- if (idx->data[i].active == 1)
- {
- if (idx->data[i].id == idnum
- && idx->data[i].protocol == protocol)
- {
- *src_addr = idx->data[i].src_addr;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-SetStateIn(clink, state)
-char *clink;
-int state;
- struct link_record *link;
-/* TCP input state */
- link = (struct link_record *) clink;
- (link->data.tcp)-> = state;
-SetStateOut(clink, state)
-char *clink;
-int state;
- struct link_record *link;
-/* TCP output state */
- link = (struct link_record *) clink;
- (link->data.tcp)->state.out = state;
-char *clink;
- struct link_record *link;
-/* TCP input state */
- link = (struct link_record *) clink;
- return( (link->data.tcp)->;
-char *clink;
- struct link_record *link;
-/* TCP output state */
- link = (struct link_record *) clink;
- return( (link->data.tcp)->state.out);
-struct in_addr
-char *clink;
- struct link_record *link;
- link = (struct link_record *) clink;
- return(link->src_addr);
-struct in_addr
-char *clink;
- struct link_record *link;
- link = (struct link_record *) clink;
- return(link->dst_addr);
-struct in_addr
- return(aliasAddress);
-char *clink;
- struct link_record *link;
- link = (struct link_record *) clink;
- return(link->src_port);
-char *clink;
- struct link_record *link;
- link = (struct link_record *) clink;
- return(link->dst_port);
-char *clink;
- struct link_record *link;
- link = (struct link_record *) clink;
- return(link->alias_port);
-char *clink;
- struct link_record *link;
-/* Indicate that ack numbers have been modified in a TCP connection */
- link = (struct link_record *) clink;
- (link->data.tcp)->state.ack_modified = 1;
-char *clink;
- struct link_record *link;
-/* See if ack numbers have been modified */
- link = (struct link_record *) clink;
- return( (link->data.tcp)->state.ack_modified );
-GetDeltaAckIn(pip, clink)
-struct ip *pip;
-char *clink;
-Find out how much the ack number has been altered for an incoming
-TCP packet. To do this, a circular list is ack numbers where the TCP
-packet size was altered is searched.
- int i;
- struct link_record *link;
- struct tcphdr *tc;
- int delta, ack_diff_min;
- u_long ack;
- link = (struct link_record *) clink;
- tc = (struct tcphdr *) ((char *) pip + (pip->ip_hl << 2));
- ack = tc->th_ack;
- delta = 0;
- ack_diff_min = -1;
- for (i=0; i<N_LINK_TCP_DATA; i++)
- {
- struct ack_data_record x;
- x = (link->data.tcp)->ack[i];
- if ( == 1)
- {
- int ack_diff;
- ack_diff = SeqDiff(x.ack_new, ack);
- if (ack_diff >= 0)
- {
- if (ack_diff_min >= 0)
- {
- if (ack_diff < ack_diff_min)
- {
- delta =;
- ack_diff_min = ack_diff;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- delta =;
- ack_diff_min = ack_diff;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return (delta);
-GetDeltaSeqOut(pip, clink)
-struct ip *pip;
-char *clink;
-Find out how much the seq number has been altered for an outgoing
-TCP packet. To do this, a circular list is ack numbers where the TCP
-packet size was altered is searched.
- int i;
- struct link_record *link;
- struct tcphdr *tc;
- int delta, seq_diff_min;
- u_long seq;
- link = (struct link_record *) clink;
- tc = (struct tcphdr *) ((char *) pip + (pip->ip_hl << 2));
- seq = tc->th_seq;
- delta = 0;
- seq_diff_min = -1;
- for (i=0; i<N_LINK_TCP_DATA; i++)
- {
- struct ack_data_record x;
- x = (link->data.tcp)->ack[i];
- if ( == 1)
- {
- int seq_diff;
- seq_diff = SeqDiff(x.ack_old, seq);
- if (seq_diff >= 0)
- {
- if (seq_diff_min >= 0)
- {
- if (seq_diff < seq_diff_min)
- {
- delta =;
- seq_diff_min = seq_diff;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- delta =;
- seq_diff_min = seq_diff;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return (delta);
-AddSeq(pip, clink, delta)
-struct ip *pip;
-char *clink;
-int delta;
-When a TCP packet has been altered in length, save this
-information in a circular list. If enough packets have
-been altered, then this list will begin to overwrite itself.
- struct tcphdr *tc;
- struct link_record *link;
- struct ack_data_record x;
- int hlen, tlen, dlen;
- int i;
- link = (struct link_record *) clink;
- tc = (struct tcphdr *) ((char *) pip + (pip->ip_hl << 2));
- hlen = (pip->ip_hl + tc->th_off) << 2;
- tlen = ntohs(pip->ip_len);
- dlen = tlen - hlen;
- x.ack_old = htonl(ntohl(tc->th_seq) + dlen);
- x.ack_new = htonl(ntohl(tc->th_seq) + dlen + delta);
- = delta;
- = 1;
- i = (link->data.tcp)->state.index;
- (link->data.tcp)->ack[i] = x;
- i++;
- if (i == N_LINK_TCP_DATA)
- (link->data.tcp)->state.index = 0;
- else
- (link->data.tcp)->state.index = i;
-/* Outside world interfaces
- SetAliasAddress()
- InitAliasLog()
- InitAlias()
-struct in_addr addr;
- aliasAddress = addr;
- CleanupAliasData();
- if (monitorAlias == 1)
- {
- fprintf(monitorFile,
- "SetAliasAddress: %s\n", inet_ntoa(aliasAddress));
- fflush(monitorFile);
- }
- monitorAlias = 1;
- monitorFile = fopen("/var/log/alias.log", "a");
- printf("Alias log file opened.\n");
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<LINK_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
- linkTable[i] = NULL_PTR;
- for (i=0; i<ALIAS_PORT_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
- portTable[i] = 0;
- alias_sequence = 0;
- icmpLinkCount = 0;
- udpLinkCount = 0;
- tcpLinkCount = 0;
- fragmentLinkCount = 0;
- cleanupIndex =0;
- monitorAlias = 0;
- if (mode & MODE_ALIAS)
- printf("Packet aliasing enabled.\n");
- InitAliasLog();
diff --git a/usr.sbin/ppp/alias_ftp.c b/usr.sbin/ppp/alias_ftp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a682bc..0000000
--- a/usr.sbin/ppp/alias_ftp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
- Alias_ftp.c performs special processing for FTP sessions under
- TCP. Specifically, when a PORT command from the client side
- is sent, it is intercepted and modified. The address is changed
- to the gateway machine and an aliasing port is used.
- For this routine to work, the PORT command must fit entirely
- into a single TCP packet. This is typically the case, but exceptions
- can easily be envisioned under the actual specifications.
- Probably the most troubling aspect of the approach taken here is
- that the new PORT command will typically be a different length, and
- this causes a certain amount of bookkeeping to keep track of the
- changes of sequence and acknowledgment numbers, since the client
- machine is totally unaware of the modification to the TCP stream.
- This software is placed into the public domain with no restrictions
- on its distribution.
- Initial version: August, 1996 (cjm)
-/* Includes */
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <netinet/in_systm.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <netinet/ip.h>
-#include <netinet/tcp.h>
-/* Constants */
-/* Prototypes */
-#include "alias.p"
-HandleFtpOut(pip, link)
-struct ip *pip;
-char *link;
- int hlen, tlen, dlen;
- struct in_addr true_addr;
- u_short true_port;
- char *sptr;
- struct tcphdr *tc;
-/* Calculate data length of TCP packet */
- tc = (struct tcphdr *) ((char *) pip + (pip->ip_hl << 2));
- hlen = (pip->ip_hl + tc->th_off) << 2;
- tlen = ntohs(pip->ip_len);
- dlen = tlen - hlen;
-/* Return is data length is too long or too short */
- if (dlen<10 || dlen>80)
- return;
-/* Place string pointer and beginning of data */
- sptr = (char *) pip;
- sptr += hlen;
-/* Parse through string using state diagram method */
- {
- char ch, zero;
- int i, state;
- u_long a1, a2, a3, a4;
- u_short p1, p2;
- a1=0; a2=0; a3=0; a4=0; p1=0; p2=0;
- zero = '0';
- state=-4;
- for (i=0; i<dlen; i++)
- {
- ch = sptr[i];
- switch (state)
- {
- case -4: if (ch == 'P') state=-3; else return; break;
- case -3: if (ch == 'O') state=-2; else return; break;
- case -2: if (ch == 'R') state=-1; else return; break;
- case -1: if (ch == 'T') state= 0; else return; break;
- case 0 :
- if (isdigit(ch)) {a1=ch-zero; state=1 ;} break;
- case 1 :
- if (isdigit(ch)) a1=10*a1+ch-zero; else state=2 ; break;
- case 2 :
- if (isdigit(ch)) {a2=ch-zero; state=3 ;} break;
- case 3 :
- if (isdigit(ch)) a2=10*a2+ch-zero; else state=4 ; break;
- case 4 :
- if (isdigit(ch)) {a3=ch-zero; state=5 ;} break;
- case 5 :
- if (isdigit(ch)) a3=10*a3+ch-zero; else state=6 ; break;
- case 6 :
- if (isdigit(ch)) {a4=ch-zero; state=7 ;} break;
- case 7 :
- if (isdigit(ch)) a4=10*a4+ch-zero; else state=8 ; break;
- case 8 :
- if (isdigit(ch)) {p1=ch-zero; state=9 ;} break;
- case 9 :
- if (isdigit(ch)) p1=10*p1+ch-zero; else state=10; break;
- case 10:
- if (isdigit(ch)) {p2=ch-zero; state=11;} break;
- case 11:
- if (isdigit(ch)) p2=10*p2+ch-zero; break;
- }
- }
- if (state == 11)
- {
- true_port = htons((p1<<8) + p2);
- true_addr.s_addr = htonl((a1<<24) + (a2<<16) +(a3<<8) + a4);
- NewFtpPortCommand(pip, link, true_addr, true_port);
- }
- }
-NewFtpPortCommand(pip, link, true_addr, true_port)
-struct ip *pip;
-char *link;
-struct in_addr true_addr;
-u_short true_port;
- char *ftp_link;
-/* Establish link to address and port found in PORT command */
- ftp_link = FindTcpOut (true_addr,
- GetDestAddress(link),
- true_port,
- if (ftp_link != NULL_PTR)
- {
- int slen, hlen, tlen, dlen;
- struct tcphdr *tc;
-/* Calculate data length of TCP packet */
- tc = (struct tcphdr *) ((char *) pip + (pip->ip_hl << 2));
- hlen = (pip->ip_hl + tc->th_off) << 2;
- tlen = ntohs(pip->ip_len);
- dlen = tlen - hlen;
-/* Create new PORT command */
- {
- char stemp[80];
- char *sptr;
- u_short alias_port;
- u_char *ptr;
- int a1, a2, a3, a4, p1, p2;
- struct in_addr aliasAddress;
-/* Decompose alias address into quad format */
- aliasAddress = GetAliasAddress();
- ptr = (char *) &aliasAddress;
- a1 = *ptr++; a2=*ptr++; a3=*ptr++; a4=*ptr;
-/* Decompose alias port into pair format */
- alias_port = GetAliasPort(ftp_link);
- ptr = (char *) &alias_port;
- p1 = *ptr++; p2=*ptr;
-/* Generate command string */
- snprintf(stemp, sizeof(stemp), "PORT %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\r\n",
- a1,a2,a3,a4,p1,p2);
-/* Save string length for IP header modification */
- slen = strlen(stemp);
-/* Copy into IP packet */
- sptr = (char *) pip; sptr += hlen;
- strcpy(sptr, stemp);
- }
-/* Save information regarding modified seq and ack numbers */
- {
- int delta;
- SetAckModified(link);
- delta = GetDeltaSeqOut(pip, link);
- AddSeq(pip, link, delta+slen-dlen);
- pip->ip_len = ntohs(hlen + slen);
- }
-/* Compute TCP checksum for revised packet */
- tc->th_sum = 0;
- tc->th_sum = TcpChecksum(pip);
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "PacketAlias/HandleFtpOut: Cannot allocate FTP data port\n");
- }
diff --git a/usr.sbin/ppp/alias_util.c b/usr.sbin/ppp/alias_util.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a8a5240..0000000
--- a/usr.sbin/ppp/alias_util.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
- Alias_util.h contains general utilities used by other functions
- in the packet aliasing module. At the moment, there are functions
- for computing IP header and TCP packet checksums.
- The checksum routines are based upon example code in a Unix networking
- text written by Stevens (sorry, I can't remember the title -- but
- at least this is a good author).
- Initial Version: August, 1996 (cjm)
-Note: the checksum routines assume that the actual checksum word has
-been zeroed out. If the checksum workd is filled with the proper value,
-then these routines will give a result of zero (useful for testing
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <netinet/in_systm.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <netinet/ip.h>
-#include <netinet/tcp.h>
-InternetChecksum(ptr, nbytes)
-u_short *ptr;
-int nbytes;
- int sum, oddbyte;
- sum = 0;
- while (nbytes > 1)
- {
- sum += *ptr++;
- nbytes -= 2;
- }
- if (nbytes == 1)
- {
- oddbyte = 0;
- *((u_char *) &oddbyte) = *(u_char *) ptr;
- sum += oddbyte;
- }
- sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xffff);
- sum += (sum >> 16);
- return(~sum);
-struct ip *pip;
- return( InternetChecksum((u_short *) pip, (pip->ip_hl << 2)) );
-struct ip *pip;
- u_short *ptr;
- struct tcphdr *tc;
- int nhdr, ntcp, nbytes;
- int sum, oddbyte;
- nhdr = pip->ip_hl << 2;
- ntcp = ntohs(pip->ip_len) - nhdr;
- tc = (struct tcphdr *) ((char *) pip + nhdr);
- ptr = (u_short *) tc;
-/* Add up TCP header and data */
- nbytes = ntcp;
- sum = 0;
- while (nbytes > 1)
- {
- sum += *ptr++;
- nbytes -= 2;
- }
- if (nbytes == 1)
- {
- oddbyte = 0;
- *((u_char *) &oddbyte) = *(u_char *) ptr;
- sum += oddbyte;
- }
-/* "Pseudo-header" data */
- ptr = (u_short *) &(pip->ip_dst);
- sum += *ptr++;
- sum += *ptr;
- ptr = (u_short *) &(pip->ip_src);
- sum += *ptr++;
- sum += *ptr;
- sum += htons((u_short) ntcp);
- sum += htons((u_short) pip->ip_p);
-/* Roll over carry bits */
- sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xffff);
- sum += (sum >> 16);
-/* Return checksum */
- return((u_short) ~sum);
diff --git a/usr.sbin/ppp/command.c b/usr.sbin/ppp/command.c
index be5b140..8e0a216 100644
--- a/usr.sbin/ppp/command.c
+++ b/usr.sbin/ppp/command.c
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
- * $Id: command.c,v 1.46 1997/05/14 01:18:50 brian Exp $
+ * $Id: command.c,v 1.47 1997/05/19 01:59:59 brian Exp $
#include <sys/types.h>
@@ -25,6 +25,13 @@
#include <termios.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <time.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <net/route.h>
+#include <paths.h>
+#include <alias.h>
#include "fsm.h"
#include "phase.h"
#include "lcp.h"
@@ -32,21 +39,18 @@
#include "modem.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "command.h"
+#include "alias_cmd.h"
#include "hdlc.h"
#include "vars.h"
#include "systems.h"
#include "chat.h"
-#include <netdb.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <net/route.h>
#include "os.h"
-#include <paths.h>
#include "chat.h"
extern void Cleanup(), TtyTermMode(), PacketMode();
extern int EnableCommand(), DisableCommand(), DisplayCommand();
extern int AcceptCommand(), DenyCommand();
+static int AliasCommand();
extern int LocalAuthCommand();
extern int LoadCommand(), SaveCommand();
extern int ChangeParity(char *);
@@ -283,6 +287,8 @@ struct cmdtab const Commands[] = {
"Show status and statictics", "var"},
{ "term", NULL, TerminalCommand,LOCAL_AUTH,
"Enter to terminal mode", StrNull},
+ { "alias", NULL, AliasCommand, LOCAL_AUTH,
+ "alias control", "option [yes|no]"},
{ "quit", "bye", QuitCommand, LOCAL_AUTH | LOCAL_NO_AUTH,
"Quit PPP program", "[all]"},
{ "help", "?", HelpCommand, LOCAL_AUTH | LOCAL_NO_AUTH,
@@ -1208,3 +1214,88 @@ char **argv;
+static int AliasEnable();
+static int AliasOption();
+static struct cmdtab const AliasCommands[] =
+ { "enable", NULL, AliasEnable, LOCAL_AUTH,
+ "enable IP aliasing", "[yes|no]"},
+ { "port", NULL, AliasRedirectPort, LOCAL_AUTH,
+ "port redirection", "[proto addr_local:port_local port_alias]"},
+ { "addr", NULL, AliasRedirectAddr, LOCAL_AUTH,
+ "static address translation", "[addr_local addr_alias]"},
+ { "deny_incoming", NULL, AliasOption, LOCAL_AUTH,
+ "stop incoming connections", "[yes|no]",
+ { "log", NULL, AliasOption, LOCAL_AUTH,
+ "log aliasing link creation", "[yes|no]",
+ (void*)PKT_ALIAS_LOG},
+ { "same_ports", NULL, AliasOption, LOCAL_AUTH,
+ "try to leave port numbers unchanged", "[yes|no]",
+ { "use_sockets", NULL, AliasOption, LOCAL_AUTH,
+ "allocate host sockets", "[yes|no]",
+ { "unregistered_only", NULL, AliasOption, LOCAL_AUTH,
+ "alias unregistered (private) IP address space only", "[yes|no]",
+ { "help", "?", HelpCommand, LOCAL_AUTH | LOCAL_NO_AUTH,
+ "Display this message", StrNull,
+ (void *)AliasCommands},
+static int
+AliasCommand(list, argc, argv)
+struct cmdtab *list;
+int argc;
+char **argv;
+ int val = 1;
+ if (argc > 0)
+ val = FindExec(AliasCommands, argc, argv);
+ else
+ printf("Use `alias help' to get a list or `alias help <option>' for syntax h
+ return(val);
+static int
+AliasEnable(list, argc, argv)
+struct cmdtab *list;
+int argc;
+char **argv;
+ if (argc == 1 && strcmp(argv[0], "yes") == 0) {
+ mode |= MODE_ALIAS;
+ } else if (argc == 1 && strcmp(argv[0], "no") == 0) {
+ mode &= ~MODE_ALIAS;
+ } else {
+ printf("Usage: alias %s %s\n", list->name, list->syntax);
+ }
+ return(1);
+static int
+AliasOption(list, argc, argv, param)
+struct cmdtab *list;
+int argc;
+char **argv;
+void* param;
+ if (argc == 1 && strcmp(argv[0], "yes") == 0) {
+ SetPacketAliasMode((unsigned)param, (unsigned)param);
+ } else if (argc == 1 && strcmp(argv[0], "no") == 0) {
+ SetPacketAliasMode(0, (unsigned)param);
+ } else {
+ printf("Usage: alias %s %s\n", list->name, list->syntax);
+ }
+ return(1);
diff --git a/usr.sbin/ppp/ip.c b/usr.sbin/ppp/ip.c
index ee1fb27..7248fc7 100644
--- a/usr.sbin/ppp/ip.c
+++ b/usr.sbin/ppp/ip.c
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
- * $Id: ip.c,v 1.16 1997/05/10 01:22:11 brian Exp $
+ * $Id: ip.c,v 1.17 1997/05/19 02:00:00 brian Exp $
* o Return ICMP message for filterd packet
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@
#include <netinet/udp.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <alias.h>
#include "vars.h"
#include "filter.h"
-#include "alias.h"
extern void SendPppFrame();
extern void LcpClose();
@@ -334,22 +334,68 @@ struct mbuf *bp; /* IN: Pointer to IP pakcet */
if (mode & MODE_ALIAS) {
- PacketAliasIn((struct ip *)tunbuff);
- nb = ntohs(((struct ip *)tunbuff)->ip_len);
- }
+ int iresult;
+ char *fptr;
- if ( PacketCheck(tunbuff, nb, FL_IN ) < 0) {
- pfree(bp);
- return;
+ iresult = PacketAliasIn(tunbuff, sizeof tunbuff);
+ nb = ntohs(((struct ip *) tunbuff)->ip_len);
+ if (nb > MAX_MRU) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Problem with IP header length\n");
+ pfree(bp);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (iresult == PKT_ALIAS_OK
+ if ( PacketCheck(tunbuff, nb, FL_IN ) < 0) {
+ pfree(bp);
+ return;
+ }
+ ipInOctets += nb;
+ nb = ntohs(((struct ip *) tunbuff)->ip_len);
+ nw = write(tun_out, tunbuff, nb);
+ if (nw != nb)
+ fprintf(stderr, "wrote %d, got %d\r\n", nb, nw);
+ while ((fptr = GetNextFragmentPtr(tunbuff)) != NULL) {
+ FragmentAliasIn(tunbuff, fptr);
+ nb = ntohs(((struct ip *) fptr)->ip_len);
+ nw = write(tun_out, fptr, nb);
+ if (nw != nb)
+ fprintf(stderr, "wrote %d, got %d\r\n", nb, nw);
+ free(fptr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (iresult == PKT_ALIAS_UNRESOLVED_FRAGMENT) {
+ nb = ntohs(((struct ip *) tunbuff)->ip_len);
+ fptr = malloc(nb);
+ if (fptr == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocate memory for fragment\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ memcpy(fptr, tunbuff, nb);
+ SaveFragmentPtr(fptr);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { /* no aliasing */
+ if ( PacketCheck(tunbuff, nb, FL_IN ) < 0)
+ {
+ pfree(bp);
+ return;
+ }
- ipInOctets += nb;
- /*
- * Pass it to tunnel device
- */
- nw = write(tun_out, tunbuff, nb);
- if (nw != nb)
- fprintf(stderr, "wrote %d, got %d\r\n", nb, nw);
+ ipInOctets += nb;
+ nw = write(tun_out, tunbuff, nb);
+ if (nw != nb)
+ fprintf(stderr, "wrote %d, got %d\r\n", nb, nw);
+ }
diff --git a/usr.sbin/ppp/ipcp.c b/usr.sbin/ppp/ipcp.c
index 8ef0f49..5cfc6f7 100644
--- a/usr.sbin/ppp/ipcp.c
+++ b/usr.sbin/ppp/ipcp.c
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
- * $Id: ipcp.c,v 1.16 1997/05/10 23:46:29 ache Exp $
+ * $Id: ipcp.c,v 1.17 1997/05/19 02:00:02 brian Exp $
* o More RFC1772 backwoard compatibility
@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <alias.h>
#include "slcompress.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "phase.h"
#include "vars.h"
-#include "alias.h"
extern void PutConfValue();
extern void Prompt();
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ struct fsm *fp;
if (mode & MODE_ALIAS)
- SetAliasAddress(IpcpInfo.want_ipaddr);
+ SetPacketAliasAddress(IpcpInfo.want_ipaddr);
diff --git a/usr.sbin/ppp/main.c b/usr.sbin/ppp/main.c
index 40bbbb7..06e5042 100644
--- a/usr.sbin/ppp/main.c
+++ b/usr.sbin/ppp/main.c
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
- * $Id: main.c,v 1.52 1997/05/19 02:00:06 brian Exp $
+ * $Id: main.c,v 1.53 1997/05/19 03:02:36 brian Exp $
* o Add commands for traffic summary, version display, etc.
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netinet/in_systm.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
+#include <alias.h>
#include "modem.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "hdlc.h"
@@ -48,7 +49,6 @@
#include "filter.h"
#include "systems.h"
#include "ip.h"
-#include "alias.h"
#include "sig.h"
#define LAUTH_M1 "Warning: No password entry for this host in ppp.secret\n"
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ char **argv;
- InitAlias();
+ InitPacketAlias();
if (SelectSystem("default", CONFFILE) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: No default entry is given in config file.\n");
@@ -1022,7 +1022,7 @@ DoLoop()
pri = PacketCheck(rbuff, n, FL_DIAL);
if (pri >= 0) {
if (mode & MODE_ALIAS) {
- PacketAliasOut((struct ip *)rbuff);
+ PacketAliasOut(rbuff, sizeof rbuff);
n = ntohs(((struct ip *)rbuff)->ip_len);
IpEnqueue(pri, rbuff, n);
@@ -1033,7 +1033,7 @@ DoLoop()
pri = PacketCheck(rbuff, n, FL_OUT);
if (pri >= 0) {
if (mode & MODE_ALIAS) {
- PacketAliasOut((struct ip *)rbuff);
+ PacketAliasOut(rbuff, sizeof rbuff);
n = ntohs(((struct ip *)rbuff)->ip_len);
IpEnqueue(pri, rbuff, n);
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