path: root/www/apache21/files/patch-ab
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'www/apache21/files/patch-ab')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/apache21/files/patch-ab b/www/apache21/files/patch-ab
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0f108c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/apache21/files/patch-ab
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+*** Makefile.tmpl.orig Tue Apr 14 23:17:36 1998
+--- Makefile.tmpl Tue Apr 21 23:48:17 1998
+*** 207,218 ****
+ $(MKDIR) $(mandir)/man1
+ $(MKDIR) $(mandir)/man8
+ $(MKDIR) $(sysconfdir)
+! $(MKDIR) $(datadir)/htdocs
+ $(MKDIR) $(datadir)/icons
+! $(MKDIR) $(datadir)/cgi-bin
+ $(MKDIR) $(localstatedir)/$(localstatesubdir_logs)
+ $(MKDIR) $(localstatedir)/$(localstatesubdir_run)
+! $(MKDIR) $(localstatedir)/proxy
+ $(MKDIR) $(includedir)
+ @echo "<=== [mktree]"
+--- 207,218 ----
+ $(MKDIR) $(mandir)/man1
+ $(MKDIR) $(mandir)/man8
+ $(MKDIR) $(sysconfdir)
+! $(MKDIR) $(datadir)/data.default
+ $(MKDIR) $(datadir)/icons
+! $(MKDIR) $(datadir)/cgi-bin.default
+ $(MKDIR) $(localstatedir)/$(localstatesubdir_logs)
+ $(MKDIR) $(localstatedir)/$(localstatesubdir_run)
+! $(MKDIR) $(datadir)/proxy
+ $(MKDIR) $(includedir)
+ @echo "<=== [mktree]"
+*** 311,327 ****
+ install-docroot:
+ @echo "===> [docroot: Installing initial DocumentRoot files]"
+ -(cd $(ROOT)/htdocs/ && $(TAR) cf - *) |\
+! (cd $(datadir)/htdocs/ && $(TAR) xf -)
+! -find $(datadir)/htdocs/ -type d -exec chmod a+rx {} \;
+! -find $(datadir)/htdocs/ -type f -exec chmod a+r {} \;
+ -(cd $(ROOT)/icons/ && $(TAR) cf - *) |\
+ (cd $(datadir)/icons/ && $(TAR) xf -)
+ -find $(datadir)/icons/ -type d -exec chmod a+rx {} \;
+ -find $(datadir)/icons/ -type f -exec chmod a+r {} \;
+ -(cd $(ROOT)/cgi-bin/ && $(TAR) cf - *) |\
+! (cd $(datadir)/cgi-bin/ && $(TAR) xf -)
+! -find $(datadir)/cgi-bin/ -type d -exec chmod a+rx {} \;
+! -find $(datadir)/cgi-bin/ -type f -exec chmod a+r {} \;
+ @echo "<=== [docroot]"
+ # create the initial configuration by providing default files
+--- 311,333 ----
+ install-docroot:
+ @echo "===> [docroot: Installing initial DocumentRoot files]"
+ -(cd $(ROOT)/htdocs/ && $(TAR) cf - *) |\
+! (cd $(datadir)/data.default/ && $(TAR) xf -)
+! -find $(datadir)/data.default/ -type d -exec chmod a+rx {} \;
+! -find $(datadir)/data.default/ -type f -exec chmod a+r {} \;
+! if [ ! -d $(datadir)/data ]; then \
+! $(CP) -Rp $(datadir)/data.default $(datadir)/data; \
+! fi
+ -(cd $(ROOT)/icons/ && $(TAR) cf - *) |\
+ (cd $(datadir)/icons/ && $(TAR) xf -)
+ -find $(datadir)/icons/ -type d -exec chmod a+rx {} \;
+ -find $(datadir)/icons/ -type f -exec chmod a+r {} \;
+ -(cd $(ROOT)/cgi-bin/ && $(TAR) cf - *) |\
+! (cd $(datadir)/cgi-bin.default/ && $(TAR) xf -)
+! -find $(datadir)/cgi-bin.default/ -type d -exec chmod a+rx {} \;
+! -find $(datadir)/cgi-bin.default/ -type f -exec chmod a+r {} \;
+! if [ ! -d $(datadir)/cgi-bin ]; then \
+! $(CP) -Rp $(datadir)/cgi-bin.default $(datadir)/cgi-bin; \
+! fi
+ @echo "<=== [docroot]"
+ # create the initial configuration by providing default files
+*** 335,351 ****
+ echo ""; \
+ cat $(ROOT)/conf/$$conf-dist ) |\
+ sed -e '/# LoadModule/r .install.conf' \
+! -e 's;@@ServerRoot@@/htdocs;$(datadir)/htdocs;' \
+! -e 's;@@ServerRoot@@/htdocs;$(datadir)/htdocs;' \
+ -e 's;@@ServerRoot@@/icons;$(datadir)/icons;' \
+ -e 's;@@ServerRoot@@/cgi-bin;$(datadir)/cgi-bin;' \
+! -e 's;@@ServerRoot@@/proxy;$(localstatedir)/proxy;' \
+ -e 's;@@ServerRoot@@;$(prefix);' \
+ -e 's;logs/accept.lock;$(localstatedir)/$(localstatesubdir_run)/httpd.lock;' \
+ -e 's;logs/apache_status;$(localstatedir)/$(localstatesubdir_run)/httpd.scoreboard;' \
+ -e 's;logs/;$(localstatedir)/$(localstatesubdir_run)/;' \
+! -e 's;logs/access_log;$(localstatedir)/$(localstatesubdir_logs)/access_log;' \
+! -e 's;logs/error_log;$(localstatedir)/$(localstatesubdir_logs)/error_log;' \
+ >.install.tmp && \
+ echo "$(INSTALL_DATA) .install.tmp $(sysconfdir)/$$conf.default"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) .install.tmp $(sysconfdir)/$$conf.default; \
+--- 341,356 ----
+ echo ""; \
+ cat $(ROOT)/conf/$$conf-dist ) |\
+ sed -e '/# LoadModule/r .install.conf' \
+! -e 's;@@ServerRoot@@/htdocs;$(datadir)/data;' \
+ -e 's;@@ServerRoot@@/icons;$(datadir)/icons;' \
+ -e 's;@@ServerRoot@@/cgi-bin;$(datadir)/cgi-bin;' \
+! -e 's;@@ServerRoot@@/proxy;$(datadir)/proxy;' \
+ -e 's;@@ServerRoot@@;$(prefix);' \
+ -e 's;logs/accept.lock;$(localstatedir)/$(localstatesubdir_run)/httpd.lock;' \
+ -e 's;logs/apache_status;$(localstatedir)/$(localstatesubdir_run)/httpd.scoreboard;' \
+ -e 's;logs/;$(localstatedir)/$(localstatesubdir_run)/;' \
+! -e 's;logs/access_log;$(localstatedir)/$(localstatesubdir_logs)/httpd-access.log;' \
+! -e 's;logs/error_log;$(localstatedir)/$(localstatesubdir_logs)/httpd-error.log;' \
+ >.install.tmp && \
+ echo "$(INSTALL_DATA) .install.tmp $(sysconfdir)/$$conf.default"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) .install.tmp $(sysconfdir)/$$conf.default; \
+*** 356,363 ****
+ echo "[PRESERVING EXISTING CONFIG FILE: $(sysconfdir)/$$conf]"; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+! $(CP) $(ROOT)/conf/mime.types $(sysconfdir)/mime.types
+! $(CP) $(ROOT)/conf/magic $(sysconfdir)/magic
+ @echo "<=== [config]"
+--- 361,374 ----
+ echo "[PRESERVING EXISTING CONFIG FILE: $(sysconfdir)/$$conf]"; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+! $(INSTALL_DATA) $(ROOT)/conf/mime.types $(sysconfdir)/mime.types.default
+! if [ ! -f "$(sysconfdir)/mime.types" ]; then \
+! $(INSTALL_DATA) $(ROOT)/conf/mime.types $(sysconfdir)/mime.types; \
+! fi
+! $(INSTALL_DATA) $(ROOT)/conf/magic $(sysconfdir)/magic.default
+! if [ ! -f "$(sysconfdir)/magic" ]; then \
+! $(INSTALL_DATA) $(ROOT)/conf/magic $(sysconfdir)/magic; \
+! fi
+ @echo "<=== [config]"
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