path: root/sysutils/pfSense-upgrade/files/RaptorGuard-upgrade
diff options
authorTimothy Pearson <>2017-10-04 23:32:31 -0500
committerTimothy Pearson <>2017-10-04 23:43:12 -0500
commit6f7f35760e0cf7b66639ece9011509854e06d980 (patch)
treea7738858d1e331ede7321c4e24dc3f31ff118cc5 /sysutils/pfSense-upgrade/files/RaptorGuard-upgrade
parent1305c67aceff0b6d5d356500c86cf8c02e65a3b6 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'sysutils/pfSense-upgrade/files/RaptorGuard-upgrade')
1 files changed, 1146 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sysutils/pfSense-upgrade/files/RaptorGuard-upgrade b/sysutils/pfSense-upgrade/files/RaptorGuard-upgrade
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..52ad05a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/pfSense-upgrade/files/RaptorGuard-upgrade
@@ -0,0 +1,1146 @@
+# pfSense-upgrade
+# part of pfSense (
+# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Rubicon Communications, LLC (Netgate)
+# All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+usage() {
+ me=$(basename $0)
+ cat << EOD >&2
+Usage: ${me} [-46bdfhnRUy] [-l logfile] [-p socket] [-c|-u|[-i|-d] pkg_name]"
+ -4 - Force IPv4"
+ -6 - Force IPv6"
+ -b - Platform is booting"
+ -d - Turn on debug"
+ -f - Force package installation"
+ -h - Show this usage help"
+ -l logfile - Logfile path (defaults to /cf/conf/upgrade_log.txt)"
+ -n - Dry run"
+ -p socket - Write pkg progress to socket"
+ -R - Do not reboot (this can be dangerous)"
+ -U - Do not update repository information"
+ -y - Assume yes as the answer to any possible interaction"
+The following parameters are mutually exclusive:"
+ -c - Check if upgrade is necessary"
+ -i pkg_name - Install package PKG_NAME"
+ -r pkg_name - Remove package PKG_NAME"
+ -u - Update repository information"
+_echo() {
+ local _n=""
+ if [ "${1}" = "-n" ]; then
+ shift
+ _n="-n"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${logfile}" ]; then
+ logfile=/dev/null
+ fi
+ echo ${_n} "${@}" | tee -a ${logfile}
+_exec() {
+ local _cmd="${1}"
+ local _msg="${2}"
+ local _mute="${3}"
+ local _ignore_result="${4}"
+ local _stdout="${stdout}"
+ if [ -z "${_cmd}" -o -z "${_msg}" ]; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [ "${_mute}" != "mute" ]; then
+ _stdout=''
+ fi
+ _echo -n ">>> ${_msg}... "
+ if [ -z "${_stdout}" ]; then
+ _echo ""
+ # Ref.
+ exec 4>&1
+ local _result=$( \
+ { { ${_cmd} 2>&1 3>&-; printf $? 1>&3; } 4>&- \
+ | tee -a ${logfile} 1>&4; } 3>&1)
+ exec 4>&-
+ else
+ # Ref.
+ exec 4>&1
+ local _result=$( \
+ { { ${_cmd} >${_stdout} 2>&1 3>&-; printf $? 1>&3; } 4>&- \
+ | tee -a ${logfile} 1>&4; } 3>&1)
+ exec 4>&-
+ fi
+ if [ ${_result} -eq 0 -o -n "${_ignore_result}" ]; then
+ [ -n "${_stdout}" ] \
+ && _echo "done."
+ return 0
+ else
+ [ -n "${_stdout}" ] \
+ && _echo "failed."
+ _exit 1
+ fi
+_exit() {
+ trap "-" 1 2 15 EXIT
+ if [ -n "${delete_pid}" -a -f "${pid_file}" ]; then
+ rm -f ${pid_file}
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${booting}" -o "${boot_stage}" != "2" ]; then
+ php /etc/rc.conf_mount_ro
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${nc_pid}" ] && ps -p ${nc_pid} >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ kill ${nc_pid}
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${delete_annotation}" ]; then
+ pkg annotate -q -D ${kernel_pkg} next_stage
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${unlock_additional_pkgs}" ]; then
+ pkg_unlock "${pkg_prefix}*"
+ fi
+ local _rc=${1:-"0"}
+ # If EVENT_PIPE is defined, GUI is calling
+ if [ -n "${progress_socket}" ]; then
+ local _need_reboot_str=""
+ [ -n "${need_reboot}" ] \
+ && _need_reboot_str=" __REBOOT_AFTER=${reboot_after}"
+ _echo "__RC=${_rc}${_need_reboot_str}"
+ fi
+ exit ${_rc}
+pkg_with_pb() {
+ local _event_pipe=""
+ if [ -n "${progress_socket}" ]; then
+ if [ -e "${progress_socket}" ]; then
+ rm -f ${progress_socket}
+ fi
+ _event_pipe="-o EVENT_PIPE=${progress_socket}"
+ nc -lU ${progress_socket} >> ${progress_file} &
+ nc_pid=$!
+ while [ ! -e "${progress_socket}" ]; do
+ sleep 0.1
+ done
+ fi
+ pkg ${_event_pipe} $@
+ local _pkg_result=$?
+ nc_pid=""
+ return ${_pkg_result}
+fetch_upgrade_packages() {
+ _exec "pkg_with_pb upgrade -F" "Downloading upgrade packages"
+pkg_lock() {
+ local _pkgs="$@"
+ if [ -z "${_pkgs}" ]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ for _pkg in ${_pkgs}; do
+ for _pkg_name in $(pkg query -g %n "${_pkg}"); do
+ _locked=$(pkg query %k ${_pkg_name})
+ if [ "${_locked}" != "0" ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ _exec "pkg lock ${_pkg_name}" \
+ "Locking package ${_pkg_name}" mute
+ done
+ done
+pkg_unlock() {
+ local _pkgs="$@"
+ if [ -z "${_pkgs}" ]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ for _pkg in ${_pkgs}; do
+ for _pkg_name in $(pkg query -g %n "${_pkg}"); do
+ _locked=$(pkg query %k ${_pkg_name})
+ if [ "${_locked}" != "1" ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ _exec "pkg unlock ${_pkg_name}" \
+ "Unlocking package ${_pkg_name}" mute
+ done
+ done
+set_vital_flag() {
+ for _pkg in "$@"; do
+ local _vflag=$(pkg query %V ${_pkg} 2>/dev/null)
+ [ "${_vflag}" != "0" ] \
+ && continue
+ _exec "pkg set -y -v 1 ${_pkg}" \
+ "Setting vital flag on ${_pkg}" mute
+ done
+abi_setup() {
+ local _freebsd_version=$(uname -r)
+ local _pkg_repo_conf="/usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/${product}.conf"
+ local _arch=$(uname -p)
+ CUR_ABI="FreeBSD:${_freebsd_version%%.*}:${_arch}"
+ CUR_ALTABI="freebsd:${_freebsd_version%%.*}"
+ if [ "${_arch}" = "armv6" ]; then
+ CUR_ALTABI="${CUR_ALTABI}:${_arch}:32:el:eabi:hardfp"
+ elif [ "${_arch}" = "i386" ]; then
+ else
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e ${_pkg_repo_conf} ]; then
+ validate_repo_conf
+ fi
+ local _repo_abi_file=$(readlink ${_pkg_repo_conf})
+ if [ -f ${_repo_abi_file%%.conf}.abi ]; then
+ ABI=$(cat ${_repo_abi_file%%.conf}.abi)
+ else
+ fi
+ if [ -f ${_repo_abi_file%%.conf}.altabi ]; then
+ ALTABI=$(cat ${_repo_abi_file%%.conf}.altabi)
+ else
+ fi
+ # Make sure pkg.conf is set properly so GUI can work
+ echo "ABI=${ABI}" > /usr/local/etc/pkg.conf
+ echo "ALTABI=${ALTABI}" >> /usr/local/etc/pkg.conf
+ if [ "${CUR_ABI}" = "${ABI}" -o "${CUR_ABI}" = "${ALTABI}" ] ; then
+ else
+ fi
+pkg_update() {
+ local _force=""
+ local _mute=""
+ [ "${1}" = "force" ] \
+ && _force=" -f"
+ if [ -z "${_force}" -a -n "${dont_update}" ]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ [ "${2}" = "mute" ] \
+ && _mute="mute"
+ abi_setup
+ _exec "pkg update${_force}" "Updating repositories metadata" ${_mute}
+pkg_upgrade_repo() {
+ if [ -z "${NEW_MAJOR}" -a "$(compare_pkg_version pkg)" = "<" ]; then
+ _exec "pkg upgrade${dont_update} pkg" "Upgrading pkg" mute
+ pkg_update force
+ fi
+ local _repo_pkg="${product}-repo"
+ # Deprecated pa
+ if is_pkg_installed ${product}-repo-devel; then
+ _exec "pkg set -A 1 ${product}-repo-devel" \
+ "Scheduling package ${product}-repo-devel for removal"
+ _exec "pkg install${dont_update} ${_repo_pkg}" \
+ "Installing ${_repo_pkg}" mute
+ _exec "pkg delete ${product}-repo-devel" \
+ "Removing ${product}-repo-devel" mute ignore_result
+ validate_repo_conf
+ pkg_update force
+ fi
+ [ -n "${NEW_MAJOR}" ] \
+ && return
+ case "$(compare_pkg_version ${_repo_pkg})" in
+ "<")
+ local _force=""
+ ;;
+ ">")
+ local _force=" -f"
+ ;;
+ "=")
+ return
+ ;;
+ *)
+ _echo "ERROR: Unable to compare version of ${_repo_pkg}"
+ _exit 1
+ esac
+ cp /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/${product}.conf /tmp/${product}.conf.copy
+ _exec "pkg upgrade${dont_update}${_force} ${_repo_pkg}" \
+ "Upgrading ${_repo_pkg}" mute
+ abi_setup
+ # If conf differs, for an update
+ if ! cmp -s /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/${product}.conf \
+ /tmp/${product}.conf.copy; then
+ pkg_update force
+ # New repo may contain newer pkg
+ if [ -z "${NEW_MAJOR}" -a "$(compare_pkg_version pkg)" = "<" ]
+ then
+ _exec "pkg upgrade pkg" "Upgrading pkg" mute
+ pkg_update force
+ fi
+ fi
+ rm -f /tmp/${product}.conf.copy
+upgrade_available() {
+ # XXX locked packages message should be printed on stderr by pkg?
+ local _lines=$(pkg upgrade${dont_update} -nq "$@" 2>/dev/null \
+ | sed -e '/^$/d; /is locked and may not be modified/d' \
+ | wc -l)
+ test ${_lines} -gt 0
+ return $?
+pkg_upgrade() {
+ # figure out which kernel variant is running
+ export kernel_pkg=$(pkg query %n $(pkg info ${product}-kernel-\* | \
+ grep -v -- -debug-))
+ # Detect if has u-boot package installed
+ unset uboot_bin
+ unset uboot_pkg
+ unset uboot_mntp
+ if pkg info ${product}-u-boot-ufw\* >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ export uboot_pkg=$(pkg query %n \
+ $(pkg info ${product}-u-boot-ufw\*))
+ export uboot_mntp=/boot/msdos
+ export uboot_bin=u-boot.img
+ fi
+ if pkg info ${product}-u-boot-sg3100\* >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ export uboot_pkg=$(pkg query %n \
+ $(pkg info ${product}-u-boot-sg3100\*))
+ export uboot_mntp=/boot/u-boot
+ export uboot_bin=u-boot.bin
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${uboot_pkg}" -a \
+ "$(compare_pkg_version ${uboot_pkg})" = "<" ]; then
+ if [ ! -f ${uboot_mntp}/${uboot_bin} ]; then
+ # Try to mount /boot/msdos
+ mount ${uboot_mntp} >/dev/null 2>&1
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f ${uboot_mntp}/${uboot_bin} ]; then
+ _echo "ERROR: u-boot partition (${uboot_mntp}) is not" \
+ "properly mounted"
+ _exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${kernel_pkg}" ]; then
+ _echo "ERROR: It was not possible to identify which" \
+ "${product} kernel is installed"
+ _exit 1
+ fi
+ export next_stage=$(pkg annotate -q -S ${kernel_pkg} next_stage)
+ export is_pkg_locked=$(pkg annotate -q -S ${kernel_pkg} new_major)
+ if [ -n "${next_stage}" -a -n "${booting}" -a -n "${boot_stage}" ]; then
+ if [ ${boot_stage} != ${next_stage} ]; then
+ _exit 0
+ fi
+ fi
+ # If it's booting and first stage didn't run, just exit
+ if [ -n "${booting}" -a -z "${next_stage}" ]; then
+ _exit 0
+ fi
+ need_reboot=1
+ # First upgrade stage
+ if [ -z "${next_stage}" ]; then
+ if [ -f "${logfile}" ]; then
+ rm -f ${logfile}
+ fi
+ pkg_update
+ # Lock pkg to avoid having pkg binary for version N+1 installed
+ # on N
+ if [ -n "${NEW_MAJOR}" ]; then
+ pkg_lock pkg
+ fi
+ pkg_upgrade_repo
+ # If a new version of pfSense-upgrade is available, upgrade it
+ # and return a special code 99 used by wrapper to run newer
+ # version again using the same parameters
+ if [ "$(compare_pkg_version ${product}-upgrade)" = "<" ]; then
+ _exec "pkg upgrade${dont_update} ${product}-upgrade" \
+ "Upgrading ${product}-upgrade" mute
+ [ -n "${NEW_MAJOR}" ] \
+ && pkg_unlock pkg
+ _exit 99
+ fi
+ # Old versions used to lock kernel and uboot, make sure we
+ # get it reverted
+ if pkg lock -l 2>&1 | grep -q "kernel"; then
+ pkg_unlock ${kernel_pkg}
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${uboot_pkg}" ] && \
+ pkg lock -l 2>&1 | grep -q "u-boot"; then
+ pkg_unlock ${uboot_pkg}
+ fi
+ # Always make sure important packages are set as vital
+ set_vital_flag pkg ${kernel_pkg} ${product} ${product}-rc \
+ ${product}-base ${uboot_pkg}
+ if ! upgrade_available; then
+ [ -n "${NEW_MAJOR}" ] \
+ && pkg_unlock pkg
+ _echo "Your packages are up to date"
+ _exit 0
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${dry_run}" ]; then
+ [ -n "${NEW_MAJOR}" ] \
+ && pkg_unlock pkg
+ pkg upgrade${dont_update} -nq 2>&1 | tee -a ${logfile}
+ _exit 0
+ fi
+ local _meta_pkg=$(get_meta_pkg_name)
+ if [ "${platform}" = "nanobsd" ]; then
+ _echo "**** WARNING ****"
+ _echo ""
+ _echo "NanoBSD platform is no longer supported."
+ _echo ""
+ _echo "You can find instructions on how to convert it"
+ "to Full Installation at"
+ _exit 1
+ fi
+ # ZFS panics with reroot, do not use it in this case
+ #
+ if ! kldstat -qm zfs; then
+ # If kernel is not going to be upgraded, reroot
+ if ! upgrade_available ${kernel_pkg}; then
+ reboot_params="-r"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${yes}" ]; then
+ # Show user which packages are going to be upgraded
+ pkg upgrade${dont_update} -nq 2>&1 | tee -a ${logfile}
+ _echo ""
+ _echo "**** WARNING ****"
+ _echo "Reboot will be required!!"
+ _echo -n "Proceed with upgrade? (y/N) "
+ read answer
+ if [ "${answer}" != "y" ]; then
+ _echo "Aborting..."
+ _exit 0
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Unlock pkg to make sure it's downloaded
+ if [ -n "${NEW_MAJOR}" ]; then
+ pkg_unlock pkg
+ fi
+ # Download all upgrade packages first
+ fetch_upgrade_packages
+ # Then lock it again
+ if [ -n "${NEW_MAJOR}" ]; then
+ pkg_lock pkg
+ fi
+ if upgrade_available ${kernel_pkg}; then
+ # pfSense-SG-3100 is obsolete and must be removed
+ # before upgrade kernel / rc and preserve
+ # loader.rc.local just to be extra safe
+ if is_pkg_installed ${product}-SG-3100; then
+ rm -f /tmp/loader.rc.local >/dev/null 2>&1
+ [ -f /boot/loader.rc.local ] \
+ && cp /boot/loader.rc.local /tmp 2>/dev/null
+ _exec "pkg delete ${product}-SG-3100" \
+ "Removing ${product}-SG-3100" mute \
+ ignore_result
+ [ -f /tmp/loader.rc.local ] \
+ && cp /tmp/loader.rc.local /boot 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ _exec "pkg upgrade -U ${kernel_pkg}" \
+ "Upgrading ${product} kernel"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${uboot_pkg}" ] && upgrade_available ${uboot_pkg}; then
+ _exec "pkg upgrade -U ${uboot_pkg}" \
+ "Upgrading ${product} u-boot"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${NEW_MAJOR}" ]; then
+ pkg annotate -q -M ${kernel_pkg} new_major 1
+ fi
+ pkg annotate -q -M ${kernel_pkg} next_stage 2
+ next_stage=2
+ do_reboot
+ _exit 0
+ fi
+ if [ "${next_stage}" = "2" ]; then
+ pkg_lock "${pkg_prefix}*"
+ unlock_additional_pkgs=1
+ # XXX: Workaround to upgrade strongswan
+ # If those symlinks are present, pkg exit because it expects
+ # them to be a directory
+ if upgrade_available strongswan; then
+ [ -L /usr/local/etc/ipsec.d ] \
+ && rm -f /usr/local/etc/ipsec.d
+ [ -L /usr/local/etc/ipsec.conf ] \
+ && rm -f /usr/local/etc/ipsec.conf
+ [ -L /usr/local/etc/strongswan.d ] \
+ && rm -f /usr/local/etc/strongswan.d
+ [ -L /usr/local/etc/strongswan.conf ] \
+ && rm -f /usr/local/etc/strongswan.conf
+ fi
+ if upgrade_available; then
+ delete_annotation=1
+ if [ -n "${is_pkg_locked}" ]; then
+ # Upgrade pkg
+ pkg_unlock pkg
+ pkg annotate -q -D ${kernel_pkg} new_major
+ _exec "pkg-static install -f pkg" \
+ "Reinstalling pkg due to ABI change"
+ # Upgrade base packages using pkg-static
+ _exec "pkg-static upgrade -r ${product}-core" \
+ "Upgrading necessary core packages"
+ # Make sure PHP setup is fine
+ /etc/rc.php_ini_setup >/dev/null 2>&1
+ fi
+ _exec "pkg upgrade${dont_update}" \
+ "Upgrading necessary packages"
+ delete_annotation=""
+ # Always make sure important packages are set as vital
+ set_vital_flag pkg ${kernel_pkg} ${product} \
+ ${product}-rc ${product}-base ${uboot_pkg}
+ fi
+ pkg annotate -q -M ${kernel_pkg} next_stage 3
+ next_stage=3
+ pkg_unlock "${pkg_prefix}*"
+ unlock_additional_pkgs=""
+ # 2nd reboot during new major version upgrade
+ if [ -n "${is_pkg_locked}" ]; then
+ # Reboot immediately
+ do_reboot now
+ _exit 0
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${booting}" ]; then
+ _exit 0
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ "${next_stage}" = "3" ]; then
+ if upgrade_available; then
+ delete_annotation=1
+ _exec "pkg upgrade${dont_update}" \
+ "Upgrading necessary packages"
+ delete_annotation=""
+ fi
+ pkg annotate -q -D ${kernel_pkg} next_stage
+ # cleanup caches
+ _exec "pkg autoremove" "Removing unnecessary packages" mute \
+ ignore_result
+ _exec "pkg clean" "Cleanup pkg cache" mute ignore_result
+ fi
+ gitsync=$( boolean system/gitsync/synconupgrade)
+ if [ "${gitsync}" = "true" ]; then
+ repository_url=$( string \
+ system/gitsync/repositoryurl)
+ branch=$( string system/gitsync/branch)
+ minimal=$( boolean system/gitsync/minimal)
+ diff=$( boolean system/gitsync/diff)
+ show_files=$( boolean system/gitsync/show_files)
+ show_command=$( boolean \
+ system/gitsync/show_command)
+ dryrun=$( boolean system/gitsync/dryrun)
+ mute='mute'
+ options=''
+ if [ "${minimal}" = "true" ]; then
+ options=${options}' --minimal'
+ fi
+ if [ "${diff}" = "true" ]; then
+ options=${options}' --diff'
+ fi
+ if [ "${show_files}" = "true" ]; then
+ options=${options}' --show-files'
+ mute='off'
+ fi
+ if [ "${show_command}" = "true" ]; then
+ options=${options}' --show-command'
+ mute='off'
+ fi
+ if [ "${dryrun}" = "true" ]; then
+ options=${options}' --dry-run'
+ fi
+ # Repository URL is not mandatory
+ if [ -n "${branch}" ]; then
+ _exec "pfSsh.php playback gitsync ${repositoryurl} \
+ ${branch} ${options} --upgrading" \
+ "Running gitsync" ${mute} ignore_result
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Save a copy of latest finished upgrade process
+ cp -f ${logfile} ${upgrade_logfile}
+get_meta_pkg_name() {
+ # figure out main meta package name
+ if is_pkg_installed ${product}-vmware; then
+ echo "${product}-vmware"
+ elif is_pkg_installed ${product}; then
+ echo "${product}"
+ else
+ _echo "ERROR: It was not possible to identify which" \
+ "${product} meta package is installed"
+ _exit 1
+ fi
+check_upgrade() {
+ local _meta_pkg=$(get_meta_pkg_name)
+ local _core_pkgs=$(pkg query -e \
+ "%n ~ ${product}-kernel-* || %n ~ ${product}-base*" %n)
+ pkg_update "" mute
+ pkg_upgrade_repo
+ for _pkg in ${_meta_pkg} ${_core_pkgs}; do
+ [ "$(compare_pkg_version ${_pkg})" != "<" ] \
+ && continue
+ local _new_version=$(pkg rquery -U %v ${_pkg})
+ _echo "${_new_version} version of ${product} is available"
+ _exit 2
+ done
+ _echo "Your system is up to date"
+ _exit 0
+is_pkg_installed() {
+ local _pkg_name="${1}"
+ pkg info -e ${_pkg_name}
+ return $?
+compare_pkg_version() {
+ local _pkg_name="${1}"
+ if [ -z "${_pkg_name}" ]; then
+ echo '!'
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if ! is_pkg_installed ${_pkg_name}; then
+ echo '!'
+ return 1
+ fi
+ local _lver=$(pkg query %v ${_pkg_name})
+ if [ -z "${_lver}" ]; then
+ _echo "ERROR: It was not possible to determine ${_pkg_name}" \
+ "local version"
+ _exit 1
+ fi
+ local _rver=$(pkg rquery -U %v ${_pkg_name})
+ if [ -z "${_rver}" ]; then
+ _echo "ERROR: It was not possible to determine ${_pkg_name}" \
+ "remote version"
+ _exit 1
+ fi
+ local _version=$(pkg version -t ${_lver} ${_rver})
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ _echo "ERROR: Error comparing ${_pkg_name} local and remote" \
+ "versions"
+ _exit 1
+ fi
+ echo ${_version}
+ return 0
+pkg_install() {
+ local _pkg_name="${1}"
+ local _force=""
+ if [ -n "${2}" ]; then
+ _force="-f"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${_pkg_name}" ]; then
+ _echo "ERROR: Blank package name"
+ _exit 1
+ fi
+ if is_pkg_installed ${_pkg_name}; then
+ local _cversion=$(compare_pkg_version ${_pkg_name})
+ if [ -z "${_force}" ]; then
+ if [ "${_cversion}" = "=" ]; then
+ _echo "Package ${_pkg_name} is up to date"
+ _exit 0
+ elif [ "${_cversion}" = ">" ]; then
+ _echo "Installed ${_pkg_name} version is" \
+ "newer than remote"
+ _exit 0
+ fi
+ fi
+ local _cmd="upgrade ${_force}"
+ local _msg="Upgrading"
+ else
+ local _cmd="install"
+ local _msg="Installing"
+ fi
+ _exec "pkg_with_pb ${_cmd}${dry_run:+ }${dry_run} ${_pkg_name}" \
+ "${_msg} ${_pkg_name}"
+ _exec "pkg clean" "Cleaning up cache" mute ignore_result
+# Reinstall every pfSense-pkg-* package
+pkg_reinstall_all() {
+ for _pkg in $(pkg query -e '%a == 0' %n); do
+ case ${_pkg} in "${pkg_prefix}"* )
+ _echo "Reinstalling ${_pkg}"
+ pkg_install ${_pkg} 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+pkg_delete() {
+ local _pkg_name="${1}"
+ if [ -z "${_pkg_name}" ]; then
+ _echo "ERROR: Blank package name"
+ _exit 1
+ fi
+ if ! is_pkg_installed ${_pkg_name}; then
+ _echo "ERROR: Package ${_pkg_name} is not installed"
+ _exit 1
+ fi
+ _exec "pkg_with_pb delete${dry_run:+ }${dry_run} ${_pkg_name}" \
+ "Removing ${_pkg_name}"
+ _exec "pkg autoremove" "Removing stale packages" mute ignore_result
+# Delete every pfSense-pkg-* package
+pkg_delete_all() {
+ for _pkg in $(pkg query -e '%a == 0' %n); do
+ case ${_pkg} in "${pkg_prefix}"* )
+ _echo "Removing ${_pkg}"
+ pkg_delete ${_pkg}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+do_reboot() {
+ local _now="$1"
+ local _msg=""
+ if [ "${_now}" = "now" ]; then
+ _msg="now."
+ else
+ _msg="in ${reboot_after} seconds."
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${dont_reboot}" ]; then
+ _echo "Upgrade is complete. Rebooting ${_msg}"
+ echo "Upgrade is complete. Rebooting ${_msg}" | wall
+ /etc/rc.notify_message -e -g -m \
+ "Upgrade is complete. Rebooting ${_msg}" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ if [ "${_now}" = "now" ]; then
+ /etc/rc.reboot ${reboot_params}
+ else
+ (sleep ${reboot_after} \
+ && /etc/rc.reboot ${reboot_params}) &
+ fi
+ else
+ _echo "Upgrade is complete."
+ echo "Upgrade is complete." | wall
+ /etc/rc.notify_message -e -g -m "Upgrade is complete." \
+ >/dev/null 2>&1
+ fi
+validate_repo_conf() {
+ # Make sure to use default repo conf when it doesn't exist
+ pkg_repo_conf="/usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/${product}.conf"
+ default="/usr/local/share/${product}/pkg/repos/${product}-repo.conf"
+ pkg_repo_conf_path=$( string system/pkg_repo_conf_path)
+ if [ -z "${pkg_repo_conf_path}" -o ! -f "${pkg_repo_conf_path}" ]; then
+ pkg_repo_conf_path=${default}
+ fi
+ if [ -f "${pkg_repo_conf_path}" ]; then
+ if [ -e "${pkg_repo_conf}" -a ! -L "${pkg_repo_conf}" ]; then
+ rm -f ${pkg_repo_conf}
+ ln -sf ${pkg_repo_conf_path} ${pkg_repo_conf}
+ fi
+ if [ "$(readlink ${pkg_repo_conf})" != \
+ "${pkg_repo_conf_path}" ]; then
+ mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos
+ ln -sf ${pkg_repo_conf_path} ${pkg_repo_conf}
+ fi
+ fi
+export LANG=C
+pid_file="/var/run/$(basename $0).pid"
+# Export necessary PATH
+export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin
+# Setup proxy settings
+HTTP_PROXY=$( string system/proxyurl)
+if [ "${HTTP_PROXY}" != "" ]; then
+ HTTP_PROXY_PORT=$( string system/proxyport)
+ if [ "${HTTP_PROXY_PORT}" != "" ]; then
+ fi
+ export HTTP_PROXY
+# Only set proxy variables on FreeBSD 11 until the fix is on 10
+if $(uname -r | grep -q '^11'); then
+ HTTP_PROXY_USER=$( string system/proxyuser)
+ HTTP_PROXY_PASS=$( string system/proxypass)
+ if [ "${HTTP_PROXY_USER}" != "" ] &&
+ [ "${HTTP_PROXY_PASS}" != "" ]; then
+ fi
+# pkg should not ask for confirmations
+export ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=true
+export FETCH_RETRY=2
+export product=$(php -n /usr/local/sbin/read_global_var product_name pfSense)
+export pkg_prefix=$(php -n /usr/local/sbin/read_global_var pkg_prefix \
+ pfSense-pkg-)
+export platform=$(cat /etc/platform)
+USE_MFS_TMPVAR=$( boolean system/use_mfs_tmpvar)
+if [ "${USE_MFS_TMPVAR}" = "true" ]; then
+ export PKG_DBDIR=/root/var/db/pkg
+ export PKG_CACHEDIR=/root/var/cache/pkg
+product_version=$(cat /etc/version)
+do_not_send_uniqueid=$( boolean system/do_not_send_uniqueid)
+if [ "${do_not_send_uniqueid}" != "true" ]; then
+ uniqueid=$(gnid)
+ export HTTP_USER_AGENT="${product}/${product_version}:${uniqueid}"
+ export HTTP_USER_AGENT="${product}/${product_version}"
+# Flags used in _exit
+export delete_annotation=""
+export unlock_additional_pkgs=""
+export delete_pid=""
+# Save nc_pid to be able to kill it
+export nc_pid=""
+# Reboot after 10 seconds
+export reboot_after=10
+# Used to set -r and reroot
+export reboot_params=""
+unset dry_run
+unset dont_reboot
+unset dont_update
+unset booting
+unset boot_stage
+unset force
+unset yes
+unset progress_file
+unset progress_socket
+unset action
+unset action_pkg
+unset force_ipv4
+unset force_ipv6
+while getopts 46b:cdfi:hp:l:nr:RuUy opt; do
+ case ${opt} in
+ 4)
+ if [ -n "${force_ipv6}" ]; then
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ force_ipv4=1
+ ;;
+ 6)
+ if [ -n "${force_ipv4}" ]; then
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ force_ipv6=1
+ ;;
+ b)
+ booting=1
+ boot_stage="${OPTARG}"
+ ;;
+ c)
+ action="check"
+ ;;
+ d)
+ stdout=''
+ ;;
+ f)
+ force=1
+ ;;
+ i)
+ if [ -n "${action}" ]; then
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ action="install"
+ action_pkg="${OPTARG}"
+ ;;
+ h)
+ usage
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ l)
+ logfile="${OPTARG}"
+ if [ -z "${logfile}" ]; then
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ ;;
+ n)
+ dry_run="-n"
+ ;;
+ p)
+ progress_socket="${OPTARG}"
+ if [ -z "${progress_socket}" ]; then
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ ;;
+ r)
+ if [ -n "${action}" ]; then
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ action="delete"
+ action_pkg="${OPTARG}"
+ ;;
+ R)
+ dont_reboot=1
+ ;;
+ u)
+ if [ -n "${action}" ]; then
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ action="update"
+ ;;
+ U)
+ dont_update=" -U"
+ ;;
+ y)
+ yes=1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+if [ -n "${force_ipv4}" ]; then
+ export IP_VERSION="4"
+elif [ -n "${force_ipv6}" ]; then
+ export IP_VERSION="6"
+# Set default action when no parameter is set
+: ${action:="upgrade"}
+if pgrep -qF ${pid_file} >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "Another instance is already running... Aborting!"
+ exit 1
+echo $$ > ${pid_file}
+# Since this point it's safe to remove pid_file
+trap _exit 1 2 15 EXIT
+block_external_services=$( boolean \
+ system/block_external_services)
+if [ "${block_external_services}" = "true" ]; then
+ echo "Aborted due to block_external_services flag"
+ exit 0
+if [ -z "${booting}" -o "${boot_stage}" != "2" ]; then
+ php /etc/rc.conf_mount_rw
+if [ -n "${booting}" ]; then
+ export REPO_AUTOUPDATE=false
+if [ "${action}" != "upgrade" -a -f "${logfile}" ]; then
+ rm -f ${logfile}
+if [ -e "${progress_file}" ]; then
+ rm -f ${progress_file}
+if [ -n "${NEW_MAJOR}" -a "${action}" = "install" ]; then
+ _echo "WARNING: Current pkg repository has a new OS major version."
+ _echo " ${product} should be upgraded before doing any other"
+ _echo " operation"
+ _exit 1
+case "${action}" in
+ check)
+ check_upgrade
+ ;;
+ upgrade)
+ pkg_upgrade
+ ;;
+ update)
+ pkg_update force
+ ;;
+ install)
+ if [ ${action_pkg} = "ALL_PACKAGES" ] && [ -n ${force} ]; then
+ pkg_reinstall_all
+ else
+ pkg_install ${action_pkg} ${force}
+ fi
+ ;;
+ delete)
+ if [ ${action_pkg} = "ALL_PACKAGES" ] && [ -n ${force} ]; then
+ pkg_delete_all
+ else
+ pkg_delete ${action_pkg}
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ _echo "ERROR: Invalid action!"
+ _exit 1
+_exit 0
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud