path: root/games/xbill/files/patch-aa
diff options
authorobrien <>1997-02-12 10:26:44 +0000
committerobrien <>1997-02-12 10:26:44 +0000
commit46bf8c182221b339e1876a809742df167f4355bd (patch)
tree75ea05a58a94d26058ee996024ffeca5d314de33 /games/xbill/files/patch-aa
parenta3badd05dc5227af09a2643427c750bc909c42f9 (diff)
Upgrade to 2.0. More OS's, and now machiens are networked.
In playing this game, I found that our friend Chuck didn't come up as often as before. There are more OS's now, and Linux was represented by both the Pinguin and Red Hat. So I replaced "Red Hat" with a second "BSD". The game often produces an error screen when bill wins. But scores are saved ok, and it plays fine. Upgraded with permission of the Maintainer.
Diffstat (limited to 'games/xbill/files/patch-aa')
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/games/xbill/files/patch-aa b/games/xbill/files/patch-aa
index b5f37c9..76dd647 100644
--- a/games/xbill/files/patch-aa
+++ b/games/xbill/files/patch-aa
@@ -1,51 +1,17 @@
---- ./ Mon Apr 17 20:23:20 1995
-+++ ./Imakefile Tue Sep 12 03:09:04 1995
-@@ -4,22 +4,22 @@
- XCOMM installed setgid daemon to allow it to write to the scores file
- XCOMM if a system score file is used.
--SCORE_DEF = -DSCORE_FILE=\"/var/games/xbill/scores\"
-+SCORE_DEF = -DSCORE_FILE=\"$(USRLIBDIR)/xbill/scores\"
- XCOMM SCORE_DEF = -DSCORE_FILE=\"$(HOME)/.xbill-scores\"
- XCOMM If you do not have libXpm installed in the standard place,
- XCOMM uncomment the second define below and insert the correct paths.
- XCOMM Make sure xpm.h can be referenced as <X11/xpm.h>
--XCOMM XPMINC = -I<xpm include dir>
--XCOMM XPMLIBDIR = -L<xpm lib dir>
- XPMLIB = -lXpm
- XCOMM Use one of the following two lines. Motif looks a lot better,
- XCOMM but Athena is free and may compile easier.
--#define Use_Motif
--XCOMM #define Use_Athena
-+XCOMM #define Use_Motif
-+#define Use_Athena
- #ifdef Use_Motif
- XMLIB = -lXm
-@@ -42,6 +42,6 @@
- ComplexProgramTarget(xbill)
- InstallMultipleFlags(xbill,$(BINDIR),-s -g daemon -m 2755)
--InstallMultipleFlags(scores,/var/games/xbill,-g daemon -m 664)
-+InstallMultipleFlags(scores,$(USRLIBDIR)/xbill,-g daemon -m 664)
---- ./ Sun Apr 16 12:47:02 1995
-+++ ./xbill.h Tue Sep 12 03:09:23 1995
-@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
-+#ifndef __FreeBSD__
- #include <malloc.h>
- #define INTERVAL 250 /*timer interval*/
- #define MAX_COMPUTERS 25 /*maximum number of computers on screen*/
+--- Imakefile.orig Thu Jan 23 08:38:35 1997
++++ Imakefile Tue Feb 11 22:05:59 1997
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-XBILL_DIR = /var/lib/games/xbill/
++XBILL_DIR = $(PROJECTROOT)/share/xbill/
+ XCOMM XBILL_DIR = $(HOME)/.xbill/
+ XCOMM Which widget set? Motif looks slightly better; Athena is free.
+@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@
+ ComplexProgramTarget($(TARGET))
+-InstallProgramWithFlags(scores, $(XBILL_DIR), -m 777)
++# need to pick something with "Flags", but Program ==> strip
++InstallMultipleFlags(scores,$(XBILL_DIR),-m 666)
+ InstallMultiple ($(XPMS), $(XBILL_DIR)pixmaps)
+ InstallMultiple ($(XBMS), $(XBILL_DIR)bitmaps)
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