package com.zylin.zpu.simulator; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import com.zylin.zpu.simulator.FileTracer.Trace; import com.zylin.zpu.simulator.exceptions.CPUException; import com.zylin.zpu.simulator.exceptions.DebuggerBreakpointException; import com.zylin.zpu.simulator.exceptions.EndSessionException; import com.zylin.zpu.simulator.exceptions.GDBServerException; import com.zylin.zpu.simulator.exceptions.HardwareWatchPointException; import com.zylin.zpu.simulator.exceptions.IllegalInstructionException; import com.zylin.zpu.simulator.exceptions.InterruptException; import com.zylin.zpu.simulator.exceptions.MemoryAccessException; public class Simulator implements ZPU, Machine, Sim { int minStack; /** * the feeble version of the CPU, e.g. only implements * 11 instructions. * * For debugging purposes it is useful to enable/disable * each instruction */ boolean feeble[]=new boolean[256]; private long opcodeHistogram[]=new long[256]; private long opcodeHistogramCycles[]=new long[256]; private long opcodePairHistogram[]=new long[256*256]; private long opcodePairHistogramCycles[]=new long[256*256]; /** weee! constants are 32 bit by default, so we need to assign a 64 bit * integer in this matter. */ private static final long INTMASK = Long.parseLong("ffffffff", 16); final static int PUSHPC=59; final static int OR=7; final static int NOT=9; final static int LOAD=8; final static int STORE=12; final static int POPPC=4; final static int FLIP=10; final static int ADD=5; final static int PUSHSP=2; final static int POPSP=13; final static int NOP=11; final static int AND=6; final static int ADDSP=16; final static int EMULATE=32; final static int LOADH=34; final static int STOREH=35; final static int LESSTHAN=36; final static int LESSTHANOREQUAL=37; final static int ULESSTHAN=38; final static int ULESSTHANOREQUAL=39; final static int SWAP=40; final static int MULT=41; final static int LSHIFTRIGHT=42; final static int ASHIFTLEFT=43; final static int ASHIFTRIGHT=44; final static int CALL=45; final static int EQ=46; final static int NEQ=47; final static int NEG=48; final static int SUB=49; final static int XOR=50; final static int LOADB=51; final static int STOREB=52; final static int DIV=53; final static int MOD=54; final static int EQBRANCH=55; final static int NEQBRANCH=56; final static int POPPCREL=57; final static int CONFIG=58; final static int SYSCALL=60; final static int PUSHSPADD=61; final static int MULT16X16=62; final static int CALLPCREL=63; final static int STORESP=64; final static int LOADSP=64+32; int[] memory; boolean[] validMemory; protected long cycles; protected int instructionCount; private int sp; private int pc; protected boolean breakNext; /* halting synchronization object */ protected Object halt = new Object(); private int IOSIZE=getIOSIZE(); protected int getIOSIZE() { return 32768; } long prevCycles; private static final int VECTORSIZE = 0x20; private static final int VECTOR_RESET = 0; private static final int VECTOR_INTERRUPT = 1; private boolean hitVector; private static final int VECTORBASE = 0x0; private int nextVector; protected long lastTimer; protected boolean timer; private boolean powerdown; private boolean decodeMask; private static final int ZETA = 1; private static final int ABEL = 0; private int startStack; protected Host syscall; private long[] emulateOpcodeHistogram= new long[256]; private long[] emulateOpcodeHistogramCycles=new long[256]; private long emulateCycles;; public Simulator() throws CPUException { } public void run() throws CPUException { syscall.running(); try { instructionLoop(); } catch (EndSessionException e) { /* done */ } finally { } dumpInfo(); System.err.println("Stack usage: " + (startStack-minStack)); } private void dumpInfo() { dumpOpcodeHistogram(); //printMemoryHistorgram(); } private void dumpOpcodeHistogram() { System.out.println("Opcode histogram"); dumpHistogram(opcodeHistogram, opcodeHistogramCycles); System.out.println("Emulate histogram"); dumpHistogram(emulateOpcodeHistogram, emulateOpcodeHistogramCycles); System.out.println("Pair histogram"); dumpHistogram(opcodePairHistogram, opcodePairHistogramCycles); dumpGmon(); System.out.println("Grouping of LOADSP/STORESP/IM"); printRange(64, 96); printRange(96, 128); printRange(128, 256); // printRange(64, 65); // printRange(65, 66); // printRange(66, 64+32); // printRange(96, 97); // printRange(97, 98); // printRange(98, 96+32); // printRange(128, 129); // printRange(129, 130); // printRange(130, 131); // printRange(131, 132); // printRange(132, 133); // printRange(252, 253); // printRange(253, 254); // printRange(254, 255); // printRange(255, 256); } // #define GMON_MAGIC "gmon" /* magic cookie */ // #define GMON_VERSION 1 /* version number */ // // /* // * Raw header as it appears on file (without padding): // */ // struct gmon_hdr // { // char cookie[4]; // char version[4]; // a cyg_uint32, target-side endianness // char spare[3 * 4]; // }; // // /* types of records in this file: */ // typedef enum // { // GMON_TAG_TIME_HIST = 0, GMON_TAG_CG_ARC = 1, GMON_TAG_BB_COUNT = 2 // } // GMON_Record_Tag; // // /* The histogram tag is followed by this header, and then an array of */ // /* cyg_uint16's for the actual counts. */ // // struct gmon_hist_hdr // { // /* host-side gprof adapts to sizeof(void*) and endianness. */ // /* It is assumed that the compiler does not insert padding around the */ // /* cyg_uint32's or the char arrays. */ // void* low_pc; /* base pc address of sample buffer */ // void* high_pc; /* max pc address of sampled buffer */ // cyg_uint32 hist_size; /* size of sample buffer */ // cyg_uint32 prof_rate; /* profiling clock rate */ // char dimen[15]; /* phys. dim., usually "seconds" */ // char dimen_abbrev; /* usually 's' for "seconds" */ // }; // // /* An arc tag is followed by a single arc record. self_pc corresponds to */ // /* the location of an mcount() call, at the start of a function. from_pc */ // /* corresponds to the return address, i.e. where the function was called */ // /* from. count is the number of calls. */ // // struct gmon_cg_arc_record // { // void* from_pc; /* address within caller's body */ // void* self_pc; /* address within callee's body */ // cyg_uint32 count; /* number of arc traversals */ // }; // // /* In theory gprof can also process basic block counts, as per the */ // /* compiler's -fprofile-arcs flag. The compiler-generated basic block */ // /* structure should contain a table of addresses and a table of counts, */ // /* and the compiled code updates those counts. Current versions of the */ // /* compiler (~3.2.1) do not output the table of addresses, and without */ // /* that table gprof cannot process the counts. Possibly gprof should read */ // /* in the .bb and .bbg files generated for gcov processing, but that does */ // /* not happen at the moment. */ // /* */ // /* So for now gmon.out does not contain basic block counts and gprof */ // /* operations that depend on it, e.g. --annotated-source, won't work. */ /** * Write gmon.out file. **/ private void dumpGmon() { try { ByteArrayOutputStream b=new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // /* // * Raw header as it appears on file (without padding): // */ // struct gmon_hdr // { // char cookie[4]; // char version[4]; // a cyg_uint32, target-side endianness // char spare[3 * 4]; // }; // #define GMON_MAGIC "gmon" /* magic cookie */ // #define GMON_VERSION 1 /* version number */ // dump binary memory gmon.out &profile_gmon_hdr ((char*)&profile_gmon_hdr + sizeof(struct gmon_hdr)) b.write("gmon".getBytes()); writeLong(b, 1); // version b.write(new byte[3*4]); // spare // GMON_TAG_TIME_HIST = 0, GMON_TAG_CG_ARC = 1, GMON_TAG_BB_COUNT = 2 // append binary memory gmon.out &profile_tags[0] &profile_tags[1] b.write(new byte[]{0}); // GMON_TAG_TIME_HIST // // // The gprof documentation claims that this should be the size in // // bytes. The implementation treats it as a count. // profile_hist_hdr.hist_size = (cyg_uint32) ((text_size + bucket_size - 1) / bucket_size); // profile_hist_hdr.low_pc = _start; // profile_hist_hdr.high_pc = (void*)((cyg_uint8*)_end - 1); // // The prof_rate is the frequency in hz. The resolution argument is // // an interval in microseconds. // profile_hist_hdr.prof_rate = 1000000 / resolution; // // // Now allocate a buffer for the histogram data. // profile_hist_data = (cyg_uint16*) malloc(profile_hist_hdr.hist_size * sizeof(cyg_uint16)); // if ((cyg_uint16*)0 == profile_hist_data) { // diag_printf("profile_on(): cannot allocate histogram buffer - ignored\n"); // return; // } // memset(profile_hist_data, 0, profile_hist_hdr.hist_size * sizeof(cyg_uint16)); // struct gmon_hist_hdr // { // /* host-side gprof adapts to sizeof(void*) and endianness. */ // /* It is assumed that the compiler does not insert padding around the */ // /* cyg_uint32's or the char arrays. */ // void* low_pc; /* base pc address of sample buffer */ // void* high_pc; /* max pc address of sampled buffer */ // cyg_uint32 hist_size; /* size of sample buffer */ // cyg_uint32 prof_rate; /* profiling clock rate */ // char dimen[15]; /* phys. dim., usually "seconds" */ // char dimen_abbrev; /* usually 's' for "seconds" */ // }; // maximum 65536 buckets. int length=memory.length*4; if (length > 60000) { length=60000; } int buckets[]=new int[length]; for (long i=0; i65535) { val=65535; } writeShort(b, val); } OutputStream o=new FileOutputStream("gmon.out"); b.writeTo(o); o.flush(); o.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } private void writeLong(ByteArrayOutputStream b, int i) throws IOException { int val=i; b.write(new byte[]{(byte)((val>>24)&0xff), (byte)((val>>16)&0xff), (byte)((val>>8)&0xff), (byte)((val>>0)&0xff)}); } private void writeShort(ByteArrayOutputStream b, int i) throws IOException { int val=i; b.write(new byte[]{ (byte)((val>>8)&0xff), (byte)((val>>0)&0xff)}); } private void dumpHistogram(long[] ms, long[] ms2) { List l=new LinkedList(); totalCycles = 0; for (int i=0; i<256; i++) { totalCycles+=opcodeHistogramCycles[i]; } for (int i=0; i>(32-7); if (decodeMask) { int a; a=(popIntStack()<<7)|(t&0x7f); pushIntStack(a); } else { pushIntStack(t); } decodeMask=true; } else { decodeMask = false; if (isAddSP(instruction)) { int offset=instruction - ADDSP; int valAddr=sp+offset*4; int a = popIntStack(); pushIntStack(cpuReadLong(valAddr) + a); } else if ((instruction >= LOADSP) && (instruction < LOADSP + 32)) { int addr; addr = getSp(); int offset=(instruction - LOADSP)^0x10; addr += 4 * offset; pushIntStack(cpuReadLong(addr)); } else if (isStoreSP(instruction)) { int addr; addr = getSp(); int offset=(instruction - STORESP)^0x10; addr += 4 * offset; cpuWriteLong(addr, popIntStack()); } else { int addr; int val; switch (instruction) { case 0: throw new DebuggerBreakpointException(); case PUSHPC: pushIntStack(pc); break; case OR: pushIntStack(popIntStack() | popIntStack()); break; case NOT: pushIntStack(popIntStack() ^ 0xffffffff); break; case LOAD: pushIntStack(cpuReadLong(popIntStack())); break; case PUSHSPADD: if (feeble[PUSHSPADD]) { emulate(); } else { int a; int b; a=sp; b=popIntStack()*4; pushIntStack(a+b); } break; case STORE: addr = popIntOrExt(); val = popIntOrExt(); cpuWriteLong(addr, val); break; case POPPC: { // NB!!!! does NOT flush internal stack int a; if (intSp>0) { a=popIntStack(); } else { a=pop(); } if ((sp>=emulateSp)&&(emulateInProgress)) { emulateInProgress=false; /* we returned from an emulate instruction */ emulateOpcodeHistogram[emulateOpcode]++; emulateOpcodeHistogramCycles[emulateOpcode]+=cycles-emulateCycles; } setPc(a); break; } case POPPCREL: if (feeble[POPPCREL]) { emulate(); } else { setPc(popIntStack()+getPc()); } break; case FLIP: pushIntStack(flip(popIntStack())); break; case ADD: pushIntStack(popIntStack() + popIntStack()); break; case SUB: if (feeble[SUB]) { emulate(); } else { int a=popIntStack(); int b=popIntStack(); pushIntStack(b-a); } break; case PUSHSP: pushIntStack(getSp()); break; case POPSP: changeSp(popIntStack()); intSp=0; // flush internal stack break; case NOP: break; case AND: pushIntStack(popIntStack() & popIntStack()); break; case XOR: if (feeble[XOR]) { emulate(); } else { pushIntStack(popIntStack() ^ popIntStack()); } break; case LOADB: if (feeble[LOADB]) { emulate(); } else { pushIntStack(cpuReadByte(popIntStack())); } break; case STOREB: if (feeble[STOREB]) { emulate(); } else { addr = popIntStack(); val = popIntStack(); cpuWriteByte(addr, val); } break; case LOADH: if (feeble[LOADH]) { emulate(); } else { pushIntStack(cpuReadWord(popIntStack())); } break; case STOREH: if (feeble[STOREH]) { emulate(); } else { addr = popIntStack(); val = popIntStack(); cpuWriteWord(addr, val); } break; case LESSTHAN: if (feeble[LESSTHAN]) { emulate(); } else { int a; int b; a = popIntStack(); b = popIntStack(); pushIntStack((a < b) ? 1 : 0); } break; case LESSTHANOREQUAL: if (feeble[LESSTHANOREQUAL]) { emulate(); } else { int a; int b; a = popIntStack(); b = popIntStack(); pushIntStack((a <= b) ? 1 : 0); } break; case ULESSTHAN: if (feeble[ULESSTHAN]) { emulate(); } else { long a; long b; a = ((long) popIntStack()) & INTMASK; b = ((long) popIntStack()) & INTMASK; pushIntStack((a < b) ? 1 : 0); } break; case ULESSTHANOREQUAL: if (feeble[ULESSTHANOREQUAL]) { emulate(); } else { long a; long b; a = ((long) popIntStack()) & INTMASK; b = ((long) popIntStack()) & INTMASK; pushIntStack((a <= b) ? 1 : 0); } break; case SWAP: // if (feeble[SWAP]) // { // emulate(); // } else { int swapVal=popIntStack();; pushIntStack(((swapVal >>16)&0xffff)|(swapVal<<16)); } break; case MULT16X16: // if (feeble[SWAP]) // { // emulate(); // } else { int a=popIntStack(); int b=popIntStack(); pushIntStack((a&0xffff)*(b&0xffff)); } break; case EQBRANCH: if (feeble[EQBRANCH]) { emulate(); } else { int compare; int target; target = popIntStack() + pc; compare = popIntStack(); if (compare == 0) { setPc(target); } else { setPc(pc + 1); } } break; case NEQBRANCH: if (feeble[NEQBRANCH]) { emulate(); } else { int compare; int target; target = popIntStack() + pc; compare = popIntStack(); if (compare != 0) { setPc(target); } else { setPc(pc + 1); } } break; case MULT: if (feeble[MULT]) { emulate(); } else { pushIntStack(popIntStack() * popIntStack()); } break; case DIV: if (feeble[DIV]) { emulate(); } else { int a; int b; a = popIntStack(); b = popIntStack(); if (b == 0) { throw new CPUException(); } pushIntStack(a / b); } break; case MOD: if (feeble[MOD]) { emulate(); } else { int a; int b; a = popIntStack(); b = popIntStack(); if (b == 0) { throw new CPUException(); } pushIntStack(a % b); } break; case LSHIFTRIGHT: if (feeble[LSHIFTRIGHT]) { emulate(); } else { long shift; long valX; int t; shift = ((long) popIntStack()) & INTMASK; valX = ((long) popIntStack()) & INTMASK; t = (int) (valX >> (shift & 0x3f)); pushIntStack(t); } break; case ASHIFTLEFT: if (feeble[ASHIFTLEFT]) { emulate(); } else { long shift; long valX; shift = ((long) popIntStack()) & INTMASK; valX = ((long) popIntStack()) & INTMASK; int t = (int) (valX << (shift & 0x3f)); pushIntStack(t); } break; case ASHIFTRIGHT: if (feeble[ASHIFTRIGHT]) { emulate(); } else { long shift; int valX; shift = ((long) popIntStack()) & INTMASK; valX = popIntStack(); int t = valX >> (shift & 0x3f); pushIntStack(t); } break; case CALL: if (feeble[CALL]) { emulate(); } else { intSp=0; // flush internal stack int address = pop(); push(pc + 1); setPc(address); } break; case CALLPCREL: if (feeble[CALLPCREL]) { emulate(); } else { intSp=0; // flush internal stack int address = pop(); push(pc + 1); setPc(address+pc); } break; case EQ: if (feeble[EQ]) { emulate(); } else { pushIntStack((popIntStack() == popIntStack()) ? 1 : 0); } break; case NEQ: if (feeble[NEQ]) { emulate(); } else { pushIntStack((popIntStack() != popIntStack()) ? 1 : 0); } break; case NEG: if (feeble[NEG]) { emulate(); } else { pushIntStack(-popIntStack()); } break; case CONFIG: if (emulateConfig()) { emulate(); cpu=ABEL; } else { cpu = popIntStack(); } switch (cpu) { case ABEL: System.err.println("ZPU feeble instruction set"); for (int i = 0; i < feeble.length; i++) { feeble[i] = true; } setFeeble(); break; case ZETA: System.err.println("ZPU full instruction set"); for (int i = 0; i < feeble.length; i++) { feeble[i] = false; } break; default: break; } break; case SYSCALL: if (feeble[SYSCALL]) { throw new IllegalInstructionException(); } else { intSp=0; // flush internal stack syscall.syscall(this); } break; default: throw new IllegalInstructionException(); } } } if (!touchedPc) { setPc(pc + 1); } committed(); // one more instruction retired instructionCount++; } } protected void setFeeble() { feeble[NEQBRANCH] = false; feeble[EQ] = false; feeble[LOADB] = false; feeble[LESSTHAN] = false; feeble[ULESSTHAN] = false; feeble[STOREB] = false; feeble[MULT] = false; feeble[CALL] = true; feeble[POPPCREL] = true; feeble[LESSTHANOREQUAL] = true; feeble[ULESSTHANOREQUAL] = true; feeble[PUSHSPADD] = false; feeble[CALLPCREL] = false; feeble[SUB] = false; } private int popIntOrExt() { int a; if (intSp==0) { a=pop(); } else { a=popIntStack(); } return a; } int intSp; private int emulateSp; private int emulateOpcode; private boolean emulateInProgress; protected boolean timerPending; private boolean inInterrupt; private int popIntStack() { // if (intSp<=0) // throw new IllegalInstructionException(); intSp--; return pop(); } private void pushIntStack(int x) { // if (intSp>=32) // throw new IllegalInstructionException(); push(x); intSp++; } private static boolean isAddSP(int instruction) { return (instruction >= ADDSP) && (instruction < ADDSP + 16); } private static boolean isStoreSP(int instruction) { return (instruction >= STORESP) && (instruction < STORESP + 32); } protected boolean emulateConfig() { return false; } private void checkCommit() throws CPUException { if (!commit) { decodeMask=savedDecodeMask; pc=savedPc; setSp(savedSp); committed(); } } private void committed() { commit=true; tracer.commit(); } private void emulate() throws CPUException { // NB! Do NOT flush internal stack // intSp=0; // flush internal stack /* three total overhead to emulate instruction */ if (!emulateInProgress) { emulateInProgress=true; emulateSp = sp; emulateOpcode = getOpcode(); emulateCycles = cycles; } pushIntStack(pc+1); setPc((cpuReadByte(pc)-32)*VECTORSIZE+VECTORBASE); } private void checkInterrupts() throws InterruptException { if (!tracer.simInterrupt()) { /* These flags are set *regardless* of interrupt state. */ while (lastTimer+timerInterval0) { lastTimer+=timerInterval; } else { lastTimer=cycles; } timerPending=true; } } if (!interrupt) return; /* if we are in the middle of decoding an instruction, no interrupt */ if (decodeMask) { return; } if (tracer.simInterrupt()) { if (!tracer.onInterrupt()) { inInterrupt=false; } if (inInterrupt) { return; } /* Use trace information instead of trying to figure out when an interrupt happens. We don't try * to simulate anything more complicated than timer interrupts so we don't need to worry about source. */ if (tracer.onInterrupt()&&!inInterrupt) { if (!timer) { throw new IllegalInstructionException(); } inInterrupt=true; timerPending=true; throw new InterruptException(); } } else { if (!timerPending) inInterrupt=false; if (inInterrupt) { return; } if (timer&&timerPending) { inInterrupt=true; throw new InterruptException(); } } } private void cpuWriteWord(int addr, int val) throws MemoryAccessException { if ((addr&0x1)!=0) { throw new MemoryAccessException(); } for (int i=0; i<2; i++) { writeByte(addr+i, val>>(8*(1-i))); } } /** * @param i * @return * @throws MemoryAccessException */ private int cpuReadWord(int addr) throws MemoryAccessException { if ((addr&0x1)!=0) { throw new MemoryAccessException(); } return ((readByteInternal(addr+0)&0xff)<<8) | (readByteInternal(addr+1)&0xff); } private void cpuWriteByte(int addr, int val) throws MemoryAccessException { writeByte(addr, val); } protected boolean interrupt; protected long timerInterval; private boolean touchedPc; private boolean accessWatchPoint; private int accessWatchPointAddress; private int accessWatchPointLength; private boolean commit; private boolean savedDecodeMask; private int savedSp; private int savedPc; private long[] profile; private int cpu; private long sampledCycle; private Tracer tracer=new Tracer() { public void instructionEvent() { } public void commit() { } public void setSp(int sp) { } public void dumpTraceBack() { } public boolean onInterrupt() { return false; } public boolean simInterrupt() { return false; } }; private int instruction; private long totalCycles; private String traceFileName; private int prevOpcode; private long prevCycles2; private int prevOpcode2; /** * checks if the CPU should halt, and halts. Fn. returns when the * CPU has resumed execution. * @throws EndSessionException */ private void checkHalt() throws EndSessionException { synchronized(halt) { if (powerdown) { throw new EndSessionException(); } if (breakNext) { breakNext=false; halt.notify(); try { syscall.halted(); halt.wait(); syscall.running(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (powerdown) { throw new EndSessionException(); } } } private int flip(int i) { int t=0; for (int j=0; j<32; j++) { t|=((i>>j)&1)<<(31-j); } return t; } /** the CPU is writing a long during execution */ public void cpuWriteLong(int addr, int val) throws MemoryAccessException { if (accessWatchPoint&&(addr==accessWatchPointAddress)) { suspend(); } if ((addr&0x3)!=0) { throw new MemoryAccessException(); } if ((addr>=getIO())&&(addr=0)&&(addr<=memory.length*4)) { memory[addr/4]=val; validMemory[addr/4]=true; } else { throw new MemoryAccessException(); } } public void writeByte(int addr, int val) throws MemoryAccessException { if ((addr>=0)&&(addr>(((addr-base)/4)*32))&0xffffffff); return t; } private int cpuReadByte(int addr) throws MemoryAccessException { return readByteInternal(addr); } /** this is the CPU reading a long word during execution */ public int cpuReadLong(int addr) throws CPUException { if (accessWatchPoint&&(addr==accessWatchPointAddress)) { suspend(); } if ((addr&0x3)!=0) { throw new MemoryAccessException(); } if ((addr>=getIO())&&(addr=0)&&(addr<=memory.length*4)) { return memory[addr/4]; } else { throw new MemoryAccessException(); } } /** * Causes a cycle to pass. * @throws MemoryAccessException */ /** increase time and record how long we spent on this instruction */ private void tick() throws MemoryAccessException { profile[pc]++; int opcode; opcode=readByte(pc); opcodeHistogram[prevOpcode]++; opcodeHistogramCycles[prevOpcode]+=cycles-prevCycles; int opcodePair=groupOpcode(prevOpcode2)*256+groupOpcode(prevOpcode); opcodePairHistogram[opcodePair]++; opcodePairHistogramCycles[opcodePair]+=cycles-prevCycles2; prevOpcode2=prevOpcode; prevOpcode=opcode; prevCycles2=prevCycles; prevCycles=cycles; cycles++; } private int groupOpcode(int instruction) { if (isAddSP(instruction)) { return ADDSP; } else if ((instruction >= LOADSP) && (instruction < LOADSP + 32)) { return LOADSP; } else if (isStoreSP(instruction)) { return STORESP; } if ((instruction&0x80)!=0) return 0x80; return instruction; } public int readByte(int addr) throws MemoryAccessException { if ((addr>=0)&&(addr>((3-addr&0x3)*8))&0xff; } private int pop() throws CPUException { int val; validMemory[getSp()/4]=false; val=cpuReadLong(getSp()); setSp(getSp() + 4); return val; } private void push(int imm) throws CPUException { setSp(getSp() - 4); cpuWriteLong(getSp(), imm); } private final class OpcodeSample { private final int j; int opcode; long count; private OpcodeSample(int j, long l) { this.j = j; opcode = j; count = l; } } private void initRam() { memory = (new int[getRAMSIZE()/4]); validMemory = new boolean[getRAMSIZE()/4]; for (int i=0; imemory.length*4)) { throw new MemoryAccessException(); } this.pc = pc; touchedPc=true; } public int getPc() { return pc; } /** resume execution. This function returns when the CPU halts again. */ public void cont() { for (;;) { synchronized(halt) { halt.notify(); try { halt.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (syscall.doneContinue()) { break; } } } /** resume execution. This function returns when the CPU halts again. */ public void step() { synchronized(halt) { suspend(); cont(); } } public int getReg(int regNum) throws CPUException { if ((regNum>=0)&&(regNum<32)) { return memory[regNum]; } else if (regNum==32) { return getSp(); } else if (regNum==33) { return pc; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Illegal getReg()"); } } public int getREGNUM() { return 34; } public long getCycleCounter() { return cycles; } public void addWaitStates(int num) { } /** tells simulator to enter the suspended state */ public void suspend() { synchronized(halt) { breakNext=true; } // tracer.dumpTraceBack(); } public long getPrevCycles() { return prevCycles; } public long getCycles() { return cycles; } public void enableAccessWatchPoint(int address, int length) throws CPUException { if (accessWatchPoint) { throw new HardwareWatchPointException(); } accessWatchPointAddress=address; accessWatchPointLength=length; accessWatchPoint=true; } public void disableAccessWatchPoint(int address, int length) throws CPUException { if (!accessWatchPoint) { throw new HardwareWatchPointException(); } if ((address!=accessWatchPointAddress)||(length!=accessWatchPointLength)) { throw new HardwareWatchPointException(); } accessWatchPoint=false; } /** POPSP changes the stack pointer */ public void changeSp(int sp) throws CPUException { setSp(sp); tracer.setSp(sp); } public void setSp(int sp) throws CPUException { if ((sp%4)!=0) { throw new IllegalInstructionException(); } if (sp