-- Company: ZPU4 generic memory interface CPU -- Engineer: Øyvind Harboe library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use ieee.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.zpu_config.all; use work.zpupkg.all; -- mem_writeEnable - set to '1' for a single cycle to send off a write request. -- mem_write is valid only while mem_writeEnable='1'. -- mem_readEnable - set to '1' for a single cycle to send off a read request. -- -- mem_busy - It is illegal to send off a read/write request when mem_busy='1'. -- Set to '0' when mem_read is valid after a read request. -- If it goes to '1'(busy), it is on the cycle after mem_read/writeEnable -- is '1'. -- mem_addr - address for read/write request -- mem_read - read data. Valid only on the cycle after mem_busy='0' after -- mem_readEnable='1' for a single cycle. -- mem_write - data to write -- mem_writeMask - set to '1' for those bits that are to be written to memory upon -- write request -- break - set to '1' when CPU hits break instruction -- interrupt - set to '1' until interrupts are cleared by CPU. entity zpu_core is Port ( clk : in std_logic; areset : in std_logic; enable : in std_logic; in_mem_busy : in std_logic; mem_read : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); mem_write : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); out_mem_addr : out std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0); out_mem_writeEnable : out std_logic; out_mem_readEnable : out std_logic; mem_writeMask: out std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0); interrupt : in std_logic; break : out std_logic); end zpu_core; architecture behave of zpu_core is type InsnType is ( State_AddTop, State_Dup, State_DupStackB, State_Pop, State_Popdown, State_Add, State_Or, State_And, State_Store, State_AddSP, State_Shift, State_Nop, State_Im, State_LoadSP, State_StoreSP, State_Emulate, State_Load, State_PushPC, State_PushSP, State_PopPC, State_PopPCRel, State_Not, State_Flip, State_PopSP, State_Neqbranch, State_Eq, State_Loadb, State_Mult, State_Lessthan, State_Lessthanorequal, State_Ulessthanorequal, State_Ulessthan, State_Pushspadd, State_Call, State_Callpcrel, State_Sub, State_Break, State_Storeb, State_InsnFetch ); type StateType is ( State_Load2, State_Popped, State_LoadSP2, State_LoadSP3, State_AddSP2, State_Fetch, State_Execute, State_Decode, State_Decode2, State_Resync, State_StoreSP2, State_Resync2, State_Resync3, State_Loadb2, State_Storeb2, State_Mult2, State_Mult3, State_Mult5, State_Mult4, State_BinaryOpResult2, State_BinaryOpResult, State_Idle ); signal pc : unsigned(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0); signal sp : unsigned(maxAddrBitIncIO downto minAddrBit); signal incSp : unsigned(maxAddrBitIncIO downto minAddrBit); signal incIncSp : unsigned(maxAddrBitIncIO downto minAddrBit); signal decSp : unsigned(maxAddrBitIncIO downto minAddrBit); signal stackA : unsigned(wordSize-1 downto 0); signal binaryOpResult : unsigned(wordSize-1 downto 0); signal binaryOpResult2 : unsigned(wordSize-1 downto 0); signal multResult2 : unsigned(wordSize-1 downto 0); signal multResult3 : unsigned(wordSize-1 downto 0); signal multResult : unsigned(wordSize-1 downto 0); signal multA : unsigned(wordSize-1 downto 0); signal multB : unsigned(wordSize-1 downto 0); signal stackB : unsigned(wordSize-1 downto 0); signal idim_flag : std_logic; signal busy : std_logic; signal mem_writeEnable : std_logic; signal mem_readEnable : std_logic; signal mem_addr : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto minAddrBit); signal mem_delayAddr : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto minAddrBit); signal mem_delayReadEnable : std_logic; signal decodeWord : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); signal state : StateType; signal insn : InsnType; type InsnArray is array(0 to wordBytes-1) of InsnType; signal decodedOpcode : InsnArray; type OpcodeArray is array(0 to wordBytes-1) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal opcode : OpcodeArray; signal begin_inst : std_logic; signal trace_opcode : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal trace_pc : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0); signal trace_sp : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto minAddrBit); signal trace_topOfStack : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); signal trace_topOfStackB : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); -- state machine. begin traceFileGenerate: if Generate_Trace generate trace_file: trace port map ( clk => clk, begin_inst => begin_inst, pc => trace_pc, opcode => trace_opcode, sp => trace_sp, memA => trace_topOfStack, memB => trace_topOfStackB, busy => busy, intsp => (others => 'U') ); end generate; -- the memory subsystem will tell us one cycle later whether or -- not it is busy out_mem_writeEnable <= mem_writeEnable; out_mem_readEnable <= mem_readEnable; out_mem_addr(maxAddrBitIncIO downto minAddrBit) <= mem_addr; out_mem_addr(minAddrBit-1 downto 0) <= (others => '0'); incSp <= sp + 1; incIncSp <= sp + 2; decSp <= sp - 1; opcodeControl: process(clk, areset) variable tOpcode : std_logic_vector(OpCode_Size-1 downto 0); variable spOffset : unsigned(4 downto 0); variable tSpOffset : unsigned(4 downto 0); variable nextPC : unsigned(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0); variable tNextState : InsnType; variable tDecodedOpcode : InsnArray; variable tMultResult : unsigned(wordSize*2-1 downto 0); begin if areset = '1' then state <= State_Idle; break <= '0'; sp <= unsigned(spStart(maxAddrBitIncIO downto minAddrBit)); pc <= (others => '0'); idim_flag <= '0'; begin_inst <= '0'; mem_writeEnable <= '0'; mem_readEnable <= '0'; multA <= (others => '0'); multB <= (others => '0'); mem_writeMask <= (others => '1'); elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then -- we must multiply unconditionally to get pipelined multiplication tMultResult := multA * multB; multResult3 <= multResult2; multResult2 <= multResult; multResult <= tMultResult(wordSize-1 downto 0); binaryOpResult2 <= binaryOpResult; -- pipeline a bit. multA <= (others => DontCareValue); multB <= (others => DontCareValue); mem_addr <= (others => DontCareValue); mem_readEnable <='0'; mem_writeEnable <='0'; mem_write <= (others => DontCareValue); if (mem_writeEnable = '1') and (mem_readEnable = '1') then report "read/write collision" severity failure; end if; spOffset(4):=not opcode(to_integer(pc(byteBits-1 downto 0)))(4); spOffset(3 downto 0):=unsigned(opcode(to_integer(pc(byteBits-1 downto 0)))(3 downto 0)); nextPC := pc + 1; -- prepare trace snapshot trace_opcode <= opcode(to_integer(pc(byteBits-1 downto 0))); trace_pc <= std_logic_vector(pc); trace_sp <= std_logic_vector(sp); trace_topOfStack <= std_logic_vector(stackA); trace_topOfStackB <= std_logic_vector(stackB); begin_inst <= '0'; case state is when State_Idle => if enable='1' then state <= State_Resync; end if; -- Initial state of ZPU, fetch top of stack + first instruction when State_Resync => if in_mem_busy='0' then mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(sp); mem_readEnable <= '1'; state <= State_Resync2; end if; when State_Resync2 => if in_mem_busy='0' then stackA <= unsigned(mem_read); mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(incSp); mem_readEnable <= '1'; state <= State_Resync3; end if; when State_Resync3 => if in_mem_busy='0' then stackB <= unsigned(mem_read); mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(pc(maxAddrBitIncIO downto minAddrBit)); mem_readEnable <= '1'; state <= State_Decode; end if; when State_Decode => if in_mem_busy='0' then decodeWord <= mem_read; state <= State_Decode2; end if; when State_Decode2 => -- decode 4 instructions in parallel for i in 0 to wordBytes-1 loop tOpcode := decodeWord((wordBytes-1-i+1)*8-1 downto (wordBytes-1-i)*8); tSpOffset(4):=not tOpcode(4); tSpOffset(3 downto 0):=unsigned(tOpcode(3 downto 0)); opcode(i) <= tOpcode; if (tOpcode(7 downto 7)=OpCode_Im) then tNextState:=State_Im; elsif (tOpcode(7 downto 5)=OpCode_StoreSP) then if tSpOffset = 0 then tNextState := State_Pop; elsif tSpOffset=1 then tNextState := State_PopDown; else tNextState :=State_StoreSP; end if; elsif (tOpcode(7 downto 5)=OpCode_LoadSP) then if tSpOffset = 0 then tNextState :=State_Dup; elsif tSpOffset = 1 then tNextState :=State_DupStackB; else tNextState :=State_LoadSP; end if; elsif (tOpcode(7 downto 5)=OpCode_Emulate) then tNextState :=State_Emulate; if tOpcode(5 downto 0)=OpCode_Neqbranch then tNextState :=State_Neqbranch; elsif tOpcode(5 downto 0)=OpCode_Eq then tNextState :=State_Eq; elsif tOpcode(5 downto 0)=OpCode_Lessthan then tNextState :=State_Lessthan; elsif tOpcode(5 downto 0)=OpCode_Lessthanorequal then --tNextState :=State_Lessthanorequal; elsif tOpcode(5 downto 0)=OpCode_Ulessthan then tNextState :=State_Ulessthan; elsif tOpcode(5 downto 0)=OpCode_Ulessthanorequal then --tNextState :=State_Ulessthanorequal; elsif tOpcode(5 downto 0)=OpCode_Loadb then tNextState :=State_Loadb; elsif tOpcode(5 downto 0)=OpCode_Mult then tNextState :=State_Mult; elsif tOpcode(5 downto 0)=OpCode_Storeb then tNextState :=State_Storeb; elsif tOpcode(5 downto 0)=OpCode_Pushspadd then tNextState :=State_Pushspadd; elsif tOpcode(5 downto 0)=OpCode_Callpcrel then tNextState :=State_Callpcrel; elsif tOpcode(5 downto 0)=OpCode_Call then --tNextState :=State_Call; elsif tOpcode(5 downto 0)=OpCode_Sub then tNextState :=State_Sub; elsif tOpcode(5 downto 0)=OpCode_PopPCRel then --tNextState :=State_PopPCRel; end if; elsif (tOpcode(7 downto 4)=OpCode_AddSP) then if tSpOffset = 0 then tNextState := State_Shift; elsif tSpOffset = 1 then tNextState := State_AddTop; else tNextState :=State_AddSP; end if; else case tOpcode(3 downto 0) is when OpCode_Nop => tNextState :=State_Nop; when OpCode_PushSP => tNextState :=State_PushSP; when OpCode_PopPC => tNextState :=State_PopPC; when OpCode_Add => tNextState :=State_Add; when OpCode_Or => tNextState :=State_Or; when OpCode_And => tNextState :=State_And; when OpCode_Load => tNextState :=State_Load; when OpCode_Not => tNextState :=State_Not; when OpCode_Flip => tNextState :=State_Flip; when OpCode_Store => tNextState :=State_Store; when OpCode_PopSP => tNextState :=State_PopSP; when others => tNextState := State_Break; end case; end if; tDecodedOpcode(i) := tNextState; end loop; insn <= tDecodedOpcode(to_integer(pc(byteBits-1 downto 0))); -- once we wrap, we need to fetch tDecodedOpcode(0) := State_InsnFetch; decodedOpcode <= tDecodedOpcode; state <= State_Execute; -- Each instruction must: -- -- 1. set idim_flag -- 2. increase pc if applicable -- 3. set next state if appliable -- 4. do it's operation when State_Execute => insn <= decodedOpcode(to_integer(nextPC(byteBits-1 downto 0))); case insn is when State_InsnFetch => state <= State_Fetch; when State_Im => if in_mem_busy='0' then begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '1'; pc <= pc + 1; if idim_flag='1' then stackA(wordSize-1 downto 7) <= stackA(wordSize-8 downto 0); stackA(6 downto 0) <= unsigned(opcode(to_integer(pc(byteBits-1 downto 0)))(6 downto 0)); else mem_writeEnable <= '1'; mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(incSp); mem_write <= std_logic_vector(stackB); stackB <= stackA; sp <= decSp; for i in wordSize-1 downto 7 loop stackA(i) <= opcode(to_integer(pc(byteBits-1 downto 0)))(6); end loop; stackA(6 downto 0) <= unsigned(opcode(to_integer(pc(byteBits-1 downto 0)))(6 downto 0)); end if; end if; when State_StoreSP => if in_mem_busy='0' then begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; state <= State_StoreSP2; mem_writeEnable <= '1'; mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(sp+spOffset); mem_write <= std_logic_vector(stackA); stackA <= stackB; sp <= incSp; end if; when State_LoadSP => if in_mem_busy='0' then begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; state <= State_LoadSP2; sp <= decSp; mem_writeEnable <= '1'; mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(incSp); mem_write <= std_logic_vector(stackB); end if; when State_Emulate => if in_mem_busy='0' then begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; sp <= decSp; mem_writeEnable <= '1'; mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(incSp); mem_write <= std_logic_vector(stackB); stackA <= (others => DontCareValue); stackA(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0) <= pc + 1; stackB <= stackA; -- The emulate address is: -- 98 7654 3210 -- 0000 00aa aaa0 0000 pc <= (others => '0'); pc(9 downto 5) <= unsigned(opcode(to_integer(pc(byteBits-1 downto 0)))(4 downto 0)); state <= State_Fetch; end if; when State_Callpcrel => if in_mem_busy='0' then begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; stackA <= (others => DontCareValue); stackA(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0) <= pc + 1; pc <= pc + stackA(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0); state <= State_Fetch; end if; when State_Call => if in_mem_busy='0' then begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; stackA <= (others => DontCareValue); stackA(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0) <= pc + 1; pc <= stackA(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0); state <= State_Fetch; end if; when State_AddSP => if in_mem_busy='0' then begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; state <= State_AddSP2; mem_readEnable <= '1'; mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(sp+spOffset); end if; when State_PushSP => if in_mem_busy='0' then begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; pc <= pc + 1; sp <= decSp; stackA <= (others => '0'); stackA(maxAddrBitIncIO downto minAddrBit) <= sp; stackB <= stackA; mem_writeEnable <= '1'; mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(incSp); mem_write <= std_logic_vector(stackB); end if; when State_PopPC => if in_mem_busy='0' then begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; pc <= stackA(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0); sp <= incSp; mem_writeEnable <= '1'; mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(incSp); mem_write <= std_logic_vector(stackB); state <= State_Resync; end if; when State_PopPCRel => if in_mem_busy='0' then begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; pc <= stackA(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0) + pc; sp <= incSp; mem_writeEnable <= '1'; mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(incSp); mem_write <= std_logic_vector(stackB); state <= State_Resync; end if; when State_Add => if in_mem_busy='0' then begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; stackA <= stackA + stackB; mem_readEnable <= '1'; mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(incIncSp); sp <= incSp; state <= State_Popped; end if; when State_Sub => if in_mem_busy='0' then begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; binaryOpResult <= stackB - stackA; state <= State_BinaryOpResult; end if; when State_Pop => if in_mem_busy='0' then begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(incIncSp); mem_readEnable <= '1'; sp <= incSp; stackA <= stackB; state <= State_Popped; end if; when State_PopDown => if in_mem_busy='0' then -- PopDown leaves top of stack unchanged begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(incIncSp); mem_readEnable <= '1'; sp <= incSp; state <= State_Popped; end if; when State_Or => if in_mem_busy='0' then begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; stackA <= stackA or stackB; mem_readEnable <= '1'; mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(incIncSp); sp <= incSp; state <= State_Popped; end if; when State_And => if in_mem_busy='0' then begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; stackA <= stackA and stackB; mem_readEnable <= '1'; mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(incIncSp); sp <= incSp; state <= State_Popped; end if; when State_Eq => if in_mem_busy='0' then begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; binaryOpResult <= (others => '0'); if (stackA=stackB) then binaryOpResult(0) <= '1'; end if; state <= State_BinaryOpResult; end if; when State_Ulessthan => if in_mem_busy='0' then begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; binaryOpResult <= (others => '0'); if (stackA if in_mem_busy='0' then begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; binaryOpResult <= (others => '0'); if (stackA<=stackB) then binaryOpResult(0) <= '1'; end if; state <= State_BinaryOpResult; end if; when State_Lessthan => if in_mem_busy='0' then begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; binaryOpResult <= (others => '0'); if (signed(stackA) if in_mem_busy='0' then begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; binaryOpResult <= (others => '0'); if (signed(stackA)<=signed(stackB)) then binaryOpResult(0) <= '1'; end if; state <= State_BinaryOpResult; end if; when State_Load => if in_mem_busy='0' then begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; state <= State_Load2; mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(stackA(maxAddrBitIncIO downto minAddrBit)); mem_readEnable <= '1'; end if; when State_Dup => if in_mem_busy='0' then begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; pc <= pc + 1; sp <= decSp; stackB <= stackA; mem_write <= std_logic_vector(stackB); mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(incSp); mem_writeEnable <= '1'; end if; when State_DupStackB => if in_mem_busy='0' then begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; pc <= pc + 1; sp <= decSp; stackA <= stackB; stackB <= stackA; mem_write <= std_logic_vector(stackB); mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(incSp); mem_writeEnable <= '1'; end if; when State_Store => if in_mem_busy='0' then begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; pc <= pc + 1; mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(stackA(maxAddrBitIncIO downto minAddrBit)); mem_write <= std_logic_vector(stackB); mem_writeEnable <= '1'; sp <= incIncSp; state <= State_Resync; end if; when State_PopSP => if in_mem_busy='0' then begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; pc <= pc + 1; mem_write <= std_logic_vector(stackB); mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(incSp); mem_writeEnable <= '1'; sp <= stackA(maxAddrBitIncIO downto minAddrBit); state <= State_Resync; end if; when State_Nop => begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; pc <= pc + 1; when State_Not => begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; pc <= pc + 1; stackA <= not stackA; when State_Flip => begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; pc <= pc + 1; for i in 0 to wordSize-1 loop stackA(i) <= stackA(wordSize-1-i); end loop; when State_AddTop => begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; pc <= pc + 1; stackA <= stackA + stackB; when State_Shift => begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; pc <= pc + 1; stackA(wordSize-1 downto 1) <= stackA(wordSize-2 downto 0); stackA(0) <= '0'; when State_Pushspadd => begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; pc <= pc + 1; stackA <= (others => '0'); stackA(maxAddrBitIncIO downto minAddrBit) <= stackA(maxAddrBitIncIO-minAddrBit downto 0)+sp; when State_Neqbranch => -- branches are almost always taken as they form loops begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; sp <= incIncSp; if (stackB/=0) then pc <= stackA(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0) + pc; else pc <= pc + 1; end if; -- need to fetch stack again. state <= State_Resync; when State_Mult => begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; multA <= stackA; multB <= stackB; state <= State_Mult2; when State_Break => report "Break instruction encountered" severity failure; break <= '1'; when State_Loadb => if in_mem_busy='0' then begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; state <= State_Loadb2; mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(stackA(maxAddrBitIncIO downto minAddrBit)); mem_readEnable <= '1'; end if; when State_Storeb => if in_mem_busy='0' then begin_inst <= '1'; idim_flag <= '0'; state <= State_Storeb2; mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(stackA(maxAddrBitIncIO downto minAddrBit)); mem_readEnable <= '1'; end if; when others => sp <= (others => DontCareValue); report "Illegal instruction" severity failure; break <= '1'; end case; when State_StoreSP2 => if in_mem_busy='0' then mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(incSp); mem_readEnable <= '1'; state <= State_Popped; end if; when State_LoadSP2 => if in_mem_busy='0' then state <= State_LoadSP3; mem_readEnable <= '1'; mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(sp+spOffset+1); end if; when State_LoadSP3 => if in_mem_busy='0' then pc <= pc + 1; state <= State_Execute; stackB <= stackA; stackA <= unsigned(mem_read); end if; when State_AddSP2 => if in_mem_busy='0' then pc <= pc + 1; state <= State_Execute; stackA <= stackA + unsigned(mem_read); end if; when State_Load2 => if in_mem_busy='0' then stackA <= unsigned(mem_read); pc <= pc + 1; state <= State_Execute; end if; when State_Loadb2 => if in_mem_busy='0' then stackA <= (others => '0'); stackA(7 downto 0) <= unsigned(mem_read(((wordBytes-1-to_integer(stackA(byteBits-1 downto 0)))*8+7) downto (wordBytes-1-to_integer(stackA(byteBits-1 downto 0)))*8)); pc <= pc + 1; state <= State_Execute; end if; when State_Storeb2 => if in_mem_busy='0' then mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(stackA(maxAddrBitIncIO downto minAddrBit)); mem_write <= mem_read; mem_write(((wordBytes-1-to_integer(stackA(byteBits-1 downto 0)))*8+7) downto (wordBytes-1-to_integer(stackA(byteBits-1 downto 0)))*8) <= std_logic_vector(stackB(7 downto 0)); mem_writeEnable <= '1'; pc <= pc + 1; sp <= incIncSp; state <= State_Resync; end if; when State_Fetch => if in_mem_busy='0' then mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(pc(maxAddrBitIncIO downto minAddrBit)); mem_readEnable <= '1'; state <= State_Decode; end if; when State_Mult2 => state <= State_Mult3; when State_Mult3 => state <= State_Mult4; when State_Mult4 => state <= State_Mult5; when State_Mult5 => if in_mem_busy='0' then stackA <= multResult3; mem_readEnable <= '1'; mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(incIncSp); sp <= incSp; state <= State_Popped; end if; when State_BinaryOpResult => state <= State_BinaryOpResult2; when State_BinaryOpResult2 => mem_readEnable <= '1'; mem_addr <= std_logic_vector(incIncSp); sp <= incSp; stackA <= binaryOpResult2; state <= State_Popped; when State_Popped => if in_mem_busy='0' then pc <= pc + 1; stackB <= unsigned(mem_read); state <= State_Execute; end if; when others => sp <= (others => DontCareValue); report "Illegal state" severity failure; break <= '1'; end case; end if; end process; end behave;