library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use std.textio.all; library work; use work.zpu_config.all; use work.zpupkg.all; use work.txt_util.all; entity zpu_io is generic ( log_file: string := "log.txt" ); port( clk : in std_logic; areset : in std_logic; busy : out std_logic; writeEnable : in std_logic; readEnable : in std_logic; write : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); read : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); addr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit) ); end zpu_io; architecture behave of zpu_io is signal timer_read : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); --signal timer_write : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal timer_we : std_logic; signal serving : std_logic; file l_file : TEXT open write_mode is log_file; begin timerinst: timer port map ( clk => clk, areset => areset, we => timer_we, din => write(7 downto 0), adr => addr(4 downto 2), dout => timer_read); busy <= writeEnable or readEnable; timer_we <= writeEnable and addr(12); process(areset, clk) begin if (areset = '1') then -- timer_we <= '0'; elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then -- timer_we <= '0'; if writeEnable = '1' then -- external interface if addr=x"2028003" then -- Write to UART -- report "" & character'image(conv_integer(memBint)) severity note; print(l_file, character'val(to_integer(unsigned(write)))); elsif addr(12)='1' then -- report "xxx" severity failure; -- timer_we <= '1'; else print(l_file, character'val(to_integer(unsigned(write)))); report "Illegal IO write" severity warning; end if; end if; read <= (others => '0'); if (readEnable = '1') then if addr=x"1001" then read <= (0=>'1', others => '0'); -- recieve empty elsif addr(12)='1' then read(7 downto 0) <= timer_read; elsif addr(11)='1' then read(7 downto 0) <= ZPU_Frequency; elsif addr=x"2028003" then read <= (others => '0'); else read <= (others => '0'); read(8) <= '1'; report "Illegal IO read" severity warning; end if; end if; end if; end process; end behave;