Getting started - FPGA

The simplest version of the ZPU uses BRAM. When getting accustomed to the ZPU, a BRAM ZPU with a UART is a good place to start.

You'll find a working simulation script in hdl/example/

When implementing the ZPU, copy the following files and modify them to your needs:

  1. hdl/example/zpu_config.vhd - set up RAM size here
  2. hdl/example/helloworld.vhd - dual port BRAM implementation.
Obviously you must also connect the ZPU to the rest of your IO subsystem. IO is memory mapped(read/write) in the ZPU.

Generating VHDL BRAM initialization

../install/bin/zpu-elf-objdump -O binary hello.elf hello.bin
java -classpath ../simulator/zpusim.jar hello.bin >hello.bram

Running example simulation

The hdl/example directory has a simulation written for Xilinx WebPack ModelSim. From the ModelSim command prompt:
  1. cd c:/<installfolder>/hdl/example
  2. do

After running the hello world simulation (see, two files are written to the hdl/exmaple directory:

  1. log.txt - contains the "Hello world!" text written to the debug channel/simplified UART.
  2. trace.txt - a trace file for the CPU. The instruction set simulator has the capability of taking this file as input in order to verify that the HDL implementation matches the instruction set simulator. When a mismatch is found, the GDB debugger will break. Very handy for debugging custom ZPU implementations.

HDL Directories & files

The HDL files need a bit of spit and polish!