/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2006 STMicroelectronics ******************** * File Name : 91x_ssp.c * Author : MCD Application Team * Date First Issued : 05/18/2006 : Version 1.0 * Description : This file provides all the SSP software functions. ******************************************************************************** * History: * 05/24/2006 : Version 1.1 * 05/18/2006 : Version 1.0 ******************************************************************************** * THE PRESENT SOFTWARE WHICH IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY AIMS AT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS * WITH CODING INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR PRODUCTS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SAVE TIME. * AS A RESULT, STMICROELECTRONICS SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS ARISING FROM THE * CONTENT OF SUCH SOFTWARE AND/OR THE USE MADE BY CUSTOMERS OF THE CODING * INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRODUCTS. *******************************************************************************/ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "91x_ssp.h" #include "91x_scu.h" /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* SSP peripheral Enable */ #define SSP_Enable 0x0002 #define SSP_Disable 0xFFFD /* SSP Loop Back Mode Enable */ #define SSP_LoopBackMode_Enable 0x0001 #define SSP_LoopBackMode_Disable 0xFFFE /* SSP Flag Mask */ #define SSP_Flag_Mask 0x001F /* SSP DMA transmit/ receive enable/disable Masks */ #define SSP_DMA_TransmitEnable 0x0002 #define SSP_DMA_TransmitDisable 0xFFFD #define SSP_DMA_ReceiveEnable 0x0001 #define SSP_DMA_ReceiveDisable 0xFFFE /* SSP Masks */ #define SSP_FrameFormat_Mask 0xFFCF #define SSP_DataSize_Mask 0xFFF0 #define SSP_ClockRate_Mask 0x00FF #define SSP_ClockPrescaler_Mask 0xFF00 /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : SSP_DeInit * Description : Deinitializes the SSPx peripheral registers to their default * reset values. * Input : SSPx: where x can be 0 or 1 to select the SSP peripheral. * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void SSP_DeInit(SSP_TypeDef* SSPx) { if(SSPx == SSP0) { /* Reset the SSP0 registers values*/ SCU_APBPeriphReset(__SSP0,ENABLE); SCU_APBPeriphReset(__SSP0,DISABLE); } else if (SSPx == SSP1) { /* Reset the SSP1 registers values*/ SCU_APBPeriphReset(__SSP1,ENABLE); SCU_APBPeriphReset(__SSP1,DISABLE); } } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : SSP_Init * Description : Initializes the SSPx peripheral according to the specified * parameters in the SSP_InitTypeDef structure. * Input : - SSPx: where x can be 0 or 1 to select the SSP peripheral. * - SSP_InitStruct: pointer to a SSP_InitTypeDef structure that * contains the configuration information for the specified SSP * peripheral. * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void SSP_Init(SSP_TypeDef* SSPx, SSP_InitTypeDef* SSP_InitStruct) { if(SSP_InitStruct->SSP_FrameFormat == SSP_FrameFormat_Motorola) { /* Set the Motorola frame format */ SSPx->CR0 &= SSP_FrameFormat_Motorola; /* Configure the Clock polarity */ if(SSP_InitStruct->SSP_CPOL == SSP_CPOL_High) { /* SCK is held high when no data is being transfered */ SSPx->CR0 |= SSP_CPOL_High; } else { /* SCK is held low when no data is being transfered */ SSPx->CR0 &= SSP_CPOL_Low; } /* Configure the Clock Phase */ if(SSP_InitStruct->SSP_CPHA == SSP_CPHA_2Edge) { /* Data captured on second clock edge */ SSPx->CR0 |= SSP_CPHA_2Edge; } else { /* Data captured on first clock edge */ SSPx->CR0 &= SSP_CPHA_1Edge; } } /* Configure the Frame format */ else { /* Clear the FRF[1:0] bits */ SSPx->CR0 &= SSP_FrameFormat_Mask; /* Set the TI frame format */ SSPx->CR0 |= SSP_InitStruct->SSP_FrameFormat; } /* Configure the Mode */ if(SSP_InitStruct->SSP_Mode == SSP_Mode_Slave) { /* Set the slave mode */ SSPx->CR1 |= SSP_Mode_Slave; /* Configure the Slave output */ if(SSP_InitStruct->SSP_SlaveOutput == SSP_SlaveOutput_Disable) { /* Slave output disabled */ SSPx->CR1 |= SSP_SlaveOutput_Disable; } else { /* Slave output enabled */ SSPx->CR1 &= SSP_SlaveOutput_Enable; } } else { /* Set the master mode */ SSPx->CR1 &= SSP_Mode_Master; /* Clear clock rate SCR[7:0] bits */ SSPx->CR0 &= SSP_ClockRate_Mask; /* Set the serial clock rate */ SSPx->CR0 |= (SSP_InitStruct->SSP_ClockRate<<8); /* Clear clock prescaler CPSDVSR[7:0] bits */ SSPx->PR &= SSP_ClockPrescaler_Mask; /* Set the serial clock prescaler */ SSPx->PR |= SSP_InitStruct->SSP_ClockPrescaler; } /* Clear data size DSS[3:0] bits */ SSPx->CR0 &= SSP_DataSize_Mask; /* Set the data size */ SSPx->CR0 |= SSP_InitStruct->SSP_DataSize; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : SSP_StructInit * Description : Fills in a SSP_InitTypeDef structure with the reset value of * each parameter. * Input : SSP_InitStruct : pointer to a SSP_InitTypeDef structure which will be initialized. * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void SSP_StructInit(SSP_InitTypeDef* SSP_InitStruct) { /* Initialize the SSP_FrameFormat member */ SSP_InitStruct->SSP_FrameFormat = SSP_FrameFormat_Motorola; /* Initialize the SSP_Mode member */ SSP_InitStruct->SSP_Mode = SSP_Mode_Master; /* Initialize the SSP_CPOL member */ SSP_InitStruct->SSP_CPOL = SSP_CPOL_Low; /* Initialize the SSP_CPHA member */ SSP_InitStruct->SSP_CPHA = SSP_CPHA_1Edge; /* Initialize the SSP_DataSize member */ SSP_InitStruct->SSP_DataSize = SSP_DataSize_8b; /* Initialize the SSP_SlaveOutput member */ SSP_InitStruct->SSP_SlaveOutput = SSP_SlaveOutput_Enable; /* Initialize the SSP_ClockRate member */ SSP_InitStruct->SSP_ClockRate = 0; /* Initialize the SSP_ClockPrescaler member */ SSP_InitStruct->SSP_ClockPrescaler = 0; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : SSP_Cmd * Description : Enables or disables the specified SSP peripheral. * Input : - SSPx: where x can be 0 or 1 to select the SSP peripheral. * - NewState: new state of the SSPx peripheral. This parameter * can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void SSP_Cmd(SSP_TypeDef* SSPx, FunctionalState NewState) { if(NewState == ENABLE) { /* Enable the SSP peripheral */ SSPx->CR1 |= SSP_Enable; } else { /* Disable the SSP peripheral */ SSPx->CR1 &= SSP_Disable; } } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : SSP_ITConfig * Description : Enables or disables the specified SSP interrupts. * Input : - SSPx: where x can be 0 or 1 to select the SSP peripheral. * - SSP_IT: specifies the SSP interrupts sources to be enabled * or disabled. This parameter can be any combination of the * following values: * - SSP_IT_TxFifo: Transmit FIFO half empty or less interrupt * - SSP_IT_RxFifo: Receive FIFO half full or less interrupt * - SSP_IT_RxTimeOut: Receive timeout interrupt * - SSP_IT_RxOverrun: Receive overrun interrupt * - NewState: new state of the specified SSP interrupts. * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void SSP_ITConfig(SSP_TypeDef* SSPx, u16 SSP_IT, FunctionalState NewState) { if(NewState == ENABLE) { /* Enable the selected SSP interrupts */ SSPx->IMSCR |= SSP_IT; } else { /* Disable the selected SSP interrupts */ SSPx->IMSCR &= ~SSP_IT; } } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : SSP_DMACmd * Description : Configures the SSP0 DMA interface. * Input : - SSPx: where x can be 0 or 1 to select the SSP peripheral. * - SSP_DMATransfert : specifies the DMA transfert to be * enabled or disabled. This parameter can be one of the * following values: * - SSP_DMA_Transmit: transmit Fifo DMA transfert * - SSP_DMA_Receive : receive Fifo DMA transfert * - NewState: new state of the DMA transfert. * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void SSP_DMACmd(SSP_TypeDef* SSPx, u16 SSP_DMATransfert, FunctionalState NewState) { if(NewState == ENABLE) { if(SSP_DMATransfert == SSP_DMA_Transmit) { /* Enable DMA for the transmit FIFO */ SSPx->DMACR |= SSP_DMA_TransmitEnable; } else { /* Enable DMA for the receive FIFO */ SSPx->DMACR |= SSP_DMA_ReceiveEnable; } } else { if(SSP_DMATransfert == SSP_DMA_Transmit) { /* Disable DMA for the transmit FIFO */ SSPx->DMACR &= SSP_DMA_TransmitDisable; } else { /* Disable DMA for the receive FIFO */ SSPx->DMACR &= SSP_DMA_ReceiveDisable; } } } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : SSP_SendData. * Description : Transmits a Data through the SSP peripheral. * Input : - SSPx: where x can be 0 or 1 to select the SSP peripheral. * - Data : Data to be transmitted. * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void SSP_SendData(SSP_TypeDef* SSPx, u16 Data) { /* Write in the DR register the data to be sent */ SSPx->DR = Data; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : SSP_ReceiveData. * Description : Returns the most recent received data by the SSP peripheral. * Input : SSPx: where x can be 0 or 1 to select the SSP peripheral. * Output : None * Return : The value of the received data. *******************************************************************************/ u16 SSP_ReceiveData(SSP_TypeDef* SSPx) { /* Return the data in the DR register */ return SSPx->DR; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : SSP_LoopBackMode * Description : Enable or disable the Loop back mode for the selected SSPx peripheral. * Input : - SSPx: where x can be 0 or 1 to select the SSP peripheral. * - NewState: new state of the Loop Back mode. * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. * Output : None * Return : None. *******************************************************************************/ void SSP_LoopBackMode(SSP_TypeDef* SSPx, FunctionalState NewState) { if(NewState == ENABLE) { /* Enable loop back mode */ SSPx->CR1 |= SSP_LoopBackMode_Enable; } else { /* Disable loop back mode */ SSPx->CR1 &= SSP_LoopBackMode_Disable; } } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : SSP_GetFlagStatus * Description : Checks whether the specified SSP flag is set or not. * Input : - SSPx: where x can be 0 or 1 to select the SSP peripheral. * - SSP_FLAG: flag to check. This parameter can be one of the * following values: * - SSP_FLAG_Busy: busy flag * - SSP_FLAG_RxFifoFull: Receive FIFO full flag * - SSP_FLAG_RxFifoNotEmpty: Receive FIFO not empty flag * - SSP_FLAG_TxFifoNotFull: Transmit FIFO not full flag * - SSP_FLAG_TxFifoEmpty: Transmit FIFO empty flag * - SSP_FLAG_TxFifo: Transmit FIFO half empty or less flag * - SSP_FLAG_RxFifo: Receive FIFO half full or less flag * - SSP_FLAG_RxTimeOut: Receive timeout flag * - SSP_FLAG_RxOverrun: Receive overrun flag * Output : None * Return : The new state of SSP_Flag (SET or RESET). *******************************************************************************/ FlagStatus SSP_GetFlagStatus(SSP_TypeDef* SSPx, u16 SSP_FLAG) { u32 SSPReg = 0, FlagPos = 0; u32 StatusReg = 0; /* Get the SSP register index */ SSPReg = SSP_FLAG >> 5; /* Get the flag position */ FlagPos = SSP_FLAG & SSP_Flag_Mask; /* Find the register of the flag to check */ if(SSPReg == 1) { /* The flag to check is in SR register */ StatusReg = SSPx->SR; } else if (SSPReg == 2) { /* The flag to check is in RISR register */ StatusReg = SSPx->RISR; } /* Check the status of the specified SSP flag */ if((StatusReg & (1 << FlagPos)) != RESET) { /* Return SET if the SSP flag is set */ return SET; } else { /* Return RESET if the SSP flag is reset */ return RESET; } } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : SSP_ClearFlag * Description : Clears the SSPx flags. * Input : - SSPx: where x can be 0 or 1 to select the SSP peripheral. * - SSP_FLAG: flags to clear. This parameter one of the * following values: * - SSP_FLAG_RxTimeOut: Receive timeout flag * - SSP_FLAG_RxOverrun: Receive overrun flag * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void SSP_ClearFlag(SSP_TypeDef* SSPx, u16 SSP_FLAG) { u8 FlagPos = 0; /* Get the flag position */ FlagPos = SSP_FLAG & SSP_Flag_Mask; /* Clear the selected SSP flag */ SSPx->ICR = (1 << FlagPos); } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : SSP_GetITStatus * Description : Checks whether the specified SSP interrupt flag is set or not. * Input : - SSPx: where x can be 0 or 1 to select the SSP peripheral. * - SSP_IT: interrupt flag to check. This parameter can be one * of the following values: * - SSP_IT_TxFifo: Transmit FIFO half empty or less interrupt * - SSP_IT_RxFifo: Receive FIFO half full or less interrupt * - SSP_IT_RxTimeOut: Receive timeout interrupt * - SSP_IT_RxOverrun: Receive overrun interrupt * Output : None * Return : The new state of SSP_IT flag (SET or RESET). *******************************************************************************/ ITStatus SSP_GetITStatus(SSP_TypeDef* SSPx, u16 SSP_IT) { /* Check the status of the specified interrupt flag */ if((SSPx->MISR & SSP_IT) != RESET) { /* Return SET if the SSP interrupt flag is set */ return SET; } else { /* Return RESET if SSP interrupt flag is reset */ return RESET; } } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : SSP_ClearITPendingBit * Description : Clears the pending interrupt flags. * Input : - SSPx: where x can be 0 or 1 to select the SSP peripheral. * - SSP_IT: interrupts pending bits to clear. This parameter * can be any combination of the following values: * - SSP_IT_RxTimeOut: Receive timeout interrupt * - SSP_IT_RxOverrun: Receive overrun interrupt * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void SSP_ClearITPendingBit(SSP_TypeDef* SSPx, u16 SSP_IT) { /* Clear the selected SSP interrupts pending bits */ SSPx->ICR = SSP_IT; } /******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2006 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/