From 974f0707def69428579ee4b9d21bf3a920de8938 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: oharboe Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2008 15:05:26 +0000 Subject: 2008-09-08 Salvador Eduardo Tropea * zpu/hdl/zealot: a complete ZPU implementation cleaned up and with a UART. --- zpu/hdl/zealot/0README.txt | 152 + zpu/hdl/zealot/BSD | 20 + zpu/hdl/zealot/GPL_V2 | 341 ++ zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/br_gen.vhdl | 91 + zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/phi_io.vhdl | 209 ++ zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/rx_unit.vhdl | 108 + zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/timer.vhdl | 91 + zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/trace.vhdl | 258 ++ zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/tx_unit.vhdl | 109 + zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/txt_util.vhdl | 541 +++ zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/dmips_med1.vhdl | 115 + zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/hello_med1.vhdl | 115 + zpu/hdl/zealot/helpers/zpu_med1.vhdl | 170 + zpu/hdl/zealot/roms/dmips_bram.vhdl | 4462 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ zpu/hdl/zealot/roms/hello_bram.vhdl | 3056 +++++++++++++++++ zpu/hdl/zealot/roms/rom_pkg.vhdl | 80 + zpu/hdl/zealot/testbenches/dmips_med1_tb.vhdl | 129 + zpu/hdl/zealot/zpu_medium.vhdl | 948 ++++++ zpu/hdl/zealot/zpu_pkg.vhdl | 270 ++ 19 files changed, 11265 insertions(+) create mode 100644 zpu/hdl/zealot/0README.txt create mode 100644 zpu/hdl/zealot/BSD create mode 100644 zpu/hdl/zealot/GPL_V2 create mode 100644 zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/br_gen.vhdl create mode 100644 zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/phi_io.vhdl create mode 100644 zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/rx_unit.vhdl create mode 100644 zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/timer.vhdl create mode 100644 zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/trace.vhdl create mode 100644 zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/tx_unit.vhdl create mode 100644 zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/txt_util.vhdl create mode 100644 zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/dmips_med1.vhdl create mode 100644 zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/hello_med1.vhdl create mode 100644 zpu/hdl/zealot/helpers/zpu_med1.vhdl create mode 100644 zpu/hdl/zealot/roms/dmips_bram.vhdl create mode 100644 zpu/hdl/zealot/roms/hello_bram.vhdl create mode 100644 zpu/hdl/zealot/roms/rom_pkg.vhdl create mode 100644 zpu/hdl/zealot/testbenches/dmips_med1_tb.vhdl create mode 100644 zpu/hdl/zealot/zpu_medium.vhdl create mode 100644 zpu/hdl/zealot/zpu_pkg.vhdl (limited to 'zpu/hdl/zealot') diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/0README.txt b/zpu/hdl/zealot/0README.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..364806c --- /dev/null +++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/0README.txt @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ +This is a test release of the ZPU. +ZPU is a 32 bits stack CPU. This package contains a VHDL implementation +suitable for FPGAs. It was tested using a Xilinx Spartan 3 1500 FPGA. + +The author of the ZPU is Øyvind Harboe (oyvind.harboe and the +license is the BSD one. Portions of this package were developed by Salvador E. +Tropea (salvador and others. Some portions are under the GPL +license. + +Øyvind also added a ZPU target to the gcc/gdb. + +For more information about the ZPU core please visit: + + + +What are the files? +------------------- + +zpu_medium.vhdl +ZPU CPU, medium version. + +zpu_pkg.vhdl +Package containing the declarations for the ZPU library. + +devices/phi_io.vhdl +The very basic I/O peripherals needed for the standard C library. It includes a +timer (64 bits clock counter) and an UART (8N1 without FIFO). +This is known as the PHI I/O layout, this implementation isn't complete. Only +the above mentioned peripherals are available. + +devices/timer.vhdl +64 bits clock counter maped by the PHI I/O. + +devices/trace.vhdl +This is used for debug purposes. The ZPU have a debug port to connect this +module. It can generate an execution trace log during the simulation. + +devices/txt_util.vhdl +Useful text handling routines for the simulation. + +devices/br_gen.vhdl +Fixed baud rate generator for the UART. + +devices/rx_unit.vhdl +UART Rx module. + +devices/tx_unit.vhdl +UART Tx module. + +roms/rom_pkg.vhdl +Package containing the declarations for the memories used by the small and +medium ZPU. + +roms/dmips_bram.vhdl +A memory that maps to Xilinx BRAMs and contains the Dhrystone Benchmark, +Version 2.1 (Language: C). This memory can be connected to the ZPU for +simulation or hardware implementations. The code assumes a 50 MHz clock to +compute the benchmark. The minimum size for this block should be 32 kB. + +roms/hello_bram.vhdl +A memory that maps to Xilinx BRAMs and contains a simple "Hello World!" +program (C compiled). This memory can be connected to the ZPU for +simulation or hardware implementations. The minimum size for this block +should be 16 kB. + +helpers/zpu_med1.vhdl +This is a helper that connects a ZPU to its memory and the PHI I/O space. + +testbenches/dmips_med1_tb.vhdl +A simple testbench to simulate the ZPU (behavior). + +fpga/dmips_med1.vhdl +A wrapper to implement the ZPU in an FPGA. This example was designed for a +GR-XC3S board from Pender, but should be easily adapted to other boards. + + +ZPU library? +------------ + +The following files are part of a library I called ZPU: + +zpu_pkg.vhdl, zpu_medium.vhdl, txt_util.vhdl, timer.vhdl, rx_unit.vhdl, +tx_unit.vhdl, br_gen.vhdl, phi_io.vhdl and trace.vhdl. + +You should group them inside a library called zpu. This procedure is tool-chain +dependent. In the ISE tool you must add a library and them move these files to +the library. + +If you don't know how to do it with your tools you can just replace all the: + +library zpu; +use zpu.xxxxxx.all; + +code by: + +library work; +use work.xxxxxx.all; + + +Which files are needed for simulation? +-------------------------------------- + +You need all the files that compose the zpu library plus: +1) A memory containing a program, i.e.: +roms/rom_pkg.vhdl and roms/dmips_bram.vhdl +2) A testbench (including the memory and I/O interconnections): +aux/zpu_med1.vhdl and testbenches/dmips_med1_tb.vhdl + + +Which files are needed for synthesis? +------------------------------------- + +This is similar to simulation, but: +1) You should avoid trace.vhdl. +2) The top level should connect to the FPGA pins, replace dmips_med1_tb.vhdl +by fpga/dmips_med1.vhdl or fpga/hello_med1.vhdl + + +What resources are needed in the FPGA? +-------------------------------------- + +The DMIPS benchmarks needs aprox (Xilinx Spartan 3): + +Flip Flops: 498 +LUTs: 1877 +Slices: 1032 +BRAMs: 16 +Multipliers: 3 + +The hello world example needs less memory: + +Flip Flops: 496 +LUTs: 1872 +Slices: 1027 +BRAMs: 8 +Multipliers: 3 + +The board should contain an RS-232 transceiver. A push button (active when +pressed) is also used, for reset. + + +Ok, I synthetized it and put in the FPGA, what now? +--------------------------------------------------- + +Connect the RS-232 board output to a terminal (a PC). Setup the terminal for +115200 8N1 reception and press the reset push button. You should get the +program output. You can change the baudrate in the toplevel VHDL. + + +Please tell me if you succeed or failed! +Enjoy, Salvador E. Tropea + diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/BSD b/zpu/hdl/zealot/BSD new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cca2a5c --- /dev/null +++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/BSD @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions +are met: + +1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES +OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. +IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, +INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT +NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, +DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY +THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/GPL_V2 b/zpu/hdl/zealot/GPL_V2 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..21b9363 --- /dev/null +++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/GPL_V2 @@ -0,0 +1,341 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) 19yy + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + , 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/br_gen.vhdl b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/br_gen.vhdl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d14440e --- /dev/null +++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/br_gen.vhdl @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- RS-232 baudrate generator ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- Description: ---- +---- This counter is a parametrizable clock divider. The count value is ---- +---- the generic parameter COUNT. It has a chip enable ce_i input. ---- +---- (will count only if CE is high). ---- +---- When it overflows, will emit a pulse on o_o. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- - ---- +---- ---- +---- Author: ---- +---- - Philippe Carton, philippe.carton2 ---- +---- - Juan Pablo Daniel Borgna, jpdborgna ---- +---- - Salvador E. Tropea, salvador ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Philippe Carton ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2005 Juan Pablo Daniel Borgna ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Salvador E. Tropea ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial ---- +---- ---- +---- Distributed under the GPL license ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Design unit: BRGen(Behaviour) (Entity and architecture) ---- +---- File name: br_gen.vhdl ---- +---- Note: None ---- +---- Limitations: None known ---- +---- Errors: None known ---- +---- Library: zpu ---- +---- Dependencies: IEEE.std_logic_1164 ---- +---- Target FPGA: Spartan ---- +---- Language: VHDL ---- +---- Wishbone: No ---- +---- Synthesis tools: Xilinx Release 9.2.03i - xst J.39 ---- +---- Simulation tools: GHDL [Sokcho edition] (0.2x) ---- +---- Text editor: SETEdit 0.5.x ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +library IEEE; +use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; + +entity BRGen is + generic( + COUNT : integer range 0 to 65535);-- Count revolution + port ( + clk_i : in std_logic; -- Clock + reset_i : in std_logic; -- Reset input + ce_i : in std_logic; -- Chip Enable + o_o : out std_logic); -- Output +end entity BRGen; + +architecture Behaviour of BRGen is + +begin + CountGen: + if COUNT/=1 generate + Counter: + process (clk_i) + variable cnt : integer range 0 to COUNT-1; + begin + if rising_edge(clk_i) then + o_o <= '0'; + if reset_i='1' then + cnt:=COUNT-1; + elsif ce_i='1' then + if cnt=0 then + o_o <= '1'; + cnt:=COUNT-1; + else + cnt:=cnt-1; + end if; -- cnt/=0 + end if; -- ce_i='1' + end if; -- rising_edge(clk_i) + end process Counter; + end generate CountGen; + + CountWire: + if COUNT=1 generate + o_o <= '0' when reset_i='1' else ce_i; + end generate CountWire; +end architecture Behaviour; -- Entity: BRGen + diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/phi_io.vhdl b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/phi_io.vhdl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..267ff54 --- /dev/null +++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/phi_io.vhdl @@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- ZPU Phi I/O ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- Description: ---- +---- ZPU is a 32 bits small stack cpu. This is the minimum I/O devices ---- +---- assumed by the libc. They are a timer and an UART.@p ---- +---- Important! this is currently a simulation only model, no UART ---- +---- provided and it unconditionally generates a log. ---- +---- Important! not all peripherals implemented! ---- +---- Important! The enable signals assumes this is mapped @ 0x80A00xx. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- - ---- +---- ---- +---- Author: ---- +---- - Øyvind Harboe, oyvind.harboe ---- +---- - Salvador E. Tropea, salvador ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Øyvind Harboe ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Salvador E. Tropea ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial ---- +---- ---- +---- Distributed under the BSD license ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Design unit: ZPUPhiIO(Behave) (Entity and architecture) ---- +---- File name: phi_io.vhdl ---- +---- Note: None ---- +---- Limitations: Only for simulation. ---- +---- Errors: None known ---- +---- Library: zpu ---- +---- Dependencies: IEEE.std_logic_1164 ---- +---- IEEE.numeric_std ---- +---- std.textio ---- +---- zpu.zpupkg ---- +---- zpu.txt_util ---- +---- Target FPGA: Spartan 3 (XC3S1500-4-FG456) ---- +---- Language: VHDL ---- +---- Wishbone: No ---- +---- Synthesis tools: N/A ---- +---- Simulation tools: GHDL [Sokcho edition] (0.2x) ---- +---- Text editor: SETEdit 0.5.x ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +library IEEE; +use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; +use IEEE.numeric_std.all; + +use std.textio.all; + +library zpu; +use zpu.zpupkg.all; +use zpu.UART.all; +use zpu.txt_util.all; + +entity ZPUPhiIO is + generic( + BRDIVISOR : positive:=1; -- Baud rate divisor i.e. br_clk/9600/4 + ENA_LOG : boolean:=true; -- Enable log + LOG_FILE : string:="log.txt"); -- Name for the log file + port( + clk_i : in std_logic; -- System Clock + reset_i : in std_logic; -- Synchronous Reset + busy_o : out std_logic; -- I/O is busy + we_i : in std_logic; -- Write Enable + re_i : in std_logic; -- Read Enable + data_i : in unsigned(31 downto 0); + data_o : out unsigned(31 downto 0); + addr_i : in unsigned(2 downto 0); -- Address bits 4-2 + rs232_rx_i : in std_logic; -- UART Rx input + rs232_tx_o : out std_logic; -- UART Tx output + br_clk_i : in std_logic); -- UART base clock (enable) +end entity ZPUPhiIO; + + +architecture Behave of ZPUPhiIO is + constant LOW_BITS : unsigned(1 downto 0):=(others=>'0'); + constant TX_FULL : std_logic:='0'; + constant RX_EMPTY : std_logic:='1'; + + -- "000" 0x00 is CPU enable ... useful? + -- "001" 0x04 Unused + -- "010" 0x08 Unused + constant UART_TX : unsigned(2 downto 0):="011"; -- 0x0C + constant UART_RX : unsigned(2 downto 0):="100"; -- 0x10 + constant CNT_1 : unsigned(2 downto 0):="101"; -- 0x14 + constant CNT_2 : unsigned(2 downto 0):="110"; -- 0x18 + -- "111" 0x1C Unused + -- Unimplemented: Interrupt control and timer (not counter ...?) + + signal timer_read : unsigned(31 downto 0); + signal timer_we : std_logic; + signal is_timer : std_logic; + + -- UART + -- Rx + signal rx_br : std_logic; -- Rx timing + signal uart_read : std_logic; -- ZPU read the value + signal rx_avail : std_logic; -- Rx data available + signal rx_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Rx data + -- Tx + signal tx_br : std_logic; -- Tx timing + signal uart_write : std_logic; -- ZPU is writing + signal tx_busy : std_logic; -- Tx can't get a new value + + file l_file : text open write_mode is LOG_FILE; +begin + ----------- + -- Timer -- + ----------- + timerinst: Timer + port map( + clk_i => clk_i, reset_i => reset_i, we_i => timer_we, + data_i => data_i, addr_i => addr_i(1 downto 1), + data_o => timer_read); + + busy_o <= we_i or re_i; + is_timer <= '1' when addr_i=CNT_1 or addr_i=CNT_2 else '0'; -- 0x80A0014/8 + timer_we <= we_i and is_timer; + + ---------- + -- UART -- + ---------- + -- Rx section + rx_core : RxUnit + port map( + clk_i => clk_i, reset_i => reset_i, enable_i => rx_br, + read_i => uart_read, rxd_i => rs232_rx_i, rxav_o => rx_avail, + datao_o => rx_data); + uart_read <= '1' when re_i='1' and addr_i=UART_RX else '0'; + + -- Tx section + tx_core : TxUnit + port map( + clk_i => clk_i, reset_i => reset_i, enable_i => tx_br, + load_i => uart_write, txd_o => rs232_tx_o, busy_o => tx_busy, + datai_i => std_logic_vector(data_i(7 downto 0))); + uart_write <= '1' when we_i='1' and addr_i=UART_TX else '0'; + + -- Rx timing + rx_timer : BRGen + generic map(COUNT => BRDIVISOR) + port map( + clk_i => clk_i, reset_i => reset_i, ce_i => br_clk_i, o_o => rx_br); + + -- Tx timing + tx_timer : BRGen -- 4 Divider for Tx + generic map(COUNT => 4) + port map( + clk_i => clk_i, reset_i => reset_i, ce_i => rx_br, o_o => tx_br); + + do_io: + process(clk_i) + begin + if rising_edge(clk_i) then + if reset_i/='1' then + --synopsys translate off + if we_i='1' then + if addr_i=UART_TX and ENA_LOG then -- 0x80a000c + -- Write to UART + print("- Write to UART Tx: 0x" &hstr(data_i)&" ("& + character'val(to_integer(data_i) mod 256)&")"); + if to_integer(data_i)<256 then + print(l_file,character'val(to_integer(data_i))); + end if; + elsif is_timer='1' and ENA_LOG then + print("- Write to TIMER: 0x"&hstr(data_i)); + else + --print(l_file,character'val(to_integer(data_i))); + report "Illegal IO data_i=0x"&hstr(data_i)&" @0x"& + hstr(x"80a00"&"000"&addr_i&"00") severity warning; + end if; + end if; + --synopsys translate on + data_o <= (others => '0'); + if re_i='1' then + if addr_i=UART_TX then + if ENA_LOG then + print("- Read UART Tx"); + end if; + data_o(8) <= not(tx_busy); -- output fifo not full + elsif addr_i=UART_RX then + if ENA_LOG then + print("- Read UART Rx"); + end if; + data_o(8) <= rx_avail; -- receiver not empty + data_o(7 downto 0) <= unsigned(rx_data); + elsif is_timer='1' then + if ENA_LOG then + print("- Read TIMER: 0x"&hstr(timer_read)); + end if; + data_o <= timer_read; + else + report "Illegal IO data_o @0x"& + hstr(x"80a00"&"000"&addr_i&"00") severity warning; + end if; + end if; -- re_i='1' + end if; -- reset_i/='1' + end if; -- rising_edge(clk_i) + end process do_io; +end Behave; + diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/rx_unit.vhdl b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/rx_unit.vhdl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9b3251 --- /dev/null +++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/rx_unit.vhdl @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- RS-232 simple Rx module ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- Description: ---- +---- Implements a simple 8N1 rx module for RS-232. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- - ---- +---- ---- +---- Author: ---- +---- - Philippe Carton, philippe.carton2 ---- +---- - Juan Pablo Daniel Borgna, jpdborgna ---- +---- - Salvador E. Tropea, salvador ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Philippe Carton ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2005 Juan Pablo Daniel Borgna ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Salvador E. Tropea ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial ---- +---- ---- +---- Distributed under the GPL license ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Design unit: RxUnit(Behaviour) (Entity and architecture) ---- +---- File name: rx_unit.vhdl ---- +---- Note: None ---- +---- Limitations: None known ---- +---- Errors: None known ---- +---- Library: zpu ---- +---- Dependencies: IEEE.std_logic_1164 ---- +---- Target FPGA: Spartan ---- +---- Language: VHDL ---- +---- Wishbone: No ---- +---- Synthesis tools: Xilinx Release 9.2.03i - xst J.39 ---- +---- Simulation tools: GHDL [Sokcho edition] (0.2x) ---- +---- Text editor: SETEdit 0.5.x ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +library IEEE; +use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; + +entity RxUnit is + port( + clk_i : in std_logic; -- System clock signal + reset_i : in std_logic; -- Reset input (sync) + enable_i : in std_logic; -- Enable input (rate*4) + read_i : in std_logic; -- Received Byte Read + rxd_i : in std_logic; -- RS-232 data input + rxav_o : out std_logic; -- Byte available + datao_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); -- Byte received +end entity RxUnit; + +architecture Behaviour of RxUnit is + signal r_r : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Receive register + signal bavail_r : std_logic:='0'; -- Byte received +begin + rxav_o <= bavail_r; + -- Rx Process + RxProc: + process (clk_i) + variable bitpos : integer range 0 to 10; -- Position of the bit in the frame + variable samplecnt : integer range 0 to 3; -- Count from 0 to 3 in each bit + begin + if rising_edge(clk_i) then + if reset_i='1' then + bavail_r <= '0'; + bitpos:=0; + else -- reset_i='0' + if read_i='1' then + bavail_r <= '0'; + end if; + if enable_i='1' then + case bitpos is + when 0 => -- idle + bavail_r <= '0'; + if rxd_i='0' then -- Start Bit + samplecnt:=0; + bitpos:=1; + end if; + when 10 => -- Stop Bit + bitpos:=0; -- next is idle + bavail_r <= '1'; -- Indicate byte received + datao_o <= r_r; -- Store received byte + when others => + if samplecnt=1 and bitpos>=2 then -- Sample RxD on 1 + r_r(bitpos-2) <= rxd_i; -- Deserialisation + end if; + if samplecnt=3 then -- Increment BitPos on 3 + bitpos:=bitpos+1; + end if; + end case; + if samplecnt=3 then + samplecnt:=0; + else + samplecnt:=samplecnt+1; + end if; + end if; -- enable_i='1' + end if; -- reset_i='0' + end if; -- rising_edge(clk_i) + end process RxProc; +end architecture Behaviour; + diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/timer.vhdl b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/timer.vhdl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f485e4d --- /dev/null +++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/timer.vhdl @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- 64 bits clock counter ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- Description: ---- +---- This is a peripheral used by the PHI I/O layout. It just counts the ---- +---- elapsed number of clocks. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- - ---- +---- ---- +---- Author: ---- +---- - Øyvind Harboe, oyvind.harboe ---- +---- - Salvador E. Tropea, salvador ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Øyvind Harboe ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Salvador E. Tropea ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial ---- +---- ---- +---- Distributed under the BSD license ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Design unit: Timer(Behave) (Entity and architecture) ---- +---- File name: timer.vhdl ---- +---- Note: None ---- +---- Limitations: None known ---- +---- Errors: None known ---- +---- Library: zpu ---- +---- Dependencies: IEEE.std_logic_1164 ---- +---- IEEE.numeric_std ---- +---- zpu.zpupkg ---- +---- Target FPGA: Spartan 3 (XC3S1500-4-FG456) ---- +---- Language: VHDL ---- +---- Wishbone: No ---- +---- Synthesis tools: Xilinx Release 9.2.03i - xst J.39 ---- +---- Simulation tools: GHDL [Sokcho edition] (0.2x) ---- +---- Text editor: SETEdit 0.5.x ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +library IEEE; +use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; +use IEEE.numeric_std.all; + +entity Timer is + port( + clk_i : in std_logic; + reset_i : in std_logic; + we_i : in std_logic; + data_i : in unsigned(31 downto 0); + addr_i : in unsigned(0 downto 0); + data_o : out unsigned(31 downto 0)); +end entity Timer; + +architecture Behave of Timer is + signal sample : std_logic; + signal reset : std_logic; + + signal cnt : unsigned(63 downto 0); + signal cnt_smp : unsigned(63 downto 0); +begin + reset <= '1' when (we_i='1' and data_i(0)='1') else '0'; + sample <= '1' when (we_i='1' and data_i(1)='1') else '0'; + + -- Carry generation + do_timer: + process (clk_i) + begin + if rising_edge(clk_i) then + if reset_i='1' or reset='1' then + cnt <= (others => '0'); + cnt_smp <= (others => '0'); + else + cnt <= cnt+1; + if sample='1' then + -- report "sampling" severity failure; + cnt_smp <= cnt; + end if; + end if; -- else reset_i='1' + end if; -- rising_edge(clk_i) + end process do_timer; + + data_o <= cnt_smp(31 downto 0) when addr_i="0" else + cnt_smp(63 downto 32); +end architecture Behave; -- Entity: Timer + diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/trace.vhdl b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/trace.vhdl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..83d3782 --- /dev/null +++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/trace.vhdl @@ -0,0 +1,258 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- ZPU Trace Module ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- Description: ---- +---- ZPU is a 32 bits small stack cpu. This is a module to log an ---- +---- execution trace. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- - ---- +---- ---- +---- Author: ---- +---- - Øyvind Harboe, oyvind.harboe ---- +---- - Salvador E. Tropea, salvador ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Øyvind Harboe ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Salvador E. Tropea ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial ---- +---- ---- +---- Distributed under the BSD license ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Design unit: Trace(Behave) (Entity and architecture) ---- +---- File name: trace.vhdl ---- +---- Note: None ---- +---- Limitations: None known ---- +---- Errors: None known ---- +---- Library: zpu ---- +---- Dependencies: IEEE.std_logic_1164 ---- +---- IEEE.numeric_std ---- +---- std.textio ---- +---- zpu.zpupkg ---- +---- zpu.txt_util ---- +---- Target FPGA: N/A ---- +---- Language: VHDL ---- +---- Wishbone: No ---- +---- Synthesis tools: N/A ---- +---- Simulation tools: GHDL [Sokcho edition] (0.2x) ---- +---- Text editor: SETEdit 0.5.x ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +library IEEE; +use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; +use IEEE.numeric_std.all; + +use std.textio.all; + +library zpu; +use zpu.zpupkg.all; +use zpu.txt_util.all; + +entity Trace is + generic( + LOG_FILE : string:="trace.txt"; -- Name of the trace file + ADDR_W : integer:=16; -- Address width + WORD_SIZE : integer:=32); -- 16/32 + port( + clk_i : in std_logic; + dbg_i : in zpu_dbgo_t; + stop_i : in std_logic; + busy_i : in std_logic + ); +end entity Trace; + +architecture Behave of Trace is + file l_file : text open write_mode is LOG_FILE; + signal counter : unsigned(63 downto 0); +begin + -- write data and control information to a file + receive_data: + process + variable l : line; + variable stk_min : unsigned(31 downto 0):=(others => '1'); + variable stk_ini : unsigned(31 downto 0); + variable first : boolean:=true; + variable sp_off : unsigned(4 downto 0); + variable idim : boolean:=false; + variable im_val : unsigned(31 downto 0):=(others => '0'); + begin + counter <= to_unsigned(1,64); + -- print header for the logfile + print(l_file,"#PC Opcode SP A=[SP] B=[SP+1] Clk Counter Assembler"); + print(l_file,"#---------------------------------------------------------------------------"); + print(l_file," "); + + wait until clk_i='1'; + wait until clk_i='0'; + + while true loop + counter <= counter+1; + if dbg_i.b_inst='1' then + write(l, "0x"&hstr(dbg_i.pc(ADDR_W-1 downto 0))& + " 0x"&hstr(dbg_i.opcode)& + " 0x"&hstr(dbg_i.sp)& + " 0x"&hstr(dbg_i.stk_a)& + " 0x"&hstr(dbg_i.stk_b)& + " 0x"&hstr(counter)&" "); + -------------------------- + -- Instruction Decoder -- + -------------------------- + sp_off(4):=not dbg_i.opcode(4); + sp_off(3 downto 0):=dbg_i.opcode(3 downto 0); + if dbg_i.opcode(7 downto 7)=OPCODE_IM then + if idim then + im_val(31 downto 7):=im_val(24 downto 0); + im_val(6 downto 0):=dbg_i.opcode(6 downto 0); + else + im_val:=unsigned(resize(signed(dbg_i.opcode(6 downto 0)),32)); + end if; + idim:=true; + write(l,"im 0x"&hstr(dbg_i.opcode(6 downto 0))&" ; 0x"&hstr(im_val)); + elsif dbg_i.opcode(7 downto 5)=OPCODE_STORESP then + if sp_off=0 then + write(l,string'("storesp 0 ; pop")); + elsif sp_off=1 then + write(l,string'("storesp 4 ; 1*4 = popdown")); + else + write(l,"storesp "&integer'image(to_integer(sp_off)*4)&" ; "& + integer'image(to_integer(sp_off))&"*4"); + end if; + elsif dbg_i.opcode(7 downto 5)=OPCODE_LOADSP then + if sp_off=0 then + write(l,string'("loadsp 0 ; dup")); + elsif sp_off=1 then + write(l,string'("loadsp 4 ; 1*4 = dupstkb")); + else + write(l,"loadsp "&integer'image(to_integer(sp_off)*4)&" ; "& + integer'image(to_integer(sp_off))&"*4"); + end if; + elsif dbg_i.opcode(7 downto 5)=OPCODE_EMULATE then + if dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_EQ then + write(l,string'("eq")); + elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_LOADB then + write(l,string'("loadb")); + elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_NEQBRANCH then + write(l,string'("neqbranch")); + elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_PUSHSPADD then + write(l,string'("pushspadd")); + elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_LESSTHAN then + write(l,string'("lessthan")); + elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_ULESSTHAN then + write(l,string'("ulessthan")); + elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_MULT then + write(l,string'("mult")); + elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_STOREB then + write(l,string'("storeb")); + elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_CALLPCREL then + write(l,string'("callpcrel")); + elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_SUB then + write(l,string'("sub")); + elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_LESSTHANOREQUAL then + write(l,string'("lessthanorequal")); + elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_ULESSTHANOREQUAL then + write(l,string'("ulessthanorequal")); + elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_CALL then + write(l,string'("call")); + elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_POPPCREL then + write(l,string'("poppcrel")); + elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_LSHIFTRIGHT then + write(l,string'("lshiftright")); + elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_LOADH then + write(l,string'("loadh")); + elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_STOREH then + write(l,string'("storeh")); + elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_ASHIFTLEFT then + write(l,string'("ashiftleft")); + elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_ASHIFTRIGHT then + write(l,string'("ashiftright")); + elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_NEQ then + write(l,string'("neq")); + elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_NEG then + write(l,string'("neg")); + elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_XOR then + write(l,string'("xor")); + elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_DIV then + write(l,string'("div")); + elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_MOD then + write(l,string'("mod")); + elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_EQBRANCH then + write(l,string'("eqbranch")); + elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_CONFIG then + write(l,string'("config")); + elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_PUSHPC then + write(l,string'("pushpc")); + else + write(l,integer'image(to_integer(dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)))& + " ; invalid emulated instruction"); + end if; + elsif dbg_i.opcode(7 downto 4)=OPCODE_ADDSP then + if sp_off=0 then + write(l,string'("addsp 0 ; shift")); + elsif sp_off=1 then + write(l,string'("addsp 4 ; 1*4 = addtop")); + else + write(l,"addsp "&integer'image(to_integer(sp_off)*4)&" ; "& + integer'image(to_integer(sp_off))&"*4"); + end if; + else -- OPCODE_SHORT + case dbg_i.opcode(3 downto 0) is + when OPCODE_BREAK => + write(l,string'("break")); + when OPCODE_PUSHSP => + write(l,string'("pushsp")); + when OPCODE_POPPC => + write(l,string'("poppc")); + when OPCODE_ADD => + write(l,string'("add")); + when OPCODE_OR => + write(l,string'("or")); + when OPCODE_AND => + write(l,string'("and")); + when OPCODE_LOAD => + write(l,string'("load")); + when OPCODE_NOT => + write(l,string'("not")); + when OPCODE_FLIP => + write(l,string'("flip")); + when OPCODE_STORE => + write(l,string'("store")); + when OPCODE_POPSP => + write(l,string'("popsp")); + when OPCODE_NOP => + write(l,string'("nop")); + when others => + write(l,integer'image(to_integer(dbg_i.opcode))& + " ; invalid instruction"); + end case; + end if; + if dbg_i.opcode(7 downto 7)/=OPCODE_IM then + idim:=false; + end if; + ----------------------------- + -- End Instruction Decoder -- + ----------------------------- + writeline(l_file,l); + if dbg_i.sp -- idle or stop bit + txd_r <= '1'; + if loaded_r='1' then -- start transmit. next is start bit + t_r <= tbuff_r; + loaded_r <= '0'; + bitpos:=1; + end if; + when 1 => -- Start bit + txd_r <= '0'; + bitpos:=2; + when others => + txd_r <= t_r(bitpos-2); -- Serialisation of t_r + bitpos:=bitpos+1; + end case; + if bitpos=10 then -- bit8. next is stop bit + bitpos:=0; + end if; + end if; -- enable_i='1' + end if; -- reset_i='0' + end if; -- rising_edge(clk_i) + end process TxProc; +end architecture Behaviour; diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/txt_util.vhdl b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/txt_util.vhdl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..862611c --- /dev/null +++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/txt_util.vhdl @@ -0,0 +1,541 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Text Utils ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- Description: ---- +---- Utils to handle text. Used for the testbenches. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- - ---- +---- ---- +---- Author: ---- +---- - Øyvind Harboe, oyvind.harboe ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Øyvind Harboe ---- +---- ---- +---- Distributed under the BSD license ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Design unit: txt_util (Package) ---- +---- File name: txt_util.vhdl ---- +---- Note: None ---- +---- Limitations: None known ---- +---- Errors: None known ---- +---- Library: zpu ---- +---- Dependencies: IEEE.std_logic_1164 ---- +---- IEEE.numeric_std ---- +---- std.textio ---- +---- Target FPGA: N/A ---- +---- Language: VHDL ---- +---- Wishbone: No ---- +---- Synthesis tools: Xilinx Release 9.2.03i - xst J.39 ---- +---- Simulation tools: GHDL [Sokcho edition] (0.2x) ---- +---- Text editor: SETEdit 0.5.x ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +library IEEE; +use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; +use IEEE.numeric_std.all; + +use std.textio.all; + +library zpu; + +package txt_util is + -- prints a message to the screen + procedure print(text: string); + + -- prints the message when active + -- useful for debug switches + procedure print(active: boolean; text: string); + + -- converts std_logic into a character + function chr(sl: std_logic) return character; + + -- converts std_logic into a string (1 to 1) + function str(sl: std_logic) return string; + + -- converts std_logic_vector into a string (binary base) + function str(slv: std_logic_vector) return string; + + -- converts boolean into a string + function str(b: boolean) return string; + + -- converts an integer into a single character + -- (can also be used for hex conversion and other bases) + function chr(int: integer) return character; + + -- converts integer into string using specified base + function str(int: integer; base: integer) return string; + + -- converts integer to string, using base 10 + function str(int: integer) return string; + + -- convert std_logic_vector into a string in hex format + function hstr(slv: std_logic_vector) return string; + function hstr(slv: unsigned) return string; + + + -- functions to manipulate strings + ----------------------------------- + + -- convert a character to upper case + function to_upper(c: character) return character; + + -- convert a character to lower case + function to_lower(c: character) return character; + + -- convert a string to upper case + function to_upper(s: string) return string; + + -- convert a string to lower case + function to_lower(s: string) return string; + + + + -- functions to convert strings into other formats + -------------------------------------------------- + + -- converts a character into std_logic + function to_std_logic(c: character) return std_logic; + + -- converts a string into std_logic_vector + function to_std_logic_vector(s: string) return std_logic_vector; + + + + -- file I/O + ----------- + + -- read variable length string from input file + procedure str_read(file in_file: TEXT; + res_string: out string); + + procedure str_write(file out_file: TEXT; + new_string: in string); + + -- print string to a file and start new line + procedure print(file out_file: TEXT; + new_string: in string); + + -- print character to a file and start new line + procedure print(file out_file: TEXT; + char: in character); +end package txt_util; + + + + +package body txt_util is + -- prints text to the screen + procedure print(text: string) is + variable msg_line: line; + begin + --synopsys translate off + write(msg_line, text); + writeline(output, msg_line); + --synopsys translate on + end procedure print; + + -- prints text to the screen when active + procedure print(active: boolean; text: string) is + begin + if active then + print(text); + end if; + end procedure print; + + -- converts std_logic into a character + function chr(sl: std_logic) return character is + variable c: character; + begin + case sl is + when 'U' => c:= 'U'; + when 'X' => c:= 'X'; + when '0' => c:= '0'; + when '1' => c:= '1'; + when 'Z' => c:= 'Z'; + when 'W' => c:= 'W'; + when 'L' => c:= 'L'; + when 'H' => c:= 'H'; + when '-' => c:= '-'; + end case; + return c; + end function chr; + + -- converts std_logic into a string (1 to 1) + function str(sl: std_logic) return string is + variable s: string(1 to 1); + begin + s(1):=chr(sl); + return s; + end function str; + + -- converts std_logic_vector into a string (binary base) + -- (this also takes care of the fact that the range of + -- a string is natural while a std_logic_vector may + -- have an integer range) + function str(slv: std_logic_vector) return string is + variable result : string (1 to slv'length); + variable r : integer; + begin + r:=1; + for i in slv'range loop + result(r) := chr(slv(i)); + r:=r+1; + end loop; + return result; + end function str; + + + function str(b: boolean) return string is + begin + if b then + return "true"; + else + return "false"; + end if; + end function str; + + -- converts an integer into a character + -- for 0 to 9 the obvious mapping is used, higher + -- values are mapped to the characters A-Z + -- (this is usefull for systems with base > 10) + -- (adapted from Steve Vogwell's posting in comp.lang.vhdl) + function chr(int: integer) return character is + variable c: character; + begin + case int is + when 0 => c := '0'; + when 1 => c := '1'; + when 2 => c := '2'; + when 3 => c := '3'; + when 4 => c := '4'; + when 5 => c := '5'; + when 6 => c := '6'; + when 7 => c := '7'; + when 8 => c := '8'; + when 9 => c := '9'; + when 10 => c := 'A'; + when 11 => c := 'B'; + when 12 => c := 'C'; + when 13 => c := 'D'; + when 14 => c := 'E'; + when 15 => c := 'F'; + when 16 => c := 'G'; + when 17 => c := 'H'; + when 18 => c := 'I'; + when 19 => c := 'J'; + when 20 => c := 'K'; + when 21 => c := 'L'; + when 22 => c := 'M'; + when 23 => c := 'N'; + when 24 => c := 'O'; + when 25 => c := 'P'; + when 26 => c := 'Q'; + when 27 => c := 'R'; + when 28 => c := 'S'; + when 29 => c := 'T'; + when 30 => c := 'U'; + when 31 => c := 'V'; + when 32 => c := 'W'; + when 33 => c := 'X'; + when 34 => c := 'Y'; + when 35 => c := 'Z'; + when others => c := '?'; + end case; + return c; + end function chr; + + -- convert integer to string using specified base + -- (adapted from Steve Vogwell's posting in comp.lang.vhdl) + function str(int: integer; base: integer) return string is + variable temp : string(1 to 10); + variable num : integer; + variable abs_int : integer; + variable len : integer:=1; + variable power : integer:=1; + begin + -- bug fix for negative numbers + abs_int:=abs(int); + + num :=abs_int; + + while num>=base loop -- Determine how many + len:=len+1; -- characters required + num:=num/base; -- to represent the + end loop; -- number. + + for i in len downto 1 loop -- Convert the number to + temp(i):=chr(abs_int/power mod base); -- a string starting + power:=power*base; -- with the right hand + end loop ; -- side. + + -- return result and add sign if required + if int<0 then + return '-'& temp(1 to len); + else + return temp(1 to len); + end if; + end function str; + + -- convert integer to string, using base 10 + function str(int: integer) return string is + begin + return str(int, 10) ; + end function str; + + -- converts a std_logic_vector into a hex string. + function hstr(slv: std_logic_vector) return string is + variable hexlen: integer; + variable longslv : std_logic_vector(67 downto 0):=(others => '0'); + variable hex : string(1 to 16); + variable fourbit : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + begin + hexlen:=(slv'left+1)/4; + if (slv'left+1) mod 4/=0 then + hexlen := hexlen + 1; + end if; + longslv(slv'left downto 0) := slv; + for i in (hexlen-1) downto 0 loop + fourbit:=longslv(((i*4)+3) downto (i*4)); + case fourbit is + when "0000" => hex(hexlen-I):='0'; + when "0001" => hex(hexlen-I):='1'; + when "0010" => hex(hexlen-I):='2'; + when "0011" => hex(hexlen-I):='3'; + when "0100" => hex(hexlen-I):='4'; + when "0101" => hex(hexlen-I):='5'; + when "0110" => hex(hexlen-I):='6'; + when "0111" => hex(hexlen-I):='7'; + when "1000" => hex(hexlen-I):='8'; + when "1001" => hex(hexlen-I):='9'; + when "1010" => hex(hexlen-I):='A'; + when "1011" => hex(hexlen-I):='B'; + when "1100" => hex(hexlen-I):='C'; + when "1101" => hex(hexlen-I):='D'; + when "1110" => hex(hexlen-I):='E'; + when "1111" => hex(hexlen-I):='F'; + when "ZZZZ" => hex(hexlen-I):='z'; + when "UUUU" => hex(hexlen-I):='u'; + when "XXXX" => hex(hexlen-I):='x'; + when others => hex(hexlen-I):='?'; + end case; + end loop; + return hex(1 to hexlen); + end function hstr; + + function hstr(slv: unsigned) return string is + begin + return hstr(std_logic_vector(slv)); + end function hstr; + + -- functions to manipulate strings + ----------------------------------- + + + -- convert a character to upper case + function to_upper(c: character) return character is + variable u: character; + begin + case c is + when 'a' => u:='A'; + when 'b' => u:='B'; + when 'c' => u:='C'; + when 'd' => u:='D'; + when 'e' => u:='E'; + when 'f' => u:='F'; + when 'g' => u:='G'; + when 'h' => u:='H'; + when 'i' => u:='I'; + when 'j' => u:='J'; + when 'k' => u:='K'; + when 'l' => u:='L'; + when 'm' => u:='M'; + when 'n' => u:='N'; + when 'o' => u:='O'; + when 'p' => u:='P'; + when 'q' => u:='Q'; + when 'r' => u:='R'; + when 's' => u:='S'; + when 't' => u:='T'; + when 'u' => u:='U'; + when 'v' => u:='V'; + when 'w' => u:='W'; + when 'x' => u:='X'; + when 'y' => u:='Y'; + when 'z' => u:='Z'; + when others => u:=c; + end case; + return u; + end function to_upper; + + + -- convert a character to lower case + function to_lower(c: character) return character is + variable l: character; + begin + case c is + when 'A' => l:='a'; + when 'B' => l:='b'; + when 'C' => l:='c'; + when 'D' => l:='d'; + when 'E' => l:='e'; + when 'F' => l:='f'; + when 'G' => l:='g'; + when 'H' => l:='h'; + when 'I' => l:='i'; + when 'J' => l:='j'; + when 'K' => l:='k'; + when 'L' => l:='l'; + when 'M' => l:='m'; + when 'N' => l:='n'; + when 'O' => l:='o'; + when 'P' => l:='p'; + when 'Q' => l:='q'; + when 'R' => l:='r'; + when 'S' => l:='s'; + when 'T' => l:='t'; + when 'U' => l:='u'; + when 'V' => l:='v'; + when 'W' => l:='w'; + when 'X' => l:='x'; + when 'Y' => l:='y'; + when 'Z' => l:='z'; + when others => l:=c; + end case; + return l; + end function to_lower; + + -- convert a string to upper case + function to_upper(s: string) return string is + variable uppercase: string (s'range); + begin + for i in s'range loop + uppercase(i):=to_upper(s(i)); + end loop; + return uppercase; + end to_upper; + + -- convert a string to lower case + function to_lower(s: string) return string is + variable lowercase: string (s'range); + begin + for i in s'range loop + lowercase(i):=to_lower(s(i)); + end loop; + return lowercase; + end to_lower; + + -- functions to convert strings into other types + + -- converts a character into a std_logic + + function to_std_logic(c: character) return std_logic is + variable sl : std_logic; + begin + case c is + when 'U' => + sl:='U'; + when 'X' => + sl:='X'; + when '0' => + sl:='0'; + when '1' => + sl:='1'; + when 'Z' => + sl:='Z'; + when 'W' => + sl:='W'; + when 'L' => + sl:='L'; + when 'H' => + sl:='H'; + when '-' => + sl:='-'; + when others => + sl:='X'; + end case; + return sl; + end function to_std_logic; + + + -- converts a string into std_logic_vector + function to_std_logic_vector(s: string) return std_logic_vector is + variable slv : std_logic_vector(s'high-s'low downto 0); + variable k : integer; + begin + k:=s'high-s'low; + for i in s'range loop + slv(k):=to_std_logic(s(i)); + k :=k-1; + end loop; + return slv; + end function to_std_logic_vector; + + + ---------------- + -- file I/O -- + ---------------- + + -- read variable length string from input file + procedure str_read(file in_file: TEXT; + res_string: out string) is + variable l : line; + variable c : character; + variable is_string : boolean; + begin + readline(in_file, l); + -- clear the contents of the result string + for i in res_string'range loop + res_string(i):=' '; + end loop; + -- read all characters of the line, up to the length + -- of the results string + for i in res_string'range loop + read(l,c,is_string); + res_string(i):=c; + if not is_string then -- found end of line + exit; + end if; + end loop; + end procedure str_read; + + -- print string to a file + procedure print(file out_file: TEXT; + new_string: in string) is + variable l: line; + begin + write(l,new_string); + writeline(out_file,l); + end procedure print; + + -- print character to a file and start new line + procedure print(file out_file: TEXT; + char: in character) is + variable l: line; + begin + write(l,char); + writeline(out_file,l); + end procedure print; + + -- appends contents of a string to a file until line feed occurs + -- (LF is considered to be the end of the string) + procedure str_write(file out_file: TEXT; + new_string: in string) is + begin + for i in new_string'range loop + print(out_file,new_string(i)); + if new_string(i)=LF then -- end of string + exit; + end if; + end loop; + end str_write; +end package body txt_util; + diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/dmips_med1.vhdl b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/dmips_med1.vhdl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9920c2c --- /dev/null +++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/dmips_med1.vhdl @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- ZPU Medium connection to the FPGA pins ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- Description: ---- +---- This module connects the ZPU_Med1 (zpu_med1.vhdl) core to a Spartan ---- +---- 3 1500 Xilinx FPGA available in the GR-XC3S board from Pender. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- - ---- +---- ---- +---- Author: ---- +---- - Salvador E. Tropea, salvador ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Salvador E. Tropea ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial ---- +---- ---- +---- Distributed under the GPL license ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Design unit: DMIPS_Med1(FPGA) (Entity and architecture) ---- +---- File name: dmips_med1.vhdl ---- +---- Note: None ---- +---- Limitations: None known ---- +---- Errors: None known ---- +---- Library: work ---- +---- Dependencies: IEEE.std_logic_1164 ---- +---- IEEE.numeric_std ---- +---- zpu.zpu_pkg ---- +---- Target FPGA: Spartan 3 (XC3S1500-4-FG456) ---- +---- Language: VHDL ---- +---- Wishbone: No ---- +---- Synthesis tools: Xilinx Release 9.2.03i - xst J.39 ---- +---- Simulation tools: N/A ---- +---- Text editor: SETEdit 0.5.x ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +library IEEE; +use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; +use IEEE.numeric_std.all; + +library zpu; +use zpu.zpupkg.all; + +entity DMIPS_Med1 is + generic( + WORD_SIZE : natural:=32; -- 32 bits data path + D_CARE_VAL : std_logic:='0'; -- Fill value, I got better results with it + CLK_FREQ : positive:=50; -- 50 MHz clock + BRATE : positive:=115200; -- RS-232 baudrate + ADDR_W : natural:=18; -- 18 bits address space=256 kB, 128 kB I/O + BRAM_W : natural:=15); -- 15 bits RAM space=32 kB + port( + clk_i : in std_logic; -- CPU clock + rst_i : in std_logic; -- Reset + rs232_tx_o : out std_logic; -- UART Tx + rs232_rx_i : in std_logic); -- UART Rx + + constant BRD_PB1_I : string:="D19"; -- SWITCH8==S2 + constant BRD_CLK1_I : string:="AA12"; -- 50 MHz clock + --constant BRD_CLK1_I : string:="AB12"; -- 40 MHz clock + -- UART: direct 1:1 cable + constant BRD_TX_O : string:="L4"; -- UART 1 (J1) TXD1 DB9 pin 2 + constant BRD_RX_I : string:="L3"; -- UART 1 (J1) RXD1 DB9 pin 3 + + ------------ + -- Pinout -- + ------------ + attribute LOC : string; + attribute IOSTANDARD : string; + constant IOSTD : string:="LVTTL"; + + attribute LOC of rst_i : signal is BRD_PB1_I; + attribute IOSTANDARD of rst_i : signal is IOSTD; + attribute LOC of clk_i : signal is BRD_CLK1_I; + attribute LOC of rs232_tx_o : signal is BRD_TX_O; + attribute IOSTANDARD of rs232_tx_o : signal is IOSTD; + attribute LOC of rs232_rx_i : signal is BRD_RX_I; + attribute IOSTANDARD of rs232_rx_i : signal is IOSTD; +end entity DMIPS_Med1; + +architecture FPGA of DMIPS_Med1 is + component ZPU_Med1 is + generic( + WORD_SIZE : natural:=32; -- 32 bits data path + D_CARE_VAL : std_logic:='X'; -- Fill value + CLK_FREQ : positive:=50; -- 50 MHz clock + BRATE : positive:=9600; -- RS232 baudrate + ADDR_W : natural:=18; -- 18 bits address space=256 kB, 128 kB I/O + BRAM_W : natural:=15); -- 15 bits RAM space=32 kB + port( + clk_i : in std_logic; -- CPU clock + rst_i : in std_logic; -- Reset + break_o : out std_logic; -- Break executed + dbg_o : out zpu_dbgo_t; -- Debug info + rs232_tx_o : out std_logic; -- UART Tx + rs232_rx_i : in std_logic); -- UART Rx + end component ZPU_Med1; +begin + zpu : ZPU_Med1 + generic map( + WORD_SIZE => WORD_SIZE, D_CARE_VAL => D_CARE_VAL, + CLK_FREQ => CLK_FREQ, BRATE => BRATE, ADDR_W => ADDR_W, + BRAM_W => BRAM_W) + port map( + clk_i => clk_i, rst_i => rst_i, rs232_tx_o => rs232_tx_o, + rs232_rx_i => rs232_rx_i, dbg_o => open); +end architecture FPGA; -- Entity: DMIPS_Med1 + diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/hello_med1.vhdl b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/hello_med1.vhdl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7356c72 --- /dev/null +++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/hello_med1.vhdl @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- ZPU Medium connection to the FPGA pins ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- Description: ---- +---- This module connects the ZPU_Med1 (zpu_med1.vhdl) core to a Spartan ---- +---- 3 1500 Xilinx FPGA available in the GR-XC3S board from Pender. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- - ---- +---- ---- +---- Author: ---- +---- - Salvador E. Tropea, salvador ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Salvador E. Tropea ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial ---- +---- ---- +---- Distributed under the GPL license ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Design unit: Hello_Med1(FPGA) (Entity and architecture) ---- +---- File name: hello_med1.vhdl ---- +---- Note: None ---- +---- Limitations: None known ---- +---- Errors: None known ---- +---- Library: work ---- +---- Dependencies: IEEE.std_logic_1164 ---- +---- IEEE.numeric_std ---- +---- zpu.zpu_pkg ---- +---- Target FPGA: Spartan 3 (XC3S1500-4-FG456) ---- +---- Language: VHDL ---- +---- Wishbone: No ---- +---- Synthesis tools: Xilinx Release 9.2.03i - xst J.39 ---- +---- Simulation tools: N/A ---- +---- Text editor: SETEdit 0.5.x ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +library IEEE; +use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; +use IEEE.numeric_std.all; + +library zpu; +use zpu.zpupkg.all; + +entity Hello_Med1 is + generic( + WORD_SIZE : natural:=32; -- 32 bits data path + D_CARE_VAL : std_logic:='0'; -- Fill value, I got better results with it + CLK_FREQ : positive:=50; -- 50 MHz clock + BRATE : positive:=115200; -- RS-232 baudrate + ADDR_W : natural:=18; -- 18 bits address space=256 kB, 128 kB I/O + BRAM_W : natural:=14); -- 14 bits RAM space=16 kB + port( + clk_i : in std_logic; -- CPU clock + rst_i : in std_logic; -- Reset + rs232_tx_o : out std_logic; -- UART Tx + rs232_rx_i : in std_logic); -- UART Rx + + constant BRD_PB1_I : string:="D19"; -- SWITCH8==S2 + constant BRD_CLK1_I : string:="AA12"; -- 50 MHz clock + --constant BRD_CLK1_I : string:="AB12"; -- 40 MHz clock + -- UART: direct 1:1 cable + constant BRD_TX_O : string:="L4"; -- UART 1 (J1) TXD1 DB9 pin 2 + constant BRD_RX_I : string:="L3"; -- UART 1 (J1) RXD1 DB9 pin 3 + + ------------ + -- Pinout -- + ------------ + attribute LOC : string; + attribute IOSTANDARD : string; + constant IOSTD : string:="LVTTL"; + + attribute LOC of rst_i : signal is BRD_PB1_I; + attribute IOSTANDARD of rst_i : signal is IOSTD; + attribute LOC of clk_i : signal is BRD_CLK1_I; + attribute LOC of rs232_tx_o : signal is BRD_TX_O; + attribute IOSTANDARD of rs232_tx_o : signal is IOSTD; + attribute LOC of rs232_rx_i : signal is BRD_RX_I; + attribute IOSTANDARD of rs232_rx_i : signal is IOSTD; +end entity Hello_Med1; + +architecture FPGA of Hello_Med1 is + component ZPU_Med1 is + generic( + WORD_SIZE : natural:=32; -- 32 bits data path + D_CARE_VAL : std_logic:='X'; -- Fill value + CLK_FREQ : positive:=50; -- 50 MHz clock + BRATE : positive:=9600; -- RS232 baudrate + ADDR_W : natural:=18; -- 18 bits address space=256 kB, 128 kB I/O + BRAM_W : natural:=15); -- 15 bits RAM space=32 kB + port( + clk_i : in std_logic; -- CPU clock + rst_i : in std_logic; -- Reset + break_o : out std_logic; -- Break executed + dbg_o : out zpu_dbgo_t; -- Debug info + rs232_tx_o : out std_logic; -- UART Tx + rs232_rx_i : in std_logic); -- UART Rx + end component ZPU_Med1; +begin + zpu : ZPU_Med1 + generic map( + WORD_SIZE => WORD_SIZE, D_CARE_VAL => D_CARE_VAL, + CLK_FREQ => CLK_FREQ, BRATE => BRATE, ADDR_W => ADDR_W, + BRAM_W => BRAM_W) + port map( + clk_i => clk_i, rst_i => rst_i, rs232_tx_o => rs232_tx_o, + rs232_rx_i => rs232_rx_i, dbg_o => open); +end architecture FPGA; -- Entity: Hello_Med1 + diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/helpers/zpu_med1.vhdl b/zpu/hdl/zealot/helpers/zpu_med1.vhdl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fb19e0c --- /dev/null +++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/helpers/zpu_med1.vhdl @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- ZPU Medium + PHI I/O + BRAM ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- Description: ---- +---- ZPU is a 32 bits small stack cpu. This is a helper that joins the ---- +---- medium version, the PHI I/O basic layout and a program BRAM. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- - ---- +---- ---- +---- Author: ---- +---- - Salvador E. Tropea, salvador ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Salvador E. Tropea ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial ---- +---- ---- +---- Distributed under the BSD license ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Design unit: ZPU_Med1(Structural) (Entity and architecture) ---- +---- File name: zpu_med1.vhdl ---- +---- Note: None ---- +---- Limitations: None known ---- +---- Errors: None known ---- +---- Library: work ---- +---- Dependencies: IEEE.std_logic_1164 ---- +---- IEEE.numeric_std ---- +---- zpu.zpupkg ---- +---- work.zpu_memory ---- +---- Target FPGA: Spartan 3 (XC3S1500-4-FG456) ---- +---- Language: VHDL ---- +---- Wishbone: No ---- +---- Synthesis tools: Xilinx Release 9.2.03i - xst J.39 ---- +---- Simulation tools: GHDL [Sokcho edition] (0.2x) ---- +---- Text editor: SETEdit 0.5.x ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +library IEEE; +use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; +use IEEE.numeric_std.all; + +library zpu; +use zpu.zpupkg.all; + +-- RAM declaration +library work; +use work.zpu_memory.all; + +entity ZPU_Med1 is + generic( + WORD_SIZE : natural:=32; -- 32 bits data path + D_CARE_VAL : std_logic:='X'; -- Fill value + CLK_FREQ : positive:=50; -- 50 MHz clock + BRATE : positive:=9600; -- RS232 baudrate + ADDR_W : natural:=18; -- 18 bits address space=256 kB, 128 kB I/O + BRAM_W : natural:=15); -- 15 bits RAM space=32 kB + port( + clk_i : in std_logic; -- CPU clock + rst_i : in std_logic; -- Reset + break_o : out std_logic; -- Break executed + dbg_o : out zpu_dbgo_t; -- Debug info + rs232_tx_o : out std_logic; -- UART Tx + rs232_rx_i : in std_logic); -- UART Rx +end entity ZPU_Med1; + +architecture Structural of ZPU_Med1 is + constant BYTE_BITS : integer:=WORD_SIZE/16; -- # of bits in a word that addresses bytes + constant IO_BIT : integer:=ADDR_W-1; -- Address bit to determine this is an I/O + constant BRDIVISOR : positive:=CLK_FREQ*1e6/BRATE/4; + + -- I/O & memory (ZPU) + signal mem_busy : std_logic; + signal mem_read : unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + signal mem_write : unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + signal mem_addr : unsigned(ADDR_W-1 downto 0); + signal mem_we : std_logic; + signal mem_re : std_logic; + + -- Memory (SinglePort_RAM) + signal ram_busy : std_logic; + signal ram_read : unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + signal ram_addr : unsigned(BRAM_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + signal ram_we : std_logic; + signal ram_re : std_logic; + signal ram_ready_r : std_logic:='0'; + + -- I/O (ZPU_IO) + signal io_busy : std_logic; + signal io_re : std_logic; + signal io_we : std_logic; + signal io_read : unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + signal io_ready : std_logic; + signal io_reading_r : std_logic:='0'; + signal io_addr : unsigned(2 downto 0); +begin + memory: SinglePortRAM + generic map( + WORD_SIZE => WORD_SIZE, BYTE_BITS => BYTE_BITS, BRAM_W => BRAM_W) + port map( + clk_i => clk_i, + we_i => ram_we, re_i => ram_re, addr_i => ram_addr, + write_i => mem_write, read_o => ram_read, busy_o => ram_busy); + ram_addr <= mem_addr(BRAM_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + ram_we <= mem_we and not(mem_addr(IO_BIT)); + ram_re <= mem_re and not(mem_addr(IO_BIT)); + + -- I/O: Phi layout + io_map: ZPUPhiIO + generic map( + BRDIVISOR => BRDIVISOR, LOG_FILE => "zpu_med1_io.log") + port map( + clk_i => clk_i, reset_i => rst_i, busy_o => io_busy, we_i => io_we, + re_i => io_re, data_i => mem_write, data_o => io_read, + addr_i => io_addr, rs232_rx_i => rs232_rx_i, rs232_tx_o => rs232_tx_o, + br_clk_i => '1'); + io_addr <= mem_addr(4 downto 2); + -- Here we decode 0x8xxxx as I/O and not just 0x80A00xx + -- Note: We define the address space as 256 kB, so writing to 0x80A00xx + -- will be as wrting to 0x200xx and hence we decode it as I/O space. + io_we <= mem_we and mem_addr(IO_BIT); + io_re <= mem_re and mem_addr(IO_BIT); + io_ready <= (io_reading_r or io_re) and not io_busy; + + zpu : ZPUMediumCore + generic map( + WORD_SIZE => WORD_SIZE, ADDR_W => ADDR_W, MEM_W => BRAM_W, + D_CARE_VAL => D_CARE_VAL) + port map( + clk_i => clk_i, reset_i => rst_i, enable_i => '1', + break_o => break_o, dbg_o => dbg_o, + -- Memory + mem_busy_i => mem_busy, data_i => mem_read, data_o => mem_write, + addr_o => mem_addr, write_en_o => mem_we, read_en_o => mem_re); + mem_busy <= io_busy or ram_busy; + + -- Memory reads either come from IO or DRAM. We need to pick the right one. + memory_control: + process (ram_read, ram_ready_r, io_ready, io_read) + begin + mem_read <= (others => '0'); + if ram_ready_r='1' then + mem_read <= ram_read; + end if; + if io_ready='1' then + mem_read <= io_read; + end if; + end process memory_control; + + memory_control_sync: + process (clk_i) + begin + if rising_edge(clk_i) then + if rst_i='1' then + io_reading_r <= '0'; + ram_ready_r <= '0'; + else + io_reading_r <= io_busy or io_re; + ram_ready_r <= ram_re; + end if; + end if; + end process memory_control_sync; +end architecture Structural; -- Entity: ZPU_Med1 + diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/roms/dmips_bram.vhdl b/zpu/hdl/zealot/roms/dmips_bram.vhdl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..977626c --- /dev/null +++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/roms/dmips_bram.vhdl @@ -0,0 +1,4462 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Single Port RAM that maps to a Xilinx BRAM ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- Description: ---- +---- This is a program+data memory for the ZPU. It maps to a Xilinx BRAM ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- - ---- +---- ---- +---- Author: ---- +---- - Salvador E. Tropea, salvador ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Salvador E. Tropea ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial ---- +---- ---- +---- Distributed under the BSD license ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Design unit: SinglePortRAM(Xilinx) (Entity and architecture) ---- +---- File name: (template used) ---- +---- Note: None ---- +---- Limitations: None known ---- +---- Errors: None known ---- +---- Library: work ---- +---- Dependencies: IEEE.std_logic_1164 ---- +---- IEEE.numeric_std ---- +---- Target FPGA: Spartan 3 (XC3S1500-4-FG456) ---- +---- Language: VHDL ---- +---- Wishbone: No ---- +---- Synthesis tools: Xilinx Release 9.2.03i - xst J.39 ---- +---- Simulation tools: GHDL [Sokcho edition] (0.2x) ---- +---- Text editor: SETEdit 0.5.x ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +library IEEE; +use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; +use IEEE.numeric_std.all; + +entity SinglePortRAM is + generic( + WORD_SIZE : integer:=32; -- Word Size 16/32 + BYTE_BITS : integer:=2; -- Bits used to address bytes + BRAM_W : integer:=15); -- Address Width + port( + clk_i : in std_logic; + we_i : in std_logic; + re_i : in std_logic; + addr_i : in unsigned(BRAM_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + write_i : in unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + read_o : out unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + busy_o : out std_logic); +end entity SinglePortRAM; + +architecture Xilinx of SinglePortRAM is + type ram_type is array(natural range 0 to ((2**BRAM_W)/4)-1) of unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + signal addr_r : unsigned(BRAM_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + + signal ram : ram_type := +( + 0 => x"0b0b0b0b", + 1 => x"82700b0b", + 2 => x"80f8ec0c", + 3 => x"3a0b0b80", + 4 => x"e7ea0400", + 5 => x"00000000", + 6 => x"00000000", + 7 => x"00000000", + 8 => x"80088408", + 9 => x"88080b0b", + 10 => x"80e8b72d", + 11 => x"880c840c", + 12 => x"800c0400", + 13 => x"00000000", + 14 => x"00000000", + 15 => x"00000000", + 16 => x"71fd0608", + 17 => x"72830609", + 18 => x"81058205", + 19 => x"832b2a83", + 20 => x"ffff0652", + 21 => x"04000000", + 22 => x"00000000", + 23 => x"00000000", + 24 => x"71fd0608", + 25 => x"83ffff73", + 26 => x"83060981", + 27 => x"05820583", + 28 => x"2b2b0906", + 29 => x"7383ffff", + 30 => x"0b0b0b0b", + 31 => x"83a70400", + 32 => x"72098105", + 33 => x"72057373", + 34 => x"09060906", + 35 => x"73097306", + 36 => x"070a8106", + 37 => x"53510400", + 38 => x"00000000", + 39 => x"00000000", + 40 => x"72722473", + 41 => x"732e0753", + 42 => x"51040000", + 43 => x"00000000", + 44 => x"00000000", + 45 => x"00000000", + 46 => x"00000000", + 47 => x"00000000", + 48 => x"71737109", + 49 => x"71068106", + 50 => x"30720a10", + 51 => x"0a720a10", + 52 => x"0a31050a", + 53 => x"81065151", + 54 => x"53510400", + 55 => x"00000000", + 56 => x"72722673", + 57 => x"732e0753", + 58 => x"51040000", + 59 => x"00000000", + 60 => x"00000000", + 61 => x"00000000", + 62 => x"00000000", + 63 => x"00000000", + 64 => x"00000000", + 65 => x"00000000", + 66 => x"00000000", + 67 => x"00000000", + 68 => x"00000000", + 69 => x"00000000", + 70 => x"00000000", + 71 => x"00000000", + 72 => x"0b0b0b88", + 73 => x"c4040000", + 74 => x"00000000", + 75 => x"00000000", + 76 => x"00000000", + 77 => x"00000000", + 78 => x"00000000", + 79 => x"00000000", + 80 => x"720a722b", + 81 => x"0a535104", + 82 => x"00000000", + 83 => x"00000000", + 84 => x"00000000", + 85 => x"00000000", + 86 => x"00000000", + 87 => x"00000000", + 88 => x"72729f06", + 89 => x"0981050b", + 90 => x"0b0b88a7", + 91 => x"05040000", + 92 => x"00000000", + 93 => x"00000000", + 94 => x"00000000", + 95 => x"00000000", + 96 => x"72722aff", + 97 => x"739f062a", + 98 => x"0974090a", + 99 => x"8106ff05", + 100 => x"06075351", + 101 => x"04000000", + 102 => x"00000000", + 103 => x"00000000", + 104 => x"71715351", + 105 => x"020d0406", + 106 => x"73830609", + 107 => x"81058205", + 108 => x"832b0b2b", + 109 => x"0772fc06", + 110 => x"0c515104", + 111 => x"00000000", + 112 => x"72098105", + 113 => x"72050970", + 114 => x"81050906", + 115 => x"0a810653", + 116 => x"51040000", + 117 => x"00000000", + 118 => x"00000000", + 119 => x"00000000", + 120 => x"72098105", + 121 => x"72050970", + 122 => x"81050906", + 123 => x"0a098106", + 124 => x"53510400", + 125 => x"00000000", + 126 => x"00000000", + 127 => x"00000000", + 128 => x"71098105", + 129 => x"52040000", + 130 => x"00000000", + 131 => x"00000000", + 132 => x"00000000", + 133 => x"00000000", + 134 => x"00000000", + 135 => x"00000000", + 136 => x"72720981", + 137 => x"05055351", + 138 => x"04000000", + 139 => x"00000000", + 140 => x"00000000", + 141 => x"00000000", + 142 => x"00000000", + 143 => x"00000000", + 144 => x"72097206", + 145 => x"73730906", + 146 => x"07535104", + 147 => x"00000000", + 148 => x"00000000", + 149 => x"00000000", + 150 => x"00000000", + 151 => x"00000000", + 152 => x"71fc0608", + 153 => x"72830609", + 154 => x"81058305", + 155 => x"1010102a", + 156 => x"81ff0652", + 157 => x"04000000", + 158 => x"00000000", + 159 => x"00000000", + 160 => x"71fc0608", + 161 => x"0b0b80f8", + 162 => x"d8738306", + 163 => x"10100508", + 164 => x"060b0b0b", + 165 => x"88aa0400", + 166 => x"00000000", + 167 => x"00000000", + 168 => x"80088408", + 169 => x"88087575", + 170 => x"0b0b80ce", + 171 => x"b62d5050", + 172 => x"80085688", + 173 => x"0c840c80", + 174 => x"0c510400", + 175 => x"00000000", + 176 => x"80088408", + 177 => x"88087575", + 178 => x"0b0b80cf", + 179 => x"e82d5050", + 180 => x"80085688", + 181 => x"0c840c80", + 182 => x"0c510400", + 183 => x"00000000", + 184 => x"72097081", + 185 => x"0509060a", + 186 => x"8106ff05", + 187 => x"70547106", + 188 => x"73097274", + 189 => x"05ff0506", + 190 => x"07515151", + 191 => x"04000000", + 192 => x"72097081", + 193 => x"0509060a", + 194 => x"098106ff", + 195 => x"05705471", + 196 => x"06730972", + 197 => x"7405ff05", + 198 => x"06075151", + 199 => x"51040000", + 200 => x"05ff0504", + 201 => x"00000000", + 202 => x"00000000", + 203 => x"00000000", + 204 => x"00000000", + 205 => x"00000000", + 206 => x"00000000", + 207 => x"00000000", + 208 => x"810b0b0b", + 209 => x"80f8e80c", + 210 => x"51040000", + 211 => x"00000000", + 212 => x"00000000", + 213 => x"00000000", + 214 => x"00000000", + 215 => x"00000000", + 216 => x"71810552", + 217 => x"04000000", + 218 => x"00000000", + 219 => x"00000000", + 220 => x"00000000", + 221 => x"00000000", + 222 => x"00000000", + 223 => x"00000000", + 224 => x"00000000", + 225 => x"00000000", + 226 => x"00000000", + 227 => x"00000000", + 228 => x"00000000", + 229 => x"00000000", + 230 => x"00000000", + 231 => x"00000000", + 232 => x"02840572", + 233 => x"10100552", + 234 => x"04000000", + 235 => x"00000000", + 236 => x"00000000", + 237 => x"00000000", + 238 => x"00000000", + 239 => x"00000000", + 240 => x"00000000", + 241 => x"00000000", + 242 => x"00000000", + 243 => x"00000000", + 244 => x"00000000", + 245 => x"00000000", + 246 => x"00000000", + 247 => x"00000000", + 248 => x"717105ff", + 249 => x"05715351", + 250 => x"020d0400", + 251 => x"00000000", + 252 => x"00000000", + 253 => x"00000000", + 254 => x"00000000", + 255 => x"00000000", + 256 => x"83803f80", + 257 => x"e2953f04", + 258 => x"10101010", + 259 => x"10101010", + 260 => x"10101010", + 261 => x"10101010", + 262 => x"10101010", + 263 => x"10101010", + 264 => x"10101010", + 265 => x"10101053", + 266 => x"51047381", + 267 => x"ff067383", + 268 => x"06098105", + 269 => x"83051010", + 270 => x"102b0772", + 271 => x"fc060c51", + 272 => x"51043c04", + 273 => x"72728072", + 274 => x"8106ff05", + 275 => x"09720605", + 276 => x"71105272", + 277 => x"0a100a53", + 278 => x"72ed3851", + 279 => x"51535104", + 280 => x"ff3d0d0b", + 281 => x"0b8188e0", + 282 => x"08527108", + 283 => x"70882a81", + 284 => x"32708106", + 285 => x"51515170", + 286 => x"f1387372", + 287 => x"0c833d0d", + 288 => x"0480f8e8", + 289 => x"08802ea4", + 290 => x"3880f8ec", + 291 => x"08822ebd", + 292 => x"38838080", + 293 => x"0b0b0b81", + 294 => x"88e00c82", + 295 => x"a0800b81", + 296 => x"88e40c82", + 297 => x"90800b81", + 298 => x"88e80c04", + 299 => x"f8808080", + 300 => x"a40b0b0b", + 301 => x"8188e00c", + 302 => x"f8808082", + 303 => x"800b8188", + 304 => x"e40cf880", + 305 => x"8084800b", + 306 => x"8188e80c", + 307 => x"0480c0a8", + 308 => x"808c0b0b", + 309 => x"0b8188e0", + 310 => x"0c80c0a8", + 311 => x"80940b81", + 312 => x"88e40c0b", + 313 => x"0b80eac8", + 314 => x"0b8188e8", + 315 => x"0c04f23d", + 316 => x"0d608188", + 317 => x"e408565d", + 318 => x"82750c80", + 319 => x"59805a80", + 320 => x"0b8f3d5d", + 321 => x"5b7a1010", + 322 => x"15700871", + 323 => x"08719f2c", + 324 => x"7e852b58", + 325 => x"55557d53", + 326 => x"59579d94", + 327 => x"3f7d7f7a", + 328 => x"72077c72", + 329 => x"07717160", + 330 => x"8105415f", + 331 => x"5d5b5957", + 332 => x"55817b27", + 333 => x"8f38767d", + 334 => x"0c77841e", + 335 => x"0c7c800c", + 336 => x"903d0d04", + 337 => x"8188e408", + 338 => x"55ffba39", + 339 => x"ff3d0d81", + 340 => x"88ec3351", + 341 => x"70a73880", + 342 => x"f8f40870", + 343 => x"08525270", + 344 => x"802e9438", + 345 => x"841280f8", + 346 => x"f40c702d", + 347 => x"80f8f408", + 348 => x"70085252", + 349 => x"70ee3881", + 350 => x"0b8188ec", + 351 => x"34833d0d", + 352 => x"0404803d", + 353 => x"0d0b0b81", + 354 => x"88dc0880", + 355 => x"2e8e380b", + 356 => x"0b0b0b80", + 357 => x"0b802e09", + 358 => x"81068538", + 359 => x"823d0d04", + 360 => x"0b0b8188", + 361 => x"dc510b0b", + 362 => x"0bf4d53f", + 363 => x"823d0d04", + 364 => x"04ff3d0d", + 365 => x"028f0533", + 366 => x"52718a2e", + 367 => x"8a387151", + 368 => x"fd9e3f83", + 369 => x"3d0d048d", + 370 => x"51fd953f", + 371 => x"7151fd90", + 372 => x"3f833d0d", + 373 => x"04ce3d0d", + 374 => x"b53d7070", + 375 => x"84055208", + 376 => x"8bb15c56", + 377 => x"a53d5e5c", + 378 => x"80757081", + 379 => x"05573376", + 380 => x"5b555873", + 381 => x"782e80c1", + 382 => x"388e3d5b", + 383 => x"73a52e09", + 384 => x"810680c5", + 385 => x"38787081", + 386 => x"055a3354", + 387 => x"7380e42e", + 388 => x"81b63873", + 389 => x"80e42480", + 390 => x"c6387380", + 391 => x"e32ea138", + 392 => x"8052a551", + 393 => x"792d8052", + 394 => x"7351792d", + 395 => x"82185878", + 396 => x"7081055a", + 397 => x"335473c4", + 398 => x"3877800c", + 399 => x"b43d0d04", + 400 => x"7b841d83", + 401 => x"1233565d", + 402 => x"57805273", + 403 => x"51792d81", + 404 => x"18797081", + 405 => x"055b3355", + 406 => x"5873ffa0", + 407 => x"38db3973", + 408 => x"80f32e09", + 409 => x"8106ffb8", + 410 => x"387b841d", + 411 => x"7108595d", + 412 => x"56807733", + 413 => x"55567376", + 414 => x"2e8d3881", + 415 => x"16701870", + 416 => x"33575556", + 417 => x"74f538ff", + 418 => x"16558076", + 419 => x"25ffa038", + 420 => x"76708105", + 421 => x"58335480", + 422 => x"52735179", + 423 => x"2d811875", + 424 => x"ff175757", + 425 => x"58807625", + 426 => x"ff853876", + 427 => x"70810558", + 428 => x"33548052", + 429 => x"7351792d", + 430 => x"811875ff", + 431 => x"17575758", + 432 => x"758024cc", + 433 => x"38fee839", + 434 => x"7b841d71", + 435 => x"0870719f", + 436 => x"2c595359", + 437 => x"5d568075", + 438 => x"24819338", + 439 => x"757d7c58", + 440 => x"56548057", + 441 => x"73772e09", + 442 => x"8106b638", + 443 => x"b07b3402", + 444 => x"b505567a", + 445 => x"762e9738", + 446 => x"ff165675", + 447 => x"33757081", + 448 => x"05573481", + 449 => x"17577a76", + 450 => x"2e098106", + 451 => x"eb388075", + 452 => x"34767dff", + 453 => x"12575856", + 454 => x"758024fe", + 455 => x"f338fe8f", + 456 => x"398a5273", + 457 => x"5180c1c0", + 458 => x"3f800880", + 459 => x"eacc0533", + 460 => x"76708105", + 461 => x"58348a52", + 462 => x"7351bffa", + 463 => x"3f800854", + 464 => x"8008802e", + 465 => x"ffad388a", + 466 => x"52735180", + 467 => x"c19a3f80", + 468 => x"0880eacc", + 469 => x"05337670", + 470 => x"81055834", + 471 => x"8a527351", + 472 => x"bfd43f80", + 473 => x"08548008", + 474 => x"ffb738ff", + 475 => x"86397452", + 476 => x"7653b43d", + 477 => x"ffb80551", + 478 => x"978a3fa3", + 479 => x"3d0856fe", + 480 => x"db39803d", + 481 => x"0d80c10b", + 482 => x"81d7b834", + 483 => x"800b81d9", + 484 => x"940c7080", + 485 => x"0c823d0d", + 486 => x"04ff3d0d", + 487 => x"800b81d7", + 488 => x"b8335252", + 489 => x"7080c12e", + 490 => x"99387181", + 491 => x"d9940807", + 492 => x"81d9940c", + 493 => x"80c20b81", + 494 => x"d7bc3470", + 495 => x"800c833d", + 496 => x"0d04810b", + 497 => x"81d99408", + 498 => x"0781d994", + 499 => x"0c80c20b", + 500 => x"81d7bc34", + 501 => x"70800c83", + 502 => x"3d0d04fd", + 503 => x"3d0d7570", + 504 => x"088a0553", + 505 => x"5381d7b8", + 506 => x"33517080", + 507 => x"c12e8b38", + 508 => x"73f33870", + 509 => x"800c853d", + 510 => x"0d04ff12", + 511 => x"7081d7b4", + 512 => x"0831740c", + 513 => x"800c853d", + 514 => x"0d04fc3d", + 515 => x"0d81d7c0", + 516 => x"08557480", + 517 => x"2e8c3876", + 518 => x"7508710c", + 519 => x"81d7c008", + 520 => x"56548c15", + 521 => x"5381d7b4", + 522 => x"08528a51", + 523 => x"8fe73f73", + 524 => x"800c863d", + 525 => x"0d04fb3d", + 526 => x"0d777008", + 527 => x"5656b053", + 528 => x"81d7c008", + 529 => x"52745180", + 530 => x"cdff3f85", + 531 => x"0b8c170c", + 532 => x"850b8c16", + 533 => x"0c750875", + 534 => x"0c81d7c0", + 535 => x"08547380", + 536 => x"2e8a3873", + 537 => x"08750c81", + 538 => x"d7c00854", + 539 => x"8c145381", + 540 => x"d7b40852", + 541 => x"8a518f9d", + 542 => x"3f841508", + 543 => x"ad38860b", + 544 => x"8c160c88", + 545 => x"15528816", + 546 => x"08518ea9", + 547 => x"3f81d7c0", + 548 => x"08700876", + 549 => x"0c548c15", + 550 => x"7054548a", + 551 => x"52730851", + 552 => x"8ef33f73", + 553 => x"800c873d", + 554 => x"0d047508", + 555 => x"54b05373", + 556 => x"52755180", + 557 => x"cd933f73", + 558 => x"800c873d", + 559 => x"0d04d93d", + 560 => x"0d80f980", + 561 => x"0b8188e8", + 562 => x"0cb05180", + 563 => x"c0e43f80", + 564 => x"0881d7b0", + 565 => x"0cb05180", + 566 => x"c0d83f80", + 567 => x"0881d7c0", + 568 => x"0c81d7b0", + 569 => x"0880080c", + 570 => x"800b8008", + 571 => x"84050c82", + 572 => x"0b800888", + 573 => x"050ca80b", + 574 => x"80088c05", + 575 => x"0c9f5380", + 576 => x"ead85280", + 577 => x"08900551", + 578 => x"80ccbe3f", + 579 => x"a13d5e9f", + 580 => x"5380eaf8", + 581 => x"527d5180", + 582 => x"ccaf3f8a", + 583 => x"0b8195f4", + 584 => x"0c80f59c", + 585 => x"51f9ae3f", + 586 => x"80eb9851", + 587 => x"f9a73f80", + 588 => x"f59c51f9", + 589 => x"a03f80f8", + 590 => x"fc08802e", + 591 => x"89d73880", + 592 => x"ebc851f9", + 593 => x"903f80f5", + 594 => x"9c51f989", + 595 => x"3f80f8f8", + 596 => x"085280eb", + 597 => x"f451f8fd", + 598 => x"3f818990", + 599 => x"5180d5da", + 600 => x"3f810b9a", + 601 => x"3d5e5b80", + 602 => x"0b80f8f8", + 603 => x"082582d6", + 604 => x"38903d5f", + 605 => x"80c10b81", + 606 => x"d7b83481", + 607 => x"0b81d994", + 608 => x"0c80c20b", + 609 => x"81d7bc34", + 610 => x"8240835a", + 611 => x"9f5380ec", + 612 => x"a4527c51", + 613 => x"80cbb23f", + 614 => x"8141807d", + 615 => x"537e5256", + 616 => x"8e973f80", + 617 => x"08762e09", + 618 => x"81068338", + 619 => x"81567581", + 620 => x"d9940c7f", + 621 => x"70585675", + 622 => x"8325a238", + 623 => x"75101016", + 624 => x"fd0542a9", + 625 => x"3dffa405", + 626 => x"53835276", + 627 => x"518cc63f", + 628 => x"7f810570", + 629 => x"41705856", + 630 => x"837624e0", + 631 => x"38615475", + 632 => x"53818998", + 633 => x"5281d7cc", + 634 => x"518cba3f", + 635 => x"81d7c008", + 636 => x"70085858", + 637 => x"b0537752", + 638 => x"765180ca", + 639 => x"cc3f850b", + 640 => x"8c190c85", + 641 => x"0b8c180c", + 642 => x"7708770c", + 643 => x"81d7c008", + 644 => x"5675802e", + 645 => x"8a387508", + 646 => x"770c81d7", + 647 => x"c008568c", + 648 => x"165381d7", + 649 => x"b408528a", + 650 => x"518bea3f", + 651 => x"84170887", + 652 => x"eb38860b", + 653 => x"8c180c88", + 654 => x"17528818", + 655 => x"08518af5", + 656 => x"3f81d7c0", + 657 => x"08700878", + 658 => x"0c568c17", + 659 => x"7054598a", + 660 => x"52780851", + 661 => x"8bbf3f80", + 662 => x"c10b81d7", + 663 => x"bc335757", + 664 => x"767626a2", + 665 => x"3880c352", + 666 => x"76518ca3", + 667 => x"3f800861", + 668 => x"2e89e638", + 669 => x"81177081", + 670 => x"ff0681d7", + 671 => x"bc335858", + 672 => x"58757727", + 673 => x"e0387960", + 674 => x"29627054", + 675 => x"71535b59", + 676 => x"b9a43f80", + 677 => x"0840787a", + 678 => x"31708729", + 679 => x"80083180", + 680 => x"088a0581", + 681 => x"d7b83381", + 682 => x"d7b4085e", + 683 => x"5b525a56", + 684 => x"7780c12e", + 685 => x"89d0387b", + 686 => x"f738811b", + 687 => x"5b80f8f8", + 688 => x"087b25fd", + 689 => x"af3881d7", + 690 => x"a85180d2", + 691 => x"ed3f80ec", + 692 => x"c451f681", + 693 => x"3f80f59c", + 694 => x"51f5fa3f", + 695 => x"80ecd451", + 696 => x"f5f33f80", + 697 => x"f59c51f5", + 698 => x"ec3f81d7", + 699 => x"b4085280", + 700 => x"ed8c51f5", + 701 => x"e03f8552", + 702 => x"80eda851", + 703 => x"f5d73f81", + 704 => x"d9940852", + 705 => x"80edc451", + 706 => x"f5cb3f81", + 707 => x"5280eda8", + 708 => x"51f5c23f", + 709 => x"81d7b833", + 710 => x"5280ede0", + 711 => x"51f5b63f", + 712 => x"80c15280", + 713 => x"edfc51f5", + 714 => x"ac3f81d7", + 715 => x"bc335280", + 716 => x"ee9851f5", + 717 => x"a03f80c2", + 718 => x"5280edfc", + 719 => x"51f5963f", + 720 => x"81d7ec08", + 721 => x"5280eeb4", + 722 => x"51f58a3f", + 723 => x"875280ed", + 724 => x"a851f581", + 725 => x"3f8195f4", + 726 => x"085280ee", + 727 => x"d051f4f5", + 728 => x"3f80eeec", + 729 => x"51f4ee3f", + 730 => x"80ef9851", + 731 => x"f4e73f81", + 732 => x"d7c00870", + 733 => x"08535a80", + 734 => x"efa451f4", + 735 => x"d83f80ef", + 736 => x"c051f4d1", + 737 => x"3f81d7c0", + 738 => x"08841108", + 739 => x"535680ef", + 740 => x"f451f4c1", + 741 => x"3f805280", + 742 => x"eda851f4", + 743 => x"b83f81d7", + 744 => x"c0088811", + 745 => x"08535880", + 746 => x"f09051f4", + 747 => x"a83f8252", + 748 => x"80eda851", + 749 => x"f49f3f81", + 750 => x"d7c0088c", + 751 => x"11085357", + 752 => x"80f0ac51", + 753 => x"f48f3f91", + 754 => x"5280eda8", + 755 => x"51f4863f", + 756 => x"81d7c008", + 757 => x"90055280", + 758 => x"f0c851f3", + 759 => x"f83f80f0", + 760 => x"e451f3f1", + 761 => x"3f80f19c", + 762 => x"51f3ea3f", + 763 => x"81d7b008", + 764 => x"7008535f", + 765 => x"80efa451", + 766 => x"f3db3f80", + 767 => x"f1b051f3", + 768 => x"d43f81d7", + 769 => x"b0088411", + 770 => x"08535b80", + 771 => x"eff451f3", + 772 => x"c43f8052", + 773 => x"80eda851", + 774 => x"f3bb3f81", + 775 => x"d7b00888", + 776 => x"1108535c", + 777 => x"80f09051", + 778 => x"f3ab3f81", + 779 => x"5280eda8", + 780 => x"51f3a23f", + 781 => x"81d7b008", + 782 => x"8c110853", + 783 => x"5a80f0ac", + 784 => x"51f3923f", + 785 => x"925280ed", + 786 => x"a851f389", + 787 => x"3f81d7b0", + 788 => x"08900552", + 789 => x"80f0c851", + 790 => x"f2fb3f80", + 791 => x"f0e451f2", + 792 => x"f43f7f52", + 793 => x"80f1f051", + 794 => x"f2eb3f85", + 795 => x"5280eda8", + 796 => x"51f2e23f", + 797 => x"785280f2", + 798 => x"8c51f2d9", + 799 => x"3f8d5280", + 800 => x"eda851f2", + 801 => x"d03f6152", + 802 => x"80f2a851", + 803 => x"f2c73f87", + 804 => x"5280eda8", + 805 => x"51f2be3f", + 806 => x"605280f2", + 807 => x"c451f2b5", + 808 => x"3f815280", + 809 => x"eda851f2", + 810 => x"ac3f7d52", + 811 => x"80f2e051", + 812 => x"f2a33f80", + 813 => x"f2fc51f2", + 814 => x"9c3f7c52", + 815 => x"80f3b451", + 816 => x"f2933f80", + 817 => x"f3d051f2", + 818 => x"8c3f80f5", + 819 => x"9c51f285", + 820 => x"3f81d7a8", + 821 => x"0881d7ac", + 822 => x"08818990", + 823 => x"08818994", + 824 => x"08727131", + 825 => x"70742675", + 826 => x"74317072", + 827 => x"31818988", + 828 => x"0c444481", + 829 => x"898c0c81", + 830 => x"898c0856", + 831 => x"80f48855", + 832 => x"5c595758", + 833 => x"f1cf3f81", + 834 => x"89880856", + 835 => x"80762582", + 836 => x"a43880f8", + 837 => x"f8087071", + 838 => x"9f2c9a3d", + 839 => x"53565681", + 840 => x"89880881", + 841 => x"898c0841", + 842 => x"537f5470", + 843 => x"525a8ef6", + 844 => x"3f66685f", + 845 => x"8188f80c", + 846 => x"7d8188fc", + 847 => x"0c80f8f8", + 848 => x"08709f2c", + 849 => x"58568058", + 850 => x"bd84c078", + 851 => x"55557652", + 852 => x"75537951", + 853 => x"87d23f95", + 854 => x"3d818988", + 855 => x"0881898c", + 856 => x"0841557f", + 857 => x"56676940", + 858 => x"537e5470", + 859 => x"525c8eb6", + 860 => x"3f64665e", + 861 => x"8189800c", + 862 => x"7c818984", + 863 => x"0c80f8f8", + 864 => x"08709f2c", + 865 => x"40588057", + 866 => x"83dceb94", + 867 => x"80775555", + 868 => x"7e527753", + 869 => x"7b518790", + 870 => x"3f64665d", + 871 => x"5b805e8d", + 872 => x"dd7e5555", + 873 => x"81898808", + 874 => x"81898c08", + 875 => x"59527753", + 876 => x"795186f4", + 877 => x"3f666840", + 878 => x"547e557a", + 879 => x"527b53a9", + 880 => x"3dffa805", + 881 => x"518ddf3f", + 882 => x"62645e81", + 883 => x"d7c40c7c", + 884 => x"81d7c80c", + 885 => x"80f49851", + 886 => x"effb3f81", + 887 => x"88fc0852", + 888 => x"80f4c851", + 889 => x"efef3f80", + 890 => x"f4d051ef", + 891 => x"e83f8189", + 892 => x"84085280", + 893 => x"f4c851ef", + 894 => x"dc3f81d7", + 895 => x"c8085280", + 896 => x"f58051ef", + 897 => x"d03f80f5", + 898 => x"9c51efc9", + 899 => x"3f800b80", + 900 => x"0ca93d0d", + 901 => x"0480f5a0", + 902 => x"51f6a839", + 903 => x"770857b0", + 904 => x"53765277", + 905 => x"5180c2a1", + 906 => x"3f80c10b", + 907 => x"81d7bc33", + 908 => x"5757f8ac", + 909 => x"39758a38", + 910 => x"81898c08", + 911 => x"8126fdd2", + 912 => x"3880f5d0", + 913 => x"51ef8e3f", + 914 => x"80f68851", + 915 => x"ef873f80", + 916 => x"f59c51ef", + 917 => x"803f80f8", + 918 => x"f8087071", + 919 => x"9f2c9a3d", + 920 => x"53565681", + 921 => x"89880881", + 922 => x"898c0841", + 923 => x"537f5470", + 924 => x"525a8cb2", + 925 => x"3f66685f", + 926 => x"8188f80c", + 927 => x"7d8188fc", + 928 => x"0c80f8f8", + 929 => x"08709f2c", + 930 => x"58568058", + 931 => x"bd84c078", + 932 => x"55557652", + 933 => x"75537951", + 934 => x"858e3f95", + 935 => x"3d818988", + 936 => x"0881898c", + 937 => x"0841557f", + 938 => x"56676940", + 939 => x"537e5470", + 940 => x"525c8bf2", + 941 => x"3f64665e", + 942 => x"8189800c", + 943 => x"7c818984", + 944 => x"0c80f8f8", + 945 => x"08709f2c", + 946 => x"40588057", + 947 => x"83dceb94", + 948 => x"80775555", + 949 => x"7e527753", + 950 => x"7b5184cc", + 951 => x"3f64665d", + 952 => x"5b805e8d", + 953 => x"dd7e5555", + 954 => x"81898808", + 955 => x"81898c08", + 956 => x"59527753", + 957 => x"795184b0", + 958 => x"3f666840", + 959 => x"547e557a", + 960 => x"527b53a9", + 961 => x"3dffa805", + 962 => x"518b9b3f", + 963 => x"62645e81", + 964 => x"d7c40c7c", + 965 => x"81d7c80c", + 966 => x"80f49851", + 967 => x"edb73f81", + 968 => x"88fc0852", + 969 => x"80f4c851", + 970 => x"edab3f80", + 971 => x"f4d051ed", + 972 => x"a43f8189", + 973 => x"84085280", + 974 => x"f4c851ed", + 975 => x"983f81d7", + 976 => x"c8085280", + 977 => x"f58051ed", + 978 => x"8c3f80f5", + 979 => x"9c51ed85", + 980 => x"3f800b80", + 981 => x"0ca93d0d", + 982 => x"04a93dff", + 983 => x"a0055280", + 984 => x"5180d23f", + 985 => x"9f5380f6", + 986 => x"a8527c51", + 987 => x"bfdb3f7a", + 988 => x"7b81d7b4", + 989 => x"0c811870", + 990 => x"81ff0681", + 991 => x"d7bc3359", + 992 => x"59595af5", + 993 => x"fc39ff16", + 994 => x"707b3160", + 995 => x"0c5c800b", + 996 => x"811c5c5c", + 997 => x"80f8f808", + 998 => x"7b25f3d8", + 999 => x"38f6a739", + 1000 => x"ff3d0d73", + 1001 => x"82327030", + 1002 => x"70720780", + 1003 => x"25800c52", + 1004 => x"52833d0d", + 1005 => x"04fe3d0d", + 1006 => x"74767153", + 1007 => x"54527182", + 1008 => x"2e833883", + 1009 => x"5171812e", + 1010 => x"9a388172", + 1011 => x"269f3871", + 1012 => x"822eb838", + 1013 => x"71842ea9", + 1014 => x"3870730c", + 1015 => x"70800c84", + 1016 => x"3d0d0480", + 1017 => x"e40b81d7", + 1018 => x"b408258b", + 1019 => x"3880730c", + 1020 => x"70800c84", + 1021 => x"3d0d0483", + 1022 => x"730c7080", + 1023 => x"0c843d0d", + 1024 => x"0482730c", + 1025 => x"70800c84", + 1026 => x"3d0d0481", + 1027 => x"730c7080", + 1028 => x"0c843d0d", + 1029 => x"04803d0d", + 1030 => x"74741482", + 1031 => x"05710c80", + 1032 => x"0c823d0d", + 1033 => x"04f73d0d", + 1034 => x"7b7d7f61", + 1035 => x"85127082", + 1036 => x"2b751170", + 1037 => x"74717084", + 1038 => x"05530c5a", + 1039 => x"5a5d5b76", + 1040 => x"0c7980f8", + 1041 => x"180c7986", + 1042 => x"12525758", + 1043 => x"5a5a7676", + 1044 => x"24993876", + 1045 => x"b329822b", + 1046 => x"79115153", + 1047 => x"76737084", + 1048 => x"05550c81", + 1049 => x"14547574", + 1050 => x"25f23876", + 1051 => x"81cc2919", + 1052 => x"fc110881", + 1053 => x"05fc120c", + 1054 => x"7a197008", + 1055 => x"9fa0130c", + 1056 => x"5856850b", + 1057 => x"81d7b40c", + 1058 => x"75800c8b", + 1059 => x"3d0d04fe", + 1060 => x"3d0d0293", + 1061 => x"05335180", + 1062 => x"02840597", + 1063 => x"05335452", + 1064 => x"70732e88", + 1065 => x"3871800c", + 1066 => x"843d0d04", + 1067 => x"7081d7b8", + 1068 => x"34810b80", + 1069 => x"0c843d0d", + 1070 => x"04f83d0d", + 1071 => x"7a7c5956", + 1072 => x"820b8319", + 1073 => x"55557416", + 1074 => x"70337533", + 1075 => x"5b515372", + 1076 => x"792e80c6", + 1077 => x"3880c10b", + 1078 => x"81168116", + 1079 => x"56565782", + 1080 => x"7525e338", + 1081 => x"ffa91770", + 1082 => x"81ff0655", + 1083 => x"59738226", + 1084 => x"83388755", + 1085 => x"81537680", + 1086 => x"d22e9838", + 1087 => x"77527551", + 1088 => x"be963f80", + 1089 => x"53728008", + 1090 => x"25893887", + 1091 => x"1581d7b4", + 1092 => x"0c815372", + 1093 => x"800c8a3d", + 1094 => x"0d047281", + 1095 => x"d7b83482", + 1096 => x"7525ffa2", + 1097 => x"38ffbd39", + 1098 => x"8c08028c", + 1099 => x"0ceb3d0d", + 1100 => x"800b8c08", + 1101 => x"f0050c80", + 1102 => x"0b8c08f4", + 1103 => x"050c8c08", + 1104 => x"8c05088c", + 1105 => x"08900508", + 1106 => x"5654738c", + 1107 => x"08f0050c", + 1108 => x"748c08f4", + 1109 => x"050c8c08", + 1110 => x"f8058c08", + 1111 => x"f0055656", + 1112 => x"88705475", + 1113 => x"53765254", + 1114 => x"bbdf3f80", + 1115 => x"0b8c08e8", + 1116 => x"050c800b", + 1117 => x"8c08ec05", + 1118 => x"0c8c0894", + 1119 => x"05088c08", + 1120 => x"98050856", + 1121 => x"54738c08", + 1122 => x"e8050c74", + 1123 => x"8c08ec05", + 1124 => x"0c8c08f0", + 1125 => x"058c08e8", + 1126 => x"05565688", + 1127 => x"70547553", + 1128 => x"765254bb", + 1129 => x"a43f800b", + 1130 => x"8c08e805", + 1131 => x"0c800b8c", + 1132 => x"08ec050c", + 1133 => x"8c08fc05", + 1134 => x"0883ffff", + 1135 => x"068c08cc", + 1136 => x"050c8c08", + 1137 => x"fc050890", + 1138 => x"2a8c08c4", + 1139 => x"050c8c08", + 1140 => x"f4050883", + 1141 => x"ffff068c", + 1142 => x"08c8050c", + 1143 => x"8c08f405", + 1144 => x"08902a8c", + 1145 => x"08c0050c", + 1146 => x"8c08cc05", + 1147 => x"088c08c8", + 1148 => x"05082970", + 1149 => x"8c08dc05", + 1150 => x"0c8c08cc", + 1151 => x"05088c08", + 1152 => x"c0050829", + 1153 => x"708c08d8", + 1154 => x"050c8c08", + 1155 => x"c405088c", + 1156 => x"08c80508", + 1157 => x"29708c08", + 1158 => x"d4050c8c", + 1159 => x"08c40508", + 1160 => x"8c08c005", + 1161 => x"0829708c", + 1162 => x"08d0050c", + 1163 => x"8c08dc05", + 1164 => x"08902a8c", + 1165 => x"08d80508", + 1166 => x"118c08d8", + 1167 => x"050c8c08", + 1168 => x"d805088c", + 1169 => x"08d40508", + 1170 => x"058c08d8", + 1171 => x"050c5151", + 1172 => x"5151548c", + 1173 => x"08d80508", + 1174 => x"8c08d405", + 1175 => x"08278f38", + 1176 => x"8c08d005", + 1177 => x"08848080", + 1178 => x"058c08d0", + 1179 => x"050c8c08", + 1180 => x"d8050890", + 1181 => x"2a8c08d0", + 1182 => x"0508118c", + 1183 => x"08e0050c", + 1184 => x"8c08d805", + 1185 => x"0883ffff", + 1186 => x"0670902b", + 1187 => x"8c08dc05", + 1188 => x"0883ffff", + 1189 => x"0670128c", + 1190 => x"08e4050c", + 1191 => x"52575154", + 1192 => x"8c08e005", + 1193 => x"088c08e4", + 1194 => x"05085654", + 1195 => x"738c08e8", + 1196 => x"050c748c", + 1197 => x"08ec050c", + 1198 => x"8c08fc05", + 1199 => x"088c08f0", + 1200 => x"0508298c", + 1201 => x"08f80508", + 1202 => x"8c08f405", + 1203 => x"08297012", + 1204 => x"8c08e805", + 1205 => x"08118c08", + 1206 => x"e8050c51", + 1207 => x"55558c08", + 1208 => x"e805088c", + 1209 => x"08ec0508", + 1210 => x"8c088805", + 1211 => x"08585654", + 1212 => x"73760c74", + 1213 => x"84170c8c", + 1214 => x"08880508", + 1215 => x"800c973d", + 1216 => x"0d8c0c04", + 1217 => x"8c08028c", + 1218 => x"0cf63d0d", + 1219 => x"800b8c08", + 1220 => x"f0050c80", + 1221 => x"0b8c08f4", + 1222 => x"050c8c08", + 1223 => x"8c05088c", + 1224 => x"08900508", + 1225 => x"5654738c", + 1226 => x"08f0050c", + 1227 => x"748c08f4", + 1228 => x"050c8c08", + 1229 => x"f8058c08", + 1230 => x"f0055656", + 1231 => x"88705475", + 1232 => x"53765254", + 1233 => x"b8833f80", + 1234 => x"0b8c08f0", + 1235 => x"050c800b", + 1236 => x"8c08f405", + 1237 => x"0c8c08f8", + 1238 => x"0508308c", + 1239 => x"08ec050c", + 1240 => x"8c08fc05", + 1241 => x"08802e8d", + 1242 => x"388c08ec", + 1243 => x"0508ff05", + 1244 => x"8c08ec05", + 1245 => x"0c8c08ec", + 1246 => x"05088c08", + 1247 => x"f0050c8c", + 1248 => x"08fc0508", + 1249 => x"308c08f4", + 1250 => x"050c8c08", + 1251 => x"f005088c", + 1252 => x"08f40508", + 1253 => x"8c088805", + 1254 => x"08585654", + 1255 => x"73760c74", + 1256 => x"84170c8c", + 1257 => x"08880508", + 1258 => x"800c8c3d", + 1259 => x"0d8c0c04", + 1260 => x"8c08028c", + 1261 => x"0cf53d0d", + 1262 => x"8c089405", + 1263 => x"089d388c", + 1264 => x"088c0508", + 1265 => x"8c089005", + 1266 => x"088c0888", + 1267 => x"05085856", + 1268 => x"5473760c", + 1269 => x"7484170c", + 1270 => x"81bf3980", + 1271 => x"0b8c08f0", + 1272 => x"050c800b", + 1273 => x"8c08f405", + 1274 => x"0c8c088c", + 1275 => x"05088c08", + 1276 => x"90050856", + 1277 => x"54738c08", + 1278 => x"f0050c74", + 1279 => x"8c08f405", + 1280 => x"0c8c08f8", + 1281 => x"058c08f0", + 1282 => x"05565688", + 1283 => x"70547553", + 1284 => x"765254b6", + 1285 => x"b43fa00b", + 1286 => x"8c089405", + 1287 => x"08318c08", + 1288 => x"ec050c8c", + 1289 => x"08ec0508", + 1290 => x"80249d38", + 1291 => x"800b8c08", + 1292 => x"f4050c8c", + 1293 => x"08ec0508", + 1294 => x"308c08fc", + 1295 => x"0508712b", + 1296 => x"8c08f005", + 1297 => x"0c54b939", + 1298 => x"8c08fc05", + 1299 => x"088c08ec", + 1300 => x"05082a8c", + 1301 => x"08e8050c", + 1302 => x"8c08fc05", + 1303 => x"088c0894", + 1304 => x"05082b8c", + 1305 => x"08f4050c", + 1306 => x"8c08f805", + 1307 => x"088c0894", + 1308 => x"05082b70", + 1309 => x"8c08e805", + 1310 => x"08078c08", + 1311 => x"f0050c54", + 1312 => x"8c08f005", + 1313 => x"088c08f4", + 1314 => x"05088c08", + 1315 => x"88050858", + 1316 => x"56547376", + 1317 => x"0c748417", + 1318 => x"0c8c0888", + 1319 => x"0508800c", + 1320 => x"8d3d0d8c", + 1321 => x"0c048c08", + 1322 => x"028c0ccc", + 1323 => x"3d0d800b", + 1324 => x"8c08fc05", + 1325 => x"0c800b8c", + 1326 => x"08ec050c", + 1327 => x"800b8c08", + 1328 => x"f0050c8c", + 1329 => x"088c0508", + 1330 => x"8c089005", + 1331 => x"08565473", + 1332 => x"8c08ec05", + 1333 => x"0c748c08", + 1334 => x"f0050c8c", + 1335 => x"08f4058c", + 1336 => x"08ec0556", + 1337 => x"56887054", + 1338 => x"75537652", + 1339 => x"54b4da3f", + 1340 => x"800b8c08", + 1341 => x"e4050c80", + 1342 => x"0b8c08e8", + 1343 => x"050c8c08", + 1344 => x"9405088c", + 1345 => x"08980508", + 1346 => x"5654738c", + 1347 => x"08e4050c", + 1348 => x"748c08e8", + 1349 => x"050c8c08", + 1350 => x"ec058c08", + 1351 => x"e4055656", + 1352 => x"88705475", + 1353 => x"53765254", + 1354 => x"b49f3f8c", + 1355 => x"08f40508", + 1356 => x"8025be38", + 1357 => x"8c08fc05", + 1358 => x"08098c08", + 1359 => x"fc050c8c", + 1360 => x"08d40554", + 1361 => x"8c08f405", + 1362 => x"088c08f8", + 1363 => x"05085755", + 1364 => x"74527553", + 1365 => x"7351fbac", + 1366 => x"3f8c08d4", + 1367 => x"05088c08", + 1368 => x"d8050856", + 1369 => x"54738c08", + 1370 => x"f4050c74", + 1371 => x"8c08f805", + 1372 => x"0c8c08ec", + 1373 => x"05088025", + 1374 => x"be388c08", + 1375 => x"fc050809", + 1376 => x"8c08fc05", + 1377 => x"0c8c08d4", + 1378 => x"05548c08", + 1379 => x"ec05088c", + 1380 => x"08f00508", + 1381 => x"57557452", + 1382 => x"75537351", + 1383 => x"fae63f8c", + 1384 => x"08d40508", + 1385 => x"8c08d805", + 1386 => x"08565473", + 1387 => x"8c08ec05", + 1388 => x"0c748c08", + 1389 => x"f0050c8c", + 1390 => x"08f40508", + 1391 => x"8c08f805", + 1392 => x"08565473", + 1393 => x"8c08d405", + 1394 => x"0c748c08", + 1395 => x"d8050c8c", + 1396 => x"08ec0508", + 1397 => x"8c08f005", + 1398 => x"08565473", + 1399 => x"8c08cc05", + 1400 => x"0c748c08", + 1401 => x"d0050c80", + 1402 => x"0b8c08c8", + 1403 => x"050c800b", + 1404 => x"8c08e405", + 1405 => x"0c800b8c", + 1406 => x"08e8050c", + 1407 => x"8c08d405", + 1408 => x"088c08d8", + 1409 => x"05085654", + 1410 => x"738c08e4", + 1411 => x"050c748c", + 1412 => x"08e8050c", + 1413 => x"800b8c08", + 1414 => x"ffb8050c", + 1415 => x"800b8c08", + 1416 => x"ffbc050c", + 1417 => x"8c08cc05", + 1418 => x"088c08d0", + 1419 => x"05085654", + 1420 => x"738c08ff", + 1421 => x"b8050c74", + 1422 => x"8c08ffbc", + 1423 => x"050c8c08", + 1424 => x"ffbc0508", + 1425 => x"8c08ffac", + 1426 => x"050c8c08", + 1427 => x"ffb80508", + 1428 => x"8c08ffa8", + 1429 => x"050c8c08", + 1430 => x"e805088c", + 1431 => x"08ffa405", + 1432 => x"0c8c08e4", + 1433 => x"05088c08", + 1434 => x"ffa0050c", + 1435 => x"8c08ffa8", + 1436 => x"050891d4", + 1437 => x"388c08ff", + 1438 => x"a005088c", + 1439 => x"08ffac05", + 1440 => x"0827868c", + 1441 => x"388c08ff", + 1442 => x"ac05088c", + 1443 => x"08ff8805", + 1444 => x"0c8c08ff", + 1445 => x"88050883", + 1446 => x"ffff26a0", + 1447 => x"388c08ff", + 1448 => x"88050881", + 1449 => x"ff268b38", + 1450 => x"800b8c08", + 1451 => x"fed8050c", + 1452 => x"a939880b", + 1453 => x"8c08fed8", + 1454 => x"050c9f39", + 1455 => x"8c08ff88", + 1456 => x"0508fe80", + 1457 => x"0a268b38", + 1458 => x"900b8c08", + 1459 => x"fed8050c", + 1460 => x"8939980b", + 1461 => x"8c08fed8", + 1462 => x"050c8c08", + 1463 => x"fed80508", + 1464 => x"8c08ff84", + 1465 => x"050c8c08", + 1466 => x"ff880508", + 1467 => x"8c08ff84", + 1468 => x"05082a80", + 1469 => x"f6c81133", + 1470 => x"8c08ff84", + 1471 => x"050811a0", + 1472 => x"71318c08", + 1473 => x"ff8c050c", + 1474 => x"5151548c", + 1475 => x"08ff8c05", + 1476 => x"08802e80", + 1477 => x"d1388c08", + 1478 => x"ffac0508", + 1479 => x"8c08ff8c", + 1480 => x"05082b8c", + 1481 => x"08ffac05", + 1482 => x"0c8c08ff", + 1483 => x"a005088c", + 1484 => x"08ff8c05", + 1485 => x"082ba00b", + 1486 => x"8c08ff8c", + 1487 => x"0508318c", + 1488 => x"08ffa405", + 1489 => x"08712a70", + 1490 => x"73078c08", + 1491 => x"ffa0050c", + 1492 => x"8c08ffa4", + 1493 => x"05088c08", + 1494 => x"ff8c0508", + 1495 => x"2b8c08ff", + 1496 => x"a4050c51", + 1497 => x"56548c08", + 1498 => x"ffac0508", + 1499 => x"902a8c08", + 1500 => x"ff84050c", + 1501 => x"8c08ffac", + 1502 => x"050883ff", + 1503 => x"ff068c08", + 1504 => x"ff88050c", + 1505 => x"8c08ffa0", + 1506 => x"05088c08", + 1507 => x"ff840508", + 1508 => x"53705254", + 1509 => x"9efb3f80", + 1510 => x"08708c08", + 1511 => x"fef8050c", + 1512 => x"8c08ff84", + 1513 => x"0508538c", + 1514 => x"08ffa005", + 1515 => x"0852549e", + 1516 => x"bb3f8008", + 1517 => x"708c08ff", + 1518 => x"80050c8c", + 1519 => x"08ff8005", + 1520 => x"088c08ff", + 1521 => x"88050829", + 1522 => x"708c08fe", + 1523 => x"f0050c8c", + 1524 => x"08fef805", + 1525 => x"0870902b", + 1526 => x"8c08ffa4", + 1527 => x"0508902a", + 1528 => x"7072078c", + 1529 => x"08fef805", + 1530 => x"0c525851", + 1531 => x"51548c08", + 1532 => x"fef80508", + 1533 => x"8c08fef0", + 1534 => x"05082780", + 1535 => x"e1388c08", + 1536 => x"ff800508", + 1537 => x"ff058c08", + 1538 => x"ff80050c", + 1539 => x"8c08fef8", + 1540 => x"05088c08", + 1541 => x"ffac0508", + 1542 => x"058c08fe", + 1543 => x"f8050c8c", + 1544 => x"08ffac05", + 1545 => x"088c08fe", + 1546 => x"f8050826", + 1547 => x"b1388c08", + 1548 => x"fef80508", + 1549 => x"8c08fef0", + 1550 => x"050827a2", + 1551 => x"388c08ff", + 1552 => x"800508ff", + 1553 => x"058c08ff", + 1554 => x"80050c8c", + 1555 => x"08fef805", + 1556 => x"088c08ff", + 1557 => x"ac050805", + 1558 => x"8c08fef8", + 1559 => x"050c8c08", + 1560 => x"fef80508", + 1561 => x"8c08fef0", + 1562 => x"0508318c", + 1563 => x"08fef805", + 1564 => x"0c8c08fe", + 1565 => x"f805088c", + 1566 => x"08ff8405", + 1567 => x"08537052", + 1568 => x"549d8e3f", + 1569 => x"8008708c", + 1570 => x"08fef405", + 1571 => x"0c8c08ff", + 1572 => x"84050853", + 1573 => x"8c08fef8", + 1574 => x"05085254", + 1575 => x"9cce3f80", + 1576 => x"08708c08", + 1577 => x"fefc050c", + 1578 => x"8c08fefc", + 1579 => x"05088c08", + 1580 => x"ff880508", + 1581 => x"29708c08", + 1582 => x"fef0050c", + 1583 => x"8c08fef4", + 1584 => x"05087090", + 1585 => x"2b8c08ff", + 1586 => x"a4050883", + 1587 => x"ffff0670", + 1588 => x"72078c08", + 1589 => x"fef4050c", + 1590 => x"52585151", + 1591 => x"548c08fe", + 1592 => x"f405088c", + 1593 => x"08fef005", + 1594 => x"082780e1", + 1595 => x"388c08fe", + 1596 => x"fc0508ff", + 1597 => x"058c08fe", + 1598 => x"fc050c8c", + 1599 => x"08fef405", + 1600 => x"088c08ff", + 1601 => x"ac050805", + 1602 => x"8c08fef4", + 1603 => x"050c8c08", + 1604 => x"ffac0508", + 1605 => x"8c08fef4", + 1606 => x"050826b1", + 1607 => x"388c08fe", + 1608 => x"f405088c", + 1609 => x"08fef005", + 1610 => x"0827a238", + 1611 => x"8c08fefc", + 1612 => x"0508ff05", + 1613 => x"8c08fefc", + 1614 => x"050c8c08", + 1615 => x"fef40508", + 1616 => x"8c08ffac", + 1617 => x"0508058c", + 1618 => x"08fef405", + 1619 => x"0c8c08fe", + 1620 => x"f405088c", + 1621 => x"08fef005", + 1622 => x"08318c08", + 1623 => x"fef4050c", + 1624 => x"8c08ff80", + 1625 => x"05087090", + 1626 => x"2b708c08", + 1627 => x"fefc0508", + 1628 => x"078c08ff", + 1629 => x"98050c8c", + 1630 => x"08fef405", + 1631 => x"088c08ff", + 1632 => x"a4050c51", + 1633 => x"54800b8c", + 1634 => x"08ff9405", + 1635 => x"0c8af639", + 1636 => x"8c08ffac", + 1637 => x"05089738", + 1638 => x"8c08ffac", + 1639 => x"05085281", + 1640 => x"519ac93f", + 1641 => x"8008708c", + 1642 => x"08ffac05", + 1643 => x"0c548c08", + 1644 => x"ffac0508", + 1645 => x"8c08fef0", + 1646 => x"050c8c08", + 1647 => x"fef00508", + 1648 => x"83ffff26", + 1649 => x"a0388c08", + 1650 => x"fef00508", + 1651 => x"81ff268b", + 1652 => x"38800b8c", + 1653 => x"08fed405", + 1654 => x"0ca93988", + 1655 => x"0b8c08fe", + 1656 => x"d4050c9f", + 1657 => x"398c08fe", + 1658 => x"f00508fe", + 1659 => x"800a268b", + 1660 => x"38900b8c", + 1661 => x"08fed405", + 1662 => x"0c893998", + 1663 => x"0b8c08fe", + 1664 => x"d4050c8c", + 1665 => x"08fed405", + 1666 => x"088c08fe", + 1667 => x"f4050c8c", + 1668 => x"08fef005", + 1669 => x"088c08fe", + 1670 => x"f405082a", + 1671 => x"80f6c811", + 1672 => x"338c08fe", + 1673 => x"f4050811", + 1674 => x"a071318c", + 1675 => x"08ff8c05", + 1676 => x"0c515154", + 1677 => x"8c08ff8c", + 1678 => x"05089f38", + 1679 => x"8c08ffa0", + 1680 => x"05088c08", + 1681 => x"ffac0508", + 1682 => x"318c08ff", + 1683 => x"a0050c81", + 1684 => x"0b8c08ff", + 1685 => x"94050c85", + 1686 => x"8d39a00b", + 1687 => x"8c08ff8c", + 1688 => x"0508318c", + 1689 => x"08ff9005", + 1690 => x"0c8c08ff", + 1691 => x"ac05088c", + 1692 => x"08ff8c05", + 1693 => x"082b8c08", + 1694 => x"ffac050c", + 1695 => x"8c08ffa0", + 1696 => x"05088c08", + 1697 => x"ff900508", + 1698 => x"2a8c08ff", + 1699 => x"9c050c8c", + 1700 => x"08ffa005", + 1701 => x"088c08ff", + 1702 => x"8c05082b", + 1703 => x"8c08ffa4", + 1704 => x"05088c08", + 1705 => x"ff900508", + 1706 => x"2a707207", + 1707 => x"8c08ffa0", + 1708 => x"050c8c08", + 1709 => x"ffa40508", + 1710 => x"8c08ff8c", + 1711 => x"05082b8c", + 1712 => x"08ffa405", + 1713 => x"0c8c08ff", + 1714 => x"ac050890", + 1715 => x"2a8c08fe", + 1716 => x"f0050c8c", + 1717 => x"08ffac05", + 1718 => x"0883ffff", + 1719 => x"068c08fe", + 1720 => x"f4050c8c", + 1721 => x"08ff9c05", + 1722 => x"088c08fe", + 1723 => x"f0050855", + 1724 => x"70545155", + 1725 => x"55989a3f", + 1726 => x"8008708c", + 1727 => x"08ff8005", + 1728 => x"0c8c08fe", + 1729 => x"f0050853", + 1730 => x"8c08ff9c", + 1731 => x"05085254", + 1732 => x"97da3f80", + 1733 => x"08708c08", + 1734 => x"fef8050c", + 1735 => x"8c08fef8", + 1736 => x"05088c08", + 1737 => x"fef40508", + 1738 => x"29708c08", + 1739 => x"ff88050c", + 1740 => x"8c08ff80", + 1741 => x"05087090", + 1742 => x"2b8c08ff", + 1743 => x"a0050890", + 1744 => x"2a707207", + 1745 => x"8c08ff80", + 1746 => x"050c5258", + 1747 => x"5151548c", + 1748 => x"08ff8005", + 1749 => x"088c08ff", + 1750 => x"88050827", + 1751 => x"80e1388c", + 1752 => x"08fef805", + 1753 => x"08ff058c", + 1754 => x"08fef805", + 1755 => x"0c8c08ff", + 1756 => x"8005088c", + 1757 => x"08ffac05", + 1758 => x"08058c08", + 1759 => x"ff80050c", + 1760 => x"8c08ffac", + 1761 => x"05088c08", + 1762 => x"ff800508", + 1763 => x"26b1388c", + 1764 => x"08ff8005", + 1765 => x"088c08ff", + 1766 => x"88050827", + 1767 => x"a2388c08", + 1768 => x"fef80508", + 1769 => x"ff058c08", + 1770 => x"fef8050c", + 1771 => x"8c08ff80", + 1772 => x"05088c08", + 1773 => x"ffac0508", + 1774 => x"058c08ff", + 1775 => x"80050c8c", + 1776 => x"08ff8005", + 1777 => x"088c08ff", + 1778 => x"88050831", + 1779 => x"8c08ff80", + 1780 => x"050c8c08", + 1781 => x"ff800508", + 1782 => x"8c08fef0", + 1783 => x"05085370", + 1784 => x"525496ad", + 1785 => x"3f800870", + 1786 => x"8c08ff84", + 1787 => x"050c8c08", + 1788 => x"fef00508", + 1789 => x"538c08ff", + 1790 => x"80050852", + 1791 => x"5495ed3f", + 1792 => x"8008708c", + 1793 => x"08fefc05", + 1794 => x"0c8c08fe", + 1795 => x"fc05088c", + 1796 => x"08fef405", + 1797 => x"0829708c", + 1798 => x"08ff8805", + 1799 => x"0c8c08ff", + 1800 => x"84050870", + 1801 => x"902b8c08", + 1802 => x"ffa00508", + 1803 => x"83ffff06", + 1804 => x"7072078c", + 1805 => x"08ff8405", + 1806 => x"0c525851", + 1807 => x"51548c08", + 1808 => x"ff840508", + 1809 => x"8c08ff88", + 1810 => x"05082780", + 1811 => x"e1388c08", + 1812 => x"fefc0508", + 1813 => x"ff058c08", + 1814 => x"fefc050c", + 1815 => x"8c08ff84", + 1816 => x"05088c08", + 1817 => x"ffac0508", + 1818 => x"058c08ff", + 1819 => x"84050c8c", + 1820 => x"08ffac05", + 1821 => x"088c08ff", + 1822 => x"84050826", + 1823 => x"b1388c08", + 1824 => x"ff840508", + 1825 => x"8c08ff88", + 1826 => x"050827a2", + 1827 => x"388c08fe", + 1828 => x"fc0508ff", + 1829 => x"058c08fe", + 1830 => x"fc050c8c", + 1831 => x"08ff8405", + 1832 => x"088c08ff", + 1833 => x"ac050805", + 1834 => x"8c08ff84", + 1835 => x"050c8c08", + 1836 => x"ff840508", + 1837 => x"8c08ff88", + 1838 => x"0508318c", + 1839 => x"08ff8405", + 1840 => x"0c8c08fe", + 1841 => x"f8050870", + 1842 => x"902b708c", + 1843 => x"08fefc05", + 1844 => x"08078c08", + 1845 => x"ff94050c", + 1846 => x"8c08ff84", + 1847 => x"05088c08", + 1848 => x"ffa0050c", + 1849 => x"51548c08", + 1850 => x"ffac0508", + 1851 => x"902a8c08", + 1852 => x"fef0050c", + 1853 => x"8c08ffac", + 1854 => x"050883ff", + 1855 => x"ff068c08", + 1856 => x"fef4050c", + 1857 => x"8c08ffa0", + 1858 => x"05088c08", + 1859 => x"fef00508", + 1860 => x"53705254", + 1861 => x"93fb3f80", + 1862 => x"08708c08", + 1863 => x"ff80050c", + 1864 => x"8c08fef0", + 1865 => x"0508538c", + 1866 => x"08ffa005", + 1867 => x"08525493", + 1868 => x"bb3f8008", + 1869 => x"708c08fe", + 1870 => x"f8050c8c", + 1871 => x"08fef805", + 1872 => x"088c08fe", + 1873 => x"f4050829", + 1874 => x"708c08ff", + 1875 => x"88050c8c", + 1876 => x"08ff8005", + 1877 => x"0870902b", + 1878 => x"8c08ffa4", + 1879 => x"0508902a", + 1880 => x"7072078c", + 1881 => x"08ff8005", + 1882 => x"0c525851", + 1883 => x"51548c08", + 1884 => x"ff800508", + 1885 => x"8c08ff88", + 1886 => x"05082780", + 1887 => x"e1388c08", + 1888 => x"fef80508", + 1889 => x"ff058c08", + 1890 => x"fef8050c", + 1891 => x"8c08ff80", + 1892 => x"05088c08", + 1893 => x"ffac0508", + 1894 => x"058c08ff", + 1895 => x"80050c8c", + 1896 => x"08ffac05", + 1897 => x"088c08ff", + 1898 => x"80050826", + 1899 => x"b1388c08", + 1900 => x"ff800508", + 1901 => x"8c08ff88", + 1902 => x"050827a2", + 1903 => x"388c08fe", + 1904 => x"f80508ff", + 1905 => x"058c08fe", + 1906 => x"f8050c8c", + 1907 => x"08ff8005", + 1908 => x"088c08ff", + 1909 => x"ac050805", + 1910 => x"8c08ff80", + 1911 => x"050c8c08", + 1912 => x"ff800508", + 1913 => x"8c08ff88", + 1914 => x"0508318c", + 1915 => x"08ff8005", + 1916 => x"0c8c08ff", + 1917 => x"8005088c", + 1918 => x"08fef005", + 1919 => x"08537052", + 1920 => x"54928e3f", + 1921 => x"8008708c", + 1922 => x"08ff8405", + 1923 => x"0c8c08fe", + 1924 => x"f0050853", + 1925 => x"8c08ff80", + 1926 => x"05085254", + 1927 => x"91ce3f80", + 1928 => x"08708c08", + 1929 => x"fefc050c", + 1930 => x"8c08fefc", + 1931 => x"05088c08", + 1932 => x"fef40508", + 1933 => x"29708c08", + 1934 => x"ff88050c", + 1935 => x"8c08ff84", + 1936 => x"05087090", + 1937 => x"2b8c08ff", + 1938 => x"a4050883", + 1939 => x"ffff0670", + 1940 => x"72078c08", + 1941 => x"ff84050c", + 1942 => x"52585151", + 1943 => x"548c08ff", + 1944 => x"8405088c", + 1945 => x"08ff8805", + 1946 => x"082780e1", + 1947 => x"388c08fe", + 1948 => x"fc0508ff", + 1949 => x"058c08fe", + 1950 => x"fc050c8c", + 1951 => x"08ff8405", + 1952 => x"088c08ff", + 1953 => x"ac050805", + 1954 => x"8c08ff84", + 1955 => x"050c8c08", + 1956 => x"ffac0508", + 1957 => x"8c08ff84", + 1958 => x"050826b1", + 1959 => x"388c08ff", + 1960 => x"8405088c", + 1961 => x"08ff8805", + 1962 => x"0827a238", + 1963 => x"8c08fefc", + 1964 => x"0508ff05", + 1965 => x"8c08fefc", + 1966 => x"050c8c08", + 1967 => x"ff840508", + 1968 => x"8c08ffac", + 1969 => x"0508058c", + 1970 => x"08ff8405", + 1971 => x"0c8c08ff", + 1972 => x"8405088c", + 1973 => x"08ff8805", + 1974 => x"08318c08", + 1975 => x"ff84050c", + 1976 => x"8c08fef8", + 1977 => x"05087090", + 1978 => x"2b708c08", + 1979 => x"fefc0508", + 1980 => x"078c08ff", + 1981 => x"98050c8c", + 1982 => x"08ff8405", + 1983 => x"088c08ff", + 1984 => x"a4050c51", + 1985 => x"548c08c8", + 1986 => x"0508802e", + 1987 => x"8ea3388c", + 1988 => x"08ffa405", + 1989 => x"088c08ff", + 1990 => x"8c05082a", + 1991 => x"8c08ffb4", + 1992 => x"050c800b", + 1993 => x"8c08ffb0", + 1994 => x"050c8c08", + 1995 => x"c8050856", + 1996 => x"8c08ffb0", + 1997 => x"05088c08", + 1998 => x"ffb40508", + 1999 => x"56547376", + 2000 => x"0c748417", + 2001 => x"0c8dea39", + 2002 => x"8c08ffa0", + 2003 => x"05088c08", + 2004 => x"ffa80508", + 2005 => x"2780d138", + 2006 => x"800b8c08", + 2007 => x"ff98050c", + 2008 => x"800b8c08", + 2009 => x"ff94050c", + 2010 => x"8c08c805", + 2011 => x"08802e8d", + 2012 => x"c0388c08", + 2013 => x"ffa40508", + 2014 => x"8c08ffb4", + 2015 => x"050c8c08", + 2016 => x"ffa00508", + 2017 => x"8c08ffb0", + 2018 => x"050c8c08", + 2019 => x"c8050856", + 2020 => x"8c08ffb0", + 2021 => x"05088c08", + 2022 => x"ffb40508", + 2023 => x"56547376", + 2024 => x"0c748417", + 2025 => x"0c8d8a39", + 2026 => x"8c08ffa8", + 2027 => x"05088c08", + 2028 => x"fef0050c", + 2029 => x"8c08fef0", + 2030 => x"050883ff", + 2031 => x"ff26a038", + 2032 => x"8c08fef0", + 2033 => x"050881ff", + 2034 => x"268b3880", + 2035 => x"0b8c08fe", + 2036 => x"d0050ca9", + 2037 => x"39880b8c", + 2038 => x"08fed005", + 2039 => x"0c9f398c", + 2040 => x"08fef005", + 2041 => x"08fe800a", + 2042 => x"268b3890", + 2043 => x"0b8c08fe", + 2044 => x"d0050c89", + 2045 => x"39980b8c", + 2046 => x"08fed005", + 2047 => x"0c8c08fe", + 2048 => x"d005088c", + 2049 => x"08fef405", + 2050 => x"0c8c08fe", + 2051 => x"f005088c", + 2052 => x"08fef405", + 2053 => x"082a80f6", + 2054 => x"c811338c", + 2055 => x"08fef405", + 2056 => x"0811a071", + 2057 => x"318c08ff", + 2058 => x"8c050c51", + 2059 => x"51548c08", + 2060 => x"ff8c0508", + 2061 => x"81d9388c", + 2062 => x"08ffa005", + 2063 => x"088c08ff", + 2064 => x"a8050826", + 2065 => x"93388c08", + 2066 => x"ffa40508", + 2067 => x"8c08ffac", + 2068 => x"05082784", + 2069 => x"3880e839", + 2070 => x"810b8c08", + 2071 => x"ff98050c", + 2072 => x"8c08ffa4", + 2073 => x"05088c08", + 2074 => x"ffac0508", + 2075 => x"318c08fe", + 2076 => x"f0050c8c", + 2077 => x"08ffa005", + 2078 => x"088c08ff", + 2079 => x"a8050831", + 2080 => x"708c08fe", + 2081 => x"cc050c54", + 2082 => x"8c08ffa4", + 2083 => x"05088c08", + 2084 => x"fef00508", + 2085 => x"278f388c", + 2086 => x"08fecc05", + 2087 => x"08ff058c", + 2088 => x"08fecc05", + 2089 => x"0c8c08fe", + 2090 => x"cc05088c", + 2091 => x"08ffa005", + 2092 => x"0c8c08fe", + 2093 => x"f005088c", + 2094 => x"08ffa405", + 2095 => x"0c893980", + 2096 => x"0b8c08ff", + 2097 => x"98050c80", + 2098 => x"0b8c08ff", + 2099 => x"94050c8c", + 2100 => x"08c80508", + 2101 => x"802e8ad9", + 2102 => x"388c08ff", + 2103 => x"a405088c", + 2104 => x"08ffb405", + 2105 => x"0c8c08ff", + 2106 => x"a005088c", + 2107 => x"08ffb005", + 2108 => x"0c8c08c8", + 2109 => x"0508568c", + 2110 => x"08ffb005", + 2111 => x"088c08ff", + 2112 => x"b4050856", + 2113 => x"5473760c", + 2114 => x"7484170c", + 2115 => x"8aa339a0", + 2116 => x"0b8c08ff", + 2117 => x"8c050831", + 2118 => x"8c08ff90", + 2119 => x"050c8c08", + 2120 => x"ffa80508", + 2121 => x"8c08ff8c", + 2122 => x"05082b8c", + 2123 => x"08ffac05", + 2124 => x"088c08ff", + 2125 => x"9005082a", + 2126 => x"7072078c", + 2127 => x"08ffa805", + 2128 => x"0c8c08ff", + 2129 => x"ac05088c", + 2130 => x"08ff8c05", + 2131 => x"082b8c08", + 2132 => x"ffac050c", + 2133 => x"8c08ffa0", + 2134 => x"05088c08", + 2135 => x"ff900508", + 2136 => x"2a8c08ff", + 2137 => x"9c050c8c", + 2138 => x"08ffa005", + 2139 => x"088c08ff", + 2140 => x"8c05082b", + 2141 => x"8c08ffa4", + 2142 => x"05088c08", + 2143 => x"ff900508", + 2144 => x"2a707207", + 2145 => x"8c08ffa0", + 2146 => x"050c8c08", + 2147 => x"ffa40508", + 2148 => x"8c08ff8c", + 2149 => x"05082b8c", + 2150 => x"08ffa405", + 2151 => x"0c8c08ff", + 2152 => x"a8050890", + 2153 => x"2a8c08fe", + 2154 => x"f8050c8c", + 2155 => x"08ffa805", + 2156 => x"0883ffff", + 2157 => x"068c08fe", + 2158 => x"fc050c8c", + 2159 => x"08ff9c05", + 2160 => x"088c08fe", + 2161 => x"f8050857", + 2162 => x"70565152", + 2163 => x"5255558a", + 2164 => x"c03f8008", + 2165 => x"708c08ff", + 2166 => x"88050c8c", + 2167 => x"08fef805", + 2168 => x"08538c08", + 2169 => x"ff9c0508", + 2170 => x"52548a80", + 2171 => x"3f800870", + 2172 => x"8c08ff80", + 2173 => x"050c8c08", + 2174 => x"ff800508", + 2175 => x"8c08fefc", + 2176 => x"05082970", + 2177 => x"8c08fee8", + 2178 => x"050c8c08", + 2179 => x"ff880508", + 2180 => x"70902b8c", + 2181 => x"08ffa005", + 2182 => x"08902a70", + 2183 => x"72078c08", + 2184 => x"ff88050c", + 2185 => x"52585151", + 2186 => x"548c08ff", + 2187 => x"8805088c", + 2188 => x"08fee805", + 2189 => x"082780e1", + 2190 => x"388c08ff", + 2191 => x"800508ff", + 2192 => x"058c08ff", + 2193 => x"80050c8c", + 2194 => x"08ff8805", + 2195 => x"088c08ff", + 2196 => x"a8050805", + 2197 => x"8c08ff88", + 2198 => x"050c8c08", + 2199 => x"ffa80508", + 2200 => x"8c08ff88", + 2201 => x"050826b1", + 2202 => x"388c08ff", + 2203 => x"8805088c", + 2204 => x"08fee805", + 2205 => x"0827a238", + 2206 => x"8c08ff80", + 2207 => x"0508ff05", + 2208 => x"8c08ff80", + 2209 => x"050c8c08", + 2210 => x"ff880508", + 2211 => x"8c08ffa8", + 2212 => x"0508058c", + 2213 => x"08ff8805", + 2214 => x"0c8c08ff", + 2215 => x"8805088c", + 2216 => x"08fee805", + 2217 => x"08318c08", + 2218 => x"ff88050c", + 2219 => x"8c08ff88", + 2220 => x"05088c08", + 2221 => x"fef80508", + 2222 => x"53705254", + 2223 => x"88d33f80", + 2224 => x"08708c08", + 2225 => x"feec050c", + 2226 => x"8c08fef8", + 2227 => x"0508538c", + 2228 => x"08ff8805", + 2229 => x"08525488", + 2230 => x"933f8008", + 2231 => x"708c08ff", + 2232 => x"84050c8c", + 2233 => x"08ff8405", + 2234 => x"088c08fe", + 2235 => x"fc050829", + 2236 => x"708c08fe", + 2237 => x"e8050c8c", + 2238 => x"08feec05", + 2239 => x"0870902b", + 2240 => x"8c08ffa0", + 2241 => x"050883ff", + 2242 => x"ff067072", + 2243 => x"078c08fe", + 2244 => x"ec050c52", + 2245 => x"58515154", + 2246 => x"8c08feec", + 2247 => x"05088c08", + 2248 => x"fee80508", + 2249 => x"2780e138", + 2250 => x"8c08ff84", + 2251 => x"0508ff05", + 2252 => x"8c08ff84", + 2253 => x"050c8c08", + 2254 => x"feec0508", + 2255 => x"8c08ffa8", + 2256 => x"0508058c", + 2257 => x"08feec05", + 2258 => x"0c8c08ff", + 2259 => x"a805088c", + 2260 => x"08feec05", + 2261 => x"0826b138", + 2262 => x"8c08feec", + 2263 => x"05088c08", + 2264 => x"fee80508", + 2265 => x"27a2388c", + 2266 => x"08ff8405", + 2267 => x"08ff058c", + 2268 => x"08ff8405", + 2269 => x"0c8c08fe", + 2270 => x"ec05088c", + 2271 => x"08ffa805", + 2272 => x"08058c08", + 2273 => x"feec050c", + 2274 => x"8c08feec", + 2275 => x"05088c08", + 2276 => x"fee80508", + 2277 => x"318c08fe", + 2278 => x"ec050c8c", + 2279 => x"08ff8005", + 2280 => x"0870902b", + 2281 => x"708c08ff", + 2282 => x"84050807", + 2283 => x"8c08ff98", + 2284 => x"050c8c08", + 2285 => x"feec0508", + 2286 => x"8c08ffa0", + 2287 => x"050c8c08", + 2288 => x"ff980508", + 2289 => x"83ffff06", + 2290 => x"8c08ff80", + 2291 => x"050c8c08", + 2292 => x"ff980508", + 2293 => x"902a8c08", + 2294 => x"ff88050c", + 2295 => x"8c08ffac", + 2296 => x"050883ff", + 2297 => x"ff068c08", + 2298 => x"ff84050c", + 2299 => x"8c08ffac", + 2300 => x"0508902a", + 2301 => x"8c08fee4", + 2302 => x"050c8c08", + 2303 => x"ff800508", + 2304 => x"8c08ff84", + 2305 => x"05082970", + 2306 => x"8c08fee8", + 2307 => x"050c8c08", + 2308 => x"ff800508", + 2309 => x"8c08fee4", + 2310 => x"05082970", + 2311 => x"8c08feec", + 2312 => x"050c8c08", + 2313 => x"ff880508", + 2314 => x"8c08ff84", + 2315 => x"05082970", + 2316 => x"8c08fef8", + 2317 => x"050c8c08", + 2318 => x"ff880508", + 2319 => x"8c08fee4", + 2320 => x"05082970", + 2321 => x"8c08fefc", + 2322 => x"050c8c08", + 2323 => x"fee80508", + 2324 => x"902a8c08", + 2325 => x"feec0508", + 2326 => x"118c08fe", + 2327 => x"ec050c8c", + 2328 => x"08feec05", + 2329 => x"088c08fe", + 2330 => x"f8050805", + 2331 => x"8c08feec", + 2332 => x"050c5151", + 2333 => x"51515151", + 2334 => x"548c08fe", + 2335 => x"ec05088c", + 2336 => x"08fef805", + 2337 => x"08279138", + 2338 => x"8c08fefc", + 2339 => x"05088480", + 2340 => x"80058c08", + 2341 => x"fefc050c", + 2342 => x"8c08feec", + 2343 => x"0508902a", + 2344 => x"8c08fefc", + 2345 => x"0508118c", + 2346 => x"08fef005", + 2347 => x"0c8c08fe", + 2348 => x"ec050883", + 2349 => x"ffff0670", + 2350 => x"902b8c08", + 2351 => x"fee80508", + 2352 => x"83ffff06", + 2353 => x"70128c08", + 2354 => x"fef4050c", + 2355 => x"52575154", + 2356 => x"8c08fef0", + 2357 => x"05088c08", + 2358 => x"ffa00508", + 2359 => x"26a6388c", + 2360 => x"08fef005", + 2361 => x"088c08ff", + 2362 => x"a005082e", + 2363 => x"09810680", + 2364 => x"fe388c08", + 2365 => x"fef40508", + 2366 => x"8c08ffa4", + 2367 => x"05082684", + 2368 => x"3880ec39", + 2369 => x"8c08ff98", + 2370 => x"0508ff05", + 2371 => x"8c08ff98", + 2372 => x"050c8c08", + 2373 => x"fef40508", + 2374 => x"8c08ffac", + 2375 => x"0508318c", + 2376 => x"08fee405", + 2377 => x"0c8c08fe", + 2378 => x"f005088c", + 2379 => x"08ffa805", + 2380 => x"0831708c", + 2381 => x"08fec805", + 2382 => x"0c548c08", + 2383 => x"fef40508", + 2384 => x"8c08fee4", + 2385 => x"0508278f", + 2386 => x"388c08fe", + 2387 => x"c80508ff", + 2388 => x"058c08fe", + 2389 => x"c8050c8c", + 2390 => x"08fec805", + 2391 => x"088c08fe", + 2392 => x"f0050c8c", + 2393 => x"08fee405", + 2394 => x"088c08fe", + 2395 => x"f4050c80", + 2396 => x"0b8c08ff", + 2397 => x"94050c8c", + 2398 => x"08c80508", + 2399 => x"802e81b1", + 2400 => x"388c08ff", + 2401 => x"a405088c", + 2402 => x"08fef405", + 2403 => x"08318c08", + 2404 => x"fee4050c", + 2405 => x"8c08ffa0", + 2406 => x"05088c08", + 2407 => x"fef00508", + 2408 => x"31708c08", + 2409 => x"fec4050c", + 2410 => x"548c08ff", + 2411 => x"a405088c", + 2412 => x"08fee405", + 2413 => x"08278f38", + 2414 => x"8c08fec4", + 2415 => x"0508ff05", + 2416 => x"8c08fec4", + 2417 => x"050c8c08", + 2418 => x"fec40508", + 2419 => x"8c08ffa0", + 2420 => x"050c8c08", + 2421 => x"fee40508", + 2422 => x"8c08ffa4", + 2423 => x"050c8c08", + 2424 => x"ffa00508", + 2425 => x"8c08ff90", + 2426 => x"05082b8c", + 2427 => x"08ffa405", + 2428 => x"088c08ff", + 2429 => x"8c05082a", + 2430 => x"7072078c", + 2431 => x"08ffb405", + 2432 => x"0c8c08ff", + 2433 => x"a005088c", + 2434 => x"08ff8c05", + 2435 => x"082a8c08", + 2436 => x"ffb0050c", + 2437 => x"8c08c805", + 2438 => x"08585555", + 2439 => x"8c08ffb0", + 2440 => x"05088c08", + 2441 => x"ffb40508", + 2442 => x"56547376", + 2443 => x"0c748417", + 2444 => x"0c800b8c", + 2445 => x"08fedc05", + 2446 => x"0c800b8c", + 2447 => x"08fee005", + 2448 => x"0c8c08ff", + 2449 => x"9405088c", + 2450 => x"08fedc05", + 2451 => x"0c8c08ff", + 2452 => x"9805088c", + 2453 => x"08fee005", + 2454 => x"0c8c08fe", + 2455 => x"dc05088c", + 2456 => x"08fee005", + 2457 => x"08565473", + 2458 => x"8c08c005", + 2459 => x"0c748c08", + 2460 => x"c4050c8c", + 2461 => x"08c00508", + 2462 => x"8c08c405", + 2463 => x"08565473", + 2464 => x"8c08dc05", + 2465 => x"0c748c08", + 2466 => x"e0050c8c", + 2467 => x"08fc0508", + 2468 => x"802eb338", + 2469 => x"8c08c005", + 2470 => x"548c08dc", + 2471 => x"05088c08", + 2472 => x"e0050857", + 2473 => x"55745275", + 2474 => x"537351d8", + 2475 => x"d73f8c08", + 2476 => x"c005088c", + 2477 => x"08c40508", + 2478 => x"5654738c", + 2479 => x"08dc050c", + 2480 => x"748c08e0", + 2481 => x"050c8c08", + 2482 => x"dc05088c", + 2483 => x"08e00508", + 2484 => x"8c088805", + 2485 => x"08585654", + 2486 => x"73760c74", + 2487 => x"84170c8c", + 2488 => x"08880508", + 2489 => x"800cb63d", + 2490 => x"0d8c0c04", + 2491 => x"8c08028c", + 2492 => x"0cfd3d0d", + 2493 => x"80538c08", + 2494 => x"8c050852", + 2495 => x"8c088805", + 2496 => x"085182de", + 2497 => x"3f800870", + 2498 => x"800c5485", + 2499 => x"3d0d8c0c", + 2500 => x"048c0802", + 2501 => x"8c0cfd3d", + 2502 => x"0d81538c", + 2503 => x"088c0508", + 2504 => x"528c0888", + 2505 => x"05085182", + 2506 => x"b93f8008", + 2507 => x"70800c54", + 2508 => x"853d0d8c", + 2509 => x"0c048c08", + 2510 => x"028c0cf9", + 2511 => x"3d0d800b", + 2512 => x"8c08fc05", + 2513 => x"0c8c0888", + 2514 => x"05088025", + 2515 => x"ab388c08", + 2516 => x"88050830", + 2517 => x"8c088805", + 2518 => x"0c800b8c", + 2519 => x"08f4050c", + 2520 => x"8c08fc05", + 2521 => x"08883881", + 2522 => x"0b8c08f4", + 2523 => x"050c8c08", + 2524 => x"f405088c", + 2525 => x"08fc050c", + 2526 => x"8c088c05", + 2527 => x"088025ab", + 2528 => x"388c088c", + 2529 => x"0508308c", + 2530 => x"088c050c", + 2531 => x"800b8c08", + 2532 => x"f0050c8c", + 2533 => x"08fc0508", + 2534 => x"8838810b", + 2535 => x"8c08f005", + 2536 => x"0c8c08f0", + 2537 => x"05088c08", + 2538 => x"fc050c80", + 2539 => x"538c088c", + 2540 => x"0508528c", + 2541 => x"08880508", + 2542 => x"5181a73f", + 2543 => x"8008708c", + 2544 => x"08f8050c", + 2545 => x"548c08fc", + 2546 => x"0508802e", + 2547 => x"8c388c08", + 2548 => x"f8050830", + 2549 => x"8c08f805", + 2550 => x"0c8c08f8", + 2551 => x"05087080", + 2552 => x"0c54893d", + 2553 => x"0d8c0c04", + 2554 => x"8c08028c", + 2555 => x"0cfb3d0d", + 2556 => x"800b8c08", + 2557 => x"fc050c8c", + 2558 => x"08880508", + 2559 => x"80259338", + 2560 => x"8c088805", + 2561 => x"08308c08", + 2562 => x"88050c81", + 2563 => x"0b8c08fc", + 2564 => x"050c8c08", + 2565 => x"8c050880", + 2566 => x"258c388c", + 2567 => x"088c0508", + 2568 => x"308c088c", + 2569 => x"050c8153", + 2570 => x"8c088c05", + 2571 => x"08528c08", + 2572 => x"88050851", + 2573 => x"ad3f8008", + 2574 => x"708c08f8", + 2575 => x"050c548c", + 2576 => x"08fc0508", + 2577 => x"802e8c38", + 2578 => x"8c08f805", + 2579 => x"08308c08", + 2580 => x"f8050c8c", + 2581 => x"08f80508", + 2582 => x"70800c54", + 2583 => x"873d0d8c", + 2584 => x"0c048c08", + 2585 => x"028c0cfd", + 2586 => x"3d0d810b", + 2587 => x"8c08fc05", + 2588 => x"0c800b8c", + 2589 => x"08f8050c", + 2590 => x"8c088c05", + 2591 => x"088c0888", + 2592 => x"050827ac", + 2593 => x"388c08fc", + 2594 => x"0508802e", + 2595 => x"a338800b", + 2596 => x"8c088c05", + 2597 => x"08249938", + 2598 => x"8c088c05", + 2599 => x"08108c08", + 2600 => x"8c050c8c", + 2601 => x"08fc0508", + 2602 => x"108c08fc", + 2603 => x"050cc939", + 2604 => x"8c08fc05", + 2605 => x"08802e80", + 2606 => x"c9388c08", + 2607 => x"8c05088c", + 2608 => x"08880508", + 2609 => x"26a1388c", + 2610 => x"08880508", + 2611 => x"8c088c05", + 2612 => x"08318c08", + 2613 => x"88050c8c", + 2614 => x"08f80508", + 2615 => x"8c08fc05", + 2616 => x"08078c08", + 2617 => x"f8050c8c", + 2618 => x"08fc0508", + 2619 => x"812a8c08", + 2620 => x"fc050c8c", + 2621 => x"088c0508", + 2622 => x"812a8c08", + 2623 => x"8c050cff", + 2624 => x"af398c08", + 2625 => x"90050880", + 2626 => x"2e8f388c", + 2627 => x"08880508", + 2628 => x"708c08f4", + 2629 => x"050c518d", + 2630 => x"398c08f8", + 2631 => x"0508708c", + 2632 => x"08f4050c", + 2633 => x"518c08f4", + 2634 => x"0508800c", + 2635 => x"853d0d8c", + 2636 => x"0c04ff3d", + 2637 => x"0d735281", + 2638 => x"81c80851", + 2639 => x"963f833d", + 2640 => x"0d04ff3d", + 2641 => x"0d735281", + 2642 => x"81c80851", + 2643 => x"90953f83", + 2644 => x"3d0d04f3", + 2645 => x"3d0d7f61", + 2646 => x"8b1170f8", + 2647 => x"065c5555", + 2648 => x"5e729626", + 2649 => x"83389059", + 2650 => x"80792474", + 2651 => x"7a260753", + 2652 => x"80547274", + 2653 => x"2e098106", + 2654 => x"80cb387d", + 2655 => x"518ce33f", + 2656 => x"7883f726", + 2657 => x"80c63878", + 2658 => x"832a7010", + 2659 => x"101080f9", + 2660 => x"c0058c11", + 2661 => x"0859595a", + 2662 => x"76782e83", + 2663 => x"b0388417", + 2664 => x"08fc0656", + 2665 => x"8c170888", + 2666 => x"1808718c", + 2667 => x"120c8812", + 2668 => x"0c587517", + 2669 => x"84110881", + 2670 => x"0784120c", + 2671 => x"537d518c", + 2672 => x"a23f8817", + 2673 => x"5473800c", + 2674 => x"8f3d0d04", + 2675 => x"78892a79", + 2676 => x"832a5b53", + 2677 => x"72802ebf", + 2678 => x"3878862a", + 2679 => x"b8055a84", + 2680 => x"7327b438", + 2681 => x"80db135a", + 2682 => x"947327ab", + 2683 => x"38788c2a", + 2684 => x"80ee055a", + 2685 => x"80d47327", + 2686 => x"9e38788f", + 2687 => x"2a80f705", + 2688 => x"5a82d473", + 2689 => x"27913878", + 2690 => x"922a80fc", + 2691 => x"055a8ad4", + 2692 => x"73278438", + 2693 => x"80fe5a79", + 2694 => x"10101080", + 2695 => x"f9c0058c", + 2696 => x"11085855", + 2697 => x"76752ea3", + 2698 => x"38841708", + 2699 => x"fc06707a", + 2700 => x"31555673", + 2701 => x"8f2488d5", + 2702 => x"38738025", + 2703 => x"fee6388c", + 2704 => x"17085776", + 2705 => x"752e0981", + 2706 => x"06df3881", + 2707 => x"1a5a80f9", + 2708 => x"d0085776", + 2709 => x"80f9c82e", + 2710 => x"82c03884", + 2711 => x"1708fc06", + 2712 => x"707a3155", + 2713 => x"56738f24", + 2714 => x"81f93880", + 2715 => x"f9c80b80", + 2716 => x"f9d40c80", + 2717 => x"f9c80b80", + 2718 => x"f9d00c73", + 2719 => x"8025feb2", + 2720 => x"3883ff76", + 2721 => x"2783df38", + 2722 => x"75892a76", + 2723 => x"832a5553", + 2724 => x"72802ebf", + 2725 => x"3875862a", + 2726 => x"b8055484", + 2727 => x"7327b438", + 2728 => x"80db1354", + 2729 => x"947327ab", + 2730 => x"38758c2a", + 2731 => x"80ee0554", + 2732 => x"80d47327", + 2733 => x"9e38758f", + 2734 => x"2a80f705", + 2735 => x"5482d473", + 2736 => x"27913875", + 2737 => x"922a80fc", + 2738 => x"05548ad4", + 2739 => x"73278438", + 2740 => x"80fe5473", + 2741 => x"10101080", + 2742 => x"f9c00588", + 2743 => x"11085658", + 2744 => x"74782e86", + 2745 => x"cf388415", + 2746 => x"08fc0653", + 2747 => x"7573278d", + 2748 => x"38881508", + 2749 => x"5574782e", + 2750 => x"098106ea", + 2751 => x"388c1508", + 2752 => x"80f9c00b", + 2753 => x"84050871", + 2754 => x"8c1a0c76", + 2755 => x"881a0c78", + 2756 => x"88130c78", + 2757 => x"8c180c5d", + 2758 => x"58795380", + 2759 => x"7a2483e6", + 2760 => x"3872822c", + 2761 => x"81712b5c", + 2762 => x"537a7c26", + 2763 => x"8198387b", + 2764 => x"7b065372", + 2765 => x"82f13879", + 2766 => x"fc068405", + 2767 => x"5a7a1070", + 2768 => x"7d06545b", + 2769 => x"7282e038", + 2770 => x"841a5af1", + 2771 => x"3988178c", + 2772 => x"11085858", + 2773 => x"76782e09", + 2774 => x"8106fcc2", + 2775 => x"38821a5a", + 2776 => x"fdec3978", + 2777 => x"17798107", + 2778 => x"84190c70", + 2779 => x"80f9d40c", + 2780 => x"7080f9d0", + 2781 => x"0c80f9c8", + 2782 => x"0b8c120c", + 2783 => x"8c110888", + 2784 => x"120c7481", + 2785 => x"0784120c", + 2786 => x"74117571", + 2787 => x"0c51537d", + 2788 => x"5188d03f", + 2789 => x"881754fc", + 2790 => x"ac3980f9", + 2791 => x"c00b8405", + 2792 => x"087a545c", + 2793 => x"798025fe", + 2794 => x"f83882da", + 2795 => x"397a097c", + 2796 => x"067080f9", + 2797 => x"c00b8405", + 2798 => x"0c5c7a10", + 2799 => x"5b7a7c26", + 2800 => x"85387a85", + 2801 => x"b83880f9", + 2802 => x"c00b8805", + 2803 => x"08708412", + 2804 => x"08fc0670", + 2805 => x"7c317c72", + 2806 => x"268f7225", + 2807 => x"0757575c", + 2808 => x"5d557280", + 2809 => x"2e80db38", + 2810 => x"797a1680", + 2811 => x"f9b8081b", + 2812 => x"90115a55", + 2813 => x"575b80f9", + 2814 => x"b408ff2e", + 2815 => x"8838a08f", + 2816 => x"13e08006", + 2817 => x"5776527d", + 2818 => x"5187d93f", + 2819 => x"80085480", + 2820 => x"08ff2e90", + 2821 => x"38800876", + 2822 => x"27829938", + 2823 => x"7480f9c0", + 2824 => x"2e829138", + 2825 => x"80f9c00b", + 2826 => x"88050855", + 2827 => x"841508fc", + 2828 => x"06707a31", + 2829 => x"7a72268f", + 2830 => x"72250752", + 2831 => x"55537283", + 2832 => x"e6387479", + 2833 => x"81078417", + 2834 => x"0c791670", + 2835 => x"80f9c00b", + 2836 => x"88050c75", + 2837 => x"81078412", + 2838 => x"0c547e52", + 2839 => x"5787843f", + 2840 => x"881754fa", + 2841 => x"e0397583", + 2842 => x"2a705454", + 2843 => x"80742481", + 2844 => x"9b387282", + 2845 => x"2c81712b", + 2846 => x"80f9c408", + 2847 => x"077080f9", + 2848 => x"c00b8405", + 2849 => x"0c751010", + 2850 => x"1080f9c0", + 2851 => x"05881108", + 2852 => x"585a5d53", + 2853 => x"778c180c", + 2854 => x"7488180c", + 2855 => x"7688190c", + 2856 => x"768c160c", + 2857 => x"fcf33979", + 2858 => x"7a101010", + 2859 => x"80f9c005", + 2860 => x"7057595d", + 2861 => x"8c150857", + 2862 => x"76752ea3", + 2863 => x"38841708", + 2864 => x"fc06707a", + 2865 => x"31555673", + 2866 => x"8f2483ca", + 2867 => x"38738025", + 2868 => x"8481388c", + 2869 => x"17085776", + 2870 => x"752e0981", + 2871 => x"06df3888", + 2872 => x"15811b70", + 2873 => x"8306555b", + 2874 => x"5572c938", + 2875 => x"7c830653", + 2876 => x"72802efd", + 2877 => x"b838ff1d", + 2878 => x"f819595d", + 2879 => x"88180878", + 2880 => x"2eea38fd", + 2881 => x"b539831a", + 2882 => x"53fc9639", + 2883 => x"83147082", + 2884 => x"2c81712b", + 2885 => x"80f9c408", + 2886 => x"077080f9", + 2887 => x"c00b8405", + 2888 => x"0c761010", + 2889 => x"1080f9c0", + 2890 => x"05881108", + 2891 => x"595b5e51", + 2892 => x"53fee139", + 2893 => x"80f98408", + 2894 => x"17588008", + 2895 => x"762e818d", + 2896 => x"3880f9b4", + 2897 => x"08ff2e83", + 2898 => x"ec387376", + 2899 => x"311880f9", + 2900 => x"840c7387", + 2901 => x"06705753", + 2902 => x"72802e88", + 2903 => x"38887331", + 2904 => x"70155556", + 2905 => x"76149fff", + 2906 => x"06a08071", + 2907 => x"31177054", + 2908 => x"7f535753", + 2909 => x"84ee3f80", + 2910 => x"08538008", + 2911 => x"ff2e81a0", + 2912 => x"3880f984", + 2913 => x"08167080", + 2914 => x"f9840c74", + 2915 => x"7580f9c0", + 2916 => x"0b88050c", + 2917 => x"74763118", + 2918 => x"70810751", + 2919 => x"5556587b", + 2920 => x"80f9c02e", + 2921 => x"839c3879", + 2922 => x"8f2682cb", + 2923 => x"38810b84", + 2924 => x"150c8415", + 2925 => x"08fc0670", + 2926 => x"7a317a72", + 2927 => x"268f7225", + 2928 => x"07525553", + 2929 => x"72802efc", + 2930 => x"f93880db", + 2931 => x"3980089f", + 2932 => x"ff065372", + 2933 => x"feeb3877", + 2934 => x"80f9840c", + 2935 => x"80f9c00b", + 2936 => x"8805087b", + 2937 => x"18810784", + 2938 => x"120c5580", + 2939 => x"f9b00878", + 2940 => x"27863877", + 2941 => x"80f9b00c", + 2942 => x"80f9ac08", + 2943 => x"7827fcac", + 2944 => x"387780f9", + 2945 => x"ac0c8415", + 2946 => x"08fc0670", + 2947 => x"7a317a72", + 2948 => x"268f7225", + 2949 => x"07525553", + 2950 => x"72802efc", + 2951 => x"a5388839", + 2952 => x"80745456", + 2953 => x"fedb397d", + 2954 => x"5183b83f", + 2955 => x"800b800c", + 2956 => x"8f3d0d04", + 2957 => x"73538074", + 2958 => x"24a93872", + 2959 => x"822c8171", + 2960 => x"2b80f9c4", + 2961 => x"08077080", + 2962 => x"f9c00b84", + 2963 => x"050c5d53", + 2964 => x"778c180c", + 2965 => x"7488180c", + 2966 => x"7688190c", + 2967 => x"768c160c", + 2968 => x"f9b73983", + 2969 => x"1470822c", + 2970 => x"81712b80", + 2971 => x"f9c40807", + 2972 => x"7080f9c0", + 2973 => x"0b84050c", + 2974 => x"5e5153d4", + 2975 => x"397b7b06", + 2976 => x"5372fca3", + 2977 => x"38841a7b", + 2978 => x"105c5af1", + 2979 => x"39ff1a81", + 2980 => x"11515af7", + 2981 => x"b9397817", + 2982 => x"79810784", + 2983 => x"190c8c18", + 2984 => x"08881908", + 2985 => x"718c120c", + 2986 => x"88120c59", + 2987 => x"7080f9d4", + 2988 => x"0c7080f9", + 2989 => x"d00c80f9", + 2990 => x"c80b8c12", + 2991 => x"0c8c1108", + 2992 => x"88120c74", + 2993 => x"81078412", + 2994 => x"0c741175", + 2995 => x"710c5153", + 2996 => x"f9bd3975", + 2997 => x"17841108", + 2998 => x"81078412", + 2999 => x"0c538c17", + 3000 => x"08881808", + 3001 => x"718c120c", + 3002 => x"88120c58", + 3003 => x"7d5181f3", + 3004 => x"3f881754", + 3005 => x"f5cf3972", + 3006 => x"84150cf4", + 3007 => x"1af80670", + 3008 => x"841e0881", + 3009 => x"0607841e", + 3010 => x"0c701d54", + 3011 => x"5b850b84", + 3012 => x"140c850b", + 3013 => x"88140c8f", + 3014 => x"7b27fdcf", + 3015 => x"38881c52", + 3016 => x"7d5184bf", + 3017 => x"3f80f9c0", + 3018 => x"0b880508", + 3019 => x"80f98408", + 3020 => x"5955fdb7", + 3021 => x"397780f9", + 3022 => x"840c7380", + 3023 => x"f9b40cfc", + 3024 => x"91397284", + 3025 => x"150cfda3", + 3026 => x"39fc3d0d", + 3027 => x"7670797b", + 3028 => x"55555555", + 3029 => x"8f72278c", + 3030 => x"38727507", + 3031 => x"83065170", + 3032 => x"802ea738", + 3033 => x"ff125271", + 3034 => x"ff2e9838", + 3035 => x"72708105", + 3036 => x"54337470", + 3037 => x"81055634", + 3038 => x"ff125271", + 3039 => x"ff2e0981", + 3040 => x"06ea3874", + 3041 => x"800c863d", + 3042 => x"0d047451", + 3043 => x"72708405", + 3044 => x"54087170", + 3045 => x"8405530c", + 3046 => x"72708405", + 3047 => x"54087170", + 3048 => x"8405530c", + 3049 => x"72708405", + 3050 => x"54087170", + 3051 => x"8405530c", + 3052 => x"72708405", + 3053 => x"54087170", + 3054 => x"8405530c", + 3055 => x"f0125271", + 3056 => x"8f26c938", + 3057 => x"83722795", + 3058 => x"38727084", + 3059 => x"05540871", + 3060 => x"70840553", + 3061 => x"0cfc1252", + 3062 => x"718326ed", + 3063 => x"387054ff", + 3064 => x"83390404", + 3065 => x"fd3d0d80", + 3066 => x"0b81d998", + 3067 => x"0c765187", + 3068 => x"c83f8008", + 3069 => x"538008ff", + 3070 => x"2e883872", + 3071 => x"800c853d", + 3072 => x"0d0481d9", + 3073 => x"98085473", + 3074 => x"802ef038", + 3075 => x"7574710c", + 3076 => x"5272800c", + 3077 => x"853d0d04", + 3078 => x"fb3d0d77", + 3079 => x"79707207", + 3080 => x"83065354", + 3081 => x"52709338", + 3082 => x"71737308", + 3083 => x"54565471", + 3084 => x"73082e80", + 3085 => x"c4387375", + 3086 => x"54527133", + 3087 => x"7081ff06", + 3088 => x"52547080", + 3089 => x"2e9d3872", + 3090 => x"33557075", + 3091 => x"2e098106", + 3092 => x"95388112", + 3093 => x"81147133", + 3094 => x"7081ff06", + 3095 => x"54565452", + 3096 => x"70e53872", + 3097 => x"33557381", + 3098 => x"ff067581", + 3099 => x"ff067171", + 3100 => x"31800c52", + 3101 => x"52873d0d", + 3102 => x"04710970", + 3103 => x"f7fbfdff", + 3104 => x"140670f8", + 3105 => x"84828180", + 3106 => x"06515151", + 3107 => x"70973884", + 3108 => x"14841671", + 3109 => x"08545654", + 3110 => x"7175082e", + 3111 => x"dc387375", + 3112 => x"5452ff96", + 3113 => x"39800b80", + 3114 => x"0c873d0d", + 3115 => x"04fb3d0d", + 3116 => x"77705256", + 3117 => x"feac3f80", + 3118 => x"f9c00b88", + 3119 => x"05088411", + 3120 => x"08fc0670", + 3121 => x"7b319fef", + 3122 => x"05e08006", + 3123 => x"e0800556", + 3124 => x"5653a080", + 3125 => x"74249438", + 3126 => x"80527551", + 3127 => x"fe863f80", + 3128 => x"f9c80815", + 3129 => x"53728008", + 3130 => x"2e8f3875", + 3131 => x"51fdf43f", + 3132 => x"80537280", + 3133 => x"0c873d0d", + 3134 => x"04733052", + 3135 => x"7551fde4", + 3136 => x"3f8008ff", + 3137 => x"2ea83880", + 3138 => x"f9c00b88", + 3139 => x"05087575", + 3140 => x"31810784", + 3141 => x"120c5380", + 3142 => x"f9840874", + 3143 => x"3180f984", + 3144 => x"0c7551fd", + 3145 => x"be3f810b", + 3146 => x"800c873d", + 3147 => x"0d048052", + 3148 => x"7551fdb0", + 3149 => x"3f80f9c0", + 3150 => x"0b880508", + 3151 => x"80087131", + 3152 => x"56538f75", + 3153 => x"25ffa438", + 3154 => x"800880f9", + 3155 => x"b4083180", + 3156 => x"f9840c74", + 3157 => x"81078414", + 3158 => x"0c7551fd", + 3159 => x"863f8053", + 3160 => x"ff9039f6", + 3161 => x"3d0d7c7e", + 3162 => x"545b7280", + 3163 => x"2e828338", + 3164 => x"7a51fcee", + 3165 => x"3ff81384", + 3166 => x"110870fe", + 3167 => x"06701384", + 3168 => x"1108fc06", + 3169 => x"5d585954", + 3170 => x"5880f9c8", + 3171 => x"08752e82", + 3172 => x"de387884", + 3173 => x"160c8073", + 3174 => x"8106545a", + 3175 => x"727a2e81", + 3176 => x"d5387815", + 3177 => x"84110881", + 3178 => x"06515372", + 3179 => x"a0387817", + 3180 => x"577981e6", + 3181 => x"38881508", + 3182 => x"537280f9", + 3183 => x"c82e82f9", + 3184 => x"388c1508", + 3185 => x"708c150c", + 3186 => x"7388120c", + 3187 => x"56768107", + 3188 => x"84190c76", + 3189 => x"1877710c", + 3190 => x"53798191", + 3191 => x"3883ff77", + 3192 => x"2781c838", + 3193 => x"76892a77", + 3194 => x"832a5653", + 3195 => x"72802ebf", + 3196 => x"3876862a", + 3197 => x"b8055584", + 3198 => x"7327b438", + 3199 => x"80db1355", + 3200 => x"947327ab", + 3201 => x"38768c2a", + 3202 => x"80ee0555", + 3203 => x"80d47327", + 3204 => x"9e38768f", + 3205 => x"2a80f705", + 3206 => x"5582d473", + 3207 => x"27913876", + 3208 => x"922a80fc", + 3209 => x"05558ad4", + 3210 => x"73278438", + 3211 => x"80fe5574", + 3212 => x"10101080", + 3213 => x"f9c00588", + 3214 => x"11085556", + 3215 => x"73762e82", + 3216 => x"b3388414", + 3217 => x"08fc0653", + 3218 => x"7673278d", + 3219 => x"38881408", + 3220 => x"5473762e", + 3221 => x"098106ea", + 3222 => x"388c1408", + 3223 => x"708c1a0c", + 3224 => x"74881a0c", + 3225 => x"7888120c", + 3226 => x"56778c15", + 3227 => x"0c7a51fa", + 3228 => x"f23f8c3d", + 3229 => x"0d047708", + 3230 => x"78713159", + 3231 => x"77058819", + 3232 => x"08545772", + 3233 => x"80f9c82e", + 3234 => x"80e0388c", + 3235 => x"1808708c", + 3236 => x"150c7388", + 3237 => x"120c56fe", + 3238 => x"89398815", + 3239 => x"088c1608", + 3240 => x"708c130c", + 3241 => x"5788170c", + 3242 => x"fea33976", + 3243 => x"832a7054", + 3244 => x"55807524", + 3245 => x"81983872", + 3246 => x"822c8171", + 3247 => x"2b80f9c4", + 3248 => x"080780f9", + 3249 => x"c00b8405", + 3250 => x"0c537410", + 3251 => x"101080f9", + 3252 => x"c0058811", + 3253 => x"08555675", + 3254 => x"8c190c73", + 3255 => x"88190c77", + 3256 => x"88170c77", + 3257 => x"8c150cff", + 3258 => x"8439815a", + 3259 => x"fdb43978", + 3260 => x"17738106", + 3261 => x"54577298", + 3262 => x"38770878", + 3263 => x"71315977", + 3264 => x"058c1908", + 3265 => x"881a0871", + 3266 => x"8c120c88", + 3267 => x"120c5757", + 3268 => x"76810784", + 3269 => x"190c7780", + 3270 => x"f9c00b88", + 3271 => x"050c80f9", + 3272 => x"bc087726", + 3273 => x"fec73880", + 3274 => x"f9b80852", + 3275 => x"7a51fafd", + 3276 => x"3f7a51f9", + 3277 => x"ae3ffeba", + 3278 => x"3981788c", + 3279 => x"150c7888", + 3280 => x"150c738c", + 3281 => x"1a0c7388", + 3282 => x"1a0c5afd", + 3283 => x"80398315", + 3284 => x"70822c81", + 3285 => x"712b80f9", + 3286 => x"c4080780", + 3287 => x"f9c00b84", + 3288 => x"050c5153", + 3289 => x"74101010", + 3290 => x"80f9c005", + 3291 => x"88110855", + 3292 => x"56fee439", + 3293 => x"74538075", + 3294 => x"24a73872", + 3295 => x"822c8171", + 3296 => x"2b80f9c4", + 3297 => x"080780f9", + 3298 => x"c00b8405", + 3299 => x"0c53758c", + 3300 => x"190c7388", + 3301 => x"190c7788", + 3302 => x"170c778c", + 3303 => x"150cfdcd", + 3304 => x"39831570", + 3305 => x"822c8171", + 3306 => x"2b80f9c4", + 3307 => x"080780f9", + 3308 => x"c00b8405", + 3309 => x"0c5153d6", + 3310 => x"39fe3d0d", + 3311 => x"8188f008", + 3312 => x"51708a38", + 3313 => x"81d99c70", + 3314 => x"8188f00c", + 3315 => x"51707512", + 3316 => x"5252ff53", + 3317 => x"7087fb80", + 3318 => x"80268838", + 3319 => x"708188f0", + 3320 => x"0c715372", + 3321 => x"800c843d", + 3322 => x"0d04fd3d", + 3323 => x"0d800b80", + 3324 => x"f8ec0854", + 3325 => x"5472812e", + 3326 => x"9e387381", + 3327 => x"88f40cff", + 3328 => x"a0ff3fff", + 3329 => x"9ffa3f81", + 3330 => x"88c85281", + 3331 => x"51ffa9ae", + 3332 => x"3f800851", + 3333 => x"80e13f72", + 3334 => x"8188f40c", + 3335 => x"ffa0e23f", + 3336 => x"ff9fdd3f", + 3337 => x"8188c852", + 3338 => x"8151ffa9", + 3339 => x"913f8008", + 3340 => x"5180c43f", + 3341 => x"00ff3900", + 3342 => x"ff39f43d", + 3343 => x"0d7e8188", + 3344 => x"e8087008", + 3345 => x"7081ff06", + 3346 => x"923df805", + 3347 => x"55515a57", + 3348 => x"59ffa19a", + 3349 => x"3f805477", + 3350 => x"557b7d58", + 3351 => x"5276538e", + 3352 => x"3df00551", + 3353 => x"c0c03f79", + 3354 => x"7b58790c", + 3355 => x"76841a0c", + 3356 => x"78800c8e", + 3357 => x"3d0d04f7", + 3358 => x"3d0d7b81", + 3359 => x"81c80882", + 3360 => x"c811085a", + 3361 => x"545a7780", + 3362 => x"2e80da38", + 3363 => x"81881884", + 3364 => x"1908ff05", + 3365 => x"81712b59", + 3366 => x"55598074", + 3367 => x"2480ea38", + 3368 => x"807424b5", + 3369 => x"3873822b", + 3370 => x"78118805", + 3371 => x"56568180", + 3372 => x"19087706", + 3373 => x"5372802e", + 3374 => x"b6387816", + 3375 => x"70085353", + 3376 => x"79517408", + 3377 => x"53722dff", + 3378 => x"14fc17fc", + 3379 => x"1779812c", + 3380 => x"5a575754", + 3381 => x"738025d6", + 3382 => x"38770858", + 3383 => x"77ffad38", + 3384 => x"8181c808", + 3385 => x"53bc1308", + 3386 => x"a5387951", + 3387 => x"fec63f74", + 3388 => x"0853722d", + 3389 => x"ff14fc17", + 3390 => x"fc177981", + 3391 => x"2c5a5757", + 3392 => x"54738025", + 3393 => x"ffa838d1", + 3394 => x"398057ff", + 3395 => x"93397251", + 3396 => x"bc130853", + 3397 => x"722d7951", + 3398 => x"fe9a3fff", + 3399 => x"3d0d8188", + 3400 => x"d00bfc05", + 3401 => x"70085252", + 3402 => x"70ff2e91", + 3403 => x"38702dfc", + 3404 => x"12700852", + 3405 => x"5270ff2e", + 3406 => x"098106f1", + 3407 => x"38833d0d", + 3408 => x"0404ffa0", + 3409 => x"873f0400", + 3410 => x"00000040", + 3411 => x"30313233", + 3412 => x"34353637", + 3413 => x"38390000", + 3414 => x"44485259", + 3415 => x"53544f4e", + 3416 => x"45205052", + 3417 => x"4f475241", + 3418 => x"4d2c2053", + 3419 => x"4f4d4520", + 3420 => x"53545249", + 3421 => x"4e470000", + 3422 => x"44485259", + 3423 => x"53544f4e", + 3424 => x"45205052", + 3425 => x"4f475241", + 3426 => x"4d2c2031", + 3427 => x"27535420", + 3428 => x"53545249", + 3429 => x"4e470000", + 3430 => x"44687279", + 3431 => x"73746f6e", + 3432 => x"65204265", + 3433 => x"6e63686d", + 3434 => x"61726b2c", + 3435 => x"20566572", + 3436 => x"73696f6e", + 3437 => x"20322e31", + 3438 => x"20284c61", + 3439 => x"6e677561", + 3440 => x"67653a20", + 3441 => x"43290a00", + 3442 => x"50726f67", + 3443 => x"72616d20", + 3444 => x"636f6d70", + 3445 => x"696c6564", + 3446 => x"20776974", + 3447 => x"68202772", + 3448 => x"65676973", + 3449 => x"74657227", + 3450 => x"20617474", + 3451 => x"72696275", + 3452 => x"74650a00", + 3453 => x"45786563", + 3454 => x"7574696f", + 3455 => x"6e207374", + 3456 => x"61727473", + 3457 => x"2c202564", + 3458 => x"2072756e", + 3459 => x"73207468", + 3460 => x"726f7567", + 3461 => x"68204468", + 3462 => x"72797374", + 3463 => x"6f6e650a", + 3464 => x"00000000", + 3465 => x"44485259", + 3466 => x"53544f4e", + 3467 => x"45205052", + 3468 => x"4f475241", + 3469 => x"4d2c2032", + 3470 => x"274e4420", + 3471 => x"53545249", + 3472 => x"4e470000", + 3473 => x"45786563", + 3474 => x"7574696f", + 3475 => x"6e20656e", + 3476 => x"64730a00", + 3477 => x"46696e61", + 3478 => x"6c207661", + 3479 => x"6c756573", + 3480 => x"206f6620", + 3481 => x"74686520", + 3482 => x"76617269", + 3483 => x"61626c65", + 3484 => x"73207573", + 3485 => x"65642069", + 3486 => x"6e207468", + 3487 => x"65206265", + 3488 => x"6e63686d", + 3489 => x"61726b3a", + 3490 => x"0a000000", + 3491 => x"496e745f", + 3492 => x"476c6f62", + 3493 => x"3a202020", + 3494 => x"20202020", + 3495 => x"20202020", + 3496 => x"2025640a", + 3497 => x"00000000", + 3498 => x"20202020", + 3499 => x"20202020", + 3500 => x"73686f75", + 3501 => x"6c642062", + 3502 => x"653a2020", + 3503 => x"2025640a", + 3504 => x"00000000", + 3505 => x"426f6f6c", + 3506 => x"5f476c6f", + 3507 => x"623a2020", + 3508 => x"20202020", + 3509 => x"20202020", + 3510 => x"2025640a", + 3511 => x"00000000", + 3512 => x"43685f31", + 3513 => x"5f476c6f", + 3514 => x"623a2020", + 3515 => x"20202020", + 3516 => x"20202020", + 3517 => x"2025630a", + 3518 => x"00000000", + 3519 => x"20202020", + 3520 => x"20202020", + 3521 => x"73686f75", + 3522 => x"6c642062", + 3523 => x"653a2020", + 3524 => x"2025630a", + 3525 => x"00000000", + 3526 => x"43685f32", + 3527 => x"5f476c6f", + 3528 => x"623a2020", + 3529 => x"20202020", + 3530 => x"20202020", + 3531 => x"2025630a", + 3532 => x"00000000", + 3533 => x"4172725f", + 3534 => x"315f476c", + 3535 => x"6f625b38", + 3536 => x"5d3a2020", + 3537 => x"20202020", + 3538 => x"2025640a", + 3539 => x"00000000", + 3540 => x"4172725f", + 3541 => x"325f476c", + 3542 => x"6f625b38", + 3543 => x"5d5b375d", + 3544 => x"3a202020", + 3545 => x"2025640a", + 3546 => x"00000000", + 3547 => x"20202020", + 3548 => x"20202020", + 3549 => x"73686f75", + 3550 => x"6c642062", + 3551 => x"653a2020", + 3552 => x"204e756d", + 3553 => x"6265725f", + 3554 => x"4f665f52", + 3555 => x"756e7320", + 3556 => x"2b203130", + 3557 => x"0a000000", + 3558 => x"5074725f", + 3559 => x"476c6f62", + 3560 => x"2d3e0a00", + 3561 => x"20205074", + 3562 => x"725f436f", + 3563 => x"6d703a20", + 3564 => x"20202020", + 3565 => x"20202020", + 3566 => x"2025640a", + 3567 => x"00000000", + 3568 => x"20202020", + 3569 => x"20202020", + 3570 => x"73686f75", + 3571 => x"6c642062", + 3572 => x"653a2020", + 3573 => x"2028696d", + 3574 => x"706c656d", + 3575 => x"656e7461", + 3576 => x"74696f6e", + 3577 => x"2d646570", + 3578 => x"656e6465", + 3579 => x"6e74290a", + 3580 => x"00000000", + 3581 => x"20204469", + 3582 => x"7363723a", + 3583 => x"20202020", + 3584 => x"20202020", + 3585 => x"20202020", + 3586 => x"2025640a", + 3587 => x"00000000", + 3588 => x"2020456e", + 3589 => x"756d5f43", + 3590 => x"6f6d703a", + 3591 => x"20202020", + 3592 => x"20202020", + 3593 => x"2025640a", + 3594 => x"00000000", + 3595 => x"2020496e", + 3596 => x"745f436f", + 3597 => x"6d703a20", + 3598 => x"20202020", + 3599 => x"20202020", + 3600 => x"2025640a", + 3601 => x"00000000", + 3602 => x"20205374", + 3603 => x"725f436f", + 3604 => x"6d703a20", + 3605 => x"20202020", + 3606 => x"20202020", + 3607 => x"2025730a", + 3608 => x"00000000", + 3609 => x"20202020", + 3610 => x"20202020", + 3611 => x"73686f75", + 3612 => x"6c642062", + 3613 => x"653a2020", + 3614 => x"20444852", + 3615 => x"5953544f", + 3616 => x"4e452050", + 3617 => x"524f4752", + 3618 => x"414d2c20", + 3619 => x"534f4d45", + 3620 => x"20535452", + 3621 => x"494e470a", + 3622 => x"00000000", + 3623 => x"4e657874", + 3624 => x"5f507472", + 3625 => x"5f476c6f", + 3626 => x"622d3e0a", + 3627 => x"00000000", + 3628 => x"20202020", + 3629 => x"20202020", + 3630 => x"73686f75", + 3631 => x"6c642062", + 3632 => x"653a2020", + 3633 => x"2028696d", + 3634 => x"706c656d", + 3635 => x"656e7461", + 3636 => x"74696f6e", + 3637 => x"2d646570", + 3638 => x"656e6465", + 3639 => x"6e74292c", + 3640 => x"2073616d", + 3641 => x"65206173", + 3642 => x"2061626f", + 3643 => x"76650a00", + 3644 => x"496e745f", + 3645 => x"315f4c6f", + 3646 => x"633a2020", + 3647 => x"20202020", + 3648 => x"20202020", + 3649 => x"2025640a", + 3650 => x"00000000", + 3651 => x"496e745f", + 3652 => x"325f4c6f", + 3653 => x"633a2020", + 3654 => x"20202020", + 3655 => x"20202020", + 3656 => x"2025640a", + 3657 => x"00000000", + 3658 => x"496e745f", + 3659 => x"335f4c6f", + 3660 => x"633a2020", + 3661 => x"20202020", + 3662 => x"20202020", + 3663 => x"2025640a", + 3664 => x"00000000", + 3665 => x"456e756d", + 3666 => x"5f4c6f63", + 3667 => x"3a202020", + 3668 => x"20202020", + 3669 => x"20202020", + 3670 => x"2025640a", + 3671 => x"00000000", + 3672 => x"5374725f", + 3673 => x"315f4c6f", + 3674 => x"633a2020", + 3675 => x"20202020", + 3676 => x"20202020", + 3677 => x"2025730a", + 3678 => x"00000000", + 3679 => x"20202020", + 3680 => x"20202020", + 3681 => x"73686f75", + 3682 => x"6c642062", + 3683 => x"653a2020", + 3684 => x"20444852", + 3685 => x"5953544f", + 3686 => x"4e452050", + 3687 => x"524f4752", + 3688 => x"414d2c20", + 3689 => x"31275354", + 3690 => x"20535452", + 3691 => x"494e470a", + 3692 => x"00000000", + 3693 => x"5374725f", + 3694 => x"325f4c6f", + 3695 => x"633a2020", + 3696 => x"20202020", + 3697 => x"20202020", + 3698 => x"2025730a", + 3699 => x"00000000", + 3700 => x"20202020", + 3701 => x"20202020", + 3702 => x"73686f75", + 3703 => x"6c642062", + 3704 => x"653a2020", + 3705 => x"20444852", + 3706 => x"5953544f", + 3707 => x"4e452050", + 3708 => x"524f4752", + 3709 => x"414d2c20", + 3710 => x"32274e44", + 3711 => x"20535452", + 3712 => x"494e470a", + 3713 => x"00000000", + 3714 => x"55736572", + 3715 => x"2074696d", + 3716 => x"653a2025", + 3717 => x"640a0000", + 3718 => x"4d696372", + 3719 => x"6f736563", + 3720 => x"6f6e6473", + 3721 => x"20666f72", + 3722 => x"206f6e65", + 3723 => x"2072756e", + 3724 => x"20746872", + 3725 => x"6f756768", + 3726 => x"20446872", + 3727 => x"7973746f", + 3728 => x"6e653a20", + 3729 => x"00000000", + 3730 => x"2564200a", + 3731 => x"00000000", + 3732 => x"44687279", + 3733 => x"73746f6e", + 3734 => x"65732070", + 3735 => x"65722053", + 3736 => x"65636f6e", + 3737 => x"643a2020", + 3738 => x"20202020", + 3739 => x"20202020", + 3740 => x"20202020", + 3741 => x"20202020", + 3742 => x"20202020", + 3743 => x"00000000", + 3744 => x"56415820", + 3745 => x"4d495053", + 3746 => x"20726174", + 3747 => x"696e6720", + 3748 => x"2a203130", + 3749 => x"3030203d", + 3750 => x"20256420", + 3751 => x"0a000000", + 3752 => x"50726f67", + 3753 => x"72616d20", + 3754 => x"636f6d70", + 3755 => x"696c6564", + 3756 => x"20776974", + 3757 => x"686f7574", + 3758 => x"20277265", + 3759 => x"67697374", + 3760 => x"65722720", + 3761 => x"61747472", + 3762 => x"69627574", + 3763 => x"650a0000", + 3764 => x"4d656173", + 3765 => x"75726564", + 3766 => x"2074696d", + 3767 => x"6520746f", + 3768 => x"6f20736d", + 3769 => x"616c6c20", + 3770 => x"746f206f", + 3771 => x"62746169", + 3772 => x"6e206d65", + 3773 => x"616e696e", + 3774 => x"6766756c", + 3775 => x"20726573", + 3776 => x"756c7473", + 3777 => x"0a000000", + 3778 => x"506c6561", + 3779 => x"73652069", + 3780 => x"6e637265", + 3781 => x"61736520", + 3782 => x"6e756d62", + 3783 => x"6572206f", + 3784 => x"66207275", + 3785 => x"6e730a00", + 3786 => x"44485259", + 3787 => x"53544f4e", + 3788 => x"45205052", + 3789 => x"4f475241", + 3790 => x"4d2c2033", + 3791 => x"27524420", + 3792 => x"53545249", + 3793 => x"4e470000", + 3794 => x"00010202", + 3795 => x"03030303", + 3796 => x"04040404", + 3797 => x"04040404", + 3798 => x"05050505", + 3799 => x"05050505", + 3800 => x"05050505", + 3801 => x"05050505", + 3802 => x"06060606", + 3803 => x"06060606", + 3804 => x"06060606", + 3805 => x"06060606", + 3806 => x"06060606", + 3807 => x"06060606", + 3808 => x"06060606", + 3809 => x"06060606", + 3810 => x"07070707", + 3811 => x"07070707", + 3812 => x"07070707", + 3813 => x"07070707", + 3814 => x"07070707", + 3815 => x"07070707", + 3816 => x"07070707", + 3817 => x"07070707", + 3818 => x"07070707", + 3819 => x"07070707", + 3820 => x"07070707", + 3821 => x"07070707", + 3822 => x"07070707", + 3823 => x"07070707", + 3824 => x"07070707", + 3825 => x"07070707", + 3826 => x"08080808", + 3827 => x"08080808", + 3828 => x"08080808", + 3829 => x"08080808", + 3830 => x"08080808", + 3831 => x"08080808", + 3832 => x"08080808", + 3833 => x"08080808", + 3834 => x"08080808", + 3835 => x"08080808", + 3836 => x"08080808", + 3837 => x"08080808", + 3838 => x"08080808", + 3839 => x"08080808", + 3840 => x"08080808", + 3841 => x"08080808", + 3842 => x"08080808", + 3843 => x"08080808", + 3844 => x"08080808", + 3845 => x"08080808", + 3846 => x"08080808", + 3847 => x"08080808", + 3848 => x"08080808", + 3849 => x"08080808", + 3850 => x"08080808", + 3851 => x"08080808", + 3852 => x"08080808", + 3853 => x"08080808", + 3854 => x"08080808", + 3855 => x"08080808", + 3856 => x"08080808", + 3857 => x"08080808", + 3858 => x"43000000", + 3859 => x"64756d6d", + 3860 => x"792e6578", + 3861 => x"65000000", + 3862 => x"00ffffff", + 3863 => x"ff00ffff", + 3864 => x"ffff00ff", + 3865 => x"ffffff00", + 3866 => x"00000000", + 3867 => x"00000000", + 3868 => x"00000000", + 3869 => x"00004458", + 3870 => x"0000000a", + 3871 => x"00000000", + 3872 => x"00000032", + 3873 => x"00000000", + 3874 => x"00000000", + 3875 => x"00000000", + 3876 => x"00000000", + 3877 => x"00000000", + 3878 => x"00000000", + 3879 => x"00000000", + 3880 => x"00000000", + 3881 => x"00000000", + 3882 => x"00000000", + 3883 => x"00000000", + 3884 => x"00000000", + 3885 => x"ffffffff", + 3886 => x"00000000", + 3887 => x"00020000", + 3888 => x"00000000", + 3889 => x"00000000", + 3890 => x"00003cc0", + 3891 => x"00003cc0", + 3892 => x"00003cc8", + 3893 => x"00003cc8", + 3894 => x"00003cd0", + 3895 => x"00003cd0", + 3896 => x"00003cd8", + 3897 => x"00003cd8", + 3898 => x"00003ce0", + 3899 => x"00003ce0", + 3900 => x"00003ce8", + 3901 => x"00003ce8", + 3902 => x"00003cf0", + 3903 => x"00003cf0", + 3904 => x"00003cf8", + 3905 => x"00003cf8", + 3906 => x"00003d00", + 3907 => x"00003d00", + 3908 => x"00003d08", + 3909 => x"00003d08", + 3910 => x"00003d10", + 3911 => x"00003d10", + 3912 => x"00003d18", + 3913 => x"00003d18", + 3914 => x"00003d20", + 3915 => x"00003d20", + 3916 => x"00003d28", + 3917 => x"00003d28", + 3918 => x"00003d30", + 3919 => x"00003d30", + 3920 => x"00003d38", + 3921 => x"00003d38", + 3922 => x"00003d40", + 3923 => x"00003d40", + 3924 => x"00003d48", + 3925 => x"00003d48", + 3926 => x"00003d50", + 3927 => x"00003d50", + 3928 => x"00003d58", + 3929 => x"00003d58", + 3930 => x"00003d60", + 3931 => x"00003d60", + 3932 => x"00003d68", + 3933 => x"00003d68", + 3934 => x"00003d70", + 3935 => x"00003d70", + 3936 => x"00003d78", + 3937 => x"00003d78", + 3938 => x"00003d80", + 3939 => x"00003d80", + 3940 => x"00003d88", + 3941 => x"00003d88", + 3942 => x"00003d90", + 3943 => x"00003d90", + 3944 => x"00003d98", + 3945 => x"00003d98", + 3946 => x"00003da0", + 3947 => x"00003da0", + 3948 => x"00003da8", + 3949 => x"00003da8", + 3950 => x"00003db0", + 3951 => x"00003db0", + 3952 => x"00003db8", + 3953 => x"00003db8", + 3954 => x"00003dc0", + 3955 => x"00003dc0", + 3956 => x"00003dc8", + 3957 => x"00003dc8", + 3958 => x"00003dd0", + 3959 => x"00003dd0", + 3960 => x"00003dd8", + 3961 => x"00003dd8", + 3962 => x"00003de0", + 3963 => x"00003de0", + 3964 => x"00003de8", + 3965 => x"00003de8", + 3966 => x"00003df0", + 3967 => x"00003df0", + 3968 => x"00003df8", + 3969 => x"00003df8", + 3970 => x"00003e00", + 3971 => x"00003e00", + 3972 => x"00003e08", + 3973 => x"00003e08", + 3974 => x"00003e10", + 3975 => x"00003e10", + 3976 => x"00003e18", + 3977 => x"00003e18", + 3978 => x"00003e20", + 3979 => x"00003e20", + 3980 => x"00003e28", + 3981 => x"00003e28", + 3982 => x"00003e30", + 3983 => x"00003e30", + 3984 => x"00003e38", + 3985 => x"00003e38", + 3986 => x"00003e40", + 3987 => x"00003e40", + 3988 => x"00003e48", + 3989 => x"00003e48", + 3990 => x"00003e50", + 3991 => x"00003e50", + 3992 => x"00003e58", + 3993 => x"00003e58", + 3994 => x"00003e60", + 3995 => x"00003e60", + 3996 => x"00003e68", + 3997 => x"00003e68", + 3998 => x"00003e70", + 3999 => x"00003e70", + 4000 => x"00003e78", + 4001 => x"00003e78", + 4002 => x"00003e80", + 4003 => x"00003e80", + 4004 => x"00003e88", + 4005 => x"00003e88", + 4006 => x"00003e90", + 4007 => x"00003e90", + 4008 => x"00003e98", + 4009 => x"00003e98", + 4010 => x"00003ea0", + 4011 => x"00003ea0", + 4012 => x"00003ea8", + 4013 => x"00003ea8", + 4014 => x"00003eb0", + 4015 => x"00003eb0", + 4016 => x"00003eb8", + 4017 => x"00003eb8", + 4018 => x"00003ec0", + 4019 => x"00003ec0", + 4020 => x"00003ec8", + 4021 => x"00003ec8", + 4022 => x"00003ed0", + 4023 => x"00003ed0", + 4024 => x"00003ed8", + 4025 => x"00003ed8", + 4026 => x"00003ee0", + 4027 => x"00003ee0", + 4028 => x"00003ee8", + 4029 => x"00003ee8", + 4030 => x"00003ef0", + 4031 => x"00003ef0", + 4032 => x"00003ef8", + 4033 => x"00003ef8", + 4034 => x"00003f00", + 4035 => x"00003f00", + 4036 => x"00003f08", + 4037 => x"00003f08", + 4038 => x"00003f10", + 4039 => x"00003f10", + 4040 => x"00003f18", + 4041 => x"00003f18", + 4042 => x"00003f20", + 4043 => x"00003f20", + 4044 => x"00003f28", + 4045 => x"00003f28", + 4046 => x"00003f30", + 4047 => x"00003f30", + 4048 => x"00003f38", + 4049 => x"00003f38", + 4050 => x"00003f40", + 4051 => x"00003f40", + 4052 => x"00003f48", + 4053 => x"00003f48", + 4054 => x"00003f50", + 4055 => x"00003f50", + 4056 => x"00003f58", + 4057 => x"00003f58", + 4058 => x"00003f60", + 4059 => x"00003f60", + 4060 => x"00003f68", + 4061 => x"00003f68", + 4062 => x"00003f70", + 4063 => x"00003f70", + 4064 => x"00003f78", + 4065 => x"00003f78", + 4066 => x"00003f80", + 4067 => x"00003f80", + 4068 => x"00003f88", + 4069 => x"00003f88", + 4070 => x"00003f90", + 4071 => x"00003f90", + 4072 => x"00003f98", + 4073 => x"00003f98", + 4074 => x"00003fa0", + 4075 => x"00003fa0", + 4076 => x"00003fa8", + 4077 => x"00003fa8", + 4078 => x"00003fb0", + 4079 => x"00003fb0", + 4080 => x"00003fb8", + 4081 => x"00003fb8", + 4082 => x"00003fc0", + 4083 => x"00003fc0", + 4084 => x"00003fc8", + 4085 => x"00003fc8", + 4086 => x"00003fd0", + 4087 => x"00003fd0", + 4088 => x"00003fd8", + 4089 => x"00003fd8", + 4090 => x"00003fe0", + 4091 => x"00003fe0", + 4092 => x"00003fe8", + 4093 => x"00003fe8", + 4094 => x"00003ff0", + 4095 => x"00003ff0", + 4096 => x"00003ff8", + 4097 => x"00003ff8", + 4098 => x"00004000", + 4099 => x"00004000", + 4100 => x"00004008", + 4101 => x"00004008", + 4102 => x"00004010", + 4103 => x"00004010", + 4104 => x"00004018", + 4105 => x"00004018", + 4106 => x"00004020", + 4107 => 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x"00000000", + 4366 => x"00000000", + 4367 => x"00000000", + 4368 => x"00000000", + 4369 => x"00000000", + 4370 => x"00003c4c", + 4371 => x"ffffffff", + 4372 => x"00000000", + 4373 => x"ffffffff", + 4374 => x"00000000", + 4375 => x"00000000", + +others => x"00000000" +); +begin + busy_o <= re_i; -- we're done on the cycle after we serve the read request + + do_ram: + process (clk_i) + variable iaddr : integer; + begin + if rising_edge(clk_i) then + if we_i='1' then + ram(to_integer(addr_i)) <= write_i; + end if; + addr_r <= addr_i; + end if; + end process do_ram; + read_o <= ram(to_integer(addr_r)); +end architecture Xilinx; -- Entity: SinglePortRAM + diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/roms/hello_bram.vhdl b/zpu/hdl/zealot/roms/hello_bram.vhdl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7724423 --- /dev/null +++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/roms/hello_bram.vhdl @@ -0,0 +1,3056 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Single Port RAM that maps to a Xilinx BRAM ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- Description: ---- +---- This is a program+data memory for the ZPU. It maps to a Xilinx BRAM ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- - ---- +---- ---- +---- Author: ---- +---- - Salvador E. Tropea, salvador ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Salvador E. Tropea ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial ---- +---- ---- +---- Distributed under the BSD license ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Design unit: SinglePortRAM(Xilinx) (Entity and architecture) ---- +---- File name: (template used) ---- +---- Note: None ---- +---- Limitations: None known ---- +---- Errors: None known ---- +---- Library: work ---- +---- Dependencies: IEEE.std_logic_1164 ---- +---- IEEE.numeric_std ---- +---- Target FPGA: Spartan 3 (XC3S1500-4-FG456) ---- +---- Language: VHDL ---- +---- Wishbone: No ---- +---- Synthesis tools: Xilinx Release 9.2.03i - xst J.39 ---- +---- Simulation tools: GHDL [Sokcho edition] (0.2x) ---- +---- Text editor: SETEdit 0.5.x ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +library IEEE; +use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; +use IEEE.numeric_std.all; + +entity SinglePortRAM is + generic( + WORD_SIZE : integer:=32; -- Word Size 16/32 + BYTE_BITS : integer:=2; -- Bits used to address bytes + BRAM_W : integer:=15); -- Address Width + port( + clk_i : in std_logic; + we_i : in std_logic; + re_i : in std_logic; + addr_i : in unsigned(BRAM_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + write_i : in unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + read_o : out unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + busy_o : out std_logic); +end entity SinglePortRAM; + +architecture Xilinx of SinglePortRAM is + type ram_type is array(natural range 0 to ((2**BRAM_W)/4)-1) of unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + signal addr_r : unsigned(BRAM_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + + signal ram : ram_type := +( + 0 => x"0b0b0b0b", + 1 => x"82700b0b", + 2 => x"80cd800c", + 3 => x"3a0b0b80", + 4 => x"c58f0400", + 5 => x"00000000", + 6 => x"00000000", + 7 => x"00000000", + 8 => x"80088408", + 9 => x"88080b0b", + 10 => x"80c5d62d", + 11 => x"880c840c", + 12 => x"800c0400", + 13 => x"00000000", + 14 => x"00000000", + 15 => x"00000000", + 16 => x"71fd0608", + 17 => x"72830609", + 18 => x"81058205", + 19 => x"832b2a83", + 20 => x"ffff0652", + 21 => x"04000000", + 22 => x"00000000", + 23 => x"00000000", + 24 => x"71fd0608", + 25 => x"83ffff73", + 26 => x"83060981", + 27 => x"05820583", + 28 => x"2b2b0906", + 29 => x"7383ffff", + 30 => x"0b0b0b0b", + 31 => x"83a70400", + 32 => x"72098105", + 33 => x"72057373", + 34 => x"09060906", + 35 => x"73097306", + 36 => x"070a8106", + 37 => x"53510400", + 38 => x"00000000", + 39 => x"00000000", + 40 => x"72722473", + 41 => x"732e0753", + 42 => x"51040000", + 43 => x"00000000", + 44 => x"00000000", + 45 => x"00000000", + 46 => x"00000000", + 47 => x"00000000", + 48 => x"71737109", + 49 => x"71068106", + 50 => x"30720a10", + 51 => x"0a720a10", + 52 => x"0a31050a", + 53 => x"81065151", + 54 => x"53510400", + 55 => x"00000000", + 56 => x"72722673", + 57 => x"732e0753", + 58 => x"51040000", + 59 => x"00000000", + 60 => x"00000000", + 61 => x"00000000", + 62 => x"00000000", + 63 => x"00000000", + 64 => x"00000000", + 65 => x"00000000", + 66 => x"00000000", + 67 => x"00000000", + 68 => x"00000000", + 69 => x"00000000", + 70 => x"00000000", + 71 => x"00000000", + 72 => x"0b0b0b88", + 73 => x"c4040000", + 74 => x"00000000", + 75 => x"00000000", + 76 => x"00000000", + 77 => x"00000000", + 78 => x"00000000", + 79 => x"00000000", + 80 => x"720a722b", + 81 => x"0a535104", + 82 => x"00000000", + 83 => x"00000000", + 84 => x"00000000", + 85 => x"00000000", + 86 => x"00000000", + 87 => x"00000000", + 88 => x"72729f06", + 89 => x"0981050b", + 90 => x"0b0b88a7", + 91 => x"05040000", + 92 => x"00000000", + 93 => x"00000000", + 94 => x"00000000", + 95 => x"00000000", + 96 => x"72722aff", + 97 => x"739f062a", + 98 => x"0974090a", + 99 => x"8106ff05", + 100 => x"06075351", + 101 => x"04000000", + 102 => x"00000000", + 103 => x"00000000", + 104 => x"71715351", + 105 => x"020d0406", + 106 => x"73830609", + 107 => x"81058205", + 108 => x"832b0b2b", + 109 => x"0772fc06", + 110 => x"0c515104", + 111 => x"00000000", + 112 => x"72098105", + 113 => x"72050970", + 114 => x"81050906", + 115 => x"0a810653", + 116 => x"51040000", + 117 => x"00000000", + 118 => x"00000000", + 119 => x"00000000", + 120 => x"72098105", + 121 => x"72050970", + 122 => x"81050906", + 123 => x"0a098106", + 124 => x"53510400", + 125 => x"00000000", + 126 => x"00000000", + 127 => x"00000000", + 128 => x"71098105", + 129 => x"52040000", + 130 => x"00000000", + 131 => x"00000000", + 132 => x"00000000", + 133 => x"00000000", + 134 => x"00000000", + 135 => x"00000000", + 136 => x"72720981", + 137 => x"05055351", + 138 => x"04000000", + 139 => x"00000000", + 140 => x"00000000", + 141 => x"00000000", + 142 => x"00000000", + 143 => x"00000000", + 144 => x"72097206", + 145 => x"73730906", + 146 => x"07535104", + 147 => x"00000000", + 148 => x"00000000", + 149 => x"00000000", + 150 => x"00000000", + 151 => x"00000000", + 152 => x"71fc0608", + 153 => x"72830609", + 154 => x"81058305", + 155 => x"1010102a", + 156 => x"81ff0652", + 157 => x"04000000", + 158 => x"00000000", + 159 => x"00000000", + 160 => x"71fc0608", + 161 => x"0b0b80cc", + 162 => x"ec738306", + 163 => x"10100508", + 164 => x"060b0b0b", + 165 => x"88aa0400", + 166 => x"00000000", + 167 => x"00000000", + 168 => x"80088408", + 169 => x"88087575", + 170 => x"0b0b0b8b", + 171 => x"8a2d5050", + 172 => x"80085688", + 173 => x"0c840c80", + 174 => x"0c510400", + 175 => x"00000000", + 176 => x"80088408", + 177 => x"88087575", + 178 => x"0b0b0b8c", + 179 => x"bc2d5050", + 180 => x"80085688", + 181 => x"0c840c80", + 182 => x"0c510400", + 183 => x"00000000", + 184 => x"72097081", + 185 => x"0509060a", + 186 => x"8106ff05", + 187 => x"70547106", + 188 => x"73097274", + 189 => x"05ff0506", + 190 => x"07515151", + 191 => x"04000000", + 192 => x"72097081", + 193 => x"0509060a", + 194 => x"098106ff", + 195 => x"05705471", + 196 => x"06730972", + 197 => x"7405ff05", + 198 => x"06075151", + 199 => x"51040000", + 200 => x"05ff0504", + 201 => x"00000000", + 202 => x"00000000", + 203 => x"00000000", + 204 => x"00000000", + 205 => x"00000000", + 206 => x"00000000", + 207 => x"00000000", + 208 => x"810b0b0b", + 209 => x"80ccfc0c", + 210 => x"51040000", + 211 => x"00000000", + 212 => x"00000000", + 213 => x"00000000", + 214 => x"00000000", + 215 => x"00000000", + 216 => x"71810552", + 217 => x"04000000", + 218 => x"00000000", + 219 => x"00000000", + 220 => x"00000000", + 221 => x"00000000", + 222 => x"00000000", + 223 => x"00000000", + 224 => x"00000000", + 225 => x"00000000", + 226 => x"00000000", + 227 => x"00000000", + 228 => x"00000000", + 229 => x"00000000", + 230 => x"00000000", + 231 => x"00000000", + 232 => x"02840572", + 233 => x"10100552", + 234 => x"04000000", + 235 => x"00000000", + 236 => x"00000000", + 237 => x"00000000", + 238 => x"00000000", + 239 => x"00000000", + 240 => x"00000000", + 241 => x"00000000", + 242 => x"00000000", + 243 => x"00000000", + 244 => x"00000000", + 245 => x"00000000", + 246 => x"00000000", + 247 => x"00000000", + 248 => x"717105ff", + 249 => x"05715351", + 250 => x"020d0400", + 251 => x"00000000", + 252 => x"00000000", + 253 => x"00000000", + 254 => x"00000000", + 255 => x"00000000", + 256 => x"82c73f80", + 257 => x"c4913f04", + 258 => x"10101010", + 259 => x"10101010", + 260 => x"10101010", + 261 => x"10101010", + 262 => x"10101010", + 263 => x"10101010", + 264 => x"10101010", + 265 => x"10101053", + 266 => x"51047381", + 267 => x"ff067383", + 268 => x"06098105", + 269 => x"83051010", + 270 => x"102b0772", + 271 => x"fc060c51", + 272 => x"51043c04", + 273 => x"72728072", + 274 => x"8106ff05", + 275 => x"09720605", + 276 => x"71105272", + 277 => x"0a100a53", + 278 => x"72ed3851", + 279 => x"51535104", + 280 => x"fe3d0d0b", + 281 => x"0b80dce8", + 282 => x"08538413", + 283 => x"0870882a", + 284 => x"70810651", + 285 => x"52527080", + 286 => x"2ef03871", + 287 => x"81ff0680", + 288 => x"0c843d0d", + 289 => x"04ff3d0d", + 290 => x"0b0b80dc", + 291 => x"e8085271", + 292 => x"0870882a", + 293 => x"81327081", + 294 => x"06515151", + 295 => x"70f13873", + 296 => x"720c833d", + 297 => x"0d0480cc", + 298 => x"fc08802e", + 299 => x"a43880cd", + 300 => x"8008822e", + 301 => x"bd388380", + 302 => x"800b0b0b", + 303 => x"80dce80c", + 304 => x"82a0800b", + 305 => x"80dcec0c", + 306 => x"8290800b", + 307 => x"80dcf00c", + 308 => x"04f88080", + 309 => x"80a40b0b", + 310 => x"0b80dce8", + 311 => x"0cf88080", + 312 => x"82800b80", + 313 => x"dcec0cf8", + 314 => x"80808480", + 315 => x"0b80dcf0", + 316 => x"0c0480c0", + 317 => x"a8808c0b", + 318 => x"0b0b80dc", + 319 => x"e80c80c0", + 320 => x"a880940b", + 321 => x"80dcec0c", + 322 => x"0b0b80cc", + 323 => x"c40b80dc", + 324 => x"f00c04ff", + 325 => x"3d0d80dc", + 326 => x"f4335170", + 327 => x"a73880cd", + 328 => x"88087008", + 329 => x"52527080", + 330 => x"2e943884", + 331 => x"1280cd88", + 332 => x"0c702d80", + 333 => x"cd880870", + 334 => x"08525270", + 335 => x"ee38810b", + 336 => x"80dcf434", + 337 => x"833d0d04", + 338 => x"04803d0d", + 339 => x"0b0b80dc", + 340 => x"e408802e", + 341 => x"8e380b0b", + 342 => x"0b0b800b", + 343 => x"802e0981", + 344 => x"06853882", + 345 => x"3d0d040b", + 346 => x"0b80dce4", + 347 => x"510b0b0b", + 348 => x"f58e3f82", + 349 => x"3d0d0404", + 350 => x"803d0d80", + 351 => x"ccc85185", + 352 => x"de3f800b", + 353 => x"800c823d", + 354 => x"0d048c08", + 355 => x"028c0cf9", + 356 => x"3d0d800b", + 357 => x"8c08fc05", + 358 => x"0c8c0888", + 359 => x"05088025", + 360 => x"ab388c08", + 361 => x"88050830", + 362 => x"8c088805", + 363 => x"0c800b8c", + 364 => x"08f4050c", + 365 => x"8c08fc05", + 366 => x"08883881", + 367 => x"0b8c08f4", + 368 => x"050c8c08", + 369 => x"f405088c", + 370 => x"08fc050c", + 371 => x"8c088c05", + 372 => x"088025ab", + 373 => x"388c088c", + 374 => x"0508308c", + 375 => x"088c050c", + 376 => x"800b8c08", + 377 => x"f0050c8c", + 378 => x"08fc0508", + 379 => x"8838810b", + 380 => x"8c08f005", + 381 => x"0c8c08f0", + 382 => x"05088c08", + 383 => x"fc050c80", + 384 => x"538c088c", + 385 => x"0508528c", + 386 => x"08880508", + 387 => x"5181a73f", + 388 => x"8008708c", + 389 => x"08f8050c", + 390 => x"548c08fc", + 391 => x"0508802e", + 392 => x"8c388c08", + 393 => x"f8050830", + 394 => x"8c08f805", + 395 => x"0c8c08f8", + 396 => x"05087080", + 397 => x"0c54893d", + 398 => x"0d8c0c04", + 399 => x"8c08028c", + 400 => x"0cfb3d0d", + 401 => x"800b8c08", + 402 => x"fc050c8c", + 403 => x"08880508", + 404 => x"80259338", + 405 => x"8c088805", + 406 => x"08308c08", + 407 => x"88050c81", + 408 => x"0b8c08fc", + 409 => x"050c8c08", + 410 => x"8c050880", + 411 => x"258c388c", + 412 => x"088c0508", + 413 => x"308c088c", + 414 => x"050c8153", + 415 => x"8c088c05", + 416 => x"08528c08", + 417 => x"88050851", + 418 => x"ad3f8008", + 419 => x"708c08f8", + 420 => x"050c548c", + 421 => x"08fc0508", + 422 => x"802e8c38", + 423 => x"8c08f805", + 424 => x"08308c08", + 425 => x"f8050c8c", + 426 => x"08f80508", + 427 => x"70800c54", + 428 => x"873d0d8c", + 429 => x"0c048c08", + 430 => x"028c0cfd", + 431 => x"3d0d810b", + 432 => x"8c08fc05", + 433 => x"0c800b8c", + 434 => x"08f8050c", + 435 => x"8c088c05", + 436 => x"088c0888", + 437 => x"050827ac", + 438 => x"388c08fc", + 439 => x"0508802e", + 440 => x"a338800b", + 441 => x"8c088c05", + 442 => x"08249938", + 443 => x"8c088c05", + 444 => x"08108c08", + 445 => x"8c050c8c", + 446 => x"08fc0508", + 447 => x"108c08fc", + 448 => x"050cc939", + 449 => x"8c08fc05", + 450 => x"08802e80", + 451 => x"c9388c08", + 452 => x"8c05088c", + 453 => x"08880508", + 454 => x"26a1388c", + 455 => x"08880508", + 456 => x"8c088c05", + 457 => x"08318c08", + 458 => x"88050c8c", + 459 => x"08f80508", + 460 => x"8c08fc05", + 461 => x"08078c08", + 462 => x"f8050c8c", + 463 => x"08fc0508", + 464 => x"812a8c08", + 465 => x"fc050c8c", + 466 => x"088c0508", + 467 => x"812a8c08", + 468 => x"8c050cff", + 469 => x"af398c08", + 470 => x"90050880", + 471 => x"2e8f388c", + 472 => x"08880508", + 473 => x"708c08f4", + 474 => x"050c518d", + 475 => x"398c08f8", + 476 => x"0508708c", + 477 => x"08f4050c", + 478 => x"518c08f4", + 479 => x"0508800c", + 480 => x"853d0d8c", + 481 => x"0c04fc3d", + 482 => x"0d767079", + 483 => x"7b555555", + 484 => x"558f7227", + 485 => x"8c387275", + 486 => x"07830651", + 487 => x"70802ea7", + 488 => x"38ff1252", + 489 => x"71ff2e98", + 490 => x"38727081", + 491 => x"05543374", + 492 => x"70810556", + 493 => x"34ff1252", + 494 => x"71ff2e09", + 495 => x"8106ea38", + 496 => x"74800c86", + 497 => x"3d0d0474", + 498 => x"51727084", + 499 => x"05540871", + 500 => x"70840553", + 501 => x"0c727084", + 502 => x"05540871", + 503 => x"70840553", + 504 => x"0c727084", + 505 => x"05540871", + 506 => x"70840553", + 507 => x"0c727084", + 508 => x"05540871", + 509 => x"70840553", + 510 => x"0cf01252", + 511 => x"718f26c9", + 512 => x"38837227", + 513 => x"95387270", + 514 => x"84055408", + 515 => x"71708405", + 516 => x"530cfc12", + 517 => x"52718326", + 518 => x"ed387054", + 519 => x"ff8339f7", + 520 => x"3d0d7c70", + 521 => x"525380c8", + 522 => x"3f725480", + 523 => x"085580cc", + 524 => x"d8568157", + 525 => x"80088105", + 526 => x"5a8b3de4", + 527 => x"11595382", + 528 => x"59f41352", + 529 => x"7b881108", + 530 => x"52538183", + 531 => x"3f800830", + 532 => x"70800807", + 533 => x"9f2c8a07", + 534 => x"800c538b", + 535 => x"3d0d04ff", + 536 => x"3d0d7352", + 537 => x"80cd8c08", + 538 => x"51ffb43f", + 539 => x"833d0d04", + 540 => x"fd3d0d75", + 541 => x"70718306", + 542 => x"53555270", + 543 => x"b8387170", + 544 => x"087009f7", + 545 => x"fbfdff12", + 546 => x"0670f884", + 547 => x"82818006", + 548 => x"51515253", + 549 => x"709d3884", + 550 => x"13700870", + 551 => x"09f7fbfd", + 552 => x"ff120670", + 553 => x"f8848281", + 554 => x"80065151", + 555 => x"52537080", + 556 => x"2ee53872", + 557 => x"52713351", + 558 => x"70802e8a", + 559 => x"38811270", + 560 => x"33525270", + 561 => x"f8387174", + 562 => x"31800c85", + 563 => x"3d0d04f2", + 564 => x"3d0d6062", + 565 => x"88110870", + 566 => x"57575f5a", + 567 => x"74802e81", + 568 => x"90388c1a", + 569 => x"2270832a", + 570 => x"81327081", + 571 => x"06515558", + 572 => x"73863890", + 573 => x"1a089138", + 574 => x"795190a2", + 575 => x"3fff5480", + 576 => x"0880ee38", + 577 => x"8c1a2258", + 578 => x"7d085780", + 579 => x"7883ffff", + 580 => x"06700a10", + 581 => x"0a708106", + 582 => x"51565755", + 583 => x"73752e80", + 584 => x"d7387490", + 585 => x"38760884", + 586 => x"18088819", + 587 => x"59565974", + 588 => x"802ef238", + 589 => x"74548880", + 590 => x"75278438", + 591 => x"88805473", + 592 => x"5378529c", + 593 => x"1a0851a4", + 594 => x"1a085473", + 595 => x"2d800b80", + 596 => x"082582e6", + 597 => x"38800819", + 598 => x"75800831", + 599 => x"7f880508", + 600 => x"80083170", + 601 => x"6188050c", + 602 => x"56565973", + 603 => x"ffb43880", + 604 => x"5473800c", + 605 => x"903d0d04", + 606 => x"75813270", + 607 => x"81067641", + 608 => x"51547380", + 609 => x"2e81c138", + 610 => x"74903876", + 611 => x"08841808", + 612 => x"88195956", + 613 => x"5974802e", + 614 => x"f238881a", + 615 => x"087883ff", + 616 => x"ff067089", + 617 => x"2a708106", + 618 => x"51565956", + 619 => x"73802e82", + 620 => x"fa387575", + 621 => x"278d3877", + 622 => x"872a7081", + 623 => x"06515473", + 624 => x"82b53874", + 625 => x"76278338", + 626 => x"74567553", + 627 => x"78527908", + 628 => x"5185823f", + 629 => x"881a0876", + 630 => x"31881b0c", + 631 => x"7908167a", + 632 => x"0c745675", + 633 => x"19757731", + 634 => x"7f880508", + 635 => x"78317061", + 636 => x"88050c56", + 637 => x"56597380", + 638 => x"2efef438", + 639 => x"8c1a2258", + 640 => x"ff863977", + 641 => x"78547953", + 642 => x"7b525684", + 643 => x"c83f881a", + 644 => x"08783188", + 645 => x"1b0c7908", + 646 => x"187a0c7c", + 647 => x"76315d7c", + 648 => x"8e387951", + 649 => x"8fdc3f80", + 650 => x"08818f38", + 651 => x"80085f75", + 652 => x"19757731", + 653 => x"7f880508", + 654 => x"78317061", + 655 => x"88050c56", + 656 => x"56597380", + 657 => x"2efea838", + 658 => x"74818338", + 659 => x"76088418", + 660 => x"08881959", + 661 => x"56597480", + 662 => x"2ef23874", + 663 => x"538a5278", + 664 => x"5182d33f", + 665 => x"80087931", + 666 => x"81055d80", + 667 => x"08843881", + 668 => x"155d815f", + 669 => x"7c58747d", + 670 => x"27833874", + 671 => x"58941a08", + 672 => x"881b0811", + 673 => x"575c807a", + 674 => x"085c5490", + 675 => x"1a087b27", + 676 => x"83388154", + 677 => x"75782584", + 678 => x"3873ba38", + 679 => x"7b7824fe", + 680 => x"e2387b53", + 681 => x"78529c1a", + 682 => x"0851a41a", + 683 => x"0854732d", + 684 => x"80085680", + 685 => x"088024fe", + 686 => x"e2388c1a", + 687 => x"2280c007", + 688 => x"54738c1b", + 689 => x"23ff5473", + 690 => x"800c903d", + 691 => x"0d047eff", + 692 => x"a338ff87", + 693 => x"39755378", + 694 => x"527a5182", + 695 => x"f83f7908", + 696 => x"167a0c79", + 697 => x"518e9b3f", + 698 => x"8008cf38", + 699 => x"7c76315d", + 700 => x"7cfebc38", + 701 => x"feac3990", + 702 => x"1a087a08", + 703 => x"71317611", + 704 => x"70565a57", + 705 => x"5280cd8c", + 706 => x"0851848c", + 707 => x"3f800880", + 708 => x"2effa738", + 709 => x"8008901b", + 710 => x"0c800816", + 711 => x"7a0c7794", + 712 => x"1b0c7488", + 713 => x"1b0c7456", + 714 => x"fd993979", + 715 => x"0858901a", + 716 => x"08782783", + 717 => x"38815475", + 718 => x"75278438", + 719 => x"73b33894", + 720 => x"1a085675", + 721 => x"752680d3", + 722 => x"38755378", + 723 => x"529c1a08", + 724 => x"51a41a08", + 725 => x"54732d80", + 726 => x"08568008", + 727 => x"8024fd83", + 728 => x"388c1a22", + 729 => x"80c00754", + 730 => x"738c1b23", + 731 => x"ff54fed7", + 732 => x"39755378", + 733 => x"52775181", + 734 => x"dc3f7908", + 735 => x"167a0c79", + 736 => x"518cff3f", + 737 => x"8008802e", + 738 => x"fcd9388c", + 739 => x"1a2280c0", + 740 => x"0754738c", + 741 => x"1b23ff54", + 742 => x"fead3974", + 743 => x"75547953", + 744 => x"78525681", + 745 => x"b03f881a", + 746 => x"08753188", + 747 => x"1b0c7908", + 748 => x"157a0cfc", + 749 => x"ae39fa3d", + 750 => x"0d7a7902", + 751 => x"8805a705", + 752 => x"33565253", + 753 => x"8373278a", + 754 => x"38708306", + 755 => x"5271802e", + 756 => x"a838ff13", + 757 => x"5372ff2e", + 758 => x"97387033", + 759 => x"5273722e", + 760 => x"91388111", + 761 => x"ff145451", + 762 => x"72ff2e09", + 763 => x"8106eb38", + 764 => x"80517080", + 765 => x"0c883d0d", + 766 => x"04707257", + 767 => x"55835175", + 768 => x"82802914", + 769 => x"ff125256", + 770 => x"708025f3", + 771 => x"38837327", + 772 => x"bf387408", + 773 => x"76327009", + 774 => x"f7fbfdff", + 775 => x"120670f8", + 776 => x"84828180", + 777 => x"06515151", + 778 => x"70802e99", + 779 => x"38745180", + 780 => x"52703357", + 781 => x"73772eff", + 782 => x"b9388111", + 783 => x"81135351", + 784 => x"837227ed", + 785 => x"38fc1384", + 786 => x"16565372", + 787 => x"8326c338", + 788 => x"7451fefe", + 789 => x"39fa3d0d", + 790 => x"787a7c72", + 791 => x"72725757", + 792 => x"57595656", + 793 => x"747627b2", + 794 => x"38761551", + 795 => x"757127aa", + 796 => x"38707717", + 797 => x"ff145455", + 798 => x"5371ff2e", + 799 => x"9638ff14", + 800 => x"ff145454", + 801 => x"72337434", + 802 => x"ff125271", + 803 => x"ff2e0981", + 804 => x"06ec3875", + 805 => x"800c883d", + 806 => x"0d04768f", + 807 => x"269738ff", + 808 => x"125271ff", + 809 => x"2eed3872", + 810 => x"70810554", + 811 => x"33747081", + 812 => x"055634eb", + 813 => x"39747607", + 814 => x"83065170", + 815 => x"e2387575", + 816 => x"54517270", + 817 => x"84055408", + 818 => x"71708405", + 819 => x"530c7270", + 820 => x"84055408", + 821 => x"71708405", + 822 => x"530c7270", + 823 => x"84055408", + 824 => x"71708405", + 825 => x"530c7270", + 826 => x"84055408", + 827 => x"71708405", + 828 => x"530cf012", + 829 => x"52718f26", + 830 => x"c9388372", + 831 => x"27953872", + 832 => x"70840554", + 833 => x"08717084", + 834 => x"05530cfc", + 835 => x"12527183", + 836 => x"26ed3870", + 837 => x"54ff8839", + 838 => x"ef3d0d63", + 839 => x"6567405d", + 840 => x"427b802e", + 841 => x"84fa3861", + 842 => x"51a5b63f", + 843 => x"f81c7084", + 844 => x"120870fc", + 845 => x"0670628b", + 846 => x"0570f806", + 847 => x"4159455b", + 848 => x"5c415796", + 849 => x"742782c3", + 850 => x"38807b24", + 851 => x"7e7c2607", + 852 => x"59805478", + 853 => x"742e0981", + 854 => x"0682a938", + 855 => x"777b2581", + 856 => x"fc387717", + 857 => x"80d4c80b", + 858 => x"8805085e", + 859 => x"567c762e", + 860 => x"84bd3884", + 861 => x"160870fe", + 862 => x"06178411", + 863 => x"08810651", + 864 => x"55557382", + 865 => x"8b3874fc", + 866 => x"06597c76", + 867 => x"2e84dd38", + 868 => x"77195f7e", + 869 => x"7b2581fd", + 870 => x"38798106", + 871 => x"547382bf", + 872 => x"38767708", + 873 => x"31841108", + 874 => x"fc06565a", + 875 => x"75802e91", + 876 => x"387c762e", + 877 => x"84ea3874", + 878 => x"19185978", + 879 => x"7b258489", + 880 => x"3879802e", + 881 => x"82993877", + 882 => x"15567a76", + 883 => x"24829038", + 884 => x"8c1a0888", + 885 => x"1b08718c", + 886 => x"120c8812", + 887 => x"0c557976", + 888 => x"59578817", + 889 => x"61fc0557", + 890 => x"5975a426", + 891 => x"85ef387b", + 892 => x"79555593", + 893 => x"762780c9", + 894 => x"387b7084", + 895 => x"055d087c", + 896 => x"56790c74", + 897 => x"70840556", + 898 => x"088c180c", + 899 => x"9017549b", + 900 => x"7627ae38", + 901 => x"74708405", + 902 => x"5608740c", + 903 => x"74708405", + 904 => x"56089418", + 905 => x"0c981754", + 906 => x"a3762795", + 907 => x"38747084", + 908 => x"05560874", + 909 => x"0c747084", + 910 => x"0556089c", + 911 => x"180ca017", + 912 => x"54747084", + 913 => x"05560874", + 914 => x"70840556", + 915 => x"0c747084", + 916 => x"05560874", + 917 => x"70840556", + 918 => x"0c740874", + 919 => x"0c777b31", + 920 => x"56758f26", + 921 => x"80c93884", + 922 => x"17088106", + 923 => x"78078418", + 924 => x"0c771784", + 925 => x"11088107", + 926 => x"84120c54", + 927 => x"6151a2e2", + 928 => x"3f881754", + 929 => x"73800c93", + 930 => x"3d0d0490", + 931 => x"5bfdba39", + 932 => x"7856fe85", + 933 => x"398c1608", + 934 => x"88170871", + 935 => x"8c120c88", + 936 => x"120c557e", + 937 => x"707c3157", + 938 => x"588f7627", + 939 => x"ffb9387a", + 940 => x"17841808", + 941 => x"81067c07", + 942 => x"84190c76", + 943 => x"81078412", + 944 => x"0c761184", + 945 => x"11088107", + 946 => x"84120c55", + 947 => x"88055261", + 948 => x"518cf73f", + 949 => x"6151a28a", + 950 => x"3f881754", + 951 => x"ffa6397d", + 952 => x"52615194", + 953 => x"f73f8008", + 954 => x"59800880", + 955 => x"2e81a338", + 956 => x"8008f805", + 957 => x"60840508", + 958 => x"fe066105", + 959 => x"55577674", + 960 => x"2e83e638", + 961 => x"fc185675", + 962 => x"a42681aa", + 963 => x"387b8008", + 964 => x"55559376", + 965 => x"2780d838", + 966 => x"74708405", + 967 => x"56088008", + 968 => x"70840580", + 969 => x"0c0c8008", + 970 => x"75708405", + 971 => x"57087170", + 972 => x"8405530c", + 973 => x"549b7627", + 974 => x"b6387470", + 975 => x"84055608", + 976 => x"74708405", + 977 => x"560c7470", + 978 => x"84055608", + 979 => x"74708405", + 980 => x"560ca376", + 981 => x"27993874", + 982 => x"70840556", + 983 => x"08747084", + 984 => x"05560c74", + 985 => x"70840556", + 986 => x"08747084", + 987 => x"05560c74", + 988 => x"70840556", + 989 => x"08747084", + 990 => x"05560c74", + 991 => x"70840556", + 992 => x"08747084", + 993 => x"05560c74", + 994 => x"08740c7b", + 995 => x"5261518b", + 996 => x"b93f6151", + 997 => x"a0cc3f78", + 998 => x"5473800c", + 999 => x"933d0d04", + 1000 => x"7d526151", + 1001 => x"93b63f80", + 1002 => x"08800c93", + 1003 => x"3d0d0484", + 1004 => x"160855fb", + 1005 => x"d1397553", + 1006 => x"7b528008", + 1007 => x"51efc73f", + 1008 => x"7b526151", + 1009 => x"8b843fca", + 1010 => x"398c1608", + 1011 => x"88170871", + 1012 => x"8c120c88", + 1013 => x"120c558c", + 1014 => x"1a08881b", + 1015 => x"08718c12", + 1016 => x"0c88120c", + 1017 => x"55797959", + 1018 => x"57fbf739", + 1019 => x"7719901c", + 1020 => x"55557375", + 1021 => x"24fba238", + 1022 => x"7a177080", + 1023 => x"d4c80b88", + 1024 => x"050c757c", + 1025 => x"31810784", + 1026 => x"120c5d84", + 1027 => x"17088106", + 1028 => x"7b078418", + 1029 => x"0c61519f", + 1030 => x"c93f8817", + 1031 => x"54fce539", + 1032 => x"74191890", + 1033 => x"1c555d73", + 1034 => x"7d24fb95", + 1035 => x"388c1a08", + 1036 => x"881b0871", + 1037 => x"8c120c88", + 1038 => x"120c5588", + 1039 => x"1a61fc05", + 1040 => x"575975a4", + 1041 => x"2681ae38", + 1042 => x"7b795555", + 1043 => x"93762780", + 1044 => x"c9387b70", + 1045 => x"84055d08", + 1046 => x"7c56790c", + 1047 => x"74708405", + 1048 => x"56088c1b", + 1049 => x"0c901a54", + 1050 => x"9b7627ae", + 1051 => x"38747084", + 1052 => x"05560874", + 1053 => x"0c747084", + 1054 => x"05560894", + 1055 => x"1b0c981a", + 1056 => x"54a37627", + 1057 => x"95387470", + 1058 => x"84055608", + 1059 => x"740c7470", + 1060 => x"84055608", + 1061 => x"9c1b0ca0", + 1062 => x"1a547470", + 1063 => x"84055608", + 1064 => x"74708405", + 1065 => x"560c7470", + 1066 => x"84055608", + 1067 => x"74708405", + 1068 => x"560c7408", + 1069 => x"740c7a1a", + 1070 => x"7080d4c8", + 1071 => x"0b88050c", + 1072 => x"7d7c3181", + 1073 => x"0784120c", + 1074 => x"54841a08", + 1075 => x"81067b07", + 1076 => x"841b0c61", + 1077 => x"519e8b3f", + 1078 => x"7854fdbd", + 1079 => x"3975537b", + 1080 => x"527851ed", + 1081 => x"a13ffaf5", + 1082 => x"39841708", + 1083 => x"fc061860", + 1084 => x"5858fae9", + 1085 => x"3975537b", + 1086 => x"527851ed", + 1087 => x"893f7a1a", + 1088 => x"7080d4c8", + 1089 => x"0b88050c", + 1090 => x"7d7c3181", + 1091 => x"0784120c", + 1092 => x"54841a08", + 1093 => x"81067b07", + 1094 => x"841b0cff", + 1095 => x"b639fa3d", + 1096 => x"0d7880cd", + 1097 => x"8c085455", + 1098 => x"b8130880", + 1099 => x"2e81b638", + 1100 => x"8c152270", + 1101 => x"83ffff06", + 1102 => x"70832a81", + 1103 => x"32708106", + 1104 => x"51555556", + 1105 => x"72802e80", + 1106 => x"dc387384", + 1107 => x"2a813281", + 1108 => x"0657ff53", + 1109 => x"7680f738", + 1110 => x"73822a70", + 1111 => x"81065153", + 1112 => x"72802eb9", + 1113 => x"38b01508", + 1114 => x"5473802e", + 1115 => x"9c3880c0", + 1116 => x"15537373", + 1117 => x"2e8f3873", + 1118 => x"5280cd8c", + 1119 => x"085187ca", + 1120 => x"3f8c1522", + 1121 => x"5676b016", + 1122 => x"0c75db06", + 1123 => x"53728c16", + 1124 => x"23800b84", + 1125 => x"160c9015", + 1126 => x"08750c72", + 1127 => x"56758807", + 1128 => x"53728c16", + 1129 => x"23901508", + 1130 => x"802e80c1", + 1131 => x"388c1522", + 1132 => x"70810655", + 1133 => x"53739e38", + 1134 => x"720a100a", + 1135 => x"70810651", + 1136 => x"53728538", + 1137 => x"94150854", + 1138 => x"7388160c", + 1139 => x"80537280", + 1140 => x"0c883d0d", + 1141 => x"04800b88", + 1142 => x"160c9415", + 1143 => x"08309816", + 1144 => x"0c8053ea", + 1145 => x"39725182", + 1146 => x"fb3ffec4", + 1147 => x"3974518c", + 1148 => x"e83f8c15", + 1149 => x"22708106", + 1150 => x"55537380", + 1151 => x"2effb938", + 1152 => x"d439f83d", + 1153 => x"0d7a5877", + 1154 => x"802e8199", + 1155 => x"3880cd8c", + 1156 => x"0854b814", + 1157 => x"08802e80", + 1158 => x"ed388c18", + 1159 => x"2270902b", + 1160 => x"70902c70", + 1161 => x"832a8132", + 1162 => x"81065c51", + 1163 => x"57547880", + 1164 => x"cd389018", + 1165 => x"08577680", + 1166 => x"2e80c338", + 1167 => x"77087731", + 1168 => x"77790c76", + 1169 => x"83067a58", + 1170 => x"55557385", + 1171 => x"38941808", + 1172 => x"56758819", + 1173 => x"0c807525", + 1174 => x"a5387453", + 1175 => x"76529c18", + 1176 => x"0851a418", + 1177 => x"0854732d", + 1178 => x"800b8008", + 1179 => x"2580c938", + 1180 => x"80081775", + 1181 => x"80083156", + 1182 => x"57748024", + 1183 => x"dd38800b", + 1184 => x"800c8a3d", + 1185 => x"0d047351", + 1186 => x"81da3f8c", + 1187 => x"18227090", + 1188 => x"2b70902c", + 1189 => x"70832a81", + 1190 => x"3281065c", + 1191 => x"51575478", + 1192 => x"dd38ff8e", + 1193 => x"39a48252", + 1194 => x"80cd8c08", + 1195 => x"5189f13f", + 1196 => x"8008800c", + 1197 => x"8a3d0d04", + 1198 => x"8c182280", + 1199 => x"c0075473", + 1200 => x"8c1923ff", + 1201 => x"0b800c8a", + 1202 => x"3d0d0480", + 1203 => x"3d0d7251", + 1204 => x"80710c80", + 1205 => x"0b84120c", + 1206 => x"800b8812", + 1207 => x"0c028e05", + 1208 => x"228c1223", + 1209 => x"02920522", + 1210 => x"8e122380", + 1211 => x"0b90120c", + 1212 => x"800b9412", + 1213 => x"0c800b98", + 1214 => x"120c709c", + 1215 => x"120c80c0", + 1216 => x"970ba012", + 1217 => x"0c80c0e3", + 1218 => x"0ba4120c", + 1219 => x"80c1df0b", + 1220 => x"a8120c80", + 1221 => x"c2b00bac", + 1222 => x"120c823d", + 1223 => x"0d04fa3d", + 1224 => x"0d797080", + 1225 => x"dc298c11", + 1226 => x"547a5356", + 1227 => x"578cad3f", + 1228 => x"80088008", + 1229 => x"55568008", + 1230 => x"802ea238", + 1231 => x"80088c05", + 1232 => x"54800b80", + 1233 => x"080c7680", + 1234 => x"0884050c", + 1235 => x"73800888", + 1236 => x"050c7453", + 1237 => x"80527351", + 1238 => x"97f83f75", + 1239 => x"5473800c", + 1240 => x"883d0d04", + 1241 => x"fc3d0d76", + 1242 => x"a8f70bbc", + 1243 => x"120c5581", + 1244 => x"0bb8160c", + 1245 => x"800b84dc", + 1246 => x"160c830b", + 1247 => x"84e0160c", + 1248 => x"84e81584", + 1249 => x"e4160c74", + 1250 => x"54805384", + 1251 => x"52841508", + 1252 => x"51feb83f", + 1253 => x"74548153", + 1254 => x"89528815", + 1255 => x"0851feab", + 1256 => x"3f745482", + 1257 => x"538a528c", + 1258 => x"150851fe", + 1259 => x"9e3f863d", + 1260 => x"0d04f93d", + 1261 => x"0d7980cd", + 1262 => x"8c085457", + 1263 => x"b8130880", + 1264 => x"2e80c838", + 1265 => x"84dc1356", + 1266 => x"88160884", + 1267 => x"1708ff05", + 1268 => x"55558074", + 1269 => x"249f388c", + 1270 => x"15227090", + 1271 => x"2b70902c", + 1272 => x"51545872", + 1273 => x"802e80ca", + 1274 => x"3880dc15", + 1275 => x"ff155555", + 1276 => x"738025e3", + 1277 => x"38750853", + 1278 => x"72802e9f", + 1279 => x"38725688", + 1280 => x"16088417", + 1281 => x"08ff0555", + 1282 => x"55c83972", + 1283 => x"51fed53f", + 1284 => x"80cd8c08", + 1285 => x"84dc0556", + 1286 => x"ffae3984", + 1287 => x"527651fd", + 1288 => x"fd3f8008", + 1289 => x"760c8008", + 1290 => x"802e80c0", + 1291 => x"38800856", + 1292 => x"ce39810b", + 1293 => x"8c162372", + 1294 => x"750c7288", + 1295 => x"160c7284", + 1296 => x"160c7290", + 1297 => x"160c7294", + 1298 => x"160c7298", + 1299 => x"160cff0b", + 1300 => x"8e162372", + 1301 => x"b0160c72", + 1302 => x"b4160c72", + 1303 => x"80c4160c", + 1304 => x"7280c816", + 1305 => x"0c74800c", + 1306 => x"893d0d04", + 1307 => x"8c770c80", + 1308 => x"0b800c89", + 1309 => x"3d0d04ff", + 1310 => x"3d0da482", + 1311 => x"52735186", + 1312 => x"9f3f833d", + 1313 => x"0d04803d", + 1314 => x"0d80cd8c", + 1315 => x"0851e83f", + 1316 => x"823d0d04", + 1317 => x"fb3d0d77", + 1318 => x"70525696", + 1319 => x"c43f80d4", + 1320 => x"c80b8805", + 1321 => x"08841108", + 1322 => x"fc06707b", + 1323 => x"319fef05", + 1324 => x"e08006e0", + 1325 => x"80055656", + 1326 => x"53a08074", + 1327 => x"24943880", + 1328 => x"52755196", + 1329 => x"9e3f80d4", + 1330 => x"d0081553", + 1331 => x"7280082e", + 1332 => x"8f387551", + 1333 => x"968c3f80", + 1334 => x"5372800c", + 1335 => x"873d0d04", + 1336 => x"73305275", + 1337 => x"5195fc3f", + 1338 => x"8008ff2e", + 1339 => x"a83880d4", + 1340 => x"c80b8805", + 1341 => x"08757531", + 1342 => x"81078412", + 1343 => x"0c5380d4", + 1344 => x"8c087431", + 1345 => x"80d48c0c", + 1346 => x"755195d6", + 1347 => x"3f810b80", + 1348 => x"0c873d0d", + 1349 => x"04805275", + 1350 => x"5195c83f", + 1351 => x"80d4c80b", + 1352 => x"88050880", + 1353 => x"08713156", + 1354 => x"538f7525", + 1355 => x"ffa43880", + 1356 => x"0880d4bc", + 1357 => x"083180d4", + 1358 => x"8c0c7481", + 1359 => x"0784140c", + 1360 => x"7551959e", + 1361 => x"3f8053ff", + 1362 => x"9039f63d", + 1363 => x"0d7c7e54", + 1364 => x"5b72802e", + 1365 => x"8283387a", + 1366 => x"5195863f", + 1367 => x"f8138411", + 1368 => x"0870fe06", + 1369 => x"70138411", + 1370 => x"08fc065d", + 1371 => x"58595458", + 1372 => x"80d4d008", + 1373 => x"752e82de", + 1374 => x"38788416", + 1375 => x"0c807381", + 1376 => x"06545a72", + 1377 => x"7a2e81d5", + 1378 => x"38781584", + 1379 => x"11088106", + 1380 => x"515372a0", + 1381 => x"38781757", + 1382 => x"7981e638", + 1383 => x"88150853", + 1384 => x"7280d4d0", + 1385 => x"2e82f938", + 1386 => x"8c150870", + 1387 => x"8c150c73", + 1388 => x"88120c56", + 1389 => x"76810784", + 1390 => x"190c7618", + 1391 => x"77710c53", + 1392 => x"79819138", + 1393 => x"83ff7727", + 1394 => x"81c83876", + 1395 => x"892a7783", + 1396 => x"2a565372", + 1397 => x"802ebf38", + 1398 => x"76862ab8", + 1399 => x"05558473", + 1400 => x"27b43880", + 1401 => x"db135594", + 1402 => x"7327ab38", + 1403 => x"768c2a80", + 1404 => x"ee055580", + 1405 => x"d473279e", + 1406 => x"38768f2a", + 1407 => x"80f70555", + 1408 => x"82d47327", + 1409 => x"91387692", + 1410 => x"2a80fc05", + 1411 => x"558ad473", + 1412 => x"27843880", + 1413 => x"fe557410", + 1414 => x"101080d4", + 1415 => x"c8058811", + 1416 => x"08555673", + 1417 => x"762e82b3", + 1418 => x"38841408", + 1419 => x"fc065376", + 1420 => x"73278d38", + 1421 => x"88140854", + 1422 => x"73762e09", + 1423 => x"8106ea38", + 1424 => x"8c140870", + 1425 => x"8c1a0c74", + 1426 => x"881a0c78", + 1427 => x"88120c56", + 1428 => x"778c150c", + 1429 => x"7a51938a", + 1430 => x"3f8c3d0d", + 1431 => x"04770878", + 1432 => x"71315977", + 1433 => x"05881908", + 1434 => x"54577280", + 1435 => x"d4d02e80", + 1436 => x"e0388c18", + 1437 => x"08708c15", + 1438 => x"0c738812", + 1439 => x"0c56fe89", + 1440 => x"39881508", + 1441 => x"8c160870", + 1442 => x"8c130c57", + 1443 => x"88170cfe", + 1444 => x"a3397683", + 1445 => x"2a705455", + 1446 => x"80752481", + 1447 => x"98387282", + 1448 => x"2c81712b", + 1449 => x"80d4cc08", + 1450 => x"0780d4c8", + 1451 => x"0b84050c", + 1452 => x"53741010", + 1453 => x"1080d4c8", + 1454 => x"05881108", + 1455 => x"5556758c", + 1456 => x"190c7388", + 1457 => x"190c7788", + 1458 => x"170c778c", + 1459 => x"150cff84", + 1460 => x"39815afd", + 1461 => x"b4397817", + 1462 => x"73810654", + 1463 => x"57729838", + 1464 => x"77087871", + 1465 => x"31597705", + 1466 => x"8c190888", + 1467 => x"1a08718c", + 1468 => x"120c8812", + 1469 => x"0c575776", + 1470 => x"81078419", + 1471 => x"0c7780d4", + 1472 => x"c80b8805", + 1473 => x"0c80d4c4", + 1474 => x"087726fe", + 1475 => x"c73880d4", + 1476 => x"c008527a", + 1477 => x"51fafd3f", + 1478 => x"7a5191c6", + 1479 => x"3ffeba39", + 1480 => x"81788c15", + 1481 => x"0c788815", + 1482 => x"0c738c1a", + 1483 => x"0c73881a", + 1484 => x"0c5afd80", + 1485 => x"39831570", + 1486 => x"822c8171", + 1487 => x"2b80d4cc", + 1488 => x"080780d4", + 1489 => x"c80b8405", + 1490 => x"0c515374", + 1491 => x"10101080", + 1492 => x"d4c80588", + 1493 => x"11085556", + 1494 => x"fee43974", + 1495 => x"53807524", + 1496 => x"a7387282", + 1497 => x"2c81712b", + 1498 => x"80d4cc08", + 1499 => x"0780d4c8", + 1500 => x"0b84050c", + 1501 => x"53758c19", + 1502 => x"0c738819", + 1503 => x"0c778817", + 1504 => x"0c778c15", + 1505 => x"0cfdcd39", + 1506 => x"83157082", + 1507 => x"2c81712b", + 1508 => x"80d4cc08", + 1509 => x"0780d4c8", + 1510 => x"0b84050c", + 1511 => x"5153d639", + 1512 => x"f93d0d79", + 1513 => x"7b585380", + 1514 => x"0b80cd8c", + 1515 => x"08535672", + 1516 => x"722e80c0", + 1517 => x"3884dc13", + 1518 => x"5574762e", + 1519 => x"b7388815", + 1520 => x"08841608", + 1521 => x"ff055454", + 1522 => x"8073249d", + 1523 => x"388c1422", + 1524 => x"70902b70", + 1525 => x"902c5153", + 1526 => x"587180d8", + 1527 => x"3880dc14", + 1528 => x"ff145454", + 1529 => x"728025e5", + 1530 => x"38740855", + 1531 => x"74d03880", + 1532 => x"cd8c0852", + 1533 => x"84dc1255", + 1534 => x"74802eb1", + 1535 => x"38881508", + 1536 => x"841608ff", + 1537 => x"05545480", + 1538 => x"73249c38", + 1539 => x"8c142270", + 1540 => x"902b7090", + 1541 => x"2c515358", + 1542 => x"71ad3880", + 1543 => x"dc14ff14", + 1544 => x"54547280", + 1545 => x"25e63874", + 1546 => x"085574d1", + 1547 => x"3875800c", + 1548 => x"893d0d04", + 1549 => x"7351762d", + 1550 => x"75800807", + 1551 => x"80dc15ff", + 1552 => x"15555556", + 1553 => x"ff9e3973", + 1554 => x"51762d75", + 1555 => x"80080780", + 1556 => x"dc15ff15", + 1557 => x"555556ca", + 1558 => x"39ea3d0d", + 1559 => x"688c1122", + 1560 => x"700a100a", + 1561 => x"81065758", + 1562 => x"567480e4", + 1563 => x"388e1622", + 1564 => x"70902b70", + 1565 => x"902c5155", + 1566 => x"58807424", + 1567 => x"b138983d", + 1568 => x"c4055373", + 1569 => x"5280cd8c", + 1570 => x"085192ac", + 1571 => x"3f800b80", + 1572 => x"08249738", + 1573 => x"7983e080", + 1574 => x"06547380", + 1575 => x"c0802e81", + 1576 => x"8f387382", + 1577 => x"80802e81", + 1578 => x"91388c16", + 1579 => x"22577690", + 1580 => x"80075473", + 1581 => x"8c172388", + 1582 => x"805280cd", + 1583 => x"8c085181", + 1584 => x"9b3f8008", + 1585 => x"9d388c16", + 1586 => x"22820754", + 1587 => x"738c1723", + 1588 => x"80c31670", + 1589 => x"770c9017", + 1590 => x"0c810b94", + 1591 => x"170c983d", + 1592 => x"0d0480cd", + 1593 => x"8c08a8f7", + 1594 => x"0bbc120c", + 1595 => x"548c1622", + 1596 => x"81800754", + 1597 => x"738c1723", + 1598 => x"8008760c", + 1599 => x"80089017", + 1600 => x"0c88800b", + 1601 => x"94170c74", + 1602 => x"802ed338", + 1603 => x"8e162270", + 1604 => x"902b7090", + 1605 => x"2c535558", + 1606 => x"98a23f80", + 1607 => x"08802eff", + 1608 => x"bd388c16", + 1609 => x"22810754", + 1610 => x"738c1723", + 1611 => x"983d0d04", + 1612 => x"810b8c17", + 1613 => x"225855fe", + 1614 => x"f539a816", + 1615 => x"0880c1df", + 1616 => x"2e098106", + 1617 => x"fee4388c", + 1618 => x"16228880", + 1619 => x"0754738c", + 1620 => x"17238880", + 1621 => x"0b80cc17", + 1622 => x"0cfedc39", + 1623 => x"f33d0d7f", + 1624 => x"618b1170", + 1625 => x"f8065c55", + 1626 => x"555e7296", + 1627 => x"26833890", + 1628 => x"59807924", + 1629 => x"747a2607", + 1630 => x"53805472", + 1631 => x"742e0981", + 1632 => x"0680cb38", + 1633 => x"7d518cd9", + 1634 => x"3f7883f7", + 1635 => x"2680c638", + 1636 => x"78832a70", + 1637 => x"10101080", + 1638 => x"d4c8058c", + 1639 => x"11085959", + 1640 => x"5a76782e", + 1641 => x"83b03884", + 1642 => x"1708fc06", + 1643 => x"568c1708", + 1644 => x"88180871", + 1645 => x"8c120c88", + 1646 => x"120c5875", + 1647 => x"17841108", + 1648 => x"81078412", + 1649 => x"0c537d51", + 1650 => x"8c983f88", + 1651 => x"17547380", + 1652 => x"0c8f3d0d", + 1653 => x"0478892a", + 1654 => x"79832a5b", + 1655 => x"5372802e", + 1656 => x"bf387886", + 1657 => x"2ab8055a", + 1658 => x"847327b4", + 1659 => x"3880db13", + 1660 => x"5a947327", + 1661 => x"ab38788c", + 1662 => x"2a80ee05", + 1663 => x"5a80d473", + 1664 => x"279e3878", + 1665 => x"8f2a80f7", + 1666 => x"055a82d4", + 1667 => x"73279138", + 1668 => x"78922a80", + 1669 => x"fc055a8a", + 1670 => x"d4732784", + 1671 => x"3880fe5a", + 1672 => x"79101010", + 1673 => x"80d4c805", + 1674 => x"8c110858", + 1675 => x"5576752e", + 1676 => x"a3388417", + 1677 => x"08fc0670", + 1678 => x"7a315556", + 1679 => x"738f2488", + 1680 => x"d5387380", + 1681 => x"25fee638", + 1682 => x"8c170857", + 1683 => x"76752e09", + 1684 => x"8106df38", + 1685 => x"811a5a80", + 1686 => x"d4d80857", + 1687 => x"7680d4d0", + 1688 => x"2e82c038", + 1689 => x"841708fc", + 1690 => x"06707a31", + 1691 => x"5556738f", + 1692 => x"2481f938", + 1693 => x"80d4d00b", + 1694 => x"80d4dc0c", + 1695 => x"80d4d00b", + 1696 => x"80d4d80c", + 1697 => x"738025fe", + 1698 => x"b23883ff", + 1699 => x"762783df", + 1700 => x"3875892a", + 1701 => x"76832a55", + 1702 => x"5372802e", + 1703 => x"bf387586", + 1704 => x"2ab80554", + 1705 => x"847327b4", + 1706 => x"3880db13", + 1707 => x"54947327", + 1708 => x"ab38758c", + 1709 => x"2a80ee05", + 1710 => x"5480d473", + 1711 => x"279e3875", + 1712 => x"8f2a80f7", + 1713 => x"055482d4", + 1714 => x"73279138", + 1715 => x"75922a80", + 1716 => x"fc05548a", + 1717 => x"d4732784", + 1718 => x"3880fe54", + 1719 => x"73101010", + 1720 => x"80d4c805", + 1721 => x"88110856", + 1722 => x"5874782e", + 1723 => x"86cf3884", + 1724 => x"1508fc06", + 1725 => x"53757327", + 1726 => x"8d388815", + 1727 => x"08557478", + 1728 => x"2e098106", + 1729 => x"ea388c15", + 1730 => x"0880d4c8", + 1731 => x"0b840508", + 1732 => x"718c1a0c", + 1733 => x"76881a0c", + 1734 => x"7888130c", + 1735 => x"788c180c", + 1736 => x"5d587953", + 1737 => x"807a2483", + 1738 => x"e6387282", + 1739 => x"2c81712b", + 1740 => x"5c537a7c", + 1741 => x"26819838", + 1742 => x"7b7b0653", + 1743 => x"7282f138", + 1744 => x"79fc0684", + 1745 => x"055a7a10", + 1746 => x"707d0654", + 1747 => x"5b7282e0", + 1748 => x"38841a5a", + 1749 => x"f1398817", + 1750 => x"8c110858", + 1751 => x"5876782e", + 1752 => x"098106fc", + 1753 => x"c238821a", + 1754 => x"5afdec39", + 1755 => x"78177981", + 1756 => x"0784190c", + 1757 => x"7080d4dc", + 1758 => x"0c7080d4", + 1759 => x"d80c80d4", + 1760 => x"d00b8c12", + 1761 => x"0c8c1108", + 1762 => x"88120c74", + 1763 => x"81078412", + 1764 => x"0c741175", + 1765 => x"710c5153", + 1766 => x"7d5188c6", + 1767 => x"3f881754", + 1768 => x"fcac3980", + 1769 => x"d4c80b84", + 1770 => x"05087a54", + 1771 => x"5c798025", + 1772 => x"fef83882", + 1773 => x"da397a09", + 1774 => x"7c067080", + 1775 => x"d4c80b84", + 1776 => x"050c5c7a", + 1777 => x"105b7a7c", + 1778 => x"2685387a", + 1779 => x"85b83880", + 1780 => x"d4c80b88", + 1781 => x"05087084", + 1782 => x"1208fc06", + 1783 => x"707c317c", + 1784 => x"72268f72", + 1785 => x"25075757", + 1786 => x"5c5d5572", + 1787 => x"802e80db", + 1788 => x"38797a16", + 1789 => x"80d4c008", + 1790 => x"1b90115a", + 1791 => x"55575b80", + 1792 => x"d4bc08ff", + 1793 => x"2e8838a0", + 1794 => x"8f13e080", + 1795 => x"06577652", + 1796 => x"7d5187cf", + 1797 => x"3f800854", + 1798 => x"8008ff2e", + 1799 => x"90388008", + 1800 => x"76278299", + 1801 => x"387480d4", + 1802 => x"c82e8291", + 1803 => x"3880d4c8", + 1804 => x"0b880508", + 1805 => x"55841508", + 1806 => x"fc06707a", + 1807 => x"317a7226", + 1808 => x"8f722507", + 1809 => x"52555372", + 1810 => x"83e63874", + 1811 => x"79810784", + 1812 => x"170c7916", + 1813 => x"7080d4c8", + 1814 => x"0b88050c", + 1815 => x"75810784", + 1816 => x"120c547e", + 1817 => x"525786fa", + 1818 => x"3f881754", + 1819 => x"fae03975", + 1820 => x"832a7054", + 1821 => x"54807424", + 1822 => x"819b3872", + 1823 => x"822c8171", + 1824 => x"2b80d4cc", + 1825 => x"08077080", + 1826 => x"d4c80b84", + 1827 => x"050c7510", + 1828 => x"101080d4", + 1829 => x"c8058811", + 1830 => x"08585a5d", + 1831 => x"53778c18", + 1832 => x"0c748818", + 1833 => x"0c768819", + 1834 => x"0c768c16", + 1835 => x"0cfcf339", + 1836 => x"797a1010", + 1837 => x"1080d4c8", + 1838 => x"05705759", + 1839 => x"5d8c1508", + 1840 => x"5776752e", + 1841 => x"a3388417", + 1842 => x"08fc0670", + 1843 => x"7a315556", + 1844 => x"738f2483", + 1845 => x"ca387380", + 1846 => x"25848138", + 1847 => x"8c170857", + 1848 => x"76752e09", + 1849 => x"8106df38", + 1850 => x"8815811b", + 1851 => x"70830655", + 1852 => x"5b5572c9", + 1853 => x"387c8306", + 1854 => x"5372802e", + 1855 => x"fdb838ff", + 1856 => x"1df81959", + 1857 => x"5d881808", + 1858 => x"782eea38", + 1859 => x"fdb53983", + 1860 => x"1a53fc96", + 1861 => x"39831470", + 1862 => x"822c8171", + 1863 => x"2b80d4cc", + 1864 => x"08077080", + 1865 => x"d4c80b84", + 1866 => x"050c7610", + 1867 => x"101080d4", + 1868 => x"c8058811", + 1869 => x"08595b5e", + 1870 => x"5153fee1", + 1871 => x"3980d48c", + 1872 => x"08175880", + 1873 => x"08762e81", + 1874 => x"8d3880d4", + 1875 => x"bc08ff2e", + 1876 => x"83ec3873", + 1877 => x"76311880", + 1878 => x"d48c0c73", + 1879 => x"87067057", + 1880 => x"5372802e", + 1881 => x"88388873", + 1882 => x"31701555", + 1883 => x"5676149f", + 1884 => x"ff06a080", + 1885 => x"71311770", + 1886 => x"547f5357", + 1887 => x"5384e43f", + 1888 => x"80085380", + 1889 => x"08ff2e81", + 1890 => x"a03880d4", + 1891 => x"8c081670", + 1892 => x"80d48c0c", + 1893 => x"747580d4", + 1894 => x"c80b8805", + 1895 => x"0c747631", + 1896 => x"18708107", + 1897 => x"51555658", + 1898 => x"7b80d4c8", + 1899 => x"2e839c38", + 1900 => x"798f2682", + 1901 => x"cb38810b", + 1902 => x"84150c84", + 1903 => x"1508fc06", + 1904 => x"707a317a", + 1905 => x"72268f72", + 1906 => x"25075255", + 1907 => x"5372802e", + 1908 => x"fcf93880", + 1909 => x"db398008", + 1910 => x"9fff0653", + 1911 => x"72feeb38", + 1912 => x"7780d48c", + 1913 => x"0c80d4c8", + 1914 => x"0b880508", + 1915 => x"7b188107", + 1916 => x"84120c55", + 1917 => x"80d4b808", + 1918 => x"78278638", + 1919 => x"7780d4b8", + 1920 => x"0c80d4b4", + 1921 => x"087827fc", + 1922 => x"ac387780", + 1923 => x"d4b40c84", + 1924 => x"1508fc06", + 1925 => x"707a317a", + 1926 => x"72268f72", + 1927 => x"25075255", + 1928 => x"5372802e", + 1929 => x"fca53888", + 1930 => x"39807454", + 1931 => x"56fedb39", + 1932 => x"7d5183ae", + 1933 => x"3f800b80", + 1934 => x"0c8f3d0d", + 1935 => x"04735380", + 1936 => x"7424a938", + 1937 => x"72822c81", + 1938 => x"712b80d4", + 1939 => x"cc080770", + 1940 => x"80d4c80b", + 1941 => x"84050c5d", + 1942 => x"53778c18", + 1943 => x"0c748818", + 1944 => x"0c768819", + 1945 => x"0c768c16", + 1946 => x"0cf9b739", + 1947 => x"83147082", + 1948 => x"2c81712b", + 1949 => x"80d4cc08", + 1950 => x"077080d4", + 1951 => x"c80b8405", + 1952 => x"0c5e5153", + 1953 => x"d4397b7b", + 1954 => x"065372fc", + 1955 => x"a338841a", + 1956 => x"7b105c5a", + 1957 => x"f139ff1a", + 1958 => x"8111515a", + 1959 => x"f7b93978", + 1960 => x"17798107", + 1961 => x"84190c8c", + 1962 => x"18088819", + 1963 => x"08718c12", + 1964 => x"0c88120c", + 1965 => x"597080d4", + 1966 => x"dc0c7080", + 1967 => x"d4d80c80", + 1968 => x"d4d00b8c", + 1969 => x"120c8c11", + 1970 => x"0888120c", + 1971 => x"74810784", + 1972 => x"120c7411", + 1973 => x"75710c51", + 1974 => x"53f9bd39", + 1975 => x"75178411", + 1976 => x"08810784", + 1977 => x"120c538c", + 1978 => x"17088818", + 1979 => x"08718c12", + 1980 => x"0c88120c", + 1981 => x"587d5181", + 1982 => x"e93f8817", + 1983 => x"54f5cf39", + 1984 => x"7284150c", + 1985 => x"f41af806", + 1986 => x"70841e08", + 1987 => x"81060784", + 1988 => x"1e0c701d", + 1989 => x"545b850b", + 1990 => x"84140c85", + 1991 => x"0b88140c", + 1992 => x"8f7b27fd", + 1993 => x"cf38881c", + 1994 => x"527d51ec", + 1995 => x"9d3f80d4", + 1996 => x"c80b8805", + 1997 => x"0880d48c", + 1998 => x"085955fd", + 1999 => x"b7397780", + 2000 => x"d48c0c73", + 2001 => x"80d4bc0c", + 2002 => x"fc913972", + 2003 => x"84150cfd", + 2004 => x"a339fc3d", + 2005 => x"0d767971", + 2006 => x"028c059f", + 2007 => x"05335755", + 2008 => x"53558372", + 2009 => x"278a3874", + 2010 => x"83065170", + 2011 => x"802ea238", + 2012 => x"ff125271", + 2013 => x"ff2e9338", + 2014 => x"73737081", + 2015 => x"055534ff", + 2016 => x"125271ff", + 2017 => x"2e098106", + 2018 => x"ef387480", + 2019 => x"0c863d0d", + 2020 => x"04747488", + 2021 => x"2b750770", + 2022 => x"71902b07", + 2023 => x"5154518f", + 2024 => x"7227a538", + 2025 => x"72717084", + 2026 => x"05530c72", + 2027 => x"71708405", + 2028 => x"530c7271", + 2029 => x"70840553", + 2030 => x"0c727170", + 2031 => x"8405530c", + 2032 => x"f0125271", + 2033 => x"8f26dd38", + 2034 => x"83722790", + 2035 => x"38727170", + 2036 => x"8405530c", + 2037 => x"fc125271", + 2038 => x"8326f238", + 2039 => x"7053ff90", + 2040 => x"390404fd", + 2041 => x"3d0d800b", + 2042 => x"80dd800c", + 2043 => x"765184ee", + 2044 => x"3f800853", + 2045 => x"8008ff2e", + 2046 => x"88387280", + 2047 => x"0c853d0d", + 2048 => x"0480dd80", + 2049 => x"08547380", + 2050 => x"2ef03875", + 2051 => x"74710c52", + 2052 => x"72800c85", + 2053 => x"3d0d04f9", + 2054 => x"3d0d797c", + 2055 => x"557b548e", + 2056 => x"11227090", + 2057 => x"2b70902c", + 2058 => x"555780cd", + 2059 => x"8c085358", + 2060 => x"5683f33f", + 2061 => x"80085780", + 2062 => x"0b800824", + 2063 => x"933880d0", + 2064 => x"16088008", + 2065 => x"0580d017", + 2066 => x"0c76800c", + 2067 => x"893d0d04", + 2068 => x"8c162283", + 2069 => x"dfff0655", + 2070 => x"748c1723", + 2071 => x"76800c89", + 2072 => x"3d0d04fa", + 2073 => x"3d0d788c", + 2074 => x"11227088", + 2075 => x"2a708106", + 2076 => x"51575856", + 2077 => x"74a9388c", + 2078 => x"162283df", + 2079 => x"ff065574", + 2080 => x"8c17237a", + 2081 => x"5479538e", + 2082 => x"16227090", + 2083 => x"2b70902c", + 2084 => x"545680cd", + 2085 => x"8c085256", + 2086 => x"81b23f88", + 2087 => x"3d0d0482", + 2088 => x"5480538e", + 2089 => x"16227090", + 2090 => x"2b70902c", + 2091 => x"545680cd", + 2092 => x"8c085257", + 2093 => x"82b83f8c", + 2094 => x"162283df", + 2095 => x"ff065574", + 2096 => x"8c17237a", + 2097 => x"5479538e", + 2098 => x"16227090", + 2099 => x"2b70902c", + 2100 => x"545680cd", + 2101 => x"8c085256", + 2102 => x"80f23f88", + 2103 => x"3d0d04f9", + 2104 => x"3d0d797c", + 2105 => x"557b548e", + 2106 => x"11227090", + 2107 => x"2b70902c", + 2108 => x"555780cd", + 2109 => x"8c085358", + 2110 => x"5681f33f", + 2111 => x"80085780", + 2112 => x"08ff2e99", + 2113 => x"388c1622", + 2114 => x"a0800755", + 2115 => x"748c1723", + 2116 => x"800880d0", + 2117 => x"170c7680", + 2118 => x"0c893d0d", + 2119 => x"048c1622", + 2120 => x"83dfff06", + 2121 => x"55748c17", + 2122 => x"2376800c", + 2123 => x"893d0d04", + 2124 => x"fe3d0d74", + 2125 => x"8e112270", + 2126 => x"902b7090", + 2127 => x"2c555151", + 2128 => x"5380cd8c", + 2129 => x"0851bd3f", + 2130 => x"843d0d04", + 2131 => x"fb3d0d80", + 2132 => x"0b80dd80", + 2133 => x"0c7a5379", + 2134 => x"52785182", + 2135 => x"fc3f8008", + 2136 => x"558008ff", + 2137 => x"2e883874", + 2138 => x"800c873d", + 2139 => x"0d0480dd", + 2140 => x"80085675", + 2141 => x"802ef038", + 2142 => x"7776710c", + 2143 => x"5474800c", + 2144 => x"873d0d04", + 2145 => x"fd3d0d80", + 2146 => x"0b80dd80", + 2147 => x"0c765184", + 2148 => x"c63f8008", + 2149 => x"538008ff", + 2150 => x"2e883872", + 2151 => x"800c853d", + 2152 => x"0d0480dd", + 2153 => x"80085473", + 2154 => x"802ef038", + 2155 => x"7574710c", + 2156 => x"5272800c", + 2157 => x"853d0d04", + 2158 => x"fc3d0d80", + 2159 => x"0b80dd80", + 2160 => x"0c785277", + 2161 => x"5186ac3f", + 2162 => x"80085480", + 2163 => x"08ff2e88", + 2164 => x"3873800c", + 2165 => x"863d0d04", + 2166 => x"80dd8008", + 2167 => x"5574802e", + 2168 => x"f0387675", + 2169 => x"710c5373", + 2170 => x"800c863d", + 2171 => x"0d04fb3d", + 2172 => x"0d800b80", + 2173 => x"dd800c7a", + 2174 => x"53795278", + 2175 => x"5184893f", + 2176 => x"80085580", + 2177 => x"08ff2e88", + 2178 => x"3874800c", + 2179 => x"873d0d04", + 2180 => x"80dd8008", + 2181 => x"5675802e", + 2182 => x"f0387776", + 2183 => x"710c5474", + 2184 => x"800c873d", + 2185 => x"0d04fb3d", + 2186 => x"0d800b80", + 2187 => x"dd800c7a", + 2188 => x"53795278", + 2189 => x"5182963f", + 2190 => x"80085580", + 2191 => x"08ff2e88", + 2192 => x"3874800c", + 2193 => x"873d0d04", + 2194 => x"80dd8008", + 2195 => x"5675802e", + 2196 => x"f0387776", + 2197 => x"710c5474", + 2198 => x"800c873d", + 2199 => x"0d04fe3d", + 2200 => x"0d80dcf8", + 2201 => x"0851708a", + 2202 => x"3880dd84", + 2203 => x"7080dcf8", + 2204 => x"0c517075", + 2205 => x"125252ff", + 2206 => x"537087fb", + 2207 => x"80802688", + 2208 => x"387080dc", + 2209 => x"f80c7153", + 2210 => x"72800c84", + 2211 => x"3d0d04fd", + 2212 => x"3d0d800b", + 2213 => x"80cd8008", + 2214 => x"54547281", + 2215 => x"2e9b3873", + 2216 => x"80dcfc0c", + 2217 => x"c4803fc2", + 2218 => x"d73f80dc", + 2219 => x"d0528151", + 2220 => x"c5c63f80", + 2221 => x"085185bb", + 2222 => x"3f7280dc", + 2223 => x"fc0cc3e6", + 2224 => x"3fc2bd3f", + 2225 => x"80dcd052", + 2226 => x"8151c5ac", + 2227 => x"3f800851", + 2228 => x"85a13f00", + 2229 => x"ff3900ff", + 2230 => x"39f53d0d", + 2231 => x"7e6080dc", + 2232 => x"fc08705b", + 2233 => x"585b5b75", + 2234 => x"80c23877", + 2235 => x"7a25a138", + 2236 => x"771b7033", + 2237 => x"7081ff06", + 2238 => x"58585975", + 2239 => x"8a2e9838", + 2240 => x"7681ff06", + 2241 => x"51c2fe3f", + 2242 => x"81185879", + 2243 => x"7824e138", + 2244 => x"79800c8d", + 2245 => x"3d0d048d", + 2246 => x"51c2ea3f", + 2247 => x"78337081", + 2248 => x"ff065257", + 2249 => x"c2df3f81", + 2250 => x"1858e039", + 2251 => x"79557a54", + 2252 => x"7d538552", + 2253 => x"8d3dfc05", + 2254 => x"51c2873f", + 2255 => x"80085684", + 2256 => x"ab3f7b80", + 2257 => x"080c7580", + 2258 => x"0c8d3d0d", + 2259 => x"04f63d0d", + 2260 => x"7d7f80dc", + 2261 => x"fc08705b", + 2262 => x"585a5a75", + 2263 => x"80c13877", + 2264 => x"7925b338", + 2265 => x"c1fa3f80", + 2266 => x"0881ff06", + 2267 => x"708d3270", + 2268 => x"30709f2a", + 2269 => x"51515757", + 2270 => x"768a2e80", + 2271 => x"c3387580", + 2272 => x"2ebe3877", + 2273 => x"1a567676", + 2274 => x"347651c1", + 2275 => x"f83f8118", + 2276 => x"58787824", + 2277 => x"cf387756", + 2278 => x"75800c8c", + 2279 => x"3d0d0478", + 2280 => x"5579547c", + 2281 => x"5384528c", + 2282 => x"3dfc0551", + 2283 => x"c1943f80", + 2284 => x"085683b8", + 2285 => x"3f7a8008", + 2286 => x"0c75800c", + 2287 => x"8c3d0d04", + 2288 => x"771a568a", + 2289 => x"76348118", + 2290 => x"588d51c1", + 2291 => x"b83f8a51", + 2292 => x"c1b33f77", + 2293 => x"56c239fb", + 2294 => x"3d0d80dc", + 2295 => x"fc087056", + 2296 => x"54738838", + 2297 => x"74800c87", + 2298 => x"3d0d0477", + 2299 => x"53835287", + 2300 => x"3dfc0551", + 2301 => x"c0cc3f80", + 2302 => x"085482f0", + 2303 => x"3f758008", + 2304 => x"0c73800c", + 2305 => x"873d0d04", + 2306 => x"fa3d0d80", + 2307 => x"dcfc0880", + 2308 => x"2ea2387a", + 2309 => x"55795478", + 2310 => x"53865288", + 2311 => x"3dfc0551", + 2312 => x"c0a03f80", + 2313 => x"085682c4", + 2314 => x"3f768008", + 2315 => x"0c75800c", + 2316 => x"883d0d04", + 2317 => x"82b63f9d", + 2318 => x"0b80080c", + 2319 => x"ff0b800c", + 2320 => x"883d0d04", + 2321 => x"fb3d0d77", + 2322 => x"79565680", + 2323 => x"70545473", + 2324 => x"75259f38", + 2325 => x"74101010", + 2326 => x"f8055272", + 2327 => x"16703370", + 2328 => x"742b7607", + 2329 => x"8116f816", + 2330 => x"56565651", + 2331 => x"51747324", + 2332 => x"ea387380", + 2333 => x"0c873d0d", + 2334 => x"04fc3d0d", + 2335 => x"76785555", + 2336 => x"bc538052", + 2337 => x"7351f5ca", + 2338 => x"3f845274", + 2339 => x"51ffb53f", + 2340 => x"80087423", + 2341 => x"84528415", + 2342 => x"51ffa93f", + 2343 => x"80088215", + 2344 => x"23845288", + 2345 => x"1551ff9c", + 2346 => x"3f800884", + 2347 => x"150c8452", + 2348 => x"8c1551ff", + 2349 => x"8f3f8008", + 2350 => x"88152384", + 2351 => x"52901551", + 2352 => x"ff823f80", + 2353 => x"088a1523", + 2354 => x"84529415", + 2355 => x"51fef53f", + 2356 => x"80088c15", + 2357 => x"23845298", + 2358 => x"1551fee8", + 2359 => x"3f80088e", + 2360 => x"15238852", + 2361 => x"9c1551fe", + 2362 => x"db3f8008", + 2363 => x"90150c86", + 2364 => x"3d0d04e9", + 2365 => x"3d0d6a80", + 2366 => x"dcfc0857", + 2367 => x"57759338", + 2368 => x"80c0800b", + 2369 => x"84180c75", + 2370 => x"ac180c75", + 2371 => x"800c993d", + 2372 => x"0d04893d", + 2373 => x"70556a54", + 2374 => x"558a5299", + 2375 => x"3dffbc05", + 2376 => x"51ffbe9e", + 2377 => x"3f800877", + 2378 => x"53755256", + 2379 => x"fecb3fbc", + 2380 => x"3f778008", + 2381 => x"0c75800c", + 2382 => x"993d0d04", + 2383 => x"fc3d0d81", + 2384 => x"5480dcfc", + 2385 => x"08883873", + 2386 => x"800c863d", + 2387 => x"0d047653", + 2388 => x"97b95286", + 2389 => x"3dfc0551", + 2390 => x"ffbde73f", + 2391 => x"8008548c", + 2392 => x"3f748008", + 2393 => x"0c73800c", + 2394 => x"863d0d04", + 2395 => x"80cd8c08", + 2396 => x"800c04f7", + 2397 => x"3d0d7b80", + 2398 => x"cd8c0882", + 2399 => x"c811085a", + 2400 => x"545a7780", + 2401 => x"2e80da38", + 2402 => x"81881884", + 2403 => x"1908ff05", + 2404 => x"81712b59", + 2405 => x"55598074", + 2406 => x"2480ea38", + 2407 => x"807424b5", + 2408 => x"3873822b", + 2409 => x"78118805", + 2410 => x"56568180", + 2411 => x"19087706", + 2412 => x"5372802e", + 2413 => x"b6387816", + 2414 => x"70085353", + 2415 => x"79517408", + 2416 => x"53722dff", + 2417 => x"14fc17fc", + 2418 => x"1779812c", + 2419 => x"5a575754", + 2420 => x"738025d6", + 2421 => x"38770858", + 2422 => x"77ffad38", + 2423 => x"80cd8c08", + 2424 => x"53bc1308", + 2425 => x"a5387951", + 2426 => x"f9e93f74", + 2427 => x"0853722d", + 2428 => x"ff14fc17", + 2429 => x"fc177981", + 2430 => x"2c5a5757", + 2431 => x"54738025", + 2432 => x"ffa838d1", + 2433 => x"398057ff", + 2434 => x"93397251", + 2435 => x"bc130853", + 2436 => x"722d7951", + 2437 => x"f9bd3fff", + 2438 => x"3d0d80dc", + 2439 => x"d80bfc05", + 2440 => x"70085252", + 2441 => x"70ff2e91", + 2442 => x"38702dfc", + 2443 => x"12700852", + 2444 => x"5270ff2e", + 2445 => x"098106f1", + 2446 => x"38833d0d", + 2447 => x"0404ffbd", + 2448 => x"d23f0400", + 2449 => x"00000040", + 2450 => x"48656c6c", + 2451 => x"6f20776f", + 2452 => x"726c6421", + 2453 => x"00000000", + 2454 => x"0a000000", + 2455 => x"43000000", + 2456 => x"64756d6d", + 2457 => x"792e6578", + 2458 => x"65000000", + 2459 => x"00ffffff", + 2460 => x"ff00ffff", + 2461 => x"ffff00ff", + 2462 => x"ffffff00", + 2463 => x"00000000", + 2464 => x"00000000", + 2465 => x"00000000", + 2466 => x"00002e60", + 2467 => x"00002690", + 2468 => x"00000000", + 2469 => x"000028f8", + 2470 => x"00002954", + 2471 => x"000029b0", + 2472 => x"00000000", + 2473 => 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x"00002ca8", + 2861 => x"00002ca8", + 2862 => x"00002cb0", + 2863 => x"00002cb0", + 2864 => x"00002cb8", + 2865 => x"00002cb8", + 2866 => x"00002cc0", + 2867 => x"00002cc0", + 2868 => x"00002cc8", + 2869 => x"00002cc8", + 2870 => x"00002cd0", + 2871 => x"00002cd0", + 2872 => x"00002cd8", + 2873 => x"00002cd8", + 2874 => x"00002ce0", + 2875 => x"00002ce0", + 2876 => x"00002ce8", + 2877 => x"00002ce8", + 2878 => x"00002cf0", + 2879 => x"00002cf0", + 2880 => x"00002cf8", + 2881 => x"00002cf8", + 2882 => x"00002d00", + 2883 => x"00002d00", + 2884 => x"00002d08", + 2885 => x"00002d08", + 2886 => x"00002d10", + 2887 => x"00002d10", + 2888 => x"00002d18", + 2889 => x"00002d18", + 2890 => x"00002d20", + 2891 => x"00002d20", + 2892 => x"00002d28", + 2893 => x"00002d28", + 2894 => x"00002d30", + 2895 => x"00002d30", + 2896 => x"00002d38", + 2897 => x"00002d38", + 2898 => x"00002d40", + 2899 => x"00002d40", + 2900 => x"00002d48", + 2901 => x"00002d48", + 2902 => x"00002d50", + 2903 => x"00002d50", + 2904 => x"00002d58", + 2905 => x"00002d58", + 2906 => x"00002d60", + 2907 => x"00002d60", + 2908 => x"00002d68", + 2909 => x"00002d68", + 2910 => x"00002d70", + 2911 => x"00002d70", + 2912 => x"00002d78", + 2913 => x"00002d78", + 2914 => x"00002d80", + 2915 => x"00002d80", + 2916 => x"00002d88", + 2917 => x"00002d88", + 2918 => x"00002d90", + 2919 => x"00002d90", + 2920 => x"00002d98", + 2921 => x"00002d98", + 2922 => x"00002da0", + 2923 => x"00002da0", + 2924 => x"00002da8", + 2925 => x"00002da8", + 2926 => x"00002db0", + 2927 => x"00002db0", + 2928 => x"00002db8", + 2929 => x"00002db8", + 2930 => x"00002dc0", + 2931 => x"00002dc0", + 2932 => x"00002dc8", + 2933 => x"00002dc8", + 2934 => x"00002dd0", + 2935 => x"00002dd0", + 2936 => x"00002dd8", + 2937 => x"00002dd8", + 2938 => x"00002de0", + 2939 => x"00002de0", + 2940 => x"00002de8", + 2941 => x"00002de8", + 2942 => x"00002df0", + 2943 => x"00002df0", + 2944 => x"00002df8", + 2945 => x"00002df8", + 2946 => x"00002e00", + 2947 => x"00002e00", + 2948 => x"00002e08", + 2949 => x"00002e08", + 2950 => x"00002e10", + 2951 => x"00002e10", + 2952 => x"00002e18", + 2953 => x"00002e18", + 2954 => x"00002e20", + 2955 => x"00002e20", + 2956 => x"00002e28", + 2957 => x"00002e28", + 2958 => x"00002e30", + 2959 => x"00002e30", + 2960 => x"00002e38", + 2961 => x"00002e38", + 2962 => x"00002e40", + 2963 => x"00002e40", + 2964 => x"00002660", + 2965 => x"ffffffff", + 2966 => x"00000000", + 2967 => x"ffffffff", + 2968 => x"00000000", + 2969 => x"00000000", + +others => x"00000000" +); +begin + busy_o <= re_i; -- we're done on the cycle after we serve the read request + + do_ram: + process (clk_i) + variable iaddr : integer; + begin + if rising_edge(clk_i) then + if we_i='1' then + ram(to_integer(addr_i)) <= write_i; + end if; + addr_r <= addr_i; + end if; + end process do_ram; + read_o <= ram(to_integer(addr_r)); +end architecture Xilinx; -- Entity: SinglePortRAM + diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/roms/rom_pkg.vhdl b/zpu/hdl/zealot/roms/rom_pkg.vhdl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c5a4161 --- /dev/null +++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/roms/rom_pkg.vhdl @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- ZPU memories package ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- Description: ---- +---- This is a package with the memories used for the ZPU core. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- - ---- +---- ---- +---- Author: ---- +---- - Salvador E. Tropea, salvador ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Salvador E. Tropea ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial ---- +---- ---- +---- Distributed under the BSD license ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Design unit: zpu_memory (Package) ---- +---- File name: rom_pkg.vhdl (template used) ---- +---- Note: None ---- +---- Limitations: None known ---- +---- Errors: None known ---- +---- Library: work ---- +---- Dependencies: IEEE.std_logic_1164 ---- +---- IEEE.numeric_std ---- +---- Target FPGA: Spartan 3 (XC3S1500-4-FG456) ---- +---- Language: VHDL ---- +---- Wishbone: No ---- +---- Synthesis tools: Xilinx Release 9.2.03i - xst J.39 ---- +---- Simulation tools: GHDL [Sokcho edition] (0.2x) ---- +---- Text editor: SETEdit 0.5.x ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +library IEEE; +use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; +use IEEE.numeric_std.all; + +package zpu_memory is + component DualPortRAM is + generic( + WORD_SIZE : integer:=32; -- Word Size 16/32 + BYTE_BITS : integer:=2; -- Bits used to address bytes + BRAM_W : integer:=15); -- Address Width + port( + clk_i : in std_logic; + -- Port A + a_we_i : in std_logic; + a_addr_i : in unsigned(BRAM_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + a_write_i : in unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + a_read_o : out unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + -- Port B + b_we_i : in std_logic; + b_addr_i : in unsigned(BRAM_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + b_write_i : in unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + b_read_o : out unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0)); + end component DualPortRAM; + + component SinglePortRAM is + generic( + WORD_SIZE : integer:=32; -- Word Size 16/32 + BYTE_BITS : integer:=2; -- Bits used to address bytes + BRAM_W : integer:=15); -- Address Width + port( + clk_i : in std_logic; + we_i : in std_logic; + re_i : in std_logic; + addr_i : in unsigned(BRAM_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + write_i : in unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + read_o : out unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + busy_o : out std_logic); + end component SinglePortRAM; +end package zpu_memory; diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/testbenches/dmips_med1_tb.vhdl b/zpu/hdl/zealot/testbenches/dmips_med1_tb.vhdl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4361b9c --- /dev/null +++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/testbenches/dmips_med1_tb.vhdl @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Testbench for the ZPU Medium connection to the FPGA ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- Description: ---- +---- This is a testbench to simulate the ZPU_Med1 core as used in the ---- +---- dmips_med1.vhdl ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- - ---- +---- ---- +---- Author: ---- +---- - Salvador E. Tropea, salvador ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Salvador E. Tropea ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial ---- +---- ---- +---- Distributed under the BSD license ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Design unit: DMIPS_Med1_TB(Behave) (Entity and architecture) ---- +---- File name: dmips_med1_tb.vhdl ---- +---- Note: None ---- +---- Limitations: None known ---- +---- Errors: None known ---- +---- Library: work ---- +---- Dependencies: IEEE.std_logic_1164 ---- +---- IEEE.numeric_std ---- +---- zpu.zpupkg ---- +---- zpu.txt_util ---- +---- work.zpu_memory ---- +---- Target FPGA: Spartan 3 (XC3S1500-4-FG456) ---- +---- Language: VHDL ---- +---- Wishbone: No ---- +---- Synthesis tools: N/A ---- +---- Simulation tools: GHDL [Sokcho edition] (0.2x) ---- +---- Text editor: SETEdit 0.5.x ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +library IEEE; +use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; +use IEEE.numeric_std.all; + +library zpu; +use zpu.zpupkg.all; +use zpu.txt_util.all; + +library work; +use work.zpu_memory.all; + +entity DMIPS_Med1_TB is +end entity DMIPS_Med1_TB; + +architecture Behave of DMIPS_Med1_TB is + constant WORD_SIZE : natural:=32; -- 32 bits data path + constant ADDR_W : natural:=18; -- 18 bits address space=256 kB, 128 kB I/O + constant BRAM_W : natural:=15; -- 15 bits RAM space=32 kB + constant D_CARE_VAL : std_logic:='0'; -- Fill value + constant CLK_FREQ : positive:=50; -- 50 MHz clock + constant CLK_S_PER : time:=1 us/(2.0*real(CLK_FREQ)); -- Clock semi period + constant BRATE : positive:=115200; + + component ZPU_Med1 is + generic( + WORD_SIZE : natural:=32; -- 32 bits data path + D_CARE_VAL : std_logic:='X'; -- Fill value + CLK_FREQ : positive:=50; -- 50 MHz clock + BRATE : positive:=9600; -- RS232 baudrate + ADDR_W : natural:=18; -- 18 bits address space=256 kB, 128 kB I/O + BRAM_W : natural:=15); -- 15 bits RAM space=32 kB + port( + clk_i : in std_logic; -- CPU clock + rst_i : in std_logic; -- Reset + break_o : out std_logic; -- Break executed + dbg_o : out zpu_dbgo_t; -- Debug info + rs232_tx_o : out std_logic; -- UART Tx + rs232_rx_i : in std_logic); -- UART Rx + end component ZPU_Med1; + + signal clk : std_logic; + signal reset : std_logic:='1'; + + signal break : std_logic; + signal dbg : zpu_dbgo_t; -- Debug info + signal rs232_tx : std_logic; + signal rs232_rx : std_logic; +begin + zpu : ZPU_Med1 + generic map( + WORD_SIZE => WORD_SIZE, D_CARE_VAL => D_CARE_VAL, + CLK_FREQ => CLK_FREQ, BRATE => BRATE, ADDR_W => ADDR_W, + BRAM_W => BRAM_W) + port map( + clk_i => clk, rst_i => reset, rs232_tx_o => rs232_tx, + rs232_rx_i => rs232_rx, break_o => break, dbg_o => dbg); + + trace_mod : Trace + generic map( + ADDR_W => ADDR_W, WORD_SIZE => WORD_SIZE, + LOG_FILE => "dmips_med1.log") + port map( + clk_i => clk, dbg_i => dbg, stop_i => break, busy_i => '0'); + + do_clock: + process + begin + clk <= '0'; + wait for CLK_S_PER; + clk <= '1'; + wait for CLK_S_PER; + if break='1' then + print("* Break asserted, end of test"); + wait; + end if; + end process do_clock; + + do_reset: + process + begin + wait until rising_edge(clk); + reset <= '0'; + end process do_reset; +end architecture Behave; -- Entity: DMIPS_Med1_TB diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/zpu_medium.vhdl b/zpu/hdl/zealot/zpu_medium.vhdl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..47950fe --- /dev/null +++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/zpu_medium.vhdl @@ -0,0 +1,948 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- ZPU Medium ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- Description: ---- +---- ZPU is a 32 bits small stack cpu. This is the medium size version. ---- +---- Supports external memories. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- - ---- +---- ---- +---- Author: ---- +---- - Øyvind Harboe, oyvind.harboe ---- +---- - Salvador E. Tropea, salvador ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Øyvind Harboe ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Salvador E. Tropea ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial ---- +---- ---- +---- Distributed under the BSD license ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Design unit: ZPUMediumCore(Behave) (Entity and architecture) ---- +---- File name: zpu_medium.vhdl ---- +---- Note: None ---- +---- Limitations: None known ---- +---- Errors: None known ---- +---- Library: zpu ---- +---- Dependencies: IEEE.std_logic_1164 ---- +---- IEEE.numeric_std ---- +---- zpu.zpupkg ---- +---- Target FPGA: Spartan 3 (XC3S400-4-FT256) ---- +---- Language: VHDL ---- +---- Wishbone: No ---- +---- Synthesis tools: Xilinx Release 9.2.03i - xst J.39 ---- +---- Simulation tools: GHDL [Sokcho edition] (0.2x) ---- +---- Text editor: SETEdit 0.5.x ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +-- +-- write_en_o - set to '1' for a single cycle to send off a write request. +-- data_o is valid only while write_en_o='1'. +-- read_en_o - set to '1' for a single cycle to send off a read request. +-- mem_busy_i - It is illegal to send off a read/write request when +-- mem_busy_i='1'. +-- Set to '0' when data_i is valid after a read request. +-- If it goes to '1'(busy), it is on the cycle after read/ +-- write_en_o is '1'. +-- addr_o - address for read/write request +-- data_i - read data. Valid only on the cycle after mem_busy_i='0' +-- after read_en_o='1' for a single cycle. +-- data_o - data to write +-- break_o - set to '1' when CPU hits break instruction + +library IEEE; +use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; +use IEEE.numeric_std.all; + +library zpu; +use zpu.zpupkg.all; + +entity ZPUMediumCore is + generic( + WORD_SIZE : integer:=32; -- 16/32 (2**wordPower) + ADDR_W : integer:=16; -- Total address space width (incl. I/O) + MEM_W : integer:=15; -- Memory (prog+data+stack) width + D_CARE_VAL : std_logic:='X'; -- Value used to fill the unsused bits + MULT_PIPE : boolean:=false; -- Pipeline multiplication + BINOP_PIPE : integer range 0 to 2:=0; -- Pipeline binary operations (-, =, < and <=) + ENA_LEVEL0 : boolean:=true; -- eq, loadb, neqbranch and pushspadd + ENA_LEVEL1 : boolean:=true; -- lessthan, ulessthan, mult, storeb, callpcrel and sub + ENA_LEVEL2 : boolean:=false; -- lessthanorequal, ulessthanorequal, call and poppcrel + ENA_LSHR : boolean:=true; -- lshiftright + ENA_IDLE : boolean:=false; -- Enable the enable_i input + FAST_FETCH : boolean:=true); -- Merge the st_fetch with the st_execute states + port( + clk_i : in std_logic; -- CPU Clock + reset_i : in std_logic; -- Sync Reset + enable_i : in std_logic; -- Hold the CPU (after reset) + break_o : out std_logic; -- Break instruction executed + dbg_o : out zpu_dbgo_t; -- Debug outputs (i.e. trace log) + -- Memory interface + mem_busy_i : in std_logic; -- Memory is busy + data_i : in unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); -- Data from mem + data_o : out unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); -- Data to mem + addr_o : out unsigned(ADDR_W-1 downto 0); -- Memory address + write_en_o : out std_logic; -- Memory write enable + read_en_o : out std_logic); -- Memory read enable +end entity ZPUMediumCore; + +architecture Behave of ZPUMediumCore is + constant BYTE_BITS : integer:=WORD_SIZE/16; -- # of bits in a word that addresses bytes + constant WORD_BYTES : integer:=WORD_SIZE/OPCODE_W; + constant MAX_ADDR_BIT : integer:=ADDR_W-2; + -- Stack Pointer initial value: BRAM size-8 + constant SP_START_1 : unsigned(ADDR_W-1 downto 0):=to_unsigned((2**MEM_W)-8,ADDR_W); + constant SP_START : unsigned(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS):= + SP_START_1(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + + -- Update [SP+1]. We hold it in b_r, this writes the value to memory. + procedure FlushB(signal we : out std_logic; + signal addr : out unsigned(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + signal inc_sp : in unsigned(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + signal data : out unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + signal b : in unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0)) is + begin + we <= '1'; + addr <= inc_sp; + data <= b; + end procedure FlushB; + + -- Do a simple stack push, it is performed in the internal cache registers, + -- not in the real memory. + procedure Push(signal sp : inout unsigned(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + signal a : in unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + signal b : out unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0)) is + begin + b <= a; -- Update cache [SP+1]=[SP] + sp <= sp-1; + end procedure Push; + + -- Do a simple stack pop, it is performed in the internal cache registers, + -- not in the real memory. + procedure Pop(signal sp : inout unsigned(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + signal a : out unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + signal b : in unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0)) is + begin + a <= b; -- Update cache [SP]=[SP+1] + sp <= sp+1; + end procedure Pop; + + -- Expand a PC value to WORD_SIZE + function ExpandPC(v : unsigned(ADDR_W-1 downto 0)) return unsigned is + variable nv : unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + begin + nv:=(others => '0'); + nv(ADDR_W-1 downto 0):=v; + return nv; + end function ExpandPC; + + -- Program counter + signal pc_r : unsigned(ADDR_W-1 downto 0):=(others => '0'); + -- Stack pointer + signal sp_r : unsigned(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS):=SP_START; + -- SP+1, SP+2 and SP-1 are very used, these are shortcuts + signal inc_sp : unsigned(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + signal inc_inc_sp : unsigned(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + -- a_r is a cache for the top of the stack [SP] + -- Note: as this is a stack CPU this is a very important register. + signal a_r : unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + -- b_r is a cache for the next value in the stack [SP+1] + signal b_r : unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + signal bin_op_res1_r : unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0):=(others => '0'); + signal bin_op_res2_r : unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0):=(others => '0'); + signal mult_res1_r : unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + signal mult_res2_r : unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + signal mult_res3_r : unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + signal mult_a_r : unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0):=(others => '0'); + signal mult_b_r : unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0):=(others => '0'); + signal idim_r : std_logic; + signal write_en_r : std_logic; + signal read_en_r : std_logic; + signal addr_r : unsigned(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS):=(others => '0'); + signal fetched_w_r : unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + + type state_t is(st_load2, st_popped, st_load_sp2, st_load_sp3, st_add_sp2, + st_fetch, st_execute, st_decode, st_decode2, st_resync, + st_store_sp2, st_resync2, st_resync3, st_loadb2, st_storeb2, + st_mult2, st_mult3, st_mult5, st_mult4, st_binary_op_res2, + st_binary_op_res, st_idle); + signal state : state_t:=st_resync; + + -- Go to st_fetch state or just do its work + procedure DoFetch(constant FAST : boolean; + signal state : out state_t; + signal addr : out unsigned(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + signal pc : in unsigned(ADDR_W-1 downto 0); + signal re : out std_logic; + signal busy : in std_logic) is + begin + if FAST then + -- Equivalent to st_fetch + if busy='0' then + addr <= pc(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + re <= '1'; + state <= st_decode; + end if; + else + state <= st_fetch; + end if; + end procedure DoFetch; + + -- Perform a "binary operation" (2 operands) + procedure DoBinOp(result : in unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + signal state : out state_t; + signal sp : inout unsigned(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + signal addr : out unsigned(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + signal re : out std_logic; + signal dest : out unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + signal dest_p : out unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + constant DEPTH : natural) is + begin + if DEPTH=2 then + -- 2 clocks: st_binary_op_res+st_binary_op_res2 + state <= st_binary_op_res; + dest_p <= result; + elsif DEPTH=1 then + -- 1 clock: st_binary_op_res2 + state <= st_binary_op_res2; + dest_p <= result; + else -- 0 clocks + re <= '1'; + addr <= sp+2; + sp <= sp+1; + dest <= result; + state <= st_popped; + end if; + end procedure DoBinOp; + + -- Perform a boolean "binary operation" (2 operands) + procedure DoBinOpBool(result : in boolean; + signal state : out state_t; + signal sp : inout unsigned(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + signal addr : out unsigned(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + signal re : out std_logic; + signal dest : out unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + signal dest_p : out unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + constant DEPTH : natural) is + variable res : unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0):=(others => '0'); + begin + if result then + res(0):='1'; + end if; + DoBinOp(res,state,sp,addr,re,dest,dest_p,DEPTH); + end procedure DoBinOpBool; + + type insn_t is (dec_add_top, dec_dup, dec_dup_stk_b, dec_pop, dec_add, + dec_or, dec_and, dec_store, dec_add_sp, dec_shift, dec_nop, + dec_im, dec_load_sp, dec_store_sp, dec_emulate, dec_load, + dec_push_sp, dec_pop_pc, dec_pop_pc_rel, dec_not, dec_flip, + dec_pop_sp, dec_neq_branch, dec_eq, dec_loadb, dec_mult, + dec_less_than, dec_less_than_or_equal, dec_lshr, + dec_u_less_than_or_equal, dec_u_less_than, dec_push_sp_add, + dec_call, dec_call_pc_rel, dec_sub, dec_break, dec_storeb, + dec_insn_fetch, dec_pop_down); + signal insn : insn_t; + type insn_array_t is array(0 to WORD_BYTES-1) of insn_t; + signal insns : insn_array_t; + type opcode_array_t is array(0 to WORD_BYTES-1) of unsigned(OPCODE_W-1 downto 0); + signal opcode_r : opcode_array_t; +begin + -- the memory subsystem will tell us one cycle later whether or + -- not it is busy + write_en_o <= write_en_r; + read_en_o <= read_en_r; + addr_o(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS) <= addr_r; + addr_o(BYTE_BITS-1 downto 0) <= (others => '0'); + + -- SP+1 and +2 + inc_sp <= sp_r+1; + inc_inc_sp <= sp_r+2; + + opcode_control: + process (clk_i) + variable topcode : unsigned(OPCODE_W-1 downto 0); + variable ex_opcode : unsigned(OPCODE_W-1 downto 0); + variable sp_offset : unsigned(4 downto 0); + variable tsp_offset : unsigned(4 downto 0); + variable next_pc : unsigned(ADDR_W-1 downto 0); + variable tdecoded : insn_t; + variable tinsns : insn_array_t; + variable mult_res : unsigned(WORD_SIZE*2-1 downto 0); + variable ipc_low : integer range 0 to 3; -- Address inside a word (pc_r) + variable inpc_low : integer range 0 to 3; -- Address inside a word (next_pc) + variable h_bit : integer; + variable l_bit : integer; + variable not_lshr : std_logic:='1'; + begin + if rising_edge(clk_i) then + break_o <= '0'; + if reset_i='1' then + if ENA_IDLE then + state <= st_idle; + else + state <= st_resync; + end if; + sp_r <= SP_START; + pc_r <= (others => '0'); + idim_r <= '0'; + write_en_r <= '0'; + read_en_r <= '0'; + mult_a_r <= (others => '0'); + mult_b_r <= (others => '0'); + dbg_o.b_inst <= '0'; + -- Reseting add_r here makes XST fail to use BRAMs ?! + else -- reset_i='1' + if MULT_PIPE then + -- We must multiply unconditionally to get pipelined multiplication + mult_res:=mult_a_r*mult_b_r; + mult_res1_r <= mult_res(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + mult_res2_r <= mult_res1_r; + mult_res3_r <= mult_res2_r; + mult_a_r <= (others => D_CARE_VAL); + mult_b_r <= (others => D_CARE_VAL); + end if; + + if BINOP_PIPE=2 then + bin_op_res2_r <= bin_op_res1_r; -- pipeline a bit. + end if; + + read_en_r <='0'; + write_en_r <='0'; + -- Allow synthesis tools to load bogus values when we don't + -- care about the address and output data. + addr_r <= (others => D_CARE_VAL); + data_o <= (others => D_CARE_VAL); + + if (write_en_r='1') and (read_en_r='1') then + report "read/write collision" severity failure; + end if; + + ipc_low:=to_integer(pc_r(BYTE_BITS-1 downto 0)); + sp_offset(4):=not opcode_r(ipc_low)(4); + sp_offset(3 downto 0):=opcode_r(ipc_low)(3 downto 0); + next_pc:=pc_r+1; + + -- Prepare trace snapshot + dbg_o.opcode <= opcode_r(ipc_low); + dbg_o.pc <= resize(pc_r,32); + dbg_o.stk_a <= resize(a_r,32); + dbg_o.stk_b <= resize(b_r,32); + dbg_o.b_inst <= '0'; + dbg_o.sp <= (others => '0'); + dbg_o.sp(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS) <= sp_r; + + case state is + when st_idle => + if enable_i='1' then + state <= st_resync; + end if; + -- Initial state of ZPU, fetch top of stack (A/B) + first instruction + when st_resync => + if mem_busy_i='0' then + addr_r <= sp_r; + read_en_r <= '1'; + state <= st_resync2; + end if; + when st_resync2 => + if mem_busy_i='0' then + a_r <= data_i; + addr_r <= inc_sp; + read_en_r <= '1'; + state <= st_resync3; + end if; + when st_resync3 => + if mem_busy_i='0' then + b_r <= data_i; + addr_r <= pc_r(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + read_en_r <= '1'; + state <= st_decode; + end if; + when st_decode => + if mem_busy_i='0' then + -- Here we latch the fetched word to give one full clock + -- cycle to the instruction decoder. This could be removed + -- if using BRAMs and the decoder delay isn't important. + fetched_w_r <= data_i; + state <= st_decode2; + end if; + when st_decode2 => + -- decode 4 instructions in parallel + for i in 0 to WORD_BYTES-1 loop + topcode:=fetched_w_r((WORD_BYTES-1-i+1)*8-1 downto (WORD_BYTES-1-i)*8); + + tsp_offset(4):=not topcode(4); + tsp_offset(3 downto 0):=topcode(3 downto 0); + + opcode_r(i) <= topcode; + if topcode(7 downto 7)=OPCODE_IM then + tdecoded:=dec_im; + elsif topcode(7 downto 5)=OPCODE_STORESP then + if tsp_offset=0 then + -- Special case, we can avoid a write + tdecoded:=dec_pop; + elsif tsp_offset=1 then + -- Special case, collision + tdecoded:=dec_pop_down; + else + tdecoded:=dec_store_sp; + end if; + elsif topcode(7 downto 5)=OPCODE_LOADSP then + if tsp_offset=0 then + tdecoded:=dec_dup; + elsif tsp_offset=1 then + tdecoded:=dec_dup_stk_b; + else + tdecoded:=dec_load_sp; + end if; + elsif topcode(7 downto 5)=OPCODE_EMULATE then + tdecoded:=dec_emulate; + if ENA_LEVEL0 and topcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_NEQBRANCH then + tdecoded:=dec_neq_branch; + elsif ENA_LEVEL0 and topcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_EQ then + tdecoded:=dec_eq; + elsif ENA_LEVEL0 and topcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_LOADB then + tdecoded:=dec_loadb; + elsif ENA_LEVEL0 and topcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_PUSHSPADD then + tdecoded:=dec_push_sp_add; + elsif ENA_LEVEL1 and topcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_LESSTHAN then + tdecoded:=dec_less_than; + elsif ENA_LEVEL1 and topcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_ULESSTHAN then + tdecoded:=dec_u_less_than; + elsif ENA_LEVEL1 and topcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_MULT then + tdecoded:=dec_mult; + elsif ENA_LEVEL1 and topcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_STOREB then + tdecoded:=dec_storeb; + elsif ENA_LEVEL1 and topcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_CALLPCREL then + tdecoded:=dec_call_pc_rel; + elsif ENA_LEVEL1 and topcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_SUB then + tdecoded:=dec_sub; + elsif ENA_LEVEL2 and topcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_LESSTHANOREQUAL then + tdecoded:=dec_less_than_or_equal; + elsif ENA_LEVEL2 and topcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_ULESSTHANOREQUAL then + tdecoded:=dec_u_less_than_or_equal; + elsif ENA_LEVEL2 and topcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_CALL then + tdecoded:=dec_call; + elsif ENA_LEVEL2 and topcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_POPPCREL then + tdecoded:=dec_pop_pc_rel; + elsif ENA_LSHR and topcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_LSHIFTRIGHT then + tdecoded:=dec_lshr; + end if; + elsif topcode(7 downto 4)=OPCODE_ADDSP then + if tsp_offset=0 then + tdecoded:=dec_shift; + elsif tsp_offset=1 then + tdecoded:=dec_add_top; + else + tdecoded:=dec_add_sp; + end if; + else -- OPCODE_SHORT + case topcode(3 downto 0) is + when OPCODE_BREAK => + tdecoded:=dec_break; + when OPCODE_PUSHSP => + tdecoded:=dec_push_sp; + when OPCODE_POPPC => + tdecoded:=dec_pop_pc; + when OPCODE_ADD => + tdecoded:=dec_add; + when OPCODE_OR => + tdecoded:=dec_or; + when OPCODE_AND => + tdecoded:=dec_and; + when OPCODE_LOAD => + tdecoded:=dec_load; + when OPCODE_NOT => + tdecoded:=dec_not; + when OPCODE_FLIP => + tdecoded:=dec_flip; + when OPCODE_STORE => + tdecoded:=dec_store; + when OPCODE_POPSP => + tdecoded:=dec_pop_sp; + when others => -- OPCODE_NOP and others + tdecoded:=dec_nop; + end case; + end if; + tinsns(i):=tdecoded; + end loop; + + insn <= tinsns(ipc_low); + -- once we wrap, we need to fetch + tinsns(0):=dec_insn_fetch; + insns <= tinsns; + state <= st_execute; + + -- Each instruction must: + -- + -- 1. increase pc_r if applicable + -- 2. set next state if applicable + -- 3. do it's operation + when st_execute => + -- Some shortcut to make the code readable: + inpc_low:=to_integer(next_pc(BYTE_BITS-1 downto 0)); + ex_opcode:=opcode_r(ipc_low); + insn <= insns(inpc_low); + -- Defaults used by most instructions + if insn/=dec_insn_fetch and insn/=dec_im then + dbg_o.b_inst <= '1'; + idim_r <= '0'; + end if; + case insn is + when dec_insn_fetch => + -- Not a real instruction, fetch new instructions + DoFetch(FAST_FETCH,state,addr_r,pc_r,read_en_r,mem_busy_i); + when dec_im => + -- Push(immediate value), IDIM=1 + -- if IDIM=0 Push(signed(opcode & 0x7F)) else + -- Push((Pop()<<7)|(opcode&0x7F)) + if mem_busy_i='0' then + dbg_o.b_inst <= '1'; + idim_r <= '1'; + pc_r <= pc_r+1; + if idim_r='1' then + -- We already started an IM sequence + -- Shift left 7 bits + a_r(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 7) <= a_r(WORD_SIZE-8 downto 0); + -- Put the new value + a_r(6 downto 0) <= ex_opcode(6 downto 0); + else + -- First IM, push the value sign extended + FlushB(write_en_r,addr_r,inc_sp,data_o,b_r); + a_r <= unsigned(resize(signed(ex_opcode(6 downto 0)),WORD_SIZE)); + Push(sp_r,a_r,b_r); + end if; + end if; + when dec_store_sp => + -- [SP+Offset]=Pop() + if mem_busy_i='0' then + write_en_r <= '1'; + addr_r <= sp_r+sp_offset; + data_o <= a_r; + Pop(sp_r,a_r,b_r); + -- We need to fetch B + state <= st_store_sp2; + end if; + when dec_load_sp => + -- Push([SP+Offset]) + if mem_busy_i='0' then + FlushB(write_en_r,addr_r,inc_sp,data_o,b_r); + Push(sp_r,a_r,b_r); + -- We are flushing B cache, so we need more time to + -- read the value. + state <= st_load_sp2; + end if; + when dec_emulate => + -- Push(PC+1), PC=Opcode[4:0]*32 + if mem_busy_i='0' then + FlushB(write_en_r,addr_r,inc_sp,data_o,b_r); + state <= st_fetch; + a_r <= ExpandPC(pc_r+1); + Push(sp_r,a_r,b_r); + -- The emulate address is: + -- 98 7654 3210 + -- 0000 00aa aaa0 0000 + pc_r <= (others => '0'); + pc_r(9 downto 5) <= ex_opcode(4 downto 0); + end if; + when dec_call_pc_rel => + -- t=Pop(), Push(PC+1), PC=PC+t + if mem_busy_i='0' and ENA_LEVEL1 then + state <= st_fetch; + a_r <= ExpandPC(pc_r+1); + pc_r <= pc_r+a_r(ADDR_W-1 downto 0); + end if; + when dec_call => + -- t=Pop(), Push(PC+1), PC=t + if mem_busy_i='0' and ENA_LEVEL2 then + state <= st_fetch; + a_r <= ExpandPC(pc_r+1); + pc_r <= a_r(ADDR_W-1 downto 0); + end if; + when dec_add_sp => + -- Push(Pop()+[SP+Offset]) + if mem_busy_i='0' then + -- Read SP+Offset + state <= st_add_sp2; + read_en_r <= '1'; + addr_r <= sp_r+sp_offset; + pc_r <= pc_r+1; + end if; + when dec_push_sp => + -- Push(SP) + if mem_busy_i='0' then + FlushB(write_en_r,addr_r,inc_sp,data_o,b_r); + pc_r <= pc_r+1; + a_r <= (others => '0'); + a_r(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS) <= sp_r; + Push(sp_r,a_r,b_r); + end if; + when dec_pop_pc => + -- PC=Pop() (return) + if mem_busy_i='0' then + FlushB(write_en_r,addr_r,inc_sp,data_o,b_r); + state <= st_resync; + pc_r <= a_r(ADDR_W-1 downto 0); + sp_r <= inc_sp; + end if; + when dec_pop_pc_rel => + -- PC=PC+Pop() + if mem_busy_i='0' and ENA_LEVEL2 then + FlushB(write_en_r,addr_r,inc_sp,data_o,b_r); + state <= st_resync; + pc_r <= a_r(ADDR_W-1 downto 0)+pc_r; + sp_r <= inc_sp; + end if; + when dec_add => + -- Push(Pop()+Pop()) [A=A+B, SP++, update B] + if mem_busy_i='0' then + state <= st_popped; + a_r <= a_r+b_r; + read_en_r <= '1'; + addr_r <= inc_inc_sp; + sp_r <= inc_sp; + end if; + when dec_sub => + -- a=Pop(), b=Pop(), Push(b-a) + if mem_busy_i='0' and ENA_LEVEL1 then + DoBinOp(b_r-a_r,state,sp_r,addr_r,read_en_r, + a_r,bin_op_res1_r,BINOP_PIPE); + end if; + when dec_pop => + -- Pop() + if mem_busy_i='0' then + state <= st_popped; + addr_r <= inc_inc_sp; + read_en_r <= '1'; + Pop(sp_r,a_r,b_r); + end if; + when dec_pop_down => + -- t=Pop(), Pop(), Push(t) + if mem_busy_i='0' then + -- PopDown leaves top of stack unchanged + state <= st_popped; + addr_r <= inc_inc_sp; + read_en_r <= '1'; + sp_r <= inc_sp; + end if; + when dec_or => + -- Push(Pop() or Pop()) + if mem_busy_i='0' then + state <= st_popped; + a_r <= a_r or b_r; + read_en_r <= '1'; + addr_r <= inc_inc_sp; + sp_r <= inc_sp; + end if; + when dec_and => + -- Push(Pop() and Pop()) + if mem_busy_i='0' then + state <= st_popped; + a_r <= a_r and b_r; + read_en_r <= '1'; + addr_r <= inc_inc_sp; + sp_r <= inc_sp; + end if; + when dec_eq => + -- a=Pop(), b=Pop(), Push(a=b ? 1 : 0) + if mem_busy_i='0' and ENA_LEVEL0 then + DoBinOpBool(a_r=b_r,state,sp_r,addr_r,read_en_r, + a_r,bin_op_res1_r,BINOP_PIPE); + end if; + when dec_u_less_than => + -- a=Pop(), b=Pop(), Push(a + -- a=Pop(), b=Pop(), Push(a<=b ? 1 : 0) + if mem_busy_i='0' and ENA_LEVEL2 then + DoBinOpBool(a_r<=b_r,state,sp_r,addr_r,read_en_r, + a_r,bin_op_res1_r,BINOP_PIPE); + end if; + when dec_less_than => + -- a=signed(Pop()), b=signed(Pop()), Push(a + -- a=signed(Pop()), b=signed(Pop()), Push(a<=b ? 1 : 0) + if mem_busy_i='0' and ENA_LEVEL2 then + DoBinOpBool(signed(a_r)<=signed(b_r),state,sp_r, + addr_r,read_en_r,a_r,bin_op_res1_r, + BINOP_PIPE); + end if; + when dec_load => + -- Push([Pop()]) + if mem_busy_i='0' then + state <= st_load2; + addr_r <= a_r(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + read_en_r <= '1'; + pc_r <= pc_r+1; + end if; + when dec_dup => + -- t=Pop(), Push(t), Push(t) + if mem_busy_i='0' then + pc_r <= pc_r+1; + -- A is dupped, no change + Push(sp_r,a_r,b_r); + FlushB(write_en_r,addr_r,inc_sp,data_o,b_r); + end if; + when dec_dup_stk_b => + -- Pop(), t=Pop(), Push(t), Push(t), Push(t) + if mem_busy_i='0' then + pc_r <= pc_r+1; + a_r <= b_r; + -- B goes to A + Push(sp_r,a_r,b_r); + FlushB(write_en_r,addr_r,inc_sp,data_o,b_r); + end if; + when dec_store => + -- a=Pop(), b=Pop(), [a]=b + if mem_busy_i='0' then + state <= st_resync; + pc_r <= pc_r+1; + addr_r <= a_r(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + data_o <= b_r; + write_en_r <= '1'; + sp_r <= inc_inc_sp; + end if; + when dec_pop_sp => + -- SP=Pop() + if mem_busy_i='0' then + FlushB(write_en_r,addr_r,inc_sp,data_o,b_r); + state <= st_resync; + pc_r <= pc_r+1; + sp_r <= a_r(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + end if; + when dec_nop => + pc_r <= pc_r+1; + when dec_not => + -- Push(not(Pop())) + pc_r <= pc_r+1; + a_r <= not a_r; + when dec_flip => + -- Push(flip(Pop())) + pc_r <= pc_r+1; + for i in 0 to WORD_SIZE-1 loop + a_r(i) <= a_r(WORD_SIZE-1-i); + end loop; + when dec_add_top => + -- a=Pop(), b=Pop(), Push(b), Push(a+b) + pc_r <= pc_r+1; + a_r <= a_r+b_r; + when dec_shift => + -- Push(Pop()<<1) [equivalent to a=Pop(), Push(a+a)] + pc_r <= pc_r+1; + a_r(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 1) <= a_r(WORD_SIZE-2 downto 0); + a_r(0) <= '0'; + when dec_push_sp_add => + -- Push(Pop()+SP) + if ENA_LEVEL0 then + pc_r <= pc_r+1; + a_r <= (others => '0'); + a_r(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS) <= + a_r(ADDR_W-1-BYTE_BITS downto 0)+sp_r; + end if; + when dec_neq_branch => + -- a=Pop(), b=Pop(), PC+=b==0 ? 1 : a + -- Branches are almost always taken as they form loops + if ENA_LEVEL0 then + sp_r <= inc_inc_sp; + -- Need to fetch stack again. + state <= st_resync; + if b_r/=0 then + pc_r <= a_r(ADDR_W-1 downto 0)+pc_r; + else + pc_r <= pc_r+1; + end if; + end if; + when dec_mult => + -- Push(Pop()*Pop()) + if ENA_LEVEL1 then + if MULT_PIPE then + mult_a_r <= a_r; + mult_b_r <= b_r; + state <= st_mult2; + else + mult_res:=a_r*b_r; + mult_res1_r <= mult_res(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + state <= st_mult5; + end if; + end if; + when dec_break => + -- Assert the break_o signal + --report "Break instruction encountered" severity failure; + break_o <= '1'; + pc_r <= pc_r+1; + when dec_loadb => + -- Push([Pop()] & 0xFF) (byte address) + if mem_busy_i='0' and ENA_LEVEL0 then + state <= st_loadb2; + addr_r <= a_r(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + read_en_r <= '1'; + pc_r <= pc_r+1; + end if; + when dec_storeb => + -- [Pop()]=Pop() & 0xFF (byte address) + if mem_busy_i='0' and ENA_LEVEL1 then + state <= st_storeb2; + addr_r <= a_r(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + read_en_r <= '1'; + pc_r <= pc_r+1; + end if; + when dec_lshr => + -- a=Pop(), b=Pop(), Push(b>>(a&0x3F)) + if ENA_LSHR then + -- This instruction takes more than one cycle. + -- We must avoid duplications in the trace log. + dbg_o.b_inst <= not_lshr; + not_lshr:='0'; + if a_r(5 downto 0)=0 then -- Only 6 bits used + -- No more shifts + if mem_busy_i='0' then + state <= st_popped; + a_r <= b_r; + read_en_r <= '1'; + addr_r <= inc_inc_sp; + sp_r <= inc_sp; + not_lshr:='1'; + end if; + else -- More shifts needed + b_r <= "0"&b_r(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 1); + a_r(5 downto 0) <= a_r(5 downto 0)-1; + insn <= insn; + end if; + end if; + when others => + -- Undefined behavior, we shouldn't get here. + -- It only helps synthesis tools. + sp_r <= (others => D_CARE_VAL); + report "Illegal decode instruction?!" severity failure; + --break_o <= '1'; + end case; + -- The followup of operations that takes more than one execution clock + when st_store_sp2 => + if mem_busy_i='0' then + addr_r <= inc_sp; + read_en_r <= '1'; + state <= st_popped; + end if; + when st_load_sp2 => + if mem_busy_i='0' then + state <= st_load_sp3; + -- Now we can read SP+Offset (SP already decremented) + read_en_r <= '1'; + addr_r <= sp_r+sp_offset+1; + end if; + when st_load_sp3 => + if mem_busy_i='0' then + -- Note: We can't increment PC in the decode stage + -- because it will modify sp_offset. + pc_r <= pc_r+1; + -- Finally we have the result in A + state <= st_execute; + a_r <= data_i; + end if; + when st_add_sp2 => + if mem_busy_i='0' then + state <= st_execute; + a_r <= a_r+data_i; + end if; + when st_load2 => + if mem_busy_i='0' then + a_r <= data_i; + state <= st_execute; + end if; + when st_loadb2 => + if mem_busy_i='0' then + a_r <= (others => '0'); + -- Select the source bits using the less significant bits (byte address) + h_bit:=(WORD_BYTES-to_integer(a_r(BYTE_BITS-1 downto 0)))*8-1; + l_bit:=h_bit-7; + a_r(7 downto 0) <= data_i(h_bit downto l_bit); + state <= st_execute; + end if; + when st_storeb2 => + if mem_busy_i='0' then + addr_r <= a_r(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + data_o <= data_i; + -- Select the source bits using the less significant bits (byte address) + h_bit:=(WORD_BYTES-to_integer(a_r(BYTE_BITS-1 downto 0)))*8-1; + l_bit:=h_bit-7; + data_o(h_bit downto l_bit) <= b_r(7 downto 0); + write_en_r <= '1'; + sp_r <= inc_inc_sp; + state <= st_resync; + end if; + when st_fetch => + if mem_busy_i='0' then + addr_r <= pc_r(ADDR_W-1 downto BYTE_BITS); + read_en_r <= '1'; + state <= st_decode; + end if; + -- The following states can be used to leave cycles free for + -- tools that can automagically decompose the multiplication + -- in various stages. Xilinx tools can do it to increase the + -- multipliers performance. + when st_mult2 => + state <= st_mult3; + when st_mult3 => + state <= st_mult4; + when st_mult4 => + state <= st_mult5; + when st_mult5 => + if mem_busy_i='0' then + if MULT_PIPE then + a_r <= mult_res3_r; + else + a_r <= mult_res1_r; + end if; + read_en_r <= '1'; + addr_r <= inc_inc_sp; + sp_r <= inc_sp; + state <= st_popped; + end if; + when st_binary_op_res => + -- BINOP_PIPE=2 + state <= st_binary_op_res2; + when st_binary_op_res2 => + -- BINOP_PIPE>=1 + read_en_r <= '1'; + addr_r <= inc_inc_sp; + sp_r <= inc_sp; + state <= st_popped; + if BINOP_PIPE=2 then + a_r <= bin_op_res2_r; + else -- 1 + a_r <= bin_op_res1_r; + end if; + when st_popped => + if mem_busy_i='0' then + -- Note: Moving this PC++ to the decoder seems to + -- consume more LUTs. + pc_r <= pc_r+1; + b_r <= data_i; + state <= st_execute; + end if; + when others => + -- Undefined behavior, we shouldn't get here. + -- It only helps synthesis tools. + sp_r <= (others => D_CARE_VAL); + report "Illegal state?!" severity failure; + --break_o <= '1'; + end case; -- state + end if; -- else reset_i='1' + end if; -- rising_edge(clk_i) + end process opcode_control; +end architecture Behave; -- Entity: ZPUMediumCore + diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/zpu_pkg.vhdl b/zpu/hdl/zealot/zpu_pkg.vhdl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..15ac700 --- /dev/null +++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/zpu_pkg.vhdl @@ -0,0 +1,270 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- ZPU Package ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- ---- +---- Description: ---- +---- ZPU is a 32 bits small stack cpu. This is the package. ---- +---- ---- +---- To Do: ---- +---- - ---- +---- ---- +---- Author: ---- +---- - Øyvind Harboe, oyvind.harboe ---- +---- - Salvador E. Tropea, salvador ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Øyvind Harboe ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Salvador E. Tropea ---- +---- Copyright (c) 2008 Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial ---- +---- ---- +---- Distributed under the BSD license ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---- ---- +---- Design unit: zpupkg, UART (Package) ---- +---- File name: zpu_medium.vhdl ---- +---- Note: None ---- +---- Limitations: None known ---- +---- Errors: None known ---- +---- Library: zpu ---- +---- Dependencies: IEEE.std_logic_1164 ---- +---- IEEE.numeric_std ---- +---- Target FPGA: Spartan 3 (XC3S400-4-FT256) ---- +---- Language: VHDL ---- +---- Wishbone: No ---- +---- Synthesis tools: Xilinx Release 9.2.03i - xst J.39 ---- +---- Simulation tools: GHDL [Sokcho edition] (0.2x) ---- +---- Text editor: SETEdit 0.5.x ---- +---- ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +library IEEE; +use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; +use IEEE.numeric_std.all; + +package zpupkg is + constant OPCODE_W : integer:=8; + + -- Debug structure, currently only for the trace module + type zpu_dbgo_t is record + b_inst : std_logic; + opcode : unsigned(OPCODE_W-1 downto 0); + pc : unsigned(31 downto 0); + sp : unsigned(31 downto 0); + stk_a : unsigned(31 downto 0); + stk_b : unsigned(31 downto 0); + end record; + + component Trace is + generic( + LOG_FILE : string:="trace.txt"; -- Name of the trace file + ADDR_W : integer:=16; -- Address width + WORD_SIZE : integer:=32); -- 16/32 + port( + clk_i : in std_logic; + dbg_i : in zpu_dbgo_t; + stop_i : in std_logic; + busy_i : in std_logic + ); + end component Trace; + + component ZPUSmallCore is + generic( + WORD_SIZE : integer:=32; -- 16/32 (2**wordPower) + ADDR_W : integer:=16; -- maxAddrBitIncIO+1 + BRAM_W : integer:=15; -- maxAddrBitBRAM+1 + D_CARE_VAL : std_logic:='X'); -- Value used to fill the unsused bits + port( + clk_i : in std_logic; -- System Clock + reset_i : in std_logic; -- Synchronous Reset + enable_i : in std_logic; -- Not used + interrupt_i : in std_logic; -- Interrupt + break_o : out std_logic; -- Breakpoint opcode executed + dbg_o : out zpu_dbgo_t; -- Debug outputs (i.e. trace log) + -- BRAM (text, data, bss and stack) + a_we_o : out std_logic; -- BRAM A port Write Enable + a_addr_o : out unsigned(BRAM_W-1 downto WORD_SIZE/16):=(others => '0'); -- BRAM A Address + a_write_o : out unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0):=(others => '0'); -- Data to BRAM A port + a_read_i : in unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); -- Data from BRAM A port + b_we_o : out std_logic; -- BRAM B port Write Enable + b_addr_o : out unsigned(BRAM_W-1 downto WORD_SIZE/16):=(others => '0'); -- BRAM B Address + b_write_o : out unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0):=(others => '0'); -- Data to BRAM B port + b_read_i : in unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); -- Data from BRAM B port + -- Memory mapped I/O + mem_busy_i : in std_logic; + data_i : in unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + data_o : out unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); + addr_o : out unsigned(ADDR_W-1 downto 0); + write_en_o : out std_logic; + read_en_o : out std_logic); + end component ZPUSmallCore; + + component ZPUMediumCore is + generic( + WORD_SIZE : integer:=32; -- 16/32 (2**wordPower) + ADDR_W : integer:=16; -- Total address space width (incl. I/O) + MEM_W : integer:=15; -- Memory (prog+data+stack) width + D_CARE_VAL : std_logic:='X'; -- Value used to fill the unsused bits + MULT_PIPE : boolean:=false; -- Pipeline multiplication + BINOP_PIPE : integer range 0 to 2:=0; -- Pipeline binary operations (-, =, < and <=) + ENA_LEVEL0 : boolean:=true; -- eq, loadb, neqbranch and pushspadd + ENA_LEVEL1 : boolean:=true; -- lessthan, ulessthan, mult, storeb, callpcrel and sub + ENA_LEVEL2 : boolean:=false; -- lessthanorequal, ulessthanorequal, call and poppcrel + ENA_LSHR : boolean:=true; -- lshiftright + ENA_IDLE : boolean:=false; -- Enable the enable_i input + FAST_FETCH : boolean:=true); -- Merge the st_fetch with the st_execute states + port( + clk_i : in std_logic; -- CPU Clock + reset_i : in std_logic; -- Sync Reset + enable_i : in std_logic; -- Hold the CPU (after reset) + break_o : out std_logic; -- Break instruction executed + dbg_o : out zpu_dbgo_t; -- Debug outputs (i.e. trace log) + -- Memory interface + mem_busy_i : in std_logic; -- Memory is busy + data_i : in unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); -- Data from mem + data_o : out unsigned(WORD_SIZE-1 downto 0); -- Data to mem + addr_o : out unsigned(ADDR_W-1 downto 0); -- Memory address + write_en_o : out std_logic; -- Memory write enable + read_en_o : out std_logic); -- Memory read enable + end component ZPUMediumCore; + + component Timer is + port( + clk_i : in std_logic; + reset_i : in std_logic; + we_i : in std_logic; + data_i : in unsigned(31 downto 0); + addr_i : in unsigned(0 downto 0); + data_o : out unsigned(31 downto 0)); + end component Timer; + + component ZPUPhiIO is + generic( + BRDIVISOR : positive:=1; -- Baud rate divisor i.e. br_clk/9600/4 + ENA_LOG : boolean:=true; -- Enable log + LOG_FILE : string:="log.txt"); -- Name for the log file + port( + clk_i : in std_logic; -- System Clock + reset_i : in std_logic; -- Synchronous Reset + busy_o : out std_logic; -- I/O is busy + we_i : in std_logic; -- Write Enable + re_i : in std_logic; -- Read Enable + data_i : in unsigned(31 downto 0); + data_o : out unsigned(31 downto 0); + addr_i : in unsigned(2 downto 0); -- Address bits 4-2 + rs232_rx_i : in std_logic; -- UART Rx input + rs232_tx_o : out std_logic; -- UART Tx output + br_clk_i : in std_logic); -- UART base clock (enable) + end component ZPUPhiIO; + + -- Opcode decode constants + -- Note: these are the basic opcodes, always implemented using hardware. + constant OPCODE_IM : unsigned(7 downto 7):="1"; + constant OPCODE_STORESP : unsigned(7 downto 5):="010"; + constant OPCODE_LOADSP : unsigned(7 downto 5):="011"; + constant OPCODE_EMULATE : unsigned(7 downto 5):="001"; + constant OPCODE_ADDSP : unsigned(7 downto 4):="0001"; + constant OPCODE_SHORT : unsigned(7 downto 4):="0000"; + + constant OPCODE_BREAK : unsigned(3 downto 0):="0000"; + constant OPCODE_SHIFTLEFT : unsigned(3 downto 0):="0001"; + constant OPCODE_PUSHSP : unsigned(3 downto 0):="0010"; + constant OPCODE_PUSHINT : unsigned(3 downto 0):="0011"; + + constant OPCODE_POPPC : unsigned(3 downto 0):="0100"; + constant OPCODE_ADD : unsigned(3 downto 0):="0101"; + constant OPCODE_AND : unsigned(3 downto 0):="0110"; + constant OPCODE_OR : unsigned(3 downto 0):="0111"; + + constant OPCODE_LOAD : unsigned(3 downto 0):="1000"; + constant OPCODE_NOT : unsigned(3 downto 0):="1001"; + constant OPCODE_FLIP : unsigned(3 downto 0):="1010"; + constant OPCODE_NOP : unsigned(3 downto 0):="1011"; + + constant OPCODE_STORE : unsigned(3 downto 0):="1100"; + constant OPCODE_POPSP : unsigned(3 downto 0):="1101"; + constant OPCODE_COMPARE : unsigned(3 downto 0):="1110"; + constant OPCODE_POPINT : unsigned(3 downto 0):="1111"; + + -- The following instructions are emulated in the small version and + -- implemented as hardware in the full version. + -- The constants correpond to the "emulated" instruction number. + + -- Enabled by the ENA_LEVEL0 generic: + constant OPCODE_EQ : unsigned(5 downto 0):=to_unsigned(46,6); + constant OPCODE_LOADB : unsigned(5 downto 0):=to_unsigned(51,6); + constant OPCODE_NEQBRANCH : unsigned(5 downto 0):=to_unsigned(56,6); + constant OPCODE_PUSHSPADD : unsigned(5 downto 0):=to_unsigned(61,6); + -- Enabled by the ENA_LEVEL1 generic: + constant OPCODE_LESSTHAN : unsigned(5 downto 0):=to_unsigned(36,6); + constant OPCODE_ULESSTHAN : unsigned(5 downto 0):=to_unsigned(38,6); + constant OPCODE_MULT : unsigned(5 downto 0):=to_unsigned(41,6); + constant OPCODE_STOREB : unsigned(5 downto 0):=to_unsigned(52,6); + constant OPCODE_CALLPCREL : unsigned(5 downto 0):=to_unsigned(63,6); + constant OPCODE_SUB : unsigned(5 downto 0):=to_unsigned(49,6); + -- Enabled by the ENA_LEVEL2 generic: + constant OPCODE_LESSTHANOREQUAL : unsigned(5 downto 0):=to_unsigned(37,6); + constant OPCODE_ULESSTHANOREQUAL : unsigned(5 downto 0):=to_unsigned(39,6); + constant OPCODE_CALL : unsigned(5 downto 0):=to_unsigned(45,6); + constant OPCODE_POPPCREL : unsigned(5 downto 0):=to_unsigned(57,6); + -- Enabled by the ENA_LSHR generic: + constant OPCODE_LSHIFTRIGHT : unsigned(5 downto 0):=to_unsigned(42,6); + -- The following opcodes are always emulated. + constant OPCODE_LOADH : unsigned(5 downto 0):=to_unsigned(34,6); + constant OPCODE_STOREH : unsigned(5 downto 0):=to_unsigned(35,6); + constant OPCODE_ASHIFTLEFT : unsigned(5 downto 0):=to_unsigned(43,6); + constant OPCODE_ASHIFTRIGHT : unsigned(5 downto 0):=to_unsigned(44,6); + constant OPCODE_NEQ : unsigned(5 downto 0):=to_unsigned(47,6); + constant OPCODE_NEG : unsigned(5 downto 0):=to_unsigned(48,6); + constant OPCODE_XOR : unsigned(5 downto 0):=to_unsigned(50,6); + constant OPCODE_DIV : unsigned(5 downto 0):=to_unsigned(53,6); + constant OPCODE_MOD : unsigned(5 downto 0):=to_unsigned(54,6); + constant OPCODE_EQBRANCH : unsigned(5 downto 0):=to_unsigned(55,6); + constant OPCODE_CONFIG : unsigned(5 downto 0):=to_unsigned(58,6); + constant OPCODE_PUSHPC : unsigned(5 downto 0):=to_unsigned(59,6); +end package zpupkg; + +library IEEE; +use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; +use IEEE.numeric_std.all; + +package UART is + ---------------------- + -- Very simple UART -- + ---------------------- + component RxUnit is + port( + clk_i : in std_logic; -- System clock signal + reset_i : in std_logic; -- Reset input (sync) + enable_i : in std_logic; -- Enable input (rate*4) + read_i : in std_logic; -- Received Byte Read + rxd_i : in std_logic; -- RS-232 data input + rxav_o : out std_logic; -- Byte available + datao_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); -- Byte received + end component RxUnit; + + component TxUnit is + port ( + clk_i : in std_logic; -- Clock signal + reset_i : in std_logic; -- Reset input + enable_i : in std_logic; -- Enable input + load_i : in std_logic; -- Load input + txd_o : out std_logic; -- RS-232 data output + busy_o : out std_logic; -- Tx Busy + datai_i : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); -- Byte to transmit + end component TxUnit; + + component BRGen is + generic( + COUNT : integer range 0 to 65535);-- Count revolution + port ( + clk_i : in std_logic; -- Clock + reset_i : in std_logic; -- Reset input + ce_i : in std_logic; -- Chip Enable + o_o : out std_logic); -- Output + end component BRGen; +end package UART; + -- cgit v1.1