path: root/zpu/roadshow/roadshow/games/sumeria.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'zpu/roadshow/roadshow/games/sumeria.c')
1 files changed, 444 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/zpu/roadshow/roadshow/games/sumeria.c b/zpu/roadshow/roadshow/games/sumeria.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7171adf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zpu/roadshow/roadshow/games/sumeria.c
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+/* Govern ancient Sumeria. Heavily modified by Mike Arnautov 1975.
+ * Converted from Basic to PR1ME Fortran (mode 32R) MLA 1979.
+ * Rev.19.1, GGR version 14 Oct 83. MLA
+ * Converted to ANSI C December 2001. MLA
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <math.h>
+int year_term;
+int year_abs;
+int percent_starved;
+int dead_total;
+int starved;
+int population;
+char reply [160];
+void try_again (int reason)
+ if (reason == 1)
+ puts ("For the extreme folly of soft - heartedness and");
+ if (reason)
+ {
+ printf ("%considering ", reason == 3 ? 'C' : 'c');
+ puts ("the mess you would leave the city in,");
+ puts ("you are hereby commanded to remain in office for");
+ puts ("another ten years. May your fate be a lesson and");
+ puts ("a warning for generations to come.");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ puts ("Hamurabe, you are either a politico-economic genius");
+ puts ("or just a lucky bastard. There being but one way to");
+ puts ("settle the question, you are hereby requested to stay");
+ puts ("in office for another ten years.");
+ }
+ year_term = 0;
+ year_abs--;
+ percent_starved = starved * 100.0 / population;
+ dead_total = starved;
+float rnd (void)
+ return ((rand () % 1000) / 1000.0);
+int iabs (int value)
+ return ((value >= 0) ? value : -value);
+void terminate (int abort)
+ if (abort == 2)
+ {
+ puts ("For this extreme mismanagement you have been");
+ puts ("deposed, flayed alive and publicly beheaded.");
+ puts ("\nMay Ashtaroth preserve your Ka.\n");
+ }
+ else if (abort == 1)
+ {
+ puts ("\nHamurabe: I find myself unable to fulfil your wish.");
+ puts ("You will have to find yourself another kingdom.");
+ }
+ if (abort != 2)
+ puts ("\nMay Baal be with you.\n");
+ exit (0);
+void think_again (char *what, int quantity)
+ if (*what == 'l' || *what == 'g')
+ printf ("Hamurabe, think again. ");
+ if (*what == 'l')
+ printf ("You own %d acres of land.", quantity);
+ else if (*what == 'g')
+ printf ("You have only %d bushels of grain.", quantity);
+ else
+ printf ("But you only have %d people to tend the fields.", population);
+ puts (" Now then,");
+int query (char *prompt)
+ while (1)
+ {
+ int sign;
+ int value;
+ char * cptr;
+ printf (prompt);
+ fgets (reply, sizeof (reply) - 1, stdin);
+ value = 0;
+ sign = 1;
+ cptr = reply;
+ while (*cptr == ' ' || *cptr == '\t') cptr++;
+ if (*cptr == '-')
+ {
+ cptr++;
+ sign = -1;
+ }
+ if (*cptr == 'q' || *cptr == 'Q')
+ terminate (1);
+ while (*cptr && *cptr != '\n')
+ {
+ if (*cptr >= '0' && *cptr <= '9')
+ value = 10 * value + *cptr - '0';
+ else if (*cptr == '.')
+ break;
+ else if (*cptr != '.')
+ {
+ sign = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ cptr++;
+ }
+ if (sign)
+ return (sign * value);
+ puts ("Hamurabe, your command has not been understood!");
+ }
+int main ()
+ int acreage;
+ int immigration;
+ int second_term;
+ int dead_total;
+ int stores;
+ int harvest;
+ int rat_food;
+ int yield;
+ int rounded_price;
+ int sell;
+ int buy;
+ int plant;
+ int food;
+ int transaction;
+ int rats;
+ int plague_deaths;
+ int survived;
+ int dead_rats;
+ int tmp_int;
+ float price;
+ float breadline;
+ float provisions;
+ float plague;
+ float acres_per_head;
+ float acres_per_init;
+ float stores_per_head;
+ float rats_ate;
+ float rat_log;
+ float percent_starved;
+ float tmp_float;
+ printf ("[Sumeria (Primos) rev.19.1, GGR (MLA) version 14 Oct 83]\n");
+ puts ("[Conversion to ANSI C: MLA, Feb 2002]\n");
+ while (1)
+ {
+ printf ("Do you know how to play? ");
+ fgets (reply, sizeof(reply) - 1, stdin);
+ if (*reply == '\n') break;
+ *reply += (*reply < 'a') ? 'a' - 'A' : 0;
+ if (*reply == 'y') break;
+ if (*reply != 'n' && *reply != 'q') continue;
+ puts ("\nToo bad!\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ srand (time (NULL));
+ *(reply + sizeof (reply) - 1) = '\0';
+ puts ("Try your hand at governing ancient Sumeria");
+ puts ("for a ten year term of office.");
+ second_term = 0;
+ dead_total = 0;
+ percent_starved = 0;
+ year_term = 0;
+ year_abs = 0;
+ acres_per_init = 10;
+ population = 100;
+ stores = 2800;
+ harvest = 3000;
+ rat_food = 200;
+ yield = 3;
+ acreage = 1000;
+ immigration = 5;
+ transaction = 0;
+ price = 18 + 6 * rnd ();
+ breadline = 19 + 4 * rnd ();
+ provisions = breadline;
+ rats = 1000;
+ rat_log = 3;
+ plague = rnd () / 2;
+ starved = 0;
+year_term = year_abs = 9;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ while (1)
+ {
+ year_term++;
+ year_abs++;
+ putchar ('\n');
+ acres_per_head = ((float) acreage) / population;
+ stores_per_head = ((float) stores) /population;
+ puts ("Hamurabe: I beg to report to you,");
+ printf ("In year %d, ", year_abs);
+ if (starved > 0)
+ printf ("%ld", starved);
+ else
+ printf ("no");
+ printf (" %s starved, %ld came to the city.\n",
+ starved <= 1 ? "person" : "people", immigration);
+ if (plague >= 0.85)
+ printf ("A horrible plague struck! %d people died.\n",
+ plague_deaths);
+ printf ("Population is now %ld.\n", population);
+ printf ("The city owns %ld acres.\n", acreage);
+ printf ("You harvested %ld bushels per acre.\n", yield);
+ printf ("Rats ate %ld bushels.\n", rat_food);
+ printf ("You now have %ld bushels in store.\n\n", stores);
+ if (year_term == 11)
+ break;
+ rounded_price = price + 0.5;
+ printf ("Land is trading at %ld bushels per acre.\n\n", rounded_price);
+ while (1)
+ {
+ buy = query ("How many acres do you wish to buy? ");
+ if (rounded_price * buy <= stores)
+ break;
+ think_again ("grain", stores);
+ }
+ if (buy > 0)
+ {
+ acreage += + buy;
+ stores -= rounded_price * buy;
+ transaction = buy;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (1)
+ {
+ sell = query ("How many acres do you wish to sell? ");
+ if (sell <= acreage)
+ break;
+ think_again ("land", acreage);
+ }
+ acreage -= sell;
+ stores += rounded_price * sell;
+ transaction = -sell;
+ }
+ putchar ('\n');
+ while (1)
+ {
+ food = query ("How many bushels do you wish to feed your people? ");
+ if (food <= stores)
+ break;
+ think_again ("grain", stores);
+ }
+ stores -= food;
+ putchar ('\n');
+ while (1)
+ {
+ plant = query ("How many acres do you wish to plant with seed? ");
+ if (plant <= acreage && plant <= 2 * stores &&
+ plant <= 10 * population)
+ break;
+ if (plant > acreage)
+ think_again ("land", acreage);
+ else if (plant > 2 * stores)
+ think_again ("grain", stores);
+ else
+ think_again ("people", population);
+ }
+ stores -= plant / 2;
+ yield = 4 * rnd() + 1.65;
+ harvest = plant * yield;
+ rat_food = 0;
+ rats_ate = stores * (rat_log - 2.2) / 3.6;
+ dead_rats = rats - 4 * rats_ate;
+ rats = 3 * rats;
+ if (dead_rats > 0) rats = rats - dead_rats;
+ if (plague >= 0.3)
+ {
+ if (plague >= 0.85)
+ {
+ if (plague > 1) plague = 1;
+ rats = 500 + 5000 * (plague - 0.7);
+ }
+ else
+ rats *= 1.225 - 0.75 * plague;
+ }
+ if (rats < 500)
+ rats = 500;
+ rat_food = rats / 4;
+ if (rats_ate < rat_food)
+ rat_food = rats_ate;
+ rat_food *= 7;
+ if (rat_food <= 20)
+ rat_food = 20 + 30 * rnd();
+ stores += harvest - rat_food;
+ rat_log = log10 (1.0 * rats);
+ if (stores + stores <= harvest)
+ {
+ rat_food = harvest * (1 + rnd()) / 4.0;
+ stores = harvest - rat_food;
+ }
+ tmp_int = 100 + iabs (100 - population);
+ immigration = tmp_int * ((acres_per_head +
+ stores_per_head - 36) / 250.0 +
+ (provisions - breadline + 2.5) / 40) + .5;
+ if (immigration <= 0)
+ immigration = 5 * rnd() + 1;
+ survived = food / breadline;
+ provisions = (1.0 * food) / population;
+ plague = (2 * rnd() + rat_log - 3) / 3.0;
+ if (population < survived)
+ survived = population;
+ else
+ {
+ starved = population - survived;
+ if (starved >= 0.45 * population)
+ {
+ printf ("\nYou starved %d people in one year!\n", starved);
+ terminate (2);
+ }
+ percent_starved = ((year_term - 1) * percent_starved +
+ 100.0 * starved / population) / year_term;
+ population = survived;
+ dead_total += starved;
+ }
+ population += immigration;
+ price = (price + 15 + (stores_per_head - acres_per_head) / 3) / 2 +
+ transaction / 50 + 3 * rnd() - 2;
+ if (price <1.0) price = 1.0;
+ if (plague >= 0.85)
+ {
+ plague_deaths = population * (0.429 * plague - 0.164);
+ population -= plague_deaths;
+ }
+ }
+ printf ("In your ten year term of office %d people starved.\n",
+ dead_total);
+ printf ("You started with %0.2f acres per person and ended\n",
+ acres_per_init);
+ acres_per_head = (1.0 * acreage) / population;
+ acres_per_init = acres_per_head;
+ printf ("with %0.2f acres per person.\n\n", acres_per_head);
+ tmp_float = 10 * acres_per_head / 3;
+ if (percent_starved > 25)
+ terminate (2);
+ if (percent_starved <= 7)
+ {
+ try_again (1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (tmp_float < 7)
+ terminate (2);
+ if (tmp_float > 10)
+ {
+ puts ("Your heavy handed performance smacks of Nabuchodonoser");
+ puts ("and Asurbanipal II. The surviving populace hates your");
+ puts ("guts and your eventual assasination is just a matter of");
+ puts ("time.");
+ terminate (0);
+ }
+ puts ("Consequently you have been deposed and disgraced");
+ puts ("and only avoided a public punishment because");
+ puts ("of mitigating circumstances. While it may be");
+ puts ("admitted in private that you had a rotten deal");
+ tmp_int = 3 * rnd();
+ if (tmp_int == 0)
+ puts ("try explaining that to a mob looking for scape-goats.");
+ if (tmp_int == 1)
+ puts ("history is not interested in such petty excuses.");
+ if (tmp_int == 2)
+ {
+ puts ("you should have considered such occupational hazards");
+ puts ("before applying for the job.");
+ }
+ terminate (0);
+ if (acres_per_head < 7)
+ {
+ try_again (1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (acres_per_head < 9)
+ {
+ puts ("Your performance has been satisfactory and, in the");
+ puts ("perspective of history, actually quite good.");
+ if (rnd() >= 0.5)
+ {
+ puts ("You may not be exactly popular, but given a good");
+ puts ("body-guard there is nothing to be really worried about.");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ puts ("While not exactly loved, you are at least respected.");
+ puts ("What more can a realistic ruler ask for?");
+ }
+ }
+ else if (second_term == 0)
+ if (second_term == 0)
+ {
+ if (stores <= 10 * population)
+ {
+ try_again (3);
+ continue;
+ }
+ second_term = 1;
+ try_again (0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ puts ("Hamurabe, your name will be remembered through the");
+ puts ("ages to come with admiration and respect.\n");
+ puts ("(So you did get away with it you lucky sod!)");
+ }
+ if (stores > 10 * population)
+ terminate (0);
+ puts ("\n HOWEVER\n\n");
+ second_term = 0;
+ try_again (2);
+ continue;
+ }
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