path: root/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/ic300.vhd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/ic300.vhd')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 144 deletions
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/ic300.vhd b/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/ic300.vhd
deleted file mode 100644
index a1b4f41..0000000
--- a/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/ic300.vhd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
--- Company: Zylin AS
--- Engineer: Tore Ramsland
--- Create Date: 21:47:41 07/03/05
--- Design Name: ic300
--- Module Name: ic300 - behave
--- Project Name: eCosBoard
--- Target Device: XC3S400400-FG256
--- Tool versions: 7.1i
--- Description: Top level
--- Dependencies:
--- Revision:
--- 2005-07-11 Updated to test FPGA
-library IEEE;
-library UNISIM;
-use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
-library zylin;
-use zylin.arm7.all;
-library zylin;
-use zylin.zpu_config.all;
-use zylin.zpupkg.all;
-library work;
-use work.phi_config.all;
-use work.ic300pkg.all;
-entity ic300 is
- generic(
- simulate_io_time : boolean := false);
- port ( -- Clock inputs
- cpu_clk_p : in std_logic;
- -- CPU interface signals
- cpu_a_p : in std_logic_vector(20 downto 0);
- cpu_wr_n_p : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
- cpu_cs_n_p : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 1);
- cpu_oe_n_p : in std_logic;
- cpu_d_p : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
- cpu_irq_p : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
- cpu_fiq_p : out std_logic;
- cpu_wait_n_p : out std_logic;
- -- DDR SDRAM Signals
- sdr_clk_p : out std_logic; -- ddr_sdram_clock
- sdr_clk_n_p : out std_logic; -- /ddr_sdram_clock
- cke_q_p : out std_logic; -- clock enable
- cs_qn_p : out std_logic; -- /chip select
- ras_qn_p : inout std_logic; -- /ras
- cas_qn_p : inout std_logic; -- /cas
- we_qn_p : inout std_logic; -- /write enable
- dm_q_p : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- data mask bits, set to "00"
- dqs_q_p : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- data strobe, only for write
- ba_q_p : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- bank select
- sdr_a_p : out std_logic_vector(12 downto 0); -- address bus
- sdr_d_p : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- bidir data bus
- sdr_clk_fb_p : in std_logic -- DDR clock feedback
- );
-end ic300;
-architecture behave of ic300 is
-signal cpu_we : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- Write signal for lower(0) and upper(1) 8 data bits
-signal cpu_re : std_logic; -- Read enable signal for all 16 bits
-signal areset : std_logic; -- Asyncronous active high reset (for initialization)
-signal areset_dummy : std_logic;
--- Clock module signals
-signal clk_status : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- DLL lock status (from 3 DLL's)
-signal cpu_clk : std_logic; -- 64 MHz CPU clk
-signal cpu_clk_2x : std_logic; -- 128 MHz CPU clk (in phase with 64 MHz)
-signal cpu_clk_4x : std_logic; -- 256 MHz CPU clk (in phase with 64 MHz)
-signal ddr_in_clk : std_logic; -- 128 MHz clock from DDR SDRAM
-signal ddr_in_clk_2x : std_logic; -- 256 MHz clock from DDR SDRAM
- -- NOTE! Phase relation to 64 MHz clock unknown
--- Internal CPU interface signals
-signal cpu_din : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- 16-bit data from CPU
-signal cpu_dout : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- 16-bit data to CPU
-signal cpu_a : std_logic_vector(20 downto 0); -- 21-bit address from CPU
--- areset <= '0';
- areset_dummy <= '0';
- global_init_reset:
- rocbuf port map(I=>areset_dummy,O=>areset);
- allclocks:
- clocks port map(
- areset => areset,
- cpu_clk_p => cpu_clk_p,
- cpu_clk => cpu_clk,
- cpu_clk_2x => cpu_clk_2x,
- cpu_clk_4x => cpu_clk_4x,
- sdr_clk_fb_p => sdr_clk_fb_p,
- ddr_in_clk => ddr_in_clk,
- ddr_in_clk_2x => ddr_in_clk_2x,
- locked => clk_status);
- arm7cpu:
- arm7wb generic map (simulate_io_time => simulate_io_time)
- port map(
- areset => areset,
- cpu_clk => cpu_clk,
- cpu_clk_2x => cpu_clk_2x,
- cpu_a_p => cpu_a_p,
- cpu_wr_n_p => cpu_wr_n_p,
- cpu_cs_n_p => cpu_cs_n_p,
- cpu_oe_n_p => cpu_oe_n_p,
- cpu_d_p => cpu_d_p,
- cpu_irq_p => cpu_irq_p,
- cpu_fiq_p => cpu_fiq_p,
- cpu_wait_n_p => cpu_wait_n_p,
- cpu_din => cpu_din,
- cpu_a => cpu_a,
- cpu_we => cpu_we,
- cpu_re => cpu_re,
- cpu_dout => cpu_dout);
- cpu_fpga_regs:
- zpuio port map(
- areset => areset,
- cpu_clk => cpu_clk,
- clk_status => clk_status,
- cpu_din => cpu_din,
- cpu_a => cpu_a,
- cpu_we => cpu_we,
- cpu_re => cpu_re,
- cpu_dout => cpu_dout);
-end behave;
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