path: root/ieee_proposed/rtl_tb/fixed_synth.vhd
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 741 deletions
diff --git a/ieee_proposed/rtl_tb/fixed_synth.vhd b/ieee_proposed/rtl_tb/fixed_synth.vhd
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index 67ea7a4..0000000
--- a/ieee_proposed/rtl_tb/fixed_synth.vhd
+++ /dev/null
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--- Synthesis test for the fixed point math package
--- This test is designed to be synthesizable and exercise much of the package.
--- Created for vhdl-200x by David Bishop (
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------
--- modification history : Last Modified $Date: 2006-06-08 10:49:35-04 $
--- Version $Id: fixed_synth.vhdl,v 1.1 2006-06-08 10:49:35-04 l435385 Exp $
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-library ieee, ieee_proposed;
-use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee_proposed.fixed_float_types.all;
-use ieee_proposed.fixed_pkg.all;
-entity fixed_synth is
- port (
- in1, in2 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0); -- inputs
- out1 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0); -- output
- cmd : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
- clk, rst_n : in STD_ULOGIC); -- clk and reset
-end entity fixed_synth;
-architecture rtl of fixed_synth is
- subtype sfixed7 is sfixed (3 downto -3); -- 7 bit
- subtype sfixed16 is sfixed (7 downto -8); -- 16 bit
- type cmd_type is array (1 to 15) of STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR (cmd'range); -- cmd
- signal cmdarray : cmd_type; -- command pipeline
--- type cry_type is array (0 to 4) of sfixed16; -- arrays
- signal outarray0, outarray1, outarray2, outarray3, outarray4,
- outarray5, outarray6, outarray7, outarray8, outarray9, outarray10,
- outarray11, outarray12, outarray13, outarray14, outarray15 : sfixed16;
- signal in1reg3, in2reg3 : sfixed16; -- register stages
-begin -- architecture rtl
- -- purpose: "0000" test the "+" operator
- cmd0reg : process (clk, rst_n) is
- variable in1pin2 : sfixed (SFixed_high(7, -8, '+', 7, -8) downto
- SFixed_low(7, -8, '+', 7, -8));
--- variable outarray : cry_type; -- array for output
--- variable in1array, in2array : cry_type; -- array for input
- begin -- process cmd0reg
- if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low)
- outarray0 <= (others => '0');
--- jrloop : for j in 0 to 4 loop
--- outarray (j) := (others => '0');
--- in1array (j) := (others => '0');
--- in2array (j) := (others => '0');
--- end loop jrloop;
- elsif rising_edge(clk) then -- rising clock edge
--- outarray0 <= outarray(4);
--- jcloop : for j in 4 downto 1 loop
--- outarray (j) := outarray(j-1);
--- end loop jcloop;
--- j1loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in1array (j) := in1array(j-1);
--- end loop j1loop;
--- j2loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in2array (j) := in2array(j-1);
--- end loop j2loop;
--- in1array(0) := in1reg3;
--- in2array(0) := in2reg3;
- in1pin2 := in1reg3 + in2reg3;
- outarray0 <= resize (in1pin2, outarray0);
- end if;
- end process cmd0reg;
- -- purpose: "0001" test the "-" operator
- cmd1reg : process (clk, rst_n) is
--- variable outarray : cry_type; -- array for output
--- variable in1array, in2array : cry_type; -- array for input
--- variable in1min2 : sfixed (SFixed_high(in1reg3, '-', in2reg3) downto
--- SFixed_low(in1reg3, '-', in2reg3));
- variable in1min2 : sfixed (SFixed_high(7, -8, '-', 7, -8) downto
- SFixed_low(7, -8, '-', 7, -8));
- begin -- process cmd0reg
- if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low)
- outarray1 <= (others => '0');
--- jrloop : for j in 0 to 4 loop
--- outarray (j) := (others => '0');
--- in1array (j) := (others => '0');
--- in2array (j) := (others => '0');
--- end loop jrloop;
- elsif rising_edge(clk) then -- rising clock edge
--- outarray1 <= outarray(4);
--- jcloop : for j in 4 downto 1 loop
--- outarray (j) := outarray(j-1);
--- end loop jcloop;
--- j1loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in1array (j) := in1array(j-1);
--- end loop j1loop;
--- j2loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in2array (j) := in2array(j-1);
--- end loop j2loop;
--- in1array(0) := in1reg3;
--- in2array(0) := in2reg3;
- in1min2 := in1reg3 - in2reg3;
- outarray1 <= resize (in1min2, outarray1);
- end if;
- end process cmd1reg;
- -- purpose: "0010" test the "*" operator
- cmd2reg : process (clk, rst_n) is
--- variable in1min2 : sfixed (SFixed_high(in1reg3, '*', in2reg3) downto
--- SFixed_low(in1reg3, '*', in2reg3));
- variable in1min2 : sfixed (SFixed_high(7, -8, '*', 7, -8) downto
- SFixed_low(7, -8, '*', 7, -8));
--- variable outarray : cry_type; -- array for output
--- variable in1array, in2array : cry_type; -- array for input
- begin -- process cmd0reg
- if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low)
- outarray2 <= (others => '0');
--- jrloop : for j in 0 to 4 loop
--- outarray (j) := (others => '0');
--- in1array (j) := (others => '0');
--- in2array (j) := (others => '0');
--- end loop jrloop;
- elsif rising_edge(clk) then -- rising clock edge
--- outarray2 <= outarray(4);
--- jcloop : for j in 4 downto 1 loop
--- outarray (j) := outarray(j-1);
--- end loop jcloop;
--- j1loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in1array (j) := in1array(j-1);
--- end loop j1loop;
--- j2loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in2array (j) := in2array(j-1);
--- end loop j2loop;
--- in1array(0) := in1reg3;
--- in2array(0) := in2reg3;
- in1min2 := in1reg3 * in2reg3;
- outarray2 <= resize (in1min2, outarray2);
- end if;
- end process cmd2reg;
- -- purpose: "0011" test the "/" operator
--- cmd3reg : process (clk, rst_n) is
--- variable in1min2 : sfixed (SFixed_high(in1reg3'high, in1reg3'low,
--- '/', in2reg3'high, in2reg3'low)
--- downto
--- SFixed_low(in1reg3'high, in1reg3'low,
--- '/', in2reg3'high, in2reg3'low));
--- variable outarray : cry_type; -- array for output
--- variable in1array, in2array : cry_type; -- array for input
--- begin -- process cmd3reg
--- if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low)
--- outarray3 <= (others => '0');
--- jrloop : for j in 0 to 4 loop
--- outarray (j) := (others => '0');
--- in1array (j) := (others => '0');
--- in2array (j) := to_sfixed(1, in2array(0));
--- end loop jrloop;
--- elsif rising_edge(clk) then -- rising clock edge
--- outarray3 <= outarray(4);
--- jcloop : for j in 4 downto 1 loop
--- outarray (j) := outarray(j-1);
--- end loop jcloop;
--- j1loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in1array (j) := in1array(j-1);
--- end loop j1loop;
--- j2loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in2array (j) := in2array(j-1);
--- end loop j2loop;
--- in1array(0) := in1reg3;
--- if (in2reg3 = 0) then
--- in2array(0) := to_sfixed(1, in2array(0));
--- else
--- in2array(0) := in2reg3;
--- end if;
--- in1min2 := in1array(3) / in2array(3);
--- outarray(0) := resize (in1min2, outarray(0));
--- end if;
--- end process cmd3reg;
- outarray3 <= (others => '0');
- -- purpose: "0100" test the "+" operator
- cmd4reg : process (clk, rst_n) is
- variable in1pin2 : ufixed (uFixed_high(7, -8, '+', 7, -8) downto
- uFixed_low(7, -8, '+', 7, -8));
--- variable outarray : cry_type; -- array for output
--- variable in1array, in2array : cry_type; -- array for input
- begin -- process cmd0reg
- if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low)
- outarray4 <= (others => '0');
--- jrloop : for j in 0 to 4 loop
--- outarray (j) := (others => '0');
--- in1array (j) := (others => '0');
--- in2array (j) := (others => '0');
--- end loop jrloop;
- elsif rising_edge(clk) then -- rising clock edge
--- outarray4 <= outarray(4);
--- jcloop : for j in 4 downto 1 loop
--- outarray (j) := outarray(j-1);
--- end loop jcloop;
--- j1loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in1array (j) := in1array(j-1);
--- end loop j1loop;
--- j2loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in2array (j) := in2array(j-1);
--- end loop j2loop;
--- in1array(0) := in1reg3;
--- in2array(0) := in2reg3;
- in1pin2 := ufixed(in1reg3) + ufixed(in2reg3);
- outarray4 <= sfixed (resize (in1pin2, outarray4'high, outarray4'low));
- end if;
- end process cmd4reg;
- -- purpose: "0101" test the "-" operator
- cmd5reg : process (clk, rst_n) is
- variable in1min2 : ufixed (uFixed_high(7, -8, '-', 7, -8) downto
- uFixed_low(7, -8, '-', 7, -8));
--- variable outarray : cry_type; -- array for output
--- variable in1array, in2array : cry_type; -- array for input
- begin -- process cmd0reg
- if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low)
- outarray5 <= (others => '0');
--- jrloop : for j in 0 to 4 loop
--- outarray (j) := (others => '0');
--- in1array (j) := (others => '0');
--- in2array (j) := (others => '0');
--- end loop jrloop;
- elsif rising_edge(clk) then -- rising clock edge
--- outarray5 <= outarray(4);
--- jcloop : for j in 4 downto 1 loop
--- outarray (j) := outarray(j-1);
--- end loop jcloop;
--- j1loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in1array (j) := in1array(j-1);
--- end loop j1loop;
--- j2loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in2array (j) := in2array(j-1);
--- end loop j2loop;
--- in1array(0) := in1reg3;
--- in2array(0) := in2reg3;
- in1min2 := ufixed(in1reg3) - ufixed(in2reg3);
- outarray5 <= sfixed(resize (in1min2, outarray5'high, outarray5'low));
- end if;
- end process cmd5reg;
- -- purpose: "0110" test the "*" operator
- cmd6reg : process (clk, rst_n) is
- variable in1min2 : ufixed (uFixed_high(7, -8, '*', 7, -8) downto
- uFixed_low(7, -8, '*', 7, -8));
--- variable outarray : cry_type; -- array for output
--- variable in1array, in2array : cry_type; -- array for input
- begin -- process cmd0reg
- if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low)
- outarray6 <= (others => '0');
--- jrloop : for j in 0 to 4 loop
--- outarray (j) := (others => '0');
--- in1array (j) := (others => '0');
--- in2array (j) := (others => '0');
--- end loop jrloop;
- elsif rising_edge(clk) then -- rising clock edge
--- outarray6 <= outarray(4);
--- jcloop : for j in 4 downto 1 loop
--- outarray (j) := outarray(j-1);
--- end loop jcloop;
--- j1loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in1array (j) := in1array(j-1);
--- end loop j1loop;
--- j2loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in2array (j) := in2array(j-1);
--- end loop j2loop;
--- in1array(0) := in1reg3;
--- in2array(0) := in2reg3;
- in1min2 := ufixed(in1reg3) * ufixed(in2reg3);
- outarray6 <= sfixed(resize (in1min2, outarray6'high, outarray6'low));
- end if;
- end process cmd6reg;
- -- purpose: "0111" test the "/" operator
--- cmd7reg : process (clk, rst_n) is
--- variable in1min2 : ufixed (uFixed_high(7, -8, '/', 7, -8) downto
--- uFixed_low(7, -8, '/', 7, -8));
--- variable outarray : cry_type; -- array for output
--- variable in1array, in2array : cry_type; -- array for input
--- begin -- process cmd0reg
--- if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low)
--- outarray7 <= (others => '0');
--- jrloop : for j in 0 to 4 loop
--- outarray (j) := (others => '0');
--- in1array (j) := (others => '0');
--- in2array (j) := sfixed(to_ufixed(1, in2reg3'high, in2reg3'low));
--- end loop jrloop;
--- elsif rising_edge(clk) then -- rising clock edge
--- outarray7 <= outarray(4);
--- jcloop : for j in 4 downto 1 loop
--- outarray (j) := outarray(j-1);
--- end loop jcloop;
--- j1loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in1array (j) := in1array(j-1);
--- end loop j1loop;
--- j2loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in2array (j) := in2array(j-1);
--- end loop j2loop;
--- in1array(0) := in1reg3;
--- if (in2reg3 = 0) then
--- in2array(0) := sfixed(to_ufixed(1, in2reg3'high, in2reg3'low));
--- else
--- in2array(0) := in2reg3;
--- end if;
--- in1min2 := ufixed(in1array(3)) / ufixed(in2array(3));
--- outarray(0) := sfixed(resize (in1min2, outarray7'high, outarray7'low));
--- end if;
--- end process cmd7reg;
- outarray7 <= (others => '0');
- -- purpose: "1000" test the resize test
- cmd8reg : process (clk, rst_n) is
- variable tmpfp71, tmpfp72 : sfixed7; -- 8 bit fp number
--- variable outarray : cry_type; -- array for output
--- variable in1array, in2array : cry_type; -- array for input
- begin -- process cmd0reg
- if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low)
- outarray8 <= (others => '0');
--- jrloop : for j in 0 to 4 loop
--- outarray (j) := (others => '0');
--- in1array (j) := (others => '0');
--- in2array (j) := (others => '0');
--- end loop jrloop;
- elsif rising_edge(clk) then -- rising clock edge
--- outarray8 <= outarray(4);
--- jcloop : for j in 4 downto 1 loop
--- outarray (j) := outarray(j-1);
--- end loop jcloop;
--- j1loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in1array (j) := in1array(j-1);
--- end loop j1loop;
--- j2loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in2array (j) := in2array(j-1);
--- end loop j2loop;
--- in1array(0) := in1reg3;
--- in2array(0) := in2reg3;
- -- Resize test Convert inputs into two 8 bit numbers
- tmpfp71 := resize (in1reg3, tmpfp71'high, tmpfp71'low,
- fixed_wrap, fixed_truncate);
- tmpfp72 := resize (in2reg3, tmpfp72'high, tmpfp72'low,
- fixed_saturate, fixed_round);
- outarray8 <= (others => '0');
- fx1 : for i in tmpfp71'range loop
- outarray8(i+4) <= tmpfp71(i);
- end loop fx1;
- fx2 : for i in tmpfp72'range loop
- outarray8(i-4) <= tmpfp72(i);
- end loop fx2;
- end if;
- end process cmd8reg;
- -- purpose: "1001" test the to_signed/unsigned test
- cmd9reg : process (clk, rst_n) is
- variable tmp : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0); -- temp
- variable tmpsig : SIGNED (7 downto 0); -- signed number
- variable tmpuns : UNSIGNED (15 downto 0); -- unsigned number
- variable tmpint : INTEGER;
--- variable outarray : cry_type; -- array for output
--- variable in1array, in2array : cry_type; -- array for input
- begin -- process cmd0reg
- if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low)
- outarray9 <= (others => '0');
--- jrloop : for j in 0 to 4 loop
--- outarray (j) := (others => '0');
--- in1array (j) := (others => '0');
--- in2array (j) := (others => '0');
--- end loop jrloop;
- elsif rising_edge(clk) then -- rising clock edge
--- outarray9 <= outarray(4);
--- jcloop : for j in 4 downto 1 loop
--- outarray (j) := outarray(j-1);
--- end loop jcloop;
--- j1loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in1array (j) := in1array(j-1);
--- end loop j1loop;
--- j2loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in2array (j) := in2array(j-1);
--- end loop j2loop;
--- in1array(0) := in1reg3;
--- in2array(0) := in2reg3;
- tmp := to_slv (in2reg3(in2reg3'high downto in2reg3'high-1));
- if (tmp = "00") then
- -- Signed to sfixed and back
- tmpsig := to_signed (in1reg3, tmpsig'length);
- outarray9 <= to_sfixed (tmpsig, outarray9);
- elsif (tmp = "01") then
- -- unsigned to ufixed and back
- tmpuns := to_unsigned (ufixed(in1reg3), tmpuns'length);
- outarray9 <= sfixed(to_ufixed (tmpuns, outarray9'high,
- outarray9'low));
- elsif (tmp = "10") then
- tmpint := to_integer (in1reg3);
- outarray9 <= to_sfixed (tmpint, outarray9);
- else
- tmpint := to_integer (ufixed(in1reg3));
- outarray9 <= sfixed(to_ufixed (tmpint, outarray9'high,
- outarray9'low));
- end if;
- end if;
- end process cmd9reg;
- -- purpose: "1010" test the reciprocal, abs, - test
--- cmd10reg : process (clk, rst_n) is
--- variable tmp : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0); -- temp
--- variable in1recip : sfixed (-in1reg3'low+1 downto -in1reg3'high);
--- variable uin1recip : ufixed (-in1reg3'low downto -in1reg3'high-1);
--- variable in1pin2 : sfixed (SFixed_high(7, -8, '+', 7, -8) downto
--- SFixed_low(7, -8, '+', 7, -8));
--- variable outarray : cry_type; -- array for output
--- variable in1array, in2array : cry_type; -- array for input
--- begin -- process cmd0reg
--- if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low)
--- outarray10 <= (others => '0');
--- jrloop : for j in 0 to 4 loop
--- outarray (j) := (others => '0');
--- in1array (j) := to_sfixed(1, in1reg3);
--- in2array (j) := (others => '0');
--- end loop jrloop;
--- elsif rising_edge(clk) then -- rising clock edge
--- outarray10 <= outarray(4);
--- jcloop : for j in 4 downto 1 loop
--- outarray (j) := outarray(j-1);
--- end loop jcloop;
--- j1loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in1array (j) := in1array(j-1);
--- end loop j1loop;
--- j2loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in2array (j) := in2array(j-1);
--- end loop j2loop;
--- if (in1reg3 = 0) then
--- in1array(0) := to_sfixed(1, in1reg3);
--- else
--- in1array(0) := in1reg3;
--- end if;
--- in2array(0) := in2reg3;
--- tmp := to_slv (in2array(3)(in2reg3'high downto in2reg3'high-1));
--- if (tmp = "00") then
--- in1recip := reciprocal (in1reg3);
--- outarray(0) := resize (in1recip, outarray(0)'high,
--- outarray(0)'low);
--- elsif (tmp = "01") then
--- uin1recip := reciprocal (ufixed(in1reg3));
--- outarray(0) := sfixed(resize (uin1recip, outarray(0)'high,
--- outarray(0)'low));
--- elsif (tmp = "10") then
--- -- abs
--- in1pin2 := abs(in1reg3);
--- outarray(0) := resize (in1pin2,
--- outarray(0)'high,
--- outarray(0)'low);
--- else
--- -- -
--- in1pin2 := - in1reg3;
--- outarray(0) := resize (in1pin2,
--- outarray(0)'high,
--- outarray(0)'low);
--- end if;
--- end if;
--- end process cmd10reg;
- outarray10 <= (others => '0');
- -- purpose: "1011" test the mod operator
--- cmd11reg : process (clk, rst_n) is
--- variable in1min2 : sfixed (SFixed_high(7, -8, 'M', 7, -8) downto
--- SFixed_low(7, -8, 'm', 7, -8));
--- variable outarray : cry_type; -- array for output
--- variable in1array, in2array : cry_type; -- array for input
--- begin -- process cmd0reg
--- if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low)
--- outarray11 <= (others => '0');
--- jrloop : for j in 0 to 4 loop
--- outarray (j) := (others => '0');
--- in1array (j) := (others => '0');
--- in2array (j) := to_sfixed(1, in2array(0));
--- end loop jrloop;
--- elsif rising_edge(clk) then -- rising clock edge
--- outarray11 <= outarray(4);
--- jcloop : for j in 4 downto 1 loop
--- outarray (j) := outarray(j-1);
--- end loop jcloop;
--- j1loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in1array (j) := in1array(j-1);
--- end loop j1loop;
--- j2loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in2array (j) := in2array(j-1);
--- end loop j2loop;
--- in1array(0) := in1reg3;
--- if (in2reg3 = 0) then
--- in2array(0) := to_sfixed(1, in2array(0));
--- else
--- in2array(0) := in2reg3;
--- end if;
--- in1min2 := in1reg3 mod in2array(3);
--- outarray(0) := resize (in1min2, outarray(0));
--- end if;
--- end process cmd11reg;
- outarray11 <= (others => '0');
- -- purpose: "1100" test the rem operator
--- cmd12reg : process (clk, rst_n) is
--- variable in1min2 : sfixed (SFixed_high(7, -8, 'R', 7, -8) downto
--- SFixed_low(7, -8, 'r', 7, -8));
--- variable outarray : cry_type; -- array for output
--- variable in1array, in2array : cry_type; -- array for input
--- begin -- process cmd0reg
--- if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low)
--- outarray12 <= (others => '0');
--- jrloop : for j in 0 to 4 loop
--- outarray (j) := (others => '0');
--- in1array (j) := (others => '0');
--- in2array (j) := to_sfixed(1, in2array(0));
--- end loop jrloop;
--- elsif rising_edge(clk) then -- rising clock edge
--- outarray12 <= outarray(4);
--- jcloop : for j in 4 downto 1 loop
--- outarray (j) := outarray(j-1);
--- end loop jcloop;
--- j1loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in1array (j) := in1array(j-1);
--- end loop j1loop;
--- j2loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in2array (j) := in2array(j-1);
--- end loop j2loop;
--- in1array(0) := in1reg3;
--- if (in2reg3 = 0) then
--- in2array(0) := to_sfixed(1, in2array(0));
--- else
--- in2array(0) := in2reg3;
--- end if;
--- in1min2 := in1reg3 rem in2array(3);
--- outarray(0) := resize (in1min2, outarray(0));
--- end if;
--- end process cmd12reg;
- outarray12 <= (others => '0');
- -- purpose: "1101" test the srl operator
- cmd13reg : process (clk, rst_n) is
--- variable outarray : cry_type; -- array for output
--- variable in1array, in2array : cry_type; -- array for input
- begin -- process cmd0reg
- if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low)
- outarray13 <= (others => '0');
--- jrloop : for j in 0 to 4 loop
--- outarray (j) := (others => '0');
--- in1array (j) := (others => '0');
--- in2array (j) := (others => '0');
--- end loop jrloop;
- elsif rising_edge(clk) then -- rising clock edge
--- outarray13 <= outarray(4);
--- jcloop : for j in 4 downto 1 loop
--- outarray (j) := outarray(j-1);
--- end loop jcloop;
--- j1loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in1array (j) := in1array(j-1);
--- end loop j1loop;
--- j2loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in2array (j) := in2array(j-1);
--- end loop j2loop;
--- in1array(0) := in1reg3;
--- in2array(0) := in2reg3;
- outarray13 <= in1reg3 srl to_integer(in2reg3);
- end if;
- end process cmd13reg;
- -- purpose: "1110" test the sra operator
- cmd14reg : process (clk, rst_n) is
--- variable outarray : cry_type; -- array for output
--- variable in1array, in2array : cry_type; -- array for input
- begin -- process cmd0reg
- if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low)
- outarray14 <= (others => '0');
--- jrloop : for j in 0 to 4 loop
--- outarray (j) := (others => '0');
--- in1array (j) := (others => '0');
--- in2array (j) := (others => '0');
--- end loop jrloop;
- elsif rising_edge(clk) then -- rising clock edge
--- outarray14 <= outarray(4);
--- jcloop : for j in 4 downto 1 loop
--- outarray (j) := outarray(j-1);
--- end loop jcloop;
--- j1loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in1array (j) := in1array(j-1);
--- end loop j1loop;
--- j2loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in2array (j) := in2array(j-1);
--- end loop j2loop;
--- in1array(0) := in1reg3;
--- in2array(0) := in2reg3;
- outarray14 <= in1reg3 sra to_integer(in2reg3);
- end if;
- end process cmd14reg;
- -- purpose: "1111" test the sra operator
- cmd15reg : process (clk, rst_n) is
- constant match_data : sfixed16 := "01HL----10HL----"; -- for ?= command
--- variable outarray : cry_type; -- array for output
--- variable in1array, in2array : cry_type; -- array for input
- begin -- process cmd0reg
- if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low)
- outarray15 <= (others => '0');
--- jrloop : for j in 0 to 4 loop
--- outarray (j) := (others => '0');
--- in1array (j) := (others => '0');
--- in2array (j) := (others => '0');
--- end loop jrloop;
- elsif rising_edge(clk) then -- rising clock edge
--- outarray15 <= outarray(4);
--- jcloop : for j in 4 downto 1 loop
--- outarray (j) := outarray(j-1);
--- end loop jcloop;
--- j1loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in1array (j) := in1array(j-1);
--- end loop j1loop;
--- j2loop : for j in 3 downto 1 loop
--- in2array (j) := in2array(j-1);
--- end loop j2loop;
--- in1array(0) := in1reg3;
--- in2array(0) := in2reg3;
- -- compare test
- if (in1reg3 = in2reg3) then
- outarray15(-8) <= '1';
- else
- outarray15(-8) <= '0';
- end if;
- if (in1reg3 /= in2reg3) then
- outarray15(-7) <= '1';
- else
- outarray15(-7) <= '0';
- end if;
- if (in1reg3 < in2reg3) then
- outarray15(-6) <= '1';
- else
- outarray15(-6) <= '0';
- end if;
- if (in1reg3 > in2reg3) then
- outarray15(-5) <= '1';
- else
- outarray15(-5) <= '0';
- end if;
- if (in1reg3 <= in2reg3) then
- outarray15(-4) <= '1';
- else
- outarray15(-4) <= '0';
- end if;
- if (in1reg3 >= in2reg3) then
- outarray15(-3) <= '1';
- else
- outarray15(-3) <= '0';
- end if;
- if (in1reg3 = 45) then
- outarray15(-2) <= '1';
- else
- outarray15(-2) <= '0';
- end if;
- if (in1reg3 = 3.125) then
- outarray15(-1) <= '1';
- else
- outarray15(-1) <= '0';
- end if;
- -- add integer and real
- outarray15(0) <= \?=\ (in1reg3, in2reg3 + 45);
- if (in1reg3 = in2reg3 + 3.125) then
- outarray15(1) <= '1';
- else
- outarray15(1) <= '0';
- end if;
- if (std_match (in1reg3, match_data)) then
- outarray15(2) <= '1';
- else
- outarray15(2) <= '0';
- end if;
- outarray15(3) <= nor_reduce (in1reg3 or in2reg3);
- outarray15(4) <= xnor_reduce (in1reg3 xor in2reg3);
- outarray15(5) <= nand_reduce (not in1reg3);
- outarray15(6) <= or_reduce ('1' and ufixed(in1reg3));
- if find_leftmost(in1reg3, '1') = 3 then
- outarray15(7) <= '1';
- else
- outarray15(7) <= '0';
- end if;
- end if;
- end process cmd15reg;
- -- purpose: register the inputs and the outputs
- -- type : sequential
- -- inputs : clk, rst_n, in1, in2
- -- outputs: out1
- cmdreg : process (clk, rst_n) is
- variable outreg : sfixed16; -- register stages
- variable in1reg, in2reg : sfixed16; -- register stages
- variable in1reg2, in2reg2 : sfixed16; -- register stages
- begin -- process mulreg
- if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low)
- in1reg := (others => '0');
- in2reg := (others => '0');
- in1reg2 := (others => '0');
- in2reg2 := (others => '0');
- in1reg3 <= (others => '0');
- in2reg3 <= (others => '0');
- out1 <= (others => '0');
- outreg := (others => '0');
- rcloop : for i in 1 to 15 loop
- cmdarray (i) <= (others => '0');
- end loop rcloop;
- elsif rising_edge(clk) then -- rising clock edge
- out1 <= to_slv (outreg);
- outregc : case cmdarray (13) is
- when "0000" => outreg := outarray0;
- when "0001" => outreg := outarray1;
- when "0010" => outreg := outarray2;
- when "0011" => outreg := outarray3;
- when "0100" => outreg := outarray4;
- when "0101" => outreg := outarray5;
- when "0110" => outreg := outarray6;
- when "0111" => outreg := outarray7;
- when "1000" => outreg := outarray8;
- when "1001" => outreg := outarray9;
- when "1010" => outreg := outarray10;
- when "1011" => outreg := outarray11;
- when "1100" => outreg := outarray12;
- when "1101" => outreg := outarray13;
- when "1110" => outreg := outarray14;
- when "1111" => outreg := outarray15;
- when others => null;
- end case outregc;
- cmdpipe : for i in 15 downto 3 loop
- cmdarray (i) <= cmdarray (i-1);
- end loop cmdpipe;
- cmdarray (2) <= STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(cmd);
- in1reg3 <= in1reg2;
- in2reg3 <= in2reg2;
- in1reg2 := in1reg;
- in2reg2 := in2reg;
- in1reg := to_sfixed (in1, in1reg);
- in2reg := to_sfixed (in2, in2reg);
- end if;
- end process cmdreg;
-end architecture rtl;
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud