path: root/ieee_proposed/rtl/float_pkg_c.vhd
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Diffstat (limited to 'ieee_proposed/rtl/float_pkg_c.vhd')
1 files changed, 7190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ieee_proposed/rtl/float_pkg_c.vhd b/ieee_proposed/rtl/float_pkg_c.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8abbff6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ieee_proposed/rtl/float_pkg_c.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,7190 @@
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- "float_pkg" package contains functions for floating point math.
+-- Please see the documentation for the floating point package.
+-- This package should be compiled into "ieee_proposed" and used as follows:
+-- use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+-- use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+-- use ieee_proposed.fixed_float_types.all;
+-- use ieee_proposed.fixed_pkg.all;
+-- use ieee_proposed.float_pkg.all;
+-- This verison is designed to work with the VHDL-93 compilers. Please
+-- note the "%%%" comments. These are where we diverge from the
+-- VHDL-200X LRM.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Version : $Revision: 2.0 $
+-- Date : $Date: 2009/01/27 20:45:30 $
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
+use STD.TEXTIO.all;
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
+library ieee_proposed;
+use ieee_proposed.fixed_float_types.all;
+use ieee_proposed.fixed_pkg.all;
+package float_pkg is
+-- generic (
+ -- Defaults for sizing routines, when you do a "to_float" this will be
+ -- the default size. Example float32 would be 8 and 23 (8 downto -23)
+ constant float_exponent_width : NATURAL := 8;
+ constant float_fraction_width : NATURAL := 23;
+ -- Rounding algorithm, "round_nearest" is default, other valid values
+ -- are "round_zero" (truncation), "round_inf" (round up), and
+ -- "round_neginf" (round down)
+ constant float_round_style : round_type := round_nearest;
+ -- Denormal numbers (very small numbers near zero) true or false
+ constant float_denormalize : BOOLEAN := true;
+ -- Turns on NAN processing (invalid numbers and overflow) true of false
+ constant float_check_error : BOOLEAN := true;
+ -- Guard bits are added to the bottom of every operation for rounding.
+ -- any natural number (including 0) are valid.
+ constant float_guard_bits : NATURAL := 3;
+ -- If TRUE, then turn off warnings on "X" propagation
+ constant no_warning : BOOLEAN := (false
+ );
+ -- Author David Bishop (
+ -- Note that the size of the vector is not defined here, but in
+ -- the package which calls this one.
+ type UNRESOLVED_float is array (INTEGER range <>) of STD_ULOGIC; -- main type
+ subtype U_float is UNRESOLVED_float;
+ subtype float is UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Use the float type to define your own floating point numbers.
+ -- There must be a negative index or the packages will error out.
+ -- Minimum supported is "subtype float7 is float (3 downto -3);"
+ -- "subtype float16 is float (6 downto -9);" is probably the smallest
+ -- practical one to use.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- IEEE 754 single precision
+ subtype UNRESOLVED_float32 is UNRESOLVED_float (8 downto -23);
+-- alias U_float32 is UNRESOLVED_float32;
+ subtype float32 is float (8 downto -23);
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- IEEE-754 single precision floating point. This is a "float"
+ -- in C, and a FLOAT in Fortran. The exponent is 8 bits wide, and
+ -- the fraction is 23 bits wide. This format can hold roughly 7 decimal
+ -- digits. Infinity is 2**127 = 1.7E38 in this number system.
+ -- The bit representation is as follows:
+ -- 1 09876543 21098765432109876543210
+ -- 8 76543210 12345678901234567890123
+ -- 0 00000000 00000000000000000000000
+ -- 8 7 0 -1 -23
+ -- +/- exp. fraction
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- IEEE 754 double precision
+ subtype UNRESOLVED_float64 is UNRESOLVED_float (11 downto -52);
+-- alias U_float64 is UNRESOLVED_float64;
+ subtype float64 is float (11 downto -52);
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- IEEE-754 double precision floating point. This is a "double float"
+ -- in C, and a FLOAT*8 in Fortran. The exponent is 11 bits wide, and
+ -- the fraction is 52 bits wide. This format can hold roughly 15 decimal
+ -- digits. Infinity is 2**2047 in this number system.
+ -- The bit representation is as follows:
+ -- 3 21098765432 1098765432109876543210987654321098765432109876543210
+ -- 1 09876543210 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012
+ -- 11 10 0 -1 -52
+ -- +/- exponent fraction
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- IEEE 854 & C extended precision
+ subtype UNRESOLVED_float128 is UNRESOLVED_float (15 downto -112);
+-- alias U_float128 is UNRESOLVED_float128;
+ subtype float128 is float (15 downto -112);
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- The 128 bit floating point number is "long double" in C (on
+ -- some systems this is a 70 bit floating point number) and FLOAT*32
+ -- in Fortran. The exponent is 15 bits wide and the fraction is 112
+ -- bits wide. This number can handle approximately 33 decimal digits.
+ -- Infinity is 2**32,767 in this number system.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- purpose: Checks for a valid floating point number
+ type valid_fpstate is (nan, -- Signaling NaN (C FP_NAN)
+ quiet_nan, -- Quiet NaN (C FP_NAN)
+ neg_inf, -- Negative infinity (C FP_INFINITE)
+ neg_normal, -- negative normalized nonzero
+ neg_denormal, -- negative denormalized (FP_SUBNORMAL)
+ neg_zero, -- -0 (C FP_ZERO)
+ pos_zero, -- +0 (C FP_ZERO)
+ pos_denormal, -- Positive denormalized (FP_SUBNORMAL)
+ pos_normal, -- positive normalized nonzero
+ pos_inf, -- positive infinity
+ isx); -- at least one input is unknown
+ -- This deferred constant will tell you if the package body is synthesizable
+ -- or implemented as real numbers.
+ constant fphdlsynth_or_real : BOOLEAN; -- deferred constant
+ -- Returns the class which X falls into
+ function Classfp (
+ x : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error) -- check for errors
+ return valid_fpstate;
+ -- Arithmetic functions, these operators do not require parameters.
+ function "abs" (arg : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "-" (arg : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- These allows the base math functions to use the default values
+ -- of their parameters. Thus they do full IEEE floating point.
+ function "+" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "-" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "*" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "/" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+-- function "rem" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+-- function "mod" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- Basic parameter list
+ -- round_style - Selects the rounding algorithm to use
+ -- guard - extra bits added to the end if the operation to add precision
+ -- check_error - When "false" turns off NAN and overflow checks
+ -- denormalize - When "false" turns off denormal number processing
+ function add (
+ l, r : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant guard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits; -- number of guard bits
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function subtract (
+ l, r : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant guard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits; -- number of guard bits
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function multiply (
+ l, r : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant guard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits; -- number of guard bits
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function divide (
+ l, r : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant guard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits; -- number of guard bits
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+-- function remainder (
+-- l, r : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+-- constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+-- constant guard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits; -- number of guard bits
+-- constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+-- constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+-- return UNRESOLVED_float;
+-- function modulo (
+-- l, r : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+-- constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+-- constant guard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits; -- number of guard bits
+-- constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+-- constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+-- return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- reciprocal
+ function reciprocal (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant guard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits; -- number of guard bits
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function dividebyp2 (
+ l, r : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant guard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits; -- number of guard bits
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- Multiply accumulate result = l*r + c
+ function mac (
+ l, r, c : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant guard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits; -- number of guard bits
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- Square root (all 754 based implementations need this)
+-- function sqrt (
+-- arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+-- constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style;
+-- constant guard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits;
+-- constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+-- constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize)
+-- return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function Is_Negative (arg : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN;
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- compare functions
+ -- =, /=, >=, <=, <, >, maximum, minimum
+ function eq ( -- equal =
+ l, r : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize)
+ return BOOLEAN;
+ function ne ( -- not equal /=
+ l, r : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize)
+ return BOOLEAN;
+ function lt ( -- less than <
+ l, r : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize)
+ return BOOLEAN;
+ function gt ( -- greater than >
+ l, r : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize)
+ return BOOLEAN;
+ function le ( -- less than or equal to <=
+ l, r : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize)
+ return BOOLEAN;
+ function ge ( -- greater than or equal to >=
+ l, r : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize)
+ return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Need to overload the default versions of these
+ function "=" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "/=" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">=" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<=" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN;
+ function \?=\ (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?/=\ (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?>\ (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?>=\ (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?<\ (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?<=\ (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function std_match (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN;
+ function find_rightmost (arg : UNRESOLVED_float; y : STD_ULOGIC)
+ return INTEGER;
+ function find_leftmost (arg : UNRESOLVED_float; y : STD_ULOGIC)
+ return INTEGER;
+ function maximum (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function minimum (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- conversion functions
+ -- Converts one floating point number into another.
+ function resize (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- Floating point input
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- length of FP output exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width; -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+ constant denormalize_in : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize; -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function resize (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- Floating point input
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float;
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+ constant denormalize_in : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize; -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function to_float32 (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float;
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+ constant denormalize_in : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize; -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float32;
+ function to_float64 (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float;
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+ constant denormalize_in : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize; -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float64;
+ function to_float128 (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float;
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+ constant denormalize_in : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize; -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float128;
+ -- Converts an fp into an SLV (needed for synthesis)
+ function to_slv (arg : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+-- alias to_StdLogicVector is to_slv [UNRESOLVED_float return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR];
+-- alias to_Std_Logic_Vector is to_slv [UNRESOLVED_float return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR];
+ -- Converts an fp into an std_ulogic_vector (sulv)
+ function to_sulv (arg : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR;
+-- alias to_StdULogicVector is to_sulv [UNRESOLVED_float return STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR];
+-- alias to_Std_ULogic_Vector is to_sulv [UNRESOLVED_float return STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR];
+ -- std_ulogic_vector to float
+ function to_float (
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- length of FP output exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width) -- length of FP output fraction
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- Integer to float
+ function to_float (
+ arg : INTEGER;
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- length of FP output exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width; -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style) -- rounding option
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- real to float
+ function to_float (
+ arg : REAL;
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- length of FP output exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width; -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- unsigned to float
+ function to_float (
+ arg : UNSIGNED;
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- length of FP output exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width; -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style) -- rounding option
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- signed to float
+ function to_float (
+ arg : SIGNED;
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- length of FP output exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width; -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style) -- rounding option
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- unsigned fixed point to float
+ function to_float (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_ufixed; -- unsigned fixed point input
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- width of exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width; -- width of fraction
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- use ieee extensions
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- signed fixed point to float
+ function to_float (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_sfixed;
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- length of FP output exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width; -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- rounding option
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- size_res functions
+ -- Integer to float
+ function to_float (
+ arg : INTEGER;
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float;
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style) -- rounding option
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- real to float
+ function to_float (
+ arg : REAL;
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float;
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- unsigned to float
+ function to_float (
+ arg : UNSIGNED;
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float;
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style) -- rounding option
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- signed to float
+ function to_float (
+ arg : SIGNED;
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float;
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style) -- rounding option
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- sulv to float
+ function to_float (
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- unsigned fixed point to float
+ function to_float (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_ufixed; -- unsigned fixed point input
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float;
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- use ieee extensions
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- signed fixed point to float
+ function to_float (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_sfixed;
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float;
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- rounding option
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- float to unsigned
+ function to_unsigned (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant size : NATURAL; -- length of output
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error) -- check for errors
+ return UNSIGNED;
+ -- float to signed
+ function to_signed (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant size : NATURAL; -- length of output
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error) -- check for errors
+ return SIGNED;
+ -- purpose: Converts a float to unsigned fixed point
+ function to_ufixed (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- fp input
+ constant left_index : INTEGER; -- integer part
+ constant right_index : INTEGER; -- fraction part
+ constant overflow_style : fixed_overflow_style_type := fixed_overflow_style; -- saturate
+ constant round_style : fixed_round_style_type := fixed_round_style; -- rounding
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize)
+ return UNRESOLVED_ufixed;
+ -- float to signed fixed point
+ function to_sfixed (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- fp input
+ constant left_index : INTEGER; -- integer part
+ constant right_index : INTEGER; -- fraction part
+ constant overflow_style : fixed_overflow_style_type := fixed_overflow_style; -- saturate
+ constant round_style : fixed_round_style_type := fixed_round_style; -- rounding
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize)
+ return UNRESOLVED_sfixed;
+ -- size_res versions
+ -- float to unsigned
+ function to_unsigned (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ size_res : UNSIGNED;
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error) -- check for errors
+ return UNSIGNED;
+ -- float to signed
+ function to_signed (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ size_res : SIGNED;
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error) -- check for errors
+ return SIGNED;
+ -- purpose: Converts a float to unsigned fixed point
+ function to_ufixed (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- fp input
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_ufixed;
+ constant overflow_style : fixed_overflow_style_type := fixed_overflow_style; -- saturate
+ constant round_style : fixed_round_style_type := fixed_round_style; -- rounding
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize)
+ return UNRESOLVED_ufixed;
+ -- float to signed fixed point
+ function to_sfixed (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- fp input
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_sfixed;
+ constant overflow_style : fixed_overflow_style_type := fixed_overflow_style; -- saturate
+ constant round_style : fixed_round_style_type := fixed_round_style; -- rounding
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize)
+ return UNRESOLVED_sfixed;
+ -- float to real
+ function to_real (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return REAL;
+ -- float to integer
+ function to_integer (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error) -- check for errors
+ return INTEGER;
+ -- For Verilog compatability
+ function realtobits (arg : REAL) return STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function bitstoreal (arg : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) return REAL;
+ -- Maps metalogical values
+ function to_01 (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ XMAP : STD_LOGIC := '0')
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function Is_X (arg : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN;
+ function to_X01 (arg : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function to_X01Z (arg : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function to_UX01 (arg : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- These two procedures were copied out of the body because they proved
+ -- very useful for vendor specific algorithm development
+ -- Break_number converts a floating point number into it's parts
+ -- Exponent is biased by -1
+ procedure break_number (
+ arg : in UNRESOLVED_float;
+ denormalize : in BOOLEAN := float_denormalize;
+ check_error : in BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+ fract : out UNSIGNED;
+ expon : out SIGNED; -- NOTE: Add 1 to get the real exponent!
+ sign : out STD_ULOGIC);
+ procedure break_number (
+ arg : in UNRESOLVED_float;
+ denormalize : in BOOLEAN := float_denormalize;
+ check_error : in BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+ fract : out ufixed; -- a number between 1.0 and 2.0
+ expon : out SIGNED; -- NOTE: Add 1 to get the real exponent!
+ sign : out STD_ULOGIC);
+ -- Normalize takes a fraction and and exponent and converts them into
+ -- a floating point number. Does the shifting and the rounding.
+ -- Exponent is assumed to be biased by -1
+ function normalize (
+ fract : UNSIGNED; -- fraction, unnormalized
+ expon : SIGNED; -- exponent - 1, normalized
+ sign : STD_ULOGIC; -- sign bit
+ sticky : STD_ULOGIC := '0'; -- Sticky bit (rounding)
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- size of output exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width; -- size of output fraction
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize; -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ constant nguard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits) -- guard bits
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- Exponent is assumed to be biased by -1
+ function normalize (
+ fract : ufixed; -- unsigned fixed point
+ expon : SIGNED; -- exponent - 1, normalized
+ sign : STD_ULOGIC; -- sign bit
+ sticky : STD_ULOGIC := '0'; -- Sticky bit (rounding)
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- size of output exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width; -- size of output fraction
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize; -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ constant nguard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits) -- guard bits
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function normalize (
+ fract : UNSIGNED; -- unsigned
+ expon : SIGNED; -- exponent - 1, normalized
+ sign : STD_ULOGIC; -- sign bit
+ sticky : STD_ULOGIC := '0'; -- Sticky bit (rounding)
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float; -- used for sizing only
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize; -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ constant nguard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits) -- guard bits
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- Exponent is assumed to be biased by -1
+ function normalize (
+ fract : ufixed; -- unsigned fixed point
+ expon : SIGNED; -- exponent - 1, normalized
+ sign : STD_ULOGIC; -- sign bit
+ sticky : STD_ULOGIC := '0'; -- Sticky bit (rounding)
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float; -- used for sizing only
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize; -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ constant nguard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits) -- guard bits
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- overloaded versions
+ function "+" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "+" (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "+" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "+" (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "-" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "-" (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "-" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "-" (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "*" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "*" (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "*" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "*" (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "/" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "/" (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "/" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "/" (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+-- function "rem" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+-- function "rem" (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+-- function "rem" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+-- function "rem" (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+-- function "mod" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+-- function "mod" (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+-- function "mod" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+-- function "mod" (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- overloaded compare functions
+ function "=" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "/=" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">=" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<=" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "=" (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "/=" (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">=" (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<=" (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">" (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<" (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "=" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "/=" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">=" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<=" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "=" (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "/=" (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">=" (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<=" (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">" (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<" (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN;
+ function \?=\ (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?/=\ (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?>\ (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?>=\ (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?<\ (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?<=\ (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?=\ (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?/=\ (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?>\ (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?>=\ (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?<\ (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?<=\ (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?=\ (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?/=\ (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?>\ (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?>=\ (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?<\ (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?<=\ (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?=\ (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?/=\ (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?>\ (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?>=\ (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?<\ (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function \?<=\ (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ -- minimum and maximum overloads
+ function maximum (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function minimum (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function maximum (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function minimum (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function maximum (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function minimum (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function maximum (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function minimum (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- logical functions
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function "not" (l : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "and" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "or" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "nand" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "nor" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "xor" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "xnor" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- Vector and std_ulogic functions, same as functions in numeric_std
+ function "and" (l : STD_ULOGIC; r : UNRESOLVED_float)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "and" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : STD_ULOGIC)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "or" (l : STD_ULOGIC; r : UNRESOLVED_float)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "or" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : STD_ULOGIC)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "nand" (l : STD_ULOGIC; r : UNRESOLVED_float)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "nand" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : STD_ULOGIC)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "nor" (l : STD_ULOGIC; r : UNRESOLVED_float)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "nor" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : STD_ULOGIC)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "xor" (l : STD_ULOGIC; r : UNRESOLVED_float)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "xor" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : STD_ULOGIC)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "xnor" (l : STD_ULOGIC; r : UNRESOLVED_float)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function "xnor" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : STD_ULOGIC)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- Reduction operators, same as numeric_std functions
+ function and_reduce (l : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function nand_reduce (l : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function or_reduce (l : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function nor_reduce (l : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function xor_reduce (l : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ function xnor_reduce (l : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC;
+ -- Note: "sla", "sra", "sll", "slr", "rol" and "ror" not implemented.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Recommended Functions from the IEEE 754 Appendix
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- returns x with the sign of y.
+ function Copysign (x, y : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- Returns y * 2**n for integral values of N without computing 2**n
+ function Scalb (
+ y : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ N : INTEGER; -- exponent to add
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- Returns y * 2**n for integral values of N without computing 2**n
+ function Scalb (
+ y : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ N : SIGNED; -- exponent to add
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- returns the unbiased exponent of x
+ function Logb (x : UNRESOLVED_float) return INTEGER;
+ function Logb (x : UNRESOLVED_float) return SIGNED;
+ -- returns the next representable neighbor of x in the direction toward y
+-- function Nextafter (
+-- x, y : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+-- constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+-- constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize)
+-- return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- Returns TRUE if X is unordered with Y.
+ function Unordered (x, y : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN;
+ function Finite (x : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN;
+ function Isnan (x : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Function to return constants.
+ function zerofp (
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width) -- fraction
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function nanfp (
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width) -- fraction
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function qnanfp (
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width) -- fraction
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function pos_inffp (
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width) -- fraction
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function neg_inffp (
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width) -- fraction
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function neg_zerofp (
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width) -- fraction
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- size_res versions
+ function zerofp (
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float) -- variable is only use for sizing
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function nanfp (
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float) -- variable is only use for sizing
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function qnanfp (
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float) -- variable is only use for sizing
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function pos_inffp (
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float) -- variable is only use for sizing
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function neg_inffp (
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float) -- variable is only use for sizing
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function neg_zerofp (
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float) -- variable is only use for sizing
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- string and textio Functions
+ -- ===========================================================================
+-- rtl_synthesis off
+-- pragma synthesis_off
+ -- writes S:EEEE:FFFFFFFF
+ procedure WRITE (
+ L : inout LINE; -- access type (pointer)
+ VALUE : in UNRESOLVED_float; -- value to write
+ JUSTIFIED : in SIDE := right; -- which side to justify text
+ FIELD : in WIDTH := 0); -- width of field
+ -- Reads SEEEEFFFFFFFF, "." and ":" are ignored
+ procedure READ (L : inout LINE; VALUE : out UNRESOLVED_float);
+ procedure READ (L : inout LINE; VALUE : out UNRESOLVED_float;
+ GOOD : out BOOLEAN);
+ alias BREAD is READ [LINE, UNRESOLVED_float];
+ procedure OWRITE (
+ L : inout LINE; -- access type (pointer)
+ VALUE : in UNRESOLVED_float; -- value to write
+ JUSTIFIED : in SIDE := right; -- which side to justify text
+ FIELD : in WIDTH := 0); -- width of field
+ -- Octal read with padding, no separators used
+ procedure OREAD (L : inout LINE; VALUE : out UNRESOLVED_float);
+ procedure OREAD (L : inout LINE; VALUE : out UNRESOLVED_float;
+ GOOD : out BOOLEAN);
+ -- Hex write with padding, no separators
+ procedure HWRITE (
+ L : inout LINE; -- access type (pointer)
+ VALUE : in UNRESOLVED_float; -- value to write
+ JUSTIFIED : in SIDE := right; -- which side to justify text
+ FIELD : in WIDTH := 0); -- width of field
+ -- Hex read with padding, no separators used
+ procedure HREAD (L : inout LINE; VALUE : out UNRESOLVED_float);
+ procedure HREAD (L : inout LINE; VALUE : out UNRESOLVED_float;
+ GOOD : out BOOLEAN);
+ -- returns "S:EEEE:FFFFFFFF"
+ function to_string (value : UNRESOLVED_float) return STRING;
+ -- Returns a HEX string, with padding
+ function to_hstring (value : UNRESOLVED_float) return STRING;
+ -- Returns and octal string, with padding
+ function to_ostring (value : UNRESOLVED_float) return STRING;
+ function from_string (
+ bstring : STRING; -- binary string
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width;
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ alias from_bstring is from_string [STRING, NATURAL, NATURAL
+ return UNRESOLVED_float];
+ alias from_binary_string is from_string [STRING, NATURAL, NATURAL
+ return UNRESOLVED_float];
+ function from_ostring (
+ ostring : STRING; -- Octal string
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width;
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ alias from_octal_string is from_ostring [STRING, NATURAL, NATURAL
+ return UNRESOLVED_float];
+ function from_hstring (
+ hstring : STRING; -- hex string
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width;
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ alias from_hex_string is from_hstring [STRING, NATURAL, NATURAL
+ return UNRESOLVED_float];
+ function from_string (
+ bstring : STRING; -- binary string
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float) -- used for sizing only
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ alias from_bstring is from_string [STRING, UNRESOLVED_float
+ return UNRESOLVED_float];
+ alias from_binary_string is from_string [STRING, UNRESOLVED_float
+ return UNRESOLVED_float];
+ function from_ostring (
+ ostring : STRING; -- Octal string
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float) -- used for sizing only
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ alias from_octal_string is from_ostring [STRING, UNRESOLVED_float
+ return UNRESOLVED_float];
+ function from_hstring (
+ hstring : STRING; -- hex string
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float) -- used for sizing only
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ alias from_hex_string is from_hstring [STRING, UNRESOLVED_float
+ return UNRESOLVED_float];
+-- rtl_synthesis on
+-- pragma synthesis_on
+ -- IN VHDL-2006 std_logic_vector is a subtype of std_ulogic_vector, so these
+ -- extra functions are needed for compatability.
+ function to_float (
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- length of FP output exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width) -- length of FP output fraction
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ function to_float (
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float;
+ -- For Verilog compatability
+ function realtobits (arg : REAL) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function bitstoreal (arg : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return REAL;
+end package float_pkg;
+-- Proposed package body for the VHDL-200x-FT float_pkg package
+-- This version is optimized for Synthesis, and not for simulation.
+-- Note that there are functional differences between the synthesis and
+-- simulation packages bodies. The Synthesis version is preferred.
+-- This package body supplies a recommended implementation of these functions
+-- Version : $Revision: 2.0 $
+-- Date : $Date: 2009/01/27 20:45:30 $
+-- Created for VHDL-200X par, David Bishop (
+package body float_pkg is
+ -- Author David Bishop (
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- type declarations
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- This deferred constant will tell you if the package body is synthesizable
+ -- or implemented as real numbers, set to "true" if synthesizable.
+ constant fphdlsynth_or_real : BOOLEAN := true; -- deferred constant
+ -- types of boundary conditions
+ type boundary_type is (normal, infinity, zero, denormal);
+ -- null range array constant
+ constant NAFP : UNRESOLVED_float (0 downto 1) := (others => '0');
+ constant NSLV : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR (0 downto 1) := (others => '0');
+ -- %%% Replicated functions
+ -- These functions are replicated so that we don't need to reference the new
+ -- 2006 package std.standard, std_logic_1164 and numeric_std.
+ function maximum (
+ l, r : INTEGER) -- inputs
+ return INTEGER is
+ begin -- function max
+ if l > r then return l;
+ else return r;
+ end if;
+ end function maximum;
+ function minimum (
+ l, r : INTEGER) -- inputs
+ return INTEGER is
+ begin -- function min
+ if l > r then return r;
+ else return l;
+ end if;
+ end function minimum;
+ function or_reduce (arg : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR)
+ return STD_LOGIC is
+ variable Upper, Lower : STD_ULOGIC;
+ variable Half : INTEGER;
+ variable BUS_int : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR (arg'length - 1 downto 0);
+ variable Result : STD_ULOGIC;
+ begin
+ if (arg'length < 1) then -- In the case of a NULL range
+ Result := '0';
+ else
+ BUS_int := to_ux01 (arg);
+ if (BUS_int'length = 1) then
+ Result := BUS_int (BUS_int'left);
+ elsif (BUS_int'length = 2) then
+ Result := BUS_int (BUS_int'right) or BUS_int (BUS_int'left);
+ else
+ Half := (BUS_int'length + 1) / 2 + BUS_int'right;
+ Upper := or_reduce (BUS_int (BUS_int'left downto Half));
+ Lower := or_reduce (BUS_int (Half - 1 downto BUS_int'right));
+ Result := Upper or Lower;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return Result;
+ end function or_reduce;
+ function or_reduce (arg : UNSIGNED)
+ return STD_ULOGIC is
+ begin
+ return or_reduce (STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR (arg));
+ end function or_reduce;
+ function or_reduce (arg : SIGNED)
+ return STD_ULOGIC is
+ begin
+ return or_reduce (STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR (arg));
+ end function or_reduce;
+ function or_reduce (arg : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR)
+ return STD_ULOGIC is
+ begin
+ return or_reduce (STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR (arg));
+ end function or_reduce;
+ -- purpose: AND all of the bits in a vector together
+ -- This is a copy of the proposed "and_reduce" from 1076.3
+ function and_reduce (arg : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR)
+ return STD_LOGIC is
+ variable Upper, Lower : STD_ULOGIC;
+ variable Half : INTEGER;
+ variable BUS_int : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR (arg'length - 1 downto 0);
+ variable Result : STD_ULOGIC;
+ begin
+ if (arg'length < 1) then -- In the case of a NULL range
+ Result := '1';
+ else
+ BUS_int := to_ux01 (arg);
+ if (BUS_int'length = 1) then
+ Result := BUS_int (BUS_int'left);
+ elsif (BUS_int'length = 2) then
+ Result := BUS_int (BUS_int'right) and BUS_int (BUS_int'left);
+ else
+ Half := (BUS_int'length + 1) / 2 + BUS_int'right;
+ Upper := and_reduce (BUS_int (BUS_int'left downto Half));
+ Lower := and_reduce (BUS_int (Half - 1 downto BUS_int'right));
+ Result := Upper and Lower;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return Result;
+ end function and_reduce;
+ function and_reduce (arg : UNSIGNED)
+ return STD_ULOGIC is
+ begin
+ return and_reduce (STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR (arg));
+ end function and_reduce;
+ function and_reduce (arg : SIGNED)
+ return STD_ULOGIC is
+ begin
+ return and_reduce (STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR (arg));
+ end function and_reduce;
+ function xor_reduce (arg : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ variable Upper, Lower : STD_ULOGIC;
+ variable Half : INTEGER;
+ variable BUS_int : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR (arg'length - 1 downto 0);
+ variable Result : STD_ULOGIC := '0'; -- In the case of a NULL range
+ begin
+ if (arg'length >= 1) then
+ BUS_int := to_ux01 (arg);
+ if (BUS_int'length = 1) then
+ Result := BUS_int (BUS_int'left);
+ elsif (BUS_int'length = 2) then
+ Result := BUS_int(BUS_int'right) xor BUS_int(BUS_int'left);
+ else
+ Half := (BUS_int'length + 1) / 2 + BUS_int'right;
+ Upper := xor_reduce (BUS_int (BUS_int'left downto Half));
+ Lower := xor_reduce (BUS_int (Half - 1 downto BUS_int'right));
+ Result := Upper xor Lower;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return Result;
+ end function xor_reduce;
+ function nand_reduce(arg : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ begin
+ return not and_reduce (arg);
+ end function nand_reduce;
+ function nor_reduce(arg : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ begin
+ return not or_reduce (arg);
+ end function nor_reduce;
+ function xnor_reduce(arg : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ begin
+ return not xor_reduce (arg);
+ end function xnor_reduce;
+ function find_leftmost (ARG : UNSIGNED; Y : STD_ULOGIC)
+ return INTEGER is
+ begin
+ for INDEX in ARG'range loop
+ if ARG(INDEX) = Y then
+ return INDEX;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return -1;
+ end function find_leftmost;
+ -- Match table, copied form new std_logic_1164
+-- type stdlogic_table is array(STD_ULOGIC, STD_ULOGIC) of STD_ULOGIC;
+-- constant match_logic_table : stdlogic_table := (
+-- -----------------------------------------------------
+-- -- U X 0 1 Z W L H - | |
+-- -----------------------------------------------------
+-- ('U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', '1'), -- | U |
+-- ('U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', '1'), -- | X |
+-- ('U', 'X', '1', '0', 'X', 'X', '1', '0', '1'), -- | 0 |
+-- ('U', 'X', '0', '1', 'X', 'X', '0', '1', '1'), -- | 1 |
+-- ('U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', '1'), -- | Z |
+-- ('U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', '1'), -- | W |
+-- ('U', 'X', '1', '0', 'X', 'X', '1', '0', '1'), -- | L |
+-- ('U', 'X', '0', '1', 'X', 'X', '0', '1', '1'), -- | H |
+-- ('1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1') -- | - |
+-- );
+-- constant no_match_logic_table : stdlogic_table := (
+-- -----------------------------------------------------
+-- -- U X 0 1 Z W L H - | |
+-- -----------------------------------------------------
+-- ('U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', '0'), -- | U |
+-- ('U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', '0'), -- | X |
+-- ('U', 'X', '0', '1', 'X', 'X', '0', '1', '0'), -- | 0 |
+-- ('U', 'X', '1', '0', 'X', 'X', '1', '0', '0'), -- | 1 |
+-- ('U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', '0'), -- | Z |
+-- ('U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', '0'), -- | W |
+-- ('U', 'X', '0', '1', 'X', 'X', '0', '1', '0'), -- | L |
+-- ('U', 'X', '1', '0', 'X', 'X', '1', '0', '0'), -- | H |
+-- ('0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0') -- | - |
+-- );
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ?= functions, Similar to "std_match", but returns "std_ulogic".
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- %%% FUNCTION "?=" ( l, r : std_ulogic ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ function \?=\ (l, r : STD_ULOGIC) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ variable lx, rx : STD_ULOGIC;
+ begin
+-- return match_logic_table (l, r);
+ lx := to_x01(l);
+ rx := to_x01(r);
+ if lx = 'X' or rx = 'X' then
+ return 'X';
+ elsif lx = rx then
+ return '1';
+ else
+ return '0';
+ end if;
+ end function \?=\;
+ function \?/=\ (l, r : STD_ULOGIC) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ begin
+-- return no_match_logic_table (l, r);
+ return not \?=\ (l, r);
+ end function \?/=\;
+-- -- %%% FUNCTION "?=" ( l, r : std_logic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+-- function \?=\ (l, r : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STD_ULOGIC is
+-- alias lv : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 to l'length) is l;
+-- alias rv : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 to r'length) is r;
+-- variable result, result1 : STD_ULOGIC; -- result
+-- begin
+-- -- Logically identical to an "=" operator.
+-- if ((l'length < 1) or (r'length < 1)) then
+-- report "STD_LOGIC_1164.""?="": null detected, returning X"
+-- severity warning;
+-- return 'X';
+-- end if;
+-- if lv'length /= rv'length then
+-- report "STD_LOGIC_1164.""?="": L'LENGTH /= R'LENGTH, returning X"
+-- severity warning;
+-- return 'X';
+-- else
+-- result := '1';
+-- for i in lv'low to lv'high loop
+-- result1 := match_logic_table(lv(i), rv(i));
+-- if result1 = 'U' then
+-- return 'U';
+-- elsif result1 = 'X' or result = 'X' then
+-- result := 'X';
+-- else
+-- result := result and result1;
+-- end if;
+-- end loop;
+-- return result;
+-- end if;
+-- end function \?=\;
+-- -- %%% END FUNCTION "?=";
+-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- -- %%% FUNCTION "?=" ( l, r : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ function \?=\ (l, r : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ alias lv : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(1 to l'length) is l;
+ alias rv : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(1 to r'length) is r;
+ variable result, result1 : STD_ULOGIC;
+ begin
+ if ((l'length < 1) or (r'length < 1)) then
+ report "STD_LOGIC_1164.""?="": null detected, returning X"
+ severity warning;
+ return 'X';
+ end if;
+ if lv'length /= rv'length then
+ report "STD_LOGIC_1164.""?="": L'LENGTH /= R'LENGTH, returning X"
+ severity warning;
+ return 'X';
+ else
+ result := '1';
+ for i in lv'low to lv'high loop
+ result1 := \?=\ (lv(i), rv(i));
+ if result1 = 'U' then
+ return 'U';
+ elsif result1 = 'X' or result = 'X' then
+ result := 'X';
+ else
+ result := result and result1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ end function \?=\;
+ function Is_X (s : UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ return Is_X (STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (s));
+ end function Is_X;
+ function Is_X (s : SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ return Is_X (STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (s));
+ end function Is_X;
+-- %%% END replicated functions
+ -- Special version of "minimum" to do some boundary checking
+ function mine (L, R : INTEGER)
+ return INTEGER is
+ begin -- function minimum
+ if (L = INTEGER'low or R = INTEGER'low) then
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & " Unbounded number passed, was a literal used?"
+ severity error;
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ return minimum (L, R);
+ end function mine;
+ -- Generates the base number for the exponent normalization offset.
+ function gen_expon_base (
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL)
+ return SIGNED is
+ variable result : SIGNED (exponent_width-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ result := (others => '1');
+ result (exponent_width-1) := '0';
+ return result;
+ end function gen_expon_base;
+ -- Integer version of the "log2" command (contributed by Peter Ashenden)
+ function log2 (A : NATURAL) return NATURAL is
+ variable quotient : NATURAL;
+ variable result : NATURAL := 0;
+ begin
+ quotient := A / 2;
+ while quotient > 0 loop
+ quotient := quotient / 2;
+ result := result + 1;
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end function log2;
+ -- Function similar to the ILOGB function in MATH_REAL
+ function log2 (A : REAL) return INTEGER is
+ variable Y : REAL;
+ variable N : INTEGER := 0;
+ begin
+ if (A = 1.0 or A = 0.0) then
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ Y := A;
+ if(A > 1.0) then
+ while Y >= 2.0 loop
+ Y := Y / 2.0;
+ N := N + 1;
+ end loop;
+ return N;
+ end if;
+ -- O < Y < 1
+ while Y < 1.0 loop
+ Y := Y * 2.0;
+ N := N - 1;
+ end loop;
+ return N;
+ end function log2;
+ -- purpose: Test the boundary conditions of a Real number
+ procedure test_boundary (
+ arg : in REAL; -- Input, converted to real
+ constant fraction_width : in NATURAL; -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant exponent_width : in NATURAL; -- length of FP exponent
+ constant denormalize : in BOOLEAN := true; -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ variable btype : out boundary_type;
+ variable log2i : out INTEGER
+ ) is
+ constant expon_base : SIGNED (exponent_width-1 downto 0) :=
+ gen_expon_base(exponent_width); -- exponent offset
+ constant exp_min : SIGNED (12 downto 0) :=
+ -(resize(expon_base, 13)) + 1; -- Minimum normal exponent
+ constant exp_ext_min : SIGNED (12 downto 0) :=
+ exp_min - fraction_width; -- Minimum for denormal exponent
+ variable log2arg : INTEGER; -- log2 of argument
+ begin -- function test_boundary
+ -- Check to see if the exponent is big enough
+ -- Note that the argument is always an absolute value at this point.
+ log2arg := log2(arg);
+ if arg = 0.0 then
+ btype := zero;
+ elsif exponent_width > 11 then -- Exponent for Real is 11 (64 bit)
+ btype := normal;
+ else
+ if log2arg < to_integer(exp_min) then
+ if denormalize then
+ if log2arg < to_integer(exp_ext_min) then
+ btype := zero;
+ else
+ btype := denormal;
+ end if;
+ else
+ if log2arg < to_integer(exp_min)-1 then
+ btype := zero;
+ else
+ btype := normal; -- Can still represent this number
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ elsif exponent_width < 11 then
+ if log2arg > to_integer(expon_base)+1 then
+ btype := infinity;
+ else
+ btype := normal;
+ end if;
+ else
+ btype := normal;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ log2i := log2arg;
+ end procedure test_boundary;
+ -- purpose: Rounds depending on the state of the "round_style"
+ -- Logic taken from
+ -- "What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating Point Arithmetic"
+ -- by David Goldberg (1991)
+ function check_round (
+ fract_in : STD_ULOGIC; -- input fraction
+ sign : STD_ULOGIC; -- sign bit
+ remainder : UNSIGNED; -- remainder to round from
+ sticky : STD_ULOGIC := '0'; -- Sticky bit
+ constant round_style : round_type) -- rounding type
+ return BOOLEAN is
+ variable result : BOOLEAN;
+ variable or_reduced : STD_ULOGIC;
+ begin -- function check_round
+ result := false;
+ if (remainder'length > 0) then -- if remainder in a null array
+ or_reduced := or_reduce (remainder & sticky);
+ rounding_case : case round_style is
+ when round_nearest => -- Round Nearest, default mode
+ if remainder(remainder'high) = '1' then -- round
+ if (remainder'length > 1) then
+ if ((or_reduce (remainder(remainder'high-1
+ downto remainder'low)) = '1'
+ or sticky = '1')
+ or fract_in = '1') then
+ -- Make the bottom bit zero if possible if we are at 1/2
+ result := true;
+ end if;
+ else
+ result := (fract_in = '1' or sticky = '1');
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when round_inf => -- round up if positive, else truncate.
+ if or_reduced = '1' and sign = '0' then
+ result := true;
+ end if;
+ when round_neginf => -- round down if negative, else truncate.
+ if or_reduced = '1' and sign = '1' then
+ result := true;
+ end if;
+ when round_zero => -- round toward 0 Truncate
+ null;
+ end case rounding_case;
+ end if;
+ return result;
+ end function check_round;
+ -- purpose: Rounds depending on the state of the "round_style"
+ -- unsigned version
+ procedure fp_round (
+ fract_in : in UNSIGNED; -- input fraction
+ expon_in : in SIGNED; -- input exponent
+ fract_out : out UNSIGNED; -- output fraction
+ expon_out : out SIGNED) is -- output exponent
+ begin -- procedure fp_round
+ if and_reduce (fract_in) = '1' then -- Fraction is all "1"
+ expon_out := expon_in + 1;
+ fract_out := to_unsigned(0, fract_out'high+1);
+ else
+ expon_out := expon_in;
+ fract_out := fract_in + 1;
+ end if;
+ end procedure fp_round;
+ -- This version of break_number doesn't call "classfp"
+ procedure break_number ( -- internal version
+ arg : in UNRESOLVED_float;
+ fptyp : in valid_fpstate;
+ denormalize : in BOOLEAN := true;
+ fract : out UNSIGNED;
+ expon : out SIGNED) is
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := -arg'low; -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := arg'high; -- length of FP output exponent
+ constant expon_base : SIGNED (exponent_width-1 downto 0) :=
+ gen_expon_base(exponent_width); -- exponent offset
+ variable exp : SIGNED (expon'range);
+ begin
+ fract (fraction_width-1 downto 0) :=
+ UNSIGNED (to_slv(arg(-1 downto -fraction_width)));
+ breakcase : case fptyp is
+ when pos_zero | neg_zero =>
+ fract (fraction_width) := '0';
+ exp := -expon_base;
+ when pos_denormal | neg_denormal =>
+ if denormalize then
+ exp := -expon_base;
+ fract (fraction_width) := '0';
+ else
+ exp := -expon_base - 1;
+ fract (fraction_width) := '1';
+ end if;
+ when pos_normal | neg_normal | pos_inf | neg_inf =>
+ fract (fraction_width) := '1';
+ exp := SIGNED(arg(exponent_width-1 downto 0));
+ exp (exponent_width-1) := not exp(exponent_width-1);
+ when others =>
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & "BREAK_NUMBER: " &
+ "Meta state detected in fp_break_number process"
+ severity warning;
+ -- complete the case, if a NAN goes in, a NAN comes out.
+ exp := (others => '1');
+ fract (fraction_width) := '1';
+ end case breakcase;
+ expon := exp;
+ end procedure break_number;
+ -- purpose: floating point to UNSIGNED
+ -- Used by to_integer, to_unsigned, and to_signed functions
+ procedure float_to_unsigned (
+ arg : in UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ variable sign : out STD_ULOGIC; -- sign of output
+ variable frac : out UNSIGNED; -- unsigned biased output
+ constant denormalize : in BOOLEAN; -- turn on denormalization
+ constant bias : in NATURAL; -- bias for fixed point
+ constant round_style : in round_type) is -- rounding method
+ constant fraction_width : INTEGER := -mine(arg'low, arg'low); -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant exponent_width : INTEGER := arg'high; -- length of FP output exponent
+ variable fract : UNSIGNED (frac'range); -- internal version of frac
+ variable isign : STD_ULOGIC; -- internal version of sign
+ variable exp : INTEGER; -- Exponent
+ variable expon : SIGNED (exponent_width-1 downto 0); -- Vectorized exp
+ -- Base to divide fraction by
+ variable frac_shift : UNSIGNED (frac'high+3 downto 0); -- Fraction shifted
+ variable shift : INTEGER;
+ variable remainder : UNSIGNED (2 downto 0);
+ variable round : STD_ULOGIC; -- round BIT
+ begin
+ isign := to_x01(arg(arg'high));
+ -- exponent /= '0', normal floating point
+ expon := to_01(SIGNED(arg (exponent_width-1 downto 0)), 'X');
+ expon(exponent_width-1) := not expon(exponent_width-1);
+ exp := to_integer (expon);
+ -- Figure out the fraction
+ fract := (others => '0'); -- fill with zero
+ fract (fract'high) := '1'; -- Add the "1.0".
+ shift := (fract'high-1) - exp;
+ if fraction_width > fract'high then -- Can only use size-2 bits
+ fract (fract'high-1 downto 0) := UNSIGNED (to_slv (arg(-1 downto
+ -fract'high)));
+ else -- can use all bits
+ fract (fract'high-1 downto fract'high-fraction_width) :=
+ UNSIGNED (to_slv (arg(-1 downto -fraction_width)));
+ end if;
+ frac_shift := fract & "000";
+ if shift < 0 then -- Overflow
+ fract := (others => '1');
+ else
+ frac_shift := shift_right (frac_shift, shift);
+ fract := frac_shift (frac_shift'high downto 3);
+ remainder := frac_shift (2 downto 0);
+ -- round (round_zero will bypass this and truncate)
+ case round_style is
+ when round_nearest =>
+ round := remainder(2) and
+ (fract (0) or (or_reduce (remainder (1 downto 0))));
+ when round_inf =>
+ round := remainder(2) and not isign;
+ when round_neginf =>
+ round := remainder(2) and isign;
+ when others =>
+ round := '0';
+ end case;
+ if round = '1' then
+ fract := fract + 1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ frac := fract;
+ sign := isign;
+ end procedure float_to_unsigned;
+ -- purpose: returns a part of a vector, this function is here because
+ -- or (fractr (to_integer(shiftx) downto 0));
+ -- can't be synthesized in some synthesis tools.
+ function smallfract (
+ arg : UNSIGNED;
+ shift : NATURAL)
+ return STD_ULOGIC is
+ variable orx : STD_ULOGIC;
+ begin
+ orx := arg(shift);
+ for i in arg'range loop
+ if i < shift then
+ orx := arg(i) or orx;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return orx;
+ end function smallfract;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Visible functions
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- purpose: converts the negative index to a positive one
+ -- negative indices are illegal in 1164 and 1076.3
+ function to_sulv (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float) -- fp vector
+ variable result : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR (arg'length-1 downto 0);
+ begin -- function to_std_ulogic_vector
+ if arg'length < 1 then
+ return NSLV;
+ end if;
+ result := STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR (arg);
+ return result;
+ end function to_sulv;
+ -- Converts an fp into an SLV
+ function to_slv (arg : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ begin
+ return std_logic_vector (to_sulv (arg));
+ end function to_slv;
+ -- purpose: normalizes a floating point number
+ -- This version assumes an "unsigned" input with
+ function normalize (
+ fract : UNSIGNED; -- fraction, unnormalized
+ expon : SIGNED; -- exponent, normalized by -1
+ sign : STD_ULOGIC; -- sign BIT
+ sticky : STD_ULOGIC := '0'; -- Sticky bit (rounding)
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- size of output exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width; -- size of output fraction
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize; -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ constant nguard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits) -- guard bits
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable sfract : UNSIGNED (fract'high downto 0); -- shifted fraction
+ variable rfract : UNSIGNED (fraction_width-1 downto 0); -- fraction
+ variable exp : SIGNED (exponent_width+1 downto 0); -- exponent
+ variable rexp : SIGNED (exponent_width+1 downto 0); -- result exponent
+ variable rexpon : UNSIGNED (exponent_width-1 downto 0); -- exponent
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width); -- result
+ variable shiftr : INTEGER; -- shift amount
+ variable stickyx : STD_ULOGIC; -- version of sticky
+ constant expon_base : SIGNED (exponent_width-1 downto 0) :=
+ gen_expon_base(exponent_width); -- exponent offset
+ variable round, zerores, infres : BOOLEAN;
+ begin -- function normalize
+ zerores := false;
+ infres := false;
+ round := false;
+ shiftr := find_leftmost (to_01(fract), '1') -- Find the first "1"
+ - fraction_width - nguard; -- subtract the length we want
+ exp := resize (expon, exp'length) + shiftr;
+ if (or_reduce (fract) = '0') then -- Zero
+ zerores := true;
+ elsif ((exp <= -resize(expon_base, exp'length)-1) and denormalize)
+ or ((exp < -resize(expon_base, exp'length)-1) and not denormalize) then
+ if (exp >= -resize(expon_base, exp'length)-fraction_width-1)
+ and denormalize then
+ exp := -resize(expon_base, exp'length)-1;
+ shiftr := -to_integer (expon + expon_base); -- new shift
+ else -- return zero
+ zerores := true;
+ end if;
+ elsif (exp > expon_base-1) then -- infinity
+ infres := true;
+ end if;
+ if zerores then
+ result := zerofp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ elsif infres then
+ result := pos_inffp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ else
+ sfract := fract srl shiftr; -- shift
+ if shiftr > 0 then
+-- stickyx := sticky or (or_reduce(fract (shiftr-1 downto 0)));
+ stickyx := sticky or smallfract (fract, shiftr-1);
+ else
+ stickyx := sticky;
+ end if;
+ if nguard > 0 then
+ round := check_round (
+ fract_in => sfract (nguard),
+ sign => sign,
+ remainder => sfract(nguard-1 downto 0),
+ sticky => stickyx,
+ round_style => round_style);
+ end if;
+ if round then
+ fp_round(fract_in => sfract (fraction_width-1+nguard downto nguard),
+ expon_in => exp(rexp'range),
+ fract_out => rfract,
+ expon_out => rexp);
+ else
+ rfract := sfract (fraction_width-1+nguard downto nguard);
+ rexp := exp(rexp'range);
+ end if;
+ -- result
+ rexpon := UNSIGNED (rexp(exponent_width-1 downto 0));
+ rexpon (exponent_width-1) := not rexpon(exponent_width-1);
+ result (rexpon'range) := UNRESOLVED_float(rexpon);
+ result (-1 downto -fraction_width) := UNRESOLVED_float(rfract);
+ end if;
+ result (exponent_width) := sign; -- sign BIT
+ return result;
+ end function normalize;
+ -- purpose: normalizes a floating point number
+ -- This version assumes a "ufixed" input
+ function normalize (
+ fract : ufixed; -- unsigned fixed point
+ expon : SIGNED; -- exponent, normalized by -1
+ sign : STD_ULOGIC; -- sign bit
+ sticky : STD_ULOGIC := '0'; -- Sticky bit (rounding)
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- size of output exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width; -- size of output fraction
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize; -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ constant nguard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits) -- guard bits
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ variable arguns : UNSIGNED (fract'high + fraction_width + nguard
+ downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ begin -- function normalize
+ arguns (arguns'high downto maximum (arguns'high-fract'length+1, 0)) :=
+ UNSIGNED (to_slv (fract));
+ result := normalize (fract => arguns,
+ expon => expon,
+ sign => sign,
+ sticky => sticky,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ nguard => nguard);
+ return result;
+ end function normalize;
+ -- purpose: normalizes a floating point number
+ -- This version assumes a "ufixed" input with a "size_res" input
+ function normalize (
+ fract : ufixed; -- unsigned fixed point
+ expon : SIGNED; -- exponent, normalized by -1
+ sign : STD_ULOGIC; -- sign bit
+ sticky : STD_ULOGIC := '0'; -- Sticky bit (rounding)
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float; -- used for sizing only
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize; -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ constant nguard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits) -- guard bits
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := -size_res'low;
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := size_res'high;
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ variable arguns : UNSIGNED (fract'high + fraction_width + nguard
+ downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ begin -- function normalize
+ arguns (arguns'high downto maximum (arguns'high-fract'length+1, 0)) :=
+ UNSIGNED (to_slv (fract));
+ result := normalize (fract => arguns,
+ expon => expon,
+ sign => sign,
+ sticky => sticky,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ nguard => nguard);
+ return result;
+ end function normalize;
+ -- Regular "normalize" function with a "size_res" input.
+ function normalize (
+ fract : UNSIGNED; -- unsigned
+ expon : SIGNED; -- exponent - 1, normalized
+ sign : STD_ULOGIC; -- sign bit
+ sticky : STD_ULOGIC := '0'; -- Sticky bit (rounding)
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float; -- used for sizing only
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize; -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ constant nguard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits) -- guard bits
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ begin
+ return normalize (fract => fract,
+ expon => expon,
+ sign => sign,
+ sticky => sticky,
+ fraction_width => -size_res'low,
+ exponent_width => size_res'high,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ nguard => nguard);
+ end function normalize;
+ -- Returns the class which X falls into
+ function Classfp (
+ x : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error) -- check for errors
+ return valid_fpstate is
+ constant fraction_width : INTEGER := -mine(x'low, x'low); -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant exponent_width : INTEGER := x'high; -- length of FP output exponent
+ variable arg : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ begin -- classfp
+ if (arg'length < 1 or fraction_width < 3 or exponent_width < 3
+ or x'left < x'right) then
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & "CLASSFP: " &
+ "Floating point number detected with a bad range"
+ severity error;
+ return isx;
+ end if;
+ -- Check for "X".
+ arg := to_01 (x, 'X');
+ if (arg(0) = 'X') then
+ return isx; -- If there is an X in the number
+ -- Special cases, check for illegal number
+ elsif check_error and
+ (and_reduce (STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR (arg (exponent_width-1 downto 0)))
+ = '1') then -- Exponent is all "1".
+ if or_reduce (to_slv (arg (-1 downto -fraction_width)))
+ /= '0' then -- Fraction must be all "0" or this is not a number.
+ if (arg(-1) = '1') then -- From "W. Khan - IEEE standard
+ return nan; -- 754 binary FP Signaling nan (Not a number)
+ else
+ return quiet_nan;
+ end if;
+ -- Check for infinity
+ elsif arg(exponent_width) = '0' then
+ return pos_inf; -- Positive infinity
+ else
+ return neg_inf; -- Negative infinity
+ end if;
+ -- check for "0"
+ elsif or_reduce (STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (arg (exponent_width-1 downto 0)))
+ = '0' then -- Exponent is all "0"
+ if or_reduce (to_slv (arg (-1 downto -fraction_width)))
+ = '0' then -- Fraction is all "0"
+ if arg(exponent_width) = '0' then
+ return pos_zero; -- Zero
+ else
+ return neg_zero;
+ end if;
+ else
+ if arg(exponent_width) = '0' then
+ return pos_denormal; -- Denormal number (ieee extended fp)
+ else
+ return neg_denormal;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ else
+ if arg(exponent_width) = '0' then
+ return pos_normal; -- Normal FP number
+ else
+ return neg_normal;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end function Classfp;
+ procedure break_number (
+ arg : in UNRESOLVED_float;
+ denormalize : in BOOLEAN := float_denormalize;
+ check_error : in BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+ fract : out UNSIGNED;
+ expon : out SIGNED;
+ sign : out STD_ULOGIC) is
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := -mine(arg'low, arg'low); -- length of FP output fraction
+ variable fptyp : valid_fpstate;
+ begin
+ fptyp := Classfp (arg, check_error);
+ sign := to_x01(arg(arg'high));
+ break_number (
+ arg => arg,
+ fptyp => fptyp,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ fract => fract,
+ expon => expon);
+ end procedure break_number;
+ procedure break_number (
+ arg : in UNRESOLVED_float;
+ denormalize : in BOOLEAN := float_denormalize;
+ check_error : in BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+ fract : out ufixed; -- 1 downto -fraction_width
+ expon : out SIGNED; -- exponent_width-1 downto 0
+ sign : out STD_ULOGIC) is
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := -mine(arg'low, arg'low); -- length of FP output fraction
+ variable fptyp : valid_fpstate;
+ variable ufract : UNSIGNED (fraction_width downto 0); -- unsigned fraction
+ begin
+ fptyp := Classfp (arg, check_error);
+ sign := to_x01(arg(arg'high));
+ break_number (
+ arg => arg,
+ fptyp => fptyp,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ fract => ufract,
+ expon => expon);
+ fract (0 downto -fraction_width) := ufixed (ufract);
+ end procedure break_number;
+ -- Arithmetic functions
+ function "abs" (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float) -- floating point input
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (arg'range); -- result
+ begin
+ if (arg'length > 0) then
+ result := to_01 (arg, 'X');
+ result (arg'high) := '0'; -- set the sign bit to positive
+ return result;
+ else
+ return NAFP;
+ end if;
+ end function "abs";
+ -- IEEE 754 "negative" function
+ function "-" (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float) -- floating point input
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (arg'range); -- result
+ begin
+ if (arg'length > 0) then
+ result := to_01 (arg, 'X');
+ result (arg'high) := not result (arg'high); -- invert sign bit
+ return result;
+ else
+ return NAFP;
+ end if;
+ end function "-";
+ -- Addition, adds two floating point numbers
+ function add (
+ l, r : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant guard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits; -- number of guard bits
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := -mine(l'low, r'low); -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := maximum(l'high, r'high); -- length of FP output exponent
+ constant addguard : NATURAL := guard; -- add one guard bit
+ variable lfptype, rfptype : valid_fpstate;
+ variable fpresult : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ variable fractl, fractr : UNSIGNED (fraction_width+1+addguard downto 0); -- fractions
+ variable fractc, fracts : UNSIGNED (fractl'range); -- constant and shifted variables
+ variable urfract, ulfract : UNSIGNED (fraction_width downto 0);
+ variable ufract : UNSIGNED (fraction_width+1+addguard downto 0);
+ variable exponl, exponr : SIGNED (exponent_width-1 downto 0); -- exponents
+ variable rexpon : SIGNED (exponent_width downto 0); -- result exponent
+ variable shiftx : SIGNED (exponent_width downto 0); -- shift fractions
+ variable sign : STD_ULOGIC; -- sign of the output
+ variable leftright : BOOLEAN; -- left or right used
+ variable lresize, rresize : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ variable sticky : STD_ULOGIC; -- Holds precision for rounding
+ begin -- addition
+ if (fraction_width = 0 or l'length < 7 or r'length < 7) then
+ lfptype := isx;
+ else
+ lfptype := classfp (l, check_error);
+ rfptype := classfp (r, check_error);
+ end if;
+ if (lfptype = isx or rfptype = isx) then
+ fpresult := (others => 'X');
+ elsif (lfptype = nan or lfptype = quiet_nan or
+ rfptype = nan or rfptype = quiet_nan)
+ -- Return quiet NAN, IEEE754-1985-7.1,1
+ or (lfptype = pos_inf and rfptype = neg_inf)
+ or (lfptype = neg_inf and rfptype = pos_inf) then
+ -- Return quiet NAN, IEEE754-1985-7.1,2
+ fpresult := qnanfp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ elsif (lfptype = pos_inf or rfptype = pos_inf) then -- x + inf = inf
+ fpresult := pos_inffp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ elsif (lfptype = neg_inf or rfptype = neg_inf) then -- x - inf = -inf
+ fpresult := neg_inffp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ elsif (lfptype = neg_zero and rfptype = neg_zero) then -- -0 + -0 = -0
+ fpresult := neg_zerofp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ else
+ lresize := resize (arg => to_x01(l),
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ denormalize_in => denormalize,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ lfptype := classfp (lresize, false); -- errors already checked
+ rresize := resize (arg => to_x01(r),
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ denormalize_in => denormalize,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ rfptype := classfp (rresize, false); -- errors already checked
+ break_number (
+ arg => lresize,
+ fptyp => lfptype,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ fract => ulfract,
+ expon => exponl);
+ fractl := (others => '0');
+ fractl (fraction_width+addguard downto addguard) := ulfract;
+ break_number (
+ arg => rresize,
+ fptyp => rfptype,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ fract => urfract,
+ expon => exponr);
+ fractr := (others => '0');
+ fractr (fraction_width+addguard downto addguard) := urfract;
+ shiftx := (exponl(exponent_width-1) & exponl) - exponr;
+ if shiftx < -fractl'high then
+ rexpon := exponr(exponent_width-1) & exponr;
+ fractc := fractr;
+ fracts := (others => '0'); -- add zero
+ leftright := false;
+ sticky := or_reduce (fractl);
+ elsif shiftx < 0 then
+ shiftx := - shiftx;
+ fracts := shift_right (fractl, to_integer(shiftx));
+ fractc := fractr;
+ rexpon := exponr(exponent_width-1) & exponr;
+ leftright := false;
+-- sticky := or_reduce (fractl (to_integer(shiftx) downto 0));
+ sticky := smallfract (fractl, to_integer(shiftx));
+ elsif shiftx = 0 then
+ rexpon := exponl(exponent_width-1) & exponl;
+ sticky := '0';
+ if fractr > fractl then
+ fractc := fractr;
+ fracts := fractl;
+ leftright := false;
+ else
+ fractc := fractl;
+ fracts := fractr;
+ leftright := true;
+ end if;
+ elsif shiftx > fractr'high then
+ rexpon := exponl(exponent_width-1) & exponl;
+ fracts := (others => '0'); -- add zero
+ fractc := fractl;
+ leftright := true;
+ sticky := or_reduce (fractr);
+ elsif shiftx > 0 then
+ fracts := shift_right (fractr, to_integer(shiftx));
+ fractc := fractl;
+ rexpon := exponl(exponent_width-1) & exponl;
+ leftright := true;
+-- sticky := or_reduce (fractr (to_integer(shiftx) downto 0));
+ sticky := smallfract (fractr, to_integer(shiftx));
+ end if;
+ -- add
+ fracts (0) := fracts (0) or sticky; -- Or the sticky bit into the LSB
+ if l(l'high) = r(r'high) then
+ ufract := fractc + fracts;
+ sign := l(l'high);
+ else -- signs are different
+ ufract := fractc - fracts; -- always positive result
+ if leftright then -- Figure out which sign to use
+ sign := l(l'high);
+ else
+ sign := r(r'high);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if or_reduce (ufract) = '0' then
+ sign := '0'; -- IEEE 854, 6.3, paragraph 2.
+ end if;
+ -- normalize
+ fpresult := normalize (fract => ufract,
+ expon => rexpon,
+ sign => sign,
+ sticky => sticky,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ nguard => addguard);
+ end if;
+ return fpresult;
+ end function add;
+ -- Subtraction, Calls "add".
+ function subtract (
+ l, r : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant guard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits; -- number of guard bits
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable negr : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range); -- negative version of r
+ begin
+ negr := -r;
+ return add (l => l,
+ r => negr,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ guard => guard,
+ check_error => check_error,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ end function subtract;
+ -- Floating point multiply
+ function multiply (
+ l, r : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant guard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits; -- number of guard bits
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := -mine(l'low, r'low); -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := maximum(l'high, r'high); -- length of FP output exponent
+ constant multguard : NATURAL := guard; -- guard bits
+ variable lfptype, rfptype : valid_fpstate;
+ variable fpresult : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ variable fractl, fractr : UNSIGNED (fraction_width downto 0); -- fractions
+ variable rfract : UNSIGNED ((2*(fraction_width))+1 downto 0); -- result fraction
+ variable sfract : UNSIGNED (fraction_width+1+multguard downto 0); -- result fraction
+ variable shifty : INTEGER; -- denormal shift
+ variable exponl, exponr : SIGNED (exponent_width-1 downto 0); -- exponents
+ variable rexpon : SIGNED (exponent_width+1 downto 0); -- result exponent
+ variable fp_sign : STD_ULOGIC; -- sign of result
+ variable lresize, rresize : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ variable sticky : STD_ULOGIC; -- Holds precision for rounding
+ begin -- multiply
+ if (fraction_width = 0 or l'length < 7 or r'length < 7) then
+ lfptype := isx;
+ else
+ lfptype := classfp (l, check_error);
+ rfptype := classfp (r, check_error);
+ end if;
+ if (lfptype = isx or rfptype = isx) then
+ fpresult := (others => 'X');
+ elsif ((lfptype = nan or lfptype = quiet_nan or
+ rfptype = nan or rfptype = quiet_nan)) then
+ -- Return quiet NAN, IEEE754-1985-7.1,1
+ fpresult := qnanfp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ elsif (((lfptype = pos_inf or lfptype = neg_inf) and
+ (rfptype = pos_zero or rfptype = neg_zero)) or
+ ((rfptype = pos_inf or rfptype = neg_inf) and
+ (lfptype = pos_zero or lfptype = neg_zero))) then -- 0 * inf
+ -- Return quiet NAN, IEEE754-1985-7.1,3
+ fpresult := qnanfp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ elsif (lfptype = pos_inf or rfptype = pos_inf
+ or lfptype = neg_inf or rfptype = neg_inf) then -- x * inf = inf
+ fpresult := pos_inffp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ -- figure out the sign
+ fp_sign := l(l'high) xor r(r'high); -- figure out the sign
+ fpresult (exponent_width) := fp_sign;
+ else
+ fp_sign := l(l'high) xor r(r'high); -- figure out the sign
+ lresize := resize (arg => to_x01(l),
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ denormalize_in => denormalize,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ lfptype := classfp (lresize, false); -- errors already checked
+ rresize := resize (arg => to_x01(r),
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ denormalize_in => denormalize,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ rfptype := classfp (rresize, false); -- errors already checked
+ break_number (
+ arg => lresize,
+ fptyp => lfptype,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ fract => fractl,
+ expon => exponl);
+ break_number (
+ arg => rresize,
+ fptyp => rfptype,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ fract => fractr,
+ expon => exponr);
+ if (rfptype = pos_denormal or rfptype = neg_denormal) then
+ shifty := fraction_width - find_leftmost(fractr, '1');
+ fractr := shift_left (fractr, shifty);
+ elsif (lfptype = pos_denormal or lfptype = neg_denormal) then
+ shifty := fraction_width - find_leftmost(fractl, '1');
+ fractl := shift_left (fractl, shifty);
+ else
+ shifty := 0;
+ -- Note that a denormal number * a denormal number is always zero.
+ end if;
+ -- multiply
+ -- add the exponents
+ rexpon := resize (exponl, rexpon'length) + exponr - shifty + 1;
+ rfract := fractl * fractr; -- Multiply the fraction
+ sfract := rfract (rfract'high downto
+ rfract'high - (fraction_width+1+multguard));
+ sticky := or_reduce (rfract (rfract'high-(fraction_width+1+multguard)
+ downto 0));
+ -- normalize
+ fpresult := normalize (fract => sfract,
+ expon => rexpon,
+ sign => fp_sign,
+ sticky => sticky,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ nguard => multguard);
+ end if;
+ return fpresult;
+ end function multiply;
+ function short_divide (
+ lx, rx : UNSIGNED)
+ return UNSIGNED is
+ -- This is a special divider for the floating point routines.
+ -- For a true unsigned divider, "stages" needs to = lx'high
+ constant stages : INTEGER := lx'high - rx'high; -- number of stages
+ variable partial : UNSIGNED (lx'range);
+ variable q : UNSIGNED (stages downto 0);
+ variable partial_argl : SIGNED (rx'high + 2 downto 0);
+ variable partial_arg : SIGNED (rx'high + 2 downto 0);
+ begin
+ partial := lx;
+ for i in stages downto 0 loop
+ partial_argl := resize ("0" & SIGNED (partial(lx'high downto i)),
+ partial_argl'length);
+ partial_arg := partial_argl - SIGNED ("0" & rx);
+ if (partial_arg (partial_arg'high) = '1') then -- negative
+ q(i) := '0';
+ else
+ q(i) := '1';
+ partial (lx'high+i-stages downto lx'high+i-stages-rx'high) :=
+ UNSIGNED (partial_arg(rx'range));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- to make the output look like that of the unsigned IEEE divide.
+ return resize (q, lx'length);
+ end function short_divide;
+ -- 1/X function. Needed for algorithm development.
+ function reciprocal (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float;
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant guard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits; -- number of guard bits
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := -mine(arg'low, arg'low); -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := arg'high; -- length of FP output exponent
+ constant divguard : NATURAL := guard; -- guard bits
+ function onedivy (
+ arg : UNSIGNED)
+ return UNSIGNED is
+ variable q : UNSIGNED((2*arg'high)+1 downto 0);
+ variable one : UNSIGNED (q'range);
+ begin
+ one := (others => '0');
+ one(one'high) := '1';
+ q := short_divide (one, arg); -- Unsigned divide
+ return resize (q, arg'length+1);
+ end function onedivy;
+ variable fptype : valid_fpstate;
+ variable expon : SIGNED (exponent_width-1 downto 0); -- exponents
+ variable denorm_offset : NATURAL range 0 to 2;
+ variable fract : UNSIGNED (fraction_width downto 0);
+ variable fractg : UNSIGNED (fraction_width+divguard downto 0);
+ variable sfract : UNSIGNED (fraction_width+1+divguard downto 0); -- result fraction
+ variable fpresult : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ begin -- reciprocal
+ fptype := classfp(arg, check_error);
+ classcase : case fptype is
+ when isx =>
+ fpresult := (others => 'X');
+ when nan | quiet_nan =>
+ -- Return quiet NAN, IEEE754-1985-7.1,1
+ fpresult := qnanfp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ when pos_inf | neg_inf => -- 1/inf, return 0
+ fpresult := zerofp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ when neg_zero | pos_zero => -- 1/0
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & "RECIPROCAL: Floating Point divide by zero"
+ severity error;
+ fpresult := pos_inffp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ when others =>
+ if (fptype = pos_denormal or fptype = neg_denormal)
+ and ((arg (-1) or arg(-2)) /= '1') then
+ -- 1/denormal = infinity, with the exception of 2**-expon_base
+ fpresult := pos_inffp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ fpresult (exponent_width) := to_x01 (arg (exponent_width));
+ else
+ break_number (
+ arg => arg,
+ fptyp => fptype,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ fract => fract,
+ expon => expon);
+ fractg := (others => '0');
+ if (fptype = pos_denormal or fptype = neg_denormal) then
+ -- The reciprocal of a denormal number is typically zero,
+ -- except for two special cases which are trapped here.
+ if (to_x01(arg (-1)) = '1') then
+ fractg (fractg'high downto divguard+1) :=
+ fract (fract'high-1 downto 0); -- Shift to not denormal
+ denorm_offset := 1; -- add 1 to exponent compensate
+ else -- arg(-2) = '1'
+ fractg (fractg'high downto divguard+2) :=
+ fract (fract'high-2 downto 0); -- Shift to not denormal
+ denorm_offset := 2; -- add 2 to exponent compensate
+ end if;
+ else
+ fractg (fractg'high downto divguard) := fract;
+ denorm_offset := 0;
+ end if;
+ expon := - expon - 3 + denorm_offset;
+ sfract := onedivy (fractg);
+ -- normalize
+ fpresult := normalize (fract => sfract,
+ expon => expon,
+ sign => arg(exponent_width),
+ sticky => '1',
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ nguard => divguard);
+ end if;
+ end case classcase;
+ return fpresult;
+ end function reciprocal;
+ -- floating point division
+ function divide (
+ l, r : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant guard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits; -- number of guard bits
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := -mine(l'low, r'low); -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := maximum(l'high, r'high); -- length of FP output exponent
+ constant divguard : NATURAL := guard; -- division guard bits
+ variable lfptype, rfptype : valid_fpstate;
+ variable fpresult : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ variable ulfract, urfract : UNSIGNED (fraction_width downto 0);
+ variable fractl : UNSIGNED ((2*(fraction_width+divguard)+1) downto 0); -- left
+ variable fractr : UNSIGNED (fraction_width+divguard downto 0); -- right
+ variable rfract : UNSIGNED (fractl'range); -- result fraction
+ variable sfract : UNSIGNED (fraction_width+1+divguard downto 0); -- result fraction
+ variable exponl, exponr : SIGNED (exponent_width-1 downto 0); -- exponents
+ variable rexpon : SIGNED (exponent_width+1 downto 0); -- result exponent
+ variable fp_sign, sticky : STD_ULOGIC; -- sign of result
+ variable shifty, shiftx : INTEGER; -- denormal number shift
+ variable lresize, rresize : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ begin -- divide
+ if (fraction_width = 0 or l'length < 7 or r'length < 7) then
+ lfptype := isx;
+ else
+ lfptype := classfp (l, check_error);
+ rfptype := classfp (r, check_error);
+ end if;
+ classcase : case rfptype is
+ when isx =>
+ fpresult := (others => 'X');
+ when nan | quiet_nan =>
+ -- Return quiet NAN, IEEE754-1985-7.1,1
+ fpresult := qnanfp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ when pos_inf | neg_inf =>
+ if lfptype = pos_inf or lfptype = neg_inf -- inf / inf
+ or lfptype = quiet_nan or lfptype = nan then
+ -- Return quiet NAN, IEEE754-1985-7.1,4
+ fpresult := qnanfp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ else -- x / inf = 0
+ fpresult := zerofp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ fp_sign := l(l'high) xor r(r'high); -- sign
+ fpresult (fpresult'high) := fp_sign; -- sign
+ end if;
+ when pos_zero | neg_zero =>
+ if lfptype = pos_zero or lfptype = neg_zero -- 0 / 0
+ or lfptype = quiet_nan or lfptype = nan then
+ -- Return quiet NAN, IEEE754-1985-7.1,4
+ fpresult := qnanfp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ else
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & "DIVIDE: Floating Point divide by zero"
+ severity error;
+ -- Infinity, define in 754-1985-7.2
+ fpresult := pos_inffp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ fp_sign := l(l'high) xor r(r'high); -- sign
+ fpresult (fpresult'high) := fp_sign; -- sign
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ classcase2 : case lfptype is
+ when isx =>
+ fpresult := (others => 'X');
+ when nan | quiet_nan =>
+ -- Return quiet NAN, IEEE754-1985-7.1,1
+ fpresult := qnanfp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ when pos_inf | neg_inf => -- inf / x = inf
+ fpresult := pos_inffp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ fp_sign := l(l'high) xor r(r'high); -- sign
+ fpresult(exponent_width) := fp_sign;
+ when pos_zero | neg_zero => -- 0 / X = 0
+ fpresult := zerofp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ fp_sign := l(l'high) xor r(r'high); -- sign
+ fpresult(exponent_width) := fp_sign;
+ when others =>
+ fp_sign := l(l'high) xor r(r'high); -- sign
+ lresize := resize (arg => to_x01(l),
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ denormalize_in => denormalize,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ lfptype := classfp (lresize, false); -- errors already checked
+ rresize := resize (arg => to_x01(r),
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ denormalize_in => denormalize,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ rfptype := classfp (rresize, false); -- errors already checked
+ break_number (
+ arg => lresize,
+ fptyp => lfptype,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ fract => ulfract,
+ expon => exponl);
+ -- right side
+ break_number (
+ arg => rresize,
+ fptyp => rfptype,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ fract => urfract,
+ expon => exponr);
+ -- Compute the exponent
+ rexpon := resize (exponl, rexpon'length) - exponr - 2;
+ if (rfptype = pos_denormal or rfptype = neg_denormal) then
+ -- Do the shifting here not after. That way we have a smaller
+ -- shifter, and need a smaller divider, because the top
+ -- bit in the divisor will always be a "1".
+ shifty := fraction_width - find_leftmost(urfract, '1');
+ urfract := shift_left (urfract, shifty);
+ rexpon := rexpon + shifty;
+ end if;
+ fractr := (others => '0');
+ fractr (fraction_width+divguard downto divguard) := urfract;
+ if (lfptype = pos_denormal or lfptype = neg_denormal) then
+ shiftx := fraction_width - find_leftmost(ulfract, '1');
+ ulfract := shift_left (ulfract, shiftx);
+ rexpon := rexpon - shiftx;
+ end if;
+ fractl := (others => '0');
+ fractl (fractl'high downto fractl'high-fraction_width) := ulfract;
+ -- divide
+ rfract := short_divide (fractl, fractr); -- unsigned divide
+ sfract := rfract (sfract'range); -- lower bits
+ sticky := '1';
+ -- normalize
+ fpresult := normalize (fract => sfract,
+ expon => rexpon,
+ sign => fp_sign,
+ sticky => sticky,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ nguard => divguard);
+ end case classcase2;
+ end case classcase;
+ return fpresult;
+ end function divide;
+ -- division by a power of 2
+ function dividebyp2 (
+ l, r : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant guard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits; -- number of guard bits
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := -mine(l'low, r'low); -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := maximum(l'high, r'high); -- length of FP output exponent
+ variable lfptype, rfptype : valid_fpstate;
+ variable fpresult : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ variable ulfract, urfract : UNSIGNED (fraction_width downto 0);
+ variable exponl, exponr : SIGNED(exponent_width-1 downto 0); -- exponents
+ variable rexpon : SIGNED(exponent_width downto 0); -- result exponent
+ variable fp_sign : STD_ULOGIC; -- sign of result
+ variable lresize, rresize : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ begin -- divisionbyp2
+ if (fraction_width = 0 or l'length < 7 or r'length < 7) then
+ lfptype := isx;
+ else
+ lfptype := classfp (l, check_error);
+ rfptype := classfp (r, check_error);
+ end if;
+ classcase : case rfptype is
+ when isx =>
+ fpresult := (others => 'X');
+ when nan | quiet_nan =>
+ -- Return quiet NAN, IEEE754-1985-7.1,1
+ fpresult := qnanfp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ when pos_inf | neg_inf =>
+ if lfptype = pos_inf or lfptype = neg_inf then -- inf / inf
+ -- Return quiet NAN, IEEE754-1985-7.1,4
+ fpresult := qnanfp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ else -- x / inf = 0
+ fpresult := zerofp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ fp_sign := l(l'high) xor r(r'high); -- sign
+ fpresult (fpresult'high) := fp_sign; -- sign
+ end if;
+ when pos_zero | neg_zero =>
+ if lfptype = pos_zero or lfptype = neg_zero then -- 0 / 0
+ -- Return quiet NAN, IEEE754-1985-7.1,4
+ fpresult := qnanfp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ else
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & "DIVIDEBYP2: Floating Point divide by zero"
+ severity error;
+ -- Infinity, define in 754-1985-7.2
+ fpresult := pos_inffp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ fp_sign := l(l'high) xor r(r'high); -- sign
+ fpresult (fpresult'high) := fp_sign; -- sign
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ classcase2 : case lfptype is
+ when isx =>
+ fpresult := (others => 'X');
+ when nan | quiet_nan =>
+ -- Return quiet NAN, IEEE754-1985-7.1,1
+ fpresult := qnanfp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ when pos_inf | neg_inf => -- inf / x = inf
+ fpresult := pos_inffp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ fp_sign := l(l'high) xor r(r'high); -- sign
+ fpresult (exponent_width) := fp_sign; -- sign
+ when pos_zero | neg_zero => -- 0 / X = 0
+ fpresult := zerofp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ fp_sign := l(l'high) xor r(r'high); -- sign
+ fpresult (exponent_width) := fp_sign; -- sign
+ when others =>
+ fp_sign := l(l'high) xor r(r'high); -- sign
+ lresize := resize (arg => to_x01(l),
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ denormalize_in => denormalize,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ lfptype := classfp (lresize, false); -- errors already checked
+ rresize := resize (arg => to_x01(r),
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ denormalize_in => denormalize,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ rfptype := classfp (rresize, false); -- errors already checked
+ break_number (
+ arg => lresize,
+ fptyp => lfptype,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ fract => ulfract,
+ expon => exponl);
+ -- right side
+ break_number (
+ arg => rresize,
+ fptyp => rfptype,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ fract => urfract,
+ expon => exponr);
+ assert (or_reduce (urfract (fraction_width-1 downto 0)) = '0')
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & "DIVIDEBYP2: "
+ & "Dividebyp2 called with a non power of two divisor"
+ severity error;
+ rexpon := (exponl(exponl'high)&exponl)
+ - (exponr(exponr'high)&exponr) - 1;
+ -- normalize
+ fpresult := normalize (fract => ulfract,
+ expon => rexpon,
+ sign => fp_sign,
+ sticky => '1',
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ nguard => 0);
+ end case classcase2;
+ end case classcase;
+ return fpresult;
+ end function dividebyp2;
+ -- Multiply accumulate result = l*r + c
+ function mac (
+ l, r, c : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant guard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits; -- number of guard bits
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL :=
+ -mine (mine(l'low, r'low), c'low); -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL :=
+ maximum (maximum(l'high, r'high), c'high); -- length of FP output exponent
+ variable lfptype, rfptype, cfptype : valid_fpstate;
+ variable fpresult : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ variable fractl, fractr : UNSIGNED (fraction_width downto 0); -- fractions
+ variable fractx : UNSIGNED (fraction_width+guard downto 0);
+ variable fractc, fracts : UNSIGNED (fraction_width+1+guard downto 0);
+ variable rfract : UNSIGNED ((2*(fraction_width))+1 downto 0); -- result fraction
+ variable sfract, ufract : UNSIGNED (fraction_width+1+guard downto 0); -- result fraction
+ variable exponl, exponr, exponc : SIGNED (exponent_width-1 downto 0); -- exponents
+ variable rexpon, rexpon2 : SIGNED (exponent_width+1 downto 0); -- result exponent
+ variable shifty : INTEGER; -- denormal shift
+ variable shiftx : SIGNED (rexpon'range); -- shift fractions
+ variable fp_sign : STD_ULOGIC; -- sign of result
+ variable lresize, rresize : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ variable cresize : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width - guard);
+ variable leftright : BOOLEAN; -- left or right used
+ variable sticky : STD_ULOGIC; -- Holds precision for rounding
+ begin -- multiply
+ if (fraction_width = 0 or l'length < 7 or r'length < 7 or c'length < 7) then
+ lfptype := isx;
+ else
+ lfptype := classfp (l, check_error);
+ rfptype := classfp (r, check_error);
+ cfptype := classfp (c, check_error);
+ end if;
+ if (lfptype = isx or rfptype = isx or cfptype = isx) then
+ fpresult := (others => 'X');
+ elsif (lfptype = nan or lfptype = quiet_nan or
+ rfptype = nan or rfptype = quiet_nan or
+ cfptype = nan or cfptype = quiet_nan) then
+ -- Return quiet NAN, IEEE754-1985-7.1,1
+ fpresult := qnanfp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ elsif (((lfptype = pos_inf or lfptype = neg_inf) and
+ (rfptype = pos_zero or rfptype = neg_zero)) or
+ ((rfptype = pos_inf or rfptype = neg_inf) and
+ (lfptype = pos_zero or lfptype = neg_zero))) then -- 0 * inf
+ -- Return quiet NAN, IEEE754-1985-7.1,3
+ fpresult := qnanfp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ elsif (lfptype = pos_inf or rfptype = pos_inf
+ or lfptype = neg_inf or rfptype = neg_inf -- x * inf = inf
+ or cfptype = neg_inf or cfptype = pos_inf) then -- x + inf = inf
+ fpresult := pos_inffp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ -- figure out the sign
+ fpresult (exponent_width) := l(l'high) xor r(r'high);
+ else
+ fp_sign := l(l'high) xor r(r'high); -- figure out the sign
+ lresize := resize (arg => to_x01(l),
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ denormalize_in => denormalize,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ lfptype := classfp (lresize, false); -- errors already checked
+ rresize := resize (arg => to_x01(r),
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ denormalize_in => denormalize,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ rfptype := classfp (rresize, false); -- errors already checked
+ cresize := resize (arg => to_x01(c),
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ fraction_width => -cresize'low,
+ denormalize_in => denormalize,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ cfptype := classfp (cresize, false); -- errors already checked
+ break_number (
+ arg => lresize,
+ fptyp => lfptype,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ fract => fractl,
+ expon => exponl);
+ break_number (
+ arg => rresize,
+ fptyp => rfptype,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ fract => fractr,
+ expon => exponr);
+ break_number (
+ arg => cresize,
+ fptyp => cfptype,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ fract => fractx,
+ expon => exponc);
+ if (rfptype = pos_denormal or rfptype = neg_denormal) then
+ shifty := fraction_width - find_leftmost(fractr, '1');
+ fractr := shift_left (fractr, shifty);
+ elsif (lfptype = pos_denormal or lfptype = neg_denormal) then
+ shifty := fraction_width - find_leftmost(fractl, '1');
+ fractl := shift_left (fractl, shifty);
+ else
+ shifty := 0;
+ -- Note that a denormal number * a denormal number is always zero.
+ end if;
+ -- multiply
+ rfract := fractl * fractr; -- Multiply the fraction
+ -- add the exponents
+ rexpon := resize (exponl, rexpon'length) + exponr - shifty + 1;
+ shiftx := rexpon - exponc;
+ if shiftx < -fractl'high then
+ rexpon2 := resize (exponc, rexpon2'length);
+ fractc := "0" & fractx;
+ fracts := (others => '0');
+ sticky := or_reduce (rfract);
+ elsif shiftx < 0 then
+ shiftx := - shiftx;
+ fracts := shift_right (rfract (rfract'high downto rfract'high
+ - fracts'length+1),
+ to_integer(shiftx));
+ fractc := "0" & fractx;
+ rexpon2 := resize (exponc, rexpon2'length);
+ leftright := false;
+ sticky := or_reduce (rfract (to_integer(shiftx)+rfract'high
+ - fracts'length downto 0));
+ elsif shiftx = 0 then
+ rexpon2 := resize (exponc, rexpon2'length);
+ sticky := or_reduce (rfract (rfract'high - fractc'length downto 0));
+ if rfract (rfract'high downto rfract'high - fractc'length+1) > fractx
+ then
+ fractc := "0" & fractx;
+ fracts := rfract (rfract'high downto rfract'high
+ - fracts'length+1);
+ leftright := false;
+ else
+ fractc := rfract (rfract'high downto rfract'high
+ - fractc'length+1);
+ fracts := "0" & fractx;
+ leftright := true;
+ end if;
+ elsif shiftx > fractx'high then
+ rexpon2 := rexpon;
+ fracts := (others => '0');
+ fractc := rfract (rfract'high downto rfract'high - fractc'length+1);
+ leftright := true;
+ sticky := or_reduce (fractx & rfract (rfract'high - fractc'length
+ downto 0));
+ else -- fractx'high > shiftx > 0
+ rexpon2 := rexpon;
+ fracts := "0" & shift_right (fractx, to_integer (shiftx));
+ fractc := rfract (rfract'high downto rfract'high - fractc'length+1);
+ leftright := true;
+ sticky := or_reduce (fractx (to_integer (shiftx) downto 0)
+ & rfract (rfract'high - fractc'length downto 0));
+ end if;
+ fracts (0) := fracts (0) or sticky; -- Or the sticky bit into the LSB
+ if fp_sign = to_X01(c(c'high)) then
+ ufract := fractc + fracts;
+ fp_sign := fp_sign;
+ else -- signs are different
+ ufract := fractc - fracts; -- always positive result
+ if leftright then -- Figure out which sign to use
+ fp_sign := fp_sign;
+ else
+ fp_sign := c(c'high);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- normalize
+ fpresult := normalize (fract => ufract,
+ expon => rexpon2,
+ sign => fp_sign,
+ sticky => sticky,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ nguard => guard);
+ end if;
+ return fpresult;
+ end function mac;
+ -- "rem" function
+-- function remainder (
+-- l, r : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+-- constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+-- constant guard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits; -- number of guard bits
+-- constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+-- constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+-- return UNRESOLVED_float is
+-- constant fraction_width : NATURAL := -mine(l'low, r'low); -- length of FP output fraction
+-- constant exponent_width : NATURAL := maximum(l'high, r'high); -- length of FP output exponent
+-- constant divguard : NATURAL := guard; -- division guard bits
+-- variable lfptype, rfptype : valid_fpstate;
+-- variable fpresult : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+-- variable ulfract, urfract : UNSIGNED (fraction_width downto 0);
+-- variable fractr, fractl : UNSIGNED (fraction_width+divguard downto 0); -- right
+-- variable rfract : UNSIGNED (fractr'range); -- result fraction
+-- variable sfract : UNSIGNED (fraction_width+divguard downto 0); -- result fraction
+-- variable exponl, exponr : SIGNED (exponent_width-1 downto 0); -- exponents
+-- variable rexpon : SIGNED (exponent_width downto 0); -- result exponent
+-- variable fp_sign : STD_ULOGIC; -- sign of result
+-- variable shifty : INTEGER; -- denormal number shift
+-- variable lresize, rresize : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+-- begin -- remainder
+-- if (fraction_width = 0 or l'length < 7 or r'length < 7) then
+-- lfptype := isx;
+-- else
+-- lfptype := classfp (l, check_error);
+-- rfptype := classfp (r, check_error);
+-- end if;
+-- if (lfptype = isx or rfptype = isx) then
+-- fpresult := (others => 'X');
+-- elsif (lfptype = nan or lfptype = quiet_nan)
+-- or (rfptype = nan or rfptype = quiet_nan)
+-- -- Return quiet NAN, IEEE754-1985-7.1,1
+-- or (lfptype = pos_inf or lfptype = neg_inf) -- inf rem x
+-- -- Return quiet NAN, IEEE754-1985-7.1,5
+-- or (rfptype = pos_zero or rfptype = neg_zero) then -- x rem 0
+-- -- Return quiet NAN, IEEE754-1985-7.1,5
+-- fpresult := qnanfp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+-- exponent_width => exponent_width);
+-- elsif (rfptype = pos_inf or rfptype = neg_inf) then -- x rem inf = 0
+-- fpresult := zerofp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+-- exponent_width => exponent_width);
+-- elsif (abs(l) < abs(r)) then
+-- fpresult := l;
+-- else
+-- fp_sign := to_X01(l(l'high)); -- sign
+-- lresize := resize (arg => to_x01(l),
+-- exponent_width => exponent_width,
+-- fraction_width => fraction_width,
+-- denormalize_in => denormalize,
+-- denormalize => denormalize);
+-- lfptype := classfp (lresize, false); -- errors already checked
+-- rresize := resize (arg => to_x01(r),
+-- exponent_width => exponent_width,
+-- fraction_width => fraction_width,
+-- denormalize_in => denormalize,
+-- denormalize => denormalize);
+-- rfptype := classfp (rresize, false); -- errors already checked
+-- fractl := (others => '0');
+-- break_number (
+-- arg => lresize,
+-- fptyp => lfptype,
+-- denormalize => denormalize,
+-- fract => ulfract,
+-- expon => exponl);
+-- fractl (fraction_width+divguard downto divguard) := ulfract;
+-- -- right side
+-- fractr := (others => '0');
+-- break_number (
+-- arg => rresize,
+-- fptyp => rfptype,
+-- denormalize => denormalize,
+-- fract => urfract,
+-- expon => exponr);
+-- fractr (fraction_width+divguard downto divguard) := urfract;
+-- rexpon := (exponr(exponr'high)&exponr);
+-- shifty := to_integer(exponl - rexpon);
+-- if (shifty > 0) then
+-- fractr := shift_right (fractr, shifty);
+-- rexpon := rexpon + shifty;
+-- end if;
+-- if (fractr /= 0) then
+-- -- rem
+-- rfract := fractl rem fractr; -- unsigned rem
+-- sfract := rfract (sfract'range); -- lower bits
+-- -- normalize
+-- fpresult := normalize (fract => sfract,
+-- expon => rexpon,
+-- sign => fp_sign,
+-- fraction_width => fraction_width,
+-- exponent_width => exponent_width,
+-- round_style => round_style,
+-- denormalize => denormalize,
+-- nguard => divguard);
+-- else
+-- -- If we shift "fractr" so far that it becomes zero, return zero.
+-- fpresult := zerofp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+-- exponent_width => exponent_width);
+-- end if;
+-- end if;
+-- return fpresult;
+-- end function remainder;
+-- -- "mod" function
+-- function modulo (
+-- l, r : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+-- constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+-- constant guard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits; -- number of guard bits
+-- constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+-- constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+-- return UNRESOLVED_float is
+-- constant fraction_width : NATURAL := - mine(l'low, r'low); -- length of FP output fraction
+-- constant exponent_width : NATURAL := maximum(l'high, r'high); -- length of FP output exponent
+-- variable lfptype, rfptype : valid_fpstate;
+-- variable fpresult : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+-- variable remres : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+-- begin -- remainder
+-- if (fraction_width = 0 or l'length < 7 or r'length < 7) then
+-- lfptype := isx;
+-- else
+-- lfptype := classfp (l, check_error);
+-- rfptype := classfp (r, check_error);
+-- end if;
+-- if (lfptype = isx or rfptype = isx) then
+-- fpresult := (others => 'X');
+-- elsif (lfptype = nan or lfptype = quiet_nan)
+-- or (rfptype = nan or rfptype = quiet_nan)
+-- -- Return quiet NAN, IEEE754-1985-7.1,1
+-- or (lfptype = pos_inf or lfptype = neg_inf) -- inf rem x
+-- -- Return quiet NAN, IEEE754-1985-7.1,5
+-- or (rfptype = pos_zero or rfptype = neg_zero) then -- x rem 0
+-- -- Return quiet NAN, IEEE754-1985-7.1,5
+-- fpresult := qnanfp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+-- exponent_width => exponent_width);
+-- elsif (rfptype = pos_inf or rfptype = neg_inf) then -- x rem inf = 0
+-- fpresult := zerofp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+-- exponent_width => exponent_width);
+-- else
+-- remres := remainder (l => abs(l),
+-- r => abs(r),
+-- round_style => round_style,
+-- guard => guard,
+-- check_error => false,
+-- denormalize => denormalize);
+-- -- MOD is the same as REM, but you do something different with
+-- -- negative values
+-- if (is_negative (l)) then
+-- remres := - remres;
+-- end if;
+-- if (is_negative (l) = is_negative (r) or remres = 0) then
+-- fpresult := remres;
+-- else
+-- fpresult := add (l => remres,
+-- r => r,
+-- round_style => round_style,
+-- guard => guard,
+-- check_error => false,
+-- denormalize => denormalize);
+-- end if;
+-- end if;
+-- return fpresult;
+-- end function modulo;
+ -- Square root of a floating point number. Done using Newton's Iteration.
+-- function sqrt (
+-- arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+-- constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style;
+-- constant guard : NATURAL := float_guard_bits;
+-- constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+-- constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize)
+-- return UNRESOLVED_float is
+-- constant fraction_width : NATURAL := guard-arg'low; -- length of FP output fraction
+-- constant exponent_width : NATURAL := arg'high; -- length of FP output exponent
+-- variable sign : STD_ULOGIC;
+-- variable fpresult : float (arg'range);
+-- variable fptype : valid_fpstate;
+-- variable iexpon : SIGNED(exponent_width-1 downto 0); -- exponents
+-- variable expon : SIGNED(exponent_width downto 0); -- exponents
+-- variable ufact : ufixed (0 downto arg'low);
+-- variable fact : ufixed (2 downto -fraction_width); -- fraction
+-- variable resb : ufixed (fact'high+1 downto fact'low);
+-- begin -- square root
+-- fptype := Classfp (arg, check_error);
+-- classcase : case fptype is
+-- when isx =>
+-- fpresult := (others => 'X');
+-- when nan | quiet_nan |
+-- -- Return quiet NAN, IEEE754-1985-7.1,1
+-- neg_normal | neg_denormal | neg_inf => -- sqrt (neg)
+-- -- Return quiet NAN, IEEE754-1985-7.1.6
+-- fpresult := qnanfp (fraction_width => fraction_width-guard,
+-- exponent_width => exponent_width);
+-- when pos_inf => -- Sqrt (inf), return infinity
+-- fpresult := pos_inffp (fraction_width => fraction_width-guard,
+-- exponent_width => exponent_width);
+-- when pos_zero => -- return 0
+-- fpresult := zerofp (fraction_width => fraction_width-guard,
+-- exponent_width => exponent_width);
+-- when neg_zero => -- IEEE754-1985-6.3 return -0
+-- fpresult := neg_zerofp (fraction_width => fraction_width-guard,
+-- exponent_width => exponent_width);
+-- when others =>
+-- break_number (arg => arg,
+-- denormalize => denormalize,
+-- check_error => false,
+-- fract => ufact,
+-- expon => iexpon,
+-- sign => sign);
+-- expon := resize (iexpon+1, expon'length); -- get exponent
+-- fact := resize (ufact, fact'high, fact'low);
+-- if (expon(0) = '1') then
+-- fact := fact sla 1; -- * 2.0
+-- end if;
+-- expon := shift_right (expon, 1); -- exponent/2
+-- -- Newton's iteration - root := (1 + arg) / 2
+-- resb := (fact + 1) sra 1;
+-- for j in 0 to fraction_width/4 loop
+-- -- root := (root + (arg/root))/2
+-- resb := resize (arg => (resb + (fact/resb)) sra 1,
+-- left_index => resb'high,
+-- right_index => resb'low,
+-- round_style => fixed_truncate,
+-- overflow_style => fixed_wrap);
+-- end loop;
+-- fpresult := normalize (fract => resb,
+-- expon => expon-1,
+-- sign => '0',
+-- exponent_width => arg'high,
+-- fraction_width => -arg'low,
+-- round_style => round_style,
+-- denormalize => denormalize,
+-- nguard => guard);
+-- end case classcase;
+-- return fpresult;
+-- end function sqrt;
+ function Is_Negative (arg : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- Technically -0 should return "false", but I'm leaving that case out.
+ begin
+ return (to_x01(arg(arg'high)) = '1');
+ end function Is_Negative;
+ -- compare functions
+ -- =, /=, >=, <=, <, >
+ function eq ( -- equal =
+ l, r : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize)
+ return BOOLEAN is
+ variable lfptype, rfptype : valid_fpstate;
+ variable is_equal, is_unordered : BOOLEAN;
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := -mine(l'low, r'low); -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := maximum(l'high, r'high); -- length of FP output exponent
+ variable lresize, rresize : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ begin -- equal
+ if (fraction_width = 0 or l'length < 7 or r'length < 7) then
+ return false;
+ else
+ lfptype := classfp (l, check_error);
+ rfptype := classfp (r, check_error);
+ end if;
+ if (lfptype = neg_zero or lfptype = pos_zero) and
+ (rfptype = neg_zero or rfptype = pos_zero) then
+ is_equal := true;
+ else
+ lresize := resize (arg => to_x01(l),
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ denormalize_in => denormalize,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ rresize := resize (arg => to_x01(r),
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ denormalize_in => denormalize,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ is_equal := (to_slv(lresize) = to_slv(rresize));
+ end if;
+ if (check_error) then
+ is_unordered := Unordered (x => l,
+ y => r);
+ else
+ is_unordered := false;
+ end if;
+ return is_equal and not is_unordered;
+ end function eq;
+ function lt ( -- less than <
+ l, r : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize)
+ return BOOLEAN is
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := -mine(l'low, r'low); -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := maximum(l'high, r'high); -- length of FP output exponent
+ variable lfptype, rfptype : valid_fpstate;
+ variable expl, expr : UNSIGNED (exponent_width-1 downto 0);
+ variable fractl, fractr : UNSIGNED (fraction_width-1 downto 0);
+ variable is_less_than, is_unordered : BOOLEAN;
+ variable lresize, rresize : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ begin
+ if (fraction_width = 0 or l'length < 7 or r'length < 7) then
+ is_less_than := false;
+ else
+ lresize := resize (arg => to_x01(l),
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ denormalize_in => denormalize,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ rresize := resize (arg => to_x01(r),
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ denormalize_in => denormalize,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ if to_x01(l(l'high)) = to_x01(r(r'high)) then -- sign bits
+ expl := UNSIGNED(lresize(exponent_width-1 downto 0));
+ expr := UNSIGNED(rresize(exponent_width-1 downto 0));
+ if expl = expr then
+ fractl := UNSIGNED (to_slv(lresize(-1 downto -fraction_width)));
+ fractr := UNSIGNED (to_slv(rresize(-1 downto -fraction_width)));
+ if to_x01(l(l'high)) = '0' then -- positive number
+ is_less_than := (fractl < fractr);
+ else
+ is_less_than := (fractl > fractr); -- negative
+ end if;
+ else
+ if to_x01(l(l'high)) = '0' then -- positive number
+ is_less_than := (expl < expr);
+ else
+ is_less_than := (expl > expr); -- negative
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ else
+ lfptype := classfp (l, check_error);
+ rfptype := classfp (r, check_error);
+ if (lfptype = neg_zero and rfptype = pos_zero) then
+ is_less_than := false; -- -0 < 0 returns false.
+ else
+ is_less_than := (to_x01(l(l'high)) > to_x01(r(r'high)));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if check_error then
+ is_unordered := Unordered (x => l,
+ y => r);
+ else
+ is_unordered := false;
+ end if;
+ return is_less_than and not is_unordered;
+ end function lt;
+ function gt ( -- greater than >
+ l, r : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize)
+ return BOOLEAN is
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := -mine(l'low, r'low); -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := maximum(l'high, r'high); -- length of FP output exponent
+ variable lfptype, rfptype : valid_fpstate;
+ variable expl, expr : UNSIGNED (exponent_width-1 downto 0);
+ variable fractl, fractr : UNSIGNED (fraction_width-1 downto 0);
+ variable is_greater_than : BOOLEAN;
+ variable is_unordered : BOOLEAN;
+ variable lresize, rresize : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ begin -- greater_than
+ if (fraction_width = 0 or l'length < 7 or r'length < 7) then
+ is_greater_than := false;
+ else
+ lresize := resize (arg => to_x01(l),
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ denormalize_in => denormalize,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ rresize := resize (arg => to_x01(r),
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ denormalize_in => denormalize,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ if to_x01(l(l'high)) = to_x01(r(r'high)) then -- sign bits
+ expl := UNSIGNED(lresize(exponent_width-1 downto 0));
+ expr := UNSIGNED(rresize(exponent_width-1 downto 0));
+ if expl = expr then
+ fractl := UNSIGNED (to_slv(lresize(-1 downto -fraction_width)));
+ fractr := UNSIGNED (to_slv(rresize(-1 downto -fraction_width)));
+ if to_x01(l(l'high)) = '0' then -- positive number
+ is_greater_than := fractl > fractr;
+ else
+ is_greater_than := fractl < fractr; -- negative
+ end if;
+ else
+ if to_x01(l(l'high)) = '0' then -- positive number
+ is_greater_than := expl > expr;
+ else
+ is_greater_than := expl < expr; -- negative
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ else
+ lfptype := classfp (l, check_error);
+ rfptype := classfp (r, check_error);
+ if (lfptype = pos_zero and rfptype = neg_zero) then
+ is_greater_than := false; -- 0 > -0 returns false.
+ else
+ is_greater_than := to_x01(l(l'high)) < to_x01(r(r'high));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if check_error then
+ is_unordered := Unordered (x => l,
+ y => r);
+ else
+ is_unordered := false;
+ end if;
+ return is_greater_than and not is_unordered;
+ end function gt;
+ -- purpose: /= function
+ function ne ( -- not equal /=
+ l, r : UNRESOLVED_float;
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize)
+ return BOOLEAN is
+ variable is_equal, is_unordered : BOOLEAN;
+ begin
+ is_equal := eq (l => l,
+ r => r,
+ check_error => false,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ if check_error then
+ is_unordered := Unordered (x => l,
+ y => r);
+ else
+ is_unordered := false;
+ end if;
+ return not (is_equal and not is_unordered);
+ end function ne;
+ function le ( -- less than or equal to <=
+ l, r : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize)
+ return BOOLEAN is
+ variable is_greater_than, is_unordered : BOOLEAN;
+ begin
+ is_greater_than := gt (l => l,
+ r => r,
+ check_error => false,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ if check_error then
+ is_unordered := Unordered (x => l,
+ y => r);
+ else
+ is_unordered := false;
+ end if;
+ return not is_greater_than and not is_unordered;
+ end function le;
+ function ge ( -- greater than or equal to >=
+ l, r : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize)
+ return BOOLEAN is
+ variable is_less_than, is_unordered : BOOLEAN;
+ begin
+ is_less_than := lt (l => l,
+ r => r,
+ check_error => false,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ if check_error then
+ is_unordered := Unordered (x => l,
+ y => r);
+ else
+ is_unordered := false;
+ end if;
+ return not is_less_than and not is_unordered;
+ end function ge;
+ function \?=\ (L, R : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := -mine(l'low, r'low); -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := maximum(l'high, r'high); -- length of FP output exponent
+ variable lfptype, rfptype : valid_fpstate;
+ variable is_equal, is_unordered : STD_ULOGIC;
+ variable lresize, rresize : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ begin -- ?=
+ if (fraction_width = 0 or l'length < 7 or r'length < 7) then
+ return 'X';
+ else
+ lfptype := classfp (l, float_check_error);
+ rfptype := classfp (r, float_check_error);
+ end if;
+ if (lfptype = neg_zero or lfptype = pos_zero) and
+ (rfptype = neg_zero or rfptype = pos_zero) then
+ is_equal := '1';
+ else
+ lresize := resize (arg => l,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ denormalize_in => float_denormalize,
+ denormalize => float_denormalize);
+ rresize := resize (arg => r,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ denormalize_in => float_denormalize,
+ denormalize => float_denormalize);
+ is_equal := \?=\ (to_sulv(lresize), to_sulv(rresize));
+ end if;
+ if (float_check_error) then
+ if (lfptype = nan or lfptype = quiet_nan or
+ rfptype = nan or rfptype = quiet_nan) then
+ is_unordered := '1';
+ else
+ is_unordered := '0';
+ end if;
+ else
+ is_unordered := '0';
+ end if;
+ return is_equal and not is_unordered;
+ end function \?=\;
+ function \?/=\ (L, R : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := -mine(l'low, r'low); -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := maximum(l'high, r'high); -- length of FP output exponent
+ variable lfptype, rfptype : valid_fpstate;
+ variable is_equal, is_unordered : STD_ULOGIC;
+ variable lresize, rresize : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ begin -- ?/=
+ if (fraction_width = 0 or l'length < 7 or r'length < 7) then
+ return 'X';
+ else
+ lfptype := classfp (l, float_check_error);
+ rfptype := classfp (r, float_check_error);
+ end if;
+ if (lfptype = neg_zero or lfptype = pos_zero) and
+ (rfptype = neg_zero or rfptype = pos_zero) then
+ is_equal := '1';
+ else
+ lresize := resize (arg => l,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ denormalize_in => float_denormalize,
+ denormalize => float_denormalize);
+ rresize := resize (arg => r,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ denormalize_in => float_denormalize,
+ denormalize => float_denormalize);
+ is_equal := \?=\ (to_sulv(lresize), to_sulv(rresize));
+ end if;
+ if (float_check_error) then
+ if (lfptype = nan or lfptype = quiet_nan or
+ rfptype = nan or rfptype = quiet_nan) then
+ is_unordered := '1';
+ else
+ is_unordered := '0';
+ end if;
+ else
+ is_unordered := '0';
+ end if;
+ return not (is_equal and not is_unordered);
+ end function \?/=\;
+ function \?>\ (L, R : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := -mine(l'low, r'low);
+ variable founddash : BOOLEAN := false;
+ begin
+ if (fraction_width = 0 or l'length < 7 or r'length < 7) then
+ return 'X';
+ else
+ for i in L'range loop
+ if L(i) = '-' then
+ founddash := true;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ for i in R'range loop
+ if R(i) = '-' then
+ founddash := true;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if founddash then
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & " ""?>"": '-' found in compare string"
+ severity error;
+ return 'X';
+ elsif is_x(l) or is_x(r) then
+ return 'X';
+ elsif l > r then
+ return '1';
+ else
+ return '0';
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end function \?>\;
+ function \?>=\ (L, R : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := -mine(l'low, r'low);
+ variable founddash : BOOLEAN := false;
+ begin
+ if (fraction_width = 0 or l'length < 7 or r'length < 7) then
+ return 'X';
+ else
+ for i in L'range loop
+ if L(i) = '-' then
+ founddash := true;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ for i in R'range loop
+ if R(i) = '-' then
+ founddash := true;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if founddash then
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & " ""?>="": '-' found in compare string"
+ severity error;
+ return 'X';
+ elsif is_x(l) or is_x(r) then
+ return 'X';
+ elsif l >= r then
+ return '1';
+ else
+ return '0';
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end function \?>=\;
+ function \?<\ (L, R : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := -mine(l'low, r'low);
+ variable founddash : BOOLEAN := false;
+ begin
+ if (fraction_width = 0 or l'length < 7 or r'length < 7) then
+ return 'X';
+ else
+ for i in L'range loop
+ if L(i) = '-' then
+ founddash := true;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ for i in R'range loop
+ if R(i) = '-' then
+ founddash := true;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if founddash then
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & " ""?<"": '-' found in compare string"
+ severity error;
+ return 'X';
+ elsif is_x(l) or is_x(r) then
+ return 'X';
+ elsif l < r then
+ return '1';
+ else
+ return '0';
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end function \?<\;
+ function \?<=\ (L, R : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := -mine(l'low, r'low);
+ variable founddash : BOOLEAN := false;
+ begin
+ if (fraction_width = 0 or l'length < 7 or r'length < 7) then
+ return 'X';
+ else
+ for i in L'range loop
+ if L(i) = '-' then
+ founddash := true;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ for i in R'range loop
+ if R(i) = '-' then
+ founddash := true;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if founddash then
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & " ""?<="": '-' found in compare string"
+ severity error;
+ return 'X';
+ elsif is_x(l) or is_x(r) then
+ return 'X';
+ elsif l <= r then
+ return '1';
+ else
+ return '0';
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end function \?<=\;
+ function std_match (L, R : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if (L'high = R'high and L'low = R'low) then
+ return std_match(to_sulv(L), to_sulv(R));
+ else
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & "STD_MATCH: L'RANGE /= R'RANGE, returning FALSE"
+ severity warning;
+ return false;
+ end if;
+ end function std_match;
+ function find_rightmost (arg : UNRESOLVED_float; y : STD_ULOGIC) return INTEGER is
+ begin
+ for_loop : for i in arg'reverse_range loop
+ if arg(i) = y then
+ return i;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return arg'high+1; -- return out of bounds 'high
+ end function find_rightmost;
+ function find_leftmost (arg : UNRESOLVED_float; y : STD_ULOGIC) return INTEGER is
+ begin
+ for_loop : for i in arg'range loop
+ if arg(i) = y then
+ return i;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return arg'low-1; -- return out of bounds 'low
+ end function find_leftmost;
+ -- These override the defaults for the compare operators.
+ function "=" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ return eq(l, r);
+ end function "=";
+ function "/=" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ return ne(l, r);
+ end function "/=";
+ function ">=" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ return ge(l, r);
+ end function ">=";
+ function "<=" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ return le(l, r);
+ end function "<=";
+ function ">" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ return gt(l, r);
+ end function ">";
+ function "<" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ return lt(l, r);
+ end function "<";
+ -- purpose: maximum of two numbers (overrides default)
+ function maximum (
+ L, R : UNRESOLVED_float)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := -mine(l'low, r'low); -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := maximum(l'high, r'high); -- length of FP output exponent
+ variable lresize, rresize : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ begin
+ if ((L'length < 1) or (R'length < 1)) then return NAFP;
+ end if;
+ lresize := resize (l, exponent_width, fraction_width);
+ rresize := resize (r, exponent_width, fraction_width);
+ if lresize > rresize then return lresize;
+ else return rresize;
+ end if;
+ end function maximum;
+ function minimum (
+ L, R : UNRESOLVED_float)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := -mine(l'low, r'low); -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := maximum(l'high, r'high); -- length of FP output exponent
+ variable lresize, rresize : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ begin
+ if ((L'length < 1) or (R'length < 1)) then return NAFP;
+ end if;
+ lresize := resize (l, exponent_width, fraction_width);
+ rresize := resize (r, exponent_width, fraction_width);
+ if lresize > rresize then return rresize;
+ else return lresize;
+ end if;
+ end function minimum;
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- conversion functions
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Converts a floating point number of one format into another format
+ function resize (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- Floating point input
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- length of FP output exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width; -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+ constant denormalize_in : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize; -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ constant in_fraction_width : NATURAL := -arg'low; -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant in_exponent_width : NATURAL := arg'high; -- length of FP output exponent
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ -- result value
+ variable fptype : valid_fpstate;
+ variable expon_in : SIGNED (in_exponent_width-1 downto 0);
+ variable fract_in : UNSIGNED (in_fraction_width downto 0);
+ variable round : BOOLEAN;
+ variable expon_out : SIGNED (exponent_width-1 downto 0); -- output fract
+ variable fract_out : UNSIGNED (fraction_width downto 0); -- output fract
+ variable passguard : NATURAL;
+ begin
+ fptype := classfp(arg, check_error);
+ if ((fptype = pos_denormal or fptype = neg_denormal) and denormalize_in
+ and (in_exponent_width < exponent_width
+ or in_fraction_width < fraction_width))
+ or in_exponent_width > exponent_width
+ or in_fraction_width > fraction_width then
+ -- size reduction
+ classcase : case fptype is
+ when isx =>
+ result := (others => 'X');
+ when nan | quiet_nan =>
+ result := qnanfp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ when pos_inf =>
+ result := pos_inffp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ when neg_inf =>
+ result := neg_inffp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ when pos_zero | neg_zero =>
+ result := zerofp (fraction_width => fraction_width, -- hate -0
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ when others =>
+ break_number (
+ arg => arg,
+ fptyp => fptype,
+ denormalize => denormalize_in,
+ fract => fract_in,
+ expon => expon_in);
+ if fraction_width > in_fraction_width and denormalize_in then
+ -- You only get here if you have a denormal input
+ fract_out := (others => '0'); -- pad with zeros
+ fract_out (fraction_width downto
+ fraction_width - in_fraction_width) := fract_in;
+ result := normalize (
+ fract => fract_out,
+ expon => expon_in,
+ sign => arg(arg'high),
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ nguard => 0);
+ else
+ result := normalize (
+ fract => fract_in,
+ expon => expon_in,
+ sign => arg(arg'high),
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ nguard => in_fraction_width - fraction_width);
+ end if;
+ end case classcase;
+ else -- size increase or the same size
+ if exponent_width > in_exponent_width then
+ expon_in := SIGNED(arg (in_exponent_width-1 downto 0));
+ if fptype = pos_zero or fptype = neg_zero then
+ result (exponent_width-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ elsif expon_in = -1 then -- inf or nan (shorts out check_error)
+ result (exponent_width-1 downto 0) := (others => '1');
+ else
+ -- invert top BIT
+ expon_in(expon_in'high) := not expon_in(expon_in'high);
+ expon_out := resize (expon_in, expon_out'length); -- signed expand
+ -- Flip it back.
+ expon_out(expon_out'high) := not expon_out(expon_out'high);
+ result (exponent_width-1 downto 0) := UNRESOLVED_float(expon_out);
+ end if;
+ result (exponent_width) := arg (in_exponent_width); -- sign
+ else -- exponent_width = in_exponent_width
+ result (exponent_width downto 0) := arg (in_exponent_width downto 0);
+ end if;
+ if fraction_width > in_fraction_width then
+ result (-1 downto -fraction_width) := (others => '0'); -- zeros
+ result (-1 downto -in_fraction_width) :=
+ arg (-1 downto -in_fraction_width);
+ else -- fraction_width = in_fraciton_width
+ result (-1 downto -fraction_width) :=
+ arg (-1 downto -in_fraction_width);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return result;
+ end function resize;
+ function resize (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float;
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+ constant denormalize_in : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize; -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (size_res'left downto size_res'right);
+ begin
+ if (result'length < 1) then
+ return result;
+ else
+ result := resize (arg => arg,
+ exponent_width => size_res'high,
+ fraction_width => -size_res'low,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ check_error => check_error,
+ denormalize_in => denormalize_in,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ end function resize;
+ function to_float32 (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float;
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+ constant denormalize_in : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize; -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float32 is
+ begin
+ return resize (arg => arg,
+ exponent_width => float32'high,
+ fraction_width => -float32'low,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ check_error => check_error,
+ denormalize_in => denormalize_in,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ end function to_float32;
+ function to_float64 (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float;
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+ constant denormalize_in : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize; -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float64 is
+ begin
+ return resize (arg => arg,
+ exponent_width => float64'high,
+ fraction_width => -float64'low,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ check_error => check_error,
+ denormalize_in => denormalize_in,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ end function to_float64;
+ function to_float128 (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float;
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error;
+ constant denormalize_in : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize; -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float128 is
+ begin
+ return resize (arg => arg,
+ exponent_width => float128'high,
+ fraction_width => -float128'low,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ check_error => check_error,
+ denormalize_in => denormalize_in,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ end function to_float128;
+ -- to_float (Real)
+ -- typically not Synthesizable unless the input is a constant.
+ function to_float (
+ arg : REAL;
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- length of FP output exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width; -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ variable arg_real : REAL; -- Real version of argument
+ variable validfp : boundary_type; -- Check for valid results
+ variable exp : INTEGER; -- Integer version of exponent
+ variable expon : UNSIGNED (exponent_width - 1 downto 0);
+ -- Unsigned version of exp.
+ constant expon_base : SIGNED (exponent_width-1 downto 0) :=
+ gen_expon_base(exponent_width); -- exponent offset
+ variable fract : UNSIGNED (fraction_width-1 downto 0);
+ variable frac : REAL; -- Real version of fraction
+ constant roundfrac : REAL := 2.0 ** (-2 - fract'high); -- used for rounding
+ variable round : BOOLEAN; -- to round or not to round
+ begin
+ result := (others => '0');
+ arg_real := arg;
+ if arg_real < 0.0 then
+ result (exponent_width) := '1';
+ arg_real := - arg_real; -- Make it positive.
+ else
+ result (exponent_width) := '0';
+ end if;
+ test_boundary (arg => arg_real,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ btype => validfp,
+ log2i => exp);
+ if validfp = zero then
+ return result; -- Result initialized to "0".
+ elsif validfp = infinity then
+ result (exponent_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '1'); -- Exponent all "1"
+ -- return infinity.
+ return result;
+ else
+ if validfp = denormal then -- Exponent will default to "0".
+ expon := (others => '0');
+ frac := arg_real * (2.0 ** (to_integer(expon_base)-1));
+ else -- Number less than 1. "normal" number
+ expon := UNSIGNED (to_signed (exp-1, exponent_width));
+ expon(exponent_width-1) := not expon(exponent_width-1);
+ frac := (arg_real / 2.0 ** exp) - 1.0; -- Number less than 1.
+ end if;
+ for i in 0 to fract'high loop
+ if frac >= 2.0 ** (-1 - i) then
+ fract (fract'high - i) := '1';
+ frac := frac - 2.0 ** (-1 - i);
+ else
+ fract (fract'high - i) := '0';
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ round := false;
+ case round_style is
+ when round_nearest =>
+ if frac > roundfrac or ((frac = roundfrac) and fract(0) = '1') then
+ round := true;
+ end if;
+ when round_inf =>
+ if frac /= 0.0 and result(exponent_width) = '0' then
+ round := true;
+ end if;
+ when round_neginf =>
+ if frac /= 0.0 and result(exponent_width) = '1' then
+ round := true;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null; -- don't round
+ end case;
+ if (round) then
+ if and_reduce (fract) = '1' then -- fraction is all "1"
+ expon := expon + 1;
+ fract := (others => '0');
+ else
+ fract := fract + 1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ result (exponent_width-1 downto 0) := UNRESOLVED_float(expon);
+ result (-1 downto -fraction_width) := UNRESOLVED_float(fract);
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ end function to_float;
+ -- to_float (Integer)
+ function to_float (
+ arg : INTEGER;
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- length of FP output exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width; -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style) -- rounding option
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ variable arg_int : NATURAL; -- Natural version of argument
+ variable expon : SIGNED (exponent_width-1 downto 0);
+ variable exptmp : SIGNED (exponent_width-1 downto 0);
+ -- Unsigned version of exp.
+ constant expon_base : SIGNED (exponent_width-1 downto 0) :=
+ gen_expon_base(exponent_width); -- exponent offset
+ variable fract : UNSIGNED (fraction_width-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ variable fracttmp : UNSIGNED (fraction_width-1 downto 0);
+ variable round : BOOLEAN;
+ variable shift : NATURAL;
+ variable shiftr : NATURAL;
+ variable roundfrac : NATURAL; -- used in rounding
+ begin
+ if arg < 0 then
+ result (exponent_width) := '1';
+ arg_int := -arg; -- Make it positive.
+ else
+ result (exponent_width) := '0';
+ arg_int := arg;
+ end if;
+ if arg_int = 0 then
+ result := zerofp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ else
+ -- If the number is larger than we can represent in this number system
+ -- we need to return infinity.
+ shift := log2(arg_int);
+ if shift > to_integer(expon_base) then
+ -- worry about infinity
+ if result (exponent_width) = '0' then
+ result := pos_inffp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ else
+ -- return negative infinity.
+ result := neg_inffp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ end if;
+ else -- Normal number (can't be denormal)
+ -- Compute Exponent
+ expon := to_signed (shift-1, expon'length); -- positive fraction.
+ -- Compute Fraction
+ arg_int := arg_int - 2**shift; -- Subtract off the 1.0
+ shiftr := shift;
+ for I in fract'high downto maximum (fract'high - shift + 1, 0) loop
+ shiftr := shiftr - 1;
+ if (arg_int >= 2**shiftr) then
+ arg_int := arg_int - 2**shiftr;
+ fract(I) := '1';
+ else
+ fract(I) := '0';
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- Rounding routine
+ round := false;
+ if arg_int > 0 then
+ roundfrac := 2**(shiftr-1);
+ case round_style is
+ when round_nearest =>
+ if arg_int > roundfrac or
+ ((arg_int = roundfrac) and fract(0) = '1') then
+ round := true;
+ end if;
+ when round_inf =>
+ if arg_int /= 0 and result (exponent_width) = '0' then
+ round := true;
+ end if;
+ when round_neginf =>
+ if arg_int /= 0 and result (exponent_width) = '1' then
+ round := true;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ if round then
+ fp_round(fract_in => fract,
+ expon_in => expon,
+ fract_out => fracttmp,
+ expon_out => exptmp);
+ fract := fracttmp;
+ expon := exptmp;
+ end if;
+ -- Put the number together and return
+ expon(exponent_width-1) := not expon(exponent_width-1);
+ result (exponent_width-1 downto 0) := UNRESOLVED_float(expon);
+ result (-1 downto -fraction_width) := UNRESOLVED_float(fract);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return result;
+ end function to_float;
+ -- to_float (unsigned)
+ function to_float (
+ arg : UNSIGNED;
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- length of FP output exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width; -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style) -- rounding option
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ constant ARG_LEFT : INTEGER := ARG'length-1;
+ alias XARG : UNSIGNED(ARG_LEFT downto 0) is ARG;
+ variable sarg : SIGNED (ARG_LEFT+1 downto 0); -- signed version of arg
+ begin
+ if arg'length < 1 then
+ return NAFP;
+ end if;
+ sarg (XARG'range) := SIGNED (XARG);
+ sarg (sarg'high) := '0';
+ result := to_float (arg => sarg,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ round_style => round_style);
+ return result;
+ end function to_float;
+ -- to_float (signed)
+ function to_float (
+ arg : SIGNED;
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- length of FP output exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width; -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style) -- rounding option
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ constant ARG_LEFT : INTEGER := ARG'length-1;
+ alias XARG : SIGNED(ARG_LEFT downto 0) is ARG;
+ variable arg_int : UNSIGNED(xarg'range); -- Real version of argument
+ variable argb2 : UNSIGNED(xarg'high/2 downto 0); -- log2 of input
+ variable rexp : SIGNED (exponent_width - 1 downto 0);
+ variable exp : SIGNED (exponent_width - 1 downto 0);
+ -- signed version of exp.
+ variable expon : UNSIGNED (exponent_width - 1 downto 0);
+ -- Unsigned version of exp.
+ constant expon_base : SIGNED (exponent_width-1 downto 0) :=
+ gen_expon_base(exponent_width); -- exponent offset
+ variable round : BOOLEAN;
+ variable fract : UNSIGNED (fraction_width-1 downto 0);
+ variable rfract : UNSIGNED (fraction_width-1 downto 0);
+ variable sign : STD_ULOGIC; -- sign bit
+ begin
+ if arg'length < 1 then
+ return NAFP;
+ end if;
+ if Is_X (xarg) then
+ result := (others => 'X');
+ elsif (xarg = 0) then
+ result := zerofp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ else -- Normal number (can't be denormal)
+ sign := to_X01(xarg (xarg'high));
+ arg_int := UNSIGNED(abs (to_01(xarg)));
+ -- Compute Exponent
+ argb2 := to_unsigned(find_leftmost(arg_int, '1'), argb2'length); -- Log2
+ if argb2 > UNSIGNED(expon_base) then
+ result := pos_inffp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ result (exponent_width) := sign;
+ else
+ exp := SIGNED(resize(argb2, exp'length));
+ arg_int := shift_left (arg_int, arg_int'high-to_integer(exp));
+ if (arg_int'high > fraction_width) then
+ fract := arg_int (arg_int'high-1 downto (arg_int'high-fraction_width));
+ round := check_round (
+ fract_in => fract (0),
+ sign => sign,
+ remainder => arg_int((arg_int'high-fraction_width-1)
+ downto 0),
+ round_style => round_style);
+ if round then
+ fp_round(fract_in => fract,
+ expon_in => exp,
+ fract_out => rfract,
+ expon_out => rexp);
+ else
+ rfract := fract;
+ rexp := exp;
+ end if;
+ else
+ rexp := exp;
+ rfract := (others => '0');
+ rfract (fraction_width-1 downto fraction_width-1-(arg_int'high-1)) :=
+ arg_int (arg_int'high-1 downto 0);
+ end if;
+ result (exponent_width) := sign;
+ expon := UNSIGNED (rexp-1);
+ expon(exponent_width-1) := not expon(exponent_width-1);
+ result (exponent_width-1 downto 0) := UNRESOLVED_float(expon);
+ result (-1 downto -fraction_width) := UNRESOLVED_float(rfract);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return result;
+ end function to_float;
+ -- std_logic_vector to float
+ function to_float (
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- length of FP output exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width) -- length of FP output fraction
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable fpvar : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ begin
+ if arg'length < 1 then
+ return NAFP;
+ end if;
+ fpvar := UNRESOLVED_float(arg);
+ return fpvar;
+ end function to_float;
+ -- purpose: converts a ufixed to a floating point
+ function to_float (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_ufixed; -- unsigned fixed point input
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- width of exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width; -- width of fraction
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- use ieee extensions
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable sarg : sfixed (arg'high+1 downto arg'low); -- Signed version of arg
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ begin -- function to_float
+ if (arg'length < 1) then
+ return NAFP;
+ end if;
+ sarg (arg'range) := sfixed (arg);
+ sarg (sarg'high) := '0';
+ result := to_float (arg => sarg,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ return result;
+ end function to_float;
+ function to_float (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_sfixed; -- signed fixed point
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- length of FP output exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width; -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- rounding option
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ constant integer_width : INTEGER := arg'high;
+ constant in_fraction_width : INTEGER := arg'low;
+ variable xresult : sfixed (integer_width downto in_fraction_width);
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ variable arg_int : UNSIGNED(integer_width - in_fraction_width
+ downto 0); -- unsigned version of argument
+ variable argx : SIGNED (integer_width - in_fraction_width downto 0);
+ variable exp, exptmp : SIGNED (exponent_width downto 0);
+ variable expon : UNSIGNED (exponent_width - 1 downto 0);
+ -- Unsigned version of exp.
+ constant expon_base : SIGNED (exponent_width-1 downto 0) :=
+ gen_expon_base(exponent_width); -- exponent offset
+ variable fract, fracttmp : UNSIGNED (fraction_width-1 downto 0) :=
+ (others => '0');
+ variable round : BOOLEAN := false;
+ begin
+ if (arg'length < 1) then
+ return NAFP;
+ end if;
+ xresult := to_01(arg, 'X');
+ argx := SIGNED(to_slv(xresult));
+ if (Is_X (arg)) then
+ result := (others => 'X');
+ elsif (argx = 0) then
+ result := (others => '0');
+ else
+ result := (others => '0'); -- zero out the result
+ if argx(argx'left) = '1' then -- toss the sign bit
+ result (exponent_width) := '1'; -- Negative number
+ arg_int := UNSIGNED(to_x01(not STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (argx))) + 1; -- Make it positive with two's complement
+ else
+ result (exponent_width) := '0';
+ arg_int := UNSIGNED(to_x01(STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (argx))); -- new line: direct conversion to unsigned
+ end if;
+ -- Compute Exponent
+ exp := to_signed(find_leftmost(arg_int, '1'), exp'length); -- Log2
+ if exp + in_fraction_width > expon_base then -- return infinity
+ result (-1 downto -fraction_width) := (others => '0');
+ result (exponent_width -1 downto 0) := (others => '1');
+ return result;
+ elsif (denormalize and
+ (exp + in_fraction_width <= -resize(expon_base, exp'length))) then
+ exp := -resize(expon_base, exp'length);
+ -- shift by a constant
+ arg_int := shift_left (arg_int,
+ (arg_int'high + to_integer(expon_base)
+ + in_fraction_width - 1));
+ if (arg_int'high > fraction_width) then
+ fract := arg_int (arg_int'high-1 downto (arg_int'high-fraction_width));
+ round := check_round (
+ fract_in => arg_int(arg_int'high-fraction_width),
+ sign => result(result'high),
+ remainder => arg_int((arg_int'high-fraction_width-1)
+ downto 0),
+ round_style => round_style);
+ if (round) then
+ fp_round (fract_in => arg_int (arg_int'high-1 downto
+ (arg_int'high-fraction_width)),
+ expon_in => exp,
+ fract_out => fract,
+ expon_out => exptmp);
+ exp := exptmp;
+ end if;
+ else
+ fract (fraction_width-1 downto fraction_width-1-(arg_int'high-1)) :=
+ arg_int (arg_int'high-1 downto 0);
+ end if;
+ else
+ arg_int := shift_left (arg_int, arg_int'high-to_integer(exp));
+ exp := exp + in_fraction_width;
+ if (arg_int'high > fraction_width) then
+ fract := arg_int (arg_int'high-1 downto (arg_int'high-fraction_width));
+ round := check_round (
+ fract_in => fract(0),
+ sign => result(result'high),
+ remainder => arg_int((arg_int'high-fraction_width-1)
+ downto 0),
+ round_style => round_style);
+ if (round) then
+ fp_round (fract_in => fract,
+ expon_in => exp,
+ fract_out => fracttmp,
+ expon_out => exptmp);
+ fract := fracttmp;
+ exp := exptmp;
+ end if;
+ else
+ fract (fraction_width-1 downto fraction_width-1-(arg_int'high-1)) :=
+ arg_int (arg_int'high-1 downto 0);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ expon := UNSIGNED (resize(exp-1, exponent_width));
+ expon(exponent_width-1) := not expon(exponent_width-1);
+ result (exponent_width-1 downto 0) := UNRESOLVED_float(expon);
+ result (-1 downto -fraction_width) := UNRESOLVED_float(fract);
+ end if;
+ return result;
+ end function to_float;
+ -- size_res functions
+ -- Integer to float
+ function to_float (
+ arg : INTEGER;
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float;
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style) -- rounding option
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (size_res'left downto size_res'right);
+ begin
+ if (result'length < 1) then
+ return result;
+ else
+ result := to_float (arg => arg,
+ exponent_width => size_res'high,
+ fraction_width => -size_res'low,
+ round_style => round_style);
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ end function to_float;
+ -- real to float
+ function to_float (
+ arg : REAL;
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float;
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (size_res'left downto size_res'right);
+ begin
+ if (result'length < 1) then
+ return result;
+ else
+ result := to_float (arg => arg,
+ exponent_width => size_res'high,
+ fraction_width => -size_res'low,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ end function to_float;
+ -- unsigned to float
+ function to_float (
+ arg : UNSIGNED;
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float;
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style) -- rounding option
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (size_res'left downto size_res'right);
+ begin
+ if (result'length < 1) then
+ return result;
+ else
+ result := to_float (arg => arg,
+ exponent_width => size_res'high,
+ fraction_width => -size_res'low,
+ round_style => round_style);
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ end function to_float;
+ -- signed to float
+ function to_float (
+ arg : SIGNED;
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float;
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style) -- rounding
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (size_res'left downto size_res'right);
+ begin
+ if (result'length < 1) then
+ return result;
+ else
+ result := to_float (arg => arg,
+ exponent_width => size_res'high,
+ fraction_width => -size_res'low,
+ round_style => round_style);
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ end function to_float;
+ -- std_ulogic_vector to float
+ function to_float (
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (size_res'left downto size_res'right);
+ begin
+ if (result'length < 1) then
+ return result;
+ else
+ result := to_float (arg => arg,
+ exponent_width => size_res'high,
+ fraction_width => -size_res'low);
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ end function to_float;
+ -- unsigned fixed point to float
+ function to_float (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_ufixed; -- unsigned fixed point input
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float;
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- use ieee extensions
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (size_res'left downto size_res'right);
+ begin
+ if (result'length < 1) then
+ return result;
+ else
+ result := to_float (arg => arg,
+ exponent_width => size_res'high,
+ fraction_width => -size_res'low,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ end function to_float;
+ -- signed fixed point to float
+ function to_float (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_sfixed;
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float;
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- rounding option
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (size_res'left downto size_res'right);
+ begin
+ if (result'length < 1) then
+ return result;
+ else
+ result := to_float (arg => arg,
+ exponent_width => size_res'high,
+ fraction_width => -size_res'low,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ end function to_float;
+ -- to_integer (float)
+ function to_integer (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error) -- check for errors
+ return INTEGER is
+ variable validfp : valid_fpstate; -- Valid FP state
+ variable frac : UNSIGNED (-arg'low downto 0); -- Fraction
+ variable fract : UNSIGNED (1-arg'low downto 0); -- Fraction
+ variable expon : SIGNED (arg'high-1 downto 0);
+ variable isign : STD_ULOGIC; -- internal version of sign
+ variable round : STD_ULOGIC; -- is rounding needed?
+ variable result : INTEGER;
+ variable base : INTEGER; -- Integer exponent
+ begin
+ validfp := classfp (arg, check_error);
+ classcase : case validfp is
+ when isx | nan | quiet_nan | pos_zero | neg_zero | pos_denormal | neg_denormal =>
+ result := 0; -- return 0
+ when pos_inf =>
+ result := INTEGER'high;
+ when neg_inf =>
+ result := INTEGER'low;
+ when others =>
+ break_number (
+ arg => arg,
+ fptyp => validfp,
+ denormalize => false,
+ fract => frac,
+ expon => expon);
+ fract (fract'high) := '0'; -- Add extra bit for 0.6 case
+ fract (fract'high-1 downto 0) := frac;
+ isign := to_x01 (arg (arg'high));
+ base := to_integer (expon) + 1;
+ if base < -1 then
+ result := 0;
+ elsif base >= frac'high then
+ result := to_integer (fract) * 2**(base - frac'high);
+ else -- We need to round
+ if base = -1 then -- trap for 0.6 case.
+ result := 0;
+ else
+ result := to_integer (fract (frac'high downto frac'high-base));
+ end if;
+ -- rounding routine
+ case round_style is
+ when round_nearest =>
+ if frac'high - base > 1 then
+ round := fract (frac'high - base - 1) and
+ (fract (frac'high - base)
+ or (or_reduce (fract (frac'high - base - 2 downto 0))));
+ else
+ round := fract (frac'high - base - 1) and
+ fract (frac'high - base);
+ end if;
+ when round_inf =>
+ round := fract(frac'high - base - 1) and not isign;
+ when round_neginf =>
+ round := fract(frac'high - base - 1) and isign;
+ when others =>
+ round := '0';
+ end case;
+ if round = '1' then
+ result := result + 1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if isign = '1' then
+ result := - result;
+ end if;
+ end case classcase;
+ return result;
+ end function to_integer;
+ -- to_unsigned (float)
+ function to_unsigned (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant size : NATURAL; -- length of output
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error) -- check for errors
+ return UNSIGNED is
+ variable validfp : valid_fpstate; -- Valid FP state
+ variable frac : UNSIGNED (size-1 downto 0); -- Fraction
+ variable sign : STD_ULOGIC; -- not used
+ begin
+ validfp := classfp (arg, check_error);
+ classcase : case validfp is
+ when isx | nan | quiet_nan =>
+ frac := (others => 'X');
+ when pos_zero | neg_inf | neg_zero | neg_normal | pos_denormal | neg_denormal =>
+ frac := (others => '0'); -- return 0
+ when pos_inf =>
+ frac := (others => '1');
+ when others =>
+ float_to_unsigned (
+ arg => arg,
+ frac => frac,
+ sign => sign,
+ denormalize => false,
+ bias => 0,
+ round_style => round_style);
+ end case classcase;
+ return (frac);
+ end function to_unsigned;
+ -- to_signed (float)
+ function to_signed (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant size : NATURAL; -- length of output
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error) -- check for errors
+ return SIGNED is
+ variable sign : STD_ULOGIC; -- true if negative
+ variable validfp : valid_fpstate; -- Valid FP state
+ variable frac : UNSIGNED (size-1 downto 0); -- Fraction
+ variable result : SIGNED (size-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ validfp := classfp (arg, check_error);
+ classcase : case validfp is
+ when isx | nan | quiet_nan =>
+ result := (others => 'X');
+ when pos_zero | neg_zero | pos_denormal | neg_denormal =>
+ result := (others => '0'); -- return 0
+ when pos_inf =>
+ result := (others => '1');
+ result (result'high) := '0';
+ when neg_inf =>
+ result := (others => '0');
+ result (result'high) := '1';
+ when others =>
+ float_to_unsigned (
+ arg => arg,
+ sign => sign,
+ frac => frac,
+ denormalize => false,
+ bias => 0,
+ round_style => round_style);
+ result (size-1) := '0';
+ result (size-2 downto 0) := SIGNED(frac (size-2 downto 0));
+ if sign = '1' then
+ -- Because the most negative signed number is 1 less than the most
+ -- positive signed number, we need this code.
+ if frac(frac'high) = '1' then -- return most negative number
+ result := (others => '0');
+ result (result'high) := '1';
+ else
+ result := -result;
+ end if;
+ else
+ if frac(frac'high) = '1' then -- return most positive number
+ result := (others => '1');
+ result (result'high) := '0';
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end case classcase;
+ return result;
+ end function to_signed;
+ -- purpose: Converts a float to ufixed
+ function to_ufixed (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- fp input
+ constant left_index : INTEGER; -- integer part
+ constant right_index : INTEGER; -- fraction part
+ constant overflow_style : fixed_overflow_style_type := fixed_overflow_style; -- saturate
+ constant round_style : fixed_round_style_type := fixed_round_style; -- rounding
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize)
+ return UNRESOLVED_ufixed is
+ constant fraction_width : INTEGER := -mine(arg'low, arg'low); -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant exponent_width : INTEGER := arg'high; -- length of FP output exponent
+ constant size : INTEGER := left_index - right_index + 4; -- unsigned size
+ variable expon_base : INTEGER; -- exponent offset
+ variable validfp : valid_fpstate; -- Valid FP state
+ variable exp : INTEGER; -- Exponent
+ variable expon : UNSIGNED (exponent_width-1 downto 0); -- Vectorized exponent
+ -- Base to divide fraction by
+ variable frac : UNSIGNED (size-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Fraction
+ variable frac_shift : UNSIGNED (size-1 downto 0); -- Fraction shifted
+ variable shift : INTEGER;
+ variable result_big : UNRESOLVED_ufixed (left_index downto right_index-3);
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_ufixed (left_index downto right_index); -- result
+ begin -- function to_ufixed
+ validfp := classfp (arg, check_error);
+ classcase : case validfp is
+ when isx | nan | quiet_nan =>
+ frac := (others => 'X');
+ when pos_zero | neg_inf | neg_zero | neg_normal | neg_denormal =>
+ frac := (others => '0'); -- return 0
+ when pos_inf =>
+ frac := (others => '1'); -- always saturate
+ when others =>
+ expon_base := 2**(exponent_width-1) -1; -- exponent offset
+ -- Figure out the fraction
+ if (validfp = pos_denormal) and denormalize then
+ exp := -expon_base +1;
+ frac (frac'high) := '0'; -- Remove the "1.0".
+ else
+ -- exponent /= '0', normal floating point
+ expon := UNSIGNED(arg (exponent_width-1 downto 0));
+ expon(exponent_width-1) := not expon(exponent_width-1);
+ exp := to_integer (SIGNED(expon)) +1;
+ frac (frac'high) := '1'; -- Add the "1.0".
+ end if;
+ shift := (frac'high - 3 + right_index) - exp;
+ if fraction_width > frac'high then -- Can only use size-2 bits
+ frac (frac'high-1 downto 0) := UNSIGNED (to_slv (arg(-1 downto
+ -frac'high)));
+ else -- can use all bits
+ frac (frac'high-1 downto frac'high-fraction_width) :=
+ UNSIGNED (to_slv (arg(-1 downto -fraction_width)));
+ end if;
+ frac_shift := frac srl shift;
+ if shift < 0 then -- Overflow
+ frac := (others => '1');
+ else
+ frac := frac_shift;
+ end if;
+ end case classcase;
+ result_big := to_ufixed (
+ arg => STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(frac),
+ left_index => left_index,
+ right_index => (right_index-3));
+ result := resize (arg => result_big,
+ left_index => left_index,
+ right_index => right_index,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ overflow_style => overflow_style);
+ return result;
+ end function to_ufixed;
+ -- purpose: Converts a float to sfixed
+ function to_sfixed (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- fp input
+ constant left_index : INTEGER; -- integer part
+ constant right_index : INTEGER; -- fraction part
+ constant overflow_style : fixed_overflow_style_type := fixed_overflow_style; -- saturate
+ constant round_style : fixed_round_style_type := fixed_round_style; -- rounding
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize)
+ return UNRESOLVED_sfixed is
+ constant fraction_width : INTEGER := -mine(arg'low, arg'low); -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant exponent_width : INTEGER := arg'high; -- length of FP output exponent
+ constant size : INTEGER := left_index - right_index + 4; -- unsigned size
+ variable expon_base : INTEGER; -- exponent offset
+ variable validfp : valid_fpstate; -- Valid FP state
+ variable exp : INTEGER; -- Exponent
+ variable sign : BOOLEAN; -- true if negative
+ variable expon : UNSIGNED (exponent_width-1 downto 0); -- Vectorized exponent
+ -- Base to divide fraction by
+ variable frac : UNSIGNED (size-2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Fraction
+ variable frac_shift : UNSIGNED (size-2 downto 0); -- Fraction shifted
+ variable shift : INTEGER;
+ variable rsigned : SIGNED (size-1 downto 0); -- signed version of result
+ variable result_big : UNRESOLVED_sfixed (left_index downto right_index-3);
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_sfixed (left_index downto right_index)
+ := (others => '0'); -- result
+ begin -- function to_sfixed
+ validfp := classfp (arg, check_error);
+ classcase : case validfp is
+ when isx | nan | quiet_nan =>
+ result := (others => 'X');
+ when pos_zero | neg_zero =>
+ result := (others => '0'); -- return 0
+ when neg_inf =>
+ result (left_index) := '1'; -- return smallest negative number
+ when pos_inf =>
+ result := (others => '1'); -- return largest number
+ result (left_index) := '0';
+ when others =>
+ expon_base := 2**(exponent_width-1) -1; -- exponent offset
+ if arg(exponent_width) = '0' then
+ sign := false;
+ else
+ sign := true;
+ end if;
+ -- Figure out the fraction
+ if (validfp = pos_denormal or validfp = neg_denormal)
+ and denormalize then
+ exp := -expon_base +1;
+ frac (frac'high) := '0'; -- Add the "1.0".
+ else
+ -- exponent /= '0', normal floating point
+ expon := UNSIGNED(arg (exponent_width-1 downto 0));
+ expon(exponent_width-1) := not expon(exponent_width-1);
+ exp := to_integer (SIGNED(expon)) +1;
+ frac (frac'high) := '1'; -- Add the "1.0".
+ end if;
+ shift := (frac'high - 3 + right_index) - exp;
+ if fraction_width > frac'high then -- Can only use size-2 bits
+ frac (frac'high-1 downto 0) := UNSIGNED (to_slv (arg(-1 downto
+ -frac'high)));
+ else -- can use all bits
+ frac (frac'high-1 downto frac'high-fraction_width) :=
+ UNSIGNED (to_slv (arg(-1 downto -fraction_width)));
+ end if;
+ frac_shift := frac srl shift;
+ if shift < 0 then -- Overflow
+ frac := (others => '1');
+ else
+ frac := frac_shift;
+ end if;
+ if not sign then
+ rsigned := SIGNED("0" & frac);
+ else
+ rsigned := -(SIGNED("0" & frac));
+ end if;
+ result_big := to_sfixed (
+ arg => STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(rsigned),
+ left_index => left_index,
+ right_index => (right_index-3));
+ result := resize (arg => result_big,
+ left_index => left_index,
+ right_index => right_index,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ overflow_style => overflow_style);
+ end case classcase;
+ return result;
+ end function to_sfixed;
+ -- size_res versions
+ -- float to unsigned
+ function to_unsigned (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ size_res : UNSIGNED;
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error) -- check for errors
+ return UNSIGNED is
+ variable result : UNSIGNED (size_res'range);
+ begin
+ if (SIZE_RES'length = 0) then
+ return result;
+ else
+ result := to_unsigned (
+ arg => arg,
+ size => size_res'length,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ check_error => check_error);
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ end function to_unsigned;
+ -- float to signed
+ function to_signed (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ size_res : SIGNED;
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error) -- check for errors
+ return SIGNED is
+ variable result : SIGNED (size_res'range);
+ begin
+ if (SIZE_RES'length = 0) then
+ return result;
+ else
+ result := to_signed (
+ arg => arg,
+ size => size_res'length,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ check_error => check_error);
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ end function to_signed;
+ -- purpose: Converts a float to unsigned fixed point
+ function to_ufixed (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- fp input
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_ufixed;
+ constant overflow_style : fixed_overflow_style_type := fixed_overflow_style; -- saturate
+ constant round_style : fixed_round_style_type := fixed_round_style; -- rounding
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize)
+ return UNRESOLVED_ufixed is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_ufixed (size_res'left downto size_res'right);
+ begin
+ if (result'length < 1) then
+ return result;
+ else
+ result := to_ufixed (
+ arg => arg,
+ left_index => size_res'high,
+ right_index => size_res'low,
+ overflow_style => overflow_style,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ check_error => check_error,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ end function to_ufixed;
+ -- float to signed fixed point
+ function to_sfixed (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- fp input
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_sfixed;
+ constant overflow_style : fixed_overflow_style_type := fixed_overflow_style; -- saturate
+ constant round_style : fixed_round_style_type := fixed_round_style; -- rounding
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize)
+ return UNRESOLVED_sfixed is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_sfixed (size_res'left downto size_res'right);
+ begin
+ if (result'length < 1) then
+ return result;
+ else
+ result := to_sfixed (
+ arg => arg,
+ left_index => size_res'high,
+ right_index => size_res'low,
+ overflow_style => overflow_style,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ check_error => check_error,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ end function to_sfixed;
+ -- to_real (float)
+ -- typically not Synthesizable unless the input is a constant.
+ function to_real (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return REAL is
+ constant fraction_width : INTEGER := -mine(arg'low, arg'low); -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant exponent_width : INTEGER := arg'high; -- length of FP output exponent
+ variable sign : REAL; -- Sign, + or - 1
+ variable exp : INTEGER; -- Exponent
+ variable expon_base : INTEGER; -- exponent offset
+ variable frac : REAL := 0.0; -- Fraction
+ variable validfp : valid_fpstate; -- Valid FP state
+ variable expon : UNSIGNED (exponent_width - 1 downto 0)
+ := (others => '1'); -- Vectorized exponent
+ begin
+ validfp := classfp (arg, check_error);
+ classcase : case validfp is
+ when isx | pos_zero | neg_zero | nan | quiet_nan =>
+ return 0.0;
+ when neg_inf =>
+ return REAL'low; -- Negative infinity.
+ when pos_inf =>
+ return REAL'high; -- Positive infinity
+ when others =>
+ expon_base := 2**(exponent_width-1) -1;
+ if to_X01(arg(exponent_width)) = '0' then
+ sign := 1.0;
+ else
+ sign := -1.0;
+ end if;
+ -- Figure out the fraction
+ for i in 0 to fraction_width-1 loop
+ if to_X01(arg (-1 - i)) = '1' then
+ frac := frac + (2.0 **(-1 - i));
+ end if;
+ end loop; -- i
+ if validfp = pos_normal or validfp = neg_normal or not denormalize then
+ -- exponent /= '0', normal floating point
+ expon := UNSIGNED(arg (exponent_width-1 downto 0));
+ expon(exponent_width-1) := not expon(exponent_width-1);
+ exp := to_integer (SIGNED(expon)) +1;
+ sign := sign * (2.0 ** exp) * (1.0 + frac);
+ else -- exponent = '0', IEEE extended floating point
+ exp := 1 - expon_base;
+ sign := sign * (2.0 ** exp) * frac;
+ end if;
+ return sign;
+ end case classcase;
+ end function to_real;
+ -- For Verilog compatability
+ function realtobits (arg : REAL) return STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR is
+ variable result : float64; -- 64 bit floating point
+ begin
+ result := to_float (arg => arg,
+ exponent_width => float64'high,
+ fraction_width => -float64'low);
+ return to_sulv (result);
+ end function realtobits;
+ function bitstoreal (arg : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) return REAL is
+ variable arg64 : float64; -- arg converted to float
+ begin
+ arg64 := to_float (arg => arg,
+ exponent_width => float64'high,
+ fraction_width => -float64'low);
+ return to_real (arg64);
+ end function bitstoreal;
+ -- purpose: Removes meta-logical values from FP string
+ function to_01 (
+ arg : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ XMAP : STD_LOGIC := '0')
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (arg'range);
+ begin -- function to_01
+ if (arg'length < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & "TO_01: null detected, returning NULL"
+ severity warning;
+ return NAFP;
+ end if;
+ result := UNRESOLVED_float (STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(to_01(UNSIGNED(to_slv(arg)), XMAP)));
+ return result;
+ end function to_01;
+ function Is_X
+ (arg : UNRESOLVED_float)
+ return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ return Is_X (to_slv(arg));
+ end function Is_X;
+ function to_X01 (arg : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (arg'range);
+ begin
+ if (arg'length < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & "TO_X01: null detected, returning NULL"
+ severity warning;
+ return NAFP;
+ else
+ result := UNRESOLVED_float (to_X01(to_slv(arg)));
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ end function to_X01;
+ function to_X01Z (arg : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (arg'range);
+ begin
+ if (arg'length < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & "TO_X01Z: null detected, returning NULL"
+ severity warning;
+ return NAFP;
+ else
+ result := UNRESOLVED_float (to_X01Z(to_slv(arg)));
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ end function to_X01Z;
+ function to_UX01 (arg : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (arg'range);
+ begin
+ if (arg'length < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & "TO_UX01: null detected, returning NULL"
+ severity warning;
+ return NAFP;
+ else
+ result := UNRESOLVED_float (to_UX01(to_slv(arg)));
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ end function to_UX01;
+ -- These allows the base math functions to use the default values
+ -- of their parameters. Thus they do full IEEE floating point.
+ function "+" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ begin
+ return add (l, r);
+ end function "+";
+ function "-" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ begin
+ return subtract (l, r);
+ end function "-";
+ function "*" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ begin
+ return multiply (l, r);
+ end function "*";
+ function "/" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ begin
+ return divide (l, r);
+ end function "/";
+-- function "rem" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+-- begin
+-- return remainder (l, r);
+-- end function "rem";
+-- function "mod" (l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+-- begin
+-- return modulo (l, r);
+-- end function "mod";
+ -- overloaded versions
+ function "+" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return add (l, r_float);
+ end function "+";
+ function "+" (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float(l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return add (l_float, r);
+ end function "+";
+ function "+" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return add (l, r_float);
+ end function "+";
+ function "+" (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float(l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return add (l_float, r);
+ end function "+";
+ function "-" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return subtract (l, r_float);
+ end function "-";
+ function "-" (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float(l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return subtract (l_float, r);
+ end function "-";
+ function "-" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return subtract (l, r_float);
+ end function "-";
+ function "-" (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float(l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return subtract (l_float, r);
+ end function "-";
+ function "*" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return multiply (l, r_float);
+ end function "*";
+ function "*" (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float(l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return multiply (l_float, r);
+ end function "*";
+ function "*" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return multiply (l, r_float);
+ end function "*";
+ function "*" (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float(l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return multiply (l_float, r);
+ end function "*";
+ function "/" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return divide (l, r_float);
+ end function "/";
+ function "/" (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float(l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return divide (l_float, r);
+ end function "/";
+ function "/" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return divide (l, r_float);
+ end function "/";
+ function "/" (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float(l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return divide (l_float, r);
+ end function "/";
+-- function "rem" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+-- variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+-- begin
+-- r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+-- return remainder (l, r_float);
+-- end function "rem";
+-- function "rem" (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+-- variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+-- begin
+-- l_float := to_float(l, r'high, -r'low);
+-- return remainder (l_float, r);
+-- end function "rem";
+-- function "rem" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+-- variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+-- begin
+-- r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+-- return remainder (l, r_float);
+-- end function "rem";
+-- function "rem" (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+-- variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+-- begin
+-- l_float := to_float(l, r'high, -r'low);
+-- return remainder (l_float, r);
+-- end function "rem";
+-- function "mod" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+-- variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+-- begin
+-- r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+-- return modulo (l, r_float);
+-- end function "mod";
+-- function "mod" (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+-- variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+-- begin
+-- l_float := to_float(l, r'high, -r'low);
+-- return modulo (l_float, r);
+-- end function "mod";
+-- function "mod" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+-- variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+-- begin
+-- r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+-- return modulo (l, r_float);
+-- end function "mod";
+-- function "mod" (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+-- variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+-- begin
+-- l_float := to_float(l, r'high, -r'low);
+-- return modulo (l_float, r);
+-- end function "mod";
+ function "=" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return BOOLEAN is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return eq (l, r_float);
+ end function "=";
+ function "/=" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return BOOLEAN is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return ne (l, r_float);
+ end function "/=";
+ function ">=" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return BOOLEAN is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return ge (l, r_float);
+ end function ">=";
+ function "<=" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return BOOLEAN is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return le (l, r_float);
+ end function "<=";
+ function ">" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return BOOLEAN is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return gt (l, r_float);
+ end function ">";
+ function "<" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return BOOLEAN is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return lt (l, r_float);
+ end function "<";
+ function "=" (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float(l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return eq (l_float, r);
+ end function "=";
+ function "/=" (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float(l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return ne (l_float, r);
+ end function "/=";
+ function ">=" (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float(l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return ge (l_float, r);
+ end function ">=";
+ function "<=" (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float(l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return le (l_float, r);
+ end function "<=";
+ function ">" (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float(l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return gt (l_float, r);
+ end function ">";
+ function "<" (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float(l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return lt (l_float, r);
+ end function "<";
+ function "=" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return eq (l, r_float);
+ end function "=";
+ function "/=" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return ne (l, r_float);
+ end function "/=";
+ function ">=" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return ge (l, r_float);
+ end function ">=";
+ function "<=" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return le (l, r_float);
+ end function "<=";
+ function ">" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return gt (l, r_float);
+ end function ">";
+ function "<" (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return lt (l, r_float);
+ end function "<";
+ function "=" (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float(l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return eq (l_float, r);
+ end function "=";
+ function "/=" (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float(l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return ne (l_float, r);
+ end function "/=";
+ function ">=" (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float(l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return ge (l_float, r);
+ end function ">=";
+ function "<=" (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float(l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return le (l_float, r);
+ end function "<=";
+ function ">" (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float(l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return gt (l_float, r);
+ end function ">";
+ function "<" (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return BOOLEAN is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float(l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return lt (l_float, r);
+ end function "<";
+ -- ?= overloads
+ function \?=\ (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return \?=\ (l, r_float);
+ end function \?=\;
+ function \?/=\ (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return \?/=\ (l, r_float);
+ end function \?/=\;
+ function \?>\ (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return \?>\ (l, r_float);
+ end function \?>\;
+ function \?>=\ (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return \?>=\ (l, r_float);
+ end function \?>=\;
+ function \?<\ (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return \?<\ (l, r_float);
+ end function \?<\;
+ function \?<=\ (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return \?<=\ (l, r_float);
+ end function \?<=\;
+ -- real and float
+ function \?=\ (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float (l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return \?=\ (l_float, r);
+ end function \?=\;
+ function \?/=\ (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float (l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return \?/=\ (l_float, r);
+ end function \?/=\;
+ function \?>\ (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float (l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return \?>\ (l_float, r);
+ end function \?>\;
+ function \?>=\ (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float (l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return \?>=\ (l_float, r);
+ end function \?>=\;
+ function \?<\ (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float (l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return \?<\ (l_float, r);
+ end function \?<\;
+ function \?<=\ (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float (l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return \?<=\ (l_float, r);
+ end function \?<=\;
+ -- ?= overloads
+ function \?=\ (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return \?=\ (l, r_float);
+ end function \?=\;
+ function \?/=\ (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return \?/=\ (l, r_float);
+ end function \?/=\;
+ function \?>\ (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return \?>\ (l, r_float);
+ end function \?>\;
+ function \?>=\ (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return \?>=\ (l, r_float);
+ end function \?>=\;
+ function \?<\ (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return \?<\ (l, r_float);
+ end function \?<\;
+ function \?<=\ (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return \?<=\ (l, r_float);
+ end function \?<=\;
+ -- integer and float
+ function \?=\ (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float (l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return \?=\ (l_float, r);
+ end function \?=\;
+ function \?/=\ (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float (l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return \?/=\ (l_float, r);
+ end function \?/=\;
+ function \?>\ (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float (l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return \?>\ (l_float, r);
+ end function \?>\;
+ function \?>=\ (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float (l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return \?>=\ (l_float, r);
+ end function \?>=\;
+ function \?<\ (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float (l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return \?<\ (l_float, r);
+ end function \?<\;
+ function \?<=\ (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float (l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return \?<=\ (l_float, r);
+ end function \?<=\;
+ -- minimum and maximum overloads
+ function minimum (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return minimum (l, r_float);
+ end function minimum;
+ function maximum (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : REAL)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return maximum (l, r_float);
+ end function maximum;
+ function minimum (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float (l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return minimum (l_float, r);
+ end function minimum;
+ function maximum (l : REAL; r : UNRESOLVED_float)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float (l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return maximum (l_float, r);
+ end function maximum;
+ function minimum (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return minimum (l, r_float);
+ end function minimum;
+ function maximum (l : UNRESOLVED_float; r : INTEGER)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable r_float : UNRESOLVED_float (l'range);
+ begin
+ r_float := to_float (r, l'high, -l'low);
+ return maximum (l, r_float);
+ end function maximum;
+ function minimum (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float (l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return minimum (l_float, r);
+ end function minimum;
+ function maximum (l : INTEGER; r : UNRESOLVED_float)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable l_float : UNRESOLVED_float (r'range);
+ begin
+ l_float := to_float (l, r'high, -r'low);
+ return maximum (l_float, r);
+ end function maximum;
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- logical functions
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function "not" (L : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable RESULT : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(L'length-1 downto 0); -- force downto
+ begin
+ RESULT := not to_sulv(L);
+ return to_float (RESULT, L'high, -L'low);
+ end function "not";
+ function "and" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable RESULT : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(L'length-1 downto 0); -- force downto
+ begin
+ if (L'high = R'high and L'low = R'low) then
+ RESULT := to_sulv(L) and to_sulv(R);
+ else
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & """and"": Range error L'RANGE /= R'RANGE"
+ severity warning;
+ RESULT := (others => 'X');
+ end if;
+ return to_float (RESULT, L'high, -L'low);
+ end function "and";
+ function "or" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable RESULT : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(L'length-1 downto 0); -- force downto
+ begin
+ if (L'high = R'high and L'low = R'low) then
+ RESULT := to_sulv(L) or to_sulv(R);
+ else
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & """or"": Range error L'RANGE /= R'RANGE"
+ severity warning;
+ RESULT := (others => 'X');
+ end if;
+ return to_float (RESULT, L'high, -L'low);
+ end function "or";
+ function "nand" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable RESULT : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(L'length-1 downto 0); -- force downto
+ begin
+ if (L'high = R'high and L'low = R'low) then
+ RESULT := to_sulv(L) nand to_sulv(R);
+ else
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & """nand"": Range error L'RANGE /= R'RANGE"
+ severity warning;
+ RESULT := (others => 'X');
+ end if;
+ return to_float (RESULT, L'high, -L'low);
+ end function "nand";
+ function "nor" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable RESULT : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(L'length-1 downto 0); -- force downto
+ begin
+ if (L'high = R'high and L'low = R'low) then
+ RESULT := to_sulv(L) nor to_sulv(R);
+ else
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & """nor"": Range error L'RANGE /= R'RANGE"
+ severity warning;
+ RESULT := (others => 'X');
+ end if;
+ return to_float (RESULT, L'high, -L'low);
+ end function "nor";
+ function "xor" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable RESULT : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(L'length-1 downto 0); -- force downto
+ begin
+ if (L'high = R'high and L'low = R'low) then
+ RESULT := to_sulv(L) xor to_sulv(R);
+ else
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & """xor"": Range error L'RANGE /= R'RANGE"
+ severity warning;
+ RESULT := (others => 'X');
+ end if;
+ return to_float (RESULT, L'high, -L'low);
+ end function "xor";
+ function "xnor" (L, R : UNRESOLVED_float) return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable RESULT : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(L'length-1 downto 0); -- force downto
+ begin
+ if (L'high = R'high and L'low = R'low) then
+ RESULT := to_sulv(L) xnor to_sulv(R);
+ else
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & """xnor"": Range error L'RANGE /= R'RANGE"
+ severity warning;
+ RESULT := (others => 'X');
+ end if;
+ return to_float (RESULT, L'high, -L'low);
+ end function "xnor";
+ -- Vector and std_ulogic functions, same as functions in numeric_std
+ function "and" (L : STD_ULOGIC; R : UNRESOLVED_float)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (R'range);
+ begin
+ for i in result'range loop
+ result(i) := L and R(i);
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end function "and";
+ function "and" (L : UNRESOLVED_float; R : STD_ULOGIC)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (L'range);
+ begin
+ for i in result'range loop
+ result(i) := L(i) and R;
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end function "and";
+ function "or" (L : STD_ULOGIC; R : UNRESOLVED_float)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (R'range);
+ begin
+ for i in result'range loop
+ result(i) := L or R(i);
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end function "or";
+ function "or" (L : UNRESOLVED_float; R : STD_ULOGIC)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (L'range);
+ begin
+ for i in result'range loop
+ result(i) := L(i) or R;
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end function "or";
+ function "nand" (L : STD_ULOGIC; R : UNRESOLVED_float)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (R'range);
+ begin
+ for i in result'range loop
+ result(i) := L nand R(i);
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end function "nand";
+ function "nand" (L : UNRESOLVED_float; R : STD_ULOGIC)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (L'range);
+ begin
+ for i in result'range loop
+ result(i) := L(i) nand R;
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end function "nand";
+ function "nor" (L : STD_ULOGIC; R : UNRESOLVED_float)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (R'range);
+ begin
+ for i in result'range loop
+ result(i) := L nor R(i);
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end function "nor";
+ function "nor" (L : UNRESOLVED_float; R : STD_ULOGIC)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (L'range);
+ begin
+ for i in result'range loop
+ result(i) := L(i) nor R;
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end function "nor";
+ function "xor" (L : STD_ULOGIC; R : UNRESOLVED_float)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (R'range);
+ begin
+ for i in result'range loop
+ result(i) := L xor R(i);
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end function "xor";
+ function "xor" (L : UNRESOLVED_float; R : STD_ULOGIC)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (L'range);
+ begin
+ for i in result'range loop
+ result(i) := L(i) xor R;
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end function "xor";
+ function "xnor" (L : STD_ULOGIC; R : UNRESOLVED_float)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (R'range);
+ begin
+ for i in result'range loop
+ result(i) := L xnor R(i);
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end function "xnor";
+ function "xnor" (L : UNRESOLVED_float; R : STD_ULOGIC)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (L'range);
+ begin
+ for i in result'range loop
+ result(i) := L(i) xnor R;
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end function "xnor";
+ -- Reduction operator_reduces, same as numeric_std functions
+ function and_reduce (l : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ begin
+ return and_reduce (to_sulv(l));
+ end function and_reduce;
+ function nand_reduce (l : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ begin
+ return nand_reduce (to_sulv(l));
+ end function nand_reduce;
+ function or_reduce (l : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ begin
+ return or_reduce (to_sulv(l));
+ end function or_reduce;
+ function nor_reduce (l : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ begin
+ return nor_reduce (to_sulv(l));
+ end function nor_reduce;
+ function xor_reduce (l : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ begin
+ return xor_reduce (to_sulv(l));
+ end function xor_reduce;
+ function xnor_reduce (l : UNRESOLVED_float) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ begin
+ return xnor_reduce (to_sulv(l));
+ end function xnor_reduce;
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Recommended Functions from the IEEE 754 Appendix
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- returns x with the sign of y.
+ function Copysign (
+ x, y : UNRESOLVED_float) -- floating point input
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ begin
+ return y(y'high) & x (x'high-1 downto x'low);
+ end function Copysign;
+ -- Returns y * 2**n for integral values of N without computing 2**n
+ function Scalb (
+ y : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ N : INTEGER; -- exponent to add
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := -mine(y'low, y'low); -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := y'high; -- length of FP output exponent
+ variable arg, result : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width); -- internal argument
+ variable expon : SIGNED (exponent_width-1 downto 0); -- Vectorized exp
+ variable exp : SIGNED (exponent_width downto 0);
+ variable ufract : UNSIGNED (fraction_width downto 0);
+ constant expon_base : SIGNED (exponent_width-1 downto 0)
+ := gen_expon_base(exponent_width); -- exponent offset
+ variable fptype : valid_fpstate;
+ begin
+ -- This can be done by simply adding N to the exponent.
+ arg := to_01 (y, 'X');
+ fptype := classfp(arg, check_error);
+ classcase : case fptype is
+ when isx =>
+ result := (others => 'X');
+ when nan | quiet_nan =>
+ -- Return quiet NAN, IEEE754-1985-7.1,1
+ result := qnanfp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width);
+ when others =>
+ break_number (
+ arg => arg,
+ fptyp => fptype,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ fract => ufract,
+ expon => expon);
+ exp := resize (expon, exp'length) + N;
+ result := normalize (
+ fract => ufract,
+ expon => exp,
+ sign => to_x01 (arg (arg'high)),
+ fraction_width => fraction_width,
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ denormalize => denormalize,
+ nguard => 0);
+ end case classcase;
+ return result;
+ end function Scalb;
+ -- Returns y * 2**n for integral values of N without computing 2**n
+ function Scalb (
+ y : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ N : SIGNED; -- exponent to add
+ constant round_style : round_type := float_round_style; -- rounding option
+ constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+ constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize) -- Use IEEE extended FP
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable n_int : INTEGER;
+ begin
+ n_int := to_integer(N);
+ return Scalb (y => y,
+ N => n_int,
+ round_style => round_style,
+ check_error => check_error,
+ denormalize => denormalize);
+ end function Scalb;
+ -- returns the unbiased exponent of x
+ function Logb (
+ x : UNRESOLVED_float) -- floating point input
+ return INTEGER is
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := -mine (x'low, x'low); -- length of FP output fraction
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := x'high; -- length of FP output exponent
+ variable result : INTEGER; -- result
+ variable arg : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width); -- internal argument
+ variable expon : SIGNED (exponent_width - 1 downto 0);
+ variable fract : UNSIGNED (fraction_width downto 0);
+ constant expon_base : INTEGER := 2**(exponent_width-1) -1; -- exponent
+ -- offset +1
+ variable fptype : valid_fpstate;
+ begin
+ -- Just return the exponent.
+ arg := to_01 (x, 'X');
+ fptype := classfp(arg);
+ classcase : case fptype is
+ when isx | nan | quiet_nan =>
+ -- Return quiet NAN, IEEE754-1985-7.1,1
+ result := 0;
+ when pos_denormal | neg_denormal =>
+ fract (fraction_width) := '0';
+ fract (fraction_width-1 downto 0) :=
+ UNSIGNED (to_slv(arg(-1 downto -fraction_width)));
+ result := find_leftmost (fract, '1') -- Find the first "1"
+ - fraction_width; -- subtract the length we want
+ result := -expon_base + 1 + result;
+ when others =>
+ expon := SIGNED(arg (exponent_width - 1 downto 0));
+ expon(exponent_width-1) := not expon(exponent_width-1);
+ expon := expon + 1;
+ result := to_integer (expon);
+ end case classcase;
+ return result;
+ end function Logb;
+ -- returns the unbiased exponent of x
+ function Logb (
+ x : UNRESOLVED_float) -- floating point input
+ return SIGNED is
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := x'high; -- length of FP output exponent
+ variable result : SIGNED (exponent_width - 1 downto 0); -- result
+ begin
+ -- Just return the exponent.
+ result := to_signed (Logb (x), exponent_width);
+ return result;
+ end function Logb;
+ -- returns the next representable neighbor of x in the direction toward y
+-- function Nextafter (
+-- x, y : UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+-- constant check_error : BOOLEAN := float_check_error; -- check for errors
+-- constant denormalize : BOOLEAN := float_denormalize)
+-- return UNRESOLVED_float is
+-- constant fraction_width : NATURAL := -mine(x'low, x'low); -- length of FP output fraction
+-- constant exponent_width : NATURAL := x'high; -- length of FP output exponent
+-- function "=" (
+-- l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) -- inputs
+-- return BOOLEAN is
+-- begin -- function "="
+-- return eq (l => l,
+-- r => r,
+-- check_error => false);
+-- end function "=";
+-- function ">" (
+-- l, r : UNRESOLVED_float) -- inputs
+-- return BOOLEAN is
+-- begin -- function ">"
+-- return gt (l => l,
+-- r => r,
+-- check_error => false);
+-- end function ">";
+-- variable fract : UNSIGNED (fraction_width-1 downto 0);
+-- variable expon : UNSIGNED (exponent_width-1 downto 0);
+-- variable sign : STD_ULOGIC;
+-- variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+-- variable validfpx, validfpy : valid_fpstate; -- Valid FP state
+-- begin -- fp_Nextafter
+-- -- If Y > X, add one to the fraction, otherwise subtract.
+-- validfpx := classfp (x, check_error);
+-- validfpy := classfp (y, check_error);
+-- if validfpx = isx or validfpy = isx then
+-- result := (others => 'X');
+-- return result;
+-- elsif (validfpx = nan or validfpy = nan) then
+-- return nanfp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+-- exponent_width => exponent_width);
+-- elsif (validfpx = quiet_nan or validfpy = quiet_nan) then
+-- return qnanfp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+-- exponent_width => exponent_width);
+-- elsif x = y then -- Return X
+-- return x;
+-- else
+-- fract := UNSIGNED (to_slv (x (-1 downto -fraction_width))); -- Fraction
+-- expon := UNSIGNED (x (exponent_width - 1 downto 0)); -- exponent
+-- sign := x(exponent_width); -- sign bit
+-- if (y > x) then
+-- -- Increase the number given
+-- if validfpx = neg_inf then
+-- -- return most negative number
+-- expon := (others => '1');
+-- expon (0) := '0';
+-- fract := (others => '1');
+-- elsif validfpx = pos_zero or validfpx = neg_zero then
+-- -- return smallest denormal number
+-- sign := '0';
+-- expon := (others => '0');
+-- fract := (others => '0');
+-- fract(0) := '1';
+-- elsif validfpx = pos_normal then
+-- if and_reduce (fract) = '1' then -- fraction is all "1".
+-- if and_reduce (expon (exponent_width-1 downto 1)) = '1'
+-- and expon (0) = '0' then
+-- -- Exponent is one away from infinity.
+-- assert NO_WARNING
+-- report "float_pkg:"
+-- & "FP_NEXTAFTER: NextAfter overflow"
+-- severity warning;
+-- return pos_inffp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+-- exponent_width => exponent_width);
+-- else
+-- expon := expon + 1;
+-- fract := (others => '0');
+-- end if;
+-- else
+-- fract := fract + 1;
+-- end if;
+-- elsif validfpx = pos_denormal then
+-- if and_reduce (fract) = '1' then -- fraction is all "1".
+-- -- return smallest possible normal number
+-- expon := (others => '0');
+-- expon(0) := '1';
+-- fract := (others => '0');
+-- else
+-- fract := fract + 1;
+-- end if;
+-- elsif validfpx = neg_normal then
+-- if or_reduce (fract) = '0' then -- fraction is all "0".
+-- if or_reduce (expon (exponent_width-1 downto 1)) = '0' and
+-- expon (0) = '1' then -- Smallest exponent
+-- -- return the largest negative denormal number
+-- expon := (others => '0');
+-- fract := (others => '1');
+-- else
+-- expon := expon - 1;
+-- fract := (others => '1');
+-- end if;
+-- else
+-- fract := fract - 1;
+-- end if;
+-- elsif validfpx = neg_denormal then
+-- if or_reduce (fract(fract'high downto 1)) = '0'
+-- and fract (0) = '1' then -- Smallest possible fraction
+-- return zerofp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+-- exponent_width => exponent_width);
+-- else
+-- fract := fract - 1;
+-- end if;
+-- end if;
+-- else
+-- -- Decrease the number
+-- if validfpx = pos_inf then
+-- -- return most positive number
+-- expon := (others => '1');
+-- expon (0) := '0';
+-- fract := (others => '1');
+-- elsif validfpx = pos_zero
+-- or classfp (x) = neg_zero then
+-- -- return smallest negative denormal number
+-- sign := '1';
+-- expon := (others => '0');
+-- fract := (others => '0');
+-- fract(0) := '1';
+-- elsif validfpx = neg_normal then
+-- if and_reduce (fract) = '1' then -- fraction is all "1".
+-- if and_reduce (expon (exponent_width-1 downto 1)) = '1'
+-- and expon (0) = '0' then
+-- -- Exponent is one away from infinity.
+-- assert NO_WARNING
+-- report "float_pkg:"
+-- & "FP_NEXTAFTER: NextAfter overflow"
+-- severity warning;
+-- return neg_inffp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+-- exponent_width => exponent_width);
+-- else
+-- expon := expon + 1; -- Fraction overflow
+-- fract := (others => '0');
+-- end if;
+-- else
+-- fract := fract + 1;
+-- end if;
+-- elsif validfpx = neg_denormal then
+-- if and_reduce (fract) = '1' then -- fraction is all "1".
+-- -- return smallest possible normal number
+-- expon := (others => '0');
+-- expon(0) := '1';
+-- fract := (others => '0');
+-- else
+-- fract := fract + 1;
+-- end if;
+-- elsif validfpx = pos_normal then
+-- if or_reduce (fract) = '0' then -- fraction is all "0".
+-- if or_reduce (expon (exponent_width-1 downto 1)) = '0' and
+-- expon (0) = '1' then -- Smallest exponent
+-- -- return the largest positive denormal number
+-- expon := (others => '0');
+-- fract := (others => '1');
+-- else
+-- expon := expon - 1;
+-- fract := (others => '1');
+-- end if;
+-- else
+-- fract := fract - 1;
+-- end if;
+-- elsif validfpx = pos_denormal then
+-- if or_reduce (fract(fract'high downto 1)) = '0'
+-- and fract (0) = '1' then -- Smallest possible fraction
+-- return zerofp (fraction_width => fraction_width,
+-- exponent_width => exponent_width);
+-- else
+-- fract := fract - 1;
+-- end if;
+-- end if;
+-- end if;
+-- result (-1 downto -fraction_width) := UNRESOLVED_float(fract);
+-- result (exponent_width -1 downto 0) := UNRESOLVED_float(expon);
+-- result (exponent_width) := sign;
+-- return result;
+-- end if;
+-- end function Nextafter;
+ -- Returns True if X is unordered with Y.
+ function Unordered (
+ x, y : UNRESOLVED_float) -- floating point input
+ return BOOLEAN is
+ variable lfptype, rfptype : valid_fpstate;
+ begin
+ lfptype := classfp (x);
+ rfptype := classfp (y);
+ if (lfptype = nan or lfptype = quiet_nan or
+ rfptype = nan or rfptype = quiet_nan or
+ lfptype = isx or rfptype = isx) then
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+ end if;
+ end function Unordered;
+ function Finite (
+ x : UNRESOLVED_float)
+ return BOOLEAN is
+ variable fp_state : valid_fpstate; -- fp state
+ begin
+ fp_state := Classfp (x);
+ if (fp_state = pos_inf) or (fp_state = neg_inf) then
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+ end if;
+ end function Finite;
+ function Isnan (
+ x : UNRESOLVED_float)
+ return BOOLEAN is
+ variable fp_state : valid_fpstate; -- fp state
+ begin
+ fp_state := Classfp (x);
+ if (fp_state = nan) or (fp_state = quiet_nan) then
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+ end if;
+ end function Isnan;
+ -- Function to return constants.
+ function zerofp (
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width) -- fraction
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ constant result : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width) :=
+ (others => '0'); -- zero
+ begin
+ return result;
+ end function zerofp;
+ function nanfp (
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width) -- fraction
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width) :=
+ (others => '0'); -- zero
+ begin
+ result (exponent_width-1 downto 0) := (others => '1');
+ -- Exponent all "1"
+ result (-1) := '1'; -- MSB of Fraction "1"
+ -- Note: From W. Khan "IEEE Standard 754 for Binary Floating Point"
+ -- The difference between a signaling NAN and a quiet NAN is that
+ -- the MSB of the Fraction is a "1" in a Signaling NAN, and is a
+ -- "0" in a quiet NAN.
+ return result;
+ end function nanfp;
+ function qnanfp (
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width) -- fraction
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width) :=
+ (others => '0'); -- zero
+ begin
+ result (exponent_width-1 downto 0) := (others => '1');
+ -- Exponent all "1"
+ result (-fraction_width) := '1'; -- LSB of Fraction "1"
+ -- (Could have been any bit)
+ return result;
+ end function qnanfp;
+ function pos_inffp (
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width) -- fraction
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width) :=
+ (others => '0'); -- zero
+ begin
+ result (exponent_width-1 downto 0) := (others => '1'); -- Exponent all "1"
+ return result;
+ end function pos_inffp;
+ function neg_inffp (
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width) -- fraction
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width) :=
+ (others => '0'); -- zero
+ begin
+ result (exponent_width downto 0) := (others => '1'); -- top bits all "1"
+ return result;
+ end function neg_inffp;
+ function neg_zerofp (
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width) -- fraction
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width) :=
+ (others => '0'); -- zero
+ begin
+ result (exponent_width) := '1';
+ return result;
+ end function neg_zerofp;
+ -- size_res versions
+ function zerofp (
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float) -- variable is only use for sizing
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ begin
+ return zerofp (
+ exponent_width => size_res'high,
+ fraction_width => -size_res'low);
+ end function zerofp;
+ function nanfp (
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float) -- variable is only use for sizing
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ begin
+ return nanfp (
+ exponent_width => size_res'high,
+ fraction_width => -size_res'low);
+ end function nanfp;
+ function qnanfp (
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float) -- variable is only use for sizing
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ begin
+ return qnanfp (
+ exponent_width => size_res'high,
+ fraction_width => -size_res'low);
+ end function qnanfp;
+ function pos_inffp (
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float) -- variable is only use for sizing
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ begin
+ return pos_inffp (
+ exponent_width => size_res'high,
+ fraction_width => -size_res'low);
+ end function pos_inffp;
+ function neg_inffp (
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float) -- variable is only use for sizing
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ begin
+ return neg_inffp (
+ exponent_width => size_res'high,
+ fraction_width => -size_res'low);
+ end function neg_inffp;
+ function neg_zerofp (
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float) -- variable is only use for sizing
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ begin
+ return neg_zerofp (
+ exponent_width => size_res'high,
+ fraction_width => -size_res'low);
+ end function neg_zerofp;
+-- rtl_synthesis off
+-- pragma synthesis_off
+ --%%% these functions are copied from std_logic_1164 (VHDL-200X edition)
+ -- Textio functions
+ -- purpose: writes float into a line (NOTE changed basetype)
+ type MVL9plus is ('U', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z', 'W', 'L', 'H', '-', error);
+ type char_indexed_by_MVL9 is array (STD_ULOGIC) of CHARACTER;
+ type MVL9_indexed_by_char is array (CHARACTER) of STD_ULOGIC;
+ type MVL9plus_indexed_by_char is array (CHARACTER) of MVL9plus;
+ constant NBSP : CHARACTER := CHARACTER'val(160); -- space character
+ constant MVL9_to_char : char_indexed_by_MVL9 := "UX01ZWLH-";
+ constant char_to_MVL9 : MVL9_indexed_by_char :=
+ ('U' => 'U', 'X' => 'X', '0' => '0', '1' => '1', 'Z' => 'Z',
+ 'W' => 'W', 'L' => 'L', 'H' => 'H', '-' => '-', others => 'U');
+ constant char_to_MVL9plus : MVL9plus_indexed_by_char :=
+ ('U' => 'U', 'X' => 'X', '0' => '0', '1' => '1', 'Z' => 'Z',
+ 'W' => 'W', 'L' => 'L', 'H' => 'H', '-' => '-', others => error);
+ constant NUS : STRING(2 to 1) := (others => ' ');
+ -- purpose: Skips white space
+ procedure skip_whitespace (
+ L : inout LINE) is
+ variable readOk : BOOLEAN;
+ variable c : CHARACTER;
+ begin
+ while L /= null and L.all'length /= 0 loop
+ if (L.all(1) = ' ' or L.all(1) = NBSP or L.all(1) = HT) then
+ read (l, c, readOk);
+ else
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end procedure skip_whitespace;
+-- %%% Replicated textio functions
+ function to_ostring (value : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STRING is
+ constant ne : INTEGER := (value'length+2)/3;
+ variable pad : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to (ne*3 - value'length) - 1);
+ variable ivalue : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to ne*3 - 1);
+ variable result : STRING(1 to ne);
+ variable tri : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 2);
+ begin
+ if value'length < 1 then
+ return NUS;
+ else
+ if value (value'left) = 'Z' then
+ pad := (others => 'Z');
+ else
+ pad := (others => '0');
+ end if;
+ ivalue := pad & value;
+ for i in 0 to ne-1 loop
+ tri := To_X01Z(ivalue(3*i to 3*i+2));
+ case tri is
+ when o"0" => result(i+1) := '0';
+ when o"1" => result(i+1) := '1';
+ when o"2" => result(i+1) := '2';
+ when o"3" => result(i+1) := '3';
+ when o"4" => result(i+1) := '4';
+ when o"5" => result(i+1) := '5';
+ when o"6" => result(i+1) := '6';
+ when o"7" => result(i+1) := '7';
+ when "ZZZ" => result(i+1) := 'Z';
+ when others => result(i+1) := 'X';
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ end function to_ostring;
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function to_hstring (value : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STRING is
+ constant ne : INTEGER := (value'length+3)/4;
+ variable pad : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to (ne*4 - value'length) - 1);
+ variable ivalue : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to ne*4 - 1);
+ variable result : STRING(1 to ne);
+ variable quad : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 3);
+ begin
+ if value'length < 1 then
+ return NUS;
+ else
+ if value (value'left) = 'Z' then
+ pad := (others => 'Z');
+ else
+ pad := (others => '0');
+ end if;
+ ivalue := pad & value;
+ for i in 0 to ne-1 loop
+ quad := To_X01Z(ivalue(4*i to 4*i+3));
+ case quad is
+ when x"0" => result(i+1) := '0';
+ when x"1" => result(i+1) := '1';
+ when x"2" => result(i+1) := '2';
+ when x"3" => result(i+1) := '3';
+ when x"4" => result(i+1) := '4';
+ when x"5" => result(i+1) := '5';
+ when x"6" => result(i+1) := '6';
+ when x"7" => result(i+1) := '7';
+ when x"8" => result(i+1) := '8';
+ when x"9" => result(i+1) := '9';
+ when x"A" => result(i+1) := 'A';
+ when x"B" => result(i+1) := 'B';
+ when x"C" => result(i+1) := 'C';
+ when x"D" => result(i+1) := 'D';
+ when x"E" => result(i+1) := 'E';
+ when x"F" => result(i+1) := 'F';
+ when "ZZZZ" => result(i+1) := 'Z';
+ when others => result(i+1) := 'X';
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ end function to_hstring;
+ procedure Char2TriBits (C : CHARACTER;
+ RESULT : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 downto 0);
+ begin
+ case c is
+ when '0' => result := o"0"; good := true;
+ when '1' => result := o"1"; good := true;
+ when '2' => result := o"2"; good := true;
+ when '3' => result := o"3"; good := true;
+ when '4' => result := o"4"; good := true;
+ when '5' => result := o"5"; good := true;
+ when '6' => result := o"6"; good := true;
+ when '7' => result := o"7"; good := true;
+ when 'Z' => result := "ZZZ"; good := true;
+ when 'X' => result := "XXX"; good := true;
+ when others =>
+ assert not ISSUE_ERROR
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & "OREAD Error: Read a '" & c &
+ "', expected an Octal character (0-7)."
+ severity error;
+ result := "UUU";
+ good := false;
+ end case;
+ end procedure Char2TriBits;
+ procedure OREAD (L : inout LINE; VALUE : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ GOOD : out BOOLEAN) is
+ variable ok : BOOLEAN;
+ variable c : CHARACTER;
+ constant ne : INTEGER := (VALUE'length+2)/3;
+ constant pad : INTEGER := ne*3 - VALUE'length;
+ variable sv : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to ne*3 - 1);
+ variable i : INTEGER;
+ variable lastu : BOOLEAN := false; -- last character was an "_"
+ begin
+ VALUE := (VALUE'range => 'U'); -- initialize to a "U"
+ Skip_whitespace (L);
+ if VALUE'length > 0 then
+ read (l, c, ok);
+ i := 0;
+ while i < ne loop
+ -- Bail out if there was a bad read
+ if not ok then
+ good := false;
+ return;
+ elsif c = '_' then
+ if i = 0 then
+ good := false; -- Begins with an "_"
+ return;
+ elsif lastu then
+ good := false; -- "__" detected
+ return;
+ else
+ lastu := true;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Char2TriBits(c, sv(3*i to 3*i+2), ok, false);
+ if not ok then
+ good := false;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ i := i + 1;
+ lastu := false;
+ end if;
+ if i < ne then
+ read(L, c, ok);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if or_reduce (sv (0 to pad-1)) = '1' then -- %%% replace with "or"
+ good := false; -- vector was truncated.
+ else
+ good := true;
+ VALUE := sv (pad to sv'high);
+ end if;
+ else
+ good := true; -- read into a null array
+ end if;
+ end procedure OREAD;
+ -- Hex Read and Write procedures for STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR.
+ -- Modified from the original to be more forgiving.
+ procedure Char2QuadBits (C : CHARACTER;
+ RESULT : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+ begin
+ case c is
+ when '0' => result := x"0"; good := true;
+ when '1' => result := x"1"; good := true;
+ when '2' => result := x"2"; good := true;
+ when '3' => result := x"3"; good := true;
+ when '4' => result := x"4"; good := true;
+ when '5' => result := x"5"; good := true;
+ when '6' => result := x"6"; good := true;
+ when '7' => result := x"7"; good := true;
+ when '8' => result := x"8"; good := true;
+ when '9' => result := x"9"; good := true;
+ when 'A' | 'a' => result := x"A"; good := true;
+ when 'B' | 'b' => result := x"B"; good := true;
+ when 'C' | 'c' => result := x"C"; good := true;
+ when 'D' | 'd' => result := x"D"; good := true;
+ when 'E' | 'e' => result := x"E"; good := true;
+ when 'F' | 'f' => result := x"F"; good := true;
+ when 'Z' => result := "ZZZZ"; good := true;
+ when 'X' => result := "XXXX"; good := true;
+ when others =>
+ assert not ISSUE_ERROR
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & "HREAD Error: Read a '" & c &
+ "', expected a Hex character (0-F)."
+ severity error;
+ result := "UUUU";
+ good := false;
+ end case;
+ end procedure Char2QuadBits;
+ procedure HREAD (L : inout LINE; VALUE : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ GOOD : out BOOLEAN) is
+ variable ok : BOOLEAN;
+ variable c : CHARACTER;
+ constant ne : INTEGER := (VALUE'length+3)/4;
+ constant pad : INTEGER := ne*4 - VALUE'length;
+ variable sv : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to ne*4 - 1);
+ variable i : INTEGER;
+ variable lastu : BOOLEAN := false; -- last character was an "_"
+ begin
+ VALUE := (VALUE'range => 'U'); -- initialize to a "U"
+ Skip_whitespace (L);
+ if VALUE'length > 0 then
+ read (l, c, ok);
+ i := 0;
+ while i < ne loop
+ -- Bail out if there was a bad read
+ if not ok then
+ good := false;
+ return;
+ elsif c = '_' then
+ if i = 0 then
+ good := false; -- Begins with an "_"
+ return;
+ elsif lastu then
+ good := false; -- "__" detected
+ return;
+ else
+ lastu := true;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Char2QuadBits(c, sv(4*i to 4*i+3), ok, false);
+ if not ok then
+ good := false;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ i := i + 1;
+ lastu := false;
+ end if;
+ if i < ne then
+ read(L, c, ok);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if or_reduce (sv (0 to pad-1)) = '1' then -- %%% replace with "or"
+ good := false; -- vector was truncated.
+ else
+ good := true;
+ VALUE := sv (pad to sv'high);
+ end if;
+ else
+ good := true; -- Null input string, skips whitespace
+ end if;
+ end procedure HREAD;
+-- %%% END replicated textio functions
+ -- purpose: Checks the punctuation in a line
+ procedure check_punctuation (
+ arg : in STRING;
+ colon : out BOOLEAN; -- There was a colon in the line
+ dot : out BOOLEAN; -- There was a dot in the line
+ good : out BOOLEAN; -- True if enough characters found
+ chars : in INTEGER) is
+ -- Examples. Legal inputs are "0000000", "0000.000", "0:000:000"
+ alias xarg : STRING (1 to arg'length) is arg; -- make it downto range
+ variable icolon, idot : BOOLEAN; -- internal
+ variable j : INTEGER := 0; -- charters read
+ begin
+ good := false;
+ icolon := false;
+ idot := false;
+ for i in 1 to arg'length loop
+ if xarg(i) = ' ' or xarg(i) = NBSP or xarg(i) = HT or j = chars then
+ exit;
+ elsif xarg(i) = ':' then
+ icolon := true;
+ elsif xarg(i) = '.' then
+ idot := true;
+ elsif xarg (i) /= '_' then
+ j := j + 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if j = chars then
+ good := true; -- There are enough charactes to read
+ end if;
+ colon := icolon;
+ if idot and icolon then
+ dot := false;
+ else
+ dot := idot;
+ end if;
+ end procedure check_punctuation;
+ -- purpose: Searches a line for a ":" and replaces it with a ".".
+ procedure fix_colon (
+ arg : inout STRING;
+ chars : in integer) is
+ alias xarg : STRING (1 to arg'length) is arg; -- make it downto range
+ variable j : INTEGER := 0; -- charters read
+ begin
+ for i in 1 to arg'length loop
+ if xarg(i) = ' ' or xarg(i) = NBSP or xarg(i) = HT or j > chars then
+ exit;
+ elsif xarg(i) = ':' then
+ xarg (i) := '.';
+ elsif xarg (i) /= '_' then
+ j := j + 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end procedure fix_colon;
+ procedure WRITE (
+ L : inout LINE; -- input line
+ VALUE : in UNRESOLVED_float; -- floating point input
+ JUSTIFIED : in SIDE := right;
+ FIELD : in WIDTH := 0) is
+ variable s : STRING(1 to value'high - value'low +3);
+ variable sindx : INTEGER;
+ begin -- function write
+ s(1) := MVL9_to_char(STD_ULOGIC(VALUE(VALUE'high)));
+ s(2) := ':';
+ sindx := 3;
+ for i in VALUE'high-1 downto 0 loop
+ s(sindx) := MVL9_to_char(STD_ULOGIC(VALUE(i)));
+ sindx := sindx + 1;
+ end loop;
+ s(sindx) := ':';
+ sindx := sindx + 1;
+ for i in -1 downto VALUE'low loop
+ s(sindx) := MVL9_to_char(STD_ULOGIC(VALUE(i)));
+ sindx := sindx + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end procedure WRITE;
+ procedure READ (L : inout LINE; VALUE : out UNRESOLVED_float) is
+ -- Possible data: 0:0000:0000000
+ -- 000000000000
+ variable c : CHARACTER;
+ variable mv : UNRESOLVED_float (VALUE'range);
+ variable readOk : BOOLEAN;
+ variable lastu : BOOLEAN := false; -- last character was an "_"
+ variable i : INTEGER; -- index variable
+ begin -- READ
+ VALUE := (VALUE'range => 'U'); -- initialize to a "U"
+ Skip_whitespace (L);
+ READ (l, c, readOk);
+ if VALUE'length > 0 then
+ i := value'high;
+ readloop : loop
+ if readOk = false then -- Bail out if there was a bad read
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & "READ(float): "
+ & "Error end of file encountered."
+ severity error;
+ return;
+ elsif c = ' ' or c = CR or c = HT then -- reading done.
+ if (i /= value'low) then
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & "READ(float): "
+ & "Warning: Value truncated."
+ severity warning;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ elsif c = '_' then
+ if i = value'high then -- Begins with an "_"
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & "READ(float): "
+ & "String begins with an ""_""" severity error;
+ return;
+ elsif lastu then -- "__" detected
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & "READ(float): "
+ & "Two underscores detected in input string ""__"""
+ severity error;
+ return;
+ else
+ lastu := true;
+ end if;
+ elsif c = ':' or c = '.' then -- separator, ignore
+ if not (i = -1 or i = value'high-1) then
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & "READ(float): "
+ & "Warning: Separator point does not match number format: '"
+ & c & "' encountered at location " & INTEGER'image(i) & "."
+ severity warning;
+ end if;
+ lastu := false;
+ elsif (char_to_MVL9plus(c) = error) then
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & "READ(float): "
+ & "Error: Character '" & c & "' read, expected STD_ULOGIC literal."
+ severity error;
+ return;
+ else
+ mv (i) := char_to_MVL9(c);
+ i := i - 1;
+ if i < value'low then
+ VALUE := mv;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ lastu := false;
+ end if;
+ READ (l, c, readOk);
+ end loop readloop;
+ end if;
+ end procedure READ;
+ procedure READ (L : inout LINE; VALUE : out UNRESOLVED_float; GOOD : out BOOLEAN) is
+ -- Possible data: 0:0000:0000000
+ -- 000000000000
+ variable c : CHARACTER;
+ variable mv : UNRESOLVED_float (VALUE'range);
+ variable lastu : BOOLEAN := false; -- last character was an "_"
+ variable i : INTEGER; -- index variable
+ variable readOk : BOOLEAN;
+ begin -- READ
+ VALUE := (VALUE'range => 'U'); -- initialize to a "U"
+ Skip_whitespace (L);
+ READ (l, c, readOk);
+ if VALUE'length > 0 then
+ i := value'high;
+ good := false;
+ readloop : loop
+ if readOk = false then -- Bail out if there was a bad read
+ return;
+ elsif c = ' ' or c = CR or c = HT then -- reading done
+ return;
+ elsif c = '_' then
+ if i = 0 then -- Begins with an "_"
+ return;
+ elsif lastu then -- "__" detected
+ return;
+ else
+ lastu := true;
+ end if;
+ elsif c = ':' or c = '.' then -- separator, ignore
+ -- good := (i = -1 or i = value'high-1);
+ lastu := false;
+ elsif (char_to_MVL9plus(c) = error) then
+ return;
+ else
+ mv (i) := char_to_MVL9(c);
+ i := i - 1;
+ if i < value'low then
+ good := true;
+ VALUE := mv;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ lastu := false;
+ end if;
+ READ (l, c, readOk);
+ end loop readloop;
+ else
+ good := true; -- read into a null array
+ end if;
+ end procedure READ;
+ procedure OWRITE (
+ L : inout LINE; -- access type (pointer)
+ VALUE : in UNRESOLVED_float; -- value to write
+ JUSTIFIED : in SIDE := right; -- which side to justify text
+ FIELD : in WIDTH := 0) is -- width of field
+ begin
+ WRITE (L => L,
+ VALUE => to_ostring(VALUE),
+ end procedure OWRITE;
+ procedure OREAD (L : inout LINE; VALUE : out UNRESOLVED_float) is
+ constant ne : INTEGER := ((value'length+2)/3) * 3; -- pad
+ variable slv : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (ne-1 downto 0); -- slv
+ variable slvu : ufixed (VALUE'range); -- Unsigned fixed point
+ variable c : CHARACTER;
+ variable ok : BOOLEAN;
+ variable nybble : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0); -- 3 bits
+ variable colon, dot : BOOLEAN;
+ begin
+ VALUE := (VALUE'range => 'U'); -- initialize to a "U"
+ Skip_whitespace (L);
+ if VALUE'length > 0 then
+ check_punctuation (arg => L.all,
+ colon => colon,
+ dot => dot,
+ good => ok,
+ chars => ne/3);
+ if not ok then
+ report "float_pkg:" & "OREAD: "
+ & "short string encounted: " & L.all
+ & " needs to have " & integer'image (ne/3)
+ & " valid octal characters."
+ severity error;
+ return;
+ elsif dot then
+ OREAD (L, slvu, ok); -- read it like a UFIXED number
+ if not ok then
+ report "float_pkg:" & "OREAD: "
+ & "error encounted reading STRING " & L.all
+ severity error;
+ return;
+ else
+ VALUE := UNRESOLVED_float (slvu);
+ end if;
+ elsif colon then
+ OREAD (L, nybble, ok); -- read the sign bit
+ if not ok then
+ report "float_pkg:" & "OREAD: "
+ & "End of string encountered"
+ severity error;
+ return;
+ elsif nybble (2 downto 1) /= "00" then
+ report "float_pkg:" & "OREAD: "
+ & "Illegal sign bit STRING encounted "
+ severity error;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ read (l, c, ok); -- read the colon
+ fix_colon (L.all, ne/3); -- replaces the colon with a ".".
+ OREAD (L, slvu (slvu'high-1 downto slvu'low), ok); -- read it like a UFIXED number
+ if not ok then
+ report "float_pkg:" & "OREAD: "
+ & "error encounted reading STRING " & L.all
+ severity error;
+ return;
+ else
+ slvu (slvu'high) := nybble (0);
+ VALUE := UNRESOLVED_float (slvu);
+ end if;
+ else
+ OREAD (L, slv, ok);
+ if not ok then
+ report "float_pkg:" & "OREAD: "
+ & "Error encounted during read"
+ severity error;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if (or_reduce (slv(ne-1 downto VALUE'high-VALUE'low+1)) = '1') then
+ report "float_pkg:" & "OREAD: "
+ & "Vector truncated."
+ severity error;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ VALUE := to_float (slv(VALUE'high-VALUE'low downto 0),
+ VALUE'high, -VALUE'low);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end procedure OREAD;
+ procedure OREAD(L : inout LINE; VALUE : out UNRESOLVED_float; GOOD : out BOOLEAN) is
+ constant ne : INTEGER := ((value'length+2)/3) * 3; -- pad
+ variable slv : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (ne-1 downto 0); -- slv
+ variable slvu : ufixed (VALUE'range); -- Unsigned fixed point
+ variable c : CHARACTER;
+ variable ok : BOOLEAN;
+ variable nybble : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0); -- 3 bits
+ variable colon, dot : BOOLEAN;
+ begin
+ VALUE := (VALUE'range => 'U'); -- initialize to a "U"
+ GOOD := false;
+ Skip_whitespace (L);
+ if VALUE'length > 0 then
+ check_punctuation (arg => L.all,
+ colon => colon,
+ dot => dot,
+ good => ok,
+ chars => ne/3);
+ if not ok then
+ return;
+ elsif dot then
+ OREAD (L, slvu, ok); -- read it like a UFIXED number
+ if not ok then
+ return;
+ else
+ VALUE := UNRESOLVED_float (slvu);
+ end if;
+ elsif colon then
+ OREAD (L, nybble, ok); -- read the sign bit
+ if not ok then
+ return;
+ elsif nybble (2 downto 1) /= "00" then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ read (l, c, ok); -- read the colon
+ fix_colon (L.all, ne/3); -- replaces the colon with a ".".
+ OREAD (L, slvu (slvu'high-1 downto slvu'low), ok); -- read it like a UFIXED number
+ if not ok then
+ return;
+ else
+ slvu (slvu'high) := nybble (0);
+ VALUE := UNRESOLVED_float (slvu);
+ end if;
+ else
+ OREAD (L, slv, ok);
+ if not ok then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if (or_reduce (slv(ne-1 downto VALUE'high-VALUE'low+1)) = '1') then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ VALUE := to_float (slv(VALUE'high-VALUE'low downto 0),
+ VALUE'high, -VALUE'low);
+ end if;
+ GOOD := true;
+ end if;
+ end procedure OREAD;
+ procedure HWRITE (
+ L : inout LINE; -- access type (pointer)
+ VALUE : in UNRESOLVED_float; -- value to write
+ JUSTIFIED : in SIDE := right; -- which side to justify text
+ FIELD : in WIDTH := 0) is -- width of field
+ begin
+ WRITE (L => L,
+ VALUE => to_hstring(VALUE),
+ end procedure HWRITE;
+ procedure HREAD (L : inout LINE; VALUE : out UNRESOLVED_float) is
+ constant ne : INTEGER := ((value'length+3)/4) * 4; -- pad
+ variable slv : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (ne-1 downto 0); -- slv
+ variable slvu : ufixed (VALUE'range); -- Unsigned fixed point
+ variable c : CHARACTER;
+ variable ok : BOOLEAN;
+ variable nybble : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); -- 4 bits
+ variable colon, dot : BOOLEAN;
+ begin
+ VALUE := (VALUE'range => 'U'); -- initialize to a "U"
+ Skip_whitespace (L);
+ if VALUE'length > 0 then
+ check_punctuation (arg => L.all,
+ colon => colon,
+ dot => dot,
+ good => ok,
+ chars => ne/4);
+ if not ok then
+ report "float_pkg:" & "HREAD: "
+ & "short string encounted: " & L.all
+ & " needs to have " & integer'image (ne/4)
+ & " valid hex characters."
+ severity error;
+ return;
+ elsif dot then
+ HREAD (L, slvu, ok); -- read it like a UFIXED number
+ if not ok then
+ report "float_pkg:" & "HREAD: "
+ & "error encounted reading STRING " & L.all
+ severity error;
+ return;
+ else
+ VALUE := UNRESOLVED_float (slvu);
+ end if;
+ elsif colon then
+ HREAD (L, nybble, ok); -- read the sign bit
+ if not ok then
+ report "float_pkg:" & "HREAD: "
+ & "End of string encountered"
+ severity error;
+ return;
+ elsif nybble (3 downto 1) /= "000" then
+ report "float_pkg:" & "HREAD: "
+ & "Illegal sign bit STRING encounted "
+ severity error;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ read (l, c, ok); -- read the colon
+ fix_colon (L.all, ne/4); -- replaces the colon with a ".".
+ HREAD (L, slvu (slvu'high-1 downto slvu'low), ok); -- read it like a UFIXED number
+ if not ok then
+ report "float_pkg:" & "HREAD: "
+ & "error encounted reading STRING " & L.all
+ severity error;
+ return;
+ else
+ slvu (slvu'high) := nybble (0);
+ VALUE := UNRESOLVED_float (slvu);
+ end if;
+ else
+ HREAD (L, slv, ok);
+ if not ok then
+ report "float_pkg:" & "HREAD: "
+ & "Error encounted during read"
+ severity error;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if (or_reduce (slv(ne-1 downto VALUE'high-VALUE'low+1)) = '1') then
+ report "float_pkg:" & "HREAD: "
+ & "Vector truncated."
+ severity error;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ VALUE := to_float (slv(VALUE'high-VALUE'low downto 0),
+ VALUE'high, -VALUE'low);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end procedure HREAD;
+ procedure HREAD (L : inout LINE; VALUE : out UNRESOLVED_float; GOOD : out BOOLEAN) is
+ constant ne : INTEGER := ((value'length+3)/4) * 4; -- pad
+ variable slv : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (ne-1 downto 0); -- slv
+ variable slvu : ufixed (VALUE'range); -- Unsigned fixed point
+ variable c : CHARACTER;
+ variable ok : BOOLEAN;
+ variable nybble : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); -- 4 bits
+ variable colon, dot : BOOLEAN;
+ begin
+ VALUE := (VALUE'range => 'U'); -- initialize to a "U"
+ GOOD := false;
+ Skip_whitespace (L);
+ if VALUE'length > 0 then
+ check_punctuation (arg => L.all,
+ colon => colon,
+ dot => dot,
+ good => ok,
+ chars => ne/4);
+ if not ok then
+ return;
+ elsif dot then
+ HREAD (L, slvu, ok); -- read it like a UFIXED number
+ if not ok then
+ return;
+ else
+ VALUE := UNRESOLVED_float (slvu);
+ end if;
+ elsif colon then
+ HREAD (L, nybble, ok); -- read the sign bit
+ if not ok then
+ return;
+ elsif nybble (3 downto 1) /= "000" then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ read (l, c, ok); -- read the colon
+ fix_colon (L.all, ne/4); -- replaces the colon with a ".".
+ HREAD (L, slvu (slvu'high-1 downto slvu'low), ok); -- read it like a UFIXED number
+ if not ok then
+ return;
+ else
+ slvu (slvu'high) := nybble (0);
+ VALUE := UNRESOLVED_float (slvu);
+ end if;
+ else
+ HREAD (L, slv, ok);
+ if not ok then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if (or_reduce (slv(ne-1 downto VALUE'high-VALUE'low+1)) = '1') then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ VALUE := to_float (slv(VALUE'high-VALUE'low downto 0),
+ VALUE'high, -VALUE'low);
+ end if;
+ GOOD := true;
+ end if;
+ end procedure HREAD;
+ function to_string (value : UNRESOLVED_float) return STRING is
+ variable s : STRING(1 to value'high - value'low +3);
+ variable sindx : INTEGER;
+ begin -- function write
+ s(1) := MVL9_to_char(STD_ULOGIC(VALUE(VALUE'high)));
+ s(2) := ':';
+ sindx := 3;
+ for i in VALUE'high-1 downto 0 loop
+ s(sindx) := MVL9_to_char(STD_ULOGIC(VALUE(i)));
+ sindx := sindx + 1;
+ end loop;
+ s(sindx) := ':';
+ sindx := sindx + 1;
+ for i in -1 downto VALUE'low loop
+ s(sindx) := MVL9_to_char(STD_ULOGIC(VALUE(i)));
+ sindx := sindx + 1;
+ end loop;
+ return s;
+ end function to_string;
+ function to_hstring (value : UNRESOLVED_float) return STRING is
+ variable slv : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (value'length-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ floop : for i in slv'range loop
+ slv(i) := to_X01Z (value(i + value'low));
+ end loop floop;
+ return to_hstring (slv);
+ end function to_hstring;
+ function to_ostring (value : UNRESOLVED_float) return STRING is
+ variable slv : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (value'length-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ floop : for i in slv'range loop
+ slv(i) := to_X01Z (value(i + value'low));
+ end loop floop;
+ return to_ostring (slv);
+ end function to_ostring;
+ function from_string (
+ bstring : STRING; -- binary string
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width;
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ variable L : LINE;
+ variable good : BOOLEAN;
+ begin
+ L := new STRING'(bstring);
+ READ (L, result, good);
+ deallocate (L);
+ assert (good)
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & "from_string: Bad string " & bstring
+ severity error;
+ return result;
+ end function from_string;
+ function from_ostring (
+ ostring : STRING; -- Octal string
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width;
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ variable L : LINE;
+ variable good : BOOLEAN;
+ begin
+ L := new STRING'(ostring);
+ OREAD (L, result, good);
+ deallocate (L);
+ assert (good)
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & "from_ostring: Bad string " & ostring
+ severity error;
+ return result;
+ end function from_ostring;
+ function from_hstring (
+ hstring : STRING; -- hex string
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width;
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ variable result : UNRESOLVED_float (exponent_width downto -fraction_width);
+ variable L : LINE;
+ variable good : BOOLEAN;
+ begin
+ L := new STRING'(hstring);
+ HREAD (L, result, good);
+ deallocate (L);
+ assert (good)
+ report "float_pkg:"
+ & "from_hstring: Bad string " & hstring
+ severity error;
+ return result;
+ end function from_hstring;
+ function from_string (
+ bstring : STRING; -- binary string
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float) -- used for sizing only
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ begin
+ return from_string (bstring => bstring,
+ exponent_width => size_res'high,
+ fraction_width => -size_res'low);
+ end function from_string;
+ function from_ostring (
+ ostring : STRING; -- Octal string
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float) -- used for sizing only
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ begin
+ return from_ostring (ostring => ostring,
+ exponent_width => size_res'high,
+ fraction_width => -size_res'low);
+ end function from_ostring;
+ function from_hstring (
+ hstring : STRING; -- hex string
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float) -- used for sizing only
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ begin
+ return from_hstring (hstring => hstring,
+ exponent_width => size_res'high,
+ fraction_width => -size_res'low);
+ end function from_hstring;
+-- rtl_synthesis on
+-- pragma synthesis_on
+ function to_float (
+ constant exponent_width : NATURAL := float_exponent_width; -- length of FP output exponent
+ constant fraction_width : NATURAL := float_fraction_width) -- length of FP output fraction
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ begin
+ return to_float (
+ arg => std_ulogic_vector (arg),
+ exponent_width => exponent_width,
+ fraction_width => fraction_width);
+ end function to_float;
+ function to_float (
+ size_res : UNRESOLVED_float)
+ return UNRESOLVED_float is
+ begin
+ return to_float (
+ arg => std_ulogic_vector (arg),
+ size_res => size_res);
+ end function to_float;
+ -- For Verilog compatability
+ function realtobits (arg : REAL) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ variable result : float64; -- 64 bit floating point
+ begin
+ result := to_float (arg => arg,
+ exponent_width => float64'high,
+ fraction_width => -float64'low);
+ return to_slv (result);
+ end function realtobits;
+ function bitstoreal (arg : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return REAL is
+ variable arg64 : float64; -- arg converted to float
+ begin
+ arg64 := to_float (arg => arg,
+ exponent_width => float64'high,
+ fraction_width => -float64'low);
+ return to_real (arg64);
+ end function bitstoreal;
+end package body float_pkg;
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud