diff options
37 files changed, 22553 insertions, 22553 deletions
diff --git a/misc/arm7/src/arm7pkg.vhd b/misc/arm7/src/arm7pkg.vhd index 855fbdb..4dcbb9c 100644 --- a/misc/arm7/src/arm7pkg.vhd +++ b/misc/arm7/src/arm7pkg.vhd @@ -1,31 +1,31 @@ -library IEEE;
-use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
-library work;
-use work.wishbone_pkg.all;
-package arm7 is
- component arm7wb
- generic(
- simulate_io_time : boolean := false);
- port ( areset : in std_logic;
- cpu_clk : in std_logic;
- cpu_clk_2x : in std_logic;
- cpu_a_p : in std_logic_vector(23 downto 1);
- cpu_wr_n_p : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
- cpu_cs_n_p : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 1);
- cpu_oe_n_p : in std_logic;
- cpu_d_p : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
- cpu_wait_n_p : out std_logic;
- arm7_debug : out std_logic;
- arm7_debug2 : out std_logic;
- wb_o : out wishbone_bus_in;
- wb_i : in wishbone_bus_out);
- end component;
-end arm7;
+library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; +library work; +use work.wishbone_pkg.all; + +package arm7 is + + component arm7wb + generic( + simulate_io_time : boolean := false); + port ( areset : in std_logic; + cpu_clk : in std_logic; + cpu_clk_2x : in std_logic; + cpu_a_p : in std_logic_vector(23 downto 1); + cpu_wr_n_p : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); + cpu_cs_n_p : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 1); + cpu_oe_n_p : in std_logic; + cpu_d_p : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + cpu_wait_n_p : out std_logic; + + arm7_debug : out std_logic; + arm7_debug2 : out std_logic; + + wb_o : out wishbone_bus_in; + wb_i : in wishbone_bus_out); + end component; + +end arm7; +
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/misc/arm7/src/arm7wb.vhd b/misc/arm7/src/arm7wb.vhd index 3366352..85f0ef7 100644 --- a/misc/arm7/src/arm7wb.vhd +++ b/misc/arm7/src/arm7wb.vhd @@ -1,236 +1,236 @@ -library IEEE;
-use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
-library work;
-use work.phi_config.all;
-use work.wishbone_pkg.all;
-entity arm7wb is
- generic(
- simulate_io_time : boolean := false);
- port ( areset : in std_logic;
- cpu_clk : in std_logic;
- cpu_clk_2x : in std_logic;
- cpu_a_p : in std_logic_vector(23 downto 1);
- cpu_wr_n_p : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
- cpu_cs_n_p : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 1);
- cpu_oe_n_p : in std_logic;
- cpu_d_p : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
- cpu_wait_n_p : out std_logic;
- arm7_debug : out std_logic;
- arm7_debug2 : out std_logic;
- wb_o : out wishbone_bus_in;
- wb_i : in wishbone_bus_out);
-end arm7wb;
-architecture behave of arm7wb is
-type cpu_state_type is (cpu_idle, cpu_cs, cpu_end);
--- Input simulated delay
-signal cpu_wr_n_p_del : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-signal cpu_a_p_del : std_logic_vector(23 downto 1);
-signal cpu_d_p_del : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-signal cpu_cs_n_p_del : std_logic_vector(3 downto 1);
-signal cpu_oe_n_p_del : std_logic;
--- Clock phase detect signals
-signal cpu_clk_toggle : std_logic;
-signal cpu_clk_smp1 : std_logic;
-signal cpu_clk_smp2 : std_logic;
-signal cpu_clk_phase : std_logic;
--- Internal version of control signal (for feedback)
-signal arm7_din_int : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-signal arm7_dout_int : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-signal arm7_a_int : std_logic_vector(23 downto 1);
-signal arm7_we_int : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-signal cyc_int : std_logic;
-signal we_int : std_logic;
-signal adr_reg : std_logic_vector(25 downto 24);
--- Input sampled
-signal cpu_a_smp : std_logic_vector(23 downto 1);
-signal cpu_d_smp : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-signal cpu_cs_n : std_logic_vector(3 downto 1);
-signal cpu_oe_n : std_logic;
-signal cpu_wr_n : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
--- Main FSM
-signal cpu_state : cpu_state_type;
-constant Clock_2_Out : time := 5.5 ns;
-constant Input_Setup : time := 2.5 ns;
- arm7_dout_int <= wb_i.dat(15 downto 0) when (arm7_a_int(1) = '0') else wb_i.dat(31 downto 16);
- arm7_debug <= cpu_oe_n;
- arm7_debug2 <= cpu_wr_n(0);
- -- Generate 64 MBytes address based on 3 CS_N signals from CPU
- -- Memory map FPGA internal
- -- 0x00000000 DDR 32 MBytes (CS_N2 and CS_N3)
- -- 0x00200000 FPGA/Ethernet (CS_N1)
- wb_o.adr(31 downto 26) <= "000000";
- wb_o.adr(25 downto 24) <= adr_reg;
- wb_o.adr(23 downto 1) <= arm7_a_int(23 downto 1);
- wb_o.adr(0) <= '0';
- wb_o.dat <= (x"0000" & arm7_din_int) when (arm7_a_int(1) = '0') else (arm7_din_int & x"0000");
- wb_o.sel <= ("00" & arm7_we_int) when (arm7_a_int(1) = '0') else (arm7_we_int & "00");
- wb_o.cyc <= cyc_int;
- wb_o.stb <= cyc_int;
- wb_o.we <= cpu_oe_n;
- iotimingon:
- if simulate_io_time generate
- begin
- cpu_wr_n_p_del <= transport "XX" after 0 ns, cpu_wr_n_p after Input_Setup;
- cpu_a_p_del <= transport "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" after 0 ns, cpu_a_p after Input_Setup;
- cpu_d_p_del <= transport "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" after 0 ns, cpu_d_p after Input_Setup;
- cpu_cs_n_p_del <= transport "XXX" after 0 ns, cpu_cs_n_p after Input_Setup;
- cpu_oe_n_p_del <= transport 'X' after 0 ns, cpu_oe_n_p after Input_Setup;
- end generate;
- iotimingoff:
- if not simulate_io_time generate
- begin
- cpu_wr_n_p_del <= cpu_wr_n_p;
- cpu_a_p_del <= cpu_a_p;
- cpu_d_p_del <= cpu_d_p;
- cpu_cs_n_p_del <= cpu_cs_n_p;
- cpu_oe_n_p_del <= cpu_oe_n_p;
- end generate;
- process(cpu_clk, areset) -- Toggle FF with 1x clock to find phase
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- cpu_clk_toggle <= '0';
- elsif (cpu_clk'event and cpu_clk = '1') then
- cpu_clk_toggle <= not(cpu_clk_toggle);
- end if;
- end process;
- process(cpu_clk_2x, areset) -- Find phase relationsship between 1x and 2x clock
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- cpu_clk_smp1 <= '0';
- cpu_clk_smp2 <= '1';
- cpu_clk_phase <= '0';
- elsif (cpu_clk_2x'event and cpu_clk_2x = '1') then
- cpu_clk_smp1 <= cpu_clk_toggle;
- cpu_clk_smp2 <= cpu_clk_smp1;
- if cpu_clk_smp1 = '1' and cpu_clk_smp2 = '0' then
- cpu_clk_phase <= '0';
- else
- cpu_clk_phase <= not(cpu_clk_phase);
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- process(cpu_clk_2x, areset) -- Sample input signals on 2x clock
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- cpu_d_smp <= "0000000000000000";
- cpu_cs_n <= "111";
- elsif (cpu_clk_2x = '1' and cpu_clk_2x'event) then
- cpu_d_smp <= cpu_d_p_del;
- cpu_cs_n <= cpu_cs_n_p_del;
- end if;
- end process;
- process(cpu_clk, areset) -- Sample input signals on 1x clock
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- cpu_a_smp <= "00000000000000000000000";
- cpu_oe_n <= '1';
- cpu_wr_n <= "11";
- elsif (cpu_clk = '1' and cpu_clk'event) then
- cpu_a_smp <= cpu_a_p_del;
- cpu_oe_n <= cpu_oe_n_p_del;
- cpu_wr_n <= cpu_wr_n_p_del;
- end if;
- end process;
- arm7_din_int <= cpu_d_smp;
- arm7_a_int <= cpu_a_smp;
- arm7_we_int <= not(cpu_wr_n);
- process(cpu_clk, areset)
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- cpu_state <= cpu_idle;
- cyc_int <= '0';
- we_int <= '0';
- adr_reg <= "00";
- cpu_d_p <= (others => 'Z');
- elsif (cpu_clk'event and cpu_clk = '1') then
- cyc_int <= '0';
- we_int <= '0';
- cpu_d_p <= (others => 'Z') after Clock_2_Out;
- case cpu_state is
- when cpu_idle =>
- if cpu_oe_n = '1' then
- we_int <= '1';
- end if;
- if cpu_cs_n(1) = '0' then
- cyc_int <= '1';
- adr_reg <= "10";
- cpu_state <= cpu_cs;
- end if;
- if cpu_cs_n(2) = '0' then
- cyc_int <= '1';
- adr_reg <= "00";
- cpu_state <= cpu_cs;
- end if;
- if cpu_cs_n(3) = '0' then
- cyc_int <= '1';
- adr_reg <= "01";
- cpu_state <= cpu_cs;
- end if;
- when cpu_cs =>
- if cpu_oe_n = '0' then
- cpu_d_p <= arm7_dout_int after Clock_2_Out;
- if wb_i.ack = '1' then
- cpu_state <= cpu_end;
- else
- cyc_int <= '1';
- end if;
- else
- if wb_i.ack = '0' then
- cyc_int <= '1';
- we_int <= '1';
- else
- cpu_state <= cpu_end;
- end if;
- end if;
- when others =>
- cpu_state <= cpu_idle;
- end case;
- end if;
- end process;
- process(cpu_clk_2x, areset)
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- cpu_wait_n_p <= '1';
- elsif (cpu_clk_2x'event and cpu_clk_2x = '1') then
- cpu_wait_n_p <= '1' after Clock_2_Out;
- if (cpu_state = cpu_cs and wb_i.ack = '0') then
- cpu_wait_n_p <= '0' after Clock_2_Out;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
-end behave;
+library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; +library work; +use work.phi_config.all; +use work.wishbone_pkg.all; + +entity arm7wb is + generic( + simulate_io_time : boolean := false); + port ( areset : in std_logic; + cpu_clk : in std_logic; + cpu_clk_2x : in std_logic; + cpu_a_p : in std_logic_vector(23 downto 1); + cpu_wr_n_p : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); + cpu_cs_n_p : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 1); + cpu_oe_n_p : in std_logic; + cpu_d_p : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + cpu_wait_n_p : out std_logic; + + arm7_debug : out std_logic; + arm7_debug2 : out std_logic; + + wb_o : out wishbone_bus_in; + wb_i : in wishbone_bus_out); +end arm7wb; + +architecture behave of arm7wb is + +type cpu_state_type is (cpu_idle, cpu_cs, cpu_end); + +-- Input simulated delay +signal cpu_wr_n_p_del : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); +signal cpu_a_p_del : std_logic_vector(23 downto 1); +signal cpu_d_p_del : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal cpu_cs_n_p_del : std_logic_vector(3 downto 1); +signal cpu_oe_n_p_del : std_logic; + +-- Clock phase detect signals +signal cpu_clk_toggle : std_logic; +signal cpu_clk_smp1 : std_logic; +signal cpu_clk_smp2 : std_logic; +signal cpu_clk_phase : std_logic; + +-- Internal version of control signal (for feedback) +signal arm7_din_int : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal arm7_dout_int : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal arm7_a_int : std_logic_vector(23 downto 1); +signal arm7_we_int : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); +signal cyc_int : std_logic; +signal we_int : std_logic; +signal adr_reg : std_logic_vector(25 downto 24); + +-- Input sampled +signal cpu_a_smp : std_logic_vector(23 downto 1); +signal cpu_d_smp : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal cpu_cs_n : std_logic_vector(3 downto 1); +signal cpu_oe_n : std_logic; +signal cpu_wr_n : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); + +-- Main FSM +signal cpu_state : cpu_state_type; + +constant Clock_2_Out : time := 5.5 ns; +constant Input_Setup : time := 2.5 ns; + +begin + + arm7_dout_int <= wb_i.dat(15 downto 0) when (arm7_a_int(1) = '0') else wb_i.dat(31 downto 16); + arm7_debug <= cpu_oe_n; + arm7_debug2 <= cpu_wr_n(0); + + -- Generate 64 MBytes address based on 3 CS_N signals from CPU + -- Memory map FPGA internal + -- 0x00000000 DDR 32 MBytes (CS_N2 and CS_N3) + -- 0x00200000 FPGA/Ethernet (CS_N1) + wb_o.adr(31 downto 26) <= "000000"; + wb_o.adr(25 downto 24) <= adr_reg; + wb_o.adr(23 downto 1) <= arm7_a_int(23 downto 1); + wb_o.adr(0) <= '0'; + + wb_o.dat <= (x"0000" & arm7_din_int) when (arm7_a_int(1) = '0') else (arm7_din_int & x"0000"); + wb_o.sel <= ("00" & arm7_we_int) when (arm7_a_int(1) = '0') else (arm7_we_int & "00"); + + wb_o.cyc <= cyc_int; + wb_o.stb <= cyc_int; + wb_o.we <= cpu_oe_n; + + iotimingon: + if simulate_io_time generate + begin + cpu_wr_n_p_del <= transport "XX" after 0 ns, cpu_wr_n_p after Input_Setup; + cpu_a_p_del <= transport "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" after 0 ns, cpu_a_p after Input_Setup; + cpu_d_p_del <= transport "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" after 0 ns, cpu_d_p after Input_Setup; + cpu_cs_n_p_del <= transport "XXX" after 0 ns, cpu_cs_n_p after Input_Setup; + cpu_oe_n_p_del <= transport 'X' after 0 ns, cpu_oe_n_p after Input_Setup; + end generate; + + iotimingoff: + if not simulate_io_time generate + begin + cpu_wr_n_p_del <= cpu_wr_n_p; + cpu_a_p_del <= cpu_a_p; + cpu_d_p_del <= cpu_d_p; + cpu_cs_n_p_del <= cpu_cs_n_p; + cpu_oe_n_p_del <= cpu_oe_n_p; + end generate; + + process(cpu_clk, areset) -- Toggle FF with 1x clock to find phase + begin + if areset = '1' then + cpu_clk_toggle <= '0'; + elsif (cpu_clk'event and cpu_clk = '1') then + cpu_clk_toggle <= not(cpu_clk_toggle); + end if; + end process; + + process(cpu_clk_2x, areset) -- Find phase relationsship between 1x and 2x clock + begin + if areset = '1' then + cpu_clk_smp1 <= '0'; + cpu_clk_smp2 <= '1'; + cpu_clk_phase <= '0'; + elsif (cpu_clk_2x'event and cpu_clk_2x = '1') then + cpu_clk_smp1 <= cpu_clk_toggle; + cpu_clk_smp2 <= cpu_clk_smp1; + if cpu_clk_smp1 = '1' and cpu_clk_smp2 = '0' then + cpu_clk_phase <= '0'; + else + cpu_clk_phase <= not(cpu_clk_phase); + end if; + end if; + end process; + + process(cpu_clk_2x, areset) -- Sample input signals on 2x clock + begin + if areset = '1' then + cpu_d_smp <= "0000000000000000"; + cpu_cs_n <= "111"; + elsif (cpu_clk_2x = '1' and cpu_clk_2x'event) then + cpu_d_smp <= cpu_d_p_del; + cpu_cs_n <= cpu_cs_n_p_del; + end if; + end process; + + process(cpu_clk, areset) -- Sample input signals on 1x clock + begin + if areset = '1' then + cpu_a_smp <= "00000000000000000000000"; + cpu_oe_n <= '1'; + cpu_wr_n <= "11"; + elsif (cpu_clk = '1' and cpu_clk'event) then + cpu_a_smp <= cpu_a_p_del; + cpu_oe_n <= cpu_oe_n_p_del; + cpu_wr_n <= cpu_wr_n_p_del; + end if; + end process; + + arm7_din_int <= cpu_d_smp; + arm7_a_int <= cpu_a_smp; + arm7_we_int <= not(cpu_wr_n); + + process(cpu_clk, areset) + begin + if areset = '1' then + cpu_state <= cpu_idle; + cyc_int <= '0'; + we_int <= '0'; + adr_reg <= "00"; + cpu_d_p <= (others => 'Z'); + elsif (cpu_clk'event and cpu_clk = '1') then + + cyc_int <= '0'; + we_int <= '0'; + cpu_d_p <= (others => 'Z') after Clock_2_Out; + + + case cpu_state is + + when cpu_idle => + if cpu_oe_n = '1' then + we_int <= '1'; + end if; + if cpu_cs_n(1) = '0' then + cyc_int <= '1'; + adr_reg <= "10"; + cpu_state <= cpu_cs; + end if; + if cpu_cs_n(2) = '0' then + cyc_int <= '1'; + adr_reg <= "00"; + cpu_state <= cpu_cs; + end if; + if cpu_cs_n(3) = '0' then + cyc_int <= '1'; + adr_reg <= "01"; + cpu_state <= cpu_cs; + end if; + + when cpu_cs => + if cpu_oe_n = '0' then + cpu_d_p <= arm7_dout_int after Clock_2_Out; + if wb_i.ack = '1' then + cpu_state <= cpu_end; + else + cyc_int <= '1'; + end if; + else + if wb_i.ack = '0' then + cyc_int <= '1'; + we_int <= '1'; + else + cpu_state <= cpu_end; + end if; + end if; + + when others => + cpu_state <= cpu_idle; + + end case; + end if; + end process; + + process(cpu_clk_2x, areset) + begin + if areset = '1' then + cpu_wait_n_p <= '1'; + elsif (cpu_clk_2x'event and cpu_clk_2x = '1') then + cpu_wait_n_p <= '1' after Clock_2_Out; + if (cpu_state = cpu_cs and wb_i.ack = '0') then + cpu_wait_n_p <= '0' after Clock_2_Out; + end if; + end if; + end process; + +end behave; diff --git a/misc/ddrsdram/simsrc/ddr_tb.vhd b/misc/ddrsdram/simsrc/ddr_tb.vhd index 249dffb..92d1e4b 100644 --- a/misc/ddrsdram/simsrc/ddr_tb.vhd +++ b/misc/ddrsdram/simsrc/ddr_tb.vhd @@ -1,301 +1,301 @@ -library IEEE;
-use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
-library work;
-use work.ddr.all;
-entity ddr_tb is
- port ( areset : in std_logic;
- break_out : out std_logic);
-end ddr_tb;
-architecture behave of ddr_tb is
-signal cpu_clk : std_logic;
-signal cpu_clk_2x : std_logic;
-signal cpu_clk_4x : std_logic;
-signal ddr_in_clk : std_logic;
-signal ddr_in_clk_2x : std_logic;
-signal ddr_command : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-signal ddr_command_we : std_logic;
-signal ddr_data_read : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Data read from DDR SDRAM
-signal ddr_data_write : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); -- Data to be written to DDR SDRAM
-signal ddr_req_adr : std_logic_vector(23 downto 1); -- Request address
-signal ddr_req : std_logic; -- Request DDR SDRAM access
-signal ddr_req_ack : std_logic; -- Request acknowledge
-signal ddr_busy : std_logic; -- Request acknowledge
-signal ddr_rd_wr_n : std_logic; -- Access type 1=READ, 0=WRITE
-signal ddr_req_len : std_logic; -- Number of 16-bits words to transfer
-signal ddr_read_en : std_logic; -- Enable signal for read data
-signal ddr_write_en : std_logic; -- Enable (read) signal for data write
-signal refresh_en : std_logic;
-signal sdr_clk_p : std_logic; -- ddr_sdram_clock
-signal sdr_clk_n_p : std_logic; -- /ddr_sdram_clock
-signal cke_q_p : std_logic; -- clock enable
-signal cs_qn_p : std_logic; -- /chip select
-signal ras_qn_p : std_logic; -- /ras
-signal cas_qn_p : std_logic; -- /cas
-signal we_qn_p : std_logic; -- /write enable
-signal dm_q_p : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- data mask bits, set to "00"
-signal dqs_q_p : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- data strobe, only for write
-signal ba_q_p : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- bank select
-signal sdr_a_p : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0); -- address bus
-signal sdr_d_p : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- bidir data bus
-constant min_time : time := 1.875 ns;
- clock1:
- process
- begin
- loop
- cpu_clk_4x <= '1';
- wait for min_time;
- cpu_clk_4x <= '0';
- wait for min_time;
- end loop;
- end process;
- clock2:
- process
- begin
- loop
- cpu_clk_2x <= '1' after 100 ps;
- wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk_4x);
- cpu_clk_2x <= '0' after 100 ps;
- wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk_4x);
- end loop;
- end process;
- clock3:
- process
- begin
- loop
- cpu_clk <= '1' after 100 ps;
- wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk_2x);
- cpu_clk <= '0' after 100 ps;
- wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk_2x);
- end loop;
- end process;
- ddr_in_clk_2x <= cpu_clk_4x after 1 ns;
- clock4:
- process
- begin
- loop
- ddr_in_clk <= '0' after 100 ps;
- wait until rising_edge(ddr_in_clk_2x);
- ddr_in_clk <= '1' after 100 ps;
- wait until rising_edge(ddr_in_clk_2x);
- end loop;
- end process;
- inputdata:
- process
- begin
- -- Wait until global reset released
- loop
- ddr_command <= x"0000";
- ddr_command_we <= '0';
- ddr_data_write <= x"000000000";
- ddr_req <= '0';
- ddr_req_adr <= "00000000000000000000000";
- ddr_rd_wr_n <= '0';
- ddr_req_len <= '0';
- break_out <= '0';
- refresh_en <= '0';
- wait until falling_edge(areset);
- -- DDR initialization sequence
- -- Wait more than 200 us
- wait for 201000 ns;
- -- Send precharge command
- wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk);
- ddr_command <= x"8000";
- ddr_command_we <= '1';
- wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk);
- ddr_command <= x"0000";
- ddr_command_we <= '0';
- -- Wait for 1 us
- wait for 1000 ns;
- -- Load extended mode register
- -- Enable DLL
- -- Normal drive strength
- wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk);
- ddr_command <= x"2000";
- ddr_command_we <= '1';
- wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk);
- ddr_command <= x"0000";
- ddr_command_we <= '0';
- -- Wait for 1 us
- wait for 1000 ns;
- -- Load mode register
- -- Burst length: 2
- -- Burst type: Sequential
- -- Cas latency: 2
- -- Reset DLL
- wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk);
- ddr_command <= x"0121";
- ddr_command_we <= '1';
- wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk);
- ddr_command <= x"0000";
- ddr_command_we <= '0';
- -- Wait for 1 us
- wait for 1000 ns;
- -- Send precharge command
- wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk);
- ddr_command <= x"8000";
- ddr_command_we <= '1';
- wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk);
- ddr_command <= x"0000";
- ddr_command_we <= '0';
- -- Enable refresh
- refresh_en <= '1';
- -- Wait 30 us (minimum 2 autorefresh cycles)
- wait for 30000 ns;
- -- Load mode register
- -- Burst length: 2
- -- Burst type: Sequential
- -- Cas latency: 2
- -- Deactivate Reset DLL
- wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk);
- ddr_command <= x"0021";
- ddr_command_we <= '1';
- wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk);
- ddr_command <= x"0000";
- ddr_command_we <= '0';
- -- Wait for 2 us (DLL stable)
- wait for 2000 ns;
- -- Write data to DDR
- wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk_2x);
- ddr_data_write <= x"312345678";
- ddr_req <= '1';
- ddr_req_adr <= "00000000000000000000000";
- ddr_rd_wr_n <= '0';
- ddr_req_len <= '0';
- wait until rising_edge(ddr_write_en);
- wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk_2x);
- ddr_req <= '0';
- ddr_req_adr <= "00000000000000000000000";
- ddr_rd_wr_n <= '0';
- ddr_req_len <= '0';
- ddr_data_write <= x"000000000";
- wait for 100 ns;
- -- Read data from DDR
- wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk_2x);
- ddr_req <= '1';
- ddr_req_adr <= "00000000000000000000000";
- ddr_rd_wr_n <= '1';
- ddr_req_len <= '0';
- wait until rising_edge(ddr_req_ack);
- wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk_2x);
- ddr_req <= '0';
- ddr_req_adr <= "00000000000000000000000";
- ddr_rd_wr_n <= '0';
- ddr_req_len <= '0';
- ddr_data_write <= x"000000000";
- wait for 100 ns;
- break_out <= '1';
- wait for 100 ns;
- end loop;
- end process;
- ddr_ctrl:
- ddr_top port map(
- areset => areset,
- cpu_clk => cpu_clk,
- cpu_clk_2x => cpu_clk_2x,
- cpu_clk_4x => cpu_clk_4x,
- ddr_in_clk => ddr_in_clk,
- ddr_in_clk_2x => ddr_in_clk_2x,
- -- Command interface
- ddr_command => ddr_command,
- ddr_command_we => ddr_command_we,
- refresh_en => refresh_en,
- -- Data interface signals
- ddr_data_read => ddr_data_read,
- ddr_data_write => ddr_data_write,
- ddr_req_adr => ddr_req_adr,
- ddr_req => ddr_req,
- ddr_req_ack => ddr_req_ack,
- ddr_busy => ddr_busy,
- ddr_rd_wr_n => ddr_rd_wr_n,
- ddr_req_len => ddr_req_len,
- ddr_read_en => ddr_read_en,
- ddr_write_en => ddr_write_en,
- -- DDR SDRAM Signals
- sdr_clk_p => sdr_clk_p,
- sdr_clk_n_p => sdr_clk_n_p,
- cke_q_p => cke_q_p,
- cs_qn_p => cs_qn_p,
- ras_qn_p => ras_qn_p,
- cas_qn_p => cas_qn_p,
- we_qn_p => we_qn_p,
- dm_q_p => dm_q_p,
- dqs_q_p => dqs_q_p,
- ba_q_p => ba_q_p,
- sdr_a_p => sdr_a_p,
- sdr_d_p => sdr_d_p);
- myram:
- MT46V16M16 generic map(
- tCK => 7.500 ns,
- tCH => 3.375 ns, -- 0.45*tCK
- tCL => 3.375 ns, -- 0.45*tCK
- tDH => 0.500 ns,
- tDS => 0.500 ns,
- tIH => 0.900 ns,
- tIS => 0.900 ns,
- tMRD => 15.000 ns,
- tRAS => 40.000 ns,
- tRAP => 20.000 ns,
- tRC => 65.000 ns,
- tRFC => 75.000 ns,
- tRCD => 20.000 ns,
- tRP => 20.000 ns,
- tRRD => 15.000 ns,
- tWR => 15.000 ns,
- addr_bits => 13,
- data_bits => 16,
- cols_bits => 9)
- port map(
- Dq => sdr_d_p,
- Dqs => dqs_q_p,
- Addr => sdr_a_p,
- Ba => ba_q_p,
- Clk => sdr_clk_p,
- Clk_n => sdr_clk_n_p,
- Cke => cke_q_p,
- Cs_n => cs_qn_p,
- Ras_n => ras_qn_p,
- Cas_n => cas_qn_p,
- We_n => we_qn_p,
- Dm => dm_q_p);
-end behave;
+library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; +library work; +use work.ddr.all; + +entity ddr_tb is + port ( areset : in std_logic; + break_out : out std_logic); +end ddr_tb; + +architecture behave of ddr_tb is + +signal cpu_clk : std_logic; +signal cpu_clk_2x : std_logic; +signal cpu_clk_4x : std_logic; +signal ddr_in_clk : std_logic; +signal ddr_in_clk_2x : std_logic; + +signal ddr_command : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal ddr_command_we : std_logic; + +signal ddr_data_read : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Data read from DDR SDRAM +signal ddr_data_write : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); -- Data to be written to DDR SDRAM +signal ddr_req_adr : std_logic_vector(23 downto 1); -- Request address +signal ddr_req : std_logic; -- Request DDR SDRAM access +signal ddr_req_ack : std_logic; -- Request acknowledge +signal ddr_busy : std_logic; -- Request acknowledge +signal ddr_rd_wr_n : std_logic; -- Access type 1=READ, 0=WRITE +signal ddr_req_len : std_logic; -- Number of 16-bits words to transfer +signal ddr_read_en : std_logic; -- Enable signal for read data +signal ddr_write_en : std_logic; -- Enable (read) signal for data write +signal refresh_en : std_logic; + +signal sdr_clk_p : std_logic; -- ddr_sdram_clock +signal sdr_clk_n_p : std_logic; -- /ddr_sdram_clock +signal cke_q_p : std_logic; -- clock enable +signal cs_qn_p : std_logic; -- /chip select +signal ras_qn_p : std_logic; -- /ras +signal cas_qn_p : std_logic; -- /cas +signal we_qn_p : std_logic; -- /write enable +signal dm_q_p : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- data mask bits, set to "00" +signal dqs_q_p : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- data strobe, only for write +signal ba_q_p : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- bank select +signal sdr_a_p : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0); -- address bus +signal sdr_d_p : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- bidir data bus + +constant min_time : time := 1.875 ns; + +begin + + clock1: + process + begin + loop + cpu_clk_4x <= '1'; + wait for min_time; + cpu_clk_4x <= '0'; + wait for min_time; + end loop; + end process; + + clock2: + process + begin + loop + cpu_clk_2x <= '1' after 100 ps; + wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk_4x); + cpu_clk_2x <= '0' after 100 ps; + wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk_4x); + end loop; + end process; + + clock3: + process + begin + loop + cpu_clk <= '1' after 100 ps; + wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk_2x); + cpu_clk <= '0' after 100 ps; + wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk_2x); + end loop; + end process; + + ddr_in_clk_2x <= cpu_clk_4x after 1 ns; + + clock4: + process + begin + loop + ddr_in_clk <= '0' after 100 ps; + wait until rising_edge(ddr_in_clk_2x); + ddr_in_clk <= '1' after 100 ps; + wait until rising_edge(ddr_in_clk_2x); + end loop; + end process; + + inputdata: + process + begin + -- Wait until global reset released + loop + ddr_command <= x"0000"; + ddr_command_we <= '0'; + ddr_data_write <= x"000000000"; + ddr_req <= '0'; + ddr_req_adr <= "00000000000000000000000"; + ddr_rd_wr_n <= '0'; + ddr_req_len <= '0'; + break_out <= '0'; + refresh_en <= '0'; + + wait until falling_edge(areset); + + -- DDR initialization sequence + -- Wait more than 200 us + wait for 201000 ns; + + -- Send precharge command + wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk); + ddr_command <= x"8000"; + ddr_command_we <= '1'; + wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk); + ddr_command <= x"0000"; + ddr_command_we <= '0'; + + -- Wait for 1 us + wait for 1000 ns; + + -- Load extended mode register + -- Enable DLL + -- Normal drive strength + wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk); + ddr_command <= x"2000"; + ddr_command_we <= '1'; + wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk); + ddr_command <= x"0000"; + ddr_command_we <= '0'; + + -- Wait for 1 us + wait for 1000 ns; + + -- Load mode register + -- Burst length: 2 + -- Burst type: Sequential + -- Cas latency: 2 + -- Reset DLL + wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk); + ddr_command <= x"0121"; + ddr_command_we <= '1'; + wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk); + ddr_command <= x"0000"; + ddr_command_we <= '0'; + + -- Wait for 1 us + wait for 1000 ns; + + -- Send precharge command + wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk); + ddr_command <= x"8000"; + ddr_command_we <= '1'; + wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk); + ddr_command <= x"0000"; + ddr_command_we <= '0'; + + -- Enable refresh + refresh_en <= '1'; + + -- Wait 30 us (minimum 2 autorefresh cycles) + wait for 30000 ns; + + -- Load mode register + -- Burst length: 2 + -- Burst type: Sequential + -- Cas latency: 2 + -- Deactivate Reset DLL + wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk); + ddr_command <= x"0021"; + ddr_command_we <= '1'; + wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk); + ddr_command <= x"0000"; + ddr_command_we <= '0'; + + -- Wait for 2 us (DLL stable) + wait for 2000 ns; + + -- Write data to DDR + wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk_2x); + ddr_data_write <= x"312345678"; + ddr_req <= '1'; + ddr_req_adr <= "00000000000000000000000"; + ddr_rd_wr_n <= '0'; + ddr_req_len <= '0'; + wait until rising_edge(ddr_write_en); + wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk_2x); + ddr_req <= '0'; + ddr_req_adr <= "00000000000000000000000"; + ddr_rd_wr_n <= '0'; + ddr_req_len <= '0'; + ddr_data_write <= x"000000000"; + wait for 100 ns; + + -- Read data from DDR + wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk_2x); + ddr_req <= '1'; + ddr_req_adr <= "00000000000000000000000"; + ddr_rd_wr_n <= '1'; + ddr_req_len <= '0'; + wait until rising_edge(ddr_req_ack); + wait until rising_edge(cpu_clk_2x); + ddr_req <= '0'; + ddr_req_adr <= "00000000000000000000000"; + ddr_rd_wr_n <= '0'; + ddr_req_len <= '0'; + ddr_data_write <= x"000000000"; + + + + wait for 100 ns; + break_out <= '1'; + wait for 100 ns; + + end loop; + + end process; + + ddr_ctrl: + ddr_top port map( + areset => areset, + cpu_clk => cpu_clk, + cpu_clk_2x => cpu_clk_2x, + cpu_clk_4x => cpu_clk_4x, + ddr_in_clk => ddr_in_clk, + ddr_in_clk_2x => ddr_in_clk_2x, + + -- Command interface + ddr_command => ddr_command, + ddr_command_we => ddr_command_we, + refresh_en => refresh_en, + + -- Data interface signals + ddr_data_read => ddr_data_read, + ddr_data_write => ddr_data_write, + ddr_req_adr => ddr_req_adr, + ddr_req => ddr_req, + ddr_req_ack => ddr_req_ack, + ddr_busy => ddr_busy, + ddr_rd_wr_n => ddr_rd_wr_n, + ddr_req_len => ddr_req_len, + ddr_read_en => ddr_read_en, + ddr_write_en => ddr_write_en, + -- DDR SDRAM Signals + sdr_clk_p => sdr_clk_p, + sdr_clk_n_p => sdr_clk_n_p, + cke_q_p => cke_q_p, + cs_qn_p => cs_qn_p, + ras_qn_p => ras_qn_p, + cas_qn_p => cas_qn_p, + we_qn_p => we_qn_p, + dm_q_p => dm_q_p, + dqs_q_p => dqs_q_p, + ba_q_p => ba_q_p, + sdr_a_p => sdr_a_p, + sdr_d_p => sdr_d_p); + + myram: + MT46V16M16 generic map( + tCK => 7.500 ns, + tCH => 3.375 ns, -- 0.45*tCK + tCL => 3.375 ns, -- 0.45*tCK + tDH => 0.500 ns, + tDS => 0.500 ns, + tIH => 0.900 ns, + tIS => 0.900 ns, + tMRD => 15.000 ns, + tRAS => 40.000 ns, + tRAP => 20.000 ns, + tRC => 65.000 ns, + tRFC => 75.000 ns, + tRCD => 20.000 ns, + tRP => 20.000 ns, + tRRD => 15.000 ns, + tWR => 15.000 ns, + addr_bits => 13, + data_bits => 16, + cols_bits => 9) + port map( + Dq => sdr_d_p, + Dqs => dqs_q_p, + Addr => sdr_a_p, + Ba => ba_q_p, + Clk => sdr_clk_p, + Clk_n => sdr_clk_n_p, + Cke => cke_q_p, + Cs_n => cs_qn_p, + Ras_n => ras_qn_p, + Cas_n => cas_qn_p, + We_n => we_qn_p, + Dm => dm_q_p); + +end behave; diff --git a/misc/ddrsdram/src/ddr_pkg.vhd b/misc/ddrsdram/src/ddr_pkg.vhd index 0e41a88..af4a705 100644 --- a/misc/ddrsdram/src/ddr_pkg.vhd +++ b/misc/ddrsdram/src/ddr_pkg.vhd @@ -1,107 +1,107 @@ -library IEEE;
-use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
-package ddr is
- function mirror_bus32 ( org_sig : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
- function mirror_bus4 ( org_sig : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
- component ddr_top
- generic(
- simulate_io_time : boolean := false);
- port ( -- Asyncronous reset and clocks
- areset : in std_logic;
- cpu_clk : in std_logic;
- cpu_clk_2x : in std_logic;
- cpu_clk_4x : in std_logic;
- ddr_in_clk : in std_logic;
- ddr_in_clk_2x : in std_logic;
- -- Command interface
- ddr_command : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
- ddr_command_we : in std_logic;
- refresh_en : in std_logic;
- -- Data interface signals
- ddr_data_read : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Data read from DDR SDRAM
- ddr_data_write : in std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); -- Data to be written to DDR SDRAM
- ddr_req_adr : in std_logic_vector(25 downto 1); -- Request address
- ddr_req : in std_logic; -- Request DDR SDRAM access
- ddr_busy : out std_logic; -- Request acknowledge
- ddr_rd_wr_n : in std_logic; -- Access type 1=READ, 0=WRITE
- ddr_req_len : in std_logic; -- Number of 16-bits words to transfer (0=2, 1=8)
- ddr_read_en : out std_logic; -- Enable signal for read data
- ddr_write_en : out std_logic; -- Enable (read) signal for data write
- -- DDR SDRAM Signals
- sdr_clk_p : out std_logic; -- ddr_sdram_clock
- sdr_clk_n_p : out std_logic; -- /ddr_sdram_clock
- cke_q_p : out std_logic; -- clock enable
- cs_qn_p : out std_logic; -- /chip select
- ras_qn_p : inout std_logic; -- /ras
- cas_qn_p : inout std_logic; -- /cas
- we_qn_p : inout std_logic; -- /write enable
- dm_q_p : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- data mask bits, set to "00"
- dqs_q_p : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- data strobe, only for write
- ba_q_p : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- bank select
- sdr_a_p : out std_logic_vector(12 downto 0); -- address bus
- sdr_d_p : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)); -- bidir data bus
- end component;
- component MT46V16M16
- GENERIC ( -- Timing for -75Z CL2
- tCK : TIME := 7.500 ns;
- tCH : TIME := 3.375 ns; -- 0.45*tCK
- tCL : TIME := 3.375 ns; -- 0.45*tCK
- tDH : TIME := 0.500 ns;
- tDS : TIME := 0.500 ns;
- tIH : TIME := 0.900 ns;
- tIS : TIME := 0.900 ns;
- tMRD : TIME := 15.000 ns;
- tRAS : TIME := 40.000 ns;
- tRAP : TIME := 20.000 ns;
- tRC : TIME := 65.000 ns;
- tRFC : TIME := 75.000 ns;
- tRCD : TIME := 20.000 ns;
- tRP : TIME := 20.000 ns;
- tRRD : TIME := 15.000 ns;
- tWR : TIME := 15.000 ns;
- addr_bits : INTEGER := 13;
- data_bits : INTEGER := 16;
- cols_bits : INTEGER := 9
- );
- PORT (
- Dq : INOUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (data_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => 'Z');
- Addr : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0);
- Clk_n : IN STD_LOGIC;
- Cs_n : IN STD_LOGIC;
- Ras_n : IN STD_LOGIC;
- Cas_n : IN STD_LOGIC;
- We_n : IN STD_LOGIC;
- );
- end component;
-package body ddr is
- function mirror_bus32 ( org_sig : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
- begin
- return (org_sig(7 downto 0) & org_sig(15 downto 8) & org_sig(23 downto 16) & org_sig(31 downto 24));
- end function mirror_bus32;
- function mirror_bus4 ( org_sig : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
- begin
- return (org_sig(0) & org_sig(1) & org_sig(2) & org_sig(3));
- end function mirror_bus4;
-end package body;
+library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; + +package ddr is + + function mirror_bus32 ( org_sig : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector; + function mirror_bus4 ( org_sig : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector; + + component ddr_top + generic( + simulate_io_time : boolean := false); + port ( -- Asyncronous reset and clocks + areset : in std_logic; + cpu_clk : in std_logic; + cpu_clk_2x : in std_logic; + cpu_clk_4x : in std_logic; + ddr_in_clk : in std_logic; + ddr_in_clk_2x : in std_logic; + + -- Command interface + ddr_command : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + ddr_command_we : in std_logic; + refresh_en : in std_logic; + + + -- Data interface signals + ddr_data_read : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Data read from DDR SDRAM + ddr_data_write : in std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); -- Data to be written to DDR SDRAM + ddr_req_adr : in std_logic_vector(25 downto 1); -- Request address + ddr_req : in std_logic; -- Request DDR SDRAM access + ddr_busy : out std_logic; -- Request acknowledge + ddr_rd_wr_n : in std_logic; -- Access type 1=READ, 0=WRITE + ddr_req_len : in std_logic; -- Number of 16-bits words to transfer (0=2, 1=8) + ddr_read_en : out std_logic; -- Enable signal for read data + ddr_write_en : out std_logic; -- Enable (read) signal for data write + + -- DDR SDRAM Signals + sdr_clk_p : out std_logic; -- ddr_sdram_clock + sdr_clk_n_p : out std_logic; -- /ddr_sdram_clock + cke_q_p : out std_logic; -- clock enable + cs_qn_p : out std_logic; -- /chip select + ras_qn_p : inout std_logic; -- /ras + cas_qn_p : inout std_logic; -- /cas + we_qn_p : inout std_logic; -- /write enable + dm_q_p : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- data mask bits, set to "00" + dqs_q_p : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- data strobe, only for write + ba_q_p : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- bank select + sdr_a_p : out std_logic_vector(12 downto 0); -- address bus + sdr_d_p : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)); -- bidir data bus + end component; + + component MT46V16M16 + GENERIC ( -- Timing for -75Z CL2 + tCK : TIME := 7.500 ns; + tCH : TIME := 3.375 ns; -- 0.45*tCK + tCL : TIME := 3.375 ns; -- 0.45*tCK + tDH : TIME := 0.500 ns; + tDS : TIME := 0.500 ns; + tIH : TIME := 0.900 ns; + tIS : TIME := 0.900 ns; + tMRD : TIME := 15.000 ns; + tRAS : TIME := 40.000 ns; + tRAP : TIME := 20.000 ns; + tRC : TIME := 65.000 ns; + tRFC : TIME := 75.000 ns; + tRCD : TIME := 20.000 ns; + tRP : TIME := 20.000 ns; + tRRD : TIME := 15.000 ns; + tWR : TIME := 15.000 ns; + addr_bits : INTEGER := 13; + data_bits : INTEGER := 16; + cols_bits : INTEGER := 9 + ); + PORT ( + Dq : INOUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (data_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => 'Z'); + Dqs : INOUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 DOWNTO 0) := "ZZ"; + Addr : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0); + Ba : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 DOWNTO 0); + Clk : IN STD_LOGIC; + Clk_n : IN STD_LOGIC; + Cke : IN STD_LOGIC; + Cs_n : IN STD_LOGIC; + Ras_n : IN STD_LOGIC; + Cas_n : IN STD_LOGIC; + We_n : IN STD_LOGIC; + Dm : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 DOWNTO 0) + ); + end component; + +end; + +package body ddr is + + function mirror_bus32 ( org_sig : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is + begin + return (org_sig(7 downto 0) & org_sig(15 downto 8) & org_sig(23 downto 16) & org_sig(31 downto 24)); + end function mirror_bus32; + + function mirror_bus4 ( org_sig : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is + begin + return (org_sig(0) & org_sig(1) & org_sig(2) & org_sig(3)); + end function mirror_bus4; + +end package body; +
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/misc/ddrsdram/src/ddr_top.vhd b/misc/ddrsdram/src/ddr_top.vhd index 033e9f8..2aceae9 100644 --- a/misc/ddrsdram/src/ddr_top.vhd +++ b/misc/ddrsdram/src/ddr_top.vhd @@ -1,743 +1,743 @@ -library IEEE;
-use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
-library UNISIM;
-use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
-entity ddr_top is
- generic(
- simulate_io_time : boolean := false);
- port ( -- Asyncronous reset and clocks
- areset : in std_logic;
- cpu_clk : in std_logic;
- cpu_clk_2x : in std_logic;
- cpu_clk_4x : in std_logic;
- ddr_in_clk : in std_logic;
- ddr_in_clk_2x : in std_logic;
- -- Command interface
- ddr_command : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
- ddr_command_we : in std_logic;
- refresh_en : in std_logic;
- -- Data interface signals
- ddr_data_read : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Data read from DDR SDRAM
- ddr_data_write : in std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); -- Data to be written to DDR SDRAM
- ddr_req_adr : in std_logic_vector(25 downto 1); -- Request address
- ddr_req : in std_logic; -- Request DDR SDRAM access
- ddr_busy : out std_logic; -- Request acknowledge
- ddr_rd_wr_n : in std_logic; -- Access type 1=READ, 0=WRITE
- ddr_req_len : in std_logic; -- Number of 16-bits words to transfer (0=2, 1=8)
- ddr_read_en : out std_logic; -- Enable signal for read data
- ddr_write_en : out std_logic; -- Enable (read) signal for data write
- -- DDR SDRAM Signals
- sdr_clk_p : out std_logic; -- ddr_sdram_clock
- sdr_clk_n_p : out std_logic; -- /ddr_sdram_clock
- cke_q_p : out std_logic; -- clock enable
- cs_qn_p : out std_logic; -- /chip select
- ras_qn_p : inout std_logic; -- /ras
- cas_qn_p : inout std_logic; -- /cas
- we_qn_p : inout std_logic; -- /write enable
- dm_q_p : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- data mask bits, set to "00"
- dqs_q_p : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- data strobe, only for write
- ba_q_p : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- bank select
- sdr_a_p : out std_logic_vector(12 downto 0); -- address bus
- sdr_d_p : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)); -- bidir data bus
-end ddr_top;
-architecture behave of ddr_top is
-attribute keep : string;
-type clk4_type is array(0 to 15) of std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-signal cpu_clk_tog : std_logic;
-signal ddr_cmd : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-signal ddr_cmd_we_smp : std_logic;
-signal new_command : std_logic;
-signal cpu_clk_2x_smp1 : std_logic;
-signal cpu_clk_2x_smp2 : std_logic;
-signal cpu_clk_4x_smp1 : std_logic;
-signal cpu_clk_4x_smp2 : std_logic;
-signal clk2_phase : std_logic;
-signal clk4_phase : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal clk4_phase_short : clk4_type;
-attribute keep of clk4_phase_short:signal is "true";
-signal ddr_clk_tog : std_logic;
-signal ddr_clk_smp1 : std_logic;
-signal ddr_clk_smp2 : std_logic;
-signal ddr_clk_phase : std_logic;
-signal smp_req_adr : std_logic_vector(25 downto 1);
-signal smp_req_type : std_logic;
-signal smp_req_len : std_logic;
-signal ddr_write_en_int : std_logic;
-signal ddr_read_en_int : std_logic;
-signal dqs_q : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-signal dqs_oe_n : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-attribute keep of dqs_oe_n:signal is "true";
-signal cas_qn : std_logic;
-signal ras_qn : std_logic;
-signal we_qn : std_logic;
-signal ba_q : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-signal sdr_clk : std_logic;
-signal sdr_clk_n : std_logic;
-signal sdr_a : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0);
-signal sdr_d : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-signal sdr_smp : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0);
-signal sdr_oe_n : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-attribute keep of sdr_oe_n:signal is "true";
-signal sdr_oe_ctrl : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-attribute keep of sdr_oe_ctrl:signal is "true";
-signal sdr_wr_msw : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0);
-attribute keep of sdr_wr_msw:signal is "true";
-signal dm_q : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-signal nowin_idle_dqs : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-signal nowin_wr_nop1_d : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-signal nowin_wr_nop1_dqs : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-signal nowin_wr_nop1_dm : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-signal nowin_wr_nop2_dqs : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-signal nowin_wr_nop3_d : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-signal nowin_wr_nop3_dqs : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-attribute keep of nowin_idle_dqs:signal is "true";
-attribute keep of nowin_wr_nop1_d:signal is "true";
-attribute keep of nowin_wr_nop1_dqs:signal is "true";
-attribute keep of nowin_wr_nop1_dm:signal is "true";
-attribute keep of nowin_wr_nop2_dqs:signal is "true";
-attribute keep of nowin_wr_nop3_d:signal is "true";
-attribute keep of nowin_wr_nop3_dqs:signal is "true";
-signal cas_n_smp : std_logic;
-signal ras_n_smp : std_logic;
-signal we_n_smp : std_logic;
-signal read_start_sig : std_logic;
-signal sdr_d_in : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-signal read_time_cnt : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-signal read_input_en : std_logic;
-signal read_input_en_del : std_logic;
-signal ddr_data_read_int : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-signal refresh_pend : std_logic;
-signal refresh_end : std_logic;
-signal refresh_cnt : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
-signal refresh_wait_cnt : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal refresh_wait_end : std_logic;
-signal cas_qn_p_del : std_logic;
-signal ras_qn_p_del : std_logic;
-signal we_qn_p_del : std_logic;
-signal sdr_d_p_del : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-signal saved_row : std_logic_vector(26 downto 11);
-signal operation : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-signal ddr_req_adr_int : std_logic_vector(25 downto 1);
-type state_type is (idle, act, act_nop1, act_nop2, rd_wr, rd_nop1,
- rd_nop2,rd_nop3,rd_nop4, rd_nop5,pre, pre_nop1, pre_nop2, wr_nop1, wr_nop2,
- wr_nop3, cmd, cpu_pre, refresh, refresh_wait);
-signal ddr_state : state_type;
-constant Clk_to_Output : time := 2.2 ns;
-constant Input_Setup : time := 2.5 ns;
-constant Refresh_Interval : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) := "1111100110";
- iotimingon:
- if simulate_io_time generate
- begin
- cas_qn_p_del <= 'X' after 0 ns, cas_qn_p after Input_Setup;
- ras_qn_p_del <= 'X' after 0 ns, ras_qn_p after Input_Setup;
- we_qn_p_del <= 'X' after 0 ns, we_qn_p after Input_Setup;
- sdr_d_p_del <= "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" after 0 ns, sdr_d_p after Input_Setup;
- end generate;
- iotimingoff:
- if not simulate_io_time generate
- begin
- cas_qn_p_del <= cas_qn_p;
- ras_qn_p_del <= ras_qn_p;
- we_qn_p_del <= we_qn_p;
- sdr_d_p_del <= sdr_d_p;
- end generate;
- ddr_write_en <= ddr_write_en_int;
- ddr_read_en <= ddr_read_en_int;
- ddr_data_read <= ddr_data_read_int;
- ddr_req_adr_int <= (ddr_req_adr(24 downto 10) & '0' & ddr_req_adr(9 downto 1)) when (simulate_io_time) else ddr_req_adr;
- process(cpu_clk, areset) -- Toggle a flip-flop with cpu_clk, in order
- begin -- to find phase relation with 2x and 4x clocks
- if areset = '1' then
- cpu_clk_tog <= '0';
- elsif (cpu_clk'event and cpu_clk = '1') then
- cpu_clk_tog <= not(cpu_clk_tog);
- end if;
- end process;
- process(cpu_clk_2x, areset) -- Find phase relation between cpu_clk and cpu_clk_2x
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- cpu_clk_2x_smp1 <= '0';
- cpu_clk_2x_smp2 <= '0';
- clk2_phase <= '0';
- elsif (cpu_clk_2x'event and cpu_clk_2x = '1') then
- cpu_clk_2x_smp1 <= cpu_clk_tog;
- cpu_clk_2x_smp2 <= cpu_clk_2x_smp1;
- if (cpu_clk_2x_smp1 = '1' and cpu_clk_2x_smp2 = '0') then
- clk2_phase <= '0';
- else
- clk2_phase <= not(clk2_phase);
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- process(cpu_clk_4x, areset) -- Find phase relation between cpu_clk and cpu_clk_4x
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- cpu_clk_4x_smp1 <= '0';
- cpu_clk_4x_smp2 <= '0';
- clk4_phase <= "0000";
- clk4_phase_short(0) <= "00";
- clk4_phase_short(1) <= "00";
- clk4_phase_short(2) <= "00";
- clk4_phase_short(3) <= "00";
- clk4_phase_short(4) <= "00";
- clk4_phase_short(5) <= "00";
- clk4_phase_short(6) <= "00";
- clk4_phase_short(7) <= "00";
- clk4_phase_short(8) <= "00";
- clk4_phase_short(9) <= "00";
- clk4_phase_short(10) <= "00";
- clk4_phase_short(11) <= "00";
- clk4_phase_short(12) <= "00";
- clk4_phase_short(13) <= "00";
- clk4_phase_short(14) <= "00";
- clk4_phase_short(15) <= "00";
- elsif (cpu_clk_4x'event and cpu_clk_4x = '1') then
- cpu_clk_4x_smp1 <= cpu_clk_tog;
- cpu_clk_4x_smp2 <= cpu_clk_4x_smp1;
- for i in 0 to 15 loop
- if (cpu_clk_4x_smp1 = '1' and cpu_clk_4x_smp2 = '0') then
- clk4_phase <= "0100";
- clk4_phase_short(i) <= "01";
- else
- clk4_phase <= (clk4_phase(2 downto 0) & clk4_phase(3));
- clk4_phase_short(i) <= clk4_phase_short(i)(0) & clk4_phase_short(i)(1);
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- end process;
- process(cpu_clk_4x, areset) --
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- sdr_clk <= '0';
- sdr_clk_n <= '0';
- elsif (cpu_clk_4x'event and cpu_clk_4x = '1') then
- if clk4_phase_short(0)(0) = '1' then
- sdr_clk <= '1';
- else
- sdr_clk <= '0';
- end if;
- if clk4_phase_short(0)(1) = '1' then
- sdr_clk_n <= '1';
- else
- sdr_clk_n <= '0';
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- cke_q_p <= '1' after Clk_to_Output;
- cs_qn_p <= '0' after Clk_to_Output;
- process(cpu_clk_4x, areset) --
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- ras_qn_p <= '1';
- cas_qn_p <= '1';
- we_qn_p <= '1';
- dqs_q_p <= "ZZ";
- sdr_a_p <= "0000000000000";
- ba_q_p <= "00";
- sdr_clk_p <= '0';
- sdr_clk_n_p <= '1';
- elsif (cpu_clk_4x'event and cpu_clk_4x = '1') then
- ras_qn_p <= transport ras_qn after Clk_to_Output;
- cas_qn_p <= transport cas_qn after Clk_to_Output;
- we_qn_p <= transport we_qn after Clk_to_Output;
- if dqs_oe_n(0) = '0' then
- dqs_q_p(0) <= transport dqs_q(0) after Clk_to_Output;
- else
- dqs_q_p(0) <= transport 'Z' after Clk_to_Output;
- end if;
- if dqs_oe_n(1) = '0' then
- dqs_q_p(1) <= transport dqs_q(1) after Clk_to_Output;
- else
- dqs_q_p(1) <= transport 'Z' after Clk_to_Output;
- end if;
- sdr_a_p <= transport sdr_a after Clk_to_Output;
- ba_q_p <= transport ba_q after Clk_to_Output;
- sdr_clk_p <= transport sdr_clk after Clk_to_Output;
- sdr_clk_n_p <= transport sdr_clk_n after Clk_to_Output;
- end if;
- end process;
- process(cpu_clk_2x, areset) --
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- ddr_state <= idle;
- ras_qn <= '1';
- cas_qn <= '1';
- we_qn <= '1';
- smp_req_adr <= (others => '0');
- smp_req_type <= '0';
- smp_req_len <= '0';
- sdr_a <= "XXXXXXXXXXXXX";
- ba_q <= "00";
- ddr_busy <= '1';
- saved_row <= "1000000000000000";
- ddr_write_en_int <= '0';
- ddr_read_en_int <= '0';
- nowin_idle_dqs <= "11";
- nowin_wr_nop1_d <= "0000000000000000";
- nowin_wr_nop1_dqs <= "00";
- nowin_wr_nop1_dm <= "00";
- nowin_wr_nop2_dqs <= "00";
- nowin_wr_nop3_d <= "0000000000000000";
- nowin_wr_nop3_dqs <= "00";
- elsif (cpu_clk_2x'event and cpu_clk_2x = '1') then
- -- Default values
- ras_qn <= '1';
- cas_qn <= '1';
- we_qn <= '1';
- sdr_a <= "XXXXXXXXXXXXX";
- ddr_busy <= '1';
- ddr_write_en_int <= '0';
- ddr_read_en_int <= '0';
- nowin_idle_dqs <= "00";
- nowin_wr_nop1_d <= "0000000000000000";
- nowin_wr_nop1_dqs <= "00";
- nowin_wr_nop1_dm <= "00";
- nowin_wr_nop2_dqs <= "00";
- nowin_wr_nop3_d <= "0000000000000000";
- nowin_wr_nop3_dqs <= "00";
- case ddr_state is
- when idle =>
- smp_req_adr <= ddr_req_adr_int;
- smp_req_type <= ddr_rd_wr_n;
- smp_req_len <= ddr_req_len;
- ddr_busy <= '0';
- operation <= "00";
- if refresh_pend = '1' then
- operation <= "01";
- ddr_state <= pre;
- elsif new_command = '1' then
- if ddr_cmd(15) = '1' then
- operation <= "10";
- ddr_state <= cpu_pre;
- else
- ddr_state <= cmd;
- end if;
- elsif (ddr_req = '1' and ddr_req_adr_int(25 downto 11) = saved_row(25 downto 11) and saved_row(26) = '0') then
- operation <= "11";
- ddr_write_en_int <= not(ddr_rd_wr_n);
- ddr_state <= rd_wr;
- elsif ddr_req = '1' then
- operation <= "11";
- ddr_state <= pre;
- else
- ddr_state <= idle;
- nowin_idle_dqs <= "11";
- end if;
- when act =>
- sdr_a <= smp_req_adr(23 downto 11);
- ba_q <= smp_req_adr(25 downto 24);
- ras_qn <= '0';
- ddr_write_en_int <= not(smp_req_type);
- ddr_state <= act_nop1;
- when act_nop1 =>
- ddr_state <= act_nop2;
- when act_nop2 =>
- ddr_state <= rd_wr;
- when rd_wr =>
- sdr_a(10) <= '0'; -- Disable auto precharge
- sdr_a(9 downto 0) <= smp_req_adr(10 downto 1);
- ba_q <= smp_req_adr(25 downto 24);
- saved_row <= '0' & smp_req_adr(25 downto 11);
- cas_qn <= '0';
- we_qn <= smp_req_type;
- if smp_req_type = '1' then
- ddr_state <= rd_nop1;
- else
- ddr_state <= wr_nop1;
- nowin_wr_nop1_d <= "1111111111111111";
- nowin_wr_nop1_dqs <= "11";
- nowin_wr_nop1_dm <= "11";
- end if;
- when wr_nop1 =>
- ddr_state <= wr_nop2;
- nowin_wr_nop2_dqs <= "11";
- when wr_nop2 =>
- ddr_state <= wr_nop3;
- nowin_wr_nop3_d <= "1111111111111111";
- nowin_wr_nop3_dqs <= "11";
- when wr_nop3 =>
- nowin_idle_dqs <= "11";
- ddr_state <= idle;
- when rd_nop1 =>
- ddr_state <= rd_nop2;
- when rd_nop2 =>
- if operation /= "11" then
- nowin_idle_dqs <= "11";
- ddr_state <= idle;
- else
- ddr_state <= rd_nop3;
- end if;
- when rd_nop3 =>
- ddr_state <= rd_nop4;
- when rd_nop4 =>
- ddr_read_en_int <= '1';
- ddr_state <= rd_nop5;
- when rd_nop5 =>
- nowin_idle_dqs <= "11";
- ddr_state <= idle;
- when pre =>
- ras_qn <= '0';
- we_qn <= '0';
- sdr_a(10) <= '1'; -- Precharge all banks
- ba_q <= smp_req_adr(25 downto 24);
- ddr_state <= pre_nop1;
- when pre_nop1 =>
- ddr_state <= pre_nop2;
- when cmd =>
- cas_qn <= '0';
- ras_qn <= '0';
- we_qn <= '0';
- ba_q <= ddr_cmd(14 downto 13);
- sdr_a <= ddr_cmd(12 downto 0);
- nowin_idle_dqs <= "11";
- ddr_state <= idle;
- when cpu_pre =>
- ddr_state <= pre;
- when refresh =>
- cas_qn <= '0';
- ras_qn <= '0';
- saved_row(26) <= '1';
- ddr_state <= refresh_wait;
- when refresh_wait =>
- if refresh_wait_end = '1' then
- ddr_state <= pre_nop2;
- end if;
- when pre_nop2 =>
- if operation = "01" then
- operation <= "10";
- ddr_state <= refresh;
- elsif operation = "10" then
- nowin_idle_dqs <= "11";
- ddr_state <= idle;
- else
- ddr_state <= act;
- end if;
- when others =>
- ddr_state <= idle;
- nowin_idle_dqs <= "11";
- end case;
- end if;
- end process;
- process(cpu_clk, areset) --
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- ddr_cmd <= "0000000000000000";
- elsif (cpu_clk'event and cpu_clk = '1') then
- if ddr_command_we = '1' then
- ddr_cmd <= ddr_command;
- else
- ddr_cmd <= ddr_cmd;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- process(cpu_clk_2x, areset) --
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- ddr_cmd_we_smp <= '0';
- new_command <= '0';
- sdr_smp <= "000000000000000000000000000000000000";
- elsif (cpu_clk_2x'event and cpu_clk_2x = '1') then
- ddr_cmd_we_smp <= ddr_command_we;
- if ddr_command_we = '0' and ddr_cmd_we_smp = '1' then
- new_command <= '1';
- elsif ddr_state = cmd or ddr_state = cpu_pre then
- new_command <= '0';
- else
- new_command <= new_command;
- end if;
- if ddr_write_en_int = '1' then
- sdr_smp <= ddr_data_write;
- else
- sdr_smp <= sdr_smp;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- process(cpu_clk_4x, areset) --
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- dqs_q <= "00";
- dqs_oe_n <= "11";
- sdr_oe_ctrl <= "1111111111111111";
- sdr_wr_msw <= "000000000000000000";
- elsif (cpu_clk_4x'event and cpu_clk_4x = '1') then
- for i in 0 to 15 loop
- if nowin_wr_nop1_d(i) = '1' and clk4_phase_short(i)(0) = '1' then
- sdr_oe_ctrl(i) <= '0';
- elsif nowin_wr_nop3_d(i) = '1' and clk4_phase_short(i)(0) = '1' then
- sdr_oe_ctrl(i) <= '1';
- end if;
- end loop;
- for i in 0 to 1 loop
- if nowin_idle_dqs(i) = '1' or nowin_wr_nop3_dqs(i) = '1' then
- dqs_oe_n(i) <= '1';
- elsif nowin_wr_nop1_dqs(i) = '1' then
- dqs_oe_n(i) <= '0';
- end if;
- end loop;
- for i in 0 to 1 loop
- if (nowin_wr_nop2_dqs(i) = '1' and clk4_phase_short(i)(0) = '1') then
- dqs_q(i) <= '1';
- else
- dqs_q(i) <= '0';
- end if;
- end loop;
- for i in 0 to 15 loop
- if nowin_wr_nop1_d(i) = '1' and clk4_phase_short(i)(1) = '1' then
- sdr_wr_msw(i) <= '1';
- else
- sdr_wr_msw(i) <= '0';
- end if;
- end loop;
- for i in 0 to 1 loop
- if nowin_wr_nop1_dm(i) = '1' and clk4_phase_short(i)(1) = '1' then
- sdr_wr_msw(i+16) <= '1';
- else
- sdr_wr_msw(i+16) <= '0';
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- end process;
- process(cpu_clk_4x, areset) --
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- sdr_d_p <= "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ";
- dm_q_p <= "11";
- sdr_oe_n <= "1111111111111111";
- sdr_d <= "0000000000000000";
- dm_q <= "11";
- elsif (cpu_clk_4x'event and cpu_clk_4x = '0') then
- for i in 0 to 15 loop
- if sdr_oe_n(i) = '0' then
- sdr_d_p(i) <= transport sdr_d(i) after Clk_to_Output;
- else
- sdr_d_p(i) <= transport 'Z' after Clk_to_Output;
- end if;
- end loop;
- dm_q_p <= transport dm_q after Clk_to_Output;
- for i in 0 to 15 loop
- if sdr_oe_ctrl(i) = '0' then
- sdr_oe_n(i) <= '0';
- else
- sdr_oe_n(i) <= '1';
- end if;
- end loop;
- for i in 0 to 15 loop
- if sdr_wr_msw(i) = '1' then
- sdr_d(i) <= sdr_smp(i);
- else
- sdr_d(i) <= sdr_smp(i+16);
- end if;
- end loop;
- for i in 0 to 1 loop
- if sdr_wr_msw(i+16) = '1' then
- dm_q(i) <= sdr_smp(i+32);
- else
- dm_q(i) <= sdr_smp(i+34);
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- end process;
- process(cpu_clk_2x, areset) --
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- refresh_cnt <= "0000000000";
- refresh_pend <= '0';
- refresh_end <= '0';
- refresh_wait_cnt <= "0000";
- refresh_wait_end <= '0';
- elsif (cpu_clk_2x'event and cpu_clk_2x = '1') then
- if refresh_cnt = Refresh_Interval then
- refresh_end <= '1';
- else
- refresh_end <= '0';
- end if;
- if refresh_end = '1' then
- refresh_cnt <= "0000000000";
- else
- refresh_cnt <= refresh_cnt + '1';
- end if;
- if refresh_end = '1' and refresh_en = '1' then
- refresh_pend <= '1';
- elsif ddr_state = refresh then
- refresh_pend <= '0';
- else
- refresh_pend <= refresh_pend;
- end if;
- if ddr_state = refresh_wait then
- refresh_wait_cnt <= refresh_wait_cnt + '1';
- else
- refresh_wait_cnt <= "0000";
- end if;
- if refresh_wait_cnt = "1011" then
- refresh_wait_end <= '1';
- else
- refresh_wait_end <= '0';
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- process(ddr_in_clk, areset)
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- ddr_clk_tog <= '0';
- elsif (ddr_in_clk'event and ddr_in_clk = '1') then
- ddr_clk_tog <= not(ddr_clk_tog);
- end if;
- end process;
- process(ddr_in_clk_2x, areset)
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- ddr_clk_smp1 <= '0';
- ddr_clk_smp2 <= '0';
- ddr_clk_phase <= '0';
- elsif (ddr_in_clk_2x'event and ddr_in_clk_2x = '1') then
- ddr_clk_smp1 <= ddr_clk_tog;
- ddr_clk_smp2 <= ddr_clk_smp1;
- if ddr_clk_smp1 = '1' and ddr_clk_smp2 = '0' then
- ddr_clk_phase <= '0';
- else
- ddr_clk_phase <= not(ddr_clk_phase);
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- process(ddr_in_clk_2x, areset)
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- cas_n_smp <= '0';
- ras_n_smp <= '0';
- we_n_smp <= '0';
- read_start_sig <= '0';
- elsif (ddr_in_clk_2x'event and ddr_in_clk_2x = '1') then
- cas_n_smp <= cas_qn_p_del;
- ras_n_smp <= ras_qn_p_del;
- we_n_smp <= we_qn_p_del;
- if ras_n_smp = '1' and cas_n_smp = '0' and we_n_smp = '1' and ddr_clk_phase = '1' then
- read_start_sig <= '1';
- else
- read_start_sig <= '0';
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- process(ddr_in_clk_2x, areset)
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- sdr_d_in <= "0000000000000000";
- elsif (ddr_in_clk_2x'event and ddr_in_clk_2x = '1') then
- sdr_d_in <= sdr_d_p_del;
- end if;
- end process;
- process(ddr_in_clk_2x, areset)
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- read_time_cnt <= "00";
- read_input_en <= '0';
- elsif (ddr_in_clk_2x'event and ddr_in_clk_2x = '1') then
- if read_start_sig = '1' then
- read_time_cnt <= "01";
- elsif read_time_cnt = "00" then
- read_time_cnt <= read_time_cnt;
- else
- read_time_cnt <= read_time_cnt + '1';
- end if;
- if read_time_cnt = "11" then
- read_input_en <= '1';
- else
- read_input_en <= '0';
- end if;
- read_input_en_del <= read_input_en;
- end if;
- end process;
- process(ddr_in_clk_2x, areset)
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- ddr_data_read_int <= "00000000000000000000000000000000";
- elsif (ddr_in_clk_2x'event and ddr_in_clk_2x = '1') then
- if read_input_en = '1' then
- ddr_data_read_int(15 downto 0) <= sdr_d_in;
- end if;
- if read_input_en_del = '1' then
- ddr_data_read_int(31 downto 16) <= sdr_d_in;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
-end behave;
+library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; + +library UNISIM; +use UNISIM.vcomponents.all; + +entity ddr_top is + generic( + simulate_io_time : boolean := false); + port ( -- Asyncronous reset and clocks + areset : in std_logic; + cpu_clk : in std_logic; + cpu_clk_2x : in std_logic; + cpu_clk_4x : in std_logic; + ddr_in_clk : in std_logic; + ddr_in_clk_2x : in std_logic; + + -- Command interface + ddr_command : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + ddr_command_we : in std_logic; + refresh_en : in std_logic; + + -- Data interface signals + ddr_data_read : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Data read from DDR SDRAM + ddr_data_write : in std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); -- Data to be written to DDR SDRAM + ddr_req_adr : in std_logic_vector(25 downto 1); -- Request address + ddr_req : in std_logic; -- Request DDR SDRAM access + ddr_busy : out std_logic; -- Request acknowledge + ddr_rd_wr_n : in std_logic; -- Access type 1=READ, 0=WRITE + ddr_req_len : in std_logic; -- Number of 16-bits words to transfer (0=2, 1=8) + ddr_read_en : out std_logic; -- Enable signal for read data + ddr_write_en : out std_logic; -- Enable (read) signal for data write + + -- DDR SDRAM Signals + sdr_clk_p : out std_logic; -- ddr_sdram_clock + sdr_clk_n_p : out std_logic; -- /ddr_sdram_clock + cke_q_p : out std_logic; -- clock enable + cs_qn_p : out std_logic; -- /chip select + ras_qn_p : inout std_logic; -- /ras + cas_qn_p : inout std_logic; -- /cas + we_qn_p : inout std_logic; -- /write enable + dm_q_p : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- data mask bits, set to "00" + dqs_q_p : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- data strobe, only for write + ba_q_p : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- bank select + sdr_a_p : out std_logic_vector(12 downto 0); -- address bus + sdr_d_p : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)); -- bidir data bus +end ddr_top; + +architecture behave of ddr_top is + +attribute keep : string; + +type clk4_type is array(0 to 15) of std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); + +signal cpu_clk_tog : std_logic; +signal ddr_cmd : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal ddr_cmd_we_smp : std_logic; +signal new_command : std_logic; + +signal cpu_clk_2x_smp1 : std_logic; +signal cpu_clk_2x_smp2 : std_logic; +signal cpu_clk_4x_smp1 : std_logic; +signal cpu_clk_4x_smp2 : std_logic; + +signal clk2_phase : std_logic; +signal clk4_phase : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); +signal clk4_phase_short : clk4_type; +attribute keep of clk4_phase_short:signal is "true"; + +signal ddr_clk_tog : std_logic; +signal ddr_clk_smp1 : std_logic; +signal ddr_clk_smp2 : std_logic; +signal ddr_clk_phase : std_logic; + +signal smp_req_adr : std_logic_vector(25 downto 1); +signal smp_req_type : std_logic; +signal smp_req_len : std_logic; +signal ddr_write_en_int : std_logic; +signal ddr_read_en_int : std_logic; + +signal dqs_q : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); +signal dqs_oe_n : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); +attribute keep of dqs_oe_n:signal is "true"; +signal cas_qn : std_logic; +signal ras_qn : std_logic; +signal we_qn : std_logic; +signal ba_q : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); +signal sdr_clk : std_logic; +signal sdr_clk_n : std_logic; +signal sdr_a : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0); +signal sdr_d : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal sdr_smp : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); +signal sdr_oe_n : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +attribute keep of sdr_oe_n:signal is "true"; +signal sdr_oe_ctrl : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +attribute keep of sdr_oe_ctrl:signal is "true"; +signal sdr_wr_msw : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0); +attribute keep of sdr_wr_msw:signal is "true"; +signal dm_q : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); + +signal nowin_idle_dqs : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); +signal nowin_wr_nop1_d : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal nowin_wr_nop1_dqs : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); +signal nowin_wr_nop1_dm : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); +signal nowin_wr_nop2_dqs : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); +signal nowin_wr_nop3_d : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal nowin_wr_nop3_dqs : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); +attribute keep of nowin_idle_dqs:signal is "true"; +attribute keep of nowin_wr_nop1_d:signal is "true"; +attribute keep of nowin_wr_nop1_dqs:signal is "true"; +attribute keep of nowin_wr_nop1_dm:signal is "true"; +attribute keep of nowin_wr_nop2_dqs:signal is "true"; +attribute keep of nowin_wr_nop3_d:signal is "true"; +attribute keep of nowin_wr_nop3_dqs:signal is "true"; + +signal cas_n_smp : std_logic; +signal ras_n_smp : std_logic; +signal we_n_smp : std_logic; +signal read_start_sig : std_logic; +signal sdr_d_in : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal read_time_cnt : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); +signal read_input_en : std_logic; +signal read_input_en_del : std_logic; +signal ddr_data_read_int : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + +signal refresh_pend : std_logic; +signal refresh_end : std_logic; +signal refresh_cnt : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); +signal refresh_wait_cnt : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); +signal refresh_wait_end : std_logic; + +signal cas_qn_p_del : std_logic; +signal ras_qn_p_del : std_logic; +signal we_qn_p_del : std_logic; +signal sdr_d_p_del : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + +signal saved_row : std_logic_vector(26 downto 11); +signal operation : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); + +signal ddr_req_adr_int : std_logic_vector(25 downto 1); + +type state_type is (idle, act, act_nop1, act_nop2, rd_wr, rd_nop1, + rd_nop2,rd_nop3,rd_nop4, rd_nop5,pre, pre_nop1, pre_nop2, wr_nop1, wr_nop2, + wr_nop3, cmd, cpu_pre, refresh, refresh_wait); +signal ddr_state : state_type; + +constant Clk_to_Output : time := 2.2 ns; +constant Input_Setup : time := 2.5 ns; + +constant Refresh_Interval : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) := "1111100110"; + +begin + + iotimingon: + if simulate_io_time generate + begin + cas_qn_p_del <= 'X' after 0 ns, cas_qn_p after Input_Setup; + ras_qn_p_del <= 'X' after 0 ns, ras_qn_p after Input_Setup; + we_qn_p_del <= 'X' after 0 ns, we_qn_p after Input_Setup; + sdr_d_p_del <= "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" after 0 ns, sdr_d_p after Input_Setup; + end generate; + + iotimingoff: + if not simulate_io_time generate + begin + cas_qn_p_del <= cas_qn_p; + ras_qn_p_del <= ras_qn_p; + we_qn_p_del <= we_qn_p; + sdr_d_p_del <= sdr_d_p; + end generate; + + ddr_write_en <= ddr_write_en_int; + ddr_read_en <= ddr_read_en_int; + ddr_data_read <= ddr_data_read_int; + + ddr_req_adr_int <= (ddr_req_adr(24 downto 10) & '0' & ddr_req_adr(9 downto 1)) when (simulate_io_time) else ddr_req_adr; + + process(cpu_clk, areset) -- Toggle a flip-flop with cpu_clk, in order + begin -- to find phase relation with 2x and 4x clocks + if areset = '1' then + cpu_clk_tog <= '0'; + elsif (cpu_clk'event and cpu_clk = '1') then + cpu_clk_tog <= not(cpu_clk_tog); + end if; + end process; + + process(cpu_clk_2x, areset) -- Find phase relation between cpu_clk and cpu_clk_2x + begin + if areset = '1' then + cpu_clk_2x_smp1 <= '0'; + cpu_clk_2x_smp2 <= '0'; + clk2_phase <= '0'; + elsif (cpu_clk_2x'event and cpu_clk_2x = '1') then + cpu_clk_2x_smp1 <= cpu_clk_tog; + cpu_clk_2x_smp2 <= cpu_clk_2x_smp1; + if (cpu_clk_2x_smp1 = '1' and cpu_clk_2x_smp2 = '0') then + clk2_phase <= '0'; + else + clk2_phase <= not(clk2_phase); + end if; + end if; + end process; + + process(cpu_clk_4x, areset) -- Find phase relation between cpu_clk and cpu_clk_4x + begin + if areset = '1' then + cpu_clk_4x_smp1 <= '0'; + cpu_clk_4x_smp2 <= '0'; + clk4_phase <= "0000"; + clk4_phase_short(0) <= "00"; + clk4_phase_short(1) <= "00"; + clk4_phase_short(2) <= "00"; + clk4_phase_short(3) <= "00"; + clk4_phase_short(4) <= "00"; + clk4_phase_short(5) <= "00"; + clk4_phase_short(6) <= "00"; + clk4_phase_short(7) <= "00"; + clk4_phase_short(8) <= "00"; + clk4_phase_short(9) <= "00"; + clk4_phase_short(10) <= "00"; + clk4_phase_short(11) <= "00"; + clk4_phase_short(12) <= "00"; + clk4_phase_short(13) <= "00"; + clk4_phase_short(14) <= "00"; + clk4_phase_short(15) <= "00"; + elsif (cpu_clk_4x'event and cpu_clk_4x = '1') then + cpu_clk_4x_smp1 <= cpu_clk_tog; + cpu_clk_4x_smp2 <= cpu_clk_4x_smp1; + for i in 0 to 15 loop + if (cpu_clk_4x_smp1 = '1' and cpu_clk_4x_smp2 = '0') then + clk4_phase <= "0100"; + clk4_phase_short(i) <= "01"; + else + clk4_phase <= (clk4_phase(2 downto 0) & clk4_phase(3)); + clk4_phase_short(i) <= clk4_phase_short(i)(0) & clk4_phase_short(i)(1); + end if; + end loop; + end if; + end process; + + process(cpu_clk_4x, areset) -- + begin + if areset = '1' then + sdr_clk <= '0'; + sdr_clk_n <= '0'; + elsif (cpu_clk_4x'event and cpu_clk_4x = '1') then + if clk4_phase_short(0)(0) = '1' then + sdr_clk <= '1'; + else + sdr_clk <= '0'; + end if; + if clk4_phase_short(0)(1) = '1' then + sdr_clk_n <= '1'; + else + sdr_clk_n <= '0'; + end if; + end if; + end process; + + cke_q_p <= '1' after Clk_to_Output; + cs_qn_p <= '0' after Clk_to_Output; + + process(cpu_clk_4x, areset) -- + begin + if areset = '1' then + ras_qn_p <= '1'; + cas_qn_p <= '1'; + we_qn_p <= '1'; + dqs_q_p <= "ZZ"; + sdr_a_p <= "0000000000000"; + ba_q_p <= "00"; + sdr_clk_p <= '0'; + sdr_clk_n_p <= '1'; + elsif (cpu_clk_4x'event and cpu_clk_4x = '1') then + ras_qn_p <= transport ras_qn after Clk_to_Output; + cas_qn_p <= transport cas_qn after Clk_to_Output; + we_qn_p <= transport we_qn after Clk_to_Output; + if dqs_oe_n(0) = '0' then + dqs_q_p(0) <= transport dqs_q(0) after Clk_to_Output; + else + dqs_q_p(0) <= transport 'Z' after Clk_to_Output; + end if; + if dqs_oe_n(1) = '0' then + dqs_q_p(1) <= transport dqs_q(1) after Clk_to_Output; + else + dqs_q_p(1) <= transport 'Z' after Clk_to_Output; + end if; + sdr_a_p <= transport sdr_a after Clk_to_Output; + ba_q_p <= transport ba_q after Clk_to_Output; + sdr_clk_p <= transport sdr_clk after Clk_to_Output; + sdr_clk_n_p <= transport sdr_clk_n after Clk_to_Output; + end if; + end process; + + process(cpu_clk_2x, areset) -- + begin + if areset = '1' then + ddr_state <= idle; + ras_qn <= '1'; + cas_qn <= '1'; + we_qn <= '1'; + smp_req_adr <= (others => '0'); + smp_req_type <= '0'; + smp_req_len <= '0'; + sdr_a <= "XXXXXXXXXXXXX"; + ba_q <= "00"; + ddr_busy <= '1'; + saved_row <= "1000000000000000"; + ddr_write_en_int <= '0'; + ddr_read_en_int <= '0'; + nowin_idle_dqs <= "11"; + nowin_wr_nop1_d <= "0000000000000000"; + nowin_wr_nop1_dqs <= "00"; + nowin_wr_nop1_dm <= "00"; + nowin_wr_nop2_dqs <= "00"; + nowin_wr_nop3_d <= "0000000000000000"; + nowin_wr_nop3_dqs <= "00"; + elsif (cpu_clk_2x'event and cpu_clk_2x = '1') then + + -- Default values + ras_qn <= '1'; + cas_qn <= '1'; + we_qn <= '1'; + sdr_a <= "XXXXXXXXXXXXX"; + ddr_busy <= '1'; + ddr_write_en_int <= '0'; + ddr_read_en_int <= '0'; + + nowin_idle_dqs <= "00"; + nowin_wr_nop1_d <= "0000000000000000"; + nowin_wr_nop1_dqs <= "00"; + nowin_wr_nop1_dm <= "00"; + nowin_wr_nop2_dqs <= "00"; + nowin_wr_nop3_d <= "0000000000000000"; + nowin_wr_nop3_dqs <= "00"; + + case ddr_state is + when idle => + smp_req_adr <= ddr_req_adr_int; + smp_req_type <= ddr_rd_wr_n; + smp_req_len <= ddr_req_len; + ddr_busy <= '0'; + operation <= "00"; + if refresh_pend = '1' then + operation <= "01"; + ddr_state <= pre; + elsif new_command = '1' then + if ddr_cmd(15) = '1' then + operation <= "10"; + ddr_state <= cpu_pre; + else + ddr_state <= cmd; + end if; + elsif (ddr_req = '1' and ddr_req_adr_int(25 downto 11) = saved_row(25 downto 11) and saved_row(26) = '0') then + operation <= "11"; + ddr_write_en_int <= not(ddr_rd_wr_n); + ddr_state <= rd_wr; + elsif ddr_req = '1' then + operation <= "11"; + ddr_state <= pre; + else + ddr_state <= idle; + nowin_idle_dqs <= "11"; + end if; + when act => + sdr_a <= smp_req_adr(23 downto 11); + ba_q <= smp_req_adr(25 downto 24); + ras_qn <= '0'; + ddr_write_en_int <= not(smp_req_type); + ddr_state <= act_nop1; + when act_nop1 => + ddr_state <= act_nop2; + when act_nop2 => + ddr_state <= rd_wr; + when rd_wr => + sdr_a(10) <= '0'; -- Disable auto precharge + sdr_a(9 downto 0) <= smp_req_adr(10 downto 1); + ba_q <= smp_req_adr(25 downto 24); + saved_row <= '0' & smp_req_adr(25 downto 11); + cas_qn <= '0'; + we_qn <= smp_req_type; + if smp_req_type = '1' then + ddr_state <= rd_nop1; + else + ddr_state <= wr_nop1; + nowin_wr_nop1_d <= "1111111111111111"; + nowin_wr_nop1_dqs <= "11"; + nowin_wr_nop1_dm <= "11"; + end if; + when wr_nop1 => + ddr_state <= wr_nop2; + nowin_wr_nop2_dqs <= "11"; + when wr_nop2 => + ddr_state <= wr_nop3; + nowin_wr_nop3_d <= "1111111111111111"; + nowin_wr_nop3_dqs <= "11"; + when wr_nop3 => + nowin_idle_dqs <= "11"; + ddr_state <= idle; + when rd_nop1 => + ddr_state <= rd_nop2; + when rd_nop2 => + if operation /= "11" then + nowin_idle_dqs <= "11"; + ddr_state <= idle; + else + ddr_state <= rd_nop3; + end if; + when rd_nop3 => + ddr_state <= rd_nop4; + when rd_nop4 => + ddr_read_en_int <= '1'; + ddr_state <= rd_nop5; + when rd_nop5 => + nowin_idle_dqs <= "11"; + ddr_state <= idle; + when pre => + ras_qn <= '0'; + we_qn <= '0'; + sdr_a(10) <= '1'; -- Precharge all banks + ba_q <= smp_req_adr(25 downto 24); + ddr_state <= pre_nop1; + when pre_nop1 => + ddr_state <= pre_nop2; + when cmd => + cas_qn <= '0'; + ras_qn <= '0'; + we_qn <= '0'; + ba_q <= ddr_cmd(14 downto 13); + sdr_a <= ddr_cmd(12 downto 0); + nowin_idle_dqs <= "11"; + ddr_state <= idle; + when cpu_pre => + ddr_state <= pre; + when refresh => + cas_qn <= '0'; + ras_qn <= '0'; + saved_row(26) <= '1'; + ddr_state <= refresh_wait; + when refresh_wait => + if refresh_wait_end = '1' then + ddr_state <= pre_nop2; + end if; + when pre_nop2 => + if operation = "01" then + operation <= "10"; + ddr_state <= refresh; + elsif operation = "10" then + nowin_idle_dqs <= "11"; + ddr_state <= idle; + else + ddr_state <= act; + end if; + when others => + ddr_state <= idle; + nowin_idle_dqs <= "11"; + end case; + end if; + end process; + + process(cpu_clk, areset) -- + begin + if areset = '1' then + ddr_cmd <= "0000000000000000"; + elsif (cpu_clk'event and cpu_clk = '1') then + if ddr_command_we = '1' then + ddr_cmd <= ddr_command; + else + ddr_cmd <= ddr_cmd; + end if; + end if; + end process; + + process(cpu_clk_2x, areset) -- + begin + if areset = '1' then + ddr_cmd_we_smp <= '0'; + new_command <= '0'; + sdr_smp <= "000000000000000000000000000000000000"; + elsif (cpu_clk_2x'event and cpu_clk_2x = '1') then + ddr_cmd_we_smp <= ddr_command_we; + if ddr_command_we = '0' and ddr_cmd_we_smp = '1' then + new_command <= '1'; + elsif ddr_state = cmd or ddr_state = cpu_pre then + new_command <= '0'; + else + new_command <= new_command; + end if; + + if ddr_write_en_int = '1' then + sdr_smp <= ddr_data_write; + else + sdr_smp <= sdr_smp; + end if; + + end if; + end process; + + process(cpu_clk_4x, areset) -- + begin + if areset = '1' then + dqs_q <= "00"; + dqs_oe_n <= "11"; + sdr_oe_ctrl <= "1111111111111111"; + sdr_wr_msw <= "000000000000000000"; + elsif (cpu_clk_4x'event and cpu_clk_4x = '1') then + + for i in 0 to 15 loop + if nowin_wr_nop1_d(i) = '1' and clk4_phase_short(i)(0) = '1' then + sdr_oe_ctrl(i) <= '0'; + elsif nowin_wr_nop3_d(i) = '1' and clk4_phase_short(i)(0) = '1' then + sdr_oe_ctrl(i) <= '1'; + end if; + end loop; + + for i in 0 to 1 loop + if nowin_idle_dqs(i) = '1' or nowin_wr_nop3_dqs(i) = '1' then + dqs_oe_n(i) <= '1'; + elsif nowin_wr_nop1_dqs(i) = '1' then + dqs_oe_n(i) <= '0'; + end if; + end loop; + + for i in 0 to 1 loop + if (nowin_wr_nop2_dqs(i) = '1' and clk4_phase_short(i)(0) = '1') then + dqs_q(i) <= '1'; + else + dqs_q(i) <= '0'; + end if; + end loop; + + for i in 0 to 15 loop + if nowin_wr_nop1_d(i) = '1' and clk4_phase_short(i)(1) = '1' then + sdr_wr_msw(i) <= '1'; + else + sdr_wr_msw(i) <= '0'; + end if; + end loop; + + for i in 0 to 1 loop + if nowin_wr_nop1_dm(i) = '1' and clk4_phase_short(i)(1) = '1' then + sdr_wr_msw(i+16) <= '1'; + else + sdr_wr_msw(i+16) <= '0'; + end if; + end loop; + + end if; + end process; + + -- NOTE! DATA OUTPUT PATH. CLOCKED ON FALLING 4X CLOCK + process(cpu_clk_4x, areset) -- + begin + if areset = '1' then + sdr_d_p <= "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"; + dm_q_p <= "11"; + sdr_oe_n <= "1111111111111111"; + sdr_d <= "0000000000000000"; + dm_q <= "11"; + elsif (cpu_clk_4x'event and cpu_clk_4x = '0') then + + for i in 0 to 15 loop + if sdr_oe_n(i) = '0' then + sdr_d_p(i) <= transport sdr_d(i) after Clk_to_Output; + else + sdr_d_p(i) <= transport 'Z' after Clk_to_Output; + end if; + end loop; + + dm_q_p <= transport dm_q after Clk_to_Output; + + for i in 0 to 15 loop + if sdr_oe_ctrl(i) = '0' then + sdr_oe_n(i) <= '0'; + else + sdr_oe_n(i) <= '1'; + end if; + end loop; + + for i in 0 to 15 loop + if sdr_wr_msw(i) = '1' then + sdr_d(i) <= sdr_smp(i); + else + sdr_d(i) <= sdr_smp(i+16); + end if; + end loop; + + for i in 0 to 1 loop + if sdr_wr_msw(i+16) = '1' then + dm_q(i) <= sdr_smp(i+32); + else + dm_q(i) <= sdr_smp(i+34); + end if; + end loop; + + end if; + end process; + + process(cpu_clk_2x, areset) -- + begin + if areset = '1' then + refresh_cnt <= "0000000000"; + refresh_pend <= '0'; + refresh_end <= '0'; + refresh_wait_cnt <= "0000"; + refresh_wait_end <= '0'; + elsif (cpu_clk_2x'event and cpu_clk_2x = '1') then + + if refresh_cnt = Refresh_Interval then + refresh_end <= '1'; + else + refresh_end <= '0'; + end if; + + if refresh_end = '1' then + refresh_cnt <= "0000000000"; + else + refresh_cnt <= refresh_cnt + '1'; + end if; + + if refresh_end = '1' and refresh_en = '1' then + refresh_pend <= '1'; + elsif ddr_state = refresh then + refresh_pend <= '0'; + else + refresh_pend <= refresh_pend; + end if; + + if ddr_state = refresh_wait then + refresh_wait_cnt <= refresh_wait_cnt + '1'; + else + refresh_wait_cnt <= "0000"; + end if; + + if refresh_wait_cnt = "1011" then + refresh_wait_end <= '1'; + else + refresh_wait_end <= '0'; + end if; + + end if; + end process; + + -- 911. THIS IS A DUMMY FOR FGPA IMPEMENTATION TESTING + + process(ddr_in_clk, areset) + begin + if areset = '1' then + ddr_clk_tog <= '0'; + elsif (ddr_in_clk'event and ddr_in_clk = '1') then + ddr_clk_tog <= not(ddr_clk_tog); + end if; + end process; + + process(ddr_in_clk_2x, areset) + begin + if areset = '1' then + ddr_clk_smp1 <= '0'; + ddr_clk_smp2 <= '0'; + ddr_clk_phase <= '0'; + elsif (ddr_in_clk_2x'event and ddr_in_clk_2x = '1') then + ddr_clk_smp1 <= ddr_clk_tog; + ddr_clk_smp2 <= ddr_clk_smp1; + if ddr_clk_smp1 = '1' and ddr_clk_smp2 = '0' then + ddr_clk_phase <= '0'; + else + ddr_clk_phase <= not(ddr_clk_phase); + end if; + end if; + end process; + + process(ddr_in_clk_2x, areset) + begin + if areset = '1' then + cas_n_smp <= '0'; + ras_n_smp <= '0'; + we_n_smp <= '0'; + read_start_sig <= '0'; + elsif (ddr_in_clk_2x'event and ddr_in_clk_2x = '1') then + cas_n_smp <= cas_qn_p_del; + ras_n_smp <= ras_qn_p_del; + we_n_smp <= we_qn_p_del; + if ras_n_smp = '1' and cas_n_smp = '0' and we_n_smp = '1' and ddr_clk_phase = '1' then + read_start_sig <= '1'; + else + read_start_sig <= '0'; + end if; + end if; + end process; + + process(ddr_in_clk_2x, areset) + begin + if areset = '1' then + sdr_d_in <= "0000000000000000"; + elsif (ddr_in_clk_2x'event and ddr_in_clk_2x = '1') then + sdr_d_in <= sdr_d_p_del; + end if; + end process; + + process(ddr_in_clk_2x, areset) + begin + if areset = '1' then + read_time_cnt <= "00"; + read_input_en <= '0'; + elsif (ddr_in_clk_2x'event and ddr_in_clk_2x = '1') then + + if read_start_sig = '1' then + read_time_cnt <= "01"; + elsif read_time_cnt = "00" then + read_time_cnt <= read_time_cnt; + else + read_time_cnt <= read_time_cnt + '1'; + end if; + + if read_time_cnt = "11" then + read_input_en <= '1'; + else + read_input_en <= '0'; + end if; + + read_input_en_del <= read_input_en; + + end if; + end process; + + process(ddr_in_clk_2x, areset) + begin + if areset = '1' then + ddr_data_read_int <= "00000000000000000000000000000000"; + elsif (ddr_in_clk_2x'event and ddr_in_clk_2x = '1') then + if read_input_en = '1' then + ddr_data_read_int(15 downto 0) <= sdr_d_in; + end if; + if read_input_en_del = '1' then + ddr_data_read_int(31 downto 16) <= sdr_d_in; + end if; + end if; + end process; + +end behave; + + diff --git a/misc/ddrsdram/src/mt46v16m16.vhd b/misc/ddrsdram/src/mt46v16m16.vhd index 6b89345..356bb28 100644 --- a/misc/ddrsdram/src/mt46v16m16.vhd +++ b/misc/ddrsdram/src/mt46v16m16.vhd @@ -1,1320 +1,1320 @@ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- File Name: MT46V16M16.VHD
--- Version: 2.1
--- Date: January 14th, 2002
--- Model: Behavioral
--- Simulator: NCDesktop - http://www.cadence.com
--- ModelSim PE - http://www.model.com
--- Dependencies: None
--- Author: Son P. Huynh
--- Email: sphuynh@micron.com
--- Phone: (208) 368-3825
--- Company: Micron Technology, Inc.
--- Part Number: MT46V16M16 (4 Mb x 16 x 4 Banks)
--- Description: Micron 256 Mb SDRAM DDR (Double Data Rate)
--- Limitation: Doesn't model internal refresh counter
--- Note:
--- Copyright (c) 1998 Micron Semiconductor Products, Inc.
--- All rights researved
--- Rev Author Date Changes
--- --- ---------------------------- ---------- -------------------------------------
--- 2.1 Son P. Huynh 01/14/2002 - Fix Burst_counter
--- Micron Technology, Inc.
--- 2.0 Son P. Huynh 11/08/2001 - Second release
--- Micron Technology, Inc. - Rewrote and remove SHARED VARIABLE
- GENERIC ( -- Timing for -75Z CL2
- tCK : TIME := 7.500 ns;
- tCH : TIME := 3.375 ns; -- 0.45*tCK
- tCL : TIME := 3.375 ns; -- 0.45*tCK
- tDH : TIME := 0.500 ns;
- tDS : TIME := 0.500 ns;
- tIH : TIME := 0.900 ns;
- tIS : TIME := 0.900 ns;
- tMRD : TIME := 15.000 ns;
- tRAS : TIME := 40.000 ns;
- tRAP : TIME := 20.000 ns;
- tRC : TIME := 65.000 ns;
- tRFC : TIME := 75.000 ns;
- tRCD : TIME := 20.000 ns;
- tRP : TIME := 20.000 ns;
- tRRD : TIME := 15.000 ns;
- tWR : TIME := 15.000 ns;
- addr_bits : INTEGER := 13;
- data_bits : INTEGER := 16;
- cols_bits : INTEGER := 9
- );
- PORT (
- Dq : INOUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (data_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => 'Z');
- Addr : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0);
- Clk_n : IN STD_LOGIC;
- Cs_n : IN STD_LOGIC;
- Ras_n : IN STD_LOGIC;
- Cas_n : IN STD_LOGIC;
- We_n : IN STD_LOGIC;
- );
-END MT46V16M16;
- -- Array for Read pipeline
- TYPE Array_Read_cmnd IS ARRAY (8 DOWNTO 0) OF STD_LOGIC;
- TYPE Array_Read_cols IS ARRAY (8 DOWNTO 0) OF STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (cols_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0);
- -- Array for Write pipeline
- TYPE Array_Write_cmnd IS ARRAY (2 DOWNTO 0) OF STD_LOGIC;
- TYPE Array_Write_cols IS ARRAY (2 DOWNTO 0) OF STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (cols_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0);
- -- Array for Auto Precharge
- TYPE Array_Read_precharge IS ARRAY (3 DOWNTO 0) OF STD_LOGIC;
- TYPE Array_Write_precharge IS ARRAY (3 DOWNTO 0) OF STD_LOGIC;
- TYPE Array_Count_precharge IS ARRAY (3 DOWNTO 0) OF INTEGER;
- -- Array for Manual Precharge
- TYPE Array_A10_precharge IS ARRAY (8 DOWNTO 0) OF STD_LOGIC;
- TYPE Array_Bank_precharge IS ARRAY (8 DOWNTO 0) OF STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 DOWNTO 0);
- TYPE Array_Cmnd_precharge IS ARRAY (8 DOWNTO 0) OF STD_LOGIC;
- -- Array for Burst Terminate
- -- Array for Memory Access
- TYPE Array_ram_type IS ARRAY (2**cols_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) OF STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (data_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0);
- TYPE Array_ram_pntr IS ACCESS Array_ram_type;
- TYPE Array_ram_stor IS ARRAY (2**addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) OF Array_ram_pntr;
- -- Data pair
- SIGNAL Dq_pair : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 * data_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0);
- -- Mode Register
- SIGNAL Mode_reg : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
- -- Command Decode Variables
- SIGNAL Active_enable, Aref_enable, Burst_term, Ext_mode_enable : STD_LOGIC := '0';
- SIGNAL Mode_reg_enable, Prech_enable, Read_enable, Write_enable : STD_LOGIC := '0';
- -- Burst Length Decode Variables
- SIGNAL Burst_length_2, Burst_length_4, Burst_length_8, Burst_length_f : STD_LOGIC := '0';
- -- Cas Latency Decode Variables
- SIGNAL Cas_latency_15, Cas_latency_2, Cas_latency_25, Cas_latency_3, Cas_latency_4 : STD_LOGIC := '0';
- -- Internal Control Signals
- SIGNAL Cs_in, Ras_in, Cas_in, We_in : STD_LOGIC := '0';
- -- System Clock
- SIGNAL Sys_clk : STD_LOGIC := '0';
- -- Dqs buffer
- -- Strip the strength
- Cs_in <= To_X01 (Cs_n);
- Ras_in <= To_X01 (Ras_n);
- Cas_in <= To_X01 (Cas_n);
- We_in <= To_X01 (We_n);
- -- Commands Decode
- Active_enable <= NOT(Cs_in) AND NOT(Ras_in) AND Cas_in AND We_in;
- Aref_enable <= NOT(Cs_in) AND NOT(Ras_in) AND NOT(Cas_in) AND We_in;
- Burst_term <= NOT(Cs_in) AND Ras_in AND Cas_in AND NOT(We_in);
- Ext_mode_enable <= NOT(Cs_in) AND NOT(Ras_in) AND NOT(Cas_in) AND NOT(We_in) AND Ba(0) AND NOT(Ba(1));
- Mode_reg_enable <= NOT(Cs_in) AND NOT(Ras_in) AND NOT(Cas_in) AND NOT(We_in) AND NOT(Ba(0)) AND NOT(Ba(1));
- Prech_enable <= NOT(Cs_in) AND NOT(Ras_in) AND Cas_in AND NOT(We_in);
- Read_enable <= NOT(Cs_in) AND Ras_in AND NOT(Cas_in) AND We_in;
- Write_enable <= NOT(Cs_in) AND Ras_in AND NOT(Cas_in) AND NOT(We_in);
- -- Burst Length Decode
- Burst_length_2 <= NOT(Mode_reg(2)) AND NOT(Mode_reg(1)) AND Mode_reg(0);
- Burst_length_4 <= NOT(Mode_reg(2)) AND Mode_reg(1) AND NOT(Mode_reg(0));
- Burst_length_8 <= NOT(Mode_reg(2)) AND Mode_reg(1) AND Mode_reg(0);
- Burst_length_f <= (Mode_reg(2)) AND Mode_reg(1) AND Mode_reg(0);
- -- CAS Latency Decode
- Cas_latency_15 <= Mode_reg(6) AND NOT(Mode_reg(5)) AND (Mode_reg(4));
- Cas_latency_2 <= NOT(Mode_reg(6)) AND Mode_reg(5) AND NOT(Mode_reg(4));
- Cas_latency_25 <= Mode_reg(6) AND Mode_reg(5) AND NOT(Mode_reg(4));
- Cas_latency_3 <= NOT(Mode_reg(6)) AND Mode_reg(5) AND Mode_reg(4);
- Cas_latency_4 <= (Mode_reg(6)) AND NOT(Mode_reg(5)) AND NOT(Mode_reg(4));
- -- Dqs buffer
- Dqs <= Dqs_out;
- --
- -- System Clock
- --
- int_clk : PROCESS (Clk, Clk_n)
- VARIABLE ClkZ, CkeZ : STD_LOGIC := '0';
- begin
- IF Clk = '1' AND Clk_n = '0' THEN
- ClkZ := '1';
- CkeZ := Cke;
- ELSIF Clk = '0' AND Clk_n = '1' THEN
- ClkZ := '0';
- Sys_clk <= CkeZ AND ClkZ;
- --
- -- Main Process
- --
- state_register : PROCESS
- -- Precharge Variables
- VARIABLE Pc_b0, Pc_b1, Pc_b2, Pc_b3 : STD_LOGIC := '0';
- -- Activate Variables
- VARIABLE Act_b0, Act_b1, Act_b2, Act_b3 : STD_LOGIC := '1';
- -- Data IO variables
- VARIABLE Data_in_enable, Data_out_enable : STD_LOGIC := '0';
- -- Internal address mux variables
- VARIABLE Prev_bank : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 DOWNTO 0) := "00";
- VARIABLE Bank_addr : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 DOWNTO 0) := "00";
- VARIABLE Cols_addr : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (cols_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0);
- VARIABLE Rows_addr : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0);
- VARIABLE B0_row_addr : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0);
- VARIABLE B1_row_addr : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0);
- VARIABLE B2_row_addr : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0);
- VARIABLE B3_row_addr : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0);
- -- DLL Reset variables
- VARIABLE DLL_enable : STD_LOGIC := '0';
- VARIABLE DLL_reset : STD_LOGIC := '0';
- VARIABLE DLL_done : STD_LOGIC := '0';
- VARIABLE DLL_count : INTEGER := 0;
- -- Timing Check
- VARIABLE MRD_chk : TIME := 0 ns;
- VARIABLE RFC_chk : TIME := 0 ns;
- VARIABLE RRD_chk : TIME := 0 ns;
- VARIABLE RAS_chk0, RAS_chk1, RAS_chk2, RAS_chk3 : TIME := 0 ns;
- VARIABLE RAP_chk0, RAP_chk1, RAP_chk2, RAP_chk3 : TIME := 0 ns;
- VARIABLE RC_chk0, RC_chk1, RC_chk2, RC_chk3 : TIME := 0 ns;
- VARIABLE RCD_chk0, RCD_chk1, RCD_chk2, RCD_chk3 : TIME := 0 ns;
- VARIABLE RP_chk0, RP_chk1, RP_chk2, RP_chk3 : TIME := 0 ns;
- VARIABLE WR_chk0, WR_chk1, WR_chk2, WR_chk3 : TIME := 0 ns;
- -- Read pipeline variables
- VARIABLE Read_cmnd : Array_Read_cmnd;
- VARIABLE Read_bank : Array_Read_bank;
- VARIABLE Read_cols : Array_Read_cols;
- -- Write pipeline variables
- VARIABLE Write_cmnd : Array_Write_cmnd;
- VARIABLE Write_bank : Array_Write_bank;
- VARIABLE Write_cols : Array_Write_cols;
- -- Auto Precharge variables
- VARIABLE Read_precharge : Array_Read_precharge := ('0' & '0' & '0' & '0');
- VARIABLE Write_precharge : Array_Write_precharge := ('0' & '0' & '0' & '0');
- VARIABLE Count_precharge : Array_Count_precharge := ( 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 );
- -- Manual Precharge variables
- VARIABLE A10_precharge : Array_A10_precharge;
- VARIABLE Bank_precharge : Array_Bank_precharge;
- VARIABLE Cmnd_precharge : Array_Cmnd_precharge;
- -- Burst Terminate variable
- VARIABLE Cmnd_bst : Array_Cmnd_bst;
- -- Memory Banks
- VARIABLE Bank0 : Array_ram_stor;
- VARIABLE Bank1 : Array_ram_stor;
- VARIABLE Bank2 : Array_ram_stor;
- VARIABLE Bank3 : Array_ram_stor;
- -- Burst Counter
- VARIABLE Burst_counter : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (cols_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0);
- -- Internal Dqs initialize
- VARIABLE Dqs_int : STD_LOGIC := '0';
- -- Data buffer for DM Mask
- VARIABLE Data_buf : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (data_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => 'Z');
- --
- -- Initialize empty rows
- --
- PROCEDURE Init_mem (Bank : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; Row_index : INTEGER) IS
- VARIABLE i, j : INTEGER := 0;
- IF Bank = "00" THEN
- IF Bank0 (Row_index) = NULL THEN -- Check to see if row empty
- Bank0 (Row_index) := NEW Array_ram_type; -- Open new row for access
- FOR i IN (2**cols_bits - 1) DOWNTO 0 LOOP -- Filled row with zeros
- FOR j IN (data_bits - 1) DOWNTO 0 LOOP
- Bank0 (Row_index) (i) (j) := '0';
- ELSIF Bank = "01" THEN
- IF Bank1 (Row_index) = NULL THEN
- Bank1 (Row_index) := NEW Array_ram_type;
- FOR i IN (2**cols_bits - 1) DOWNTO 0 LOOP
- FOR j IN (data_bits - 1) DOWNTO 0 LOOP
- Bank1 (Row_index) (i) (j) := '0';
- ELSIF Bank = "10" THEN
- IF Bank2 (Row_index) = NULL THEN
- Bank2 (Row_index) := NEW Array_ram_type;
- FOR i IN (2**cols_bits - 1) DOWNTO 0 LOOP
- FOR j IN (data_bits - 1) DOWNTO 0 LOOP
- Bank2 (Row_index) (i) (j) := '0';
- ELSIF Bank = "11" THEN
- IF Bank3 (Row_index) = NULL THEN
- Bank3 (Row_index) := NEW Array_ram_type;
- FOR i IN (2**cols_bits - 1) DOWNTO 0 LOOP
- FOR j IN (data_bits - 1) DOWNTO 0 LOOP
- Bank3 (Row_index) (i) (j) := '0';
- END;
- --
- -- Burst Counter
- --
- PROCEDURE Burst_decode IS
- VARIABLE Cols_temp : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (cols_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
- -- Advance burst counter
- Burst_counter := Burst_counter + 1;
- -- Burst Type
- IF Mode_reg (3) = '0' THEN
- Cols_temp := Cols_addr + 1;
- ELSIF Mode_reg (3) = '1' THEN
- Cols_temp (2) := Burst_counter (2) XOR Cols_brst (2);
- Cols_temp (1) := Burst_counter (1) XOR Cols_brst (1);
- Cols_temp (0) := Burst_counter (0) XOR Cols_brst (0);
- -- Burst Length
- IF Burst_length_2 = '1' THEN
- Cols_addr (0) := Cols_temp (0);
- ELSIF Burst_length_4 = '1' THEN
- Cols_addr (1 DOWNTO 0) := Cols_temp (1 DOWNTO 0);
- ELSIF Burst_length_8 = '1' THEN
- Cols_addr (2 DOWNTO 0) := Cols_temp (2 DOWNTO 0);
- Cols_addr := Cols_temp;
- -- Data counter
- IF Burst_length_2 = '1' THEN
- IF Burst_counter >= 2 THEN
- IF Data_in_enable = '1' THEN
- Data_in_enable := '0';
- ELSIF Data_out_enable = '1' THEN
- Data_out_enable := '0';
- ELSIF Burst_length_4 = '1' THEN
- IF Burst_counter >= 4 THEN
- IF Data_in_enable = '1' THEN
- Data_in_enable := '0';
- ELSIF Data_out_enable = '1' THEN
- Data_out_enable := '0';
- ELSIF Burst_length_8 = '1' THEN
- IF Burst_counter >= 8 THEN
- IF Data_in_enable = '1' THEN
- Data_in_enable := '0';
- ELSIF Data_out_enable = '1' THEN
- Data_out_enable := '0';
- END;
- WAIT ON Sys_clk;
- --
- -- Manual Precharge Pipeline
- --
- IF ((Sys_clk'EVENT AND Sys_clk = '0') OR (Sys_clk'EVENT AND Sys_clk = '1')) THEN
- -- A10 Precharge Pipeline
- A10_precharge(0) := A10_precharge(1);
- A10_precharge(1) := A10_precharge(2);
- A10_precharge(2) := A10_precharge(3);
- A10_precharge(3) := A10_precharge(4);
- A10_precharge(4) := A10_precharge(5);
- A10_precharge(5) := A10_precharge(6);
- A10_precharge(6) := A10_precharge(7);
- A10_precharge(7) := A10_precharge(8);
- A10_precharge(8) := '0';
- -- Bank Precharge Pipeline
- Bank_precharge(0) := Bank_precharge(1);
- Bank_precharge(1) := Bank_precharge(2);
- Bank_precharge(2) := Bank_precharge(3);
- Bank_precharge(3) := Bank_precharge(4);
- Bank_precharge(4) := Bank_precharge(5);
- Bank_precharge(5) := Bank_precharge(6);
- Bank_precharge(6) := Bank_precharge(7);
- Bank_precharge(7) := Bank_precharge(8);
- Bank_precharge(8) := "00";
- -- Command Precharge Pipeline
- Cmnd_precharge(0) := Cmnd_precharge(1);
- Cmnd_precharge(1) := Cmnd_precharge(2);
- Cmnd_precharge(2) := Cmnd_precharge(3);
- Cmnd_precharge(3) := Cmnd_precharge(4);
- Cmnd_precharge(4) := Cmnd_precharge(5);
- Cmnd_precharge(5) := Cmnd_precharge(6);
- Cmnd_precharge(6) := Cmnd_precharge(7);
- Cmnd_precharge(7) := Cmnd_precharge(8);
- Cmnd_precharge(8) := '0';
- -- Terminate Read if same bank or all banks
- IF ((Cmnd_precharge (0) = '1') AND
- (Bank_precharge (0) = Bank_addr OR A10_precharge (0) = '1') AND
- (Data_out_enable = '1')) THEN
- Data_out_enable := '0';
- --
- -- Burst Terminate Pipeline
- --
- IF ((Sys_clk'EVENT AND Sys_clk = '0') OR (Sys_clk'EVENT AND Sys_clk = '1')) THEN
- -- Burst Terminate pipeline
- Cmnd_bst (0) := Cmnd_bst (1);
- Cmnd_bst (1) := Cmnd_bst (2);
- Cmnd_bst (2) := Cmnd_bst (3);
- Cmnd_bst (3) := Cmnd_bst (4);
- Cmnd_bst (4) := Cmnd_bst (5);
- Cmnd_bst (5) := Cmnd_bst (6);
- Cmnd_bst (6) := Cmnd_bst (7);
- Cmnd_bst (7) := Cmnd_bst (8);
- Cmnd_bst (8) := '0';
- -- Terminate current Read
- IF ((Cmnd_bst (0) = '1') AND (Data_out_enable = '1')) THEN
- Data_out_enable := '0';
- --
- -- Dq and Dqs Drivers
- --
- IF ((Sys_clk'EVENT AND Sys_clk = '0') OR (Sys_clk'EVENT AND Sys_clk = '1')) THEN
- -- Read Command Pipeline
- Read_cmnd (0) := Read_cmnd (1);
- Read_cmnd (1) := Read_cmnd (2);
- Read_cmnd (2) := Read_cmnd (3);
- Read_cmnd (3) := Read_cmnd (4);
- Read_cmnd (4) := Read_cmnd (5);
- Read_cmnd (5) := Read_cmnd (6);
- Read_cmnd (6) := Read_cmnd (7);
- Read_cmnd (7) := Read_cmnd (8);
- Read_cmnd (8) := '0';
- -- Read Bank Pipeline
- Read_bank (0) := Read_bank (1);
- Read_bank (1) := Read_bank (2);
- Read_bank (2) := Read_bank (3);
- Read_bank (3) := Read_bank (4);
- Read_bank (4) := Read_bank (5);
- Read_bank (5) := Read_bank (6);
- Read_bank (6) := Read_bank (7);
- Read_bank (7) := Read_bank (8);
- Read_bank (8) := "00";
- -- Read Column Pipeline
- Read_cols (0) := Read_cols (1);
- Read_cols (1) := Read_cols (2);
- Read_cols (2) := Read_cols (3);
- Read_cols (3) := Read_cols (4);
- Read_cols (4) := Read_cols (5);
- Read_cols (5) := Read_cols (6);
- Read_cols (6) := Read_cols (7);
- Read_cols (7) := Read_cols (8);
- Read_cols (8) := (OTHERS => '0');
- -- Initialize Read command
- IF Read_cmnd (0) = '1' THEN
- Data_out_enable := '1';
- Bank_addr := Read_bank (0);
- Cols_addr := Read_cols (0);
- Cols_brst := Cols_addr (2 DOWNTO 0);
- Burst_counter := (OTHERS => '0');
- -- Row address mux
- CASE Bank_addr IS
- WHEN "00" => Rows_addr := B0_row_addr;
- WHEN "01" => Rows_addr := B1_row_addr;
- WHEN "10" => Rows_addr := B2_row_addr;
- WHEN OTHERS => Rows_addr := B3_row_addr;
- -- Toggle Dqs during Read command
- IF Data_out_enable = '1' THEN
- Dqs_int := '0';
- IF Dqs_out = "00" THEN
- Dqs_out <= "11";
- ELSIF Dqs_out = "11" THEN
- Dqs_out <= "00";
- Dqs_out <= "00";
- ELSIF Data_out_enable = '0' AND Dqs_int = '0' THEN
- Dqs_out <= "ZZ";
- -- Initialize Dqs for Read command
- IF Read_cmnd (2) = '1' THEN
- IF Data_out_enable = '0' THEN
- Dqs_int := '1';
- Dqs_out <= "00";
- -- Read Latch
- IF Data_out_enable = '1' THEN
- -- Initialize Memory
- Init_mem (Bank_addr, CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr));
- -- Output Data
- CASE Bank_addr IS
- WHEN "00" => Dq <= Bank0 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr));
- WHEN "01" => Dq <= Bank1 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr));
- WHEN "10" => Dq <= Bank2 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr));
- WHEN OTHERS => Dq <= Bank3 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr));
- -- Increase Burst Counter
- Burst_decode;
- Dq <= (OTHERS => 'Z');
- --
- -- Write FIFO and DM Mask Logic
- --
- IF Sys_clk'EVENT AND Sys_clk = '1' THEN
- -- Write command pipeline
- Write_cmnd (0) := Write_cmnd (1);
- Write_cmnd (1) := Write_cmnd (2);
- Write_cmnd (2) := '0';
- -- Write command pipeline
- Write_bank (0) := Write_bank (1);
- Write_bank (1) := Write_bank (2);
- Write_bank (2) := "00";
- -- Write column pipeline
- Write_cols (0) := Write_cols (1);
- Write_cols (1) := Write_cols (2);
- Write_cols (2) := (OTHERS => '0');
- -- Initialize Write command
- IF Write_cmnd (0) = '1' THEN
- Data_in_enable := '1';
- Bank_addr := Write_bank (0);
- Cols_addr := Write_cols (0);
- Cols_brst := Cols_addr (2 DOWNTO 0);
- Burst_counter := (OTHERS => '0');
- -- Row address mux
- CASE Bank_addr IS
- WHEN "00" => Rows_addr := B0_row_addr;
- WHEN "01" => Rows_addr := B1_row_addr;
- WHEN "10" => Rows_addr := B2_row_addr;
- WHEN OTHERS => Rows_addr := B3_row_addr;
- -- Write data
- IF Data_in_enable = '1' THEN
- -- Initialize memory
- Init_mem (Bank_addr, CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr));
- -- Write first data
- IF Dm_pair (1) = '0' OR Dm_pair (0) = '0' THEN
- -- Data Buffer
- CASE Bank_addr IS
- WHEN "00" => Data_buf := Bank0 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr));
- WHEN "01" => Data_buf := Bank1 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr));
- WHEN "10" => Data_buf := Bank2 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr));
- WHEN OTHERS => Data_buf := Bank3 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr));
- -- Perform DM Mask
- IF Dm_pair (0) = '0' THEN
- Data_buf ( 7 DOWNTO 0) := Dq_pair ( 7 DOWNTO 0);
- IF Dm_pair (1) = '0' THEN
- Data_buf (15 DOWNTO 8) := Dq_pair (15 DOWNTO 8);
- -- Write Data
- CASE Bank_addr IS
- WHEN "00" => Bank0 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)) := Data_buf;
- WHEN "01" => Bank1 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)) := Data_buf;
- WHEN "10" => Bank2 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)) := Data_buf;
- WHEN OTHERS => Bank3 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)) := Data_buf;
- -- Increase Burst Counter
- Burst_decode;
- -- Write second data
- IF Dm_pair (3) = '0' OR Dm_pair (2) = '0' THEN
- -- Data Buffer
- CASE Bank_addr IS
- WHEN "00" => Data_buf := Bank0 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr));
- WHEN "01" => Data_buf := Bank1 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr));
- WHEN "10" => Data_buf := Bank2 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr));
- WHEN OTHERS => Data_buf := Bank3 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr));
- -- Perform DM Mask
- IF Dm_pair (2) = '0' THEN
- Data_buf ( 7 DOWNTO 0) := Dq_pair (23 DOWNTO 16);
- IF Dm_pair (3) = '0' THEN
- Data_buf (15 DOWNTO 8) := Dq_pair (31 DOWNTO 24);
- -- Write Data
- CASE Bank_addr IS
- WHEN "00" => Bank0 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)) := Data_buf;
- WHEN "01" => Bank1 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)) := Data_buf;
- WHEN "10" => Bank2 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)) := Data_buf;
- WHEN OTHERS => Bank3 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)) := Data_buf;
- -- Increase Burst Counter
- Burst_decode;
- -- tWR start and tWTR check
- IF Dm_pair (3 DOWNTO 2) = "00" OR Dm_pair (1 DOWNTO 0) = "00" THEN
- CASE Bank_addr IS
- WHEN "00" => WR_chk0 := NOW;
- WHEN "01" => WR_chk1 := NOW;
- WHEN "10" => WR_chk2 := NOW;
- WHEN OTHERS => WR_chk3 := NOW;
- -- tWTR check
- ASSERT (Read_enable = '0')
- REPORT "tWTR violation during Read"
- --
- -- Auto Precharge Calculation
- --
- IF Sys_clk'EVENT AND Sys_clk = '1' THEN
- -- Precharge counter
- IF Read_precharge (0) = '1' OR Write_precharge (0) = '1' THEN
- Count_precharge (0) := Count_precharge (0) + 1;
- IF Read_precharge (1) = '1' OR Write_precharge (1) = '1' THEN
- Count_precharge (1) := Count_precharge (1) + 1;
- IF Read_precharge (2) = '1' OR Write_precharge (2) = '1' THEN
- Count_precharge (2) := Count_precharge (2) + 1;
- IF Read_precharge (3) = '1' OR Write_precharge (3) = '1' THEN
- Count_precharge (3) := Count_precharge (3) + 1;
- -- Read with AutoPrecharge Calculation
- -- The device start internal precharge when:
- -- 1. Meet tRAS requirement
- -- 2. BL/2 cycles after command
- IF ((Read_precharge(0) = '1') AND (NOW - RAS_chk0 >= tRAS)) THEN
- IF ((Burst_length_2 = '1' AND Count_precharge(0) >= 1) OR
- (Burst_length_4 = '1' AND Count_precharge(0) >= 2) OR
- (Burst_length_8 = '1' AND Count_precharge(0) >= 4)) THEN
- Pc_b0 := '1';
- Act_b0 := '0';
- RP_chk0 := NOW;
- Read_precharge(0) := '0';
- IF ((Read_precharge(1) = '1') AND (NOW - RAS_chk1 >= tRAS)) THEN
- IF ((Burst_length_2 = '1' AND Count_precharge(1) >= 1) OR
- (Burst_length_4 = '1' AND Count_precharge(1) >= 2) OR
- (Burst_length_8 = '1' AND Count_precharge(1) >= 4)) THEN
- Pc_b1 := '1';
- Act_b1 := '0';
- RP_chk1 := NOW;
- Read_precharge(1) := '0';
- IF ((Read_precharge(2) = '1') AND (NOW - RAS_chk2 >= tRAS)) THEN
- IF ((Burst_length_2 = '1' AND Count_precharge(2) >= 1) OR
- (Burst_length_4 = '1' AND Count_precharge(2) >= 2) OR
- (Burst_length_8 = '1' AND Count_precharge(2) >= 4)) THEN
- Pc_b2 := '1';
- Act_b2 := '0';
- RP_chk2 := NOW;
- Read_precharge(2) := '0';
- IF ((Read_precharge(3) = '1') AND (NOW - RAS_chk3 >= tRAS)) THEN
- IF ((Burst_length_2 = '1' AND Count_precharge(3) >= 1) OR
- (Burst_length_4 = '1' AND Count_precharge(3) >= 2) OR
- (Burst_length_8 = '1' AND Count_precharge(3) >= 4)) THEN
- Pc_b3 := '1';
- Act_b3 := '0';
- RP_chk3 := NOW;
- Read_precharge(3) := '0';
- -- Write with AutoPrecharge Calculation
- -- The device start internal precharge when:
- -- 1. Meet tRAS requirement
- -- 2. Two clock after last burst
- -- Since tWR is time base, the model will compensate tRP
- IF ((Write_precharge(0) = '1') AND (NOW - RAS_chk0 >= tRAS)) THEN
- IF ((Burst_length_2 = '1' AND Count_precharge (0) >= 4) OR
- (Burst_length_4 = '1' AND Count_precharge (0) >= 5) OR
- (Burst_length_8 = '1' AND Count_precharge (0) >= 7)) THEN
- Pc_b0 := '1';
- Act_b0 := '0';
- RP_chk0 := NOW - ((2 * tCK) - tWR);
- Write_precharge(0) := '0';
- IF ((Write_precharge(1) = '1') AND (NOW - RAS_chk1 >= tRAS)) THEN
- IF ((Burst_length_2 = '1' AND Count_precharge (1) >= 4) OR
- (Burst_length_4 = '1' AND Count_precharge (1) >= 5) OR
- (Burst_length_8 = '1' AND Count_precharge (1) >= 7)) THEN
- Pc_b1 := '1';
- Act_b1 := '0';
- RP_chk1 := NOW - ((2 * tCK) - tWR);
- Write_precharge(1) := '0';
- IF ((Write_precharge(2) = '1') AND (NOW - RAS_chk2 >= tRAS)) THEN
- IF ((Burst_length_2 = '1' AND Count_precharge (2) >= 4) OR
- (Burst_length_4 = '1' AND Count_precharge (2) >= 5) OR
- (Burst_length_8 = '1' AND Count_precharge (2) >= 7)) THEN
- Pc_b2 := '1';
- Act_b2 := '0';
- RP_chk2 := NOW - ((2 * tCK) - tWR);
- Write_precharge(2) := '0';
- IF ((Write_precharge(3) = '1') AND (NOW - RAS_chk3 >= tRAS)) THEN
- IF ((Burst_length_2 = '1' AND Count_precharge (3) >= 4) OR
- (Burst_length_4 = '1' AND Count_precharge (3) >= 5) OR
- (Burst_length_8 = '1' AND Count_precharge (3) >= 7)) THEN
- Pc_b3 := '1';
- Act_b3 := '0';
- RP_chk3 := NOW - ((2 * tCK) - tWR);
- Write_precharge(3) := '0';
- --
- -- DLL Counter
- --
- IF Sys_clk'EVENT AND Sys_clk = '1' THEN
- IF (DLL_Reset = '1' AND DLL_done = '0') THEN
- DLL_count := DLL_count + 1;
- IF (DLL_count >= 200) THEN
- DLL_done := '1';
- --
- -- Control Logic
- --
- IF Sys_clk'EVENT AND Sys_clk = '1' THEN
- -- Auto Refresh
- IF Aref_enable = '1' THEN
- -- Auto Refresh to Auto Refresh
- ASSERT (NOW - RFC_chk >= tRFC)
- REPORT "tRFC violation during Auto Refresh"
- -- Precharge to Auto Refresh
- ASSERT ((NOW - RP_chk0 >= tRP) AND (NOW - RP_chk1 >= tRP) AND
- (NOW - RP_chk2 >= tRP) AND (NOW - RP_chk3 >= tRP))
- REPORT "tRP violation during Auto Refresh"
- -- Precharge to Auto Refresh
- ASSERT (Pc_b0 = '1' AND Pc_b1 = '1' AND Pc_b2 = '1' AND Pc_b3 = '1')
- REPORT "All banks must be Precharge before Auto Refresh"
- -- Record current tRFC time
- RFC_chk := NOW;
- -- Extended Load Mode Register
- IF Ext_mode_enable = '1' THEN
- IF (Pc_b0 = '1' AND Pc_b1 = '1' AND Pc_b2 = '1' AND Pc_b3 = '1') THEN
- IF (Addr (0) = '0') THEN
- DLL_enable := '1';
- DLL_enable := '0';
- -- Precharge to EMR
- ASSERT (Pc_b0 = '1' AND Pc_b1 = '1' AND Pc_b2 = '1' AND Pc_b3 = '1')
- REPORT "All bank must be Precharged before Extended Mode Register"
- -- Precharge to EMR
- ASSERT ((NOW - RP_chk0 >= tRP) AND (NOW - RP_chk1 >= tRP) AND
- (NOW - RP_chk2 >= tRP) AND (NOW - RP_chk3 >= tRP))
- REPORT "tRP violation during Extended Load Register"
- -- LMR/EMR to EMR
- ASSERT (NOW - MRD_chk >= tMRD)
- REPORT "tMRD violation during Extended Mode Register"
- -- Record current tMRD time
- MRD_chk := NOW;
- -- Load Mode Register
- IF Mode_reg_enable = '1' THEN
- -- Register mode
- Mode_reg <= Addr;
- -- DLL Reset
- IF (DLL_enable = '1' AND Addr (8) = '1') THEN
- DLL_reset := '1';
- DLL_done := '0';
- DLL_count := 0;
- ELSIF (DLL_enable = '1' AND DLL_reset = '0' AND Addr (8) = '0') THEN
- REPORT "DLL is ENABLE: DLL RESET is require"
- ELSIF (DLL_enable = '0' AND Addr (8) = '1') THEN
- REPORT "DLL is DISABLE: DLL RESET will be ignored"
- -- Precharge to LMR
- ASSERT (Pc_b0 = '1' AND Pc_b1 = '1' AND Pc_b2 = '1' AND Pc_b3 = '1')
- REPORT "All bank must be Precharged before Load Mode Register"
- -- Precharge to EMR
- ASSERT ((NOW - RP_chk0 >= tRP) AND (NOW - RP_chk1 >= tRP) AND
- (NOW - RP_chk2 >= tRP) AND (NOW - RP_chk3 >= tRP))
- REPORT "tRP violation during Load Mode Register"
- -- LMR/ELMR to LMR
- ASSERT (NOW - MRD_chk >= tMRD)
- REPORT "tMRD violation during Load Mode Register"
- -- Check for invalid Burst Length
- ASSERT ((Addr (2 DOWNTO 0) = "001") OR -- BL = 2
- (Addr (2 DOWNTO 0) = "010") OR -- BL = 4
- (Addr (2 DOWNTO 0) = "011")) -- BL = 8
- REPORT "Invalid Burst Length during Load Mode Register"
- -- Check for invalid CAS Latency
- ASSERT ((Addr (6 DOWNTO 4) = "010") OR -- CL = 2.0
- (Addr (6 DOWNTO 4) = "110")) -- CL = 2.5
- REPORT "Invalid CAS Latency during Load Mode Register"
- -- Record current tMRD time
- MRD_chk := NOW;
- -- Active Block (latch Bank and Row Address)
- IF Active_enable = '1' THEN
- -- Activate an OPEN bank can corrupt data
- ASSERT ((Ba = "00" AND Act_b0 = '0') OR
- (Ba = "01" AND Act_b1 = '0') OR
- (Ba = "10" AND Act_b2 = '0') OR
- (Ba = "11" AND Act_b3 = '0'))
- REPORT "Bank is already activated - data can be corrupted"
- -- Activate Bank 0
- IF Ba = "00" AND Pc_b0 = '1' THEN
- -- Activate to Activate (same bank)
- ASSERT (NOW - RC_chk0 >= tRC)
- REPORT "tRC violation during Activate Bank 0"
- -- Precharge to Active
- ASSERT (NOW - RP_chk0 >= tRP)
- REPORT "tRP violation during Activate Bank 0"
- -- Record Variables for checking violation
- Act_b0 := '1';
- Pc_b0 := '0';
- B0_row_addr := Addr;
- RC_chk0 := NOW;
- RCD_chk0 := NOW;
- RAS_chk0 := NOW;
- RAP_chk0 := NOW;
- -- Activate Bank 1
- IF Ba = "01" AND Pc_b1 = '1' THEN
- -- Activate to Activate (same bank)
- ASSERT (NOW - RC_chk1 >= tRC)
- REPORT "tRC violation during Activate Bank 1"
- -- Precharge to Active
- ASSERT (NOW - RP_chk1 >= tRP)
- REPORT "tRP violation during Activate Bank 1"
- -- Record Variables for checking violation
- Act_b1 := '1';
- Pc_b1 := '0';
- B1_row_addr := Addr;
- RC_chk1 := NOW;
- RCD_chk1 := NOW;
- RAS_chk1 := NOW;
- RAP_chk1 := NOW;
- -- Activate Bank 2
- IF Ba = "10" AND Pc_b2 = '1' THEN
- -- Activate to Activate (same bank)
- ASSERT (NOW - RC_chk2 >= tRC)
- REPORT "tRC violation during Activate Bank 2"
- -- Precharge to Active
- ASSERT (NOW - RP_chk2 >= tRP)
- REPORT "tRP violation during Activate Bank 2"
- -- Record Variables for checking violation
- Act_b2 := '1';
- Pc_b2 := '0';
- B2_row_addr := Addr;
- RC_chk2 := NOW;
- RCD_chk2 := NOW;
- RAS_chk2 := NOW;
- RAP_chk2 := NOW;
- -- Activate Bank 3
- IF Ba = "11" AND Pc_b3 = '1' THEN
- -- Activate to Activate (same bank)
- ASSERT (NOW - RC_chk3 >= tRC)
- REPORT "tRC violation during Activate Bank 3"
- -- Precharge to Active
- ASSERT (NOW - RP_chk3 >= tRP)
- REPORT "tRP violation during Activate Bank 3"
- -- Record Variables for checking violation
- Act_b3 := '1';
- Pc_b3 := '0';
- B3_row_addr := Addr;
- RC_chk3 := NOW;
- RCD_chk3 := NOW;
- RAS_chk3 := NOW;
- RAP_chk3 := NOW;
- -- Activate Bank A to Activate Bank B
- IF (Prev_bank /= Ba) THEN
- ASSERT (NOW - RRD_chk >= tRRD)
- REPORT "tRRD violation during Activate"
- -- AutoRefresh to Activate
- ASSERT (NOW - RFC_chk >= tRFC)
- REPORT "tRFC violation during Activate"
- -- Record Variables for Checking Violation
- RRD_chk := NOW;
- Prev_bank := Ba;
- -- Precharge Block - Consider NOP if bank already precharged or in process of precharging
- IF Prech_enable = '1' THEN
- -- EMR or LMR to Precharge
- ASSERT (NOW - MRD_chk >= tMRD)
- REPORT "tMRD violation during Precharge"
- -- Precharge Bank 0
- IF ((Addr (10) = '1' OR (Addr (10) = '0' AND Ba = "00")) AND Act_b0 = '1') THEN
- Act_b0 := '0';
- Pc_b0 := '1';
- RP_chk0 := NOW;
- -- Activate to Precharge bank 0
- ASSERT (NOW - RAS_chk0 >= tRAS)
- REPORT "tRAS violation during Precharge"
- -- tWR violation check for Write
- ASSERT (NOW - WR_chk0 >= tWR)
- REPORT "tWR violation during Precharge"
- -- Precharge Bank 1
- IF ((Addr (10) = '1' OR (Addr (10) = '0' AND Ba = "01")) AND Act_b1 = '1') THEN
- Act_b1 := '0';
- Pc_b1 := '1';
- RP_chk1 := NOW;
- -- Activate to Precharge
- ASSERT (NOW - RAS_chk1 >= tRAS)
- REPORT "tRAS violation during Precharge"
- -- tWR violation check for Write
- ASSERT (NOW - WR_chk1 >= tWR)
- REPORT "tWR violation during Precharge"
- -- Precharge Bank 2
- IF ((Addr (10) = '1' OR (Addr (10) = '0' AND Ba = "10")) AND Act_b2 = '1') THEN
- Act_b2 := '0';
- Pc_b2 := '1';
- RP_chk2 := NOW;
- -- Activate to Precharge
- ASSERT (NOW - RAS_chk2 >= tRAS)
- REPORT "tRAS violation during Precharge"
- -- tWR violation check for Write
- ASSERT (NOW - WR_chk2 >= tWR)
- REPORT "tWR violation during Precharge"
- -- Precharge Bank 3
- IF ((Addr (10) = '1' OR (Addr (10) = '0' AND Ba = "11")) AND Act_b3 = '1') THEN
- Act_b3 := '0';
- Pc_b3 := '1';
- RP_chk3 := NOW;
- -- Activate to Precharge
- ASSERT (NOW - RAS_chk3 >= tRAS)
- REPORT "tRAS violation during Precharge"
- -- tWR violation check for Write
- ASSERT (NOW - WR_chk3 >= tWR)
- REPORT "tWR violation during Precharge"
- -- Pipeline for READ
- IF CAS_latency_15 = '1' THEN
- A10_precharge (3) := Addr(10);
- Bank_precharge (3) := Ba;
- Cmnd_precharge (3) := '1';
- ELSIF CAS_latency_2 = '1' THEN
- A10_precharge (4) := Addr(10);
- Bank_precharge (4) := Ba;
- Cmnd_precharge (4) := '1';
- ELSIF CAS_latency_25 = '1' THEN
- A10_precharge (5) := Addr(10);
- Bank_precharge (5) := Ba;
- Cmnd_precharge (5) := '1';
- ELSIF CAS_latency_3 = '1' THEN
- A10_precharge (6) := Addr(10);
- Bank_precharge (6) := Ba;
- Cmnd_precharge (6) := '1';
- ELSIF CAS_latency_4 = '1' THEN
- A10_precharge (8) := Addr(10);
- Bank_precharge (8) := Ba;
- Cmnd_precharge (8) := '1';
- -- Burst Terminate
- IF Burst_term = '1' THEN
- -- Pipeline for Read
- IF CAS_latency_15 = '1' THEN
- Cmnd_bst (3) := '1';
- ELSIF CAS_latency_2 = '1' THEN
- Cmnd_bst (4) := '1';
- ELSIF CAS_latency_25 = '1' THEN
- Cmnd_bst (5) := '1';
- ELSIF CAS_latency_3 = '1' THEN
- Cmnd_bst (6) := '1';
- ELSIF CAS_latency_4 = '1' THEN
- Cmnd_bst (8) := '1';
- -- Terminate Write
- ASSERT (Data_in_enable = '0')
- REPORT "It's illegal to Burst Terminate a Write"
- -- Terminate Read with Auto Precharge
- ASSERT (Read_precharge (0) = '0' AND Read_precharge (1) = '0' AND
- Read_precharge (2) = '0' AND Read_precharge (3) = '0')
- REPORT "It's illegal to Burst Terminate a Read with Auto Precharge"
- -- Read Command
- IF Read_enable = '1' THEN
- -- CAS Latency Pipeline
- IF Cas_latency_15 = '1' THEN
- Read_cmnd (3) := '1';
- Read_bank (3) := Ba;
- Read_cols (3) := Addr (8 DOWNTO 0);
- ELSIF Cas_latency_2 = '1' THEN
- Read_cmnd (4) := '1';
- Read_bank (4) := Ba;
- Read_cols (4) := Addr (8 DOWNTO 0);
- ELSIF Cas_latency_25 = '1' THEN
- Read_cmnd (5) := '1';
- Read_bank (5) := Ba;
- Read_cols (5) := Addr (8 DOWNTO 0);
- ELSIF Cas_latency_3 = '1' THEN
- Read_cmnd (6) := '1';
- Read_bank (6) := Ba;
- Read_cols (6) := Addr (8 DOWNTO 0);
- ELSIF Cas_latency_4 = '1' THEN
- Read_cmnd (8) := '1';
- Read_bank (8) := Ba;
- Read_cols (8) := Addr (8 DOWNTO 0);
- -- Write to Read: Terminate Write Immediately
- IF Data_in_enable = '1' THEN
- Data_in_enable := '0';
- -- Interrupting a Read with Auto Precharge (same bank only)
- ASSERT (Read_precharge(CONV_INTEGER(Ba)) = '0')
- REPORT "It's illegal to interrupt a Read with Auto Precharge"
- -- Activate to Read
- ASSERT ((Ba = "00" AND Act_b0 = '1') OR
- (Ba = "01" AND Act_b1 = '1') OR
- (Ba = "10" AND Act_b2 = '1') OR
- (Ba = "11" AND Act_b3 = '1'))
- REPORT "Bank is not Activated for Read"
- -- Activate to Read without Auto Precharge
- IF Addr (10) = '0' THEN
- ASSERT ((Ba = "00" AND NOW - RCD_chk0 >= tRCD) OR
- (Ba = "01" AND NOW - RCD_chk1 >= tRCD) OR
- (Ba = "10" AND NOW - RCD_chk2 >= tRCD) OR
- (Ba = "11" AND NOW - RCD_chk3 >= tRCD))
- REPORT "tRCD violation during Read"
- -- Activate to Read with Auto Precharge
- IF Addr (10) = '1' THEN
- ASSERT ((Ba = "00" AND NOW - RAP_chk0 >= tRAP) OR
- (Ba = "01" AND NOW - RAP_chk1 >= tRAP) OR
- (Ba = "10" AND NOW - RAP_chk2 >= tRAP) OR
- (Ba = "11" AND NOW - RAP_chk3 >= tRAP))
- REPORT "tRAP violation during Read"
- -- Auto precharge
- IF Addr (10) = '1' THEN
- Read_precharge (Conv_INTEGER(Ba)) := '1';
- Count_precharge (Conv_INTEGER(Ba)) := 0;
- -- DLL Check
- IF (DLL_reset = '1') THEN
- ASSERT (DLL_done = '1')
- REPORT "DLL RESET not complete"
- -- Write Command
- IF Write_enable = '1' THEN
- -- Pipeline for Write
- Write_cmnd (2) := '1';
- Write_bank (2) := Ba;
- Write_cols (2) := Addr (8 DOWNTO 0);
- -- Interrupting a Write with Auto Precharge (same bank only)
- ASSERT (Write_precharge(CONV_INTEGER(Ba)) = '0')
- REPORT "It's illegal to interrupt a Write with Auto Precharge"
- -- Activate to Write
- ASSERT ((Ba = "00" AND Act_b0 = '1') OR
- (Ba = "01" AND Act_b1 = '1') OR
- (Ba = "10" AND Act_b2 = '1') OR
- (Ba = "11" AND Act_b3 = '1'))
- REPORT "Bank is not Activated for Write"
- -- Activate to Write
- ASSERT ((Ba = "00" AND NOW - RCD_chk0 >= tRCD) OR
- (Ba = "01" AND NOW - RCD_chk1 >= tRCD) OR
- (Ba = "10" AND NOW - RCD_chk2 >= tRCD) OR
- (Ba = "11" AND NOW - RCD_chk3 >= tRCD))
- REPORT "tRCD violation during Write"
- -- Auto precharge
- IF Addr (10) = '1' THEN
- Write_precharge (Conv_INTEGER(Ba)) := '1';
- Count_precharge (Conv_INTEGER(Ba)) := 0;
- --
- -- Dqs Receiver
- --
- dqs_rcvrs : PROCESS
- VARIABLE Dq_temp : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (data_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0);
- WAIT ON Dqs;
- -- Latch data at posedge Dqs
- IF Dqs'EVENT AND Dqs (1) = '1' AND Dqs (0) = '1' THEN
- Dq_temp := Dq;
- Dm_temp := Dm;
- -- Latch data at negedge Dqs
- IF Dqs'EVENT AND Dqs (1) = '0' AND Dqs (0) = '0' THEN
- Dq_pair <= (Dq & Dq_temp);
- Dm_pair <= (Dm & Dm_temp);
- --
- -- Setup timing checks
- --
- Setup_check : PROCESS
- WAIT ON Sys_clk;
- IF Sys_clk'EVENT AND Sys_clk = '1' THEN
- REPORT "CKE Setup time violation -- tIS"
- REPORT "CS# Setup time violation -- tIS"
- REPORT "CAS# Setup time violation -- tIS"
- REPORT "RAS# Setup time violation -- tIS"
- REPORT "WE# Setup time violation -- tIS"
- REPORT "ADDR Setup time violation -- tIS"
- REPORT "BA Setup time violation -- tIS"
- --
- -- Hold timing checks
- --
- Hold_check : PROCESS
- WAIT ON Sys_clk'DELAYED (tIH);
- IF Sys_clk'DELAYED (tIH) = '1' THEN
- REPORT "CKE Hold time violation -- tIH"
- REPORT "CS# Hold time violation -- tIH"
- REPORT "CAS# Hold time violation -- tIH"
- REPORT "RAS# Hold time violation -- tIH"
- REPORT "WE# Hold time violation -- tIH"
- REPORT "ADDR Hold time violation -- tIH"
- REPORT "BA Hold time violation -- tIH"
-END behave;
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- File Name: MT46V16M16.VHD +-- Version: 2.1 +-- Date: January 14th, 2002 +-- Model: Behavioral +-- Simulator: NCDesktop - http://www.cadence.com +-- ModelSim PE - http://www.model.com +-- +-- Dependencies: None +-- +-- Author: Son P. Huynh +-- Email: sphuynh@micron.com +-- Phone: (208) 368-3825 +-- Company: Micron Technology, Inc. +-- Part Number: MT46V16M16 (4 Mb x 16 x 4 Banks) +-- +-- Description: Micron 256 Mb SDRAM DDR (Double Data Rate) +-- +-- Limitation: Doesn't model internal refresh counter +-- +-- Note: +-- +-- Disclaimer: THESE DESIGNS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO WARRANTY +-- WHATSOEVER AND MICRON SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY +-- IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR +-- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR AGAINST INFRINGEMENT. +-- +-- Copyright (c) 1998 Micron Semiconductor Products, Inc. +-- All rights researved +-- +-- Rev Author Date Changes +-- --- ---------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------- +-- 2.1 Son P. Huynh 01/14/2002 - Fix Burst_counter +-- Micron Technology, Inc. +-- +-- 2.0 Son P. Huynh 11/08/2001 - Second release +-- Micron Technology, Inc. - Rewrote and remove SHARED VARIABLE +-- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +LIBRARY IEEE; + USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; + USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; + USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; + +ENTITY MT46V16M16 IS + GENERIC ( -- Timing for -75Z CL2 + tCK : TIME := 7.500 ns; + tCH : TIME := 3.375 ns; -- 0.45*tCK + tCL : TIME := 3.375 ns; -- 0.45*tCK + tDH : TIME := 0.500 ns; + tDS : TIME := 0.500 ns; + tIH : TIME := 0.900 ns; + tIS : TIME := 0.900 ns; + tMRD : TIME := 15.000 ns; + tRAS : TIME := 40.000 ns; + tRAP : TIME := 20.000 ns; + tRC : TIME := 65.000 ns; + tRFC : TIME := 75.000 ns; + tRCD : TIME := 20.000 ns; + tRP : TIME := 20.000 ns; + tRRD : TIME := 15.000 ns; + tWR : TIME := 15.000 ns; + addr_bits : INTEGER := 13; + data_bits : INTEGER := 16; + cols_bits : INTEGER := 9 + ); + PORT ( + Dq : INOUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (data_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => 'Z'); + Dqs : INOUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 DOWNTO 0) := "ZZ"; + Addr : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0); + Ba : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 DOWNTO 0); + Clk : IN STD_LOGIC; + Clk_n : IN STD_LOGIC; + Cke : IN STD_LOGIC; + Cs_n : IN STD_LOGIC; + Ras_n : IN STD_LOGIC; + Cas_n : IN STD_LOGIC; + We_n : IN STD_LOGIC; + Dm : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 DOWNTO 0) + ); +END MT46V16M16; + +ARCHITECTURE behave OF MT46V16M16 IS + -- Array for Read pipeline + TYPE Array_Read_cmnd IS ARRAY (8 DOWNTO 0) OF STD_LOGIC; + TYPE Array_Read_bank IS ARRAY (8 DOWNTO 0) OF STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 DOWNTO 0); + TYPE Array_Read_cols IS ARRAY (8 DOWNTO 0) OF STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (cols_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0); + + -- Array for Write pipeline + TYPE Array_Write_cmnd IS ARRAY (2 DOWNTO 0) OF STD_LOGIC; + TYPE Array_Write_bank IS ARRAY (2 DOWNTO 0) OF STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 DOWNTO 0); + TYPE Array_Write_cols IS ARRAY (2 DOWNTO 0) OF STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (cols_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0); + + -- Array for Auto Precharge + TYPE Array_Read_precharge IS ARRAY (3 DOWNTO 0) OF STD_LOGIC; + TYPE Array_Write_precharge IS ARRAY (3 DOWNTO 0) OF STD_LOGIC; + TYPE Array_Count_precharge IS ARRAY (3 DOWNTO 0) OF INTEGER; + + -- Array for Manual Precharge + TYPE Array_A10_precharge IS ARRAY (8 DOWNTO 0) OF STD_LOGIC; + TYPE Array_Bank_precharge IS ARRAY (8 DOWNTO 0) OF STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 DOWNTO 0); + TYPE Array_Cmnd_precharge IS ARRAY (8 DOWNTO 0) OF STD_LOGIC; + + -- Array for Burst Terminate + TYPE Array_Cmnd_bst IS ARRAY (8 DOWNTO 0) OF STD_LOGIC; + + -- Array for Memory Access + TYPE Array_ram_type IS ARRAY (2**cols_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) OF STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (data_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0); + TYPE Array_ram_pntr IS ACCESS Array_ram_type; + TYPE Array_ram_stor IS ARRAY (2**addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) OF Array_ram_pntr; + + -- Data pair + SIGNAL Dq_pair : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 * data_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0); + SIGNAL Dm_pair : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 DOWNTO 0); + + -- Mode Register + SIGNAL Mode_reg : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); + + -- Command Decode Variables + SIGNAL Active_enable, Aref_enable, Burst_term, Ext_mode_enable : STD_LOGIC := '0'; + SIGNAL Mode_reg_enable, Prech_enable, Read_enable, Write_enable : STD_LOGIC := '0'; + + -- Burst Length Decode Variables + SIGNAL Burst_length_2, Burst_length_4, Burst_length_8, Burst_length_f : STD_LOGIC := '0'; + + -- Cas Latency Decode Variables + SIGNAL Cas_latency_15, Cas_latency_2, Cas_latency_25, Cas_latency_3, Cas_latency_4 : STD_LOGIC := '0'; + + -- Internal Control Signals + SIGNAL Cs_in, Ras_in, Cas_in, We_in : STD_LOGIC := '0'; + + -- System Clock + SIGNAL Sys_clk : STD_LOGIC := '0'; + + -- Dqs buffer + SIGNAL Dqs_out : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 DOWNTO 0) := "ZZ"; + +BEGIN + -- Strip the strength + Cs_in <= To_X01 (Cs_n); + Ras_in <= To_X01 (Ras_n); + Cas_in <= To_X01 (Cas_n); + We_in <= To_X01 (We_n); + + -- Commands Decode + Active_enable <= NOT(Cs_in) AND NOT(Ras_in) AND Cas_in AND We_in; + Aref_enable <= NOT(Cs_in) AND NOT(Ras_in) AND NOT(Cas_in) AND We_in; + Burst_term <= NOT(Cs_in) AND Ras_in AND Cas_in AND NOT(We_in); + Ext_mode_enable <= NOT(Cs_in) AND NOT(Ras_in) AND NOT(Cas_in) AND NOT(We_in) AND Ba(0) AND NOT(Ba(1)); + Mode_reg_enable <= NOT(Cs_in) AND NOT(Ras_in) AND NOT(Cas_in) AND NOT(We_in) AND NOT(Ba(0)) AND NOT(Ba(1)); + Prech_enable <= NOT(Cs_in) AND NOT(Ras_in) AND Cas_in AND NOT(We_in); + Read_enable <= NOT(Cs_in) AND Ras_in AND NOT(Cas_in) AND We_in; + Write_enable <= NOT(Cs_in) AND Ras_in AND NOT(Cas_in) AND NOT(We_in); + + -- Burst Length Decode + Burst_length_2 <= NOT(Mode_reg(2)) AND NOT(Mode_reg(1)) AND Mode_reg(0); + Burst_length_4 <= NOT(Mode_reg(2)) AND Mode_reg(1) AND NOT(Mode_reg(0)); + Burst_length_8 <= NOT(Mode_reg(2)) AND Mode_reg(1) AND Mode_reg(0); + Burst_length_f <= (Mode_reg(2)) AND Mode_reg(1) AND Mode_reg(0); + + -- CAS Latency Decode + Cas_latency_15 <= Mode_reg(6) AND NOT(Mode_reg(5)) AND (Mode_reg(4)); + Cas_latency_2 <= NOT(Mode_reg(6)) AND Mode_reg(5) AND NOT(Mode_reg(4)); + Cas_latency_25 <= Mode_reg(6) AND Mode_reg(5) AND NOT(Mode_reg(4)); + Cas_latency_3 <= NOT(Mode_reg(6)) AND Mode_reg(5) AND Mode_reg(4); + Cas_latency_4 <= (Mode_reg(6)) AND NOT(Mode_reg(5)) AND NOT(Mode_reg(4)); + + -- Dqs buffer + Dqs <= Dqs_out; + + -- + -- System Clock + -- + int_clk : PROCESS (Clk, Clk_n) + VARIABLE ClkZ, CkeZ : STD_LOGIC := '0'; + begin + IF Clk = '1' AND Clk_n = '0' THEN + ClkZ := '1'; + CkeZ := Cke; + ELSIF Clk = '0' AND Clk_n = '1' THEN + ClkZ := '0'; + END IF; + Sys_clk <= CkeZ AND ClkZ; + END PROCESS; + + -- + -- Main Process + -- + state_register : PROCESS + -- Precharge Variables + VARIABLE Pc_b0, Pc_b1, Pc_b2, Pc_b3 : STD_LOGIC := '0'; + + -- Activate Variables + VARIABLE Act_b0, Act_b1, Act_b2, Act_b3 : STD_LOGIC := '1'; + + -- Data IO variables + VARIABLE Data_in_enable, Data_out_enable : STD_LOGIC := '0'; + + -- Internal address mux variables + VARIABLE Cols_brst : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 DOWNTO 0); + VARIABLE Prev_bank : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 DOWNTO 0) := "00"; + VARIABLE Bank_addr : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 DOWNTO 0) := "00"; + VARIABLE Cols_addr : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (cols_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0); + VARIABLE Rows_addr : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0); + VARIABLE B0_row_addr : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0); + VARIABLE B1_row_addr : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0); + VARIABLE B2_row_addr : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0); + VARIABLE B3_row_addr : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0); + + -- DLL Reset variables + VARIABLE DLL_enable : STD_LOGIC := '0'; + VARIABLE DLL_reset : STD_LOGIC := '0'; + VARIABLE DLL_done : STD_LOGIC := '0'; + VARIABLE DLL_count : INTEGER := 0; + + -- Timing Check + VARIABLE MRD_chk : TIME := 0 ns; + VARIABLE RFC_chk : TIME := 0 ns; + VARIABLE RRD_chk : TIME := 0 ns; + VARIABLE RAS_chk0, RAS_chk1, RAS_chk2, RAS_chk3 : TIME := 0 ns; + VARIABLE RAP_chk0, RAP_chk1, RAP_chk2, RAP_chk3 : TIME := 0 ns; + VARIABLE RC_chk0, RC_chk1, RC_chk2, RC_chk3 : TIME := 0 ns; + VARIABLE RCD_chk0, RCD_chk1, RCD_chk2, RCD_chk3 : TIME := 0 ns; + VARIABLE RP_chk0, RP_chk1, RP_chk2, RP_chk3 : TIME := 0 ns; + VARIABLE WR_chk0, WR_chk1, WR_chk2, WR_chk3 : TIME := 0 ns; + + -- Read pipeline variables + VARIABLE Read_cmnd : Array_Read_cmnd; + VARIABLE Read_bank : Array_Read_bank; + VARIABLE Read_cols : Array_Read_cols; + + -- Write pipeline variables + VARIABLE Write_cmnd : Array_Write_cmnd; + VARIABLE Write_bank : Array_Write_bank; + VARIABLE Write_cols : Array_Write_cols; + + -- Auto Precharge variables + VARIABLE Read_precharge : Array_Read_precharge := ('0' & '0' & '0' & '0'); + VARIABLE Write_precharge : Array_Write_precharge := ('0' & '0' & '0' & '0'); + VARIABLE Count_precharge : Array_Count_precharge := ( 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 ); + + -- Manual Precharge variables + VARIABLE A10_precharge : Array_A10_precharge; + VARIABLE Bank_precharge : Array_Bank_precharge; + VARIABLE Cmnd_precharge : Array_Cmnd_precharge; + + -- Burst Terminate variable + VARIABLE Cmnd_bst : Array_Cmnd_bst; + + -- Memory Banks + VARIABLE Bank0 : Array_ram_stor; + VARIABLE Bank1 : Array_ram_stor; + VARIABLE Bank2 : Array_ram_stor; + VARIABLE Bank3 : Array_ram_stor; + + -- Burst Counter + VARIABLE Burst_counter : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (cols_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0); + + -- Internal Dqs initialize + VARIABLE Dqs_int : STD_LOGIC := '0'; + + -- Data buffer for DM Mask + VARIABLE Data_buf : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (data_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => 'Z'); + + -- + -- Initialize empty rows + -- + PROCEDURE Init_mem (Bank : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; Row_index : INTEGER) IS + VARIABLE i, j : INTEGER := 0; + BEGIN + IF Bank = "00" THEN + IF Bank0 (Row_index) = NULL THEN -- Check to see if row empty + Bank0 (Row_index) := NEW Array_ram_type; -- Open new row for access + FOR i IN (2**cols_bits - 1) DOWNTO 0 LOOP -- Filled row with zeros + FOR j IN (data_bits - 1) DOWNTO 0 LOOP + Bank0 (Row_index) (i) (j) := '0'; + END LOOP; + END LOOP; + END IF; + ELSIF Bank = "01" THEN + IF Bank1 (Row_index) = NULL THEN + Bank1 (Row_index) := NEW Array_ram_type; + FOR i IN (2**cols_bits - 1) DOWNTO 0 LOOP + FOR j IN (data_bits - 1) DOWNTO 0 LOOP + Bank1 (Row_index) (i) (j) := '0'; + END LOOP; + END LOOP; + END IF; + ELSIF Bank = "10" THEN + IF Bank2 (Row_index) = NULL THEN + Bank2 (Row_index) := NEW Array_ram_type; + FOR i IN (2**cols_bits - 1) DOWNTO 0 LOOP + FOR j IN (data_bits - 1) DOWNTO 0 LOOP + Bank2 (Row_index) (i) (j) := '0'; + END LOOP; + END LOOP; + END IF; + ELSIF Bank = "11" THEN + IF Bank3 (Row_index) = NULL THEN + Bank3 (Row_index) := NEW Array_ram_type; + FOR i IN (2**cols_bits - 1) DOWNTO 0 LOOP + FOR j IN (data_bits - 1) DOWNTO 0 LOOP + Bank3 (Row_index) (i) (j) := '0'; + END LOOP; + END LOOP; + END IF; + END IF; + END; + + -- + -- Burst Counter + -- + PROCEDURE Burst_decode IS + VARIABLE Cols_temp : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (cols_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); + BEGIN + -- Advance burst counter + Burst_counter := Burst_counter + 1; + + -- Burst Type + IF Mode_reg (3) = '0' THEN + Cols_temp := Cols_addr + 1; + ELSIF Mode_reg (3) = '1' THEN + Cols_temp (2) := Burst_counter (2) XOR Cols_brst (2); + Cols_temp (1) := Burst_counter (1) XOR Cols_brst (1); + Cols_temp (0) := Burst_counter (0) XOR Cols_brst (0); + END IF; + + -- Burst Length + IF Burst_length_2 = '1' THEN + Cols_addr (0) := Cols_temp (0); + ELSIF Burst_length_4 = '1' THEN + Cols_addr (1 DOWNTO 0) := Cols_temp (1 DOWNTO 0); + ELSIF Burst_length_8 = '1' THEN + Cols_addr (2 DOWNTO 0) := Cols_temp (2 DOWNTO 0); + ELSE + Cols_addr := Cols_temp; + END IF; + + -- Data counter + IF Burst_length_2 = '1' THEN + IF Burst_counter >= 2 THEN + IF Data_in_enable = '1' THEN + Data_in_enable := '0'; + ELSIF Data_out_enable = '1' THEN + Data_out_enable := '0'; + END IF; + END IF; + ELSIF Burst_length_4 = '1' THEN + IF Burst_counter >= 4 THEN + IF Data_in_enable = '1' THEN + Data_in_enable := '0'; + ELSIF Data_out_enable = '1' THEN + Data_out_enable := '0'; + END IF; + END IF; + ELSIF Burst_length_8 = '1' THEN + IF Burst_counter >= 8 THEN + IF Data_in_enable = '1' THEN + Data_in_enable := '0'; + ELSIF Data_out_enable = '1' THEN + Data_out_enable := '0'; + END IF; + END IF; + END IF; + END; + + BEGIN + WAIT ON Sys_clk; + + -- + -- Manual Precharge Pipeline + -- + IF ((Sys_clk'EVENT AND Sys_clk = '0') OR (Sys_clk'EVENT AND Sys_clk = '1')) THEN + -- A10 Precharge Pipeline + A10_precharge(0) := A10_precharge(1); + A10_precharge(1) := A10_precharge(2); + A10_precharge(2) := A10_precharge(3); + A10_precharge(3) := A10_precharge(4); + A10_precharge(4) := A10_precharge(5); + A10_precharge(5) := A10_precharge(6); + A10_precharge(6) := A10_precharge(7); + A10_precharge(7) := A10_precharge(8); + A10_precharge(8) := '0'; + + -- Bank Precharge Pipeline + Bank_precharge(0) := Bank_precharge(1); + Bank_precharge(1) := Bank_precharge(2); + Bank_precharge(2) := Bank_precharge(3); + Bank_precharge(3) := Bank_precharge(4); + Bank_precharge(4) := Bank_precharge(5); + Bank_precharge(5) := Bank_precharge(6); + Bank_precharge(6) := Bank_precharge(7); + Bank_precharge(7) := Bank_precharge(8); + Bank_precharge(8) := "00"; + + -- Command Precharge Pipeline + Cmnd_precharge(0) := Cmnd_precharge(1); + Cmnd_precharge(1) := Cmnd_precharge(2); + Cmnd_precharge(2) := Cmnd_precharge(3); + Cmnd_precharge(3) := Cmnd_precharge(4); + Cmnd_precharge(4) := Cmnd_precharge(5); + Cmnd_precharge(5) := Cmnd_precharge(6); + Cmnd_precharge(6) := Cmnd_precharge(7); + Cmnd_precharge(7) := Cmnd_precharge(8); + Cmnd_precharge(8) := '0'; + + -- Terminate Read if same bank or all banks + IF ((Cmnd_precharge (0) = '1') AND + (Bank_precharge (0) = Bank_addr OR A10_precharge (0) = '1') AND + (Data_out_enable = '1')) THEN + Data_out_enable := '0'; + END IF; + END IF; + + -- + -- Burst Terminate Pipeline + -- + IF ((Sys_clk'EVENT AND Sys_clk = '0') OR (Sys_clk'EVENT AND Sys_clk = '1')) THEN + -- Burst Terminate pipeline + Cmnd_bst (0) := Cmnd_bst (1); + Cmnd_bst (1) := Cmnd_bst (2); + Cmnd_bst (2) := Cmnd_bst (3); + Cmnd_bst (3) := Cmnd_bst (4); + Cmnd_bst (4) := Cmnd_bst (5); + Cmnd_bst (5) := Cmnd_bst (6); + Cmnd_bst (6) := Cmnd_bst (7); + Cmnd_bst (7) := Cmnd_bst (8); + Cmnd_bst (8) := '0'; + + -- Terminate current Read + IF ((Cmnd_bst (0) = '1') AND (Data_out_enable = '1')) THEN + Data_out_enable := '0'; + END IF; + END IF; + + -- + -- Dq and Dqs Drivers + -- + IF ((Sys_clk'EVENT AND Sys_clk = '0') OR (Sys_clk'EVENT AND Sys_clk = '1')) THEN + -- Read Command Pipeline + Read_cmnd (0) := Read_cmnd (1); + Read_cmnd (1) := Read_cmnd (2); + Read_cmnd (2) := Read_cmnd (3); + Read_cmnd (3) := Read_cmnd (4); + Read_cmnd (4) := Read_cmnd (5); + Read_cmnd (5) := Read_cmnd (6); + Read_cmnd (6) := Read_cmnd (7); + Read_cmnd (7) := Read_cmnd (8); + Read_cmnd (8) := '0'; + + -- Read Bank Pipeline + Read_bank (0) := Read_bank (1); + Read_bank (1) := Read_bank (2); + Read_bank (2) := Read_bank (3); + Read_bank (3) := Read_bank (4); + Read_bank (4) := Read_bank (5); + Read_bank (5) := Read_bank (6); + Read_bank (6) := Read_bank (7); + Read_bank (7) := Read_bank (8); + Read_bank (8) := "00"; + + -- Read Column Pipeline + Read_cols (0) := Read_cols (1); + Read_cols (1) := Read_cols (2); + Read_cols (2) := Read_cols (3); + Read_cols (3) := Read_cols (4); + Read_cols (4) := Read_cols (5); + Read_cols (5) := Read_cols (6); + Read_cols (6) := Read_cols (7); + Read_cols (7) := Read_cols (8); + Read_cols (8) := (OTHERS => '0'); + + -- Initialize Read command + IF Read_cmnd (0) = '1' THEN + Data_out_enable := '1'; + Bank_addr := Read_bank (0); + Cols_addr := Read_cols (0); + Cols_brst := Cols_addr (2 DOWNTO 0); + Burst_counter := (OTHERS => '0'); + + -- Row address mux + CASE Bank_addr IS + WHEN "00" => Rows_addr := B0_row_addr; + WHEN "01" => Rows_addr := B1_row_addr; + WHEN "10" => Rows_addr := B2_row_addr; + WHEN OTHERS => Rows_addr := B3_row_addr; + END CASE; + END IF; + + -- Toggle Dqs during Read command + IF Data_out_enable = '1' THEN + Dqs_int := '0'; + IF Dqs_out = "00" THEN + Dqs_out <= "11"; + ELSIF Dqs_out = "11" THEN + Dqs_out <= "00"; + ELSE + Dqs_out <= "00"; + END IF; + ELSIF Data_out_enable = '0' AND Dqs_int = '0' THEN + Dqs_out <= "ZZ"; + END IF; + + -- Initialize Dqs for Read command + IF Read_cmnd (2) = '1' THEN + IF Data_out_enable = '0' THEN + Dqs_int := '1'; + Dqs_out <= "00"; + END IF; + END IF; + + -- Read Latch + IF Data_out_enable = '1' THEN + -- Initialize Memory + Init_mem (Bank_addr, CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)); + + -- Output Data + CASE Bank_addr IS + WHEN "00" => Dq <= Bank0 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)); + WHEN "01" => Dq <= Bank1 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)); + WHEN "10" => Dq <= Bank2 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)); + WHEN OTHERS => Dq <= Bank3 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)); + END CASE; + + -- Increase Burst Counter + Burst_decode; + ELSE + Dq <= (OTHERS => 'Z'); + END IF; + END IF; + + -- + -- Write FIFO and DM Mask Logic + -- + IF Sys_clk'EVENT AND Sys_clk = '1' THEN + -- Write command pipeline + Write_cmnd (0) := Write_cmnd (1); + Write_cmnd (1) := Write_cmnd (2); + Write_cmnd (2) := '0'; + + -- Write command pipeline + Write_bank (0) := Write_bank (1); + Write_bank (1) := Write_bank (2); + Write_bank (2) := "00"; + + -- Write column pipeline + Write_cols (0) := Write_cols (1); + Write_cols (1) := Write_cols (2); + Write_cols (2) := (OTHERS => '0'); + + -- Initialize Write command + IF Write_cmnd (0) = '1' THEN + Data_in_enable := '1'; + Bank_addr := Write_bank (0); + Cols_addr := Write_cols (0); + Cols_brst := Cols_addr (2 DOWNTO 0); + Burst_counter := (OTHERS => '0'); + + -- Row address mux + CASE Bank_addr IS + WHEN "00" => Rows_addr := B0_row_addr; + WHEN "01" => Rows_addr := B1_row_addr; + WHEN "10" => Rows_addr := B2_row_addr; + WHEN OTHERS => Rows_addr := B3_row_addr; + END CASE; + END IF; + + -- Write data + IF Data_in_enable = '1' THEN + -- Initialize memory + Init_mem (Bank_addr, CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)); + + -- Write first data + IF Dm_pair (1) = '0' OR Dm_pair (0) = '0' THEN + -- Data Buffer + CASE Bank_addr IS + WHEN "00" => Data_buf := Bank0 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)); + WHEN "01" => Data_buf := Bank1 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)); + WHEN "10" => Data_buf := Bank2 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)); + WHEN OTHERS => Data_buf := Bank3 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)); + END CASE; + + -- Perform DM Mask + IF Dm_pair (0) = '0' THEN + Data_buf ( 7 DOWNTO 0) := Dq_pair ( 7 DOWNTO 0); + END IF; + IF Dm_pair (1) = '0' THEN + Data_buf (15 DOWNTO 8) := Dq_pair (15 DOWNTO 8); + END IF; + + -- Write Data + CASE Bank_addr IS + WHEN "00" => Bank0 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)) := Data_buf; + WHEN "01" => Bank1 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)) := Data_buf; + WHEN "10" => Bank2 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)) := Data_buf; + WHEN OTHERS => Bank3 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)) := Data_buf; + END CASE; + END IF; + + -- Increase Burst Counter + Burst_decode; + + -- Write second data + IF Dm_pair (3) = '0' OR Dm_pair (2) = '0' THEN + -- Data Buffer + CASE Bank_addr IS + WHEN "00" => Data_buf := Bank0 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)); + WHEN "01" => Data_buf := Bank1 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)); + WHEN "10" => Data_buf := Bank2 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)); + WHEN OTHERS => Data_buf := Bank3 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)); + END CASE; + + -- Perform DM Mask + IF Dm_pair (2) = '0' THEN + Data_buf ( 7 DOWNTO 0) := Dq_pair (23 DOWNTO 16); + END IF; + IF Dm_pair (3) = '0' THEN + Data_buf (15 DOWNTO 8) := Dq_pair (31 DOWNTO 24); + END IF; + + -- Write Data + CASE Bank_addr IS + WHEN "00" => Bank0 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)) := Data_buf; + WHEN "01" => Bank1 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)) := Data_buf; + WHEN "10" => Bank2 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)) := Data_buf; + WHEN OTHERS => Bank3 (CONV_INTEGER(Rows_addr)) (CONV_INTEGER(Cols_addr)) := Data_buf; + END CASE; + END IF; + + -- Increase Burst Counter + Burst_decode; + + -- tWR start and tWTR check + IF Dm_pair (3 DOWNTO 2) = "00" OR Dm_pair (1 DOWNTO 0) = "00" THEN + CASE Bank_addr IS + WHEN "00" => WR_chk0 := NOW; + WHEN "01" => WR_chk1 := NOW; + WHEN "10" => WR_chk2 := NOW; + WHEN OTHERS => WR_chk3 := NOW; + END CASE; + + -- tWTR check + ASSERT (Read_enable = '0') + REPORT "tWTR violation during Read" + SEVERITY WARNING; + END IF; + END IF; + END IF; + + -- + -- Auto Precharge Calculation + -- + IF Sys_clk'EVENT AND Sys_clk = '1' THEN + -- Precharge counter + IF Read_precharge (0) = '1' OR Write_precharge (0) = '1' THEN + Count_precharge (0) := Count_precharge (0) + 1; + END IF; + IF Read_precharge (1) = '1' OR Write_precharge (1) = '1' THEN + Count_precharge (1) := Count_precharge (1) + 1; + END IF; + IF Read_precharge (2) = '1' OR Write_precharge (2) = '1' THEN + Count_precharge (2) := Count_precharge (2) + 1; + END IF; + IF Read_precharge (3) = '1' OR Write_precharge (3) = '1' THEN + Count_precharge (3) := Count_precharge (3) + 1; + END IF; + + -- Read with AutoPrecharge Calculation + -- The device start internal precharge when: + -- 1. Meet tRAS requirement + -- 2. BL/2 cycles after command + IF ((Read_precharge(0) = '1') AND (NOW - RAS_chk0 >= tRAS)) THEN + IF ((Burst_length_2 = '1' AND Count_precharge(0) >= 1) OR + (Burst_length_4 = '1' AND Count_precharge(0) >= 2) OR + (Burst_length_8 = '1' AND Count_precharge(0) >= 4)) THEN + Pc_b0 := '1'; + Act_b0 := '0'; + RP_chk0 := NOW; + Read_precharge(0) := '0'; + END IF; + END IF; + IF ((Read_precharge(1) = '1') AND (NOW - RAS_chk1 >= tRAS)) THEN + IF ((Burst_length_2 = '1' AND Count_precharge(1) >= 1) OR + (Burst_length_4 = '1' AND Count_precharge(1) >= 2) OR + (Burst_length_8 = '1' AND Count_precharge(1) >= 4)) THEN + Pc_b1 := '1'; + Act_b1 := '0'; + RP_chk1 := NOW; + Read_precharge(1) := '0'; + END IF; + END IF; + IF ((Read_precharge(2) = '1') AND (NOW - RAS_chk2 >= tRAS)) THEN + IF ((Burst_length_2 = '1' AND Count_precharge(2) >= 1) OR + (Burst_length_4 = '1' AND Count_precharge(2) >= 2) OR + (Burst_length_8 = '1' AND Count_precharge(2) >= 4)) THEN + Pc_b2 := '1'; + Act_b2 := '0'; + RP_chk2 := NOW; + Read_precharge(2) := '0'; + END IF; + END IF; + IF ((Read_precharge(3) = '1') AND (NOW - RAS_chk3 >= tRAS)) THEN + IF ((Burst_length_2 = '1' AND Count_precharge(3) >= 1) OR + (Burst_length_4 = '1' AND Count_precharge(3) >= 2) OR + (Burst_length_8 = '1' AND Count_precharge(3) >= 4)) THEN + Pc_b3 := '1'; + Act_b3 := '0'; + RP_chk3 := NOW; + Read_precharge(3) := '0'; + END IF; + END IF; + + -- Write with AutoPrecharge Calculation + -- The device start internal precharge when: + -- 1. Meet tRAS requirement + -- 2. Two clock after last burst + -- Since tWR is time base, the model will compensate tRP + IF ((Write_precharge(0) = '1') AND (NOW - RAS_chk0 >= tRAS)) THEN + IF ((Burst_length_2 = '1' AND Count_precharge (0) >= 4) OR + (Burst_length_4 = '1' AND Count_precharge (0) >= 5) OR + (Burst_length_8 = '1' AND Count_precharge (0) >= 7)) THEN + Pc_b0 := '1'; + Act_b0 := '0'; + RP_chk0 := NOW - ((2 * tCK) - tWR); + Write_precharge(0) := '0'; + END IF; + END IF; + IF ((Write_precharge(1) = '1') AND (NOW - RAS_chk1 >= tRAS)) THEN + IF ((Burst_length_2 = '1' AND Count_precharge (1) >= 4) OR + (Burst_length_4 = '1' AND Count_precharge (1) >= 5) OR + (Burst_length_8 = '1' AND Count_precharge (1) >= 7)) THEN + Pc_b1 := '1'; + Act_b1 := '0'; + RP_chk1 := NOW - ((2 * tCK) - tWR); + Write_precharge(1) := '0'; + END IF; + END IF; + IF ((Write_precharge(2) = '1') AND (NOW - RAS_chk2 >= tRAS)) THEN + IF ((Burst_length_2 = '1' AND Count_precharge (2) >= 4) OR + (Burst_length_4 = '1' AND Count_precharge (2) >= 5) OR + (Burst_length_8 = '1' AND Count_precharge (2) >= 7)) THEN + Pc_b2 := '1'; + Act_b2 := '0'; + RP_chk2 := NOW - ((2 * tCK) - tWR); + Write_precharge(2) := '0'; + END IF; + END IF; + IF ((Write_precharge(3) = '1') AND (NOW - RAS_chk3 >= tRAS)) THEN + IF ((Burst_length_2 = '1' AND Count_precharge (3) >= 4) OR + (Burst_length_4 = '1' AND Count_precharge (3) >= 5) OR + (Burst_length_8 = '1' AND Count_precharge (3) >= 7)) THEN + Pc_b3 := '1'; + Act_b3 := '0'; + RP_chk3 := NOW - ((2 * tCK) - tWR); + Write_precharge(3) := '0'; + END IF; + END IF; + END IF; + + -- + -- DLL Counter + -- + IF Sys_clk'EVENT AND Sys_clk = '1' THEN + IF (DLL_Reset = '1' AND DLL_done = '0') THEN + DLL_count := DLL_count + 1; + IF (DLL_count >= 200) THEN + DLL_done := '1'; + END IF; + END IF; + END IF; + + -- + -- Control Logic + -- + IF Sys_clk'EVENT AND Sys_clk = '1' THEN + -- Auto Refresh + IF Aref_enable = '1' THEN + -- Auto Refresh to Auto Refresh + ASSERT (NOW - RFC_chk >= tRFC) + REPORT "tRFC violation during Auto Refresh" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- Precharge to Auto Refresh + ASSERT ((NOW - RP_chk0 >= tRP) AND (NOW - RP_chk1 >= tRP) AND + (NOW - RP_chk2 >= tRP) AND (NOW - RP_chk3 >= tRP)) + REPORT "tRP violation during Auto Refresh" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- Precharge to Auto Refresh + ASSERT (Pc_b0 = '1' AND Pc_b1 = '1' AND Pc_b2 = '1' AND Pc_b3 = '1') + REPORT "All banks must be Precharge before Auto Refresh" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- Record current tRFC time + RFC_chk := NOW; + END IF; + + -- Extended Load Mode Register + IF Ext_mode_enable = '1' THEN + IF (Pc_b0 = '1' AND Pc_b1 = '1' AND Pc_b2 = '1' AND Pc_b3 = '1') THEN + IF (Addr (0) = '0') THEN + DLL_enable := '1'; + ELSE + DLL_enable := '0'; + END IF; + END IF; + + -- Precharge to EMR + ASSERT (Pc_b0 = '1' AND Pc_b1 = '1' AND Pc_b2 = '1' AND Pc_b3 = '1') + REPORT "All bank must be Precharged before Extended Mode Register" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- Precharge to EMR + ASSERT ((NOW - RP_chk0 >= tRP) AND (NOW - RP_chk1 >= tRP) AND + (NOW - RP_chk2 >= tRP) AND (NOW - RP_chk3 >= tRP)) + REPORT "tRP violation during Extended Load Register" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- LMR/EMR to EMR + ASSERT (NOW - MRD_chk >= tMRD) + REPORT "tMRD violation during Extended Mode Register" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- Record current tMRD time + MRD_chk := NOW; + END IF; + + -- Load Mode Register + IF Mode_reg_enable = '1' THEN + -- Register mode + Mode_reg <= Addr; + + -- DLL Reset + IF (DLL_enable = '1' AND Addr (8) = '1') THEN + DLL_reset := '1'; + DLL_done := '0'; + DLL_count := 0; + ELSIF (DLL_enable = '1' AND DLL_reset = '0' AND Addr (8) = '0') THEN + ASSERT (FALSE) + REPORT "DLL is ENABLE: DLL RESET is require" + SEVERITY WARNING; + ELSIF (DLL_enable = '0' AND Addr (8) = '1') THEN + ASSERT (FALSE) + REPORT "DLL is DISABLE: DLL RESET will be ignored" + SEVERITY WARNING; + END IF; + + -- Precharge to LMR + ASSERT (Pc_b0 = '1' AND Pc_b1 = '1' AND Pc_b2 = '1' AND Pc_b3 = '1') + REPORT "All bank must be Precharged before Load Mode Register" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- Precharge to EMR + ASSERT ((NOW - RP_chk0 >= tRP) AND (NOW - RP_chk1 >= tRP) AND + (NOW - RP_chk2 >= tRP) AND (NOW - RP_chk3 >= tRP)) + REPORT "tRP violation during Load Mode Register" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- LMR/ELMR to LMR + ASSERT (NOW - MRD_chk >= tMRD) + REPORT "tMRD violation during Load Mode Register" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- Check for invalid Burst Length + ASSERT ((Addr (2 DOWNTO 0) = "001") OR -- BL = 2 + (Addr (2 DOWNTO 0) = "010") OR -- BL = 4 + (Addr (2 DOWNTO 0) = "011")) -- BL = 8 + REPORT "Invalid Burst Length during Load Mode Register" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- Check for invalid CAS Latency + ASSERT ((Addr (6 DOWNTO 4) = "010") OR -- CL = 2.0 + (Addr (6 DOWNTO 4) = "110")) -- CL = 2.5 + REPORT "Invalid CAS Latency during Load Mode Register" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- Record current tMRD time + MRD_chk := NOW; + END IF; + + -- Active Block (latch Bank and Row Address) + IF Active_enable = '1' THEN + -- Activate an OPEN bank can corrupt data + ASSERT ((Ba = "00" AND Act_b0 = '0') OR + (Ba = "01" AND Act_b1 = '0') OR + (Ba = "10" AND Act_b2 = '0') OR + (Ba = "11" AND Act_b3 = '0')) + REPORT "Bank is already activated - data can be corrupted" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- Activate Bank 0 + IF Ba = "00" AND Pc_b0 = '1' THEN + -- Activate to Activate (same bank) + ASSERT (NOW - RC_chk0 >= tRC) + REPORT "tRC violation during Activate Bank 0" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- Precharge to Active + ASSERT (NOW - RP_chk0 >= tRP) + REPORT "tRP violation during Activate Bank 0" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- Record Variables for checking violation + Act_b0 := '1'; + Pc_b0 := '0'; + B0_row_addr := Addr; + RC_chk0 := NOW; + RCD_chk0 := NOW; + RAS_chk0 := NOW; + RAP_chk0 := NOW; + END IF; + + -- Activate Bank 1 + IF Ba = "01" AND Pc_b1 = '1' THEN + -- Activate to Activate (same bank) + ASSERT (NOW - RC_chk1 >= tRC) + REPORT "tRC violation during Activate Bank 1" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- Precharge to Active + ASSERT (NOW - RP_chk1 >= tRP) + REPORT "tRP violation during Activate Bank 1" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- Record Variables for checking violation + Act_b1 := '1'; + Pc_b1 := '0'; + B1_row_addr := Addr; + RC_chk1 := NOW; + RCD_chk1 := NOW; + RAS_chk1 := NOW; + RAP_chk1 := NOW; + END IF; + + -- Activate Bank 2 + IF Ba = "10" AND Pc_b2 = '1' THEN + -- Activate to Activate (same bank) + ASSERT (NOW - RC_chk2 >= tRC) + REPORT "tRC violation during Activate Bank 2" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- Precharge to Active + ASSERT (NOW - RP_chk2 >= tRP) + REPORT "tRP violation during Activate Bank 2" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- Record Variables for checking violation + Act_b2 := '1'; + Pc_b2 := '0'; + B2_row_addr := Addr; + RC_chk2 := NOW; + RCD_chk2 := NOW; + RAS_chk2 := NOW; + RAP_chk2 := NOW; + END IF; + + -- Activate Bank 3 + IF Ba = "11" AND Pc_b3 = '1' THEN + -- Activate to Activate (same bank) + ASSERT (NOW - RC_chk3 >= tRC) + REPORT "tRC violation during Activate Bank 3" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- Precharge to Active + ASSERT (NOW - RP_chk3 >= tRP) + REPORT "tRP violation during Activate Bank 3" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- Record Variables for checking violation + Act_b3 := '1'; + Pc_b3 := '0'; + B3_row_addr := Addr; + RC_chk3 := NOW; + RCD_chk3 := NOW; + RAS_chk3 := NOW; + RAP_chk3 := NOW; + END IF; + + -- Activate Bank A to Activate Bank B + IF (Prev_bank /= Ba) THEN + ASSERT (NOW - RRD_chk >= tRRD) + REPORT "tRRD violation during Activate" + SEVERITY WARNING; + END IF; + + -- AutoRefresh to Activate + ASSERT (NOW - RFC_chk >= tRFC) + REPORT "tRFC violation during Activate" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- Record Variables for Checking Violation + RRD_chk := NOW; + Prev_bank := Ba; + END IF; + + -- Precharge Block - Consider NOP if bank already precharged or in process of precharging + IF Prech_enable = '1' THEN + -- EMR or LMR to Precharge + ASSERT (NOW - MRD_chk >= tMRD) + REPORT "tMRD violation during Precharge" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- Precharge Bank 0 + IF ((Addr (10) = '1' OR (Addr (10) = '0' AND Ba = "00")) AND Act_b0 = '1') THEN + Act_b0 := '0'; + Pc_b0 := '1'; + RP_chk0 := NOW; + + -- Activate to Precharge bank 0 + ASSERT (NOW - RAS_chk0 >= tRAS) + REPORT "tRAS violation during Precharge" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- tWR violation check for Write + ASSERT (NOW - WR_chk0 >= tWR) + REPORT "tWR violation during Precharge" + SEVERITY WARNING; + END IF; + + -- Precharge Bank 1 + IF ((Addr (10) = '1' OR (Addr (10) = '0' AND Ba = "01")) AND Act_b1 = '1') THEN + Act_b1 := '0'; + Pc_b1 := '1'; + RP_chk1 := NOW; + + -- Activate to Precharge + ASSERT (NOW - RAS_chk1 >= tRAS) + REPORT "tRAS violation during Precharge" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- tWR violation check for Write + ASSERT (NOW - WR_chk1 >= tWR) + REPORT "tWR violation during Precharge" + SEVERITY WARNING; + END IF; + + -- Precharge Bank 2 + IF ((Addr (10) = '1' OR (Addr (10) = '0' AND Ba = "10")) AND Act_b2 = '1') THEN + Act_b2 := '0'; + Pc_b2 := '1'; + RP_chk2 := NOW; + + -- Activate to Precharge + ASSERT (NOW - RAS_chk2 >= tRAS) + REPORT "tRAS violation during Precharge" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- tWR violation check for Write + ASSERT (NOW - WR_chk2 >= tWR) + REPORT "tWR violation during Precharge" + SEVERITY WARNING; + END IF; + + -- Precharge Bank 3 + IF ((Addr (10) = '1' OR (Addr (10) = '0' AND Ba = "11")) AND Act_b3 = '1') THEN + Act_b3 := '0'; + Pc_b3 := '1'; + RP_chk3 := NOW; + + -- Activate to Precharge + ASSERT (NOW - RAS_chk3 >= tRAS) + REPORT "tRAS violation during Precharge" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- tWR violation check for Write + ASSERT (NOW - WR_chk3 >= tWR) + REPORT "tWR violation during Precharge" + SEVERITY WARNING; + END IF; + + -- Pipeline for READ + IF CAS_latency_15 = '1' THEN + A10_precharge (3) := Addr(10); + Bank_precharge (3) := Ba; + Cmnd_precharge (3) := '1'; + ELSIF CAS_latency_2 = '1' THEN + A10_precharge (4) := Addr(10); + Bank_precharge (4) := Ba; + Cmnd_precharge (4) := '1'; + ELSIF CAS_latency_25 = '1' THEN + A10_precharge (5) := Addr(10); + Bank_precharge (5) := Ba; + Cmnd_precharge (5) := '1'; + ELSIF CAS_latency_3 = '1' THEN + A10_precharge (6) := Addr(10); + Bank_precharge (6) := Ba; + Cmnd_precharge (6) := '1'; + ELSIF CAS_latency_4 = '1' THEN + A10_precharge (8) := Addr(10); + Bank_precharge (8) := Ba; + Cmnd_precharge (8) := '1'; + END IF; + END IF; + + -- Burst Terminate + IF Burst_term = '1' THEN + -- Pipeline for Read + IF CAS_latency_15 = '1' THEN + Cmnd_bst (3) := '1'; + ELSIF CAS_latency_2 = '1' THEN + Cmnd_bst (4) := '1'; + ELSIF CAS_latency_25 = '1' THEN + Cmnd_bst (5) := '1'; + ELSIF CAS_latency_3 = '1' THEN + Cmnd_bst (6) := '1'; + ELSIF CAS_latency_4 = '1' THEN + Cmnd_bst (8) := '1'; + END IF; + + -- Terminate Write + ASSERT (Data_in_enable = '0') + REPORT "It's illegal to Burst Terminate a Write" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- Terminate Read with Auto Precharge + ASSERT (Read_precharge (0) = '0' AND Read_precharge (1) = '0' AND + Read_precharge (2) = '0' AND Read_precharge (3) = '0') + REPORT "It's illegal to Burst Terminate a Read with Auto Precharge" + SEVERITY WARNING; + END IF; + + -- Read Command + IF Read_enable = '1' THEN + -- CAS Latency Pipeline + IF Cas_latency_15 = '1' THEN + Read_cmnd (3) := '1'; + Read_bank (3) := Ba; + Read_cols (3) := Addr (8 DOWNTO 0); + ELSIF Cas_latency_2 = '1' THEN + Read_cmnd (4) := '1'; + Read_bank (4) := Ba; + Read_cols (4) := Addr (8 DOWNTO 0); + ELSIF Cas_latency_25 = '1' THEN + Read_cmnd (5) := '1'; + Read_bank (5) := Ba; + Read_cols (5) := Addr (8 DOWNTO 0); + ELSIF Cas_latency_3 = '1' THEN + Read_cmnd (6) := '1'; + Read_bank (6) := Ba; + Read_cols (6) := Addr (8 DOWNTO 0); + ELSIF Cas_latency_4 = '1' THEN + Read_cmnd (8) := '1'; + Read_bank (8) := Ba; + Read_cols (8) := Addr (8 DOWNTO 0); + END IF; + + -- Write to Read: Terminate Write Immediately + IF Data_in_enable = '1' THEN + Data_in_enable := '0'; + END IF; + + -- Interrupting a Read with Auto Precharge (same bank only) + ASSERT (Read_precharge(CONV_INTEGER(Ba)) = '0') + REPORT "It's illegal to interrupt a Read with Auto Precharge" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- Activate to Read + ASSERT ((Ba = "00" AND Act_b0 = '1') OR + (Ba = "01" AND Act_b1 = '1') OR + (Ba = "10" AND Act_b2 = '1') OR + (Ba = "11" AND Act_b3 = '1')) + REPORT "Bank is not Activated for Read" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- Activate to Read without Auto Precharge + IF Addr (10) = '0' THEN + ASSERT ((Ba = "00" AND NOW - RCD_chk0 >= tRCD) OR + (Ba = "01" AND NOW - RCD_chk1 >= tRCD) OR + (Ba = "10" AND NOW - RCD_chk2 >= tRCD) OR + (Ba = "11" AND NOW - RCD_chk3 >= tRCD)) + REPORT "tRCD violation during Read" + SEVERITY WARNING; + END IF; + + -- Activate to Read with Auto Precharge + IF Addr (10) = '1' THEN + ASSERT ((Ba = "00" AND NOW - RAP_chk0 >= tRAP) OR + (Ba = "01" AND NOW - RAP_chk1 >= tRAP) OR + (Ba = "10" AND NOW - RAP_chk2 >= tRAP) OR + (Ba = "11" AND NOW - RAP_chk3 >= tRAP)) + REPORT "tRAP violation during Read" + SEVERITY WARNING; + END IF; + + -- Auto precharge + IF Addr (10) = '1' THEN + Read_precharge (Conv_INTEGER(Ba)) := '1'; + Count_precharge (Conv_INTEGER(Ba)) := 0; + END IF; + + -- DLL Check + IF (DLL_reset = '1') THEN + ASSERT (DLL_done = '1') + REPORT "DLL RESET not complete" + SEVERITY WARNING; + END IF; + END IF; + + -- Write Command + IF Write_enable = '1' THEN + -- Pipeline for Write + Write_cmnd (2) := '1'; + Write_bank (2) := Ba; + Write_cols (2) := Addr (8 DOWNTO 0); + + -- Interrupting a Write with Auto Precharge (same bank only) + ASSERT (Write_precharge(CONV_INTEGER(Ba)) = '0') + REPORT "It's illegal to interrupt a Write with Auto Precharge" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- Activate to Write + ASSERT ((Ba = "00" AND Act_b0 = '1') OR + (Ba = "01" AND Act_b1 = '1') OR + (Ba = "10" AND Act_b2 = '1') OR + (Ba = "11" AND Act_b3 = '1')) + REPORT "Bank is not Activated for Write" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- Activate to Write + ASSERT ((Ba = "00" AND NOW - RCD_chk0 >= tRCD) OR + (Ba = "01" AND NOW - RCD_chk1 >= tRCD) OR + (Ba = "10" AND NOW - RCD_chk2 >= tRCD) OR + (Ba = "11" AND NOW - RCD_chk3 >= tRCD)) + REPORT "tRCD violation during Write" + SEVERITY WARNING; + + -- Auto precharge + IF Addr (10) = '1' THEN + Write_precharge (Conv_INTEGER(Ba)) := '1'; + Count_precharge (Conv_INTEGER(Ba)) := 0; + END IF; + END IF; + END IF; + END PROCESS; + + -- + -- Dqs Receiver + -- + dqs_rcvrs : PROCESS + VARIABLE Dm_temp : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 DOWNTO 0); + VARIABLE Dq_temp : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (data_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0); + BEGIN + WAIT ON Dqs; + -- Latch data at posedge Dqs + IF Dqs'EVENT AND Dqs (1) = '1' AND Dqs (0) = '1' THEN + Dq_temp := Dq; + Dm_temp := Dm; + END IF; + -- Latch data at negedge Dqs + IF Dqs'EVENT AND Dqs (1) = '0' AND Dqs (0) = '0' THEN + Dq_pair <= (Dq & Dq_temp); + Dm_pair <= (Dm & Dm_temp); + END IF; + END PROCESS; + + -- + -- Setup timing checks + -- + Setup_check : PROCESS + BEGIN + WAIT ON Sys_clk; + IF Sys_clk'EVENT AND Sys_clk = '1' THEN + ASSERT(Cke'LAST_EVENT >= tIS) + REPORT "CKE Setup time violation -- tIS" + SEVERITY WARNING; + ASSERT(Cs_n'LAST_EVENT >= tIS) + REPORT "CS# Setup time violation -- tIS" + SEVERITY WARNING; + ASSERT(Cas_n'LAST_EVENT >= tIS) + REPORT "CAS# Setup time violation -- tIS" + SEVERITY WARNING; + ASSERT(Ras_n'LAST_EVENT >= tIS) + REPORT "RAS# Setup time violation -- tIS" + SEVERITY WARNING; + ASSERT(We_n'LAST_EVENT >= tIS) + REPORT "WE# Setup time violation -- tIS" + SEVERITY WARNING; + ASSERT(Addr'LAST_EVENT >= tIS) + REPORT "ADDR Setup time violation -- tIS" + SEVERITY WARNING; + ASSERT(Ba'LAST_EVENT >= tIS) + REPORT "BA Setup time violation -- tIS" + SEVERITY WARNING; + END IF; + END PROCESS; + + -- + -- Hold timing checks + -- + Hold_check : PROCESS + BEGIN + WAIT ON Sys_clk'DELAYED (tIH); + IF Sys_clk'DELAYED (tIH) = '1' THEN + ASSERT(Cke'LAST_EVENT >= tIH) + REPORT "CKE Hold time violation -- tIH" + SEVERITY WARNING; + ASSERT(Cs_n'LAST_EVENT >= tIH) + REPORT "CS# Hold time violation -- tIH" + SEVERITY WARNING; + ASSERT(Cas_n'LAST_EVENT >= tIH) + REPORT "CAS# Hold time violation -- tIH" + SEVERITY WARNING; + ASSERT(Ras_n'LAST_EVENT >= tIH) + REPORT "RAS# Hold time violation -- tIH" + SEVERITY WARNING; + ASSERT(We_n'LAST_EVENT >= tIH) + REPORT "WE# Hold time violation -- tIH" + SEVERITY WARNING; + ASSERT(Addr'LAST_EVENT >= tIH) + REPORT "ADDR Hold time violation -- tIH" + SEVERITY WARNING; + ASSERT(Ba'LAST_EVENT >= tIH) + REPORT "BA Hold time violation -- tIH" + SEVERITY WARNING; + END IF; + END PROCESS; + +END behave; diff --git a/misc/wishbone/src/atomic32_access.vhd b/misc/wishbone/src/atomic32_access.vhd index b062f98..9bc9825 100644 --- a/misc/wishbone/src/atomic32_access.vhd +++ b/misc/wishbone/src/atomic32_access.vhd @@ -1,132 +1,132 @@ -library IEEE;
-library work;
---use work.phi_config.all;
-use work.wishbone_pkg.all;
-entity atomic32_access is
- port ( cpu_clk : in std_logic;
- areset : in std_logic;
- -- Wishbone from CPU interface
- wb_16_i : in wishbone_bus_in;
- wb_16_o : out wishbone_bus_out;
- -- Wishbone to FPGA registers and ethernet core
- wb_32_i : in wishbone_bus_out;
- wb_32_o : out wishbone_bus_in);
-end atomic32_access;
-architecture behave of atomic32_access is
-type eth_state_wr_type is (idle, lsb_msb, lsb, msb, write, ack, wait_st);
-signal eth_state_wr : eth_state_wr_type;
-type eth_state_rd_type is (idle, lsb_msb, lsb_read, lsb, wait_st2, msb);
-signal eth_state_rd : eth_state_rd_type;
-signal core_data : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-signal core_addr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
- process(cpu_clk, areset)
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- eth_state_wr <= idle;
- eth_state_rd <= idle;
- wb_32_o.stb <= '0';
- wb_32_o.cyc <= '0';
- wb_16_o.ack <= '0';
- core_data <= (others => '0');
- core_addr <= (others => '0');
- elsif (rising_edge(cpu_clk)) then
- case eth_state_wr is --write cycle
- when idle =>
- if wb_16_i.cyc = '1' and wb_16_i.we = '1' then
- eth_state_wr <= lsb_msb;
- end if;
- when lsb_msb =>
- if wb_16_i.adr(1) = '0' then
- eth_state_wr <= lsb;
- end if;
- if wb_16_i.adr(1) = '1' then
- eth_state_wr <= msb;
- end if;
- when lsb =>
- core_data(15 downto 0) <= wb_16_i.dat(15 downto 0);
- wb_16_o.ack <= '1';
- eth_state_wr <= wait_st;
- when msb =>
- core_data(31 downto 16) <= wb_16_i.dat(31 downto 16);
- core_addr <= wb_16_i.adr(31 downto 2) & "00";
- eth_state_wr <= write;
- when write =>
- wb_32_o.dat <= core_data;
- wb_32_o.adr <= core_addr;
- wb_32_o.sel <= "1111";
- wb_32_o.we <= '1';
- wb_32_o.stb <= '1';
- wb_32_o.cyc <= '1';
- eth_state_wr <= ack;
- when ack =>
- if wb_32_i.ack = '1' then
- wb_16_o.ack <= '1';
- eth_state_wr <= wait_st;
- wb_32_o.stb <= '0';
- wb_32_o.cyc <= '0';
- wb_32_o.sel <= "0000";
- wb_32_o.we <= '0';
- end if;
- when wait_st =>
- wb_16_o.ack <= '0';
- eth_state_wr <= idle;
- when others =>
- eth_state_wr <= idle;
- end case;
- case eth_state_rd is --read cycle
- when idle =>
- if wb_16_i.cyc = '1' and wb_16_i.we = '0' then
- core_addr <= wb_16_i.adr(31 downto 2) & "00";
- eth_state_rd <= lsb_msb;
- end if;
- when lsb_msb =>
- if wb_16_i.adr(1) = '0' then
- wb_32_o.adr <= core_addr;
- eth_state_rd <= lsb_read;
- end if;
- if wb_16_i.adr(1) = '1' then
- wb_32_o.adr <= core_addr;
- eth_state_rd <= msb;
- end if;
- when lsb_read =>
- wb_32_o.sel <= "1111";
- wb_32_o.we <= '0';
- wb_32_o.stb <= '1';
- wb_32_o.cyc <= '1';
- eth_state_rd <= lsb;
- when lsb =>
- if wb_32_i.ack = '1' then
- wb_32_o.sel <= "0000";
- wb_32_o.stb <= '0';
- wb_32_o.cyc <= '0';
- core_data <= wb_32_i.dat;
- wb_16_o.dat <= x"0000" & wb_32_i.dat(15 downto 0);
- wb_16_o.ack <= '1';
- eth_state_rd <= wait_st2;
- end if;
- when wait_st2 =>
- wb_16_o.ack <= '0';
- eth_state_rd <= idle;
- when msb =>
- wb_16_o.ack <= '1';
- wb_16_o.dat <= core_data(31 downto 16) & x"0000";
- eth_state_rd <= wait_st2;
- when others =>
- eth_state_rd <= idle;
- end case;
- end if;
- end process;
+library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; + +library work; +--use work.phi_config.all; +use work.wishbone_pkg.all; + +entity atomic32_access is + port ( cpu_clk : in std_logic; + areset : in std_logic; + + -- Wishbone from CPU interface + wb_16_i : in wishbone_bus_in; + wb_16_o : out wishbone_bus_out; + + -- Wishbone to FPGA registers and ethernet core + wb_32_i : in wishbone_bus_out; + wb_32_o : out wishbone_bus_in); +end atomic32_access; + +architecture behave of atomic32_access is + +type eth_state_wr_type is (idle, lsb_msb, lsb, msb, write, ack, wait_st); +signal eth_state_wr : eth_state_wr_type; +type eth_state_rd_type is (idle, lsb_msb, lsb_read, lsb, wait_st2, msb); +signal eth_state_rd : eth_state_rd_type; +signal core_data : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); +signal core_addr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + +begin + process(cpu_clk, areset) + begin + if areset = '1' then + eth_state_wr <= idle; + eth_state_rd <= idle; + wb_32_o.stb <= '0'; + wb_32_o.cyc <= '0'; + wb_16_o.ack <= '0'; + core_data <= (others => '0'); + core_addr <= (others => '0'); + elsif (rising_edge(cpu_clk)) then + + case eth_state_wr is --write cycle + when idle => + if wb_16_i.cyc = '1' and wb_16_i.we = '1' then + eth_state_wr <= lsb_msb; + end if; + when lsb_msb => + if wb_16_i.adr(1) = '0' then + eth_state_wr <= lsb; + end if; + if wb_16_i.adr(1) = '1' then + eth_state_wr <= msb; + end if; + when lsb => + core_data(15 downto 0) <= wb_16_i.dat(15 downto 0); + wb_16_o.ack <= '1'; + eth_state_wr <= wait_st; + when msb => + core_data(31 downto 16) <= wb_16_i.dat(31 downto 16); + core_addr <= wb_16_i.adr(31 downto 2) & "00"; + eth_state_wr <= write; + when write => + wb_32_o.dat <= core_data; + wb_32_o.adr <= core_addr; + wb_32_o.sel <= "1111"; + wb_32_o.we <= '1'; + wb_32_o.stb <= '1'; + wb_32_o.cyc <= '1'; + eth_state_wr <= ack; + when ack => + if wb_32_i.ack = '1' then + wb_16_o.ack <= '1'; + eth_state_wr <= wait_st; + wb_32_o.stb <= '0'; + wb_32_o.cyc <= '0'; + wb_32_o.sel <= "0000"; + wb_32_o.we <= '0'; + end if; + when wait_st => + wb_16_o.ack <= '0'; + eth_state_wr <= idle; + when others => + eth_state_wr <= idle; + end case; + + case eth_state_rd is --read cycle + when idle => + if wb_16_i.cyc = '1' and wb_16_i.we = '0' then + core_addr <= wb_16_i.adr(31 downto 2) & "00"; + eth_state_rd <= lsb_msb; + end if; + when lsb_msb => + if wb_16_i.adr(1) = '0' then + wb_32_o.adr <= core_addr; + eth_state_rd <= lsb_read; + end if; + if wb_16_i.adr(1) = '1' then + wb_32_o.adr <= core_addr; + eth_state_rd <= msb; + end if; + when lsb_read => + wb_32_o.sel <= "1111"; + wb_32_o.we <= '0'; + wb_32_o.stb <= '1'; + wb_32_o.cyc <= '1'; + eth_state_rd <= lsb; + when lsb => + if wb_32_i.ack = '1' then + wb_32_o.sel <= "0000"; + wb_32_o.stb <= '0'; + wb_32_o.cyc <= '0'; + core_data <= wb_32_i.dat; + wb_16_o.dat <= x"0000" & wb_32_i.dat(15 downto 0); + wb_16_o.ack <= '1'; + eth_state_rd <= wait_st2; + end if; + when wait_st2 => + wb_16_o.ack <= '0'; + eth_state_rd <= idle; + when msb => + wb_16_o.ack <= '1'; + wb_16_o.dat <= core_data(31 downto 16) & x"0000"; + eth_state_rd <= wait_st2; + when others => + eth_state_rd <= idle; + end case; + end if; + end process; + end behave;
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/misc/wishbone/src/wishbone_pkg.vhd b/misc/wishbone/src/wishbone_pkg.vhd index c3b0d9b..359a33f 100644 --- a/misc/wishbone/src/wishbone_pkg.vhd +++ b/misc/wishbone/src/wishbone_pkg.vhd @@ -1,52 +1,52 @@ -library IEEE;
-use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
-package wishbone_pkg is
- type wishbone_bus_in is record
- adr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
- sel : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
- we : std_logic;
- dat : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Note! Data written with 'we'
- cyc : std_logic;
- stb : std_logic;
- end record;
- type wishbone_bus_out is record
- dat : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
- ack : std_logic;
- end record;
- type wishbone_bus is record
- insig : wishbone_bus_in;
- outsig : wishbone_bus_out;
- end record;
- component atomic32_access is
- port ( cpu_clk : in std_logic;
- areset : in std_logic;
- -- Wishbone from CPU interface
- wb_16_i : in wishbone_bus_in;
- wb_16_o : out wishbone_bus_out;
- -- Wishbone to FPGA registers and ethernet core
- wb_32_i : in wishbone_bus_out;
- wb_32_o : out wishbone_bus_in);
- end component;
- component eth_access_corr is
- port ( cpu_clk : in std_logic;
- areset : in std_logic;
- -- Wishbone from Wishbone MUX
- eth_raw_o : out wishbone_bus_out;
- eth_raw_i : in wishbone_bus_in;
- -- Wishbone ethernet core
- eth_slave_i : in wishbone_bus_out;
- eth_slave_o : out wishbone_bus_in);
- end component;
-end wishbone_pkg;
+library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; + +package wishbone_pkg is + + type wishbone_bus_in is record + adr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + sel : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + we : std_logic; + dat : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Note! Data written with 'we' + cyc : std_logic; + stb : std_logic; + end record; + + type wishbone_bus_out is record + dat : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + ack : std_logic; + end record; + + type wishbone_bus is record + insig : wishbone_bus_in; + outsig : wishbone_bus_out; + end record; + + component atomic32_access is + port ( cpu_clk : in std_logic; + areset : in std_logic; + + -- Wishbone from CPU interface + wb_16_i : in wishbone_bus_in; + wb_16_o : out wishbone_bus_out; + -- Wishbone to FPGA registers and ethernet core + wb_32_i : in wishbone_bus_out; + wb_32_o : out wishbone_bus_in); + end component; + + component eth_access_corr is + port ( cpu_clk : in std_logic; + areset : in std_logic; + + -- Wishbone from Wishbone MUX + eth_raw_o : out wishbone_bus_out; + eth_raw_i : in wishbone_bus_in; + + -- Wishbone ethernet core + eth_slave_i : in wishbone_bus_out; + eth_slave_o : out wishbone_bus_in); + end component; + + +end wishbone_pkg; diff --git a/zpu/hdl/example/bram_dmips.vhd b/zpu/hdl/example/bram_dmips.vhd index 733560e..07b19f4 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/example/bram_dmips.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/example/bram_dmips.vhd @@ -1,3356 +1,3356 @@ --- ZPU
--- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com
--- The FreeBSD license
--- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
--- are met:
--- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
--- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
--- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
--- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
--- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
--- provided with the distribution.
--- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation
--- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing
--- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project.
-library ieee;
-use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-library work;
-use work.zpu_config.all;
-use work.zpupkg.all;
-entity dualport_ram is
-port (clk : in std_logic;
- memAWriteEnable : in std_logic;
- memAAddr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitBRAM downto minAddrBit);
- memAWrite : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- memARead : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- memBWriteEnable : in std_logic;
- memBAddr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitBRAM downto minAddrBit);
- memBWrite : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- memBRead : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0));
-end dualport_ram;
-architecture dualport_ram_arch of dualport_ram is
-type ram_type is array(natural range 0 to ((2**(maxAddrBitBRAM+1))/4)-1) of std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-shared variable ram : ram_type :=
- 0 => x"0b0b0b0b",
- 1 => x"82700b0b",
- 2 => x"80d5f40c",
- 3 => x"3a0b0b80",
- 4 => x"c4fb0400",
- 5 => x"00000000",
- 6 => x"00000000",
- 7 => x"00000000",
- 8 => x"80088408",
- 9 => x"88080b0b",
- 10 => x"80c5c22d",
- 11 => x"880c840c",
- 12 => x"800c0400",
- 13 => x"00000000",
- 14 => x"00000000",
- 15 => x"00000000",
- 16 => x"71fd0608",
- 17 => x"72830609",
- 18 => x"81058205",
- 19 => x"832b2a83",
- 20 => x"ffff0652",
- 21 => x"04000000",
- 22 => x"00000000",
- 23 => x"00000000",
- 24 => x"71fd0608",
- 25 => x"83ffff73",
- 26 => x"83060981",
- 27 => x"05820583",
- 28 => x"2b2b0906",
- 29 => x"7383ffff",
- 30 => x"0b0b0b0b",
- 31 => x"83a70400",
- 32 => x"72098105",
- 33 => x"72057373",
- 34 => x"09060906",
- 35 => x"73097306",
- 36 => x"070a8106",
- 37 => x"53510400",
- 38 => x"00000000",
- 39 => x"00000000",
- 40 => x"72722473",
- 41 => x"732e0753",
- 42 => x"51040000",
- 43 => x"00000000",
- 44 => x"00000000",
- 45 => x"00000000",
- 46 => x"00000000",
- 47 => x"00000000",
- 48 => x"71737109",
- 49 => x"71068106",
- 50 => x"30720a10",
- 51 => x"0a720a10",
- 52 => x"0a31050a",
- 53 => x"81065151",
- 54 => x"53510400",
- 55 => x"00000000",
- 56 => x"72722673",
- 57 => x"732e0753",
- 58 => x"51040000",
- 59 => x"00000000",
- 60 => x"00000000",
- 61 => x"00000000",
- 62 => x"00000000",
- 63 => x"00000000",
- 64 => x"00000000",
- 65 => x"00000000",
- 66 => x"00000000",
- 67 => x"00000000",
- 68 => x"00000000",
- 69 => x"00000000",
- 70 => x"00000000",
- 71 => x"00000000",
- 72 => x"0b0b0b88",
- 73 => x"c3040000",
- 74 => x"00000000",
- 75 => x"00000000",
- 76 => x"00000000",
- 77 => x"00000000",
- 78 => x"00000000",
- 79 => x"00000000",
- 80 => x"720a722b",
- 81 => x"0a535104",
- 82 => x"00000000",
- 83 => x"00000000",
- 84 => x"00000000",
- 85 => x"00000000",
- 86 => x"00000000",
- 87 => x"00000000",
- 88 => x"72729f06",
- 89 => x"0981050b",
- 90 => x"0b0b88a6",
- 91 => x"05040000",
- 92 => x"00000000",
- 93 => x"00000000",
- 94 => x"00000000",
- 95 => x"00000000",
- 96 => x"72722aff",
- 97 => x"739f062a",
- 98 => x"0974090a",
- 99 => x"8106ff05",
- 100 => x"06075351",
- 101 => x"04000000",
- 102 => x"00000000",
- 103 => x"00000000",
- 104 => x"71715351",
- 105 => x"020d0406",
- 106 => x"73830609",
- 107 => x"81058205",
- 108 => x"832b0b2b",
- 109 => x"0772fc06",
- 110 => x"0c515104",
- 111 => x"00000000",
- 112 => x"72098105",
- 113 => x"72050970",
- 114 => x"81050906",
- 115 => x"0a810653",
- 116 => x"51040000",
- 117 => x"00000000",
- 118 => x"00000000",
- 119 => x"00000000",
- 120 => x"72098105",
- 121 => x"72050970",
- 122 => x"81050906",
- 123 => x"0a098106",
- 124 => x"53510400",
- 125 => x"00000000",
- 126 => x"00000000",
- 127 => x"00000000",
- 128 => x"71098105",
- 129 => x"52040000",
- 130 => x"00000000",
- 131 => x"00000000",
- 132 => x"00000000",
- 133 => x"00000000",
- 134 => x"00000000",
- 135 => x"00000000",
- 136 => x"72720981",
- 137 => x"05055351",
- 138 => x"04000000",
- 139 => x"00000000",
- 140 => x"00000000",
- 141 => x"00000000",
- 142 => x"00000000",
- 143 => x"00000000",
- 144 => x"72097206",
- 145 => x"73730906",
- 146 => x"07535104",
- 147 => x"00000000",
- 148 => x"00000000",
- 149 => x"00000000",
- 150 => x"00000000",
- 151 => x"00000000",
- 152 => x"71fc0608",
- 153 => x"72830609",
- 154 => x"81058305",
- 155 => x"1010102a",
- 156 => x"81ff0652",
- 157 => x"04000000",
- 158 => x"00000000",
- 159 => x"00000000",
- 160 => x"71fc0608",
- 161 => x"0b0b80d5",
- 162 => x"e0738306",
- 163 => x"10100508",
- 164 => x"060b0b0b",
- 165 => x"88a90400",
- 166 => x"00000000",
- 167 => x"00000000",
- 168 => x"80088408",
- 169 => x"88087575",
- 170 => x"0b0b0bad",
- 171 => x"aa2d5050",
- 172 => x"80085688",
- 173 => x"0c840c80",
- 174 => x"0c510400",
- 175 => x"00000000",
- 176 => x"80088408",
- 177 => x"88087575",
- 178 => x"0b0b0bad",
- 179 => x"ee2d5050",
- 180 => x"80085688",
- 181 => x"0c840c80",
- 182 => x"0c510400",
- 183 => x"00000000",
- 184 => x"72097081",
- 185 => x"0509060a",
- 186 => x"8106ff05",
- 187 => x"70547106",
- 188 => x"73097274",
- 189 => x"05ff0506",
- 190 => x"07515151",
- 191 => x"04000000",
- 192 => x"72097081",
- 193 => x"0509060a",
- 194 => x"098106ff",
- 195 => x"05705471",
- 196 => x"06730972",
- 197 => x"7405ff05",
- 198 => x"06075151",
- 199 => x"51040000",
- 200 => x"05ff0504",
- 201 => x"00000000",
- 202 => x"00000000",
- 203 => x"00000000",
- 204 => x"00000000",
- 205 => x"00000000",
- 206 => x"00000000",
- 207 => x"00000000",
- 208 => x"810b0b0b",
- 209 => x"80d5f00c",
- 210 => x"51040000",
- 211 => x"00000000",
- 212 => x"00000000",
- 213 => x"00000000",
- 214 => x"00000000",
- 215 => x"00000000",
- 216 => x"71810552",
- 217 => x"04000000",
- 218 => x"00000000",
- 219 => x"00000000",
- 220 => x"00000000",
- 221 => x"00000000",
- 222 => x"00000000",
- 223 => x"00000000",
- 224 => x"00000000",
- 225 => x"00000000",
- 226 => x"00000000",
- 227 => x"00000000",
- 228 => x"00000000",
- 229 => x"00000000",
- 230 => x"00000000",
- 231 => x"00000000",
- 232 => x"02840572",
- 233 => x"10100552",
- 234 => x"04000000",
- 235 => x"00000000",
- 236 => x"00000000",
- 237 => x"00000000",
- 238 => x"00000000",
- 239 => x"00000000",
- 240 => x"00000000",
- 241 => x"00000000",
- 242 => x"00000000",
- 243 => x"00000000",
- 244 => x"00000000",
- 245 => x"00000000",
- 246 => x"00000000",
- 247 => x"00000000",
- 248 => x"717105ff",
- 249 => x"05715351",
- 250 => x"020d0400",
- 251 => x"00000000",
- 252 => x"00000000",
- 253 => x"00000000",
- 254 => x"00000000",
- 255 => x"00000000",
- 256 => x"82fd3fbf",
- 257 => x"a03f0410",
- 258 => x"10101010",
- 259 => x"10101010",
- 260 => x"10101010",
- 261 => x"10101010",
- 262 => x"10101010",
- 263 => x"10101010",
- 264 => x"10101010",
- 265 => x"10105351",
- 266 => x"047381ff",
- 267 => x"06738306",
- 268 => x"09810583",
- 269 => x"05101010",
- 270 => x"2b0772fc",
- 271 => x"060c5151",
- 272 => x"043c0472",
- 273 => x"72807281",
- 274 => x"06ff0509",
- 275 => x"72060571",
- 276 => x"1052720a",
- 277 => x"100a5372",
- 278 => x"ed385151",
- 279 => x"535104ff",
- 280 => x"3d0d0b0b",
- 281 => x"80e5e408",
- 282 => x"52710870",
- 283 => x"882a8132",
- 284 => x"70810651",
- 285 => x"515170f1",
- 286 => x"3873720c",
- 287 => x"833d0d04",
- 288 => x"80d5f008",
- 289 => x"802ea438",
- 290 => x"80d5f408",
- 291 => x"822ebd38",
- 292 => x"8380800b",
- 293 => x"0b0b80e5",
- 294 => x"e40c82a0",
- 295 => x"800b80e5",
- 296 => x"e80c8290",
- 297 => x"800b80e5",
- 298 => x"ec0c04f8",
- 299 => x"808080a4",
- 300 => x"0b0b0b80",
- 301 => x"e5e40cf8",
- 302 => x"80808280",
- 303 => x"0b80e5e8",
- 304 => x"0cf88080",
- 305 => x"84800b80",
- 306 => x"e5ec0c04",
- 307 => x"80c0a880",
- 308 => x"8c0b0b0b",
- 309 => x"80e5e40c",
- 310 => x"80c0a880",
- 311 => x"940b80e5",
- 312 => x"e80c0b0b",
- 313 => x"80c7d00b",
- 314 => x"80e5ec0c",
- 315 => x"04f23d0d",
- 316 => x"6080e5e8",
- 317 => x"08565d82",
- 318 => x"750c8059",
- 319 => x"805a800b",
- 320 => x"8f3d5d5b",
- 321 => x"7a101015",
- 322 => x"70087108",
- 323 => x"719f2c7e",
- 324 => x"852b5855",
- 325 => x"557d5359",
- 326 => x"5799993f",
- 327 => x"7d7f7a72",
- 328 => x"077c7207",
- 329 => x"71716081",
- 330 => x"05415f5d",
- 331 => x"5b595755",
- 332 => x"817b278f",
- 333 => x"38767d0c",
- 334 => x"77841e0c",
- 335 => x"7c800c90",
- 336 => x"3d0d0480",
- 337 => x"e5e80855",
- 338 => x"ffba3970",
- 339 => x"7080e5f0",
- 340 => x"335170a7",
- 341 => x"3880d5fc",
- 342 => x"08700852",
- 343 => x"5270802e",
- 344 => x"94388412",
- 345 => x"80d5fc0c",
- 346 => x"702d80d5",
- 347 => x"fc087008",
- 348 => x"525270ee",
- 349 => x"38810b80",
- 350 => x"e5f03450",
- 351 => x"50040470",
- 352 => x"0b0b80e5",
- 353 => x"e008802e",
- 354 => x"8e380b0b",
- 355 => x"0b0b800b",
- 356 => x"802e0981",
- 357 => x"06833850",
- 358 => x"040b0b80",
- 359 => x"e5e0510b",
- 360 => x"0b0bf4dc",
- 361 => x"3f500404",
- 362 => x"ff3d0d02",
- 363 => x"8f053352",
- 364 => x"718a2e8a",
- 365 => x"387151fd",
- 366 => x"a63f833d",
- 367 => x"0d048d51",
- 368 => x"fd9d3f71",
- 369 => x"51fd983f",
- 370 => x"833d0d04",
- 371 => x"ce3d0db5",
- 372 => x"3d707084",
- 373 => x"0552088b",
- 374 => x"a85c56a5",
- 375 => x"3d5e5c80",
- 376 => x"75708105",
- 377 => x"5733765b",
- 378 => x"55587378",
- 379 => x"2e80c138",
- 380 => x"8e3d5b73",
- 381 => x"a52e0981",
- 382 => x"0680c538",
- 383 => x"78708105",
- 384 => x"5a335473",
- 385 => x"80e42e81",
- 386 => x"b6387380",
- 387 => x"e42480c6",
- 388 => x"387380e3",
- 389 => x"2ea13880",
- 390 => x"52a55179",
- 391 => x"2d805273",
- 392 => x"51792d82",
- 393 => x"18587870",
- 394 => x"81055a33",
- 395 => x"5473c438",
- 396 => x"77800cb4",
- 397 => x"3d0d047b",
- 398 => x"841d8312",
- 399 => x"33565d57",
- 400 => x"80527351",
- 401 => x"792d8118",
- 402 => x"79708105",
- 403 => x"5b335558",
- 404 => x"73ffa038",
- 405 => x"db397380",
- 406 => x"f32e0981",
- 407 => x"06ffb838",
- 408 => x"7b841d71",
- 409 => x"08595d56",
- 410 => x"80773355",
- 411 => x"5673762e",
- 412 => x"8d388116",
- 413 => x"70187033",
- 414 => x"57555674",
- 415 => x"f538ff16",
- 416 => x"55807625",
- 417 => x"ffa03876",
- 418 => x"70810558",
- 419 => x"33548052",
- 420 => x"7351792d",
- 421 => x"811875ff",
- 422 => x"17575758",
- 423 => x"807625ff",
- 424 => x"85387670",
- 425 => x"81055833",
- 426 => x"54805273",
- 427 => x"51792d81",
- 428 => x"1875ff17",
- 429 => x"57575875",
- 430 => x"8024cc38",
- 431 => x"fee8397b",
- 432 => x"841d7108",
- 433 => x"70719f2c",
- 434 => x"5953595d",
- 435 => x"56807524",
- 436 => x"81913875",
- 437 => x"7d7c5856",
- 438 => x"54805773",
- 439 => x"772e0981",
- 440 => x"06b638b0",
- 441 => x"7b3402b5",
- 442 => x"05567a76",
- 443 => x"2e9738ff",
- 444 => x"16567533",
- 445 => x"75708105",
- 446 => x"57348117",
- 447 => x"577a762e",
- 448 => x"098106eb",
- 449 => x"38807534",
- 450 => x"767dff12",
- 451 => x"57585675",
- 452 => x"8024fef3",
- 453 => x"38fe8f39",
- 454 => x"8a527351",
- 455 => x"9fd03f80",
- 456 => x"0880c7d4",
- 457 => x"05337670",
- 458 => x"81055834",
- 459 => x"8a527351",
- 460 => x"9ef83f80",
- 461 => x"08548008",
- 462 => x"802effae",
- 463 => x"388a5273",
- 464 => x"519fab3f",
- 465 => x"800880c7",
- 466 => x"d4053376",
- 467 => x"70810558",
- 468 => x"348a5273",
- 469 => x"519ed33f",
- 470 => x"80085480",
- 471 => x"08ffb938",
- 472 => x"ff883974",
- 473 => x"527653b4",
- 474 => x"3dffb805",
- 475 => x"51949a3f",
- 476 => x"a33d0856",
- 477 => x"fedd3980",
- 478 => x"3d0d80c1",
- 479 => x"0b81b4bc",
- 480 => x"34800b81",
- 481 => x"b6980c70",
- 482 => x"800c823d",
- 483 => x"0d04ff3d",
- 484 => x"0d800b81",
- 485 => x"b4bc3352",
- 486 => x"527080c1",
- 487 => x"2e993871",
- 488 => x"81b69808",
- 489 => x"0781b698",
- 490 => x"0c80c20b",
- 491 => x"81b4c034",
- 492 => x"70800c83",
- 493 => x"3d0d0481",
- 494 => x"0b81b698",
- 495 => x"080781b6",
- 496 => x"980c80c2",
- 497 => x"0b81b4c0",
- 498 => x"3470800c",
- 499 => x"833d0d04",
- 500 => x"fd3d0d75",
- 501 => x"70088a05",
- 502 => x"535381b4",
- 503 => x"bc335170",
- 504 => x"80c12e8b",
- 505 => x"3873f338",
- 506 => x"70800c85",
- 507 => x"3d0d04ff",
- 508 => x"127081b4",
- 509 => x"b8083174",
- 510 => x"0c800c85",
- 511 => x"3d0d04fc",
- 512 => x"3d0d81b4",
- 513 => x"c4085574",
- 514 => x"802e8c38",
- 515 => x"76750871",
- 516 => x"0c81b4c4",
- 517 => x"0856548c",
- 518 => x"155381b4",
- 519 => x"b808528a",
- 520 => x"518fd43f",
- 521 => x"73800c86",
- 522 => x"3d0d04fb",
- 523 => x"3d0d7770",
- 524 => x"085656b0",
- 525 => x"5381b4c4",
- 526 => x"08527451",
- 527 => x"ab943f85",
- 528 => x"0b8c170c",
- 529 => x"850b8c16",
- 530 => x"0c750875",
- 531 => x"0c81b4c4",
- 532 => x"08547380",
- 533 => x"2e8a3873",
- 534 => x"08750c81",
- 535 => x"b4c40854",
- 536 => x"8c145381",
- 537 => x"b4b80852",
- 538 => x"8a518f8b",
- 539 => x"3f841508",
- 540 => x"ad38860b",
- 541 => x"8c160c88",
- 542 => x"15528816",
- 543 => x"08518e97",
- 544 => x"3f81b4c4",
- 545 => x"08700876",
- 546 => x"0c548c15",
- 547 => x"7054548a",
- 548 => x"52730851",
- 549 => x"8ee13f73",
- 550 => x"800c873d",
- 551 => x"0d047508",
- 552 => x"54b05373",
- 553 => x"527551aa",
- 554 => x"a93f7380",
- 555 => x"0c873d0d",
- 556 => x"04d93d0d",
- 557 => x"b0519dcf",
- 558 => x"3f800881",
- 559 => x"b4b40cb0",
- 560 => x"519dc43f",
- 561 => x"800881b4",
- 562 => x"c40c81b4",
- 563 => x"b4088008",
- 564 => x"0c800b80",
- 565 => x"0884050c",
- 566 => x"820b8008",
- 567 => x"88050ca8",
- 568 => x"0b80088c",
- 569 => x"050c9f53",
- 570 => x"80c7e052",
- 571 => x"80089005",
- 572 => x"51a9df3f",
- 573 => x"a13d5e9f",
- 574 => x"5380c880",
- 575 => x"527d51a9",
- 576 => x"d13f8a0b",
- 577 => x"80f2f80c",
- 578 => x"80d2a451",
- 579 => x"f9be3f80",
- 580 => x"c8a051f9",
- 581 => x"b73f80d2",
- 582 => x"a451f9b0",
- 583 => x"3f80d684",
- 584 => x"08802e89",
- 585 => x"d33880c8",
- 586 => x"d051f9a0",
- 587 => x"3f80d2a4",
- 588 => x"51f9993f",
- 589 => x"80d68008",
- 590 => x"5280c8fc",
- 591 => x"51f98d3f",
- 592 => x"80e69451",
- 593 => x"b2ff3f81",
- 594 => x"0b9a3d5e",
- 595 => x"5b800b80",
- 596 => x"d6800825",
- 597 => x"82d43890",
- 598 => x"3d5f80c1",
- 599 => x"0b81b4bc",
- 600 => x"34810b81",
- 601 => x"b6980c80",
- 602 => x"c20b81b4",
- 603 => x"c0348240",
- 604 => x"835a9f53",
- 605 => x"80c9ac52",
- 606 => x"7c51a8d6",
- 607 => x"3f814180",
- 608 => x"7d537e52",
- 609 => x"568e943f",
- 610 => x"8008762e",
- 611 => x"09810683",
- 612 => x"38815675",
- 613 => x"81b6980c",
- 614 => x"7f705856",
- 615 => x"758325a2",
- 616 => x"38751010",
- 617 => x"16fd0542",
- 618 => x"a93dffa4",
- 619 => x"05538352",
- 620 => x"76518cc3",
- 621 => x"3f7f8105",
- 622 => x"70417058",
- 623 => x"56837624",
- 624 => x"e0386154",
- 625 => x"755380e6",
- 626 => x"9c5281b4",
- 627 => x"d0518cb7",
- 628 => x"3f81b4c4",
- 629 => x"08700858",
- 630 => x"58b05377",
- 631 => x"527651a7",
- 632 => x"f13f850b",
- 633 => x"8c190c85",
- 634 => x"0b8c180c",
- 635 => x"7708770c",
- 636 => x"81b4c408",
- 637 => x"5675802e",
- 638 => x"8a387508",
- 639 => x"770c81b4",
- 640 => x"c408568c",
- 641 => x"165381b4",
- 642 => x"b808528a",
- 643 => x"518be83f",
- 644 => x"84170887",
- 645 => x"ea38860b",
- 646 => x"8c180c88",
- 647 => x"17528818",
- 648 => x"08518af3",
- 649 => x"3f81b4c4",
- 650 => x"08700878",
- 651 => x"0c568c17",
- 652 => x"7054598a",
- 653 => x"52780851",
- 654 => x"8bbd3f80",
- 655 => x"c10b81b4",
- 656 => x"c0335757",
- 657 => x"767626a2",
- 658 => x"3880c352",
- 659 => x"76518ca1",
- 660 => x"3f800861",
- 661 => x"2e89e438",
- 662 => x"81177081",
- 663 => x"ff0681b4",
- 664 => x"c0335858",
- 665 => x"58757727",
- 666 => x"e0387960",
- 667 => x"29627054",
- 668 => x"71535b59",
- 669 => x"98b43f80",
- 670 => x"0840787a",
- 671 => x"31708729",
- 672 => x"80083180",
- 673 => x"088a0581",
- 674 => x"b4bc3381",
- 675 => x"b4b8085e",
- 676 => x"5b525a56",
- 677 => x"7780c12e",
- 678 => x"89ce387b",
- 679 => x"f738811b",
- 680 => x"5b80d680",
- 681 => x"087b25fd",
- 682 => x"b13881b4",
- 683 => x"ac51b095",
- 684 => x"3f80c9cc",
- 685 => x"51f6953f",
- 686 => x"80d2a451",
- 687 => x"f68e3f80",
- 688 => x"c9dc51f6",
- 689 => x"873f80d2",
- 690 => x"a451f680",
- 691 => x"3f81b4b8",
- 692 => x"085280ca",
- 693 => x"9451f5f4",
- 694 => x"3f855280",
- 695 => x"cab051f5",
- 696 => x"eb3f81b6",
- 697 => x"98085280",
- 698 => x"cacc51f5",
- 699 => x"df3f8152",
- 700 => x"80cab051",
- 701 => x"f5d63f81",
- 702 => x"b4bc3352",
- 703 => x"80cae851",
- 704 => x"f5ca3f80",
- 705 => x"c15280cb",
- 706 => x"8451f5c0",
- 707 => x"3f81b4c0",
- 708 => x"335280cb",
- 709 => x"a051f5b4",
- 710 => x"3f80c252",
- 711 => x"80cb8451",
- 712 => x"f5aa3f81",
- 713 => x"b4f00852",
- 714 => x"80cbbc51",
- 715 => x"f59e3f87",
- 716 => x"5280cab0",
- 717 => x"51f5953f",
- 718 => x"80f2f808",
- 719 => x"5280cbd8",
- 720 => x"51f5893f",
- 721 => x"80cbf451",
- 722 => x"f5823f80",
- 723 => x"cca051f4",
- 724 => x"fb3f81b4",
- 725 => x"c4087008",
- 726 => x"535a80cc",
- 727 => x"ac51f4ec",
- 728 => x"3f80ccc8",
- 729 => x"51f4e53f",
- 730 => x"81b4c408",
- 731 => x"84110853",
- 732 => x"5680ccfc",
- 733 => x"51f4d53f",
- 734 => x"805280ca",
- 735 => x"b051f4cc",
- 736 => x"3f81b4c4",
- 737 => x"08881108",
- 738 => x"535880cd",
- 739 => x"9851f4bc",
- 740 => x"3f825280",
- 741 => x"cab051f4",
- 742 => x"b33f81b4",
- 743 => x"c4088c11",
- 744 => x"08535780",
- 745 => x"cdb451f4",
- 746 => x"a33f9152",
- 747 => x"80cab051",
- 748 => x"f49a3f81",
- 749 => x"b4c40890",
- 750 => x"055280cd",
- 751 => x"d051f48c",
- 752 => x"3f80cdec",
- 753 => x"51f4853f",
- 754 => x"80cea451",
- 755 => x"f3fe3f81",
- 756 => x"b4b40870",
- 757 => x"08535f80",
- 758 => x"ccac51f3",
- 759 => x"ef3f80ce",
- 760 => x"b851f3e8",
- 761 => x"3f81b4b4",
- 762 => x"08841108",
- 763 => x"535b80cc",
- 764 => x"fc51f3d8",
- 765 => x"3f805280",
- 766 => x"cab051f3",
- 767 => x"cf3f81b4",
- 768 => x"b4088811",
- 769 => x"08535c80",
- 770 => x"cd9851f3",
- 771 => x"bf3f8152",
- 772 => x"80cab051",
- 773 => x"f3b63f81",
- 774 => x"b4b4088c",
- 775 => x"1108535a",
- 776 => x"80cdb451",
- 777 => x"f3a63f92",
- 778 => x"5280cab0",
- 779 => x"51f39d3f",
- 780 => x"81b4b408",
- 781 => x"90055280",
- 782 => x"cdd051f3",
- 783 => x"8f3f80cd",
- 784 => x"ec51f388",
- 785 => x"3f7f5280",
- 786 => x"cef851f2",
- 787 => x"ff3f8552",
- 788 => x"80cab051",
- 789 => x"f2f63f78",
- 790 => x"5280cf94",
- 791 => x"51f2ed3f",
- 792 => x"8d5280ca",
- 793 => x"b051f2e4",
- 794 => x"3f615280",
- 795 => x"cfb051f2",
- 796 => x"db3f8752",
- 797 => x"80cab051",
- 798 => x"f2d23f60",
- 799 => x"5280cfcc",
- 800 => x"51f2c93f",
- 801 => x"815280ca",
- 802 => x"b051f2c0",
- 803 => x"3f7d5280",
- 804 => x"cfe851f2",
- 805 => x"b73f80d0",
- 806 => x"8451f2b0",
- 807 => x"3f7c5280",
- 808 => x"d0bc51f2",
- 809 => x"a73f80d0",
- 810 => x"d851f2a0",
- 811 => x"3f80d2a4",
- 812 => x"51f2993f",
- 813 => x"81b4ac08",
- 814 => x"81b4b008",
- 815 => x"80e69408",
- 816 => x"80e69808",
- 817 => x"72713170",
- 818 => x"74267574",
- 819 => x"31707231",
- 820 => x"80e68c0c",
- 821 => x"444480e6",
- 822 => x"900c80e6",
- 823 => x"90085680",
- 824 => x"d190555c",
- 825 => x"595758f1",
- 826 => x"e33f80e6",
- 827 => x"8c085680",
- 828 => x"762582a3",
- 829 => x"3880d680",
- 830 => x"0870719f",
- 831 => x"2c9a3d53",
- 832 => x"565680e6",
- 833 => x"8c0880e6",
- 834 => x"90084153",
- 835 => x"7f547052",
- 836 => x"5a89eb3f",
- 837 => x"66685f80",
- 838 => x"e5fc0c7d",
- 839 => x"80e6800c",
- 840 => x"80d68008",
- 841 => x"709f2c58",
- 842 => x"568058bd",
- 843 => x"84c07855",
- 844 => x"55765275",
- 845 => x"53795187",
- 846 => x"d13f953d",
- 847 => x"80e68c08",
- 848 => x"80e69008",
- 849 => x"41557f56",
- 850 => x"67694053",
- 851 => x"7e547052",
- 852 => x"5c89ab3f",
- 853 => x"64665e80",
- 854 => x"e6840c7c",
- 855 => x"80e6880c",
- 856 => x"80d68008",
- 857 => x"709f2c40",
- 858 => x"58805783",
- 859 => x"dceb9480",
- 860 => x"7755557e",
- 861 => x"5277537b",
- 862 => x"51878f3f",
- 863 => x"64665d5b",
- 864 => x"805e8ddd",
- 865 => x"7e555580",
- 866 => x"e68c0880",
- 867 => x"e6900859",
- 868 => x"52775379",
- 869 => x"5186f33f",
- 870 => x"66684054",
- 871 => x"7e557a52",
- 872 => x"7b53a93d",
- 873 => x"ffa80551",
- 874 => x"88d43f62",
- 875 => x"645e81b4",
- 876 => x"c80c7c81",
- 877 => x"b4cc0c80",
- 878 => x"d1a051f0",
- 879 => x"8f3f80e6",
- 880 => x"80085280",
- 881 => x"d1d051f0",
- 882 => x"833f80d1",
- 883 => x"d851effc",
- 884 => x"3f80e688",
- 885 => x"085280d1",
- 886 => x"d051eff0",
- 887 => x"3f81b4cc",
- 888 => x"085280d2",
- 889 => x"8851efe4",
- 890 => x"3f80d2a4",
- 891 => x"51efdd3f",
- 892 => x"800b800c",
- 893 => x"a93d0d04",
- 894 => x"80d2a851",
- 895 => x"f6ac3977",
- 896 => x"0857b053",
- 897 => x"76527751",
- 898 => x"9fc83f80",
- 899 => x"c10b81b4",
- 900 => x"c0335757",
- 901 => x"f8ae3975",
- 902 => x"8a3880e6",
- 903 => x"90088126",
- 904 => x"fdd33880",
- 905 => x"d2d851ef",
- 906 => x"a33f80d3",
- 907 => x"9051ef9c",
- 908 => x"3f80d2a4",
- 909 => x"51ef953f",
- 910 => x"80d68008",
- 911 => x"70719f2c",
- 912 => x"9a3d5356",
- 913 => x"5680e68c",
- 914 => x"0880e690",
- 915 => x"0841537f",
- 916 => x"5470525a",
- 917 => x"87a83f66",
- 918 => x"685f80e5",
- 919 => x"fc0c7d80",
- 920 => x"e6800c80",
- 921 => x"d6800870",
- 922 => x"9f2c5856",
- 923 => x"8058bd84",
- 924 => x"c0785555",
- 925 => x"76527553",
- 926 => x"7951858e",
- 927 => x"3f953d80",
- 928 => x"e68c0880",
- 929 => x"e6900841",
- 930 => x"557f5667",
- 931 => x"6940537e",
- 932 => x"5470525c",
- 933 => x"86e83f64",
- 934 => x"665e80e6",
- 935 => x"840c7c80",
- 936 => x"e6880c80",
- 937 => x"d6800870",
- 938 => x"9f2c4058",
- 939 => x"805783dc",
- 940 => x"eb948077",
- 941 => x"55557e52",
- 942 => x"77537b51",
- 943 => x"84cc3f64",
- 944 => x"665d5b80",
- 945 => x"5e8ddd7e",
- 946 => x"555580e6",
- 947 => x"8c0880e6",
- 948 => x"90085952",
- 949 => x"77537951",
- 950 => x"84b03f66",
- 951 => x"6840547e",
- 952 => x"557a527b",
- 953 => x"53a93dff",
- 954 => x"a8055186",
- 955 => x"913f6264",
- 956 => x"5e81b4c8",
- 957 => x"0c7c81b4",
- 958 => x"cc0c80d1",
- 959 => x"a051edcc",
- 960 => x"3f80e680",
- 961 => x"085280d1",
- 962 => x"d051edc0",
- 963 => x"3f80d1d8",
- 964 => x"51edb93f",
- 965 => x"80e68808",
- 966 => x"5280d1d0",
- 967 => x"51edad3f",
- 968 => x"81b4cc08",
- 969 => x"5280d288",
- 970 => x"51eda13f",
- 971 => x"80d2a451",
- 972 => x"ed9a3f80",
- 973 => x"0b800ca9",
- 974 => x"3d0d04a9",
- 975 => x"3dffa005",
- 976 => x"52805180",
- 977 => x"d23f9f53",
- 978 => x"80d3b052",
- 979 => x"7c519d82",
- 980 => x"3f7a7b81",
- 981 => x"b4b80c81",
- 982 => x"187081ff",
- 983 => x"0681b4c0",
- 984 => x"33595959",
- 985 => x"5af5fe39",
- 986 => x"ff16707b",
- 987 => x"31600c5c",
- 988 => x"800b811c",
- 989 => x"5c5c80d6",
- 990 => x"80087b25",
- 991 => x"f3dc38f6",
- 992 => x"a939ff3d",
- 993 => x"0d738232",
- 994 => x"70307072",
- 995 => x"07802580",
- 996 => x"0c525283",
- 997 => x"3d0d04fe",
- 998 => x"3d0d7476",
- 999 => x"71535452",
- 1000 => x"71822e83",
- 1001 => x"38835171",
- 1002 => x"812e9a38",
- 1003 => x"8172269f",
- 1004 => x"3871822e",
- 1005 => x"b8387184",
- 1006 => x"2ea93870",
- 1007 => x"730c7080",
- 1008 => x"0c843d0d",
- 1009 => x"0480e40b",
- 1010 => x"81b4b808",
- 1011 => x"258b3880",
- 1012 => x"730c7080",
- 1013 => x"0c843d0d",
- 1014 => x"0483730c",
- 1015 => x"70800c84",
- 1016 => x"3d0d0482",
- 1017 => x"730c7080",
- 1018 => x"0c843d0d",
- 1019 => x"0481730c",
- 1020 => x"70800c84",
- 1021 => x"3d0d0480",
- 1022 => x"3d0d7474",
- 1023 => x"14820571",
- 1024 => x"0c800c82",
- 1025 => x"3d0d04f7",
- 1026 => x"3d0d7b7d",
- 1027 => x"7f618512",
- 1028 => x"70822b75",
- 1029 => x"11707471",
- 1030 => x"70840553",
- 1031 => x"0c5a5a5d",
- 1032 => x"5b760c79",
- 1033 => x"80f8180c",
- 1034 => x"79861252",
- 1035 => x"57585a5a",
- 1036 => x"76762499",
- 1037 => x"3876b329",
- 1038 => x"822b7911",
- 1039 => x"51537673",
- 1040 => x"70840555",
- 1041 => x"0c811454",
- 1042 => x"757425f2",
- 1043 => x"387681cc",
- 1044 => x"2919fc11",
- 1045 => x"088105fc",
- 1046 => x"120c7a19",
- 1047 => x"70089fa0",
- 1048 => x"130c5856",
- 1049 => x"850b81b4",
- 1050 => x"b80c7580",
- 1051 => x"0c8b3d0d",
- 1052 => x"04fe3d0d",
- 1053 => x"02930533",
- 1054 => x"51800284",
- 1055 => x"05970533",
- 1056 => x"54527073",
- 1057 => x"2e883871",
- 1058 => x"800c843d",
- 1059 => x"0d047081",
- 1060 => x"b4bc3481",
- 1061 => x"0b800c84",
- 1062 => x"3d0d04f8",
- 1063 => x"3d0d7a7c",
- 1064 => x"5956820b",
- 1065 => x"83195555",
- 1066 => x"74167033",
- 1067 => x"75335b51",
- 1068 => x"5372792e",
- 1069 => x"80c63880",
- 1070 => x"c10b8116",
- 1071 => x"81165656",
- 1072 => x"57827525",
- 1073 => x"e338ffa9",
- 1074 => x"177081ff",
- 1075 => x"06555973",
- 1076 => x"82268338",
- 1077 => x"87558153",
- 1078 => x"7680d22e",
- 1079 => x"98387752",
- 1080 => x"75519bc3",
- 1081 => x"3f805372",
- 1082 => x"80082589",
- 1083 => x"38871581",
- 1084 => x"b4b80c81",
- 1085 => x"5372800c",
- 1086 => x"8a3d0d04",
- 1087 => x"7281b4bc",
- 1088 => x"34827525",
- 1089 => x"ffa238ff",
- 1090 => x"bd39ef3d",
- 1091 => x"0d636567",
- 1092 => x"5b427943",
- 1093 => x"67695940",
- 1094 => x"77415a80",
- 1095 => x"5d805e61",
- 1096 => x"7083ffff",
- 1097 => x"0671902a",
- 1098 => x"627083ff",
- 1099 => x"ff067190",
- 1100 => x"2a747229",
- 1101 => x"74732975",
- 1102 => x"73297774",
- 1103 => x"2973902a",
- 1104 => x"05721151",
- 1105 => x"5856535f",
- 1106 => x"5a575a58",
- 1107 => x"55587373",
- 1108 => x"27863884",
- 1109 => x"80801656",
- 1110 => x"73902a16",
- 1111 => x"5b7883ff",
- 1112 => x"ff067484",
- 1113 => x"80802905",
- 1114 => x"5c7a7c5a",
- 1115 => x"5d785e77",
- 1116 => x"7f296178",
- 1117 => x"29057d05",
- 1118 => x"5d7c7e56",
- 1119 => x"7a0c7484",
- 1120 => x"1b0c7980",
- 1121 => x"0c933d0d",
- 1122 => x"04f93d0d",
- 1123 => x"797b7d54",
- 1124 => x"58725977",
- 1125 => x"30797030",
- 1126 => x"7072079f",
- 1127 => x"2a737131",
- 1128 => x"5a525977",
- 1129 => x"7956730c",
- 1130 => x"53738413",
- 1131 => x"0c54800c",
- 1132 => x"893d0d04",
- 1133 => x"f93d0d79",
- 1134 => x"7b7d7f56",
- 1135 => x"54525472",
- 1136 => x"802ea038",
- 1137 => x"70577158",
- 1138 => x"a0733152",
- 1139 => x"807225a1",
- 1140 => x"38777074",
- 1141 => x"2b577073",
- 1142 => x"2a78752b",
- 1143 => x"07565174",
- 1144 => x"76535170",
- 1145 => x"740c7184",
- 1146 => x"150c7380",
- 1147 => x"0c893d0d",
- 1148 => x"04805677",
- 1149 => x"72302b55",
- 1150 => x"74765351",
- 1151 => x"e639e43d",
- 1152 => x"0d6ea13d",
- 1153 => x"08a33d08",
- 1154 => x"59575f80",
- 1155 => x"764d774e",
- 1156 => x"a33d08a5",
- 1157 => x"3d08574b",
- 1158 => x"754c5e7d",
- 1159 => x"6c2486fb",
- 1160 => x"38806a24",
- 1161 => x"878f3869",
- 1162 => x"6b58566b",
- 1163 => x"6d5d467b",
- 1164 => x"47754476",
- 1165 => x"45646468",
- 1166 => x"685c5c56",
- 1167 => x"567481e7",
- 1168 => x"38787627",
- 1169 => x"82c73875",
- 1170 => x"81ff2683",
- 1171 => x"2b5583ff",
- 1172 => x"ff76278c",
- 1173 => x"389055fe",
- 1174 => x"800a7627",
- 1175 => x"83389855",
- 1176 => x"75752a80",
- 1177 => x"d3d00570",
- 1178 => x"33a07731",
- 1179 => x"71315755",
- 1180 => x"5774802e",
- 1181 => x"95387575",
- 1182 => x"2ba07631",
- 1183 => x"7a772b7c",
- 1184 => x"722a077c",
- 1185 => x"782b5d5b",
- 1186 => x"59567590",
- 1187 => x"2a7683ff",
- 1188 => x"ff067154",
- 1189 => x"7a535957",
- 1190 => x"88803f80",
- 1191 => x"085b87ea",
- 1192 => x"3f800880",
- 1193 => x"0879297c",
- 1194 => x"902b7c90",
- 1195 => x"2a075656",
- 1196 => x"59737527",
- 1197 => x"94388008",
- 1198 => x"ff057615",
- 1199 => x"55597574",
- 1200 => x"26873874",
- 1201 => x"742687b9",
- 1202 => x"38765273",
- 1203 => x"75315187",
- 1204 => x"c93f8008",
- 1205 => x"5587b33f",
- 1206 => x"80088008",
- 1207 => x"79297b83",
- 1208 => x"ffff0677",
- 1209 => x"902b0756",
- 1210 => x"59577378",
- 1211 => x"27963880",
- 1212 => x"08ff0576",
- 1213 => x"15555775",
- 1214 => x"74268938",
- 1215 => x"77742677",
- 1216 => x"71315856",
- 1217 => x"78902b77",
- 1218 => x"0758805b",
- 1219 => x"7a407741",
- 1220 => x"7f615654",
- 1221 => x"7d80d938",
- 1222 => x"737f0c74",
- 1223 => x"7f84050c",
- 1224 => x"7e800c9e",
- 1225 => x"3d0d0480",
- 1226 => x"705c5874",
- 1227 => x"7926dd38",
- 1228 => x"7481ff26",
- 1229 => x"832b5774",
- 1230 => x"83ffff26",
- 1231 => x"82a53874",
- 1232 => x"772a80d3",
- 1233 => x"d0057033",
- 1234 => x"a0793171",
- 1235 => x"31595c5d",
- 1236 => x"7682b338",
- 1237 => x"76547479",
- 1238 => x"27833881",
- 1239 => x"54797627",
- 1240 => x"74075981",
- 1241 => x"5878ffa2",
- 1242 => x"38765880",
- 1243 => x"5bff9d39",
- 1244 => x"73527453",
- 1245 => x"9e3de805",
- 1246 => x"51fc8e3f",
- 1247 => x"6769567f",
- 1248 => x"0c747f84",
- 1249 => x"050c7e80",
- 1250 => x"0c9e3d0d",
- 1251 => x"0475802e",
- 1252 => x"81c43875",
- 1253 => x"81ff2683",
- 1254 => x"2b5583ff",
- 1255 => x"ff76278c",
- 1256 => x"389055fe",
- 1257 => x"800a7627",
- 1258 => x"83389855",
- 1259 => x"75752a80",
- 1260 => x"d3d00570",
- 1261 => x"33a07731",
- 1262 => x"7131575e",
- 1263 => x"54748491",
- 1264 => x"38787631",
- 1265 => x"54817690",
- 1266 => x"2a7783ff",
- 1267 => x"ff065f5d",
- 1268 => x"5b7b5273",
- 1269 => x"5185c33f",
- 1270 => x"80085785",
- 1271 => x"ad3f8008",
- 1272 => x"80087e29",
- 1273 => x"78902b7c",
- 1274 => x"902a0756",
- 1275 => x"56597375",
- 1276 => x"27943880",
- 1277 => x"08ff0576",
- 1278 => x"15555975",
- 1279 => x"74268738",
- 1280 => x"74742684",
- 1281 => x"f3387b52",
- 1282 => x"73753151",
- 1283 => x"858c3f80",
- 1284 => x"085584f6",
- 1285 => x"3f800880",
- 1286 => x"087e297b",
- 1287 => x"83ffff06",
- 1288 => x"77902b07",
- 1289 => x"56595773",
- 1290 => x"78279638",
- 1291 => x"8008ff05",
- 1292 => x"76155557",
- 1293 => x"75742689",
- 1294 => x"38777426",
- 1295 => x"77713158",
- 1296 => x"5a78902b",
- 1297 => x"77077b41",
- 1298 => x"417f6156",
- 1299 => x"547d802e",
- 1300 => x"fdc638fe",
- 1301 => x"9b397552",
- 1302 => x"815184ae",
- 1303 => x"3f800856",
- 1304 => x"feb13990",
- 1305 => x"57fe800a",
- 1306 => x"7527fdd3",
- 1307 => x"38987571",
- 1308 => x"2a80d3d0",
- 1309 => x"057033a0",
- 1310 => x"73317131",
- 1311 => x"535d5e57",
- 1312 => x"76802efd",
- 1313 => x"cf38a077",
- 1314 => x"3175782b",
- 1315 => x"77722a07",
- 1316 => x"77792b7b",
- 1317 => x"7a2b7d74",
- 1318 => x"2a077d7b",
- 1319 => x"2b73902a",
- 1320 => x"7483ffff",
- 1321 => x"0671597f",
- 1322 => x"772a585e",
- 1323 => x"5c415f58",
- 1324 => x"5c5483e6",
- 1325 => x"3f800854",
- 1326 => x"83d03f80",
- 1327 => x"08800879",
- 1328 => x"2975902b",
- 1329 => x"7e902a07",
- 1330 => x"56565973",
- 1331 => x"75279938",
- 1332 => x"8008ff05",
- 1333 => x"7b155559",
- 1334 => x"7a74268c",
- 1335 => x"38737527",
- 1336 => x"8738ff19",
- 1337 => x"7b155559",
- 1338 => x"76527375",
- 1339 => x"315183aa",
- 1340 => x"3f800855",
- 1341 => x"83943f80",
- 1342 => x"08800879",
- 1343 => x"297d83ff",
- 1344 => x"ff067790",
- 1345 => x"2b075659",
- 1346 => x"57737827",
- 1347 => x"99388008",
- 1348 => x"ff057b15",
- 1349 => x"55577a74",
- 1350 => x"268c3873",
- 1351 => x"78278738",
- 1352 => x"ff177b15",
- 1353 => x"55577378",
- 1354 => x"3179902b",
- 1355 => x"78077083",
- 1356 => x"ffff0671",
- 1357 => x"902a7983",
- 1358 => x"ffff067a",
- 1359 => x"902a7372",
- 1360 => x"29737329",
- 1361 => x"74732976",
- 1362 => x"74297390",
- 1363 => x"2a057205",
- 1364 => x"5755435f",
- 1365 => x"5b585a57",
- 1366 => x"595a747c",
- 1367 => x"27863884",
- 1368 => x"80801757",
- 1369 => x"74902a17",
- 1370 => x"7983ffff",
- 1371 => x"06768480",
- 1372 => x"80290557",
- 1373 => x"57767a26",
- 1374 => x"9a38767a",
- 1375 => x"32703070",
- 1376 => x"72078025",
- 1377 => x"565a5b7c",
- 1378 => x"7627fafe",
- 1379 => x"3873802e",
- 1380 => x"faf838ff",
- 1381 => x"1858805b",
- 1382 => x"faf239ff",
- 1383 => x"76537754",
- 1384 => x"9f3de805",
- 1385 => x"525ef7e1",
- 1386 => x"3f676957",
- 1387 => x"4c754d69",
- 1388 => x"8025f8f3",
- 1389 => x"387d096a",
- 1390 => x"6c5c537a",
- 1391 => x"549f3de8",
- 1392 => x"05525ef7",
- 1393 => x"c43f6769",
- 1394 => x"714c704d",
- 1395 => x"5856f8db",
- 1396 => x"39a07531",
- 1397 => x"76762b7a",
- 1398 => x"772b7c73",
- 1399 => x"2a077c78",
- 1400 => x"2b72902a",
- 1401 => x"7383ffff",
- 1402 => x"0671587e",
- 1403 => x"762a5742",
- 1404 => x"405d5d57",
- 1405 => x"5881a33f",
- 1406 => x"80085781",
- 1407 => x"8d3f8008",
- 1408 => x"80087e29",
- 1409 => x"78902b7d",
- 1410 => x"902a0756",
- 1411 => x"56597375",
- 1412 => x"27993880",
- 1413 => x"08ff0576",
- 1414 => x"15555975",
- 1415 => x"74268c38",
- 1416 => x"73752787",
- 1417 => x"38ff1976",
- 1418 => x"1555597b",
- 1419 => x"52737531",
- 1420 => x"5180e73f",
- 1421 => x"80085580",
- 1422 => x"d13f8008",
- 1423 => x"80087e29",
- 1424 => x"7c83ffff",
- 1425 => x"06707890",
- 1426 => x"2b075156",
- 1427 => x"58587377",
- 1428 => x"27993880",
- 1429 => x"08ff0576",
- 1430 => x"15555875",
- 1431 => x"74268c38",
- 1432 => x"73772787",
- 1433 => x"38ff1876",
- 1434 => x"15555878",
- 1435 => x"902b7807",
- 1436 => x"74783155",
- 1437 => x"5bfada39",
- 1438 => x"ff197615",
- 1439 => x"5559fb86",
- 1440 => x"39ff1976",
- 1441 => x"155559f8",
- 1442 => x"c0397070",
- 1443 => x"70805375",
- 1444 => x"52745181",
- 1445 => x"913f5050",
- 1446 => x"50047070",
- 1447 => x"70815375",
- 1448 => x"52745181",
- 1449 => x"813f5050",
- 1450 => x"5004fb3d",
- 1451 => x"0d777955",
- 1452 => x"55805675",
- 1453 => x"7524ab38",
- 1454 => x"8074249d",
- 1455 => x"38805373",
- 1456 => x"52745180",
- 1457 => x"e13f8008",
- 1458 => x"5475802e",
- 1459 => x"85388008",
- 1460 => x"30547380",
- 1461 => x"0c873d0d",
- 1462 => x"04733076",
- 1463 => x"81325754",
- 1464 => x"dc397430",
- 1465 => x"55815673",
- 1466 => x"8025d238",
- 1467 => x"ec39fa3d",
- 1468 => x"0d787a57",
- 1469 => x"55805776",
- 1470 => x"7524a438",
- 1471 => x"759f2c54",
- 1472 => x"81537574",
- 1473 => x"32743152",
- 1474 => x"74519b3f",
- 1475 => x"80085476",
- 1476 => x"802e8538",
- 1477 => x"80083054",
- 1478 => x"73800c88",
- 1479 => x"3d0d0474",
- 1480 => x"30558157",
- 1481 => x"d739fc3d",
- 1482 => x"0d767853",
- 1483 => x"54815380",
- 1484 => x"74732652",
- 1485 => x"5572802e",
- 1486 => x"98387080",
- 1487 => x"2eab3880",
- 1488 => x"7224a638",
- 1489 => x"71107310",
- 1490 => x"75722653",
- 1491 => x"545272ea",
- 1492 => x"38735178",
- 1493 => x"83387451",
- 1494 => x"70800c86",
- 1495 => x"3d0d0472",
- 1496 => x"0a100a72",
- 1497 => x"0a100a53",
- 1498 => x"5372802e",
- 1499 => x"e4387174",
- 1500 => x"26ed3873",
- 1501 => x"72317574",
- 1502 => x"07740a10",
- 1503 => x"0a740a10",
- 1504 => x"0a555556",
- 1505 => x"54e33970",
- 1506 => x"70735280",
- 1507 => x"decc0851",
- 1508 => x"933f5050",
- 1509 => x"04707073",
- 1510 => x"5280decc",
- 1511 => x"085190ce",
- 1512 => x"3f505004",
- 1513 => x"f43d0d7e",
- 1514 => x"608b1170",
- 1515 => x"f8065b55",
- 1516 => x"555d7296",
- 1517 => x"26833890",
- 1518 => x"58807824",
- 1519 => x"74792607",
- 1520 => x"55805474",
- 1521 => x"742e0981",
- 1522 => x"0680ca38",
- 1523 => x"7c518d9e",
- 1524 => x"3f7783f7",
- 1525 => x"2680c538",
- 1526 => x"77832a70",
- 1527 => x"10101080",
- 1528 => x"d6c4058c",
- 1529 => x"11085858",
- 1530 => x"5475772e",
- 1531 => x"81f03884",
- 1532 => x"1608fc06",
- 1533 => x"8c170888",
- 1534 => x"1808718c",
- 1535 => x"120c8812",
- 1536 => x"0c5b7605",
- 1537 => x"84110881",
- 1538 => x"0784120c",
- 1539 => x"537c518c",
- 1540 => x"de3f8816",
- 1541 => x"5473800c",
- 1542 => x"8e3d0d04",
- 1543 => x"77892a78",
- 1544 => x"832a5854",
- 1545 => x"73802ebf",
- 1546 => x"3877862a",
- 1547 => x"b8055784",
- 1548 => x"7427b438",
- 1549 => x"80db1457",
- 1550 => x"947427ab",
- 1551 => x"38778c2a",
- 1552 => x"80ee0557",
- 1553 => x"80d47427",
- 1554 => x"9e38778f",
- 1555 => x"2a80f705",
- 1556 => x"5782d474",
- 1557 => x"27913877",
- 1558 => x"922a80fc",
- 1559 => x"05578ad4",
- 1560 => x"74278438",
- 1561 => x"80fe5776",
- 1562 => x"10101080",
- 1563 => x"d6c4058c",
- 1564 => x"11085653",
- 1565 => x"74732ea3",
- 1566 => x"38841508",
- 1567 => x"fc067079",
- 1568 => x"31555673",
- 1569 => x"8f2488e4",
- 1570 => x"38738025",
- 1571 => x"88e6388c",
- 1572 => x"15085574",
- 1573 => x"732e0981",
- 1574 => x"06df3881",
- 1575 => x"175980d6",
- 1576 => x"d4085675",
- 1577 => x"80d6cc2e",
- 1578 => x"82cc3884",
- 1579 => x"1608fc06",
- 1580 => x"70793155",
- 1581 => x"55738f24",
- 1582 => x"bb3880d6",
- 1583 => x"cc0b80d6",
- 1584 => x"d80c80d6",
- 1585 => x"cc0b80d6",
- 1586 => x"d40c8074",
- 1587 => x"2480db38",
- 1588 => x"74168411",
- 1589 => x"08810784",
- 1590 => x"120c53fe",
- 1591 => x"b0398816",
- 1592 => x"8c110857",
- 1593 => x"5975792e",
- 1594 => x"098106fe",
- 1595 => x"82388214",
- 1596 => x"59ffab39",
- 1597 => x"77167881",
- 1598 => x"0784180c",
- 1599 => x"7080d6d8",
- 1600 => x"0c7080d6",
- 1601 => x"d40c80d6",
- 1602 => x"cc0b8c12",
- 1603 => x"0c8c1108",
- 1604 => x"88120c74",
- 1605 => x"81078412",
- 1606 => x"0c740574",
- 1607 => x"710c5b7c",
- 1608 => x"518acc3f",
- 1609 => x"881654fd",
- 1610 => x"ec3983ff",
- 1611 => x"75278391",
- 1612 => x"3874892a",
- 1613 => x"75832a54",
- 1614 => x"5473802e",
- 1615 => x"bf387486",
- 1616 => x"2ab80553",
- 1617 => x"847427b4",
- 1618 => x"3880db14",
- 1619 => x"53947427",
- 1620 => x"ab38748c",
- 1621 => x"2a80ee05",
- 1622 => x"5380d474",
- 1623 => x"279e3874",
- 1624 => x"8f2a80f7",
- 1625 => x"055382d4",
- 1626 => x"74279138",
- 1627 => x"74922a80",
- 1628 => x"fc05538a",
- 1629 => x"d4742784",
- 1630 => x"3880fe53",
- 1631 => x"72101010",
- 1632 => x"80d6c405",
- 1633 => x"88110855",
- 1634 => x"5773772e",
- 1635 => x"868b3884",
- 1636 => x"1408fc06",
- 1637 => x"5b747b27",
- 1638 => x"8d388814",
- 1639 => x"08547377",
- 1640 => x"2e098106",
- 1641 => x"ea388c14",
- 1642 => x"0880d6c4",
- 1643 => x"0b840508",
- 1644 => x"718c190c",
- 1645 => x"7588190c",
- 1646 => x"7788130c",
- 1647 => x"5c57758c",
- 1648 => x"150c7853",
- 1649 => x"80792483",
- 1650 => x"98387282",
- 1651 => x"2c81712b",
- 1652 => x"5656747b",
- 1653 => x"2680ca38",
- 1654 => x"7a750657",
- 1655 => x"7682a338",
- 1656 => x"78fc0684",
- 1657 => x"05597410",
- 1658 => x"707c0655",
- 1659 => x"55738292",
- 1660 => x"38841959",
- 1661 => x"f13980d6",
- 1662 => x"c40b8405",
- 1663 => x"0879545b",
- 1664 => x"788025c6",
- 1665 => x"3882da39",
- 1666 => x"74097b06",
- 1667 => x"7080d6c4",
- 1668 => x"0b84050c",
- 1669 => x"5b741055",
- 1670 => x"747b2685",
- 1671 => x"387485bc",
- 1672 => x"3880d6c4",
- 1673 => x"0b880508",
- 1674 => x"70841208",
- 1675 => x"fc06707b",
- 1676 => x"317b7226",
- 1677 => x"8f722507",
- 1678 => x"5d575c5c",
- 1679 => x"5578802e",
- 1680 => x"80d93879",
- 1681 => x"1580d6bc",
- 1682 => x"08199011",
- 1683 => x"59545680",
- 1684 => x"d6b808ff",
- 1685 => x"2e8838a0",
- 1686 => x"8f13e080",
- 1687 => x"06577652",
- 1688 => x"7c51888c",
- 1689 => x"3f800854",
- 1690 => x"8008ff2e",
- 1691 => x"90388008",
- 1692 => x"762782a7",
- 1693 => x"387480d6",
- 1694 => x"c42e829f",
- 1695 => x"3880d6c4",
- 1696 => x"0b880508",
- 1697 => x"55841508",
- 1698 => x"fc067079",
- 1699 => x"31797226",
- 1700 => x"8f722507",
- 1701 => x"5d555a7a",
- 1702 => x"83f23877",
- 1703 => x"81078416",
- 1704 => x"0c771570",
- 1705 => x"80d6c40b",
- 1706 => x"88050c74",
- 1707 => x"81078412",
- 1708 => x"0c567c51",
- 1709 => x"87b93f88",
- 1710 => x"15547380",
- 1711 => x"0c8e3d0d",
- 1712 => x"0474832a",
- 1713 => x"70545480",
- 1714 => x"7424819b",
- 1715 => x"3872822c",
- 1716 => x"81712b80",
- 1717 => x"d6c80807",
- 1718 => x"7080d6c4",
- 1719 => x"0b84050c",
- 1720 => x"75101010",
- 1721 => x"80d6c405",
- 1722 => x"88110871",
- 1723 => x"8c1b0c70",
- 1724 => x"881b0c79",
- 1725 => x"88130c57",
- 1726 => x"555c5575",
- 1727 => x"8c150cfd",
- 1728 => x"c1397879",
- 1729 => x"10101080",
- 1730 => x"d6c40570",
- 1731 => x"565b5c8c",
- 1732 => x"14085675",
- 1733 => x"742ea338",
- 1734 => x"841608fc",
- 1735 => x"06707931",
- 1736 => x"5853768f",
- 1737 => x"2483f138",
- 1738 => x"76802584",
- 1739 => x"af388c16",
- 1740 => x"08567574",
- 1741 => x"2e098106",
- 1742 => x"df388814",
- 1743 => x"811a7083",
- 1744 => x"06555a54",
- 1745 => x"72c9387b",
- 1746 => x"83065675",
- 1747 => x"802efdb8",
- 1748 => x"38ff1cf8",
- 1749 => x"1b5b5c88",
- 1750 => x"1a087a2e",
- 1751 => x"ea38fdb5",
- 1752 => x"39831953",
- 1753 => x"fce43983",
- 1754 => x"1470822c",
- 1755 => x"81712b80",
- 1756 => x"d6c80807",
- 1757 => x"7080d6c4",
- 1758 => x"0b84050c",
- 1759 => x"76101010",
- 1760 => x"80d6c405",
- 1761 => x"88110871",
- 1762 => x"8c1c0c70",
- 1763 => x"881c0c7a",
- 1764 => x"88130c58",
- 1765 => x"535d5653",
- 1766 => x"fee13980",
- 1767 => x"d6880817",
- 1768 => x"59800876",
- 1769 => x"2e818b38",
- 1770 => x"80d6b808",
- 1771 => x"ff2e848e",
- 1772 => x"38737631",
- 1773 => x"1980d688",
- 1774 => x"0c738706",
- 1775 => x"70565372",
- 1776 => x"802e8838",
- 1777 => x"88733170",
- 1778 => x"15555576",
- 1779 => x"149fff06",
- 1780 => x"a0807131",
- 1781 => x"1670547e",
- 1782 => x"53515385",
- 1783 => x"933f8008",
- 1784 => x"568008ff",
- 1785 => x"2e819e38",
- 1786 => x"80d68808",
- 1787 => x"137080d6",
- 1788 => x"880c7475",
- 1789 => x"80d6c40b",
- 1790 => x"88050c77",
- 1791 => x"76311581",
- 1792 => x"07555659",
- 1793 => x"7a80d6c4",
- 1794 => x"2e83c038",
- 1795 => x"798f2682",
- 1796 => x"ef38810b",
- 1797 => x"84150c84",
- 1798 => x"1508fc06",
- 1799 => x"70793179",
- 1800 => x"72268f72",
- 1801 => x"25075d55",
- 1802 => x"5a7a802e",
- 1803 => x"fced3880",
- 1804 => x"db398008",
- 1805 => x"9fff0655",
- 1806 => x"74feed38",
- 1807 => x"7880d688",
- 1808 => x"0c80d6c4",
- 1809 => x"0b880508",
- 1810 => x"7a188107",
- 1811 => x"84120c55",
- 1812 => x"80d6b408",
- 1813 => x"79278638",
- 1814 => x"7880d6b4",
- 1815 => x"0c80d6b0",
- 1816 => x"087927fc",
- 1817 => x"a0387880",
- 1818 => x"d6b00c84",
- 1819 => x"1508fc06",
- 1820 => x"70793179",
- 1821 => x"72268f72",
- 1822 => x"25075d55",
- 1823 => x"5a7a802e",
- 1824 => x"fc993888",
- 1825 => x"39807457",
- 1826 => x"53fedd39",
- 1827 => x"7c5183df",
- 1828 => x"3f800b80",
- 1829 => x"0c8e3d0d",
- 1830 => x"04807324",
- 1831 => x"a5387282",
- 1832 => x"2c81712b",
- 1833 => x"80d6c808",
- 1834 => x"077080d6",
- 1835 => x"c40b8405",
- 1836 => x"0c5c5a76",
- 1837 => x"8c170c73",
- 1838 => x"88170c75",
- 1839 => x"88180cf9",
- 1840 => x"fd398313",
- 1841 => x"70822c81",
- 1842 => x"712b80d6",
- 1843 => x"c8080770",
- 1844 => x"80d6c40b",
- 1845 => x"84050c5d",
- 1846 => x"5b53d839",
- 1847 => x"7a75065c",
- 1848 => x"7bfc9f38",
- 1849 => x"84197510",
- 1850 => x"5659f139",
- 1851 => x"ff178105",
- 1852 => x"59f7ab39",
- 1853 => x"8c150888",
- 1854 => x"1608718c",
- 1855 => x"120c8812",
- 1856 => x"0c597515",
- 1857 => x"84110881",
- 1858 => x"0784120c",
- 1859 => x"587c5182",
- 1860 => x"de3f8815",
- 1861 => x"54fba339",
- 1862 => x"77167881",
- 1863 => x"0784180c",
- 1864 => x"8c170888",
- 1865 => x"1808718c",
- 1866 => x"120c8812",
- 1867 => x"0c5c7080",
- 1868 => x"d6d80c70",
- 1869 => x"80d6d40c",
- 1870 => x"80d6cc0b",
- 1871 => x"8c120c8c",
- 1872 => x"11088812",
- 1873 => x"0c778107",
- 1874 => x"84120c77",
- 1875 => x"0577710c",
- 1876 => x"557c5182",
- 1877 => x"9a3f8816",
- 1878 => x"54f5ba39",
- 1879 => x"72168411",
- 1880 => x"08810784",
- 1881 => x"120c588c",
- 1882 => x"16088817",
- 1883 => x"08718c12",
- 1884 => x"0c88120c",
- 1885 => x"577c5181",
- 1886 => x"f63f8816",
- 1887 => x"54f59639",
- 1888 => x"7284150c",
- 1889 => x"f41af806",
- 1890 => x"70841d08",
- 1891 => x"81060784",
- 1892 => x"1d0c701c",
- 1893 => x"5556850b",
- 1894 => x"84150c85",
- 1895 => x"0b88150c",
- 1896 => x"8f7627fd",
- 1897 => x"ab38881b",
- 1898 => x"527c5184",
- 1899 => x"c13f80d6",
- 1900 => x"c40b8805",
- 1901 => x"0880d688",
- 1902 => x"085a55fd",
- 1903 => x"93397880",
- 1904 => x"d6880c73",
- 1905 => x"80d6b80c",
- 1906 => x"fbef3972",
- 1907 => x"84150cfc",
- 1908 => x"ff39fb3d",
- 1909 => x"0d77707a",
- 1910 => x"7c585553",
- 1911 => x"568f7527",
- 1912 => x"80e63872",
- 1913 => x"76078306",
- 1914 => x"517080dc",
- 1915 => x"38757352",
- 1916 => x"54707084",
- 1917 => x"05520874",
- 1918 => x"70840556",
- 1919 => x"0c737170",
- 1920 => x"84055308",
- 1921 => x"71708405",
- 1922 => x"530c7170",
- 1923 => x"84055308",
- 1924 => x"71708405",
- 1925 => x"530c7170",
- 1926 => x"84055308",
- 1927 => x"71708405",
- 1928 => x"530cf016",
- 1929 => x"5654748f",
- 1930 => x"26c73883",
- 1931 => x"75279538",
- 1932 => x"70708405",
- 1933 => x"52087470",
- 1934 => x"8405560c",
- 1935 => x"fc155574",
- 1936 => x"8326ed38",
- 1937 => x"73715452",
- 1938 => x"ff155170",
- 1939 => x"ff2e9838",
- 1940 => x"72708105",
- 1941 => x"54337270",
- 1942 => x"81055434",
- 1943 => x"ff115170",
- 1944 => x"ff2e0981",
- 1945 => x"06ea3875",
- 1946 => x"800c873d",
- 1947 => x"0d040404",
- 1948 => x"70707070",
- 1949 => x"800b81b6",
- 1950 => x"9c0c7651",
- 1951 => x"87cc3f80",
- 1952 => x"08538008",
- 1953 => x"ff2e8938",
- 1954 => x"72800c50",
- 1955 => x"50505004",
- 1956 => x"81b69c08",
- 1957 => x"5473802e",
- 1958 => x"ef387574",
- 1959 => x"710c5272",
- 1960 => x"800c5050",
- 1961 => x"505004fb",
- 1962 => x"3d0d7779",
- 1963 => x"70720783",
- 1964 => x"06535452",
- 1965 => x"70933871",
- 1966 => x"73730854",
- 1967 => x"56547173",
- 1968 => x"082e80c4",
- 1969 => x"38737554",
- 1970 => x"52713370",
- 1971 => x"81ff0652",
- 1972 => x"5470802e",
- 1973 => x"9d387233",
- 1974 => x"5570752e",
- 1975 => x"09810695",
- 1976 => x"38811281",
- 1977 => x"14713370",
- 1978 => x"81ff0654",
- 1979 => x"56545270",
- 1980 => x"e5387233",
- 1981 => x"557381ff",
- 1982 => x"067581ff",
- 1983 => x"06717131",
- 1984 => x"800c5552",
- 1985 => x"873d0d04",
- 1986 => x"7109f7fb",
- 1987 => x"fdff1306",
- 1988 => x"f8848281",
- 1989 => x"80065271",
- 1990 => x"97388414",
- 1991 => x"84167108",
- 1992 => x"54565471",
- 1993 => x"75082ee0",
- 1994 => x"38737554",
- 1995 => x"52ff9a39",
- 1996 => x"800b800c",
- 1997 => x"873d0d04",
- 1998 => x"fb3d0d77",
- 1999 => x"705256fe",
- 2000 => x"ad3f80d6",
- 2001 => x"c40b8805",
- 2002 => x"08841108",
- 2003 => x"fc06707b",
- 2004 => x"319fef05",
- 2005 => x"e08006e0",
- 2006 => x"80055255",
- 2007 => x"55a08075",
- 2008 => x"24943880",
- 2009 => x"527551fe",
- 2010 => x"873f80d6",
- 2011 => x"cc081453",
- 2012 => x"7280082e",
- 2013 => x"8f387551",
- 2014 => x"fdf53f80",
- 2015 => x"5372800c",
- 2016 => x"873d0d04",
- 2017 => x"74305275",
- 2018 => x"51fde53f",
- 2019 => x"8008ff2e",
- 2020 => x"a83880d6",
- 2021 => x"c40b8805",
- 2022 => x"08747631",
- 2023 => x"81078412",
- 2024 => x"0c5380d6",
- 2025 => x"88087531",
- 2026 => x"80d6880c",
- 2027 => x"7551fdbf",
- 2028 => x"3f810b80",
- 2029 => x"0c873d0d",
- 2030 => x"04805275",
- 2031 => x"51fdb13f",
- 2032 => x"80d6c40b",
- 2033 => x"88050880",
- 2034 => x"08713154",
- 2035 => x"548f7325",
- 2036 => x"ffa43880",
- 2037 => x"0880d6b8",
- 2038 => x"083180d6",
- 2039 => x"880c7281",
- 2040 => x"0784150c",
- 2041 => x"7551fd87",
- 2042 => x"3f8053ff",
- 2043 => x"9039f73d",
- 2044 => x"0d7b7d54",
- 2045 => x"5a72802e",
- 2046 => x"82833879",
- 2047 => x"51fcef3f",
- 2048 => x"f8138411",
- 2049 => x"0870fe06",
- 2050 => x"70138411",
- 2051 => x"08fc065c",
- 2052 => x"57585457",
- 2053 => x"80d6cc08",
- 2054 => x"742e82de",
- 2055 => x"38778415",
- 2056 => x"0c807381",
- 2057 => x"06565974",
- 2058 => x"792e81d5",
- 2059 => x"38771484",
- 2060 => x"11088106",
- 2061 => x"565374a0",
- 2062 => x"38771656",
- 2063 => x"7881e638",
- 2064 => x"88140855",
- 2065 => x"7480d6cc",
- 2066 => x"2e82f938",
- 2067 => x"8c140870",
- 2068 => x"8c170c75",
- 2069 => x"88120c58",
- 2070 => x"75810784",
- 2071 => x"180c7517",
- 2072 => x"76710c54",
- 2073 => x"78819138",
- 2074 => x"83ff7627",
- 2075 => x"81c83875",
- 2076 => x"892a7683",
- 2077 => x"2a545473",
- 2078 => x"802ebf38",
- 2079 => x"75862ab8",
- 2080 => x"05538474",
- 2081 => x"27b43880",
- 2082 => x"db145394",
- 2083 => x"7427ab38",
- 2084 => x"758c2a80",
- 2085 => x"ee055380",
- 2086 => x"d474279e",
- 2087 => x"38758f2a",
- 2088 => x"80f70553",
- 2089 => x"82d47427",
- 2090 => x"91387592",
- 2091 => x"2a80fc05",
- 2092 => x"538ad474",
- 2093 => x"27843880",
- 2094 => x"fe537210",
- 2095 => x"101080d6",
- 2096 => x"c4058811",
- 2097 => x"08555573",
- 2098 => x"752e82bf",
- 2099 => x"38841408",
- 2100 => x"fc065975",
- 2101 => x"79278d38",
- 2102 => x"88140854",
- 2103 => x"73752e09",
- 2104 => x"8106ea38",
- 2105 => x"8c140870",
- 2106 => x"8c190c74",
- 2107 => x"88190c77",
- 2108 => x"88120c55",
- 2109 => x"768c150c",
- 2110 => x"7951faf3",
- 2111 => x"3f8b3d0d",
- 2112 => x"04760877",
- 2113 => x"71315876",
- 2114 => x"05881808",
- 2115 => x"56567480",
- 2116 => x"d6cc2e80",
- 2117 => x"e0388c17",
- 2118 => x"08708c17",
- 2119 => x"0c758812",
- 2120 => x"0c53fe89",
- 2121 => x"39881408",
- 2122 => x"8c150870",
- 2123 => x"8c130c59",
- 2124 => x"88190cfe",
- 2125 => x"a3397583",
- 2126 => x"2a705454",
- 2127 => x"80742481",
- 2128 => x"98387282",
- 2129 => x"2c81712b",
- 2130 => x"80d6c808",
- 2131 => x"0780d6c4",
- 2132 => x"0b84050c",
- 2133 => x"74101010",
- 2134 => x"80d6c405",
- 2135 => x"88110871",
- 2136 => x"8c1b0c70",
- 2137 => x"881b0c79",
- 2138 => x"88130c56",
- 2139 => x"5a55768c",
- 2140 => x"150cff84",
- 2141 => x"398159fd",
- 2142 => x"b4397716",
- 2143 => x"73810654",
- 2144 => x"55729838",
- 2145 => x"76087771",
- 2146 => x"31587505",
- 2147 => x"8c180888",
- 2148 => x"1908718c",
- 2149 => x"120c8812",
- 2150 => x"0c555574",
- 2151 => x"81078418",
- 2152 => x"0c7680d6",
- 2153 => x"c40b8805",
- 2154 => x"0c80d6c0",
- 2155 => x"087526fe",
- 2156 => x"c73880d6",
- 2157 => x"bc085279",
- 2158 => x"51fafd3f",
- 2159 => x"7951f9af",
- 2160 => x"3ffeba39",
- 2161 => x"81778c17",
- 2162 => x"0c778817",
- 2163 => x"0c758c19",
- 2164 => x"0c758819",
- 2165 => x"0c59fd80",
- 2166 => x"39831470",
- 2167 => x"822c8171",
- 2168 => x"2b80d6c8",
- 2169 => x"080780d6",
- 2170 => x"c40b8405",
- 2171 => x"0c751010",
- 2172 => x"1080d6c4",
- 2173 => x"05881108",
- 2174 => x"718c1c0c",
- 2175 => x"70881c0c",
- 2176 => x"7a88130c",
- 2177 => x"575b5653",
- 2178 => x"fee43980",
- 2179 => x"7324a338",
- 2180 => x"72822c81",
- 2181 => x"712b80d6",
- 2182 => x"c8080780",
- 2183 => x"d6c40b84",
- 2184 => x"050c5874",
- 2185 => x"8c180c73",
- 2186 => x"88180c76",
- 2187 => x"88160cfd",
- 2188 => x"c3398313",
- 2189 => x"70822c81",
- 2190 => x"712b80d6",
- 2191 => x"c8080780",
- 2192 => x"d6c40b84",
- 2193 => x"050c5953",
- 2194 => x"da397070",
- 2195 => x"7080e5f4",
- 2196 => x"08893881",
- 2197 => x"b6a00b80",
- 2198 => x"e5f40c80",
- 2199 => x"e5f40875",
- 2200 => x"115252ff",
- 2201 => x"537087fb",
- 2202 => x"80802688",
- 2203 => x"387080e5",
- 2204 => x"f40c7153",
- 2205 => x"72800c50",
- 2206 => x"505004fd",
- 2207 => x"3d0d800b",
- 2208 => x"80d5f408",
- 2209 => x"54547281",
- 2210 => x"2e9b3873",
- 2211 => x"80e5f80c",
- 2212 => x"c3ee3fc2",
- 2213 => x"eb3f80e5",
- 2214 => x"cc528151",
- 2215 => x"cc933f80",
- 2216 => x"085180dd",
- 2217 => x"3f7280e5",
- 2218 => x"f80cc3d4",
- 2219 => x"3fc2d13f",
- 2220 => x"80e5cc52",
- 2221 => x"8151cbf9",
- 2222 => x"3f800851",
- 2223 => x"80c33f00",
- 2224 => x"ff3900ff",
- 2225 => x"39f43d0d",
- 2226 => x"7e80e5ec",
- 2227 => x"08700870",
- 2228 => x"81ff0692",
- 2229 => x"3df80555",
- 2230 => x"515a5759",
- 2231 => x"c48f3f80",
- 2232 => x"5477557b",
- 2233 => x"7d585276",
- 2234 => x"538e3df0",
- 2235 => x"0551de8e",
- 2236 => x"3f797b58",
- 2237 => x"790c7684",
- 2238 => x"1a0c7880",
- 2239 => x"0c8e3d0d",
- 2240 => x"04f73d0d",
- 2241 => x"7b80decc",
- 2242 => x"0882c811",
- 2243 => x"085a545a",
- 2244 => x"77802e80",
- 2245 => x"da388188",
- 2246 => x"18841908",
- 2247 => x"ff058171",
- 2248 => x"2b595559",
- 2249 => x"80742480",
- 2250 => x"ea388074",
- 2251 => x"24b53873",
- 2252 => x"822b7811",
- 2253 => x"88055656",
- 2254 => x"81801908",
- 2255 => x"77065372",
- 2256 => x"802eb638",
- 2257 => x"78167008",
- 2258 => x"53537951",
- 2259 => x"74085372",
- 2260 => x"2dff14fc",
- 2261 => x"17fc1779",
- 2262 => x"812c5a57",
- 2263 => x"57547380",
- 2264 => x"25d63877",
- 2265 => x"085877ff",
- 2266 => x"ad3880de",
- 2267 => x"cc0853bc",
- 2268 => x"1308a538",
- 2269 => x"7951fec7",
- 2270 => x"3f740853",
- 2271 => x"722dff14",
- 2272 => x"fc17fc17",
- 2273 => x"79812c5a",
- 2274 => x"57575473",
- 2275 => x"8025ffa8",
- 2276 => x"38d13980",
- 2277 => x"57ff9339",
- 2278 => x"7251bc13",
- 2279 => x"0854732d",
- 2280 => x"7951fe9b",
- 2281 => x"3f707080",
- 2282 => x"e5d40bfc",
- 2283 => x"05700852",
- 2284 => x"5270ff2e",
- 2285 => x"9138702d",
- 2286 => x"fc127008",
- 2287 => x"525270ff",
- 2288 => x"2e098106",
- 2289 => x"f1385050",
- 2290 => x"0404c2ff",
- 2291 => x"3f040000",
- 2292 => x"00000040",
- 2293 => x"30313233",
- 2294 => x"34353637",
- 2295 => x"38390000",
- 2296 => x"44485259",
- 2297 => x"53544f4e",
- 2298 => x"45205052",
- 2299 => x"4f475241",
- 2300 => x"4d2c2053",
- 2301 => x"4f4d4520",
- 2302 => x"53545249",
- 2303 => x"4e470000",
- 2304 => x"44485259",
- 2305 => x"53544f4e",
- 2306 => x"45205052",
- 2307 => x"4f475241",
- 2308 => x"4d2c2031",
- 2309 => x"27535420",
- 2310 => x"53545249",
- 2311 => x"4e470000",
- 2312 => x"44687279",
- 2313 => x"73746f6e",
- 2314 => x"65204265",
- 2315 => x"6e63686d",
- 2316 => x"61726b2c",
- 2317 => x"20566572",
- 2318 => x"73696f6e",
- 2319 => x"20322e31",
- 2320 => x"20284c61",
- 2321 => x"6e677561",
- 2322 => x"67653a20",
- 2323 => x"43290a00",
- 2324 => x"50726f67",
- 2325 => x"72616d20",
- 2326 => x"636f6d70",
- 2327 => x"696c6564",
- 2328 => x"20776974",
- 2329 => x"68202772",
- 2330 => x"65676973",
- 2331 => x"74657227",
- 2332 => x"20617474",
- 2333 => x"72696275",
- 2334 => x"74650a00",
- 2335 => x"45786563",
- 2336 => x"7574696f",
- 2337 => x"6e207374",
- 2338 => x"61727473",
- 2339 => x"2c202564",
- 2340 => x"2072756e",
- 2341 => x"73207468",
- 2342 => x"726f7567",
- 2343 => x"68204468",
- 2344 => x"72797374",
- 2345 => x"6f6e650a",
- 2346 => x"00000000",
- 2347 => x"44485259",
- 2348 => x"53544f4e",
- 2349 => x"45205052",
- 2350 => x"4f475241",
- 2351 => x"4d2c2032",
- 2352 => x"274e4420",
- 2353 => x"53545249",
- 2354 => x"4e470000",
- 2355 => x"45786563",
- 2356 => x"7574696f",
- 2357 => x"6e20656e",
- 2358 => x"64730a00",
- 2359 => x"46696e61",
- 2360 => x"6c207661",
- 2361 => x"6c756573",
- 2362 => x"206f6620",
- 2363 => x"74686520",
- 2364 => x"76617269",
- 2365 => x"61626c65",
- 2366 => x"73207573",
- 2367 => x"65642069",
- 2368 => x"6e207468",
- 2369 => x"65206265",
- 2370 => x"6e63686d",
- 2371 => x"61726b3a",
- 2372 => x"0a000000",
- 2373 => x"496e745f",
- 2374 => x"476c6f62",
- 2375 => x"3a202020",
- 2376 => x"20202020",
- 2377 => x"20202020",
- 2378 => x"2025640a",
- 2379 => x"00000000",
- 2380 => x"20202020",
- 2381 => x"20202020",
- 2382 => x"73686f75",
- 2383 => x"6c642062",
- 2384 => x"653a2020",
- 2385 => x"2025640a",
- 2386 => x"00000000",
- 2387 => x"426f6f6c",
- 2388 => x"5f476c6f",
- 2389 => x"623a2020",
- 2390 => x"20202020",
- 2391 => x"20202020",
- 2392 => x"2025640a",
- 2393 => x"00000000",
- 2394 => x"43685f31",
- 2395 => x"5f476c6f",
- 2396 => x"623a2020",
- 2397 => x"20202020",
- 2398 => x"20202020",
- 2399 => x"2025630a",
- 2400 => x"00000000",
- 2401 => x"20202020",
- 2402 => x"20202020",
- 2403 => x"73686f75",
- 2404 => x"6c642062",
- 2405 => x"653a2020",
- 2406 => x"2025630a",
- 2407 => x"00000000",
- 2408 => x"43685f32",
- 2409 => x"5f476c6f",
- 2410 => x"623a2020",
- 2411 => x"20202020",
- 2412 => x"20202020",
- 2413 => x"2025630a",
- 2414 => x"00000000",
- 2415 => x"4172725f",
- 2416 => x"315f476c",
- 2417 => x"6f625b38",
- 2418 => x"5d3a2020",
- 2419 => x"20202020",
- 2420 => x"2025640a",
- 2421 => x"00000000",
- 2422 => x"4172725f",
- 2423 => x"325f476c",
- 2424 => x"6f625b38",
- 2425 => x"5d5b375d",
- 2426 => x"3a202020",
- 2427 => x"2025640a",
- 2428 => x"00000000",
- 2429 => x"20202020",
- 2430 => x"20202020",
- 2431 => x"73686f75",
- 2432 => x"6c642062",
- 2433 => x"653a2020",
- 2434 => x"204e756d",
- 2435 => x"6265725f",
- 2436 => x"4f665f52",
- 2437 => x"756e7320",
- 2438 => x"2b203130",
- 2439 => x"0a000000",
- 2440 => x"5074725f",
- 2441 => x"476c6f62",
- 2442 => x"2d3e0a00",
- 2443 => x"20205074",
- 2444 => x"725f436f",
- 2445 => x"6d703a20",
- 2446 => x"20202020",
- 2447 => x"20202020",
- 2448 => x"2025640a",
- 2449 => x"00000000",
- 2450 => x"20202020",
- 2451 => x"20202020",
- 2452 => x"73686f75",
- 2453 => x"6c642062",
- 2454 => x"653a2020",
- 2455 => x"2028696d",
- 2456 => x"706c656d",
- 2457 => x"656e7461",
- 2458 => x"74696f6e",
- 2459 => x"2d646570",
- 2460 => x"656e6465",
- 2461 => x"6e74290a",
- 2462 => x"00000000",
- 2463 => x"20204469",
- 2464 => x"7363723a",
- 2465 => x"20202020",
- 2466 => x"20202020",
- 2467 => x"20202020",
- 2468 => x"2025640a",
- 2469 => x"00000000",
- 2470 => x"2020456e",
- 2471 => x"756d5f43",
- 2472 => x"6f6d703a",
- 2473 => x"20202020",
- 2474 => x"20202020",
- 2475 => x"2025640a",
- 2476 => x"00000000",
- 2477 => x"2020496e",
- 2478 => x"745f436f",
- 2479 => x"6d703a20",
- 2480 => x"20202020",
- 2481 => x"20202020",
- 2482 => x"2025640a",
- 2483 => x"00000000",
- 2484 => x"20205374",
- 2485 => x"725f436f",
- 2486 => x"6d703a20",
- 2487 => x"20202020",
- 2488 => x"20202020",
- 2489 => x"2025730a",
- 2490 => x"00000000",
- 2491 => x"20202020",
- 2492 => x"20202020",
- 2493 => x"73686f75",
- 2494 => x"6c642062",
- 2495 => x"653a2020",
- 2496 => x"20444852",
- 2497 => x"5953544f",
- 2498 => x"4e452050",
- 2499 => x"524f4752",
- 2500 => x"414d2c20",
- 2501 => x"534f4d45",
- 2502 => x"20535452",
- 2503 => x"494e470a",
- 2504 => x"00000000",
- 2505 => x"4e657874",
- 2506 => x"5f507472",
- 2507 => x"5f476c6f",
- 2508 => x"622d3e0a",
- 2509 => x"00000000",
- 2510 => x"20202020",
- 2511 => x"20202020",
- 2512 => x"73686f75",
- 2513 => x"6c642062",
- 2514 => x"653a2020",
- 2515 => x"2028696d",
- 2516 => x"706c656d",
- 2517 => x"656e7461",
- 2518 => x"74696f6e",
- 2519 => x"2d646570",
- 2520 => x"656e6465",
- 2521 => x"6e74292c",
- 2522 => x"2073616d",
- 2523 => x"65206173",
- 2524 => x"2061626f",
- 2525 => x"76650a00",
- 2526 => x"496e745f",
- 2527 => x"315f4c6f",
- 2528 => x"633a2020",
- 2529 => x"20202020",
- 2530 => x"20202020",
- 2531 => x"2025640a",
- 2532 => x"00000000",
- 2533 => x"496e745f",
- 2534 => x"325f4c6f",
- 2535 => x"633a2020",
- 2536 => x"20202020",
- 2537 => x"20202020",
- 2538 => x"2025640a",
- 2539 => x"00000000",
- 2540 => x"496e745f",
- 2541 => x"335f4c6f",
- 2542 => x"633a2020",
- 2543 => x"20202020",
- 2544 => x"20202020",
- 2545 => x"2025640a",
- 2546 => x"00000000",
- 2547 => x"456e756d",
- 2548 => x"5f4c6f63",
- 2549 => x"3a202020",
- 2550 => x"20202020",
- 2551 => x"20202020",
- 2552 => x"2025640a",
- 2553 => x"00000000",
- 2554 => x"5374725f",
- 2555 => x"315f4c6f",
- 2556 => x"633a2020",
- 2557 => x"20202020",
- 2558 => x"20202020",
- 2559 => x"2025730a",
- 2560 => x"00000000",
- 2561 => x"20202020",
- 2562 => x"20202020",
- 2563 => x"73686f75",
- 2564 => x"6c642062",
- 2565 => x"653a2020",
- 2566 => x"20444852",
- 2567 => x"5953544f",
- 2568 => x"4e452050",
- 2569 => x"524f4752",
- 2570 => x"414d2c20",
- 2571 => x"31275354",
- 2572 => x"20535452",
- 2573 => x"494e470a",
- 2574 => x"00000000",
- 2575 => x"5374725f",
- 2576 => x"325f4c6f",
- 2577 => x"633a2020",
- 2578 => x"20202020",
- 2579 => x"20202020",
- 2580 => x"2025730a",
- 2581 => x"00000000",
- 2582 => x"20202020",
- 2583 => x"20202020",
- 2584 => x"73686f75",
- 2585 => x"6c642062",
- 2586 => x"653a2020",
- 2587 => x"20444852",
- 2588 => x"5953544f",
- 2589 => x"4e452050",
- 2590 => x"524f4752",
- 2591 => x"414d2c20",
- 2592 => x"32274e44",
- 2593 => x"20535452",
- 2594 => x"494e470a",
- 2595 => x"00000000",
- 2596 => x"55736572",
- 2597 => x"2074696d",
- 2598 => x"653a2025",
- 2599 => x"640a0000",
- 2600 => x"4d696372",
- 2601 => x"6f736563",
- 2602 => x"6f6e6473",
- 2603 => x"20666f72",
- 2604 => x"206f6e65",
- 2605 => x"2072756e",
- 2606 => x"20746872",
- 2607 => x"6f756768",
- 2608 => x"20446872",
- 2609 => x"7973746f",
- 2610 => x"6e653a20",
- 2611 => x"00000000",
- 2612 => x"2564200a",
- 2613 => x"00000000",
- 2614 => x"44687279",
- 2615 => x"73746f6e",
- 2616 => x"65732070",
- 2617 => x"65722053",
- 2618 => x"65636f6e",
- 2619 => x"643a2020",
- 2620 => x"20202020",
- 2621 => x"20202020",
- 2622 => x"20202020",
- 2623 => x"20202020",
- 2624 => x"20202020",
- 2625 => x"00000000",
- 2626 => x"56415820",
- 2627 => x"4d495053",
- 2628 => x"20726174",
- 2629 => x"696e6720",
- 2630 => x"2a203130",
- 2631 => x"3030203d",
- 2632 => x"20256420",
- 2633 => x"0a000000",
- 2634 => x"50726f67",
- 2635 => x"72616d20",
- 2636 => x"636f6d70",
- 2637 => x"696c6564",
- 2638 => x"20776974",
- 2639 => x"686f7574",
- 2640 => x"20277265",
- 2641 => x"67697374",
- 2642 => x"65722720",
- 2643 => x"61747472",
- 2644 => x"69627574",
- 2645 => x"650a0000",
- 2646 => x"4d656173",
- 2647 => x"75726564",
- 2648 => x"2074696d",
- 2649 => x"6520746f",
- 2650 => x"6f20736d",
- 2651 => x"616c6c20",
- 2652 => x"746f206f",
- 2653 => x"62746169",
- 2654 => x"6e206d65",
- 2655 => x"616e696e",
- 2656 => x"6766756c",
- 2657 => x"20726573",
- 2658 => x"756c7473",
- 2659 => x"0a000000",
- 2660 => x"506c6561",
- 2661 => x"73652069",
- 2662 => x"6e637265",
- 2663 => x"61736520",
- 2664 => x"6e756d62",
- 2665 => x"6572206f",
- 2666 => x"66207275",
- 2667 => x"6e730a00",
- 2668 => x"44485259",
- 2669 => x"53544f4e",
- 2670 => x"45205052",
- 2671 => x"4f475241",
- 2672 => x"4d2c2033",
- 2673 => x"27524420",
- 2674 => x"53545249",
- 2675 => x"4e470000",
- 2676 => x"00010202",
- 2677 => x"03030303",
- 2678 => x"04040404",
- 2679 => x"04040404",
- 2680 => x"05050505",
- 2681 => x"05050505",
- 2682 => x"05050505",
- 2683 => x"05050505",
- 2684 => x"06060606",
- 2685 => x"06060606",
- 2686 => x"06060606",
- 2687 => x"06060606",
- 2688 => x"06060606",
- 2689 => x"06060606",
- 2690 => x"06060606",
- 2691 => x"06060606",
- 2692 => x"07070707",
- 2693 => x"07070707",
- 2694 => x"07070707",
- 2695 => x"07070707",
- 2696 => x"07070707",
- 2697 => x"07070707",
- 2698 => x"07070707",
- 2699 => x"07070707",
- 2700 => x"07070707",
- 2701 => x"07070707",
- 2702 => x"07070707",
- 2703 => x"07070707",
- 2704 => x"07070707",
- 2705 => x"07070707",
- 2706 => x"07070707",
- 2707 => x"07070707",
- 2708 => x"08080808",
- 2709 => x"08080808",
- 2710 => x"08080808",
- 2711 => x"08080808",
- 2712 => x"08080808",
- 2713 => x"08080808",
- 2714 => x"08080808",
- 2715 => x"08080808",
- 2716 => x"08080808",
- 2717 => x"08080808",
- 2718 => x"08080808",
- 2719 => x"08080808",
- 2720 => x"08080808",
- 2721 => x"08080808",
- 2722 => x"08080808",
- 2723 => x"08080808",
- 2724 => x"08080808",
- 2725 => x"08080808",
- 2726 => x"08080808",
- 2727 => x"08080808",
- 2728 => x"08080808",
- 2729 => x"08080808",
- 2730 => x"08080808",
- 2731 => x"08080808",
- 2732 => x"08080808",
- 2733 => x"08080808",
- 2734 => x"08080808",
- 2735 => x"08080808",
- 2736 => x"08080808",
- 2737 => x"08080808",
- 2738 => x"08080808",
- 2739 => x"08080808",
- 2740 => x"43000000",
- 2741 => x"64756d6d",
- 2742 => x"792e6578",
- 2743 => x"65000000",
- 2744 => x"00ffffff",
- 2745 => x"ff00ffff",
- 2746 => x"ffff00ff",
- 2747 => x"ffffff00",
- 2748 => x"00000000",
- 2749 => x"00000000",
- 2750 => x"00000000",
- 2751 => x"000032dc",
- 2752 => x"0000c350",
- 2753 => x"00000000",
- 2754 => x"00000000",
- 2755 => x"00000000",
- 2756 => x"00000000",
- 2757 => x"00000000",
- 2758 => x"00000000",
- 2759 => x"00000000",
- 2760 => x"00000000",
- 2761 => x"00000000",
- 2762 => x"00000000",
- 2763 => x"00000000",
- 2764 => x"00000000",
- 2765 => x"00000000",
- 2766 => x"ffffffff",
- 2767 => x"00000000",
- 2768 => x"00020000",
- 2769 => x"00000000",
- 2770 => x"00000000",
- 2771 => x"00002b44",
- 2772 => x"00002b44",
- 2773 => x"00002b4c",
- 2774 => x"00002b4c",
- 2775 => x"00002b54",
- 2776 => x"00002b54",
- 2777 => x"00002b5c",
- 2778 => x"00002b5c",
- 2779 => x"00002b64",
- 2780 => x"00002b64",
- 2781 => x"00002b6c",
- 2782 => x"00002b6c",
- 2783 => x"00002b74",
- 2784 => x"00002b74",
- 2785 => x"00002b7c",
- 2786 => x"00002b7c",
- 2787 => x"00002b84",
- 2788 => x"00002b84",
- 2789 => x"00002b8c",
- 2790 => x"00002b8c",
- 2791 => x"00002b94",
- 2792 => x"00002b94",
- 2793 => x"00002b9c",
- 2794 => x"00002b9c",
- 2795 => x"00002ba4",
- 2796 => x"00002ba4",
- 2797 => x"00002bac",
- 2798 => x"00002bac",
- 2799 => x"00002bb4",
- 2800 => x"00002bb4",
- 2801 => x"00002bbc",
- 2802 => x"00002bbc",
- 2803 => x"00002bc4",
- 2804 => x"00002bc4",
- 2805 => x"00002bcc",
- 2806 => x"00002bcc",
- 2807 => x"00002bd4",
- 2808 => x"00002bd4",
- 2809 => x"00002bdc",
- 2810 => x"00002bdc",
- 2811 => x"00002be4",
- 2812 => x"00002be4",
- 2813 => x"00002bec",
- 2814 => x"00002bec",
- 2815 => x"00002bf4",
- 2816 => x"00002bf4",
- 2817 => x"00002bfc",
- 2818 => x"00002bfc",
- 2819 => x"00002c04",
- 2820 => x"00002c04",
- 2821 => x"00002c0c",
- 2822 => x"00002c0c",
- 2823 => x"00002c14",
- 2824 => x"00002c14",
- 2825 => x"00002c1c",
- 2826 => x"00002c1c",
- 2827 => x"00002c24",
- 2828 => x"00002c24",
- 2829 => x"00002c2c",
- 2830 => x"00002c2c",
- 2831 => x"00002c34",
- 2832 => x"00002c34",
- 2833 => x"00002c3c",
- 2834 => x"00002c3c",
- 2835 => x"00002c44",
- 2836 => x"00002c44",
- 2837 => x"00002c4c",
- 2838 => x"00002c4c",
- 2839 => x"00002c54",
- 2840 => x"00002c54",
- 2841 => x"00002c5c",
- 2842 => x"00002c5c",
- 2843 => x"00002c64",
- 2844 => x"00002c64",
- 2845 => x"00002c6c",
- 2846 => x"00002c6c",
- 2847 => x"00002c74",
- 2848 => x"00002c74",
- 2849 => x"00002c7c",
- 2850 => x"00002c7c",
- 2851 => x"00002c84",
- 2852 => x"00002c84",
- 2853 => x"00002c8c",
- 2854 => x"00002c8c",
- 2855 => x"00002c94",
- 2856 => x"00002c94",
- 2857 => x"00002c9c",
- 2858 => x"00002c9c",
- 2859 => x"00002ca4",
- 2860 => x"00002ca4",
- 2861 => x"00002cac",
- 2862 => x"00002cac",
- 2863 => x"00002cb4",
- 2864 => x"00002cb4",
- 2865 => x"00002cbc",
- 2866 => x"00002cbc",
- 2867 => x"00002cc4",
- 2868 => x"00002cc4",
- 2869 => x"00002ccc",
- 2870 => x"00002ccc",
- 2871 => x"00002cd4",
- 2872 => x"00002cd4",
- 2873 => x"00002cdc",
- 2874 => x"00002cdc",
- 2875 => x"00002ce4",
- 2876 => x"00002ce4",
- 2877 => x"00002cec",
- 2878 => x"00002cec",
- 2879 => x"00002cf4",
- 2880 => x"00002cf4",
- 2881 => x"00002cfc",
- 2882 => x"00002cfc",
- 2883 => x"00002d04",
- 2884 => x"00002d04",
- 2885 => x"00002d0c",
- 2886 => x"00002d0c",
- 2887 => x"00002d14",
- 2888 => x"00002d14",
- 2889 => x"00002d1c",
- 2890 => x"00002d1c",
- 2891 => x"00002d24",
- 2892 => x"00002d24",
- 2893 => x"00002d2c",
- 2894 => x"00002d2c",
- 2895 => x"00002d34",
- 2896 => x"00002d34",
- 2897 => x"00002d3c",
- 2898 => x"00002d3c",
- 2899 => x"00002d44",
- 2900 => x"00002d44",
- 2901 => x"00002d4c",
- 2902 => x"00002d4c",
- 2903 => x"00002d54",
- 2904 => x"00002d54",
- 2905 => x"00002d5c",
- 2906 => x"00002d5c",
- 2907 => x"00002d64",
- 2908 => x"00002d64",
- 2909 => x"00002d6c",
- 2910 => x"00002d6c",
- 2911 => x"00002d74",
- 2912 => x"00002d74",
- 2913 => x"00002d7c",
- 2914 => x"00002d7c",
- 2915 => x"00002d84",
- 2916 => x"00002d84",
- 2917 => x"00002d8c",
- 2918 => x"00002d8c",
- 2919 => x"00002d94",
- 2920 => x"00002d94",
- 2921 => x"00002d9c",
- 2922 => x"00002d9c",
- 2923 => x"00002da4",
- 2924 => x"00002da4",
- 2925 => x"00002dac",
- 2926 => x"00002dac",
- 2927 => x"00002db4",
- 2928 => x"00002db4",
- 2929 => x"00002dbc",
- 2930 => x"00002dbc",
- 2931 => x"00002dc4",
- 2932 => x"00002dc4",
- 2933 => x"00002dcc",
- 2934 => x"00002dcc",
- 2935 => x"00002dd4",
- 2936 => x"00002dd4",
- 2937 => x"00002ddc",
- 2938 => x"00002ddc",
- 2939 => x"00002de4",
- 2940 => x"00002de4",
- 2941 => x"00002dec",
- 2942 => x"00002dec",
- 2943 => x"00002df4",
- 2944 => x"00002df4",
- 2945 => x"00002dfc",
- 2946 => x"00002dfc",
- 2947 => x"00002e04",
- 2948 => x"00002e04",
- 2949 => x"00002e0c",
- 2950 => x"00002e0c",
- 2951 => x"00002e14",
- 2952 => x"00002e14",
- 2953 => x"00002e1c",
- 2954 => x"00002e1c",
- 2955 => x"00002e24",
- 2956 => x"00002e24",
- 2957 => x"00002e2c",
- 2958 => x"00002e2c",
- 2959 => x"00002e34",
- 2960 => x"00002e34",
- 2961 => x"00002e3c",
- 2962 => x"00002e3c",
- 2963 => x"00002e44",
- 2964 => x"00002e44",
- 2965 => x"00002e4c",
- 2966 => x"00002e4c",
- 2967 => x"00002e54",
- 2968 => x"00002e54",
- 2969 => x"00002e5c",
- 2970 => x"00002e5c",
- 2971 => x"00002e64",
- 2972 => x"00002e64",
- 2973 => x"00002e6c",
- 2974 => x"00002e6c",
- 2975 => x"00002e74",
- 2976 => x"00002e74",
- 2977 => x"00002e7c",
- 2978 => x"00002e7c",
- 2979 => x"00002e84",
- 2980 => x"00002e84",
- 2981 => x"00002e8c",
- 2982 => x"00002e8c",
- 2983 => x"00002e94",
- 2984 => x"00002e94",
- 2985 => x"00002e9c",
- 2986 => x"00002e9c",
- 2987 => x"00002ea4",
- 2988 => x"00002ea4",
- 2989 => x"00002eac",
- 2990 => x"00002eac",
- 2991 => x"00002eb4",
- 2992 => x"00002eb4",
- 2993 => x"00002ebc",
- 2994 => x"00002ebc",
- 2995 => x"00002ec4",
- 2996 => x"00002ec4",
- 2997 => x"00002ecc",
- 2998 => x"00002ecc",
- 2999 => x"00002ed4",
- 3000 => x"00002ed4",
- 3001 => x"00002edc",
- 3002 => x"00002edc",
- 3003 => x"00002ee4",
- 3004 => x"00002ee4",
- 3005 => x"00002eec",
- 3006 => x"00002eec",
- 3007 => x"00002ef4",
- 3008 => x"00002ef4",
- 3009 => x"00002efc",
- 3010 => x"00002efc",
- 3011 => x"00002f04",
- 3012 => x"00002f04",
- 3013 => x"00002f0c",
- 3014 => x"00002f0c",
- 3015 => x"00002f14",
- 3016 => x"00002f14",
- 3017 => x"00002f1c",
- 3018 => x"00002f1c",
- 3019 => x"00002f24",
- 3020 => x"00002f24",
- 3021 => x"00002f2c",
- 3022 => x"00002f2c",
- 3023 => x"00002f34",
- 3024 => x"00002f34",
- 3025 => x"00002f3c",
- 3026 => x"00002f3c",
- 3027 => x"00002f50",
- 3028 => x"00000000",
- 3029 => x"000031b8",
- 3030 => x"00003214",
- 3031 => x"00003270",
- 3032 => x"00000000",
- 3033 => x"00000000",
- 3034 => x"00000000",
- 3035 => x"00000000",
- 3036 => x"00000000",
- 3037 => x"00000000",
- 3038 => x"00000000",
- 3039 => x"00000000",
- 3040 => x"00000000",
- 3041 => x"00002ad0",
- 3042 => x"00000000",
- 3043 => x"00000000",
- 3044 => x"00000000",
- 3045 => x"00000000",
- 3046 => x"00000000",
- 3047 => x"00000000",
- 3048 => x"00000000",
- 3049 => x"00000000",
- 3050 => x"00000000",
- 3051 => x"00000000",
- 3052 => x"00000000",
- 3053 => x"00000000",
- 3054 => x"00000000",
- 3055 => x"00000000",
- 3056 => x"00000000",
- 3057 => x"00000000",
- 3058 => x"00000000",
- 3059 => x"00000000",
- 3060 => x"00000000",
- 3061 => x"00000000",
- 3062 => x"00000000",
- 3063 => x"00000000",
- 3064 => x"00000000",
- 3065 => x"00000000",
- 3066 => x"00000000",
- 3067 => x"00000000",
- 3068 => x"00000000",
- 3069 => x"00000000",
- 3070 => x"00000001",
- 3071 => x"330eabcd",
- 3072 => x"1234e66d",
- 3073 => x"deec0005",
- 3074 => x"000b0000",
- 3075 => x"00000000",
- 3076 => x"00000000",
- 3077 => x"00000000",
- 3078 => x"00000000",
- 3079 => x"00000000",
- 3080 => x"00000000",
- 3081 => x"00000000",
- 3082 => x"00000000",
- 3083 => x"00000000",
- 3084 => x"00000000",
- 3085 => x"00000000",
- 3086 => x"00000000",
- 3087 => x"00000000",
- 3088 => x"00000000",
- 3089 => x"00000000",
- 3090 => x"00000000",
- 3091 => x"00000000",
- 3092 => x"00000000",
- 3093 => x"00000000",
- 3094 => x"00000000",
- 3095 => x"00000000",
- 3096 => x"00000000",
- 3097 => x"00000000",
- 3098 => x"00000000",
- 3099 => x"00000000",
- 3100 => x"00000000",
- 3101 => x"00000000",
- 3102 => x"00000000",
- 3103 => x"00000000",
- 3104 => x"00000000",
- 3105 => x"00000000",
- 3106 => x"00000000",
- 3107 => x"00000000",
- 3108 => x"00000000",
- 3109 => x"00000000",
- 3110 => x"00000000",
- 3111 => x"00000000",
- 3112 => x"00000000",
- 3113 => x"00000000",
- 3114 => x"00000000",
- 3115 => x"00000000",
- 3116 => x"00000000",
- 3117 => x"00000000",
- 3118 => x"00000000",
- 3119 => x"00000000",
- 3120 => x"00000000",
- 3121 => x"00000000",
- 3122 => x"00000000",
- 3123 => x"00000000",
- 3124 => x"00000000",
- 3125 => x"00000000",
- 3126 => x"00000000",
- 3127 => x"00000000",
- 3128 => x"00000000",
- 3129 => x"00000000",
- 3130 => x"00000000",
- 3131 => x"00000000",
- 3132 => x"00000000",
- 3133 => x"00000000",
- 3134 => x"00000000",
- 3135 => x"00000000",
- 3136 => x"00000000",
- 3137 => x"00000000",
- 3138 => x"00000000",
- 3139 => x"00000000",
- 3140 => x"00000000",
- 3141 => x"00000000",
- 3142 => x"00000000",
- 3143 => x"00000000",
- 3144 => x"00000000",
- 3145 => x"00000000",
- 3146 => x"00000000",
- 3147 => x"00000000",
- 3148 => x"00000000",
- 3149 => x"00000000",
- 3150 => x"00000000",
- 3151 => x"00000000",
- 3152 => x"00000000",
- 3153 => x"00000000",
- 3154 => x"00000000",
- 3155 => x"00000000",
- 3156 => x"00000000",
- 3157 => x"00000000",
- 3158 => x"00000000",
- 3159 => x"00000000",
- 3160 => x"00000000",
- 3161 => x"00000000",
- 3162 => x"00000000",
- 3163 => x"00000000",
- 3164 => x"00000000",
- 3165 => x"00000000",
- 3166 => x"00000000",
- 3167 => x"00000000",
- 3168 => x"00000000",
- 3169 => x"00000000",
- 3170 => x"00000000",
- 3171 => x"00000000",
- 3172 => x"00000000",
- 3173 => x"00000000",
- 3174 => x"00000000",
- 3175 => x"00000000",
- 3176 => x"00000000",
- 3177 => x"00000000",
- 3178 => x"00000000",
- 3179 => x"00000000",
- 3180 => x"00000000",
- 3181 => x"00000000",
- 3182 => x"00000000",
- 3183 => x"00000000",
- 3184 => x"00000000",
- 3185 => x"00000000",
- 3186 => x"00000000",
- 3187 => x"00000000",
- 3188 => x"00000000",
- 3189 => x"00000000",
- 3190 => x"00000000",
- 3191 => x"00000000",
- 3192 => x"00000000",
- 3193 => x"00000000",
- 3194 => x"00000000",
- 3195 => x"00000000",
- 3196 => x"00000000",
- 3197 => x"00000000",
- 3198 => x"00000000",
- 3199 => x"00000000",
- 3200 => x"00000000",
- 3201 => x"00000000",
- 3202 => x"00000000",
- 3203 => x"00000000",
- 3204 => x"00000000",
- 3205 => x"00000000",
- 3206 => x"00000000",
- 3207 => x"00000000",
- 3208 => x"00000000",
- 3209 => x"00000000",
- 3210 => x"00000000",
- 3211 => x"00000000",
- 3212 => x"00000000",
- 3213 => x"00000000",
- 3214 => x"00000000",
- 3215 => x"00000000",
- 3216 => x"00000000",
- 3217 => x"00000000",
- 3218 => x"00000000",
- 3219 => x"00000000",
- 3220 => x"00000000",
- 3221 => x"00000000",
- 3222 => x"00000000",
- 3223 => x"00000000",
- 3224 => x"00000000",
- 3225 => x"00000000",
- 3226 => x"00000000",
- 3227 => x"00000000",
- 3228 => x"00000000",
- 3229 => x"00000000",
- 3230 => x"00000000",
- 3231 => x"00000000",
- 3232 => x"00000000",
- 3233 => x"00000000",
- 3234 => x"00000000",
- 3235 => x"00000000",
- 3236 => x"00000000",
- 3237 => x"00000000",
- 3238 => x"00000000",
- 3239 => x"00000000",
- 3240 => x"00000000",
- 3241 => x"00000000",
- 3242 => x"00000000",
- 3243 => x"00000000",
- 3244 => x"00000000",
- 3245 => x"00000000",
- 3246 => x"00000000",
- 3247 => x"00000000",
- 3248 => x"00000000",
- 3249 => x"00000000",
- 3250 => x"00000000",
- 3251 => x"00002ad4",
- 3252 => x"ffffffff",
- 3253 => x"00000000",
- 3254 => x"ffffffff",
- 3255 => x"00000000",
- 3256 => x"00000000",
- others => x"00000000"
-process (clk)
- if (clk'event and clk = '1') then
- if (memAWriteEnable = '1') and (memBWriteEnable = '1') and (memAAddr=memBAddr) and (memAWrite/=memBWrite) then
- report "write collision" severity failure;
- end if;
- if (memAWriteEnable = '1') then
- ram(to_integer(unsigned(memAAddr))) := memAWrite;
- memARead <= memAWrite;
- else
- memARead <= ram(to_integer(unsigned(memAAddr)));
- end if;
- end if;
-end process;
-process (clk)
- if (clk'event and clk = '1') then
- if (memBWriteEnable = '1') then
- ram(to_integer(unsigned(memBAddr))) := memBWrite;
- memBRead <= memBWrite;
- else
- memBRead <= ram(to_integer(unsigned(memBAddr)));
- end if;
- end if;
-end process;
-end dualport_ram_arch;
+-- ZPU +-- +-- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com +-- +-- The FreeBSD license +-- +-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions +-- are met: +-- +-- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +-- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +-- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +-- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +-- provided with the distribution. +-- +-- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE ZPU PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY +-- EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +-- THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A +-- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +-- ZPU PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, +-- INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +-- (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS +-- OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) +-- HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, +-- STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) +-- ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF +-- ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +-- +-- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation +-- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing +-- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project. + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.numeric_std.all; + + +library work; +use work.zpu_config.all; +use work.zpupkg.all; + +entity dualport_ram is +port (clk : in std_logic; + memAWriteEnable : in std_logic; + memAAddr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitBRAM downto minAddrBit); + memAWrite : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + memARead : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + memBWriteEnable : in std_logic; + memBAddr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitBRAM downto minAddrBit); + memBWrite : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + memBRead : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0)); +end dualport_ram; + +architecture dualport_ram_arch of dualport_ram is + + +type ram_type is array(natural range 0 to ((2**(maxAddrBitBRAM+1))/4)-1) of std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + +shared variable ram : ram_type := +( + 0 => x"0b0b0b0b", + 1 => x"82700b0b", + 2 => x"80d5f40c", + 3 => x"3a0b0b80", + 4 => x"c4fb0400", + 5 => x"00000000", + 6 => x"00000000", + 7 => x"00000000", + 8 => x"80088408", + 9 => x"88080b0b", + 10 => x"80c5c22d", + 11 => x"880c840c", + 12 => x"800c0400", + 13 => x"00000000", + 14 => x"00000000", + 15 => x"00000000", + 16 => x"71fd0608", + 17 => x"72830609", + 18 => x"81058205", + 19 => x"832b2a83", + 20 => x"ffff0652", + 21 => x"04000000", + 22 => x"00000000", + 23 => x"00000000", + 24 => x"71fd0608", + 25 => x"83ffff73", + 26 => x"83060981", + 27 => x"05820583", + 28 => x"2b2b0906", + 29 => x"7383ffff", + 30 => x"0b0b0b0b", + 31 => x"83a70400", + 32 => x"72098105", + 33 => x"72057373", + 34 => x"09060906", + 35 => x"73097306", + 36 => x"070a8106", + 37 => x"53510400", + 38 => x"00000000", + 39 => x"00000000", + 40 => x"72722473", + 41 => x"732e0753", + 42 => x"51040000", + 43 => x"00000000", + 44 => x"00000000", + 45 => x"00000000", + 46 => x"00000000", + 47 => x"00000000", + 48 => x"71737109", + 49 => x"71068106", + 50 => x"30720a10", + 51 => x"0a720a10", + 52 => x"0a31050a", + 53 => x"81065151", + 54 => x"53510400", + 55 => x"00000000", + 56 => x"72722673", + 57 => x"732e0753", + 58 => x"51040000", + 59 => x"00000000", + 60 => x"00000000", + 61 => x"00000000", + 62 => x"00000000", + 63 => x"00000000", + 64 => x"00000000", + 65 => x"00000000", + 66 => x"00000000", + 67 => x"00000000", + 68 => x"00000000", + 69 => x"00000000", + 70 => x"00000000", + 71 => x"00000000", + 72 => x"0b0b0b88", + 73 => x"c3040000", + 74 => x"00000000", + 75 => x"00000000", + 76 => x"00000000", + 77 => x"00000000", + 78 => x"00000000", + 79 => x"00000000", + 80 => x"720a722b", + 81 => x"0a535104", + 82 => x"00000000", + 83 => x"00000000", + 84 => x"00000000", + 85 => x"00000000", + 86 => x"00000000", + 87 => x"00000000", + 88 => x"72729f06", + 89 => x"0981050b", + 90 => x"0b0b88a6", + 91 => x"05040000", + 92 => x"00000000", + 93 => x"00000000", + 94 => x"00000000", + 95 => x"00000000", + 96 => x"72722aff", + 97 => x"739f062a", + 98 => x"0974090a", + 99 => x"8106ff05", + 100 => x"06075351", + 101 => x"04000000", + 102 => x"00000000", + 103 => x"00000000", + 104 => x"71715351", + 105 => x"020d0406", + 106 => x"73830609", + 107 => x"81058205", + 108 => x"832b0b2b", + 109 => x"0772fc06", + 110 => x"0c515104", + 111 => x"00000000", + 112 => x"72098105", + 113 => x"72050970", + 114 => x"81050906", + 115 => x"0a810653", + 116 => x"51040000", + 117 => x"00000000", + 118 => x"00000000", + 119 => x"00000000", + 120 => x"72098105", + 121 => x"72050970", + 122 => x"81050906", + 123 => x"0a098106", + 124 => x"53510400", + 125 => x"00000000", + 126 => x"00000000", + 127 => x"00000000", + 128 => x"71098105", + 129 => x"52040000", + 130 => x"00000000", + 131 => x"00000000", + 132 => x"00000000", + 133 => x"00000000", + 134 => x"00000000", + 135 => x"00000000", + 136 => x"72720981", + 137 => x"05055351", + 138 => x"04000000", + 139 => x"00000000", + 140 => x"00000000", + 141 => x"00000000", + 142 => x"00000000", + 143 => x"00000000", + 144 => x"72097206", + 145 => x"73730906", + 146 => x"07535104", + 147 => x"00000000", + 148 => x"00000000", + 149 => x"00000000", + 150 => x"00000000", + 151 => x"00000000", + 152 => x"71fc0608", + 153 => x"72830609", + 154 => x"81058305", + 155 => x"1010102a", + 156 => x"81ff0652", + 157 => x"04000000", + 158 => x"00000000", + 159 => x"00000000", + 160 => x"71fc0608", + 161 => x"0b0b80d5", + 162 => x"e0738306", + 163 => x"10100508", + 164 => x"060b0b0b", + 165 => x"88a90400", + 166 => x"00000000", + 167 => x"00000000", + 168 => x"80088408", + 169 => x"88087575", + 170 => x"0b0b0bad", + 171 => x"aa2d5050", + 172 => x"80085688", + 173 => x"0c840c80", + 174 => x"0c510400", + 175 => x"00000000", + 176 => x"80088408", + 177 => x"88087575", + 178 => x"0b0b0bad", + 179 => x"ee2d5050", + 180 => x"80085688", + 181 => x"0c840c80", + 182 => x"0c510400", + 183 => x"00000000", + 184 => x"72097081", + 185 => x"0509060a", + 186 => x"8106ff05", + 187 => x"70547106", + 188 => x"73097274", + 189 => x"05ff0506", + 190 => x"07515151", + 191 => x"04000000", + 192 => x"72097081", + 193 => x"0509060a", + 194 => x"098106ff", + 195 => x"05705471", + 196 => x"06730972", + 197 => x"7405ff05", + 198 => x"06075151", + 199 => x"51040000", + 200 => x"05ff0504", + 201 => x"00000000", + 202 => x"00000000", + 203 => x"00000000", + 204 => x"00000000", + 205 => x"00000000", + 206 => x"00000000", + 207 => x"00000000", + 208 => x"810b0b0b", + 209 => x"80d5f00c", + 210 => x"51040000", + 211 => x"00000000", + 212 => x"00000000", + 213 => x"00000000", + 214 => x"00000000", + 215 => x"00000000", + 216 => x"71810552", + 217 => x"04000000", + 218 => x"00000000", + 219 => x"00000000", + 220 => x"00000000", + 221 => x"00000000", + 222 => x"00000000", + 223 => x"00000000", + 224 => x"00000000", + 225 => x"00000000", + 226 => x"00000000", + 227 => x"00000000", + 228 => x"00000000", + 229 => x"00000000", + 230 => x"00000000", + 231 => x"00000000", + 232 => x"02840572", + 233 => x"10100552", + 234 => x"04000000", + 235 => x"00000000", + 236 => x"00000000", + 237 => x"00000000", + 238 => x"00000000", + 239 => x"00000000", + 240 => x"00000000", + 241 => x"00000000", + 242 => x"00000000", + 243 => x"00000000", + 244 => x"00000000", + 245 => x"00000000", + 246 => x"00000000", + 247 => x"00000000", + 248 => x"717105ff", + 249 => x"05715351", + 250 => x"020d0400", + 251 => x"00000000", + 252 => x"00000000", + 253 => x"00000000", + 254 => x"00000000", + 255 => x"00000000", + 256 => x"82fd3fbf", + 257 => x"a03f0410", + 258 => x"10101010", + 259 => x"10101010", + 260 => x"10101010", + 261 => x"10101010", + 262 => x"10101010", + 263 => x"10101010", + 264 => x"10101010", + 265 => x"10105351", + 266 => x"047381ff", + 267 => x"06738306", + 268 => x"09810583", + 269 => x"05101010", + 270 => x"2b0772fc", + 271 => x"060c5151", + 272 => x"043c0472", + 273 => x"72807281", + 274 => x"06ff0509", + 275 => x"72060571", + 276 => x"1052720a", + 277 => x"100a5372", + 278 => x"ed385151", + 279 => x"535104ff", + 280 => x"3d0d0b0b", + 281 => x"80e5e408", + 282 => x"52710870", + 283 => x"882a8132", + 284 => x"70810651", + 285 => x"515170f1", + 286 => x"3873720c", + 287 => x"833d0d04", + 288 => x"80d5f008", + 289 => x"802ea438", + 290 => x"80d5f408", + 291 => x"822ebd38", + 292 => x"8380800b", + 293 => x"0b0b80e5", + 294 => x"e40c82a0", + 295 => x"800b80e5", + 296 => x"e80c8290", + 297 => x"800b80e5", + 298 => x"ec0c04f8", + 299 => x"808080a4", + 300 => x"0b0b0b80", + 301 => x"e5e40cf8", + 302 => x"80808280", + 303 => x"0b80e5e8", + 304 => x"0cf88080", + 305 => x"84800b80", + 306 => x"e5ec0c04", + 307 => x"80c0a880", + 308 => x"8c0b0b0b", + 309 => x"80e5e40c", + 310 => x"80c0a880", + 311 => x"940b80e5", + 312 => x"e80c0b0b", + 313 => x"80c7d00b", + 314 => x"80e5ec0c", + 315 => x"04f23d0d", + 316 => x"6080e5e8", + 317 => x"08565d82", + 318 => x"750c8059", + 319 => x"805a800b", + 320 => x"8f3d5d5b", + 321 => x"7a101015", + 322 => x"70087108", + 323 => x"719f2c7e", + 324 => x"852b5855", + 325 => x"557d5359", + 326 => x"5799993f", + 327 => x"7d7f7a72", + 328 => x"077c7207", + 329 => x"71716081", + 330 => x"05415f5d", + 331 => x"5b595755", + 332 => x"817b278f", + 333 => x"38767d0c", + 334 => x"77841e0c", + 335 => x"7c800c90", + 336 => x"3d0d0480", + 337 => x"e5e80855", + 338 => x"ffba3970", + 339 => x"7080e5f0", + 340 => x"335170a7", + 341 => x"3880d5fc", + 342 => x"08700852", + 343 => x"5270802e", + 344 => x"94388412", + 345 => x"80d5fc0c", + 346 => x"702d80d5", + 347 => x"fc087008", + 348 => x"525270ee", + 349 => x"38810b80", + 350 => x"e5f03450", + 351 => x"50040470", + 352 => x"0b0b80e5", + 353 => x"e008802e", + 354 => x"8e380b0b", + 355 => x"0b0b800b", + 356 => x"802e0981", + 357 => x"06833850", + 358 => x"040b0b80", + 359 => x"e5e0510b", + 360 => x"0b0bf4dc", + 361 => x"3f500404", + 362 => x"ff3d0d02", + 363 => x"8f053352", + 364 => x"718a2e8a", + 365 => x"387151fd", + 366 => x"a63f833d", + 367 => x"0d048d51", + 368 => x"fd9d3f71", + 369 => x"51fd983f", + 370 => x"833d0d04", + 371 => x"ce3d0db5", + 372 => x"3d707084", + 373 => x"0552088b", + 374 => x"a85c56a5", + 375 => x"3d5e5c80", + 376 => x"75708105", + 377 => x"5733765b", + 378 => x"55587378", + 379 => x"2e80c138", + 380 => x"8e3d5b73", + 381 => x"a52e0981", + 382 => x"0680c538", + 383 => x"78708105", + 384 => x"5a335473", + 385 => x"80e42e81", + 386 => x"b6387380", + 387 => x"e42480c6", + 388 => x"387380e3", + 389 => x"2ea13880", + 390 => x"52a55179", + 391 => x"2d805273", + 392 => x"51792d82", + 393 => x"18587870", + 394 => x"81055a33", + 395 => x"5473c438", + 396 => x"77800cb4", + 397 => x"3d0d047b", + 398 => x"841d8312", + 399 => x"33565d57", + 400 => x"80527351", + 401 => x"792d8118", + 402 => x"79708105", + 403 => x"5b335558", + 404 => x"73ffa038", + 405 => x"db397380", + 406 => x"f32e0981", + 407 => x"06ffb838", + 408 => x"7b841d71", + 409 => x"08595d56", + 410 => x"80773355", + 411 => x"5673762e", + 412 => x"8d388116", + 413 => x"70187033", + 414 => x"57555674", + 415 => x"f538ff16", + 416 => x"55807625", + 417 => x"ffa03876", + 418 => x"70810558", + 419 => x"33548052", + 420 => x"7351792d", + 421 => x"811875ff", + 422 => x"17575758", + 423 => x"807625ff", + 424 => x"85387670", + 425 => x"81055833", + 426 => x"54805273", + 427 => x"51792d81", + 428 => x"1875ff17", + 429 => x"57575875", + 430 => x"8024cc38", + 431 => x"fee8397b", + 432 => x"841d7108", + 433 => x"70719f2c", + 434 => x"5953595d", + 435 => x"56807524", + 436 => x"81913875", + 437 => x"7d7c5856", + 438 => x"54805773", + 439 => x"772e0981", + 440 => x"06b638b0", + 441 => x"7b3402b5", + 442 => x"05567a76", + 443 => x"2e9738ff", + 444 => x"16567533", + 445 => x"75708105", + 446 => x"57348117", + 447 => x"577a762e", + 448 => x"098106eb", + 449 => x"38807534", + 450 => x"767dff12", + 451 => x"57585675", + 452 => x"8024fef3", + 453 => x"38fe8f39", + 454 => x"8a527351", + 455 => x"9fd03f80", + 456 => x"0880c7d4", + 457 => x"05337670", + 458 => x"81055834", + 459 => x"8a527351", + 460 => x"9ef83f80", + 461 => x"08548008", + 462 => x"802effae", + 463 => x"388a5273", + 464 => x"519fab3f", + 465 => x"800880c7", + 466 => x"d4053376", + 467 => x"70810558", + 468 => x"348a5273", + 469 => x"519ed33f", + 470 => x"80085480", + 471 => x"08ffb938", + 472 => x"ff883974", + 473 => x"527653b4", + 474 => x"3dffb805", + 475 => x"51949a3f", + 476 => x"a33d0856", + 477 => x"fedd3980", + 478 => x"3d0d80c1", + 479 => x"0b81b4bc", + 480 => x"34800b81", + 481 => x"b6980c70", + 482 => x"800c823d", + 483 => x"0d04ff3d", + 484 => x"0d800b81", + 485 => x"b4bc3352", + 486 => x"527080c1", + 487 => x"2e993871", + 488 => x"81b69808", + 489 => x"0781b698", + 490 => x"0c80c20b", + 491 => x"81b4c034", + 492 => x"70800c83", + 493 => x"3d0d0481", + 494 => x"0b81b698", + 495 => x"080781b6", + 496 => x"980c80c2", + 497 => x"0b81b4c0", + 498 => x"3470800c", + 499 => x"833d0d04", + 500 => x"fd3d0d75", + 501 => x"70088a05", + 502 => x"535381b4", + 503 => x"bc335170", + 504 => x"80c12e8b", + 505 => x"3873f338", + 506 => x"70800c85", + 507 => x"3d0d04ff", + 508 => x"127081b4", + 509 => x"b8083174", + 510 => x"0c800c85", + 511 => x"3d0d04fc", + 512 => x"3d0d81b4", + 513 => x"c4085574", + 514 => x"802e8c38", + 515 => x"76750871", + 516 => x"0c81b4c4", + 517 => x"0856548c", + 518 => x"155381b4", + 519 => x"b808528a", + 520 => x"518fd43f", + 521 => x"73800c86", + 522 => x"3d0d04fb", + 523 => x"3d0d7770", + 524 => x"085656b0", + 525 => x"5381b4c4", + 526 => x"08527451", + 527 => x"ab943f85", + 528 => x"0b8c170c", + 529 => x"850b8c16", + 530 => x"0c750875", + 531 => x"0c81b4c4", + 532 => x"08547380", + 533 => x"2e8a3873", + 534 => x"08750c81", + 535 => x"b4c40854", + 536 => x"8c145381", + 537 => x"b4b80852", + 538 => x"8a518f8b", + 539 => x"3f841508", + 540 => x"ad38860b", + 541 => x"8c160c88", + 542 => x"15528816", + 543 => x"08518e97", + 544 => x"3f81b4c4", + 545 => x"08700876", + 546 => x"0c548c15", + 547 => x"7054548a", + 548 => x"52730851", + 549 => x"8ee13f73", + 550 => x"800c873d", + 551 => x"0d047508", + 552 => x"54b05373", + 553 => x"527551aa", + 554 => x"a93f7380", + 555 => x"0c873d0d", + 556 => x"04d93d0d", + 557 => x"b0519dcf", + 558 => x"3f800881", + 559 => x"b4b40cb0", + 560 => x"519dc43f", + 561 => x"800881b4", + 562 => x"c40c81b4", + 563 => x"b4088008", + 564 => x"0c800b80", + 565 => x"0884050c", + 566 => x"820b8008", + 567 => x"88050ca8", + 568 => x"0b80088c", + 569 => x"050c9f53", + 570 => x"80c7e052", + 571 => x"80089005", + 572 => x"51a9df3f", + 573 => x"a13d5e9f", + 574 => x"5380c880", + 575 => x"527d51a9", + 576 => x"d13f8a0b", + 577 => x"80f2f80c", + 578 => x"80d2a451", + 579 => x"f9be3f80", + 580 => x"c8a051f9", + 581 => x"b73f80d2", + 582 => x"a451f9b0", + 583 => x"3f80d684", + 584 => x"08802e89", + 585 => x"d33880c8", + 586 => x"d051f9a0", + 587 => x"3f80d2a4", + 588 => x"51f9993f", + 589 => x"80d68008", + 590 => x"5280c8fc", + 591 => x"51f98d3f", + 592 => x"80e69451", + 593 => x"b2ff3f81", + 594 => x"0b9a3d5e", + 595 => x"5b800b80", + 596 => x"d6800825", + 597 => x"82d43890", + 598 => x"3d5f80c1", + 599 => x"0b81b4bc", + 600 => x"34810b81", + 601 => x"b6980c80", + 602 => x"c20b81b4", + 603 => x"c0348240", + 604 => x"835a9f53", + 605 => x"80c9ac52", + 606 => x"7c51a8d6", + 607 => x"3f814180", + 608 => x"7d537e52", + 609 => x"568e943f", + 610 => x"8008762e", + 611 => x"09810683", + 612 => x"38815675", + 613 => x"81b6980c", + 614 => x"7f705856", + 615 => x"758325a2", + 616 => x"38751010", + 617 => x"16fd0542", + 618 => x"a93dffa4", + 619 => x"05538352", + 620 => x"76518cc3", + 621 => x"3f7f8105", + 622 => x"70417058", + 623 => x"56837624", + 624 => x"e0386154", + 625 => x"755380e6", + 626 => x"9c5281b4", + 627 => x"d0518cb7", + 628 => x"3f81b4c4", + 629 => x"08700858", + 630 => x"58b05377", + 631 => x"527651a7", + 632 => x"f13f850b", + 633 => x"8c190c85", + 634 => x"0b8c180c", + 635 => x"7708770c", + 636 => x"81b4c408", + 637 => x"5675802e", + 638 => x"8a387508", + 639 => x"770c81b4", + 640 => x"c408568c", + 641 => x"165381b4", + 642 => x"b808528a", + 643 => x"518be83f", + 644 => x"84170887", + 645 => x"ea38860b", + 646 => x"8c180c88", + 647 => x"17528818", + 648 => x"08518af3", + 649 => x"3f81b4c4", + 650 => x"08700878", + 651 => x"0c568c17", + 652 => x"7054598a", + 653 => x"52780851", + 654 => x"8bbd3f80", + 655 => x"c10b81b4", + 656 => x"c0335757", + 657 => x"767626a2", + 658 => x"3880c352", + 659 => x"76518ca1", + 660 => x"3f800861", + 661 => x"2e89e438", + 662 => x"81177081", + 663 => x"ff0681b4", + 664 => x"c0335858", + 665 => x"58757727", + 666 => x"e0387960", + 667 => x"29627054", + 668 => x"71535b59", + 669 => x"98b43f80", + 670 => x"0840787a", + 671 => x"31708729", + 672 => x"80083180", + 673 => x"088a0581", + 674 => x"b4bc3381", + 675 => x"b4b8085e", + 676 => x"5b525a56", + 677 => x"7780c12e", + 678 => x"89ce387b", + 679 => x"f738811b", + 680 => x"5b80d680", + 681 => x"087b25fd", + 682 => x"b13881b4", + 683 => x"ac51b095", + 684 => x"3f80c9cc", + 685 => x"51f6953f", + 686 => x"80d2a451", + 687 => x"f68e3f80", + 688 => x"c9dc51f6", + 689 => x"873f80d2", + 690 => x"a451f680", + 691 => x"3f81b4b8", + 692 => x"085280ca", + 693 => x"9451f5f4", + 694 => x"3f855280", + 695 => x"cab051f5", + 696 => x"eb3f81b6", + 697 => x"98085280", + 698 => x"cacc51f5", + 699 => x"df3f8152", + 700 => x"80cab051", + 701 => x"f5d63f81", + 702 => x"b4bc3352", + 703 => x"80cae851", + 704 => x"f5ca3f80", + 705 => x"c15280cb", + 706 => x"8451f5c0", + 707 => x"3f81b4c0", + 708 => x"335280cb", + 709 => x"a051f5b4", + 710 => x"3f80c252", + 711 => x"80cb8451", + 712 => x"f5aa3f81", + 713 => x"b4f00852", + 714 => x"80cbbc51", + 715 => x"f59e3f87", + 716 => x"5280cab0", + 717 => x"51f5953f", + 718 => x"80f2f808", + 719 => x"5280cbd8", + 720 => x"51f5893f", + 721 => x"80cbf451", + 722 => x"f5823f80", + 723 => x"cca051f4", + 724 => x"fb3f81b4", + 725 => x"c4087008", + 726 => x"535a80cc", + 727 => x"ac51f4ec", + 728 => x"3f80ccc8", + 729 => x"51f4e53f", + 730 => x"81b4c408", + 731 => x"84110853", + 732 => x"5680ccfc", + 733 => x"51f4d53f", + 734 => x"805280ca", + 735 => x"b051f4cc", + 736 => x"3f81b4c4", + 737 => x"08881108", + 738 => x"535880cd", + 739 => x"9851f4bc", + 740 => x"3f825280", + 741 => x"cab051f4", + 742 => x"b33f81b4", + 743 => x"c4088c11", + 744 => x"08535780", + 745 => x"cdb451f4", + 746 => x"a33f9152", + 747 => x"80cab051", + 748 => x"f49a3f81", + 749 => x"b4c40890", + 750 => x"055280cd", + 751 => x"d051f48c", + 752 => x"3f80cdec", + 753 => x"51f4853f", + 754 => x"80cea451", + 755 => x"f3fe3f81", + 756 => x"b4b40870", + 757 => x"08535f80", + 758 => x"ccac51f3", + 759 => x"ef3f80ce", + 760 => x"b851f3e8", + 761 => x"3f81b4b4", + 762 => x"08841108", + 763 => x"535b80cc", + 764 => x"fc51f3d8", + 765 => x"3f805280", + 766 => x"cab051f3", + 767 => x"cf3f81b4", + 768 => x"b4088811", + 769 => x"08535c80", + 770 => x"cd9851f3", + 771 => x"bf3f8152", + 772 => x"80cab051", + 773 => x"f3b63f81", + 774 => x"b4b4088c", + 775 => x"1108535a", + 776 => x"80cdb451", + 777 => x"f3a63f92", + 778 => x"5280cab0", + 779 => x"51f39d3f", + 780 => x"81b4b408", + 781 => x"90055280", + 782 => x"cdd051f3", + 783 => x"8f3f80cd", + 784 => x"ec51f388", + 785 => x"3f7f5280", + 786 => x"cef851f2", + 787 => x"ff3f8552", + 788 => x"80cab051", + 789 => x"f2f63f78", + 790 => x"5280cf94", + 791 => x"51f2ed3f", + 792 => x"8d5280ca", + 793 => x"b051f2e4", + 794 => x"3f615280", + 795 => x"cfb051f2", + 796 => x"db3f8752", + 797 => x"80cab051", + 798 => x"f2d23f60", + 799 => x"5280cfcc", + 800 => x"51f2c93f", + 801 => x"815280ca", + 802 => x"b051f2c0", + 803 => x"3f7d5280", + 804 => x"cfe851f2", + 805 => x"b73f80d0", + 806 => x"8451f2b0", + 807 => x"3f7c5280", + 808 => x"d0bc51f2", + 809 => x"a73f80d0", + 810 => x"d851f2a0", + 811 => x"3f80d2a4", + 812 => x"51f2993f", + 813 => x"81b4ac08", + 814 => x"81b4b008", + 815 => x"80e69408", + 816 => x"80e69808", + 817 => x"72713170", + 818 => x"74267574", + 819 => x"31707231", + 820 => x"80e68c0c", + 821 => x"444480e6", + 822 => x"900c80e6", + 823 => x"90085680", + 824 => x"d190555c", + 825 => x"595758f1", + 826 => x"e33f80e6", + 827 => x"8c085680", + 828 => x"762582a3", + 829 => x"3880d680", + 830 => x"0870719f", + 831 => x"2c9a3d53", + 832 => x"565680e6", + 833 => x"8c0880e6", + 834 => x"90084153", + 835 => x"7f547052", + 836 => x"5a89eb3f", + 837 => x"66685f80", + 838 => x"e5fc0c7d", + 839 => x"80e6800c", + 840 => x"80d68008", + 841 => x"709f2c58", + 842 => x"568058bd", + 843 => x"84c07855", + 844 => x"55765275", + 845 => x"53795187", + 846 => x"d13f953d", + 847 => x"80e68c08", + 848 => x"80e69008", + 849 => x"41557f56", + 850 => x"67694053", + 851 => x"7e547052", + 852 => x"5c89ab3f", + 853 => x"64665e80", + 854 => x"e6840c7c", + 855 => x"80e6880c", + 856 => x"80d68008", + 857 => x"709f2c40", + 858 => x"58805783", + 859 => x"dceb9480", + 860 => x"7755557e", + 861 => x"5277537b", + 862 => x"51878f3f", + 863 => x"64665d5b", + 864 => x"805e8ddd", + 865 => x"7e555580", + 866 => x"e68c0880", + 867 => x"e6900859", + 868 => x"52775379", + 869 => x"5186f33f", + 870 => x"66684054", + 871 => x"7e557a52", + 872 => x"7b53a93d", + 873 => x"ffa80551", + 874 => x"88d43f62", + 875 => x"645e81b4", + 876 => x"c80c7c81", + 877 => x"b4cc0c80", + 878 => x"d1a051f0", + 879 => x"8f3f80e6", + 880 => x"80085280", + 881 => x"d1d051f0", + 882 => x"833f80d1", + 883 => x"d851effc", + 884 => x"3f80e688", + 885 => x"085280d1", + 886 => x"d051eff0", + 887 => x"3f81b4cc", + 888 => x"085280d2", + 889 => x"8851efe4", + 890 => x"3f80d2a4", + 891 => x"51efdd3f", + 892 => x"800b800c", + 893 => x"a93d0d04", + 894 => x"80d2a851", + 895 => x"f6ac3977", + 896 => x"0857b053", + 897 => x"76527751", + 898 => x"9fc83f80", + 899 => x"c10b81b4", + 900 => x"c0335757", + 901 => x"f8ae3975", + 902 => x"8a3880e6", + 903 => x"90088126", + 904 => x"fdd33880", + 905 => x"d2d851ef", + 906 => x"a33f80d3", + 907 => x"9051ef9c", + 908 => x"3f80d2a4", + 909 => x"51ef953f", + 910 => x"80d68008", + 911 => x"70719f2c", + 912 => x"9a3d5356", + 913 => x"5680e68c", + 914 => x"0880e690", + 915 => x"0841537f", + 916 => x"5470525a", + 917 => x"87a83f66", + 918 => x"685f80e5", + 919 => x"fc0c7d80", + 920 => x"e6800c80", + 921 => x"d6800870", + 922 => x"9f2c5856", + 923 => x"8058bd84", + 924 => x"c0785555", + 925 => x"76527553", + 926 => x"7951858e", + 927 => x"3f953d80", + 928 => x"e68c0880", + 929 => x"e6900841", + 930 => x"557f5667", + 931 => x"6940537e", + 932 => x"5470525c", + 933 => x"86e83f64", + 934 => x"665e80e6", + 935 => x"840c7c80", + 936 => x"e6880c80", + 937 => x"d6800870", + 938 => x"9f2c4058", + 939 => x"805783dc", + 940 => x"eb948077", + 941 => x"55557e52", + 942 => x"77537b51", + 943 => x"84cc3f64", + 944 => x"665d5b80", + 945 => x"5e8ddd7e", + 946 => x"555580e6", + 947 => x"8c0880e6", + 948 => x"90085952", + 949 => x"77537951", + 950 => x"84b03f66", + 951 => x"6840547e", + 952 => x"557a527b", + 953 => x"53a93dff", + 954 => x"a8055186", + 955 => x"913f6264", + 956 => x"5e81b4c8", + 957 => x"0c7c81b4", + 958 => x"cc0c80d1", + 959 => x"a051edcc", + 960 => x"3f80e680", + 961 => x"085280d1", + 962 => x"d051edc0", + 963 => x"3f80d1d8", + 964 => x"51edb93f", + 965 => x"80e68808", + 966 => x"5280d1d0", + 967 => x"51edad3f", + 968 => x"81b4cc08", + 969 => x"5280d288", + 970 => x"51eda13f", + 971 => x"80d2a451", + 972 => x"ed9a3f80", + 973 => x"0b800ca9", + 974 => x"3d0d04a9", + 975 => x"3dffa005", + 976 => x"52805180", + 977 => x"d23f9f53", + 978 => x"80d3b052", + 979 => x"7c519d82", + 980 => x"3f7a7b81", + 981 => x"b4b80c81", + 982 => x"187081ff", + 983 => x"0681b4c0", + 984 => x"33595959", + 985 => x"5af5fe39", + 986 => x"ff16707b", + 987 => x"31600c5c", + 988 => x"800b811c", + 989 => x"5c5c80d6", + 990 => x"80087b25", + 991 => x"f3dc38f6", + 992 => x"a939ff3d", + 993 => x"0d738232", + 994 => x"70307072", + 995 => x"07802580", + 996 => x"0c525283", + 997 => x"3d0d04fe", + 998 => x"3d0d7476", + 999 => x"71535452", + 1000 => x"71822e83", + 1001 => x"38835171", + 1002 => x"812e9a38", + 1003 => x"8172269f", + 1004 => x"3871822e", + 1005 => x"b8387184", + 1006 => x"2ea93870", + 1007 => x"730c7080", + 1008 => x"0c843d0d", + 1009 => x"0480e40b", + 1010 => x"81b4b808", + 1011 => x"258b3880", + 1012 => x"730c7080", + 1013 => x"0c843d0d", + 1014 => x"0483730c", + 1015 => x"70800c84", + 1016 => x"3d0d0482", + 1017 => x"730c7080", + 1018 => x"0c843d0d", + 1019 => x"0481730c", + 1020 => x"70800c84", + 1021 => x"3d0d0480", + 1022 => x"3d0d7474", + 1023 => x"14820571", + 1024 => x"0c800c82", + 1025 => x"3d0d04f7", + 1026 => x"3d0d7b7d", + 1027 => x"7f618512", + 1028 => x"70822b75", + 1029 => x"11707471", + 1030 => x"70840553", + 1031 => x"0c5a5a5d", + 1032 => x"5b760c79", + 1033 => x"80f8180c", + 1034 => x"79861252", + 1035 => x"57585a5a", + 1036 => x"76762499", + 1037 => x"3876b329", + 1038 => x"822b7911", + 1039 => x"51537673", + 1040 => x"70840555", + 1041 => x"0c811454", + 1042 => x"757425f2", + 1043 => x"387681cc", + 1044 => x"2919fc11", + 1045 => x"088105fc", + 1046 => x"120c7a19", + 1047 => x"70089fa0", + 1048 => x"130c5856", + 1049 => x"850b81b4", + 1050 => x"b80c7580", + 1051 => x"0c8b3d0d", + 1052 => x"04fe3d0d", + 1053 => x"02930533", + 1054 => x"51800284", + 1055 => x"05970533", + 1056 => x"54527073", + 1057 => x"2e883871", + 1058 => x"800c843d", + 1059 => x"0d047081", + 1060 => x"b4bc3481", + 1061 => x"0b800c84", + 1062 => x"3d0d04f8", + 1063 => x"3d0d7a7c", + 1064 => x"5956820b", + 1065 => x"83195555", + 1066 => x"74167033", + 1067 => x"75335b51", + 1068 => x"5372792e", + 1069 => x"80c63880", + 1070 => x"c10b8116", + 1071 => x"81165656", + 1072 => x"57827525", + 1073 => x"e338ffa9", + 1074 => x"177081ff", + 1075 => x"06555973", + 1076 => x"82268338", + 1077 => x"87558153", + 1078 => x"7680d22e", + 1079 => x"98387752", + 1080 => x"75519bc3", + 1081 => x"3f805372", + 1082 => x"80082589", + 1083 => x"38871581", + 1084 => x"b4b80c81", + 1085 => x"5372800c", + 1086 => x"8a3d0d04", + 1087 => x"7281b4bc", + 1088 => x"34827525", + 1089 => x"ffa238ff", + 1090 => x"bd39ef3d", + 1091 => x"0d636567", + 1092 => x"5b427943", + 1093 => x"67695940", + 1094 => x"77415a80", + 1095 => x"5d805e61", + 1096 => x"7083ffff", + 1097 => x"0671902a", + 1098 => x"627083ff", + 1099 => x"ff067190", + 1100 => x"2a747229", + 1101 => x"74732975", + 1102 => x"73297774", + 1103 => x"2973902a", + 1104 => x"05721151", + 1105 => x"5856535f", + 1106 => x"5a575a58", + 1107 => x"55587373", + 1108 => x"27863884", + 1109 => x"80801656", + 1110 => x"73902a16", + 1111 => x"5b7883ff", + 1112 => x"ff067484", + 1113 => x"80802905", + 1114 => x"5c7a7c5a", + 1115 => x"5d785e77", + 1116 => x"7f296178", + 1117 => x"29057d05", + 1118 => x"5d7c7e56", + 1119 => x"7a0c7484", + 1120 => x"1b0c7980", + 1121 => x"0c933d0d", + 1122 => x"04f93d0d", + 1123 => x"797b7d54", + 1124 => x"58725977", + 1125 => x"30797030", + 1126 => x"7072079f", + 1127 => x"2a737131", + 1128 => x"5a525977", + 1129 => x"7956730c", + 1130 => x"53738413", + 1131 => x"0c54800c", + 1132 => x"893d0d04", + 1133 => x"f93d0d79", + 1134 => x"7b7d7f56", + 1135 => x"54525472", + 1136 => x"802ea038", + 1137 => x"70577158", + 1138 => x"a0733152", + 1139 => x"807225a1", + 1140 => x"38777074", + 1141 => x"2b577073", + 1142 => x"2a78752b", + 1143 => x"07565174", + 1144 => x"76535170", + 1145 => x"740c7184", + 1146 => x"150c7380", + 1147 => x"0c893d0d", + 1148 => x"04805677", + 1149 => x"72302b55", + 1150 => x"74765351", + 1151 => x"e639e43d", + 1152 => x"0d6ea13d", + 1153 => x"08a33d08", + 1154 => x"59575f80", + 1155 => x"764d774e", + 1156 => x"a33d08a5", + 1157 => x"3d08574b", + 1158 => x"754c5e7d", + 1159 => x"6c2486fb", + 1160 => x"38806a24", + 1161 => x"878f3869", + 1162 => x"6b58566b", + 1163 => x"6d5d467b", + 1164 => x"47754476", + 1165 => x"45646468", + 1166 => x"685c5c56", + 1167 => x"567481e7", + 1168 => x"38787627", + 1169 => x"82c73875", + 1170 => x"81ff2683", + 1171 => x"2b5583ff", + 1172 => x"ff76278c", + 1173 => x"389055fe", + 1174 => x"800a7627", + 1175 => x"83389855", + 1176 => x"75752a80", + 1177 => x"d3d00570", + 1178 => x"33a07731", + 1179 => x"71315755", + 1180 => x"5774802e", + 1181 => x"95387575", + 1182 => x"2ba07631", + 1183 => x"7a772b7c", + 1184 => x"722a077c", + 1185 => x"782b5d5b", + 1186 => x"59567590", + 1187 => x"2a7683ff", + 1188 => x"ff067154", + 1189 => x"7a535957", + 1190 => x"88803f80", + 1191 => x"085b87ea", + 1192 => x"3f800880", + 1193 => x"0879297c", + 1194 => x"902b7c90", + 1195 => x"2a075656", + 1196 => x"59737527", + 1197 => x"94388008", + 1198 => x"ff057615", + 1199 => x"55597574", + 1200 => x"26873874", + 1201 => x"742687b9", + 1202 => x"38765273", + 1203 => x"75315187", + 1204 => x"c93f8008", + 1205 => x"5587b33f", + 1206 => x"80088008", + 1207 => x"79297b83", + 1208 => x"ffff0677", + 1209 => x"902b0756", + 1210 => x"59577378", + 1211 => x"27963880", + 1212 => x"08ff0576", + 1213 => x"15555775", + 1214 => x"74268938", + 1215 => x"77742677", + 1216 => x"71315856", + 1217 => x"78902b77", + 1218 => x"0758805b", + 1219 => x"7a407741", + 1220 => x"7f615654", + 1221 => x"7d80d938", + 1222 => x"737f0c74", + 1223 => x"7f84050c", + 1224 => x"7e800c9e", + 1225 => x"3d0d0480", + 1226 => x"705c5874", + 1227 => x"7926dd38", + 1228 => x"7481ff26", + 1229 => x"832b5774", + 1230 => x"83ffff26", + 1231 => x"82a53874", + 1232 => x"772a80d3", + 1233 => x"d0057033", + 1234 => x"a0793171", + 1235 => x"31595c5d", + 1236 => x"7682b338", + 1237 => x"76547479", + 1238 => x"27833881", + 1239 => x"54797627", + 1240 => x"74075981", + 1241 => x"5878ffa2", + 1242 => x"38765880", + 1243 => x"5bff9d39", + 1244 => x"73527453", + 1245 => x"9e3de805", + 1246 => x"51fc8e3f", + 1247 => x"6769567f", + 1248 => x"0c747f84", + 1249 => x"050c7e80", + 1250 => x"0c9e3d0d", + 1251 => x"0475802e", + 1252 => x"81c43875", + 1253 => x"81ff2683", + 1254 => x"2b5583ff", + 1255 => x"ff76278c", + 1256 => x"389055fe", + 1257 => x"800a7627", + 1258 => x"83389855", + 1259 => x"75752a80", + 1260 => x"d3d00570", + 1261 => x"33a07731", + 1262 => x"7131575e", + 1263 => x"54748491", + 1264 => x"38787631", + 1265 => x"54817690", + 1266 => x"2a7783ff", + 1267 => x"ff065f5d", + 1268 => x"5b7b5273", + 1269 => x"5185c33f", + 1270 => x"80085785", + 1271 => x"ad3f8008", + 1272 => x"80087e29", + 1273 => x"78902b7c", + 1274 => x"902a0756", + 1275 => x"56597375", + 1276 => x"27943880", + 1277 => x"08ff0576", + 1278 => x"15555975", + 1279 => x"74268738", + 1280 => x"74742684", + 1281 => x"f3387b52", + 1282 => x"73753151", + 1283 => x"858c3f80", + 1284 => x"085584f6", + 1285 => x"3f800880", + 1286 => x"087e297b", + 1287 => x"83ffff06", + 1288 => x"77902b07", + 1289 => x"56595773", + 1290 => x"78279638", + 1291 => x"8008ff05", + 1292 => x"76155557", + 1293 => x"75742689", + 1294 => x"38777426", + 1295 => x"77713158", + 1296 => x"5a78902b", + 1297 => x"77077b41", + 1298 => x"417f6156", + 1299 => x"547d802e", + 1300 => x"fdc638fe", + 1301 => x"9b397552", + 1302 => x"815184ae", + 1303 => x"3f800856", + 1304 => x"feb13990", + 1305 => x"57fe800a", + 1306 => x"7527fdd3", + 1307 => x"38987571", + 1308 => x"2a80d3d0", + 1309 => x"057033a0", + 1310 => x"73317131", + 1311 => x"535d5e57", + 1312 => x"76802efd", + 1313 => x"cf38a077", + 1314 => x"3175782b", + 1315 => x"77722a07", + 1316 => x"77792b7b", + 1317 => x"7a2b7d74", + 1318 => x"2a077d7b", + 1319 => x"2b73902a", + 1320 => x"7483ffff", + 1321 => x"0671597f", + 1322 => x"772a585e", + 1323 => x"5c415f58", + 1324 => x"5c5483e6", + 1325 => x"3f800854", + 1326 => x"83d03f80", + 1327 => x"08800879", + 1328 => x"2975902b", + 1329 => x"7e902a07", + 1330 => x"56565973", + 1331 => x"75279938", + 1332 => x"8008ff05", + 1333 => x"7b155559", + 1334 => x"7a74268c", + 1335 => x"38737527", + 1336 => x"8738ff19", + 1337 => x"7b155559", + 1338 => x"76527375", + 1339 => x"315183aa", + 1340 => x"3f800855", + 1341 => x"83943f80", + 1342 => x"08800879", + 1343 => x"297d83ff", + 1344 => x"ff067790", + 1345 => x"2b075659", + 1346 => x"57737827", + 1347 => x"99388008", + 1348 => x"ff057b15", + 1349 => x"55577a74", + 1350 => x"268c3873", + 1351 => x"78278738", + 1352 => x"ff177b15", + 1353 => x"55577378", + 1354 => x"3179902b", + 1355 => x"78077083", + 1356 => x"ffff0671", + 1357 => x"902a7983", + 1358 => x"ffff067a", + 1359 => x"902a7372", + 1360 => x"29737329", + 1361 => x"74732976", + 1362 => x"74297390", + 1363 => x"2a057205", + 1364 => x"5755435f", + 1365 => x"5b585a57", + 1366 => x"595a747c", + 1367 => x"27863884", + 1368 => x"80801757", + 1369 => x"74902a17", + 1370 => x"7983ffff", + 1371 => x"06768480", + 1372 => x"80290557", + 1373 => x"57767a26", + 1374 => x"9a38767a", + 1375 => x"32703070", + 1376 => x"72078025", + 1377 => x"565a5b7c", + 1378 => x"7627fafe", + 1379 => x"3873802e", + 1380 => x"faf838ff", + 1381 => x"1858805b", + 1382 => x"faf239ff", + 1383 => x"76537754", + 1384 => x"9f3de805", + 1385 => x"525ef7e1", + 1386 => x"3f676957", + 1387 => x"4c754d69", + 1388 => x"8025f8f3", + 1389 => x"387d096a", + 1390 => x"6c5c537a", + 1391 => x"549f3de8", + 1392 => x"05525ef7", + 1393 => x"c43f6769", + 1394 => x"714c704d", + 1395 => x"5856f8db", + 1396 => x"39a07531", + 1397 => x"76762b7a", + 1398 => x"772b7c73", + 1399 => x"2a077c78", + 1400 => x"2b72902a", + 1401 => x"7383ffff", + 1402 => x"0671587e", + 1403 => x"762a5742", + 1404 => x"405d5d57", + 1405 => x"5881a33f", + 1406 => x"80085781", + 1407 => x"8d3f8008", + 1408 => x"80087e29", + 1409 => x"78902b7d", + 1410 => x"902a0756", + 1411 => x"56597375", + 1412 => x"27993880", + 1413 => x"08ff0576", + 1414 => x"15555975", + 1415 => x"74268c38", + 1416 => x"73752787", + 1417 => x"38ff1976", + 1418 => x"1555597b", + 1419 => x"52737531", + 1420 => x"5180e73f", + 1421 => x"80085580", + 1422 => x"d13f8008", + 1423 => x"80087e29", + 1424 => x"7c83ffff", + 1425 => x"06707890", + 1426 => x"2b075156", + 1427 => x"58587377", + 1428 => x"27993880", + 1429 => x"08ff0576", + 1430 => x"15555875", + 1431 => x"74268c38", + 1432 => x"73772787", + 1433 => x"38ff1876", + 1434 => x"15555878", + 1435 => x"902b7807", + 1436 => x"74783155", + 1437 => x"5bfada39", + 1438 => x"ff197615", + 1439 => x"5559fb86", + 1440 => x"39ff1976", + 1441 => x"155559f8", + 1442 => x"c0397070", + 1443 => x"70805375", + 1444 => x"52745181", + 1445 => x"913f5050", + 1446 => x"50047070", + 1447 => x"70815375", + 1448 => x"52745181", + 1449 => x"813f5050", + 1450 => x"5004fb3d", + 1451 => x"0d777955", + 1452 => x"55805675", + 1453 => x"7524ab38", + 1454 => x"8074249d", + 1455 => x"38805373", + 1456 => x"52745180", + 1457 => x"e13f8008", + 1458 => x"5475802e", + 1459 => x"85388008", + 1460 => x"30547380", + 1461 => x"0c873d0d", + 1462 => x"04733076", + 1463 => x"81325754", + 1464 => x"dc397430", + 1465 => x"55815673", + 1466 => x"8025d238", + 1467 => x"ec39fa3d", + 1468 => x"0d787a57", + 1469 => x"55805776", + 1470 => x"7524a438", + 1471 => x"759f2c54", + 1472 => x"81537574", + 1473 => x"32743152", + 1474 => x"74519b3f", + 1475 => x"80085476", + 1476 => x"802e8538", + 1477 => x"80083054", + 1478 => x"73800c88", + 1479 => x"3d0d0474", + 1480 => x"30558157", + 1481 => x"d739fc3d", + 1482 => x"0d767853", + 1483 => x"54815380", + 1484 => x"74732652", + 1485 => x"5572802e", + 1486 => x"98387080", + 1487 => x"2eab3880", + 1488 => x"7224a638", + 1489 => x"71107310", + 1490 => x"75722653", + 1491 => x"545272ea", + 1492 => x"38735178", + 1493 => x"83387451", + 1494 => x"70800c86", + 1495 => x"3d0d0472", + 1496 => x"0a100a72", + 1497 => x"0a100a53", + 1498 => x"5372802e", + 1499 => x"e4387174", + 1500 => x"26ed3873", + 1501 => x"72317574", + 1502 => x"07740a10", + 1503 => x"0a740a10", + 1504 => x"0a555556", + 1505 => x"54e33970", + 1506 => x"70735280", + 1507 => x"decc0851", + 1508 => x"933f5050", + 1509 => x"04707073", + 1510 => x"5280decc", + 1511 => x"085190ce", + 1512 => x"3f505004", + 1513 => x"f43d0d7e", + 1514 => x"608b1170", + 1515 => x"f8065b55", + 1516 => x"555d7296", + 1517 => x"26833890", + 1518 => x"58807824", + 1519 => x"74792607", + 1520 => x"55805474", + 1521 => x"742e0981", + 1522 => x"0680ca38", + 1523 => x"7c518d9e", + 1524 => x"3f7783f7", + 1525 => x"2680c538", + 1526 => x"77832a70", + 1527 => x"10101080", + 1528 => x"d6c4058c", + 1529 => x"11085858", + 1530 => x"5475772e", + 1531 => x"81f03884", + 1532 => x"1608fc06", + 1533 => x"8c170888", + 1534 => x"1808718c", + 1535 => x"120c8812", + 1536 => x"0c5b7605", + 1537 => x"84110881", + 1538 => x"0784120c", + 1539 => x"537c518c", + 1540 => x"de3f8816", + 1541 => x"5473800c", + 1542 => x"8e3d0d04", + 1543 => x"77892a78", + 1544 => x"832a5854", + 1545 => x"73802ebf", + 1546 => x"3877862a", + 1547 => x"b8055784", + 1548 => x"7427b438", + 1549 => x"80db1457", + 1550 => x"947427ab", + 1551 => x"38778c2a", + 1552 => x"80ee0557", + 1553 => x"80d47427", + 1554 => x"9e38778f", + 1555 => x"2a80f705", + 1556 => x"5782d474", + 1557 => x"27913877", + 1558 => x"922a80fc", + 1559 => x"05578ad4", + 1560 => x"74278438", + 1561 => x"80fe5776", + 1562 => x"10101080", + 1563 => x"d6c4058c", + 1564 => x"11085653", + 1565 => x"74732ea3", + 1566 => x"38841508", + 1567 => x"fc067079", + 1568 => x"31555673", + 1569 => x"8f2488e4", + 1570 => x"38738025", + 1571 => x"88e6388c", + 1572 => x"15085574", + 1573 => x"732e0981", + 1574 => x"06df3881", + 1575 => x"175980d6", + 1576 => x"d4085675", + 1577 => x"80d6cc2e", + 1578 => x"82cc3884", + 1579 => x"1608fc06", + 1580 => x"70793155", + 1581 => x"55738f24", + 1582 => x"bb3880d6", + 1583 => x"cc0b80d6", + 1584 => x"d80c80d6", + 1585 => x"cc0b80d6", + 1586 => x"d40c8074", + 1587 => x"2480db38", + 1588 => x"74168411", + 1589 => x"08810784", + 1590 => x"120c53fe", + 1591 => x"b0398816", + 1592 => x"8c110857", + 1593 => x"5975792e", + 1594 => x"098106fe", + 1595 => x"82388214", + 1596 => x"59ffab39", + 1597 => x"77167881", + 1598 => x"0784180c", + 1599 => x"7080d6d8", + 1600 => x"0c7080d6", + 1601 => x"d40c80d6", + 1602 => x"cc0b8c12", + 1603 => x"0c8c1108", + 1604 => x"88120c74", + 1605 => x"81078412", + 1606 => x"0c740574", + 1607 => x"710c5b7c", + 1608 => x"518acc3f", + 1609 => x"881654fd", + 1610 => x"ec3983ff", + 1611 => x"75278391", + 1612 => x"3874892a", + 1613 => x"75832a54", + 1614 => x"5473802e", + 1615 => x"bf387486", + 1616 => x"2ab80553", + 1617 => x"847427b4", + 1618 => x"3880db14", + 1619 => x"53947427", + 1620 => x"ab38748c", + 1621 => x"2a80ee05", + 1622 => x"5380d474", + 1623 => x"279e3874", + 1624 => x"8f2a80f7", + 1625 => x"055382d4", + 1626 => x"74279138", + 1627 => x"74922a80", + 1628 => x"fc05538a", + 1629 => x"d4742784", + 1630 => x"3880fe53", + 1631 => x"72101010", + 1632 => x"80d6c405", + 1633 => x"88110855", + 1634 => x"5773772e", + 1635 => x"868b3884", + 1636 => x"1408fc06", + 1637 => x"5b747b27", + 1638 => x"8d388814", + 1639 => x"08547377", + 1640 => x"2e098106", + 1641 => x"ea388c14", + 1642 => x"0880d6c4", + 1643 => x"0b840508", + 1644 => x"718c190c", + 1645 => x"7588190c", + 1646 => x"7788130c", + 1647 => x"5c57758c", + 1648 => x"150c7853", + 1649 => x"80792483", + 1650 => x"98387282", + 1651 => x"2c81712b", + 1652 => x"5656747b", + 1653 => x"2680ca38", + 1654 => x"7a750657", + 1655 => x"7682a338", + 1656 => x"78fc0684", + 1657 => x"05597410", + 1658 => x"707c0655", + 1659 => x"55738292", + 1660 => x"38841959", + 1661 => x"f13980d6", + 1662 => x"c40b8405", + 1663 => x"0879545b", + 1664 => x"788025c6", + 1665 => x"3882da39", + 1666 => x"74097b06", + 1667 => x"7080d6c4", + 1668 => x"0b84050c", + 1669 => x"5b741055", + 1670 => x"747b2685", + 1671 => x"387485bc", + 1672 => x"3880d6c4", + 1673 => x"0b880508", + 1674 => x"70841208", + 1675 => x"fc06707b", + 1676 => x"317b7226", + 1677 => x"8f722507", + 1678 => x"5d575c5c", + 1679 => x"5578802e", + 1680 => x"80d93879", + 1681 => x"1580d6bc", + 1682 => x"08199011", + 1683 => x"59545680", + 1684 => x"d6b808ff", + 1685 => x"2e8838a0", + 1686 => x"8f13e080", + 1687 => x"06577652", + 1688 => x"7c51888c", + 1689 => x"3f800854", + 1690 => x"8008ff2e", + 1691 => x"90388008", + 1692 => x"762782a7", + 1693 => x"387480d6", + 1694 => x"c42e829f", + 1695 => x"3880d6c4", + 1696 => x"0b880508", + 1697 => x"55841508", + 1698 => x"fc067079", + 1699 => x"31797226", + 1700 => x"8f722507", + 1701 => x"5d555a7a", + 1702 => x"83f23877", + 1703 => x"81078416", + 1704 => x"0c771570", + 1705 => x"80d6c40b", + 1706 => x"88050c74", + 1707 => x"81078412", + 1708 => x"0c567c51", + 1709 => x"87b93f88", + 1710 => x"15547380", + 1711 => x"0c8e3d0d", + 1712 => x"0474832a", + 1713 => x"70545480", + 1714 => x"7424819b", + 1715 => x"3872822c", + 1716 => x"81712b80", + 1717 => x"d6c80807", + 1718 => x"7080d6c4", + 1719 => x"0b84050c", + 1720 => x"75101010", + 1721 => x"80d6c405", + 1722 => x"88110871", + 1723 => x"8c1b0c70", + 1724 => x"881b0c79", + 1725 => x"88130c57", + 1726 => x"555c5575", + 1727 => x"8c150cfd", + 1728 => x"c1397879", + 1729 => x"10101080", + 1730 => x"d6c40570", + 1731 => x"565b5c8c", + 1732 => x"14085675", + 1733 => x"742ea338", + 1734 => x"841608fc", + 1735 => x"06707931", + 1736 => x"5853768f", + 1737 => x"2483f138", + 1738 => x"76802584", + 1739 => x"af388c16", + 1740 => x"08567574", + 1741 => x"2e098106", + 1742 => x"df388814", + 1743 => x"811a7083", + 1744 => x"06555a54", + 1745 => x"72c9387b", + 1746 => x"83065675", + 1747 => x"802efdb8", + 1748 => x"38ff1cf8", + 1749 => x"1b5b5c88", + 1750 => x"1a087a2e", + 1751 => x"ea38fdb5", + 1752 => x"39831953", + 1753 => x"fce43983", + 1754 => x"1470822c", + 1755 => x"81712b80", + 1756 => x"d6c80807", + 1757 => x"7080d6c4", + 1758 => x"0b84050c", + 1759 => x"76101010", + 1760 => x"80d6c405", + 1761 => x"88110871", + 1762 => x"8c1c0c70", + 1763 => x"881c0c7a", + 1764 => x"88130c58", + 1765 => x"535d5653", + 1766 => x"fee13980", + 1767 => x"d6880817", + 1768 => x"59800876", + 1769 => x"2e818b38", + 1770 => x"80d6b808", + 1771 => x"ff2e848e", + 1772 => x"38737631", + 1773 => x"1980d688", + 1774 => x"0c738706", + 1775 => x"70565372", + 1776 => x"802e8838", + 1777 => x"88733170", + 1778 => x"15555576", + 1779 => x"149fff06", + 1780 => x"a0807131", + 1781 => x"1670547e", + 1782 => x"53515385", + 1783 => x"933f8008", + 1784 => x"568008ff", + 1785 => x"2e819e38", + 1786 => x"80d68808", + 1787 => x"137080d6", + 1788 => x"880c7475", + 1789 => x"80d6c40b", + 1790 => x"88050c77", + 1791 => x"76311581", + 1792 => x"07555659", + 1793 => x"7a80d6c4", + 1794 => x"2e83c038", + 1795 => x"798f2682", + 1796 => x"ef38810b", + 1797 => x"84150c84", + 1798 => x"1508fc06", + 1799 => x"70793179", + 1800 => x"72268f72", + 1801 => x"25075d55", + 1802 => x"5a7a802e", + 1803 => x"fced3880", + 1804 => x"db398008", + 1805 => x"9fff0655", + 1806 => x"74feed38", + 1807 => x"7880d688", + 1808 => x"0c80d6c4", + 1809 => x"0b880508", + 1810 => x"7a188107", + 1811 => x"84120c55", + 1812 => x"80d6b408", + 1813 => x"79278638", + 1814 => x"7880d6b4", + 1815 => x"0c80d6b0", + 1816 => x"087927fc", + 1817 => x"a0387880", + 1818 => x"d6b00c84", + 1819 => x"1508fc06", + 1820 => x"70793179", + 1821 => x"72268f72", + 1822 => x"25075d55", + 1823 => x"5a7a802e", + 1824 => x"fc993888", + 1825 => x"39807457", + 1826 => x"53fedd39", + 1827 => x"7c5183df", + 1828 => x"3f800b80", + 1829 => x"0c8e3d0d", + 1830 => x"04807324", + 1831 => x"a5387282", + 1832 => x"2c81712b", + 1833 => x"80d6c808", + 1834 => x"077080d6", + 1835 => x"c40b8405", + 1836 => x"0c5c5a76", + 1837 => x"8c170c73", + 1838 => x"88170c75", + 1839 => x"88180cf9", + 1840 => x"fd398313", + 1841 => x"70822c81", + 1842 => x"712b80d6", + 1843 => x"c8080770", + 1844 => x"80d6c40b", + 1845 => x"84050c5d", + 1846 => x"5b53d839", + 1847 => x"7a75065c", + 1848 => x"7bfc9f38", + 1849 => x"84197510", + 1850 => x"5659f139", + 1851 => x"ff178105", + 1852 => x"59f7ab39", + 1853 => x"8c150888", + 1854 => x"1608718c", + 1855 => x"120c8812", + 1856 => x"0c597515", + 1857 => x"84110881", + 1858 => x"0784120c", + 1859 => x"587c5182", + 1860 => x"de3f8815", + 1861 => x"54fba339", + 1862 => x"77167881", + 1863 => x"0784180c", + 1864 => x"8c170888", + 1865 => x"1808718c", + 1866 => x"120c8812", + 1867 => x"0c5c7080", + 1868 => x"d6d80c70", + 1869 => x"80d6d40c", + 1870 => x"80d6cc0b", + 1871 => x"8c120c8c", + 1872 => x"11088812", + 1873 => x"0c778107", + 1874 => x"84120c77", + 1875 => x"0577710c", + 1876 => x"557c5182", + 1877 => x"9a3f8816", + 1878 => x"54f5ba39", + 1879 => x"72168411", + 1880 => x"08810784", + 1881 => x"120c588c", + 1882 => x"16088817", + 1883 => x"08718c12", + 1884 => x"0c88120c", + 1885 => x"577c5181", + 1886 => x"f63f8816", + 1887 => x"54f59639", + 1888 => x"7284150c", + 1889 => x"f41af806", + 1890 => x"70841d08", + 1891 => x"81060784", + 1892 => x"1d0c701c", + 1893 => x"5556850b", + 1894 => x"84150c85", + 1895 => x"0b88150c", + 1896 => x"8f7627fd", + 1897 => x"ab38881b", + 1898 => x"527c5184", + 1899 => x"c13f80d6", + 1900 => x"c40b8805", + 1901 => x"0880d688", + 1902 => x"085a55fd", + 1903 => x"93397880", + 1904 => x"d6880c73", + 1905 => x"80d6b80c", + 1906 => x"fbef3972", + 1907 => x"84150cfc", + 1908 => x"ff39fb3d", + 1909 => x"0d77707a", + 1910 => x"7c585553", + 1911 => x"568f7527", + 1912 => x"80e63872", + 1913 => x"76078306", + 1914 => x"517080dc", + 1915 => x"38757352", + 1916 => x"54707084", + 1917 => x"05520874", + 1918 => x"70840556", + 1919 => x"0c737170", + 1920 => x"84055308", + 1921 => x"71708405", + 1922 => x"530c7170", + 1923 => x"84055308", + 1924 => x"71708405", + 1925 => x"530c7170", + 1926 => x"84055308", + 1927 => x"71708405", + 1928 => x"530cf016", + 1929 => x"5654748f", + 1930 => x"26c73883", + 1931 => x"75279538", + 1932 => x"70708405", + 1933 => x"52087470", + 1934 => x"8405560c", + 1935 => x"fc155574", + 1936 => x"8326ed38", + 1937 => x"73715452", + 1938 => x"ff155170", + 1939 => x"ff2e9838", + 1940 => x"72708105", + 1941 => x"54337270", + 1942 => x"81055434", + 1943 => x"ff115170", + 1944 => x"ff2e0981", + 1945 => x"06ea3875", + 1946 => x"800c873d", + 1947 => x"0d040404", + 1948 => x"70707070", + 1949 => x"800b81b6", + 1950 => x"9c0c7651", + 1951 => x"87cc3f80", + 1952 => x"08538008", + 1953 => x"ff2e8938", + 1954 => x"72800c50", + 1955 => x"50505004", + 1956 => x"81b69c08", + 1957 => x"5473802e", + 1958 => x"ef387574", + 1959 => x"710c5272", + 1960 => x"800c5050", + 1961 => x"505004fb", + 1962 => x"3d0d7779", + 1963 => x"70720783", + 1964 => x"06535452", + 1965 => x"70933871", + 1966 => x"73730854", + 1967 => x"56547173", + 1968 => x"082e80c4", + 1969 => x"38737554", + 1970 => x"52713370", + 1971 => x"81ff0652", + 1972 => x"5470802e", + 1973 => x"9d387233", + 1974 => x"5570752e", + 1975 => x"09810695", + 1976 => x"38811281", + 1977 => x"14713370", + 1978 => x"81ff0654", + 1979 => x"56545270", + 1980 => x"e5387233", + 1981 => x"557381ff", + 1982 => x"067581ff", + 1983 => x"06717131", + 1984 => x"800c5552", + 1985 => x"873d0d04", + 1986 => x"7109f7fb", + 1987 => x"fdff1306", + 1988 => x"f8848281", + 1989 => x"80065271", + 1990 => x"97388414", + 1991 => x"84167108", + 1992 => x"54565471", + 1993 => x"75082ee0", + 1994 => x"38737554", + 1995 => x"52ff9a39", + 1996 => x"800b800c", + 1997 => x"873d0d04", + 1998 => x"fb3d0d77", + 1999 => x"705256fe", + 2000 => x"ad3f80d6", + 2001 => x"c40b8805", + 2002 => x"08841108", + 2003 => x"fc06707b", + 2004 => x"319fef05", + 2005 => x"e08006e0", + 2006 => x"80055255", + 2007 => x"55a08075", + 2008 => x"24943880", + 2009 => x"527551fe", + 2010 => x"873f80d6", + 2011 => x"cc081453", + 2012 => x"7280082e", + 2013 => x"8f387551", + 2014 => x"fdf53f80", + 2015 => x"5372800c", + 2016 => x"873d0d04", + 2017 => x"74305275", + 2018 => x"51fde53f", + 2019 => x"8008ff2e", + 2020 => x"a83880d6", + 2021 => x"c40b8805", + 2022 => x"08747631", + 2023 => x"81078412", + 2024 => x"0c5380d6", + 2025 => x"88087531", + 2026 => x"80d6880c", + 2027 => x"7551fdbf", + 2028 => x"3f810b80", + 2029 => x"0c873d0d", + 2030 => x"04805275", + 2031 => x"51fdb13f", + 2032 => x"80d6c40b", + 2033 => x"88050880", + 2034 => x"08713154", + 2035 => x"548f7325", + 2036 => x"ffa43880", + 2037 => x"0880d6b8", + 2038 => x"083180d6", + 2039 => x"880c7281", + 2040 => x"0784150c", + 2041 => x"7551fd87", + 2042 => x"3f8053ff", + 2043 => x"9039f73d", + 2044 => x"0d7b7d54", + 2045 => x"5a72802e", + 2046 => x"82833879", + 2047 => x"51fcef3f", + 2048 => x"f8138411", + 2049 => x"0870fe06", + 2050 => x"70138411", + 2051 => x"08fc065c", + 2052 => x"57585457", + 2053 => x"80d6cc08", + 2054 => x"742e82de", + 2055 => x"38778415", + 2056 => x"0c807381", + 2057 => x"06565974", + 2058 => x"792e81d5", + 2059 => x"38771484", + 2060 => x"11088106", + 2061 => x"565374a0", + 2062 => x"38771656", + 2063 => x"7881e638", + 2064 => x"88140855", + 2065 => x"7480d6cc", + 2066 => x"2e82f938", + 2067 => x"8c140870", + 2068 => x"8c170c75", + 2069 => x"88120c58", + 2070 => x"75810784", + 2071 => x"180c7517", + 2072 => x"76710c54", + 2073 => x"78819138", + 2074 => x"83ff7627", + 2075 => x"81c83875", + 2076 => x"892a7683", + 2077 => x"2a545473", + 2078 => x"802ebf38", + 2079 => x"75862ab8", + 2080 => x"05538474", + 2081 => x"27b43880", + 2082 => x"db145394", + 2083 => x"7427ab38", + 2084 => x"758c2a80", + 2085 => x"ee055380", + 2086 => x"d474279e", + 2087 => x"38758f2a", + 2088 => x"80f70553", + 2089 => x"82d47427", + 2090 => x"91387592", + 2091 => x"2a80fc05", + 2092 => x"538ad474", + 2093 => x"27843880", + 2094 => x"fe537210", + 2095 => x"101080d6", + 2096 => x"c4058811", + 2097 => x"08555573", + 2098 => x"752e82bf", + 2099 => x"38841408", + 2100 => x"fc065975", + 2101 => x"79278d38", + 2102 => x"88140854", + 2103 => x"73752e09", + 2104 => x"8106ea38", + 2105 => x"8c140870", + 2106 => x"8c190c74", + 2107 => x"88190c77", + 2108 => x"88120c55", + 2109 => x"768c150c", + 2110 => x"7951faf3", + 2111 => x"3f8b3d0d", + 2112 => x"04760877", + 2113 => x"71315876", + 2114 => x"05881808", + 2115 => x"56567480", + 2116 => x"d6cc2e80", + 2117 => x"e0388c17", + 2118 => x"08708c17", + 2119 => x"0c758812", + 2120 => x"0c53fe89", + 2121 => x"39881408", + 2122 => x"8c150870", + 2123 => x"8c130c59", + 2124 => x"88190cfe", + 2125 => x"a3397583", + 2126 => x"2a705454", + 2127 => x"80742481", + 2128 => x"98387282", + 2129 => x"2c81712b", + 2130 => x"80d6c808", + 2131 => x"0780d6c4", + 2132 => x"0b84050c", + 2133 => x"74101010", + 2134 => x"80d6c405", + 2135 => x"88110871", + 2136 => x"8c1b0c70", + 2137 => x"881b0c79", + 2138 => x"88130c56", + 2139 => x"5a55768c", + 2140 => x"150cff84", + 2141 => x"398159fd", + 2142 => x"b4397716", + 2143 => x"73810654", + 2144 => x"55729838", + 2145 => x"76087771", + 2146 => x"31587505", + 2147 => x"8c180888", + 2148 => x"1908718c", + 2149 => x"120c8812", + 2150 => x"0c555574", + 2151 => x"81078418", + 2152 => x"0c7680d6", + 2153 => x"c40b8805", + 2154 => x"0c80d6c0", + 2155 => x"087526fe", + 2156 => x"c73880d6", + 2157 => x"bc085279", + 2158 => x"51fafd3f", + 2159 => x"7951f9af", + 2160 => x"3ffeba39", + 2161 => x"81778c17", + 2162 => x"0c778817", + 2163 => x"0c758c19", + 2164 => x"0c758819", + 2165 => x"0c59fd80", + 2166 => x"39831470", + 2167 => x"822c8171", + 2168 => x"2b80d6c8", + 2169 => x"080780d6", + 2170 => x"c40b8405", + 2171 => x"0c751010", + 2172 => x"1080d6c4", + 2173 => x"05881108", + 2174 => x"718c1c0c", + 2175 => x"70881c0c", + 2176 => x"7a88130c", + 2177 => x"575b5653", + 2178 => x"fee43980", + 2179 => x"7324a338", + 2180 => x"72822c81", + 2181 => x"712b80d6", + 2182 => x"c8080780", + 2183 => x"d6c40b84", + 2184 => x"050c5874", + 2185 => x"8c180c73", + 2186 => x"88180c76", + 2187 => x"88160cfd", + 2188 => x"c3398313", + 2189 => x"70822c81", + 2190 => x"712b80d6", + 2191 => x"c8080780", + 2192 => x"d6c40b84", + 2193 => x"050c5953", + 2194 => x"da397070", + 2195 => x"7080e5f4", + 2196 => x"08893881", + 2197 => x"b6a00b80", + 2198 => x"e5f40c80", + 2199 => x"e5f40875", + 2200 => x"115252ff", + 2201 => x"537087fb", + 2202 => x"80802688", + 2203 => x"387080e5", + 2204 => x"f40c7153", + 2205 => x"72800c50", + 2206 => x"505004fd", + 2207 => x"3d0d800b", + 2208 => x"80d5f408", + 2209 => x"54547281", + 2210 => x"2e9b3873", + 2211 => x"80e5f80c", + 2212 => x"c3ee3fc2", + 2213 => x"eb3f80e5", + 2214 => x"cc528151", + 2215 => x"cc933f80", + 2216 => x"085180dd", + 2217 => x"3f7280e5", + 2218 => x"f80cc3d4", + 2219 => x"3fc2d13f", + 2220 => x"80e5cc52", + 2221 => x"8151cbf9", + 2222 => x"3f800851", + 2223 => x"80c33f00", + 2224 => x"ff3900ff", + 2225 => x"39f43d0d", + 2226 => x"7e80e5ec", + 2227 => x"08700870", + 2228 => x"81ff0692", + 2229 => x"3df80555", + 2230 => x"515a5759", + 2231 => x"c48f3f80", + 2232 => x"5477557b", + 2233 => x"7d585276", + 2234 => x"538e3df0", + 2235 => x"0551de8e", + 2236 => x"3f797b58", + 2237 => x"790c7684", + 2238 => x"1a0c7880", + 2239 => x"0c8e3d0d", + 2240 => x"04f73d0d", + 2241 => x"7b80decc", + 2242 => x"0882c811", + 2243 => x"085a545a", + 2244 => x"77802e80", + 2245 => x"da388188", + 2246 => x"18841908", + 2247 => x"ff058171", + 2248 => x"2b595559", + 2249 => x"80742480", + 2250 => x"ea388074", + 2251 => x"24b53873", + 2252 => x"822b7811", + 2253 => x"88055656", + 2254 => x"81801908", + 2255 => x"77065372", + 2256 => x"802eb638", + 2257 => x"78167008", + 2258 => x"53537951", + 2259 => x"74085372", + 2260 => x"2dff14fc", + 2261 => x"17fc1779", + 2262 => x"812c5a57", + 2263 => x"57547380", + 2264 => x"25d63877", + 2265 => x"085877ff", + 2266 => x"ad3880de", + 2267 => x"cc0853bc", + 2268 => x"1308a538", + 2269 => x"7951fec7", + 2270 => x"3f740853", + 2271 => x"722dff14", + 2272 => x"fc17fc17", + 2273 => x"79812c5a", + 2274 => x"57575473", + 2275 => x"8025ffa8", + 2276 => x"38d13980", + 2277 => x"57ff9339", + 2278 => x"7251bc13", + 2279 => x"0854732d", + 2280 => x"7951fe9b", + 2281 => x"3f707080", + 2282 => x"e5d40bfc", + 2283 => x"05700852", + 2284 => x"5270ff2e", + 2285 => x"9138702d", + 2286 => x"fc127008", + 2287 => x"525270ff", + 2288 => x"2e098106", + 2289 => x"f1385050", + 2290 => x"0404c2ff", + 2291 => x"3f040000", + 2292 => x"00000040", + 2293 => x"30313233", + 2294 => x"34353637", + 2295 => x"38390000", + 2296 => x"44485259", + 2297 => x"53544f4e", + 2298 => x"45205052", + 2299 => x"4f475241", + 2300 => x"4d2c2053", + 2301 => x"4f4d4520", + 2302 => x"53545249", + 2303 => x"4e470000", + 2304 => x"44485259", + 2305 => x"53544f4e", + 2306 => x"45205052", + 2307 => x"4f475241", + 2308 => x"4d2c2031", + 2309 => x"27535420", + 2310 => x"53545249", + 2311 => x"4e470000", + 2312 => x"44687279", + 2313 => x"73746f6e", + 2314 => x"65204265", + 2315 => x"6e63686d", + 2316 => x"61726b2c", + 2317 => x"20566572", + 2318 => x"73696f6e", + 2319 => x"20322e31", + 2320 => x"20284c61", + 2321 => x"6e677561", + 2322 => x"67653a20", + 2323 => x"43290a00", + 2324 => x"50726f67", + 2325 => x"72616d20", + 2326 => x"636f6d70", + 2327 => x"696c6564", + 2328 => x"20776974", + 2329 => x"68202772", + 2330 => x"65676973", + 2331 => x"74657227", + 2332 => x"20617474", + 2333 => x"72696275", + 2334 => x"74650a00", + 2335 => x"45786563", + 2336 => x"7574696f", + 2337 => x"6e207374", + 2338 => x"61727473", + 2339 => x"2c202564", + 2340 => x"2072756e", + 2341 => x"73207468", + 2342 => x"726f7567", + 2343 => x"68204468", + 2344 => x"72797374", + 2345 => x"6f6e650a", + 2346 => x"00000000", + 2347 => x"44485259", + 2348 => x"53544f4e", + 2349 => x"45205052", + 2350 => x"4f475241", + 2351 => x"4d2c2032", + 2352 => x"274e4420", + 2353 => x"53545249", + 2354 => x"4e470000", + 2355 => x"45786563", + 2356 => x"7574696f", + 2357 => x"6e20656e", + 2358 => x"64730a00", + 2359 => x"46696e61", + 2360 => x"6c207661", + 2361 => x"6c756573", + 2362 => x"206f6620", + 2363 => x"74686520", + 2364 => x"76617269", + 2365 => x"61626c65", + 2366 => x"73207573", + 2367 => x"65642069", + 2368 => x"6e207468", + 2369 => x"65206265", + 2370 => x"6e63686d", + 2371 => x"61726b3a", + 2372 => x"0a000000", + 2373 => x"496e745f", + 2374 => x"476c6f62", + 2375 => x"3a202020", + 2376 => x"20202020", + 2377 => x"20202020", + 2378 => x"2025640a", + 2379 => x"00000000", + 2380 => x"20202020", + 2381 => x"20202020", + 2382 => x"73686f75", + 2383 => x"6c642062", + 2384 => x"653a2020", + 2385 => x"2025640a", + 2386 => x"00000000", + 2387 => x"426f6f6c", + 2388 => x"5f476c6f", + 2389 => x"623a2020", + 2390 => x"20202020", + 2391 => x"20202020", + 2392 => x"2025640a", + 2393 => x"00000000", + 2394 => x"43685f31", + 2395 => x"5f476c6f", + 2396 => x"623a2020", + 2397 => x"20202020", + 2398 => x"20202020", + 2399 => x"2025630a", + 2400 => x"00000000", + 2401 => x"20202020", + 2402 => x"20202020", + 2403 => x"73686f75", + 2404 => x"6c642062", + 2405 => x"653a2020", + 2406 => x"2025630a", + 2407 => x"00000000", + 2408 => x"43685f32", + 2409 => x"5f476c6f", + 2410 => x"623a2020", + 2411 => x"20202020", + 2412 => x"20202020", + 2413 => x"2025630a", + 2414 => x"00000000", + 2415 => x"4172725f", + 2416 => x"315f476c", + 2417 => x"6f625b38", + 2418 => x"5d3a2020", + 2419 => x"20202020", + 2420 => x"2025640a", + 2421 => x"00000000", + 2422 => x"4172725f", + 2423 => x"325f476c", + 2424 => x"6f625b38", + 2425 => x"5d5b375d", + 2426 => x"3a202020", + 2427 => x"2025640a", + 2428 => x"00000000", + 2429 => x"20202020", + 2430 => x"20202020", + 2431 => x"73686f75", + 2432 => x"6c642062", + 2433 => x"653a2020", + 2434 => x"204e756d", + 2435 => x"6265725f", + 2436 => x"4f665f52", + 2437 => x"756e7320", + 2438 => x"2b203130", + 2439 => x"0a000000", + 2440 => x"5074725f", + 2441 => x"476c6f62", + 2442 => x"2d3e0a00", + 2443 => x"20205074", + 2444 => x"725f436f", + 2445 => x"6d703a20", + 2446 => x"20202020", + 2447 => x"20202020", + 2448 => x"2025640a", + 2449 => x"00000000", + 2450 => x"20202020", + 2451 => x"20202020", + 2452 => x"73686f75", + 2453 => x"6c642062", + 2454 => x"653a2020", + 2455 => x"2028696d", + 2456 => x"706c656d", + 2457 => x"656e7461", + 2458 => x"74696f6e", + 2459 => x"2d646570", + 2460 => x"656e6465", + 2461 => x"6e74290a", + 2462 => x"00000000", + 2463 => x"20204469", + 2464 => x"7363723a", + 2465 => x"20202020", + 2466 => x"20202020", + 2467 => x"20202020", + 2468 => x"2025640a", + 2469 => x"00000000", + 2470 => x"2020456e", + 2471 => x"756d5f43", + 2472 => x"6f6d703a", + 2473 => x"20202020", + 2474 => x"20202020", + 2475 => x"2025640a", + 2476 => x"00000000", + 2477 => x"2020496e", + 2478 => x"745f436f", + 2479 => x"6d703a20", + 2480 => x"20202020", + 2481 => x"20202020", + 2482 => x"2025640a", + 2483 => x"00000000", + 2484 => x"20205374", + 2485 => x"725f436f", + 2486 => x"6d703a20", + 2487 => x"20202020", + 2488 => x"20202020", + 2489 => x"2025730a", + 2490 => x"00000000", + 2491 => x"20202020", + 2492 => x"20202020", + 2493 => x"73686f75", + 2494 => x"6c642062", + 2495 => x"653a2020", + 2496 => x"20444852", + 2497 => x"5953544f", + 2498 => x"4e452050", + 2499 => x"524f4752", + 2500 => x"414d2c20", + 2501 => x"534f4d45", + 2502 => x"20535452", + 2503 => x"494e470a", + 2504 => x"00000000", + 2505 => x"4e657874", + 2506 => x"5f507472", + 2507 => x"5f476c6f", + 2508 => x"622d3e0a", + 2509 => x"00000000", + 2510 => x"20202020", + 2511 => x"20202020", + 2512 => x"73686f75", + 2513 => x"6c642062", + 2514 => x"653a2020", + 2515 => x"2028696d", + 2516 => x"706c656d", + 2517 => x"656e7461", + 2518 => x"74696f6e", + 2519 => x"2d646570", + 2520 => x"656e6465", + 2521 => x"6e74292c", + 2522 => x"2073616d", + 2523 => x"65206173", + 2524 => x"2061626f", + 2525 => x"76650a00", + 2526 => x"496e745f", + 2527 => x"315f4c6f", + 2528 => x"633a2020", + 2529 => x"20202020", + 2530 => x"20202020", + 2531 => x"2025640a", + 2532 => x"00000000", + 2533 => x"496e745f", + 2534 => x"325f4c6f", + 2535 => x"633a2020", + 2536 => x"20202020", + 2537 => x"20202020", + 2538 => x"2025640a", + 2539 => x"00000000", + 2540 => x"496e745f", + 2541 => x"335f4c6f", + 2542 => x"633a2020", + 2543 => x"20202020", + 2544 => x"20202020", + 2545 => x"2025640a", + 2546 => x"00000000", + 2547 => x"456e756d", + 2548 => x"5f4c6f63", + 2549 => x"3a202020", + 2550 => x"20202020", + 2551 => x"20202020", + 2552 => x"2025640a", + 2553 => x"00000000", + 2554 => x"5374725f", + 2555 => x"315f4c6f", + 2556 => x"633a2020", + 2557 => x"20202020", + 2558 => x"20202020", + 2559 => x"2025730a", + 2560 => x"00000000", + 2561 => x"20202020", + 2562 => x"20202020", + 2563 => x"73686f75", + 2564 => x"6c642062", + 2565 => x"653a2020", + 2566 => x"20444852", + 2567 => x"5953544f", + 2568 => x"4e452050", + 2569 => x"524f4752", + 2570 => x"414d2c20", + 2571 => x"31275354", + 2572 => x"20535452", + 2573 => x"494e470a", + 2574 => x"00000000", + 2575 => x"5374725f", + 2576 => x"325f4c6f", + 2577 => x"633a2020", + 2578 => x"20202020", + 2579 => x"20202020", + 2580 => x"2025730a", + 2581 => x"00000000", + 2582 => x"20202020", + 2583 => x"20202020", + 2584 => x"73686f75", + 2585 => x"6c642062", + 2586 => x"653a2020", + 2587 => x"20444852", + 2588 => x"5953544f", + 2589 => x"4e452050", + 2590 => x"524f4752", + 2591 => x"414d2c20", + 2592 => x"32274e44", + 2593 => x"20535452", + 2594 => x"494e470a", + 2595 => x"00000000", + 2596 => x"55736572", + 2597 => x"2074696d", + 2598 => x"653a2025", + 2599 => x"640a0000", + 2600 => x"4d696372", + 2601 => x"6f736563", + 2602 => x"6f6e6473", + 2603 => x"20666f72", + 2604 => x"206f6e65", + 2605 => x"2072756e", + 2606 => x"20746872", + 2607 => x"6f756768", + 2608 => x"20446872", + 2609 => x"7973746f", + 2610 => x"6e653a20", + 2611 => x"00000000", + 2612 => x"2564200a", + 2613 => x"00000000", + 2614 => x"44687279", + 2615 => x"73746f6e", + 2616 => x"65732070", + 2617 => x"65722053", + 2618 => x"65636f6e", + 2619 => x"643a2020", + 2620 => x"20202020", + 2621 => x"20202020", + 2622 => x"20202020", + 2623 => x"20202020", + 2624 => x"20202020", + 2625 => x"00000000", + 2626 => x"56415820", + 2627 => x"4d495053", + 2628 => x"20726174", + 2629 => x"696e6720", + 2630 => x"2a203130", + 2631 => x"3030203d", + 2632 => x"20256420", + 2633 => x"0a000000", + 2634 => x"50726f67", + 2635 => x"72616d20", + 2636 => x"636f6d70", + 2637 => x"696c6564", + 2638 => x"20776974", + 2639 => x"686f7574", + 2640 => x"20277265", + 2641 => x"67697374", + 2642 => x"65722720", + 2643 => x"61747472", + 2644 => x"69627574", + 2645 => x"650a0000", + 2646 => x"4d656173", + 2647 => x"75726564", + 2648 => x"2074696d", + 2649 => x"6520746f", + 2650 => x"6f20736d", + 2651 => x"616c6c20", + 2652 => x"746f206f", + 2653 => x"62746169", + 2654 => x"6e206d65", + 2655 => x"616e696e", + 2656 => x"6766756c", + 2657 => x"20726573", + 2658 => x"756c7473", + 2659 => x"0a000000", + 2660 => x"506c6561", + 2661 => x"73652069", + 2662 => x"6e637265", + 2663 => x"61736520", + 2664 => x"6e756d62", + 2665 => x"6572206f", + 2666 => x"66207275", + 2667 => x"6e730a00", + 2668 => x"44485259", + 2669 => x"53544f4e", + 2670 => x"45205052", + 2671 => x"4f475241", + 2672 => x"4d2c2033", + 2673 => x"27524420", + 2674 => x"53545249", + 2675 => x"4e470000", + 2676 => x"00010202", + 2677 => x"03030303", + 2678 => x"04040404", + 2679 => x"04040404", + 2680 => x"05050505", + 2681 => x"05050505", + 2682 => x"05050505", + 2683 => x"05050505", + 2684 => x"06060606", + 2685 => x"06060606", + 2686 => x"06060606", + 2687 => x"06060606", + 2688 => x"06060606", + 2689 => x"06060606", + 2690 => x"06060606", + 2691 => x"06060606", + 2692 => x"07070707", + 2693 => x"07070707", + 2694 => x"07070707", + 2695 => x"07070707", + 2696 => x"07070707", + 2697 => x"07070707", + 2698 => x"07070707", + 2699 => x"07070707", + 2700 => x"07070707", + 2701 => x"07070707", + 2702 => x"07070707", + 2703 => x"07070707", + 2704 => x"07070707", + 2705 => x"07070707", + 2706 => x"07070707", + 2707 => x"07070707", + 2708 => x"08080808", + 2709 => x"08080808", + 2710 => x"08080808", + 2711 => x"08080808", + 2712 => x"08080808", + 2713 => x"08080808", + 2714 => x"08080808", + 2715 => x"08080808", + 2716 => x"08080808", + 2717 => x"08080808", + 2718 => x"08080808", + 2719 => x"08080808", + 2720 => x"08080808", + 2721 => x"08080808", + 2722 => x"08080808", + 2723 => x"08080808", + 2724 => x"08080808", + 2725 => x"08080808", + 2726 => x"08080808", + 2727 => x"08080808", + 2728 => x"08080808", + 2729 => x"08080808", + 2730 => x"08080808", + 2731 => x"08080808", + 2732 => x"08080808", + 2733 => x"08080808", + 2734 => x"08080808", + 2735 => x"08080808", + 2736 => x"08080808", + 2737 => x"08080808", + 2738 => x"08080808", + 2739 => x"08080808", + 2740 => x"43000000", + 2741 => x"64756d6d", + 2742 => x"792e6578", + 2743 => x"65000000", + 2744 => x"00ffffff", + 2745 => x"ff00ffff", + 2746 => x"ffff00ff", + 2747 => x"ffffff00", + 2748 => x"00000000", + 2749 => x"00000000", + 2750 => x"00000000", + 2751 => x"000032dc", + 2752 => x"0000c350", + 2753 => x"00000000", + 2754 => x"00000000", + 2755 => x"00000000", + 2756 => x"00000000", + 2757 => x"00000000", + 2758 => x"00000000", + 2759 => x"00000000", + 2760 => x"00000000", + 2761 => x"00000000", + 2762 => x"00000000", + 2763 => x"00000000", + 2764 => x"00000000", + 2765 => x"00000000", + 2766 => x"ffffffff", + 2767 => x"00000000", + 2768 => x"00020000", + 2769 => x"00000000", + 2770 => x"00000000", + 2771 => x"00002b44", + 2772 => x"00002b44", + 2773 => x"00002b4c", + 2774 => x"00002b4c", + 2775 => x"00002b54", + 2776 => x"00002b54", + 2777 => x"00002b5c", + 2778 => x"00002b5c", + 2779 => x"00002b64", + 2780 => x"00002b64", + 2781 => x"00002b6c", + 2782 => x"00002b6c", + 2783 => x"00002b74", + 2784 => x"00002b74", + 2785 => x"00002b7c", + 2786 => x"00002b7c", + 2787 => x"00002b84", + 2788 => x"00002b84", + 2789 => x"00002b8c", + 2790 => x"00002b8c", + 2791 => x"00002b94", + 2792 => x"00002b94", + 2793 => x"00002b9c", + 2794 => x"00002b9c", + 2795 => x"00002ba4", + 2796 => x"00002ba4", + 2797 => x"00002bac", + 2798 => x"00002bac", + 2799 => x"00002bb4", + 2800 => x"00002bb4", + 2801 => x"00002bbc", + 2802 => x"00002bbc", + 2803 => x"00002bc4", + 2804 => x"00002bc4", + 2805 => x"00002bcc", + 2806 => x"00002bcc", + 2807 => x"00002bd4", + 2808 => x"00002bd4", + 2809 => x"00002bdc", + 2810 => x"00002bdc", + 2811 => x"00002be4", + 2812 => x"00002be4", + 2813 => x"00002bec", + 2814 => x"00002bec", + 2815 => x"00002bf4", + 2816 => x"00002bf4", + 2817 => x"00002bfc", + 2818 => x"00002bfc", + 2819 => x"00002c04", + 2820 => x"00002c04", + 2821 => x"00002c0c", + 2822 => x"00002c0c", + 2823 => x"00002c14", + 2824 => x"00002c14", + 2825 => x"00002c1c", + 2826 => x"00002c1c", + 2827 => x"00002c24", + 2828 => x"00002c24", + 2829 => x"00002c2c", + 2830 => x"00002c2c", + 2831 => x"00002c34", + 2832 => x"00002c34", + 2833 => x"00002c3c", + 2834 => x"00002c3c", + 2835 => x"00002c44", + 2836 => x"00002c44", + 2837 => x"00002c4c", + 2838 => x"00002c4c", + 2839 => x"00002c54", + 2840 => x"00002c54", + 2841 => x"00002c5c", + 2842 => x"00002c5c", + 2843 => x"00002c64", + 2844 => x"00002c64", + 2845 => x"00002c6c", + 2846 => x"00002c6c", + 2847 => x"00002c74", + 2848 => x"00002c74", + 2849 => x"00002c7c", + 2850 => x"00002c7c", + 2851 => x"00002c84", + 2852 => x"00002c84", + 2853 => x"00002c8c", + 2854 => x"00002c8c", + 2855 => x"00002c94", + 2856 => x"00002c94", + 2857 => x"00002c9c", + 2858 => x"00002c9c", + 2859 => x"00002ca4", + 2860 => x"00002ca4", + 2861 => x"00002cac", + 2862 => x"00002cac", + 2863 => x"00002cb4", + 2864 => x"00002cb4", + 2865 => x"00002cbc", + 2866 => x"00002cbc", + 2867 => x"00002cc4", + 2868 => x"00002cc4", + 2869 => x"00002ccc", + 2870 => x"00002ccc", + 2871 => x"00002cd4", + 2872 => x"00002cd4", + 2873 => x"00002cdc", + 2874 => x"00002cdc", + 2875 => x"00002ce4", + 2876 => x"00002ce4", + 2877 => x"00002cec", + 2878 => x"00002cec", + 2879 => x"00002cf4", + 2880 => x"00002cf4", + 2881 => x"00002cfc", + 2882 => x"00002cfc", + 2883 => x"00002d04", + 2884 => x"00002d04", + 2885 => x"00002d0c", + 2886 => x"00002d0c", + 2887 => x"00002d14", + 2888 => x"00002d14", + 2889 => x"00002d1c", + 2890 => x"00002d1c", + 2891 => x"00002d24", + 2892 => x"00002d24", + 2893 => x"00002d2c", + 2894 => x"00002d2c", + 2895 => x"00002d34", + 2896 => x"00002d34", + 2897 => x"00002d3c", + 2898 => x"00002d3c", + 2899 => x"00002d44", + 2900 => x"00002d44", + 2901 => x"00002d4c", + 2902 => x"00002d4c", + 2903 => x"00002d54", + 2904 => x"00002d54", + 2905 => x"00002d5c", + 2906 => x"00002d5c", + 2907 => x"00002d64", + 2908 => x"00002d64", + 2909 => x"00002d6c", + 2910 => x"00002d6c", + 2911 => x"00002d74", + 2912 => x"00002d74", + 2913 => x"00002d7c", + 2914 => x"00002d7c", + 2915 => x"00002d84", + 2916 => x"00002d84", + 2917 => x"00002d8c", + 2918 => x"00002d8c", + 2919 => x"00002d94", + 2920 => x"00002d94", + 2921 => x"00002d9c", + 2922 => x"00002d9c", + 2923 => x"00002da4", + 2924 => x"00002da4", + 2925 => x"00002dac", + 2926 => x"00002dac", + 2927 => x"00002db4", + 2928 => x"00002db4", + 2929 => x"00002dbc", + 2930 => x"00002dbc", + 2931 => x"00002dc4", + 2932 => x"00002dc4", + 2933 => x"00002dcc", + 2934 => x"00002dcc", + 2935 => x"00002dd4", + 2936 => x"00002dd4", + 2937 => x"00002ddc", + 2938 => x"00002ddc", + 2939 => x"00002de4", + 2940 => x"00002de4", + 2941 => x"00002dec", + 2942 => x"00002dec", + 2943 => x"00002df4", + 2944 => x"00002df4", + 2945 => x"00002dfc", + 2946 => x"00002dfc", + 2947 => x"00002e04", + 2948 => x"00002e04", + 2949 => x"00002e0c", + 2950 => x"00002e0c", + 2951 => x"00002e14", + 2952 => x"00002e14", + 2953 => x"00002e1c", + 2954 => x"00002e1c", + 2955 => x"00002e24", + 2956 => x"00002e24", + 2957 => x"00002e2c", + 2958 => x"00002e2c", + 2959 => x"00002e34", + 2960 => x"00002e34", + 2961 => x"00002e3c", + 2962 => x"00002e3c", + 2963 => x"00002e44", + 2964 => x"00002e44", + 2965 => x"00002e4c", + 2966 => x"00002e4c", + 2967 => x"00002e54", + 2968 => x"00002e54", + 2969 => x"00002e5c", + 2970 => x"00002e5c", + 2971 => x"00002e64", + 2972 => x"00002e64", + 2973 => x"00002e6c", + 2974 => x"00002e6c", + 2975 => x"00002e74", + 2976 => x"00002e74", + 2977 => x"00002e7c", + 2978 => x"00002e7c", + 2979 => x"00002e84", + 2980 => x"00002e84", + 2981 => x"00002e8c", + 2982 => x"00002e8c", + 2983 => x"00002e94", + 2984 => x"00002e94", + 2985 => x"00002e9c", + 2986 => x"00002e9c", + 2987 => x"00002ea4", + 2988 => x"00002ea4", + 2989 => x"00002eac", + 2990 => x"00002eac", + 2991 => x"00002eb4", + 2992 => x"00002eb4", + 2993 => x"00002ebc", + 2994 => x"00002ebc", + 2995 => x"00002ec4", + 2996 => x"00002ec4", + 2997 => x"00002ecc", + 2998 => x"00002ecc", + 2999 => x"00002ed4", + 3000 => x"00002ed4", + 3001 => x"00002edc", + 3002 => x"00002edc", + 3003 => x"00002ee4", + 3004 => x"00002ee4", + 3005 => x"00002eec", + 3006 => x"00002eec", + 3007 => x"00002ef4", + 3008 => x"00002ef4", + 3009 => x"00002efc", + 3010 => x"00002efc", + 3011 => x"00002f04", + 3012 => x"00002f04", + 3013 => x"00002f0c", + 3014 => x"00002f0c", + 3015 => x"00002f14", + 3016 => x"00002f14", + 3017 => x"00002f1c", + 3018 => x"00002f1c", + 3019 => x"00002f24", + 3020 => x"00002f24", + 3021 => x"00002f2c", + 3022 => x"00002f2c", + 3023 => x"00002f34", + 3024 => x"00002f34", + 3025 => x"00002f3c", + 3026 => x"00002f3c", + 3027 => x"00002f50", + 3028 => x"00000000", + 3029 => x"000031b8", + 3030 => x"00003214", + 3031 => x"00003270", + 3032 => x"00000000", + 3033 => x"00000000", + 3034 => x"00000000", + 3035 => x"00000000", + 3036 => x"00000000", + 3037 => x"00000000", + 3038 => x"00000000", + 3039 => x"00000000", + 3040 => x"00000000", + 3041 => x"00002ad0", + 3042 => x"00000000", + 3043 => x"00000000", + 3044 => x"00000000", + 3045 => x"00000000", + 3046 => x"00000000", + 3047 => x"00000000", + 3048 => x"00000000", + 3049 => x"00000000", + 3050 => x"00000000", + 3051 => x"00000000", + 3052 => x"00000000", + 3053 => x"00000000", + 3054 => x"00000000", + 3055 => x"00000000", + 3056 => x"00000000", + 3057 => x"00000000", + 3058 => x"00000000", + 3059 => x"00000000", + 3060 => x"00000000", + 3061 => x"00000000", + 3062 => x"00000000", + 3063 => x"00000000", + 3064 => x"00000000", + 3065 => x"00000000", + 3066 => x"00000000", + 3067 => x"00000000", + 3068 => x"00000000", + 3069 => x"00000000", + 3070 => x"00000001", + 3071 => x"330eabcd", + 3072 => x"1234e66d", + 3073 => x"deec0005", + 3074 => x"000b0000", + 3075 => x"00000000", + 3076 => x"00000000", + 3077 => x"00000000", + 3078 => x"00000000", + 3079 => x"00000000", + 3080 => x"00000000", + 3081 => x"00000000", + 3082 => x"00000000", + 3083 => x"00000000", + 3084 => x"00000000", + 3085 => x"00000000", + 3086 => x"00000000", + 3087 => x"00000000", + 3088 => x"00000000", + 3089 => x"00000000", + 3090 => x"00000000", + 3091 => x"00000000", + 3092 => x"00000000", + 3093 => x"00000000", + 3094 => x"00000000", + 3095 => x"00000000", + 3096 => x"00000000", + 3097 => x"00000000", + 3098 => x"00000000", + 3099 => x"00000000", + 3100 => x"00000000", + 3101 => x"00000000", + 3102 => x"00000000", + 3103 => x"00000000", + 3104 => x"00000000", + 3105 => x"00000000", + 3106 => x"00000000", + 3107 => x"00000000", + 3108 => x"00000000", + 3109 => x"00000000", + 3110 => x"00000000", + 3111 => x"00000000", + 3112 => x"00000000", + 3113 => x"00000000", + 3114 => x"00000000", + 3115 => x"00000000", + 3116 => x"00000000", + 3117 => x"00000000", + 3118 => x"00000000", + 3119 => x"00000000", + 3120 => 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x"00000000", + 3164 => x"00000000", + 3165 => x"00000000", + 3166 => x"00000000", + 3167 => x"00000000", + 3168 => x"00000000", + 3169 => x"00000000", + 3170 => x"00000000", + 3171 => x"00000000", + 3172 => x"00000000", + 3173 => x"00000000", + 3174 => x"00000000", + 3175 => x"00000000", + 3176 => x"00000000", + 3177 => x"00000000", + 3178 => x"00000000", + 3179 => x"00000000", + 3180 => x"00000000", + 3181 => x"00000000", + 3182 => x"00000000", + 3183 => x"00000000", + 3184 => x"00000000", + 3185 => x"00000000", + 3186 => x"00000000", + 3187 => x"00000000", + 3188 => x"00000000", + 3189 => x"00000000", + 3190 => x"00000000", + 3191 => x"00000000", + 3192 => x"00000000", + 3193 => x"00000000", + 3194 => x"00000000", + 3195 => x"00000000", + 3196 => x"00000000", + 3197 => x"00000000", + 3198 => x"00000000", + 3199 => x"00000000", + 3200 => x"00000000", + 3201 => x"00000000", + 3202 => x"00000000", + 3203 => x"00000000", + 3204 => x"00000000", + 3205 => x"00000000", + 3206 => x"00000000", + 3207 => x"00000000", + 3208 => x"00000000", + 3209 => x"00000000", + 3210 => x"00000000", + 3211 => x"00000000", + 3212 => x"00000000", + 3213 => x"00000000", + 3214 => x"00000000", + 3215 => x"00000000", + 3216 => x"00000000", + 3217 => x"00000000", + 3218 => x"00000000", + 3219 => x"00000000", + 3220 => x"00000000", + 3221 => x"00000000", + 3222 => x"00000000", + 3223 => x"00000000", + 3224 => x"00000000", + 3225 => x"00000000", + 3226 => x"00000000", + 3227 => x"00000000", + 3228 => x"00000000", + 3229 => x"00000000", + 3230 => x"00000000", + 3231 => x"00000000", + 3232 => x"00000000", + 3233 => x"00000000", + 3234 => x"00000000", + 3235 => x"00000000", + 3236 => x"00000000", + 3237 => x"00000000", + 3238 => x"00000000", + 3239 => x"00000000", + 3240 => x"00000000", + 3241 => x"00000000", + 3242 => x"00000000", + 3243 => x"00000000", + 3244 => x"00000000", + 3245 => x"00000000", + 3246 => x"00000000", + 3247 => x"00000000", + 3248 => x"00000000", + 3249 => x"00000000", + 3250 => x"00000000", + 3251 => x"00002ad4", + 3252 => x"ffffffff", + 3253 => x"00000000", + 3254 => x"ffffffff", + 3255 => x"00000000", + 3256 => x"00000000", + others => x"00000000" +); + +begin + +process (clk) +begin + if (clk'event and clk = '1') then + if (memAWriteEnable = '1') and (memBWriteEnable = '1') and (memAAddr=memBAddr) and (memAWrite/=memBWrite) then + report "write collision" severity failure; + end if; + + if (memAWriteEnable = '1') then + ram(to_integer(unsigned(memAAddr))) := memAWrite; + memARead <= memAWrite; + else + memARead <= ram(to_integer(unsigned(memAAddr))); + end if; + end if; +end process; + +process (clk) +begin + if (clk'event and clk = '1') then + if (memBWriteEnable = '1') then + ram(to_integer(unsigned(memBAddr))) := memBWrite; + memBRead <= memBWrite; + else + memBRead <= ram(to_integer(unsigned(memBAddr))); + end if; + end if; +end process; + + + + +end dualport_ram_arch; diff --git a/zpu/hdl/example/helloworld.vhd b/zpu/hdl/example/helloworld.vhd index a11bbb7..cc8d8c6 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/example/helloworld.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/example/helloworld.vhd @@ -1,3154 +1,3154 @@ --- ZPU
--- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com
--- The FreeBSD license
--- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
--- are met:
--- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
--- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
--- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
--- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
--- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
--- provided with the distribution.
--- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation
--- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing
--- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project.
-library ieee;
-use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-library work;
-use work.zpu_config.all;
-use work.zpupkg.all;
-entity dualport_ram is
-port (clk : in std_logic;
- memAWriteEnable : in std_logic;
- memAAddr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitBRAM downto minAddrBit);
- memAWrite : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- memARead : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- memBWriteEnable : in std_logic;
- memBAddr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitBRAM downto minAddrBit);
- memBWrite : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- memBRead : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0));
-end dualport_ram;
-architecture dualport_ram_arch of dualport_ram is
-type ram_type is array(natural range 0 to ((2**(maxAddrBitBRAM+1))/4)-1) of std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-shared variable ram : ram_type :=
-0 => x"0b0b0b0b",
-1 => x"82700b0b",
-2 => x"80cfd80c",
-3 => x"3a0b0b80",
-4 => x"c6d00400",
-5 => x"00000000",
-6 => x"00000000",
-7 => x"00000000",
-8 => x"80088408",
-9 => x"88080b0b",
-10 => x"80c7972d",
-11 => x"880c840c",
-12 => x"800c0400",
-13 => x"00000000",
-14 => x"00000000",
-15 => x"00000000",
-16 => x"71fd0608",
-17 => x"72830609",
-18 => x"81058205",
-19 => x"832b2a83",
-20 => x"ffff0652",
-21 => x"04000000",
-22 => x"00000000",
-23 => x"00000000",
-24 => x"71fd0608",
-25 => x"83ffff73",
-26 => x"83060981",
-27 => x"05820583",
-28 => x"2b2b0906",
-29 => x"7383ffff",
-30 => x"0b0b0b0b",
-31 => x"83a70400",
-32 => x"72098105",
-33 => x"72057373",
-34 => x"09060906",
-35 => x"73097306",
-36 => x"070a8106",
-37 => x"53510400",
-38 => x"00000000",
-39 => x"00000000",
-40 => x"72722473",
-41 => x"732e0753",
-42 => x"51040000",
-43 => x"00000000",
-44 => x"00000000",
-45 => x"00000000",
-46 => x"00000000",
-47 => x"00000000",
-48 => x"71737109",
-49 => x"71068106",
-50 => x"30720a10",
-51 => x"0a720a10",
-52 => x"0a31050a",
-53 => x"81065151",
-54 => x"53510400",
-55 => x"00000000",
-56 => x"72722673",
-57 => x"732e0753",
-58 => x"51040000",
-59 => x"00000000",
-60 => x"00000000",
-61 => x"00000000",
-62 => x"00000000",
-63 => x"00000000",
-64 => x"00000000",
-65 => x"00000000",
-66 => x"00000000",
-67 => x"00000000",
-68 => x"00000000",
-69 => x"00000000",
-70 => x"00000000",
-71 => x"00000000",
-72 => x"0b0b0b88",
-73 => x"c4040000",
-74 => x"00000000",
-75 => x"00000000",
-76 => x"00000000",
-77 => x"00000000",
-78 => x"00000000",
-79 => x"00000000",
-80 => x"720a722b",
-81 => x"0a535104",
-82 => x"00000000",
-83 => x"00000000",
-84 => x"00000000",
-85 => x"00000000",
-86 => x"00000000",
-87 => x"00000000",
-88 => x"72729f06",
-89 => x"0981050b",
-90 => x"0b0b88a7",
-91 => x"05040000",
-92 => x"00000000",
-93 => x"00000000",
-94 => x"00000000",
-95 => x"00000000",
-96 => x"72722aff",
-97 => x"739f062a",
-98 => x"0974090a",
-99 => x"8106ff05",
-100 => x"06075351",
-101 => x"04000000",
-102 => x"00000000",
-103 => x"00000000",
-104 => x"71715351",
-105 => x"020d0406",
-106 => x"73830609",
-107 => x"81058205",
-108 => x"832b0b2b",
-109 => x"0772fc06",
-110 => x"0c515104",
-111 => x"00000000",
-112 => x"72098105",
-113 => x"72050970",
-114 => x"81050906",
-115 => x"0a810653",
-116 => x"51040000",
-117 => x"00000000",
-118 => x"00000000",
-119 => x"00000000",
-120 => x"72098105",
-121 => x"72050970",
-122 => x"81050906",
-123 => x"0a098106",
-124 => x"53510400",
-125 => x"00000000",
-126 => x"00000000",
-127 => x"00000000",
-128 => x"71098105",
-129 => x"52040000",
-130 => x"00000000",
-131 => x"00000000",
-132 => x"00000000",
-133 => x"00000000",
-134 => x"00000000",
-135 => x"00000000",
-136 => x"72720981",
-137 => x"05055351",
-138 => x"04000000",
-139 => x"00000000",
-140 => x"00000000",
-141 => x"00000000",
-142 => x"00000000",
-143 => x"00000000",
-144 => x"72097206",
-145 => x"73730906",
-146 => x"07535104",
-147 => x"00000000",
-148 => x"00000000",
-149 => x"00000000",
-150 => x"00000000",
-151 => x"00000000",
-152 => x"71fc0608",
-153 => x"72830609",
-154 => x"81058305",
-155 => x"1010102a",
-156 => x"81ff0652",
-157 => x"04000000",
-158 => x"00000000",
-159 => x"00000000",
-160 => x"71fc0608",
-161 => x"0b0b80cf",
-162 => x"c4738306",
-163 => x"10100508",
-164 => x"060b0b0b",
-165 => x"88aa0400",
-166 => x"00000000",
-167 => x"00000000",
-168 => x"80088408",
-169 => x"88087575",
-170 => x"0b0b0b8b",
-171 => x"9f2d5050",
-172 => x"80085688",
-173 => x"0c840c80",
-174 => x"0c510400",
-175 => x"00000000",
-176 => x"80088408",
-177 => x"88087575",
-178 => x"0b0b0b8b",
-179 => x"e32d5050",
-180 => x"80085688",
-181 => x"0c840c80",
-182 => x"0c510400",
-183 => x"00000000",
-184 => x"72097081",
-185 => x"0509060a",
-186 => x"8106ff05",
-187 => x"70547106",
-188 => x"73097274",
-189 => x"05ff0506",
-190 => x"07515151",
-191 => x"04000000",
-192 => x"72097081",
-193 => x"0509060a",
-194 => x"098106ff",
-195 => x"05705471",
-196 => x"06730972",
-197 => x"7405ff05",
-198 => x"06075151",
-199 => x"51040000",
-200 => x"05ff0504",
-201 => x"00000000",
-202 => x"00000000",
-203 => x"00000000",
-204 => x"00000000",
-205 => x"00000000",
-206 => x"00000000",
-207 => x"00000000",
-208 => x"810b0b0b",
-209 => x"80cfd40c",
-210 => x"51040000",
-211 => x"00000000",
-212 => x"00000000",
-213 => x"00000000",
-214 => x"00000000",
-215 => x"00000000",
-216 => x"71810552",
-217 => x"04000000",
-218 => x"00000000",
-219 => x"00000000",
-220 => x"00000000",
-221 => x"00000000",
-222 => x"00000000",
-223 => x"00000000",
-224 => x"00000000",
-225 => x"00000000",
-226 => x"00000000",
-227 => x"00000000",
-228 => x"00000000",
-229 => x"00000000",
-230 => x"00000000",
-231 => x"00000000",
-232 => x"02840572",
-233 => x"10100552",
-234 => x"04000000",
-235 => x"00000000",
-236 => x"00000000",
-237 => x"00000000",
-238 => x"00000000",
-239 => x"00000000",
-240 => x"00000000",
-241 => x"00000000",
-242 => x"00000000",
-243 => x"00000000",
-244 => x"00000000",
-245 => x"00000000",
-246 => x"00000000",
-247 => x"00000000",
-248 => x"717105ff",
-249 => x"05715351",
-250 => x"020d0400",
-251 => x"00000000",
-252 => x"00000000",
-253 => x"00000000",
-254 => x"00000000",
-255 => x"00000000",
-256 => x"82c53f80",
-257 => x"c6d93f04",
-258 => x"10101010",
-259 => x"10101010",
-260 => x"10101010",
-261 => x"10101010",
-262 => x"10101010",
-263 => x"10101010",
-264 => x"10101010",
-265 => x"10101053",
-266 => x"51047381",
-267 => x"ff067383",
-268 => x"06098105",
-269 => x"83051010",
-270 => x"102b0772",
-271 => x"fc060c51",
-272 => x"51043c04",
-273 => x"72728072",
-274 => x"8106ff05",
-275 => x"09720605",
-276 => x"71105272",
-277 => x"0a100a53",
-278 => x"72ed3851",
-279 => x"51535104",
-280 => x"fe3d0d0b",
-281 => x"0b80dfc0",
-282 => x"08538413",
-283 => x"0870882a",
-284 => x"70810651",
-285 => x"52527080",
-286 => x"2ef03871",
-287 => x"81ff0680",
-288 => x"0c843d0d",
-289 => x"04ff3d0d",
-290 => x"0b0b80df",
-291 => x"c0085271",
-292 => x"0870882a",
-293 => x"81327081",
-294 => x"06515151",
-295 => x"70f13873",
-296 => x"720c833d",
-297 => x"0d0480cf",
-298 => x"d408802e",
-299 => x"a43880cf",
-300 => x"d808822e",
-301 => x"bd388380",
-302 => x"800b0b0b",
-303 => x"80dfc00c",
-304 => x"82a0800b",
-305 => x"80dfc40c",
-306 => x"8290800b",
-307 => x"80dfc80c",
-308 => x"04f88080",
-309 => x"80a40b0b",
-310 => x"0b80dfc0",
-311 => x"0cf88080",
-312 => x"82800b80",
-313 => x"dfc40cf8",
-314 => x"80808480",
-315 => x"0b80dfc8",
-316 => x"0c0480c0",
-317 => x"a8808c0b",
-318 => x"0b0b80df",
-319 => x"c00c80c0",
-320 => x"a880940b",
-321 => x"80dfc40c",
-322 => x"0b0b80cf",
-323 => x"8c0b80df",
-324 => x"c80c0470",
-325 => x"7080dfcc",
-326 => x"335170a7",
-327 => x"3880cfe0",
-328 => x"08700852",
-329 => x"5270802e",
-330 => x"94388412",
-331 => x"80cfe00c",
-332 => x"702d80cf",
-333 => x"e0087008",
-334 => x"525270ee",
-335 => x"38810b80",
-336 => x"dfcc3450",
-337 => x"50040470",
-338 => x"0b0b80df",
-339 => x"bc08802e",
-340 => x"8e380b0b",
-341 => x"0b0b800b",
-342 => x"802e0981",
-343 => x"06833850",
-344 => x"040b0b80",
-345 => x"dfbc510b",
-346 => x"0b0bf594",
-347 => x"3f500404",
-348 => x"fe3d0d89",
-349 => x"5380cf90",
-350 => x"5182c13f",
-351 => x"80cfa051",
-352 => x"82ba3f81",
-353 => x"0a0b80df",
-354 => x"d80cff0b",
-355 => x"80dfdc0c",
-356 => x"ff135372",
-357 => x"8025de38",
-358 => x"72800c84",
-359 => x"3d0d04fb",
-360 => x"3d0d7779",
-361 => x"55558056",
-362 => x"757524ab",
-363 => x"38807424",
-364 => x"9d388053",
-365 => x"73527451",
-366 => x"80e13f80",
-367 => x"08547580",
-368 => x"2e853880",
-369 => x"08305473",
-370 => x"800c873d",
-371 => x"0d047330",
-372 => x"76813257",
-373 => x"54dc3974",
-374 => x"30558156",
-375 => x"738025d2",
-376 => x"38ec39fa",
-377 => x"3d0d787a",
-378 => x"57558057",
-379 => x"767524a4",
-380 => x"38759f2c",
-381 => x"54815375",
-382 => x"74327431",
-383 => x"5274519b",
-384 => x"3f800854",
-385 => x"76802e85",
-386 => x"38800830",
-387 => x"5473800c",
-388 => x"883d0d04",
-389 => x"74305581",
-390 => x"57d739fc",
-391 => x"3d0d7678",
-392 => x"53548153",
-393 => x"80747326",
-394 => x"52557280",
-395 => x"2e983870",
-396 => x"802eab38",
-397 => x"807224a6",
-398 => x"38711073",
-399 => x"10757226",
-400 => x"53545272",
-401 => x"ea387351",
-402 => x"78833874",
-403 => x"5170800c",
-404 => x"863d0d04",
-405 => x"720a100a",
-406 => x"720a100a",
-407 => x"53537280",
-408 => x"2ee43871",
-409 => x"7426ed38",
-410 => x"73723175",
-411 => x"7407740a",
-412 => x"100a740a",
-413 => x"100a5555",
-414 => x"5654e339",
-415 => x"f73d0d7c",
-416 => x"70525380",
-417 => x"f93f7254",
-418 => x"80085580",
-419 => x"cfb05681",
-420 => x"57800881",
-421 => x"055a8b3d",
-422 => x"e4115953",
-423 => x"8259f413",
-424 => x"527b8811",
-425 => x"08525381",
-426 => x"b23f8008",
-427 => x"30708008",
-428 => x"079f2c8a",
-429 => x"07800c53",
-430 => x"8b3d0d04",
-431 => x"f63d0d7c",
-432 => x"80cfe408",
-433 => x"71535553",
-434 => x"b53f7255",
-435 => x"80085680",
-436 => x"cfb05781",
-437 => x"58800881",
-438 => x"055b8c3d",
-439 => x"e4115a53",
-440 => x"825af413",
-441 => x"52881408",
-442 => x"5180f03f",
-443 => x"80083070",
-444 => x"8008079f",
-445 => x"2c8a0780",
-446 => x"0c548c3d",
-447 => x"0d047070",
-448 => x"70707570",
-449 => x"71830653",
-450 => x"555270b4",
-451 => x"38717008",
-452 => x"7009f7fb",
-453 => x"fdff1206",
-454 => x"f8848281",
-455 => x"80065452",
-456 => x"53719b38",
-457 => x"84137008",
-458 => x"7009f7fb",
-459 => x"fdff1206",
-460 => x"f8848281",
-461 => x"80065452",
-462 => x"5371802e",
-463 => x"e7387252",
-464 => x"71335372",
-465 => x"802e8a38",
-466 => x"81127033",
-467 => x"545272f8",
-468 => x"38717431",
-469 => x"800c5050",
-470 => x"505004f2",
-471 => x"3d0d6062",
-472 => x"88110870",
-473 => x"58565f5a",
-474 => x"73802e81",
-475 => x"8c388c1a",
-476 => x"2270832a",
-477 => x"81328106",
-478 => x"56587486",
-479 => x"38901a08",
-480 => x"91387951",
-481 => x"90b73fff",
-482 => x"55800880",
-483 => x"ec388c1a",
-484 => x"22587d08",
-485 => x"55807883",
-486 => x"ffff0670",
-487 => x"0a100a81",
-488 => x"06415c57",
-489 => x"7e772e80",
-490 => x"d7387690",
-491 => x"38740884",
-492 => x"16088817",
-493 => x"57585676",
-494 => x"802ef238",
-495 => x"76548880",
-496 => x"77278438",
-497 => x"88805473",
-498 => x"5375529c",
-499 => x"1a0851a4",
-500 => x"1a085877",
-501 => x"2d800b80",
-502 => x"082582e0",
-503 => x"38800816",
-504 => x"77800831",
-505 => x"7f880508",
-506 => x"80083170",
-507 => x"6188050c",
-508 => x"5b585678",
-509 => x"ffb43880",
-510 => x"5574800c",
-511 => x"903d0d04",
-512 => x"7a813281",
-513 => x"06774056",
-514 => x"75802e81",
-515 => x"bd387690",
-516 => x"38740884",
-517 => x"16088817",
-518 => x"57585976",
-519 => x"802ef238",
-520 => x"881a0878",
-521 => x"83ffff06",
-522 => x"70892a81",
-523 => x"06565956",
-524 => x"73802e82",
-525 => x"f8387577",
-526 => x"278b3877",
-527 => x"872a8106",
-528 => x"5c7b82b5",
-529 => x"38767627",
-530 => x"83387656",
-531 => x"75537852",
-532 => x"79085185",
-533 => x"833f881a",
-534 => x"08763188",
-535 => x"1b0c7908",
-536 => x"167a0c76",
-537 => x"56751977",
-538 => x"77317f88",
-539 => x"05087831",
-540 => x"70618805",
-541 => x"0c415859",
-542 => x"7e802efe",
-543 => x"fa388c1a",
-544 => x"2258ff8a",
-545 => x"39787954",
-546 => x"7c537b52",
-547 => x"5684c93f",
-548 => x"881a0879",
-549 => x"31881b0c",
-550 => x"7908197a",
-551 => x"0c7c7631",
-552 => x"5d7c8e38",
-553 => x"79518ff2",
-554 => x"3f800881",
-555 => x"8f388008",
-556 => x"5f751c77",
-557 => x"77317f88",
-558 => x"05087831",
-559 => x"70618805",
-560 => x"0c5d585c",
-561 => x"7a802efe",
-562 => x"ae387681",
-563 => x"83387408",
-564 => x"84160888",
-565 => x"1757585c",
-566 => x"76802ef2",
-567 => x"3876538a",
-568 => x"527b5182",
-569 => x"d33f8008",
-570 => x"7c318105",
-571 => x"5d800884",
-572 => x"3881175d",
-573 => x"815f7c59",
-574 => x"767d2783",
-575 => x"38765994",
-576 => x"1a08881b",
-577 => x"08115758",
-578 => x"807a085c",
-579 => x"54901a08",
-580 => x"7b278338",
-581 => x"81547579",
-582 => x"25843873",
-583 => x"ba387779",
-584 => x"24fee238",
-585 => x"77537b52",
-586 => x"9c1a0851",
-587 => x"a41a0859",
-588 => x"782d8008",
-589 => x"56800880",
-590 => x"24fee238",
-591 => x"8c1a2280",
-592 => x"c0075e7d",
-593 => x"8c1b23ff",
-594 => x"5574800c",
-595 => x"903d0d04",
-596 => x"7effa338",
-597 => x"ff873975",
-598 => x"537b527a",
-599 => x"5182f93f",
-600 => x"7908167a",
-601 => x"0c79518e",
-602 => x"b13f8008",
-603 => x"cf387c76",
-604 => x"315d7cfe",
-605 => x"bc38feac",
-606 => x"39901a08",
-607 => x"7a087131",
-608 => x"78117056",
-609 => x"5a575280",
-610 => x"cfe40851",
-611 => x"84943f80",
-612 => x"08802eff",
-613 => x"a7388008",
-614 => x"901b0c80",
-615 => x"08167a0c",
-616 => x"77941b0c",
-617 => x"76881b0c",
-618 => x"7656fd99",
-619 => x"39790858",
-620 => x"901a0878",
-621 => x"27833881",
-622 => x"54757727",
-623 => x"843873b3",
-624 => x"38941a08",
-625 => x"54737726",
-626 => x"80d33873",
-627 => x"5378529c",
-628 => x"1a0851a4",
-629 => x"1a085877",
-630 => x"2d800856",
-631 => x"80088024",
-632 => x"fd83388c",
-633 => x"1a2280c0",
-634 => x"075e7d8c",
-635 => x"1b23ff55",
-636 => x"fed73975",
-637 => x"53785277",
-638 => x"5181dd3f",
-639 => x"7908167a",
-640 => x"0c79518d",
-641 => x"953f8008",
-642 => x"802efcd9",
-643 => x"388c1a22",
-644 => x"80c0075e",
-645 => x"7d8c1b23",
-646 => x"ff55fead",
-647 => x"39767754",
-648 => x"79537852",
-649 => x"5681b13f",
-650 => x"881a0877",
-651 => x"31881b0c",
-652 => x"7908177a",
-653 => x"0cfcae39",
-654 => x"fa3d0d7a",
-655 => x"79028805",
-656 => x"a7053355",
-657 => x"53548374",
-658 => x"2780df38",
-659 => x"71830651",
-660 => x"7080d738",
-661 => x"71715755",
-662 => x"83517582",
-663 => x"802913ff",
-664 => x"12525670",
-665 => x"8025f338",
-666 => x"837427bc",
-667 => x"38740876",
-668 => x"327009f7",
-669 => x"fbfdff12",
-670 => x"06f88482",
-671 => x"81800651",
-672 => x"5170802e",
-673 => x"98387451",
-674 => x"80527033",
-675 => x"5772772e",
-676 => x"b9388111",
-677 => x"81135351",
-678 => x"837227ee",
-679 => x"38fc1484",
-680 => x"16565473",
-681 => x"8326c638",
-682 => x"7452ff14",
-683 => x"5170ff2e",
-684 => x"97387133",
-685 => x"5472742e",
-686 => x"98388112",
-687 => x"ff125252",
-688 => x"70ff2e09",
-689 => x"8106eb38",
-690 => x"80517080",
-691 => x"0c883d0d",
-692 => x"0471800c",
-693 => x"883d0d04",
-694 => x"fa3d0d78",
-695 => x"7a7c7272",
-696 => x"72595755",
-697 => x"58565774",
-698 => x"7727b238",
-699 => x"75155176",
-700 => x"7127aa38",
-701 => x"707618ff",
-702 => x"18535353",
-703 => x"70ff2e96",
-704 => x"38ff12ff",
-705 => x"14545272",
-706 => x"337234ff",
-707 => x"115170ff",
-708 => x"2e098106",
-709 => x"ec387680",
-710 => x"0c883d0d",
-711 => x"048f7627",
-712 => x"80e63874",
-713 => x"77078306",
-714 => x"517080dc",
-715 => x"38767552",
-716 => x"53707084",
-717 => x"05520873",
-718 => x"70840555",
-719 => x"0c727170",
-720 => x"84055308",
-721 => x"71708405",
-722 => x"530c7170",
-723 => x"84055308",
-724 => x"71708405",
-725 => x"530c7170",
-726 => x"84055308",
-727 => x"71708405",
-728 => x"530cf015",
-729 => x"5553738f",
-730 => x"26c73883",
-731 => x"74279538",
-732 => x"70708405",
-733 => x"52087370",
-734 => x"8405550c",
-735 => x"fc145473",
-736 => x"8326ed38",
-737 => x"72715452",
-738 => x"ff145170",
-739 => x"ff2eff86",
-740 => x"38727081",
-741 => x"05543372",
-742 => x"70810554",
-743 => x"34ff1151",
-744 => x"ea39ef3d",
-745 => x"0d636567",
-746 => x"405d427b",
-747 => x"802e8582",
-748 => x"386151a9",
-749 => x"e73ff81c",
-750 => x"70841208",
-751 => x"70fc0670",
-752 => x"628b0570",
-753 => x"f8064159",
-754 => x"455c5f41",
-755 => x"57967427",
-756 => x"82c53880",
-757 => x"7b247e7c",
-758 => x"26075880",
-759 => x"5477742e",
-760 => x"09810682",
-761 => x"ab38787b",
-762 => x"2581fe38",
-763 => x"781780d7",
-764 => x"a00b8805",
-765 => x"085b5679",
-766 => x"762e84c5",
-767 => x"38841608",
-768 => x"70fe0617",
-769 => x"84110881",
-770 => x"06415555",
-771 => x"7e828d38",
-772 => x"74fc0658",
-773 => x"79762e84",
-774 => x"e3387818",
-775 => x"5f7e7b25",
-776 => x"81ff387c",
-777 => x"81065473",
-778 => x"82c13876",
-779 => x"77083184",
-780 => x"1108fc06",
-781 => x"56577580",
-782 => x"2e913879",
-783 => x"762e84f0",
-784 => x"38741819",
-785 => x"58777b25",
-786 => x"84913876",
-787 => x"802e829b",
-788 => x"38781556",
-789 => x"7a762482",
-790 => x"92388c17",
-791 => x"08881808",
-792 => x"718c120c",
-793 => x"88120c5e",
-794 => x"75598817",
-795 => x"61fc055b",
-796 => x"5679a426",
-797 => x"85ff387b",
-798 => x"76595593",
-799 => x"7a2780c9",
-800 => x"387b7084",
-801 => x"055d087c",
-802 => x"56760c74",
-803 => x"70840556",
-804 => x"088c180c",
-805 => x"9017589b",
-806 => x"7a27ae38",
-807 => x"74708405",
-808 => x"5608780c",
-809 => x"74708405",
-810 => x"56089418",
-811 => x"0c981758",
-812 => x"a37a2795",
-813 => x"38747084",
-814 => x"05560878",
-815 => x"0c747084",
-816 => x"0556089c",
-817 => x"180ca017",
-818 => x"58747084",
-819 => x"05560875",
-820 => x"5f787084",
-821 => x"055a0c77",
-822 => x"7e708405",
-823 => x"40087170",
-824 => x"8405530c",
-825 => x"7e08710c",
-826 => x"5d787b31",
-827 => x"56758f26",
-828 => x"80c93884",
-829 => x"17088106",
-830 => x"79078418",
-831 => x"0c781784",
-832 => x"11088107",
-833 => x"84120c5b",
-834 => x"6151a791",
-835 => x"3f881754",
-836 => x"73800c93",
-837 => x"3d0d0490",
-838 => x"5bfdb839",
-839 => x"7756fe83",
-840 => x"398c1608",
-841 => x"88170871",
-842 => x"8c120c88",
-843 => x"120c587e",
-844 => x"707c3157",
-845 => x"598f7627",
-846 => x"ffb9387a",
-847 => x"17841808",
-848 => x"81067c07",
-849 => x"84190c76",
-850 => x"81078412",
-851 => x"0c761184",
-852 => x"11088107",
-853 => x"84120c5b",
-854 => x"88055261",
-855 => x"518fda3f",
-856 => x"6151a6b9",
-857 => x"3f881754",
-858 => x"ffa6397d",
-859 => x"52615197",
-860 => x"d73f8008",
-861 => x"5a800880",
-862 => x"2e81ab38",
-863 => x"8008f805",
-864 => x"60840508",
-865 => x"fe066105",
-866 => x"58557477",
-867 => x"2e83f238",
-868 => x"fc195877",
-869 => x"a42681b0",
-870 => x"387b8008",
-871 => x"56579378",
-872 => x"2780dc38",
-873 => x"7b707084",
-874 => x"05520880",
-875 => x"08708405",
-876 => x"800c0c80",
-877 => x"08717084",
-878 => x"0553085d",
-879 => x"567b7670",
-880 => x"8405580c",
-881 => x"579b7827",
-882 => x"b6387670",
-883 => x"84055808",
-884 => x"75708405",
-885 => x"570c7670",
-886 => x"84055808",
-887 => x"75708405",
-888 => x"570ca378",
-889 => x"27993876",
-890 => x"70840558",
-891 => x"08757084",
-892 => x"05570c76",
-893 => x"70840558",
-894 => x"08757084",
-895 => x"05570c76",
-896 => x"70840558",
-897 => x"08775e75",
-898 => x"70840557",
-899 => x"0c747d70",
-900 => x"84055f08",
-901 => x"71708405",
-902 => x"530c7d08",
-903 => x"710c5f7b",
-904 => x"5261518e",
-905 => x"943f6151",
-906 => x"a4f33f79",
-907 => x"800c933d",
-908 => x"0d047d52",
-909 => x"61519690",
-910 => x"3f800880",
-911 => x"0c933d0d",
-912 => x"04841608",
-913 => x"55fbc939",
-914 => x"77537b52",
-915 => x"800851a2",
-916 => x"a53f7b52",
-917 => x"61518de1",
-918 => x"3fcc398c",
-919 => x"16088817",
-920 => x"08718c12",
-921 => x"0c88120c",
-922 => x"5d8c1708",
-923 => x"88180871",
-924 => x"8c120c88",
-925 => x"120c5977",
-926 => x"59fbef39",
-927 => x"7818901c",
-928 => x"40557e75",
-929 => x"24fb9c38",
-930 => x"7a177080",
-931 => x"d7a00b88",
-932 => x"050c757c",
-933 => x"31810784",
-934 => x"120c5684",
-935 => x"17088106",
-936 => x"7b078418",
-937 => x"0c6151a3",
-938 => x"f43f8817",
-939 => x"54fce139",
-940 => x"74181990",
-941 => x"1c5e5a7c",
-942 => x"7a24fb8f",
-943 => x"388c1708",
-944 => x"88180871",
-945 => x"8c120c88",
-946 => x"120c5e88",
-947 => x"1761fc05",
-948 => x"575975a4",
-949 => x"2681b638",
-950 => x"7b795955",
-951 => x"93762780",
-952 => x"c9387b70",
-953 => x"84055d08",
-954 => x"7c56790c",
-955 => x"74708405",
-956 => x"56088c18",
-957 => x"0c901758",
-958 => x"9b7627ae",
-959 => x"38747084",
-960 => x"05560878",
-961 => x"0c747084",
-962 => x"05560894",
-963 => x"180c9817",
-964 => x"58a37627",
-965 => x"95387470",
-966 => x"84055608",
-967 => x"780c7470",
-968 => x"84055608",
-969 => x"9c180ca0",
-970 => x"17587470",
-971 => x"84055608",
-972 => x"75417870",
-973 => x"84055a0c",
-974 => x"77607084",
-975 => x"05420871",
-976 => x"70840553",
-977 => x"0c600871",
-978 => x"0c5e7a17",
-979 => x"7080d7a0",
-980 => x"0b88050c",
-981 => x"7a7c3181",
-982 => x"0784120c",
-983 => x"58841708",
-984 => x"81067b07",
-985 => x"84180c61",
-986 => x"51a2b23f",
-987 => x"78547380",
-988 => x"0c933d0d",
-989 => x"0479537b",
-990 => x"5275519f",
-991 => x"f93ffae9",
-992 => x"39841508",
-993 => x"fc061960",
-994 => x"5859fadd",
-995 => x"3975537b",
-996 => x"5278519f",
-997 => x"e13f7a17",
-998 => x"7080d7a0",
-999 => x"0b88050c",
-1000 => x"7a7c3181",
-1001 => x"0784120c",
-1002 => x"58841708",
-1003 => x"81067b07",
-1004 => x"84180c61",
-1005 => x"51a1e63f",
-1006 => x"7854ffb2",
-1007 => x"39fa3d0d",
-1008 => x"7880cfe4",
-1009 => x"085455b8",
-1010 => x"1308802e",
-1011 => x"81af388c",
-1012 => x"15227083",
-1013 => x"ffff0670",
-1014 => x"832a8132",
-1015 => x"81065555",
-1016 => x"5672802e",
-1017 => x"80da3873",
-1018 => x"842a8132",
-1019 => x"810657ff",
-1020 => x"537680f2",
-1021 => x"3873822a",
-1022 => x"81065473",
-1023 => x"802eb938",
-1024 => x"b0150854",
-1025 => x"73802e9c",
-1026 => x"3880c015",
-1027 => x"5373732e",
-1028 => x"8f387352",
-1029 => x"80cfe408",
-1030 => x"518a9e3f",
-1031 => x"8c152256",
-1032 => x"76b0160c",
-1033 => x"75db0657",
-1034 => x"768c1623",
-1035 => x"800b8416",
-1036 => x"0c901508",
-1037 => x"750c7656",
-1038 => x"75880754",
-1039 => x"738c1623",
-1040 => x"90150880",
-1041 => x"2ebf388c",
-1042 => x"15227081",
-1043 => x"06555373",
-1044 => x"9c38720a",
-1045 => x"100a8106",
-1046 => x"56758538",
-1047 => x"94150854",
-1048 => x"7388160c",
-1049 => x"80537280",
-1050 => x"0c883d0d",
-1051 => x"04800b88",
-1052 => x"160c9415",
-1053 => x"08309816",
-1054 => x"0c8053ea",
-1055 => x"39725182",
-1056 => x"a63ffecb",
-1057 => x"3974518f",
-1058 => x"bc3f8c15",
-1059 => x"22708106",
-1060 => x"55537380",
-1061 => x"2effbb38",
-1062 => x"d439f83d",
-1063 => x"0d7a5776",
-1064 => x"802e8197",
-1065 => x"3880cfe4",
-1066 => x"0854b814",
-1067 => x"08802e80",
-1068 => x"eb388c17",
-1069 => x"2270902b",
-1070 => x"70902c70",
-1071 => x"832a8132",
-1072 => x"81065b5b",
-1073 => x"57557780",
-1074 => x"cb389017",
-1075 => x"08567580",
-1076 => x"2e80c138",
-1077 => x"76087631",
-1078 => x"76780c79",
-1079 => x"83065555",
-1080 => x"73853894",
-1081 => x"17085877",
-1082 => x"88180c80",
-1083 => x"7525a538",
-1084 => x"74537552",
-1085 => x"9c170851",
-1086 => x"a4170854",
-1087 => x"732d800b",
-1088 => x"80082580",
-1089 => x"c9388008",
-1090 => x"16758008",
-1091 => x"31565674",
-1092 => x"8024dd38",
-1093 => x"800b800c",
-1094 => x"8a3d0d04",
-1095 => x"73518187",
-1096 => x"3f8c1722",
-1097 => x"70902b70",
-1098 => x"902c7083",
-1099 => x"2a813281",
-1100 => x"065b5b57",
-1101 => x"5577dd38",
-1102 => x"ff9039a1",
-1103 => x"9a5280cf",
-1104 => x"e408518c",
-1105 => x"d03f8008",
-1106 => x"800c8a3d",
-1107 => x"0d048c17",
-1108 => x"2280c007",
-1109 => x"58778c18",
-1110 => x"23ff0b80",
-1111 => x"0c8a3d0d",
-1112 => x"04fa3d0d",
-1113 => x"797080dc",
-1114 => x"298c1154",
-1115 => x"7a535657",
-1116 => x"8fd63f80",
-1117 => x"08800855",
-1118 => x"56800880",
-1119 => x"2ea23880",
-1120 => x"088c0554",
-1121 => x"800b8008",
-1122 => x"0c768008",
-1123 => x"84050c73",
-1124 => x"80088805",
-1125 => x"0c745380",
-1126 => x"5273519c",
-1127 => x"f53f7554",
-1128 => x"73800c88",
-1129 => x"3d0d0470",
-1130 => x"707074a8",
-1131 => x"e60bbc12",
-1132 => x"0c53810b",
-1133 => x"b8140c80",
-1134 => x"0b84dc14",
-1135 => x"0c830b84",
-1136 => x"e0140c84",
-1137 => x"e81384e4",
-1138 => x"140c8413",
-1139 => x"08518070",
-1140 => x"720c7084",
-1141 => x"130c7088",
-1142 => x"130c5284",
-1143 => x"0b8c1223",
-1144 => x"718e1223",
-1145 => x"7190120c",
-1146 => x"7194120c",
-1147 => x"7198120c",
-1148 => x"709c120c",
-1149 => x"80c1d50b",
-1150 => x"a0120c80",
-1151 => x"c2a10ba4",
-1152 => x"120c80c3",
-1153 => x"9d0ba812",
-1154 => x"0c80c3ee",
-1155 => x"0bac120c",
-1156 => x"88130872",
-1157 => x"710c7284",
-1158 => x"120c7288",
-1159 => x"120c5189",
-1160 => x"0b8c1223",
-1161 => x"810b8e12",
-1162 => x"23719012",
-1163 => x"0c719412",
-1164 => x"0c719812",
-1165 => x"0c709c12",
-1166 => x"0c80c1d5",
-1167 => x"0ba0120c",
-1168 => x"80c2a10b",
-1169 => x"a4120c80",
-1170 => x"c39d0ba8",
-1171 => x"120c80c3",
-1172 => x"ee0bac12",
-1173 => x"0c8c1308",
-1174 => x"72710c72",
-1175 => x"84120c72",
-1176 => x"88120c51",
-1177 => x"8a0b8c12",
-1178 => x"23820b8e",
-1179 => x"12237190",
-1180 => x"120c7194",
-1181 => x"120c7198",
-1182 => x"120c709c",
-1183 => x"120c80c1",
-1184 => x"d50ba012",
-1185 => x"0c80c2a1",
-1186 => x"0ba4120c",
-1187 => x"80c39d0b",
-1188 => x"a8120c80",
-1189 => x"c3ee0bac",
-1190 => x"120c5050",
-1191 => x"5004f83d",
-1192 => x"0d7a80cf",
-1193 => x"e408b811",
-1194 => x"08575758",
-1195 => x"7481ec38",
-1196 => x"a8e60bbc",
-1197 => x"170c810b",
-1198 => x"b8170c74",
-1199 => x"84dc170c",
-1200 => x"830b84e0",
-1201 => x"170c84e8",
-1202 => x"1684e417",
-1203 => x"0c841608",
-1204 => x"75710c75",
-1205 => x"84120c75",
-1206 => x"88120c59",
-1207 => x"840b8c1a",
-1208 => x"23748e1a",
-1209 => x"2374901a",
-1210 => x"0c74941a",
-1211 => x"0c74981a",
-1212 => x"0c789c1a",
-1213 => x"0c80c1d5",
-1214 => x"0ba01a0c",
-1215 => x"80c2a10b",
-1216 => x"a41a0c80",
-1217 => x"c39d0ba8",
-1218 => x"1a0c80c3",
-1219 => x"ee0bac1a",
-1220 => x"0c881608",
-1221 => x"75710c75",
-1222 => x"84120c75",
-1223 => x"88120c57",
-1224 => x"890b8c18",
-1225 => x"23810b8e",
-1226 => x"18237490",
-1227 => x"180c7494",
-1228 => x"180c7498",
-1229 => x"180c769c",
-1230 => x"180c80c1",
-1231 => x"d50ba018",
-1232 => x"0c80c2a1",
-1233 => x"0ba4180c",
-1234 => x"80c39d0b",
-1235 => x"a8180c80",
-1236 => x"c3ee0bac",
-1237 => x"180c8c16",
-1238 => x"0875710c",
-1239 => x"7584120c",
-1240 => x"7588120c",
-1241 => x"548a0b8c",
-1242 => x"1523820b",
-1243 => x"8e152374",
-1244 => x"90150c74",
-1245 => x"94150c74",
-1246 => x"98150c73",
-1247 => x"9c150c80",
-1248 => x"c1d50ba0",
-1249 => x"150c80c2",
-1250 => x"a10ba415",
-1251 => x"0c80c39d",
-1252 => x"0ba8150c",
-1253 => x"80c3ee0b",
-1254 => x"ac150c84",
-1255 => x"dc168811",
-1256 => x"08841208",
-1257 => x"ff055757",
-1258 => x"57807524",
-1259 => x"9f388c16",
-1260 => x"2270902b",
-1261 => x"70902c51",
-1262 => x"55597380",
-1263 => x"2e80ed38",
-1264 => x"80dc16ff",
-1265 => x"16565674",
-1266 => x"8025e338",
-1267 => x"76085574",
-1268 => x"802e8f38",
-1269 => x"74881108",
-1270 => x"841208ff",
-1271 => x"05575757",
-1272 => x"c83982fc",
-1273 => x"5277518a",
-1274 => x"df3f8008",
-1275 => x"80085556",
-1276 => x"8008802e",
-1277 => x"a3388008",
-1278 => x"8c057580",
-1279 => x"080c5484",
-1280 => x"0b800884",
-1281 => x"050c7380",
-1282 => x"0888050c",
-1283 => x"82f05374",
-1284 => x"52735197",
-1285 => x"fd3f7554",
-1286 => x"7374780c",
-1287 => x"5573ffb4",
-1288 => x"388c780c",
-1289 => x"800b800c",
-1290 => x"8a3d0d04",
-1291 => x"810b8c17",
-1292 => x"2373760c",
-1293 => x"7388170c",
-1294 => x"7384170c",
-1295 => x"7390170c",
-1296 => x"7394170c",
-1297 => x"7398170c",
-1298 => x"ff0b8e17",
-1299 => x"2373b017",
-1300 => x"0c73b417",
-1301 => x"0c7380c4",
-1302 => x"170c7380",
-1303 => x"c8170c75",
-1304 => x"800c8a3d",
-1305 => x"0d047070",
-1306 => x"a19a5273",
-1307 => x"5186a63f",
-1308 => x"50500470",
-1309 => x"70a19a52",
-1310 => x"80cfe408",
-1311 => x"5186963f",
-1312 => x"505004fb",
-1313 => x"3d0d7770",
-1314 => x"52569890",
-1315 => x"3f80d7a0",
-1316 => x"0b880508",
-1317 => x"841108fc",
-1318 => x"06707b31",
-1319 => x"9fef05e0",
-1320 => x"8006e080",
-1321 => x"05525555",
-1322 => x"a0807524",
-1323 => x"94388052",
-1324 => x"755197ea",
-1325 => x"3f80d7a8",
-1326 => x"08145372",
-1327 => x"80082e8f",
-1328 => x"38755197",
-1329 => x"d83f8053",
-1330 => x"72800c87",
-1331 => x"3d0d0474",
-1332 => x"30527551",
-1333 => x"97c83f80",
-1334 => x"08ff2ea8",
-1335 => x"3880d7a0",
-1336 => x"0b880508",
-1337 => x"74763181",
-1338 => x"0784120c",
-1339 => x"5380d6e4",
-1340 => x"08753180",
-1341 => x"d6e40c75",
-1342 => x"5197a23f",
-1343 => x"810b800c",
-1344 => x"873d0d04",
-1345 => x"80527551",
-1346 => x"97943f80",
-1347 => x"d7a00b88",
-1348 => x"05088008",
-1349 => x"71315454",
-1350 => x"8f7325ff",
-1351 => x"a4388008",
-1352 => x"80d79408",
-1353 => x"3180d6e4",
-1354 => x"0c728107",
-1355 => x"84150c75",
-1356 => x"5196ea3f",
-1357 => x"8053ff90",
-1358 => x"39f73d0d",
-1359 => x"7b7d545a",
-1360 => x"72802e82",
-1361 => x"83387951",
-1362 => x"96d23ff8",
-1363 => x"13841108",
-1364 => x"70fe0670",
-1365 => x"13841108",
-1366 => x"fc065c57",
-1367 => x"58545780",
-1368 => x"d7a80874",
-1369 => x"2e82de38",
-1370 => x"7784150c",
-1371 => x"80738106",
-1372 => x"56597479",
-1373 => x"2e81d538",
-1374 => x"77148411",
-1375 => x"08810656",
-1376 => x"5374a038",
-1377 => x"77165678",
-1378 => x"81e63888",
-1379 => x"14085574",
-1380 => x"80d7a82e",
-1381 => x"82f9388c",
-1382 => x"1408708c",
-1383 => x"170c7588",
-1384 => x"120c5875",
-1385 => x"81078418",
-1386 => x"0c751776",
-1387 => x"710c5478",
-1388 => x"81913883",
-1389 => x"ff762781",
-1390 => x"c8387589",
-1391 => x"2a76832a",
-1392 => x"54547380",
-1393 => x"2ebf3875",
-1394 => x"862ab805",
-1395 => x"53847427",
-1396 => x"b43880db",
-1397 => x"14539474",
-1398 => x"27ab3875",
-1399 => x"8c2a80ee",
-1400 => x"055380d4",
-1401 => x"74279e38",
-1402 => x"758f2a80",
-1403 => x"f7055382",
-1404 => x"d4742791",
-1405 => x"3875922a",
-1406 => x"80fc0553",
-1407 => x"8ad47427",
-1408 => x"843880fe",
-1409 => x"53721010",
-1410 => x"1080d7a0",
-1411 => x"05881108",
-1412 => x"55557375",
-1413 => x"2e82bf38",
-1414 => x"841408fc",
-1415 => x"06597579",
-1416 => x"278d3888",
-1417 => x"14085473",
-1418 => x"752e0981",
-1419 => x"06ea388c",
-1420 => x"1408708c",
-1421 => x"190c7488",
-1422 => x"190c7788",
-1423 => x"120c5576",
-1424 => x"8c150c79",
-1425 => x"5194d63f",
-1426 => x"8b3d0d04",
-1427 => x"76087771",
-1428 => x"31587605",
-1429 => x"88180856",
-1430 => x"567480d7",
-1431 => x"a82e80e0",
-1432 => x"388c1708",
-1433 => x"708c170c",
-1434 => x"7588120c",
-1435 => x"53fe8939",
-1436 => x"8814088c",
-1437 => x"1508708c",
-1438 => x"130c5988",
-1439 => x"190cfea3",
-1440 => x"3975832a",
-1441 => x"70545480",
-1442 => x"74248198",
-1443 => x"3872822c",
-1444 => x"81712b80",
-1445 => x"d7a40807",
-1446 => x"80d7a00b",
-1447 => x"84050c74",
-1448 => x"10101080",
-1449 => x"d7a00588",
-1450 => x"1108718c",
-1451 => x"1b0c7088",
-1452 => x"1b0c7988",
-1453 => x"130c565a",
-1454 => x"55768c15",
-1455 => x"0cff8439",
-1456 => x"8159fdb4",
-1457 => x"39771673",
-1458 => x"81065455",
-1459 => x"72983876",
-1460 => x"08777131",
-1461 => x"5875058c",
-1462 => x"18088819",
-1463 => x"08718c12",
-1464 => x"0c88120c",
-1465 => x"55557481",
-1466 => x"0784180c",
-1467 => x"7680d7a0",
-1468 => x"0b88050c",
-1469 => x"80d79c08",
-1470 => x"7526fec7",
-1471 => x"3880d798",
-1472 => x"08527951",
-1473 => x"fafd3f79",
-1474 => x"5193923f",
-1475 => x"feba3981",
-1476 => x"778c170c",
-1477 => x"7788170c",
-1478 => x"758c190c",
-1479 => x"7588190c",
-1480 => x"59fd8039",
-1481 => x"83147082",
-1482 => x"2c81712b",
-1483 => x"80d7a408",
-1484 => x"0780d7a0",
-1485 => x"0b84050c",
-1486 => x"75101010",
-1487 => x"80d7a005",
-1488 => x"88110871",
-1489 => x"8c1c0c70",
-1490 => x"881c0c7a",
-1491 => x"88130c57",
-1492 => x"5b5653fe",
-1493 => x"e4398073",
-1494 => x"24a33872",
-1495 => x"822c8171",
-1496 => x"2b80d7a4",
-1497 => x"080780d7",
-1498 => x"a00b8405",
-1499 => x"0c58748c",
-1500 => x"180c7388",
-1501 => x"180c7688",
-1502 => x"160cfdc3",
-1503 => x"39831370",
-1504 => x"822c8171",
-1505 => x"2b80d7a4",
-1506 => x"080780d7",
-1507 => x"a00b8405",
-1508 => x"0c5953da",
-1509 => x"39f93d0d",
-1510 => x"797b5853",
-1511 => x"800b80cf",
-1512 => x"e4085356",
-1513 => x"72722ebc",
-1514 => x"3884dc13",
-1515 => x"5574762e",
-1516 => x"b3388815",
-1517 => x"08841608",
-1518 => x"ff055454",
-1519 => x"80732499",
-1520 => x"388c1422",
-1521 => x"70902b53",
-1522 => x"587180d4",
-1523 => x"3880dc14",
-1524 => x"ff145454",
-1525 => x"728025e9",
-1526 => x"38740855",
-1527 => x"74d43880",
-1528 => x"cfe40852",
-1529 => x"84dc1255",
-1530 => x"74802ead",
-1531 => x"38881508",
-1532 => x"841608ff",
-1533 => x"05545480",
-1534 => x"73249838",
-1535 => x"8c142270",
-1536 => x"902b5358",
-1537 => x"71ad3880",
-1538 => x"dc14ff14",
-1539 => x"54547280",
-1540 => x"25ea3874",
-1541 => x"085574d5",
-1542 => x"3875800c",
-1543 => x"893d0d04",
-1544 => x"7351762d",
-1545 => x"75800807",
-1546 => x"80dc15ff",
-1547 => x"15555556",
-1548 => x"ffa23973",
-1549 => x"51762d75",
-1550 => x"80080780",
-1551 => x"dc15ff15",
-1552 => x"555556ca",
-1553 => x"39ea3d0d",
-1554 => x"688c1122",
-1555 => x"700a100a",
-1556 => x"81065758",
-1557 => x"567480e4",
-1558 => x"388e1622",
-1559 => x"70902b70",
-1560 => x"902c5155",
-1561 => x"58807424",
-1562 => x"b138983d",
-1563 => x"c4055373",
-1564 => x"5280cfe4",
-1565 => x"08519481",
-1566 => x"3f800b80",
-1567 => x"08249738",
-1568 => x"7983e080",
-1569 => x"06547380",
-1570 => x"c0802e81",
-1571 => x"8f387382",
-1572 => x"80802e81",
-1573 => x"91388c16",
-1574 => x"22577690",
-1575 => x"80075473",
-1576 => x"8c172388",
-1577 => x"805280cf",
-1578 => x"e4085181",
-1579 => x"9b3f8008",
-1580 => x"9d388c16",
-1581 => x"22820755",
-1582 => x"748c1723",
-1583 => x"80c31670",
-1584 => x"770c9017",
-1585 => x"0c810b94",
-1586 => x"170c983d",
-1587 => x"0d0480cf",
-1588 => x"e408a8e6",
-1589 => x"0bbc120c",
-1590 => x"588c1622",
-1591 => x"81800754",
-1592 => x"738c1723",
-1593 => x"8008760c",
-1594 => x"80089017",
-1595 => x"0c88800b",
-1596 => x"94170c74",
-1597 => x"802ed338",
-1598 => x"8e162270",
-1599 => x"902b7090",
-1600 => x"2c535654",
-1601 => x"9afe3f80",
-1602 => x"08802eff",
-1603 => x"bd388c16",
-1604 => x"22810757",
-1605 => x"768c1723",
-1606 => x"983d0d04",
-1607 => x"810b8c17",
-1608 => x"225855fe",
-1609 => x"f539a816",
-1610 => x"0880c39d",
-1611 => x"2e098106",
-1612 => x"fee4388c",
-1613 => x"16228880",
-1614 => x"0754738c",
-1615 => x"17238880",
-1616 => x"0b80cc17",
-1617 => x"0cfedc39",
-1618 => x"f43d0d7e",
-1619 => x"608b1170",
-1620 => x"f8065b55",
-1621 => x"555d7296",
-1622 => x"26833890",
-1623 => x"58807824",
-1624 => x"74792607",
-1625 => x"55805474",
-1626 => x"742e0981",
-1627 => x"0680ca38",
-1628 => x"7c518ea8",
-1629 => x"3f7783f7",
-1630 => x"2680c538",
-1631 => x"77832a70",
-1632 => x"10101080",
-1633 => x"d7a0058c",
-1634 => x"11085858",
-1635 => x"5475772e",
-1636 => x"81f03884",
-1637 => x"1608fc06",
-1638 => x"8c170888",
-1639 => x"1808718c",
-1640 => x"120c8812",
-1641 => x"0c5b7605",
-1642 => x"84110881",
-1643 => x"0784120c",
-1644 => x"537c518d",
-1645 => x"e83f8816",
-1646 => x"5473800c",
-1647 => x"8e3d0d04",
-1648 => x"77892a78",
-1649 => x"832a5854",
-1650 => x"73802ebf",
-1651 => x"3877862a",
-1652 => x"b8055784",
-1653 => x"7427b438",
-1654 => x"80db1457",
-1655 => x"947427ab",
-1656 => x"38778c2a",
-1657 => x"80ee0557",
-1658 => x"80d47427",
-1659 => x"9e38778f",
-1660 => x"2a80f705",
-1661 => x"5782d474",
-1662 => x"27913877",
-1663 => x"922a80fc",
-1664 => x"05578ad4",
-1665 => x"74278438",
-1666 => x"80fe5776",
-1667 => x"10101080",
-1668 => x"d7a0058c",
-1669 => x"11085653",
-1670 => x"74732ea3",
-1671 => x"38841508",
-1672 => x"fc067079",
-1673 => x"31555673",
-1674 => x"8f2488e4",
-1675 => x"38738025",
-1676 => x"88e6388c",
-1677 => x"15085574",
-1678 => x"732e0981",
-1679 => x"06df3881",
-1680 => x"175980d7",
-1681 => x"b0085675",
-1682 => x"80d7a82e",
-1683 => x"82cc3884",
-1684 => x"1608fc06",
-1685 => x"70793155",
-1686 => x"55738f24",
-1687 => x"bb3880d7",
-1688 => x"a80b80d7",
-1689 => x"b40c80d7",
-1690 => x"a80b80d7",
-1691 => x"b00c8074",
-1692 => x"2480db38",
-1693 => x"74168411",
-1694 => x"08810784",
-1695 => x"120c53fe",
-1696 => x"b0398816",
-1697 => x"8c110857",
-1698 => x"5975792e",
-1699 => x"098106fe",
-1700 => x"82388214",
-1701 => x"59ffab39",
-1702 => x"77167881",
-1703 => x"0784180c",
-1704 => x"7080d7b4",
-1705 => x"0c7080d7",
-1706 => x"b00c80d7",
-1707 => x"a80b8c12",
-1708 => x"0c8c1108",
-1709 => x"88120c74",
-1710 => x"81078412",
-1711 => x"0c740574",
-1712 => x"710c5b7c",
-1713 => x"518bd63f",
-1714 => x"881654fd",
-1715 => x"ec3983ff",
-1716 => x"75278391",
-1717 => x"3874892a",
-1718 => x"75832a54",
-1719 => x"5473802e",
-1720 => x"bf387486",
-1721 => x"2ab80553",
-1722 => x"847427b4",
-1723 => x"3880db14",
-1724 => x"53947427",
-1725 => x"ab38748c",
-1726 => x"2a80ee05",
-1727 => x"5380d474",
-1728 => x"279e3874",
-1729 => x"8f2a80f7",
-1730 => x"055382d4",
-1731 => x"74279138",
-1732 => x"74922a80",
-1733 => x"fc05538a",
-1734 => x"d4742784",
-1735 => x"3880fe53",
-1736 => x"72101010",
-1737 => x"80d7a005",
-1738 => x"88110855",
-1739 => x"5773772e",
-1740 => x"868b3884",
-1741 => x"1408fc06",
-1742 => x"5b747b27",
-1743 => x"8d388814",
-1744 => x"08547377",
-1745 => x"2e098106",
-1746 => x"ea388c14",
-1747 => x"0880d7a0",
-1748 => x"0b840508",
-1749 => x"718c190c",
-1750 => x"7588190c",
-1751 => x"7788130c",
-1752 => x"5c57758c",
-1753 => x"150c7853",
-1754 => x"80792483",
-1755 => x"98387282",
-1756 => x"2c81712b",
-1757 => x"5656747b",
-1758 => x"2680ca38",
-1759 => x"7a750657",
-1760 => x"7682a338",
-1761 => x"78fc0684",
-1762 => x"05597410",
-1763 => x"707c0655",
-1764 => x"55738292",
-1765 => x"38841959",
-1766 => x"f13980d7",
-1767 => x"a00b8405",
-1768 => x"0879545b",
-1769 => x"788025c6",
-1770 => x"3882da39",
-1771 => x"74097b06",
-1772 => x"7080d7a0",
-1773 => x"0b84050c",
-1774 => x"5b741055",
-1775 => x"747b2685",
-1776 => x"387485bc",
-1777 => x"3880d7a0",
-1778 => x"0b880508",
-1779 => x"70841208",
-1780 => x"fc06707b",
-1781 => x"317b7226",
-1782 => x"8f722507",
-1783 => x"5d575c5c",
-1784 => x"5578802e",
-1785 => x"80d93879",
-1786 => x"1580d798",
-1787 => x"08199011",
-1788 => x"59545680",
-1789 => x"d79408ff",
-1790 => x"2e8838a0",
-1791 => x"8f13e080",
-1792 => x"06577652",
-1793 => x"7c518996",
-1794 => x"3f800854",
-1795 => x"8008ff2e",
-1796 => x"90388008",
-1797 => x"762782a7",
-1798 => x"387480d7",
-1799 => x"a02e829f",
-1800 => x"3880d7a0",
-1801 => x"0b880508",
-1802 => x"55841508",
-1803 => x"fc067079",
-1804 => x"31797226",
-1805 => x"8f722507",
-1806 => x"5d555a7a",
-1807 => x"83f23877",
-1808 => x"81078416",
-1809 => x"0c771570",
-1810 => x"80d7a00b",
-1811 => x"88050c74",
-1812 => x"81078412",
-1813 => x"0c567c51",
-1814 => x"88c33f88",
-1815 => x"15547380",
-1816 => x"0c8e3d0d",
-1817 => x"0474832a",
-1818 => x"70545480",
-1819 => x"7424819b",
-1820 => x"3872822c",
-1821 => x"81712b80",
-1822 => x"d7a40807",
-1823 => x"7080d7a0",
-1824 => x"0b84050c",
-1825 => x"75101010",
-1826 => x"80d7a005",
-1827 => x"88110871",
-1828 => x"8c1b0c70",
-1829 => x"881b0c79",
-1830 => x"88130c57",
-1831 => x"555c5575",
-1832 => x"8c150cfd",
-1833 => x"c1397879",
-1834 => x"10101080",
-1835 => x"d7a00570",
-1836 => x"565b5c8c",
-1837 => x"14085675",
-1838 => x"742ea338",
-1839 => x"841608fc",
-1840 => x"06707931",
-1841 => x"5853768f",
-1842 => x"2483f138",
-1843 => x"76802584",
-1844 => x"af388c16",
-1845 => x"08567574",
-1846 => x"2e098106",
-1847 => x"df388814",
-1848 => x"811a7083",
-1849 => x"06555a54",
-1850 => x"72c9387b",
-1851 => x"83065675",
-1852 => x"802efdb8",
-1853 => x"38ff1cf8",
-1854 => x"1b5b5c88",
-1855 => x"1a087a2e",
-1856 => x"ea38fdb5",
-1857 => x"39831953",
-1858 => x"fce43983",
-1859 => x"1470822c",
-1860 => x"81712b80",
-1861 => x"d7a40807",
-1862 => x"7080d7a0",
-1863 => x"0b84050c",
-1864 => x"76101010",
-1865 => x"80d7a005",
-1866 => x"88110871",
-1867 => x"8c1c0c70",
-1868 => x"881c0c7a",
-1869 => x"88130c58",
-1870 => x"535d5653",
-1871 => x"fee13980",
-1872 => x"d6e40817",
-1873 => x"59800876",
-1874 => x"2e818b38",
-1875 => x"80d79408",
-1876 => x"ff2e848e",
-1877 => x"38737631",
-1878 => x"1980d6e4",
-1879 => x"0c738706",
-1880 => x"70565372",
-1881 => x"802e8838",
-1882 => x"88733170",
-1883 => x"15555576",
-1884 => x"149fff06",
-1885 => x"a0807131",
-1886 => x"1670547e",
-1887 => x"53515386",
-1888 => x"9d3f8008",
-1889 => x"568008ff",
-1890 => x"2e819e38",
-1891 => x"80d6e408",
-1892 => x"137080d6",
-1893 => x"e40c7475",
-1894 => x"80d7a00b",
-1895 => x"88050c77",
-1896 => x"76311581",
-1897 => x"07555659",
-1898 => x"7a80d7a0",
-1899 => x"2e83c038",
-1900 => x"798f2682",
-1901 => x"ef38810b",
-1902 => x"84150c84",
-1903 => x"1508fc06",
-1904 => x"70793179",
-1905 => x"72268f72",
-1906 => x"25075d55",
-1907 => x"5a7a802e",
-1908 => x"fced3880",
-1909 => x"db398008",
-1910 => x"9fff0655",
-1911 => x"74feed38",
-1912 => x"7880d6e4",
-1913 => x"0c80d7a0",
-1914 => x"0b880508",
-1915 => x"7a188107",
-1916 => x"84120c55",
-1917 => x"80d79008",
-1918 => x"79278638",
-1919 => x"7880d790",
-1920 => x"0c80d78c",
-1921 => x"087927fc",
-1922 => x"a0387880",
-1923 => x"d78c0c84",
-1924 => x"1508fc06",
-1925 => x"70793179",
-1926 => x"72268f72",
-1927 => x"25075d55",
-1928 => x"5a7a802e",
-1929 => x"fc993888",
-1930 => x"39807457",
-1931 => x"53fedd39",
-1932 => x"7c5184e9",
-1933 => x"3f800b80",
-1934 => x"0c8e3d0d",
-1935 => x"04807324",
-1936 => x"a5387282",
-1937 => x"2c81712b",
-1938 => x"80d7a408",
-1939 => x"077080d7",
-1940 => x"a00b8405",
-1941 => x"0c5c5a76",
-1942 => x"8c170c73",
-1943 => x"88170c75",
-1944 => x"88180cf9",
-1945 => x"fd398313",
-1946 => x"70822c81",
-1947 => x"712b80d7",
-1948 => x"a4080770",
-1949 => x"80d7a00b",
-1950 => x"84050c5d",
-1951 => x"5b53d839",
-1952 => x"7a75065c",
-1953 => x"7bfc9f38",
-1954 => x"84197510",
-1955 => x"5659f139",
-1956 => x"ff178105",
-1957 => x"59f7ab39",
-1958 => x"8c150888",
-1959 => x"1608718c",
-1960 => x"120c8812",
-1961 => x"0c597515",
-1962 => x"84110881",
-1963 => x"0784120c",
-1964 => x"587c5183",
-1965 => x"e83f8815",
-1966 => x"54fba339",
-1967 => x"77167881",
-1968 => x"0784180c",
-1969 => x"8c170888",
-1970 => x"1808718c",
-1971 => x"120c8812",
-1972 => x"0c5c7080",
-1973 => x"d7b40c70",
-1974 => x"80d7b00c",
-1975 => x"80d7a80b",
-1976 => x"8c120c8c",
-1977 => x"11088812",
-1978 => x"0c778107",
-1979 => x"84120c77",
-1980 => x"0577710c",
-1981 => x"557c5183",
-1982 => x"a43f8816",
-1983 => x"54f5ba39",
-1984 => x"72168411",
-1985 => x"08810784",
-1986 => x"120c588c",
-1987 => x"16088817",
-1988 => x"08718c12",
-1989 => x"0c88120c",
-1990 => x"577c5183",
-1991 => x"803f8816",
-1992 => x"54f59639",
-1993 => x"7284150c",
-1994 => x"f41af806",
-1995 => x"70841d08",
-1996 => x"81060784",
-1997 => x"1d0c701c",
-1998 => x"5556850b",
-1999 => x"84150c85",
-2000 => x"0b88150c",
-2001 => x"8f7627fd",
-2002 => x"ab38881b",
-2003 => x"527c51eb",
-2004 => x"e83f80d7",
-2005 => x"a00b8805",
-2006 => x"0880d6e4",
-2007 => x"085a55fd",
-2008 => x"93397880",
-2009 => x"d6e40c73",
-2010 => x"80d7940c",
-2011 => x"fbef3972",
-2012 => x"84150cfc",
-2013 => x"ff39fb3d",
-2014 => x"0d77707a",
-2015 => x"7c585553",
-2016 => x"568f7527",
-2017 => x"80e63872",
-2018 => x"76078306",
-2019 => x"517080dc",
-2020 => x"38757352",
-2021 => x"54707084",
-2022 => x"05520874",
-2023 => x"70840556",
-2024 => x"0c737170",
-2025 => x"84055308",
-2026 => x"71708405",
-2027 => x"530c7170",
-2028 => x"84055308",
-2029 => x"71708405",
-2030 => x"530c7170",
-2031 => x"84055308",
-2032 => x"71708405",
-2033 => x"530cf016",
-2034 => x"5654748f",
-2035 => x"26c73883",
-2036 => x"75279538",
-2037 => x"70708405",
-2038 => x"52087470",
-2039 => x"8405560c",
-2040 => x"fc155574",
-2041 => x"8326ed38",
-2042 => x"73715452",
-2043 => x"ff155170",
-2044 => x"ff2e9838",
-2045 => x"72708105",
-2046 => x"54337270",
-2047 => x"81055434",
-2048 => x"ff115170",
-2049 => x"ff2e0981",
-2050 => x"06ea3875",
-2051 => x"800c873d",
-2052 => x"0d04fb3d",
-2053 => x"0d777a71",
-2054 => x"028c05a3",
-2055 => x"05335854",
-2056 => x"54568373",
-2057 => x"2780d438",
-2058 => x"75830651",
-2059 => x"7080cc38",
-2060 => x"74882b75",
-2061 => x"07707190",
-2062 => x"2b075551",
-2063 => x"8f7327a7",
-2064 => x"38737270",
-2065 => x"8405540c",
-2066 => x"71747170",
-2067 => x"8405530c",
-2068 => x"74717084",
-2069 => x"05530c74",
-2070 => x"71708405",
-2071 => x"530cf014",
-2072 => x"5452728f",
-2073 => x"26db3883",
-2074 => x"73279038",
-2075 => x"73727084",
-2076 => x"05540cfc",
-2077 => x"13537283",
-2078 => x"26f238ff",
-2079 => x"135170ff",
-2080 => x"2e933874",
-2081 => x"72708105",
-2082 => x"5434ff11",
-2083 => x"5170ff2e",
-2084 => x"098106ef",
-2085 => x"3875800c",
-2086 => x"873d0d04",
-2087 => x"04047070",
-2088 => x"7070800b",
-2089 => x"80dfe00c",
-2090 => x"765184f3",
-2091 => x"3f800853",
-2092 => x"8008ff2e",
-2093 => x"89387280",
-2094 => x"0c505050",
-2095 => x"500480df",
-2096 => x"e0085473",
-2097 => x"802eef38",
-2098 => x"7574710c",
-2099 => x"5272800c",
-2100 => x"50505050",
-2101 => x"04f93d0d",
-2102 => x"797c557b",
-2103 => x"548e1122",
-2104 => x"70902b70",
-2105 => x"902c5557",
-2106 => x"80cfe408",
-2107 => x"53585683",
-2108 => x"f63f8008",
-2109 => x"57800b80",
-2110 => x"08249338",
-2111 => x"80d01608",
-2112 => x"80080580",
-2113 => x"d0170c76",
-2114 => x"800c893d",
-2115 => x"0d048c16",
-2116 => x"2283dfff",
-2117 => x"0655748c",
-2118 => x"17237680",
-2119 => x"0c893d0d",
-2120 => x"04fa3d0d",
-2121 => x"788c1122",
-2122 => x"70882a70",
-2123 => x"81065157",
-2124 => x"585674a9",
-2125 => x"388c1622",
-2126 => x"83dfff06",
-2127 => x"55748c17",
-2128 => x"237a5479",
-2129 => x"538e1622",
-2130 => x"70902b70",
-2131 => x"902c5456",
-2132 => x"80cfe408",
-2133 => x"525681b2",
-2134 => x"3f883d0d",
-2135 => x"04825480",
-2136 => x"538e1622",
-2137 => x"70902b70",
-2138 => x"902c5456",
-2139 => x"80cfe408",
-2140 => x"525782bb",
-2141 => x"3f8c1622",
-2142 => x"83dfff06",
-2143 => x"55748c17",
-2144 => x"237a5479",
-2145 => x"538e1622",
-2146 => x"70902b70",
-2147 => x"902c5456",
-2148 => x"80cfe408",
-2149 => x"525680f2",
-2150 => x"3f883d0d",
-2151 => x"04f93d0d",
-2152 => x"797c557b",
-2153 => x"548e1122",
-2154 => x"70902b70",
-2155 => x"902c5557",
-2156 => x"80cfe408",
-2157 => x"53585681",
-2158 => x"f63f8008",
-2159 => x"578008ff",
-2160 => x"2e99388c",
-2161 => x"1622a080",
-2162 => x"0755748c",
-2163 => x"17238008",
-2164 => x"80d0170c",
-2165 => x"76800c89",
-2166 => x"3d0d048c",
-2167 => x"162283df",
-2168 => x"ff065574",
-2169 => x"8c172376",
-2170 => x"800c893d",
-2171 => x"0d047070",
-2172 => x"70748e11",
-2173 => x"2270902b",
-2174 => x"70902c55",
-2175 => x"51515380",
-2176 => x"cfe40851",
-2177 => x"bd3f5050",
-2178 => x"5004fb3d",
-2179 => x"0d800b80",
-2180 => x"dfe00c7a",
-2181 => x"53795278",
-2182 => x"5182ff3f",
-2183 => x"80085580",
-2184 => x"08ff2e88",
-2185 => x"3874800c",
-2186 => x"873d0d04",
-2187 => x"80dfe008",
-2188 => x"5675802e",
-2189 => x"f0387776",
-2190 => x"710c5474",
-2191 => x"800c873d",
-2192 => x"0d047070",
-2193 => x"7070800b",
-2194 => x"80dfe00c",
-2195 => x"765184cc",
-2196 => x"3f800853",
-2197 => x"8008ff2e",
-2198 => x"89387280",
-2199 => x"0c505050",
-2200 => x"500480df",
-2201 => x"e0085473",
-2202 => x"802eef38",
-2203 => x"7574710c",
-2204 => x"5272800c",
-2205 => x"50505050",
-2206 => x"04fc3d0d",
-2207 => x"800b80df",
-2208 => x"e00c7852",
-2209 => x"775187b3",
-2210 => x"3f800854",
-2211 => x"8008ff2e",
-2212 => x"88387380",
-2213 => x"0c863d0d",
-2214 => x"0480dfe0",
-2215 => x"08557480",
-2216 => x"2ef03876",
-2217 => x"75710c53",
-2218 => x"73800c86",
-2219 => x"3d0d04fb",
-2220 => x"3d0d800b",
-2221 => x"80dfe00c",
-2222 => x"7a537952",
-2223 => x"7851848e",
-2224 => x"3f800855",
-2225 => x"8008ff2e",
-2226 => x"88387480",
-2227 => x"0c873d0d",
-2228 => x"0480dfe0",
-2229 => x"08567580",
-2230 => x"2ef03877",
-2231 => x"76710c54",
-2232 => x"74800c87",
-2233 => x"3d0d04fb",
-2234 => x"3d0d800b",
-2235 => x"80dfe00c",
-2236 => x"7a537952",
-2237 => x"78518296",
-2238 => x"3f800855",
-2239 => x"8008ff2e",
-2240 => x"88387480",
-2241 => x"0c873d0d",
-2242 => x"0480dfe0",
-2243 => x"08567580",
-2244 => x"2ef03877",
-2245 => x"76710c54",
-2246 => x"74800c87",
-2247 => x"3d0d0470",
-2248 => x"707080df",
-2249 => x"d0088938",
-2250 => x"80dfe40b",
-2251 => x"80dfd00c",
-2252 => x"80dfd008",
-2253 => x"75115252",
-2254 => x"ff537087",
-2255 => x"fb808026",
-2256 => x"88387080",
-2257 => x"dfd00c71",
-2258 => x"5372800c",
-2259 => x"50505004",
-2260 => x"fd3d0d80",
-2261 => x"0b80cfd8",
-2262 => x"08545472",
-2263 => x"812e9b38",
-2264 => x"7380dfd4",
-2265 => x"0cc2bf3f",
-2266 => x"c1963f80",
-2267 => x"dfa85281",
-2268 => x"51c3fd3f",
-2269 => x"80085186",
-2270 => x"c23f7280",
-2271 => x"dfd40cc2",
-2272 => x"a53fc0fc",
-2273 => x"3f80dfa8",
-2274 => x"528151c3",
-2275 => x"e33f8008",
-2276 => x"5186a83f",
-2277 => x"00ff3900",
-2278 => x"ff39f53d",
-2279 => x"0d7e6080",
-2280 => x"dfd40870",
-2281 => x"5b585b5b",
-2282 => x"7580c238",
-2283 => x"777a25a1",
-2284 => x"38771b70",
-2285 => x"337081ff",
-2286 => x"06585859",
-2287 => x"758a2e98",
-2288 => x"387681ff",
-2289 => x"0651c1bd",
-2290 => x"3f811858",
-2291 => x"797824e1",
-2292 => x"3879800c",
-2293 => x"8d3d0d04",
-2294 => x"8d51c1a9",
-2295 => x"3f783370",
-2296 => x"81ff0652",
-2297 => x"57c19e3f",
-2298 => x"811858e0",
-2299 => x"3979557a",
-2300 => x"547d5385",
-2301 => x"528d3dfc",
-2302 => x"0551c0c6",
-2303 => x"3f800856",
-2304 => x"85b23f7b",
-2305 => x"80080c75",
-2306 => x"800c8d3d",
-2307 => x"0d04f63d",
-2308 => x"0d7d7f80",
-2309 => x"dfd40870",
-2310 => x"5b585a5a",
-2311 => x"7580c138",
-2312 => x"777925b3",
-2313 => x"38c0b93f",
-2314 => x"800881ff",
-2315 => x"06708d32",
-2316 => x"7030709f",
-2317 => x"2a515157",
-2318 => x"57768a2e",
-2319 => x"80c43875",
-2320 => x"802ebf38",
-2321 => x"771a5676",
-2322 => x"76347651",
-2323 => x"c0b73f81",
-2324 => x"18587878",
-2325 => x"24cf3877",
-2326 => x"5675800c",
-2327 => x"8c3d0d04",
-2328 => x"78557954",
-2329 => x"7c538452",
-2330 => x"8c3dfc05",
-2331 => x"51ffbfd2",
-2332 => x"3f800856",
-2333 => x"84be3f7a",
-2334 => x"80080c75",
-2335 => x"800c8c3d",
-2336 => x"0d04771a",
-2337 => x"598a7934",
-2338 => x"8118588d",
-2339 => x"51ffbff5",
-2340 => x"3f8a51ff",
-2341 => x"bfef3f77",
-2342 => x"56ffbe39",
-2343 => x"fb3d0d80",
-2344 => x"dfd40870",
-2345 => x"56547388",
-2346 => x"3874800c",
-2347 => x"873d0d04",
-2348 => x"77538352",
-2349 => x"873dfc05",
-2350 => x"51ffbf86",
-2351 => x"3f800854",
-2352 => x"83f23f75",
-2353 => x"80080c73",
-2354 => x"800c873d",
-2355 => x"0d04fa3d",
-2356 => x"0d80dfd4",
-2357 => x"08802ea3",
-2358 => x"387a5579",
-2359 => x"54785386",
-2360 => x"52883dfc",
-2361 => x"0551ffbe",
-2362 => x"d93f8008",
-2363 => x"5683c53f",
-2364 => x"7680080c",
-2365 => x"75800c88",
-2366 => x"3d0d0483",
-2367 => x"b73f9d0b",
-2368 => x"80080cff",
-2369 => x"0b800c88",
-2370 => x"3d0d04f7",
-2371 => x"3d0d7b7d",
-2372 => x"5b59bc53",
-2373 => x"80527951",
-2374 => x"f5f83f80",
-2375 => x"70565798",
-2376 => x"56741970",
-2377 => x"3370782b",
-2378 => x"79078118",
-2379 => x"f81a5a58",
-2380 => x"59555884",
-2381 => x"7524ea38",
-2382 => x"767a2384",
-2383 => x"19588070",
-2384 => x"56579856",
-2385 => x"74187033",
-2386 => x"70782b79",
-2387 => x"078118f8",
-2388 => x"1a5a5859",
-2389 => x"51548475",
-2390 => x"24ea3876",
-2391 => x"821b2388",
-2392 => x"19588070",
-2393 => x"56579856",
-2394 => x"74187033",
-2395 => x"70782b79",
-2396 => x"078118f8",
-2397 => x"1a5a5859",
-2398 => x"51548475",
-2399 => x"24ea3876",
-2400 => x"841b0c8c",
-2401 => x"19588070",
-2402 => x"56579856",
-2403 => x"74187033",
-2404 => x"70782b79",
-2405 => x"078118f8",
-2406 => x"1a5a5859",
-2407 => x"51548475",
-2408 => x"24ea3876",
-2409 => x"881b2390",
-2410 => x"19588070",
-2411 => x"56579856",
-2412 => x"74187033",
-2413 => x"70782b79",
-2414 => x"078118f8",
-2415 => x"1a5a5859",
-2416 => x"51548475",
-2417 => x"24ea3876",
-2418 => x"8a1b2394",
-2419 => x"19588070",
-2420 => x"56579856",
-2421 => x"74187033",
-2422 => x"70782b79",
-2423 => x"078118f8",
-2424 => x"1a5a5859",
-2425 => x"51548475",
-2426 => x"24ea3876",
-2427 => x"8c1b2398",
-2428 => x"19588070",
-2429 => x"56579856",
-2430 => x"74187033",
-2431 => x"70782b79",
-2432 => x"078118f8",
-2433 => x"1a5a5859",
-2434 => x"51548475",
-2435 => x"24ea3876",
-2436 => x"8e1b239c",
-2437 => x"19588070",
-2438 => x"5657b856",
-2439 => x"74187033",
-2440 => x"70782b79",
-2441 => x"078118f8",
-2442 => x"1a5a5859",
-2443 => x"5a548875",
-2444 => x"24ea3876",
-2445 => x"901b0c8b",
-2446 => x"3d0d04e9",
-2447 => x"3d0d6a80",
-2448 => x"dfd40857",
-2449 => x"57759338",
-2450 => x"80c0800b",
-2451 => x"84180c75",
-2452 => x"ac180c75",
-2453 => x"800c993d",
-2454 => x"0d04893d",
-2455 => x"70556a54",
-2456 => x"558a5299",
-2457 => x"3dffbc05",
-2458 => x"51ffbbd6",
-2459 => x"3f800877",
-2460 => x"53755256",
-2461 => x"fd953fbc",
-2462 => x"3f778008",
-2463 => x"0c75800c",
-2464 => x"993d0d04",
-2465 => x"fc3d0d81",
-2466 => x"5480dfd4",
-2467 => x"08883873",
-2468 => x"800c863d",
-2469 => x"0d047653",
-2470 => x"97b95286",
-2471 => x"3dfc0551",
-2472 => x"ffbb9f3f",
-2473 => x"8008548c",
-2474 => x"3f748008",
-2475 => x"0c73800c",
-2476 => x"863d0d04",
-2477 => x"80cfe408",
-2478 => x"800c04f7",
-2479 => x"3d0d7b80",
-2480 => x"cfe40882",
-2481 => x"c811085a",
-2482 => x"545a7780",
-2483 => x"2e80da38",
-2484 => x"81881884",
-2485 => x"1908ff05",
-2486 => x"81712b59",
-2487 => x"55598074",
-2488 => x"2480ea38",
-2489 => x"807424b5",
-2490 => x"3873822b",
-2491 => x"78118805",
-2492 => x"56568180",
-2493 => x"19087706",
-2494 => x"5372802e",
-2495 => x"b6387816",
-2496 => x"70085353",
-2497 => x"79517408",
-2498 => x"53722dff",
-2499 => x"14fc17fc",
-2500 => x"1779812c",
-2501 => x"5a575754",
-2502 => x"738025d6",
-2503 => x"38770858",
-2504 => x"77ffad38",
-2505 => x"80cfe408",
-2506 => x"53bc1308",
-2507 => x"a5387951",
-2508 => x"f8e23f74",
-2509 => x"0853722d",
-2510 => x"ff14fc17",
-2511 => x"fc177981",
-2512 => x"2c5a5757",
-2513 => x"54738025",
-2514 => x"ffa838d1",
-2515 => x"398057ff",
-2516 => x"93397251",
-2517 => x"bc130854",
-2518 => x"732d7951",
-2519 => x"f8b63f70",
-2520 => x"7080dfb0",
-2521 => x"0bfc0570",
-2522 => x"08525270",
-2523 => x"ff2e9138",
-2524 => x"702dfc12",
-2525 => x"70085252",
-2526 => x"70ff2e09",
-2527 => x"8106f138",
-2528 => x"50500404",
-2529 => x"ffbb8c3f",
-2530 => x"04000000",
-2531 => x"00000040",
-2532 => x"48656c6c",
-2533 => x"6f20776f",
-2534 => x"726c6420",
-2535 => x"310a0000",
-2536 => x"48656c6c",
-2537 => x"6f20776f",
-2538 => x"726c6420",
-2539 => x"320a0000",
-2540 => x"0a000000",
-2541 => x"43000000",
-2542 => x"64756d6d",
-2543 => x"792e6578",
-2544 => x"65000000",
-2545 => x"00ffffff",
-2546 => x"ff00ffff",
-2547 => x"ffff00ff",
-2548 => x"ffffff00",
-2549 => x"00000000",
-2550 => x"00000000",
-2551 => x"00000000",
-2552 => x"00002fb8",
-2553 => x"000027e8",
-2554 => x"00000000",
-2555 => x"00002a50",
-2556 => x"00002aac",
-2557 => x"00002b08",
-2558 => x"00000000",
-2559 => x"00000000",
-2560 => x"00000000",
-2561 => x"00000000",
-2562 => x"00000000",
-2563 => x"00000000",
-2564 => x"00000000",
-2565 => x"00000000",
-2566 => x"00000000",
-2567 => x"000027b4",
-2568 => x"00000000",
-2569 => x"00000000",
-2570 => x"00000000",
-2571 => x"00000000",
-2572 => x"00000000",
-2573 => x"00000000",
-2574 => x"00000000",
-2575 => x"00000000",
-2576 => x"00000000",
-2577 => x"00000000",
-2578 => x"00000000",
-2579 => x"00000000",
-2580 => x"00000000",
-2581 => x"00000000",
-2582 => x"00000000",
-2583 => x"00000000",
-2584 => x"00000000",
-2585 => x"00000000",
-2586 => x"00000000",
-2587 => x"00000000",
-2588 => x"00000000",
-2589 => x"00000000",
-2590 => x"00000000",
-2591 => x"00000000",
-2592 => x"00000000",
-2593 => x"00000000",
-2594 => x"00000000",
-2595 => x"00000000",
-2596 => x"00000001",
-2597 => x"330eabcd",
-2598 => x"1234e66d",
-2599 => x"deec0005",
-2600 => x"000b0000",
-2601 => x"00000000",
-2602 => x"00000000",
-2603 => x"00000000",
-2604 => x"00000000",
-2605 => x"00000000",
-2606 => x"00000000",
-2607 => x"00000000",
-2608 => x"00000000",
-2609 => x"00000000",
-2610 => x"00000000",
-2611 => x"00000000",
-2612 => x"00000000",
-2613 => x"00000000",
-2614 => x"00000000",
-2615 => x"00000000",
-2616 => x"00000000",
-2617 => x"00000000",
-2618 => x"00000000",
-2619 => x"00000000",
-2620 => x"00000000",
-2621 => x"00000000",
-2622 => x"00000000",
-2623 => x"00000000",
-2624 => x"00000000",
-2625 => x"00000000",
-2626 => x"00000000",
-2627 => x"00000000",
-2628 => x"00000000",
-2629 => x"00000000",
-2630 => x"00000000",
-2631 => x"00000000",
-2632 => x"00000000",
-2633 => x"00000000",
-2634 => x"00000000",
-2635 => x"00000000",
-2636 => x"00000000",
-2637 => x"00000000",
-2638 => x"00000000",
-2639 => x"00000000",
-2640 => x"00000000",
-2641 => x"00000000",
-2642 => x"00000000",
-2643 => x"00000000",
-2644 => x"00000000",
-2645 => x"00000000",
-2646 => x"00000000",
-2647 => x"00000000",
-2648 => x"00000000",
-2649 => x"00000000",
-2650 => x"00000000",
-2651 => x"00000000",
-2652 => x"00000000",
-2653 => x"00000000",
-2654 => x"00000000",
-2655 => x"00000000",
-2656 => x"00000000",
-2657 => x"00000000",
-2658 => x"00000000",
-2659 => x"00000000",
-2660 => x"00000000",
-2661 => x"00000000",
-2662 => x"00000000",
-2663 => x"00000000",
-2664 => x"00000000",
-2665 => x"00000000",
-2666 => x"00000000",
-2667 => x"00000000",
-2668 => x"00000000",
-2669 => x"00000000",
-2670 => x"00000000",
-2671 => x"00000000",
-2672 => x"00000000",
-2673 => x"00000000",
-2674 => x"00000000",
-2675 => x"00000000",
-2676 => x"00000000",
-2677 => x"00000000",
-2678 => x"00000000",
-2679 => x"00000000",
-2680 => x"00000000",
-2681 => x"00000000",
-2682 => x"00000000",
-2683 => x"00000000",
-2684 => x"00000000",
-2685 => x"00000000",
-2686 => x"00000000",
-2687 => x"00000000",
-2688 => x"00000000",
-2689 => x"00000000",
-2690 => x"00000000",
-2691 => x"00000000",
-2692 => x"00000000",
-2693 => x"00000000",
-2694 => x"00000000",
-2695 => x"00000000",
-2696 => x"00000000",
-2697 => x"00000000",
-2698 => x"00000000",
-2699 => x"00000000",
-2700 => x"00000000",
-2701 => x"00000000",
-2702 => x"00000000",
-2703 => x"00000000",
-2704 => x"00000000",
-2705 => x"00000000",
-2706 => x"00000000",
-2707 => x"00000000",
-2708 => x"00000000",
-2709 => x"00000000",
-2710 => x"00000000",
-2711 => x"00000000",
-2712 => x"00000000",
-2713 => x"00000000",
-2714 => x"00000000",
-2715 => x"00000000",
-2716 => x"00000000",
-2717 => x"00000000",
-2718 => x"00000000",
-2719 => x"00000000",
-2720 => x"00000000",
-2721 => x"00000000",
-2722 => x"00000000",
-2723 => x"00000000",
-2724 => x"00000000",
-2725 => x"00000000",
-2726 => x"00000000",
-2727 => x"00000000",
-2728 => x"00000000",
-2729 => x"00000000",
-2730 => x"00000000",
-2731 => x"00000000",
-2732 => x"00000000",
-2733 => x"00000000",
-2734 => x"00000000",
-2735 => x"00000000",
-2736 => x"00000000",
-2737 => x"00000000",
-2738 => x"00000000",
-2739 => x"00000000",
-2740 => x"00000000",
-2741 => x"00000000",
-2742 => x"00000000",
-2743 => x"00000000",
-2744 => x"00000000",
-2745 => x"00000000",
-2746 => x"00000000",
-2747 => x"00000000",
-2748 => x"00000000",
-2749 => x"00000000",
-2750 => x"00000000",
-2751 => x"00000000",
-2752 => x"00000000",
-2753 => x"00000000",
-2754 => x"00000000",
-2755 => x"00000000",
-2756 => x"00000000",
-2757 => x"00000000",
-2758 => x"00000000",
-2759 => x"00000000",
-2760 => x"00000000",
-2761 => x"00000000",
-2762 => x"00000000",
-2763 => x"00000000",
-2764 => x"00000000",
-2765 => x"00000000",
-2766 => x"00000000",
-2767 => x"00000000",
-2768 => x"00000000",
-2769 => x"00000000",
-2770 => x"00000000",
-2771 => x"00000000",
-2772 => x"00000000",
-2773 => x"00000000",
-2774 => x"00000000",
-2775 => x"00000000",
-2776 => x"00000000",
-2777 => x"00000000",
-2778 => x"00000000",
-2779 => x"00000000",
-2780 => x"00000000",
-2781 => x"00000000",
-2782 => x"00000000",
-2783 => x"00000000",
-2784 => x"00000000",
-2785 => x"00000000",
-2786 => x"00000000",
-2787 => x"00000000",
-2788 => x"00000000",
-2789 => x"ffffffff",
-2790 => x"00000000",
-2791 => x"00020000",
-2792 => x"00000000",
-2793 => x"00000000",
-2794 => x"00002ba0",
-2795 => x"00002ba0",
-2796 => x"00002ba8",
-2797 => x"00002ba8",
-2798 => x"00002bb0",
-2799 => x"00002bb0",
-2800 => x"00002bb8",
-2801 => x"00002bb8",
-2802 => x"00002bc0",
-2803 => x"00002bc0",
-2804 => x"00002bc8",
-2805 => x"00002bc8",
-2806 => x"00002bd0",
-2807 => x"00002bd0",
-2808 => x"00002bd8",
-2809 => x"00002bd8",
-2810 => x"00002be0",
-2811 => x"00002be0",
-2812 => x"00002be8",
-2813 => x"00002be8",
-2814 => x"00002bf0",
-2815 => x"00002bf0",
-2816 => x"00002bf8",
-2817 => x"00002bf8",
-2818 => x"00002c00",
-2819 => x"00002c00",
-2820 => x"00002c08",
-2821 => x"00002c08",
-2822 => x"00002c10",
-2823 => x"00002c10",
-2824 => x"00002c18",
-2825 => x"00002c18",
-2826 => x"00002c20",
-2827 => x"00002c20",
-2828 => x"00002c28",
-2829 => x"00002c28",
-2830 => x"00002c30",
-2831 => x"00002c30",
-2832 => x"00002c38",
-2833 => x"00002c38",
-2834 => x"00002c40",
-2835 => x"00002c40",
-2836 => x"00002c48",
-2837 => x"00002c48",
-2838 => x"00002c50",
-2839 => x"00002c50",
-2840 => x"00002c58",
-2841 => x"00002c58",
-2842 => x"00002c60",
-2843 => x"00002c60",
-2844 => x"00002c68",
-2845 => x"00002c68",
-2846 => x"00002c70",
-2847 => x"00002c70",
-2848 => x"00002c78",
-2849 => x"00002c78",
-2850 => x"00002c80",
-2851 => x"00002c80",
-2852 => x"00002c88",
-2853 => x"00002c88",
-2854 => x"00002c90",
-2855 => x"00002c90",
-2856 => x"00002c98",
-2857 => x"00002c98",
-2858 => x"00002ca0",
-2859 => x"00002ca0",
-2860 => x"00002ca8",
-2861 => x"00002ca8",
-2862 => x"00002cb0",
-2863 => x"00002cb0",
-2864 => x"00002cb8",
-2865 => x"00002cb8",
-2866 => x"00002cc0",
-2867 => x"00002cc0",
-2868 => x"00002cc8",
-2869 => x"00002cc8",
-2870 => x"00002cd0",
-2871 => x"00002cd0",
-2872 => x"00002cd8",
-2873 => x"00002cd8",
-2874 => x"00002ce0",
-2875 => x"00002ce0",
-2876 => x"00002ce8",
-2877 => x"00002ce8",
-2878 => x"00002cf0",
-2879 => x"00002cf0",
-2880 => x"00002cf8",
-2881 => x"00002cf8",
-2882 => x"00002d00",
-2883 => x"00002d00",
-2884 => x"00002d08",
-2885 => x"00002d08",
-2886 => x"00002d10",
-2887 => x"00002d10",
-2888 => x"00002d18",
-2889 => x"00002d18",
-2890 => x"00002d20",
-2891 => x"00002d20",
-2892 => x"00002d28",
-2893 => x"00002d28",
-2894 => x"00002d30",
-2895 => x"00002d30",
-2896 => x"00002d38",
-2897 => x"00002d38",
-2898 => x"00002d40",
-2899 => x"00002d40",
-2900 => x"00002d48",
-2901 => x"00002d48",
-2902 => x"00002d50",
-2903 => x"00002d50",
-2904 => x"00002d58",
-2905 => x"00002d58",
-2906 => x"00002d60",
-2907 => x"00002d60",
-2908 => x"00002d68",
-2909 => x"00002d68",
-2910 => x"00002d70",
-2911 => x"00002d70",
-2912 => x"00002d78",
-2913 => x"00002d78",
-2914 => x"00002d80",
-2915 => x"00002d80",
-2916 => x"00002d88",
-2917 => x"00002d88",
-2918 => x"00002d90",
-2919 => x"00002d90",
-2920 => x"00002d98",
-2921 => x"00002d98",
-2922 => x"00002da0",
-2923 => x"00002da0",
-2924 => x"00002da8",
-2925 => x"00002da8",
-2926 => x"00002db0",
-2927 => x"00002db0",
-2928 => x"00002db8",
-2929 => x"00002db8",
-2930 => x"00002dc0",
-2931 => x"00002dc0",
-2932 => x"00002dc8",
-2933 => x"00002dc8",
-2934 => x"00002dd0",
-2935 => x"00002dd0",
-2936 => x"00002dd8",
-2937 => x"00002dd8",
-2938 => x"00002de0",
-2939 => x"00002de0",
-2940 => x"00002de8",
-2941 => x"00002de8",
-2942 => x"00002df0",
-2943 => x"00002df0",
-2944 => x"00002df8",
-2945 => x"00002df8",
-2946 => x"00002e00",
-2947 => x"00002e00",
-2948 => x"00002e08",
-2949 => x"00002e08",
-2950 => x"00002e10",
-2951 => x"00002e10",
-2952 => x"00002e18",
-2953 => x"00002e18",
-2954 => x"00002e20",
-2955 => x"00002e20",
-2956 => x"00002e28",
-2957 => x"00002e28",
-2958 => x"00002e30",
-2959 => x"00002e30",
-2960 => x"00002e38",
-2961 => x"00002e38",
-2962 => x"00002e40",
-2963 => x"00002e40",
-2964 => x"00002e48",
-2965 => x"00002e48",
-2966 => x"00002e50",
-2967 => x"00002e50",
-2968 => x"00002e58",
-2969 => x"00002e58",
-2970 => x"00002e60",
-2971 => x"00002e60",
-2972 => x"00002e68",
-2973 => x"00002e68",
-2974 => x"00002e70",
-2975 => x"00002e70",
-2976 => x"00002e78",
-2977 => x"00002e78",
-2978 => x"00002e80",
-2979 => x"00002e80",
-2980 => x"00002e88",
-2981 => x"00002e88",
-2982 => x"00002e90",
-2983 => x"00002e90",
-2984 => x"00002e98",
-2985 => x"00002e98",
-2986 => x"00002ea0",
-2987 => x"00002ea0",
-2988 => x"00002ea8",
-2989 => x"00002ea8",
-2990 => x"00002eb0",
-2991 => x"00002eb0",
-2992 => x"00002eb8",
-2993 => x"00002eb8",
-2994 => x"00002ec0",
-2995 => x"00002ec0",
-2996 => x"00002ec8",
-2997 => x"00002ec8",
-2998 => x"00002ed0",
-2999 => x"00002ed0",
-3000 => x"00002ed8",
-3001 => x"00002ed8",
-3002 => x"00002ee0",
-3003 => x"00002ee0",
-3004 => x"00002ee8",
-3005 => x"00002ee8",
-3006 => x"00002ef0",
-3007 => x"00002ef0",
-3008 => x"00002ef8",
-3009 => x"00002ef8",
-3010 => x"00002f00",
-3011 => x"00002f00",
-3012 => x"00002f08",
-3013 => x"00002f08",
-3014 => x"00002f10",
-3015 => x"00002f10",
-3016 => x"00002f18",
-3017 => x"00002f18",
-3018 => x"00002f20",
-3019 => x"00002f20",
-3020 => x"00002f28",
-3021 => x"00002f28",
-3022 => x"00002f30",
-3023 => x"00002f30",
-3024 => x"00002f38",
-3025 => x"00002f38",
-3026 => x"00002f40",
-3027 => x"00002f40",
-3028 => x"00002f48",
-3029 => x"00002f48",
-3030 => x"00002f50",
-3031 => x"00002f50",
-3032 => x"00002f58",
-3033 => x"00002f58",
-3034 => x"00002f60",
-3035 => x"00002f60",
-3036 => x"00002f68",
-3037 => x"00002f68",
-3038 => x"00002f70",
-3039 => x"00002f70",
-3040 => x"00002f78",
-3041 => x"00002f78",
-3042 => x"00002f80",
-3043 => x"00002f80",
-3044 => x"00002f88",
-3045 => x"00002f88",
-3046 => x"00002f90",
-3047 => x"00002f90",
-3048 => x"00002f98",
-3049 => x"00002f98",
-3050 => x"000027b8",
-3051 => x"ffffffff",
-3052 => x"00000000",
-3053 => x"ffffffff",
-3054 => x"00000000",
- others => x"00000000"
-process (clk)
- if (clk'event and clk = '1') then
- if (memAWriteEnable = '1') and (memBWriteEnable = '1') and (memAAddr=memBAddr) and (memAWrite/=memBWrite) then
- report "write collision" severity failure;
- end if;
- if (memAWriteEnable = '1') then
- ram(to_integer(unsigned(memAAddr))) := memAWrite;
- memARead <= memAWrite;
- else
- memARead <= ram(to_integer(unsigned(memAAddr)));
- end if;
- end if;
-end process;
-process (clk)
- if (clk'event and clk = '1') then
- if (memBWriteEnable = '1') then
- ram(to_integer(unsigned(memBAddr))) := memBWrite;
- memBRead <= memBWrite;
- else
- memBRead <= ram(to_integer(unsigned(memBAddr)));
- end if;
- end if;
-end process;
-end dualport_ram_arch;
+-- ZPU +-- +-- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com +-- +-- The FreeBSD license +-- +-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions +-- are met: +-- +-- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +-- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +-- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +-- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +-- provided with the distribution. +-- +-- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE ZPU PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY +-- EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +-- THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A +-- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +-- ZPU PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, +-- INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +-- (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS +-- OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) +-- HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, +-- STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) +-- ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF +-- ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +-- +-- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation +-- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing +-- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project. + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.numeric_std.all; + + +library work; +use work.zpu_config.all; +use work.zpupkg.all; + +entity dualport_ram is +port (clk : in std_logic; + memAWriteEnable : in std_logic; + memAAddr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitBRAM downto minAddrBit); + memAWrite : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + memARead : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + memBWriteEnable : in std_logic; + memBAddr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitBRAM downto minAddrBit); + memBWrite : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + memBRead : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0)); +end dualport_ram; + +architecture dualport_ram_arch of dualport_ram is + + +type ram_type is array(natural range 0 to ((2**(maxAddrBitBRAM+1))/4)-1) of std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + +shared variable ram : ram_type := +( +0 => x"0b0b0b0b", +1 => x"82700b0b", +2 => x"80cfd80c", +3 => x"3a0b0b80", +4 => x"c6d00400", +5 => x"00000000", +6 => x"00000000", +7 => x"00000000", +8 => x"80088408", +9 => x"88080b0b", +10 => x"80c7972d", +11 => x"880c840c", +12 => x"800c0400", +13 => x"00000000", +14 => x"00000000", +15 => x"00000000", +16 => x"71fd0608", +17 => x"72830609", +18 => x"81058205", +19 => x"832b2a83", +20 => x"ffff0652", +21 => x"04000000", +22 => x"00000000", +23 => x"00000000", +24 => x"71fd0608", +25 => x"83ffff73", +26 => x"83060981", +27 => x"05820583", +28 => x"2b2b0906", +29 => x"7383ffff", +30 => x"0b0b0b0b", +31 => x"83a70400", +32 => x"72098105", +33 => x"72057373", +34 => x"09060906", +35 => x"73097306", +36 => x"070a8106", +37 => x"53510400", +38 => x"00000000", +39 => x"00000000", +40 => x"72722473", +41 => x"732e0753", +42 => x"51040000", +43 => x"00000000", +44 => x"00000000", +45 => x"00000000", +46 => x"00000000", +47 => x"00000000", +48 => x"71737109", +49 => x"71068106", +50 => x"30720a10", +51 => x"0a720a10", +52 => x"0a31050a", +53 => x"81065151", +54 => x"53510400", +55 => x"00000000", +56 => x"72722673", +57 => x"732e0753", +58 => x"51040000", +59 => x"00000000", +60 => x"00000000", +61 => x"00000000", +62 => x"00000000", +63 => x"00000000", +64 => x"00000000", +65 => x"00000000", +66 => x"00000000", +67 => x"00000000", +68 => x"00000000", +69 => x"00000000", +70 => x"00000000", +71 => x"00000000", +72 => x"0b0b0b88", +73 => x"c4040000", +74 => x"00000000", +75 => x"00000000", +76 => x"00000000", +77 => x"00000000", +78 => x"00000000", +79 => x"00000000", +80 => x"720a722b", +81 => x"0a535104", +82 => x"00000000", +83 => x"00000000", +84 => x"00000000", +85 => x"00000000", +86 => x"00000000", +87 => x"00000000", +88 => x"72729f06", +89 => x"0981050b", +90 => x"0b0b88a7", +91 => x"05040000", +92 => x"00000000", +93 => x"00000000", +94 => x"00000000", +95 => x"00000000", +96 => x"72722aff", +97 => x"739f062a", +98 => x"0974090a", +99 => x"8106ff05", +100 => x"06075351", +101 => x"04000000", +102 => x"00000000", +103 => x"00000000", +104 => x"71715351", +105 => x"020d0406", +106 => x"73830609", +107 => x"81058205", +108 => x"832b0b2b", +109 => x"0772fc06", +110 => x"0c515104", +111 => x"00000000", +112 => x"72098105", +113 => x"72050970", +114 => x"81050906", +115 => x"0a810653", +116 => x"51040000", +117 => x"00000000", +118 => x"00000000", +119 => x"00000000", +120 => x"72098105", +121 => x"72050970", +122 => x"81050906", +123 => x"0a098106", +124 => x"53510400", +125 => x"00000000", +126 => x"00000000", +127 => x"00000000", +128 => x"71098105", +129 => x"52040000", +130 => x"00000000", +131 => x"00000000", +132 => x"00000000", +133 => x"00000000", +134 => x"00000000", +135 => x"00000000", +136 => x"72720981", +137 => x"05055351", +138 => x"04000000", +139 => x"00000000", +140 => x"00000000", +141 => x"00000000", +142 => x"00000000", +143 => x"00000000", +144 => x"72097206", +145 => x"73730906", +146 => x"07535104", +147 => x"00000000", +148 => x"00000000", +149 => x"00000000", +150 => x"00000000", +151 => x"00000000", +152 => x"71fc0608", +153 => x"72830609", +154 => x"81058305", +155 => x"1010102a", +156 => x"81ff0652", +157 => x"04000000", +158 => x"00000000", +159 => x"00000000", +160 => x"71fc0608", +161 => x"0b0b80cf", +162 => x"c4738306", +163 => x"10100508", +164 => x"060b0b0b", +165 => x"88aa0400", +166 => x"00000000", +167 => x"00000000", +168 => x"80088408", +169 => x"88087575", +170 => x"0b0b0b8b", +171 => x"9f2d5050", +172 => x"80085688", +173 => x"0c840c80", +174 => x"0c510400", +175 => x"00000000", +176 => x"80088408", +177 => x"88087575", +178 => x"0b0b0b8b", +179 => x"e32d5050", +180 => x"80085688", +181 => x"0c840c80", +182 => x"0c510400", +183 => x"00000000", +184 => x"72097081", +185 => x"0509060a", +186 => x"8106ff05", +187 => x"70547106", +188 => x"73097274", +189 => x"05ff0506", +190 => x"07515151", +191 => x"04000000", +192 => x"72097081", +193 => x"0509060a", +194 => x"098106ff", +195 => x"05705471", +196 => x"06730972", +197 => x"7405ff05", +198 => x"06075151", +199 => x"51040000", +200 => x"05ff0504", +201 => x"00000000", +202 => x"00000000", +203 => x"00000000", +204 => x"00000000", +205 => x"00000000", +206 => x"00000000", +207 => x"00000000", +208 => x"810b0b0b", +209 => x"80cfd40c", +210 => x"51040000", +211 => x"00000000", +212 => x"00000000", +213 => x"00000000", +214 => x"00000000", +215 => x"00000000", +216 => x"71810552", +217 => x"04000000", +218 => x"00000000", +219 => x"00000000", +220 => x"00000000", +221 => x"00000000", +222 => x"00000000", +223 => x"00000000", +224 => x"00000000", +225 => x"00000000", +226 => x"00000000", +227 => x"00000000", +228 => x"00000000", +229 => x"00000000", +230 => x"00000000", +231 => x"00000000", +232 => x"02840572", +233 => x"10100552", +234 => x"04000000", +235 => x"00000000", +236 => x"00000000", +237 => x"00000000", +238 => x"00000000", +239 => x"00000000", +240 => x"00000000", +241 => x"00000000", +242 => x"00000000", +243 => x"00000000", +244 => x"00000000", +245 => x"00000000", +246 => x"00000000", +247 => x"00000000", +248 => x"717105ff", +249 => x"05715351", +250 => x"020d0400", +251 => x"00000000", +252 => x"00000000", +253 => x"00000000", +254 => x"00000000", +255 => x"00000000", +256 => x"82c53f80", +257 => x"c6d93f04", +258 => x"10101010", +259 => x"10101010", +260 => x"10101010", +261 => x"10101010", +262 => x"10101010", +263 => x"10101010", +264 => x"10101010", +265 => x"10101053", +266 => x"51047381", +267 => x"ff067383", +268 => x"06098105", +269 => x"83051010", +270 => x"102b0772", +271 => x"fc060c51", +272 => x"51043c04", +273 => x"72728072", +274 => x"8106ff05", +275 => x"09720605", +276 => x"71105272", +277 => x"0a100a53", +278 => x"72ed3851", +279 => x"51535104", +280 => x"fe3d0d0b", +281 => x"0b80dfc0", +282 => x"08538413", +283 => x"0870882a", +284 => x"70810651", +285 => x"52527080", +286 => x"2ef03871", +287 => x"81ff0680", +288 => x"0c843d0d", +289 => x"04ff3d0d", +290 => x"0b0b80df", +291 => x"c0085271", +292 => x"0870882a", +293 => x"81327081", +294 => x"06515151", +295 => x"70f13873", +296 => x"720c833d", +297 => x"0d0480cf", +298 => x"d408802e", +299 => x"a43880cf", +300 => x"d808822e", +301 => x"bd388380", +302 => x"800b0b0b", +303 => x"80dfc00c", +304 => x"82a0800b", +305 => x"80dfc40c", +306 => x"8290800b", +307 => x"80dfc80c", +308 => x"04f88080", +309 => x"80a40b0b", +310 => x"0b80dfc0", +311 => x"0cf88080", +312 => x"82800b80", +313 => x"dfc40cf8", +314 => x"80808480", +315 => x"0b80dfc8", +316 => x"0c0480c0", +317 => x"a8808c0b", +318 => x"0b0b80df", +319 => x"c00c80c0", +320 => x"a880940b", +321 => x"80dfc40c", +322 => x"0b0b80cf", +323 => x"8c0b80df", +324 => x"c80c0470", +325 => x"7080dfcc", +326 => x"335170a7", +327 => x"3880cfe0", +328 => x"08700852", +329 => x"5270802e", +330 => x"94388412", +331 => x"80cfe00c", +332 => x"702d80cf", +333 => x"e0087008", +334 => x"525270ee", +335 => x"38810b80", +336 => x"dfcc3450", +337 => x"50040470", +338 => x"0b0b80df", +339 => x"bc08802e", +340 => x"8e380b0b", +341 => x"0b0b800b", +342 => x"802e0981", +343 => x"06833850", +344 => x"040b0b80", +345 => x"dfbc510b", +346 => x"0b0bf594", +347 => x"3f500404", +348 => x"fe3d0d89", +349 => x"5380cf90", +350 => x"5182c13f", +351 => x"80cfa051", +352 => x"82ba3f81", +353 => x"0a0b80df", +354 => x"d80cff0b", +355 => x"80dfdc0c", +356 => x"ff135372", +357 => x"8025de38", +358 => x"72800c84", +359 => x"3d0d04fb", +360 => x"3d0d7779", +361 => x"55558056", +362 => x"757524ab", +363 => x"38807424", +364 => x"9d388053", +365 => x"73527451", +366 => x"80e13f80", +367 => x"08547580", +368 => x"2e853880", +369 => x"08305473", +370 => x"800c873d", +371 => x"0d047330", +372 => x"76813257", +373 => x"54dc3974", +374 => x"30558156", +375 => x"738025d2", +376 => x"38ec39fa", +377 => x"3d0d787a", +378 => x"57558057", +379 => x"767524a4", +380 => x"38759f2c", +381 => x"54815375", +382 => x"74327431", +383 => x"5274519b", +384 => x"3f800854", +385 => x"76802e85", +386 => x"38800830", +387 => x"5473800c", +388 => x"883d0d04", +389 => x"74305581", +390 => x"57d739fc", +391 => x"3d0d7678", +392 => x"53548153", +393 => x"80747326", +394 => x"52557280", +395 => x"2e983870", +396 => x"802eab38", +397 => x"807224a6", +398 => x"38711073", +399 => x"10757226", +400 => x"53545272", +401 => x"ea387351", +402 => x"78833874", +403 => x"5170800c", +404 => x"863d0d04", +405 => x"720a100a", +406 => x"720a100a", +407 => x"53537280", +408 => x"2ee43871", +409 => x"7426ed38", +410 => x"73723175", +411 => x"7407740a", +412 => x"100a740a", +413 => x"100a5555", +414 => x"5654e339", +415 => x"f73d0d7c", +416 => x"70525380", +417 => x"f93f7254", +418 => x"80085580", +419 => x"cfb05681", +420 => x"57800881", +421 => x"055a8b3d", +422 => x"e4115953", +423 => x"8259f413", +424 => x"527b8811", +425 => x"08525381", +426 => x"b23f8008", +427 => x"30708008", +428 => x"079f2c8a", +429 => x"07800c53", +430 => x"8b3d0d04", +431 => x"f63d0d7c", +432 => x"80cfe408", +433 => x"71535553", +434 => x"b53f7255", +435 => x"80085680", +436 => x"cfb05781", +437 => x"58800881", +438 => x"055b8c3d", +439 => x"e4115a53", +440 => x"825af413", +441 => x"52881408", +442 => x"5180f03f", +443 => x"80083070", +444 => x"8008079f", +445 => x"2c8a0780", +446 => x"0c548c3d", +447 => x"0d047070", +448 => x"70707570", +449 => x"71830653", +450 => x"555270b4", +451 => x"38717008", +452 => x"7009f7fb", +453 => x"fdff1206", +454 => x"f8848281", +455 => x"80065452", +456 => x"53719b38", +457 => x"84137008", +458 => x"7009f7fb", +459 => x"fdff1206", +460 => x"f8848281", +461 => x"80065452", +462 => x"5371802e", +463 => x"e7387252", +464 => x"71335372", +465 => x"802e8a38", +466 => x"81127033", +467 => x"545272f8", +468 => x"38717431", +469 => x"800c5050", +470 => x"505004f2", +471 => x"3d0d6062", +472 => x"88110870", +473 => x"58565f5a", +474 => x"73802e81", +475 => x"8c388c1a", +476 => x"2270832a", +477 => x"81328106", +478 => x"56587486", +479 => x"38901a08", +480 => x"91387951", +481 => x"90b73fff", +482 => x"55800880", +483 => x"ec388c1a", +484 => x"22587d08", +485 => x"55807883", +486 => x"ffff0670", +487 => x"0a100a81", +488 => x"06415c57", +489 => x"7e772e80", +490 => x"d7387690", +491 => x"38740884", +492 => x"16088817", +493 => x"57585676", +494 => x"802ef238", +495 => x"76548880", +496 => x"77278438", +497 => x"88805473", +498 => x"5375529c", +499 => x"1a0851a4", +500 => x"1a085877", +501 => x"2d800b80", +502 => x"082582e0", +503 => x"38800816", +504 => x"77800831", +505 => x"7f880508", +506 => x"80083170", +507 => x"6188050c", +508 => x"5b585678", +509 => x"ffb43880", +510 => x"5574800c", +511 => x"903d0d04", +512 => x"7a813281", +513 => x"06774056", +514 => x"75802e81", +515 => x"bd387690", +516 => x"38740884", +517 => x"16088817", +518 => x"57585976", +519 => x"802ef238", +520 => x"881a0878", +521 => x"83ffff06", +522 => x"70892a81", +523 => x"06565956", +524 => x"73802e82", +525 => x"f8387577", +526 => x"278b3877", +527 => x"872a8106", +528 => x"5c7b82b5", +529 => x"38767627", +530 => x"83387656", +531 => x"75537852", +532 => x"79085185", +533 => x"833f881a", +534 => x"08763188", +535 => x"1b0c7908", +536 => x"167a0c76", +537 => x"56751977", +538 => x"77317f88", +539 => x"05087831", +540 => x"70618805", +541 => x"0c415859", +542 => x"7e802efe", +543 => x"fa388c1a", +544 => x"2258ff8a", +545 => x"39787954", +546 => x"7c537b52", +547 => x"5684c93f", +548 => x"881a0879", +549 => x"31881b0c", +550 => x"7908197a", +551 => x"0c7c7631", +552 => x"5d7c8e38", +553 => x"79518ff2", +554 => x"3f800881", +555 => x"8f388008", +556 => x"5f751c77", +557 => x"77317f88", +558 => x"05087831", +559 => x"70618805", +560 => x"0c5d585c", +561 => x"7a802efe", +562 => x"ae387681", +563 => x"83387408", +564 => x"84160888", +565 => x"1757585c", +566 => x"76802ef2", +567 => x"3876538a", +568 => x"527b5182", +569 => x"d33f8008", +570 => x"7c318105", +571 => x"5d800884", +572 => x"3881175d", +573 => x"815f7c59", +574 => x"767d2783", +575 => x"38765994", +576 => x"1a08881b", +577 => x"08115758", +578 => x"807a085c", +579 => x"54901a08", +580 => x"7b278338", +581 => x"81547579", +582 => x"25843873", +583 => x"ba387779", +584 => x"24fee238", +585 => x"77537b52", +586 => x"9c1a0851", +587 => x"a41a0859", +588 => x"782d8008", +589 => x"56800880", +590 => x"24fee238", +591 => x"8c1a2280", +592 => x"c0075e7d", +593 => x"8c1b23ff", +594 => x"5574800c", +595 => x"903d0d04", +596 => x"7effa338", +597 => x"ff873975", +598 => x"537b527a", +599 => x"5182f93f", +600 => x"7908167a", +601 => x"0c79518e", +602 => x"b13f8008", +603 => x"cf387c76", +604 => x"315d7cfe", +605 => x"bc38feac", +606 => x"39901a08", +607 => x"7a087131", +608 => x"78117056", +609 => x"5a575280", +610 => x"cfe40851", +611 => x"84943f80", +612 => x"08802eff", +613 => x"a7388008", +614 => x"901b0c80", +615 => x"08167a0c", +616 => x"77941b0c", +617 => x"76881b0c", +618 => x"7656fd99", +619 => x"39790858", +620 => x"901a0878", +621 => x"27833881", +622 => x"54757727", +623 => x"843873b3", +624 => x"38941a08", +625 => x"54737726", +626 => x"80d33873", +627 => x"5378529c", +628 => x"1a0851a4", +629 => x"1a085877", +630 => x"2d800856", +631 => x"80088024", +632 => x"fd83388c", +633 => x"1a2280c0", +634 => x"075e7d8c", +635 => x"1b23ff55", +636 => x"fed73975", +637 => x"53785277", +638 => x"5181dd3f", +639 => x"7908167a", +640 => x"0c79518d", +641 => x"953f8008", +642 => x"802efcd9", +643 => x"388c1a22", +644 => x"80c0075e", +645 => x"7d8c1b23", +646 => x"ff55fead", +647 => x"39767754", +648 => x"79537852", +649 => x"5681b13f", +650 => x"881a0877", +651 => x"31881b0c", +652 => x"7908177a", +653 => x"0cfcae39", +654 => x"fa3d0d7a", +655 => x"79028805", +656 => x"a7053355", +657 => x"53548374", +658 => x"2780df38", +659 => x"71830651", +660 => x"7080d738", +661 => x"71715755", +662 => x"83517582", +663 => x"802913ff", +664 => x"12525670", +665 => x"8025f338", +666 => x"837427bc", +667 => x"38740876", +668 => x"327009f7", +669 => x"fbfdff12", +670 => x"06f88482", +671 => x"81800651", +672 => x"5170802e", +673 => x"98387451", +674 => x"80527033", +675 => x"5772772e", +676 => x"b9388111", +677 => x"81135351", +678 => x"837227ee", +679 => x"38fc1484", +680 => x"16565473", +681 => x"8326c638", +682 => x"7452ff14", +683 => x"5170ff2e", +684 => x"97387133", +685 => x"5472742e", +686 => x"98388112", +687 => x"ff125252", +688 => x"70ff2e09", +689 => x"8106eb38", +690 => x"80517080", +691 => x"0c883d0d", +692 => x"0471800c", +693 => x"883d0d04", +694 => x"fa3d0d78", +695 => x"7a7c7272", +696 => x"72595755", +697 => x"58565774", +698 => x"7727b238", +699 => x"75155176", +700 => x"7127aa38", +701 => x"707618ff", +702 => x"18535353", +703 => x"70ff2e96", +704 => x"38ff12ff", +705 => x"14545272", +706 => x"337234ff", +707 => x"115170ff", +708 => x"2e098106", +709 => x"ec387680", +710 => x"0c883d0d", +711 => x"048f7627", +712 => x"80e63874", +713 => x"77078306", +714 => x"517080dc", +715 => x"38767552", +716 => x"53707084", +717 => x"05520873", +718 => x"70840555", +719 => x"0c727170", +720 => x"84055308", +721 => x"71708405", +722 => x"530c7170", +723 => x"84055308", +724 => x"71708405", +725 => x"530c7170", +726 => x"84055308", +727 => x"71708405", +728 => x"530cf015", +729 => x"5553738f", +730 => x"26c73883", +731 => x"74279538", +732 => x"70708405", +733 => x"52087370", +734 => x"8405550c", +735 => x"fc145473", +736 => x"8326ed38", +737 => x"72715452", +738 => x"ff145170", +739 => x"ff2eff86", +740 => x"38727081", +741 => x"05543372", +742 => x"70810554", +743 => x"34ff1151", +744 => x"ea39ef3d", +745 => x"0d636567", +746 => x"405d427b", +747 => x"802e8582", +748 => x"386151a9", +749 => x"e73ff81c", +750 => x"70841208", +751 => x"70fc0670", +752 => x"628b0570", +753 => x"f8064159", +754 => x"455c5f41", +755 => x"57967427", +756 => x"82c53880", +757 => x"7b247e7c", +758 => x"26075880", +759 => x"5477742e", +760 => x"09810682", +761 => x"ab38787b", +762 => x"2581fe38", +763 => x"781780d7", +764 => x"a00b8805", +765 => x"085b5679", +766 => x"762e84c5", +767 => x"38841608", +768 => x"70fe0617", +769 => x"84110881", +770 => x"06415555", +771 => x"7e828d38", +772 => x"74fc0658", +773 => x"79762e84", +774 => x"e3387818", +775 => x"5f7e7b25", +776 => x"81ff387c", +777 => x"81065473", +778 => x"82c13876", +779 => x"77083184", +780 => x"1108fc06", +781 => x"56577580", +782 => x"2e913879", +783 => x"762e84f0", +784 => x"38741819", +785 => x"58777b25", +786 => x"84913876", +787 => x"802e829b", +788 => x"38781556", +789 => x"7a762482", +790 => x"92388c17", +791 => x"08881808", +792 => x"718c120c", +793 => x"88120c5e", +794 => x"75598817", +795 => x"61fc055b", +796 => x"5679a426", +797 => x"85ff387b", +798 => x"76595593", +799 => x"7a2780c9", +800 => x"387b7084", +801 => x"055d087c", +802 => x"56760c74", +803 => x"70840556", +804 => x"088c180c", +805 => x"9017589b", +806 => x"7a27ae38", +807 => x"74708405", +808 => x"5608780c", +809 => x"74708405", +810 => x"56089418", +811 => x"0c981758", +812 => x"a37a2795", +813 => x"38747084", +814 => x"05560878", +815 => x"0c747084", +816 => x"0556089c", +817 => x"180ca017", +818 => x"58747084", +819 => x"05560875", +820 => x"5f787084", +821 => x"055a0c77", +822 => x"7e708405", +823 => x"40087170", +824 => x"8405530c", +825 => x"7e08710c", +826 => x"5d787b31", +827 => x"56758f26", +828 => x"80c93884", +829 => x"17088106", +830 => x"79078418", +831 => x"0c781784", +832 => x"11088107", +833 => x"84120c5b", +834 => x"6151a791", +835 => x"3f881754", +836 => x"73800c93", +837 => x"3d0d0490", +838 => x"5bfdb839", +839 => x"7756fe83", +840 => x"398c1608", +841 => x"88170871", +842 => x"8c120c88", +843 => x"120c587e", +844 => x"707c3157", +845 => x"598f7627", +846 => x"ffb9387a", +847 => x"17841808", +848 => x"81067c07", +849 => x"84190c76", +850 => x"81078412", +851 => x"0c761184", +852 => x"11088107", +853 => x"84120c5b", +854 => x"88055261", +855 => x"518fda3f", +856 => x"6151a6b9", +857 => x"3f881754", +858 => x"ffa6397d", +859 => x"52615197", +860 => x"d73f8008", +861 => x"5a800880", +862 => x"2e81ab38", +863 => x"8008f805", +864 => x"60840508", +865 => x"fe066105", +866 => x"58557477", +867 => x"2e83f238", +868 => x"fc195877", +869 => x"a42681b0", +870 => x"387b8008", +871 => x"56579378", +872 => x"2780dc38", +873 => x"7b707084", +874 => x"05520880", +875 => x"08708405", +876 => x"800c0c80", +877 => x"08717084", +878 => x"0553085d", +879 => x"567b7670", +880 => x"8405580c", +881 => x"579b7827", +882 => x"b6387670", +883 => x"84055808", +884 => x"75708405", +885 => x"570c7670", +886 => x"84055808", +887 => x"75708405", +888 => x"570ca378", +889 => x"27993876", +890 => x"70840558", +891 => x"08757084", +892 => x"05570c76", +893 => x"70840558", +894 => x"08757084", +895 => x"05570c76", +896 => x"70840558", +897 => x"08775e75", +898 => x"70840557", +899 => x"0c747d70", +900 => x"84055f08", +901 => x"71708405", +902 => x"530c7d08", +903 => x"710c5f7b", +904 => x"5261518e", +905 => x"943f6151", +906 => x"a4f33f79", +907 => x"800c933d", +908 => x"0d047d52", +909 => x"61519690", +910 => x"3f800880", +911 => x"0c933d0d", +912 => x"04841608", +913 => x"55fbc939", +914 => x"77537b52", +915 => x"800851a2", +916 => x"a53f7b52", +917 => x"61518de1", +918 => x"3fcc398c", +919 => x"16088817", +920 => x"08718c12", +921 => x"0c88120c", +922 => x"5d8c1708", +923 => x"88180871", +924 => x"8c120c88", +925 => x"120c5977", +926 => x"59fbef39", +927 => x"7818901c", +928 => x"40557e75", +929 => x"24fb9c38", +930 => x"7a177080", +931 => x"d7a00b88", +932 => x"050c757c", +933 => x"31810784", +934 => x"120c5684", +935 => x"17088106", +936 => x"7b078418", +937 => x"0c6151a3", +938 => x"f43f8817", +939 => x"54fce139", +940 => x"74181990", +941 => x"1c5e5a7c", +942 => x"7a24fb8f", +943 => x"388c1708", +944 => x"88180871", +945 => x"8c120c88", +946 => x"120c5e88", +947 => x"1761fc05", +948 => x"575975a4", +949 => x"2681b638", +950 => x"7b795955", +951 => x"93762780", +952 => x"c9387b70", +953 => x"84055d08", +954 => x"7c56790c", +955 => x"74708405", +956 => x"56088c18", +957 => x"0c901758", +958 => x"9b7627ae", +959 => x"38747084", +960 => x"05560878", +961 => x"0c747084", +962 => x"05560894", +963 => x"180c9817", +964 => x"58a37627", +965 => x"95387470", +966 => x"84055608", +967 => x"780c7470", +968 => x"84055608", +969 => x"9c180ca0", +970 => x"17587470", +971 => x"84055608", +972 => x"75417870", +973 => x"84055a0c", +974 => x"77607084", +975 => x"05420871", +976 => x"70840553", +977 => x"0c600871", +978 => x"0c5e7a17", +979 => x"7080d7a0", +980 => x"0b88050c", +981 => x"7a7c3181", +982 => x"0784120c", +983 => x"58841708", +984 => x"81067b07", +985 => x"84180c61", +986 => x"51a2b23f", +987 => x"78547380", +988 => x"0c933d0d", +989 => x"0479537b", +990 => x"5275519f", +991 => x"f93ffae9", +992 => x"39841508", +993 => x"fc061960", +994 => x"5859fadd", +995 => x"3975537b", +996 => x"5278519f", +997 => x"e13f7a17", +998 => x"7080d7a0", +999 => x"0b88050c", +1000 => x"7a7c3181", +1001 => x"0784120c", +1002 => x"58841708", +1003 => x"81067b07", +1004 => x"84180c61", +1005 => x"51a1e63f", +1006 => x"7854ffb2", +1007 => x"39fa3d0d", +1008 => x"7880cfe4", +1009 => x"085455b8", +1010 => x"1308802e", +1011 => x"81af388c", +1012 => x"15227083", +1013 => x"ffff0670", +1014 => x"832a8132", +1015 => x"81065555", +1016 => x"5672802e", +1017 => x"80da3873", +1018 => x"842a8132", +1019 => x"810657ff", +1020 => x"537680f2", +1021 => x"3873822a", +1022 => x"81065473", +1023 => x"802eb938", +1024 => x"b0150854", +1025 => x"73802e9c", +1026 => x"3880c015", +1027 => x"5373732e", +1028 => x"8f387352", +1029 => x"80cfe408", +1030 => x"518a9e3f", +1031 => x"8c152256", +1032 => x"76b0160c", +1033 => x"75db0657", +1034 => x"768c1623", +1035 => x"800b8416", +1036 => x"0c901508", +1037 => x"750c7656", +1038 => x"75880754", +1039 => x"738c1623", +1040 => x"90150880", +1041 => x"2ebf388c", +1042 => x"15227081", +1043 => x"06555373", +1044 => x"9c38720a", +1045 => x"100a8106", +1046 => x"56758538", +1047 => x"94150854", +1048 => x"7388160c", +1049 => x"80537280", +1050 => x"0c883d0d", +1051 => x"04800b88", +1052 => x"160c9415", +1053 => x"08309816", +1054 => x"0c8053ea", +1055 => x"39725182", +1056 => x"a63ffecb", +1057 => x"3974518f", +1058 => x"bc3f8c15", +1059 => x"22708106", +1060 => x"55537380", +1061 => x"2effbb38", +1062 => x"d439f83d", +1063 => x"0d7a5776", +1064 => x"802e8197", +1065 => x"3880cfe4", +1066 => x"0854b814", +1067 => x"08802e80", +1068 => x"eb388c17", +1069 => x"2270902b", +1070 => x"70902c70", +1071 => x"832a8132", +1072 => x"81065b5b", +1073 => x"57557780", +1074 => x"cb389017", +1075 => x"08567580", +1076 => x"2e80c138", +1077 => x"76087631", +1078 => x"76780c79", +1079 => x"83065555", +1080 => x"73853894", +1081 => x"17085877", +1082 => x"88180c80", +1083 => x"7525a538", +1084 => x"74537552", +1085 => x"9c170851", +1086 => x"a4170854", +1087 => x"732d800b", +1088 => x"80082580", +1089 => x"c9388008", +1090 => x"16758008", +1091 => x"31565674", +1092 => x"8024dd38", +1093 => x"800b800c", +1094 => x"8a3d0d04", +1095 => x"73518187", +1096 => x"3f8c1722", +1097 => x"70902b70", +1098 => x"902c7083", +1099 => x"2a813281", +1100 => x"065b5b57", +1101 => x"5577dd38", +1102 => x"ff9039a1", +1103 => x"9a5280cf", +1104 => x"e408518c", +1105 => x"d03f8008", +1106 => x"800c8a3d", +1107 => x"0d048c17", +1108 => x"2280c007", +1109 => x"58778c18", +1110 => x"23ff0b80", +1111 => x"0c8a3d0d", +1112 => x"04fa3d0d", +1113 => x"797080dc", +1114 => x"298c1154", +1115 => x"7a535657", +1116 => x"8fd63f80", +1117 => x"08800855", +1118 => x"56800880", +1119 => x"2ea23880", +1120 => x"088c0554", +1121 => x"800b8008", +1122 => x"0c768008", +1123 => x"84050c73", +1124 => x"80088805", +1125 => x"0c745380", +1126 => x"5273519c", +1127 => x"f53f7554", +1128 => x"73800c88", +1129 => x"3d0d0470", +1130 => x"707074a8", +1131 => x"e60bbc12", +1132 => x"0c53810b", +1133 => x"b8140c80", +1134 => x"0b84dc14", +1135 => x"0c830b84", +1136 => x"e0140c84", +1137 => x"e81384e4", +1138 => x"140c8413", +1139 => x"08518070", +1140 => x"720c7084", +1141 => x"130c7088", +1142 => x"130c5284", +1143 => x"0b8c1223", +1144 => x"718e1223", +1145 => x"7190120c", +1146 => x"7194120c", +1147 => x"7198120c", +1148 => x"709c120c", +1149 => x"80c1d50b", +1150 => x"a0120c80", +1151 => x"c2a10ba4", +1152 => x"120c80c3", +1153 => x"9d0ba812", +1154 => x"0c80c3ee", +1155 => x"0bac120c", +1156 => x"88130872", +1157 => x"710c7284", +1158 => x"120c7288", +1159 => x"120c5189", +1160 => x"0b8c1223", +1161 => x"810b8e12", +1162 => x"23719012", +1163 => x"0c719412", +1164 => x"0c719812", +1165 => x"0c709c12", +1166 => x"0c80c1d5", +1167 => x"0ba0120c", +1168 => x"80c2a10b", +1169 => x"a4120c80", +1170 => x"c39d0ba8", +1171 => x"120c80c3", +1172 => x"ee0bac12", +1173 => x"0c8c1308", +1174 => x"72710c72", +1175 => x"84120c72", +1176 => x"88120c51", +1177 => x"8a0b8c12", +1178 => x"23820b8e", +1179 => x"12237190", +1180 => x"120c7194", +1181 => x"120c7198", +1182 => x"120c709c", +1183 => x"120c80c1", +1184 => x"d50ba012", +1185 => x"0c80c2a1", +1186 => x"0ba4120c", +1187 => x"80c39d0b", +1188 => x"a8120c80", +1189 => x"c3ee0bac", +1190 => x"120c5050", +1191 => x"5004f83d", +1192 => x"0d7a80cf", +1193 => x"e408b811", +1194 => x"08575758", +1195 => x"7481ec38", +1196 => x"a8e60bbc", +1197 => x"170c810b", +1198 => x"b8170c74", +1199 => x"84dc170c", +1200 => x"830b84e0", +1201 => x"170c84e8", +1202 => x"1684e417", +1203 => x"0c841608", +1204 => x"75710c75", +1205 => x"84120c75", +1206 => x"88120c59", +1207 => x"840b8c1a", +1208 => x"23748e1a", +1209 => x"2374901a", +1210 => x"0c74941a", +1211 => x"0c74981a", +1212 => x"0c789c1a", +1213 => x"0c80c1d5", +1214 => x"0ba01a0c", +1215 => x"80c2a10b", +1216 => x"a41a0c80", +1217 => x"c39d0ba8", +1218 => x"1a0c80c3", +1219 => x"ee0bac1a", +1220 => x"0c881608", +1221 => x"75710c75", +1222 => x"84120c75", +1223 => x"88120c57", +1224 => x"890b8c18", +1225 => x"23810b8e", +1226 => x"18237490", +1227 => x"180c7494", +1228 => x"180c7498", +1229 => x"180c769c", +1230 => x"180c80c1", +1231 => x"d50ba018", +1232 => x"0c80c2a1", +1233 => x"0ba4180c", +1234 => x"80c39d0b", +1235 => x"a8180c80", +1236 => x"c3ee0bac", +1237 => x"180c8c16", +1238 => x"0875710c", +1239 => x"7584120c", +1240 => x"7588120c", +1241 => x"548a0b8c", +1242 => x"1523820b", +1243 => x"8e152374", +1244 => x"90150c74", +1245 => x"94150c74", +1246 => x"98150c73", +1247 => x"9c150c80", +1248 => x"c1d50ba0", +1249 => x"150c80c2", +1250 => x"a10ba415", +1251 => x"0c80c39d", +1252 => x"0ba8150c", +1253 => x"80c3ee0b", +1254 => x"ac150c84", +1255 => x"dc168811", +1256 => x"08841208", +1257 => x"ff055757", +1258 => x"57807524", +1259 => x"9f388c16", +1260 => x"2270902b", +1261 => x"70902c51", +1262 => x"55597380", +1263 => x"2e80ed38", +1264 => x"80dc16ff", +1265 => x"16565674", +1266 => x"8025e338", +1267 => x"76085574", +1268 => x"802e8f38", +1269 => x"74881108", +1270 => x"841208ff", +1271 => x"05575757", +1272 => x"c83982fc", +1273 => x"5277518a", +1274 => x"df3f8008", +1275 => x"80085556", +1276 => x"8008802e", +1277 => x"a3388008", +1278 => x"8c057580", +1279 => x"080c5484", +1280 => x"0b800884", +1281 => x"050c7380", +1282 => x"0888050c", +1283 => x"82f05374", +1284 => x"52735197", +1285 => x"fd3f7554", +1286 => x"7374780c", +1287 => x"5573ffb4", +1288 => x"388c780c", +1289 => x"800b800c", +1290 => x"8a3d0d04", +1291 => x"810b8c17", +1292 => x"2373760c", +1293 => x"7388170c", +1294 => x"7384170c", +1295 => x"7390170c", +1296 => x"7394170c", +1297 => x"7398170c", +1298 => x"ff0b8e17", +1299 => x"2373b017", +1300 => x"0c73b417", +1301 => x"0c7380c4", +1302 => x"170c7380", +1303 => x"c8170c75", +1304 => x"800c8a3d", +1305 => x"0d047070", +1306 => x"a19a5273", +1307 => x"5186a63f", +1308 => x"50500470", +1309 => x"70a19a52", +1310 => x"80cfe408", +1311 => x"5186963f", +1312 => x"505004fb", +1313 => x"3d0d7770", +1314 => x"52569890", +1315 => x"3f80d7a0", +1316 => x"0b880508", +1317 => x"841108fc", +1318 => x"06707b31", +1319 => x"9fef05e0", +1320 => x"8006e080", +1321 => x"05525555", +1322 => x"a0807524", +1323 => x"94388052", +1324 => x"755197ea", +1325 => x"3f80d7a8", +1326 => x"08145372", +1327 => x"80082e8f", +1328 => x"38755197", +1329 => x"d83f8053", +1330 => x"72800c87", +1331 => x"3d0d0474", +1332 => x"30527551", +1333 => x"97c83f80", +1334 => x"08ff2ea8", +1335 => x"3880d7a0", +1336 => x"0b880508", +1337 => x"74763181", +1338 => x"0784120c", +1339 => x"5380d6e4", +1340 => x"08753180", +1341 => x"d6e40c75", +1342 => x"5197a23f", +1343 => x"810b800c", +1344 => x"873d0d04", +1345 => x"80527551", +1346 => x"97943f80", +1347 => x"d7a00b88", +1348 => x"05088008", +1349 => x"71315454", +1350 => x"8f7325ff", +1351 => x"a4388008", +1352 => x"80d79408", +1353 => x"3180d6e4", +1354 => x"0c728107", +1355 => x"84150c75", +1356 => x"5196ea3f", +1357 => x"8053ff90", +1358 => x"39f73d0d", +1359 => x"7b7d545a", +1360 => x"72802e82", +1361 => x"83387951", +1362 => x"96d23ff8", +1363 => x"13841108", +1364 => x"70fe0670", +1365 => x"13841108", +1366 => x"fc065c57", +1367 => x"58545780", +1368 => x"d7a80874", +1369 => x"2e82de38", +1370 => x"7784150c", +1371 => x"80738106", +1372 => x"56597479", +1373 => x"2e81d538", +1374 => x"77148411", +1375 => x"08810656", +1376 => x"5374a038", +1377 => x"77165678", +1378 => x"81e63888", +1379 => x"14085574", +1380 => x"80d7a82e", +1381 => x"82f9388c", +1382 => x"1408708c", +1383 => x"170c7588", +1384 => x"120c5875", +1385 => x"81078418", +1386 => x"0c751776", +1387 => x"710c5478", +1388 => x"81913883", +1389 => x"ff762781", +1390 => x"c8387589", +1391 => x"2a76832a", +1392 => x"54547380", +1393 => x"2ebf3875", +1394 => x"862ab805", +1395 => x"53847427", +1396 => x"b43880db", +1397 => x"14539474", +1398 => x"27ab3875", +1399 => x"8c2a80ee", +1400 => x"055380d4", +1401 => x"74279e38", +1402 => x"758f2a80", +1403 => x"f7055382", +1404 => x"d4742791", +1405 => x"3875922a", +1406 => x"80fc0553", +1407 => x"8ad47427", +1408 => x"843880fe", +1409 => x"53721010", +1410 => x"1080d7a0", +1411 => x"05881108", +1412 => x"55557375", +1413 => x"2e82bf38", +1414 => x"841408fc", +1415 => x"06597579", +1416 => x"278d3888", +1417 => x"14085473", +1418 => x"752e0981", +1419 => x"06ea388c", +1420 => x"1408708c", +1421 => x"190c7488", +1422 => x"190c7788", +1423 => x"120c5576", +1424 => x"8c150c79", +1425 => x"5194d63f", +1426 => x"8b3d0d04", +1427 => x"76087771", +1428 => x"31587605", +1429 => x"88180856", +1430 => x"567480d7", +1431 => x"a82e80e0", +1432 => x"388c1708", +1433 => x"708c170c", +1434 => x"7588120c", +1435 => x"53fe8939", +1436 => x"8814088c", +1437 => x"1508708c", +1438 => x"130c5988", +1439 => x"190cfea3", +1440 => x"3975832a", +1441 => x"70545480", +1442 => x"74248198", +1443 => x"3872822c", +1444 => x"81712b80", +1445 => x"d7a40807", +1446 => x"80d7a00b", +1447 => x"84050c74", +1448 => x"10101080", +1449 => x"d7a00588", +1450 => x"1108718c", +1451 => x"1b0c7088", +1452 => x"1b0c7988", +1453 => x"130c565a", +1454 => x"55768c15", +1455 => x"0cff8439", +1456 => x"8159fdb4", +1457 => x"39771673", +1458 => x"81065455", +1459 => x"72983876", +1460 => x"08777131", +1461 => x"5875058c", +1462 => x"18088819", +1463 => x"08718c12", +1464 => x"0c88120c", +1465 => x"55557481", +1466 => x"0784180c", +1467 => x"7680d7a0", +1468 => x"0b88050c", +1469 => x"80d79c08", +1470 => x"7526fec7", +1471 => x"3880d798", +1472 => x"08527951", +1473 => x"fafd3f79", +1474 => x"5193923f", +1475 => x"feba3981", +1476 => x"778c170c", +1477 => x"7788170c", +1478 => x"758c190c", +1479 => x"7588190c", +1480 => x"59fd8039", +1481 => x"83147082", +1482 => x"2c81712b", +1483 => x"80d7a408", +1484 => x"0780d7a0", +1485 => x"0b84050c", +1486 => x"75101010", +1487 => x"80d7a005", +1488 => x"88110871", +1489 => x"8c1c0c70", +1490 => x"881c0c7a", +1491 => x"88130c57", +1492 => x"5b5653fe", +1493 => x"e4398073", +1494 => x"24a33872", +1495 => x"822c8171", +1496 => x"2b80d7a4", +1497 => x"080780d7", +1498 => x"a00b8405", +1499 => x"0c58748c", +1500 => x"180c7388", +1501 => x"180c7688", +1502 => x"160cfdc3", +1503 => x"39831370", +1504 => x"822c8171", +1505 => x"2b80d7a4", +1506 => x"080780d7", +1507 => x"a00b8405", +1508 => x"0c5953da", +1509 => x"39f93d0d", +1510 => x"797b5853", +1511 => x"800b80cf", +1512 => x"e4085356", +1513 => x"72722ebc", +1514 => x"3884dc13", +1515 => x"5574762e", +1516 => x"b3388815", +1517 => x"08841608", +1518 => x"ff055454", +1519 => x"80732499", +1520 => x"388c1422", +1521 => x"70902b53", +1522 => x"587180d4", +1523 => x"3880dc14", +1524 => x"ff145454", +1525 => x"728025e9", +1526 => x"38740855", +1527 => x"74d43880", +1528 => x"cfe40852", +1529 => x"84dc1255", +1530 => x"74802ead", +1531 => x"38881508", +1532 => x"841608ff", +1533 => x"05545480", +1534 => x"73249838", +1535 => x"8c142270", +1536 => x"902b5358", +1537 => x"71ad3880", +1538 => x"dc14ff14", +1539 => x"54547280", +1540 => x"25ea3874", +1541 => x"085574d5", +1542 => x"3875800c", +1543 => x"893d0d04", +1544 => x"7351762d", +1545 => x"75800807", +1546 => x"80dc15ff", +1547 => x"15555556", +1548 => x"ffa23973", +1549 => x"51762d75", +1550 => x"80080780", +1551 => x"dc15ff15", +1552 => x"555556ca", +1553 => x"39ea3d0d", +1554 => x"688c1122", +1555 => x"700a100a", +1556 => x"81065758", +1557 => x"567480e4", +1558 => x"388e1622", +1559 => x"70902b70", +1560 => x"902c5155", +1561 => x"58807424", +1562 => x"b138983d", +1563 => x"c4055373", +1564 => x"5280cfe4", +1565 => x"08519481", +1566 => x"3f800b80", +1567 => x"08249738", +1568 => x"7983e080", +1569 => x"06547380", +1570 => x"c0802e81", +1571 => x"8f387382", +1572 => x"80802e81", +1573 => x"91388c16", +1574 => x"22577690", +1575 => x"80075473", +1576 => x"8c172388", +1577 => x"805280cf", +1578 => x"e4085181", +1579 => x"9b3f8008", +1580 => x"9d388c16", +1581 => x"22820755", +1582 => x"748c1723", +1583 => x"80c31670", +1584 => x"770c9017", +1585 => x"0c810b94", +1586 => x"170c983d", +1587 => x"0d0480cf", +1588 => x"e408a8e6", +1589 => x"0bbc120c", +1590 => x"588c1622", +1591 => x"81800754", +1592 => x"738c1723", +1593 => x"8008760c", +1594 => x"80089017", +1595 => x"0c88800b", +1596 => x"94170c74", +1597 => x"802ed338", +1598 => x"8e162270", +1599 => x"902b7090", +1600 => x"2c535654", +1601 => x"9afe3f80", +1602 => x"08802eff", +1603 => x"bd388c16", +1604 => x"22810757", +1605 => x"768c1723", +1606 => x"983d0d04", +1607 => x"810b8c17", +1608 => x"225855fe", +1609 => x"f539a816", +1610 => x"0880c39d", +1611 => x"2e098106", +1612 => x"fee4388c", +1613 => x"16228880", +1614 => x"0754738c", +1615 => x"17238880", +1616 => x"0b80cc17", +1617 => x"0cfedc39", +1618 => x"f43d0d7e", +1619 => x"608b1170", +1620 => x"f8065b55", +1621 => x"555d7296", +1622 => x"26833890", +1623 => x"58807824", +1624 => x"74792607", +1625 => x"55805474", +1626 => x"742e0981", +1627 => x"0680ca38", +1628 => x"7c518ea8", +1629 => x"3f7783f7", +1630 => x"2680c538", +1631 => x"77832a70", +1632 => x"10101080", +1633 => x"d7a0058c", +1634 => x"11085858", +1635 => x"5475772e", +1636 => x"81f03884", +1637 => x"1608fc06", +1638 => x"8c170888", +1639 => x"1808718c", +1640 => x"120c8812", +1641 => x"0c5b7605", +1642 => x"84110881", +1643 => x"0784120c", +1644 => x"537c518d", +1645 => x"e83f8816", +1646 => x"5473800c", +1647 => x"8e3d0d04", +1648 => x"77892a78", +1649 => x"832a5854", +1650 => x"73802ebf", +1651 => x"3877862a", +1652 => x"b8055784", +1653 => x"7427b438", +1654 => x"80db1457", +1655 => x"947427ab", +1656 => x"38778c2a", +1657 => x"80ee0557", +1658 => x"80d47427", +1659 => x"9e38778f", +1660 => x"2a80f705", +1661 => x"5782d474", +1662 => x"27913877", +1663 => x"922a80fc", +1664 => x"05578ad4", +1665 => x"74278438", +1666 => x"80fe5776", +1667 => x"10101080", +1668 => x"d7a0058c", +1669 => x"11085653", +1670 => x"74732ea3", +1671 => x"38841508", +1672 => x"fc067079", +1673 => x"31555673", +1674 => x"8f2488e4", +1675 => x"38738025", +1676 => x"88e6388c", +1677 => x"15085574", +1678 => x"732e0981", +1679 => x"06df3881", +1680 => x"175980d7", +1681 => x"b0085675", +1682 => x"80d7a82e", +1683 => x"82cc3884", +1684 => x"1608fc06", +1685 => x"70793155", +1686 => x"55738f24", +1687 => x"bb3880d7", +1688 => x"a80b80d7", +1689 => x"b40c80d7", +1690 => x"a80b80d7", +1691 => x"b00c8074", +1692 => x"2480db38", +1693 => x"74168411", +1694 => x"08810784", +1695 => x"120c53fe", +1696 => x"b0398816", +1697 => x"8c110857", +1698 => x"5975792e", +1699 => x"098106fe", +1700 => x"82388214", +1701 => x"59ffab39", +1702 => x"77167881", +1703 => x"0784180c", +1704 => x"7080d7b4", +1705 => x"0c7080d7", +1706 => x"b00c80d7", +1707 => x"a80b8c12", +1708 => x"0c8c1108", +1709 => x"88120c74", +1710 => x"81078412", +1711 => x"0c740574", +1712 => x"710c5b7c", +1713 => x"518bd63f", +1714 => x"881654fd", +1715 => x"ec3983ff", +1716 => x"75278391", +1717 => x"3874892a", +1718 => x"75832a54", +1719 => x"5473802e", +1720 => x"bf387486", +1721 => x"2ab80553", +1722 => x"847427b4", +1723 => x"3880db14", +1724 => x"53947427", +1725 => x"ab38748c", +1726 => x"2a80ee05", +1727 => x"5380d474", +1728 => x"279e3874", +1729 => x"8f2a80f7", +1730 => x"055382d4", +1731 => x"74279138", +1732 => x"74922a80", +1733 => x"fc05538a", +1734 => x"d4742784", +1735 => x"3880fe53", +1736 => x"72101010", +1737 => x"80d7a005", +1738 => x"88110855", +1739 => x"5773772e", +1740 => x"868b3884", +1741 => x"1408fc06", +1742 => x"5b747b27", +1743 => x"8d388814", +1744 => x"08547377", +1745 => x"2e098106", +1746 => x"ea388c14", +1747 => x"0880d7a0", +1748 => x"0b840508", +1749 => x"718c190c", +1750 => x"7588190c", +1751 => x"7788130c", +1752 => x"5c57758c", +1753 => x"150c7853", +1754 => x"80792483", +1755 => x"98387282", +1756 => x"2c81712b", +1757 => x"5656747b", +1758 => x"2680ca38", +1759 => x"7a750657", +1760 => x"7682a338", +1761 => x"78fc0684", +1762 => x"05597410", +1763 => x"707c0655", +1764 => x"55738292", +1765 => x"38841959", +1766 => x"f13980d7", +1767 => x"a00b8405", +1768 => x"0879545b", +1769 => x"788025c6", +1770 => x"3882da39", +1771 => x"74097b06", +1772 => x"7080d7a0", +1773 => x"0b84050c", +1774 => x"5b741055", +1775 => x"747b2685", +1776 => x"387485bc", +1777 => x"3880d7a0", +1778 => x"0b880508", +1779 => x"70841208", +1780 => x"fc06707b", +1781 => x"317b7226", +1782 => x"8f722507", +1783 => x"5d575c5c", +1784 => x"5578802e", +1785 => x"80d93879", +1786 => x"1580d798", +1787 => x"08199011", +1788 => x"59545680", +1789 => x"d79408ff", +1790 => x"2e8838a0", +1791 => x"8f13e080", +1792 => x"06577652", +1793 => x"7c518996", +1794 => x"3f800854", +1795 => x"8008ff2e", +1796 => x"90388008", +1797 => x"762782a7", +1798 => x"387480d7", +1799 => x"a02e829f", +1800 => x"3880d7a0", +1801 => x"0b880508", +1802 => x"55841508", +1803 => x"fc067079", +1804 => x"31797226", +1805 => x"8f722507", +1806 => x"5d555a7a", +1807 => x"83f23877", +1808 => x"81078416", +1809 => x"0c771570", +1810 => x"80d7a00b", +1811 => x"88050c74", +1812 => x"81078412", +1813 => x"0c567c51", +1814 => x"88c33f88", +1815 => x"15547380", +1816 => x"0c8e3d0d", +1817 => x"0474832a", +1818 => x"70545480", +1819 => x"7424819b", +1820 => x"3872822c", +1821 => x"81712b80", +1822 => x"d7a40807", +1823 => x"7080d7a0", +1824 => x"0b84050c", +1825 => x"75101010", +1826 => x"80d7a005", +1827 => x"88110871", +1828 => x"8c1b0c70", +1829 => x"881b0c79", +1830 => x"88130c57", +1831 => x"555c5575", +1832 => x"8c150cfd", +1833 => x"c1397879", +1834 => x"10101080", +1835 => x"d7a00570", +1836 => x"565b5c8c", +1837 => x"14085675", +1838 => x"742ea338", +1839 => x"841608fc", +1840 => x"06707931", +1841 => x"5853768f", +1842 => x"2483f138", +1843 => x"76802584", +1844 => x"af388c16", +1845 => x"08567574", +1846 => x"2e098106", +1847 => x"df388814", +1848 => x"811a7083", +1849 => x"06555a54", +1850 => x"72c9387b", +1851 => x"83065675", +1852 => x"802efdb8", +1853 => x"38ff1cf8", +1854 => x"1b5b5c88", +1855 => x"1a087a2e", +1856 => x"ea38fdb5", +1857 => x"39831953", +1858 => x"fce43983", +1859 => x"1470822c", +1860 => x"81712b80", +1861 => x"d7a40807", +1862 => x"7080d7a0", +1863 => x"0b84050c", +1864 => x"76101010", +1865 => x"80d7a005", +1866 => x"88110871", +1867 => x"8c1c0c70", +1868 => x"881c0c7a", +1869 => x"88130c58", +1870 => x"535d5653", +1871 => x"fee13980", +1872 => x"d6e40817", +1873 => x"59800876", +1874 => x"2e818b38", +1875 => x"80d79408", +1876 => x"ff2e848e", +1877 => x"38737631", +1878 => x"1980d6e4", +1879 => x"0c738706", +1880 => x"70565372", +1881 => x"802e8838", +1882 => x"88733170", +1883 => x"15555576", +1884 => x"149fff06", +1885 => x"a0807131", +1886 => x"1670547e", +1887 => x"53515386", +1888 => x"9d3f8008", +1889 => x"568008ff", +1890 => x"2e819e38", +1891 => x"80d6e408", +1892 => x"137080d6", +1893 => x"e40c7475", +1894 => x"80d7a00b", +1895 => x"88050c77", +1896 => x"76311581", +1897 => x"07555659", +1898 => x"7a80d7a0", +1899 => x"2e83c038", +1900 => x"798f2682", +1901 => x"ef38810b", +1902 => x"84150c84", +1903 => x"1508fc06", +1904 => x"70793179", +1905 => x"72268f72", +1906 => x"25075d55", +1907 => x"5a7a802e", +1908 => x"fced3880", +1909 => x"db398008", +1910 => x"9fff0655", +1911 => x"74feed38", +1912 => x"7880d6e4", +1913 => x"0c80d7a0", +1914 => x"0b880508", +1915 => x"7a188107", +1916 => x"84120c55", +1917 => x"80d79008", +1918 => x"79278638", +1919 => x"7880d790", +1920 => x"0c80d78c", +1921 => x"087927fc", +1922 => x"a0387880", +1923 => x"d78c0c84", +1924 => x"1508fc06", +1925 => x"70793179", +1926 => x"72268f72", +1927 => x"25075d55", +1928 => x"5a7a802e", +1929 => x"fc993888", +1930 => x"39807457", +1931 => x"53fedd39", +1932 => x"7c5184e9", +1933 => x"3f800b80", +1934 => x"0c8e3d0d", +1935 => x"04807324", +1936 => x"a5387282", +1937 => x"2c81712b", +1938 => x"80d7a408", +1939 => x"077080d7", +1940 => x"a00b8405", +1941 => x"0c5c5a76", +1942 => x"8c170c73", +1943 => x"88170c75", +1944 => x"88180cf9", +1945 => x"fd398313", +1946 => x"70822c81", +1947 => x"712b80d7", +1948 => x"a4080770", +1949 => x"80d7a00b", +1950 => x"84050c5d", +1951 => x"5b53d839", +1952 => x"7a75065c", +1953 => x"7bfc9f38", +1954 => x"84197510", +1955 => x"5659f139", +1956 => x"ff178105", +1957 => x"59f7ab39", +1958 => x"8c150888", +1959 => x"1608718c", +1960 => x"120c8812", +1961 => x"0c597515", +1962 => x"84110881", +1963 => x"0784120c", +1964 => x"587c5183", +1965 => x"e83f8815", +1966 => x"54fba339", +1967 => x"77167881", +1968 => x"0784180c", +1969 => x"8c170888", +1970 => x"1808718c", +1971 => x"120c8812", +1972 => x"0c5c7080", +1973 => x"d7b40c70", +1974 => x"80d7b00c", +1975 => x"80d7a80b", +1976 => x"8c120c8c", +1977 => x"11088812", +1978 => x"0c778107", +1979 => x"84120c77", +1980 => x"0577710c", +1981 => x"557c5183", +1982 => x"a43f8816", +1983 => x"54f5ba39", +1984 => x"72168411", +1985 => x"08810784", +1986 => x"120c588c", +1987 => x"16088817", +1988 => x"08718c12", +1989 => x"0c88120c", +1990 => x"577c5183", +1991 => x"803f8816", +1992 => x"54f59639", +1993 => x"7284150c", +1994 => x"f41af806", +1995 => x"70841d08", +1996 => x"81060784", +1997 => x"1d0c701c", +1998 => x"5556850b", +1999 => x"84150c85", +2000 => x"0b88150c", +2001 => x"8f7627fd", +2002 => x"ab38881b", +2003 => x"527c51eb", +2004 => x"e83f80d7", +2005 => x"a00b8805", +2006 => x"0880d6e4", +2007 => x"085a55fd", +2008 => x"93397880", +2009 => x"d6e40c73", +2010 => x"80d7940c", +2011 => x"fbef3972", +2012 => x"84150cfc", +2013 => x"ff39fb3d", +2014 => x"0d77707a", +2015 => x"7c585553", +2016 => x"568f7527", +2017 => x"80e63872", +2018 => x"76078306", +2019 => x"517080dc", +2020 => x"38757352", +2021 => x"54707084", +2022 => x"05520874", +2023 => x"70840556", +2024 => x"0c737170", +2025 => x"84055308", +2026 => x"71708405", +2027 => x"530c7170", +2028 => x"84055308", +2029 => x"71708405", +2030 => x"530c7170", +2031 => x"84055308", +2032 => x"71708405", +2033 => x"530cf016", +2034 => x"5654748f", +2035 => x"26c73883", +2036 => x"75279538", +2037 => x"70708405", +2038 => x"52087470", +2039 => x"8405560c", +2040 => x"fc155574", +2041 => x"8326ed38", +2042 => x"73715452", +2043 => x"ff155170", +2044 => x"ff2e9838", +2045 => x"72708105", +2046 => x"54337270", +2047 => x"81055434", +2048 => x"ff115170", +2049 => x"ff2e0981", +2050 => x"06ea3875", +2051 => x"800c873d", +2052 => x"0d04fb3d", +2053 => x"0d777a71", +2054 => x"028c05a3", +2055 => x"05335854", +2056 => x"54568373", +2057 => x"2780d438", +2058 => x"75830651", +2059 => x"7080cc38", +2060 => x"74882b75", +2061 => x"07707190", +2062 => x"2b075551", +2063 => x"8f7327a7", +2064 => x"38737270", +2065 => x"8405540c", +2066 => x"71747170", +2067 => x"8405530c", +2068 => x"74717084", +2069 => x"05530c74", +2070 => x"71708405", +2071 => x"530cf014", +2072 => x"5452728f", +2073 => x"26db3883", +2074 => x"73279038", +2075 => x"73727084", +2076 => x"05540cfc", +2077 => x"13537283", +2078 => x"26f238ff", +2079 => x"135170ff", +2080 => x"2e933874", +2081 => x"72708105", +2082 => x"5434ff11", +2083 => x"5170ff2e", +2084 => x"098106ef", +2085 => x"3875800c", +2086 => x"873d0d04", +2087 => x"04047070", +2088 => x"7070800b", +2089 => x"80dfe00c", +2090 => x"765184f3", +2091 => x"3f800853", +2092 => x"8008ff2e", +2093 => x"89387280", +2094 => x"0c505050", +2095 => x"500480df", +2096 => x"e0085473", +2097 => x"802eef38", +2098 => x"7574710c", +2099 => x"5272800c", +2100 => x"50505050", +2101 => x"04f93d0d", +2102 => x"797c557b", +2103 => x"548e1122", +2104 => x"70902b70", +2105 => x"902c5557", +2106 => x"80cfe408", +2107 => x"53585683", +2108 => x"f63f8008", +2109 => x"57800b80", +2110 => x"08249338", +2111 => x"80d01608", +2112 => x"80080580", +2113 => x"d0170c76", +2114 => x"800c893d", +2115 => x"0d048c16", +2116 => x"2283dfff", +2117 => x"0655748c", +2118 => x"17237680", +2119 => x"0c893d0d", +2120 => x"04fa3d0d", +2121 => x"788c1122", +2122 => x"70882a70", +2123 => x"81065157", +2124 => x"585674a9", +2125 => x"388c1622", +2126 => x"83dfff06", +2127 => x"55748c17", +2128 => x"237a5479", +2129 => x"538e1622", +2130 => x"70902b70", +2131 => x"902c5456", +2132 => x"80cfe408", +2133 => x"525681b2", +2134 => x"3f883d0d", +2135 => x"04825480", +2136 => x"538e1622", +2137 => x"70902b70", +2138 => x"902c5456", +2139 => x"80cfe408", +2140 => x"525782bb", +2141 => x"3f8c1622", +2142 => x"83dfff06", +2143 => x"55748c17", +2144 => x"237a5479", +2145 => x"538e1622", +2146 => x"70902b70", +2147 => x"902c5456", +2148 => x"80cfe408", +2149 => x"525680f2", +2150 => x"3f883d0d", +2151 => x"04f93d0d", +2152 => x"797c557b", +2153 => x"548e1122", +2154 => x"70902b70", +2155 => x"902c5557", +2156 => x"80cfe408", +2157 => x"53585681", +2158 => x"f63f8008", +2159 => x"578008ff", +2160 => x"2e99388c", +2161 => x"1622a080", +2162 => x"0755748c", +2163 => x"17238008", +2164 => x"80d0170c", +2165 => x"76800c89", +2166 => x"3d0d048c", +2167 => x"162283df", +2168 => x"ff065574", +2169 => x"8c172376", +2170 => x"800c893d", +2171 => x"0d047070", +2172 => x"70748e11", +2173 => x"2270902b", +2174 => x"70902c55", +2175 => x"51515380", +2176 => x"cfe40851", +2177 => x"bd3f5050", +2178 => x"5004fb3d", +2179 => x"0d800b80", +2180 => x"dfe00c7a", +2181 => x"53795278", +2182 => x"5182ff3f", +2183 => x"80085580", +2184 => x"08ff2e88", +2185 => x"3874800c", +2186 => x"873d0d04", +2187 => x"80dfe008", +2188 => x"5675802e", +2189 => x"f0387776", +2190 => x"710c5474", +2191 => x"800c873d", +2192 => x"0d047070", +2193 => x"7070800b", +2194 => x"80dfe00c", +2195 => x"765184cc", +2196 => x"3f800853", +2197 => x"8008ff2e", +2198 => x"89387280", +2199 => x"0c505050", +2200 => x"500480df", +2201 => x"e0085473", +2202 => x"802eef38", +2203 => x"7574710c", +2204 => x"5272800c", +2205 => x"50505050", +2206 => x"04fc3d0d", +2207 => x"800b80df", +2208 => x"e00c7852", +2209 => x"775187b3", +2210 => x"3f800854", +2211 => x"8008ff2e", +2212 => x"88387380", +2213 => x"0c863d0d", +2214 => x"0480dfe0", +2215 => x"08557480", +2216 => x"2ef03876", +2217 => x"75710c53", +2218 => x"73800c86", +2219 => x"3d0d04fb", +2220 => x"3d0d800b", +2221 => x"80dfe00c", +2222 => x"7a537952", +2223 => x"7851848e", +2224 => x"3f800855", +2225 => x"8008ff2e", +2226 => x"88387480", +2227 => x"0c873d0d", +2228 => x"0480dfe0", +2229 => x"08567580", +2230 => x"2ef03877", +2231 => x"76710c54", +2232 => x"74800c87", +2233 => x"3d0d04fb", +2234 => x"3d0d800b", +2235 => x"80dfe00c", +2236 => x"7a537952", +2237 => x"78518296", +2238 => x"3f800855", +2239 => x"8008ff2e", +2240 => x"88387480", +2241 => x"0c873d0d", +2242 => x"0480dfe0", +2243 => x"08567580", +2244 => x"2ef03877", +2245 => x"76710c54", +2246 => x"74800c87", +2247 => x"3d0d0470", +2248 => x"707080df", +2249 => x"d0088938", +2250 => x"80dfe40b", +2251 => x"80dfd00c", +2252 => x"80dfd008", +2253 => x"75115252", +2254 => x"ff537087", +2255 => x"fb808026", +2256 => x"88387080", +2257 => x"dfd00c71", +2258 => x"5372800c", +2259 => x"50505004", +2260 => x"fd3d0d80", +2261 => x"0b80cfd8", +2262 => x"08545472", +2263 => x"812e9b38", +2264 => x"7380dfd4", +2265 => x"0cc2bf3f", +2266 => x"c1963f80", +2267 => x"dfa85281", +2268 => x"51c3fd3f", +2269 => x"80085186", +2270 => x"c23f7280", +2271 => x"dfd40cc2", +2272 => x"a53fc0fc", +2273 => x"3f80dfa8", +2274 => x"528151c3", +2275 => x"e33f8008", +2276 => x"5186a83f", +2277 => x"00ff3900", +2278 => x"ff39f53d", +2279 => x"0d7e6080", +2280 => x"dfd40870", +2281 => x"5b585b5b", +2282 => x"7580c238", +2283 => x"777a25a1", +2284 => x"38771b70", +2285 => x"337081ff", +2286 => x"06585859", +2287 => x"758a2e98", +2288 => x"387681ff", +2289 => x"0651c1bd", +2290 => x"3f811858", +2291 => x"797824e1", +2292 => x"3879800c", +2293 => x"8d3d0d04", +2294 => x"8d51c1a9", +2295 => x"3f783370", +2296 => x"81ff0652", +2297 => x"57c19e3f", +2298 => x"811858e0", +2299 => x"3979557a", +2300 => x"547d5385", +2301 => x"528d3dfc", +2302 => x"0551c0c6", +2303 => x"3f800856", +2304 => x"85b23f7b", +2305 => x"80080c75", +2306 => x"800c8d3d", +2307 => x"0d04f63d", +2308 => x"0d7d7f80", +2309 => x"dfd40870", +2310 => x"5b585a5a", +2311 => x"7580c138", +2312 => x"777925b3", +2313 => x"38c0b93f", +2314 => x"800881ff", +2315 => x"06708d32", +2316 => x"7030709f", +2317 => x"2a515157", +2318 => x"57768a2e", +2319 => x"80c43875", +2320 => x"802ebf38", +2321 => x"771a5676", +2322 => x"76347651", +2323 => x"c0b73f81", +2324 => x"18587878", +2325 => x"24cf3877", +2326 => x"5675800c", +2327 => x"8c3d0d04", +2328 => x"78557954", +2329 => x"7c538452", +2330 => x"8c3dfc05", +2331 => x"51ffbfd2", +2332 => x"3f800856", +2333 => x"84be3f7a", +2334 => x"80080c75", +2335 => x"800c8c3d", +2336 => x"0d04771a", +2337 => x"598a7934", +2338 => x"8118588d", +2339 => x"51ffbff5", +2340 => x"3f8a51ff", +2341 => x"bfef3f77", +2342 => x"56ffbe39", +2343 => x"fb3d0d80", +2344 => x"dfd40870", +2345 => x"56547388", +2346 => x"3874800c", +2347 => x"873d0d04", +2348 => x"77538352", +2349 => x"873dfc05", +2350 => x"51ffbf86", +2351 => x"3f800854", +2352 => x"83f23f75", +2353 => x"80080c73", +2354 => x"800c873d", +2355 => x"0d04fa3d", +2356 => x"0d80dfd4", +2357 => x"08802ea3", +2358 => x"387a5579", +2359 => x"54785386", +2360 => x"52883dfc", +2361 => x"0551ffbe", +2362 => x"d93f8008", +2363 => x"5683c53f", +2364 => x"7680080c", +2365 => x"75800c88", +2366 => x"3d0d0483", +2367 => x"b73f9d0b", +2368 => x"80080cff", +2369 => x"0b800c88", +2370 => x"3d0d04f7", +2371 => x"3d0d7b7d", +2372 => x"5b59bc53", +2373 => x"80527951", +2374 => x"f5f83f80", +2375 => x"70565798", +2376 => x"56741970", +2377 => x"3370782b", +2378 => x"79078118", +2379 => x"f81a5a58", +2380 => x"59555884", +2381 => x"7524ea38", +2382 => x"767a2384", +2383 => x"19588070", +2384 => x"56579856", +2385 => x"74187033", +2386 => x"70782b79", +2387 => x"078118f8", +2388 => x"1a5a5859", +2389 => x"51548475", +2390 => x"24ea3876", +2391 => x"821b2388", +2392 => x"19588070", +2393 => x"56579856", +2394 => x"74187033", +2395 => x"70782b79", +2396 => x"078118f8", +2397 => x"1a5a5859", +2398 => x"51548475", +2399 => x"24ea3876", +2400 => x"841b0c8c", +2401 => x"19588070", +2402 => x"56579856", +2403 => x"74187033", +2404 => x"70782b79", +2405 => x"078118f8", +2406 => x"1a5a5859", +2407 => x"51548475", +2408 => x"24ea3876", +2409 => x"881b2390", +2410 => x"19588070", +2411 => x"56579856", +2412 => x"74187033", +2413 => x"70782b79", +2414 => x"078118f8", +2415 => x"1a5a5859", +2416 => x"51548475", +2417 => x"24ea3876", +2418 => x"8a1b2394", +2419 => x"19588070", +2420 => x"56579856", +2421 => x"74187033", +2422 => x"70782b79", +2423 => x"078118f8", +2424 => x"1a5a5859", +2425 => x"51548475", +2426 => x"24ea3876", +2427 => x"8c1b2398", +2428 => x"19588070", +2429 => x"56579856", +2430 => x"74187033", +2431 => x"70782b79", +2432 => x"078118f8", +2433 => x"1a5a5859", +2434 => x"51548475", +2435 => x"24ea3876", +2436 => x"8e1b239c", +2437 => x"19588070", +2438 => x"5657b856", +2439 => x"74187033", +2440 => x"70782b79", +2441 => x"078118f8", +2442 => x"1a5a5859", +2443 => x"5a548875", +2444 => x"24ea3876", +2445 => x"901b0c8b", +2446 => x"3d0d04e9", +2447 => x"3d0d6a80", +2448 => x"dfd40857", +2449 => x"57759338", +2450 => x"80c0800b", +2451 => x"84180c75", +2452 => x"ac180c75", +2453 => x"800c993d", +2454 => x"0d04893d", +2455 => x"70556a54", +2456 => x"558a5299", +2457 => x"3dffbc05", +2458 => x"51ffbbd6", +2459 => x"3f800877", +2460 => x"53755256", +2461 => x"fd953fbc", +2462 => x"3f778008", +2463 => x"0c75800c", +2464 => x"993d0d04", +2465 => x"fc3d0d81", +2466 => x"5480dfd4", +2467 => x"08883873", +2468 => x"800c863d", +2469 => x"0d047653", +2470 => x"97b95286", +2471 => x"3dfc0551", +2472 => x"ffbb9f3f", +2473 => x"8008548c", +2474 => x"3f748008", +2475 => x"0c73800c", +2476 => x"863d0d04", +2477 => x"80cfe408", +2478 => x"800c04f7", +2479 => x"3d0d7b80", +2480 => x"cfe40882", +2481 => x"c811085a", +2482 => x"545a7780", +2483 => x"2e80da38", +2484 => x"81881884", +2485 => x"1908ff05", +2486 => x"81712b59", +2487 => x"55598074", +2488 => x"2480ea38", +2489 => x"807424b5", +2490 => x"3873822b", +2491 => x"78118805", +2492 => x"56568180", +2493 => x"19087706", +2494 => x"5372802e", +2495 => x"b6387816", +2496 => x"70085353", +2497 => x"79517408", +2498 => x"53722dff", +2499 => x"14fc17fc", +2500 => x"1779812c", +2501 => x"5a575754", +2502 => x"738025d6", +2503 => x"38770858", +2504 => x"77ffad38", +2505 => x"80cfe408", +2506 => x"53bc1308", +2507 => x"a5387951", +2508 => x"f8e23f74", +2509 => x"0853722d", +2510 => x"ff14fc17", +2511 => x"fc177981", +2512 => x"2c5a5757", +2513 => x"54738025", +2514 => x"ffa838d1", +2515 => x"398057ff", +2516 => x"93397251", +2517 => x"bc130854", +2518 => x"732d7951", +2519 => x"f8b63f70", +2520 => x"7080dfb0", +2521 => x"0bfc0570", +2522 => x"08525270", +2523 => x"ff2e9138", +2524 => x"702dfc12", +2525 => x"70085252", +2526 => x"70ff2e09", +2527 => x"8106f138", +2528 => x"50500404", +2529 => x"ffbb8c3f", +2530 => x"04000000", +2531 => x"00000040", +2532 => x"48656c6c", +2533 => x"6f20776f", +2534 => x"726c6420", +2535 => x"310a0000", +2536 => x"48656c6c", +2537 => x"6f20776f", +2538 => x"726c6420", +2539 => x"320a0000", +2540 => x"0a000000", +2541 => x"43000000", +2542 => x"64756d6d", +2543 => x"792e6578", +2544 => x"65000000", +2545 => x"00ffffff", +2546 => x"ff00ffff", +2547 => x"ffff00ff", +2548 => x"ffffff00", +2549 => 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x"00000000", +2775 => x"00000000", +2776 => x"00000000", +2777 => x"00000000", +2778 => x"00000000", +2779 => x"00000000", +2780 => x"00000000", +2781 => x"00000000", +2782 => x"00000000", +2783 => x"00000000", +2784 => x"00000000", +2785 => x"00000000", +2786 => x"00000000", +2787 => x"00000000", +2788 => x"00000000", +2789 => x"ffffffff", +2790 => x"00000000", +2791 => x"00020000", +2792 => x"00000000", +2793 => x"00000000", +2794 => x"00002ba0", +2795 => x"00002ba0", +2796 => x"00002ba8", +2797 => x"00002ba8", +2798 => x"00002bb0", +2799 => x"00002bb0", +2800 => x"00002bb8", +2801 => x"00002bb8", +2802 => x"00002bc0", +2803 => x"00002bc0", +2804 => x"00002bc8", +2805 => x"00002bc8", +2806 => x"00002bd0", +2807 => x"00002bd0", +2808 => x"00002bd8", +2809 => x"00002bd8", +2810 => x"00002be0", +2811 => x"00002be0", +2812 => x"00002be8", +2813 => x"00002be8", +2814 => x"00002bf0", +2815 => x"00002bf0", +2816 => x"00002bf8", +2817 => x"00002bf8", +2818 => x"00002c00", +2819 => x"00002c00", +2820 => x"00002c08", +2821 => x"00002c08", +2822 => x"00002c10", +2823 => x"00002c10", +2824 => x"00002c18", +2825 => x"00002c18", +2826 => x"00002c20", +2827 => x"00002c20", +2828 => x"00002c28", +2829 => x"00002c28", +2830 => x"00002c30", +2831 => x"00002c30", +2832 => x"00002c38", +2833 => x"00002c38", +2834 => x"00002c40", +2835 => x"00002c40", +2836 => x"00002c48", +2837 => x"00002c48", +2838 => x"00002c50", +2839 => x"00002c50", +2840 => x"00002c58", +2841 => x"00002c58", +2842 => x"00002c60", +2843 => x"00002c60", +2844 => x"00002c68", +2845 => x"00002c68", +2846 => x"00002c70", +2847 => x"00002c70", +2848 => x"00002c78", +2849 => x"00002c78", +2850 => x"00002c80", +2851 => x"00002c80", +2852 => x"00002c88", +2853 => x"00002c88", +2854 => x"00002c90", +2855 => x"00002c90", +2856 => x"00002c98", +2857 => x"00002c98", +2858 => x"00002ca0", +2859 => x"00002ca0", +2860 => x"00002ca8", +2861 => x"00002ca8", +2862 => x"00002cb0", +2863 => x"00002cb0", +2864 => x"00002cb8", +2865 => x"00002cb8", +2866 => x"00002cc0", +2867 => x"00002cc0", +2868 => x"00002cc8", +2869 => x"00002cc8", +2870 => x"00002cd0", +2871 => x"00002cd0", +2872 => x"00002cd8", +2873 => x"00002cd8", +2874 => x"00002ce0", +2875 => x"00002ce0", +2876 => x"00002ce8", +2877 => x"00002ce8", +2878 => x"00002cf0", +2879 => x"00002cf0", +2880 => x"00002cf8", +2881 => x"00002cf8", +2882 => x"00002d00", +2883 => x"00002d00", +2884 => x"00002d08", +2885 => x"00002d08", +2886 => x"00002d10", +2887 => x"00002d10", +2888 => x"00002d18", +2889 => x"00002d18", +2890 => x"00002d20", +2891 => x"00002d20", +2892 => x"00002d28", +2893 => x"00002d28", +2894 => x"00002d30", +2895 => x"00002d30", +2896 => x"00002d38", +2897 => x"00002d38", +2898 => x"00002d40", +2899 => x"00002d40", +2900 => x"00002d48", +2901 => x"00002d48", +2902 => x"00002d50", +2903 => x"00002d50", +2904 => x"00002d58", +2905 => x"00002d58", +2906 => x"00002d60", +2907 => x"00002d60", +2908 => x"00002d68", +2909 => 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x"00002e20", +2955 => x"00002e20", +2956 => x"00002e28", +2957 => x"00002e28", +2958 => x"00002e30", +2959 => x"00002e30", +2960 => x"00002e38", +2961 => x"00002e38", +2962 => x"00002e40", +2963 => x"00002e40", +2964 => x"00002e48", +2965 => x"00002e48", +2966 => x"00002e50", +2967 => x"00002e50", +2968 => x"00002e58", +2969 => x"00002e58", +2970 => x"00002e60", +2971 => x"00002e60", +2972 => x"00002e68", +2973 => x"00002e68", +2974 => x"00002e70", +2975 => x"00002e70", +2976 => x"00002e78", +2977 => x"00002e78", +2978 => x"00002e80", +2979 => x"00002e80", +2980 => x"00002e88", +2981 => x"00002e88", +2982 => x"00002e90", +2983 => x"00002e90", +2984 => x"00002e98", +2985 => x"00002e98", +2986 => x"00002ea0", +2987 => x"00002ea0", +2988 => x"00002ea8", +2989 => x"00002ea8", +2990 => x"00002eb0", +2991 => x"00002eb0", +2992 => x"00002eb8", +2993 => x"00002eb8", +2994 => x"00002ec0", +2995 => x"00002ec0", +2996 => x"00002ec8", +2997 => x"00002ec8", +2998 => x"00002ed0", +2999 => x"00002ed0", +3000 => x"00002ed8", +3001 => x"00002ed8", +3002 => x"00002ee0", +3003 => x"00002ee0", +3004 => x"00002ee8", +3005 => x"00002ee8", +3006 => x"00002ef0", +3007 => x"00002ef0", +3008 => x"00002ef8", +3009 => x"00002ef8", +3010 => x"00002f00", +3011 => x"00002f00", +3012 => x"00002f08", +3013 => x"00002f08", +3014 => x"00002f10", +3015 => x"00002f10", +3016 => x"00002f18", +3017 => x"00002f18", +3018 => x"00002f20", +3019 => x"00002f20", +3020 => x"00002f28", +3021 => x"00002f28", +3022 => x"00002f30", +3023 => x"00002f30", +3024 => x"00002f38", +3025 => x"00002f38", +3026 => x"00002f40", +3027 => x"00002f40", +3028 => x"00002f48", +3029 => x"00002f48", +3030 => x"00002f50", +3031 => x"00002f50", +3032 => x"00002f58", +3033 => x"00002f58", +3034 => x"00002f60", +3035 => x"00002f60", +3036 => x"00002f68", +3037 => x"00002f68", +3038 => x"00002f70", +3039 => x"00002f70", +3040 => x"00002f78", +3041 => x"00002f78", +3042 => x"00002f80", +3043 => x"00002f80", +3044 => x"00002f88", +3045 => x"00002f88", +3046 => x"00002f90", +3047 => x"00002f90", +3048 => x"00002f98", +3049 => x"00002f98", +3050 => x"000027b8", +3051 => x"ffffffff", +3052 => x"00000000", +3053 => x"ffffffff", +3054 => x"00000000", + others => x"00000000" +); + +begin + +process (clk) +begin + if (clk'event and clk = '1') then + if (memAWriteEnable = '1') and (memBWriteEnable = '1') and (memAAddr=memBAddr) and (memAWrite/=memBWrite) then + report "write collision" severity failure; + end if; + + if (memAWriteEnable = '1') then + ram(to_integer(unsigned(memAAddr))) := memAWrite; + memARead <= memAWrite; + else + memARead <= ram(to_integer(unsigned(memAAddr))); + end if; + end if; +end process; + +process (clk) +begin + if (clk'event and clk = '1') then + if (memBWriteEnable = '1') then + ram(to_integer(unsigned(memBAddr))) := memBWrite; + memBRead <= memBWrite; + else + memBRead <= ram(to_integer(unsigned(memBAddr))); + end if; + end if; +end process; + + + + +end dualport_ram_arch; diff --git a/zpu/hdl/example/interrupt.vhd b/zpu/hdl/example/interrupt.vhd index ededf85..d2bc709 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/example/interrupt.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/example/interrupt.vhd @@ -1,3156 +1,3156 @@ --- ZPU
--- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com
--- The FreeBSD license
--- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
--- are met:
--- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
--- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
--- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
--- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
--- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
--- provided with the distribution.
--- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation
--- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing
--- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project.
-library ieee;
-use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-library work;
-use work.zpu_config.all;
-use work.zpupkg.all;
-entity dualport_ram is
-port (clk : in std_logic;
- memAWriteEnable : in std_logic;
- memAAddr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitBRAM downto minAddrBit);
- memAWrite : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- memARead : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- memBWriteEnable : in std_logic;
- memBAddr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitBRAM downto minAddrBit);
- memBWrite : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- memBRead : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0));
-end dualport_ram;
-architecture dualport_ram_arch of dualport_ram is
-type ram_type is array(natural range 0 to ((2**(maxAddrBitBRAM+1))/4)-1) of std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-shared variable ram : ram_type :=
-0 => x"0b0b0b0b",
-1 => x"82700b0b",
-2 => x"80cfe00c",
-3 => x"3a0b0b80",
-4 => x"c6e00400",
-5 => x"00000000",
-6 => x"00000000",
-7 => x"00000000",
-8 => x"80088408",
-9 => x"88080b0b",
-10 => x"0b8af02d",
-11 => x"880c840c",
-12 => x"800c0400",
-13 => x"00000000",
-14 => x"00000000",
-15 => x"00000000",
-16 => x"71fd0608",
-17 => x"72830609",
-18 => x"81058205",
-19 => x"832b2a83",
-20 => x"ffff0652",
-21 => x"04000000",
-22 => x"00000000",
-23 => x"00000000",
-24 => x"71fd0608",
-25 => x"83ffff73",
-26 => x"83060981",
-27 => x"05820583",
-28 => x"2b2b0906",
-29 => x"7383ffff",
-30 => x"0b0b0b0b",
-31 => x"83a70400",
-32 => x"72098105",
-33 => x"72057373",
-34 => x"09060906",
-35 => x"73097306",
-36 => x"070a8106",
-37 => x"53510400",
-38 => x"00000000",
-39 => x"00000000",
-40 => x"72722473",
-41 => x"732e0753",
-42 => x"51040000",
-43 => x"00000000",
-44 => x"00000000",
-45 => x"00000000",
-46 => x"00000000",
-47 => x"00000000",
-48 => x"71737109",
-49 => x"71068106",
-50 => x"30720a10",
-51 => x"0a720a10",
-52 => x"0a31050a",
-53 => x"81065151",
-54 => x"53510400",
-55 => x"00000000",
-56 => x"72722673",
-57 => x"732e0753",
-58 => x"51040000",
-59 => x"00000000",
-60 => x"00000000",
-61 => x"00000000",
-62 => x"00000000",
-63 => x"00000000",
-64 => x"00000000",
-65 => x"00000000",
-66 => x"00000000",
-67 => x"00000000",
-68 => x"00000000",
-69 => x"00000000",
-70 => x"00000000",
-71 => x"00000000",
-72 => x"0b0b0b88",
-73 => x"c4040000",
-74 => x"00000000",
-75 => x"00000000",
-76 => x"00000000",
-77 => x"00000000",
-78 => x"00000000",
-79 => x"00000000",
-80 => x"720a722b",
-81 => x"0a535104",
-82 => x"00000000",
-83 => x"00000000",
-84 => x"00000000",
-85 => x"00000000",
-86 => x"00000000",
-87 => x"00000000",
-88 => x"72729f06",
-89 => x"0981050b",
-90 => x"0b0b88a7",
-91 => x"05040000",
-92 => x"00000000",
-93 => x"00000000",
-94 => x"00000000",
-95 => x"00000000",
-96 => x"72722aff",
-97 => x"739f062a",
-98 => x"0974090a",
-99 => x"8106ff05",
-100 => x"06075351",
-101 => x"04000000",
-102 => x"00000000",
-103 => x"00000000",
-104 => x"71715351",
-105 => x"020d0406",
-106 => x"73830609",
-107 => x"81058205",
-108 => x"832b0b2b",
-109 => x"0772fc06",
-110 => x"0c515104",
-111 => x"00000000",
-112 => x"72098105",
-113 => x"72050970",
-114 => x"81050906",
-115 => x"0a810653",
-116 => x"51040000",
-117 => x"00000000",
-118 => x"00000000",
-119 => x"00000000",
-120 => x"72098105",
-121 => x"72050970",
-122 => x"81050906",
-123 => x"0a098106",
-124 => x"53510400",
-125 => x"00000000",
-126 => x"00000000",
-127 => x"00000000",
-128 => x"71098105",
-129 => x"52040000",
-130 => x"00000000",
-131 => x"00000000",
-132 => x"00000000",
-133 => x"00000000",
-134 => x"00000000",
-135 => x"00000000",
-136 => x"72720981",
-137 => x"05055351",
-138 => x"04000000",
-139 => x"00000000",
-140 => x"00000000",
-141 => x"00000000",
-142 => x"00000000",
-143 => x"00000000",
-144 => x"72097206",
-145 => x"73730906",
-146 => x"07535104",
-147 => x"00000000",
-148 => x"00000000",
-149 => x"00000000",
-150 => x"00000000",
-151 => x"00000000",
-152 => x"71fc0608",
-153 => x"72830609",
-154 => x"81058305",
-155 => x"1010102a",
-156 => x"81ff0652",
-157 => x"04000000",
-158 => x"00000000",
-159 => x"00000000",
-160 => x"71fc0608",
-161 => x"0b0b80cf",
-162 => x"cc738306",
-163 => x"10100508",
-164 => x"060b0b0b",
-165 => x"88aa0400",
-166 => x"00000000",
-167 => x"00000000",
-168 => x"80088408",
-169 => x"88087575",
-170 => x"0b0b0b8b",
-171 => x"ab2d5050",
-172 => x"80085688",
-173 => x"0c840c80",
-174 => x"0c510400",
-175 => x"00000000",
-176 => x"80088408",
-177 => x"88087575",
-178 => x"0b0b0b8b",
-179 => x"ef2d5050",
-180 => x"80085688",
-181 => x"0c840c80",
-182 => x"0c510400",
-183 => x"00000000",
-184 => x"72097081",
-185 => x"0509060a",
-186 => x"8106ff05",
-187 => x"70547106",
-188 => x"73097274",
-189 => x"05ff0506",
-190 => x"07515151",
-191 => x"04000000",
-192 => x"72097081",
-193 => x"0509060a",
-194 => x"098106ff",
-195 => x"05705471",
-196 => x"06730972",
-197 => x"7405ff05",
-198 => x"06075151",
-199 => x"51040000",
-200 => x"05ff0504",
-201 => x"00000000",
-202 => x"00000000",
-203 => x"00000000",
-204 => x"00000000",
-205 => x"00000000",
-206 => x"00000000",
-207 => x"00000000",
-208 => x"810b0b0b",
-209 => x"80cfdc0c",
-210 => x"51040000",
-211 => x"00000000",
-212 => x"00000000",
-213 => x"00000000",
-214 => x"00000000",
-215 => x"00000000",
-216 => x"71810552",
-217 => x"04000000",
-218 => x"00000000",
-219 => x"00000000",
-220 => x"00000000",
-221 => x"00000000",
-222 => x"00000000",
-223 => x"00000000",
-224 => x"00000000",
-225 => x"00000000",
-226 => x"00000000",
-227 => x"00000000",
-228 => x"00000000",
-229 => x"00000000",
-230 => x"00000000",
-231 => x"00000000",
-232 => x"02840572",
-233 => x"10100552",
-234 => x"04000000",
-235 => x"00000000",
-236 => x"00000000",
-237 => x"00000000",
-238 => x"00000000",
-239 => x"00000000",
-240 => x"00000000",
-241 => x"00000000",
-242 => x"00000000",
-243 => x"00000000",
-244 => x"00000000",
-245 => x"00000000",
-246 => x"00000000",
-247 => x"00000000",
-248 => x"717105ff",
-249 => x"05715351",
-250 => x"020d0400",
-251 => x"00000000",
-252 => x"00000000",
-253 => x"00000000",
-254 => x"00000000",
-255 => x"00000000",
-256 => x"82c53f80",
-257 => x"c6e63f04",
-258 => x"10101010",
-259 => x"10101010",
-260 => x"10101010",
-261 => x"10101010",
-262 => x"10101010",
-263 => x"10101010",
-264 => x"10101010",
-265 => x"10101053",
-266 => x"51047381",
-267 => x"ff067383",
-268 => x"06098105",
-269 => x"83051010",
-270 => x"102b0772",
-271 => x"fc060c51",
-272 => x"51043c04",
-273 => x"72728072",
-274 => x"8106ff05",
-275 => x"09720605",
-276 => x"71105272",
-277 => x"0a100a53",
-278 => x"72ed3851",
-279 => x"51535104",
-280 => x"fe3d0d0b",
-281 => x"0b80dfc8",
-282 => x"08538413",
-283 => x"0870882a",
-284 => x"70810651",
-285 => x"52527080",
-286 => x"2ef03871",
-287 => x"81ff0680",
-288 => x"0c843d0d",
-289 => x"04ff3d0d",
-290 => x"0b0b80df",
-291 => x"c8085271",
-292 => x"0870882a",
-293 => x"81327081",
-294 => x"06515151",
-295 => x"70f13873",
-296 => x"720c833d",
-297 => x"0d0480cf",
-298 => x"dc08802e",
-299 => x"a43880cf",
-300 => x"e008822e",
-301 => x"bd388380",
-302 => x"800b0b0b",
-303 => x"80dfc80c",
-304 => x"82a0800b",
-305 => x"80dfcc0c",
-306 => x"8290800b",
-307 => x"80dfd00c",
-308 => x"04f88080",
-309 => x"80a40b0b",
-310 => x"0b80dfc8",
-311 => x"0cf88080",
-312 => x"82800b80",
-313 => x"dfcc0cf8",
-314 => x"80808480",
-315 => x"0b80dfd0",
-316 => x"0c0480c0",
-317 => x"a8808c0b",
-318 => x"0b0b80df",
-319 => x"c80c80c0",
-320 => x"a880940b",
-321 => x"80dfcc0c",
-322 => x"0b0b80cf",
-323 => x"980b80df",
-324 => x"d00c0470",
-325 => x"7080dfd4",
-326 => x"335170a7",
-327 => x"3880cfe8",
-328 => x"08700852",
-329 => x"5270802e",
-330 => x"94388412",
-331 => x"80cfe80c",
-332 => x"702d80cf",
-333 => x"e8087008",
-334 => x"525270ee",
-335 => x"38810b80",
-336 => x"dfd43450",
-337 => x"50040470",
-338 => x"0b0b80df",
-339 => x"c408802e",
-340 => x"8e380b0b",
-341 => x"0b0b800b",
-342 => x"802e0981",
-343 => x"06833850",
-344 => x"040b0b80",
-345 => x"dfc4510b",
-346 => x"0b0bf594",
-347 => x"3f500404",
-348 => x"803d0d80",
-349 => x"dfe00881",
-350 => x"1180dfe0",
-351 => x"0c51823d",
-352 => x"0d04fe3d",
-353 => x"0d80dfe0",
-354 => x"085380df",
-355 => x"e0085272",
-356 => x"722e8f38",
-357 => x"80cf9c51",
-358 => x"82b03f80",
-359 => x"dfe00853",
-360 => x"e93980cf",
-361 => x"ac5182a2",
-362 => x"3fe039fb",
-363 => x"3d0d7779",
-364 => x"55558056",
-365 => x"757524ab",
-366 => x"38807424",
-367 => x"9d388053",
-368 => x"73527451",
-369 => x"80e13f80",
-370 => x"08547580",
-371 => x"2e853880",
-372 => x"08305473",
-373 => x"800c873d",
-374 => x"0d047330",
-375 => x"76813257",
-376 => x"54dc3974",
-377 => x"30558156",
-378 => x"738025d2",
-379 => x"38ec39fa",
-380 => x"3d0d787a",
-381 => x"57558057",
-382 => x"767524a4",
-383 => x"38759f2c",
-384 => x"54815375",
-385 => x"74327431",
-386 => x"5274519b",
-387 => x"3f800854",
-388 => x"76802e85",
-389 => x"38800830",
-390 => x"5473800c",
-391 => x"883d0d04",
-392 => x"74305581",
-393 => x"57d739fc",
-394 => x"3d0d7678",
-395 => x"53548153",
-396 => x"80747326",
-397 => x"52557280",
-398 => x"2e983870",
-399 => x"802eab38",
-400 => x"807224a6",
-401 => x"38711073",
-402 => x"10757226",
-403 => x"53545272",
-404 => x"ea387351",
-405 => x"78833874",
-406 => x"5170800c",
-407 => x"863d0d04",
-408 => x"720a100a",
-409 => x"720a100a",
-410 => x"53537280",
-411 => x"2ee43871",
-412 => x"7426ed38",
-413 => x"73723175",
-414 => x"7407740a",
-415 => x"100a740a",
-416 => x"100a5555",
-417 => x"5654e339",
-418 => x"f73d0d7c",
-419 => x"70525380",
-420 => x"fd3f7254",
-421 => x"8008550b",
-422 => x"0b80cfb8",
-423 => x"56815780",
-424 => x"0881055a",
-425 => x"8b3de411",
-426 => x"59538259",
-427 => x"f413527b",
-428 => x"88110852",
-429 => x"5381b43f",
-430 => x"80083070",
-431 => x"8008079f",
-432 => x"2c8a0780",
-433 => x"0c538b3d",
-434 => x"0d04f63d",
-435 => x"0d7c80cf",
-436 => x"ec087153",
-437 => x"5553b73f",
-438 => x"72558008",
-439 => x"560b0b80",
-440 => x"cfb85781",
-441 => x"58800881",
-442 => x"055b8c3d",
-443 => x"e4115a53",
-444 => x"825af413",
-445 => x"52881408",
-446 => x"5180f03f",
-447 => x"80083070",
-448 => x"8008079f",
-449 => x"2c8a0780",
-450 => x"0c548c3d",
-451 => x"0d047070",
-452 => x"70707570",
-453 => x"71830653",
-454 => x"555270b4",
-455 => x"38717008",
-456 => x"7009f7fb",
-457 => x"fdff1206",
-458 => x"f8848281",
-459 => x"80065452",
-460 => x"53719b38",
-461 => x"84137008",
-462 => x"7009f7fb",
-463 => x"fdff1206",
-464 => x"f8848281",
-465 => x"80065452",
-466 => x"5371802e",
-467 => x"e7387252",
-468 => x"71335372",
-469 => x"802e8a38",
-470 => x"81127033",
-471 => x"545272f8",
-472 => x"38717431",
-473 => x"800c5050",
-474 => x"505004f2",
-475 => x"3d0d6062",
-476 => x"88110870",
-477 => x"58565f5a",
-478 => x"73802e81",
-479 => x"8c388c1a",
-480 => x"2270832a",
-481 => x"81328106",
-482 => x"56587486",
-483 => x"38901a08",
-484 => x"91387951",
-485 => x"90b73fff",
-486 => x"55800880",
-487 => x"ec388c1a",
-488 => x"22587d08",
-489 => x"55807883",
-490 => x"ffff0670",
-491 => x"0a100a81",
-492 => x"06415c57",
-493 => x"7e772e80",
-494 => x"d7387690",
-495 => x"38740884",
-496 => x"16088817",
-497 => x"57585676",
-498 => x"802ef238",
-499 => x"76548880",
-500 => x"77278438",
-501 => x"88805473",
-502 => x"5375529c",
-503 => x"1a0851a4",
-504 => x"1a085877",
-505 => x"2d800b80",
-506 => x"082582e0",
-507 => x"38800816",
-508 => x"77800831",
-509 => x"7f880508",
-510 => x"80083170",
-511 => x"6188050c",
-512 => x"5b585678",
-513 => x"ffb43880",
-514 => x"5574800c",
-515 => x"903d0d04",
-516 => x"7a813281",
-517 => x"06774056",
-518 => x"75802e81",
-519 => x"bd387690",
-520 => x"38740884",
-521 => x"16088817",
-522 => x"57585976",
-523 => x"802ef238",
-524 => x"881a0878",
-525 => x"83ffff06",
-526 => x"70892a81",
-527 => x"06565956",
-528 => x"73802e82",
-529 => x"f8387577",
-530 => x"278b3877",
-531 => x"872a8106",
-532 => x"5c7b82b5",
-533 => x"38767627",
-534 => x"83387656",
-535 => x"75537852",
-536 => x"79085185",
-537 => x"833f881a",
-538 => x"08763188",
-539 => x"1b0c7908",
-540 => x"167a0c76",
-541 => x"56751977",
-542 => x"77317f88",
-543 => x"05087831",
-544 => x"70618805",
-545 => x"0c415859",
-546 => x"7e802efe",
-547 => x"fa388c1a",
-548 => x"2258ff8a",
-549 => x"39787954",
-550 => x"7c537b52",
-551 => x"5684c93f",
-552 => x"881a0879",
-553 => x"31881b0c",
-554 => x"7908197a",
-555 => x"0c7c7631",
-556 => x"5d7c8e38",
-557 => x"79518ff2",
-558 => x"3f800881",
-559 => x"8f388008",
-560 => x"5f751c77",
-561 => x"77317f88",
-562 => x"05087831",
-563 => x"70618805",
-564 => x"0c5d585c",
-565 => x"7a802efe",
-566 => x"ae387681",
-567 => x"83387408",
-568 => x"84160888",
-569 => x"1757585c",
-570 => x"76802ef2",
-571 => x"3876538a",
-572 => x"527b5182",
-573 => x"d33f8008",
-574 => x"7c318105",
-575 => x"5d800884",
-576 => x"3881175d",
-577 => x"815f7c59",
-578 => x"767d2783",
-579 => x"38765994",
-580 => x"1a08881b",
-581 => x"08115758",
-582 => x"807a085c",
-583 => x"54901a08",
-584 => x"7b278338",
-585 => x"81547579",
-586 => x"25843873",
-587 => x"ba387779",
-588 => x"24fee238",
-589 => x"77537b52",
-590 => x"9c1a0851",
-591 => x"a41a0859",
-592 => x"782d8008",
-593 => x"56800880",
-594 => x"24fee238",
-595 => x"8c1a2280",
-596 => x"c0075e7d",
-597 => x"8c1b23ff",
-598 => x"5574800c",
-599 => x"903d0d04",
-600 => x"7effa338",
-601 => x"ff873975",
-602 => x"537b527a",
-603 => x"5182f93f",
-604 => x"7908167a",
-605 => x"0c79518e",
-606 => x"b13f8008",
-607 => x"cf387c76",
-608 => x"315d7cfe",
-609 => x"bc38feac",
-610 => x"39901a08",
-611 => x"7a087131",
-612 => x"78117056",
-613 => x"5a575280",
-614 => x"cfec0851",
-615 => x"84943f80",
-616 => x"08802eff",
-617 => x"a7388008",
-618 => x"901b0c80",
-619 => x"08167a0c",
-620 => x"77941b0c",
-621 => x"76881b0c",
-622 => x"7656fd99",
-623 => x"39790858",
-624 => x"901a0878",
-625 => x"27833881",
-626 => x"54757727",
-627 => x"843873b3",
-628 => x"38941a08",
-629 => x"54737726",
-630 => x"80d33873",
-631 => x"5378529c",
-632 => x"1a0851a4",
-633 => x"1a085877",
-634 => x"2d800856",
-635 => x"80088024",
-636 => x"fd83388c",
-637 => x"1a2280c0",
-638 => x"075e7d8c",
-639 => x"1b23ff55",
-640 => x"fed73975",
-641 => x"53785277",
-642 => x"5181dd3f",
-643 => x"7908167a",
-644 => x"0c79518d",
-645 => x"953f8008",
-646 => x"802efcd9",
-647 => x"388c1a22",
-648 => x"80c0075e",
-649 => x"7d8c1b23",
-650 => x"ff55fead",
-651 => x"39767754",
-652 => x"79537852",
-653 => x"5681b13f",
-654 => x"881a0877",
-655 => x"31881b0c",
-656 => x"7908177a",
-657 => x"0cfcae39",
-658 => x"fa3d0d7a",
-659 => x"79028805",
-660 => x"a7053355",
-661 => x"53548374",
-662 => x"2780df38",
-663 => x"71830651",
-664 => x"7080d738",
-665 => x"71715755",
-666 => x"83517582",
-667 => x"802913ff",
-668 => x"12525670",
-669 => x"8025f338",
-670 => x"837427bc",
-671 => x"38740876",
-672 => x"327009f7",
-673 => x"fbfdff12",
-674 => x"06f88482",
-675 => x"81800651",
-676 => x"5170802e",
-677 => x"98387451",
-678 => x"80527033",
-679 => x"5772772e",
-680 => x"b9388111",
-681 => x"81135351",
-682 => x"837227ee",
-683 => x"38fc1484",
-684 => x"16565473",
-685 => x"8326c638",
-686 => x"7452ff14",
-687 => x"5170ff2e",
-688 => x"97387133",
-689 => x"5472742e",
-690 => x"98388112",
-691 => x"ff125252",
-692 => x"70ff2e09",
-693 => x"8106eb38",
-694 => x"80517080",
-695 => x"0c883d0d",
-696 => x"0471800c",
-697 => x"883d0d04",
-698 => x"fa3d0d78",
-699 => x"7a7c7272",
-700 => x"72595755",
-701 => x"58565774",
-702 => x"7727b238",
-703 => x"75155176",
-704 => x"7127aa38",
-705 => x"707618ff",
-706 => x"18535353",
-707 => x"70ff2e96",
-708 => x"38ff12ff",
-709 => x"14545272",
-710 => x"337234ff",
-711 => x"115170ff",
-712 => x"2e098106",
-713 => x"ec387680",
-714 => x"0c883d0d",
-715 => x"048f7627",
-716 => x"80e63874",
-717 => x"77078306",
-718 => x"517080dc",
-719 => x"38767552",
-720 => x"53707084",
-721 => x"05520873",
-722 => x"70840555",
-723 => x"0c727170",
-724 => x"84055308",
-725 => x"71708405",
-726 => x"530c7170",
-727 => x"84055308",
-728 => x"71708405",
-729 => x"530c7170",
-730 => x"84055308",
-731 => x"71708405",
-732 => x"530cf015",
-733 => x"5553738f",
-734 => x"26c73883",
-735 => x"74279538",
-736 => x"70708405",
-737 => x"52087370",
-738 => x"8405550c",
-739 => x"fc145473",
-740 => x"8326ed38",
-741 => x"72715452",
-742 => x"ff145170",
-743 => x"ff2eff86",
-744 => x"38727081",
-745 => x"05543372",
-746 => x"70810554",
-747 => x"34ff1151",
-748 => x"ea39ef3d",
-749 => x"0d636567",
-750 => x"405d427b",
-751 => x"802e8582",
-752 => x"386151a9",
-753 => x"e73ff81c",
-754 => x"70841208",
-755 => x"70fc0670",
-756 => x"628b0570",
-757 => x"f8064159",
-758 => x"455c5f41",
-759 => x"57967427",
-760 => x"82c53880",
-761 => x"7b247e7c",
-762 => x"26075880",
-763 => x"5477742e",
-764 => x"09810682",
-765 => x"ab38787b",
-766 => x"2581fe38",
-767 => x"781780d7",
-768 => x"a80b8805",
-769 => x"085b5679",
-770 => x"762e84c5",
-771 => x"38841608",
-772 => x"70fe0617",
-773 => x"84110881",
-774 => x"06415555",
-775 => x"7e828d38",
-776 => x"74fc0658",
-777 => x"79762e84",
-778 => x"e3387818",
-779 => x"5f7e7b25",
-780 => x"81ff387c",
-781 => x"81065473",
-782 => x"82c13876",
-783 => x"77083184",
-784 => x"1108fc06",
-785 => x"56577580",
-786 => x"2e913879",
-787 => x"762e84f0",
-788 => x"38741819",
-789 => x"58777b25",
-790 => x"84913876",
-791 => x"802e829b",
-792 => x"38781556",
-793 => x"7a762482",
-794 => x"92388c17",
-795 => x"08881808",
-796 => x"718c120c",
-797 => x"88120c5e",
-798 => x"75598817",
-799 => x"61fc055b",
-800 => x"5679a426",
-801 => x"85ff387b",
-802 => x"76595593",
-803 => x"7a2780c9",
-804 => x"387b7084",
-805 => x"055d087c",
-806 => x"56760c74",
-807 => x"70840556",
-808 => x"088c180c",
-809 => x"9017589b",
-810 => x"7a27ae38",
-811 => x"74708405",
-812 => x"5608780c",
-813 => x"74708405",
-814 => x"56089418",
-815 => x"0c981758",
-816 => x"a37a2795",
-817 => x"38747084",
-818 => x"05560878",
-819 => x"0c747084",
-820 => x"0556089c",
-821 => x"180ca017",
-822 => x"58747084",
-823 => x"05560875",
-824 => x"5f787084",
-825 => x"055a0c77",
-826 => x"7e708405",
-827 => x"40087170",
-828 => x"8405530c",
-829 => x"7e08710c",
-830 => x"5d787b31",
-831 => x"56758f26",
-832 => x"80c93884",
-833 => x"17088106",
-834 => x"79078418",
-835 => x"0c781784",
-836 => x"11088107",
-837 => x"84120c5b",
-838 => x"6151a791",
-839 => x"3f881754",
-840 => x"73800c93",
-841 => x"3d0d0490",
-842 => x"5bfdb839",
-843 => x"7756fe83",
-844 => x"398c1608",
-845 => x"88170871",
-846 => x"8c120c88",
-847 => x"120c587e",
-848 => x"707c3157",
-849 => x"598f7627",
-850 => x"ffb9387a",
-851 => x"17841808",
-852 => x"81067c07",
-853 => x"84190c76",
-854 => x"81078412",
-855 => x"0c761184",
-856 => x"11088107",
-857 => x"84120c5b",
-858 => x"88055261",
-859 => x"518fda3f",
-860 => x"6151a6b9",
-861 => x"3f881754",
-862 => x"ffa6397d",
-863 => x"52615197",
-864 => x"d73f8008",
-865 => x"5a800880",
-866 => x"2e81ab38",
-867 => x"8008f805",
-868 => x"60840508",
-869 => x"fe066105",
-870 => x"58557477",
-871 => x"2e83f238",
-872 => x"fc195877",
-873 => x"a42681b0",
-874 => x"387b8008",
-875 => x"56579378",
-876 => x"2780dc38",
-877 => x"7b707084",
-878 => x"05520880",
-879 => x"08708405",
-880 => x"800c0c80",
-881 => x"08717084",
-882 => x"0553085d",
-883 => x"567b7670",
-884 => x"8405580c",
-885 => x"579b7827",
-886 => x"b6387670",
-887 => x"84055808",
-888 => x"75708405",
-889 => x"570c7670",
-890 => x"84055808",
-891 => x"75708405",
-892 => x"570ca378",
-893 => x"27993876",
-894 => x"70840558",
-895 => x"08757084",
-896 => x"05570c76",
-897 => x"70840558",
-898 => x"08757084",
-899 => x"05570c76",
-900 => x"70840558",
-901 => x"08775e75",
-902 => x"70840557",
-903 => x"0c747d70",
-904 => x"84055f08",
-905 => x"71708405",
-906 => x"530c7d08",
-907 => x"710c5f7b",
-908 => x"5261518e",
-909 => x"943f6151",
-910 => x"a4f33f79",
-911 => x"800c933d",
-912 => x"0d047d52",
-913 => x"61519690",
-914 => x"3f800880",
-915 => x"0c933d0d",
-916 => x"04841608",
-917 => x"55fbc939",
-918 => x"77537b52",
-919 => x"800851a2",
-920 => x"a53f7b52",
-921 => x"61518de1",
-922 => x"3fcc398c",
-923 => x"16088817",
-924 => x"08718c12",
-925 => x"0c88120c",
-926 => x"5d8c1708",
-927 => x"88180871",
-928 => x"8c120c88",
-929 => x"120c5977",
-930 => x"59fbef39",
-931 => x"7818901c",
-932 => x"40557e75",
-933 => x"24fb9c38",
-934 => x"7a177080",
-935 => x"d7a80b88",
-936 => x"050c757c",
-937 => x"31810784",
-938 => x"120c5684",
-939 => x"17088106",
-940 => x"7b078418",
-941 => x"0c6151a3",
-942 => x"f43f8817",
-943 => x"54fce139",
-944 => x"74181990",
-945 => x"1c5e5a7c",
-946 => x"7a24fb8f",
-947 => x"388c1708",
-948 => x"88180871",
-949 => x"8c120c88",
-950 => x"120c5e88",
-951 => x"1761fc05",
-952 => x"575975a4",
-953 => x"2681b638",
-954 => x"7b795955",
-955 => x"93762780",
-956 => x"c9387b70",
-957 => x"84055d08",
-958 => x"7c56790c",
-959 => x"74708405",
-960 => x"56088c18",
-961 => x"0c901758",
-962 => x"9b7627ae",
-963 => x"38747084",
-964 => x"05560878",
-965 => x"0c747084",
-966 => x"05560894",
-967 => x"180c9817",
-968 => x"58a37627",
-969 => x"95387470",
-970 => x"84055608",
-971 => x"780c7470",
-972 => x"84055608",
-973 => x"9c180ca0",
-974 => x"17587470",
-975 => x"84055608",
-976 => x"75417870",
-977 => x"84055a0c",
-978 => x"77607084",
-979 => x"05420871",
-980 => x"70840553",
-981 => x"0c600871",
-982 => x"0c5e7a17",
-983 => x"7080d7a8",
-984 => x"0b88050c",
-985 => x"7a7c3181",
-986 => x"0784120c",
-987 => x"58841708",
-988 => x"81067b07",
-989 => x"84180c61",
-990 => x"51a2b23f",
-991 => x"78547380",
-992 => x"0c933d0d",
-993 => x"0479537b",
-994 => x"5275519f",
-995 => x"f93ffae9",
-996 => x"39841508",
-997 => x"fc061960",
-998 => x"5859fadd",
-999 => x"3975537b",
-1000 => x"5278519f",
-1001 => x"e13f7a17",
-1002 => x"7080d7a8",
-1003 => x"0b88050c",
-1004 => x"7a7c3181",
-1005 => x"0784120c",
-1006 => x"58841708",
-1007 => x"81067b07",
-1008 => x"84180c61",
-1009 => x"51a1e63f",
-1010 => x"7854ffb2",
-1011 => x"39fa3d0d",
-1012 => x"7880cfec",
-1013 => x"085455b8",
-1014 => x"1308802e",
-1015 => x"81af388c",
-1016 => x"15227083",
-1017 => x"ffff0670",
-1018 => x"832a8132",
-1019 => x"81065555",
-1020 => x"5672802e",
-1021 => x"80da3873",
-1022 => x"842a8132",
-1023 => x"810657ff",
-1024 => x"537680f2",
-1025 => x"3873822a",
-1026 => x"81065473",
-1027 => x"802eb938",
-1028 => x"b0150854",
-1029 => x"73802e9c",
-1030 => x"3880c015",
-1031 => x"5373732e",
-1032 => x"8f387352",
-1033 => x"80cfec08",
-1034 => x"518a9e3f",
-1035 => x"8c152256",
-1036 => x"76b0160c",
-1037 => x"75db0657",
-1038 => x"768c1623",
-1039 => x"800b8416",
-1040 => x"0c901508",
-1041 => x"750c7656",
-1042 => x"75880754",
-1043 => x"738c1623",
-1044 => x"90150880",
-1045 => x"2ebf388c",
-1046 => x"15227081",
-1047 => x"06555373",
-1048 => x"9c38720a",
-1049 => x"100a8106",
-1050 => x"56758538",
-1051 => x"94150854",
-1052 => x"7388160c",
-1053 => x"80537280",
-1054 => x"0c883d0d",
-1055 => x"04800b88",
-1056 => x"160c9415",
-1057 => x"08309816",
-1058 => x"0c8053ea",
-1059 => x"39725182",
-1060 => x"a63ffecb",
-1061 => x"3974518f",
-1062 => x"bc3f8c15",
-1063 => x"22708106",
-1064 => x"55537380",
-1065 => x"2effbb38",
-1066 => x"d439f83d",
-1067 => x"0d7a5776",
-1068 => x"802e8197",
-1069 => x"3880cfec",
-1070 => x"0854b814",
-1071 => x"08802e80",
-1072 => x"eb388c17",
-1073 => x"2270902b",
-1074 => x"70902c70",
-1075 => x"832a8132",
-1076 => x"81065b5b",
-1077 => x"57557780",
-1078 => x"cb389017",
-1079 => x"08567580",
-1080 => x"2e80c138",
-1081 => x"76087631",
-1082 => x"76780c79",
-1083 => x"83065555",
-1084 => x"73853894",
-1085 => x"17085877",
-1086 => x"88180c80",
-1087 => x"7525a538",
-1088 => x"74537552",
-1089 => x"9c170851",
-1090 => x"a4170854",
-1091 => x"732d800b",
-1092 => x"80082580",
-1093 => x"c9388008",
-1094 => x"16758008",
-1095 => x"31565674",
-1096 => x"8024dd38",
-1097 => x"800b800c",
-1098 => x"8a3d0d04",
-1099 => x"73518187",
-1100 => x"3f8c1722",
-1101 => x"70902b70",
-1102 => x"902c7083",
-1103 => x"2a813281",
-1104 => x"065b5b57",
-1105 => x"5577dd38",
-1106 => x"ff9039a1",
-1107 => x"aa5280cf",
-1108 => x"ec08518c",
-1109 => x"d03f8008",
-1110 => x"800c8a3d",
-1111 => x"0d048c17",
-1112 => x"2280c007",
-1113 => x"58778c18",
-1114 => x"23ff0b80",
-1115 => x"0c8a3d0d",
-1116 => x"04fa3d0d",
-1117 => x"797080dc",
-1118 => x"298c1154",
-1119 => x"7a535657",
-1120 => x"8fd63f80",
-1121 => x"08800855",
-1122 => x"56800880",
-1123 => x"2ea23880",
-1124 => x"088c0554",
-1125 => x"800b8008",
-1126 => x"0c768008",
-1127 => x"84050c73",
-1128 => x"80088805",
-1129 => x"0c745380",
-1130 => x"5273519c",
-1131 => x"f53f7554",
-1132 => x"73800c88",
-1133 => x"3d0d0470",
-1134 => x"707074a8",
-1135 => x"f60bbc12",
-1136 => x"0c53810b",
-1137 => x"b8140c80",
-1138 => x"0b84dc14",
-1139 => x"0c830b84",
-1140 => x"e0140c84",
-1141 => x"e81384e4",
-1142 => x"140c8413",
-1143 => x"08518070",
-1144 => x"720c7084",
-1145 => x"130c7088",
-1146 => x"130c5284",
-1147 => x"0b8c1223",
-1148 => x"718e1223",
-1149 => x"7190120c",
-1150 => x"7194120c",
-1151 => x"7198120c",
-1152 => x"709c120c",
-1153 => x"80c1e50b",
-1154 => x"a0120c80",
-1155 => x"c2b10ba4",
-1156 => x"120c80c3",
-1157 => x"ad0ba812",
-1158 => x"0c80c3fe",
-1159 => x"0bac120c",
-1160 => x"88130872",
-1161 => x"710c7284",
-1162 => x"120c7288",
-1163 => x"120c5189",
-1164 => x"0b8c1223",
-1165 => x"810b8e12",
-1166 => x"23719012",
-1167 => x"0c719412",
-1168 => x"0c719812",
-1169 => x"0c709c12",
-1170 => x"0c80c1e5",
-1171 => x"0ba0120c",
-1172 => x"80c2b10b",
-1173 => x"a4120c80",
-1174 => x"c3ad0ba8",
-1175 => x"120c80c3",
-1176 => x"fe0bac12",
-1177 => x"0c8c1308",
-1178 => x"72710c72",
-1179 => x"84120c72",
-1180 => x"88120c51",
-1181 => x"8a0b8c12",
-1182 => x"23820b8e",
-1183 => x"12237190",
-1184 => x"120c7194",
-1185 => x"120c7198",
-1186 => x"120c709c",
-1187 => x"120c80c1",
-1188 => x"e50ba012",
-1189 => x"0c80c2b1",
-1190 => x"0ba4120c",
-1191 => x"80c3ad0b",
-1192 => x"a8120c80",
-1193 => x"c3fe0bac",
-1194 => x"120c5050",
-1195 => x"5004f83d",
-1196 => x"0d7a80cf",
-1197 => x"ec08b811",
-1198 => x"08575758",
-1199 => x"7481ec38",
-1200 => x"a8f60bbc",
-1201 => x"170c810b",
-1202 => x"b8170c74",
-1203 => x"84dc170c",
-1204 => x"830b84e0",
-1205 => x"170c84e8",
-1206 => x"1684e417",
-1207 => x"0c841608",
-1208 => x"75710c75",
-1209 => x"84120c75",
-1210 => x"88120c59",
-1211 => x"840b8c1a",
-1212 => x"23748e1a",
-1213 => x"2374901a",
-1214 => x"0c74941a",
-1215 => x"0c74981a",
-1216 => x"0c789c1a",
-1217 => x"0c80c1e5",
-1218 => x"0ba01a0c",
-1219 => x"80c2b10b",
-1220 => x"a41a0c80",
-1221 => x"c3ad0ba8",
-1222 => x"1a0c80c3",
-1223 => x"fe0bac1a",
-1224 => x"0c881608",
-1225 => x"75710c75",
-1226 => x"84120c75",
-1227 => x"88120c57",
-1228 => x"890b8c18",
-1229 => x"23810b8e",
-1230 => x"18237490",
-1231 => x"180c7494",
-1232 => x"180c7498",
-1233 => x"180c769c",
-1234 => x"180c80c1",
-1235 => x"e50ba018",
-1236 => x"0c80c2b1",
-1237 => x"0ba4180c",
-1238 => x"80c3ad0b",
-1239 => x"a8180c80",
-1240 => x"c3fe0bac",
-1241 => x"180c8c16",
-1242 => x"0875710c",
-1243 => x"7584120c",
-1244 => x"7588120c",
-1245 => x"548a0b8c",
-1246 => x"1523820b",
-1247 => x"8e152374",
-1248 => x"90150c74",
-1249 => x"94150c74",
-1250 => x"98150c73",
-1251 => x"9c150c80",
-1252 => x"c1e50ba0",
-1253 => x"150c80c2",
-1254 => x"b10ba415",
-1255 => x"0c80c3ad",
-1256 => x"0ba8150c",
-1257 => x"80c3fe0b",
-1258 => x"ac150c84",
-1259 => x"dc168811",
-1260 => x"08841208",
-1261 => x"ff055757",
-1262 => x"57807524",
-1263 => x"9f388c16",
-1264 => x"2270902b",
-1265 => x"70902c51",
-1266 => x"55597380",
-1267 => x"2e80ed38",
-1268 => x"80dc16ff",
-1269 => x"16565674",
-1270 => x"8025e338",
-1271 => x"76085574",
-1272 => x"802e8f38",
-1273 => x"74881108",
-1274 => x"841208ff",
-1275 => x"05575757",
-1276 => x"c83982fc",
-1277 => x"5277518a",
-1278 => x"df3f8008",
-1279 => x"80085556",
-1280 => x"8008802e",
-1281 => x"a3388008",
-1282 => x"8c057580",
-1283 => x"080c5484",
-1284 => x"0b800884",
-1285 => x"050c7380",
-1286 => x"0888050c",
-1287 => x"82f05374",
-1288 => x"52735197",
-1289 => x"fd3f7554",
-1290 => x"7374780c",
-1291 => x"5573ffb4",
-1292 => x"388c780c",
-1293 => x"800b800c",
-1294 => x"8a3d0d04",
-1295 => x"810b8c17",
-1296 => x"2373760c",
-1297 => x"7388170c",
-1298 => x"7384170c",
-1299 => x"7390170c",
-1300 => x"7394170c",
-1301 => x"7398170c",
-1302 => x"ff0b8e17",
-1303 => x"2373b017",
-1304 => x"0c73b417",
-1305 => x"0c7380c4",
-1306 => x"170c7380",
-1307 => x"c8170c75",
-1308 => x"800c8a3d",
-1309 => x"0d047070",
-1310 => x"a1aa5273",
-1311 => x"5186a63f",
-1312 => x"50500470",
-1313 => x"70a1aa52",
-1314 => x"80cfec08",
-1315 => x"5186963f",
-1316 => x"505004fb",
-1317 => x"3d0d7770",
-1318 => x"52569890",
-1319 => x"3f80d7a8",
-1320 => x"0b880508",
-1321 => x"841108fc",
-1322 => x"06707b31",
-1323 => x"9fef05e0",
-1324 => x"8006e080",
-1325 => x"05525555",
-1326 => x"a0807524",
-1327 => x"94388052",
-1328 => x"755197ea",
-1329 => x"3f80d7b0",
-1330 => x"08145372",
-1331 => x"80082e8f",
-1332 => x"38755197",
-1333 => x"d83f8053",
-1334 => x"72800c87",
-1335 => x"3d0d0474",
-1336 => x"30527551",
-1337 => x"97c83f80",
-1338 => x"08ff2ea8",
-1339 => x"3880d7a8",
-1340 => x"0b880508",
-1341 => x"74763181",
-1342 => x"0784120c",
-1343 => x"5380d6ec",
-1344 => x"08753180",
-1345 => x"d6ec0c75",
-1346 => x"5197a23f",
-1347 => x"810b800c",
-1348 => x"873d0d04",
-1349 => x"80527551",
-1350 => x"97943f80",
-1351 => x"d7a80b88",
-1352 => x"05088008",
-1353 => x"71315454",
-1354 => x"8f7325ff",
-1355 => x"a4388008",
-1356 => x"80d79c08",
-1357 => x"3180d6ec",
-1358 => x"0c728107",
-1359 => x"84150c75",
-1360 => x"5196ea3f",
-1361 => x"8053ff90",
-1362 => x"39f73d0d",
-1363 => x"7b7d545a",
-1364 => x"72802e82",
-1365 => x"83387951",
-1366 => x"96d23ff8",
-1367 => x"13841108",
-1368 => x"70fe0670",
-1369 => x"13841108",
-1370 => x"fc065c57",
-1371 => x"58545780",
-1372 => x"d7b00874",
-1373 => x"2e82de38",
-1374 => x"7784150c",
-1375 => x"80738106",
-1376 => x"56597479",
-1377 => x"2e81d538",
-1378 => x"77148411",
-1379 => x"08810656",
-1380 => x"5374a038",
-1381 => x"77165678",
-1382 => x"81e63888",
-1383 => x"14085574",
-1384 => x"80d7b02e",
-1385 => x"82f9388c",
-1386 => x"1408708c",
-1387 => x"170c7588",
-1388 => x"120c5875",
-1389 => x"81078418",
-1390 => x"0c751776",
-1391 => x"710c5478",
-1392 => x"81913883",
-1393 => x"ff762781",
-1394 => x"c8387589",
-1395 => x"2a76832a",
-1396 => x"54547380",
-1397 => x"2ebf3875",
-1398 => x"862ab805",
-1399 => x"53847427",
-1400 => x"b43880db",
-1401 => x"14539474",
-1402 => x"27ab3875",
-1403 => x"8c2a80ee",
-1404 => x"055380d4",
-1405 => x"74279e38",
-1406 => x"758f2a80",
-1407 => x"f7055382",
-1408 => x"d4742791",
-1409 => x"3875922a",
-1410 => x"80fc0553",
-1411 => x"8ad47427",
-1412 => x"843880fe",
-1413 => x"53721010",
-1414 => x"1080d7a8",
-1415 => x"05881108",
-1416 => x"55557375",
-1417 => x"2e82bf38",
-1418 => x"841408fc",
-1419 => x"06597579",
-1420 => x"278d3888",
-1421 => x"14085473",
-1422 => x"752e0981",
-1423 => x"06ea388c",
-1424 => x"1408708c",
-1425 => x"190c7488",
-1426 => x"190c7788",
-1427 => x"120c5576",
-1428 => x"8c150c79",
-1429 => x"5194d63f",
-1430 => x"8b3d0d04",
-1431 => x"76087771",
-1432 => x"31587605",
-1433 => x"88180856",
-1434 => x"567480d7",
-1435 => x"b02e80e0",
-1436 => x"388c1708",
-1437 => x"708c170c",
-1438 => x"7588120c",
-1439 => x"53fe8939",
-1440 => x"8814088c",
-1441 => x"1508708c",
-1442 => x"130c5988",
-1443 => x"190cfea3",
-1444 => x"3975832a",
-1445 => x"70545480",
-1446 => x"74248198",
-1447 => x"3872822c",
-1448 => x"81712b80",
-1449 => x"d7ac0807",
-1450 => x"80d7a80b",
-1451 => x"84050c74",
-1452 => x"10101080",
-1453 => x"d7a80588",
-1454 => x"1108718c",
-1455 => x"1b0c7088",
-1456 => x"1b0c7988",
-1457 => x"130c565a",
-1458 => x"55768c15",
-1459 => x"0cff8439",
-1460 => x"8159fdb4",
-1461 => x"39771673",
-1462 => x"81065455",
-1463 => x"72983876",
-1464 => x"08777131",
-1465 => x"5875058c",
-1466 => x"18088819",
-1467 => x"08718c12",
-1468 => x"0c88120c",
-1469 => x"55557481",
-1470 => x"0784180c",
-1471 => x"7680d7a8",
-1472 => x"0b88050c",
-1473 => x"80d7a408",
-1474 => x"7526fec7",
-1475 => x"3880d7a0",
-1476 => x"08527951",
-1477 => x"fafd3f79",
-1478 => x"5193923f",
-1479 => x"feba3981",
-1480 => x"778c170c",
-1481 => x"7788170c",
-1482 => x"758c190c",
-1483 => x"7588190c",
-1484 => x"59fd8039",
-1485 => x"83147082",
-1486 => x"2c81712b",
-1487 => x"80d7ac08",
-1488 => x"0780d7a8",
-1489 => x"0b84050c",
-1490 => x"75101010",
-1491 => x"80d7a805",
-1492 => x"88110871",
-1493 => x"8c1c0c70",
-1494 => x"881c0c7a",
-1495 => x"88130c57",
-1496 => x"5b5653fe",
-1497 => x"e4398073",
-1498 => x"24a33872",
-1499 => x"822c8171",
-1500 => x"2b80d7ac",
-1501 => x"080780d7",
-1502 => x"a80b8405",
-1503 => x"0c58748c",
-1504 => x"180c7388",
-1505 => x"180c7688",
-1506 => x"160cfdc3",
-1507 => x"39831370",
-1508 => x"822c8171",
-1509 => x"2b80d7ac",
-1510 => x"080780d7",
-1511 => x"a80b8405",
-1512 => x"0c5953da",
-1513 => x"39f93d0d",
-1514 => x"797b5853",
-1515 => x"800b80cf",
-1516 => x"ec085356",
-1517 => x"72722ebc",
-1518 => x"3884dc13",
-1519 => x"5574762e",
-1520 => x"b3388815",
-1521 => x"08841608",
-1522 => x"ff055454",
-1523 => x"80732499",
-1524 => x"388c1422",
-1525 => x"70902b53",
-1526 => x"587180d4",
-1527 => x"3880dc14",
-1528 => x"ff145454",
-1529 => x"728025e9",
-1530 => x"38740855",
-1531 => x"74d43880",
-1532 => x"cfec0852",
-1533 => x"84dc1255",
-1534 => x"74802ead",
-1535 => x"38881508",
-1536 => x"841608ff",
-1537 => x"05545480",
-1538 => x"73249838",
-1539 => x"8c142270",
-1540 => x"902b5358",
-1541 => x"71ad3880",
-1542 => x"dc14ff14",
-1543 => x"54547280",
-1544 => x"25ea3874",
-1545 => x"085574d5",
-1546 => x"3875800c",
-1547 => x"893d0d04",
-1548 => x"7351762d",
-1549 => x"75800807",
-1550 => x"80dc15ff",
-1551 => x"15555556",
-1552 => x"ffa23973",
-1553 => x"51762d75",
-1554 => x"80080780",
-1555 => x"dc15ff15",
-1556 => x"555556ca",
-1557 => x"39ea3d0d",
-1558 => x"688c1122",
-1559 => x"700a100a",
-1560 => x"81065758",
-1561 => x"567480e4",
-1562 => x"388e1622",
-1563 => x"70902b70",
-1564 => x"902c5155",
-1565 => x"58807424",
-1566 => x"b138983d",
-1567 => x"c4055373",
-1568 => x"5280cfec",
-1569 => x"08519481",
-1570 => x"3f800b80",
-1571 => x"08249738",
-1572 => x"7983e080",
-1573 => x"06547380",
-1574 => x"c0802e81",
-1575 => x"8f387382",
-1576 => x"80802e81",
-1577 => x"91388c16",
-1578 => x"22577690",
-1579 => x"80075473",
-1580 => x"8c172388",
-1581 => x"805280cf",
-1582 => x"ec085181",
-1583 => x"9b3f8008",
-1584 => x"9d388c16",
-1585 => x"22820755",
-1586 => x"748c1723",
-1587 => x"80c31670",
-1588 => x"770c9017",
-1589 => x"0c810b94",
-1590 => x"170c983d",
-1591 => x"0d0480cf",
-1592 => x"ec08a8f6",
-1593 => x"0bbc120c",
-1594 => x"588c1622",
-1595 => x"81800754",
-1596 => x"738c1723",
-1597 => x"8008760c",
-1598 => x"80089017",
-1599 => x"0c88800b",
-1600 => x"94170c74",
-1601 => x"802ed338",
-1602 => x"8e162270",
-1603 => x"902b7090",
-1604 => x"2c535654",
-1605 => x"9afb3f80",
-1606 => x"08802eff",
-1607 => x"bd388c16",
-1608 => x"22810757",
-1609 => x"768c1723",
-1610 => x"983d0d04",
-1611 => x"810b8c17",
-1612 => x"225855fe",
-1613 => x"f539a816",
-1614 => x"0880c3ad",
-1615 => x"2e098106",
-1616 => x"fee4388c",
-1617 => x"16228880",
-1618 => x"0754738c",
-1619 => x"17238880",
-1620 => x"0b80cc17",
-1621 => x"0cfedc39",
-1622 => x"f43d0d7e",
-1623 => x"608b1170",
-1624 => x"f8065b55",
-1625 => x"555d7296",
-1626 => x"26833890",
-1627 => x"58807824",
-1628 => x"74792607",
-1629 => x"55805474",
-1630 => x"742e0981",
-1631 => x"0680ca38",
-1632 => x"7c518ea8",
-1633 => x"3f7783f7",
-1634 => x"2680c538",
-1635 => x"77832a70",
-1636 => x"10101080",
-1637 => x"d7a8058c",
-1638 => x"11085858",
-1639 => x"5475772e",
-1640 => x"81f03884",
-1641 => x"1608fc06",
-1642 => x"8c170888",
-1643 => x"1808718c",
-1644 => x"120c8812",
-1645 => x"0c5b7605",
-1646 => x"84110881",
-1647 => x"0784120c",
-1648 => x"537c518d",
-1649 => x"e83f8816",
-1650 => x"5473800c",
-1651 => x"8e3d0d04",
-1652 => x"77892a78",
-1653 => x"832a5854",
-1654 => x"73802ebf",
-1655 => x"3877862a",
-1656 => x"b8055784",
-1657 => x"7427b438",
-1658 => x"80db1457",
-1659 => x"947427ab",
-1660 => x"38778c2a",
-1661 => x"80ee0557",
-1662 => x"80d47427",
-1663 => x"9e38778f",
-1664 => x"2a80f705",
-1665 => x"5782d474",
-1666 => x"27913877",
-1667 => x"922a80fc",
-1668 => x"05578ad4",
-1669 => x"74278438",
-1670 => x"80fe5776",
-1671 => x"10101080",
-1672 => x"d7a8058c",
-1673 => x"11085653",
-1674 => x"74732ea3",
-1675 => x"38841508",
-1676 => x"fc067079",
-1677 => x"31555673",
-1678 => x"8f2488e4",
-1679 => x"38738025",
-1680 => x"88e6388c",
-1681 => x"15085574",
-1682 => x"732e0981",
-1683 => x"06df3881",
-1684 => x"175980d7",
-1685 => x"b8085675",
-1686 => x"80d7b02e",
-1687 => x"82cc3884",
-1688 => x"1608fc06",
-1689 => x"70793155",
-1690 => x"55738f24",
-1691 => x"bb3880d7",
-1692 => x"b00b80d7",
-1693 => x"bc0c80d7",
-1694 => x"b00b80d7",
-1695 => x"b80c8074",
-1696 => x"2480db38",
-1697 => x"74168411",
-1698 => x"08810784",
-1699 => x"120c53fe",
-1700 => x"b0398816",
-1701 => x"8c110857",
-1702 => x"5975792e",
-1703 => x"098106fe",
-1704 => x"82388214",
-1705 => x"59ffab39",
-1706 => x"77167881",
-1707 => x"0784180c",
-1708 => x"7080d7bc",
-1709 => x"0c7080d7",
-1710 => x"b80c80d7",
-1711 => x"b00b8c12",
-1712 => x"0c8c1108",
-1713 => x"88120c74",
-1714 => x"81078412",
-1715 => x"0c740574",
-1716 => x"710c5b7c",
-1717 => x"518bd63f",
-1718 => x"881654fd",
-1719 => x"ec3983ff",
-1720 => x"75278391",
-1721 => x"3874892a",
-1722 => x"75832a54",
-1723 => x"5473802e",
-1724 => x"bf387486",
-1725 => x"2ab80553",
-1726 => x"847427b4",
-1727 => x"3880db14",
-1728 => x"53947427",
-1729 => x"ab38748c",
-1730 => x"2a80ee05",
-1731 => x"5380d474",
-1732 => x"279e3874",
-1733 => x"8f2a80f7",
-1734 => x"055382d4",
-1735 => x"74279138",
-1736 => x"74922a80",
-1737 => x"fc05538a",
-1738 => x"d4742784",
-1739 => x"3880fe53",
-1740 => x"72101010",
-1741 => x"80d7a805",
-1742 => x"88110855",
-1743 => x"5773772e",
-1744 => x"868b3884",
-1745 => x"1408fc06",
-1746 => x"5b747b27",
-1747 => x"8d388814",
-1748 => x"08547377",
-1749 => x"2e098106",
-1750 => x"ea388c14",
-1751 => x"0880d7a8",
-1752 => x"0b840508",
-1753 => x"718c190c",
-1754 => x"7588190c",
-1755 => x"7788130c",
-1756 => x"5c57758c",
-1757 => x"150c7853",
-1758 => x"80792483",
-1759 => x"98387282",
-1760 => x"2c81712b",
-1761 => x"5656747b",
-1762 => x"2680ca38",
-1763 => x"7a750657",
-1764 => x"7682a338",
-1765 => x"78fc0684",
-1766 => x"05597410",
-1767 => x"707c0655",
-1768 => x"55738292",
-1769 => x"38841959",
-1770 => x"f13980d7",
-1771 => x"a80b8405",
-1772 => x"0879545b",
-1773 => x"788025c6",
-1774 => x"3882da39",
-1775 => x"74097b06",
-1776 => x"7080d7a8",
-1777 => x"0b84050c",
-1778 => x"5b741055",
-1779 => x"747b2685",
-1780 => x"387485bc",
-1781 => x"3880d7a8",
-1782 => x"0b880508",
-1783 => x"70841208",
-1784 => x"fc06707b",
-1785 => x"317b7226",
-1786 => x"8f722507",
-1787 => x"5d575c5c",
-1788 => x"5578802e",
-1789 => x"80d93879",
-1790 => x"1580d7a0",
-1791 => x"08199011",
-1792 => x"59545680",
-1793 => x"d79c08ff",
-1794 => x"2e8838a0",
-1795 => x"8f13e080",
-1796 => x"06577652",
-1797 => x"7c518996",
-1798 => x"3f800854",
-1799 => x"8008ff2e",
-1800 => x"90388008",
-1801 => x"762782a7",
-1802 => x"387480d7",
-1803 => x"a82e829f",
-1804 => x"3880d7a8",
-1805 => x"0b880508",
-1806 => x"55841508",
-1807 => x"fc067079",
-1808 => x"31797226",
-1809 => x"8f722507",
-1810 => x"5d555a7a",
-1811 => x"83f23877",
-1812 => x"81078416",
-1813 => x"0c771570",
-1814 => x"80d7a80b",
-1815 => x"88050c74",
-1816 => x"81078412",
-1817 => x"0c567c51",
-1818 => x"88c33f88",
-1819 => x"15547380",
-1820 => x"0c8e3d0d",
-1821 => x"0474832a",
-1822 => x"70545480",
-1823 => x"7424819b",
-1824 => x"3872822c",
-1825 => x"81712b80",
-1826 => x"d7ac0807",
-1827 => x"7080d7a8",
-1828 => x"0b84050c",
-1829 => x"75101010",
-1830 => x"80d7a805",
-1831 => x"88110871",
-1832 => x"8c1b0c70",
-1833 => x"881b0c79",
-1834 => x"88130c57",
-1835 => x"555c5575",
-1836 => x"8c150cfd",
-1837 => x"c1397879",
-1838 => x"10101080",
-1839 => x"d7a80570",
-1840 => x"565b5c8c",
-1841 => x"14085675",
-1842 => x"742ea338",
-1843 => x"841608fc",
-1844 => x"06707931",
-1845 => x"5853768f",
-1846 => x"2483f138",
-1847 => x"76802584",
-1848 => x"af388c16",
-1849 => x"08567574",
-1850 => x"2e098106",
-1851 => x"df388814",
-1852 => x"811a7083",
-1853 => x"06555a54",
-1854 => x"72c9387b",
-1855 => x"83065675",
-1856 => x"802efdb8",
-1857 => x"38ff1cf8",
-1858 => x"1b5b5c88",
-1859 => x"1a087a2e",
-1860 => x"ea38fdb5",
-1861 => x"39831953",
-1862 => x"fce43983",
-1863 => x"1470822c",
-1864 => x"81712b80",
-1865 => x"d7ac0807",
-1866 => x"7080d7a8",
-1867 => x"0b84050c",
-1868 => x"76101010",
-1869 => x"80d7a805",
-1870 => x"88110871",
-1871 => x"8c1c0c70",
-1872 => x"881c0c7a",
-1873 => x"88130c58",
-1874 => x"535d5653",
-1875 => x"fee13980",
-1876 => x"d6ec0817",
-1877 => x"59800876",
-1878 => x"2e818b38",
-1879 => x"80d79c08",
-1880 => x"ff2e848e",
-1881 => x"38737631",
-1882 => x"1980d6ec",
-1883 => x"0c738706",
-1884 => x"70565372",
-1885 => x"802e8838",
-1886 => x"88733170",
-1887 => x"15555576",
-1888 => x"149fff06",
-1889 => x"a0807131",
-1890 => x"1670547e",
-1891 => x"53515386",
-1892 => x"9d3f8008",
-1893 => x"568008ff",
-1894 => x"2e819e38",
-1895 => x"80d6ec08",
-1896 => x"137080d6",
-1897 => x"ec0c7475",
-1898 => x"80d7a80b",
-1899 => x"88050c77",
-1900 => x"76311581",
-1901 => x"07555659",
-1902 => x"7a80d7a8",
-1903 => x"2e83c038",
-1904 => x"798f2682",
-1905 => x"ef38810b",
-1906 => x"84150c84",
-1907 => x"1508fc06",
-1908 => x"70793179",
-1909 => x"72268f72",
-1910 => x"25075d55",
-1911 => x"5a7a802e",
-1912 => x"fced3880",
-1913 => x"db398008",
-1914 => x"9fff0655",
-1915 => x"74feed38",
-1916 => x"7880d6ec",
-1917 => x"0c80d7a8",
-1918 => x"0b880508",
-1919 => x"7a188107",
-1920 => x"84120c55",
-1921 => x"80d79808",
-1922 => x"79278638",
-1923 => x"7880d798",
-1924 => x"0c80d794",
-1925 => x"087927fc",
-1926 => x"a0387880",
-1927 => x"d7940c84",
-1928 => x"1508fc06",
-1929 => x"70793179",
-1930 => x"72268f72",
-1931 => x"25075d55",
-1932 => x"5a7a802e",
-1933 => x"fc993888",
-1934 => x"39807457",
-1935 => x"53fedd39",
-1936 => x"7c5184e9",
-1937 => x"3f800b80",
-1938 => x"0c8e3d0d",
-1939 => x"04807324",
-1940 => x"a5387282",
-1941 => x"2c81712b",
-1942 => x"80d7ac08",
-1943 => x"077080d7",
-1944 => x"a80b8405",
-1945 => x"0c5c5a76",
-1946 => x"8c170c73",
-1947 => x"88170c75",
-1948 => x"88180cf9",
-1949 => x"fd398313",
-1950 => x"70822c81",
-1951 => x"712b80d7",
-1952 => x"ac080770",
-1953 => x"80d7a80b",
-1954 => x"84050c5d",
-1955 => x"5b53d839",
-1956 => x"7a75065c",
-1957 => x"7bfc9f38",
-1958 => x"84197510",
-1959 => x"5659f139",
-1960 => x"ff178105",
-1961 => x"59f7ab39",
-1962 => x"8c150888",
-1963 => x"1608718c",
-1964 => x"120c8812",
-1965 => x"0c597515",
-1966 => x"84110881",
-1967 => x"0784120c",
-1968 => x"587c5183",
-1969 => x"e83f8815",
-1970 => x"54fba339",
-1971 => x"77167881",
-1972 => x"0784180c",
-1973 => x"8c170888",
-1974 => x"1808718c",
-1975 => x"120c8812",
-1976 => x"0c5c7080",
-1977 => x"d7bc0c70",
-1978 => x"80d7b80c",
-1979 => x"80d7b00b",
-1980 => x"8c120c8c",
-1981 => x"11088812",
-1982 => x"0c778107",
-1983 => x"84120c77",
-1984 => x"0577710c",
-1985 => x"557c5183",
-1986 => x"a43f8816",
-1987 => x"54f5ba39",
-1988 => x"72168411",
-1989 => x"08810784",
-1990 => x"120c588c",
-1991 => x"16088817",
-1992 => x"08718c12",
-1993 => x"0c88120c",
-1994 => x"577c5183",
-1995 => x"803f8816",
-1996 => x"54f59639",
-1997 => x"7284150c",
-1998 => x"f41af806",
-1999 => x"70841d08",
-2000 => x"81060784",
-2001 => x"1d0c701c",
-2002 => x"5556850b",
-2003 => x"84150c85",
-2004 => x"0b88150c",
-2005 => x"8f7627fd",
-2006 => x"ab38881b",
-2007 => x"527c51eb",
-2008 => x"e83f80d7",
-2009 => x"a80b8805",
-2010 => x"0880d6ec",
-2011 => x"085a55fd",
-2012 => x"93397880",
-2013 => x"d6ec0c73",
-2014 => x"80d79c0c",
-2015 => x"fbef3972",
-2016 => x"84150cfc",
-2017 => x"ff39fb3d",
-2018 => x"0d77707a",
-2019 => x"7c585553",
-2020 => x"568f7527",
-2021 => x"80e63872",
-2022 => x"76078306",
-2023 => x"517080dc",
-2024 => x"38757352",
-2025 => x"54707084",
-2026 => x"05520874",
-2027 => x"70840556",
-2028 => x"0c737170",
-2029 => x"84055308",
-2030 => x"71708405",
-2031 => x"530c7170",
-2032 => x"84055308",
-2033 => x"71708405",
-2034 => x"530c7170",
-2035 => x"84055308",
-2036 => x"71708405",
-2037 => x"530cf016",
-2038 => x"5654748f",
-2039 => x"26c73883",
-2040 => x"75279538",
-2041 => x"70708405",
-2042 => x"52087470",
-2043 => x"8405560c",
-2044 => x"fc155574",
-2045 => x"8326ed38",
-2046 => x"73715452",
-2047 => x"ff155170",
-2048 => x"ff2e9838",
-2049 => x"72708105",
-2050 => x"54337270",
-2051 => x"81055434",
-2052 => x"ff115170",
-2053 => x"ff2e0981",
-2054 => x"06ea3875",
-2055 => x"800c873d",
-2056 => x"0d04fb3d",
-2057 => x"0d777a71",
-2058 => x"028c05a3",
-2059 => x"05335854",
-2060 => x"54568373",
-2061 => x"2780d438",
-2062 => x"75830651",
-2063 => x"7080cc38",
-2064 => x"74882b75",
-2065 => x"07707190",
-2066 => x"2b075551",
-2067 => x"8f7327a7",
-2068 => x"38737270",
-2069 => x"8405540c",
-2070 => x"71747170",
-2071 => x"8405530c",
-2072 => x"74717084",
-2073 => x"05530c74",
-2074 => x"71708405",
-2075 => x"530cf014",
-2076 => x"5452728f",
-2077 => x"26db3883",
-2078 => x"73279038",
-2079 => x"73727084",
-2080 => x"05540cfc",
-2081 => x"13537283",
-2082 => x"26f238ff",
-2083 => x"135170ff",
-2084 => x"2e933874",
-2085 => x"72708105",
-2086 => x"5434ff11",
-2087 => x"5170ff2e",
-2088 => x"098106ef",
-2089 => x"3875800c",
-2090 => x"873d0d04",
-2091 => x"04047070",
-2092 => x"7070800b",
-2093 => x"80dfe40c",
-2094 => x"765184f3",
-2095 => x"3f800853",
-2096 => x"8008ff2e",
-2097 => x"89387280",
-2098 => x"0c505050",
-2099 => x"500480df",
-2100 => x"e4085473",
-2101 => x"802eef38",
-2102 => x"7574710c",
-2103 => x"5272800c",
-2104 => x"50505050",
-2105 => x"04f93d0d",
-2106 => x"797c557b",
-2107 => x"548e1122",
-2108 => x"70902b70",
-2109 => x"902c5557",
-2110 => x"80cfec08",
-2111 => x"53585683",
-2112 => x"f63f8008",
-2113 => x"57800b80",
-2114 => x"08249338",
-2115 => x"80d01608",
-2116 => x"80080580",
-2117 => x"d0170c76",
-2118 => x"800c893d",
-2119 => x"0d048c16",
-2120 => x"2283dfff",
-2121 => x"0655748c",
-2122 => x"17237680",
-2123 => x"0c893d0d",
-2124 => x"04fa3d0d",
-2125 => x"788c1122",
-2126 => x"70882a70",
-2127 => x"81065157",
-2128 => x"585674a9",
-2129 => x"388c1622",
-2130 => x"83dfff06",
-2131 => x"55748c17",
-2132 => x"237a5479",
-2133 => x"538e1622",
-2134 => x"70902b70",
-2135 => x"902c5456",
-2136 => x"80cfec08",
-2137 => x"525681b2",
-2138 => x"3f883d0d",
-2139 => x"04825480",
-2140 => x"538e1622",
-2141 => x"70902b70",
-2142 => x"902c5456",
-2143 => x"80cfec08",
-2144 => x"525782bb",
-2145 => x"3f8c1622",
-2146 => x"83dfff06",
-2147 => x"55748c17",
-2148 => x"237a5479",
-2149 => x"538e1622",
-2150 => x"70902b70",
-2151 => x"902c5456",
-2152 => x"80cfec08",
-2153 => x"525680f2",
-2154 => x"3f883d0d",
-2155 => x"04f93d0d",
-2156 => x"797c557b",
-2157 => x"548e1122",
-2158 => x"70902b70",
-2159 => x"902c5557",
-2160 => x"80cfec08",
-2161 => x"53585681",
-2162 => x"f63f8008",
-2163 => x"578008ff",
-2164 => x"2e99388c",
-2165 => x"1622a080",
-2166 => x"0755748c",
-2167 => x"17238008",
-2168 => x"80d0170c",
-2169 => x"76800c89",
-2170 => x"3d0d048c",
-2171 => x"162283df",
-2172 => x"ff065574",
-2173 => x"8c172376",
-2174 => x"800c893d",
-2175 => x"0d047070",
-2176 => x"70748e11",
-2177 => x"2270902b",
-2178 => x"70902c55",
-2179 => x"51515380",
-2180 => x"cfec0851",
-2181 => x"bd3f5050",
-2182 => x"5004fb3d",
-2183 => x"0d800b80",
-2184 => x"dfe40c7a",
-2185 => x"53795278",
-2186 => x"5182fc3f",
-2187 => x"80085580",
-2188 => x"08ff2e88",
-2189 => x"3874800c",
-2190 => x"873d0d04",
-2191 => x"80dfe408",
-2192 => x"5675802e",
-2193 => x"f0387776",
-2194 => x"710c5474",
-2195 => x"800c873d",
-2196 => x"0d047070",
-2197 => x"7070800b",
-2198 => x"80dfe40c",
-2199 => x"765184c9",
-2200 => x"3f800853",
-2201 => x"8008ff2e",
-2202 => x"89387280",
-2203 => x"0c505050",
-2204 => x"500480df",
-2205 => x"e4085473",
-2206 => x"802eef38",
-2207 => x"7574710c",
-2208 => x"5272800c",
-2209 => x"50505050",
-2210 => x"04fc3d0d",
-2211 => x"800b80df",
-2212 => x"e40c7852",
-2213 => x"775187b0",
-2214 => x"3f800854",
-2215 => x"8008ff2e",
-2216 => x"88387380",
-2217 => x"0c863d0d",
-2218 => x"0480dfe4",
-2219 => x"08557480",
-2220 => x"2ef03876",
-2221 => x"75710c53",
-2222 => x"73800c86",
-2223 => x"3d0d04fb",
-2224 => x"3d0d800b",
-2225 => x"80dfe40c",
-2226 => x"7a537952",
-2227 => x"7851848b",
-2228 => x"3f800855",
-2229 => x"8008ff2e",
-2230 => x"88387480",
-2231 => x"0c873d0d",
-2232 => x"0480dfe4",
-2233 => x"08567580",
-2234 => x"2ef03877",
-2235 => x"76710c54",
-2236 => x"74800c87",
-2237 => x"3d0d04fb",
-2238 => x"3d0d800b",
-2239 => x"80dfe40c",
-2240 => x"7a537952",
-2241 => x"78518293",
-2242 => x"3f800855",
-2243 => x"8008ff2e",
-2244 => x"88387480",
-2245 => x"0c873d0d",
-2246 => x"0480dfe4",
-2247 => x"08567580",
-2248 => x"2ef03877",
-2249 => x"76710c54",
-2250 => x"74800c87",
-2251 => x"3d0d0470",
-2252 => x"707080df",
-2253 => x"d8088938",
-2254 => x"80dfe80b",
-2255 => x"80dfd80c",
-2256 => x"80dfd808",
-2257 => x"75115252",
-2258 => x"ff537087",
-2259 => x"fb808026",
-2260 => x"88387080",
-2261 => x"dfd80c71",
-2262 => x"5372800c",
-2263 => x"50505004",
-2264 => x"fd3d0d80",
-2265 => x"0b80cfe0",
-2266 => x"08545472",
-2267 => x"812e9b38",
-2268 => x"7380dfdc",
-2269 => x"0cc2af3f",
-2270 => x"c1863f80",
-2271 => x"dfb05281",
-2272 => x"51c3ff3f",
-2273 => x"80085186",
-2274 => x"bf3f7280",
-2275 => x"dfdc0cc2",
-2276 => x"953fc0ec",
-2277 => x"3f80dfb0",
-2278 => x"528151c3",
-2279 => x"e53f8008",
-2280 => x"5186a53f",
-2281 => x"00ff39f5",
-2282 => x"3d0d7e60",
-2283 => x"80dfdc08",
-2284 => x"705b585b",
-2285 => x"5b7580c2",
-2286 => x"38777a25",
-2287 => x"a138771b",
-2288 => x"70337081",
-2289 => x"ff065858",
-2290 => x"59758a2e",
-2291 => x"98387681",
-2292 => x"ff0651c1",
-2293 => x"b03f8118",
-2294 => x"58797824",
-2295 => x"e1387980",
-2296 => x"0c8d3d0d",
-2297 => x"048d51c1",
-2298 => x"9c3f7833",
-2299 => x"7081ff06",
-2300 => x"5257c191",
-2301 => x"3f811858",
-2302 => x"e0397955",
-2303 => x"7a547d53",
-2304 => x"85528d3d",
-2305 => x"fc0551c0",
-2306 => x"b93f8008",
-2307 => x"5685b23f",
-2308 => x"7b80080c",
-2309 => x"75800c8d",
-2310 => x"3d0d04f6",
-2311 => x"3d0d7d7f",
-2312 => x"80dfdc08",
-2313 => x"705b585a",
-2314 => x"5a7580c1",
-2315 => x"38777925",
-2316 => x"b338c0ac",
-2317 => x"3f800881",
-2318 => x"ff06708d",
-2319 => x"32703070",
-2320 => x"9f2a5151",
-2321 => x"5757768a",
-2322 => x"2e80c438",
-2323 => x"75802ebf",
-2324 => x"38771a56",
-2325 => x"76763476",
-2326 => x"51c0aa3f",
-2327 => x"81185878",
-2328 => x"7824cf38",
-2329 => x"77567580",
-2330 => x"0c8c3d0d",
-2331 => x"04785579",
-2332 => x"547c5384",
-2333 => x"528c3dfc",
-2334 => x"0551ffbf",
-2335 => x"c53f8008",
-2336 => x"5684be3f",
-2337 => x"7a80080c",
-2338 => x"75800c8c",
-2339 => x"3d0d0477",
-2340 => x"1a598a79",
-2341 => x"34811858",
-2342 => x"8d51ffbf",
-2343 => x"e83f8a51",
-2344 => x"ffbfe23f",
-2345 => x"7756ffbe",
-2346 => x"39fb3d0d",
-2347 => x"80dfdc08",
-2348 => x"70565473",
-2349 => x"88387480",
-2350 => x"0c873d0d",
-2351 => x"04775383",
-2352 => x"52873dfc",
-2353 => x"0551ffbe",
-2354 => x"f93f8008",
-2355 => x"5483f23f",
-2356 => x"7580080c",
-2357 => x"73800c87",
-2358 => x"3d0d04fa",
-2359 => x"3d0d80df",
-2360 => x"dc08802e",
-2361 => x"a3387a55",
-2362 => x"79547853",
-2363 => x"8652883d",
-2364 => x"fc0551ff",
-2365 => x"becc3f80",
-2366 => x"085683c5",
-2367 => x"3f768008",
-2368 => x"0c75800c",
-2369 => x"883d0d04",
-2370 => x"83b73f9d",
-2371 => x"0b80080c",
-2372 => x"ff0b800c",
-2373 => x"883d0d04",
-2374 => x"f73d0d7b",
-2375 => x"7d5b59bc",
-2376 => x"53805279",
-2377 => x"51f5fb3f",
-2378 => x"80705657",
-2379 => x"98567419",
-2380 => x"70337078",
-2381 => x"2b790781",
-2382 => x"18f81a5a",
-2383 => x"58595558",
-2384 => x"847524ea",
-2385 => x"38767a23",
-2386 => x"84195880",
-2387 => x"70565798",
-2388 => x"56741870",
-2389 => x"3370782b",
-2390 => x"79078118",
-2391 => x"f81a5a58",
-2392 => x"59515484",
-2393 => x"7524ea38",
-2394 => x"76821b23",
-2395 => x"88195880",
-2396 => x"70565798",
-2397 => x"56741870",
-2398 => x"3370782b",
-2399 => x"79078118",
-2400 => x"f81a5a58",
-2401 => x"59515484",
-2402 => x"7524ea38",
-2403 => x"76841b0c",
-2404 => x"8c195880",
-2405 => x"70565798",
-2406 => x"56741870",
-2407 => x"3370782b",
-2408 => x"79078118",
-2409 => x"f81a5a58",
-2410 => x"59515484",
-2411 => x"7524ea38",
-2412 => x"76881b23",
-2413 => x"90195880",
-2414 => x"70565798",
-2415 => x"56741870",
-2416 => x"3370782b",
-2417 => x"79078118",
-2418 => x"f81a5a58",
-2419 => x"59515484",
-2420 => x"7524ea38",
-2421 => x"768a1b23",
-2422 => x"94195880",
-2423 => x"70565798",
-2424 => x"56741870",
-2425 => x"3370782b",
-2426 => x"79078118",
-2427 => x"f81a5a58",
-2428 => x"59515484",
-2429 => x"7524ea38",
-2430 => x"768c1b23",
-2431 => x"98195880",
-2432 => x"70565798",
-2433 => x"56741870",
-2434 => x"3370782b",
-2435 => x"79078118",
-2436 => x"f81a5a58",
-2437 => x"59515484",
-2438 => x"7524ea38",
-2439 => x"768e1b23",
-2440 => x"9c195880",
-2441 => x"705657b8",
-2442 => x"56741870",
-2443 => x"3370782b",
-2444 => x"79078118",
-2445 => x"f81a5a58",
-2446 => x"595a5488",
-2447 => x"7524ea38",
-2448 => x"76901b0c",
-2449 => x"8b3d0d04",
-2450 => x"e93d0d6a",
-2451 => x"80dfdc08",
-2452 => x"57577593",
-2453 => x"3880c080",
-2454 => x"0b84180c",
-2455 => x"75ac180c",
-2456 => x"75800c99",
-2457 => x"3d0d0489",
-2458 => x"3d70556a",
-2459 => x"54558a52",
-2460 => x"993dffbc",
-2461 => x"0551ffbb",
-2462 => x"c93f8008",
-2463 => x"77537552",
-2464 => x"56fd953f",
-2465 => x"bc3f7780",
-2466 => x"080c7580",
-2467 => x"0c993d0d",
-2468 => x"04fc3d0d",
-2469 => x"815480df",
-2470 => x"dc088838",
-2471 => x"73800c86",
-2472 => x"3d0d0476",
-2473 => x"5397b952",
-2474 => x"863dfc05",
-2475 => x"51ffbb92",
-2476 => x"3f800854",
-2477 => x"8c3f7480",
-2478 => x"080c7380",
-2479 => x"0c863d0d",
-2480 => x"0480cfec",
-2481 => x"08800c04",
-2482 => x"f73d0d7b",
-2483 => x"80cfec08",
-2484 => x"82c81108",
-2485 => x"5a545a77",
-2486 => x"802e80da",
-2487 => x"38818818",
-2488 => x"841908ff",
-2489 => x"0581712b",
-2490 => x"59555980",
-2491 => x"742480ea",
-2492 => x"38807424",
-2493 => x"b5387382",
-2494 => x"2b781188",
-2495 => x"05565681",
-2496 => x"80190877",
-2497 => x"06537280",
-2498 => x"2eb63878",
-2499 => x"16700853",
-2500 => x"53795174",
-2501 => x"0853722d",
-2502 => x"ff14fc17",
-2503 => x"fc177981",
-2504 => x"2c5a5757",
-2505 => x"54738025",
-2506 => x"d6387708",
-2507 => x"5877ffad",
-2508 => x"3880cfec",
-2509 => x"0853bc13",
-2510 => x"08a53879",
-2511 => x"51f8e53f",
-2512 => x"74085372",
-2513 => x"2dff14fc",
-2514 => x"17fc1779",
-2515 => x"812c5a57",
-2516 => x"57547380",
-2517 => x"25ffa838",
-2518 => x"d1398057",
-2519 => x"ff933972",
-2520 => x"51bc1308",
-2521 => x"54732d79",
-2522 => x"51f8b93f",
-2523 => x"707080df",
-2524 => x"b80bfc05",
-2525 => x"70085252",
-2526 => x"70ff2e91",
-2527 => x"38702dfc",
-2528 => x"12700852",
-2529 => x"5270ff2e",
-2530 => x"098106f1",
-2531 => x"38505004",
-2532 => x"04ffbaff",
-2533 => x"3f040000",
-2534 => x"00000040",
-2535 => x"476f7420",
-2536 => x"696e7465",
-2537 => x"72727570",
-2538 => x"740a0000",
-2539 => x"4e6f2069",
-2540 => x"6e746572",
-2541 => x"72757074",
-2542 => x"0a000000",
-2543 => x"43000000",
-2544 => x"64756d6d",
-2545 => x"792e6578",
-2546 => x"65000000",
-2547 => x"00ffffff",
-2548 => x"ff00ffff",
-2549 => x"ffff00ff",
-2550 => x"ffffff00",
-2551 => x"00000000",
-2552 => x"00000000",
-2553 => x"00000000",
-2554 => x"00002fc0",
-2555 => x"000027f0",
-2556 => x"00000000",
-2557 => x"00002a58",
-2558 => x"00002ab4",
-2559 => x"00002b10",
-2560 => x"00000000",
-2561 => x"00000000",
-2562 => x"00000000",
-2563 => x"00000000",
-2564 => x"00000000",
-2565 => x"00000000",
-2566 => x"00000000",
-2567 => x"00000000",
-2568 => x"00000000",
-2569 => x"000027bc",
-2570 => x"00000000",
-2571 => x"00000000",
-2572 => x"00000000",
-2573 => x"00000000",
-2574 => x"00000000",
-2575 => x"00000000",
-2576 => x"00000000",
-2577 => x"00000000",
-2578 => x"00000000",
-2579 => x"00000000",
-2580 => x"00000000",
-2581 => x"00000000",
-2582 => x"00000000",
-2583 => x"00000000",
-2584 => x"00000000",
-2585 => x"00000000",
-2586 => x"00000000",
-2587 => x"00000000",
-2588 => x"00000000",
-2589 => x"00000000",
-2590 => x"00000000",
-2591 => x"00000000",
-2592 => x"00000000",
-2593 => x"00000000",
-2594 => x"00000000",
-2595 => x"00000000",
-2596 => x"00000000",
-2597 => x"00000000",
-2598 => x"00000001",
-2599 => x"330eabcd",
-2600 => x"1234e66d",
-2601 => x"deec0005",
-2602 => x"000b0000",
-2603 => x"00000000",
-2604 => x"00000000",
-2605 => x"00000000",
-2606 => x"00000000",
-2607 => x"00000000",
-2608 => x"00000000",
-2609 => x"00000000",
-2610 => x"00000000",
-2611 => x"00000000",
-2612 => x"00000000",
-2613 => x"00000000",
-2614 => x"00000000",
-2615 => x"00000000",
-2616 => x"00000000",
-2617 => x"00000000",
-2618 => x"00000000",
-2619 => x"00000000",
-2620 => x"00000000",
-2621 => x"00000000",
-2622 => x"00000000",
-2623 => x"00000000",
-2624 => x"00000000",
-2625 => x"00000000",
-2626 => x"00000000",
-2627 => x"00000000",
-2628 => x"00000000",
-2629 => x"00000000",
-2630 => x"00000000",
-2631 => x"00000000",
-2632 => x"00000000",
-2633 => x"00000000",
-2634 => x"00000000",
-2635 => x"00000000",
-2636 => x"00000000",
-2637 => x"00000000",
-2638 => x"00000000",
-2639 => x"00000000",
-2640 => x"00000000",
-2641 => x"00000000",
-2642 => x"00000000",
-2643 => x"00000000",
-2644 => x"00000000",
-2645 => x"00000000",
-2646 => x"00000000",
-2647 => x"00000000",
-2648 => x"00000000",
-2649 => x"00000000",
-2650 => x"00000000",
-2651 => x"00000000",
-2652 => x"00000000",
-2653 => x"00000000",
-2654 => x"00000000",
-2655 => x"00000000",
-2656 => x"00000000",
-2657 => x"00000000",
-2658 => x"00000000",
-2659 => x"00000000",
-2660 => x"00000000",
-2661 => x"00000000",
-2662 => x"00000000",
-2663 => x"00000000",
-2664 => x"00000000",
-2665 => x"00000000",
-2666 => x"00000000",
-2667 => x"00000000",
-2668 => x"00000000",
-2669 => x"00000000",
-2670 => x"00000000",
-2671 => x"00000000",
-2672 => x"00000000",
-2673 => x"00000000",
-2674 => x"00000000",
-2675 => x"00000000",
-2676 => x"00000000",
-2677 => x"00000000",
-2678 => x"00000000",
-2679 => x"00000000",
-2680 => x"00000000",
-2681 => x"00000000",
-2682 => x"00000000",
-2683 => x"00000000",
-2684 => x"00000000",
-2685 => x"00000000",
-2686 => x"00000000",
-2687 => x"00000000",
-2688 => x"00000000",
-2689 => x"00000000",
-2690 => x"00000000",
-2691 => x"00000000",
-2692 => x"00000000",
-2693 => x"00000000",
-2694 => x"00000000",
-2695 => x"00000000",
-2696 => x"00000000",
-2697 => x"00000000",
-2698 => x"00000000",
-2699 => x"00000000",
-2700 => x"00000000",
-2701 => x"00000000",
-2702 => x"00000000",
-2703 => x"00000000",
-2704 => x"00000000",
-2705 => x"00000000",
-2706 => x"00000000",
-2707 => x"00000000",
-2708 => x"00000000",
-2709 => x"00000000",
-2710 => x"00000000",
-2711 => x"00000000",
-2712 => x"00000000",
-2713 => x"00000000",
-2714 => x"00000000",
-2715 => x"00000000",
-2716 => x"00000000",
-2717 => x"00000000",
-2718 => x"00000000",
-2719 => x"00000000",
-2720 => x"00000000",
-2721 => x"00000000",
-2722 => x"00000000",
-2723 => x"00000000",
-2724 => x"00000000",
-2725 => x"00000000",
-2726 => x"00000000",
-2727 => x"00000000",
-2728 => x"00000000",
-2729 => x"00000000",
-2730 => x"00000000",
-2731 => x"00000000",
-2732 => x"00000000",
-2733 => x"00000000",
-2734 => x"00000000",
-2735 => x"00000000",
-2736 => x"00000000",
-2737 => x"00000000",
-2738 => x"00000000",
-2739 => x"00000000",
-2740 => x"00000000",
-2741 => x"00000000",
-2742 => x"00000000",
-2743 => x"00000000",
-2744 => x"00000000",
-2745 => x"00000000",
-2746 => x"00000000",
-2747 => x"00000000",
-2748 => x"00000000",
-2749 => x"00000000",
-2750 => x"00000000",
-2751 => x"00000000",
-2752 => x"00000000",
-2753 => x"00000000",
-2754 => x"00000000",
-2755 => x"00000000",
-2756 => x"00000000",
-2757 => x"00000000",
-2758 => x"00000000",
-2759 => x"00000000",
-2760 => x"00000000",
-2761 => x"00000000",
-2762 => x"00000000",
-2763 => x"00000000",
-2764 => x"00000000",
-2765 => x"00000000",
-2766 => x"00000000",
-2767 => x"00000000",
-2768 => x"00000000",
-2769 => x"00000000",
-2770 => x"00000000",
-2771 => x"00000000",
-2772 => x"00000000",
-2773 => x"00000000",
-2774 => x"00000000",
-2775 => x"00000000",
-2776 => x"00000000",
-2777 => x"00000000",
-2778 => x"00000000",
-2779 => x"00000000",
-2780 => x"00000000",
-2781 => x"00000000",
-2782 => x"00000000",
-2783 => x"00000000",
-2784 => x"00000000",
-2785 => x"00000000",
-2786 => x"00000000",
-2787 => x"00000000",
-2788 => x"00000000",
-2789 => x"00000000",
-2790 => x"00000000",
-2791 => x"ffffffff",
-2792 => x"00000000",
-2793 => x"00020000",
-2794 => x"00000000",
-2795 => x"00000000",
-2796 => x"00002ba8",
-2797 => x"00002ba8",
-2798 => x"00002bb0",
-2799 => x"00002bb0",
-2800 => x"00002bb8",
-2801 => x"00002bb8",
-2802 => x"00002bc0",
-2803 => x"00002bc0",
-2804 => x"00002bc8",
-2805 => x"00002bc8",
-2806 => x"00002bd0",
-2807 => x"00002bd0",
-2808 => x"00002bd8",
-2809 => x"00002bd8",
-2810 => x"00002be0",
-2811 => x"00002be0",
-2812 => x"00002be8",
-2813 => x"00002be8",
-2814 => x"00002bf0",
-2815 => x"00002bf0",
-2816 => x"00002bf8",
-2817 => x"00002bf8",
-2818 => x"00002c00",
-2819 => x"00002c00",
-2820 => x"00002c08",
-2821 => x"00002c08",
-2822 => x"00002c10",
-2823 => x"00002c10",
-2824 => x"00002c18",
-2825 => x"00002c18",
-2826 => x"00002c20",
-2827 => x"00002c20",
-2828 => x"00002c28",
-2829 => x"00002c28",
-2830 => x"00002c30",
-2831 => x"00002c30",
-2832 => x"00002c38",
-2833 => x"00002c38",
-2834 => x"00002c40",
-2835 => x"00002c40",
-2836 => x"00002c48",
-2837 => x"00002c48",
-2838 => x"00002c50",
-2839 => x"00002c50",
-2840 => x"00002c58",
-2841 => x"00002c58",
-2842 => x"00002c60",
-2843 => x"00002c60",
-2844 => x"00002c68",
-2845 => x"00002c68",
-2846 => x"00002c70",
-2847 => x"00002c70",
-2848 => x"00002c78",
-2849 => x"00002c78",
-2850 => x"00002c80",
-2851 => x"00002c80",
-2852 => x"00002c88",
-2853 => x"00002c88",
-2854 => x"00002c90",
-2855 => x"00002c90",
-2856 => x"00002c98",
-2857 => x"00002c98",
-2858 => x"00002ca0",
-2859 => x"00002ca0",
-2860 => x"00002ca8",
-2861 => x"00002ca8",
-2862 => x"00002cb0",
-2863 => x"00002cb0",
-2864 => x"00002cb8",
-2865 => x"00002cb8",
-2866 => x"00002cc0",
-2867 => x"00002cc0",
-2868 => x"00002cc8",
-2869 => x"00002cc8",
-2870 => x"00002cd0",
-2871 => x"00002cd0",
-2872 => x"00002cd8",
-2873 => x"00002cd8",
-2874 => x"00002ce0",
-2875 => x"00002ce0",
-2876 => x"00002ce8",
-2877 => x"00002ce8",
-2878 => x"00002cf0",
-2879 => x"00002cf0",
-2880 => x"00002cf8",
-2881 => x"00002cf8",
-2882 => x"00002d00",
-2883 => x"00002d00",
-2884 => x"00002d08",
-2885 => x"00002d08",
-2886 => x"00002d10",
-2887 => x"00002d10",
-2888 => x"00002d18",
-2889 => x"00002d18",
-2890 => x"00002d20",
-2891 => x"00002d20",
-2892 => x"00002d28",
-2893 => x"00002d28",
-2894 => x"00002d30",
-2895 => x"00002d30",
-2896 => x"00002d38",
-2897 => x"00002d38",
-2898 => x"00002d40",
-2899 => x"00002d40",
-2900 => x"00002d48",
-2901 => x"00002d48",
-2902 => x"00002d50",
-2903 => x"00002d50",
-2904 => x"00002d58",
-2905 => x"00002d58",
-2906 => x"00002d60",
-2907 => x"00002d60",
-2908 => x"00002d68",
-2909 => x"00002d68",
-2910 => x"00002d70",
-2911 => x"00002d70",
-2912 => x"00002d78",
-2913 => x"00002d78",
-2914 => x"00002d80",
-2915 => x"00002d80",
-2916 => x"00002d88",
-2917 => x"00002d88",
-2918 => x"00002d90",
-2919 => x"00002d90",
-2920 => x"00002d98",
-2921 => x"00002d98",
-2922 => x"00002da0",
-2923 => x"00002da0",
-2924 => x"00002da8",
-2925 => x"00002da8",
-2926 => x"00002db0",
-2927 => x"00002db0",
-2928 => x"00002db8",
-2929 => x"00002db8",
-2930 => x"00002dc0",
-2931 => x"00002dc0",
-2932 => x"00002dc8",
-2933 => x"00002dc8",
-2934 => x"00002dd0",
-2935 => x"00002dd0",
-2936 => x"00002dd8",
-2937 => x"00002dd8",
-2938 => x"00002de0",
-2939 => x"00002de0",
-2940 => x"00002de8",
-2941 => x"00002de8",
-2942 => x"00002df0",
-2943 => x"00002df0",
-2944 => x"00002df8",
-2945 => x"00002df8",
-2946 => x"00002e00",
-2947 => x"00002e00",
-2948 => x"00002e08",
-2949 => x"00002e08",
-2950 => x"00002e10",
-2951 => x"00002e10",
-2952 => x"00002e18",
-2953 => x"00002e18",
-2954 => x"00002e20",
-2955 => x"00002e20",
-2956 => x"00002e28",
-2957 => x"00002e28",
-2958 => x"00002e30",
-2959 => x"00002e30",
-2960 => x"00002e38",
-2961 => x"00002e38",
-2962 => x"00002e40",
-2963 => x"00002e40",
-2964 => x"00002e48",
-2965 => x"00002e48",
-2966 => x"00002e50",
-2967 => x"00002e50",
-2968 => x"00002e58",
-2969 => x"00002e58",
-2970 => x"00002e60",
-2971 => x"00002e60",
-2972 => x"00002e68",
-2973 => x"00002e68",
-2974 => x"00002e70",
-2975 => x"00002e70",
-2976 => x"00002e78",
-2977 => x"00002e78",
-2978 => x"00002e80",
-2979 => x"00002e80",
-2980 => x"00002e88",
-2981 => x"00002e88",
-2982 => x"00002e90",
-2983 => x"00002e90",
-2984 => x"00002e98",
-2985 => x"00002e98",
-2986 => x"00002ea0",
-2987 => x"00002ea0",
-2988 => x"00002ea8",
-2989 => x"00002ea8",
-2990 => x"00002eb0",
-2991 => x"00002eb0",
-2992 => x"00002eb8",
-2993 => x"00002eb8",
-2994 => x"00002ec0",
-2995 => x"00002ec0",
-2996 => x"00002ec8",
-2997 => x"00002ec8",
-2998 => x"00002ed0",
-2999 => x"00002ed0",
-3000 => x"00002ed8",
-3001 => x"00002ed8",
-3002 => x"00002ee0",
-3003 => x"00002ee0",
-3004 => x"00002ee8",
-3005 => x"00002ee8",
-3006 => x"00002ef0",
-3007 => x"00002ef0",
-3008 => x"00002ef8",
-3009 => x"00002ef8",
-3010 => x"00002f00",
-3011 => x"00002f00",
-3012 => x"00002f08",
-3013 => x"00002f08",
-3014 => x"00002f10",
-3015 => x"00002f10",
-3016 => x"00002f18",
-3017 => x"00002f18",
-3018 => x"00002f20",
-3019 => x"00002f20",
-3020 => x"00002f28",
-3021 => x"00002f28",
-3022 => x"00002f30",
-3023 => x"00002f30",
-3024 => x"00002f38",
-3025 => x"00002f38",
-3026 => x"00002f40",
-3027 => x"00002f40",
-3028 => x"00002f48",
-3029 => x"00002f48",
-3030 => x"00002f50",
-3031 => x"00002f50",
-3032 => x"00002f58",
-3033 => x"00002f58",
-3034 => x"00002f60",
-3035 => x"00002f60",
-3036 => x"00002f68",
-3037 => x"00002f68",
-3038 => x"00002f70",
-3039 => x"00002f70",
-3040 => x"00002f78",
-3041 => x"00002f78",
-3042 => x"00002f80",
-3043 => x"00002f80",
-3044 => x"00002f88",
-3045 => x"00002f88",
-3046 => x"00002f90",
-3047 => x"00002f90",
-3048 => x"00002f98",
-3049 => x"00002f98",
-3050 => x"00002fa0",
-3051 => x"00002fa0",
-3052 => x"000027c0",
-3053 => x"ffffffff",
-3054 => x"00000000",
-3055 => x"ffffffff",
-3056 => x"00000000",
- others => x"00000000"
-process (clk)
- if (clk'event and clk = '1') then
- if (memAWriteEnable = '1') and (memBWriteEnable = '1') and (memAAddr=memBAddr) and (memAWrite/=memBWrite) then
- report "write collision" severity failure;
- end if;
- if (memAWriteEnable = '1') then
- ram(to_integer(unsigned(memAAddr))) := memAWrite;
- memARead <= memAWrite;
- else
- memARead <= ram(to_integer(unsigned(memAAddr)));
- end if;
- end if;
-end process;
-process (clk)
- if (clk'event and clk = '1') then
- if (memBWriteEnable = '1') then
- ram(to_integer(unsigned(memBAddr))) := memBWrite;
- memBRead <= memBWrite;
- else
- memBRead <= ram(to_integer(unsigned(memBAddr)));
- end if;
- end if;
-end process;
-end dualport_ram_arch;
+-- ZPU +-- +-- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com +-- +-- The FreeBSD license +-- +-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions +-- are met: +-- +-- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +-- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +-- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +-- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +-- provided with the distribution. +-- +-- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE ZPU PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY +-- EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +-- THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A +-- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +-- ZPU PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, +-- INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +-- (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS +-- OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) +-- HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, +-- STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) +-- ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF +-- ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +-- +-- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation +-- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing +-- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project. + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.numeric_std.all; + + +library work; +use work.zpu_config.all; +use work.zpupkg.all; + +entity dualport_ram is +port (clk : in std_logic; + memAWriteEnable : in std_logic; + memAAddr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitBRAM downto minAddrBit); + memAWrite : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + memARead : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + memBWriteEnable : in std_logic; + memBAddr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitBRAM downto minAddrBit); + memBWrite : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + memBRead : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0)); +end dualport_ram; + +architecture dualport_ram_arch of dualport_ram is + + +type ram_type is array(natural range 0 to ((2**(maxAddrBitBRAM+1))/4)-1) of std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + +shared variable ram : ram_type := +( +0 => x"0b0b0b0b", +1 => x"82700b0b", +2 => x"80cfe00c", +3 => x"3a0b0b80", +4 => x"c6e00400", +5 => x"00000000", +6 => x"00000000", +7 => x"00000000", +8 => x"80088408", +9 => x"88080b0b", +10 => x"0b8af02d", +11 => x"880c840c", +12 => x"800c0400", +13 => x"00000000", +14 => x"00000000", +15 => x"00000000", +16 => x"71fd0608", +17 => x"72830609", +18 => x"81058205", +19 => x"832b2a83", +20 => x"ffff0652", +21 => x"04000000", +22 => x"00000000", +23 => x"00000000", +24 => x"71fd0608", +25 => x"83ffff73", +26 => x"83060981", +27 => x"05820583", +28 => x"2b2b0906", +29 => x"7383ffff", +30 => x"0b0b0b0b", +31 => x"83a70400", +32 => x"72098105", +33 => x"72057373", +34 => x"09060906", +35 => x"73097306", +36 => x"070a8106", +37 => x"53510400", +38 => x"00000000", +39 => x"00000000", +40 => x"72722473", +41 => x"732e0753", +42 => x"51040000", +43 => x"00000000", +44 => x"00000000", +45 => x"00000000", +46 => x"00000000", +47 => x"00000000", +48 => x"71737109", +49 => x"71068106", +50 => x"30720a10", +51 => x"0a720a10", +52 => x"0a31050a", +53 => x"81065151", +54 => x"53510400", +55 => x"00000000", +56 => x"72722673", +57 => x"732e0753", +58 => x"51040000", +59 => x"00000000", +60 => x"00000000", +61 => x"00000000", +62 => x"00000000", +63 => x"00000000", +64 => x"00000000", +65 => x"00000000", +66 => x"00000000", +67 => x"00000000", +68 => x"00000000", +69 => x"00000000", +70 => x"00000000", +71 => x"00000000", +72 => x"0b0b0b88", +73 => x"c4040000", +74 => x"00000000", +75 => x"00000000", +76 => x"00000000", +77 => x"00000000", +78 => x"00000000", +79 => x"00000000", +80 => x"720a722b", +81 => x"0a535104", +82 => x"00000000", +83 => x"00000000", +84 => x"00000000", +85 => x"00000000", +86 => x"00000000", +87 => x"00000000", +88 => x"72729f06", +89 => x"0981050b", +90 => x"0b0b88a7", +91 => x"05040000", +92 => x"00000000", +93 => x"00000000", +94 => x"00000000", +95 => x"00000000", +96 => x"72722aff", +97 => x"739f062a", +98 => x"0974090a", +99 => x"8106ff05", +100 => x"06075351", +101 => x"04000000", +102 => x"00000000", +103 => x"00000000", +104 => x"71715351", +105 => x"020d0406", +106 => x"73830609", +107 => x"81058205", +108 => x"832b0b2b", +109 => x"0772fc06", +110 => x"0c515104", +111 => x"00000000", +112 => x"72098105", +113 => x"72050970", +114 => x"81050906", +115 => x"0a810653", +116 => x"51040000", +117 => x"00000000", +118 => x"00000000", +119 => x"00000000", +120 => x"72098105", +121 => x"72050970", +122 => x"81050906", +123 => x"0a098106", +124 => x"53510400", +125 => x"00000000", +126 => x"00000000", +127 => x"00000000", +128 => x"71098105", +129 => x"52040000", +130 => x"00000000", +131 => x"00000000", +132 => x"00000000", +133 => x"00000000", +134 => x"00000000", +135 => x"00000000", +136 => x"72720981", +137 => x"05055351", +138 => x"04000000", +139 => x"00000000", +140 => x"00000000", +141 => x"00000000", +142 => x"00000000", +143 => x"00000000", +144 => x"72097206", +145 => x"73730906", +146 => x"07535104", +147 => x"00000000", +148 => x"00000000", +149 => x"00000000", +150 => x"00000000", +151 => x"00000000", +152 => x"71fc0608", +153 => x"72830609", +154 => x"81058305", +155 => x"1010102a", +156 => x"81ff0652", +157 => x"04000000", +158 => x"00000000", +159 => x"00000000", +160 => x"71fc0608", +161 => x"0b0b80cf", +162 => x"cc738306", +163 => x"10100508", +164 => x"060b0b0b", +165 => x"88aa0400", +166 => x"00000000", +167 => x"00000000", +168 => x"80088408", +169 => x"88087575", +170 => x"0b0b0b8b", +171 => x"ab2d5050", +172 => x"80085688", +173 => x"0c840c80", +174 => x"0c510400", +175 => x"00000000", +176 => x"80088408", +177 => x"88087575", +178 => x"0b0b0b8b", +179 => x"ef2d5050", +180 => x"80085688", +181 => x"0c840c80", +182 => x"0c510400", +183 => x"00000000", +184 => x"72097081", +185 => x"0509060a", +186 => x"8106ff05", +187 => x"70547106", +188 => x"73097274", +189 => x"05ff0506", +190 => x"07515151", +191 => x"04000000", +192 => x"72097081", +193 => x"0509060a", +194 => x"098106ff", +195 => x"05705471", +196 => x"06730972", +197 => x"7405ff05", +198 => x"06075151", +199 => x"51040000", +200 => x"05ff0504", +201 => x"00000000", +202 => x"00000000", +203 => x"00000000", +204 => x"00000000", +205 => x"00000000", +206 => x"00000000", +207 => x"00000000", +208 => x"810b0b0b", +209 => x"80cfdc0c", +210 => x"51040000", +211 => x"00000000", +212 => x"00000000", +213 => x"00000000", +214 => x"00000000", +215 => x"00000000", +216 => x"71810552", +217 => x"04000000", +218 => x"00000000", +219 => x"00000000", +220 => x"00000000", +221 => x"00000000", +222 => x"00000000", +223 => x"00000000", +224 => x"00000000", +225 => x"00000000", +226 => x"00000000", +227 => x"00000000", +228 => x"00000000", +229 => x"00000000", +230 => x"00000000", +231 => x"00000000", +232 => x"02840572", +233 => x"10100552", +234 => x"04000000", +235 => x"00000000", +236 => x"00000000", +237 => x"00000000", +238 => x"00000000", +239 => x"00000000", +240 => x"00000000", +241 => x"00000000", +242 => x"00000000", +243 => x"00000000", +244 => x"00000000", +245 => x"00000000", +246 => x"00000000", +247 => x"00000000", +248 => x"717105ff", +249 => x"05715351", +250 => x"020d0400", +251 => x"00000000", +252 => x"00000000", +253 => x"00000000", +254 => x"00000000", +255 => x"00000000", +256 => x"82c53f80", +257 => x"c6e63f04", +258 => x"10101010", +259 => x"10101010", +260 => x"10101010", +261 => x"10101010", +262 => x"10101010", +263 => x"10101010", +264 => x"10101010", +265 => x"10101053", +266 => x"51047381", +267 => x"ff067383", +268 => x"06098105", +269 => x"83051010", +270 => x"102b0772", +271 => x"fc060c51", +272 => x"51043c04", +273 => x"72728072", +274 => x"8106ff05", +275 => x"09720605", +276 => x"71105272", +277 => x"0a100a53", +278 => x"72ed3851", +279 => x"51535104", +280 => x"fe3d0d0b", +281 => x"0b80dfc8", +282 => x"08538413", +283 => x"0870882a", +284 => x"70810651", +285 => x"52527080", +286 => x"2ef03871", +287 => x"81ff0680", +288 => x"0c843d0d", +289 => x"04ff3d0d", +290 => x"0b0b80df", +291 => x"c8085271", +292 => x"0870882a", +293 => x"81327081", +294 => x"06515151", +295 => x"70f13873", +296 => x"720c833d", +297 => x"0d0480cf", +298 => x"dc08802e", +299 => x"a43880cf", +300 => x"e008822e", +301 => x"bd388380", +302 => x"800b0b0b", +303 => x"80dfc80c", +304 => x"82a0800b", +305 => x"80dfcc0c", +306 => x"8290800b", +307 => x"80dfd00c", +308 => x"04f88080", +309 => x"80a40b0b", +310 => x"0b80dfc8", +311 => x"0cf88080", +312 => x"82800b80", +313 => x"dfcc0cf8", +314 => x"80808480", +315 => x"0b80dfd0", +316 => x"0c0480c0", +317 => x"a8808c0b", +318 => x"0b0b80df", +319 => x"c80c80c0", +320 => x"a880940b", +321 => x"80dfcc0c", +322 => x"0b0b80cf", +323 => x"980b80df", +324 => x"d00c0470", +325 => x"7080dfd4", +326 => x"335170a7", +327 => x"3880cfe8", +328 => x"08700852", +329 => x"5270802e", +330 => x"94388412", +331 => x"80cfe80c", +332 => x"702d80cf", +333 => x"e8087008", +334 => x"525270ee", +335 => x"38810b80", +336 => x"dfd43450", +337 => x"50040470", +338 => x"0b0b80df", +339 => x"c408802e", +340 => x"8e380b0b", +341 => x"0b0b800b", +342 => x"802e0981", +343 => x"06833850", +344 => x"040b0b80", +345 => x"dfc4510b", +346 => x"0b0bf594", +347 => x"3f500404", +348 => x"803d0d80", +349 => x"dfe00881", +350 => x"1180dfe0", +351 => x"0c51823d", +352 => x"0d04fe3d", +353 => x"0d80dfe0", +354 => x"085380df", +355 => x"e0085272", +356 => x"722e8f38", +357 => x"80cf9c51", +358 => x"82b03f80", +359 => x"dfe00853", +360 => x"e93980cf", +361 => x"ac5182a2", +362 => x"3fe039fb", +363 => x"3d0d7779", +364 => x"55558056", +365 => x"757524ab", +366 => x"38807424", +367 => x"9d388053", +368 => x"73527451", +369 => x"80e13f80", +370 => x"08547580", +371 => x"2e853880", +372 => x"08305473", +373 => x"800c873d", +374 => x"0d047330", +375 => x"76813257", +376 => x"54dc3974", +377 => x"30558156", +378 => x"738025d2", +379 => x"38ec39fa", +380 => x"3d0d787a", +381 => x"57558057", +382 => x"767524a4", +383 => x"38759f2c", +384 => x"54815375", +385 => x"74327431", +386 => x"5274519b", +387 => x"3f800854", +388 => x"76802e85", +389 => x"38800830", +390 => x"5473800c", +391 => x"883d0d04", +392 => x"74305581", +393 => x"57d739fc", +394 => x"3d0d7678", +395 => x"53548153", +396 => x"80747326", +397 => x"52557280", +398 => x"2e983870", +399 => x"802eab38", +400 => x"807224a6", +401 => x"38711073", +402 => x"10757226", +403 => x"53545272", +404 => x"ea387351", +405 => x"78833874", +406 => x"5170800c", +407 => x"863d0d04", +408 => x"720a100a", +409 => x"720a100a", +410 => x"53537280", +411 => x"2ee43871", +412 => x"7426ed38", +413 => x"73723175", +414 => x"7407740a", +415 => x"100a740a", +416 => x"100a5555", +417 => x"5654e339", +418 => x"f73d0d7c", +419 => x"70525380", +420 => x"fd3f7254", +421 => x"8008550b", +422 => x"0b80cfb8", +423 => x"56815780", +424 => x"0881055a", +425 => x"8b3de411", +426 => x"59538259", +427 => x"f413527b", +428 => x"88110852", +429 => x"5381b43f", +430 => x"80083070", +431 => x"8008079f", +432 => x"2c8a0780", +433 => x"0c538b3d", +434 => x"0d04f63d", +435 => x"0d7c80cf", +436 => x"ec087153", +437 => x"5553b73f", +438 => x"72558008", +439 => x"560b0b80", +440 => x"cfb85781", +441 => x"58800881", +442 => x"055b8c3d", +443 => x"e4115a53", +444 => x"825af413", +445 => x"52881408", +446 => x"5180f03f", +447 => x"80083070", +448 => x"8008079f", +449 => x"2c8a0780", +450 => x"0c548c3d", +451 => x"0d047070", +452 => x"70707570", +453 => x"71830653", +454 => x"555270b4", +455 => x"38717008", +456 => x"7009f7fb", +457 => x"fdff1206", +458 => x"f8848281", +459 => x"80065452", +460 => x"53719b38", +461 => x"84137008", +462 => x"7009f7fb", +463 => x"fdff1206", +464 => x"f8848281", +465 => x"80065452", +466 => x"5371802e", +467 => x"e7387252", +468 => x"71335372", +469 => x"802e8a38", +470 => x"81127033", +471 => x"545272f8", +472 => x"38717431", +473 => x"800c5050", +474 => x"505004f2", +475 => x"3d0d6062", +476 => x"88110870", +477 => x"58565f5a", +478 => x"73802e81", +479 => x"8c388c1a", +480 => x"2270832a", +481 => x"81328106", +482 => x"56587486", +483 => x"38901a08", +484 => x"91387951", +485 => x"90b73fff", +486 => x"55800880", +487 => x"ec388c1a", +488 => x"22587d08", +489 => x"55807883", +490 => x"ffff0670", +491 => x"0a100a81", +492 => x"06415c57", +493 => x"7e772e80", +494 => x"d7387690", +495 => x"38740884", +496 => x"16088817", +497 => x"57585676", +498 => x"802ef238", +499 => x"76548880", +500 => x"77278438", +501 => x"88805473", +502 => x"5375529c", +503 => x"1a0851a4", +504 => x"1a085877", +505 => x"2d800b80", +506 => x"082582e0", +507 => x"38800816", +508 => x"77800831", +509 => x"7f880508", +510 => x"80083170", +511 => x"6188050c", +512 => x"5b585678", +513 => x"ffb43880", +514 => x"5574800c", +515 => x"903d0d04", +516 => x"7a813281", +517 => x"06774056", +518 => x"75802e81", +519 => x"bd387690", +520 => x"38740884", +521 => x"16088817", +522 => x"57585976", +523 => x"802ef238", +524 => x"881a0878", +525 => x"83ffff06", +526 => x"70892a81", +527 => x"06565956", +528 => x"73802e82", +529 => x"f8387577", +530 => x"278b3877", +531 => x"872a8106", +532 => x"5c7b82b5", +533 => x"38767627", +534 => x"83387656", +535 => x"75537852", +536 => x"79085185", +537 => x"833f881a", +538 => x"08763188", +539 => x"1b0c7908", +540 => x"167a0c76", +541 => x"56751977", +542 => x"77317f88", +543 => x"05087831", +544 => x"70618805", +545 => x"0c415859", +546 => x"7e802efe", +547 => x"fa388c1a", +548 => x"2258ff8a", +549 => x"39787954", +550 => x"7c537b52", +551 => x"5684c93f", +552 => x"881a0879", +553 => x"31881b0c", +554 => x"7908197a", +555 => x"0c7c7631", +556 => x"5d7c8e38", +557 => x"79518ff2", +558 => x"3f800881", +559 => x"8f388008", +560 => x"5f751c77", +561 => x"77317f88", +562 => x"05087831", +563 => x"70618805", +564 => x"0c5d585c", +565 => x"7a802efe", +566 => x"ae387681", +567 => x"83387408", +568 => x"84160888", +569 => x"1757585c", +570 => x"76802ef2", +571 => x"3876538a", +572 => x"527b5182", +573 => x"d33f8008", +574 => x"7c318105", +575 => x"5d800884", +576 => x"3881175d", +577 => x"815f7c59", +578 => x"767d2783", +579 => x"38765994", +580 => x"1a08881b", +581 => x"08115758", +582 => x"807a085c", +583 => x"54901a08", +584 => x"7b278338", +585 => x"81547579", +586 => x"25843873", +587 => x"ba387779", +588 => x"24fee238", +589 => x"77537b52", +590 => x"9c1a0851", +591 => x"a41a0859", +592 => x"782d8008", +593 => x"56800880", +594 => x"24fee238", +595 => x"8c1a2280", +596 => x"c0075e7d", +597 => x"8c1b23ff", +598 => x"5574800c", +599 => x"903d0d04", +600 => x"7effa338", +601 => x"ff873975", +602 => x"537b527a", +603 => x"5182f93f", +604 => x"7908167a", +605 => x"0c79518e", +606 => x"b13f8008", +607 => x"cf387c76", +608 => x"315d7cfe", +609 => x"bc38feac", +610 => x"39901a08", +611 => x"7a087131", +612 => x"78117056", +613 => x"5a575280", +614 => x"cfec0851", +615 => x"84943f80", +616 => x"08802eff", +617 => x"a7388008", +618 => x"901b0c80", +619 => x"08167a0c", +620 => x"77941b0c", +621 => x"76881b0c", +622 => x"7656fd99", +623 => x"39790858", +624 => x"901a0878", +625 => x"27833881", +626 => x"54757727", +627 => x"843873b3", +628 => x"38941a08", +629 => x"54737726", +630 => x"80d33873", +631 => x"5378529c", +632 => x"1a0851a4", +633 => x"1a085877", +634 => x"2d800856", +635 => x"80088024", +636 => x"fd83388c", +637 => x"1a2280c0", +638 => x"075e7d8c", +639 => x"1b23ff55", +640 => x"fed73975", +641 => x"53785277", +642 => x"5181dd3f", +643 => x"7908167a", +644 => x"0c79518d", +645 => x"953f8008", +646 => x"802efcd9", +647 => x"388c1a22", +648 => x"80c0075e", +649 => x"7d8c1b23", +650 => x"ff55fead", +651 => x"39767754", +652 => x"79537852", +653 => x"5681b13f", +654 => x"881a0877", +655 => x"31881b0c", +656 => x"7908177a", +657 => x"0cfcae39", +658 => x"fa3d0d7a", +659 => x"79028805", +660 => x"a7053355", +661 => x"53548374", +662 => x"2780df38", +663 => x"71830651", +664 => x"7080d738", +665 => x"71715755", +666 => x"83517582", +667 => x"802913ff", +668 => x"12525670", +669 => x"8025f338", +670 => x"837427bc", +671 => x"38740876", +672 => x"327009f7", +673 => x"fbfdff12", +674 => x"06f88482", +675 => x"81800651", +676 => x"5170802e", +677 => x"98387451", +678 => x"80527033", +679 => x"5772772e", +680 => x"b9388111", +681 => x"81135351", +682 => x"837227ee", +683 => x"38fc1484", +684 => x"16565473", +685 => x"8326c638", +686 => x"7452ff14", +687 => x"5170ff2e", +688 => x"97387133", +689 => x"5472742e", +690 => x"98388112", +691 => x"ff125252", +692 => x"70ff2e09", +693 => x"8106eb38", +694 => x"80517080", +695 => x"0c883d0d", +696 => x"0471800c", +697 => x"883d0d04", +698 => x"fa3d0d78", +699 => x"7a7c7272", +700 => x"72595755", +701 => x"58565774", +702 => x"7727b238", +703 => x"75155176", +704 => x"7127aa38", +705 => x"707618ff", +706 => x"18535353", +707 => x"70ff2e96", +708 => x"38ff12ff", +709 => x"14545272", +710 => x"337234ff", +711 => x"115170ff", +712 => x"2e098106", +713 => x"ec387680", +714 => x"0c883d0d", +715 => x"048f7627", +716 => x"80e63874", +717 => x"77078306", +718 => x"517080dc", +719 => x"38767552", +720 => x"53707084", +721 => x"05520873", +722 => x"70840555", +723 => x"0c727170", +724 => x"84055308", +725 => x"71708405", +726 => x"530c7170", +727 => x"84055308", +728 => x"71708405", +729 => x"530c7170", +730 => x"84055308", +731 => x"71708405", +732 => x"530cf015", +733 => x"5553738f", +734 => x"26c73883", +735 => x"74279538", +736 => x"70708405", +737 => x"52087370", +738 => x"8405550c", +739 => x"fc145473", +740 => x"8326ed38", +741 => x"72715452", +742 => x"ff145170", +743 => x"ff2eff86", +744 => x"38727081", +745 => x"05543372", +746 => x"70810554", +747 => x"34ff1151", +748 => x"ea39ef3d", +749 => x"0d636567", +750 => x"405d427b", +751 => x"802e8582", +752 => x"386151a9", +753 => x"e73ff81c", +754 => x"70841208", +755 => x"70fc0670", +756 => x"628b0570", +757 => x"f8064159", +758 => x"455c5f41", +759 => x"57967427", +760 => x"82c53880", +761 => x"7b247e7c", +762 => x"26075880", +763 => x"5477742e", +764 => x"09810682", +765 => x"ab38787b", +766 => x"2581fe38", +767 => x"781780d7", +768 => x"a80b8805", +769 => x"085b5679", +770 => x"762e84c5", +771 => x"38841608", +772 => x"70fe0617", +773 => x"84110881", +774 => x"06415555", +775 => x"7e828d38", +776 => x"74fc0658", +777 => x"79762e84", +778 => x"e3387818", +779 => x"5f7e7b25", +780 => x"81ff387c", +781 => x"81065473", +782 => x"82c13876", +783 => x"77083184", +784 => x"1108fc06", +785 => x"56577580", +786 => x"2e913879", +787 => x"762e84f0", +788 => x"38741819", +789 => x"58777b25", +790 => x"84913876", +791 => x"802e829b", +792 => x"38781556", +793 => x"7a762482", +794 => x"92388c17", +795 => x"08881808", +796 => x"718c120c", +797 => x"88120c5e", +798 => x"75598817", +799 => x"61fc055b", +800 => x"5679a426", +801 => x"85ff387b", +802 => x"76595593", +803 => x"7a2780c9", +804 => x"387b7084", +805 => x"055d087c", +806 => x"56760c74", +807 => x"70840556", +808 => x"088c180c", +809 => x"9017589b", +810 => x"7a27ae38", +811 => x"74708405", +812 => x"5608780c", +813 => x"74708405", +814 => x"56089418", +815 => x"0c981758", +816 => x"a37a2795", +817 => x"38747084", +818 => x"05560878", +819 => x"0c747084", +820 => x"0556089c", +821 => x"180ca017", +822 => x"58747084", +823 => x"05560875", +824 => x"5f787084", +825 => x"055a0c77", +826 => x"7e708405", +827 => x"40087170", +828 => x"8405530c", +829 => x"7e08710c", +830 => x"5d787b31", +831 => x"56758f26", +832 => x"80c93884", +833 => x"17088106", +834 => x"79078418", +835 => x"0c781784", +836 => x"11088107", +837 => x"84120c5b", +838 => x"6151a791", +839 => x"3f881754", +840 => x"73800c93", +841 => x"3d0d0490", +842 => x"5bfdb839", +843 => x"7756fe83", +844 => x"398c1608", +845 => x"88170871", +846 => x"8c120c88", +847 => x"120c587e", +848 => x"707c3157", +849 => x"598f7627", +850 => x"ffb9387a", +851 => x"17841808", +852 => x"81067c07", +853 => x"84190c76", +854 => x"81078412", +855 => x"0c761184", +856 => x"11088107", +857 => x"84120c5b", +858 => x"88055261", +859 => x"518fda3f", +860 => x"6151a6b9", +861 => x"3f881754", +862 => x"ffa6397d", +863 => x"52615197", +864 => x"d73f8008", +865 => x"5a800880", +866 => x"2e81ab38", +867 => x"8008f805", +868 => x"60840508", +869 => x"fe066105", +870 => x"58557477", +871 => x"2e83f238", +872 => x"fc195877", +873 => x"a42681b0", +874 => x"387b8008", +875 => x"56579378", +876 => x"2780dc38", +877 => x"7b707084", +878 => x"05520880", +879 => x"08708405", +880 => x"800c0c80", +881 => x"08717084", +882 => x"0553085d", +883 => x"567b7670", +884 => x"8405580c", +885 => x"579b7827", +886 => x"b6387670", +887 => x"84055808", +888 => x"75708405", +889 => x"570c7670", +890 => x"84055808", +891 => x"75708405", +892 => x"570ca378", +893 => x"27993876", +894 => x"70840558", +895 => x"08757084", +896 => x"05570c76", +897 => x"70840558", +898 => x"08757084", +899 => x"05570c76", +900 => x"70840558", +901 => x"08775e75", +902 => x"70840557", +903 => x"0c747d70", +904 => x"84055f08", +905 => x"71708405", +906 => x"530c7d08", +907 => x"710c5f7b", +908 => x"5261518e", +909 => x"943f6151", +910 => x"a4f33f79", +911 => x"800c933d", +912 => x"0d047d52", +913 => x"61519690", +914 => x"3f800880", +915 => x"0c933d0d", +916 => x"04841608", +917 => x"55fbc939", +918 => x"77537b52", +919 => x"800851a2", +920 => x"a53f7b52", +921 => x"61518de1", +922 => x"3fcc398c", +923 => x"16088817", +924 => x"08718c12", +925 => x"0c88120c", +926 => x"5d8c1708", +927 => x"88180871", +928 => x"8c120c88", +929 => x"120c5977", +930 => x"59fbef39", +931 => x"7818901c", +932 => x"40557e75", +933 => x"24fb9c38", +934 => x"7a177080", +935 => x"d7a80b88", +936 => x"050c757c", +937 => x"31810784", +938 => x"120c5684", +939 => x"17088106", +940 => x"7b078418", +941 => x"0c6151a3", +942 => x"f43f8817", +943 => x"54fce139", +944 => x"74181990", +945 => x"1c5e5a7c", +946 => x"7a24fb8f", +947 => x"388c1708", +948 => x"88180871", +949 => x"8c120c88", +950 => x"120c5e88", +951 => x"1761fc05", +952 => x"575975a4", +953 => x"2681b638", +954 => x"7b795955", +955 => x"93762780", +956 => x"c9387b70", +957 => x"84055d08", +958 => x"7c56790c", +959 => x"74708405", +960 => x"56088c18", +961 => x"0c901758", +962 => x"9b7627ae", +963 => x"38747084", +964 => x"05560878", +965 => x"0c747084", +966 => x"05560894", +967 => x"180c9817", +968 => x"58a37627", +969 => x"95387470", +970 => x"84055608", +971 => x"780c7470", +972 => x"84055608", +973 => x"9c180ca0", +974 => x"17587470", +975 => x"84055608", +976 => x"75417870", +977 => x"84055a0c", +978 => x"77607084", +979 => x"05420871", +980 => x"70840553", +981 => x"0c600871", +982 => x"0c5e7a17", +983 => x"7080d7a8", +984 => x"0b88050c", +985 => x"7a7c3181", +986 => x"0784120c", +987 => x"58841708", +988 => x"81067b07", +989 => x"84180c61", +990 => x"51a2b23f", +991 => x"78547380", +992 => x"0c933d0d", +993 => x"0479537b", +994 => x"5275519f", +995 => x"f93ffae9", +996 => x"39841508", +997 => x"fc061960", +998 => x"5859fadd", +999 => x"3975537b", +1000 => x"5278519f", +1001 => x"e13f7a17", +1002 => x"7080d7a8", +1003 => x"0b88050c", +1004 => x"7a7c3181", +1005 => x"0784120c", +1006 => x"58841708", +1007 => x"81067b07", +1008 => x"84180c61", +1009 => x"51a1e63f", +1010 => x"7854ffb2", +1011 => x"39fa3d0d", +1012 => x"7880cfec", +1013 => x"085455b8", +1014 => x"1308802e", +1015 => x"81af388c", +1016 => x"15227083", +1017 => x"ffff0670", +1018 => x"832a8132", +1019 => x"81065555", +1020 => x"5672802e", +1021 => x"80da3873", +1022 => x"842a8132", +1023 => x"810657ff", +1024 => x"537680f2", +1025 => x"3873822a", +1026 => x"81065473", +1027 => x"802eb938", +1028 => x"b0150854", +1029 => x"73802e9c", +1030 => x"3880c015", +1031 => x"5373732e", +1032 => x"8f387352", +1033 => x"80cfec08", +1034 => x"518a9e3f", +1035 => x"8c152256", +1036 => x"76b0160c", +1037 => x"75db0657", +1038 => x"768c1623", +1039 => x"800b8416", +1040 => x"0c901508", +1041 => x"750c7656", +1042 => x"75880754", +1043 => x"738c1623", +1044 => x"90150880", +1045 => x"2ebf388c", +1046 => x"15227081", +1047 => x"06555373", +1048 => x"9c38720a", +1049 => x"100a8106", +1050 => x"56758538", +1051 => x"94150854", +1052 => x"7388160c", +1053 => x"80537280", +1054 => x"0c883d0d", +1055 => x"04800b88", +1056 => x"160c9415", +1057 => x"08309816", +1058 => x"0c8053ea", +1059 => x"39725182", +1060 => x"a63ffecb", +1061 => x"3974518f", +1062 => x"bc3f8c15", +1063 => x"22708106", +1064 => x"55537380", +1065 => x"2effbb38", +1066 => x"d439f83d", +1067 => x"0d7a5776", +1068 => x"802e8197", +1069 => x"3880cfec", +1070 => x"0854b814", +1071 => x"08802e80", +1072 => x"eb388c17", +1073 => x"2270902b", +1074 => x"70902c70", +1075 => x"832a8132", +1076 => x"81065b5b", +1077 => x"57557780", +1078 => x"cb389017", +1079 => x"08567580", +1080 => x"2e80c138", +1081 => x"76087631", +1082 => x"76780c79", +1083 => x"83065555", +1084 => x"73853894", +1085 => x"17085877", +1086 => x"88180c80", +1087 => x"7525a538", +1088 => x"74537552", +1089 => x"9c170851", +1090 => x"a4170854", +1091 => x"732d800b", +1092 => x"80082580", +1093 => x"c9388008", +1094 => x"16758008", +1095 => x"31565674", +1096 => x"8024dd38", +1097 => x"800b800c", +1098 => x"8a3d0d04", +1099 => x"73518187", +1100 => x"3f8c1722", +1101 => x"70902b70", +1102 => x"902c7083", +1103 => x"2a813281", +1104 => x"065b5b57", +1105 => x"5577dd38", +1106 => x"ff9039a1", +1107 => x"aa5280cf", +1108 => x"ec08518c", +1109 => x"d03f8008", +1110 => x"800c8a3d", +1111 => x"0d048c17", +1112 => x"2280c007", +1113 => x"58778c18", +1114 => x"23ff0b80", +1115 => x"0c8a3d0d", +1116 => x"04fa3d0d", +1117 => x"797080dc", +1118 => x"298c1154", +1119 => x"7a535657", +1120 => x"8fd63f80", +1121 => x"08800855", +1122 => x"56800880", +1123 => x"2ea23880", +1124 => x"088c0554", +1125 => x"800b8008", +1126 => x"0c768008", +1127 => x"84050c73", +1128 => x"80088805", +1129 => x"0c745380", +1130 => x"5273519c", +1131 => x"f53f7554", +1132 => x"73800c88", +1133 => x"3d0d0470", +1134 => x"707074a8", +1135 => x"f60bbc12", +1136 => x"0c53810b", +1137 => x"b8140c80", +1138 => x"0b84dc14", +1139 => x"0c830b84", +1140 => x"e0140c84", +1141 => x"e81384e4", +1142 => x"140c8413", +1143 => x"08518070", +1144 => x"720c7084", +1145 => x"130c7088", +1146 => x"130c5284", +1147 => x"0b8c1223", +1148 => x"718e1223", +1149 => x"7190120c", +1150 => x"7194120c", +1151 => x"7198120c", +1152 => x"709c120c", +1153 => x"80c1e50b", +1154 => x"a0120c80", +1155 => x"c2b10ba4", +1156 => x"120c80c3", +1157 => x"ad0ba812", +1158 => x"0c80c3fe", +1159 => x"0bac120c", +1160 => x"88130872", +1161 => x"710c7284", +1162 => x"120c7288", +1163 => x"120c5189", +1164 => x"0b8c1223", +1165 => x"810b8e12", +1166 => x"23719012", +1167 => x"0c719412", +1168 => x"0c719812", +1169 => x"0c709c12", +1170 => x"0c80c1e5", +1171 => x"0ba0120c", +1172 => x"80c2b10b", +1173 => x"a4120c80", +1174 => x"c3ad0ba8", +1175 => x"120c80c3", +1176 => x"fe0bac12", +1177 => x"0c8c1308", +1178 => x"72710c72", +1179 => x"84120c72", +1180 => x"88120c51", +1181 => x"8a0b8c12", +1182 => x"23820b8e", +1183 => x"12237190", +1184 => x"120c7194", +1185 => x"120c7198", +1186 => x"120c709c", +1187 => x"120c80c1", +1188 => x"e50ba012", +1189 => x"0c80c2b1", +1190 => x"0ba4120c", +1191 => x"80c3ad0b", +1192 => x"a8120c80", +1193 => x"c3fe0bac", +1194 => x"120c5050", +1195 => x"5004f83d", +1196 => x"0d7a80cf", +1197 => x"ec08b811", +1198 => x"08575758", +1199 => x"7481ec38", +1200 => x"a8f60bbc", +1201 => x"170c810b", +1202 => x"b8170c74", +1203 => x"84dc170c", +1204 => x"830b84e0", +1205 => x"170c84e8", +1206 => x"1684e417", +1207 => x"0c841608", +1208 => x"75710c75", +1209 => x"84120c75", +1210 => x"88120c59", +1211 => x"840b8c1a", +1212 => x"23748e1a", +1213 => x"2374901a", +1214 => x"0c74941a", +1215 => x"0c74981a", +1216 => x"0c789c1a", +1217 => x"0c80c1e5", +1218 => x"0ba01a0c", +1219 => x"80c2b10b", +1220 => x"a41a0c80", +1221 => x"c3ad0ba8", +1222 => x"1a0c80c3", +1223 => x"fe0bac1a", +1224 => x"0c881608", +1225 => x"75710c75", +1226 => x"84120c75", +1227 => x"88120c57", +1228 => x"890b8c18", +1229 => x"23810b8e", +1230 => x"18237490", +1231 => x"180c7494", +1232 => x"180c7498", +1233 => x"180c769c", +1234 => x"180c80c1", +1235 => x"e50ba018", +1236 => x"0c80c2b1", +1237 => x"0ba4180c", +1238 => x"80c3ad0b", +1239 => x"a8180c80", +1240 => x"c3fe0bac", +1241 => x"180c8c16", +1242 => x"0875710c", +1243 => x"7584120c", +1244 => x"7588120c", +1245 => x"548a0b8c", +1246 => x"1523820b", +1247 => x"8e152374", +1248 => x"90150c74", +1249 => x"94150c74", +1250 => x"98150c73", +1251 => x"9c150c80", +1252 => x"c1e50ba0", +1253 => x"150c80c2", +1254 => x"b10ba415", +1255 => x"0c80c3ad", +1256 => x"0ba8150c", +1257 => x"80c3fe0b", +1258 => x"ac150c84", +1259 => x"dc168811", +1260 => x"08841208", +1261 => x"ff055757", +1262 => x"57807524", +1263 => x"9f388c16", +1264 => x"2270902b", +1265 => x"70902c51", +1266 => x"55597380", +1267 => x"2e80ed38", +1268 => x"80dc16ff", +1269 => x"16565674", +1270 => x"8025e338", +1271 => x"76085574", +1272 => x"802e8f38", +1273 => x"74881108", +1274 => x"841208ff", +1275 => x"05575757", +1276 => x"c83982fc", +1277 => x"5277518a", +1278 => x"df3f8008", +1279 => x"80085556", +1280 => x"8008802e", +1281 => x"a3388008", +1282 => x"8c057580", +1283 => x"080c5484", +1284 => x"0b800884", +1285 => x"050c7380", +1286 => x"0888050c", +1287 => x"82f05374", +1288 => x"52735197", +1289 => x"fd3f7554", +1290 => x"7374780c", +1291 => x"5573ffb4", +1292 => x"388c780c", +1293 => x"800b800c", +1294 => x"8a3d0d04", +1295 => x"810b8c17", +1296 => x"2373760c", +1297 => x"7388170c", +1298 => x"7384170c", +1299 => x"7390170c", +1300 => x"7394170c", +1301 => x"7398170c", +1302 => x"ff0b8e17", +1303 => x"2373b017", +1304 => x"0c73b417", +1305 => x"0c7380c4", +1306 => x"170c7380", +1307 => x"c8170c75", +1308 => x"800c8a3d", +1309 => x"0d047070", +1310 => x"a1aa5273", +1311 => x"5186a63f", +1312 => x"50500470", +1313 => x"70a1aa52", +1314 => x"80cfec08", +1315 => x"5186963f", +1316 => x"505004fb", +1317 => x"3d0d7770", +1318 => x"52569890", +1319 => x"3f80d7a8", +1320 => x"0b880508", +1321 => x"841108fc", +1322 => x"06707b31", +1323 => x"9fef05e0", +1324 => x"8006e080", +1325 => x"05525555", +1326 => x"a0807524", +1327 => x"94388052", +1328 => x"755197ea", +1329 => x"3f80d7b0", +1330 => x"08145372", +1331 => x"80082e8f", +1332 => x"38755197", +1333 => x"d83f8053", +1334 => x"72800c87", +1335 => x"3d0d0474", +1336 => x"30527551", +1337 => x"97c83f80", +1338 => x"08ff2ea8", +1339 => x"3880d7a8", +1340 => x"0b880508", +1341 => x"74763181", +1342 => x"0784120c", +1343 => x"5380d6ec", +1344 => x"08753180", +1345 => x"d6ec0c75", +1346 => x"5197a23f", +1347 => x"810b800c", +1348 => x"873d0d04", +1349 => x"80527551", +1350 => x"97943f80", +1351 => x"d7a80b88", +1352 => x"05088008", +1353 => x"71315454", +1354 => x"8f7325ff", +1355 => x"a4388008", +1356 => x"80d79c08", +1357 => x"3180d6ec", +1358 => x"0c728107", +1359 => x"84150c75", +1360 => x"5196ea3f", +1361 => x"8053ff90", +1362 => x"39f73d0d", +1363 => x"7b7d545a", +1364 => x"72802e82", +1365 => x"83387951", +1366 => x"96d23ff8", +1367 => x"13841108", +1368 => x"70fe0670", +1369 => x"13841108", +1370 => x"fc065c57", +1371 => x"58545780", +1372 => x"d7b00874", +1373 => x"2e82de38", +1374 => x"7784150c", +1375 => x"80738106", +1376 => x"56597479", +1377 => x"2e81d538", +1378 => x"77148411", +1379 => x"08810656", +1380 => x"5374a038", +1381 => x"77165678", +1382 => x"81e63888", +1383 => x"14085574", +1384 => x"80d7b02e", +1385 => x"82f9388c", +1386 => x"1408708c", +1387 => x"170c7588", +1388 => x"120c5875", +1389 => x"81078418", +1390 => x"0c751776", +1391 => x"710c5478", +1392 => x"81913883", +1393 => x"ff762781", +1394 => x"c8387589", +1395 => x"2a76832a", +1396 => x"54547380", +1397 => x"2ebf3875", +1398 => x"862ab805", +1399 => x"53847427", +1400 => x"b43880db", +1401 => x"14539474", +1402 => x"27ab3875", +1403 => x"8c2a80ee", +1404 => x"055380d4", +1405 => x"74279e38", +1406 => x"758f2a80", +1407 => x"f7055382", +1408 => x"d4742791", +1409 => x"3875922a", +1410 => x"80fc0553", +1411 => x"8ad47427", +1412 => x"843880fe", +1413 => x"53721010", +1414 => x"1080d7a8", +1415 => x"05881108", +1416 => x"55557375", +1417 => x"2e82bf38", +1418 => x"841408fc", +1419 => x"06597579", +1420 => x"278d3888", +1421 => x"14085473", +1422 => x"752e0981", +1423 => x"06ea388c", +1424 => x"1408708c", +1425 => x"190c7488", +1426 => x"190c7788", +1427 => x"120c5576", +1428 => x"8c150c79", +1429 => x"5194d63f", +1430 => x"8b3d0d04", +1431 => x"76087771", +1432 => x"31587605", +1433 => x"88180856", +1434 => x"567480d7", +1435 => x"b02e80e0", +1436 => x"388c1708", +1437 => x"708c170c", +1438 => x"7588120c", +1439 => x"53fe8939", +1440 => x"8814088c", +1441 => x"1508708c", +1442 => x"130c5988", +1443 => x"190cfea3", +1444 => x"3975832a", +1445 => x"70545480", +1446 => x"74248198", +1447 => x"3872822c", +1448 => x"81712b80", +1449 => x"d7ac0807", +1450 => x"80d7a80b", +1451 => x"84050c74", +1452 => x"10101080", +1453 => x"d7a80588", +1454 => x"1108718c", +1455 => x"1b0c7088", +1456 => x"1b0c7988", +1457 => x"130c565a", +1458 => x"55768c15", +1459 => x"0cff8439", +1460 => x"8159fdb4", +1461 => x"39771673", +1462 => x"81065455", +1463 => x"72983876", +1464 => x"08777131", +1465 => x"5875058c", +1466 => x"18088819", +1467 => x"08718c12", +1468 => x"0c88120c", +1469 => x"55557481", +1470 => x"0784180c", +1471 => x"7680d7a8", +1472 => x"0b88050c", +1473 => x"80d7a408", +1474 => x"7526fec7", +1475 => x"3880d7a0", +1476 => x"08527951", +1477 => x"fafd3f79", +1478 => x"5193923f", +1479 => x"feba3981", +1480 => x"778c170c", +1481 => x"7788170c", +1482 => x"758c190c", +1483 => x"7588190c", +1484 => x"59fd8039", +1485 => x"83147082", +1486 => x"2c81712b", +1487 => x"80d7ac08", +1488 => x"0780d7a8", +1489 => x"0b84050c", +1490 => x"75101010", +1491 => x"80d7a805", +1492 => x"88110871", +1493 => x"8c1c0c70", +1494 => x"881c0c7a", +1495 => x"88130c57", +1496 => x"5b5653fe", +1497 => x"e4398073", +1498 => x"24a33872", +1499 => x"822c8171", +1500 => x"2b80d7ac", +1501 => x"080780d7", +1502 => x"a80b8405", +1503 => x"0c58748c", +1504 => x"180c7388", +1505 => x"180c7688", +1506 => x"160cfdc3", +1507 => x"39831370", +1508 => x"822c8171", +1509 => x"2b80d7ac", +1510 => x"080780d7", +1511 => x"a80b8405", +1512 => x"0c5953da", +1513 => x"39f93d0d", +1514 => x"797b5853", +1515 => x"800b80cf", +1516 => x"ec085356", +1517 => x"72722ebc", +1518 => x"3884dc13", +1519 => x"5574762e", +1520 => x"b3388815", +1521 => x"08841608", +1522 => x"ff055454", +1523 => x"80732499", +1524 => x"388c1422", +1525 => x"70902b53", +1526 => x"587180d4", +1527 => x"3880dc14", +1528 => x"ff145454", +1529 => x"728025e9", +1530 => x"38740855", +1531 => x"74d43880", +1532 => x"cfec0852", +1533 => x"84dc1255", +1534 => x"74802ead", +1535 => x"38881508", +1536 => x"841608ff", +1537 => x"05545480", +1538 => x"73249838", +1539 => x"8c142270", +1540 => x"902b5358", +1541 => x"71ad3880", +1542 => x"dc14ff14", +1543 => x"54547280", +1544 => x"25ea3874", +1545 => x"085574d5", +1546 => x"3875800c", +1547 => x"893d0d04", +1548 => x"7351762d", +1549 => x"75800807", +1550 => x"80dc15ff", +1551 => x"15555556", +1552 => x"ffa23973", +1553 => x"51762d75", +1554 => x"80080780", +1555 => x"dc15ff15", +1556 => x"555556ca", +1557 => x"39ea3d0d", +1558 => x"688c1122", +1559 => x"700a100a", +1560 => x"81065758", +1561 => x"567480e4", +1562 => x"388e1622", +1563 => x"70902b70", +1564 => x"902c5155", +1565 => x"58807424", +1566 => x"b138983d", +1567 => x"c4055373", +1568 => x"5280cfec", +1569 => x"08519481", +1570 => x"3f800b80", +1571 => x"08249738", +1572 => x"7983e080", +1573 => x"06547380", +1574 => x"c0802e81", +1575 => x"8f387382", +1576 => x"80802e81", +1577 => x"91388c16", +1578 => x"22577690", +1579 => x"80075473", +1580 => x"8c172388", +1581 => x"805280cf", +1582 => x"ec085181", +1583 => x"9b3f8008", +1584 => x"9d388c16", +1585 => x"22820755", +1586 => x"748c1723", +1587 => x"80c31670", +1588 => x"770c9017", +1589 => x"0c810b94", +1590 => x"170c983d", +1591 => x"0d0480cf", +1592 => x"ec08a8f6", +1593 => x"0bbc120c", +1594 => x"588c1622", +1595 => x"81800754", +1596 => x"738c1723", +1597 => x"8008760c", +1598 => x"80089017", +1599 => x"0c88800b", +1600 => x"94170c74", +1601 => x"802ed338", +1602 => x"8e162270", +1603 => x"902b7090", +1604 => x"2c535654", +1605 => x"9afb3f80", +1606 => x"08802eff", +1607 => x"bd388c16", +1608 => x"22810757", +1609 => x"768c1723", +1610 => x"983d0d04", +1611 => x"810b8c17", +1612 => x"225855fe", +1613 => x"f539a816", +1614 => x"0880c3ad", +1615 => x"2e098106", +1616 => x"fee4388c", +1617 => x"16228880", +1618 => x"0754738c", +1619 => x"17238880", +1620 => x"0b80cc17", +1621 => x"0cfedc39", +1622 => x"f43d0d7e", +1623 => x"608b1170", +1624 => x"f8065b55", +1625 => x"555d7296", +1626 => x"26833890", +1627 => x"58807824", +1628 => x"74792607", +1629 => x"55805474", +1630 => x"742e0981", +1631 => x"0680ca38", +1632 => x"7c518ea8", +1633 => x"3f7783f7", +1634 => x"2680c538", +1635 => x"77832a70", +1636 => x"10101080", +1637 => x"d7a8058c", +1638 => x"11085858", +1639 => x"5475772e", +1640 => x"81f03884", +1641 => x"1608fc06", +1642 => x"8c170888", +1643 => x"1808718c", +1644 => x"120c8812", +1645 => x"0c5b7605", +1646 => x"84110881", +1647 => x"0784120c", +1648 => x"537c518d", +1649 => x"e83f8816", +1650 => x"5473800c", +1651 => x"8e3d0d04", +1652 => x"77892a78", +1653 => x"832a5854", +1654 => x"73802ebf", +1655 => x"3877862a", +1656 => x"b8055784", +1657 => x"7427b438", +1658 => x"80db1457", +1659 => x"947427ab", +1660 => x"38778c2a", +1661 => x"80ee0557", +1662 => x"80d47427", +1663 => x"9e38778f", +1664 => x"2a80f705", +1665 => x"5782d474", +1666 => x"27913877", +1667 => x"922a80fc", +1668 => x"05578ad4", +1669 => x"74278438", +1670 => x"80fe5776", +1671 => x"10101080", +1672 => x"d7a8058c", +1673 => x"11085653", +1674 => x"74732ea3", +1675 => x"38841508", +1676 => x"fc067079", +1677 => x"31555673", +1678 => x"8f2488e4", +1679 => x"38738025", +1680 => x"88e6388c", +1681 => x"15085574", +1682 => x"732e0981", +1683 => x"06df3881", +1684 => x"175980d7", +1685 => x"b8085675", +1686 => x"80d7b02e", +1687 => x"82cc3884", +1688 => x"1608fc06", +1689 => x"70793155", +1690 => x"55738f24", +1691 => x"bb3880d7", +1692 => x"b00b80d7", +1693 => x"bc0c80d7", +1694 => x"b00b80d7", +1695 => x"b80c8074", +1696 => x"2480db38", +1697 => x"74168411", +1698 => x"08810784", +1699 => x"120c53fe", +1700 => x"b0398816", +1701 => x"8c110857", +1702 => x"5975792e", +1703 => x"098106fe", +1704 => x"82388214", +1705 => x"59ffab39", +1706 => x"77167881", +1707 => x"0784180c", +1708 => x"7080d7bc", +1709 => x"0c7080d7", +1710 => x"b80c80d7", +1711 => x"b00b8c12", +1712 => x"0c8c1108", +1713 => x"88120c74", +1714 => x"81078412", +1715 => x"0c740574", +1716 => x"710c5b7c", +1717 => x"518bd63f", +1718 => x"881654fd", +1719 => x"ec3983ff", +1720 => x"75278391", +1721 => x"3874892a", +1722 => x"75832a54", +1723 => x"5473802e", +1724 => x"bf387486", +1725 => x"2ab80553", +1726 => x"847427b4", +1727 => x"3880db14", +1728 => x"53947427", +1729 => x"ab38748c", +1730 => x"2a80ee05", +1731 => x"5380d474", +1732 => x"279e3874", +1733 => x"8f2a80f7", +1734 => x"055382d4", +1735 => x"74279138", +1736 => x"74922a80", +1737 => x"fc05538a", +1738 => x"d4742784", +1739 => x"3880fe53", +1740 => x"72101010", +1741 => x"80d7a805", +1742 => x"88110855", +1743 => x"5773772e", +1744 => x"868b3884", +1745 => x"1408fc06", +1746 => x"5b747b27", +1747 => x"8d388814", +1748 => x"08547377", +1749 => x"2e098106", +1750 => x"ea388c14", +1751 => x"0880d7a8", +1752 => x"0b840508", +1753 => x"718c190c", +1754 => x"7588190c", +1755 => x"7788130c", +1756 => x"5c57758c", +1757 => x"150c7853", +1758 => x"80792483", +1759 => x"98387282", +1760 => x"2c81712b", +1761 => x"5656747b", +1762 => x"2680ca38", +1763 => x"7a750657", +1764 => x"7682a338", +1765 => x"78fc0684", +1766 => x"05597410", +1767 => x"707c0655", +1768 => x"55738292", +1769 => x"38841959", +1770 => x"f13980d7", +1771 => x"a80b8405", +1772 => x"0879545b", +1773 => x"788025c6", +1774 => x"3882da39", +1775 => x"74097b06", +1776 => x"7080d7a8", +1777 => x"0b84050c", +1778 => x"5b741055", +1779 => x"747b2685", +1780 => x"387485bc", +1781 => x"3880d7a8", +1782 => x"0b880508", +1783 => x"70841208", +1784 => x"fc06707b", +1785 => x"317b7226", +1786 => x"8f722507", +1787 => x"5d575c5c", +1788 => x"5578802e", +1789 => x"80d93879", +1790 => x"1580d7a0", +1791 => x"08199011", +1792 => x"59545680", +1793 => x"d79c08ff", +1794 => x"2e8838a0", +1795 => x"8f13e080", +1796 => x"06577652", +1797 => x"7c518996", +1798 => x"3f800854", +1799 => x"8008ff2e", +1800 => x"90388008", +1801 => x"762782a7", +1802 => x"387480d7", +1803 => x"a82e829f", +1804 => x"3880d7a8", +1805 => x"0b880508", +1806 => x"55841508", +1807 => x"fc067079", +1808 => x"31797226", +1809 => x"8f722507", +1810 => x"5d555a7a", +1811 => x"83f23877", +1812 => x"81078416", +1813 => x"0c771570", +1814 => x"80d7a80b", +1815 => x"88050c74", +1816 => x"81078412", +1817 => x"0c567c51", +1818 => x"88c33f88", +1819 => x"15547380", +1820 => x"0c8e3d0d", +1821 => x"0474832a", +1822 => x"70545480", +1823 => x"7424819b", +1824 => x"3872822c", +1825 => x"81712b80", +1826 => x"d7ac0807", +1827 => x"7080d7a8", +1828 => x"0b84050c", +1829 => x"75101010", +1830 => x"80d7a805", +1831 => x"88110871", +1832 => x"8c1b0c70", +1833 => x"881b0c79", +1834 => x"88130c57", +1835 => x"555c5575", +1836 => x"8c150cfd", +1837 => x"c1397879", +1838 => x"10101080", +1839 => x"d7a80570", +1840 => x"565b5c8c", +1841 => x"14085675", +1842 => x"742ea338", +1843 => x"841608fc", +1844 => x"06707931", +1845 => x"5853768f", +1846 => x"2483f138", +1847 => x"76802584", +1848 => x"af388c16", +1849 => x"08567574", +1850 => x"2e098106", +1851 => x"df388814", +1852 => x"811a7083", +1853 => x"06555a54", +1854 => x"72c9387b", +1855 => x"83065675", +1856 => x"802efdb8", +1857 => x"38ff1cf8", +1858 => x"1b5b5c88", +1859 => x"1a087a2e", +1860 => x"ea38fdb5", +1861 => x"39831953", +1862 => x"fce43983", +1863 => x"1470822c", +1864 => x"81712b80", +1865 => x"d7ac0807", +1866 => x"7080d7a8", +1867 => x"0b84050c", +1868 => x"76101010", +1869 => x"80d7a805", +1870 => x"88110871", +1871 => x"8c1c0c70", +1872 => x"881c0c7a", +1873 => x"88130c58", +1874 => x"535d5653", +1875 => x"fee13980", +1876 => x"d6ec0817", +1877 => x"59800876", +1878 => x"2e818b38", +1879 => x"80d79c08", +1880 => x"ff2e848e", +1881 => x"38737631", +1882 => x"1980d6ec", +1883 => x"0c738706", +1884 => x"70565372", +1885 => x"802e8838", +1886 => x"88733170", +1887 => x"15555576", +1888 => x"149fff06", +1889 => x"a0807131", +1890 => x"1670547e", +1891 => x"53515386", +1892 => x"9d3f8008", +1893 => x"568008ff", +1894 => x"2e819e38", +1895 => x"80d6ec08", +1896 => x"137080d6", +1897 => x"ec0c7475", +1898 => x"80d7a80b", +1899 => x"88050c77", +1900 => x"76311581", +1901 => x"07555659", +1902 => x"7a80d7a8", +1903 => x"2e83c038", +1904 => x"798f2682", +1905 => x"ef38810b", +1906 => x"84150c84", +1907 => x"1508fc06", +1908 => x"70793179", +1909 => x"72268f72", +1910 => x"25075d55", +1911 => x"5a7a802e", +1912 => x"fced3880", +1913 => x"db398008", +1914 => x"9fff0655", +1915 => x"74feed38", +1916 => x"7880d6ec", +1917 => x"0c80d7a8", +1918 => x"0b880508", +1919 => x"7a188107", +1920 => x"84120c55", +1921 => x"80d79808", +1922 => x"79278638", +1923 => x"7880d798", +1924 => x"0c80d794", +1925 => x"087927fc", +1926 => x"a0387880", +1927 => x"d7940c84", +1928 => x"1508fc06", +1929 => x"70793179", +1930 => x"72268f72", +1931 => x"25075d55", +1932 => x"5a7a802e", +1933 => x"fc993888", +1934 => x"39807457", +1935 => x"53fedd39", +1936 => x"7c5184e9", +1937 => x"3f800b80", +1938 => x"0c8e3d0d", +1939 => x"04807324", +1940 => x"a5387282", +1941 => x"2c81712b", +1942 => x"80d7ac08", +1943 => x"077080d7", +1944 => x"a80b8405", +1945 => x"0c5c5a76", +1946 => x"8c170c73", +1947 => x"88170c75", +1948 => x"88180cf9", +1949 => x"fd398313", +1950 => x"70822c81", +1951 => x"712b80d7", +1952 => x"ac080770", +1953 => x"80d7a80b", +1954 => x"84050c5d", +1955 => x"5b53d839", +1956 => x"7a75065c", +1957 => x"7bfc9f38", +1958 => x"84197510", +1959 => x"5659f139", +1960 => x"ff178105", +1961 => x"59f7ab39", +1962 => x"8c150888", +1963 => x"1608718c", +1964 => x"120c8812", +1965 => x"0c597515", +1966 => x"84110881", +1967 => x"0784120c", +1968 => x"587c5183", +1969 => x"e83f8815", +1970 => x"54fba339", +1971 => x"77167881", +1972 => x"0784180c", +1973 => x"8c170888", +1974 => x"1808718c", +1975 => x"120c8812", +1976 => x"0c5c7080", +1977 => x"d7bc0c70", +1978 => x"80d7b80c", +1979 => x"80d7b00b", +1980 => x"8c120c8c", +1981 => x"11088812", +1982 => x"0c778107", +1983 => x"84120c77", +1984 => x"0577710c", +1985 => x"557c5183", +1986 => x"a43f8816", +1987 => x"54f5ba39", +1988 => x"72168411", +1989 => x"08810784", +1990 => x"120c588c", +1991 => x"16088817", +1992 => x"08718c12", +1993 => x"0c88120c", +1994 => x"577c5183", +1995 => x"803f8816", +1996 => x"54f59639", +1997 => x"7284150c", +1998 => x"f41af806", +1999 => x"70841d08", +2000 => x"81060784", +2001 => x"1d0c701c", +2002 => x"5556850b", +2003 => x"84150c85", +2004 => x"0b88150c", +2005 => x"8f7627fd", +2006 => x"ab38881b", +2007 => x"527c51eb", +2008 => x"e83f80d7", +2009 => x"a80b8805", +2010 => x"0880d6ec", +2011 => x"085a55fd", +2012 => x"93397880", +2013 => x"d6ec0c73", +2014 => x"80d79c0c", +2015 => x"fbef3972", +2016 => x"84150cfc", +2017 => x"ff39fb3d", +2018 => x"0d77707a", +2019 => x"7c585553", +2020 => x"568f7527", +2021 => x"80e63872", +2022 => x"76078306", +2023 => x"517080dc", +2024 => x"38757352", +2025 => x"54707084", +2026 => x"05520874", +2027 => x"70840556", +2028 => x"0c737170", +2029 => x"84055308", +2030 => x"71708405", +2031 => x"530c7170", +2032 => x"84055308", +2033 => x"71708405", +2034 => x"530c7170", +2035 => x"84055308", +2036 => x"71708405", +2037 => x"530cf016", +2038 => x"5654748f", +2039 => x"26c73883", +2040 => x"75279538", +2041 => x"70708405", +2042 => x"52087470", +2043 => x"8405560c", +2044 => x"fc155574", +2045 => x"8326ed38", +2046 => x"73715452", +2047 => x"ff155170", +2048 => x"ff2e9838", +2049 => x"72708105", +2050 => x"54337270", +2051 => x"81055434", +2052 => x"ff115170", +2053 => x"ff2e0981", +2054 => x"06ea3875", +2055 => x"800c873d", +2056 => x"0d04fb3d", +2057 => x"0d777a71", +2058 => x"028c05a3", +2059 => x"05335854", +2060 => x"54568373", +2061 => x"2780d438", +2062 => x"75830651", +2063 => x"7080cc38", +2064 => x"74882b75", +2065 => x"07707190", +2066 => x"2b075551", +2067 => x"8f7327a7", +2068 => x"38737270", +2069 => x"8405540c", +2070 => x"71747170", +2071 => x"8405530c", +2072 => x"74717084", +2073 => x"05530c74", +2074 => x"71708405", +2075 => x"530cf014", +2076 => x"5452728f", +2077 => x"26db3883", +2078 => x"73279038", +2079 => x"73727084", +2080 => x"05540cfc", +2081 => x"13537283", +2082 => x"26f238ff", +2083 => x"135170ff", +2084 => x"2e933874", +2085 => x"72708105", +2086 => x"5434ff11", +2087 => x"5170ff2e", +2088 => x"098106ef", +2089 => x"3875800c", +2090 => x"873d0d04", +2091 => x"04047070", +2092 => x"7070800b", +2093 => x"80dfe40c", +2094 => x"765184f3", +2095 => x"3f800853", +2096 => x"8008ff2e", +2097 => x"89387280", +2098 => x"0c505050", +2099 => x"500480df", +2100 => x"e4085473", +2101 => x"802eef38", +2102 => x"7574710c", +2103 => x"5272800c", +2104 => x"50505050", +2105 => x"04f93d0d", +2106 => x"797c557b", +2107 => x"548e1122", +2108 => x"70902b70", +2109 => x"902c5557", +2110 => x"80cfec08", +2111 => x"53585683", +2112 => x"f63f8008", +2113 => x"57800b80", +2114 => x"08249338", +2115 => x"80d01608", +2116 => x"80080580", +2117 => x"d0170c76", +2118 => x"800c893d", +2119 => x"0d048c16", +2120 => x"2283dfff", +2121 => x"0655748c", +2122 => x"17237680", +2123 => x"0c893d0d", +2124 => x"04fa3d0d", +2125 => x"788c1122", +2126 => x"70882a70", +2127 => x"81065157", +2128 => x"585674a9", +2129 => x"388c1622", +2130 => x"83dfff06", +2131 => x"55748c17", +2132 => x"237a5479", +2133 => x"538e1622", +2134 => x"70902b70", +2135 => x"902c5456", +2136 => x"80cfec08", +2137 => x"525681b2", +2138 => x"3f883d0d", +2139 => x"04825480", +2140 => x"538e1622", +2141 => x"70902b70", +2142 => x"902c5456", +2143 => x"80cfec08", +2144 => x"525782bb", +2145 => x"3f8c1622", +2146 => x"83dfff06", +2147 => x"55748c17", +2148 => x"237a5479", +2149 => x"538e1622", +2150 => x"70902b70", +2151 => x"902c5456", +2152 => x"80cfec08", +2153 => x"525680f2", +2154 => x"3f883d0d", +2155 => x"04f93d0d", +2156 => x"797c557b", +2157 => x"548e1122", +2158 => x"70902b70", +2159 => x"902c5557", +2160 => x"80cfec08", +2161 => x"53585681", +2162 => x"f63f8008", +2163 => x"578008ff", +2164 => x"2e99388c", +2165 => x"1622a080", +2166 => x"0755748c", +2167 => x"17238008", +2168 => x"80d0170c", +2169 => x"76800c89", +2170 => x"3d0d048c", +2171 => x"162283df", +2172 => x"ff065574", +2173 => x"8c172376", +2174 => x"800c893d", +2175 => x"0d047070", +2176 => x"70748e11", +2177 => x"2270902b", +2178 => x"70902c55", +2179 => x"51515380", +2180 => x"cfec0851", +2181 => x"bd3f5050", +2182 => x"5004fb3d", +2183 => x"0d800b80", +2184 => x"dfe40c7a", +2185 => x"53795278", +2186 => x"5182fc3f", +2187 => x"80085580", +2188 => x"08ff2e88", +2189 => x"3874800c", +2190 => x"873d0d04", +2191 => x"80dfe408", +2192 => x"5675802e", +2193 => x"f0387776", +2194 => x"710c5474", +2195 => x"800c873d", +2196 => x"0d047070", +2197 => x"7070800b", +2198 => x"80dfe40c", +2199 => x"765184c9", +2200 => x"3f800853", +2201 => x"8008ff2e", +2202 => x"89387280", +2203 => x"0c505050", +2204 => x"500480df", +2205 => x"e4085473", +2206 => x"802eef38", +2207 => x"7574710c", +2208 => x"5272800c", +2209 => x"50505050", +2210 => x"04fc3d0d", +2211 => x"800b80df", +2212 => x"e40c7852", +2213 => x"775187b0", +2214 => x"3f800854", +2215 => x"8008ff2e", +2216 => x"88387380", +2217 => x"0c863d0d", +2218 => x"0480dfe4", +2219 => x"08557480", +2220 => x"2ef03876", +2221 => x"75710c53", +2222 => x"73800c86", +2223 => x"3d0d04fb", +2224 => x"3d0d800b", +2225 => x"80dfe40c", +2226 => x"7a537952", +2227 => x"7851848b", +2228 => x"3f800855", +2229 => x"8008ff2e", +2230 => x"88387480", +2231 => x"0c873d0d", +2232 => x"0480dfe4", +2233 => x"08567580", +2234 => x"2ef03877", +2235 => x"76710c54", +2236 => x"74800c87", +2237 => x"3d0d04fb", +2238 => x"3d0d800b", +2239 => x"80dfe40c", +2240 => x"7a537952", +2241 => x"78518293", +2242 => x"3f800855", +2243 => x"8008ff2e", +2244 => x"88387480", +2245 => x"0c873d0d", +2246 => x"0480dfe4", +2247 => x"08567580", +2248 => x"2ef03877", +2249 => x"76710c54", +2250 => x"74800c87", +2251 => x"3d0d0470", +2252 => x"707080df", +2253 => x"d8088938", +2254 => x"80dfe80b", +2255 => x"80dfd80c", +2256 => x"80dfd808", +2257 => x"75115252", +2258 => x"ff537087", +2259 => x"fb808026", +2260 => x"88387080", +2261 => x"dfd80c71", +2262 => x"5372800c", +2263 => x"50505004", +2264 => x"fd3d0d80", +2265 => x"0b80cfe0", +2266 => x"08545472", +2267 => x"812e9b38", +2268 => x"7380dfdc", +2269 => x"0cc2af3f", +2270 => x"c1863f80", +2271 => x"dfb05281", +2272 => x"51c3ff3f", +2273 => x"80085186", +2274 => x"bf3f7280", +2275 => x"dfdc0cc2", +2276 => x"953fc0ec", +2277 => x"3f80dfb0", +2278 => x"528151c3", +2279 => x"e53f8008", +2280 => x"5186a53f", +2281 => x"00ff39f5", +2282 => x"3d0d7e60", +2283 => x"80dfdc08", +2284 => x"705b585b", +2285 => x"5b7580c2", +2286 => x"38777a25", +2287 => x"a138771b", +2288 => x"70337081", +2289 => x"ff065858", +2290 => x"59758a2e", +2291 => x"98387681", +2292 => x"ff0651c1", +2293 => x"b03f8118", +2294 => x"58797824", +2295 => x"e1387980", +2296 => x"0c8d3d0d", +2297 => x"048d51c1", +2298 => x"9c3f7833", +2299 => x"7081ff06", +2300 => x"5257c191", +2301 => x"3f811858", +2302 => x"e0397955", +2303 => x"7a547d53", +2304 => x"85528d3d", +2305 => x"fc0551c0", +2306 => x"b93f8008", +2307 => x"5685b23f", +2308 => x"7b80080c", +2309 => x"75800c8d", +2310 => x"3d0d04f6", +2311 => x"3d0d7d7f", +2312 => x"80dfdc08", +2313 => x"705b585a", +2314 => x"5a7580c1", +2315 => x"38777925", +2316 => x"b338c0ac", +2317 => x"3f800881", +2318 => x"ff06708d", +2319 => x"32703070", +2320 => x"9f2a5151", +2321 => x"5757768a", +2322 => x"2e80c438", +2323 => x"75802ebf", +2324 => x"38771a56", +2325 => x"76763476", +2326 => x"51c0aa3f", +2327 => x"81185878", +2328 => x"7824cf38", +2329 => x"77567580", +2330 => x"0c8c3d0d", +2331 => x"04785579", +2332 => x"547c5384", +2333 => x"528c3dfc", +2334 => x"0551ffbf", +2335 => x"c53f8008", +2336 => x"5684be3f", +2337 => x"7a80080c", +2338 => x"75800c8c", +2339 => x"3d0d0477", +2340 => x"1a598a79", +2341 => x"34811858", +2342 => x"8d51ffbf", +2343 => x"e83f8a51", +2344 => x"ffbfe23f", +2345 => x"7756ffbe", +2346 => x"39fb3d0d", +2347 => x"80dfdc08", +2348 => x"70565473", +2349 => x"88387480", +2350 => x"0c873d0d", +2351 => x"04775383", +2352 => x"52873dfc", +2353 => x"0551ffbe", +2354 => x"f93f8008", +2355 => x"5483f23f", +2356 => x"7580080c", +2357 => x"73800c87", +2358 => x"3d0d04fa", +2359 => x"3d0d80df", +2360 => x"dc08802e", +2361 => x"a3387a55", +2362 => x"79547853", +2363 => x"8652883d", +2364 => x"fc0551ff", +2365 => x"becc3f80", +2366 => x"085683c5", +2367 => x"3f768008", +2368 => x"0c75800c", +2369 => x"883d0d04", +2370 => x"83b73f9d", +2371 => x"0b80080c", +2372 => x"ff0b800c", +2373 => x"883d0d04", +2374 => x"f73d0d7b", +2375 => x"7d5b59bc", +2376 => x"53805279", +2377 => x"51f5fb3f", +2378 => x"80705657", +2379 => x"98567419", +2380 => x"70337078", +2381 => x"2b790781", +2382 => x"18f81a5a", +2383 => x"58595558", +2384 => x"847524ea", +2385 => x"38767a23", +2386 => x"84195880", +2387 => x"70565798", +2388 => x"56741870", +2389 => x"3370782b", +2390 => x"79078118", +2391 => x"f81a5a58", +2392 => x"59515484", +2393 => x"7524ea38", +2394 => x"76821b23", +2395 => x"88195880", +2396 => x"70565798", +2397 => x"56741870", +2398 => x"3370782b", +2399 => x"79078118", +2400 => x"f81a5a58", +2401 => x"59515484", +2402 => x"7524ea38", +2403 => x"76841b0c", +2404 => x"8c195880", +2405 => x"70565798", +2406 => x"56741870", +2407 => x"3370782b", +2408 => x"79078118", +2409 => x"f81a5a58", +2410 => x"59515484", +2411 => x"7524ea38", +2412 => x"76881b23", +2413 => x"90195880", +2414 => x"70565798", +2415 => x"56741870", +2416 => x"3370782b", +2417 => x"79078118", +2418 => x"f81a5a58", +2419 => x"59515484", +2420 => x"7524ea38", +2421 => x"768a1b23", +2422 => x"94195880", +2423 => x"70565798", +2424 => x"56741870", +2425 => x"3370782b", +2426 => x"79078118", +2427 => x"f81a5a58", +2428 => x"59515484", +2429 => x"7524ea38", +2430 => x"768c1b23", +2431 => x"98195880", +2432 => x"70565798", +2433 => x"56741870", +2434 => x"3370782b", +2435 => x"79078118", +2436 => x"f81a5a58", +2437 => x"59515484", +2438 => x"7524ea38", +2439 => x"768e1b23", +2440 => x"9c195880", +2441 => x"705657b8", +2442 => x"56741870", +2443 => x"3370782b", +2444 => x"79078118", +2445 => x"f81a5a58", +2446 => x"595a5488", +2447 => x"7524ea38", +2448 => x"76901b0c", +2449 => x"8b3d0d04", +2450 => x"e93d0d6a", +2451 => x"80dfdc08", +2452 => x"57577593", +2453 => x"3880c080", +2454 => x"0b84180c", +2455 => x"75ac180c", +2456 => x"75800c99", +2457 => x"3d0d0489", +2458 => x"3d70556a", +2459 => x"54558a52", +2460 => x"993dffbc", +2461 => x"0551ffbb", +2462 => x"c93f8008", +2463 => x"77537552", +2464 => x"56fd953f", +2465 => x"bc3f7780", +2466 => x"080c7580", +2467 => x"0c993d0d", +2468 => x"04fc3d0d", +2469 => x"815480df", +2470 => x"dc088838", +2471 => x"73800c86", +2472 => x"3d0d0476", +2473 => x"5397b952", +2474 => x"863dfc05", +2475 => x"51ffbb92", +2476 => x"3f800854", +2477 => x"8c3f7480", +2478 => x"080c7380", +2479 => x"0c863d0d", +2480 => x"0480cfec", +2481 => x"08800c04", +2482 => x"f73d0d7b", +2483 => x"80cfec08", +2484 => x"82c81108", +2485 => x"5a545a77", +2486 => x"802e80da", +2487 => x"38818818", +2488 => x"841908ff", +2489 => x"0581712b", +2490 => x"59555980", +2491 => x"742480ea", +2492 => x"38807424", +2493 => x"b5387382", +2494 => x"2b781188", +2495 => x"05565681", +2496 => x"80190877", +2497 => x"06537280", +2498 => x"2eb63878", +2499 => x"16700853", +2500 => x"53795174", +2501 => x"0853722d", +2502 => x"ff14fc17", +2503 => x"fc177981", +2504 => x"2c5a5757", +2505 => x"54738025", +2506 => x"d6387708", +2507 => x"5877ffad", +2508 => x"3880cfec", +2509 => x"0853bc13", +2510 => x"08a53879", +2511 => x"51f8e53f", +2512 => x"74085372", +2513 => x"2dff14fc", +2514 => x"17fc1779", +2515 => x"812c5a57", +2516 => x"57547380", +2517 => x"25ffa838", +2518 => x"d1398057", +2519 => x"ff933972", +2520 => x"51bc1308", +2521 => x"54732d79", +2522 => x"51f8b93f", +2523 => x"707080df", +2524 => x"b80bfc05", +2525 => x"70085252", +2526 => x"70ff2e91", +2527 => x"38702dfc", +2528 => x"12700852", +2529 => x"5270ff2e", +2530 => x"098106f1", +2531 => x"38505004", +2532 => x"04ffbaff", +2533 => x"3f040000", +2534 => x"00000040", +2535 => x"476f7420", +2536 => x"696e7465", +2537 => x"72727570", +2538 => x"740a0000", +2539 => x"4e6f2069", +2540 => x"6e746572", +2541 => x"72757074", +2542 => x"0a000000", +2543 => x"43000000", +2544 => x"64756d6d", +2545 => x"792e6578", +2546 => x"65000000", +2547 => x"00ffffff", +2548 => x"ff00ffff", +2549 => 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x"00002e20", +2955 => x"00002e20", +2956 => x"00002e28", +2957 => x"00002e28", +2958 => x"00002e30", +2959 => x"00002e30", +2960 => x"00002e38", +2961 => x"00002e38", +2962 => x"00002e40", +2963 => x"00002e40", +2964 => x"00002e48", +2965 => x"00002e48", +2966 => x"00002e50", +2967 => x"00002e50", +2968 => x"00002e58", +2969 => x"00002e58", +2970 => x"00002e60", +2971 => x"00002e60", +2972 => x"00002e68", +2973 => x"00002e68", +2974 => x"00002e70", +2975 => x"00002e70", +2976 => x"00002e78", +2977 => x"00002e78", +2978 => x"00002e80", +2979 => x"00002e80", +2980 => x"00002e88", +2981 => x"00002e88", +2982 => x"00002e90", +2983 => x"00002e90", +2984 => x"00002e98", +2985 => x"00002e98", +2986 => x"00002ea0", +2987 => x"00002ea0", +2988 => x"00002ea8", +2989 => x"00002ea8", +2990 => x"00002eb0", +2991 => x"00002eb0", +2992 => x"00002eb8", +2993 => x"00002eb8", +2994 => x"00002ec0", +2995 => x"00002ec0", +2996 => x"00002ec8", +2997 => x"00002ec8", +2998 => x"00002ed0", +2999 => x"00002ed0", +3000 => x"00002ed8", +3001 => x"00002ed8", +3002 => x"00002ee0", +3003 => x"00002ee0", +3004 => x"00002ee8", +3005 => x"00002ee8", +3006 => x"00002ef0", +3007 => x"00002ef0", +3008 => x"00002ef8", +3009 => x"00002ef8", +3010 => x"00002f00", +3011 => x"00002f00", +3012 => x"00002f08", +3013 => x"00002f08", +3014 => x"00002f10", +3015 => x"00002f10", +3016 => x"00002f18", +3017 => x"00002f18", +3018 => x"00002f20", +3019 => x"00002f20", +3020 => x"00002f28", +3021 => x"00002f28", +3022 => x"00002f30", +3023 => x"00002f30", +3024 => x"00002f38", +3025 => x"00002f38", +3026 => x"00002f40", +3027 => x"00002f40", +3028 => x"00002f48", +3029 => x"00002f48", +3030 => x"00002f50", +3031 => x"00002f50", +3032 => x"00002f58", +3033 => x"00002f58", +3034 => x"00002f60", +3035 => x"00002f60", +3036 => x"00002f68", +3037 => x"00002f68", +3038 => x"00002f70", +3039 => x"00002f70", +3040 => x"00002f78", +3041 => x"00002f78", +3042 => x"00002f80", +3043 => x"00002f80", +3044 => x"00002f88", +3045 => x"00002f88", +3046 => x"00002f90", +3047 => x"00002f90", +3048 => x"00002f98", +3049 => x"00002f98", +3050 => x"00002fa0", +3051 => x"00002fa0", +3052 => x"000027c0", +3053 => x"ffffffff", +3054 => x"00000000", +3055 => x"ffffffff", +3056 => x"00000000", + others => x"00000000" +); + +begin + +process (clk) +begin + if (clk'event and clk = '1') then + if (memAWriteEnable = '1') and (memBWriteEnable = '1') and (memAAddr=memBAddr) and (memAWrite/=memBWrite) then + report "write collision" severity failure; + end if; + + if (memAWriteEnable = '1') then + ram(to_integer(unsigned(memAAddr))) := memAWrite; + memARead <= memAWrite; + else + memARead <= ram(to_integer(unsigned(memAAddr))); + end if; + end if; +end process; + +process (clk) +begin + if (clk'event and clk = '1') then + if (memBWriteEnable = '1') then + ram(to_integer(unsigned(memBAddr))) := memBWrite; + memBRead <= memBWrite; + else + memBRead <= ram(to_integer(unsigned(memBAddr))); + end if; + end if; +end process; + + + + +end dualport_ram_arch; diff --git a/zpu/hdl/example/sim_small_fpga_top.vhd b/zpu/hdl/example/sim_small_fpga_top.vhd index f36a285..e671460 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/example/sim_small_fpga_top.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/example/sim_small_fpga_top.vhd @@ -1,207 +1,207 @@ --- ZPU
--- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com
--- The FreeBSD license
--- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
--- are met:
--- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
--- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
--- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
--- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
--- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
--- provided with the distribution.
--- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation
--- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing
--- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-library IEEE;
-use ieee.numeric_std.all;
----- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
----- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
---library UNISIM;
---use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
-library work;
-use work.zpu_config.all;
-use work.zpupkg.all;
-entity fpga_top is
-end fpga_top;
-architecture behave of fpga_top is
-signal clk : std_logic;
-signal areset : std_logic := '1';
-component zpu_io is
- generic (
- log_file: string := "log.txt"
- );
- port(
- clk : in std_logic;
- areset : in std_logic;
- busy : out std_logic;
- writeEnable : in std_logic;
- readEnable : in std_logic;
- write : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- read : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- addr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit)
- );
-end component;
-signal mem_busy : std_logic;
-signal mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal mem_write : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal mem_addr : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0);
-signal mem_writeEnable : std_logic;
-signal mem_readEnable : std_logic;
-signal mem_writeMask: std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0);
-signal enable : std_logic;
-signal dram_mem_busy : std_logic;
-signal dram_mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal dram_mem_write : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal dram_mem_writeEnable : std_logic;
-signal dram_mem_readEnable : std_logic;
-signal dram_mem_writeMask: std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0);
-signal io_busy : std_logic;
-signal io_mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal io_mem_writeEnable : std_logic;
-signal io_mem_readEnable : std_logic;
-signal dram_ready : std_logic;
-signal io_ready : std_logic;
-signal io_reading : std_logic;
-signal interruptcounter : unsigned(15 downto 0);
-signal interrupt : std_logic;
-signal break : std_logic;
- zpu: zpu_core port map (
- clk => clk ,
- areset => areset,
- enable => enable,
- in_mem_busy => mem_busy,
- mem_read => mem_read,
- mem_write => mem_write,
- out_mem_addr => mem_addr,
- out_mem_writeEnable => mem_writeEnable,
- out_mem_readEnable => mem_readEnable,
- mem_writeMask => mem_writeMask,
- interrupt => interrupt,
- break => break);
- ioMap: zpu_io port map (
- clk => clk,
- areset => areset,
- busy => io_busy,
- writeEnable => io_mem_writeEnable,
- readEnable => io_mem_readEnable,
- write => mem_write,
- read => io_mem_read,
- addr => mem_addr(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit)
- );
- dram_mem_writeEnable <= mem_writeEnable and not mem_addr(ioBit);
- dram_mem_readEnable <= mem_readEnable and not mem_addr(ioBit);
- io_mem_writeEnable <= mem_writeEnable and mem_addr(ioBit);
- io_mem_readEnable <= mem_readEnable and mem_addr(ioBit);
- mem_busy <= io_busy;
- -- Memory reads either come from IO or DRAM. We need to pick the right one.
- memorycontrol:
- process(dram_mem_read, dram_ready, io_ready, io_mem_read)
- begin
- mem_read <= (others => 'U');
- if dram_ready='1' then
- mem_read <= dram_mem_read;
- end if;
- if io_ready='1' then
- mem_read <= (others => '0');
- mem_read <= io_mem_read;
- end if;
- end process;
- io_ready <= (io_reading or io_mem_readEnable) and not io_busy;
- memoryControlSync:
- process(clk, areset)
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- enable <= '0';
- io_reading <= '0';
- dram_ready <= '0';
- interruptcounter <= to_unsigned(0, 16);
- interrupt <= '0';
- elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
- enable <= '1';
- io_reading <= io_busy or io_mem_readEnable;
- dram_ready<=dram_mem_readEnable;
- -- keep interrupt signal high for 16 cycles
- interruptcounter <= interruptcounter + 1;
- if (interruptcounter < 16) then
- report "Interrupt asserted!" severity note;
- interrupt <='1';
- else
- interrupt <='0';
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- -- wiggle the clock @ 100MHz
- clock : PROCESS
- begin
- clk <= '0';
- wait for 5 ns;
- clk <= '1';
- wait for 5 ns;
- areset <= '0';
- end PROCESS clock;
-end behave;
+-- ZPU +-- +-- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com +-- +-- The FreeBSD license +-- +-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions +-- are met: +-- +-- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +-- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +-- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +-- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +-- provided with the distribution. +-- +-- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE ZPU PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY +-- EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +-- THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A +-- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +-- ZPU PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, +-- INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +-- (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS +-- OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) +-- HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, +-- STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) +-- ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF +-- ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +-- +-- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation +-- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing +-- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; +use ieee.numeric_std.all; + +---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating +---- any Xilinx primitives in this code. +--library UNISIM; +--use UNISIM.VComponents.all; + +library work; +use work.zpu_config.all; +use work.zpupkg.all; + +entity fpga_top is +end fpga_top; + +architecture behave of fpga_top is + + +signal clk : std_logic; + +signal areset : std_logic := '1'; + + +component zpu_io is + generic ( + log_file: string := "log.txt" + ); + port( + clk : in std_logic; + areset : in std_logic; + busy : out std_logic; + writeEnable : in std_logic; + readEnable : in std_logic; + write : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + read : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + addr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit) + ); +end component; + + + + + +signal mem_busy : std_logic; +signal mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); +signal mem_write : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); +signal mem_addr : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0); +signal mem_writeEnable : std_logic; +signal mem_readEnable : std_logic; +signal mem_writeMask: std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0); + +signal enable : std_logic; + +signal dram_mem_busy : std_logic; +signal dram_mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); +signal dram_mem_write : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); +signal dram_mem_writeEnable : std_logic; +signal dram_mem_readEnable : std_logic; +signal dram_mem_writeMask: std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0); + + +signal io_busy : std_logic; + +signal io_mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); +signal io_mem_writeEnable : std_logic; +signal io_mem_readEnable : std_logic; + + +signal dram_ready : std_logic; +signal io_ready : std_logic; +signal io_reading : std_logic; +signal interruptcounter : unsigned(15 downto 0); +signal interrupt : std_logic; + + + +signal break : std_logic; + +begin + + zpu: zpu_core port map ( + clk => clk , + areset => areset, + enable => enable, + in_mem_busy => mem_busy, + mem_read => mem_read, + mem_write => mem_write, + out_mem_addr => mem_addr, + out_mem_writeEnable => mem_writeEnable, + out_mem_readEnable => mem_readEnable, + mem_writeMask => mem_writeMask, + interrupt => interrupt, + break => break); + + + ioMap: zpu_io port map ( + clk => clk, + areset => areset, + busy => io_busy, + writeEnable => io_mem_writeEnable, + readEnable => io_mem_readEnable, + write => mem_write, + read => io_mem_read, + addr => mem_addr(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit) + ); + + dram_mem_writeEnable <= mem_writeEnable and not mem_addr(ioBit); + dram_mem_readEnable <= mem_readEnable and not mem_addr(ioBit); + io_mem_writeEnable <= mem_writeEnable and mem_addr(ioBit); + io_mem_readEnable <= mem_readEnable and mem_addr(ioBit); + mem_busy <= io_busy; + + + + -- Memory reads either come from IO or DRAM. We need to pick the right one. + memorycontrol: + process(dram_mem_read, dram_ready, io_ready, io_mem_read) + begin + mem_read <= (others => 'U'); + if dram_ready='1' then + mem_read <= dram_mem_read; + end if; + + if io_ready='1' then + mem_read <= (others => '0'); + mem_read <= io_mem_read; + end if; + end process; + + + + io_ready <= (io_reading or io_mem_readEnable) and not io_busy; + + memoryControlSync: + process(clk, areset) + begin + if areset = '1' then + enable <= '0'; + io_reading <= '0'; + dram_ready <= '0'; + + interruptcounter <= to_unsigned(0, 16); + interrupt <= '0'; + + elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then + enable <= '1'; + io_reading <= io_busy or io_mem_readEnable; + dram_ready<=dram_mem_readEnable; + + -- keep interrupt signal high for 16 cycles + interruptcounter <= interruptcounter + 1; + if (interruptcounter < 16) then + report "Interrupt asserted!" severity note; + interrupt <='1'; + else + interrupt <='0'; + end if; + end if; + end process; + + -- wiggle the clock @ 100MHz + clock : PROCESS + begin + clk <= '0'; + wait for 5 ns; + clk <= '1'; + wait for 5 ns; + areset <= '0'; + end PROCESS clock; + + +end behave; diff --git a/zpu/hdl/example/sim_small_fpga_top_noint.vhd b/zpu/hdl/example/sim_small_fpga_top_noint.vhd index b342d26..0edb8c7 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/example/sim_small_fpga_top_noint.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/example/sim_small_fpga_top_noint.vhd @@ -1,193 +1,193 @@ --- ZPU
--- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com
--- The FreeBSD license
--- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
--- are met:
--- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
--- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
--- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
--- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
--- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
--- provided with the distribution.
--- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation
--- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing
--- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project.
-library IEEE;
-use ieee.numeric_std.all;
----- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
----- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
---library UNISIM;
---use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
-library work;
-use work.zpu_config.all;
-use work.zpupkg.all;
-entity fpga_top is
-end fpga_top;
-architecture behave of fpga_top is
-signal clk : std_logic;
-signal areset : std_logic := '1';
-component zpu_io is
- generic (
- log_file: string := "log.txt"
- );
- port(
- clk : in std_logic;
- areset : in std_logic;
- busy : out std_logic;
- writeEnable : in std_logic;
- readEnable : in std_logic;
- write : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- read : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- addr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit)
- );
-end component;
-signal mem_busy : std_logic;
-signal mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal mem_write : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal mem_addr : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0);
-signal mem_writeEnable : std_logic;
-signal mem_readEnable : std_logic;
-signal mem_writeMask: std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0);
-signal enable : std_logic;
-signal dram_mem_busy : std_logic;
-signal dram_mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal dram_mem_write : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal dram_mem_writeEnable : std_logic;
-signal dram_mem_readEnable : std_logic;
-signal dram_mem_writeMask: std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0);
-signal io_busy : std_logic;
-signal io_mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal io_mem_writeEnable : std_logic;
-signal io_mem_readEnable : std_logic;
-signal dram_ready : std_logic;
-signal io_ready : std_logic;
-signal io_reading : std_logic;
-signal break : std_logic;
- zpu: zpu_core port map (
- clk => clk ,
- areset => areset,
- enable => enable,
- in_mem_busy => mem_busy,
- mem_read => mem_read,
- mem_write => mem_write,
- out_mem_addr => mem_addr,
- out_mem_writeEnable => mem_writeEnable,
- out_mem_readEnable => mem_readEnable,
- mem_writeMask => mem_writeMask,
- interrupt => '0',
- break => break);
- ioMap: zpu_io port map (
- clk => clk,
- areset => areset,
- busy => io_busy,
- writeEnable => io_mem_writeEnable,
- readEnable => io_mem_readEnable,
- write => mem_write,
- read => io_mem_read,
- addr => mem_addr(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit)
- );
- dram_mem_writeEnable <= mem_writeEnable and not mem_addr(ioBit);
- dram_mem_readEnable <= mem_readEnable and not mem_addr(ioBit);
- io_mem_writeEnable <= mem_writeEnable and mem_addr(ioBit);
- io_mem_readEnable <= mem_readEnable and mem_addr(ioBit);
- mem_busy <= io_busy;
- -- Memory reads either come from IO or DRAM. We need to pick the right one.
- memorycontrol:
- process(dram_mem_read, dram_ready, io_ready, io_mem_read)
- begin
- mem_read <= (others => 'U');
- if dram_ready='1' then
- mem_read <= dram_mem_read;
- end if;
- if io_ready='1' then
- mem_read <= (others => '0');
- mem_read <= io_mem_read;
- end if;
- end process;
- io_ready <= (io_reading or io_mem_readEnable) and not io_busy;
- memoryControlSync:
- process(clk, areset)
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- enable <= '0';
- io_reading <= '0';
- dram_ready <= '0';
- elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
- enable <= '1';
- io_reading <= io_busy or io_mem_readEnable;
- dram_ready<=dram_mem_readEnable;
- end if;
- end process;
- -- wiggle the clock @ 100MHz
- clock : PROCESS
- begin
- clk <= '0';
- wait for 5 ns;
- clk <= '1';
- wait for 5 ns;
- areset <= '0';
- end PROCESS clock;
-end behave;
+-- ZPU +-- +-- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com +-- +-- The FreeBSD license +-- +-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions +-- are met: +-- +-- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +-- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +-- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +-- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +-- provided with the distribution. +-- +-- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE ZPU PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY +-- EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +-- THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A +-- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +-- ZPU PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, +-- INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +-- (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS +-- OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) +-- HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, +-- STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) +-- ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF +-- ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +-- +-- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation +-- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing +-- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project. + +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; +use ieee.numeric_std.all; + +---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating +---- any Xilinx primitives in this code. +--library UNISIM; +--use UNISIM.VComponents.all; + +library work; +use work.zpu_config.all; +use work.zpupkg.all; + +entity fpga_top is +end fpga_top; + +architecture behave of fpga_top is + + +signal clk : std_logic; + +signal areset : std_logic := '1'; + + +component zpu_io is + generic ( + log_file: string := "log.txt" + ); + port( + clk : in std_logic; + areset : in std_logic; + busy : out std_logic; + writeEnable : in std_logic; + readEnable : in std_logic; + write : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + read : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + addr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit) + ); +end component; + + + + + +signal mem_busy : std_logic; +signal mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); +signal mem_write : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); +signal mem_addr : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0); +signal mem_writeEnable : std_logic; +signal mem_readEnable : std_logic; +signal mem_writeMask: std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0); + +signal enable : std_logic; + +signal dram_mem_busy : std_logic; +signal dram_mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); +signal dram_mem_write : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); +signal dram_mem_writeEnable : std_logic; +signal dram_mem_readEnable : std_logic; +signal dram_mem_writeMask: std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0); + + +signal io_busy : std_logic; + +signal io_mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); +signal io_mem_writeEnable : std_logic; +signal io_mem_readEnable : std_logic; + + +signal dram_ready : std_logic; +signal io_ready : std_logic; +signal io_reading : std_logic; + + + +signal break : std_logic; + +begin + + zpu: zpu_core port map ( + clk => clk , + areset => areset, + enable => enable, + in_mem_busy => mem_busy, + mem_read => mem_read, + mem_write => mem_write, + out_mem_addr => mem_addr, + out_mem_writeEnable => mem_writeEnable, + out_mem_readEnable => mem_readEnable, + mem_writeMask => mem_writeMask, + interrupt => '0', + break => break); + + + ioMap: zpu_io port map ( + clk => clk, + areset => areset, + busy => io_busy, + writeEnable => io_mem_writeEnable, + readEnable => io_mem_readEnable, + write => mem_write, + read => io_mem_read, + addr => mem_addr(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit) + ); + + dram_mem_writeEnable <= mem_writeEnable and not mem_addr(ioBit); + dram_mem_readEnable <= mem_readEnable and not mem_addr(ioBit); + io_mem_writeEnable <= mem_writeEnable and mem_addr(ioBit); + io_mem_readEnable <= mem_readEnable and mem_addr(ioBit); + mem_busy <= io_busy; + + + + -- Memory reads either come from IO or DRAM. We need to pick the right one. + memorycontrol: + process(dram_mem_read, dram_ready, io_ready, io_mem_read) + begin + mem_read <= (others => 'U'); + if dram_ready='1' then + mem_read <= dram_mem_read; + end if; + + if io_ready='1' then + mem_read <= (others => '0'); + mem_read <= io_mem_read; + end if; + end process; + + + + io_ready <= (io_reading or io_mem_readEnable) and not io_busy; + + memoryControlSync: + process(clk, areset) + begin + if areset = '1' then + enable <= '0'; + io_reading <= '0'; + dram_ready <= '0'; + + elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then + enable <= '1'; + io_reading <= io_busy or io_mem_readEnable; + dram_ready<=dram_mem_readEnable; + end if; + end process; + + -- wiggle the clock @ 100MHz + clock : PROCESS + begin + clk <= '0'; + wait for 5 ns; + clk <= '1'; + wait for 5 ns; + areset <= '0'; + end PROCESS clock; + + +end behave; diff --git a/zpu/hdl/example/zpu_config.vhd b/zpu/hdl/example/zpu_config.vhd index c4c09b5..c3c60c1 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/example/zpu_config.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/example/zpu_config.vhd @@ -1,56 +1,56 @@ --- ZPU
--- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com
--- The FreeBSD license
--- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
--- are met:
--- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
--- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
--- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
--- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
--- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
--- provided with the distribution.
--- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation
--- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing
--- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project.
-library ieee;
-use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
-package zpu_config is
- -- generate trace output
- constant Generate_Trace : boolean := true;
- constant wordPower : integer := 5;
- -- during simulation, set this to '0' to get matching trace.txt
- constant DontCareValue : std_logic := '0';
- -- Clock frequency in MHz.
- constant ZPU_Frequency : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"64";
- -- This is the msb address bit. bytes=2^(maxAddrBitIncIO+1)
- constant maxAddrBitIncIO : integer := 27;
- constant maxAddrBitBRAM : integer := 16;
- -- start byte address of stack.
- -- point to top of RAM - 2*words
- constant spStart : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0) :=
- conv_std_logic_vector((2**(maxAddrBitBRAM+1))-8, maxAddrBitIncIO+1);
-end zpu_config;
+-- ZPU +-- +-- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com +-- +-- The FreeBSD license +-- +-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions +-- are met: +-- +-- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +-- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +-- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +-- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +-- provided with the distribution. +-- +-- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE ZPU PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY +-- EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +-- THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A +-- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +-- ZPU PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, +-- INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +-- (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS +-- OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) +-- HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, +-- STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) +-- ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF +-- ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +-- +-- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation +-- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing +-- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project. + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; +use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; + +package zpu_config is + -- generate trace output + constant Generate_Trace : boolean := true; + constant wordPower : integer := 5; + -- during simulation, set this to '0' to get matching trace.txt + constant DontCareValue : std_logic := '0'; + -- Clock frequency in MHz. + constant ZPU_Frequency : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"64"; + -- This is the msb address bit. bytes=2^(maxAddrBitIncIO+1) + constant maxAddrBitIncIO : integer := 27; + constant maxAddrBitBRAM : integer := 16; + + -- start byte address of stack. + -- point to top of RAM - 2*words + constant spStart : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0) := + conv_std_logic_vector((2**(maxAddrBitBRAM+1))-8, maxAddrBitIncIO+1); +end zpu_config; diff --git a/zpu/hdl/example_medium/dram_dmips.vhd b/zpu/hdl/example_medium/dram_dmips.vhd index a9fd59e..0437adc 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/example_medium/dram_dmips.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/example_medium/dram_dmips.vhd @@ -1,3308 +1,3308 @@ -library ieee;
-use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-library work;
-use work.zpu_config.all;
-use work.zpupkg.all;
-entity dram is
-port (clk : in std_logic;
-areset : std_logic;
- mem_writeEnable : in std_logic;
- mem_readEnable : in std_logic;
- mem_addr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto 0);
- mem_write : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- mem_read : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- mem_busy : out std_logic;
- mem_writeMask : in std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0));
-end dram;
-architecture dram_arch of dram is
-type ram_type is array(natural range 0 to ((2**(maxAddrBitDRAM+1))/4)-1) of std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-shared variable ram : ram_type :=
-0 => x"0b0b0b0b",
-1 => x"82700b0b",
-2 => x"80d5f40c",
-3 => x"3a0b0b80",
-4 => x"c4fb0400",
-5 => x"00000000",
-6 => x"00000000",
-7 => x"00000000",
-8 => x"80088408",
-9 => x"88080b0b",
-10 => x"80c5c22d",
-11 => x"880c840c",
-12 => x"800c0400",
-13 => x"00000000",
-14 => x"00000000",
-15 => x"00000000",
-16 => x"71fd0608",
-17 => x"72830609",
-18 => x"81058205",
-19 => x"832b2a83",
-20 => x"ffff0652",
-21 => x"04000000",
-22 => x"00000000",
-23 => x"00000000",
-24 => x"71fd0608",
-25 => x"83ffff73",
-26 => x"83060981",
-27 => x"05820583",
-28 => x"2b2b0906",
-29 => x"7383ffff",
-30 => x"0b0b0b0b",
-31 => x"83a70400",
-32 => x"72098105",
-33 => x"72057373",
-34 => x"09060906",
-35 => x"73097306",
-36 => x"070a8106",
-37 => x"53510400",
-38 => x"00000000",
-39 => x"00000000",
-40 => x"72722473",
-41 => x"732e0753",
-42 => x"51040000",
-43 => x"00000000",
-44 => x"00000000",
-45 => x"00000000",
-46 => x"00000000",
-47 => x"00000000",
-48 => x"71737109",
-49 => x"71068106",
-50 => x"30720a10",
-51 => x"0a720a10",
-52 => x"0a31050a",
-53 => x"81065151",
-54 => x"53510400",
-55 => x"00000000",
-56 => x"72722673",
-57 => x"732e0753",
-58 => x"51040000",
-59 => x"00000000",
-60 => x"00000000",
-61 => x"00000000",
-62 => x"00000000",
-63 => x"00000000",
-64 => x"00000000",
-65 => x"00000000",
-66 => x"00000000",
-67 => x"00000000",
-68 => x"00000000",
-69 => x"00000000",
-70 => x"00000000",
-71 => x"00000000",
-72 => x"0b0b0b88",
-73 => x"c3040000",
-74 => x"00000000",
-75 => x"00000000",
-76 => x"00000000",
-77 => x"00000000",
-78 => x"00000000",
-79 => x"00000000",
-80 => x"720a722b",
-81 => x"0a535104",
-82 => x"00000000",
-83 => x"00000000",
-84 => x"00000000",
-85 => x"00000000",
-86 => x"00000000",
-87 => x"00000000",
-88 => x"72729f06",
-89 => x"0981050b",
-90 => x"0b0b88a6",
-91 => x"05040000",
-92 => x"00000000",
-93 => x"00000000",
-94 => x"00000000",
-95 => x"00000000",
-96 => x"72722aff",
-97 => x"739f062a",
-98 => x"0974090a",
-99 => x"8106ff05",
-100 => x"06075351",
-101 => x"04000000",
-102 => x"00000000",
-103 => x"00000000",
-104 => x"71715351",
-105 => x"020d0406",
-106 => x"73830609",
-107 => x"81058205",
-108 => x"832b0b2b",
-109 => x"0772fc06",
-110 => x"0c515104",
-111 => x"00000000",
-112 => x"72098105",
-113 => x"72050970",
-114 => x"81050906",
-115 => x"0a810653",
-116 => x"51040000",
-117 => x"00000000",
-118 => x"00000000",
-119 => x"00000000",
-120 => x"72098105",
-121 => x"72050970",
-122 => x"81050906",
-123 => x"0a098106",
-124 => x"53510400",
-125 => x"00000000",
-126 => x"00000000",
-127 => x"00000000",
-128 => x"71098105",
-129 => x"52040000",
-130 => x"00000000",
-131 => x"00000000",
-132 => x"00000000",
-133 => x"00000000",
-134 => x"00000000",
-135 => x"00000000",
-136 => x"72720981",
-137 => x"05055351",
-138 => x"04000000",
-139 => x"00000000",
-140 => x"00000000",
-141 => x"00000000",
-142 => x"00000000",
-143 => x"00000000",
-144 => x"72097206",
-145 => x"73730906",
-146 => x"07535104",
-147 => x"00000000",
-148 => x"00000000",
-149 => x"00000000",
-150 => x"00000000",
-151 => x"00000000",
-152 => x"71fc0608",
-153 => x"72830609",
-154 => x"81058305",
-155 => x"1010102a",
-156 => x"81ff0652",
-157 => x"04000000",
-158 => x"00000000",
-159 => x"00000000",
-160 => x"71fc0608",
-161 => x"0b0b80d5",
-162 => x"e0738306",
-163 => x"10100508",
-164 => x"060b0b0b",
-165 => x"88a90400",
-166 => x"00000000",
-167 => x"00000000",
-168 => x"80088408",
-169 => x"88087575",
-170 => x"0b0b0bad",
-171 => x"aa2d5050",
-172 => x"80085688",
-173 => x"0c840c80",
-174 => x"0c510400",
-175 => x"00000000",
-176 => x"80088408",
-177 => x"88087575",
-178 => x"0b0b0bad",
-179 => x"ee2d5050",
-180 => x"80085688",
-181 => x"0c840c80",
-182 => x"0c510400",
-183 => x"00000000",
-184 => x"72097081",
-185 => x"0509060a",
-186 => x"8106ff05",
-187 => x"70547106",
-188 => x"73097274",
-189 => x"05ff0506",
-190 => x"07515151",
-191 => x"04000000",
-192 => x"72097081",
-193 => x"0509060a",
-194 => x"098106ff",
-195 => x"05705471",
-196 => x"06730972",
-197 => x"7405ff05",
-198 => x"06075151",
-199 => x"51040000",
-200 => x"05ff0504",
-201 => x"00000000",
-202 => x"00000000",
-203 => x"00000000",
-204 => x"00000000",
-205 => x"00000000",
-206 => x"00000000",
-207 => x"00000000",
-208 => x"810b0b0b",
-209 => x"80d5f00c",
-210 => x"51040000",
-211 => x"00000000",
-212 => x"00000000",
-213 => x"00000000",
-214 => x"00000000",
-215 => x"00000000",
-216 => x"71810552",
-217 => x"04000000",
-218 => x"00000000",
-219 => x"00000000",
-220 => x"00000000",
-221 => x"00000000",
-222 => x"00000000",
-223 => x"00000000",
-224 => x"00000000",
-225 => x"00000000",
-226 => x"00000000",
-227 => x"00000000",
-228 => x"00000000",
-229 => x"00000000",
-230 => x"00000000",
-231 => x"00000000",
-232 => x"02840572",
-233 => x"10100552",
-234 => x"04000000",
-235 => x"00000000",
-236 => x"00000000",
-237 => x"00000000",
-238 => x"00000000",
-239 => x"00000000",
-240 => x"00000000",
-241 => x"00000000",
-242 => x"00000000",
-243 => x"00000000",
-244 => x"00000000",
-245 => x"00000000",
-246 => x"00000000",
-247 => x"00000000",
-248 => x"717105ff",
-249 => x"05715351",
-250 => x"020d0400",
-251 => x"00000000",
-252 => x"00000000",
-253 => x"00000000",
-254 => x"00000000",
-255 => x"00000000",
-256 => x"82fd3fbf",
-257 => x"a03f0410",
-258 => x"10101010",
-259 => x"10101010",
-260 => x"10101010",
-261 => x"10101010",
-262 => x"10101010",
-263 => x"10101010",
-264 => x"10101010",
-265 => x"10105351",
-266 => x"047381ff",
-267 => x"06738306",
-268 => x"09810583",
-269 => x"05101010",
-270 => x"2b0772fc",
-271 => x"060c5151",
-272 => x"043c0472",
-273 => x"72807281",
-274 => x"06ff0509",
-275 => x"72060571",
-276 => x"1052720a",
-277 => x"100a5372",
-278 => x"ed385151",
-279 => x"535104ff",
-280 => x"3d0d0b0b",
-281 => x"80e5e408",
-282 => x"52710870",
-283 => x"882a8132",
-284 => x"70810651",
-285 => x"515170f1",
-286 => x"3873720c",
-287 => x"833d0d04",
-288 => x"80d5f008",
-289 => x"802ea438",
-290 => x"80d5f408",
-291 => x"822ebd38",
-292 => x"8380800b",
-293 => x"0b0b80e5",
-294 => x"e40c82a0",
-295 => x"800b80e5",
-296 => x"e80c8290",
-297 => x"800b80e5",
-298 => x"ec0c04f8",
-299 => x"808080a4",
-300 => x"0b0b0b80",
-301 => x"e5e40cf8",
-302 => x"80808280",
-303 => x"0b80e5e8",
-304 => x"0cf88080",
-305 => x"84800b80",
-306 => x"e5ec0c04",
-307 => x"80c0a880",
-308 => x"8c0b0b0b",
-309 => x"80e5e40c",
-310 => x"80c0a880",
-311 => x"940b80e5",
-312 => x"e80c0b0b",
-313 => x"80c7d00b",
-314 => x"80e5ec0c",
-315 => x"04f23d0d",
-316 => x"6080e5e8",
-317 => x"08565d82",
-318 => x"750c8059",
-319 => x"805a800b",
-320 => x"8f3d5d5b",
-321 => x"7a101015",
-322 => x"70087108",
-323 => x"719f2c7e",
-324 => x"852b5855",
-325 => x"557d5359",
-326 => x"5799993f",
-327 => x"7d7f7a72",
-328 => x"077c7207",
-329 => x"71716081",
-330 => x"05415f5d",
-331 => x"5b595755",
-332 => x"817b278f",
-333 => x"38767d0c",
-334 => x"77841e0c",
-335 => x"7c800c90",
-336 => x"3d0d0480",
-337 => x"e5e80855",
-338 => x"ffba3970",
-339 => x"7080e5f0",
-340 => x"335170a7",
-341 => x"3880d5fc",
-342 => x"08700852",
-343 => x"5270802e",
-344 => x"94388412",
-345 => x"80d5fc0c",
-346 => x"702d80d5",
-347 => x"fc087008",
-348 => x"525270ee",
-349 => x"38810b80",
-350 => x"e5f03450",
-351 => x"50040470",
-352 => x"0b0b80e5",
-353 => x"e008802e",
-354 => x"8e380b0b",
-355 => x"0b0b800b",
-356 => x"802e0981",
-357 => x"06833850",
-358 => x"040b0b80",
-359 => x"e5e0510b",
-360 => x"0b0bf4dc",
-361 => x"3f500404",
-362 => x"ff3d0d02",
-363 => x"8f053352",
-364 => x"718a2e8a",
-365 => x"387151fd",
-366 => x"a63f833d",
-367 => x"0d048d51",
-368 => x"fd9d3f71",
-369 => x"51fd983f",
-370 => x"833d0d04",
-371 => x"ce3d0db5",
-372 => x"3d707084",
-373 => x"0552088b",
-374 => x"a85c56a5",
-375 => x"3d5e5c80",
-376 => x"75708105",
-377 => x"5733765b",
-378 => x"55587378",
-379 => x"2e80c138",
-380 => x"8e3d5b73",
-381 => x"a52e0981",
-382 => x"0680c538",
-383 => x"78708105",
-384 => x"5a335473",
-385 => x"80e42e81",
-386 => x"b6387380",
-387 => x"e42480c6",
-388 => x"387380e3",
-389 => x"2ea13880",
-390 => x"52a55179",
-391 => x"2d805273",
-392 => x"51792d82",
-393 => x"18587870",
-394 => x"81055a33",
-395 => x"5473c438",
-396 => x"77800cb4",
-397 => x"3d0d047b",
-398 => x"841d8312",
-399 => x"33565d57",
-400 => x"80527351",
-401 => x"792d8118",
-402 => x"79708105",
-403 => x"5b335558",
-404 => x"73ffa038",
-405 => x"db397380",
-406 => x"f32e0981",
-407 => x"06ffb838",
-408 => x"7b841d71",
-409 => x"08595d56",
-410 => x"80773355",
-411 => x"5673762e",
-412 => x"8d388116",
-413 => x"70187033",
-414 => x"57555674",
-415 => x"f538ff16",
-416 => x"55807625",
-417 => x"ffa03876",
-418 => x"70810558",
-419 => x"33548052",
-420 => x"7351792d",
-421 => x"811875ff",
-422 => x"17575758",
-423 => x"807625ff",
-424 => x"85387670",
-425 => x"81055833",
-426 => x"54805273",
-427 => x"51792d81",
-428 => x"1875ff17",
-429 => x"57575875",
-430 => x"8024cc38",
-431 => x"fee8397b",
-432 => x"841d7108",
-433 => x"70719f2c",
-434 => x"5953595d",
-435 => x"56807524",
-436 => x"81913875",
-437 => x"7d7c5856",
-438 => x"54805773",
-439 => x"772e0981",
-440 => x"06b638b0",
-441 => x"7b3402b5",
-442 => x"05567a76",
-443 => x"2e9738ff",
-444 => x"16567533",
-445 => x"75708105",
-446 => x"57348117",
-447 => x"577a762e",
-448 => x"098106eb",
-449 => x"38807534",
-450 => x"767dff12",
-451 => x"57585675",
-452 => x"8024fef3",
-453 => x"38fe8f39",
-454 => x"8a527351",
-455 => x"9fd03f80",
-456 => x"0880c7d4",
-457 => x"05337670",
-458 => x"81055834",
-459 => x"8a527351",
-460 => x"9ef83f80",
-461 => x"08548008",
-462 => x"802effae",
-463 => x"388a5273",
-464 => x"519fab3f",
-465 => x"800880c7",
-466 => x"d4053376",
-467 => x"70810558",
-468 => x"348a5273",
-469 => x"519ed33f",
-470 => x"80085480",
-471 => x"08ffb938",
-472 => x"ff883974",
-473 => x"527653b4",
-474 => x"3dffb805",
-475 => x"51949a3f",
-476 => x"a33d0856",
-477 => x"fedd3980",
-478 => x"3d0d80c1",
-479 => x"0b81b4bc",
-480 => x"34800b81",
-481 => x"b6980c70",
-482 => x"800c823d",
-483 => x"0d04ff3d",
-484 => x"0d800b81",
-485 => x"b4bc3352",
-486 => x"527080c1",
-487 => x"2e993871",
-488 => x"81b69808",
-489 => x"0781b698",
-490 => x"0c80c20b",
-491 => x"81b4c034",
-492 => x"70800c83",
-493 => x"3d0d0481",
-494 => x"0b81b698",
-495 => x"080781b6",
-496 => x"980c80c2",
-497 => x"0b81b4c0",
-498 => x"3470800c",
-499 => x"833d0d04",
-500 => x"fd3d0d75",
-501 => x"70088a05",
-502 => x"535381b4",
-503 => x"bc335170",
-504 => x"80c12e8b",
-505 => x"3873f338",
-506 => x"70800c85",
-507 => x"3d0d04ff",
-508 => x"127081b4",
-509 => x"b8083174",
-510 => x"0c800c85",
-511 => x"3d0d04fc",
-512 => x"3d0d81b4",
-513 => x"c4085574",
-514 => x"802e8c38",
-515 => x"76750871",
-516 => x"0c81b4c4",
-517 => x"0856548c",
-518 => x"155381b4",
-519 => x"b808528a",
-520 => x"518fd43f",
-521 => x"73800c86",
-522 => x"3d0d04fb",
-523 => x"3d0d7770",
-524 => x"085656b0",
-525 => x"5381b4c4",
-526 => x"08527451",
-527 => x"ab943f85",
-528 => x"0b8c170c",
-529 => x"850b8c16",
-530 => x"0c750875",
-531 => x"0c81b4c4",
-532 => x"08547380",
-533 => x"2e8a3873",
-534 => x"08750c81",
-535 => x"b4c40854",
-536 => x"8c145381",
-537 => x"b4b80852",
-538 => x"8a518f8b",
-539 => x"3f841508",
-540 => x"ad38860b",
-541 => x"8c160c88",
-542 => x"15528816",
-543 => x"08518e97",
-544 => x"3f81b4c4",
-545 => x"08700876",
-546 => x"0c548c15",
-547 => x"7054548a",
-548 => x"52730851",
-549 => x"8ee13f73",
-550 => x"800c873d",
-551 => x"0d047508",
-552 => x"54b05373",
-553 => x"527551aa",
-554 => x"a93f7380",
-555 => x"0c873d0d",
-556 => x"04d93d0d",
-557 => x"b0519dcf",
-558 => x"3f800881",
-559 => x"b4b40cb0",
-560 => x"519dc43f",
-561 => x"800881b4",
-562 => x"c40c81b4",
-563 => x"b4088008",
-564 => x"0c800b80",
-565 => x"0884050c",
-566 => x"820b8008",
-567 => x"88050ca8",
-568 => x"0b80088c",
-569 => x"050c9f53",
-570 => x"80c7e052",
-571 => x"80089005",
-572 => x"51a9df3f",
-573 => x"a13d5e9f",
-574 => x"5380c880",
-575 => x"527d51a9",
-576 => x"d13f8a0b",
-577 => x"80f2f80c",
-578 => x"80d2a451",
-579 => x"f9be3f80",
-580 => x"c8a051f9",
-581 => x"b73f80d2",
-582 => x"a451f9b0",
-583 => x"3f80d684",
-584 => x"08802e89",
-585 => x"d33880c8",
-586 => x"d051f9a0",
-587 => x"3f80d2a4",
-588 => x"51f9993f",
-589 => x"80d68008",
-590 => x"5280c8fc",
-591 => x"51f98d3f",
-592 => x"80e69451",
-593 => x"b2ff3f81",
-594 => x"0b9a3d5e",
-595 => x"5b800b80",
-596 => x"d6800825",
-597 => x"82d43890",
-598 => x"3d5f80c1",
-599 => x"0b81b4bc",
-600 => x"34810b81",
-601 => x"b6980c80",
-602 => x"c20b81b4",
-603 => x"c0348240",
-604 => x"835a9f53",
-605 => x"80c9ac52",
-606 => x"7c51a8d6",
-607 => x"3f814180",
-608 => x"7d537e52",
-609 => x"568e943f",
-610 => x"8008762e",
-611 => x"09810683",
-612 => x"38815675",
-613 => x"81b6980c",
-614 => x"7f705856",
-615 => x"758325a2",
-616 => x"38751010",
-617 => x"16fd0542",
-618 => x"a93dffa4",
-619 => x"05538352",
-620 => x"76518cc3",
-621 => x"3f7f8105",
-622 => x"70417058",
-623 => x"56837624",
-624 => x"e0386154",
-625 => x"755380e6",
-626 => x"9c5281b4",
-627 => x"d0518cb7",
-628 => x"3f81b4c4",
-629 => x"08700858",
-630 => x"58b05377",
-631 => x"527651a7",
-632 => x"f13f850b",
-633 => x"8c190c85",
-634 => x"0b8c180c",
-635 => x"7708770c",
-636 => x"81b4c408",
-637 => x"5675802e",
-638 => x"8a387508",
-639 => x"770c81b4",
-640 => x"c408568c",
-641 => x"165381b4",
-642 => x"b808528a",
-643 => x"518be83f",
-644 => x"84170887",
-645 => x"ea38860b",
-646 => x"8c180c88",
-647 => x"17528818",
-648 => x"08518af3",
-649 => x"3f81b4c4",
-650 => x"08700878",
-651 => x"0c568c17",
-652 => x"7054598a",
-653 => x"52780851",
-654 => x"8bbd3f80",
-655 => x"c10b81b4",
-656 => x"c0335757",
-657 => x"767626a2",
-658 => x"3880c352",
-659 => x"76518ca1",
-660 => x"3f800861",
-661 => x"2e89e438",
-662 => x"81177081",
-663 => x"ff0681b4",
-664 => x"c0335858",
-665 => x"58757727",
-666 => x"e0387960",
-667 => x"29627054",
-668 => x"71535b59",
-669 => x"98b43f80",
-670 => x"0840787a",
-671 => x"31708729",
-672 => x"80083180",
-673 => x"088a0581",
-674 => x"b4bc3381",
-675 => x"b4b8085e",
-676 => x"5b525a56",
-677 => x"7780c12e",
-678 => x"89ce387b",
-679 => x"f738811b",
-680 => x"5b80d680",
-681 => x"087b25fd",
-682 => x"b13881b4",
-683 => x"ac51b095",
-684 => x"3f80c9cc",
-685 => x"51f6953f",
-686 => x"80d2a451",
-687 => x"f68e3f80",
-688 => x"c9dc51f6",
-689 => x"873f80d2",
-690 => x"a451f680",
-691 => x"3f81b4b8",
-692 => x"085280ca",
-693 => x"9451f5f4",
-694 => x"3f855280",
-695 => x"cab051f5",
-696 => x"eb3f81b6",
-697 => x"98085280",
-698 => x"cacc51f5",
-699 => x"df3f8152",
-700 => x"80cab051",
-701 => x"f5d63f81",
-702 => x"b4bc3352",
-703 => x"80cae851",
-704 => x"f5ca3f80",
-705 => x"c15280cb",
-706 => x"8451f5c0",
-707 => x"3f81b4c0",
-708 => x"335280cb",
-709 => x"a051f5b4",
-710 => x"3f80c252",
-711 => x"80cb8451",
-712 => x"f5aa3f81",
-713 => x"b4f00852",
-714 => x"80cbbc51",
-715 => x"f59e3f87",
-716 => x"5280cab0",
-717 => x"51f5953f",
-718 => x"80f2f808",
-719 => x"5280cbd8",
-720 => x"51f5893f",
-721 => x"80cbf451",
-722 => x"f5823f80",
-723 => x"cca051f4",
-724 => x"fb3f81b4",
-725 => x"c4087008",
-726 => x"535a80cc",
-727 => x"ac51f4ec",
-728 => x"3f80ccc8",
-729 => x"51f4e53f",
-730 => x"81b4c408",
-731 => x"84110853",
-732 => x"5680ccfc",
-733 => x"51f4d53f",
-734 => x"805280ca",
-735 => x"b051f4cc",
-736 => x"3f81b4c4",
-737 => x"08881108",
-738 => x"535880cd",
-739 => x"9851f4bc",
-740 => x"3f825280",
-741 => x"cab051f4",
-742 => x"b33f81b4",
-743 => x"c4088c11",
-744 => x"08535780",
-745 => x"cdb451f4",
-746 => x"a33f9152",
-747 => x"80cab051",
-748 => x"f49a3f81",
-749 => x"b4c40890",
-750 => x"055280cd",
-751 => x"d051f48c",
-752 => x"3f80cdec",
-753 => x"51f4853f",
-754 => x"80cea451",
-755 => x"f3fe3f81",
-756 => x"b4b40870",
-757 => x"08535f80",
-758 => x"ccac51f3",
-759 => x"ef3f80ce",
-760 => x"b851f3e8",
-761 => x"3f81b4b4",
-762 => x"08841108",
-763 => x"535b80cc",
-764 => x"fc51f3d8",
-765 => x"3f805280",
-766 => x"cab051f3",
-767 => x"cf3f81b4",
-768 => x"b4088811",
-769 => x"08535c80",
-770 => x"cd9851f3",
-771 => x"bf3f8152",
-772 => x"80cab051",
-773 => x"f3b63f81",
-774 => x"b4b4088c",
-775 => x"1108535a",
-776 => x"80cdb451",
-777 => x"f3a63f92",
-778 => x"5280cab0",
-779 => x"51f39d3f",
-780 => x"81b4b408",
-781 => x"90055280",
-782 => x"cdd051f3",
-783 => x"8f3f80cd",
-784 => x"ec51f388",
-785 => x"3f7f5280",
-786 => x"cef851f2",
-787 => x"ff3f8552",
-788 => x"80cab051",
-789 => x"f2f63f78",
-790 => x"5280cf94",
-791 => x"51f2ed3f",
-792 => x"8d5280ca",
-793 => x"b051f2e4",
-794 => x"3f615280",
-795 => x"cfb051f2",
-796 => x"db3f8752",
-797 => x"80cab051",
-798 => x"f2d23f60",
-799 => x"5280cfcc",
-800 => x"51f2c93f",
-801 => x"815280ca",
-802 => x"b051f2c0",
-803 => x"3f7d5280",
-804 => x"cfe851f2",
-805 => x"b73f80d0",
-806 => x"8451f2b0",
-807 => x"3f7c5280",
-808 => x"d0bc51f2",
-809 => x"a73f80d0",
-810 => x"d851f2a0",
-811 => x"3f80d2a4",
-812 => x"51f2993f",
-813 => x"81b4ac08",
-814 => x"81b4b008",
-815 => x"80e69408",
-816 => x"80e69808",
-817 => x"72713170",
-818 => x"74267574",
-819 => x"31707231",
-820 => x"80e68c0c",
-821 => x"444480e6",
-822 => x"900c80e6",
-823 => x"90085680",
-824 => x"d190555c",
-825 => x"595758f1",
-826 => x"e33f80e6",
-827 => x"8c085680",
-828 => x"762582a3",
-829 => x"3880d680",
-830 => x"0870719f",
-831 => x"2c9a3d53",
-832 => x"565680e6",
-833 => x"8c0880e6",
-834 => x"90084153",
-835 => x"7f547052",
-836 => x"5a89eb3f",
-837 => x"66685f80",
-838 => x"e5fc0c7d",
-839 => x"80e6800c",
-840 => x"80d68008",
-841 => x"709f2c58",
-842 => x"568058bd",
-843 => x"84c07855",
-844 => x"55765275",
-845 => x"53795187",
-846 => x"d13f953d",
-847 => x"80e68c08",
-848 => x"80e69008",
-849 => x"41557f56",
-850 => x"67694053",
-851 => x"7e547052",
-852 => x"5c89ab3f",
-853 => x"64665e80",
-854 => x"e6840c7c",
-855 => x"80e6880c",
-856 => x"80d68008",
-857 => x"709f2c40",
-858 => x"58805783",
-859 => x"dceb9480",
-860 => x"7755557e",
-861 => x"5277537b",
-862 => x"51878f3f",
-863 => x"64665d5b",
-864 => x"805e8ddd",
-865 => x"7e555580",
-866 => x"e68c0880",
-867 => x"e6900859",
-868 => x"52775379",
-869 => x"5186f33f",
-870 => x"66684054",
-871 => x"7e557a52",
-872 => x"7b53a93d",
-873 => x"ffa80551",
-874 => x"88d43f62",
-875 => x"645e81b4",
-876 => x"c80c7c81",
-877 => x"b4cc0c80",
-878 => x"d1a051f0",
-879 => x"8f3f80e6",
-880 => x"80085280",
-881 => x"d1d051f0",
-882 => x"833f80d1",
-883 => x"d851effc",
-884 => x"3f80e688",
-885 => x"085280d1",
-886 => x"d051eff0",
-887 => x"3f81b4cc",
-888 => x"085280d2",
-889 => x"8851efe4",
-890 => x"3f80d2a4",
-891 => x"51efdd3f",
-892 => x"800b800c",
-893 => x"a93d0d04",
-894 => x"80d2a851",
-895 => x"f6ac3977",
-896 => x"0857b053",
-897 => x"76527751",
-898 => x"9fc83f80",
-899 => x"c10b81b4",
-900 => x"c0335757",
-901 => x"f8ae3975",
-902 => x"8a3880e6",
-903 => x"90088126",
-904 => x"fdd33880",
-905 => x"d2d851ef",
-906 => x"a33f80d3",
-907 => x"9051ef9c",
-908 => x"3f80d2a4",
-909 => x"51ef953f",
-910 => x"80d68008",
-911 => x"70719f2c",
-912 => x"9a3d5356",
-913 => x"5680e68c",
-914 => x"0880e690",
-915 => x"0841537f",
-916 => x"5470525a",
-917 => x"87a83f66",
-918 => x"685f80e5",
-919 => x"fc0c7d80",
-920 => x"e6800c80",
-921 => x"d6800870",
-922 => x"9f2c5856",
-923 => x"8058bd84",
-924 => x"c0785555",
-925 => x"76527553",
-926 => x"7951858e",
-927 => x"3f953d80",
-928 => x"e68c0880",
-929 => x"e6900841",
-930 => x"557f5667",
-931 => x"6940537e",
-932 => x"5470525c",
-933 => x"86e83f64",
-934 => x"665e80e6",
-935 => x"840c7c80",
-936 => x"e6880c80",
-937 => x"d6800870",
-938 => x"9f2c4058",
-939 => x"805783dc",
-940 => x"eb948077",
-941 => x"55557e52",
-942 => x"77537b51",
-943 => x"84cc3f64",
-944 => x"665d5b80",
-945 => x"5e8ddd7e",
-946 => x"555580e6",
-947 => x"8c0880e6",
-948 => x"90085952",
-949 => x"77537951",
-950 => x"84b03f66",
-951 => x"6840547e",
-952 => x"557a527b",
-953 => x"53a93dff",
-954 => x"a8055186",
-955 => x"913f6264",
-956 => x"5e81b4c8",
-957 => x"0c7c81b4",
-958 => x"cc0c80d1",
-959 => x"a051edcc",
-960 => x"3f80e680",
-961 => x"085280d1",
-962 => x"d051edc0",
-963 => x"3f80d1d8",
-964 => x"51edb93f",
-965 => x"80e68808",
-966 => x"5280d1d0",
-967 => x"51edad3f",
-968 => x"81b4cc08",
-969 => x"5280d288",
-970 => x"51eda13f",
-971 => x"80d2a451",
-972 => x"ed9a3f80",
-973 => x"0b800ca9",
-974 => x"3d0d04a9",
-975 => x"3dffa005",
-976 => x"52805180",
-977 => x"d23f9f53",
-978 => x"80d3b052",
-979 => x"7c519d82",
-980 => x"3f7a7b81",
-981 => x"b4b80c81",
-982 => x"187081ff",
-983 => x"0681b4c0",
-984 => x"33595959",
-985 => x"5af5fe39",
-986 => x"ff16707b",
-987 => x"31600c5c",
-988 => x"800b811c",
-989 => x"5c5c80d6",
-990 => x"80087b25",
-991 => x"f3dc38f6",
-992 => x"a939ff3d",
-993 => x"0d738232",
-994 => x"70307072",
-995 => x"07802580",
-996 => x"0c525283",
-997 => x"3d0d04fe",
-998 => x"3d0d7476",
-999 => x"71535452",
-1000 => x"71822e83",
-1001 => x"38835171",
-1002 => x"812e9a38",
-1003 => x"8172269f",
-1004 => x"3871822e",
-1005 => x"b8387184",
-1006 => x"2ea93870",
-1007 => x"730c7080",
-1008 => x"0c843d0d",
-1009 => x"0480e40b",
-1010 => x"81b4b808",
-1011 => x"258b3880",
-1012 => x"730c7080",
-1013 => x"0c843d0d",
-1014 => x"0483730c",
-1015 => x"70800c84",
-1016 => x"3d0d0482",
-1017 => x"730c7080",
-1018 => x"0c843d0d",
-1019 => x"0481730c",
-1020 => x"70800c84",
-1021 => x"3d0d0480",
-1022 => x"3d0d7474",
-1023 => x"14820571",
-1024 => x"0c800c82",
-1025 => x"3d0d04f7",
-1026 => x"3d0d7b7d",
-1027 => x"7f618512",
-1028 => x"70822b75",
-1029 => x"11707471",
-1030 => x"70840553",
-1031 => x"0c5a5a5d",
-1032 => x"5b760c79",
-1033 => x"80f8180c",
-1034 => x"79861252",
-1035 => x"57585a5a",
-1036 => x"76762499",
-1037 => x"3876b329",
-1038 => x"822b7911",
-1039 => x"51537673",
-1040 => x"70840555",
-1041 => x"0c811454",
-1042 => x"757425f2",
-1043 => x"387681cc",
-1044 => x"2919fc11",
-1045 => x"088105fc",
-1046 => x"120c7a19",
-1047 => x"70089fa0",
-1048 => x"130c5856",
-1049 => x"850b81b4",
-1050 => x"b80c7580",
-1051 => x"0c8b3d0d",
-1052 => x"04fe3d0d",
-1053 => x"02930533",
-1054 => x"51800284",
-1055 => x"05970533",
-1056 => x"54527073",
-1057 => x"2e883871",
-1058 => x"800c843d",
-1059 => x"0d047081",
-1060 => x"b4bc3481",
-1061 => x"0b800c84",
-1062 => x"3d0d04f8",
-1063 => x"3d0d7a7c",
-1064 => x"5956820b",
-1065 => x"83195555",
-1066 => x"74167033",
-1067 => x"75335b51",
-1068 => x"5372792e",
-1069 => x"80c63880",
-1070 => x"c10b8116",
-1071 => x"81165656",
-1072 => x"57827525",
-1073 => x"e338ffa9",
-1074 => x"177081ff",
-1075 => x"06555973",
-1076 => x"82268338",
-1077 => x"87558153",
-1078 => x"7680d22e",
-1079 => x"98387752",
-1080 => x"75519bc3",
-1081 => x"3f805372",
-1082 => x"80082589",
-1083 => x"38871581",
-1084 => x"b4b80c81",
-1085 => x"5372800c",
-1086 => x"8a3d0d04",
-1087 => x"7281b4bc",
-1088 => x"34827525",
-1089 => x"ffa238ff",
-1090 => x"bd39ef3d",
-1091 => x"0d636567",
-1092 => x"5b427943",
-1093 => x"67695940",
-1094 => x"77415a80",
-1095 => x"5d805e61",
-1096 => x"7083ffff",
-1097 => x"0671902a",
-1098 => x"627083ff",
-1099 => x"ff067190",
-1100 => x"2a747229",
-1101 => x"74732975",
-1102 => x"73297774",
-1103 => x"2973902a",
-1104 => x"05721151",
-1105 => x"5856535f",
-1106 => x"5a575a58",
-1107 => x"55587373",
-1108 => x"27863884",
-1109 => x"80801656",
-1110 => x"73902a16",
-1111 => x"5b7883ff",
-1112 => x"ff067484",
-1113 => x"80802905",
-1114 => x"5c7a7c5a",
-1115 => x"5d785e77",
-1116 => x"7f296178",
-1117 => x"29057d05",
-1118 => x"5d7c7e56",
-1119 => x"7a0c7484",
-1120 => x"1b0c7980",
-1121 => x"0c933d0d",
-1122 => x"04f93d0d",
-1123 => x"797b7d54",
-1124 => x"58725977",
-1125 => x"30797030",
-1126 => x"7072079f",
-1127 => x"2a737131",
-1128 => x"5a525977",
-1129 => x"7956730c",
-1130 => x"53738413",
-1131 => x"0c54800c",
-1132 => x"893d0d04",
-1133 => x"f93d0d79",
-1134 => x"7b7d7f56",
-1135 => x"54525472",
-1136 => x"802ea038",
-1137 => x"70577158",
-1138 => x"a0733152",
-1139 => x"807225a1",
-1140 => x"38777074",
-1141 => x"2b577073",
-1142 => x"2a78752b",
-1143 => x"07565174",
-1144 => x"76535170",
-1145 => x"740c7184",
-1146 => x"150c7380",
-1147 => x"0c893d0d",
-1148 => x"04805677",
-1149 => x"72302b55",
-1150 => x"74765351",
-1151 => x"e639e43d",
-1152 => x"0d6ea13d",
-1153 => x"08a33d08",
-1154 => x"59575f80",
-1155 => x"764d774e",
-1156 => x"a33d08a5",
-1157 => x"3d08574b",
-1158 => x"754c5e7d",
-1159 => x"6c2486fb",
-1160 => x"38806a24",
-1161 => x"878f3869",
-1162 => x"6b58566b",
-1163 => x"6d5d467b",
-1164 => x"47754476",
-1165 => x"45646468",
-1166 => x"685c5c56",
-1167 => x"567481e7",
-1168 => x"38787627",
-1169 => x"82c73875",
-1170 => x"81ff2683",
-1171 => x"2b5583ff",
-1172 => x"ff76278c",
-1173 => x"389055fe",
-1174 => x"800a7627",
-1175 => x"83389855",
-1176 => x"75752a80",
-1177 => x"d3d00570",
-1178 => x"33a07731",
-1179 => x"71315755",
-1180 => x"5774802e",
-1181 => x"95387575",
-1182 => x"2ba07631",
-1183 => x"7a772b7c",
-1184 => x"722a077c",
-1185 => x"782b5d5b",
-1186 => x"59567590",
-1187 => x"2a7683ff",
-1188 => x"ff067154",
-1189 => x"7a535957",
-1190 => x"88803f80",
-1191 => x"085b87ea",
-1192 => x"3f800880",
-1193 => x"0879297c",
-1194 => x"902b7c90",
-1195 => x"2a075656",
-1196 => x"59737527",
-1197 => x"94388008",
-1198 => x"ff057615",
-1199 => x"55597574",
-1200 => x"26873874",
-1201 => x"742687b9",
-1202 => x"38765273",
-1203 => x"75315187",
-1204 => x"c93f8008",
-1205 => x"5587b33f",
-1206 => x"80088008",
-1207 => x"79297b83",
-1208 => x"ffff0677",
-1209 => x"902b0756",
-1210 => x"59577378",
-1211 => x"27963880",
-1212 => x"08ff0576",
-1213 => x"15555775",
-1214 => x"74268938",
-1215 => x"77742677",
-1216 => x"71315856",
-1217 => x"78902b77",
-1218 => x"0758805b",
-1219 => x"7a407741",
-1220 => x"7f615654",
-1221 => x"7d80d938",
-1222 => x"737f0c74",
-1223 => x"7f84050c",
-1224 => x"7e800c9e",
-1225 => x"3d0d0480",
-1226 => x"705c5874",
-1227 => x"7926dd38",
-1228 => x"7481ff26",
-1229 => x"832b5774",
-1230 => x"83ffff26",
-1231 => x"82a53874",
-1232 => x"772a80d3",
-1233 => x"d0057033",
-1234 => x"a0793171",
-1235 => x"31595c5d",
-1236 => x"7682b338",
-1237 => x"76547479",
-1238 => x"27833881",
-1239 => x"54797627",
-1240 => x"74075981",
-1241 => x"5878ffa2",
-1242 => x"38765880",
-1243 => x"5bff9d39",
-1244 => x"73527453",
-1245 => x"9e3de805",
-1246 => x"51fc8e3f",
-1247 => x"6769567f",
-1248 => x"0c747f84",
-1249 => x"050c7e80",
-1250 => x"0c9e3d0d",
-1251 => x"0475802e",
-1252 => x"81c43875",
-1253 => x"81ff2683",
-1254 => x"2b5583ff",
-1255 => x"ff76278c",
-1256 => x"389055fe",
-1257 => x"800a7627",
-1258 => x"83389855",
-1259 => x"75752a80",
-1260 => x"d3d00570",
-1261 => x"33a07731",
-1262 => x"7131575e",
-1263 => x"54748491",
-1264 => x"38787631",
-1265 => x"54817690",
-1266 => x"2a7783ff",
-1267 => x"ff065f5d",
-1268 => x"5b7b5273",
-1269 => x"5185c33f",
-1270 => x"80085785",
-1271 => x"ad3f8008",
-1272 => x"80087e29",
-1273 => x"78902b7c",
-1274 => x"902a0756",
-1275 => x"56597375",
-1276 => x"27943880",
-1277 => x"08ff0576",
-1278 => x"15555975",
-1279 => x"74268738",
-1280 => x"74742684",
-1281 => x"f3387b52",
-1282 => x"73753151",
-1283 => x"858c3f80",
-1284 => x"085584f6",
-1285 => x"3f800880",
-1286 => x"087e297b",
-1287 => x"83ffff06",
-1288 => x"77902b07",
-1289 => x"56595773",
-1290 => x"78279638",
-1291 => x"8008ff05",
-1292 => x"76155557",
-1293 => x"75742689",
-1294 => x"38777426",
-1295 => x"77713158",
-1296 => x"5a78902b",
-1297 => x"77077b41",
-1298 => x"417f6156",
-1299 => x"547d802e",
-1300 => x"fdc638fe",
-1301 => x"9b397552",
-1302 => x"815184ae",
-1303 => x"3f800856",
-1304 => x"feb13990",
-1305 => x"57fe800a",
-1306 => x"7527fdd3",
-1307 => x"38987571",
-1308 => x"2a80d3d0",
-1309 => x"057033a0",
-1310 => x"73317131",
-1311 => x"535d5e57",
-1312 => x"76802efd",
-1313 => x"cf38a077",
-1314 => x"3175782b",
-1315 => x"77722a07",
-1316 => x"77792b7b",
-1317 => x"7a2b7d74",
-1318 => x"2a077d7b",
-1319 => x"2b73902a",
-1320 => x"7483ffff",
-1321 => x"0671597f",
-1322 => x"772a585e",
-1323 => x"5c415f58",
-1324 => x"5c5483e6",
-1325 => x"3f800854",
-1326 => x"83d03f80",
-1327 => x"08800879",
-1328 => x"2975902b",
-1329 => x"7e902a07",
-1330 => x"56565973",
-1331 => x"75279938",
-1332 => x"8008ff05",
-1333 => x"7b155559",
-1334 => x"7a74268c",
-1335 => x"38737527",
-1336 => x"8738ff19",
-1337 => x"7b155559",
-1338 => x"76527375",
-1339 => x"315183aa",
-1340 => x"3f800855",
-1341 => x"83943f80",
-1342 => x"08800879",
-1343 => x"297d83ff",
-1344 => x"ff067790",
-1345 => x"2b075659",
-1346 => x"57737827",
-1347 => x"99388008",
-1348 => x"ff057b15",
-1349 => x"55577a74",
-1350 => x"268c3873",
-1351 => x"78278738",
-1352 => x"ff177b15",
-1353 => x"55577378",
-1354 => x"3179902b",
-1355 => x"78077083",
-1356 => x"ffff0671",
-1357 => x"902a7983",
-1358 => x"ffff067a",
-1359 => x"902a7372",
-1360 => x"29737329",
-1361 => x"74732976",
-1362 => x"74297390",
-1363 => x"2a057205",
-1364 => x"5755435f",
-1365 => x"5b585a57",
-1366 => x"595a747c",
-1367 => x"27863884",
-1368 => x"80801757",
-1369 => x"74902a17",
-1370 => x"7983ffff",
-1371 => x"06768480",
-1372 => x"80290557",
-1373 => x"57767a26",
-1374 => x"9a38767a",
-1375 => x"32703070",
-1376 => x"72078025",
-1377 => x"565a5b7c",
-1378 => x"7627fafe",
-1379 => x"3873802e",
-1380 => x"faf838ff",
-1381 => x"1858805b",
-1382 => x"faf239ff",
-1383 => x"76537754",
-1384 => x"9f3de805",
-1385 => x"525ef7e1",
-1386 => x"3f676957",
-1387 => x"4c754d69",
-1388 => x"8025f8f3",
-1389 => x"387d096a",
-1390 => x"6c5c537a",
-1391 => x"549f3de8",
-1392 => x"05525ef7",
-1393 => x"c43f6769",
-1394 => x"714c704d",
-1395 => x"5856f8db",
-1396 => x"39a07531",
-1397 => x"76762b7a",
-1398 => x"772b7c73",
-1399 => x"2a077c78",
-1400 => x"2b72902a",
-1401 => x"7383ffff",
-1402 => x"0671587e",
-1403 => x"762a5742",
-1404 => x"405d5d57",
-1405 => x"5881a33f",
-1406 => x"80085781",
-1407 => x"8d3f8008",
-1408 => x"80087e29",
-1409 => x"78902b7d",
-1410 => x"902a0756",
-1411 => x"56597375",
-1412 => x"27993880",
-1413 => x"08ff0576",
-1414 => x"15555975",
-1415 => x"74268c38",
-1416 => x"73752787",
-1417 => x"38ff1976",
-1418 => x"1555597b",
-1419 => x"52737531",
-1420 => x"5180e73f",
-1421 => x"80085580",
-1422 => x"d13f8008",
-1423 => x"80087e29",
-1424 => x"7c83ffff",
-1425 => x"06707890",
-1426 => x"2b075156",
-1427 => x"58587377",
-1428 => x"27993880",
-1429 => x"08ff0576",
-1430 => x"15555875",
-1431 => x"74268c38",
-1432 => x"73772787",
-1433 => x"38ff1876",
-1434 => x"15555878",
-1435 => x"902b7807",
-1436 => x"74783155",
-1437 => x"5bfada39",
-1438 => x"ff197615",
-1439 => x"5559fb86",
-1440 => x"39ff1976",
-1441 => x"155559f8",
-1442 => x"c0397070",
-1443 => x"70805375",
-1444 => x"52745181",
-1445 => x"913f5050",
-1446 => x"50047070",
-1447 => x"70815375",
-1448 => x"52745181",
-1449 => x"813f5050",
-1450 => x"5004fb3d",
-1451 => x"0d777955",
-1452 => x"55805675",
-1453 => x"7524ab38",
-1454 => x"8074249d",
-1455 => x"38805373",
-1456 => x"52745180",
-1457 => x"e13f8008",
-1458 => x"5475802e",
-1459 => x"85388008",
-1460 => x"30547380",
-1461 => x"0c873d0d",
-1462 => x"04733076",
-1463 => x"81325754",
-1464 => x"dc397430",
-1465 => x"55815673",
-1466 => x"8025d238",
-1467 => x"ec39fa3d",
-1468 => x"0d787a57",
-1469 => x"55805776",
-1470 => x"7524a438",
-1471 => x"759f2c54",
-1472 => x"81537574",
-1473 => x"32743152",
-1474 => x"74519b3f",
-1475 => x"80085476",
-1476 => x"802e8538",
-1477 => x"80083054",
-1478 => x"73800c88",
-1479 => x"3d0d0474",
-1480 => x"30558157",
-1481 => x"d739fc3d",
-1482 => x"0d767853",
-1483 => x"54815380",
-1484 => x"74732652",
-1485 => x"5572802e",
-1486 => x"98387080",
-1487 => x"2eab3880",
-1488 => x"7224a638",
-1489 => x"71107310",
-1490 => x"75722653",
-1491 => x"545272ea",
-1492 => x"38735178",
-1493 => x"83387451",
-1494 => x"70800c86",
-1495 => x"3d0d0472",
-1496 => x"0a100a72",
-1497 => x"0a100a53",
-1498 => x"5372802e",
-1499 => x"e4387174",
-1500 => x"26ed3873",
-1501 => x"72317574",
-1502 => x"07740a10",
-1503 => x"0a740a10",
-1504 => x"0a555556",
-1505 => x"54e33970",
-1506 => x"70735280",
-1507 => x"decc0851",
-1508 => x"933f5050",
-1509 => x"04707073",
-1510 => x"5280decc",
-1511 => x"085190ce",
-1512 => x"3f505004",
-1513 => x"f43d0d7e",
-1514 => x"608b1170",
-1515 => x"f8065b55",
-1516 => x"555d7296",
-1517 => x"26833890",
-1518 => x"58807824",
-1519 => x"74792607",
-1520 => x"55805474",
-1521 => x"742e0981",
-1522 => x"0680ca38",
-1523 => x"7c518d9e",
-1524 => x"3f7783f7",
-1525 => x"2680c538",
-1526 => x"77832a70",
-1527 => x"10101080",
-1528 => x"d6c4058c",
-1529 => x"11085858",
-1530 => x"5475772e",
-1531 => x"81f03884",
-1532 => x"1608fc06",
-1533 => x"8c170888",
-1534 => x"1808718c",
-1535 => x"120c8812",
-1536 => x"0c5b7605",
-1537 => x"84110881",
-1538 => x"0784120c",
-1539 => x"537c518c",
-1540 => x"de3f8816",
-1541 => x"5473800c",
-1542 => x"8e3d0d04",
-1543 => x"77892a78",
-1544 => x"832a5854",
-1545 => x"73802ebf",
-1546 => x"3877862a",
-1547 => x"b8055784",
-1548 => x"7427b438",
-1549 => x"80db1457",
-1550 => x"947427ab",
-1551 => x"38778c2a",
-1552 => x"80ee0557",
-1553 => x"80d47427",
-1554 => x"9e38778f",
-1555 => x"2a80f705",
-1556 => x"5782d474",
-1557 => x"27913877",
-1558 => x"922a80fc",
-1559 => x"05578ad4",
-1560 => x"74278438",
-1561 => x"80fe5776",
-1562 => x"10101080",
-1563 => x"d6c4058c",
-1564 => x"11085653",
-1565 => x"74732ea3",
-1566 => x"38841508",
-1567 => x"fc067079",
-1568 => x"31555673",
-1569 => x"8f2488e4",
-1570 => x"38738025",
-1571 => x"88e6388c",
-1572 => x"15085574",
-1573 => x"732e0981",
-1574 => x"06df3881",
-1575 => x"175980d6",
-1576 => x"d4085675",
-1577 => x"80d6cc2e",
-1578 => x"82cc3884",
-1579 => x"1608fc06",
-1580 => x"70793155",
-1581 => x"55738f24",
-1582 => x"bb3880d6",
-1583 => x"cc0b80d6",
-1584 => x"d80c80d6",
-1585 => x"cc0b80d6",
-1586 => x"d40c8074",
-1587 => x"2480db38",
-1588 => x"74168411",
-1589 => x"08810784",
-1590 => x"120c53fe",
-1591 => x"b0398816",
-1592 => x"8c110857",
-1593 => x"5975792e",
-1594 => x"098106fe",
-1595 => x"82388214",
-1596 => x"59ffab39",
-1597 => x"77167881",
-1598 => x"0784180c",
-1599 => x"7080d6d8",
-1600 => x"0c7080d6",
-1601 => x"d40c80d6",
-1602 => x"cc0b8c12",
-1603 => x"0c8c1108",
-1604 => x"88120c74",
-1605 => x"81078412",
-1606 => x"0c740574",
-1607 => x"710c5b7c",
-1608 => x"518acc3f",
-1609 => x"881654fd",
-1610 => x"ec3983ff",
-1611 => x"75278391",
-1612 => x"3874892a",
-1613 => x"75832a54",
-1614 => x"5473802e",
-1615 => x"bf387486",
-1616 => x"2ab80553",
-1617 => x"847427b4",
-1618 => x"3880db14",
-1619 => x"53947427",
-1620 => x"ab38748c",
-1621 => x"2a80ee05",
-1622 => x"5380d474",
-1623 => x"279e3874",
-1624 => x"8f2a80f7",
-1625 => x"055382d4",
-1626 => x"74279138",
-1627 => x"74922a80",
-1628 => x"fc05538a",
-1629 => x"d4742784",
-1630 => x"3880fe53",
-1631 => x"72101010",
-1632 => x"80d6c405",
-1633 => x"88110855",
-1634 => x"5773772e",
-1635 => x"868b3884",
-1636 => x"1408fc06",
-1637 => x"5b747b27",
-1638 => x"8d388814",
-1639 => x"08547377",
-1640 => x"2e098106",
-1641 => x"ea388c14",
-1642 => x"0880d6c4",
-1643 => x"0b840508",
-1644 => x"718c190c",
-1645 => x"7588190c",
-1646 => x"7788130c",
-1647 => x"5c57758c",
-1648 => x"150c7853",
-1649 => x"80792483",
-1650 => x"98387282",
-1651 => x"2c81712b",
-1652 => x"5656747b",
-1653 => x"2680ca38",
-1654 => x"7a750657",
-1655 => x"7682a338",
-1656 => x"78fc0684",
-1657 => x"05597410",
-1658 => x"707c0655",
-1659 => x"55738292",
-1660 => x"38841959",
-1661 => x"f13980d6",
-1662 => x"c40b8405",
-1663 => x"0879545b",
-1664 => x"788025c6",
-1665 => x"3882da39",
-1666 => x"74097b06",
-1667 => x"7080d6c4",
-1668 => x"0b84050c",
-1669 => x"5b741055",
-1670 => x"747b2685",
-1671 => x"387485bc",
-1672 => x"3880d6c4",
-1673 => x"0b880508",
-1674 => x"70841208",
-1675 => x"fc06707b",
-1676 => x"317b7226",
-1677 => x"8f722507",
-1678 => x"5d575c5c",
-1679 => x"5578802e",
-1680 => x"80d93879",
-1681 => x"1580d6bc",
-1682 => x"08199011",
-1683 => x"59545680",
-1684 => x"d6b808ff",
-1685 => x"2e8838a0",
-1686 => x"8f13e080",
-1687 => x"06577652",
-1688 => x"7c51888c",
-1689 => x"3f800854",
-1690 => x"8008ff2e",
-1691 => x"90388008",
-1692 => x"762782a7",
-1693 => x"387480d6",
-1694 => x"c42e829f",
-1695 => x"3880d6c4",
-1696 => x"0b880508",
-1697 => x"55841508",
-1698 => x"fc067079",
-1699 => x"31797226",
-1700 => x"8f722507",
-1701 => x"5d555a7a",
-1702 => x"83f23877",
-1703 => x"81078416",
-1704 => x"0c771570",
-1705 => x"80d6c40b",
-1706 => x"88050c74",
-1707 => x"81078412",
-1708 => x"0c567c51",
-1709 => x"87b93f88",
-1710 => x"15547380",
-1711 => x"0c8e3d0d",
-1712 => x"0474832a",
-1713 => x"70545480",
-1714 => x"7424819b",
-1715 => x"3872822c",
-1716 => x"81712b80",
-1717 => x"d6c80807",
-1718 => x"7080d6c4",
-1719 => x"0b84050c",
-1720 => x"75101010",
-1721 => x"80d6c405",
-1722 => x"88110871",
-1723 => x"8c1b0c70",
-1724 => x"881b0c79",
-1725 => x"88130c57",
-1726 => x"555c5575",
-1727 => x"8c150cfd",
-1728 => x"c1397879",
-1729 => x"10101080",
-1730 => x"d6c40570",
-1731 => x"565b5c8c",
-1732 => x"14085675",
-1733 => x"742ea338",
-1734 => x"841608fc",
-1735 => x"06707931",
-1736 => x"5853768f",
-1737 => x"2483f138",
-1738 => x"76802584",
-1739 => x"af388c16",
-1740 => x"08567574",
-1741 => x"2e098106",
-1742 => x"df388814",
-1743 => x"811a7083",
-1744 => x"06555a54",
-1745 => x"72c9387b",
-1746 => x"83065675",
-1747 => x"802efdb8",
-1748 => x"38ff1cf8",
-1749 => x"1b5b5c88",
-1750 => x"1a087a2e",
-1751 => x"ea38fdb5",
-1752 => x"39831953",
-1753 => x"fce43983",
-1754 => x"1470822c",
-1755 => x"81712b80",
-1756 => x"d6c80807",
-1757 => x"7080d6c4",
-1758 => x"0b84050c",
-1759 => x"76101010",
-1760 => x"80d6c405",
-1761 => x"88110871",
-1762 => x"8c1c0c70",
-1763 => x"881c0c7a",
-1764 => x"88130c58",
-1765 => x"535d5653",
-1766 => x"fee13980",
-1767 => x"d6880817",
-1768 => x"59800876",
-1769 => x"2e818b38",
-1770 => x"80d6b808",
-1771 => x"ff2e848e",
-1772 => x"38737631",
-1773 => x"1980d688",
-1774 => x"0c738706",
-1775 => x"70565372",
-1776 => x"802e8838",
-1777 => x"88733170",
-1778 => x"15555576",
-1779 => x"149fff06",
-1780 => x"a0807131",
-1781 => x"1670547e",
-1782 => x"53515385",
-1783 => x"933f8008",
-1784 => x"568008ff",
-1785 => x"2e819e38",
-1786 => x"80d68808",
-1787 => x"137080d6",
-1788 => x"880c7475",
-1789 => x"80d6c40b",
-1790 => x"88050c77",
-1791 => x"76311581",
-1792 => x"07555659",
-1793 => x"7a80d6c4",
-1794 => x"2e83c038",
-1795 => x"798f2682",
-1796 => x"ef38810b",
-1797 => x"84150c84",
-1798 => x"1508fc06",
-1799 => x"70793179",
-1800 => x"72268f72",
-1801 => x"25075d55",
-1802 => x"5a7a802e",
-1803 => x"fced3880",
-1804 => x"db398008",
-1805 => x"9fff0655",
-1806 => x"74feed38",
-1807 => x"7880d688",
-1808 => x"0c80d6c4",
-1809 => x"0b880508",
-1810 => x"7a188107",
-1811 => x"84120c55",
-1812 => x"80d6b408",
-1813 => x"79278638",
-1814 => x"7880d6b4",
-1815 => x"0c80d6b0",
-1816 => x"087927fc",
-1817 => x"a0387880",
-1818 => x"d6b00c84",
-1819 => x"1508fc06",
-1820 => x"70793179",
-1821 => x"72268f72",
-1822 => x"25075d55",
-1823 => x"5a7a802e",
-1824 => x"fc993888",
-1825 => x"39807457",
-1826 => x"53fedd39",
-1827 => x"7c5183df",
-1828 => x"3f800b80",
-1829 => x"0c8e3d0d",
-1830 => x"04807324",
-1831 => x"a5387282",
-1832 => x"2c81712b",
-1833 => x"80d6c808",
-1834 => x"077080d6",
-1835 => x"c40b8405",
-1836 => x"0c5c5a76",
-1837 => x"8c170c73",
-1838 => x"88170c75",
-1839 => x"88180cf9",
-1840 => x"fd398313",
-1841 => x"70822c81",
-1842 => x"712b80d6",
-1843 => x"c8080770",
-1844 => x"80d6c40b",
-1845 => x"84050c5d",
-1846 => x"5b53d839",
-1847 => x"7a75065c",
-1848 => x"7bfc9f38",
-1849 => x"84197510",
-1850 => x"5659f139",
-1851 => x"ff178105",
-1852 => x"59f7ab39",
-1853 => x"8c150888",
-1854 => x"1608718c",
-1855 => x"120c8812",
-1856 => x"0c597515",
-1857 => x"84110881",
-1858 => x"0784120c",
-1859 => x"587c5182",
-1860 => x"de3f8815",
-1861 => x"54fba339",
-1862 => x"77167881",
-1863 => x"0784180c",
-1864 => x"8c170888",
-1865 => x"1808718c",
-1866 => x"120c8812",
-1867 => x"0c5c7080",
-1868 => x"d6d80c70",
-1869 => x"80d6d40c",
-1870 => x"80d6cc0b",
-1871 => x"8c120c8c",
-1872 => x"11088812",
-1873 => x"0c778107",
-1874 => x"84120c77",
-1875 => x"0577710c",
-1876 => x"557c5182",
-1877 => x"9a3f8816",
-1878 => x"54f5ba39",
-1879 => x"72168411",
-1880 => x"08810784",
-1881 => x"120c588c",
-1882 => x"16088817",
-1883 => x"08718c12",
-1884 => x"0c88120c",
-1885 => x"577c5181",
-1886 => x"f63f8816",
-1887 => x"54f59639",
-1888 => x"7284150c",
-1889 => x"f41af806",
-1890 => x"70841d08",
-1891 => x"81060784",
-1892 => x"1d0c701c",
-1893 => x"5556850b",
-1894 => x"84150c85",
-1895 => x"0b88150c",
-1896 => x"8f7627fd",
-1897 => x"ab38881b",
-1898 => x"527c5184",
-1899 => x"c13f80d6",
-1900 => x"c40b8805",
-1901 => x"0880d688",
-1902 => x"085a55fd",
-1903 => x"93397880",
-1904 => x"d6880c73",
-1905 => x"80d6b80c",
-1906 => x"fbef3972",
-1907 => x"84150cfc",
-1908 => x"ff39fb3d",
-1909 => x"0d77707a",
-1910 => x"7c585553",
-1911 => x"568f7527",
-1912 => x"80e63872",
-1913 => x"76078306",
-1914 => x"517080dc",
-1915 => x"38757352",
-1916 => x"54707084",
-1917 => x"05520874",
-1918 => x"70840556",
-1919 => x"0c737170",
-1920 => x"84055308",
-1921 => x"71708405",
-1922 => x"530c7170",
-1923 => x"84055308",
-1924 => x"71708405",
-1925 => x"530c7170",
-1926 => x"84055308",
-1927 => x"71708405",
-1928 => x"530cf016",
-1929 => x"5654748f",
-1930 => x"26c73883",
-1931 => x"75279538",
-1932 => x"70708405",
-1933 => x"52087470",
-1934 => x"8405560c",
-1935 => x"fc155574",
-1936 => x"8326ed38",
-1937 => x"73715452",
-1938 => x"ff155170",
-1939 => x"ff2e9838",
-1940 => x"72708105",
-1941 => x"54337270",
-1942 => x"81055434",
-1943 => x"ff115170",
-1944 => x"ff2e0981",
-1945 => x"06ea3875",
-1946 => x"800c873d",
-1947 => x"0d040404",
-1948 => x"70707070",
-1949 => x"800b81b6",
-1950 => x"9c0c7651",
-1951 => x"87cc3f80",
-1952 => x"08538008",
-1953 => x"ff2e8938",
-1954 => x"72800c50",
-1955 => x"50505004",
-1956 => x"81b69c08",
-1957 => x"5473802e",
-1958 => x"ef387574",
-1959 => x"710c5272",
-1960 => x"800c5050",
-1961 => x"505004fb",
-1962 => x"3d0d7779",
-1963 => x"70720783",
-1964 => x"06535452",
-1965 => x"70933871",
-1966 => x"73730854",
-1967 => x"56547173",
-1968 => x"082e80c4",
-1969 => x"38737554",
-1970 => x"52713370",
-1971 => x"81ff0652",
-1972 => x"5470802e",
-1973 => x"9d387233",
-1974 => x"5570752e",
-1975 => x"09810695",
-1976 => x"38811281",
-1977 => x"14713370",
-1978 => x"81ff0654",
-1979 => x"56545270",
-1980 => x"e5387233",
-1981 => x"557381ff",
-1982 => x"067581ff",
-1983 => x"06717131",
-1984 => x"800c5552",
-1985 => x"873d0d04",
-1986 => x"7109f7fb",
-1987 => x"fdff1306",
-1988 => x"f8848281",
-1989 => x"80065271",
-1990 => x"97388414",
-1991 => x"84167108",
-1992 => x"54565471",
-1993 => x"75082ee0",
-1994 => x"38737554",
-1995 => x"52ff9a39",
-1996 => x"800b800c",
-1997 => x"873d0d04",
-1998 => x"fb3d0d77",
-1999 => x"705256fe",
-2000 => x"ad3f80d6",
-2001 => x"c40b8805",
-2002 => x"08841108",
-2003 => x"fc06707b",
-2004 => x"319fef05",
-2005 => x"e08006e0",
-2006 => x"80055255",
-2007 => x"55a08075",
-2008 => x"24943880",
-2009 => x"527551fe",
-2010 => x"873f80d6",
-2011 => x"cc081453",
-2012 => x"7280082e",
-2013 => x"8f387551",
-2014 => x"fdf53f80",
-2015 => x"5372800c",
-2016 => x"873d0d04",
-2017 => x"74305275",
-2018 => x"51fde53f",
-2019 => x"8008ff2e",
-2020 => x"a83880d6",
-2021 => x"c40b8805",
-2022 => x"08747631",
-2023 => x"81078412",
-2024 => x"0c5380d6",
-2025 => x"88087531",
-2026 => x"80d6880c",
-2027 => x"7551fdbf",
-2028 => x"3f810b80",
-2029 => x"0c873d0d",
-2030 => x"04805275",
-2031 => x"51fdb13f",
-2032 => x"80d6c40b",
-2033 => x"88050880",
-2034 => x"08713154",
-2035 => x"548f7325",
-2036 => x"ffa43880",
-2037 => x"0880d6b8",
-2038 => x"083180d6",
-2039 => x"880c7281",
-2040 => x"0784150c",
-2041 => x"7551fd87",
-2042 => x"3f8053ff",
-2043 => x"9039f73d",
-2044 => x"0d7b7d54",
-2045 => x"5a72802e",
-2046 => x"82833879",
-2047 => x"51fcef3f",
-2048 => x"f8138411",
-2049 => x"0870fe06",
-2050 => x"70138411",
-2051 => x"08fc065c",
-2052 => x"57585457",
-2053 => x"80d6cc08",
-2054 => x"742e82de",
-2055 => x"38778415",
-2056 => x"0c807381",
-2057 => x"06565974",
-2058 => x"792e81d5",
-2059 => x"38771484",
-2060 => x"11088106",
-2061 => x"565374a0",
-2062 => x"38771656",
-2063 => x"7881e638",
-2064 => x"88140855",
-2065 => x"7480d6cc",
-2066 => x"2e82f938",
-2067 => x"8c140870",
-2068 => x"8c170c75",
-2069 => x"88120c58",
-2070 => x"75810784",
-2071 => x"180c7517",
-2072 => x"76710c54",
-2073 => x"78819138",
-2074 => x"83ff7627",
-2075 => x"81c83875",
-2076 => x"892a7683",
-2077 => x"2a545473",
-2078 => x"802ebf38",
-2079 => x"75862ab8",
-2080 => x"05538474",
-2081 => x"27b43880",
-2082 => x"db145394",
-2083 => x"7427ab38",
-2084 => x"758c2a80",
-2085 => x"ee055380",
-2086 => x"d474279e",
-2087 => x"38758f2a",
-2088 => x"80f70553",
-2089 => x"82d47427",
-2090 => x"91387592",
-2091 => x"2a80fc05",
-2092 => x"538ad474",
-2093 => x"27843880",
-2094 => x"fe537210",
-2095 => x"101080d6",
-2096 => x"c4058811",
-2097 => x"08555573",
-2098 => x"752e82bf",
-2099 => x"38841408",
-2100 => x"fc065975",
-2101 => x"79278d38",
-2102 => x"88140854",
-2103 => x"73752e09",
-2104 => x"8106ea38",
-2105 => x"8c140870",
-2106 => x"8c190c74",
-2107 => x"88190c77",
-2108 => x"88120c55",
-2109 => x"768c150c",
-2110 => x"7951faf3",
-2111 => x"3f8b3d0d",
-2112 => x"04760877",
-2113 => x"71315876",
-2114 => x"05881808",
-2115 => x"56567480",
-2116 => x"d6cc2e80",
-2117 => x"e0388c17",
-2118 => x"08708c17",
-2119 => x"0c758812",
-2120 => x"0c53fe89",
-2121 => x"39881408",
-2122 => x"8c150870",
-2123 => x"8c130c59",
-2124 => x"88190cfe",
-2125 => x"a3397583",
-2126 => x"2a705454",
-2127 => x"80742481",
-2128 => x"98387282",
-2129 => x"2c81712b",
-2130 => x"80d6c808",
-2131 => x"0780d6c4",
-2132 => x"0b84050c",
-2133 => x"74101010",
-2134 => x"80d6c405",
-2135 => x"88110871",
-2136 => x"8c1b0c70",
-2137 => x"881b0c79",
-2138 => x"88130c56",
-2139 => x"5a55768c",
-2140 => x"150cff84",
-2141 => x"398159fd",
-2142 => x"b4397716",
-2143 => x"73810654",
-2144 => x"55729838",
-2145 => x"76087771",
-2146 => x"31587505",
-2147 => x"8c180888",
-2148 => x"1908718c",
-2149 => x"120c8812",
-2150 => x"0c555574",
-2151 => x"81078418",
-2152 => x"0c7680d6",
-2153 => x"c40b8805",
-2154 => x"0c80d6c0",
-2155 => x"087526fe",
-2156 => x"c73880d6",
-2157 => x"bc085279",
-2158 => x"51fafd3f",
-2159 => x"7951f9af",
-2160 => x"3ffeba39",
-2161 => x"81778c17",
-2162 => x"0c778817",
-2163 => x"0c758c19",
-2164 => x"0c758819",
-2165 => x"0c59fd80",
-2166 => x"39831470",
-2167 => x"822c8171",
-2168 => x"2b80d6c8",
-2169 => x"080780d6",
-2170 => x"c40b8405",
-2171 => x"0c751010",
-2172 => x"1080d6c4",
-2173 => x"05881108",
-2174 => x"718c1c0c",
-2175 => x"70881c0c",
-2176 => x"7a88130c",
-2177 => x"575b5653",
-2178 => x"fee43980",
-2179 => x"7324a338",
-2180 => x"72822c81",
-2181 => x"712b80d6",
-2182 => x"c8080780",
-2183 => x"d6c40b84",
-2184 => x"050c5874",
-2185 => x"8c180c73",
-2186 => x"88180c76",
-2187 => x"88160cfd",
-2188 => x"c3398313",
-2189 => x"70822c81",
-2190 => x"712b80d6",
-2191 => x"c8080780",
-2192 => x"d6c40b84",
-2193 => x"050c5953",
-2194 => x"da397070",
-2195 => x"7080e5f4",
-2196 => x"08893881",
-2197 => x"b6a00b80",
-2198 => x"e5f40c80",
-2199 => x"e5f40875",
-2200 => x"115252ff",
-2201 => x"537087fb",
-2202 => x"80802688",
-2203 => x"387080e5",
-2204 => x"f40c7153",
-2205 => x"72800c50",
-2206 => x"505004fd",
-2207 => x"3d0d800b",
-2208 => x"80d5f408",
-2209 => x"54547281",
-2210 => x"2e9b3873",
-2211 => x"80e5f80c",
-2212 => x"c3ee3fc2",
-2213 => x"eb3f80e5",
-2214 => x"cc528151",
-2215 => x"cc933f80",
-2216 => x"085180dd",
-2217 => x"3f7280e5",
-2218 => x"f80cc3d4",
-2219 => x"3fc2d13f",
-2220 => x"80e5cc52",
-2221 => x"8151cbf9",
-2222 => x"3f800851",
-2223 => x"80c33f00",
-2224 => x"ff3900ff",
-2225 => x"39f43d0d",
-2226 => x"7e80e5ec",
-2227 => x"08700870",
-2228 => x"81ff0692",
-2229 => x"3df80555",
-2230 => x"515a5759",
-2231 => x"c48f3f80",
-2232 => x"5477557b",
-2233 => x"7d585276",
-2234 => x"538e3df0",
-2235 => x"0551de8e",
-2236 => x"3f797b58",
-2237 => x"790c7684",
-2238 => x"1a0c7880",
-2239 => x"0c8e3d0d",
-2240 => x"04f73d0d",
-2241 => x"7b80decc",
-2242 => x"0882c811",
-2243 => x"085a545a",
-2244 => x"77802e80",
-2245 => x"da388188",
-2246 => x"18841908",
-2247 => x"ff058171",
-2248 => x"2b595559",
-2249 => x"80742480",
-2250 => x"ea388074",
-2251 => x"24b53873",
-2252 => x"822b7811",
-2253 => x"88055656",
-2254 => x"81801908",
-2255 => x"77065372",
-2256 => x"802eb638",
-2257 => x"78167008",
-2258 => x"53537951",
-2259 => x"74085372",
-2260 => x"2dff14fc",
-2261 => x"17fc1779",
-2262 => x"812c5a57",
-2263 => x"57547380",
-2264 => x"25d63877",
-2265 => x"085877ff",
-2266 => x"ad3880de",
-2267 => x"cc0853bc",
-2268 => x"1308a538",
-2269 => x"7951fec7",
-2270 => x"3f740853",
-2271 => x"722dff14",
-2272 => x"fc17fc17",
-2273 => x"79812c5a",
-2274 => x"57575473",
-2275 => x"8025ffa8",
-2276 => x"38d13980",
-2277 => x"57ff9339",
-2278 => x"7251bc13",
-2279 => x"0854732d",
-2280 => x"7951fe9b",
-2281 => x"3f707080",
-2282 => x"e5d40bfc",
-2283 => x"05700852",
-2284 => x"5270ff2e",
-2285 => x"9138702d",
-2286 => x"fc127008",
-2287 => x"525270ff",
-2288 => x"2e098106",
-2289 => x"f1385050",
-2290 => x"0404c2ff",
-2291 => x"3f040000",
-2292 => x"00000040",
-2293 => x"30313233",
-2294 => x"34353637",
-2295 => x"38390000",
-2296 => x"44485259",
-2297 => x"53544f4e",
-2298 => x"45205052",
-2299 => x"4f475241",
-2300 => x"4d2c2053",
-2301 => x"4f4d4520",
-2302 => x"53545249",
-2303 => x"4e470000",
-2304 => x"44485259",
-2305 => x"53544f4e",
-2306 => x"45205052",
-2307 => x"4f475241",
-2308 => x"4d2c2031",
-2309 => x"27535420",
-2310 => x"53545249",
-2311 => x"4e470000",
-2312 => x"44687279",
-2313 => x"73746f6e",
-2314 => x"65204265",
-2315 => x"6e63686d",
-2316 => x"61726b2c",
-2317 => x"20566572",
-2318 => x"73696f6e",
-2319 => x"20322e31",
-2320 => x"20284c61",
-2321 => x"6e677561",
-2322 => x"67653a20",
-2323 => x"43290a00",
-2324 => x"50726f67",
-2325 => x"72616d20",
-2326 => x"636f6d70",
-2327 => x"696c6564",
-2328 => x"20776974",
-2329 => x"68202772",
-2330 => x"65676973",
-2331 => x"74657227",
-2332 => x"20617474",
-2333 => x"72696275",
-2334 => x"74650a00",
-2335 => x"45786563",
-2336 => x"7574696f",
-2337 => x"6e207374",
-2338 => x"61727473",
-2339 => x"2c202564",
-2340 => x"2072756e",
-2341 => x"73207468",
-2342 => x"726f7567",
-2343 => x"68204468",
-2344 => x"72797374",
-2345 => x"6f6e650a",
-2346 => x"00000000",
-2347 => x"44485259",
-2348 => x"53544f4e",
-2349 => x"45205052",
-2350 => x"4f475241",
-2351 => x"4d2c2032",
-2352 => x"274e4420",
-2353 => x"53545249",
-2354 => x"4e470000",
-2355 => x"45786563",
-2356 => x"7574696f",
-2357 => x"6e20656e",
-2358 => x"64730a00",
-2359 => x"46696e61",
-2360 => x"6c207661",
-2361 => x"6c756573",
-2362 => x"206f6620",
-2363 => x"74686520",
-2364 => x"76617269",
-2365 => x"61626c65",
-2366 => x"73207573",
-2367 => x"65642069",
-2368 => x"6e207468",
-2369 => x"65206265",
-2370 => x"6e63686d",
-2371 => x"61726b3a",
-2372 => x"0a000000",
-2373 => x"496e745f",
-2374 => x"476c6f62",
-2375 => x"3a202020",
-2376 => x"20202020",
-2377 => x"20202020",
-2378 => x"2025640a",
-2379 => x"00000000",
-2380 => x"20202020",
-2381 => x"20202020",
-2382 => x"73686f75",
-2383 => x"6c642062",
-2384 => x"653a2020",
-2385 => x"2025640a",
-2386 => x"00000000",
-2387 => x"426f6f6c",
-2388 => x"5f476c6f",
-2389 => x"623a2020",
-2390 => x"20202020",
-2391 => x"20202020",
-2392 => x"2025640a",
-2393 => x"00000000",
-2394 => x"43685f31",
-2395 => x"5f476c6f",
-2396 => x"623a2020",
-2397 => x"20202020",
-2398 => x"20202020",
-2399 => x"2025630a",
-2400 => x"00000000",
-2401 => x"20202020",
-2402 => x"20202020",
-2403 => x"73686f75",
-2404 => x"6c642062",
-2405 => x"653a2020",
-2406 => x"2025630a",
-2407 => x"00000000",
-2408 => x"43685f32",
-2409 => x"5f476c6f",
-2410 => x"623a2020",
-2411 => x"20202020",
-2412 => x"20202020",
-2413 => x"2025630a",
-2414 => x"00000000",
-2415 => x"4172725f",
-2416 => x"315f476c",
-2417 => x"6f625b38",
-2418 => x"5d3a2020",
-2419 => x"20202020",
-2420 => x"2025640a",
-2421 => x"00000000",
-2422 => x"4172725f",
-2423 => x"325f476c",
-2424 => x"6f625b38",
-2425 => x"5d5b375d",
-2426 => x"3a202020",
-2427 => x"2025640a",
-2428 => x"00000000",
-2429 => x"20202020",
-2430 => x"20202020",
-2431 => x"73686f75",
-2432 => x"6c642062",
-2433 => x"653a2020",
-2434 => x"204e756d",
-2435 => x"6265725f",
-2436 => x"4f665f52",
-2437 => x"756e7320",
-2438 => x"2b203130",
-2439 => x"0a000000",
-2440 => x"5074725f",
-2441 => x"476c6f62",
-2442 => x"2d3e0a00",
-2443 => x"20205074",
-2444 => x"725f436f",
-2445 => x"6d703a20",
-2446 => x"20202020",
-2447 => x"20202020",
-2448 => x"2025640a",
-2449 => x"00000000",
-2450 => x"20202020",
-2451 => x"20202020",
-2452 => x"73686f75",
-2453 => x"6c642062",
-2454 => x"653a2020",
-2455 => x"2028696d",
-2456 => x"706c656d",
-2457 => x"656e7461",
-2458 => x"74696f6e",
-2459 => x"2d646570",
-2460 => x"656e6465",
-2461 => x"6e74290a",
-2462 => x"00000000",
-2463 => x"20204469",
-2464 => x"7363723a",
-2465 => x"20202020",
-2466 => x"20202020",
-2467 => x"20202020",
-2468 => x"2025640a",
-2469 => x"00000000",
-2470 => x"2020456e",
-2471 => x"756d5f43",
-2472 => x"6f6d703a",
-2473 => x"20202020",
-2474 => x"20202020",
-2475 => x"2025640a",
-2476 => x"00000000",
-2477 => x"2020496e",
-2478 => x"745f436f",
-2479 => x"6d703a20",
-2480 => x"20202020",
-2481 => x"20202020",
-2482 => x"2025640a",
-2483 => x"00000000",
-2484 => x"20205374",
-2485 => x"725f436f",
-2486 => x"6d703a20",
-2487 => x"20202020",
-2488 => x"20202020",
-2489 => x"2025730a",
-2490 => x"00000000",
-2491 => x"20202020",
-2492 => x"20202020",
-2493 => x"73686f75",
-2494 => x"6c642062",
-2495 => x"653a2020",
-2496 => x"20444852",
-2497 => x"5953544f",
-2498 => x"4e452050",
-2499 => x"524f4752",
-2500 => x"414d2c20",
-2501 => x"534f4d45",
-2502 => x"20535452",
-2503 => x"494e470a",
-2504 => x"00000000",
-2505 => x"4e657874",
-2506 => x"5f507472",
-2507 => x"5f476c6f",
-2508 => x"622d3e0a",
-2509 => x"00000000",
-2510 => x"20202020",
-2511 => x"20202020",
-2512 => x"73686f75",
-2513 => x"6c642062",
-2514 => x"653a2020",
-2515 => x"2028696d",
-2516 => x"706c656d",
-2517 => x"656e7461",
-2518 => x"74696f6e",
-2519 => x"2d646570",
-2520 => x"656e6465",
-2521 => x"6e74292c",
-2522 => x"2073616d",
-2523 => x"65206173",
-2524 => x"2061626f",
-2525 => x"76650a00",
-2526 => x"496e745f",
-2527 => x"315f4c6f",
-2528 => x"633a2020",
-2529 => x"20202020",
-2530 => x"20202020",
-2531 => x"2025640a",
-2532 => x"00000000",
-2533 => x"496e745f",
-2534 => x"325f4c6f",
-2535 => x"633a2020",
-2536 => x"20202020",
-2537 => x"20202020",
-2538 => x"2025640a",
-2539 => x"00000000",
-2540 => x"496e745f",
-2541 => x"335f4c6f",
-2542 => x"633a2020",
-2543 => x"20202020",
-2544 => x"20202020",
-2545 => x"2025640a",
-2546 => x"00000000",
-2547 => x"456e756d",
-2548 => x"5f4c6f63",
-2549 => x"3a202020",
-2550 => x"20202020",
-2551 => x"20202020",
-2552 => x"2025640a",
-2553 => x"00000000",
-2554 => x"5374725f",
-2555 => x"315f4c6f",
-2556 => x"633a2020",
-2557 => x"20202020",
-2558 => x"20202020",
-2559 => x"2025730a",
-2560 => x"00000000",
-2561 => x"20202020",
-2562 => x"20202020",
-2563 => x"73686f75",
-2564 => x"6c642062",
-2565 => x"653a2020",
-2566 => x"20444852",
-2567 => x"5953544f",
-2568 => x"4e452050",
-2569 => x"524f4752",
-2570 => x"414d2c20",
-2571 => x"31275354",
-2572 => x"20535452",
-2573 => x"494e470a",
-2574 => x"00000000",
-2575 => x"5374725f",
-2576 => x"325f4c6f",
-2577 => x"633a2020",
-2578 => x"20202020",
-2579 => x"20202020",
-2580 => x"2025730a",
-2581 => x"00000000",
-2582 => x"20202020",
-2583 => x"20202020",
-2584 => x"73686f75",
-2585 => x"6c642062",
-2586 => x"653a2020",
-2587 => x"20444852",
-2588 => x"5953544f",
-2589 => x"4e452050",
-2590 => x"524f4752",
-2591 => x"414d2c20",
-2592 => x"32274e44",
-2593 => x"20535452",
-2594 => x"494e470a",
-2595 => x"00000000",
-2596 => x"55736572",
-2597 => x"2074696d",
-2598 => x"653a2025",
-2599 => x"640a0000",
-2600 => x"4d696372",
-2601 => x"6f736563",
-2602 => x"6f6e6473",
-2603 => x"20666f72",
-2604 => x"206f6e65",
-2605 => x"2072756e",
-2606 => x"20746872",
-2607 => x"6f756768",
-2608 => x"20446872",
-2609 => x"7973746f",
-2610 => x"6e653a20",
-2611 => x"00000000",
-2612 => x"2564200a",
-2613 => x"00000000",
-2614 => x"44687279",
-2615 => x"73746f6e",
-2616 => x"65732070",
-2617 => x"65722053",
-2618 => x"65636f6e",
-2619 => x"643a2020",
-2620 => x"20202020",
-2621 => x"20202020",
-2622 => x"20202020",
-2623 => x"20202020",
-2624 => x"20202020",
-2625 => x"00000000",
-2626 => x"56415820",
-2627 => x"4d495053",
-2628 => x"20726174",
-2629 => x"696e6720",
-2630 => x"2a203130",
-2631 => x"3030203d",
-2632 => x"20256420",
-2633 => x"0a000000",
-2634 => x"50726f67",
-2635 => x"72616d20",
-2636 => x"636f6d70",
-2637 => x"696c6564",
-2638 => x"20776974",
-2639 => x"686f7574",
-2640 => x"20277265",
-2641 => x"67697374",
-2642 => x"65722720",
-2643 => x"61747472",
-2644 => x"69627574",
-2645 => x"650a0000",
-2646 => x"4d656173",
-2647 => x"75726564",
-2648 => x"2074696d",
-2649 => x"6520746f",
-2650 => x"6f20736d",
-2651 => x"616c6c20",
-2652 => x"746f206f",
-2653 => x"62746169",
-2654 => x"6e206d65",
-2655 => x"616e696e",
-2656 => x"6766756c",
-2657 => x"20726573",
-2658 => x"756c7473",
-2659 => x"0a000000",
-2660 => x"506c6561",
-2661 => x"73652069",
-2662 => x"6e637265",
-2663 => x"61736520",
-2664 => x"6e756d62",
-2665 => x"6572206f",
-2666 => x"66207275",
-2667 => x"6e730a00",
-2668 => x"44485259",
-2669 => x"53544f4e",
-2670 => x"45205052",
-2671 => x"4f475241",
-2672 => x"4d2c2033",
-2673 => x"27524420",
-2674 => x"53545249",
-2675 => x"4e470000",
-2676 => x"00010202",
-2677 => x"03030303",
-2678 => x"04040404",
-2679 => x"04040404",
-2680 => x"05050505",
-2681 => x"05050505",
-2682 => x"05050505",
-2683 => x"05050505",
-2684 => x"06060606",
-2685 => x"06060606",
-2686 => x"06060606",
-2687 => x"06060606",
-2688 => x"06060606",
-2689 => x"06060606",
-2690 => x"06060606",
-2691 => x"06060606",
-2692 => x"07070707",
-2693 => x"07070707",
-2694 => x"07070707",
-2695 => x"07070707",
-2696 => x"07070707",
-2697 => x"07070707",
-2698 => x"07070707",
-2699 => x"07070707",
-2700 => x"07070707",
-2701 => x"07070707",
-2702 => x"07070707",
-2703 => x"07070707",
-2704 => x"07070707",
-2705 => x"07070707",
-2706 => x"07070707",
-2707 => x"07070707",
-2708 => x"08080808",
-2709 => x"08080808",
-2710 => x"08080808",
-2711 => x"08080808",
-2712 => x"08080808",
-2713 => x"08080808",
-2714 => x"08080808",
-2715 => x"08080808",
-2716 => x"08080808",
-2717 => x"08080808",
-2718 => x"08080808",
-2719 => x"08080808",
-2720 => x"08080808",
-2721 => x"08080808",
-2722 => x"08080808",
-2723 => x"08080808",
-2724 => x"08080808",
-2725 => x"08080808",
-2726 => x"08080808",
-2727 => x"08080808",
-2728 => x"08080808",
-2729 => x"08080808",
-2730 => x"08080808",
-2731 => x"08080808",
-2732 => x"08080808",
-2733 => x"08080808",
-2734 => x"08080808",
-2735 => x"08080808",
-2736 => x"08080808",
-2737 => x"08080808",
-2738 => x"08080808",
-2739 => x"08080808",
-2740 => x"43000000",
-2741 => x"64756d6d",
-2742 => x"792e6578",
-2743 => x"65000000",
-2744 => x"00ffffff",
-2745 => x"ff00ffff",
-2746 => x"ffff00ff",
-2747 => x"ffffff00",
-2748 => x"00000000",
-2749 => x"00000000",
-2750 => x"00000000",
-2751 => x"000032dc",
-2752 => x"0000c350",
-2753 => x"00000000",
-2754 => x"00000000",
-2755 => x"00000000",
-2756 => x"00000000",
-2757 => x"00000000",
-2758 => x"00000000",
-2759 => x"00000000",
-2760 => x"00000000",
-2761 => x"00000000",
-2762 => x"00000000",
-2763 => x"00000000",
-2764 => x"00000000",
-2765 => x"00000000",
-2766 => x"ffffffff",
-2767 => x"00000000",
-2768 => x"00020000",
-2769 => x"00000000",
-2770 => x"00000000",
-2771 => x"00002b44",
-2772 => x"00002b44",
-2773 => x"00002b4c",
-2774 => x"00002b4c",
-2775 => x"00002b54",
-2776 => x"00002b54",
-2777 => x"00002b5c",
-2778 => x"00002b5c",
-2779 => x"00002b64",
-2780 => x"00002b64",
-2781 => x"00002b6c",
-2782 => x"00002b6c",
-2783 => x"00002b74",
-2784 => x"00002b74",
-2785 => x"00002b7c",
-2786 => x"00002b7c",
-2787 => x"00002b84",
-2788 => x"00002b84",
-2789 => x"00002b8c",
-2790 => x"00002b8c",
-2791 => x"00002b94",
-2792 => x"00002b94",
-2793 => x"00002b9c",
-2794 => x"00002b9c",
-2795 => x"00002ba4",
-2796 => x"00002ba4",
-2797 => x"00002bac",
-2798 => x"00002bac",
-2799 => x"00002bb4",
-2800 => x"00002bb4",
-2801 => x"00002bbc",
-2802 => x"00002bbc",
-2803 => x"00002bc4",
-2804 => x"00002bc4",
-2805 => x"00002bcc",
-2806 => x"00002bcc",
-2807 => x"00002bd4",
-2808 => x"00002bd4",
-2809 => x"00002bdc",
-2810 => x"00002bdc",
-2811 => x"00002be4",
-2812 => x"00002be4",
-2813 => x"00002bec",
-2814 => x"00002bec",
-2815 => x"00002bf4",
-2816 => x"00002bf4",
-2817 => x"00002bfc",
-2818 => x"00002bfc",
-2819 => x"00002c04",
-2820 => x"00002c04",
-2821 => x"00002c0c",
-2822 => x"00002c0c",
-2823 => x"00002c14",
-2824 => x"00002c14",
-2825 => x"00002c1c",
-2826 => x"00002c1c",
-2827 => x"00002c24",
-2828 => x"00002c24",
-2829 => x"00002c2c",
-2830 => x"00002c2c",
-2831 => x"00002c34",
-2832 => x"00002c34",
-2833 => x"00002c3c",
-2834 => x"00002c3c",
-2835 => x"00002c44",
-2836 => x"00002c44",
-2837 => x"00002c4c",
-2838 => x"00002c4c",
-2839 => x"00002c54",
-2840 => x"00002c54",
-2841 => x"00002c5c",
-2842 => x"00002c5c",
-2843 => x"00002c64",
-2844 => x"00002c64",
-2845 => x"00002c6c",
-2846 => x"00002c6c",
-2847 => x"00002c74",
-2848 => x"00002c74",
-2849 => x"00002c7c",
-2850 => x"00002c7c",
-2851 => x"00002c84",
-2852 => x"00002c84",
-2853 => x"00002c8c",
-2854 => x"00002c8c",
-2855 => x"00002c94",
-2856 => x"00002c94",
-2857 => x"00002c9c",
-2858 => x"00002c9c",
-2859 => x"00002ca4",
-2860 => x"00002ca4",
-2861 => x"00002cac",
-2862 => x"00002cac",
-2863 => x"00002cb4",
-2864 => x"00002cb4",
-2865 => x"00002cbc",
-2866 => x"00002cbc",
-2867 => x"00002cc4",
-2868 => x"00002cc4",
-2869 => x"00002ccc",
-2870 => x"00002ccc",
-2871 => x"00002cd4",
-2872 => x"00002cd4",
-2873 => x"00002cdc",
-2874 => x"00002cdc",
-2875 => x"00002ce4",
-2876 => x"00002ce4",
-2877 => x"00002cec",
-2878 => x"00002cec",
-2879 => x"00002cf4",
-2880 => x"00002cf4",
-2881 => x"00002cfc",
-2882 => x"00002cfc",
-2883 => x"00002d04",
-2884 => x"00002d04",
-2885 => x"00002d0c",
-2886 => x"00002d0c",
-2887 => x"00002d14",
-2888 => x"00002d14",
-2889 => x"00002d1c",
-2890 => x"00002d1c",
-2891 => x"00002d24",
-2892 => x"00002d24",
-2893 => x"00002d2c",
-2894 => x"00002d2c",
-2895 => x"00002d34",
-2896 => x"00002d34",
-2897 => x"00002d3c",
-2898 => x"00002d3c",
-2899 => x"00002d44",
-2900 => x"00002d44",
-2901 => x"00002d4c",
-2902 => x"00002d4c",
-2903 => x"00002d54",
-2904 => x"00002d54",
-2905 => x"00002d5c",
-2906 => x"00002d5c",
-2907 => x"00002d64",
-2908 => x"00002d64",
-2909 => x"00002d6c",
-2910 => x"00002d6c",
-2911 => x"00002d74",
-2912 => x"00002d74",
-2913 => x"00002d7c",
-2914 => x"00002d7c",
-2915 => x"00002d84",
-2916 => x"00002d84",
-2917 => x"00002d8c",
-2918 => x"00002d8c",
-2919 => x"00002d94",
-2920 => x"00002d94",
-2921 => x"00002d9c",
-2922 => x"00002d9c",
-2923 => x"00002da4",
-2924 => x"00002da4",
-2925 => x"00002dac",
-2926 => x"00002dac",
-2927 => x"00002db4",
-2928 => x"00002db4",
-2929 => x"00002dbc",
-2930 => x"00002dbc",
-2931 => x"00002dc4",
-2932 => x"00002dc4",
-2933 => x"00002dcc",
-2934 => x"00002dcc",
-2935 => x"00002dd4",
-2936 => x"00002dd4",
-2937 => x"00002ddc",
-2938 => x"00002ddc",
-2939 => x"00002de4",
-2940 => x"00002de4",
-2941 => x"00002dec",
-2942 => x"00002dec",
-2943 => x"00002df4",
-2944 => x"00002df4",
-2945 => x"00002dfc",
-2946 => x"00002dfc",
-2947 => x"00002e04",
-2948 => x"00002e04",
-2949 => x"00002e0c",
-2950 => x"00002e0c",
-2951 => x"00002e14",
-2952 => x"00002e14",
-2953 => x"00002e1c",
-2954 => x"00002e1c",
-2955 => x"00002e24",
-2956 => x"00002e24",
-2957 => x"00002e2c",
-2958 => x"00002e2c",
-2959 => x"00002e34",
-2960 => x"00002e34",
-2961 => x"00002e3c",
-2962 => x"00002e3c",
-2963 => x"00002e44",
-2964 => x"00002e44",
-2965 => x"00002e4c",
-2966 => x"00002e4c",
-2967 => x"00002e54",
-2968 => x"00002e54",
-2969 => x"00002e5c",
-2970 => x"00002e5c",
-2971 => x"00002e64",
-2972 => x"00002e64",
-2973 => x"00002e6c",
-2974 => x"00002e6c",
-2975 => x"00002e74",
-2976 => x"00002e74",
-2977 => x"00002e7c",
-2978 => x"00002e7c",
-2979 => x"00002e84",
-2980 => x"00002e84",
-2981 => x"00002e8c",
-2982 => x"00002e8c",
-2983 => x"00002e94",
-2984 => x"00002e94",
-2985 => x"00002e9c",
-2986 => x"00002e9c",
-2987 => x"00002ea4",
-2988 => x"00002ea4",
-2989 => x"00002eac",
-2990 => x"00002eac",
-2991 => x"00002eb4",
-2992 => x"00002eb4",
-2993 => x"00002ebc",
-2994 => x"00002ebc",
-2995 => x"00002ec4",
-2996 => x"00002ec4",
-2997 => x"00002ecc",
-2998 => x"00002ecc",
-2999 => x"00002ed4",
-3000 => x"00002ed4",
-3001 => x"00002edc",
-3002 => x"00002edc",
-3003 => x"00002ee4",
-3004 => x"00002ee4",
-3005 => x"00002eec",
-3006 => x"00002eec",
-3007 => x"00002ef4",
-3008 => x"00002ef4",
-3009 => x"00002efc",
-3010 => x"00002efc",
-3011 => x"00002f04",
-3012 => x"00002f04",
-3013 => x"00002f0c",
-3014 => x"00002f0c",
-3015 => x"00002f14",
-3016 => x"00002f14",
-3017 => x"00002f1c",
-3018 => x"00002f1c",
-3019 => x"00002f24",
-3020 => x"00002f24",
-3021 => x"00002f2c",
-3022 => x"00002f2c",
-3023 => x"00002f34",
-3024 => x"00002f34",
-3025 => x"00002f3c",
-3026 => x"00002f3c",
-3027 => x"00002f50",
-3028 => x"00000000",
-3029 => x"000031b8",
-3030 => x"00003214",
-3031 => x"00003270",
-3032 => x"00000000",
-3033 => x"00000000",
-3034 => x"00000000",
-3035 => x"00000000",
-3036 => x"00000000",
-3037 => x"00000000",
-3038 => x"00000000",
-3039 => x"00000000",
-3040 => x"00000000",
-3041 => x"00002ad0",
-3042 => x"00000000",
-3043 => x"00000000",
-3044 => x"00000000",
-3045 => x"00000000",
-3046 => x"00000000",
-3047 => x"00000000",
-3048 => x"00000000",
-3049 => x"00000000",
-3050 => x"00000000",
-3051 => x"00000000",
-3052 => x"00000000",
-3053 => x"00000000",
-3054 => x"00000000",
-3055 => x"00000000",
-3056 => x"00000000",
-3057 => x"00000000",
-3058 => x"00000000",
-3059 => x"00000000",
-3060 => x"00000000",
-3061 => x"00000000",
-3062 => x"00000000",
-3063 => x"00000000",
-3064 => x"00000000",
-3065 => x"00000000",
-3066 => x"00000000",
-3067 => x"00000000",
-3068 => x"00000000",
-3069 => x"00000000",
-3070 => x"00000001",
-3071 => x"330eabcd",
-3072 => x"1234e66d",
-3073 => x"deec0005",
-3074 => x"000b0000",
-3075 => x"00000000",
-3076 => x"00000000",
-3077 => x"00000000",
-3078 => x"00000000",
-3079 => x"00000000",
-3080 => x"00000000",
-3081 => x"00000000",
-3082 => x"00000000",
-3083 => x"00000000",
-3084 => x"00000000",
-3085 => x"00000000",
-3086 => x"00000000",
-3087 => x"00000000",
-3088 => x"00000000",
-3089 => x"00000000",
-3090 => x"00000000",
-3091 => x"00000000",
-3092 => x"00000000",
-3093 => x"00000000",
-3094 => x"00000000",
-3095 => x"00000000",
-3096 => x"00000000",
-3097 => x"00000000",
-3098 => x"00000000",
-3099 => x"00000000",
-3100 => x"00000000",
-3101 => x"00000000",
-3102 => x"00000000",
-3103 => x"00000000",
-3104 => x"00000000",
-3105 => x"00000000",
-3106 => x"00000000",
-3107 => x"00000000",
-3108 => x"00000000",
-3109 => x"00000000",
-3110 => x"00000000",
-3111 => x"00000000",
-3112 => x"00000000",
-3113 => x"00000000",
-3114 => x"00000000",
-3115 => x"00000000",
-3116 => x"00000000",
-3117 => x"00000000",
-3118 => x"00000000",
-3119 => x"00000000",
-3120 => x"00000000",
-3121 => x"00000000",
-3122 => x"00000000",
-3123 => x"00000000",
-3124 => x"00000000",
-3125 => x"00000000",
-3126 => x"00000000",
-3127 => x"00000000",
-3128 => x"00000000",
-3129 => x"00000000",
-3130 => x"00000000",
-3131 => x"00000000",
-3132 => x"00000000",
-3133 => x"00000000",
-3134 => x"00000000",
-3135 => x"00000000",
-3136 => x"00000000",
-3137 => x"00000000",
-3138 => x"00000000",
-3139 => x"00000000",
-3140 => x"00000000",
-3141 => x"00000000",
-3142 => x"00000000",
-3143 => x"00000000",
-3144 => x"00000000",
-3145 => x"00000000",
-3146 => x"00000000",
-3147 => x"00000000",
-3148 => x"00000000",
-3149 => x"00000000",
-3150 => x"00000000",
-3151 => x"00000000",
-3152 => x"00000000",
-3153 => x"00000000",
-3154 => x"00000000",
-3155 => x"00000000",
-3156 => x"00000000",
-3157 => x"00000000",
-3158 => x"00000000",
-3159 => x"00000000",
-3160 => x"00000000",
-3161 => x"00000000",
-3162 => x"00000000",
-3163 => x"00000000",
-3164 => x"00000000",
-3165 => x"00000000",
-3166 => x"00000000",
-3167 => x"00000000",
-3168 => x"00000000",
-3169 => x"00000000",
-3170 => x"00000000",
-3171 => x"00000000",
-3172 => x"00000000",
-3173 => x"00000000",
-3174 => x"00000000",
-3175 => x"00000000",
-3176 => x"00000000",
-3177 => x"00000000",
-3178 => x"00000000",
-3179 => x"00000000",
-3180 => x"00000000",
-3181 => x"00000000",
-3182 => x"00000000",
-3183 => x"00000000",
-3184 => x"00000000",
-3185 => x"00000000",
-3186 => x"00000000",
-3187 => x"00000000",
-3188 => x"00000000",
-3189 => x"00000000",
-3190 => x"00000000",
-3191 => x"00000000",
-3192 => x"00000000",
-3193 => x"00000000",
-3194 => x"00000000",
-3195 => x"00000000",
-3196 => x"00000000",
-3197 => x"00000000",
-3198 => x"00000000",
-3199 => x"00000000",
-3200 => x"00000000",
-3201 => x"00000000",
-3202 => x"00000000",
-3203 => x"00000000",
-3204 => x"00000000",
-3205 => x"00000000",
-3206 => x"00000000",
-3207 => x"00000000",
-3208 => x"00000000",
-3209 => x"00000000",
-3210 => x"00000000",
-3211 => x"00000000",
-3212 => x"00000000",
-3213 => x"00000000",
-3214 => x"00000000",
-3215 => x"00000000",
-3216 => x"00000000",
-3217 => x"00000000",
-3218 => x"00000000",
-3219 => x"00000000",
-3220 => x"00000000",
-3221 => x"00000000",
-3222 => x"00000000",
-3223 => x"00000000",
-3224 => x"00000000",
-3225 => x"00000000",
-3226 => x"00000000",
-3227 => x"00000000",
-3228 => x"00000000",
-3229 => x"00000000",
-3230 => x"00000000",
-3231 => x"00000000",
-3232 => x"00000000",
-3233 => x"00000000",
-3234 => x"00000000",
-3235 => x"00000000",
-3236 => x"00000000",
-3237 => x"00000000",
-3238 => x"00000000",
-3239 => x"00000000",
-3240 => x"00000000",
-3241 => x"00000000",
-3242 => x"00000000",
-3243 => x"00000000",
-3244 => x"00000000",
-3245 => x"00000000",
-3246 => x"00000000",
-3247 => x"00000000",
-3248 => x"00000000",
-3249 => x"00000000",
-3250 => x"00000000",
-3251 => x"00002ad4",
-3252 => x"ffffffff",
-3253 => x"00000000",
-3254 => x"ffffffff",
-3255 => x"00000000",
- others => x"00000000"
-mem_busy<=mem_readEnable; -- we're done on the cycle after we serve the read request
-process (clk, areset)
- if areset = '1' then
- elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
- if (mem_writeEnable = '1') then
- ram(to_integer(unsigned(mem_addr(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit)))) := mem_write;
- end if;
- if (mem_readEnable = '1') then
- mem_read <= ram(to_integer(unsigned(mem_addr(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit))));
- end if;
- end if;
-end process;
-end dram_arch;
+library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.numeric_std.all; + + +library work; +use work.zpu_config.all; +use work.zpupkg.all; + +entity dram is +port (clk : in std_logic; +areset : std_logic; + mem_writeEnable : in std_logic; + mem_readEnable : in std_logic; + mem_addr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto 0); + mem_write : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + mem_read : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + mem_busy : out std_logic; + mem_writeMask : in std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0)); +end dram; + +architecture dram_arch of dram is + + +type ram_type is array(natural range 0 to ((2**(maxAddrBitDRAM+1))/4)-1) of std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + +shared variable ram : ram_type := +( +0 => x"0b0b0b0b", +1 => x"82700b0b", +2 => x"80d5f40c", +3 => x"3a0b0b80", +4 => x"c4fb0400", +5 => x"00000000", +6 => x"00000000", +7 => x"00000000", +8 => x"80088408", +9 => x"88080b0b", +10 => x"80c5c22d", +11 => x"880c840c", +12 => x"800c0400", +13 => x"00000000", +14 => x"00000000", +15 => x"00000000", +16 => x"71fd0608", +17 => x"72830609", +18 => x"81058205", +19 => x"832b2a83", +20 => x"ffff0652", +21 => x"04000000", +22 => x"00000000", +23 => x"00000000", +24 => x"71fd0608", +25 => x"83ffff73", +26 => x"83060981", +27 => x"05820583", +28 => x"2b2b0906", +29 => x"7383ffff", +30 => x"0b0b0b0b", +31 => x"83a70400", +32 => x"72098105", +33 => x"72057373", +34 => x"09060906", +35 => x"73097306", +36 => x"070a8106", +37 => x"53510400", +38 => x"00000000", +39 => x"00000000", +40 => x"72722473", +41 => x"732e0753", +42 => x"51040000", +43 => x"00000000", +44 => x"00000000", +45 => x"00000000", +46 => x"00000000", +47 => x"00000000", +48 => x"71737109", +49 => x"71068106", +50 => x"30720a10", +51 => x"0a720a10", +52 => x"0a31050a", +53 => x"81065151", +54 => x"53510400", +55 => x"00000000", +56 => x"72722673", +57 => x"732e0753", +58 => x"51040000", +59 => x"00000000", +60 => x"00000000", +61 => x"00000000", +62 => x"00000000", +63 => x"00000000", +64 => x"00000000", +65 => x"00000000", +66 => x"00000000", +67 => x"00000000", +68 => x"00000000", +69 => x"00000000", +70 => x"00000000", +71 => x"00000000", +72 => x"0b0b0b88", +73 => x"c3040000", +74 => x"00000000", +75 => x"00000000", +76 => x"00000000", +77 => x"00000000", +78 => x"00000000", +79 => x"00000000", +80 => x"720a722b", +81 => x"0a535104", +82 => x"00000000", +83 => x"00000000", +84 => x"00000000", +85 => x"00000000", +86 => x"00000000", +87 => x"00000000", +88 => x"72729f06", +89 => x"0981050b", +90 => x"0b0b88a6", +91 => x"05040000", +92 => x"00000000", +93 => x"00000000", +94 => x"00000000", +95 => x"00000000", +96 => x"72722aff", +97 => x"739f062a", +98 => x"0974090a", +99 => x"8106ff05", +100 => x"06075351", +101 => x"04000000", +102 => x"00000000", +103 => x"00000000", +104 => x"71715351", +105 => x"020d0406", +106 => x"73830609", +107 => x"81058205", +108 => x"832b0b2b", +109 => x"0772fc06", +110 => x"0c515104", +111 => x"00000000", +112 => x"72098105", +113 => x"72050970", +114 => x"81050906", +115 => x"0a810653", +116 => x"51040000", +117 => x"00000000", +118 => x"00000000", +119 => x"00000000", +120 => x"72098105", +121 => x"72050970", +122 => x"81050906", +123 => x"0a098106", +124 => x"53510400", +125 => x"00000000", +126 => x"00000000", +127 => x"00000000", +128 => x"71098105", +129 => x"52040000", +130 => x"00000000", +131 => x"00000000", +132 => x"00000000", +133 => x"00000000", +134 => x"00000000", +135 => x"00000000", +136 => x"72720981", +137 => x"05055351", +138 => x"04000000", +139 => x"00000000", +140 => x"00000000", +141 => x"00000000", +142 => x"00000000", +143 => x"00000000", +144 => x"72097206", +145 => x"73730906", +146 => x"07535104", +147 => x"00000000", +148 => x"00000000", +149 => x"00000000", +150 => x"00000000", +151 => x"00000000", +152 => x"71fc0608", +153 => x"72830609", +154 => x"81058305", +155 => x"1010102a", +156 => x"81ff0652", +157 => x"04000000", +158 => x"00000000", +159 => x"00000000", +160 => x"71fc0608", +161 => x"0b0b80d5", +162 => x"e0738306", +163 => x"10100508", +164 => x"060b0b0b", +165 => x"88a90400", +166 => x"00000000", +167 => x"00000000", +168 => x"80088408", +169 => x"88087575", +170 => x"0b0b0bad", +171 => x"aa2d5050", +172 => x"80085688", +173 => x"0c840c80", +174 => x"0c510400", +175 => x"00000000", +176 => x"80088408", +177 => x"88087575", +178 => x"0b0b0bad", +179 => x"ee2d5050", +180 => x"80085688", +181 => x"0c840c80", +182 => x"0c510400", +183 => x"00000000", +184 => x"72097081", +185 => x"0509060a", +186 => x"8106ff05", +187 => x"70547106", +188 => x"73097274", +189 => x"05ff0506", +190 => x"07515151", +191 => x"04000000", +192 => x"72097081", +193 => x"0509060a", +194 => x"098106ff", +195 => x"05705471", +196 => x"06730972", +197 => x"7405ff05", +198 => x"06075151", +199 => x"51040000", +200 => x"05ff0504", +201 => x"00000000", +202 => x"00000000", +203 => x"00000000", +204 => x"00000000", +205 => x"00000000", +206 => x"00000000", +207 => x"00000000", +208 => x"810b0b0b", +209 => x"80d5f00c", +210 => x"51040000", +211 => x"00000000", +212 => x"00000000", +213 => x"00000000", +214 => x"00000000", +215 => x"00000000", +216 => x"71810552", +217 => x"04000000", +218 => x"00000000", +219 => x"00000000", +220 => x"00000000", +221 => x"00000000", +222 => x"00000000", +223 => x"00000000", +224 => x"00000000", +225 => x"00000000", +226 => x"00000000", +227 => x"00000000", +228 => x"00000000", +229 => x"00000000", +230 => x"00000000", +231 => x"00000000", +232 => x"02840572", +233 => x"10100552", +234 => x"04000000", +235 => x"00000000", +236 => x"00000000", +237 => x"00000000", +238 => x"00000000", +239 => x"00000000", +240 => x"00000000", +241 => x"00000000", +242 => x"00000000", +243 => x"00000000", +244 => x"00000000", +245 => x"00000000", +246 => x"00000000", +247 => x"00000000", +248 => x"717105ff", +249 => x"05715351", +250 => x"020d0400", +251 => x"00000000", +252 => x"00000000", +253 => x"00000000", +254 => x"00000000", +255 => x"00000000", +256 => x"82fd3fbf", +257 => x"a03f0410", +258 => x"10101010", +259 => x"10101010", +260 => x"10101010", +261 => x"10101010", +262 => x"10101010", +263 => x"10101010", +264 => x"10101010", +265 => x"10105351", +266 => x"047381ff", +267 => x"06738306", +268 => x"09810583", +269 => x"05101010", +270 => x"2b0772fc", +271 => x"060c5151", +272 => x"043c0472", +273 => x"72807281", +274 => x"06ff0509", +275 => x"72060571", +276 => x"1052720a", +277 => x"100a5372", +278 => x"ed385151", +279 => x"535104ff", +280 => x"3d0d0b0b", +281 => x"80e5e408", +282 => x"52710870", +283 => x"882a8132", +284 => x"70810651", +285 => x"515170f1", +286 => x"3873720c", +287 => x"833d0d04", +288 => x"80d5f008", +289 => x"802ea438", +290 => x"80d5f408", +291 => x"822ebd38", +292 => x"8380800b", +293 => x"0b0b80e5", +294 => x"e40c82a0", +295 => x"800b80e5", +296 => x"e80c8290", +297 => x"800b80e5", +298 => x"ec0c04f8", +299 => x"808080a4", +300 => x"0b0b0b80", +301 => x"e5e40cf8", +302 => x"80808280", +303 => x"0b80e5e8", +304 => x"0cf88080", +305 => x"84800b80", +306 => x"e5ec0c04", +307 => x"80c0a880", +308 => x"8c0b0b0b", +309 => x"80e5e40c", +310 => x"80c0a880", +311 => x"940b80e5", +312 => x"e80c0b0b", +313 => x"80c7d00b", +314 => x"80e5ec0c", +315 => x"04f23d0d", +316 => x"6080e5e8", +317 => x"08565d82", +318 => x"750c8059", +319 => x"805a800b", +320 => x"8f3d5d5b", +321 => x"7a101015", +322 => x"70087108", +323 => x"719f2c7e", +324 => x"852b5855", +325 => x"557d5359", +326 => x"5799993f", +327 => x"7d7f7a72", +328 => x"077c7207", +329 => x"71716081", +330 => x"05415f5d", +331 => x"5b595755", +332 => x"817b278f", +333 => x"38767d0c", +334 => x"77841e0c", +335 => x"7c800c90", +336 => x"3d0d0480", +337 => x"e5e80855", +338 => x"ffba3970", +339 => x"7080e5f0", +340 => x"335170a7", +341 => x"3880d5fc", +342 => x"08700852", +343 => x"5270802e", +344 => x"94388412", +345 => x"80d5fc0c", +346 => x"702d80d5", +347 => x"fc087008", +348 => x"525270ee", +349 => x"38810b80", +350 => x"e5f03450", +351 => x"50040470", +352 => x"0b0b80e5", +353 => x"e008802e", +354 => x"8e380b0b", +355 => x"0b0b800b", +356 => x"802e0981", +357 => x"06833850", +358 => x"040b0b80", +359 => x"e5e0510b", +360 => x"0b0bf4dc", +361 => x"3f500404", +362 => x"ff3d0d02", +363 => x"8f053352", +364 => x"718a2e8a", +365 => x"387151fd", +366 => x"a63f833d", +367 => x"0d048d51", +368 => x"fd9d3f71", +369 => x"51fd983f", +370 => x"833d0d04", +371 => x"ce3d0db5", +372 => x"3d707084", +373 => x"0552088b", +374 => x"a85c56a5", +375 => x"3d5e5c80", +376 => x"75708105", +377 => x"5733765b", +378 => x"55587378", +379 => x"2e80c138", +380 => x"8e3d5b73", +381 => x"a52e0981", +382 => x"0680c538", +383 => x"78708105", +384 => x"5a335473", +385 => x"80e42e81", +386 => x"b6387380", +387 => x"e42480c6", +388 => x"387380e3", +389 => x"2ea13880", +390 => x"52a55179", +391 => x"2d805273", +392 => x"51792d82", +393 => x"18587870", +394 => x"81055a33", +395 => x"5473c438", +396 => x"77800cb4", +397 => x"3d0d047b", +398 => x"841d8312", +399 => x"33565d57", +400 => x"80527351", +401 => x"792d8118", +402 => x"79708105", +403 => x"5b335558", +404 => x"73ffa038", +405 => x"db397380", +406 => x"f32e0981", +407 => x"06ffb838", +408 => x"7b841d71", +409 => x"08595d56", +410 => x"80773355", +411 => x"5673762e", +412 => x"8d388116", +413 => x"70187033", +414 => x"57555674", +415 => x"f538ff16", +416 => x"55807625", +417 => x"ffa03876", +418 => x"70810558", +419 => x"33548052", +420 => x"7351792d", +421 => x"811875ff", +422 => x"17575758", +423 => x"807625ff", +424 => x"85387670", +425 => x"81055833", +426 => x"54805273", +427 => x"51792d81", +428 => x"1875ff17", +429 => x"57575875", +430 => x"8024cc38", +431 => x"fee8397b", +432 => x"841d7108", +433 => x"70719f2c", +434 => x"5953595d", +435 => x"56807524", +436 => x"81913875", +437 => x"7d7c5856", +438 => x"54805773", +439 => x"772e0981", +440 => x"06b638b0", +441 => x"7b3402b5", +442 => x"05567a76", +443 => x"2e9738ff", +444 => x"16567533", +445 => x"75708105", +446 => x"57348117", +447 => x"577a762e", +448 => x"098106eb", +449 => x"38807534", +450 => x"767dff12", +451 => x"57585675", +452 => x"8024fef3", +453 => x"38fe8f39", +454 => x"8a527351", +455 => x"9fd03f80", +456 => x"0880c7d4", +457 => x"05337670", +458 => x"81055834", +459 => x"8a527351", +460 => x"9ef83f80", +461 => x"08548008", +462 => x"802effae", +463 => x"388a5273", +464 => x"519fab3f", +465 => x"800880c7", +466 => x"d4053376", +467 => x"70810558", +468 => x"348a5273", +469 => x"519ed33f", +470 => x"80085480", +471 => x"08ffb938", +472 => x"ff883974", +473 => x"527653b4", +474 => x"3dffb805", +475 => x"51949a3f", +476 => x"a33d0856", +477 => x"fedd3980", +478 => x"3d0d80c1", +479 => x"0b81b4bc", +480 => x"34800b81", +481 => x"b6980c70", +482 => x"800c823d", +483 => x"0d04ff3d", +484 => x"0d800b81", +485 => x"b4bc3352", +486 => x"527080c1", +487 => x"2e993871", +488 => x"81b69808", +489 => x"0781b698", +490 => x"0c80c20b", +491 => x"81b4c034", +492 => x"70800c83", +493 => x"3d0d0481", +494 => x"0b81b698", +495 => x"080781b6", +496 => x"980c80c2", +497 => x"0b81b4c0", +498 => x"3470800c", +499 => x"833d0d04", +500 => x"fd3d0d75", +501 => x"70088a05", +502 => x"535381b4", +503 => x"bc335170", +504 => x"80c12e8b", +505 => x"3873f338", +506 => x"70800c85", +507 => x"3d0d04ff", +508 => x"127081b4", +509 => x"b8083174", +510 => x"0c800c85", +511 => x"3d0d04fc", +512 => x"3d0d81b4", +513 => x"c4085574", +514 => x"802e8c38", +515 => x"76750871", +516 => x"0c81b4c4", +517 => x"0856548c", +518 => x"155381b4", +519 => x"b808528a", +520 => x"518fd43f", +521 => x"73800c86", +522 => x"3d0d04fb", +523 => x"3d0d7770", +524 => x"085656b0", +525 => x"5381b4c4", +526 => x"08527451", +527 => x"ab943f85", +528 => x"0b8c170c", +529 => x"850b8c16", +530 => x"0c750875", +531 => x"0c81b4c4", +532 => x"08547380", +533 => x"2e8a3873", +534 => x"08750c81", +535 => x"b4c40854", +536 => x"8c145381", +537 => x"b4b80852", +538 => x"8a518f8b", +539 => x"3f841508", +540 => x"ad38860b", +541 => x"8c160c88", +542 => x"15528816", +543 => x"08518e97", +544 => x"3f81b4c4", +545 => x"08700876", +546 => x"0c548c15", +547 => x"7054548a", +548 => x"52730851", +549 => x"8ee13f73", +550 => x"800c873d", +551 => x"0d047508", +552 => x"54b05373", +553 => x"527551aa", +554 => x"a93f7380", +555 => x"0c873d0d", +556 => x"04d93d0d", +557 => x"b0519dcf", +558 => x"3f800881", +559 => x"b4b40cb0", +560 => x"519dc43f", +561 => x"800881b4", +562 => x"c40c81b4", +563 => x"b4088008", +564 => x"0c800b80", +565 => x"0884050c", +566 => x"820b8008", +567 => x"88050ca8", +568 => x"0b80088c", +569 => x"050c9f53", +570 => x"80c7e052", +571 => x"80089005", +572 => x"51a9df3f", +573 => x"a13d5e9f", +574 => x"5380c880", +575 => x"527d51a9", +576 => x"d13f8a0b", +577 => x"80f2f80c", +578 => x"80d2a451", +579 => x"f9be3f80", +580 => x"c8a051f9", +581 => x"b73f80d2", +582 => x"a451f9b0", +583 => x"3f80d684", +584 => x"08802e89", +585 => x"d33880c8", +586 => x"d051f9a0", +587 => x"3f80d2a4", +588 => x"51f9993f", +589 => x"80d68008", +590 => x"5280c8fc", +591 => x"51f98d3f", +592 => x"80e69451", +593 => x"b2ff3f81", +594 => x"0b9a3d5e", +595 => x"5b800b80", +596 => x"d6800825", +597 => x"82d43890", +598 => x"3d5f80c1", +599 => x"0b81b4bc", +600 => x"34810b81", +601 => x"b6980c80", +602 => x"c20b81b4", +603 => x"c0348240", +604 => x"835a9f53", +605 => x"80c9ac52", +606 => x"7c51a8d6", +607 => x"3f814180", +608 => x"7d537e52", +609 => x"568e943f", +610 => x"8008762e", +611 => x"09810683", +612 => x"38815675", +613 => x"81b6980c", +614 => x"7f705856", +615 => x"758325a2", +616 => x"38751010", +617 => x"16fd0542", +618 => x"a93dffa4", +619 => x"05538352", +620 => x"76518cc3", +621 => x"3f7f8105", +622 => x"70417058", +623 => x"56837624", +624 => x"e0386154", +625 => x"755380e6", +626 => x"9c5281b4", +627 => x"d0518cb7", +628 => x"3f81b4c4", +629 => x"08700858", +630 => x"58b05377", +631 => x"527651a7", +632 => x"f13f850b", +633 => x"8c190c85", +634 => x"0b8c180c", +635 => x"7708770c", +636 => x"81b4c408", +637 => x"5675802e", +638 => x"8a387508", +639 => x"770c81b4", +640 => x"c408568c", +641 => x"165381b4", +642 => x"b808528a", +643 => x"518be83f", +644 => x"84170887", +645 => x"ea38860b", +646 => x"8c180c88", +647 => x"17528818", +648 => x"08518af3", +649 => x"3f81b4c4", +650 => x"08700878", +651 => x"0c568c17", +652 => x"7054598a", +653 => x"52780851", +654 => x"8bbd3f80", +655 => x"c10b81b4", +656 => x"c0335757", +657 => x"767626a2", +658 => x"3880c352", +659 => x"76518ca1", +660 => x"3f800861", +661 => x"2e89e438", +662 => x"81177081", +663 => x"ff0681b4", +664 => x"c0335858", +665 => x"58757727", +666 => x"e0387960", +667 => x"29627054", +668 => x"71535b59", +669 => x"98b43f80", +670 => x"0840787a", +671 => x"31708729", +672 => x"80083180", +673 => x"088a0581", +674 => x"b4bc3381", +675 => x"b4b8085e", +676 => x"5b525a56", +677 => x"7780c12e", +678 => x"89ce387b", +679 => x"f738811b", +680 => x"5b80d680", +681 => x"087b25fd", +682 => x"b13881b4", +683 => x"ac51b095", +684 => x"3f80c9cc", +685 => x"51f6953f", +686 => x"80d2a451", +687 => x"f68e3f80", +688 => x"c9dc51f6", +689 => x"873f80d2", +690 => x"a451f680", +691 => x"3f81b4b8", +692 => x"085280ca", +693 => x"9451f5f4", +694 => x"3f855280", +695 => x"cab051f5", +696 => x"eb3f81b6", +697 => x"98085280", +698 => x"cacc51f5", +699 => x"df3f8152", +700 => x"80cab051", +701 => x"f5d63f81", +702 => x"b4bc3352", +703 => x"80cae851", +704 => x"f5ca3f80", +705 => x"c15280cb", +706 => x"8451f5c0", +707 => x"3f81b4c0", +708 => x"335280cb", +709 => x"a051f5b4", +710 => x"3f80c252", +711 => x"80cb8451", +712 => x"f5aa3f81", +713 => x"b4f00852", +714 => x"80cbbc51", +715 => x"f59e3f87", +716 => x"5280cab0", +717 => x"51f5953f", +718 => x"80f2f808", +719 => x"5280cbd8", +720 => x"51f5893f", +721 => x"80cbf451", +722 => x"f5823f80", +723 => x"cca051f4", +724 => x"fb3f81b4", +725 => x"c4087008", +726 => x"535a80cc", +727 => x"ac51f4ec", +728 => x"3f80ccc8", +729 => x"51f4e53f", +730 => x"81b4c408", +731 => x"84110853", +732 => x"5680ccfc", +733 => x"51f4d53f", +734 => x"805280ca", +735 => x"b051f4cc", +736 => x"3f81b4c4", +737 => x"08881108", +738 => x"535880cd", +739 => x"9851f4bc", +740 => x"3f825280", +741 => x"cab051f4", +742 => x"b33f81b4", +743 => x"c4088c11", +744 => x"08535780", +745 => x"cdb451f4", +746 => x"a33f9152", +747 => x"80cab051", +748 => x"f49a3f81", +749 => x"b4c40890", +750 => x"055280cd", +751 => x"d051f48c", +752 => x"3f80cdec", +753 => x"51f4853f", +754 => x"80cea451", +755 => x"f3fe3f81", +756 => x"b4b40870", +757 => x"08535f80", +758 => x"ccac51f3", +759 => x"ef3f80ce", +760 => x"b851f3e8", +761 => x"3f81b4b4", +762 => x"08841108", +763 => x"535b80cc", +764 => x"fc51f3d8", +765 => x"3f805280", +766 => x"cab051f3", +767 => x"cf3f81b4", +768 => x"b4088811", +769 => x"08535c80", +770 => x"cd9851f3", +771 => x"bf3f8152", +772 => x"80cab051", +773 => x"f3b63f81", +774 => x"b4b4088c", +775 => x"1108535a", +776 => x"80cdb451", +777 => x"f3a63f92", +778 => x"5280cab0", +779 => x"51f39d3f", +780 => x"81b4b408", +781 => x"90055280", +782 => x"cdd051f3", +783 => x"8f3f80cd", +784 => x"ec51f388", +785 => x"3f7f5280", +786 => x"cef851f2", +787 => x"ff3f8552", +788 => x"80cab051", +789 => x"f2f63f78", +790 => x"5280cf94", +791 => x"51f2ed3f", +792 => x"8d5280ca", +793 => x"b051f2e4", +794 => x"3f615280", +795 => x"cfb051f2", +796 => x"db3f8752", +797 => x"80cab051", +798 => x"f2d23f60", +799 => x"5280cfcc", +800 => x"51f2c93f", +801 => x"815280ca", +802 => x"b051f2c0", +803 => x"3f7d5280", +804 => x"cfe851f2", +805 => x"b73f80d0", +806 => x"8451f2b0", +807 => x"3f7c5280", +808 => x"d0bc51f2", +809 => x"a73f80d0", +810 => x"d851f2a0", +811 => x"3f80d2a4", +812 => x"51f2993f", +813 => x"81b4ac08", +814 => x"81b4b008", +815 => x"80e69408", +816 => x"80e69808", +817 => x"72713170", +818 => x"74267574", +819 => x"31707231", +820 => x"80e68c0c", +821 => x"444480e6", +822 => x"900c80e6", +823 => x"90085680", +824 => x"d190555c", +825 => x"595758f1", +826 => x"e33f80e6", +827 => x"8c085680", +828 => x"762582a3", +829 => x"3880d680", +830 => x"0870719f", +831 => x"2c9a3d53", +832 => x"565680e6", +833 => x"8c0880e6", +834 => x"90084153", +835 => x"7f547052", +836 => x"5a89eb3f", +837 => x"66685f80", +838 => x"e5fc0c7d", +839 => x"80e6800c", +840 => x"80d68008", +841 => x"709f2c58", +842 => x"568058bd", +843 => x"84c07855", +844 => x"55765275", +845 => x"53795187", +846 => x"d13f953d", +847 => x"80e68c08", +848 => x"80e69008", +849 => x"41557f56", +850 => x"67694053", +851 => x"7e547052", +852 => x"5c89ab3f", +853 => x"64665e80", +854 => x"e6840c7c", +855 => x"80e6880c", +856 => x"80d68008", +857 => x"709f2c40", +858 => x"58805783", +859 => x"dceb9480", +860 => x"7755557e", +861 => x"5277537b", +862 => x"51878f3f", +863 => x"64665d5b", +864 => x"805e8ddd", +865 => x"7e555580", +866 => x"e68c0880", +867 => x"e6900859", +868 => x"52775379", +869 => x"5186f33f", +870 => x"66684054", +871 => x"7e557a52", +872 => x"7b53a93d", +873 => x"ffa80551", +874 => x"88d43f62", +875 => x"645e81b4", +876 => x"c80c7c81", +877 => x"b4cc0c80", +878 => x"d1a051f0", +879 => x"8f3f80e6", +880 => x"80085280", +881 => x"d1d051f0", +882 => x"833f80d1", +883 => x"d851effc", +884 => x"3f80e688", +885 => x"085280d1", +886 => x"d051eff0", +887 => x"3f81b4cc", +888 => x"085280d2", +889 => x"8851efe4", +890 => x"3f80d2a4", +891 => x"51efdd3f", +892 => x"800b800c", +893 => x"a93d0d04", +894 => x"80d2a851", +895 => x"f6ac3977", +896 => x"0857b053", +897 => x"76527751", +898 => x"9fc83f80", +899 => x"c10b81b4", +900 => x"c0335757", +901 => x"f8ae3975", +902 => x"8a3880e6", +903 => x"90088126", +904 => x"fdd33880", +905 => x"d2d851ef", +906 => x"a33f80d3", +907 => x"9051ef9c", +908 => x"3f80d2a4", +909 => x"51ef953f", +910 => x"80d68008", +911 => x"70719f2c", +912 => x"9a3d5356", +913 => x"5680e68c", +914 => x"0880e690", +915 => x"0841537f", +916 => x"5470525a", +917 => x"87a83f66", +918 => x"685f80e5", +919 => x"fc0c7d80", +920 => x"e6800c80", +921 => x"d6800870", +922 => x"9f2c5856", +923 => x"8058bd84", +924 => x"c0785555", +925 => x"76527553", +926 => x"7951858e", +927 => x"3f953d80", +928 => x"e68c0880", +929 => x"e6900841", +930 => x"557f5667", +931 => x"6940537e", +932 => x"5470525c", +933 => x"86e83f64", +934 => x"665e80e6", +935 => x"840c7c80", +936 => x"e6880c80", +937 => x"d6800870", +938 => x"9f2c4058", +939 => x"805783dc", +940 => x"eb948077", +941 => x"55557e52", +942 => x"77537b51", +943 => x"84cc3f64", +944 => x"665d5b80", +945 => x"5e8ddd7e", +946 => x"555580e6", +947 => x"8c0880e6", +948 => x"90085952", +949 => x"77537951", +950 => x"84b03f66", +951 => x"6840547e", +952 => x"557a527b", +953 => x"53a93dff", +954 => x"a8055186", +955 => x"913f6264", +956 => x"5e81b4c8", +957 => x"0c7c81b4", +958 => x"cc0c80d1", +959 => x"a051edcc", +960 => x"3f80e680", +961 => x"085280d1", +962 => x"d051edc0", +963 => x"3f80d1d8", +964 => x"51edb93f", +965 => x"80e68808", +966 => x"5280d1d0", +967 => x"51edad3f", +968 => x"81b4cc08", +969 => x"5280d288", +970 => x"51eda13f", +971 => x"80d2a451", +972 => x"ed9a3f80", +973 => x"0b800ca9", +974 => x"3d0d04a9", +975 => x"3dffa005", +976 => x"52805180", +977 => x"d23f9f53", +978 => x"80d3b052", +979 => x"7c519d82", +980 => x"3f7a7b81", +981 => x"b4b80c81", +982 => x"187081ff", +983 => x"0681b4c0", +984 => x"33595959", +985 => x"5af5fe39", +986 => x"ff16707b", +987 => x"31600c5c", +988 => x"800b811c", +989 => x"5c5c80d6", +990 => x"80087b25", +991 => x"f3dc38f6", +992 => x"a939ff3d", +993 => x"0d738232", +994 => x"70307072", +995 => x"07802580", +996 => x"0c525283", +997 => x"3d0d04fe", +998 => x"3d0d7476", +999 => x"71535452", +1000 => x"71822e83", +1001 => x"38835171", +1002 => x"812e9a38", +1003 => x"8172269f", +1004 => x"3871822e", +1005 => x"b8387184", +1006 => x"2ea93870", +1007 => x"730c7080", +1008 => x"0c843d0d", +1009 => x"0480e40b", +1010 => x"81b4b808", +1011 => x"258b3880", +1012 => x"730c7080", +1013 => x"0c843d0d", +1014 => x"0483730c", +1015 => x"70800c84", +1016 => x"3d0d0482", +1017 => x"730c7080", +1018 => x"0c843d0d", +1019 => x"0481730c", +1020 => x"70800c84", +1021 => x"3d0d0480", +1022 => x"3d0d7474", +1023 => x"14820571", +1024 => x"0c800c82", +1025 => x"3d0d04f7", +1026 => x"3d0d7b7d", +1027 => x"7f618512", +1028 => x"70822b75", +1029 => x"11707471", +1030 => x"70840553", +1031 => x"0c5a5a5d", +1032 => x"5b760c79", +1033 => x"80f8180c", +1034 => x"79861252", +1035 => x"57585a5a", +1036 => x"76762499", +1037 => x"3876b329", +1038 => x"822b7911", +1039 => x"51537673", +1040 => x"70840555", +1041 => x"0c811454", +1042 => x"757425f2", +1043 => x"387681cc", +1044 => x"2919fc11", +1045 => x"088105fc", +1046 => x"120c7a19", +1047 => x"70089fa0", +1048 => x"130c5856", +1049 => x"850b81b4", +1050 => x"b80c7580", +1051 => x"0c8b3d0d", +1052 => x"04fe3d0d", +1053 => x"02930533", +1054 => x"51800284", +1055 => x"05970533", +1056 => x"54527073", +1057 => x"2e883871", +1058 => x"800c843d", +1059 => x"0d047081", +1060 => x"b4bc3481", +1061 => x"0b800c84", +1062 => x"3d0d04f8", +1063 => x"3d0d7a7c", +1064 => x"5956820b", +1065 => x"83195555", +1066 => x"74167033", +1067 => x"75335b51", +1068 => x"5372792e", +1069 => x"80c63880", +1070 => x"c10b8116", +1071 => x"81165656", +1072 => x"57827525", +1073 => x"e338ffa9", +1074 => x"177081ff", +1075 => x"06555973", +1076 => x"82268338", +1077 => x"87558153", +1078 => x"7680d22e", +1079 => x"98387752", +1080 => x"75519bc3", +1081 => x"3f805372", +1082 => x"80082589", +1083 => x"38871581", +1084 => x"b4b80c81", +1085 => x"5372800c", +1086 => x"8a3d0d04", +1087 => x"7281b4bc", +1088 => x"34827525", +1089 => x"ffa238ff", +1090 => x"bd39ef3d", +1091 => x"0d636567", +1092 => x"5b427943", +1093 => x"67695940", +1094 => x"77415a80", +1095 => x"5d805e61", +1096 => x"7083ffff", +1097 => x"0671902a", +1098 => x"627083ff", +1099 => x"ff067190", +1100 => x"2a747229", +1101 => x"74732975", +1102 => x"73297774", +1103 => x"2973902a", +1104 => x"05721151", +1105 => x"5856535f", +1106 => x"5a575a58", +1107 => x"55587373", +1108 => x"27863884", +1109 => x"80801656", +1110 => x"73902a16", +1111 => x"5b7883ff", +1112 => x"ff067484", +1113 => x"80802905", +1114 => x"5c7a7c5a", +1115 => x"5d785e77", +1116 => x"7f296178", +1117 => x"29057d05", +1118 => x"5d7c7e56", +1119 => x"7a0c7484", +1120 => x"1b0c7980", +1121 => x"0c933d0d", +1122 => x"04f93d0d", +1123 => x"797b7d54", +1124 => x"58725977", +1125 => x"30797030", +1126 => x"7072079f", +1127 => x"2a737131", +1128 => x"5a525977", +1129 => x"7956730c", +1130 => x"53738413", +1131 => x"0c54800c", +1132 => x"893d0d04", +1133 => x"f93d0d79", +1134 => x"7b7d7f56", +1135 => x"54525472", +1136 => x"802ea038", +1137 => x"70577158", +1138 => x"a0733152", +1139 => x"807225a1", +1140 => x"38777074", +1141 => x"2b577073", +1142 => x"2a78752b", +1143 => x"07565174", +1144 => x"76535170", +1145 => x"740c7184", +1146 => x"150c7380", +1147 => x"0c893d0d", +1148 => x"04805677", +1149 => x"72302b55", +1150 => x"74765351", +1151 => x"e639e43d", +1152 => x"0d6ea13d", +1153 => x"08a33d08", +1154 => x"59575f80", +1155 => x"764d774e", +1156 => x"a33d08a5", +1157 => x"3d08574b", +1158 => x"754c5e7d", +1159 => x"6c2486fb", +1160 => x"38806a24", +1161 => x"878f3869", +1162 => x"6b58566b", +1163 => x"6d5d467b", +1164 => x"47754476", +1165 => x"45646468", +1166 => x"685c5c56", +1167 => x"567481e7", +1168 => x"38787627", +1169 => x"82c73875", +1170 => x"81ff2683", +1171 => x"2b5583ff", +1172 => x"ff76278c", +1173 => x"389055fe", +1174 => x"800a7627", +1175 => x"83389855", +1176 => x"75752a80", +1177 => x"d3d00570", +1178 => x"33a07731", +1179 => x"71315755", +1180 => x"5774802e", +1181 => x"95387575", +1182 => x"2ba07631", +1183 => x"7a772b7c", +1184 => x"722a077c", +1185 => x"782b5d5b", +1186 => x"59567590", +1187 => x"2a7683ff", +1188 => x"ff067154", +1189 => x"7a535957", +1190 => x"88803f80", +1191 => x"085b87ea", +1192 => x"3f800880", +1193 => x"0879297c", +1194 => x"902b7c90", +1195 => x"2a075656", +1196 => x"59737527", +1197 => x"94388008", +1198 => x"ff057615", +1199 => x"55597574", +1200 => x"26873874", +1201 => x"742687b9", +1202 => x"38765273", +1203 => x"75315187", +1204 => x"c93f8008", +1205 => x"5587b33f", +1206 => x"80088008", +1207 => x"79297b83", +1208 => x"ffff0677", +1209 => x"902b0756", +1210 => x"59577378", +1211 => x"27963880", +1212 => x"08ff0576", +1213 => x"15555775", +1214 => x"74268938", +1215 => x"77742677", +1216 => x"71315856", +1217 => x"78902b77", +1218 => x"0758805b", +1219 => x"7a407741", +1220 => x"7f615654", +1221 => x"7d80d938", +1222 => x"737f0c74", +1223 => x"7f84050c", +1224 => x"7e800c9e", +1225 => x"3d0d0480", +1226 => x"705c5874", +1227 => x"7926dd38", +1228 => x"7481ff26", +1229 => x"832b5774", +1230 => x"83ffff26", +1231 => x"82a53874", +1232 => x"772a80d3", +1233 => x"d0057033", +1234 => x"a0793171", +1235 => x"31595c5d", +1236 => x"7682b338", +1237 => x"76547479", +1238 => x"27833881", +1239 => x"54797627", +1240 => x"74075981", +1241 => x"5878ffa2", +1242 => x"38765880", +1243 => x"5bff9d39", +1244 => x"73527453", +1245 => x"9e3de805", +1246 => x"51fc8e3f", +1247 => x"6769567f", +1248 => x"0c747f84", +1249 => x"050c7e80", +1250 => x"0c9e3d0d", +1251 => x"0475802e", +1252 => x"81c43875", +1253 => x"81ff2683", +1254 => x"2b5583ff", +1255 => x"ff76278c", +1256 => x"389055fe", +1257 => x"800a7627", +1258 => x"83389855", +1259 => x"75752a80", +1260 => x"d3d00570", +1261 => x"33a07731", +1262 => x"7131575e", +1263 => x"54748491", +1264 => x"38787631", +1265 => x"54817690", +1266 => x"2a7783ff", +1267 => x"ff065f5d", +1268 => x"5b7b5273", +1269 => x"5185c33f", +1270 => x"80085785", +1271 => x"ad3f8008", +1272 => x"80087e29", +1273 => x"78902b7c", +1274 => x"902a0756", +1275 => x"56597375", +1276 => x"27943880", +1277 => x"08ff0576", +1278 => x"15555975", +1279 => x"74268738", +1280 => x"74742684", +1281 => x"f3387b52", +1282 => x"73753151", +1283 => x"858c3f80", +1284 => x"085584f6", +1285 => x"3f800880", +1286 => x"087e297b", +1287 => x"83ffff06", +1288 => x"77902b07", +1289 => x"56595773", +1290 => x"78279638", +1291 => x"8008ff05", +1292 => x"76155557", +1293 => x"75742689", +1294 => x"38777426", +1295 => x"77713158", +1296 => x"5a78902b", +1297 => x"77077b41", +1298 => x"417f6156", +1299 => x"547d802e", +1300 => x"fdc638fe", +1301 => x"9b397552", +1302 => x"815184ae", +1303 => x"3f800856", +1304 => x"feb13990", +1305 => x"57fe800a", +1306 => x"7527fdd3", +1307 => x"38987571", +1308 => x"2a80d3d0", +1309 => x"057033a0", +1310 => x"73317131", +1311 => x"535d5e57", +1312 => x"76802efd", +1313 => x"cf38a077", +1314 => x"3175782b", +1315 => x"77722a07", +1316 => x"77792b7b", +1317 => x"7a2b7d74", +1318 => x"2a077d7b", +1319 => x"2b73902a", +1320 => x"7483ffff", +1321 => x"0671597f", +1322 => x"772a585e", +1323 => x"5c415f58", +1324 => x"5c5483e6", +1325 => x"3f800854", +1326 => x"83d03f80", +1327 => x"08800879", +1328 => x"2975902b", +1329 => x"7e902a07", +1330 => x"56565973", +1331 => x"75279938", +1332 => x"8008ff05", +1333 => x"7b155559", +1334 => x"7a74268c", +1335 => x"38737527", +1336 => x"8738ff19", +1337 => x"7b155559", +1338 => x"76527375", +1339 => x"315183aa", +1340 => x"3f800855", +1341 => x"83943f80", +1342 => x"08800879", +1343 => x"297d83ff", +1344 => x"ff067790", +1345 => x"2b075659", +1346 => x"57737827", +1347 => x"99388008", +1348 => x"ff057b15", +1349 => x"55577a74", +1350 => x"268c3873", +1351 => x"78278738", +1352 => x"ff177b15", +1353 => x"55577378", +1354 => x"3179902b", +1355 => x"78077083", +1356 => x"ffff0671", +1357 => x"902a7983", +1358 => x"ffff067a", +1359 => x"902a7372", +1360 => x"29737329", +1361 => x"74732976", +1362 => x"74297390", +1363 => x"2a057205", +1364 => x"5755435f", +1365 => x"5b585a57", +1366 => x"595a747c", +1367 => x"27863884", +1368 => x"80801757", +1369 => x"74902a17", +1370 => x"7983ffff", +1371 => x"06768480", +1372 => x"80290557", +1373 => x"57767a26", +1374 => x"9a38767a", +1375 => x"32703070", +1376 => x"72078025", +1377 => x"565a5b7c", +1378 => x"7627fafe", +1379 => x"3873802e", +1380 => x"faf838ff", +1381 => x"1858805b", +1382 => x"faf239ff", +1383 => x"76537754", +1384 => x"9f3de805", +1385 => x"525ef7e1", +1386 => x"3f676957", +1387 => x"4c754d69", +1388 => x"8025f8f3", +1389 => x"387d096a", +1390 => x"6c5c537a", +1391 => x"549f3de8", +1392 => x"05525ef7", +1393 => x"c43f6769", +1394 => x"714c704d", +1395 => x"5856f8db", +1396 => x"39a07531", +1397 => x"76762b7a", +1398 => x"772b7c73", +1399 => x"2a077c78", +1400 => x"2b72902a", +1401 => x"7383ffff", +1402 => x"0671587e", +1403 => x"762a5742", +1404 => x"405d5d57", +1405 => x"5881a33f", +1406 => x"80085781", +1407 => x"8d3f8008", +1408 => x"80087e29", +1409 => x"78902b7d", +1410 => x"902a0756", +1411 => x"56597375", +1412 => x"27993880", +1413 => x"08ff0576", +1414 => x"15555975", +1415 => x"74268c38", +1416 => x"73752787", +1417 => x"38ff1976", +1418 => x"1555597b", +1419 => x"52737531", +1420 => x"5180e73f", +1421 => x"80085580", +1422 => x"d13f8008", +1423 => x"80087e29", +1424 => x"7c83ffff", +1425 => x"06707890", +1426 => x"2b075156", +1427 => x"58587377", +1428 => x"27993880", +1429 => x"08ff0576", +1430 => x"15555875", +1431 => x"74268c38", +1432 => x"73772787", +1433 => x"38ff1876", +1434 => x"15555878", +1435 => x"902b7807", +1436 => x"74783155", +1437 => x"5bfada39", +1438 => x"ff197615", +1439 => x"5559fb86", +1440 => x"39ff1976", +1441 => x"155559f8", +1442 => x"c0397070", +1443 => x"70805375", +1444 => x"52745181", +1445 => x"913f5050", +1446 => x"50047070", +1447 => x"70815375", +1448 => x"52745181", +1449 => x"813f5050", +1450 => x"5004fb3d", +1451 => x"0d777955", +1452 => x"55805675", +1453 => x"7524ab38", +1454 => x"8074249d", +1455 => x"38805373", +1456 => x"52745180", +1457 => x"e13f8008", +1458 => x"5475802e", +1459 => x"85388008", +1460 => x"30547380", +1461 => x"0c873d0d", +1462 => x"04733076", +1463 => x"81325754", +1464 => x"dc397430", +1465 => x"55815673", +1466 => x"8025d238", +1467 => x"ec39fa3d", +1468 => x"0d787a57", +1469 => x"55805776", +1470 => x"7524a438", +1471 => x"759f2c54", +1472 => x"81537574", +1473 => x"32743152", +1474 => x"74519b3f", +1475 => x"80085476", +1476 => x"802e8538", +1477 => x"80083054", +1478 => x"73800c88", +1479 => x"3d0d0474", +1480 => x"30558157", +1481 => x"d739fc3d", +1482 => x"0d767853", +1483 => x"54815380", +1484 => x"74732652", +1485 => x"5572802e", +1486 => x"98387080", +1487 => x"2eab3880", +1488 => x"7224a638", +1489 => x"71107310", +1490 => x"75722653", +1491 => x"545272ea", +1492 => x"38735178", +1493 => x"83387451", +1494 => x"70800c86", +1495 => x"3d0d0472", +1496 => x"0a100a72", +1497 => x"0a100a53", +1498 => x"5372802e", +1499 => x"e4387174", +1500 => x"26ed3873", +1501 => x"72317574", +1502 => x"07740a10", +1503 => x"0a740a10", +1504 => x"0a555556", +1505 => x"54e33970", +1506 => x"70735280", +1507 => x"decc0851", +1508 => x"933f5050", +1509 => x"04707073", +1510 => x"5280decc", +1511 => x"085190ce", +1512 => x"3f505004", +1513 => x"f43d0d7e", +1514 => x"608b1170", +1515 => x"f8065b55", +1516 => x"555d7296", +1517 => x"26833890", +1518 => x"58807824", +1519 => x"74792607", +1520 => x"55805474", +1521 => x"742e0981", +1522 => x"0680ca38", +1523 => x"7c518d9e", +1524 => x"3f7783f7", +1525 => x"2680c538", +1526 => x"77832a70", +1527 => x"10101080", +1528 => x"d6c4058c", +1529 => x"11085858", +1530 => x"5475772e", +1531 => x"81f03884", +1532 => x"1608fc06", +1533 => x"8c170888", +1534 => x"1808718c", +1535 => x"120c8812", +1536 => x"0c5b7605", +1537 => x"84110881", +1538 => x"0784120c", +1539 => x"537c518c", +1540 => x"de3f8816", +1541 => x"5473800c", +1542 => x"8e3d0d04", +1543 => x"77892a78", +1544 => x"832a5854", +1545 => x"73802ebf", +1546 => x"3877862a", +1547 => x"b8055784", +1548 => x"7427b438", +1549 => x"80db1457", +1550 => x"947427ab", +1551 => x"38778c2a", +1552 => x"80ee0557", +1553 => x"80d47427", +1554 => x"9e38778f", +1555 => x"2a80f705", +1556 => x"5782d474", +1557 => x"27913877", +1558 => x"922a80fc", +1559 => x"05578ad4", +1560 => x"74278438", +1561 => x"80fe5776", +1562 => x"10101080", +1563 => x"d6c4058c", +1564 => x"11085653", +1565 => x"74732ea3", +1566 => x"38841508", +1567 => x"fc067079", +1568 => x"31555673", +1569 => x"8f2488e4", +1570 => x"38738025", +1571 => x"88e6388c", +1572 => x"15085574", +1573 => x"732e0981", +1574 => x"06df3881", +1575 => x"175980d6", +1576 => x"d4085675", +1577 => x"80d6cc2e", +1578 => x"82cc3884", +1579 => x"1608fc06", +1580 => x"70793155", +1581 => x"55738f24", +1582 => x"bb3880d6", +1583 => x"cc0b80d6", +1584 => x"d80c80d6", +1585 => x"cc0b80d6", +1586 => x"d40c8074", +1587 => x"2480db38", +1588 => x"74168411", +1589 => x"08810784", +1590 => x"120c53fe", +1591 => x"b0398816", +1592 => x"8c110857", +1593 => x"5975792e", +1594 => x"098106fe", +1595 => x"82388214", +1596 => x"59ffab39", +1597 => x"77167881", +1598 => x"0784180c", +1599 => x"7080d6d8", +1600 => x"0c7080d6", +1601 => x"d40c80d6", +1602 => x"cc0b8c12", +1603 => x"0c8c1108", +1604 => x"88120c74", +1605 => x"81078412", +1606 => x"0c740574", +1607 => x"710c5b7c", +1608 => x"518acc3f", +1609 => x"881654fd", +1610 => x"ec3983ff", +1611 => x"75278391", +1612 => x"3874892a", +1613 => x"75832a54", +1614 => x"5473802e", +1615 => x"bf387486", +1616 => x"2ab80553", +1617 => x"847427b4", +1618 => x"3880db14", +1619 => x"53947427", +1620 => x"ab38748c", +1621 => x"2a80ee05", +1622 => x"5380d474", +1623 => x"279e3874", +1624 => x"8f2a80f7", +1625 => x"055382d4", +1626 => x"74279138", +1627 => x"74922a80", +1628 => x"fc05538a", +1629 => x"d4742784", +1630 => x"3880fe53", +1631 => x"72101010", +1632 => x"80d6c405", +1633 => x"88110855", +1634 => x"5773772e", +1635 => x"868b3884", +1636 => x"1408fc06", +1637 => x"5b747b27", +1638 => x"8d388814", +1639 => x"08547377", +1640 => x"2e098106", +1641 => x"ea388c14", +1642 => x"0880d6c4", +1643 => x"0b840508", +1644 => x"718c190c", +1645 => x"7588190c", +1646 => x"7788130c", +1647 => x"5c57758c", +1648 => x"150c7853", +1649 => x"80792483", +1650 => x"98387282", +1651 => x"2c81712b", +1652 => x"5656747b", +1653 => x"2680ca38", +1654 => x"7a750657", +1655 => x"7682a338", +1656 => x"78fc0684", +1657 => x"05597410", +1658 => x"707c0655", +1659 => x"55738292", +1660 => x"38841959", +1661 => x"f13980d6", +1662 => x"c40b8405", +1663 => x"0879545b", +1664 => x"788025c6", +1665 => x"3882da39", +1666 => x"74097b06", +1667 => x"7080d6c4", +1668 => x"0b84050c", +1669 => x"5b741055", +1670 => x"747b2685", +1671 => x"387485bc", +1672 => x"3880d6c4", +1673 => x"0b880508", +1674 => x"70841208", +1675 => x"fc06707b", +1676 => x"317b7226", +1677 => x"8f722507", +1678 => x"5d575c5c", +1679 => x"5578802e", +1680 => x"80d93879", +1681 => x"1580d6bc", +1682 => x"08199011", +1683 => x"59545680", +1684 => x"d6b808ff", +1685 => x"2e8838a0", +1686 => x"8f13e080", +1687 => x"06577652", +1688 => x"7c51888c", +1689 => x"3f800854", +1690 => x"8008ff2e", +1691 => x"90388008", +1692 => x"762782a7", +1693 => x"387480d6", +1694 => x"c42e829f", +1695 => x"3880d6c4", +1696 => x"0b880508", +1697 => x"55841508", +1698 => x"fc067079", +1699 => x"31797226", +1700 => x"8f722507", +1701 => x"5d555a7a", +1702 => x"83f23877", +1703 => x"81078416", +1704 => x"0c771570", +1705 => x"80d6c40b", +1706 => x"88050c74", +1707 => x"81078412", +1708 => x"0c567c51", +1709 => x"87b93f88", +1710 => x"15547380", +1711 => x"0c8e3d0d", +1712 => x"0474832a", +1713 => x"70545480", +1714 => x"7424819b", +1715 => x"3872822c", +1716 => x"81712b80", +1717 => x"d6c80807", +1718 => x"7080d6c4", +1719 => x"0b84050c", +1720 => x"75101010", +1721 => x"80d6c405", +1722 => x"88110871", +1723 => x"8c1b0c70", +1724 => x"881b0c79", +1725 => x"88130c57", +1726 => x"555c5575", +1727 => x"8c150cfd", +1728 => x"c1397879", +1729 => x"10101080", +1730 => x"d6c40570", +1731 => x"565b5c8c", +1732 => x"14085675", +1733 => x"742ea338", +1734 => x"841608fc", +1735 => x"06707931", +1736 => x"5853768f", +1737 => x"2483f138", +1738 => x"76802584", +1739 => x"af388c16", +1740 => x"08567574", +1741 => x"2e098106", +1742 => x"df388814", +1743 => x"811a7083", +1744 => x"06555a54", +1745 => x"72c9387b", +1746 => x"83065675", +1747 => x"802efdb8", +1748 => x"38ff1cf8", +1749 => x"1b5b5c88", +1750 => x"1a087a2e", +1751 => x"ea38fdb5", +1752 => x"39831953", +1753 => x"fce43983", +1754 => x"1470822c", +1755 => x"81712b80", +1756 => x"d6c80807", +1757 => x"7080d6c4", +1758 => x"0b84050c", +1759 => x"76101010", +1760 => x"80d6c405", +1761 => x"88110871", +1762 => x"8c1c0c70", +1763 => x"881c0c7a", +1764 => x"88130c58", +1765 => x"535d5653", +1766 => x"fee13980", +1767 => x"d6880817", +1768 => x"59800876", +1769 => x"2e818b38", +1770 => x"80d6b808", +1771 => x"ff2e848e", +1772 => x"38737631", +1773 => x"1980d688", +1774 => x"0c738706", +1775 => x"70565372", +1776 => x"802e8838", +1777 => x"88733170", +1778 => x"15555576", +1779 => x"149fff06", +1780 => x"a0807131", +1781 => x"1670547e", +1782 => x"53515385", +1783 => x"933f8008", +1784 => x"568008ff", +1785 => x"2e819e38", +1786 => x"80d68808", +1787 => x"137080d6", +1788 => x"880c7475", +1789 => x"80d6c40b", +1790 => x"88050c77", +1791 => x"76311581", +1792 => x"07555659", +1793 => x"7a80d6c4", +1794 => x"2e83c038", +1795 => x"798f2682", +1796 => x"ef38810b", +1797 => x"84150c84", +1798 => x"1508fc06", +1799 => x"70793179", +1800 => x"72268f72", +1801 => x"25075d55", +1802 => x"5a7a802e", +1803 => x"fced3880", +1804 => x"db398008", +1805 => x"9fff0655", +1806 => x"74feed38", +1807 => x"7880d688", +1808 => x"0c80d6c4", +1809 => x"0b880508", +1810 => x"7a188107", +1811 => x"84120c55", +1812 => x"80d6b408", +1813 => x"79278638", +1814 => x"7880d6b4", +1815 => x"0c80d6b0", +1816 => x"087927fc", +1817 => x"a0387880", +1818 => x"d6b00c84", +1819 => x"1508fc06", +1820 => x"70793179", +1821 => x"72268f72", +1822 => x"25075d55", +1823 => x"5a7a802e", +1824 => x"fc993888", +1825 => x"39807457", +1826 => x"53fedd39", +1827 => x"7c5183df", +1828 => x"3f800b80", +1829 => x"0c8e3d0d", +1830 => x"04807324", +1831 => x"a5387282", +1832 => x"2c81712b", +1833 => x"80d6c808", +1834 => x"077080d6", +1835 => x"c40b8405", +1836 => x"0c5c5a76", +1837 => x"8c170c73", +1838 => x"88170c75", +1839 => x"88180cf9", +1840 => x"fd398313", +1841 => x"70822c81", +1842 => x"712b80d6", +1843 => x"c8080770", +1844 => x"80d6c40b", +1845 => x"84050c5d", +1846 => x"5b53d839", +1847 => x"7a75065c", +1848 => x"7bfc9f38", +1849 => x"84197510", +1850 => x"5659f139", +1851 => x"ff178105", +1852 => x"59f7ab39", +1853 => x"8c150888", +1854 => x"1608718c", +1855 => x"120c8812", +1856 => x"0c597515", +1857 => x"84110881", +1858 => x"0784120c", +1859 => x"587c5182", +1860 => x"de3f8815", +1861 => x"54fba339", +1862 => x"77167881", +1863 => x"0784180c", +1864 => x"8c170888", +1865 => x"1808718c", +1866 => x"120c8812", +1867 => x"0c5c7080", +1868 => x"d6d80c70", +1869 => x"80d6d40c", +1870 => x"80d6cc0b", +1871 => x"8c120c8c", +1872 => x"11088812", +1873 => x"0c778107", +1874 => x"84120c77", +1875 => x"0577710c", +1876 => x"557c5182", +1877 => x"9a3f8816", +1878 => x"54f5ba39", +1879 => x"72168411", +1880 => x"08810784", +1881 => x"120c588c", +1882 => x"16088817", +1883 => x"08718c12", +1884 => x"0c88120c", +1885 => x"577c5181", +1886 => x"f63f8816", +1887 => x"54f59639", +1888 => x"7284150c", +1889 => x"f41af806", +1890 => x"70841d08", +1891 => x"81060784", +1892 => x"1d0c701c", +1893 => x"5556850b", +1894 => x"84150c85", +1895 => x"0b88150c", +1896 => x"8f7627fd", +1897 => x"ab38881b", +1898 => x"527c5184", +1899 => x"c13f80d6", +1900 => x"c40b8805", +1901 => x"0880d688", +1902 => x"085a55fd", +1903 => x"93397880", +1904 => x"d6880c73", +1905 => x"80d6b80c", +1906 => x"fbef3972", +1907 => x"84150cfc", +1908 => x"ff39fb3d", +1909 => x"0d77707a", +1910 => x"7c585553", +1911 => x"568f7527", +1912 => x"80e63872", +1913 => x"76078306", +1914 => x"517080dc", +1915 => x"38757352", +1916 => x"54707084", +1917 => x"05520874", +1918 => x"70840556", +1919 => x"0c737170", +1920 => x"84055308", +1921 => x"71708405", +1922 => x"530c7170", +1923 => x"84055308", +1924 => x"71708405", +1925 => x"530c7170", +1926 => x"84055308", +1927 => x"71708405", +1928 => x"530cf016", +1929 => x"5654748f", +1930 => x"26c73883", +1931 => x"75279538", +1932 => x"70708405", +1933 => x"52087470", +1934 => x"8405560c", +1935 => x"fc155574", +1936 => x"8326ed38", +1937 => x"73715452", +1938 => x"ff155170", +1939 => x"ff2e9838", +1940 => x"72708105", +1941 => x"54337270", +1942 => x"81055434", +1943 => x"ff115170", +1944 => x"ff2e0981", +1945 => x"06ea3875", +1946 => x"800c873d", +1947 => x"0d040404", +1948 => x"70707070", +1949 => x"800b81b6", +1950 => x"9c0c7651", +1951 => x"87cc3f80", +1952 => x"08538008", +1953 => x"ff2e8938", +1954 => x"72800c50", +1955 => x"50505004", +1956 => x"81b69c08", +1957 => x"5473802e", +1958 => x"ef387574", +1959 => x"710c5272", +1960 => x"800c5050", +1961 => x"505004fb", +1962 => x"3d0d7779", +1963 => x"70720783", +1964 => x"06535452", +1965 => x"70933871", +1966 => x"73730854", +1967 => x"56547173", +1968 => x"082e80c4", +1969 => x"38737554", +1970 => x"52713370", +1971 => x"81ff0652", +1972 => x"5470802e", +1973 => x"9d387233", +1974 => x"5570752e", +1975 => x"09810695", +1976 => x"38811281", +1977 => x"14713370", +1978 => x"81ff0654", +1979 => x"56545270", +1980 => x"e5387233", +1981 => x"557381ff", +1982 => x"067581ff", +1983 => x"06717131", +1984 => x"800c5552", +1985 => x"873d0d04", +1986 => x"7109f7fb", +1987 => x"fdff1306", +1988 => x"f8848281", +1989 => x"80065271", +1990 => x"97388414", +1991 => x"84167108", +1992 => x"54565471", +1993 => x"75082ee0", +1994 => x"38737554", +1995 => x"52ff9a39", +1996 => x"800b800c", +1997 => x"873d0d04", +1998 => x"fb3d0d77", +1999 => x"705256fe", +2000 => x"ad3f80d6", +2001 => x"c40b8805", +2002 => x"08841108", +2003 => x"fc06707b", +2004 => x"319fef05", +2005 => x"e08006e0", +2006 => x"80055255", +2007 => x"55a08075", +2008 => x"24943880", +2009 => x"527551fe", +2010 => x"873f80d6", +2011 => x"cc081453", +2012 => x"7280082e", +2013 => x"8f387551", +2014 => x"fdf53f80", +2015 => x"5372800c", +2016 => x"873d0d04", +2017 => x"74305275", +2018 => x"51fde53f", +2019 => x"8008ff2e", +2020 => x"a83880d6", +2021 => x"c40b8805", +2022 => x"08747631", +2023 => x"81078412", +2024 => x"0c5380d6", +2025 => x"88087531", +2026 => x"80d6880c", +2027 => x"7551fdbf", +2028 => x"3f810b80", +2029 => x"0c873d0d", +2030 => x"04805275", +2031 => x"51fdb13f", +2032 => x"80d6c40b", +2033 => x"88050880", +2034 => x"08713154", +2035 => x"548f7325", +2036 => x"ffa43880", +2037 => x"0880d6b8", +2038 => x"083180d6", +2039 => x"880c7281", +2040 => x"0784150c", +2041 => x"7551fd87", +2042 => x"3f8053ff", +2043 => x"9039f73d", +2044 => x"0d7b7d54", +2045 => x"5a72802e", +2046 => x"82833879", +2047 => x"51fcef3f", +2048 => x"f8138411", +2049 => x"0870fe06", +2050 => x"70138411", +2051 => x"08fc065c", +2052 => x"57585457", +2053 => x"80d6cc08", +2054 => x"742e82de", +2055 => x"38778415", +2056 => x"0c807381", +2057 => x"06565974", +2058 => x"792e81d5", +2059 => x"38771484", +2060 => x"11088106", +2061 => x"565374a0", +2062 => x"38771656", +2063 => x"7881e638", +2064 => x"88140855", +2065 => x"7480d6cc", +2066 => x"2e82f938", +2067 => x"8c140870", +2068 => x"8c170c75", +2069 => x"88120c58", +2070 => x"75810784", +2071 => x"180c7517", +2072 => x"76710c54", +2073 => x"78819138", +2074 => x"83ff7627", +2075 => x"81c83875", +2076 => x"892a7683", +2077 => x"2a545473", +2078 => x"802ebf38", +2079 => x"75862ab8", +2080 => x"05538474", +2081 => x"27b43880", +2082 => x"db145394", +2083 => x"7427ab38", +2084 => x"758c2a80", +2085 => x"ee055380", +2086 => x"d474279e", +2087 => x"38758f2a", +2088 => x"80f70553", +2089 => x"82d47427", +2090 => x"91387592", +2091 => x"2a80fc05", +2092 => x"538ad474", +2093 => x"27843880", +2094 => x"fe537210", +2095 => x"101080d6", +2096 => x"c4058811", +2097 => x"08555573", +2098 => x"752e82bf", +2099 => x"38841408", +2100 => x"fc065975", +2101 => x"79278d38", +2102 => x"88140854", +2103 => x"73752e09", +2104 => x"8106ea38", +2105 => x"8c140870", +2106 => x"8c190c74", +2107 => x"88190c77", +2108 => x"88120c55", +2109 => x"768c150c", +2110 => x"7951faf3", +2111 => x"3f8b3d0d", +2112 => x"04760877", +2113 => x"71315876", +2114 => x"05881808", +2115 => x"56567480", +2116 => x"d6cc2e80", +2117 => x"e0388c17", +2118 => x"08708c17", +2119 => x"0c758812", +2120 => x"0c53fe89", +2121 => x"39881408", +2122 => x"8c150870", +2123 => x"8c130c59", +2124 => x"88190cfe", +2125 => x"a3397583", +2126 => x"2a705454", +2127 => x"80742481", +2128 => x"98387282", +2129 => x"2c81712b", +2130 => x"80d6c808", +2131 => x"0780d6c4", +2132 => x"0b84050c", +2133 => x"74101010", +2134 => x"80d6c405", +2135 => x"88110871", +2136 => x"8c1b0c70", +2137 => x"881b0c79", +2138 => x"88130c56", +2139 => x"5a55768c", +2140 => x"150cff84", +2141 => x"398159fd", +2142 => x"b4397716", +2143 => x"73810654", +2144 => x"55729838", +2145 => x"76087771", +2146 => x"31587505", +2147 => x"8c180888", +2148 => x"1908718c", +2149 => x"120c8812", +2150 => x"0c555574", +2151 => x"81078418", +2152 => x"0c7680d6", +2153 => x"c40b8805", +2154 => x"0c80d6c0", +2155 => x"087526fe", +2156 => x"c73880d6", +2157 => x"bc085279", +2158 => x"51fafd3f", +2159 => x"7951f9af", +2160 => x"3ffeba39", +2161 => x"81778c17", +2162 => x"0c778817", +2163 => x"0c758c19", +2164 => x"0c758819", +2165 => x"0c59fd80", +2166 => x"39831470", +2167 => x"822c8171", +2168 => x"2b80d6c8", +2169 => x"080780d6", +2170 => x"c40b8405", +2171 => x"0c751010", +2172 => x"1080d6c4", +2173 => x"05881108", +2174 => x"718c1c0c", +2175 => x"70881c0c", +2176 => x"7a88130c", +2177 => x"575b5653", +2178 => x"fee43980", +2179 => x"7324a338", +2180 => x"72822c81", +2181 => x"712b80d6", +2182 => x"c8080780", +2183 => x"d6c40b84", +2184 => x"050c5874", +2185 => x"8c180c73", +2186 => x"88180c76", +2187 => x"88160cfd", +2188 => x"c3398313", +2189 => x"70822c81", +2190 => x"712b80d6", +2191 => x"c8080780", +2192 => x"d6c40b84", +2193 => x"050c5953", +2194 => x"da397070", +2195 => x"7080e5f4", +2196 => x"08893881", +2197 => x"b6a00b80", +2198 => x"e5f40c80", +2199 => x"e5f40875", +2200 => x"115252ff", +2201 => x"537087fb", +2202 => x"80802688", +2203 => x"387080e5", +2204 => x"f40c7153", +2205 => x"72800c50", +2206 => x"505004fd", +2207 => x"3d0d800b", +2208 => x"80d5f408", +2209 => x"54547281", +2210 => x"2e9b3873", +2211 => x"80e5f80c", +2212 => x"c3ee3fc2", +2213 => x"eb3f80e5", +2214 => x"cc528151", +2215 => x"cc933f80", +2216 => x"085180dd", +2217 => x"3f7280e5", +2218 => x"f80cc3d4", +2219 => x"3fc2d13f", +2220 => x"80e5cc52", +2221 => x"8151cbf9", +2222 => x"3f800851", +2223 => x"80c33f00", +2224 => x"ff3900ff", +2225 => x"39f43d0d", +2226 => x"7e80e5ec", +2227 => x"08700870", +2228 => x"81ff0692", +2229 => x"3df80555", +2230 => x"515a5759", +2231 => x"c48f3f80", +2232 => x"5477557b", +2233 => x"7d585276", +2234 => x"538e3df0", +2235 => x"0551de8e", +2236 => x"3f797b58", +2237 => x"790c7684", +2238 => x"1a0c7880", +2239 => x"0c8e3d0d", +2240 => x"04f73d0d", +2241 => x"7b80decc", +2242 => x"0882c811", +2243 => x"085a545a", +2244 => x"77802e80", +2245 => x"da388188", +2246 => x"18841908", +2247 => x"ff058171", +2248 => x"2b595559", +2249 => x"80742480", +2250 => x"ea388074", +2251 => x"24b53873", +2252 => x"822b7811", +2253 => x"88055656", +2254 => x"81801908", +2255 => x"77065372", +2256 => x"802eb638", +2257 => x"78167008", +2258 => x"53537951", +2259 => x"74085372", +2260 => x"2dff14fc", +2261 => x"17fc1779", +2262 => x"812c5a57", +2263 => x"57547380", +2264 => x"25d63877", +2265 => x"085877ff", +2266 => x"ad3880de", +2267 => x"cc0853bc", +2268 => x"1308a538", +2269 => x"7951fec7", +2270 => x"3f740853", +2271 => x"722dff14", +2272 => x"fc17fc17", +2273 => x"79812c5a", +2274 => x"57575473", +2275 => x"8025ffa8", +2276 => x"38d13980", +2277 => x"57ff9339", +2278 => x"7251bc13", +2279 => x"0854732d", +2280 => x"7951fe9b", +2281 => x"3f707080", +2282 => x"e5d40bfc", +2283 => x"05700852", +2284 => x"5270ff2e", +2285 => x"9138702d", +2286 => x"fc127008", +2287 => x"525270ff", +2288 => x"2e098106", +2289 => x"f1385050", +2290 => x"0404c2ff", +2291 => x"3f040000", +2292 => x"00000040", +2293 => x"30313233", +2294 => x"34353637", +2295 => x"38390000", +2296 => x"44485259", +2297 => x"53544f4e", +2298 => x"45205052", +2299 => x"4f475241", +2300 => x"4d2c2053", +2301 => x"4f4d4520", +2302 => x"53545249", +2303 => x"4e470000", +2304 => x"44485259", +2305 => x"53544f4e", +2306 => x"45205052", +2307 => x"4f475241", +2308 => x"4d2c2031", +2309 => x"27535420", +2310 => x"53545249", +2311 => x"4e470000", +2312 => x"44687279", +2313 => x"73746f6e", +2314 => x"65204265", +2315 => x"6e63686d", +2316 => x"61726b2c", +2317 => x"20566572", +2318 => x"73696f6e", +2319 => x"20322e31", +2320 => x"20284c61", +2321 => x"6e677561", +2322 => x"67653a20", +2323 => x"43290a00", +2324 => x"50726f67", +2325 => x"72616d20", +2326 => x"636f6d70", +2327 => x"696c6564", +2328 => x"20776974", +2329 => x"68202772", +2330 => x"65676973", +2331 => x"74657227", +2332 => x"20617474", +2333 => x"72696275", +2334 => x"74650a00", +2335 => x"45786563", +2336 => x"7574696f", +2337 => x"6e207374", +2338 => x"61727473", +2339 => x"2c202564", +2340 => x"2072756e", +2341 => x"73207468", +2342 => x"726f7567", +2343 => x"68204468", +2344 => x"72797374", +2345 => x"6f6e650a", +2346 => x"00000000", +2347 => x"44485259", +2348 => x"53544f4e", +2349 => x"45205052", +2350 => x"4f475241", +2351 => x"4d2c2032", +2352 => x"274e4420", +2353 => x"53545249", +2354 => x"4e470000", +2355 => x"45786563", +2356 => x"7574696f", +2357 => x"6e20656e", +2358 => x"64730a00", +2359 => x"46696e61", +2360 => x"6c207661", +2361 => x"6c756573", +2362 => x"206f6620", +2363 => x"74686520", +2364 => x"76617269", +2365 => x"61626c65", +2366 => x"73207573", +2367 => x"65642069", +2368 => x"6e207468", +2369 => x"65206265", +2370 => x"6e63686d", +2371 => x"61726b3a", +2372 => x"0a000000", +2373 => x"496e745f", +2374 => x"476c6f62", +2375 => x"3a202020", +2376 => x"20202020", +2377 => x"20202020", +2378 => x"2025640a", +2379 => x"00000000", +2380 => x"20202020", +2381 => x"20202020", +2382 => x"73686f75", +2383 => x"6c642062", +2384 => x"653a2020", +2385 => x"2025640a", +2386 => x"00000000", +2387 => x"426f6f6c", +2388 => x"5f476c6f", +2389 => x"623a2020", +2390 => x"20202020", +2391 => x"20202020", +2392 => x"2025640a", +2393 => x"00000000", +2394 => x"43685f31", +2395 => x"5f476c6f", +2396 => x"623a2020", +2397 => x"20202020", +2398 => x"20202020", +2399 => x"2025630a", +2400 => x"00000000", +2401 => x"20202020", +2402 => x"20202020", +2403 => x"73686f75", +2404 => x"6c642062", +2405 => x"653a2020", +2406 => x"2025630a", +2407 => x"00000000", +2408 => x"43685f32", +2409 => x"5f476c6f", +2410 => x"623a2020", +2411 => x"20202020", +2412 => x"20202020", +2413 => x"2025630a", +2414 => x"00000000", +2415 => x"4172725f", +2416 => x"315f476c", +2417 => x"6f625b38", +2418 => x"5d3a2020", +2419 => x"20202020", +2420 => x"2025640a", +2421 => x"00000000", +2422 => x"4172725f", +2423 => x"325f476c", +2424 => x"6f625b38", +2425 => x"5d5b375d", +2426 => x"3a202020", +2427 => x"2025640a", +2428 => x"00000000", +2429 => x"20202020", +2430 => x"20202020", +2431 => x"73686f75", +2432 => x"6c642062", +2433 => x"653a2020", +2434 => x"204e756d", +2435 => x"6265725f", +2436 => x"4f665f52", +2437 => x"756e7320", +2438 => x"2b203130", +2439 => x"0a000000", +2440 => x"5074725f", +2441 => x"476c6f62", +2442 => x"2d3e0a00", +2443 => x"20205074", +2444 => x"725f436f", +2445 => x"6d703a20", +2446 => x"20202020", +2447 => x"20202020", +2448 => x"2025640a", +2449 => x"00000000", +2450 => x"20202020", +2451 => x"20202020", +2452 => x"73686f75", +2453 => x"6c642062", +2454 => x"653a2020", +2455 => x"2028696d", +2456 => x"706c656d", +2457 => x"656e7461", +2458 => x"74696f6e", +2459 => x"2d646570", +2460 => x"656e6465", +2461 => x"6e74290a", +2462 => x"00000000", +2463 => x"20204469", +2464 => x"7363723a", +2465 => x"20202020", +2466 => x"20202020", +2467 => x"20202020", +2468 => x"2025640a", +2469 => x"00000000", +2470 => x"2020456e", +2471 => x"756d5f43", +2472 => x"6f6d703a", +2473 => x"20202020", +2474 => x"20202020", +2475 => x"2025640a", +2476 => x"00000000", +2477 => x"2020496e", +2478 => x"745f436f", +2479 => x"6d703a20", +2480 => x"20202020", +2481 => x"20202020", +2482 => x"2025640a", +2483 => x"00000000", +2484 => x"20205374", +2485 => x"725f436f", +2486 => x"6d703a20", +2487 => x"20202020", +2488 => x"20202020", +2489 => x"2025730a", +2490 => x"00000000", +2491 => x"20202020", +2492 => x"20202020", +2493 => x"73686f75", +2494 => x"6c642062", +2495 => x"653a2020", +2496 => x"20444852", +2497 => x"5953544f", +2498 => x"4e452050", +2499 => x"524f4752", +2500 => x"414d2c20", +2501 => x"534f4d45", +2502 => x"20535452", +2503 => x"494e470a", +2504 => x"00000000", +2505 => x"4e657874", +2506 => x"5f507472", +2507 => x"5f476c6f", +2508 => x"622d3e0a", +2509 => x"00000000", +2510 => x"20202020", +2511 => x"20202020", +2512 => x"73686f75", +2513 => x"6c642062", +2514 => x"653a2020", +2515 => x"2028696d", +2516 => x"706c656d", +2517 => x"656e7461", +2518 => x"74696f6e", +2519 => x"2d646570", +2520 => x"656e6465", +2521 => x"6e74292c", +2522 => x"2073616d", +2523 => x"65206173", +2524 => x"2061626f", +2525 => x"76650a00", +2526 => x"496e745f", +2527 => x"315f4c6f", +2528 => x"633a2020", +2529 => x"20202020", +2530 => x"20202020", +2531 => x"2025640a", +2532 => x"00000000", +2533 => x"496e745f", +2534 => x"325f4c6f", +2535 => x"633a2020", +2536 => x"20202020", +2537 => x"20202020", +2538 => x"2025640a", +2539 => x"00000000", +2540 => x"496e745f", +2541 => x"335f4c6f", +2542 => x"633a2020", +2543 => x"20202020", +2544 => x"20202020", +2545 => x"2025640a", +2546 => x"00000000", +2547 => x"456e756d", +2548 => x"5f4c6f63", +2549 => x"3a202020", +2550 => x"20202020", +2551 => x"20202020", +2552 => x"2025640a", +2553 => x"00000000", +2554 => x"5374725f", +2555 => x"315f4c6f", +2556 => x"633a2020", +2557 => x"20202020", +2558 => x"20202020", +2559 => x"2025730a", +2560 => x"00000000", +2561 => x"20202020", +2562 => x"20202020", +2563 => x"73686f75", +2564 => x"6c642062", +2565 => x"653a2020", +2566 => x"20444852", +2567 => x"5953544f", +2568 => x"4e452050", +2569 => x"524f4752", +2570 => x"414d2c20", +2571 => x"31275354", +2572 => x"20535452", +2573 => x"494e470a", +2574 => x"00000000", +2575 => x"5374725f", +2576 => x"325f4c6f", +2577 => x"633a2020", +2578 => x"20202020", +2579 => x"20202020", +2580 => x"2025730a", +2581 => x"00000000", +2582 => x"20202020", +2583 => x"20202020", +2584 => x"73686f75", +2585 => x"6c642062", +2586 => x"653a2020", +2587 => x"20444852", +2588 => x"5953544f", +2589 => x"4e452050", +2590 => x"524f4752", +2591 => x"414d2c20", +2592 => x"32274e44", +2593 => x"20535452", +2594 => x"494e470a", +2595 => x"00000000", +2596 => x"55736572", +2597 => x"2074696d", +2598 => x"653a2025", +2599 => x"640a0000", +2600 => x"4d696372", +2601 => x"6f736563", +2602 => x"6f6e6473", +2603 => x"20666f72", +2604 => x"206f6e65", +2605 => x"2072756e", +2606 => x"20746872", +2607 => x"6f756768", +2608 => x"20446872", +2609 => x"7973746f", +2610 => x"6e653a20", +2611 => x"00000000", +2612 => x"2564200a", +2613 => x"00000000", +2614 => x"44687279", +2615 => x"73746f6e", +2616 => x"65732070", +2617 => x"65722053", +2618 => x"65636f6e", +2619 => x"643a2020", +2620 => x"20202020", +2621 => x"20202020", +2622 => x"20202020", +2623 => x"20202020", +2624 => x"20202020", +2625 => x"00000000", +2626 => x"56415820", +2627 => x"4d495053", +2628 => x"20726174", +2629 => x"696e6720", +2630 => x"2a203130", +2631 => x"3030203d", +2632 => x"20256420", +2633 => x"0a000000", +2634 => x"50726f67", +2635 => x"72616d20", +2636 => x"636f6d70", +2637 => x"696c6564", +2638 => x"20776974", +2639 => x"686f7574", +2640 => x"20277265", +2641 => x"67697374", +2642 => x"65722720", +2643 => x"61747472", +2644 => x"69627574", +2645 => x"650a0000", +2646 => x"4d656173", +2647 => x"75726564", +2648 => x"2074696d", +2649 => x"6520746f", +2650 => x"6f20736d", +2651 => x"616c6c20", +2652 => x"746f206f", +2653 => x"62746169", +2654 => x"6e206d65", +2655 => x"616e696e", +2656 => x"6766756c", +2657 => x"20726573", +2658 => x"756c7473", +2659 => x"0a000000", +2660 => x"506c6561", +2661 => x"73652069", +2662 => x"6e637265", +2663 => x"61736520", +2664 => x"6e756d62", +2665 => x"6572206f", +2666 => x"66207275", +2667 => x"6e730a00", +2668 => x"44485259", +2669 => x"53544f4e", +2670 => x"45205052", +2671 => x"4f475241", +2672 => x"4d2c2033", +2673 => x"27524420", +2674 => x"53545249", +2675 => x"4e470000", +2676 => x"00010202", +2677 => x"03030303", +2678 => x"04040404", +2679 => x"04040404", +2680 => x"05050505", +2681 => x"05050505", +2682 => x"05050505", +2683 => x"05050505", +2684 => x"06060606", +2685 => x"06060606", +2686 => x"06060606", +2687 => x"06060606", +2688 => x"06060606", +2689 => x"06060606", +2690 => x"06060606", +2691 => x"06060606", +2692 => x"07070707", +2693 => x"07070707", +2694 => x"07070707", +2695 => x"07070707", +2696 => x"07070707", +2697 => x"07070707", +2698 => x"07070707", +2699 => x"07070707", +2700 => x"07070707", +2701 => x"07070707", +2702 => x"07070707", +2703 => x"07070707", +2704 => x"07070707", +2705 => x"07070707", +2706 => x"07070707", +2707 => x"07070707", +2708 => x"08080808", +2709 => x"08080808", +2710 => x"08080808", +2711 => x"08080808", +2712 => x"08080808", +2713 => x"08080808", +2714 => x"08080808", +2715 => x"08080808", +2716 => x"08080808", +2717 => x"08080808", +2718 => x"08080808", +2719 => x"08080808", +2720 => x"08080808", +2721 => x"08080808", +2722 => x"08080808", +2723 => x"08080808", +2724 => x"08080808", +2725 => x"08080808", +2726 => x"08080808", +2727 => x"08080808", +2728 => x"08080808", +2729 => x"08080808", +2730 => x"08080808", +2731 => x"08080808", +2732 => x"08080808", +2733 => x"08080808", +2734 => x"08080808", +2735 => x"08080808", +2736 => x"08080808", +2737 => x"08080808", +2738 => x"08080808", +2739 => x"08080808", +2740 => x"43000000", +2741 => x"64756d6d", +2742 => x"792e6578", +2743 => x"65000000", +2744 => x"00ffffff", +2745 => x"ff00ffff", +2746 => x"ffff00ff", +2747 => x"ffffff00", +2748 => x"00000000", +2749 => x"00000000", +2750 => x"00000000", +2751 => x"000032dc", +2752 => x"0000c350", +2753 => x"00000000", +2754 => x"00000000", +2755 => x"00000000", +2756 => x"00000000", +2757 => x"00000000", +2758 => x"00000000", +2759 => x"00000000", +2760 => x"00000000", +2761 => x"00000000", +2762 => x"00000000", +2763 => x"00000000", +2764 => x"00000000", +2765 => x"00000000", +2766 => x"ffffffff", +2767 => x"00000000", +2768 => x"00020000", +2769 => x"00000000", +2770 => x"00000000", +2771 => x"00002b44", +2772 => x"00002b44", +2773 => x"00002b4c", +2774 => x"00002b4c", +2775 => x"00002b54", +2776 => x"00002b54", +2777 => x"00002b5c", +2778 => x"00002b5c", +2779 => x"00002b64", +2780 => x"00002b64", +2781 => x"00002b6c", +2782 => x"00002b6c", +2783 => x"00002b74", +2784 => x"00002b74", +2785 => x"00002b7c", +2786 => x"00002b7c", +2787 => x"00002b84", +2788 => x"00002b84", +2789 => x"00002b8c", +2790 => x"00002b8c", +2791 => x"00002b94", +2792 => x"00002b94", +2793 => x"00002b9c", +2794 => x"00002b9c", +2795 => x"00002ba4", +2796 => x"00002ba4", +2797 => x"00002bac", +2798 => x"00002bac", +2799 => x"00002bb4", +2800 => x"00002bb4", +2801 => x"00002bbc", +2802 => x"00002bbc", +2803 => x"00002bc4", +2804 => x"00002bc4", +2805 => x"00002bcc", +2806 => x"00002bcc", +2807 => x"00002bd4", +2808 => x"00002bd4", +2809 => x"00002bdc", +2810 => x"00002bdc", +2811 => x"00002be4", +2812 => x"00002be4", +2813 => x"00002bec", +2814 => x"00002bec", +2815 => x"00002bf4", +2816 => x"00002bf4", +2817 => x"00002bfc", +2818 => x"00002bfc", +2819 => x"00002c04", +2820 => x"00002c04", +2821 => x"00002c0c", +2822 => x"00002c0c", +2823 => x"00002c14", +2824 => x"00002c14", +2825 => x"00002c1c", +2826 => x"00002c1c", +2827 => x"00002c24", +2828 => x"00002c24", +2829 => x"00002c2c", +2830 => x"00002c2c", +2831 => x"00002c34", +2832 => x"00002c34", +2833 => x"00002c3c", +2834 => x"00002c3c", +2835 => x"00002c44", +2836 => x"00002c44", +2837 => x"00002c4c", +2838 => x"00002c4c", +2839 => x"00002c54", +2840 => x"00002c54", +2841 => x"00002c5c", +2842 => x"00002c5c", +2843 => x"00002c64", +2844 => x"00002c64", +2845 => x"00002c6c", +2846 => x"00002c6c", +2847 => x"00002c74", +2848 => x"00002c74", +2849 => x"00002c7c", +2850 => x"00002c7c", +2851 => x"00002c84", +2852 => x"00002c84", +2853 => x"00002c8c", +2854 => x"00002c8c", +2855 => x"00002c94", +2856 => x"00002c94", +2857 => x"00002c9c", +2858 => x"00002c9c", +2859 => x"00002ca4", +2860 => x"00002ca4", +2861 => x"00002cac", +2862 => x"00002cac", +2863 => x"00002cb4", +2864 => x"00002cb4", +2865 => x"00002cbc", +2866 => x"00002cbc", +2867 => x"00002cc4", +2868 => x"00002cc4", +2869 => x"00002ccc", +2870 => x"00002ccc", +2871 => x"00002cd4", +2872 => x"00002cd4", +2873 => x"00002cdc", +2874 => x"00002cdc", +2875 => x"00002ce4", +2876 => x"00002ce4", +2877 => x"00002cec", +2878 => x"00002cec", +2879 => x"00002cf4", +2880 => x"00002cf4", +2881 => x"00002cfc", +2882 => x"00002cfc", +2883 => x"00002d04", +2884 => x"00002d04", +2885 => x"00002d0c", +2886 => x"00002d0c", +2887 => x"00002d14", +2888 => x"00002d14", +2889 => x"00002d1c", +2890 => x"00002d1c", +2891 => x"00002d24", +2892 => x"00002d24", +2893 => x"00002d2c", +2894 => x"00002d2c", +2895 => x"00002d34", +2896 => x"00002d34", +2897 => x"00002d3c", +2898 => x"00002d3c", +2899 => x"00002d44", +2900 => x"00002d44", +2901 => x"00002d4c", +2902 => x"00002d4c", +2903 => x"00002d54", +2904 => x"00002d54", +2905 => x"00002d5c", +2906 => x"00002d5c", +2907 => x"00002d64", +2908 => x"00002d64", +2909 => x"00002d6c", +2910 => x"00002d6c", +2911 => x"00002d74", +2912 => x"00002d74", +2913 => x"00002d7c", +2914 => x"00002d7c", +2915 => x"00002d84", +2916 => x"00002d84", +2917 => x"00002d8c", +2918 => x"00002d8c", +2919 => x"00002d94", +2920 => x"00002d94", +2921 => x"00002d9c", +2922 => x"00002d9c", +2923 => x"00002da4", +2924 => x"00002da4", +2925 => x"00002dac", +2926 => x"00002dac", +2927 => x"00002db4", +2928 => x"00002db4", +2929 => x"00002dbc", +2930 => x"00002dbc", +2931 => x"00002dc4", +2932 => x"00002dc4", +2933 => x"00002dcc", +2934 => x"00002dcc", +2935 => x"00002dd4", +2936 => x"00002dd4", +2937 => x"00002ddc", +2938 => x"00002ddc", +2939 => x"00002de4", +2940 => x"00002de4", +2941 => x"00002dec", +2942 => x"00002dec", +2943 => x"00002df4", +2944 => x"00002df4", +2945 => x"00002dfc", +2946 => x"00002dfc", +2947 => x"00002e04", +2948 => x"00002e04", +2949 => x"00002e0c", +2950 => x"00002e0c", +2951 => x"00002e14", +2952 => x"00002e14", +2953 => x"00002e1c", +2954 => x"00002e1c", +2955 => x"00002e24", +2956 => x"00002e24", +2957 => x"00002e2c", +2958 => x"00002e2c", +2959 => x"00002e34", +2960 => x"00002e34", +2961 => x"00002e3c", +2962 => x"00002e3c", +2963 => x"00002e44", +2964 => x"00002e44", +2965 => x"00002e4c", +2966 => x"00002e4c", +2967 => x"00002e54", +2968 => x"00002e54", +2969 => x"00002e5c", +2970 => x"00002e5c", +2971 => x"00002e64", +2972 => x"00002e64", +2973 => x"00002e6c", +2974 => x"00002e6c", +2975 => x"00002e74", +2976 => x"00002e74", +2977 => x"00002e7c", +2978 => x"00002e7c", +2979 => x"00002e84", +2980 => x"00002e84", +2981 => x"00002e8c", +2982 => x"00002e8c", +2983 => x"00002e94", +2984 => x"00002e94", +2985 => x"00002e9c", +2986 => x"00002e9c", +2987 => x"00002ea4", +2988 => x"00002ea4", +2989 => x"00002eac", +2990 => x"00002eac", +2991 => x"00002eb4", +2992 => x"00002eb4", +2993 => x"00002ebc", +2994 => 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x"00000000", +3175 => x"00000000", +3176 => x"00000000", +3177 => x"00000000", +3178 => x"00000000", +3179 => x"00000000", +3180 => x"00000000", +3181 => x"00000000", +3182 => x"00000000", +3183 => x"00000000", +3184 => x"00000000", +3185 => x"00000000", +3186 => x"00000000", +3187 => x"00000000", +3188 => x"00000000", +3189 => x"00000000", +3190 => x"00000000", +3191 => x"00000000", +3192 => x"00000000", +3193 => x"00000000", +3194 => x"00000000", +3195 => x"00000000", +3196 => x"00000000", +3197 => x"00000000", +3198 => x"00000000", +3199 => x"00000000", +3200 => x"00000000", +3201 => x"00000000", +3202 => x"00000000", +3203 => x"00000000", +3204 => x"00000000", +3205 => x"00000000", +3206 => x"00000000", +3207 => x"00000000", +3208 => x"00000000", +3209 => x"00000000", +3210 => x"00000000", +3211 => x"00000000", +3212 => x"00000000", +3213 => x"00000000", +3214 => x"00000000", +3215 => x"00000000", +3216 => x"00000000", +3217 => x"00000000", +3218 => x"00000000", +3219 => x"00000000", +3220 => x"00000000", +3221 => x"00000000", +3222 => x"00000000", +3223 => x"00000000", +3224 => x"00000000", +3225 => x"00000000", +3226 => x"00000000", +3227 => x"00000000", +3228 => x"00000000", +3229 => x"00000000", +3230 => x"00000000", +3231 => x"00000000", +3232 => x"00000000", +3233 => x"00000000", +3234 => x"00000000", +3235 => x"00000000", +3236 => x"00000000", +3237 => x"00000000", +3238 => x"00000000", +3239 => x"00000000", +3240 => x"00000000", +3241 => x"00000000", +3242 => x"00000000", +3243 => x"00000000", +3244 => x"00000000", +3245 => x"00000000", +3246 => x"00000000", +3247 => x"00000000", +3248 => x"00000000", +3249 => x"00000000", +3250 => x"00000000", +3251 => x"00002ad4", +3252 => x"ffffffff", +3253 => x"00000000", +3254 => x"ffffffff", +3255 => x"00000000", + others => x"00000000" +); + +begin + +mem_busy<=mem_readEnable; -- we're done on the cycle after we serve the read request + +process (clk, areset) +begin + if areset = '1' then + elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then + if (mem_writeEnable = '1') then + ram(to_integer(unsigned(mem_addr(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit)))) := mem_write; + end if; + if (mem_readEnable = '1') then + mem_read <= ram(to_integer(unsigned(mem_addr(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit)))); + end if; + end if; +end process; + + + + +end dram_arch; diff --git a/zpu/hdl/example_medium/dram_hello.vhd b/zpu/hdl/example_medium/dram_hello.vhd index 4f02cca..aae18fd 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/example_medium/dram_hello.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/example_medium/dram_hello.vhd @@ -1,3107 +1,3107 @@ -library ieee;
-use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-library work;
-use work.zpu_config.all;
-use work.zpupkg.all;
-entity dram is
-port (clk : in std_logic;
-areset : std_logic;
- mem_writeEnable : in std_logic;
- mem_readEnable : in std_logic;
- mem_addr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto 0);
- mem_write : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- mem_read : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- mem_busy : out std_logic;
- mem_writeMask : in std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0));
-end dram;
-architecture dram_arch of dram is
-type ram_type is array(natural range 0 to ((2**(maxAddrBitDRAM+1))/4)-1) of std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-shared variable ram : ram_type :=
-0 => x"0b0b0b0b",
-1 => x"82700b0b",
-2 => x"80cfd80c",
-3 => x"3a0b0b80",
-4 => x"c6d00400",
-5 => x"00000000",
-6 => x"00000000",
-7 => x"00000000",
-8 => x"80088408",
-9 => x"88080b0b",
-10 => x"80c7972d",
-11 => x"880c840c",
-12 => x"800c0400",
-13 => x"00000000",
-14 => x"00000000",
-15 => x"00000000",
-16 => x"71fd0608",
-17 => x"72830609",
-18 => x"81058205",
-19 => x"832b2a83",
-20 => x"ffff0652",
-21 => x"04000000",
-22 => x"00000000",
-23 => x"00000000",
-24 => x"71fd0608",
-25 => x"83ffff73",
-26 => x"83060981",
-27 => x"05820583",
-28 => x"2b2b0906",
-29 => x"7383ffff",
-30 => x"0b0b0b0b",
-31 => x"83a70400",
-32 => x"72098105",
-33 => x"72057373",
-34 => x"09060906",
-35 => x"73097306",
-36 => x"070a8106",
-37 => x"53510400",
-38 => x"00000000",
-39 => x"00000000",
-40 => x"72722473",
-41 => x"732e0753",
-42 => x"51040000",
-43 => x"00000000",
-44 => x"00000000",
-45 => x"00000000",
-46 => x"00000000",
-47 => x"00000000",
-48 => x"71737109",
-49 => x"71068106",
-50 => x"30720a10",
-51 => x"0a720a10",
-52 => x"0a31050a",
-53 => x"81065151",
-54 => x"53510400",
-55 => x"00000000",
-56 => x"72722673",
-57 => x"732e0753",
-58 => x"51040000",
-59 => x"00000000",
-60 => x"00000000",
-61 => x"00000000",
-62 => x"00000000",
-63 => x"00000000",
-64 => x"00000000",
-65 => x"00000000",
-66 => x"00000000",
-67 => x"00000000",
-68 => x"00000000",
-69 => x"00000000",
-70 => x"00000000",
-71 => x"00000000",
-72 => x"0b0b0b88",
-73 => x"c4040000",
-74 => x"00000000",
-75 => x"00000000",
-76 => x"00000000",
-77 => x"00000000",
-78 => x"00000000",
-79 => x"00000000",
-80 => x"720a722b",
-81 => x"0a535104",
-82 => x"00000000",
-83 => x"00000000",
-84 => x"00000000",
-85 => x"00000000",
-86 => x"00000000",
-87 => x"00000000",
-88 => x"72729f06",
-89 => x"0981050b",
-90 => x"0b0b88a7",
-91 => x"05040000",
-92 => x"00000000",
-93 => x"00000000",
-94 => x"00000000",
-95 => x"00000000",
-96 => x"72722aff",
-97 => x"739f062a",
-98 => x"0974090a",
-99 => x"8106ff05",
-100 => x"06075351",
-101 => x"04000000",
-102 => x"00000000",
-103 => x"00000000",
-104 => x"71715351",
-105 => x"020d0406",
-106 => x"73830609",
-107 => x"81058205",
-108 => x"832b0b2b",
-109 => x"0772fc06",
-110 => x"0c515104",
-111 => x"00000000",
-112 => x"72098105",
-113 => x"72050970",
-114 => x"81050906",
-115 => x"0a810653",
-116 => x"51040000",
-117 => x"00000000",
-118 => x"00000000",
-119 => x"00000000",
-120 => x"72098105",
-121 => x"72050970",
-122 => x"81050906",
-123 => x"0a098106",
-124 => x"53510400",
-125 => x"00000000",
-126 => x"00000000",
-127 => x"00000000",
-128 => x"71098105",
-129 => x"52040000",
-130 => x"00000000",
-131 => x"00000000",
-132 => x"00000000",
-133 => x"00000000",
-134 => x"00000000",
-135 => x"00000000",
-136 => x"72720981",
-137 => x"05055351",
-138 => x"04000000",
-139 => x"00000000",
-140 => x"00000000",
-141 => x"00000000",
-142 => x"00000000",
-143 => x"00000000",
-144 => x"72097206",
-145 => x"73730906",
-146 => x"07535104",
-147 => x"00000000",
-148 => x"00000000",
-149 => x"00000000",
-150 => x"00000000",
-151 => x"00000000",
-152 => x"71fc0608",
-153 => x"72830609",
-154 => x"81058305",
-155 => x"1010102a",
-156 => x"81ff0652",
-157 => x"04000000",
-158 => x"00000000",
-159 => x"00000000",
-160 => x"71fc0608",
-161 => x"0b0b80cf",
-162 => x"c4738306",
-163 => x"10100508",
-164 => x"060b0b0b",
-165 => x"88aa0400",
-166 => x"00000000",
-167 => x"00000000",
-168 => x"80088408",
-169 => x"88087575",
-170 => x"0b0b0b8b",
-171 => x"9f2d5050",
-172 => x"80085688",
-173 => x"0c840c80",
-174 => x"0c510400",
-175 => x"00000000",
-176 => x"80088408",
-177 => x"88087575",
-178 => x"0b0b0b8b",
-179 => x"e32d5050",
-180 => x"80085688",
-181 => x"0c840c80",
-182 => x"0c510400",
-183 => x"00000000",
-184 => x"72097081",
-185 => x"0509060a",
-186 => x"8106ff05",
-187 => x"70547106",
-188 => x"73097274",
-189 => x"05ff0506",
-190 => x"07515151",
-191 => x"04000000",
-192 => x"72097081",
-193 => x"0509060a",
-194 => x"098106ff",
-195 => x"05705471",
-196 => x"06730972",
-197 => x"7405ff05",
-198 => x"06075151",
-199 => x"51040000",
-200 => x"05ff0504",
-201 => x"00000000",
-202 => x"00000000",
-203 => x"00000000",
-204 => x"00000000",
-205 => x"00000000",
-206 => x"00000000",
-207 => x"00000000",
-208 => x"810b0b0b",
-209 => x"80cfd40c",
-210 => x"51040000",
-211 => x"00000000",
-212 => x"00000000",
-213 => x"00000000",
-214 => x"00000000",
-215 => x"00000000",
-216 => x"71810552",
-217 => x"04000000",
-218 => x"00000000",
-219 => x"00000000",
-220 => x"00000000",
-221 => x"00000000",
-222 => x"00000000",
-223 => x"00000000",
-224 => x"00000000",
-225 => x"00000000",
-226 => x"00000000",
-227 => x"00000000",
-228 => x"00000000",
-229 => x"00000000",
-230 => x"00000000",
-231 => x"00000000",
-232 => x"02840572",
-233 => x"10100552",
-234 => x"04000000",
-235 => x"00000000",
-236 => x"00000000",
-237 => x"00000000",
-238 => x"00000000",
-239 => x"00000000",
-240 => x"00000000",
-241 => x"00000000",
-242 => x"00000000",
-243 => x"00000000",
-244 => x"00000000",
-245 => x"00000000",
-246 => x"00000000",
-247 => x"00000000",
-248 => x"717105ff",
-249 => x"05715351",
-250 => x"020d0400",
-251 => x"00000000",
-252 => x"00000000",
-253 => x"00000000",
-254 => x"00000000",
-255 => x"00000000",
-256 => x"82c53f80",
-257 => x"c6d93f04",
-258 => x"10101010",
-259 => x"10101010",
-260 => x"10101010",
-261 => x"10101010",
-262 => x"10101010",
-263 => x"10101010",
-264 => x"10101010",
-265 => x"10101053",
-266 => x"51047381",
-267 => x"ff067383",
-268 => x"06098105",
-269 => x"83051010",
-270 => x"102b0772",
-271 => x"fc060c51",
-272 => x"51043c04",
-273 => x"72728072",
-274 => x"8106ff05",
-275 => x"09720605",
-276 => x"71105272",
-277 => x"0a100a53",
-278 => x"72ed3851",
-279 => x"51535104",
-280 => x"fe3d0d0b",
-281 => x"0b80dfc0",
-282 => x"08538413",
-283 => x"0870882a",
-284 => x"70810651",
-285 => x"52527080",
-286 => x"2ef03871",
-287 => x"81ff0680",
-288 => x"0c843d0d",
-289 => x"04ff3d0d",
-290 => x"0b0b80df",
-291 => x"c0085271",
-292 => x"0870882a",
-293 => x"81327081",
-294 => x"06515151",
-295 => x"70f13873",
-296 => x"720c833d",
-297 => x"0d0480cf",
-298 => x"d408802e",
-299 => x"a43880cf",
-300 => x"d808822e",
-301 => x"bd388380",
-302 => x"800b0b0b",
-303 => x"80dfc00c",
-304 => x"82a0800b",
-305 => x"80dfc40c",
-306 => x"8290800b",
-307 => x"80dfc80c",
-308 => x"04f88080",
-309 => x"80a40b0b",
-310 => x"0b80dfc0",
-311 => x"0cf88080",
-312 => x"82800b80",
-313 => x"dfc40cf8",
-314 => x"80808480",
-315 => x"0b80dfc8",
-316 => x"0c0480c0",
-317 => x"a8808c0b",
-318 => x"0b0b80df",
-319 => x"c00c80c0",
-320 => x"a880940b",
-321 => x"80dfc40c",
-322 => x"0b0b80cf",
-323 => x"8c0b80df",
-324 => x"c80c0470",
-325 => x"7080dfcc",
-326 => x"335170a7",
-327 => x"3880cfe0",
-328 => x"08700852",
-329 => x"5270802e",
-330 => x"94388412",
-331 => x"80cfe00c",
-332 => x"702d80cf",
-333 => x"e0087008",
-334 => x"525270ee",
-335 => x"38810b80",
-336 => x"dfcc3450",
-337 => x"50040470",
-338 => x"0b0b80df",
-339 => x"bc08802e",
-340 => x"8e380b0b",
-341 => x"0b0b800b",
-342 => x"802e0981",
-343 => x"06833850",
-344 => x"040b0b80",
-345 => x"dfbc510b",
-346 => x"0b0bf594",
-347 => x"3f500404",
-348 => x"fe3d0d89",
-349 => x"5380cf90",
-350 => x"5182c13f",
-351 => x"80cfa051",
-352 => x"82ba3f81",
-353 => x"0a0b80df",
-354 => x"d80cff0b",
-355 => x"80dfdc0c",
-356 => x"ff135372",
-357 => x"8025de38",
-358 => x"72800c84",
-359 => x"3d0d04fb",
-360 => x"3d0d7779",
-361 => x"55558056",
-362 => x"757524ab",
-363 => x"38807424",
-364 => x"9d388053",
-365 => x"73527451",
-366 => x"80e13f80",
-367 => x"08547580",
-368 => x"2e853880",
-369 => x"08305473",
-370 => x"800c873d",
-371 => x"0d047330",
-372 => x"76813257",
-373 => x"54dc3974",
-374 => x"30558156",
-375 => x"738025d2",
-376 => x"38ec39fa",
-377 => x"3d0d787a",
-378 => x"57558057",
-379 => x"767524a4",
-380 => x"38759f2c",
-381 => x"54815375",
-382 => x"74327431",
-383 => x"5274519b",
-384 => x"3f800854",
-385 => x"76802e85",
-386 => x"38800830",
-387 => x"5473800c",
-388 => x"883d0d04",
-389 => x"74305581",
-390 => x"57d739fc",
-391 => x"3d0d7678",
-392 => x"53548153",
-393 => x"80747326",
-394 => x"52557280",
-395 => x"2e983870",
-396 => x"802eab38",
-397 => x"807224a6",
-398 => x"38711073",
-399 => x"10757226",
-400 => x"53545272",
-401 => x"ea387351",
-402 => x"78833874",
-403 => x"5170800c",
-404 => x"863d0d04",
-405 => x"720a100a",
-406 => x"720a100a",
-407 => x"53537280",
-408 => x"2ee43871",
-409 => x"7426ed38",
-410 => x"73723175",
-411 => x"7407740a",
-412 => x"100a740a",
-413 => x"100a5555",
-414 => x"5654e339",
-415 => x"f73d0d7c",
-416 => x"70525380",
-417 => x"f93f7254",
-418 => x"80085580",
-419 => x"cfb05681",
-420 => x"57800881",
-421 => x"055a8b3d",
-422 => x"e4115953",
-423 => x"8259f413",
-424 => x"527b8811",
-425 => x"08525381",
-426 => x"b23f8008",
-427 => x"30708008",
-428 => x"079f2c8a",
-429 => x"07800c53",
-430 => x"8b3d0d04",
-431 => x"f63d0d7c",
-432 => x"80cfe408",
-433 => x"71535553",
-434 => x"b53f7255",
-435 => x"80085680",
-436 => x"cfb05781",
-437 => x"58800881",
-438 => x"055b8c3d",
-439 => x"e4115a53",
-440 => x"825af413",
-441 => x"52881408",
-442 => x"5180f03f",
-443 => x"80083070",
-444 => x"8008079f",
-445 => x"2c8a0780",
-446 => x"0c548c3d",
-447 => x"0d047070",
-448 => x"70707570",
-449 => x"71830653",
-450 => x"555270b4",
-451 => x"38717008",
-452 => x"7009f7fb",
-453 => x"fdff1206",
-454 => x"f8848281",
-455 => x"80065452",
-456 => x"53719b38",
-457 => x"84137008",
-458 => x"7009f7fb",
-459 => x"fdff1206",
-460 => x"f8848281",
-461 => x"80065452",
-462 => x"5371802e",
-463 => x"e7387252",
-464 => x"71335372",
-465 => x"802e8a38",
-466 => x"81127033",
-467 => x"545272f8",
-468 => x"38717431",
-469 => x"800c5050",
-470 => x"505004f2",
-471 => x"3d0d6062",
-472 => x"88110870",
-473 => x"58565f5a",
-474 => x"73802e81",
-475 => x"8c388c1a",
-476 => x"2270832a",
-477 => x"81328106",
-478 => x"56587486",
-479 => x"38901a08",
-480 => x"91387951",
-481 => x"90b73fff",
-482 => x"55800880",
-483 => x"ec388c1a",
-484 => x"22587d08",
-485 => x"55807883",
-486 => x"ffff0670",
-487 => x"0a100a81",
-488 => x"06415c57",
-489 => x"7e772e80",
-490 => x"d7387690",
-491 => x"38740884",
-492 => x"16088817",
-493 => x"57585676",
-494 => x"802ef238",
-495 => x"76548880",
-496 => x"77278438",
-497 => x"88805473",
-498 => x"5375529c",
-499 => x"1a0851a4",
-500 => x"1a085877",
-501 => x"2d800b80",
-502 => x"082582e0",
-503 => x"38800816",
-504 => x"77800831",
-505 => x"7f880508",
-506 => x"80083170",
-507 => x"6188050c",
-508 => x"5b585678",
-509 => x"ffb43880",
-510 => x"5574800c",
-511 => x"903d0d04",
-512 => x"7a813281",
-513 => x"06774056",
-514 => x"75802e81",
-515 => x"bd387690",
-516 => x"38740884",
-517 => x"16088817",
-518 => x"57585976",
-519 => x"802ef238",
-520 => x"881a0878",
-521 => x"83ffff06",
-522 => x"70892a81",
-523 => x"06565956",
-524 => x"73802e82",
-525 => x"f8387577",
-526 => x"278b3877",
-527 => x"872a8106",
-528 => x"5c7b82b5",
-529 => x"38767627",
-530 => x"83387656",
-531 => x"75537852",
-532 => x"79085185",
-533 => x"833f881a",
-534 => x"08763188",
-535 => x"1b0c7908",
-536 => x"167a0c76",
-537 => x"56751977",
-538 => x"77317f88",
-539 => x"05087831",
-540 => x"70618805",
-541 => x"0c415859",
-542 => x"7e802efe",
-543 => x"fa388c1a",
-544 => x"2258ff8a",
-545 => x"39787954",
-546 => x"7c537b52",
-547 => x"5684c93f",
-548 => x"881a0879",
-549 => x"31881b0c",
-550 => x"7908197a",
-551 => x"0c7c7631",
-552 => x"5d7c8e38",
-553 => x"79518ff2",
-554 => x"3f800881",
-555 => x"8f388008",
-556 => x"5f751c77",
-557 => x"77317f88",
-558 => x"05087831",
-559 => x"70618805",
-560 => x"0c5d585c",
-561 => x"7a802efe",
-562 => x"ae387681",
-563 => x"83387408",
-564 => x"84160888",
-565 => x"1757585c",
-566 => x"76802ef2",
-567 => x"3876538a",
-568 => x"527b5182",
-569 => x"d33f8008",
-570 => x"7c318105",
-571 => x"5d800884",
-572 => x"3881175d",
-573 => x"815f7c59",
-574 => x"767d2783",
-575 => x"38765994",
-576 => x"1a08881b",
-577 => x"08115758",
-578 => x"807a085c",
-579 => x"54901a08",
-580 => x"7b278338",
-581 => x"81547579",
-582 => x"25843873",
-583 => x"ba387779",
-584 => x"24fee238",
-585 => x"77537b52",
-586 => x"9c1a0851",
-587 => x"a41a0859",
-588 => x"782d8008",
-589 => x"56800880",
-590 => x"24fee238",
-591 => x"8c1a2280",
-592 => x"c0075e7d",
-593 => x"8c1b23ff",
-594 => x"5574800c",
-595 => x"903d0d04",
-596 => x"7effa338",
-597 => x"ff873975",
-598 => x"537b527a",
-599 => x"5182f93f",
-600 => x"7908167a",
-601 => x"0c79518e",
-602 => x"b13f8008",
-603 => x"cf387c76",
-604 => x"315d7cfe",
-605 => x"bc38feac",
-606 => x"39901a08",
-607 => x"7a087131",
-608 => x"78117056",
-609 => x"5a575280",
-610 => x"cfe40851",
-611 => x"84943f80",
-612 => x"08802eff",
-613 => x"a7388008",
-614 => x"901b0c80",
-615 => x"08167a0c",
-616 => x"77941b0c",
-617 => x"76881b0c",
-618 => x"7656fd99",
-619 => x"39790858",
-620 => x"901a0878",
-621 => x"27833881",
-622 => x"54757727",
-623 => x"843873b3",
-624 => x"38941a08",
-625 => x"54737726",
-626 => x"80d33873",
-627 => x"5378529c",
-628 => x"1a0851a4",
-629 => x"1a085877",
-630 => x"2d800856",
-631 => x"80088024",
-632 => x"fd83388c",
-633 => x"1a2280c0",
-634 => x"075e7d8c",
-635 => x"1b23ff55",
-636 => x"fed73975",
-637 => x"53785277",
-638 => x"5181dd3f",
-639 => x"7908167a",
-640 => x"0c79518d",
-641 => x"953f8008",
-642 => x"802efcd9",
-643 => x"388c1a22",
-644 => x"80c0075e",
-645 => x"7d8c1b23",
-646 => x"ff55fead",
-647 => x"39767754",
-648 => x"79537852",
-649 => x"5681b13f",
-650 => x"881a0877",
-651 => x"31881b0c",
-652 => x"7908177a",
-653 => x"0cfcae39",
-654 => x"fa3d0d7a",
-655 => x"79028805",
-656 => x"a7053355",
-657 => x"53548374",
-658 => x"2780df38",
-659 => x"71830651",
-660 => x"7080d738",
-661 => x"71715755",
-662 => x"83517582",
-663 => x"802913ff",
-664 => x"12525670",
-665 => x"8025f338",
-666 => x"837427bc",
-667 => x"38740876",
-668 => x"327009f7",
-669 => x"fbfdff12",
-670 => x"06f88482",
-671 => x"81800651",
-672 => x"5170802e",
-673 => x"98387451",
-674 => x"80527033",
-675 => x"5772772e",
-676 => x"b9388111",
-677 => x"81135351",
-678 => x"837227ee",
-679 => x"38fc1484",
-680 => x"16565473",
-681 => x"8326c638",
-682 => x"7452ff14",
-683 => x"5170ff2e",
-684 => x"97387133",
-685 => x"5472742e",
-686 => x"98388112",
-687 => x"ff125252",
-688 => x"70ff2e09",
-689 => x"8106eb38",
-690 => x"80517080",
-691 => x"0c883d0d",
-692 => x"0471800c",
-693 => x"883d0d04",
-694 => x"fa3d0d78",
-695 => x"7a7c7272",
-696 => x"72595755",
-697 => x"58565774",
-698 => x"7727b238",
-699 => x"75155176",
-700 => x"7127aa38",
-701 => x"707618ff",
-702 => x"18535353",
-703 => x"70ff2e96",
-704 => x"38ff12ff",
-705 => x"14545272",
-706 => x"337234ff",
-707 => x"115170ff",
-708 => x"2e098106",
-709 => x"ec387680",
-710 => x"0c883d0d",
-711 => x"048f7627",
-712 => x"80e63874",
-713 => x"77078306",
-714 => x"517080dc",
-715 => x"38767552",
-716 => x"53707084",
-717 => x"05520873",
-718 => x"70840555",
-719 => x"0c727170",
-720 => x"84055308",
-721 => x"71708405",
-722 => x"530c7170",
-723 => x"84055308",
-724 => x"71708405",
-725 => x"530c7170",
-726 => x"84055308",
-727 => x"71708405",
-728 => x"530cf015",
-729 => x"5553738f",
-730 => x"26c73883",
-731 => x"74279538",
-732 => x"70708405",
-733 => x"52087370",
-734 => x"8405550c",
-735 => x"fc145473",
-736 => x"8326ed38",
-737 => x"72715452",
-738 => x"ff145170",
-739 => x"ff2eff86",
-740 => x"38727081",
-741 => x"05543372",
-742 => x"70810554",
-743 => x"34ff1151",
-744 => x"ea39ef3d",
-745 => x"0d636567",
-746 => x"405d427b",
-747 => x"802e8582",
-748 => x"386151a9",
-749 => x"e73ff81c",
-750 => x"70841208",
-751 => x"70fc0670",
-752 => x"628b0570",
-753 => x"f8064159",
-754 => x"455c5f41",
-755 => x"57967427",
-756 => x"82c53880",
-757 => x"7b247e7c",
-758 => x"26075880",
-759 => x"5477742e",
-760 => x"09810682",
-761 => x"ab38787b",
-762 => x"2581fe38",
-763 => x"781780d7",
-764 => x"a00b8805",
-765 => x"085b5679",
-766 => x"762e84c5",
-767 => x"38841608",
-768 => x"70fe0617",
-769 => x"84110881",
-770 => x"06415555",
-771 => x"7e828d38",
-772 => x"74fc0658",
-773 => x"79762e84",
-774 => x"e3387818",
-775 => x"5f7e7b25",
-776 => x"81ff387c",
-777 => x"81065473",
-778 => x"82c13876",
-779 => x"77083184",
-780 => x"1108fc06",
-781 => x"56577580",
-782 => x"2e913879",
-783 => x"762e84f0",
-784 => x"38741819",
-785 => x"58777b25",
-786 => x"84913876",
-787 => x"802e829b",
-788 => x"38781556",
-789 => x"7a762482",
-790 => x"92388c17",
-791 => x"08881808",
-792 => x"718c120c",
-793 => x"88120c5e",
-794 => x"75598817",
-795 => x"61fc055b",
-796 => x"5679a426",
-797 => x"85ff387b",
-798 => x"76595593",
-799 => x"7a2780c9",
-800 => x"387b7084",
-801 => x"055d087c",
-802 => x"56760c74",
-803 => x"70840556",
-804 => x"088c180c",
-805 => x"9017589b",
-806 => x"7a27ae38",
-807 => x"74708405",
-808 => x"5608780c",
-809 => x"74708405",
-810 => x"56089418",
-811 => x"0c981758",
-812 => x"a37a2795",
-813 => x"38747084",
-814 => x"05560878",
-815 => x"0c747084",
-816 => x"0556089c",
-817 => x"180ca017",
-818 => x"58747084",
-819 => x"05560875",
-820 => x"5f787084",
-821 => x"055a0c77",
-822 => x"7e708405",
-823 => x"40087170",
-824 => x"8405530c",
-825 => x"7e08710c",
-826 => x"5d787b31",
-827 => x"56758f26",
-828 => x"80c93884",
-829 => x"17088106",
-830 => x"79078418",
-831 => x"0c781784",
-832 => x"11088107",
-833 => x"84120c5b",
-834 => x"6151a791",
-835 => x"3f881754",
-836 => x"73800c93",
-837 => x"3d0d0490",
-838 => x"5bfdb839",
-839 => x"7756fe83",
-840 => x"398c1608",
-841 => x"88170871",
-842 => x"8c120c88",
-843 => x"120c587e",
-844 => x"707c3157",
-845 => x"598f7627",
-846 => x"ffb9387a",
-847 => x"17841808",
-848 => x"81067c07",
-849 => x"84190c76",
-850 => x"81078412",
-851 => x"0c761184",
-852 => x"11088107",
-853 => x"84120c5b",
-854 => x"88055261",
-855 => x"518fda3f",
-856 => x"6151a6b9",
-857 => x"3f881754",
-858 => x"ffa6397d",
-859 => x"52615197",
-860 => x"d73f8008",
-861 => x"5a800880",
-862 => x"2e81ab38",
-863 => x"8008f805",
-864 => x"60840508",
-865 => x"fe066105",
-866 => x"58557477",
-867 => x"2e83f238",
-868 => x"fc195877",
-869 => x"a42681b0",
-870 => x"387b8008",
-871 => x"56579378",
-872 => x"2780dc38",
-873 => x"7b707084",
-874 => x"05520880",
-875 => x"08708405",
-876 => x"800c0c80",
-877 => x"08717084",
-878 => x"0553085d",
-879 => x"567b7670",
-880 => x"8405580c",
-881 => x"579b7827",
-882 => x"b6387670",
-883 => x"84055808",
-884 => x"75708405",
-885 => x"570c7670",
-886 => x"84055808",
-887 => x"75708405",
-888 => x"570ca378",
-889 => x"27993876",
-890 => x"70840558",
-891 => x"08757084",
-892 => x"05570c76",
-893 => x"70840558",
-894 => x"08757084",
-895 => x"05570c76",
-896 => x"70840558",
-897 => x"08775e75",
-898 => x"70840557",
-899 => x"0c747d70",
-900 => x"84055f08",
-901 => x"71708405",
-902 => x"530c7d08",
-903 => x"710c5f7b",
-904 => x"5261518e",
-905 => x"943f6151",
-906 => x"a4f33f79",
-907 => x"800c933d",
-908 => x"0d047d52",
-909 => x"61519690",
-910 => x"3f800880",
-911 => x"0c933d0d",
-912 => x"04841608",
-913 => x"55fbc939",
-914 => x"77537b52",
-915 => x"800851a2",
-916 => x"a53f7b52",
-917 => x"61518de1",
-918 => x"3fcc398c",
-919 => x"16088817",
-920 => x"08718c12",
-921 => x"0c88120c",
-922 => x"5d8c1708",
-923 => x"88180871",
-924 => x"8c120c88",
-925 => x"120c5977",
-926 => x"59fbef39",
-927 => x"7818901c",
-928 => x"40557e75",
-929 => x"24fb9c38",
-930 => x"7a177080",
-931 => x"d7a00b88",
-932 => x"050c757c",
-933 => x"31810784",
-934 => x"120c5684",
-935 => x"17088106",
-936 => x"7b078418",
-937 => x"0c6151a3",
-938 => x"f43f8817",
-939 => x"54fce139",
-940 => x"74181990",
-941 => x"1c5e5a7c",
-942 => x"7a24fb8f",
-943 => x"388c1708",
-944 => x"88180871",
-945 => x"8c120c88",
-946 => x"120c5e88",
-947 => x"1761fc05",
-948 => x"575975a4",
-949 => x"2681b638",
-950 => x"7b795955",
-951 => x"93762780",
-952 => x"c9387b70",
-953 => x"84055d08",
-954 => x"7c56790c",
-955 => x"74708405",
-956 => x"56088c18",
-957 => x"0c901758",
-958 => x"9b7627ae",
-959 => x"38747084",
-960 => x"05560878",
-961 => x"0c747084",
-962 => x"05560894",
-963 => x"180c9817",
-964 => x"58a37627",
-965 => x"95387470",
-966 => x"84055608",
-967 => x"780c7470",
-968 => x"84055608",
-969 => x"9c180ca0",
-970 => x"17587470",
-971 => x"84055608",
-972 => x"75417870",
-973 => x"84055a0c",
-974 => x"77607084",
-975 => x"05420871",
-976 => x"70840553",
-977 => x"0c600871",
-978 => x"0c5e7a17",
-979 => x"7080d7a0",
-980 => x"0b88050c",
-981 => x"7a7c3181",
-982 => x"0784120c",
-983 => x"58841708",
-984 => x"81067b07",
-985 => x"84180c61",
-986 => x"51a2b23f",
-987 => x"78547380",
-988 => x"0c933d0d",
-989 => x"0479537b",
-990 => x"5275519f",
-991 => x"f93ffae9",
-992 => x"39841508",
-993 => x"fc061960",
-994 => x"5859fadd",
-995 => x"3975537b",
-996 => x"5278519f",
-997 => x"e13f7a17",
-998 => x"7080d7a0",
-999 => x"0b88050c",
-1000 => x"7a7c3181",
-1001 => x"0784120c",
-1002 => x"58841708",
-1003 => x"81067b07",
-1004 => x"84180c61",
-1005 => x"51a1e63f",
-1006 => x"7854ffb2",
-1007 => x"39fa3d0d",
-1008 => x"7880cfe4",
-1009 => x"085455b8",
-1010 => x"1308802e",
-1011 => x"81af388c",
-1012 => x"15227083",
-1013 => x"ffff0670",
-1014 => x"832a8132",
-1015 => x"81065555",
-1016 => x"5672802e",
-1017 => x"80da3873",
-1018 => x"842a8132",
-1019 => x"810657ff",
-1020 => x"537680f2",
-1021 => x"3873822a",
-1022 => x"81065473",
-1023 => x"802eb938",
-1024 => x"b0150854",
-1025 => x"73802e9c",
-1026 => x"3880c015",
-1027 => x"5373732e",
-1028 => x"8f387352",
-1029 => x"80cfe408",
-1030 => x"518a9e3f",
-1031 => x"8c152256",
-1032 => x"76b0160c",
-1033 => x"75db0657",
-1034 => x"768c1623",
-1035 => x"800b8416",
-1036 => x"0c901508",
-1037 => x"750c7656",
-1038 => x"75880754",
-1039 => x"738c1623",
-1040 => x"90150880",
-1041 => x"2ebf388c",
-1042 => x"15227081",
-1043 => x"06555373",
-1044 => x"9c38720a",
-1045 => x"100a8106",
-1046 => x"56758538",
-1047 => x"94150854",
-1048 => x"7388160c",
-1049 => x"80537280",
-1050 => x"0c883d0d",
-1051 => x"04800b88",
-1052 => x"160c9415",
-1053 => x"08309816",
-1054 => x"0c8053ea",
-1055 => x"39725182",
-1056 => x"a63ffecb",
-1057 => x"3974518f",
-1058 => x"bc3f8c15",
-1059 => x"22708106",
-1060 => x"55537380",
-1061 => x"2effbb38",
-1062 => x"d439f83d",
-1063 => x"0d7a5776",
-1064 => x"802e8197",
-1065 => x"3880cfe4",
-1066 => x"0854b814",
-1067 => x"08802e80",
-1068 => x"eb388c17",
-1069 => x"2270902b",
-1070 => x"70902c70",
-1071 => x"832a8132",
-1072 => x"81065b5b",
-1073 => x"57557780",
-1074 => x"cb389017",
-1075 => x"08567580",
-1076 => x"2e80c138",
-1077 => x"76087631",
-1078 => x"76780c79",
-1079 => x"83065555",
-1080 => x"73853894",
-1081 => x"17085877",
-1082 => x"88180c80",
-1083 => x"7525a538",
-1084 => x"74537552",
-1085 => x"9c170851",
-1086 => x"a4170854",
-1087 => x"732d800b",
-1088 => x"80082580",
-1089 => x"c9388008",
-1090 => x"16758008",
-1091 => x"31565674",
-1092 => x"8024dd38",
-1093 => x"800b800c",
-1094 => x"8a3d0d04",
-1095 => x"73518187",
-1096 => x"3f8c1722",
-1097 => x"70902b70",
-1098 => x"902c7083",
-1099 => x"2a813281",
-1100 => x"065b5b57",
-1101 => x"5577dd38",
-1102 => x"ff9039a1",
-1103 => x"9a5280cf",
-1104 => x"e408518c",
-1105 => x"d03f8008",
-1106 => x"800c8a3d",
-1107 => x"0d048c17",
-1108 => x"2280c007",
-1109 => x"58778c18",
-1110 => x"23ff0b80",
-1111 => x"0c8a3d0d",
-1112 => x"04fa3d0d",
-1113 => x"797080dc",
-1114 => x"298c1154",
-1115 => x"7a535657",
-1116 => x"8fd63f80",
-1117 => x"08800855",
-1118 => x"56800880",
-1119 => x"2ea23880",
-1120 => x"088c0554",
-1121 => x"800b8008",
-1122 => x"0c768008",
-1123 => x"84050c73",
-1124 => x"80088805",
-1125 => x"0c745380",
-1126 => x"5273519c",
-1127 => x"f53f7554",
-1128 => x"73800c88",
-1129 => x"3d0d0470",
-1130 => x"707074a8",
-1131 => x"e60bbc12",
-1132 => x"0c53810b",
-1133 => x"b8140c80",
-1134 => x"0b84dc14",
-1135 => x"0c830b84",
-1136 => x"e0140c84",
-1137 => x"e81384e4",
-1138 => x"140c8413",
-1139 => x"08518070",
-1140 => x"720c7084",
-1141 => x"130c7088",
-1142 => x"130c5284",
-1143 => x"0b8c1223",
-1144 => x"718e1223",
-1145 => x"7190120c",
-1146 => x"7194120c",
-1147 => x"7198120c",
-1148 => x"709c120c",
-1149 => x"80c1d50b",
-1150 => x"a0120c80",
-1151 => x"c2a10ba4",
-1152 => x"120c80c3",
-1153 => x"9d0ba812",
-1154 => x"0c80c3ee",
-1155 => x"0bac120c",
-1156 => x"88130872",
-1157 => x"710c7284",
-1158 => x"120c7288",
-1159 => x"120c5189",
-1160 => x"0b8c1223",
-1161 => x"810b8e12",
-1162 => x"23719012",
-1163 => x"0c719412",
-1164 => x"0c719812",
-1165 => x"0c709c12",
-1166 => x"0c80c1d5",
-1167 => x"0ba0120c",
-1168 => x"80c2a10b",
-1169 => x"a4120c80",
-1170 => x"c39d0ba8",
-1171 => x"120c80c3",
-1172 => x"ee0bac12",
-1173 => x"0c8c1308",
-1174 => x"72710c72",
-1175 => x"84120c72",
-1176 => x"88120c51",
-1177 => x"8a0b8c12",
-1178 => x"23820b8e",
-1179 => x"12237190",
-1180 => x"120c7194",
-1181 => x"120c7198",
-1182 => x"120c709c",
-1183 => x"120c80c1",
-1184 => x"d50ba012",
-1185 => x"0c80c2a1",
-1186 => x"0ba4120c",
-1187 => x"80c39d0b",
-1188 => x"a8120c80",
-1189 => x"c3ee0bac",
-1190 => x"120c5050",
-1191 => x"5004f83d",
-1192 => x"0d7a80cf",
-1193 => x"e408b811",
-1194 => x"08575758",
-1195 => x"7481ec38",
-1196 => x"a8e60bbc",
-1197 => x"170c810b",
-1198 => x"b8170c74",
-1199 => x"84dc170c",
-1200 => x"830b84e0",
-1201 => x"170c84e8",
-1202 => x"1684e417",
-1203 => x"0c841608",
-1204 => x"75710c75",
-1205 => x"84120c75",
-1206 => x"88120c59",
-1207 => x"840b8c1a",
-1208 => x"23748e1a",
-1209 => x"2374901a",
-1210 => x"0c74941a",
-1211 => x"0c74981a",
-1212 => x"0c789c1a",
-1213 => x"0c80c1d5",
-1214 => x"0ba01a0c",
-1215 => x"80c2a10b",
-1216 => x"a41a0c80",
-1217 => x"c39d0ba8",
-1218 => x"1a0c80c3",
-1219 => x"ee0bac1a",
-1220 => x"0c881608",
-1221 => x"75710c75",
-1222 => x"84120c75",
-1223 => x"88120c57",
-1224 => x"890b8c18",
-1225 => x"23810b8e",
-1226 => x"18237490",
-1227 => x"180c7494",
-1228 => x"180c7498",
-1229 => x"180c769c",
-1230 => x"180c80c1",
-1231 => x"d50ba018",
-1232 => x"0c80c2a1",
-1233 => x"0ba4180c",
-1234 => x"80c39d0b",
-1235 => x"a8180c80",
-1236 => x"c3ee0bac",
-1237 => x"180c8c16",
-1238 => x"0875710c",
-1239 => x"7584120c",
-1240 => x"7588120c",
-1241 => x"548a0b8c",
-1242 => x"1523820b",
-1243 => x"8e152374",
-1244 => x"90150c74",
-1245 => x"94150c74",
-1246 => x"98150c73",
-1247 => x"9c150c80",
-1248 => x"c1d50ba0",
-1249 => x"150c80c2",
-1250 => x"a10ba415",
-1251 => x"0c80c39d",
-1252 => x"0ba8150c",
-1253 => x"80c3ee0b",
-1254 => x"ac150c84",
-1255 => x"dc168811",
-1256 => x"08841208",
-1257 => x"ff055757",
-1258 => x"57807524",
-1259 => x"9f388c16",
-1260 => x"2270902b",
-1261 => x"70902c51",
-1262 => x"55597380",
-1263 => x"2e80ed38",
-1264 => x"80dc16ff",
-1265 => x"16565674",
-1266 => x"8025e338",
-1267 => x"76085574",
-1268 => x"802e8f38",
-1269 => x"74881108",
-1270 => x"841208ff",
-1271 => x"05575757",
-1272 => x"c83982fc",
-1273 => x"5277518a",
-1274 => x"df3f8008",
-1275 => x"80085556",
-1276 => x"8008802e",
-1277 => x"a3388008",
-1278 => x"8c057580",
-1279 => x"080c5484",
-1280 => x"0b800884",
-1281 => x"050c7380",
-1282 => x"0888050c",
-1283 => x"82f05374",
-1284 => x"52735197",
-1285 => x"fd3f7554",
-1286 => x"7374780c",
-1287 => x"5573ffb4",
-1288 => x"388c780c",
-1289 => x"800b800c",
-1290 => x"8a3d0d04",
-1291 => x"810b8c17",
-1292 => x"2373760c",
-1293 => x"7388170c",
-1294 => x"7384170c",
-1295 => x"7390170c",
-1296 => x"7394170c",
-1297 => x"7398170c",
-1298 => x"ff0b8e17",
-1299 => x"2373b017",
-1300 => x"0c73b417",
-1301 => x"0c7380c4",
-1302 => x"170c7380",
-1303 => x"c8170c75",
-1304 => x"800c8a3d",
-1305 => x"0d047070",
-1306 => x"a19a5273",
-1307 => x"5186a63f",
-1308 => x"50500470",
-1309 => x"70a19a52",
-1310 => x"80cfe408",
-1311 => x"5186963f",
-1312 => x"505004fb",
-1313 => x"3d0d7770",
-1314 => x"52569890",
-1315 => x"3f80d7a0",
-1316 => x"0b880508",
-1317 => x"841108fc",
-1318 => x"06707b31",
-1319 => x"9fef05e0",
-1320 => x"8006e080",
-1321 => x"05525555",
-1322 => x"a0807524",
-1323 => x"94388052",
-1324 => x"755197ea",
-1325 => x"3f80d7a8",
-1326 => x"08145372",
-1327 => x"80082e8f",
-1328 => x"38755197",
-1329 => x"d83f8053",
-1330 => x"72800c87",
-1331 => x"3d0d0474",
-1332 => x"30527551",
-1333 => x"97c83f80",
-1334 => x"08ff2ea8",
-1335 => x"3880d7a0",
-1336 => x"0b880508",
-1337 => x"74763181",
-1338 => x"0784120c",
-1339 => x"5380d6e4",
-1340 => x"08753180",
-1341 => x"d6e40c75",
-1342 => x"5197a23f",
-1343 => x"810b800c",
-1344 => x"873d0d04",
-1345 => x"80527551",
-1346 => x"97943f80",
-1347 => x"d7a00b88",
-1348 => x"05088008",
-1349 => x"71315454",
-1350 => x"8f7325ff",
-1351 => x"a4388008",
-1352 => x"80d79408",
-1353 => x"3180d6e4",
-1354 => x"0c728107",
-1355 => x"84150c75",
-1356 => x"5196ea3f",
-1357 => x"8053ff90",
-1358 => x"39f73d0d",
-1359 => x"7b7d545a",
-1360 => x"72802e82",
-1361 => x"83387951",
-1362 => x"96d23ff8",
-1363 => x"13841108",
-1364 => x"70fe0670",
-1365 => x"13841108",
-1366 => x"fc065c57",
-1367 => x"58545780",
-1368 => x"d7a80874",
-1369 => x"2e82de38",
-1370 => x"7784150c",
-1371 => x"80738106",
-1372 => x"56597479",
-1373 => x"2e81d538",
-1374 => x"77148411",
-1375 => x"08810656",
-1376 => x"5374a038",
-1377 => x"77165678",
-1378 => x"81e63888",
-1379 => x"14085574",
-1380 => x"80d7a82e",
-1381 => x"82f9388c",
-1382 => x"1408708c",
-1383 => x"170c7588",
-1384 => x"120c5875",
-1385 => x"81078418",
-1386 => x"0c751776",
-1387 => x"710c5478",
-1388 => x"81913883",
-1389 => x"ff762781",
-1390 => x"c8387589",
-1391 => x"2a76832a",
-1392 => x"54547380",
-1393 => x"2ebf3875",
-1394 => x"862ab805",
-1395 => x"53847427",
-1396 => x"b43880db",
-1397 => x"14539474",
-1398 => x"27ab3875",
-1399 => x"8c2a80ee",
-1400 => x"055380d4",
-1401 => x"74279e38",
-1402 => x"758f2a80",
-1403 => x"f7055382",
-1404 => x"d4742791",
-1405 => x"3875922a",
-1406 => x"80fc0553",
-1407 => x"8ad47427",
-1408 => x"843880fe",
-1409 => x"53721010",
-1410 => x"1080d7a0",
-1411 => x"05881108",
-1412 => x"55557375",
-1413 => x"2e82bf38",
-1414 => x"841408fc",
-1415 => x"06597579",
-1416 => x"278d3888",
-1417 => x"14085473",
-1418 => x"752e0981",
-1419 => x"06ea388c",
-1420 => x"1408708c",
-1421 => x"190c7488",
-1422 => x"190c7788",
-1423 => x"120c5576",
-1424 => x"8c150c79",
-1425 => x"5194d63f",
-1426 => x"8b3d0d04",
-1427 => x"76087771",
-1428 => x"31587605",
-1429 => x"88180856",
-1430 => x"567480d7",
-1431 => x"a82e80e0",
-1432 => x"388c1708",
-1433 => x"708c170c",
-1434 => x"7588120c",
-1435 => x"53fe8939",
-1436 => x"8814088c",
-1437 => x"1508708c",
-1438 => x"130c5988",
-1439 => x"190cfea3",
-1440 => x"3975832a",
-1441 => x"70545480",
-1442 => x"74248198",
-1443 => x"3872822c",
-1444 => x"81712b80",
-1445 => x"d7a40807",
-1446 => x"80d7a00b",
-1447 => x"84050c74",
-1448 => x"10101080",
-1449 => x"d7a00588",
-1450 => x"1108718c",
-1451 => x"1b0c7088",
-1452 => x"1b0c7988",
-1453 => x"130c565a",
-1454 => x"55768c15",
-1455 => x"0cff8439",
-1456 => x"8159fdb4",
-1457 => x"39771673",
-1458 => x"81065455",
-1459 => x"72983876",
-1460 => x"08777131",
-1461 => x"5875058c",
-1462 => x"18088819",
-1463 => x"08718c12",
-1464 => x"0c88120c",
-1465 => x"55557481",
-1466 => x"0784180c",
-1467 => x"7680d7a0",
-1468 => x"0b88050c",
-1469 => x"80d79c08",
-1470 => x"7526fec7",
-1471 => x"3880d798",
-1472 => x"08527951",
-1473 => x"fafd3f79",
-1474 => x"5193923f",
-1475 => x"feba3981",
-1476 => x"778c170c",
-1477 => x"7788170c",
-1478 => x"758c190c",
-1479 => x"7588190c",
-1480 => x"59fd8039",
-1481 => x"83147082",
-1482 => x"2c81712b",
-1483 => x"80d7a408",
-1484 => x"0780d7a0",
-1485 => x"0b84050c",
-1486 => x"75101010",
-1487 => x"80d7a005",
-1488 => x"88110871",
-1489 => x"8c1c0c70",
-1490 => x"881c0c7a",
-1491 => x"88130c57",
-1492 => x"5b5653fe",
-1493 => x"e4398073",
-1494 => x"24a33872",
-1495 => x"822c8171",
-1496 => x"2b80d7a4",
-1497 => x"080780d7",
-1498 => x"a00b8405",
-1499 => x"0c58748c",
-1500 => x"180c7388",
-1501 => x"180c7688",
-1502 => x"160cfdc3",
-1503 => x"39831370",
-1504 => x"822c8171",
-1505 => x"2b80d7a4",
-1506 => x"080780d7",
-1507 => x"a00b8405",
-1508 => x"0c5953da",
-1509 => x"39f93d0d",
-1510 => x"797b5853",
-1511 => x"800b80cf",
-1512 => x"e4085356",
-1513 => x"72722ebc",
-1514 => x"3884dc13",
-1515 => x"5574762e",
-1516 => x"b3388815",
-1517 => x"08841608",
-1518 => x"ff055454",
-1519 => x"80732499",
-1520 => x"388c1422",
-1521 => x"70902b53",
-1522 => x"587180d4",
-1523 => x"3880dc14",
-1524 => x"ff145454",
-1525 => x"728025e9",
-1526 => x"38740855",
-1527 => x"74d43880",
-1528 => x"cfe40852",
-1529 => x"84dc1255",
-1530 => x"74802ead",
-1531 => x"38881508",
-1532 => x"841608ff",
-1533 => x"05545480",
-1534 => x"73249838",
-1535 => x"8c142270",
-1536 => x"902b5358",
-1537 => x"71ad3880",
-1538 => x"dc14ff14",
-1539 => x"54547280",
-1540 => x"25ea3874",
-1541 => x"085574d5",
-1542 => x"3875800c",
-1543 => x"893d0d04",
-1544 => x"7351762d",
-1545 => x"75800807",
-1546 => x"80dc15ff",
-1547 => x"15555556",
-1548 => x"ffa23973",
-1549 => x"51762d75",
-1550 => x"80080780",
-1551 => x"dc15ff15",
-1552 => x"555556ca",
-1553 => x"39ea3d0d",
-1554 => x"688c1122",
-1555 => x"700a100a",
-1556 => x"81065758",
-1557 => x"567480e4",
-1558 => x"388e1622",
-1559 => x"70902b70",
-1560 => x"902c5155",
-1561 => x"58807424",
-1562 => x"b138983d",
-1563 => x"c4055373",
-1564 => x"5280cfe4",
-1565 => x"08519481",
-1566 => x"3f800b80",
-1567 => x"08249738",
-1568 => x"7983e080",
-1569 => x"06547380",
-1570 => x"c0802e81",
-1571 => x"8f387382",
-1572 => x"80802e81",
-1573 => x"91388c16",
-1574 => x"22577690",
-1575 => x"80075473",
-1576 => x"8c172388",
-1577 => x"805280cf",
-1578 => x"e4085181",
-1579 => x"9b3f8008",
-1580 => x"9d388c16",
-1581 => x"22820755",
-1582 => x"748c1723",
-1583 => x"80c31670",
-1584 => x"770c9017",
-1585 => x"0c810b94",
-1586 => x"170c983d",
-1587 => x"0d0480cf",
-1588 => x"e408a8e6",
-1589 => x"0bbc120c",
-1590 => x"588c1622",
-1591 => x"81800754",
-1592 => x"738c1723",
-1593 => x"8008760c",
-1594 => x"80089017",
-1595 => x"0c88800b",
-1596 => x"94170c74",
-1597 => x"802ed338",
-1598 => x"8e162270",
-1599 => x"902b7090",
-1600 => x"2c535654",
-1601 => x"9afe3f80",
-1602 => x"08802eff",
-1603 => x"bd388c16",
-1604 => x"22810757",
-1605 => x"768c1723",
-1606 => x"983d0d04",
-1607 => x"810b8c17",
-1608 => x"225855fe",
-1609 => x"f539a816",
-1610 => x"0880c39d",
-1611 => x"2e098106",
-1612 => x"fee4388c",
-1613 => x"16228880",
-1614 => x"0754738c",
-1615 => x"17238880",
-1616 => x"0b80cc17",
-1617 => x"0cfedc39",
-1618 => x"f43d0d7e",
-1619 => x"608b1170",
-1620 => x"f8065b55",
-1621 => x"555d7296",
-1622 => x"26833890",
-1623 => x"58807824",
-1624 => x"74792607",
-1625 => x"55805474",
-1626 => x"742e0981",
-1627 => x"0680ca38",
-1628 => x"7c518ea8",
-1629 => x"3f7783f7",
-1630 => x"2680c538",
-1631 => x"77832a70",
-1632 => x"10101080",
-1633 => x"d7a0058c",
-1634 => x"11085858",
-1635 => x"5475772e",
-1636 => x"81f03884",
-1637 => x"1608fc06",
-1638 => x"8c170888",
-1639 => x"1808718c",
-1640 => x"120c8812",
-1641 => x"0c5b7605",
-1642 => x"84110881",
-1643 => x"0784120c",
-1644 => x"537c518d",
-1645 => x"e83f8816",
-1646 => x"5473800c",
-1647 => x"8e3d0d04",
-1648 => x"77892a78",
-1649 => x"832a5854",
-1650 => x"73802ebf",
-1651 => x"3877862a",
-1652 => x"b8055784",
-1653 => x"7427b438",
-1654 => x"80db1457",
-1655 => x"947427ab",
-1656 => x"38778c2a",
-1657 => x"80ee0557",
-1658 => x"80d47427",
-1659 => x"9e38778f",
-1660 => x"2a80f705",
-1661 => x"5782d474",
-1662 => x"27913877",
-1663 => x"922a80fc",
-1664 => x"05578ad4",
-1665 => x"74278438",
-1666 => x"80fe5776",
-1667 => x"10101080",
-1668 => x"d7a0058c",
-1669 => x"11085653",
-1670 => x"74732ea3",
-1671 => x"38841508",
-1672 => x"fc067079",
-1673 => x"31555673",
-1674 => x"8f2488e4",
-1675 => x"38738025",
-1676 => x"88e6388c",
-1677 => x"15085574",
-1678 => x"732e0981",
-1679 => x"06df3881",
-1680 => x"175980d7",
-1681 => x"b0085675",
-1682 => x"80d7a82e",
-1683 => x"82cc3884",
-1684 => x"1608fc06",
-1685 => x"70793155",
-1686 => x"55738f24",
-1687 => x"bb3880d7",
-1688 => x"a80b80d7",
-1689 => x"b40c80d7",
-1690 => x"a80b80d7",
-1691 => x"b00c8074",
-1692 => x"2480db38",
-1693 => x"74168411",
-1694 => x"08810784",
-1695 => x"120c53fe",
-1696 => x"b0398816",
-1697 => x"8c110857",
-1698 => x"5975792e",
-1699 => x"098106fe",
-1700 => x"82388214",
-1701 => x"59ffab39",
-1702 => x"77167881",
-1703 => x"0784180c",
-1704 => x"7080d7b4",
-1705 => x"0c7080d7",
-1706 => x"b00c80d7",
-1707 => x"a80b8c12",
-1708 => x"0c8c1108",
-1709 => x"88120c74",
-1710 => x"81078412",
-1711 => x"0c740574",
-1712 => x"710c5b7c",
-1713 => x"518bd63f",
-1714 => x"881654fd",
-1715 => x"ec3983ff",
-1716 => x"75278391",
-1717 => x"3874892a",
-1718 => x"75832a54",
-1719 => x"5473802e",
-1720 => x"bf387486",
-1721 => x"2ab80553",
-1722 => x"847427b4",
-1723 => x"3880db14",
-1724 => x"53947427",
-1725 => x"ab38748c",
-1726 => x"2a80ee05",
-1727 => x"5380d474",
-1728 => x"279e3874",
-1729 => x"8f2a80f7",
-1730 => x"055382d4",
-1731 => x"74279138",
-1732 => x"74922a80",
-1733 => x"fc05538a",
-1734 => x"d4742784",
-1735 => x"3880fe53",
-1736 => x"72101010",
-1737 => x"80d7a005",
-1738 => x"88110855",
-1739 => x"5773772e",
-1740 => x"868b3884",
-1741 => x"1408fc06",
-1742 => x"5b747b27",
-1743 => x"8d388814",
-1744 => x"08547377",
-1745 => x"2e098106",
-1746 => x"ea388c14",
-1747 => x"0880d7a0",
-1748 => x"0b840508",
-1749 => x"718c190c",
-1750 => x"7588190c",
-1751 => x"7788130c",
-1752 => x"5c57758c",
-1753 => x"150c7853",
-1754 => x"80792483",
-1755 => x"98387282",
-1756 => x"2c81712b",
-1757 => x"5656747b",
-1758 => x"2680ca38",
-1759 => x"7a750657",
-1760 => x"7682a338",
-1761 => x"78fc0684",
-1762 => x"05597410",
-1763 => x"707c0655",
-1764 => x"55738292",
-1765 => x"38841959",
-1766 => x"f13980d7",
-1767 => x"a00b8405",
-1768 => x"0879545b",
-1769 => x"788025c6",
-1770 => x"3882da39",
-1771 => x"74097b06",
-1772 => x"7080d7a0",
-1773 => x"0b84050c",
-1774 => x"5b741055",
-1775 => x"747b2685",
-1776 => x"387485bc",
-1777 => x"3880d7a0",
-1778 => x"0b880508",
-1779 => x"70841208",
-1780 => x"fc06707b",
-1781 => x"317b7226",
-1782 => x"8f722507",
-1783 => x"5d575c5c",
-1784 => x"5578802e",
-1785 => x"80d93879",
-1786 => x"1580d798",
-1787 => x"08199011",
-1788 => x"59545680",
-1789 => x"d79408ff",
-1790 => x"2e8838a0",
-1791 => x"8f13e080",
-1792 => x"06577652",
-1793 => x"7c518996",
-1794 => x"3f800854",
-1795 => x"8008ff2e",
-1796 => x"90388008",
-1797 => x"762782a7",
-1798 => x"387480d7",
-1799 => x"a02e829f",
-1800 => x"3880d7a0",
-1801 => x"0b880508",
-1802 => x"55841508",
-1803 => x"fc067079",
-1804 => x"31797226",
-1805 => x"8f722507",
-1806 => x"5d555a7a",
-1807 => x"83f23877",
-1808 => x"81078416",
-1809 => x"0c771570",
-1810 => x"80d7a00b",
-1811 => x"88050c74",
-1812 => x"81078412",
-1813 => x"0c567c51",
-1814 => x"88c33f88",
-1815 => x"15547380",
-1816 => x"0c8e3d0d",
-1817 => x"0474832a",
-1818 => x"70545480",
-1819 => x"7424819b",
-1820 => x"3872822c",
-1821 => x"81712b80",
-1822 => x"d7a40807",
-1823 => x"7080d7a0",
-1824 => x"0b84050c",
-1825 => x"75101010",
-1826 => x"80d7a005",
-1827 => x"88110871",
-1828 => x"8c1b0c70",
-1829 => x"881b0c79",
-1830 => x"88130c57",
-1831 => x"555c5575",
-1832 => x"8c150cfd",
-1833 => x"c1397879",
-1834 => x"10101080",
-1835 => x"d7a00570",
-1836 => x"565b5c8c",
-1837 => x"14085675",
-1838 => x"742ea338",
-1839 => x"841608fc",
-1840 => x"06707931",
-1841 => x"5853768f",
-1842 => x"2483f138",
-1843 => x"76802584",
-1844 => x"af388c16",
-1845 => x"08567574",
-1846 => x"2e098106",
-1847 => x"df388814",
-1848 => x"811a7083",
-1849 => x"06555a54",
-1850 => x"72c9387b",
-1851 => x"83065675",
-1852 => x"802efdb8",
-1853 => x"38ff1cf8",
-1854 => x"1b5b5c88",
-1855 => x"1a087a2e",
-1856 => x"ea38fdb5",
-1857 => x"39831953",
-1858 => x"fce43983",
-1859 => x"1470822c",
-1860 => x"81712b80",
-1861 => x"d7a40807",
-1862 => x"7080d7a0",
-1863 => x"0b84050c",
-1864 => x"76101010",
-1865 => x"80d7a005",
-1866 => x"88110871",
-1867 => x"8c1c0c70",
-1868 => x"881c0c7a",
-1869 => x"88130c58",
-1870 => x"535d5653",
-1871 => x"fee13980",
-1872 => x"d6e40817",
-1873 => x"59800876",
-1874 => x"2e818b38",
-1875 => x"80d79408",
-1876 => x"ff2e848e",
-1877 => x"38737631",
-1878 => x"1980d6e4",
-1879 => x"0c738706",
-1880 => x"70565372",
-1881 => x"802e8838",
-1882 => x"88733170",
-1883 => x"15555576",
-1884 => x"149fff06",
-1885 => x"a0807131",
-1886 => x"1670547e",
-1887 => x"53515386",
-1888 => x"9d3f8008",
-1889 => x"568008ff",
-1890 => x"2e819e38",
-1891 => x"80d6e408",
-1892 => x"137080d6",
-1893 => x"e40c7475",
-1894 => x"80d7a00b",
-1895 => x"88050c77",
-1896 => x"76311581",
-1897 => x"07555659",
-1898 => x"7a80d7a0",
-1899 => x"2e83c038",
-1900 => x"798f2682",
-1901 => x"ef38810b",
-1902 => x"84150c84",
-1903 => x"1508fc06",
-1904 => x"70793179",
-1905 => x"72268f72",
-1906 => x"25075d55",
-1907 => x"5a7a802e",
-1908 => x"fced3880",
-1909 => x"db398008",
-1910 => x"9fff0655",
-1911 => x"74feed38",
-1912 => x"7880d6e4",
-1913 => x"0c80d7a0",
-1914 => x"0b880508",
-1915 => x"7a188107",
-1916 => x"84120c55",
-1917 => x"80d79008",
-1918 => x"79278638",
-1919 => x"7880d790",
-1920 => x"0c80d78c",
-1921 => x"087927fc",
-1922 => x"a0387880",
-1923 => x"d78c0c84",
-1924 => x"1508fc06",
-1925 => x"70793179",
-1926 => x"72268f72",
-1927 => x"25075d55",
-1928 => x"5a7a802e",
-1929 => x"fc993888",
-1930 => x"39807457",
-1931 => x"53fedd39",
-1932 => x"7c5184e9",
-1933 => x"3f800b80",
-1934 => x"0c8e3d0d",
-1935 => x"04807324",
-1936 => x"a5387282",
-1937 => x"2c81712b",
-1938 => x"80d7a408",
-1939 => x"077080d7",
-1940 => x"a00b8405",
-1941 => x"0c5c5a76",
-1942 => x"8c170c73",
-1943 => x"88170c75",
-1944 => x"88180cf9",
-1945 => x"fd398313",
-1946 => x"70822c81",
-1947 => x"712b80d7",
-1948 => x"a4080770",
-1949 => x"80d7a00b",
-1950 => x"84050c5d",
-1951 => x"5b53d839",
-1952 => x"7a75065c",
-1953 => x"7bfc9f38",
-1954 => x"84197510",
-1955 => x"5659f139",
-1956 => x"ff178105",
-1957 => x"59f7ab39",
-1958 => x"8c150888",
-1959 => x"1608718c",
-1960 => x"120c8812",
-1961 => x"0c597515",
-1962 => x"84110881",
-1963 => x"0784120c",
-1964 => x"587c5183",
-1965 => x"e83f8815",
-1966 => x"54fba339",
-1967 => x"77167881",
-1968 => x"0784180c",
-1969 => x"8c170888",
-1970 => x"1808718c",
-1971 => x"120c8812",
-1972 => x"0c5c7080",
-1973 => x"d7b40c70",
-1974 => x"80d7b00c",
-1975 => x"80d7a80b",
-1976 => x"8c120c8c",
-1977 => x"11088812",
-1978 => x"0c778107",
-1979 => x"84120c77",
-1980 => x"0577710c",
-1981 => x"557c5183",
-1982 => x"a43f8816",
-1983 => x"54f5ba39",
-1984 => x"72168411",
-1985 => x"08810784",
-1986 => x"120c588c",
-1987 => x"16088817",
-1988 => x"08718c12",
-1989 => x"0c88120c",
-1990 => x"577c5183",
-1991 => x"803f8816",
-1992 => x"54f59639",
-1993 => x"7284150c",
-1994 => x"f41af806",
-1995 => x"70841d08",
-1996 => x"81060784",
-1997 => x"1d0c701c",
-1998 => x"5556850b",
-1999 => x"84150c85",
-2000 => x"0b88150c",
-2001 => x"8f7627fd",
-2002 => x"ab38881b",
-2003 => x"527c51eb",
-2004 => x"e83f80d7",
-2005 => x"a00b8805",
-2006 => x"0880d6e4",
-2007 => x"085a55fd",
-2008 => x"93397880",
-2009 => x"d6e40c73",
-2010 => x"80d7940c",
-2011 => x"fbef3972",
-2012 => x"84150cfc",
-2013 => x"ff39fb3d",
-2014 => x"0d77707a",
-2015 => x"7c585553",
-2016 => x"568f7527",
-2017 => x"80e63872",
-2018 => x"76078306",
-2019 => x"517080dc",
-2020 => x"38757352",
-2021 => x"54707084",
-2022 => x"05520874",
-2023 => x"70840556",
-2024 => x"0c737170",
-2025 => x"84055308",
-2026 => x"71708405",
-2027 => x"530c7170",
-2028 => x"84055308",
-2029 => x"71708405",
-2030 => x"530c7170",
-2031 => x"84055308",
-2032 => x"71708405",
-2033 => x"530cf016",
-2034 => x"5654748f",
-2035 => x"26c73883",
-2036 => x"75279538",
-2037 => x"70708405",
-2038 => x"52087470",
-2039 => x"8405560c",
-2040 => x"fc155574",
-2041 => x"8326ed38",
-2042 => x"73715452",
-2043 => x"ff155170",
-2044 => x"ff2e9838",
-2045 => x"72708105",
-2046 => x"54337270",
-2047 => x"81055434",
-2048 => x"ff115170",
-2049 => x"ff2e0981",
-2050 => x"06ea3875",
-2051 => x"800c873d",
-2052 => x"0d04fb3d",
-2053 => x"0d777a71",
-2054 => x"028c05a3",
-2055 => x"05335854",
-2056 => x"54568373",
-2057 => x"2780d438",
-2058 => x"75830651",
-2059 => x"7080cc38",
-2060 => x"74882b75",
-2061 => x"07707190",
-2062 => x"2b075551",
-2063 => x"8f7327a7",
-2064 => x"38737270",
-2065 => x"8405540c",
-2066 => x"71747170",
-2067 => x"8405530c",
-2068 => x"74717084",
-2069 => x"05530c74",
-2070 => x"71708405",
-2071 => x"530cf014",
-2072 => x"5452728f",
-2073 => x"26db3883",
-2074 => x"73279038",
-2075 => x"73727084",
-2076 => x"05540cfc",
-2077 => x"13537283",
-2078 => x"26f238ff",
-2079 => x"135170ff",
-2080 => x"2e933874",
-2081 => x"72708105",
-2082 => x"5434ff11",
-2083 => x"5170ff2e",
-2084 => x"098106ef",
-2085 => x"3875800c",
-2086 => x"873d0d04",
-2087 => x"04047070",
-2088 => x"7070800b",
-2089 => x"80dfe00c",
-2090 => x"765184f3",
-2091 => x"3f800853",
-2092 => x"8008ff2e",
-2093 => x"89387280",
-2094 => x"0c505050",
-2095 => x"500480df",
-2096 => x"e0085473",
-2097 => x"802eef38",
-2098 => x"7574710c",
-2099 => x"5272800c",
-2100 => x"50505050",
-2101 => x"04f93d0d",
-2102 => x"797c557b",
-2103 => x"548e1122",
-2104 => x"70902b70",
-2105 => x"902c5557",
-2106 => x"80cfe408",
-2107 => x"53585683",
-2108 => x"f63f8008",
-2109 => x"57800b80",
-2110 => x"08249338",
-2111 => x"80d01608",
-2112 => x"80080580",
-2113 => x"d0170c76",
-2114 => x"800c893d",
-2115 => x"0d048c16",
-2116 => x"2283dfff",
-2117 => x"0655748c",
-2118 => x"17237680",
-2119 => x"0c893d0d",
-2120 => x"04fa3d0d",
-2121 => x"788c1122",
-2122 => x"70882a70",
-2123 => x"81065157",
-2124 => x"585674a9",
-2125 => x"388c1622",
-2126 => x"83dfff06",
-2127 => x"55748c17",
-2128 => x"237a5479",
-2129 => x"538e1622",
-2130 => x"70902b70",
-2131 => x"902c5456",
-2132 => x"80cfe408",
-2133 => x"525681b2",
-2134 => x"3f883d0d",
-2135 => x"04825480",
-2136 => x"538e1622",
-2137 => x"70902b70",
-2138 => x"902c5456",
-2139 => x"80cfe408",
-2140 => x"525782bb",
-2141 => x"3f8c1622",
-2142 => x"83dfff06",
-2143 => x"55748c17",
-2144 => x"237a5479",
-2145 => x"538e1622",
-2146 => x"70902b70",
-2147 => x"902c5456",
-2148 => x"80cfe408",
-2149 => x"525680f2",
-2150 => x"3f883d0d",
-2151 => x"04f93d0d",
-2152 => x"797c557b",
-2153 => x"548e1122",
-2154 => x"70902b70",
-2155 => x"902c5557",
-2156 => x"80cfe408",
-2157 => x"53585681",
-2158 => x"f63f8008",
-2159 => x"578008ff",
-2160 => x"2e99388c",
-2161 => x"1622a080",
-2162 => x"0755748c",
-2163 => x"17238008",
-2164 => x"80d0170c",
-2165 => x"76800c89",
-2166 => x"3d0d048c",
-2167 => x"162283df",
-2168 => x"ff065574",
-2169 => x"8c172376",
-2170 => x"800c893d",
-2171 => x"0d047070",
-2172 => x"70748e11",
-2173 => x"2270902b",
-2174 => x"70902c55",
-2175 => x"51515380",
-2176 => x"cfe40851",
-2177 => x"bd3f5050",
-2178 => x"5004fb3d",
-2179 => x"0d800b80",
-2180 => x"dfe00c7a",
-2181 => x"53795278",
-2182 => x"5182ff3f",
-2183 => x"80085580",
-2184 => x"08ff2e88",
-2185 => x"3874800c",
-2186 => x"873d0d04",
-2187 => x"80dfe008",
-2188 => x"5675802e",
-2189 => x"f0387776",
-2190 => x"710c5474",
-2191 => x"800c873d",
-2192 => x"0d047070",
-2193 => x"7070800b",
-2194 => x"80dfe00c",
-2195 => x"765184cc",
-2196 => x"3f800853",
-2197 => x"8008ff2e",
-2198 => x"89387280",
-2199 => x"0c505050",
-2200 => x"500480df",
-2201 => x"e0085473",
-2202 => x"802eef38",
-2203 => x"7574710c",
-2204 => x"5272800c",
-2205 => x"50505050",
-2206 => x"04fc3d0d",
-2207 => x"800b80df",
-2208 => x"e00c7852",
-2209 => x"775187b3",
-2210 => x"3f800854",
-2211 => x"8008ff2e",
-2212 => x"88387380",
-2213 => x"0c863d0d",
-2214 => x"0480dfe0",
-2215 => x"08557480",
-2216 => x"2ef03876",
-2217 => x"75710c53",
-2218 => x"73800c86",
-2219 => x"3d0d04fb",
-2220 => x"3d0d800b",
-2221 => x"80dfe00c",
-2222 => x"7a537952",
-2223 => x"7851848e",
-2224 => x"3f800855",
-2225 => x"8008ff2e",
-2226 => x"88387480",
-2227 => x"0c873d0d",
-2228 => x"0480dfe0",
-2229 => x"08567580",
-2230 => x"2ef03877",
-2231 => x"76710c54",
-2232 => x"74800c87",
-2233 => x"3d0d04fb",
-2234 => x"3d0d800b",
-2235 => x"80dfe00c",
-2236 => x"7a537952",
-2237 => x"78518296",
-2238 => x"3f800855",
-2239 => x"8008ff2e",
-2240 => x"88387480",
-2241 => x"0c873d0d",
-2242 => x"0480dfe0",
-2243 => x"08567580",
-2244 => x"2ef03877",
-2245 => x"76710c54",
-2246 => x"74800c87",
-2247 => x"3d0d0470",
-2248 => x"707080df",
-2249 => x"d0088938",
-2250 => x"80dfe40b",
-2251 => x"80dfd00c",
-2252 => x"80dfd008",
-2253 => x"75115252",
-2254 => x"ff537087",
-2255 => x"fb808026",
-2256 => x"88387080",
-2257 => x"dfd00c71",
-2258 => x"5372800c",
-2259 => x"50505004",
-2260 => x"fd3d0d80",
-2261 => x"0b80cfd8",
-2262 => x"08545472",
-2263 => x"812e9b38",
-2264 => x"7380dfd4",
-2265 => x"0cc2bf3f",
-2266 => x"c1963f80",
-2267 => x"dfa85281",
-2268 => x"51c3fd3f",
-2269 => x"80085186",
-2270 => x"c23f7280",
-2271 => x"dfd40cc2",
-2272 => x"a53fc0fc",
-2273 => x"3f80dfa8",
-2274 => x"528151c3",
-2275 => x"e33f8008",
-2276 => x"5186a83f",
-2277 => x"00ff3900",
-2278 => x"ff39f53d",
-2279 => x"0d7e6080",
-2280 => x"dfd40870",
-2281 => x"5b585b5b",
-2282 => x"7580c238",
-2283 => x"777a25a1",
-2284 => x"38771b70",
-2285 => x"337081ff",
-2286 => x"06585859",
-2287 => x"758a2e98",
-2288 => x"387681ff",
-2289 => x"0651c1bd",
-2290 => x"3f811858",
-2291 => x"797824e1",
-2292 => x"3879800c",
-2293 => x"8d3d0d04",
-2294 => x"8d51c1a9",
-2295 => x"3f783370",
-2296 => x"81ff0652",
-2297 => x"57c19e3f",
-2298 => x"811858e0",
-2299 => x"3979557a",
-2300 => x"547d5385",
-2301 => x"528d3dfc",
-2302 => x"0551c0c6",
-2303 => x"3f800856",
-2304 => x"85b23f7b",
-2305 => x"80080c75",
-2306 => x"800c8d3d",
-2307 => x"0d04f63d",
-2308 => x"0d7d7f80",
-2309 => x"dfd40870",
-2310 => x"5b585a5a",
-2311 => x"7580c138",
-2312 => x"777925b3",
-2313 => x"38c0b93f",
-2314 => x"800881ff",
-2315 => x"06708d32",
-2316 => x"7030709f",
-2317 => x"2a515157",
-2318 => x"57768a2e",
-2319 => x"80c43875",
-2320 => x"802ebf38",
-2321 => x"771a5676",
-2322 => x"76347651",
-2323 => x"c0b73f81",
-2324 => x"18587878",
-2325 => x"24cf3877",
-2326 => x"5675800c",
-2327 => x"8c3d0d04",
-2328 => x"78557954",
-2329 => x"7c538452",
-2330 => x"8c3dfc05",
-2331 => x"51ffbfd2",
-2332 => x"3f800856",
-2333 => x"84be3f7a",
-2334 => x"80080c75",
-2335 => x"800c8c3d",
-2336 => x"0d04771a",
-2337 => x"598a7934",
-2338 => x"8118588d",
-2339 => x"51ffbff5",
-2340 => x"3f8a51ff",
-2341 => x"bfef3f77",
-2342 => x"56ffbe39",
-2343 => x"fb3d0d80",
-2344 => x"dfd40870",
-2345 => x"56547388",
-2346 => x"3874800c",
-2347 => x"873d0d04",
-2348 => x"77538352",
-2349 => x"873dfc05",
-2350 => x"51ffbf86",
-2351 => x"3f800854",
-2352 => x"83f23f75",
-2353 => x"80080c73",
-2354 => x"800c873d",
-2355 => x"0d04fa3d",
-2356 => x"0d80dfd4",
-2357 => x"08802ea3",
-2358 => x"387a5579",
-2359 => x"54785386",
-2360 => x"52883dfc",
-2361 => x"0551ffbe",
-2362 => x"d93f8008",
-2363 => x"5683c53f",
-2364 => x"7680080c",
-2365 => x"75800c88",
-2366 => x"3d0d0483",
-2367 => x"b73f9d0b",
-2368 => x"80080cff",
-2369 => x"0b800c88",
-2370 => x"3d0d04f7",
-2371 => x"3d0d7b7d",
-2372 => x"5b59bc53",
-2373 => x"80527951",
-2374 => x"f5f83f80",
-2375 => x"70565798",
-2376 => x"56741970",
-2377 => x"3370782b",
-2378 => x"79078118",
-2379 => x"f81a5a58",
-2380 => x"59555884",
-2381 => x"7524ea38",
-2382 => x"767a2384",
-2383 => x"19588070",
-2384 => x"56579856",
-2385 => x"74187033",
-2386 => x"70782b79",
-2387 => x"078118f8",
-2388 => x"1a5a5859",
-2389 => x"51548475",
-2390 => x"24ea3876",
-2391 => x"821b2388",
-2392 => x"19588070",
-2393 => x"56579856",
-2394 => x"74187033",
-2395 => x"70782b79",
-2396 => x"078118f8",
-2397 => x"1a5a5859",
-2398 => x"51548475",
-2399 => x"24ea3876",
-2400 => x"841b0c8c",
-2401 => x"19588070",
-2402 => x"56579856",
-2403 => x"74187033",
-2404 => x"70782b79",
-2405 => x"078118f8",
-2406 => x"1a5a5859",
-2407 => x"51548475",
-2408 => x"24ea3876",
-2409 => x"881b2390",
-2410 => x"19588070",
-2411 => x"56579856",
-2412 => x"74187033",
-2413 => x"70782b79",
-2414 => x"078118f8",
-2415 => x"1a5a5859",
-2416 => x"51548475",
-2417 => x"24ea3876",
-2418 => x"8a1b2394",
-2419 => x"19588070",
-2420 => x"56579856",
-2421 => x"74187033",
-2422 => x"70782b79",
-2423 => x"078118f8",
-2424 => x"1a5a5859",
-2425 => x"51548475",
-2426 => x"24ea3876",
-2427 => x"8c1b2398",
-2428 => x"19588070",
-2429 => x"56579856",
-2430 => x"74187033",
-2431 => x"70782b79",
-2432 => x"078118f8",
-2433 => x"1a5a5859",
-2434 => x"51548475",
-2435 => x"24ea3876",
-2436 => x"8e1b239c",
-2437 => x"19588070",
-2438 => x"5657b856",
-2439 => x"74187033",
-2440 => x"70782b79",
-2441 => x"078118f8",
-2442 => x"1a5a5859",
-2443 => x"5a548875",
-2444 => x"24ea3876",
-2445 => x"901b0c8b",
-2446 => x"3d0d04e9",
-2447 => x"3d0d6a80",
-2448 => x"dfd40857",
-2449 => x"57759338",
-2450 => x"80c0800b",
-2451 => x"84180c75",
-2452 => x"ac180c75",
-2453 => x"800c993d",
-2454 => x"0d04893d",
-2455 => x"70556a54",
-2456 => x"558a5299",
-2457 => x"3dffbc05",
-2458 => x"51ffbbd6",
-2459 => x"3f800877",
-2460 => x"53755256",
-2461 => x"fd953fbc",
-2462 => x"3f778008",
-2463 => x"0c75800c",
-2464 => x"993d0d04",
-2465 => x"fc3d0d81",
-2466 => x"5480dfd4",
-2467 => x"08883873",
-2468 => x"800c863d",
-2469 => x"0d047653",
-2470 => x"97b95286",
-2471 => x"3dfc0551",
-2472 => x"ffbb9f3f",
-2473 => x"8008548c",
-2474 => x"3f748008",
-2475 => x"0c73800c",
-2476 => x"863d0d04",
-2477 => x"80cfe408",
-2478 => x"800c04f7",
-2479 => x"3d0d7b80",
-2480 => x"cfe40882",
-2481 => x"c811085a",
-2482 => x"545a7780",
-2483 => x"2e80da38",
-2484 => x"81881884",
-2485 => x"1908ff05",
-2486 => x"81712b59",
-2487 => x"55598074",
-2488 => x"2480ea38",
-2489 => x"807424b5",
-2490 => x"3873822b",
-2491 => x"78118805",
-2492 => x"56568180",
-2493 => x"19087706",
-2494 => x"5372802e",
-2495 => x"b6387816",
-2496 => x"70085353",
-2497 => x"79517408",
-2498 => x"53722dff",
-2499 => x"14fc17fc",
-2500 => x"1779812c",
-2501 => x"5a575754",
-2502 => x"738025d6",
-2503 => x"38770858",
-2504 => x"77ffad38",
-2505 => x"80cfe408",
-2506 => x"53bc1308",
-2507 => x"a5387951",
-2508 => x"f8e23f74",
-2509 => x"0853722d",
-2510 => x"ff14fc17",
-2511 => x"fc177981",
-2512 => x"2c5a5757",
-2513 => x"54738025",
-2514 => x"ffa838d1",
-2515 => x"398057ff",
-2516 => x"93397251",
-2517 => x"bc130854",
-2518 => x"732d7951",
-2519 => x"f8b63f70",
-2520 => x"7080dfb0",
-2521 => x"0bfc0570",
-2522 => x"08525270",
-2523 => x"ff2e9138",
-2524 => x"702dfc12",
-2525 => x"70085252",
-2526 => x"70ff2e09",
-2527 => x"8106f138",
-2528 => x"50500404",
-2529 => x"ffbb8c3f",
-2530 => x"04000000",
-2531 => x"00000040",
-2532 => x"48656c6c",
-2533 => x"6f20776f",
-2534 => x"726c6420",
-2535 => x"310a0000",
-2536 => x"48656c6c",
-2537 => x"6f20776f",
-2538 => x"726c6420",
-2539 => x"320a0000",
-2540 => x"0a000000",
-2541 => x"43000000",
-2542 => x"64756d6d",
-2543 => x"792e6578",
-2544 => x"65000000",
-2545 => x"00ffffff",
-2546 => x"ff00ffff",
-2547 => x"ffff00ff",
-2548 => x"ffffff00",
-2549 => x"00000000",
-2550 => x"00000000",
-2551 => x"00000000",
-2552 => x"00002fb8",
-2553 => x"000027e8",
-2554 => x"00000000",
-2555 => x"00002a50",
-2556 => x"00002aac",
-2557 => x"00002b08",
-2558 => x"00000000",
-2559 => x"00000000",
-2560 => x"00000000",
-2561 => x"00000000",
-2562 => x"00000000",
-2563 => x"00000000",
-2564 => x"00000000",
-2565 => x"00000000",
-2566 => x"00000000",
-2567 => x"000027b4",
-2568 => x"00000000",
-2569 => x"00000000",
-2570 => x"00000000",
-2571 => x"00000000",
-2572 => x"00000000",
-2573 => x"00000000",
-2574 => x"00000000",
-2575 => x"00000000",
-2576 => x"00000000",
-2577 => x"00000000",
-2578 => x"00000000",
-2579 => x"00000000",
-2580 => x"00000000",
-2581 => x"00000000",
-2582 => x"00000000",
-2583 => x"00000000",
-2584 => x"00000000",
-2585 => x"00000000",
-2586 => x"00000000",
-2587 => x"00000000",
-2588 => x"00000000",
-2589 => x"00000000",
-2590 => x"00000000",
-2591 => x"00000000",
-2592 => x"00000000",
-2593 => x"00000000",
-2594 => x"00000000",
-2595 => x"00000000",
-2596 => x"00000001",
-2597 => x"330eabcd",
-2598 => x"1234e66d",
-2599 => x"deec0005",
-2600 => x"000b0000",
-2601 => x"00000000",
-2602 => x"00000000",
-2603 => x"00000000",
-2604 => x"00000000",
-2605 => x"00000000",
-2606 => x"00000000",
-2607 => x"00000000",
-2608 => x"00000000",
-2609 => x"00000000",
-2610 => x"00000000",
-2611 => x"00000000",
-2612 => x"00000000",
-2613 => x"00000000",
-2614 => x"00000000",
-2615 => x"00000000",
-2616 => x"00000000",
-2617 => x"00000000",
-2618 => x"00000000",
-2619 => x"00000000",
-2620 => x"00000000",
-2621 => x"00000000",
-2622 => x"00000000",
-2623 => x"00000000",
-2624 => x"00000000",
-2625 => x"00000000",
-2626 => x"00000000",
-2627 => x"00000000",
-2628 => x"00000000",
-2629 => x"00000000",
-2630 => x"00000000",
-2631 => x"00000000",
-2632 => x"00000000",
-2633 => x"00000000",
-2634 => x"00000000",
-2635 => x"00000000",
-2636 => x"00000000",
-2637 => x"00000000",
-2638 => x"00000000",
-2639 => x"00000000",
-2640 => x"00000000",
-2641 => x"00000000",
-2642 => x"00000000",
-2643 => x"00000000",
-2644 => x"00000000",
-2645 => x"00000000",
-2646 => x"00000000",
-2647 => x"00000000",
-2648 => x"00000000",
-2649 => x"00000000",
-2650 => x"00000000",
-2651 => x"00000000",
-2652 => x"00000000",
-2653 => x"00000000",
-2654 => x"00000000",
-2655 => x"00000000",
-2656 => x"00000000",
-2657 => x"00000000",
-2658 => x"00000000",
-2659 => x"00000000",
-2660 => x"00000000",
-2661 => x"00000000",
-2662 => x"00000000",
-2663 => x"00000000",
-2664 => x"00000000",
-2665 => x"00000000",
-2666 => x"00000000",
-2667 => x"00000000",
-2668 => x"00000000",
-2669 => x"00000000",
-2670 => x"00000000",
-2671 => x"00000000",
-2672 => x"00000000",
-2673 => x"00000000",
-2674 => x"00000000",
-2675 => x"00000000",
-2676 => x"00000000",
-2677 => x"00000000",
-2678 => x"00000000",
-2679 => x"00000000",
-2680 => x"00000000",
-2681 => x"00000000",
-2682 => x"00000000",
-2683 => x"00000000",
-2684 => x"00000000",
-2685 => x"00000000",
-2686 => x"00000000",
-2687 => x"00000000",
-2688 => x"00000000",
-2689 => x"00000000",
-2690 => x"00000000",
-2691 => x"00000000",
-2692 => x"00000000",
-2693 => x"00000000",
-2694 => x"00000000",
-2695 => x"00000000",
-2696 => x"00000000",
-2697 => x"00000000",
-2698 => x"00000000",
-2699 => x"00000000",
-2700 => x"00000000",
-2701 => x"00000000",
-2702 => x"00000000",
-2703 => x"00000000",
-2704 => x"00000000",
-2705 => x"00000000",
-2706 => x"00000000",
-2707 => x"00000000",
-2708 => x"00000000",
-2709 => x"00000000",
-2710 => x"00000000",
-2711 => x"00000000",
-2712 => x"00000000",
-2713 => x"00000000",
-2714 => x"00000000",
-2715 => x"00000000",
-2716 => x"00000000",
-2717 => x"00000000",
-2718 => x"00000000",
-2719 => x"00000000",
-2720 => x"00000000",
-2721 => x"00000000",
-2722 => x"00000000",
-2723 => x"00000000",
-2724 => x"00000000",
-2725 => x"00000000",
-2726 => x"00000000",
-2727 => x"00000000",
-2728 => x"00000000",
-2729 => x"00000000",
-2730 => x"00000000",
-2731 => x"00000000",
-2732 => x"00000000",
-2733 => x"00000000",
-2734 => x"00000000",
-2735 => x"00000000",
-2736 => x"00000000",
-2737 => x"00000000",
-2738 => x"00000000",
-2739 => x"00000000",
-2740 => x"00000000",
-2741 => x"00000000",
-2742 => x"00000000",
-2743 => x"00000000",
-2744 => x"00000000",
-2745 => x"00000000",
-2746 => x"00000000",
-2747 => x"00000000",
-2748 => x"00000000",
-2749 => x"00000000",
-2750 => x"00000000",
-2751 => x"00000000",
-2752 => x"00000000",
-2753 => x"00000000",
-2754 => x"00000000",
-2755 => x"00000000",
-2756 => x"00000000",
-2757 => x"00000000",
-2758 => x"00000000",
-2759 => x"00000000",
-2760 => x"00000000",
-2761 => x"00000000",
-2762 => x"00000000",
-2763 => x"00000000",
-2764 => x"00000000",
-2765 => x"00000000",
-2766 => x"00000000",
-2767 => x"00000000",
-2768 => x"00000000",
-2769 => x"00000000",
-2770 => x"00000000",
-2771 => x"00000000",
-2772 => x"00000000",
-2773 => x"00000000",
-2774 => x"00000000",
-2775 => x"00000000",
-2776 => x"00000000",
-2777 => x"00000000",
-2778 => x"00000000",
-2779 => x"00000000",
-2780 => x"00000000",
-2781 => x"00000000",
-2782 => x"00000000",
-2783 => x"00000000",
-2784 => x"00000000",
-2785 => x"00000000",
-2786 => x"00000000",
-2787 => x"00000000",
-2788 => x"00000000",
-2789 => x"ffffffff",
-2790 => x"00000000",
-2791 => x"00020000",
-2792 => x"00000000",
-2793 => x"00000000",
-2794 => x"00002ba0",
-2795 => x"00002ba0",
-2796 => x"00002ba8",
-2797 => x"00002ba8",
-2798 => x"00002bb0",
-2799 => x"00002bb0",
-2800 => x"00002bb8",
-2801 => x"00002bb8",
-2802 => x"00002bc0",
-2803 => x"00002bc0",
-2804 => x"00002bc8",
-2805 => x"00002bc8",
-2806 => x"00002bd0",
-2807 => x"00002bd0",
-2808 => x"00002bd8",
-2809 => x"00002bd8",
-2810 => x"00002be0",
-2811 => x"00002be0",
-2812 => x"00002be8",
-2813 => x"00002be8",
-2814 => x"00002bf0",
-2815 => x"00002bf0",
-2816 => x"00002bf8",
-2817 => x"00002bf8",
-2818 => x"00002c00",
-2819 => x"00002c00",
-2820 => x"00002c08",
-2821 => x"00002c08",
-2822 => x"00002c10",
-2823 => x"00002c10",
-2824 => x"00002c18",
-2825 => x"00002c18",
-2826 => x"00002c20",
-2827 => x"00002c20",
-2828 => x"00002c28",
-2829 => x"00002c28",
-2830 => x"00002c30",
-2831 => x"00002c30",
-2832 => x"00002c38",
-2833 => x"00002c38",
-2834 => x"00002c40",
-2835 => x"00002c40",
-2836 => x"00002c48",
-2837 => x"00002c48",
-2838 => x"00002c50",
-2839 => x"00002c50",
-2840 => x"00002c58",
-2841 => x"00002c58",
-2842 => x"00002c60",
-2843 => x"00002c60",
-2844 => x"00002c68",
-2845 => x"00002c68",
-2846 => x"00002c70",
-2847 => x"00002c70",
-2848 => x"00002c78",
-2849 => x"00002c78",
-2850 => x"00002c80",
-2851 => x"00002c80",
-2852 => x"00002c88",
-2853 => x"00002c88",
-2854 => x"00002c90",
-2855 => x"00002c90",
-2856 => x"00002c98",
-2857 => x"00002c98",
-2858 => x"00002ca0",
-2859 => x"00002ca0",
-2860 => x"00002ca8",
-2861 => x"00002ca8",
-2862 => x"00002cb0",
-2863 => x"00002cb0",
-2864 => x"00002cb8",
-2865 => x"00002cb8",
-2866 => x"00002cc0",
-2867 => x"00002cc0",
-2868 => x"00002cc8",
-2869 => x"00002cc8",
-2870 => x"00002cd0",
-2871 => x"00002cd0",
-2872 => x"00002cd8",
-2873 => x"00002cd8",
-2874 => x"00002ce0",
-2875 => x"00002ce0",
-2876 => x"00002ce8",
-2877 => x"00002ce8",
-2878 => x"00002cf0",
-2879 => x"00002cf0",
-2880 => x"00002cf8",
-2881 => x"00002cf8",
-2882 => x"00002d00",
-2883 => x"00002d00",
-2884 => x"00002d08",
-2885 => x"00002d08",
-2886 => x"00002d10",
-2887 => x"00002d10",
-2888 => x"00002d18",
-2889 => x"00002d18",
-2890 => x"00002d20",
-2891 => x"00002d20",
-2892 => x"00002d28",
-2893 => x"00002d28",
-2894 => x"00002d30",
-2895 => x"00002d30",
-2896 => x"00002d38",
-2897 => x"00002d38",
-2898 => x"00002d40",
-2899 => x"00002d40",
-2900 => x"00002d48",
-2901 => x"00002d48",
-2902 => x"00002d50",
-2903 => x"00002d50",
-2904 => x"00002d58",
-2905 => x"00002d58",
-2906 => x"00002d60",
-2907 => x"00002d60",
-2908 => x"00002d68",
-2909 => x"00002d68",
-2910 => x"00002d70",
-2911 => x"00002d70",
-2912 => x"00002d78",
-2913 => x"00002d78",
-2914 => x"00002d80",
-2915 => x"00002d80",
-2916 => x"00002d88",
-2917 => x"00002d88",
-2918 => x"00002d90",
-2919 => x"00002d90",
-2920 => x"00002d98",
-2921 => x"00002d98",
-2922 => x"00002da0",
-2923 => x"00002da0",
-2924 => x"00002da8",
-2925 => x"00002da8",
-2926 => x"00002db0",
-2927 => x"00002db0",
-2928 => x"00002db8",
-2929 => x"00002db8",
-2930 => x"00002dc0",
-2931 => x"00002dc0",
-2932 => x"00002dc8",
-2933 => x"00002dc8",
-2934 => x"00002dd0",
-2935 => x"00002dd0",
-2936 => x"00002dd8",
-2937 => x"00002dd8",
-2938 => x"00002de0",
-2939 => x"00002de0",
-2940 => x"00002de8",
-2941 => x"00002de8",
-2942 => x"00002df0",
-2943 => x"00002df0",
-2944 => x"00002df8",
-2945 => x"00002df8",
-2946 => x"00002e00",
-2947 => x"00002e00",
-2948 => x"00002e08",
-2949 => x"00002e08",
-2950 => x"00002e10",
-2951 => x"00002e10",
-2952 => x"00002e18",
-2953 => x"00002e18",
-2954 => x"00002e20",
-2955 => x"00002e20",
-2956 => x"00002e28",
-2957 => x"00002e28",
-2958 => x"00002e30",
-2959 => x"00002e30",
-2960 => x"00002e38",
-2961 => x"00002e38",
-2962 => x"00002e40",
-2963 => x"00002e40",
-2964 => x"00002e48",
-2965 => x"00002e48",
-2966 => x"00002e50",
-2967 => x"00002e50",
-2968 => x"00002e58",
-2969 => x"00002e58",
-2970 => x"00002e60",
-2971 => x"00002e60",
-2972 => x"00002e68",
-2973 => x"00002e68",
-2974 => x"00002e70",
-2975 => x"00002e70",
-2976 => x"00002e78",
-2977 => x"00002e78",
-2978 => x"00002e80",
-2979 => x"00002e80",
-2980 => x"00002e88",
-2981 => x"00002e88",
-2982 => x"00002e90",
-2983 => x"00002e90",
-2984 => x"00002e98",
-2985 => x"00002e98",
-2986 => x"00002ea0",
-2987 => x"00002ea0",
-2988 => x"00002ea8",
-2989 => x"00002ea8",
-2990 => x"00002eb0",
-2991 => x"00002eb0",
-2992 => x"00002eb8",
-2993 => x"00002eb8",
-2994 => x"00002ec0",
-2995 => x"00002ec0",
-2996 => x"00002ec8",
-2997 => x"00002ec8",
-2998 => x"00002ed0",
-2999 => x"00002ed0",
-3000 => x"00002ed8",
-3001 => x"00002ed8",
-3002 => x"00002ee0",
-3003 => x"00002ee0",
-3004 => x"00002ee8",
-3005 => x"00002ee8",
-3006 => x"00002ef0",
-3007 => x"00002ef0",
-3008 => x"00002ef8",
-3009 => x"00002ef8",
-3010 => x"00002f00",
-3011 => x"00002f00",
-3012 => x"00002f08",
-3013 => x"00002f08",
-3014 => x"00002f10",
-3015 => x"00002f10",
-3016 => x"00002f18",
-3017 => x"00002f18",
-3018 => x"00002f20",
-3019 => x"00002f20",
-3020 => x"00002f28",
-3021 => x"00002f28",
-3022 => x"00002f30",
-3023 => x"00002f30",
-3024 => x"00002f38",
-3025 => x"00002f38",
-3026 => x"00002f40",
-3027 => x"00002f40",
-3028 => x"00002f48",
-3029 => x"00002f48",
-3030 => x"00002f50",
-3031 => x"00002f50",
-3032 => x"00002f58",
-3033 => x"00002f58",
-3034 => x"00002f60",
-3035 => x"00002f60",
-3036 => x"00002f68",
-3037 => x"00002f68",
-3038 => x"00002f70",
-3039 => x"00002f70",
-3040 => x"00002f78",
-3041 => x"00002f78",
-3042 => x"00002f80",
-3043 => x"00002f80",
-3044 => x"00002f88",
-3045 => x"00002f88",
-3046 => x"00002f90",
-3047 => x"00002f90",
-3048 => x"00002f98",
-3049 => x"00002f98",
-3050 => x"000027b8",
-3051 => x"ffffffff",
-3052 => x"00000000",
-3053 => x"ffffffff",
-3054 => x"00000000",
- others => x"00000000"
-mem_busy<=mem_readEnable; -- we're done on the cycle after we serve the read request
-process (clk, areset)
- if areset = '1' then
- elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
- if (mem_writeEnable = '1') then
- ram(to_integer(unsigned(mem_addr(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit)))) := mem_write;
- end if;
- if (mem_readEnable = '1') then
- mem_read <= ram(to_integer(unsigned(mem_addr(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit))));
- end if;
- end if;
-end process;
-end dram_arch;
+library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.numeric_std.all; + + +library work; +use work.zpu_config.all; +use work.zpupkg.all; + +entity dram is +port (clk : in std_logic; +areset : std_logic; + mem_writeEnable : in std_logic; + mem_readEnable : in std_logic; + mem_addr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto 0); + mem_write : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + mem_read : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + mem_busy : out std_logic; + mem_writeMask : in std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0)); +end dram; + +architecture dram_arch of dram is + + +type ram_type is array(natural range 0 to ((2**(maxAddrBitDRAM+1))/4)-1) of std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + +shared variable ram : ram_type := +( +0 => x"0b0b0b0b", +1 => x"82700b0b", +2 => x"80cfd80c", +3 => x"3a0b0b80", +4 => x"c6d00400", +5 => x"00000000", +6 => x"00000000", +7 => x"00000000", +8 => x"80088408", +9 => x"88080b0b", +10 => x"80c7972d", +11 => x"880c840c", +12 => x"800c0400", +13 => x"00000000", +14 => x"00000000", +15 => x"00000000", +16 => x"71fd0608", +17 => x"72830609", +18 => x"81058205", +19 => x"832b2a83", +20 => x"ffff0652", +21 => x"04000000", +22 => x"00000000", +23 => x"00000000", +24 => x"71fd0608", +25 => x"83ffff73", +26 => x"83060981", +27 => x"05820583", +28 => x"2b2b0906", +29 => x"7383ffff", +30 => x"0b0b0b0b", +31 => x"83a70400", +32 => x"72098105", +33 => x"72057373", +34 => x"09060906", +35 => x"73097306", +36 => x"070a8106", +37 => x"53510400", +38 => x"00000000", +39 => x"00000000", +40 => x"72722473", +41 => x"732e0753", +42 => x"51040000", +43 => x"00000000", +44 => x"00000000", +45 => x"00000000", +46 => x"00000000", +47 => x"00000000", +48 => x"71737109", +49 => x"71068106", +50 => x"30720a10", +51 => x"0a720a10", +52 => x"0a31050a", +53 => x"81065151", +54 => x"53510400", +55 => x"00000000", +56 => x"72722673", +57 => x"732e0753", +58 => x"51040000", +59 => x"00000000", +60 => x"00000000", +61 => x"00000000", +62 => x"00000000", +63 => x"00000000", +64 => x"00000000", +65 => x"00000000", +66 => x"00000000", +67 => x"00000000", +68 => x"00000000", +69 => x"00000000", +70 => x"00000000", +71 => x"00000000", +72 => x"0b0b0b88", +73 => x"c4040000", +74 => x"00000000", +75 => x"00000000", +76 => x"00000000", +77 => x"00000000", +78 => x"00000000", +79 => x"00000000", +80 => x"720a722b", +81 => x"0a535104", +82 => x"00000000", +83 => x"00000000", +84 => x"00000000", +85 => x"00000000", +86 => x"00000000", +87 => x"00000000", +88 => x"72729f06", +89 => x"0981050b", +90 => x"0b0b88a7", +91 => x"05040000", +92 => x"00000000", +93 => x"00000000", +94 => x"00000000", +95 => x"00000000", +96 => x"72722aff", +97 => x"739f062a", +98 => x"0974090a", +99 => x"8106ff05", +100 => x"06075351", +101 => x"04000000", +102 => x"00000000", +103 => x"00000000", +104 => x"71715351", +105 => x"020d0406", +106 => x"73830609", +107 => x"81058205", +108 => x"832b0b2b", +109 => x"0772fc06", +110 => x"0c515104", +111 => x"00000000", +112 => x"72098105", +113 => x"72050970", +114 => x"81050906", +115 => x"0a810653", +116 => x"51040000", +117 => x"00000000", +118 => x"00000000", +119 => x"00000000", +120 => x"72098105", +121 => x"72050970", +122 => x"81050906", +123 => x"0a098106", +124 => x"53510400", +125 => x"00000000", +126 => x"00000000", +127 => x"00000000", +128 => x"71098105", +129 => x"52040000", +130 => x"00000000", +131 => x"00000000", +132 => x"00000000", +133 => x"00000000", +134 => x"00000000", +135 => x"00000000", +136 => x"72720981", +137 => x"05055351", +138 => x"04000000", +139 => x"00000000", +140 => x"00000000", +141 => x"00000000", +142 => x"00000000", +143 => x"00000000", +144 => x"72097206", +145 => x"73730906", +146 => x"07535104", +147 => x"00000000", +148 => x"00000000", +149 => x"00000000", +150 => x"00000000", +151 => x"00000000", +152 => x"71fc0608", +153 => x"72830609", +154 => x"81058305", +155 => x"1010102a", +156 => x"81ff0652", +157 => x"04000000", +158 => x"00000000", +159 => x"00000000", +160 => x"71fc0608", +161 => x"0b0b80cf", +162 => x"c4738306", +163 => x"10100508", +164 => x"060b0b0b", +165 => x"88aa0400", +166 => x"00000000", +167 => x"00000000", +168 => x"80088408", +169 => x"88087575", +170 => x"0b0b0b8b", +171 => x"9f2d5050", +172 => x"80085688", +173 => x"0c840c80", +174 => x"0c510400", +175 => x"00000000", +176 => x"80088408", +177 => x"88087575", +178 => x"0b0b0b8b", +179 => x"e32d5050", +180 => x"80085688", +181 => x"0c840c80", +182 => x"0c510400", +183 => x"00000000", +184 => x"72097081", +185 => x"0509060a", +186 => x"8106ff05", +187 => x"70547106", +188 => x"73097274", +189 => x"05ff0506", +190 => x"07515151", +191 => x"04000000", +192 => x"72097081", +193 => x"0509060a", +194 => x"098106ff", +195 => x"05705471", +196 => x"06730972", +197 => x"7405ff05", +198 => x"06075151", +199 => x"51040000", +200 => x"05ff0504", +201 => x"00000000", +202 => x"00000000", +203 => x"00000000", +204 => x"00000000", +205 => x"00000000", +206 => x"00000000", +207 => x"00000000", +208 => x"810b0b0b", +209 => x"80cfd40c", +210 => x"51040000", +211 => x"00000000", +212 => x"00000000", +213 => x"00000000", +214 => x"00000000", +215 => x"00000000", +216 => x"71810552", +217 => x"04000000", +218 => x"00000000", +219 => x"00000000", +220 => x"00000000", +221 => x"00000000", +222 => x"00000000", +223 => x"00000000", +224 => x"00000000", +225 => x"00000000", +226 => x"00000000", +227 => x"00000000", +228 => x"00000000", +229 => x"00000000", +230 => x"00000000", +231 => x"00000000", +232 => x"02840572", +233 => x"10100552", +234 => x"04000000", +235 => x"00000000", +236 => x"00000000", +237 => x"00000000", +238 => x"00000000", +239 => x"00000000", +240 => x"00000000", +241 => x"00000000", +242 => x"00000000", +243 => x"00000000", +244 => x"00000000", +245 => x"00000000", +246 => x"00000000", +247 => x"00000000", +248 => x"717105ff", +249 => x"05715351", +250 => x"020d0400", +251 => x"00000000", +252 => x"00000000", +253 => x"00000000", +254 => x"00000000", +255 => x"00000000", +256 => x"82c53f80", +257 => x"c6d93f04", +258 => x"10101010", +259 => x"10101010", +260 => x"10101010", +261 => x"10101010", +262 => x"10101010", +263 => x"10101010", +264 => x"10101010", +265 => x"10101053", +266 => x"51047381", +267 => x"ff067383", +268 => x"06098105", +269 => x"83051010", +270 => x"102b0772", +271 => x"fc060c51", +272 => x"51043c04", +273 => x"72728072", +274 => x"8106ff05", +275 => x"09720605", +276 => x"71105272", +277 => x"0a100a53", +278 => x"72ed3851", +279 => x"51535104", +280 => x"fe3d0d0b", +281 => x"0b80dfc0", +282 => x"08538413", +283 => x"0870882a", +284 => x"70810651", +285 => x"52527080", +286 => x"2ef03871", +287 => x"81ff0680", +288 => x"0c843d0d", +289 => x"04ff3d0d", +290 => x"0b0b80df", +291 => x"c0085271", +292 => x"0870882a", +293 => x"81327081", +294 => x"06515151", +295 => x"70f13873", +296 => x"720c833d", +297 => x"0d0480cf", +298 => x"d408802e", +299 => x"a43880cf", +300 => x"d808822e", +301 => x"bd388380", +302 => x"800b0b0b", +303 => x"80dfc00c", +304 => x"82a0800b", +305 => x"80dfc40c", +306 => x"8290800b", +307 => x"80dfc80c", +308 => x"04f88080", +309 => x"80a40b0b", +310 => x"0b80dfc0", +311 => x"0cf88080", +312 => x"82800b80", +313 => x"dfc40cf8", +314 => x"80808480", +315 => x"0b80dfc8", +316 => x"0c0480c0", +317 => x"a8808c0b", +318 => x"0b0b80df", +319 => x"c00c80c0", +320 => x"a880940b", +321 => x"80dfc40c", +322 => x"0b0b80cf", +323 => x"8c0b80df", +324 => x"c80c0470", +325 => x"7080dfcc", +326 => x"335170a7", +327 => x"3880cfe0", +328 => x"08700852", +329 => x"5270802e", +330 => x"94388412", +331 => x"80cfe00c", +332 => x"702d80cf", +333 => x"e0087008", +334 => x"525270ee", +335 => x"38810b80", +336 => x"dfcc3450", +337 => x"50040470", +338 => x"0b0b80df", +339 => x"bc08802e", +340 => x"8e380b0b", +341 => x"0b0b800b", +342 => x"802e0981", +343 => x"06833850", +344 => x"040b0b80", +345 => x"dfbc510b", +346 => x"0b0bf594", +347 => x"3f500404", +348 => x"fe3d0d89", +349 => x"5380cf90", +350 => x"5182c13f", +351 => x"80cfa051", +352 => x"82ba3f81", +353 => x"0a0b80df", +354 => x"d80cff0b", +355 => x"80dfdc0c", +356 => x"ff135372", +357 => x"8025de38", +358 => x"72800c84", +359 => x"3d0d04fb", +360 => x"3d0d7779", +361 => x"55558056", +362 => x"757524ab", +363 => x"38807424", +364 => x"9d388053", +365 => x"73527451", +366 => x"80e13f80", +367 => x"08547580", +368 => x"2e853880", +369 => x"08305473", +370 => x"800c873d", +371 => x"0d047330", +372 => x"76813257", +373 => x"54dc3974", +374 => x"30558156", +375 => x"738025d2", +376 => x"38ec39fa", +377 => x"3d0d787a", +378 => x"57558057", +379 => x"767524a4", +380 => x"38759f2c", +381 => x"54815375", +382 => x"74327431", +383 => x"5274519b", +384 => x"3f800854", +385 => x"76802e85", +386 => x"38800830", +387 => x"5473800c", +388 => x"883d0d04", +389 => x"74305581", +390 => x"57d739fc", +391 => x"3d0d7678", +392 => x"53548153", +393 => x"80747326", +394 => x"52557280", +395 => x"2e983870", +396 => x"802eab38", +397 => x"807224a6", +398 => x"38711073", +399 => x"10757226", +400 => x"53545272", +401 => x"ea387351", +402 => x"78833874", +403 => x"5170800c", +404 => x"863d0d04", +405 => x"720a100a", +406 => x"720a100a", +407 => x"53537280", +408 => x"2ee43871", +409 => x"7426ed38", +410 => x"73723175", +411 => x"7407740a", +412 => x"100a740a", +413 => x"100a5555", +414 => x"5654e339", +415 => x"f73d0d7c", +416 => x"70525380", +417 => x"f93f7254", +418 => x"80085580", +419 => x"cfb05681", +420 => x"57800881", +421 => x"055a8b3d", +422 => x"e4115953", +423 => x"8259f413", +424 => x"527b8811", +425 => x"08525381", +426 => x"b23f8008", +427 => x"30708008", +428 => x"079f2c8a", +429 => x"07800c53", +430 => x"8b3d0d04", +431 => x"f63d0d7c", +432 => x"80cfe408", +433 => x"71535553", +434 => x"b53f7255", +435 => x"80085680", +436 => x"cfb05781", +437 => x"58800881", +438 => x"055b8c3d", +439 => x"e4115a53", +440 => x"825af413", +441 => x"52881408", +442 => x"5180f03f", +443 => x"80083070", +444 => x"8008079f", +445 => x"2c8a0780", +446 => x"0c548c3d", +447 => x"0d047070", +448 => x"70707570", +449 => x"71830653", +450 => x"555270b4", +451 => x"38717008", +452 => x"7009f7fb", +453 => x"fdff1206", +454 => x"f8848281", +455 => x"80065452", +456 => x"53719b38", +457 => x"84137008", +458 => x"7009f7fb", +459 => x"fdff1206", +460 => x"f8848281", +461 => x"80065452", +462 => x"5371802e", +463 => x"e7387252", +464 => x"71335372", +465 => x"802e8a38", +466 => x"81127033", +467 => x"545272f8", +468 => x"38717431", +469 => x"800c5050", +470 => x"505004f2", +471 => x"3d0d6062", +472 => x"88110870", +473 => x"58565f5a", +474 => x"73802e81", +475 => x"8c388c1a", +476 => x"2270832a", +477 => x"81328106", +478 => x"56587486", +479 => x"38901a08", +480 => x"91387951", +481 => x"90b73fff", +482 => x"55800880", +483 => x"ec388c1a", +484 => x"22587d08", +485 => x"55807883", +486 => x"ffff0670", +487 => x"0a100a81", +488 => x"06415c57", +489 => x"7e772e80", +490 => x"d7387690", +491 => x"38740884", +492 => x"16088817", +493 => x"57585676", +494 => x"802ef238", +495 => x"76548880", +496 => x"77278438", +497 => x"88805473", +498 => x"5375529c", +499 => x"1a0851a4", +500 => x"1a085877", +501 => x"2d800b80", +502 => x"082582e0", +503 => x"38800816", +504 => x"77800831", +505 => x"7f880508", +506 => x"80083170", +507 => x"6188050c", +508 => x"5b585678", +509 => x"ffb43880", +510 => x"5574800c", +511 => x"903d0d04", +512 => x"7a813281", +513 => x"06774056", +514 => x"75802e81", +515 => x"bd387690", +516 => x"38740884", +517 => x"16088817", +518 => x"57585976", +519 => x"802ef238", +520 => x"881a0878", +521 => x"83ffff06", +522 => x"70892a81", +523 => x"06565956", +524 => x"73802e82", +525 => x"f8387577", +526 => x"278b3877", +527 => x"872a8106", +528 => x"5c7b82b5", +529 => x"38767627", +530 => x"83387656", +531 => x"75537852", +532 => x"79085185", +533 => x"833f881a", +534 => x"08763188", +535 => x"1b0c7908", +536 => x"167a0c76", +537 => x"56751977", +538 => x"77317f88", +539 => x"05087831", +540 => x"70618805", +541 => x"0c415859", +542 => x"7e802efe", +543 => x"fa388c1a", +544 => x"2258ff8a", +545 => x"39787954", +546 => x"7c537b52", +547 => x"5684c93f", +548 => x"881a0879", +549 => x"31881b0c", +550 => x"7908197a", +551 => x"0c7c7631", +552 => x"5d7c8e38", +553 => x"79518ff2", +554 => x"3f800881", +555 => x"8f388008", +556 => x"5f751c77", +557 => x"77317f88", +558 => x"05087831", +559 => x"70618805", +560 => x"0c5d585c", +561 => x"7a802efe", +562 => x"ae387681", +563 => x"83387408", +564 => x"84160888", +565 => x"1757585c", +566 => x"76802ef2", +567 => x"3876538a", +568 => x"527b5182", +569 => x"d33f8008", +570 => x"7c318105", +571 => x"5d800884", +572 => x"3881175d", +573 => x"815f7c59", +574 => x"767d2783", +575 => x"38765994", +576 => x"1a08881b", +577 => x"08115758", +578 => x"807a085c", +579 => x"54901a08", +580 => x"7b278338", +581 => x"81547579", +582 => x"25843873", +583 => x"ba387779", +584 => x"24fee238", +585 => x"77537b52", +586 => x"9c1a0851", +587 => x"a41a0859", +588 => x"782d8008", +589 => x"56800880", +590 => x"24fee238", +591 => x"8c1a2280", +592 => x"c0075e7d", +593 => x"8c1b23ff", +594 => x"5574800c", +595 => x"903d0d04", +596 => x"7effa338", +597 => x"ff873975", +598 => x"537b527a", +599 => x"5182f93f", +600 => x"7908167a", +601 => x"0c79518e", +602 => x"b13f8008", +603 => x"cf387c76", +604 => x"315d7cfe", +605 => x"bc38feac", +606 => x"39901a08", +607 => x"7a087131", +608 => x"78117056", +609 => x"5a575280", +610 => x"cfe40851", +611 => x"84943f80", +612 => x"08802eff", +613 => x"a7388008", +614 => x"901b0c80", +615 => x"08167a0c", +616 => x"77941b0c", +617 => x"76881b0c", +618 => x"7656fd99", +619 => x"39790858", +620 => x"901a0878", +621 => x"27833881", +622 => x"54757727", +623 => x"843873b3", +624 => x"38941a08", +625 => x"54737726", +626 => x"80d33873", +627 => x"5378529c", +628 => x"1a0851a4", +629 => x"1a085877", +630 => x"2d800856", +631 => x"80088024", +632 => x"fd83388c", +633 => x"1a2280c0", +634 => x"075e7d8c", +635 => x"1b23ff55", +636 => x"fed73975", +637 => x"53785277", +638 => x"5181dd3f", +639 => x"7908167a", +640 => x"0c79518d", +641 => x"953f8008", +642 => x"802efcd9", +643 => x"388c1a22", +644 => x"80c0075e", +645 => x"7d8c1b23", +646 => x"ff55fead", +647 => x"39767754", +648 => x"79537852", +649 => x"5681b13f", +650 => x"881a0877", +651 => x"31881b0c", +652 => x"7908177a", +653 => x"0cfcae39", +654 => x"fa3d0d7a", +655 => x"79028805", +656 => x"a7053355", +657 => x"53548374", +658 => x"2780df38", +659 => x"71830651", +660 => x"7080d738", +661 => x"71715755", +662 => x"83517582", +663 => x"802913ff", +664 => x"12525670", +665 => x"8025f338", +666 => x"837427bc", +667 => x"38740876", +668 => x"327009f7", +669 => x"fbfdff12", +670 => x"06f88482", +671 => x"81800651", +672 => x"5170802e", +673 => x"98387451", +674 => x"80527033", +675 => x"5772772e", +676 => x"b9388111", +677 => x"81135351", +678 => x"837227ee", +679 => x"38fc1484", +680 => x"16565473", +681 => x"8326c638", +682 => x"7452ff14", +683 => x"5170ff2e", +684 => x"97387133", +685 => x"5472742e", +686 => x"98388112", +687 => x"ff125252", +688 => x"70ff2e09", +689 => x"8106eb38", +690 => x"80517080", +691 => x"0c883d0d", +692 => x"0471800c", +693 => x"883d0d04", +694 => x"fa3d0d78", +695 => x"7a7c7272", +696 => x"72595755", +697 => x"58565774", +698 => x"7727b238", +699 => x"75155176", +700 => x"7127aa38", +701 => x"707618ff", +702 => x"18535353", +703 => x"70ff2e96", +704 => x"38ff12ff", +705 => x"14545272", +706 => x"337234ff", +707 => x"115170ff", +708 => x"2e098106", +709 => x"ec387680", +710 => x"0c883d0d", +711 => x"048f7627", +712 => x"80e63874", +713 => x"77078306", +714 => x"517080dc", +715 => x"38767552", +716 => x"53707084", +717 => x"05520873", +718 => x"70840555", +719 => x"0c727170", +720 => x"84055308", +721 => x"71708405", +722 => x"530c7170", +723 => x"84055308", +724 => x"71708405", +725 => x"530c7170", +726 => x"84055308", +727 => x"71708405", +728 => x"530cf015", +729 => x"5553738f", +730 => x"26c73883", +731 => x"74279538", +732 => x"70708405", +733 => x"52087370", +734 => x"8405550c", +735 => x"fc145473", +736 => x"8326ed38", +737 => x"72715452", +738 => x"ff145170", +739 => x"ff2eff86", +740 => x"38727081", +741 => x"05543372", +742 => x"70810554", +743 => x"34ff1151", +744 => x"ea39ef3d", +745 => x"0d636567", +746 => x"405d427b", +747 => x"802e8582", +748 => x"386151a9", +749 => x"e73ff81c", +750 => x"70841208", +751 => x"70fc0670", +752 => x"628b0570", +753 => x"f8064159", +754 => x"455c5f41", +755 => x"57967427", +756 => x"82c53880", +757 => x"7b247e7c", +758 => x"26075880", +759 => x"5477742e", +760 => x"09810682", +761 => x"ab38787b", +762 => x"2581fe38", +763 => x"781780d7", +764 => x"a00b8805", +765 => x"085b5679", +766 => x"762e84c5", +767 => x"38841608", +768 => x"70fe0617", +769 => x"84110881", +770 => x"06415555", +771 => x"7e828d38", +772 => x"74fc0658", +773 => x"79762e84", +774 => x"e3387818", +775 => x"5f7e7b25", +776 => x"81ff387c", +777 => x"81065473", +778 => x"82c13876", +779 => x"77083184", +780 => x"1108fc06", +781 => x"56577580", +782 => x"2e913879", +783 => x"762e84f0", +784 => x"38741819", +785 => x"58777b25", +786 => x"84913876", +787 => x"802e829b", +788 => x"38781556", +789 => x"7a762482", +790 => x"92388c17", +791 => x"08881808", +792 => x"718c120c", +793 => x"88120c5e", +794 => x"75598817", +795 => x"61fc055b", +796 => x"5679a426", +797 => x"85ff387b", +798 => x"76595593", +799 => x"7a2780c9", +800 => x"387b7084", +801 => x"055d087c", +802 => x"56760c74", +803 => x"70840556", +804 => x"088c180c", +805 => x"9017589b", +806 => x"7a27ae38", +807 => x"74708405", +808 => x"5608780c", +809 => x"74708405", +810 => x"56089418", +811 => x"0c981758", +812 => x"a37a2795", +813 => x"38747084", +814 => x"05560878", +815 => x"0c747084", +816 => x"0556089c", +817 => x"180ca017", +818 => x"58747084", +819 => x"05560875", +820 => x"5f787084", +821 => x"055a0c77", +822 => x"7e708405", +823 => x"40087170", +824 => x"8405530c", +825 => x"7e08710c", +826 => x"5d787b31", +827 => x"56758f26", +828 => x"80c93884", +829 => x"17088106", +830 => x"79078418", +831 => x"0c781784", +832 => x"11088107", +833 => x"84120c5b", +834 => x"6151a791", +835 => x"3f881754", +836 => x"73800c93", +837 => x"3d0d0490", +838 => x"5bfdb839", +839 => x"7756fe83", +840 => x"398c1608", +841 => x"88170871", +842 => x"8c120c88", +843 => x"120c587e", +844 => x"707c3157", +845 => x"598f7627", +846 => x"ffb9387a", +847 => x"17841808", +848 => x"81067c07", +849 => x"84190c76", +850 => x"81078412", +851 => x"0c761184", +852 => x"11088107", +853 => x"84120c5b", +854 => x"88055261", +855 => x"518fda3f", +856 => x"6151a6b9", +857 => x"3f881754", +858 => x"ffa6397d", +859 => x"52615197", +860 => x"d73f8008", +861 => x"5a800880", +862 => x"2e81ab38", +863 => x"8008f805", +864 => x"60840508", +865 => x"fe066105", +866 => x"58557477", +867 => x"2e83f238", +868 => x"fc195877", +869 => x"a42681b0", +870 => x"387b8008", +871 => x"56579378", +872 => x"2780dc38", +873 => x"7b707084", +874 => x"05520880", +875 => x"08708405", +876 => x"800c0c80", +877 => x"08717084", +878 => x"0553085d", +879 => x"567b7670", +880 => x"8405580c", +881 => x"579b7827", +882 => x"b6387670", +883 => x"84055808", +884 => x"75708405", +885 => x"570c7670", +886 => x"84055808", +887 => x"75708405", +888 => x"570ca378", +889 => x"27993876", +890 => x"70840558", +891 => x"08757084", +892 => x"05570c76", +893 => x"70840558", +894 => x"08757084", +895 => x"05570c76", +896 => x"70840558", +897 => x"08775e75", +898 => x"70840557", +899 => x"0c747d70", +900 => x"84055f08", +901 => x"71708405", +902 => x"530c7d08", +903 => x"710c5f7b", +904 => x"5261518e", +905 => x"943f6151", +906 => x"a4f33f79", +907 => x"800c933d", +908 => x"0d047d52", +909 => x"61519690", +910 => x"3f800880", +911 => x"0c933d0d", +912 => x"04841608", +913 => x"55fbc939", +914 => x"77537b52", +915 => x"800851a2", +916 => x"a53f7b52", +917 => x"61518de1", +918 => x"3fcc398c", +919 => x"16088817", +920 => x"08718c12", +921 => x"0c88120c", +922 => x"5d8c1708", +923 => x"88180871", +924 => x"8c120c88", +925 => x"120c5977", +926 => x"59fbef39", +927 => x"7818901c", +928 => x"40557e75", +929 => x"24fb9c38", +930 => x"7a177080", +931 => x"d7a00b88", +932 => x"050c757c", +933 => x"31810784", +934 => x"120c5684", +935 => x"17088106", +936 => x"7b078418", +937 => x"0c6151a3", +938 => x"f43f8817", +939 => x"54fce139", +940 => x"74181990", +941 => x"1c5e5a7c", +942 => x"7a24fb8f", +943 => x"388c1708", +944 => x"88180871", +945 => x"8c120c88", +946 => x"120c5e88", +947 => x"1761fc05", +948 => x"575975a4", +949 => x"2681b638", +950 => x"7b795955", +951 => x"93762780", +952 => x"c9387b70", +953 => x"84055d08", +954 => x"7c56790c", +955 => x"74708405", +956 => x"56088c18", +957 => x"0c901758", +958 => x"9b7627ae", +959 => x"38747084", +960 => x"05560878", +961 => x"0c747084", +962 => x"05560894", +963 => x"180c9817", +964 => x"58a37627", +965 => x"95387470", +966 => x"84055608", +967 => x"780c7470", +968 => x"84055608", +969 => x"9c180ca0", +970 => x"17587470", +971 => x"84055608", +972 => x"75417870", +973 => x"84055a0c", +974 => x"77607084", +975 => x"05420871", +976 => x"70840553", +977 => x"0c600871", +978 => x"0c5e7a17", +979 => x"7080d7a0", +980 => x"0b88050c", +981 => x"7a7c3181", +982 => x"0784120c", +983 => x"58841708", +984 => x"81067b07", +985 => x"84180c61", +986 => x"51a2b23f", +987 => x"78547380", +988 => x"0c933d0d", +989 => x"0479537b", +990 => x"5275519f", +991 => x"f93ffae9", +992 => x"39841508", +993 => x"fc061960", +994 => x"5859fadd", +995 => x"3975537b", +996 => x"5278519f", +997 => x"e13f7a17", +998 => x"7080d7a0", +999 => x"0b88050c", +1000 => x"7a7c3181", +1001 => x"0784120c", +1002 => x"58841708", +1003 => x"81067b07", +1004 => x"84180c61", +1005 => x"51a1e63f", +1006 => x"7854ffb2", +1007 => x"39fa3d0d", +1008 => x"7880cfe4", +1009 => x"085455b8", +1010 => x"1308802e", +1011 => x"81af388c", +1012 => x"15227083", +1013 => x"ffff0670", +1014 => x"832a8132", +1015 => x"81065555", +1016 => x"5672802e", +1017 => x"80da3873", +1018 => x"842a8132", +1019 => x"810657ff", +1020 => x"537680f2", +1021 => x"3873822a", +1022 => x"81065473", +1023 => x"802eb938", +1024 => x"b0150854", +1025 => x"73802e9c", +1026 => x"3880c015", +1027 => x"5373732e", +1028 => x"8f387352", +1029 => x"80cfe408", +1030 => x"518a9e3f", +1031 => x"8c152256", +1032 => x"76b0160c", +1033 => x"75db0657", +1034 => x"768c1623", +1035 => x"800b8416", +1036 => x"0c901508", +1037 => x"750c7656", +1038 => x"75880754", +1039 => x"738c1623", +1040 => x"90150880", +1041 => x"2ebf388c", +1042 => x"15227081", +1043 => x"06555373", +1044 => x"9c38720a", +1045 => x"100a8106", +1046 => x"56758538", +1047 => x"94150854", +1048 => x"7388160c", +1049 => x"80537280", +1050 => x"0c883d0d", +1051 => x"04800b88", +1052 => x"160c9415", +1053 => x"08309816", +1054 => x"0c8053ea", +1055 => x"39725182", +1056 => x"a63ffecb", +1057 => x"3974518f", +1058 => x"bc3f8c15", +1059 => x"22708106", +1060 => x"55537380", +1061 => x"2effbb38", +1062 => x"d439f83d", +1063 => x"0d7a5776", +1064 => x"802e8197", +1065 => x"3880cfe4", +1066 => x"0854b814", +1067 => x"08802e80", +1068 => x"eb388c17", +1069 => x"2270902b", +1070 => x"70902c70", +1071 => x"832a8132", +1072 => x"81065b5b", +1073 => x"57557780", +1074 => x"cb389017", +1075 => x"08567580", +1076 => x"2e80c138", +1077 => x"76087631", +1078 => x"76780c79", +1079 => x"83065555", +1080 => x"73853894", +1081 => x"17085877", +1082 => x"88180c80", +1083 => x"7525a538", +1084 => x"74537552", +1085 => x"9c170851", +1086 => x"a4170854", +1087 => x"732d800b", +1088 => x"80082580", +1089 => x"c9388008", +1090 => x"16758008", +1091 => x"31565674", +1092 => x"8024dd38", +1093 => x"800b800c", +1094 => x"8a3d0d04", +1095 => x"73518187", +1096 => x"3f8c1722", +1097 => x"70902b70", +1098 => x"902c7083", +1099 => x"2a813281", +1100 => x"065b5b57", +1101 => x"5577dd38", +1102 => x"ff9039a1", +1103 => x"9a5280cf", +1104 => x"e408518c", +1105 => x"d03f8008", +1106 => x"800c8a3d", +1107 => x"0d048c17", +1108 => x"2280c007", +1109 => x"58778c18", +1110 => x"23ff0b80", +1111 => x"0c8a3d0d", +1112 => x"04fa3d0d", +1113 => x"797080dc", +1114 => x"298c1154", +1115 => x"7a535657", +1116 => x"8fd63f80", +1117 => x"08800855", +1118 => x"56800880", +1119 => x"2ea23880", +1120 => x"088c0554", +1121 => x"800b8008", +1122 => x"0c768008", +1123 => x"84050c73", +1124 => x"80088805", +1125 => x"0c745380", +1126 => x"5273519c", +1127 => x"f53f7554", +1128 => x"73800c88", +1129 => x"3d0d0470", +1130 => x"707074a8", +1131 => x"e60bbc12", +1132 => x"0c53810b", +1133 => x"b8140c80", +1134 => x"0b84dc14", +1135 => x"0c830b84", +1136 => x"e0140c84", +1137 => x"e81384e4", +1138 => x"140c8413", +1139 => x"08518070", +1140 => x"720c7084", +1141 => x"130c7088", +1142 => x"130c5284", +1143 => x"0b8c1223", +1144 => x"718e1223", +1145 => x"7190120c", +1146 => x"7194120c", +1147 => x"7198120c", +1148 => x"709c120c", +1149 => x"80c1d50b", +1150 => x"a0120c80", +1151 => x"c2a10ba4", +1152 => x"120c80c3", +1153 => x"9d0ba812", +1154 => x"0c80c3ee", +1155 => x"0bac120c", +1156 => x"88130872", +1157 => x"710c7284", +1158 => x"120c7288", +1159 => x"120c5189", +1160 => x"0b8c1223", +1161 => x"810b8e12", +1162 => x"23719012", +1163 => x"0c719412", +1164 => x"0c719812", +1165 => x"0c709c12", +1166 => x"0c80c1d5", +1167 => x"0ba0120c", +1168 => x"80c2a10b", +1169 => x"a4120c80", +1170 => x"c39d0ba8", +1171 => x"120c80c3", +1172 => x"ee0bac12", +1173 => x"0c8c1308", +1174 => x"72710c72", +1175 => x"84120c72", +1176 => x"88120c51", +1177 => x"8a0b8c12", +1178 => x"23820b8e", +1179 => x"12237190", +1180 => x"120c7194", +1181 => x"120c7198", +1182 => x"120c709c", +1183 => x"120c80c1", +1184 => x"d50ba012", +1185 => x"0c80c2a1", +1186 => x"0ba4120c", +1187 => x"80c39d0b", +1188 => x"a8120c80", +1189 => x"c3ee0bac", +1190 => x"120c5050", +1191 => x"5004f83d", +1192 => x"0d7a80cf", +1193 => x"e408b811", +1194 => x"08575758", +1195 => x"7481ec38", +1196 => x"a8e60bbc", +1197 => x"170c810b", +1198 => x"b8170c74", +1199 => x"84dc170c", +1200 => x"830b84e0", +1201 => x"170c84e8", +1202 => x"1684e417", +1203 => x"0c841608", +1204 => x"75710c75", +1205 => x"84120c75", +1206 => x"88120c59", +1207 => x"840b8c1a", +1208 => x"23748e1a", +1209 => x"2374901a", +1210 => x"0c74941a", +1211 => x"0c74981a", +1212 => x"0c789c1a", +1213 => x"0c80c1d5", +1214 => x"0ba01a0c", +1215 => x"80c2a10b", +1216 => x"a41a0c80", +1217 => x"c39d0ba8", +1218 => x"1a0c80c3", +1219 => x"ee0bac1a", +1220 => x"0c881608", +1221 => x"75710c75", +1222 => x"84120c75", +1223 => x"88120c57", +1224 => x"890b8c18", +1225 => x"23810b8e", +1226 => x"18237490", +1227 => x"180c7494", +1228 => x"180c7498", +1229 => x"180c769c", +1230 => x"180c80c1", +1231 => x"d50ba018", +1232 => x"0c80c2a1", +1233 => x"0ba4180c", +1234 => x"80c39d0b", +1235 => x"a8180c80", +1236 => x"c3ee0bac", +1237 => x"180c8c16", +1238 => x"0875710c", +1239 => x"7584120c", +1240 => x"7588120c", +1241 => x"548a0b8c", +1242 => x"1523820b", +1243 => x"8e152374", +1244 => x"90150c74", +1245 => x"94150c74", +1246 => x"98150c73", +1247 => x"9c150c80", +1248 => x"c1d50ba0", +1249 => x"150c80c2", +1250 => x"a10ba415", +1251 => x"0c80c39d", +1252 => x"0ba8150c", +1253 => x"80c3ee0b", +1254 => x"ac150c84", +1255 => x"dc168811", +1256 => x"08841208", +1257 => x"ff055757", +1258 => x"57807524", +1259 => x"9f388c16", +1260 => x"2270902b", +1261 => x"70902c51", +1262 => x"55597380", +1263 => x"2e80ed38", +1264 => x"80dc16ff", +1265 => x"16565674", +1266 => x"8025e338", +1267 => x"76085574", +1268 => x"802e8f38", +1269 => x"74881108", +1270 => x"841208ff", +1271 => x"05575757", +1272 => x"c83982fc", +1273 => x"5277518a", +1274 => x"df3f8008", +1275 => x"80085556", +1276 => x"8008802e", +1277 => x"a3388008", +1278 => x"8c057580", +1279 => x"080c5484", +1280 => x"0b800884", +1281 => x"050c7380", +1282 => x"0888050c", +1283 => x"82f05374", +1284 => x"52735197", +1285 => x"fd3f7554", +1286 => x"7374780c", +1287 => x"5573ffb4", +1288 => x"388c780c", +1289 => x"800b800c", +1290 => x"8a3d0d04", +1291 => x"810b8c17", +1292 => x"2373760c", +1293 => x"7388170c", +1294 => x"7384170c", +1295 => x"7390170c", +1296 => x"7394170c", +1297 => x"7398170c", +1298 => x"ff0b8e17", +1299 => x"2373b017", +1300 => x"0c73b417", +1301 => x"0c7380c4", +1302 => x"170c7380", +1303 => x"c8170c75", +1304 => x"800c8a3d", +1305 => x"0d047070", +1306 => x"a19a5273", +1307 => x"5186a63f", +1308 => x"50500470", +1309 => x"70a19a52", +1310 => x"80cfe408", +1311 => x"5186963f", +1312 => x"505004fb", +1313 => x"3d0d7770", +1314 => x"52569890", +1315 => x"3f80d7a0", +1316 => x"0b880508", +1317 => x"841108fc", +1318 => x"06707b31", +1319 => x"9fef05e0", +1320 => x"8006e080", +1321 => x"05525555", +1322 => x"a0807524", +1323 => x"94388052", +1324 => x"755197ea", +1325 => x"3f80d7a8", +1326 => x"08145372", +1327 => x"80082e8f", +1328 => x"38755197", +1329 => x"d83f8053", +1330 => x"72800c87", +1331 => x"3d0d0474", +1332 => x"30527551", +1333 => x"97c83f80", +1334 => x"08ff2ea8", +1335 => x"3880d7a0", +1336 => x"0b880508", +1337 => x"74763181", +1338 => x"0784120c", +1339 => x"5380d6e4", +1340 => x"08753180", +1341 => x"d6e40c75", +1342 => x"5197a23f", +1343 => x"810b800c", +1344 => x"873d0d04", +1345 => x"80527551", +1346 => x"97943f80", +1347 => x"d7a00b88", +1348 => x"05088008", +1349 => x"71315454", +1350 => x"8f7325ff", +1351 => x"a4388008", +1352 => x"80d79408", +1353 => x"3180d6e4", +1354 => x"0c728107", +1355 => x"84150c75", +1356 => x"5196ea3f", +1357 => x"8053ff90", +1358 => x"39f73d0d", +1359 => x"7b7d545a", +1360 => x"72802e82", +1361 => x"83387951", +1362 => x"96d23ff8", +1363 => x"13841108", +1364 => x"70fe0670", +1365 => x"13841108", +1366 => x"fc065c57", +1367 => x"58545780", +1368 => x"d7a80874", +1369 => x"2e82de38", +1370 => x"7784150c", +1371 => x"80738106", +1372 => x"56597479", +1373 => x"2e81d538", +1374 => x"77148411", +1375 => x"08810656", +1376 => x"5374a038", +1377 => x"77165678", +1378 => x"81e63888", +1379 => x"14085574", +1380 => x"80d7a82e", +1381 => x"82f9388c", +1382 => x"1408708c", +1383 => x"170c7588", +1384 => x"120c5875", +1385 => x"81078418", +1386 => x"0c751776", +1387 => x"710c5478", +1388 => x"81913883", +1389 => x"ff762781", +1390 => x"c8387589", +1391 => x"2a76832a", +1392 => x"54547380", +1393 => x"2ebf3875", +1394 => x"862ab805", +1395 => x"53847427", +1396 => x"b43880db", +1397 => x"14539474", +1398 => x"27ab3875", +1399 => x"8c2a80ee", +1400 => x"055380d4", +1401 => x"74279e38", +1402 => x"758f2a80", +1403 => x"f7055382", +1404 => x"d4742791", +1405 => x"3875922a", +1406 => x"80fc0553", +1407 => x"8ad47427", +1408 => x"843880fe", +1409 => x"53721010", +1410 => x"1080d7a0", +1411 => x"05881108", +1412 => x"55557375", +1413 => x"2e82bf38", +1414 => x"841408fc", +1415 => x"06597579", +1416 => x"278d3888", +1417 => x"14085473", +1418 => x"752e0981", +1419 => x"06ea388c", +1420 => x"1408708c", +1421 => x"190c7488", +1422 => x"190c7788", +1423 => x"120c5576", +1424 => x"8c150c79", +1425 => x"5194d63f", +1426 => x"8b3d0d04", +1427 => x"76087771", +1428 => x"31587605", +1429 => x"88180856", +1430 => x"567480d7", +1431 => x"a82e80e0", +1432 => x"388c1708", +1433 => x"708c170c", +1434 => x"7588120c", +1435 => x"53fe8939", +1436 => x"8814088c", +1437 => x"1508708c", +1438 => x"130c5988", +1439 => x"190cfea3", +1440 => x"3975832a", +1441 => x"70545480", +1442 => x"74248198", +1443 => x"3872822c", +1444 => x"81712b80", +1445 => x"d7a40807", +1446 => x"80d7a00b", +1447 => x"84050c74", +1448 => x"10101080", +1449 => x"d7a00588", +1450 => x"1108718c", +1451 => x"1b0c7088", +1452 => x"1b0c7988", +1453 => x"130c565a", +1454 => x"55768c15", +1455 => x"0cff8439", +1456 => x"8159fdb4", +1457 => x"39771673", +1458 => x"81065455", +1459 => x"72983876", +1460 => x"08777131", +1461 => x"5875058c", +1462 => x"18088819", +1463 => x"08718c12", +1464 => x"0c88120c", +1465 => x"55557481", +1466 => x"0784180c", +1467 => x"7680d7a0", +1468 => x"0b88050c", +1469 => x"80d79c08", +1470 => x"7526fec7", +1471 => x"3880d798", +1472 => x"08527951", +1473 => x"fafd3f79", +1474 => x"5193923f", +1475 => x"feba3981", +1476 => x"778c170c", +1477 => x"7788170c", +1478 => x"758c190c", +1479 => x"7588190c", +1480 => x"59fd8039", +1481 => x"83147082", +1482 => x"2c81712b", +1483 => x"80d7a408", +1484 => x"0780d7a0", +1485 => x"0b84050c", +1486 => x"75101010", +1487 => x"80d7a005", +1488 => x"88110871", +1489 => x"8c1c0c70", +1490 => x"881c0c7a", +1491 => x"88130c57", +1492 => x"5b5653fe", +1493 => x"e4398073", +1494 => x"24a33872", +1495 => x"822c8171", +1496 => x"2b80d7a4", +1497 => x"080780d7", +1498 => x"a00b8405", +1499 => x"0c58748c", +1500 => x"180c7388", +1501 => x"180c7688", +1502 => x"160cfdc3", +1503 => x"39831370", +1504 => x"822c8171", +1505 => x"2b80d7a4", +1506 => x"080780d7", +1507 => x"a00b8405", +1508 => x"0c5953da", +1509 => x"39f93d0d", +1510 => x"797b5853", +1511 => x"800b80cf", +1512 => x"e4085356", +1513 => x"72722ebc", +1514 => x"3884dc13", +1515 => x"5574762e", +1516 => x"b3388815", +1517 => x"08841608", +1518 => x"ff055454", +1519 => x"80732499", +1520 => x"388c1422", +1521 => x"70902b53", +1522 => x"587180d4", +1523 => x"3880dc14", +1524 => x"ff145454", +1525 => x"728025e9", +1526 => x"38740855", +1527 => x"74d43880", +1528 => x"cfe40852", +1529 => x"84dc1255", +1530 => x"74802ead", +1531 => x"38881508", +1532 => x"841608ff", +1533 => x"05545480", +1534 => x"73249838", +1535 => x"8c142270", +1536 => x"902b5358", +1537 => x"71ad3880", +1538 => x"dc14ff14", +1539 => x"54547280", +1540 => x"25ea3874", +1541 => x"085574d5", +1542 => x"3875800c", +1543 => x"893d0d04", +1544 => x"7351762d", +1545 => x"75800807", +1546 => x"80dc15ff", +1547 => x"15555556", +1548 => x"ffa23973", +1549 => x"51762d75", +1550 => x"80080780", +1551 => x"dc15ff15", +1552 => x"555556ca", +1553 => x"39ea3d0d", +1554 => x"688c1122", +1555 => x"700a100a", +1556 => x"81065758", +1557 => x"567480e4", +1558 => x"388e1622", +1559 => x"70902b70", +1560 => x"902c5155", +1561 => x"58807424", +1562 => x"b138983d", +1563 => x"c4055373", +1564 => x"5280cfe4", +1565 => x"08519481", +1566 => x"3f800b80", +1567 => x"08249738", +1568 => x"7983e080", +1569 => x"06547380", +1570 => x"c0802e81", +1571 => x"8f387382", +1572 => x"80802e81", +1573 => x"91388c16", +1574 => x"22577690", +1575 => x"80075473", +1576 => x"8c172388", +1577 => x"805280cf", +1578 => x"e4085181", +1579 => x"9b3f8008", +1580 => x"9d388c16", +1581 => x"22820755", +1582 => x"748c1723", +1583 => x"80c31670", +1584 => x"770c9017", +1585 => x"0c810b94", +1586 => x"170c983d", +1587 => x"0d0480cf", +1588 => x"e408a8e6", +1589 => x"0bbc120c", +1590 => x"588c1622", +1591 => x"81800754", +1592 => x"738c1723", +1593 => x"8008760c", +1594 => x"80089017", +1595 => x"0c88800b", +1596 => x"94170c74", +1597 => x"802ed338", +1598 => x"8e162270", +1599 => x"902b7090", +1600 => x"2c535654", +1601 => x"9afe3f80", +1602 => x"08802eff", +1603 => x"bd388c16", +1604 => x"22810757", +1605 => x"768c1723", +1606 => x"983d0d04", +1607 => x"810b8c17", +1608 => x"225855fe", +1609 => x"f539a816", +1610 => x"0880c39d", +1611 => x"2e098106", +1612 => x"fee4388c", +1613 => x"16228880", +1614 => x"0754738c", +1615 => x"17238880", +1616 => x"0b80cc17", +1617 => x"0cfedc39", +1618 => x"f43d0d7e", +1619 => x"608b1170", +1620 => x"f8065b55", +1621 => x"555d7296", +1622 => x"26833890", +1623 => x"58807824", +1624 => x"74792607", +1625 => x"55805474", +1626 => x"742e0981", +1627 => x"0680ca38", +1628 => x"7c518ea8", +1629 => x"3f7783f7", +1630 => x"2680c538", +1631 => x"77832a70", +1632 => x"10101080", +1633 => x"d7a0058c", +1634 => x"11085858", +1635 => x"5475772e", +1636 => x"81f03884", +1637 => x"1608fc06", +1638 => x"8c170888", +1639 => x"1808718c", +1640 => x"120c8812", +1641 => x"0c5b7605", +1642 => x"84110881", +1643 => x"0784120c", +1644 => x"537c518d", +1645 => x"e83f8816", +1646 => x"5473800c", +1647 => x"8e3d0d04", +1648 => x"77892a78", +1649 => x"832a5854", +1650 => x"73802ebf", +1651 => x"3877862a", +1652 => x"b8055784", +1653 => x"7427b438", +1654 => x"80db1457", +1655 => x"947427ab", +1656 => x"38778c2a", +1657 => x"80ee0557", +1658 => x"80d47427", +1659 => x"9e38778f", +1660 => x"2a80f705", +1661 => x"5782d474", +1662 => x"27913877", +1663 => x"922a80fc", +1664 => x"05578ad4", +1665 => x"74278438", +1666 => x"80fe5776", +1667 => x"10101080", +1668 => x"d7a0058c", +1669 => x"11085653", +1670 => x"74732ea3", +1671 => x"38841508", +1672 => x"fc067079", +1673 => x"31555673", +1674 => x"8f2488e4", +1675 => x"38738025", +1676 => x"88e6388c", +1677 => x"15085574", +1678 => x"732e0981", +1679 => x"06df3881", +1680 => x"175980d7", +1681 => x"b0085675", +1682 => x"80d7a82e", +1683 => x"82cc3884", +1684 => x"1608fc06", +1685 => x"70793155", +1686 => x"55738f24", +1687 => x"bb3880d7", +1688 => x"a80b80d7", +1689 => x"b40c80d7", +1690 => x"a80b80d7", +1691 => x"b00c8074", +1692 => x"2480db38", +1693 => x"74168411", +1694 => x"08810784", +1695 => x"120c53fe", +1696 => x"b0398816", +1697 => x"8c110857", +1698 => x"5975792e", +1699 => x"098106fe", +1700 => x"82388214", +1701 => x"59ffab39", +1702 => x"77167881", +1703 => x"0784180c", +1704 => x"7080d7b4", +1705 => x"0c7080d7", +1706 => x"b00c80d7", +1707 => x"a80b8c12", +1708 => x"0c8c1108", +1709 => x"88120c74", +1710 => x"81078412", +1711 => x"0c740574", +1712 => x"710c5b7c", +1713 => x"518bd63f", +1714 => x"881654fd", +1715 => x"ec3983ff", +1716 => x"75278391", +1717 => x"3874892a", +1718 => x"75832a54", +1719 => x"5473802e", +1720 => x"bf387486", +1721 => x"2ab80553", +1722 => x"847427b4", +1723 => x"3880db14", +1724 => x"53947427", +1725 => x"ab38748c", +1726 => x"2a80ee05", +1727 => x"5380d474", +1728 => x"279e3874", +1729 => x"8f2a80f7", +1730 => x"055382d4", +1731 => x"74279138", +1732 => x"74922a80", +1733 => x"fc05538a", +1734 => x"d4742784", +1735 => x"3880fe53", +1736 => x"72101010", +1737 => x"80d7a005", +1738 => x"88110855", +1739 => x"5773772e", +1740 => x"868b3884", +1741 => x"1408fc06", +1742 => x"5b747b27", +1743 => x"8d388814", +1744 => x"08547377", +1745 => x"2e098106", +1746 => x"ea388c14", +1747 => x"0880d7a0", +1748 => x"0b840508", +1749 => x"718c190c", +1750 => x"7588190c", +1751 => x"7788130c", +1752 => x"5c57758c", +1753 => x"150c7853", +1754 => x"80792483", +1755 => x"98387282", +1756 => x"2c81712b", +1757 => x"5656747b", +1758 => x"2680ca38", +1759 => x"7a750657", +1760 => x"7682a338", +1761 => x"78fc0684", +1762 => x"05597410", +1763 => x"707c0655", +1764 => x"55738292", +1765 => x"38841959", +1766 => x"f13980d7", +1767 => x"a00b8405", +1768 => x"0879545b", +1769 => x"788025c6", +1770 => x"3882da39", +1771 => x"74097b06", +1772 => x"7080d7a0", +1773 => x"0b84050c", +1774 => x"5b741055", +1775 => x"747b2685", +1776 => x"387485bc", +1777 => x"3880d7a0", +1778 => x"0b880508", +1779 => x"70841208", +1780 => x"fc06707b", +1781 => x"317b7226", +1782 => x"8f722507", +1783 => x"5d575c5c", +1784 => x"5578802e", +1785 => x"80d93879", +1786 => x"1580d798", +1787 => x"08199011", +1788 => x"59545680", +1789 => x"d79408ff", +1790 => x"2e8838a0", +1791 => x"8f13e080", +1792 => x"06577652", +1793 => x"7c518996", +1794 => x"3f800854", +1795 => x"8008ff2e", +1796 => x"90388008", +1797 => x"762782a7", +1798 => x"387480d7", +1799 => x"a02e829f", +1800 => x"3880d7a0", +1801 => x"0b880508", +1802 => x"55841508", +1803 => x"fc067079", +1804 => x"31797226", +1805 => x"8f722507", +1806 => x"5d555a7a", +1807 => x"83f23877", +1808 => x"81078416", +1809 => x"0c771570", +1810 => x"80d7a00b", +1811 => x"88050c74", +1812 => x"81078412", +1813 => x"0c567c51", +1814 => x"88c33f88", +1815 => x"15547380", +1816 => x"0c8e3d0d", +1817 => x"0474832a", +1818 => x"70545480", +1819 => x"7424819b", +1820 => x"3872822c", +1821 => x"81712b80", +1822 => x"d7a40807", +1823 => x"7080d7a0", +1824 => x"0b84050c", +1825 => x"75101010", +1826 => x"80d7a005", +1827 => x"88110871", +1828 => x"8c1b0c70", +1829 => x"881b0c79", +1830 => x"88130c57", +1831 => x"555c5575", +1832 => x"8c150cfd", +1833 => x"c1397879", +1834 => x"10101080", +1835 => x"d7a00570", +1836 => x"565b5c8c", +1837 => x"14085675", +1838 => x"742ea338", +1839 => x"841608fc", +1840 => x"06707931", +1841 => x"5853768f", +1842 => x"2483f138", +1843 => x"76802584", +1844 => x"af388c16", +1845 => x"08567574", +1846 => x"2e098106", +1847 => x"df388814", +1848 => x"811a7083", +1849 => x"06555a54", +1850 => x"72c9387b", +1851 => x"83065675", +1852 => x"802efdb8", +1853 => x"38ff1cf8", +1854 => x"1b5b5c88", +1855 => x"1a087a2e", +1856 => x"ea38fdb5", +1857 => x"39831953", +1858 => x"fce43983", +1859 => x"1470822c", +1860 => x"81712b80", +1861 => x"d7a40807", +1862 => x"7080d7a0", +1863 => x"0b84050c", +1864 => x"76101010", +1865 => x"80d7a005", +1866 => x"88110871", +1867 => x"8c1c0c70", +1868 => x"881c0c7a", +1869 => x"88130c58", +1870 => x"535d5653", +1871 => x"fee13980", +1872 => x"d6e40817", +1873 => x"59800876", +1874 => x"2e818b38", +1875 => x"80d79408", +1876 => x"ff2e848e", +1877 => x"38737631", +1878 => x"1980d6e4", +1879 => x"0c738706", +1880 => x"70565372", +1881 => x"802e8838", +1882 => x"88733170", +1883 => x"15555576", +1884 => x"149fff06", +1885 => x"a0807131", +1886 => x"1670547e", +1887 => x"53515386", +1888 => x"9d3f8008", +1889 => x"568008ff", +1890 => x"2e819e38", +1891 => x"80d6e408", +1892 => x"137080d6", +1893 => x"e40c7475", +1894 => x"80d7a00b", +1895 => x"88050c77", +1896 => x"76311581", +1897 => x"07555659", +1898 => x"7a80d7a0", +1899 => x"2e83c038", +1900 => x"798f2682", +1901 => x"ef38810b", +1902 => x"84150c84", +1903 => x"1508fc06", +1904 => x"70793179", +1905 => x"72268f72", +1906 => x"25075d55", +1907 => x"5a7a802e", +1908 => x"fced3880", +1909 => x"db398008", +1910 => x"9fff0655", +1911 => x"74feed38", +1912 => x"7880d6e4", +1913 => x"0c80d7a0", +1914 => x"0b880508", +1915 => x"7a188107", +1916 => x"84120c55", +1917 => x"80d79008", +1918 => x"79278638", +1919 => x"7880d790", +1920 => x"0c80d78c", +1921 => x"087927fc", +1922 => x"a0387880", +1923 => x"d78c0c84", +1924 => x"1508fc06", +1925 => x"70793179", +1926 => x"72268f72", +1927 => x"25075d55", +1928 => x"5a7a802e", +1929 => x"fc993888", +1930 => x"39807457", +1931 => x"53fedd39", +1932 => x"7c5184e9", +1933 => x"3f800b80", +1934 => x"0c8e3d0d", +1935 => x"04807324", +1936 => x"a5387282", +1937 => x"2c81712b", +1938 => x"80d7a408", +1939 => x"077080d7", +1940 => x"a00b8405", +1941 => x"0c5c5a76", +1942 => x"8c170c73", +1943 => x"88170c75", +1944 => x"88180cf9", +1945 => x"fd398313", +1946 => x"70822c81", +1947 => x"712b80d7", +1948 => x"a4080770", +1949 => x"80d7a00b", +1950 => x"84050c5d", +1951 => x"5b53d839", +1952 => x"7a75065c", +1953 => x"7bfc9f38", +1954 => x"84197510", +1955 => x"5659f139", +1956 => x"ff178105", +1957 => x"59f7ab39", +1958 => x"8c150888", +1959 => x"1608718c", +1960 => x"120c8812", +1961 => x"0c597515", +1962 => x"84110881", +1963 => x"0784120c", +1964 => x"587c5183", +1965 => x"e83f8815", +1966 => x"54fba339", +1967 => x"77167881", +1968 => x"0784180c", +1969 => x"8c170888", +1970 => x"1808718c", +1971 => x"120c8812", +1972 => x"0c5c7080", +1973 => x"d7b40c70", +1974 => x"80d7b00c", +1975 => x"80d7a80b", +1976 => x"8c120c8c", +1977 => x"11088812", +1978 => x"0c778107", +1979 => x"84120c77", +1980 => x"0577710c", +1981 => x"557c5183", +1982 => x"a43f8816", +1983 => x"54f5ba39", +1984 => x"72168411", +1985 => x"08810784", +1986 => x"120c588c", +1987 => x"16088817", +1988 => x"08718c12", +1989 => x"0c88120c", +1990 => x"577c5183", +1991 => x"803f8816", +1992 => x"54f59639", +1993 => x"7284150c", +1994 => x"f41af806", +1995 => x"70841d08", +1996 => x"81060784", +1997 => x"1d0c701c", +1998 => x"5556850b", +1999 => x"84150c85", +2000 => x"0b88150c", +2001 => x"8f7627fd", +2002 => x"ab38881b", +2003 => x"527c51eb", +2004 => x"e83f80d7", +2005 => x"a00b8805", +2006 => x"0880d6e4", +2007 => x"085a55fd", +2008 => x"93397880", +2009 => x"d6e40c73", +2010 => x"80d7940c", +2011 => x"fbef3972", +2012 => x"84150cfc", +2013 => x"ff39fb3d", +2014 => x"0d77707a", +2015 => x"7c585553", +2016 => x"568f7527", +2017 => x"80e63872", +2018 => x"76078306", +2019 => x"517080dc", +2020 => x"38757352", +2021 => x"54707084", +2022 => x"05520874", +2023 => x"70840556", +2024 => x"0c737170", +2025 => x"84055308", +2026 => x"71708405", +2027 => x"530c7170", +2028 => x"84055308", +2029 => x"71708405", +2030 => x"530c7170", +2031 => x"84055308", +2032 => x"71708405", +2033 => x"530cf016", +2034 => x"5654748f", +2035 => x"26c73883", +2036 => x"75279538", +2037 => x"70708405", +2038 => x"52087470", +2039 => x"8405560c", +2040 => x"fc155574", +2041 => x"8326ed38", +2042 => x"73715452", +2043 => x"ff155170", +2044 => x"ff2e9838", +2045 => x"72708105", +2046 => x"54337270", +2047 => x"81055434", +2048 => x"ff115170", +2049 => x"ff2e0981", +2050 => x"06ea3875", +2051 => x"800c873d", +2052 => x"0d04fb3d", +2053 => x"0d777a71", +2054 => x"028c05a3", +2055 => x"05335854", +2056 => x"54568373", +2057 => x"2780d438", +2058 => x"75830651", +2059 => x"7080cc38", +2060 => x"74882b75", +2061 => x"07707190", +2062 => x"2b075551", +2063 => x"8f7327a7", +2064 => x"38737270", +2065 => x"8405540c", +2066 => x"71747170", +2067 => x"8405530c", +2068 => x"74717084", +2069 => x"05530c74", +2070 => x"71708405", +2071 => x"530cf014", +2072 => x"5452728f", +2073 => x"26db3883", +2074 => x"73279038", +2075 => x"73727084", +2076 => x"05540cfc", +2077 => x"13537283", +2078 => x"26f238ff", +2079 => x"135170ff", +2080 => x"2e933874", +2081 => x"72708105", +2082 => x"5434ff11", +2083 => x"5170ff2e", +2084 => x"098106ef", +2085 => x"3875800c", +2086 => x"873d0d04", +2087 => x"04047070", +2088 => x"7070800b", +2089 => x"80dfe00c", +2090 => x"765184f3", +2091 => x"3f800853", +2092 => x"8008ff2e", +2093 => x"89387280", +2094 => x"0c505050", +2095 => x"500480df", +2096 => x"e0085473", +2097 => x"802eef38", +2098 => x"7574710c", +2099 => x"5272800c", +2100 => x"50505050", +2101 => x"04f93d0d", +2102 => x"797c557b", +2103 => x"548e1122", +2104 => x"70902b70", +2105 => x"902c5557", +2106 => x"80cfe408", +2107 => x"53585683", +2108 => x"f63f8008", +2109 => x"57800b80", +2110 => x"08249338", +2111 => x"80d01608", +2112 => x"80080580", +2113 => x"d0170c76", +2114 => x"800c893d", +2115 => x"0d048c16", +2116 => x"2283dfff", +2117 => x"0655748c", +2118 => x"17237680", +2119 => x"0c893d0d", +2120 => x"04fa3d0d", +2121 => x"788c1122", +2122 => x"70882a70", +2123 => x"81065157", +2124 => x"585674a9", +2125 => x"388c1622", +2126 => x"83dfff06", +2127 => x"55748c17", +2128 => x"237a5479", +2129 => x"538e1622", +2130 => x"70902b70", +2131 => x"902c5456", +2132 => x"80cfe408", +2133 => x"525681b2", +2134 => x"3f883d0d", +2135 => x"04825480", +2136 => x"538e1622", +2137 => x"70902b70", +2138 => x"902c5456", +2139 => x"80cfe408", +2140 => x"525782bb", +2141 => x"3f8c1622", +2142 => x"83dfff06", +2143 => x"55748c17", +2144 => x"237a5479", +2145 => x"538e1622", +2146 => x"70902b70", +2147 => x"902c5456", +2148 => x"80cfe408", +2149 => x"525680f2", +2150 => x"3f883d0d", +2151 => x"04f93d0d", +2152 => x"797c557b", +2153 => x"548e1122", +2154 => x"70902b70", +2155 => x"902c5557", +2156 => x"80cfe408", +2157 => x"53585681", +2158 => x"f63f8008", +2159 => x"578008ff", +2160 => x"2e99388c", +2161 => x"1622a080", +2162 => x"0755748c", +2163 => x"17238008", +2164 => x"80d0170c", +2165 => x"76800c89", +2166 => x"3d0d048c", +2167 => x"162283df", +2168 => x"ff065574", +2169 => x"8c172376", +2170 => x"800c893d", +2171 => x"0d047070", +2172 => x"70748e11", +2173 => x"2270902b", +2174 => x"70902c55", +2175 => x"51515380", +2176 => x"cfe40851", +2177 => x"bd3f5050", +2178 => x"5004fb3d", +2179 => x"0d800b80", +2180 => x"dfe00c7a", +2181 => x"53795278", +2182 => x"5182ff3f", +2183 => x"80085580", +2184 => x"08ff2e88", +2185 => x"3874800c", +2186 => x"873d0d04", +2187 => x"80dfe008", +2188 => x"5675802e", +2189 => x"f0387776", +2190 => x"710c5474", +2191 => x"800c873d", +2192 => x"0d047070", +2193 => x"7070800b", +2194 => x"80dfe00c", +2195 => x"765184cc", +2196 => x"3f800853", +2197 => x"8008ff2e", +2198 => x"89387280", +2199 => x"0c505050", +2200 => x"500480df", +2201 => x"e0085473", +2202 => x"802eef38", +2203 => x"7574710c", +2204 => x"5272800c", +2205 => x"50505050", +2206 => x"04fc3d0d", +2207 => x"800b80df", +2208 => x"e00c7852", +2209 => x"775187b3", +2210 => x"3f800854", +2211 => x"8008ff2e", +2212 => x"88387380", +2213 => x"0c863d0d", +2214 => x"0480dfe0", +2215 => x"08557480", +2216 => x"2ef03876", +2217 => x"75710c53", +2218 => x"73800c86", +2219 => x"3d0d04fb", +2220 => x"3d0d800b", +2221 => x"80dfe00c", +2222 => x"7a537952", +2223 => x"7851848e", +2224 => x"3f800855", +2225 => x"8008ff2e", +2226 => x"88387480", +2227 => x"0c873d0d", +2228 => x"0480dfe0", +2229 => x"08567580", +2230 => x"2ef03877", +2231 => x"76710c54", +2232 => x"74800c87", +2233 => x"3d0d04fb", +2234 => x"3d0d800b", +2235 => x"80dfe00c", +2236 => x"7a537952", +2237 => x"78518296", +2238 => x"3f800855", +2239 => x"8008ff2e", +2240 => x"88387480", +2241 => x"0c873d0d", +2242 => x"0480dfe0", +2243 => x"08567580", +2244 => x"2ef03877", +2245 => x"76710c54", +2246 => x"74800c87", +2247 => x"3d0d0470", +2248 => x"707080df", +2249 => x"d0088938", +2250 => x"80dfe40b", +2251 => x"80dfd00c", +2252 => x"80dfd008", +2253 => x"75115252", +2254 => x"ff537087", +2255 => x"fb808026", +2256 => x"88387080", +2257 => x"dfd00c71", +2258 => x"5372800c", +2259 => x"50505004", +2260 => x"fd3d0d80", +2261 => x"0b80cfd8", +2262 => x"08545472", +2263 => x"812e9b38", +2264 => x"7380dfd4", +2265 => x"0cc2bf3f", +2266 => x"c1963f80", +2267 => x"dfa85281", +2268 => x"51c3fd3f", +2269 => x"80085186", +2270 => x"c23f7280", +2271 => x"dfd40cc2", +2272 => x"a53fc0fc", +2273 => x"3f80dfa8", +2274 => x"528151c3", +2275 => x"e33f8008", +2276 => x"5186a83f", +2277 => x"00ff3900", +2278 => x"ff39f53d", +2279 => x"0d7e6080", +2280 => x"dfd40870", +2281 => x"5b585b5b", +2282 => x"7580c238", +2283 => x"777a25a1", +2284 => x"38771b70", +2285 => x"337081ff", +2286 => x"06585859", +2287 => x"758a2e98", +2288 => x"387681ff", +2289 => x"0651c1bd", +2290 => x"3f811858", +2291 => x"797824e1", +2292 => x"3879800c", +2293 => x"8d3d0d04", +2294 => x"8d51c1a9", +2295 => x"3f783370", +2296 => x"81ff0652", +2297 => x"57c19e3f", +2298 => x"811858e0", +2299 => x"3979557a", +2300 => x"547d5385", +2301 => x"528d3dfc", +2302 => x"0551c0c6", +2303 => x"3f800856", +2304 => x"85b23f7b", +2305 => x"80080c75", +2306 => x"800c8d3d", +2307 => x"0d04f63d", +2308 => x"0d7d7f80", +2309 => x"dfd40870", +2310 => x"5b585a5a", +2311 => x"7580c138", +2312 => x"777925b3", +2313 => x"38c0b93f", +2314 => x"800881ff", +2315 => x"06708d32", +2316 => x"7030709f", +2317 => x"2a515157", +2318 => x"57768a2e", +2319 => x"80c43875", +2320 => x"802ebf38", +2321 => x"771a5676", +2322 => x"76347651", +2323 => x"c0b73f81", +2324 => x"18587878", +2325 => x"24cf3877", +2326 => x"5675800c", +2327 => x"8c3d0d04", +2328 => x"78557954", +2329 => x"7c538452", +2330 => x"8c3dfc05", +2331 => x"51ffbfd2", +2332 => x"3f800856", +2333 => x"84be3f7a", +2334 => x"80080c75", +2335 => x"800c8c3d", +2336 => x"0d04771a", +2337 => x"598a7934", +2338 => x"8118588d", +2339 => x"51ffbff5", +2340 => x"3f8a51ff", +2341 => x"bfef3f77", +2342 => x"56ffbe39", +2343 => x"fb3d0d80", +2344 => x"dfd40870", +2345 => x"56547388", +2346 => x"3874800c", +2347 => x"873d0d04", +2348 => x"77538352", +2349 => x"873dfc05", +2350 => x"51ffbf86", +2351 => x"3f800854", +2352 => x"83f23f75", +2353 => x"80080c73", +2354 => x"800c873d", +2355 => x"0d04fa3d", +2356 => x"0d80dfd4", +2357 => x"08802ea3", +2358 => x"387a5579", +2359 => x"54785386", +2360 => x"52883dfc", +2361 => x"0551ffbe", +2362 => x"d93f8008", +2363 => x"5683c53f", +2364 => x"7680080c", +2365 => x"75800c88", +2366 => x"3d0d0483", +2367 => x"b73f9d0b", +2368 => x"80080cff", +2369 => x"0b800c88", +2370 => x"3d0d04f7", +2371 => x"3d0d7b7d", +2372 => x"5b59bc53", +2373 => x"80527951", +2374 => x"f5f83f80", +2375 => x"70565798", +2376 => x"56741970", +2377 => x"3370782b", +2378 => x"79078118", +2379 => x"f81a5a58", +2380 => x"59555884", +2381 => x"7524ea38", +2382 => x"767a2384", +2383 => x"19588070", +2384 => x"56579856", +2385 => x"74187033", +2386 => x"70782b79", +2387 => x"078118f8", +2388 => x"1a5a5859", +2389 => x"51548475", +2390 => x"24ea3876", +2391 => x"821b2388", +2392 => x"19588070", +2393 => x"56579856", +2394 => x"74187033", +2395 => x"70782b79", +2396 => x"078118f8", +2397 => x"1a5a5859", +2398 => x"51548475", +2399 => x"24ea3876", +2400 => x"841b0c8c", +2401 => x"19588070", +2402 => x"56579856", +2403 => x"74187033", +2404 => x"70782b79", +2405 => x"078118f8", +2406 => x"1a5a5859", +2407 => x"51548475", +2408 => x"24ea3876", +2409 => x"881b2390", +2410 => x"19588070", +2411 => x"56579856", +2412 => x"74187033", +2413 => x"70782b79", +2414 => x"078118f8", +2415 => x"1a5a5859", +2416 => x"51548475", +2417 => x"24ea3876", +2418 => x"8a1b2394", +2419 => x"19588070", +2420 => x"56579856", +2421 => x"74187033", +2422 => x"70782b79", +2423 => x"078118f8", +2424 => x"1a5a5859", +2425 => x"51548475", +2426 => x"24ea3876", +2427 => x"8c1b2398", +2428 => x"19588070", +2429 => x"56579856", +2430 => x"74187033", +2431 => x"70782b79", +2432 => x"078118f8", +2433 => x"1a5a5859", +2434 => x"51548475", +2435 => x"24ea3876", +2436 => x"8e1b239c", +2437 => x"19588070", +2438 => x"5657b856", +2439 => x"74187033", +2440 => x"70782b79", +2441 => x"078118f8", +2442 => x"1a5a5859", +2443 => x"5a548875", +2444 => x"24ea3876", +2445 => x"901b0c8b", +2446 => x"3d0d04e9", +2447 => x"3d0d6a80", +2448 => x"dfd40857", +2449 => x"57759338", +2450 => x"80c0800b", +2451 => x"84180c75", +2452 => x"ac180c75", +2453 => x"800c993d", +2454 => x"0d04893d", +2455 => x"70556a54", +2456 => x"558a5299", +2457 => x"3dffbc05", +2458 => x"51ffbbd6", +2459 => x"3f800877", +2460 => x"53755256", +2461 => x"fd953fbc", +2462 => x"3f778008", +2463 => x"0c75800c", +2464 => x"993d0d04", +2465 => x"fc3d0d81", +2466 => x"5480dfd4", +2467 => x"08883873", +2468 => x"800c863d", +2469 => x"0d047653", +2470 => x"97b95286", +2471 => x"3dfc0551", +2472 => x"ffbb9f3f", +2473 => x"8008548c", +2474 => x"3f748008", +2475 => x"0c73800c", +2476 => x"863d0d04", +2477 => x"80cfe408", +2478 => x"800c04f7", +2479 => x"3d0d7b80", +2480 => x"cfe40882", +2481 => x"c811085a", +2482 => x"545a7780", +2483 => x"2e80da38", +2484 => x"81881884", +2485 => x"1908ff05", +2486 => x"81712b59", +2487 => x"55598074", +2488 => x"2480ea38", +2489 => x"807424b5", +2490 => x"3873822b", +2491 => x"78118805", +2492 => x"56568180", +2493 => x"19087706", +2494 => x"5372802e", +2495 => x"b6387816", +2496 => x"70085353", +2497 => x"79517408", +2498 => x"53722dff", +2499 => x"14fc17fc", +2500 => x"1779812c", +2501 => x"5a575754", +2502 => x"738025d6", +2503 => x"38770858", +2504 => x"77ffad38", +2505 => x"80cfe408", +2506 => x"53bc1308", +2507 => x"a5387951", +2508 => x"f8e23f74", +2509 => x"0853722d", +2510 => x"ff14fc17", +2511 => x"fc177981", +2512 => x"2c5a5757", +2513 => x"54738025", +2514 => x"ffa838d1", +2515 => x"398057ff", +2516 => x"93397251", +2517 => x"bc130854", +2518 => x"732d7951", +2519 => x"f8b63f70", +2520 => x"7080dfb0", +2521 => x"0bfc0570", +2522 => x"08525270", +2523 => x"ff2e9138", +2524 => x"702dfc12", +2525 => x"70085252", +2526 => x"70ff2e09", +2527 => x"8106f138", +2528 => x"50500404", +2529 => x"ffbb8c3f", +2530 => x"04000000", +2531 => x"00000040", +2532 => x"48656c6c", +2533 => x"6f20776f", +2534 => x"726c6420", +2535 => x"310a0000", +2536 => x"48656c6c", +2537 => x"6f20776f", +2538 => x"726c6420", +2539 => x"320a0000", +2540 => x"0a000000", +2541 => x"43000000", +2542 => x"64756d6d", +2543 => x"792e6578", +2544 => x"65000000", +2545 => x"00ffffff", +2546 => x"ff00ffff", +2547 => x"ffff00ff", +2548 => x"ffffff00", +2549 => x"00000000", +2550 => x"00000000", +2551 => x"00000000", +2552 => x"00002fb8", +2553 => x"000027e8", +2554 => x"00000000", +2555 => x"00002a50", +2556 => x"00002aac", +2557 => x"00002b08", +2558 => x"00000000", +2559 => x"00000000", +2560 => x"00000000", +2561 => x"00000000", +2562 => x"00000000", +2563 => x"00000000", +2564 => x"00000000", +2565 => x"00000000", +2566 => x"00000000", +2567 => x"000027b4", +2568 => x"00000000", +2569 => x"00000000", +2570 => x"00000000", +2571 => x"00000000", +2572 => x"00000000", +2573 => x"00000000", +2574 => x"00000000", +2575 => x"00000000", +2576 => x"00000000", +2577 => x"00000000", +2578 => x"00000000", +2579 => x"00000000", +2580 => x"00000000", +2581 => x"00000000", +2582 => x"00000000", +2583 => x"00000000", +2584 => x"00000000", +2585 => x"00000000", +2586 => x"00000000", +2587 => x"00000000", +2588 => x"00000000", +2589 => 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x"00002e08", +2950 => x"00002e10", +2951 => x"00002e10", +2952 => x"00002e18", +2953 => x"00002e18", +2954 => x"00002e20", +2955 => x"00002e20", +2956 => x"00002e28", +2957 => x"00002e28", +2958 => x"00002e30", +2959 => x"00002e30", +2960 => x"00002e38", +2961 => x"00002e38", +2962 => x"00002e40", +2963 => x"00002e40", +2964 => x"00002e48", +2965 => x"00002e48", +2966 => x"00002e50", +2967 => x"00002e50", +2968 => x"00002e58", +2969 => x"00002e58", +2970 => x"00002e60", +2971 => x"00002e60", +2972 => x"00002e68", +2973 => x"00002e68", +2974 => x"00002e70", +2975 => x"00002e70", +2976 => x"00002e78", +2977 => x"00002e78", +2978 => x"00002e80", +2979 => x"00002e80", +2980 => x"00002e88", +2981 => x"00002e88", +2982 => x"00002e90", +2983 => x"00002e90", +2984 => x"00002e98", +2985 => x"00002e98", +2986 => x"00002ea0", +2987 => x"00002ea0", +2988 => x"00002ea8", +2989 => x"00002ea8", +2990 => x"00002eb0", +2991 => x"00002eb0", +2992 => x"00002eb8", +2993 => x"00002eb8", +2994 => x"00002ec0", +2995 => x"00002ec0", +2996 => x"00002ec8", +2997 => x"00002ec8", +2998 => x"00002ed0", +2999 => x"00002ed0", +3000 => x"00002ed8", +3001 => x"00002ed8", +3002 => x"00002ee0", +3003 => x"00002ee0", +3004 => x"00002ee8", +3005 => x"00002ee8", +3006 => x"00002ef0", +3007 => x"00002ef0", +3008 => x"00002ef8", +3009 => x"00002ef8", +3010 => x"00002f00", +3011 => x"00002f00", +3012 => x"00002f08", +3013 => x"00002f08", +3014 => x"00002f10", +3015 => x"00002f10", +3016 => x"00002f18", +3017 => x"00002f18", +3018 => x"00002f20", +3019 => x"00002f20", +3020 => x"00002f28", +3021 => x"00002f28", +3022 => x"00002f30", +3023 => x"00002f30", +3024 => x"00002f38", +3025 => x"00002f38", +3026 => x"00002f40", +3027 => x"00002f40", +3028 => x"00002f48", +3029 => x"00002f48", +3030 => x"00002f50", +3031 => x"00002f50", +3032 => x"00002f58", +3033 => x"00002f58", +3034 => x"00002f60", +3035 => x"00002f60", +3036 => x"00002f68", +3037 => x"00002f68", +3038 => x"00002f70", +3039 => x"00002f70", +3040 => x"00002f78", +3041 => x"00002f78", +3042 => x"00002f80", +3043 => x"00002f80", +3044 => x"00002f88", +3045 => x"00002f88", +3046 => x"00002f90", +3047 => x"00002f90", +3048 => x"00002f98", +3049 => x"00002f98", +3050 => x"000027b8", +3051 => x"ffffffff", +3052 => x"00000000", +3053 => x"ffffffff", +3054 => x"00000000", + others => x"00000000" +); + +begin + +mem_busy<=mem_readEnable; -- we're done on the cycle after we serve the read request + +process (clk, areset) +begin + if areset = '1' then + elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then + if (mem_writeEnable = '1') then + ram(to_integer(unsigned(mem_addr(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit)))) := mem_write; + end if; + if (mem_readEnable = '1') then + mem_read <= ram(to_integer(unsigned(mem_addr(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit)))); + end if; + end if; +end process; + + + + +end dram_arch; diff --git a/zpu/hdl/example_medium/sim_fpga_top.vhd b/zpu/hdl/example_medium/sim_fpga_top.vhd index 2191889..a10da37 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/example_medium/sim_fpga_top.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/example_medium/sim_fpga_top.vhd @@ -1,185 +1,185 @@ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Company:
--- Engineer:
--- Create Date: 20:15:31 04/14/05
--- Design Name:
--- Module Name: fpga_top - behave
--- Project Name:
--- Target Device:
--- Tool versions:
--- Description:
--- Dependencies:
--- Revision:
--- Revision 0.01 - File Created
--- Additional Comments:
-library IEEE;
----- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
----- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
---library UNISIM;
---use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
-library work;
-use work.zpu_config.all;
-entity fpga_top is
-end fpga_top;
-use work.zpupkg.all;
-architecture behave of fpga_top is
-signal clk : std_logic;
-signal areset : std_logic := '1';
-component zpu_io is
- generic (
- log_file: string := "log.txt"
- );
- port(
- clk : in std_logic;
- areset : in std_logic;
- busy : out std_logic;
- writeEnable : in std_logic;
- readEnable : in std_logic;
- write : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- read : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- addr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit)
- );
-end component;
-signal mem_busy : std_logic;
-signal mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal mem_write : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal mem_addr : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0);
-signal mem_writeEnable : std_logic;
-signal mem_readEnable : std_logic;
-signal mem_writeMask: std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0);
-signal enable : std_logic;
-signal dram_mem_busy : std_logic;
-signal dram_mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal dram_mem_write : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal dram_mem_writeEnable : std_logic;
-signal dram_mem_readEnable : std_logic;
-signal dram_mem_writeMask: std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0);
-signal io_busy : std_logic;
-signal io_mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal io_mem_writeEnable : std_logic;
-signal io_mem_readEnable : std_logic;
-signal dram_ready : std_logic;
-signal io_ready : std_logic;
-signal io_reading : std_logic;
-signal break : std_logic;
- zpu: zpu_core port map (
- clk => clk ,
- areset => areset,
- enable => enable,
- in_mem_busy => mem_busy,
- mem_read => mem_read,
- mem_write => mem_write,
- out_mem_addr => mem_addr,
- out_mem_writeEnable => mem_writeEnable,
- out_mem_readEnable => mem_readEnable,
- mem_writeMask => mem_writeMask,
- interrupt => '0',
- break => break);
- dram_imp: dram port map (
- clk => clk ,
- areset => areset,
- mem_busy => dram_mem_busy,
- mem_read => dram_mem_read,
- mem_write => mem_write,
- mem_addr => mem_addr(maxAddrBit downto 0),
- mem_writeEnable => dram_mem_writeEnable,
- mem_readEnable => dram_mem_readEnable,
- mem_writeMask => mem_writeMask);
- ioMap: zpu_io port map (
- clk => clk,
- areset => areset,
- busy => io_busy,
- writeEnable => io_mem_writeEnable,
- readEnable => io_mem_readEnable,
- write => mem_write(wordSize-1 downto 0),
- read => io_mem_read,
- addr => mem_addr(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit)
- );
- dram_mem_writeEnable <= mem_writeEnable and not mem_addr(ioBit);
- dram_mem_readEnable <= mem_readEnable and not mem_addr(ioBit);
- io_mem_writeEnable <= mem_writeEnable and mem_addr(ioBit);
- io_mem_readEnable <= mem_readEnable and mem_addr(ioBit);
- mem_busy <= io_busy or dram_mem_busy or io_busy;
- -- Memory reads either come from IO or DRAM. We need to pick the right one.
- memorycontrol:
- process(dram_mem_read, dram_ready, io_ready, io_mem_read)
- begin
- mem_read <= (others => 'U');
- if dram_ready='1' then
- mem_read <= dram_mem_read;
- end if;
- if io_ready='1' then
- mem_read <= io_mem_read;
- end if;
- end process;
- io_ready <= (io_reading or io_mem_readEnable) and not io_busy;
- memoryControlSync:
- process(clk, areset)
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- enable <= '0';
- io_reading <= '0';
- dram_ready <= '0';
- elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
- enable <= '1';
- io_reading <= io_busy or io_mem_readEnable;
- dram_ready<=dram_mem_readEnable;
- end if;
- end process;
- -- wiggle the clock @ 100MHz
- clock : PROCESS
- begin
- clk <= '0';
- wait for 5 ns;
- clk <= '1';
- wait for 5 ns;
- areset <= '0';
- end PROCESS clock;
-end behave;
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- Company: +-- Engineer: +-- +-- Create Date: 20:15:31 04/14/05 +-- Design Name: +-- Module Name: fpga_top - behave +-- Project Name: +-- Target Device: +-- Tool versions: +-- Description: +-- +-- Dependencies: +-- +-- Revision: +-- Revision 0.01 - File Created +-- Additional Comments: +-- +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; + +---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating +---- any Xilinx primitives in this code. +--library UNISIM; +--use UNISIM.VComponents.all; + +library work; +use work.zpu_config.all; + +entity fpga_top is +end fpga_top; + +use work.zpupkg.all; + +architecture behave of fpga_top is + + +signal clk : std_logic; + +signal areset : std_logic := '1'; + + +component zpu_io is + generic ( + log_file: string := "log.txt" + ); + port( + clk : in std_logic; + areset : in std_logic; + busy : out std_logic; + writeEnable : in std_logic; + readEnable : in std_logic; + write : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + read : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + addr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit) + ); +end component; + + + + + +signal mem_busy : std_logic; +signal mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); +signal mem_write : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); +signal mem_addr : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0); +signal mem_writeEnable : std_logic; +signal mem_readEnable : std_logic; +signal mem_writeMask: std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0); + +signal enable : std_logic; + +signal dram_mem_busy : std_logic; +signal dram_mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); +signal dram_mem_write : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); +signal dram_mem_writeEnable : std_logic; +signal dram_mem_readEnable : std_logic; +signal dram_mem_writeMask: std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0); + + +signal io_busy : std_logic; + +signal io_mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); +signal io_mem_writeEnable : std_logic; +signal io_mem_readEnable : std_logic; + + +signal dram_ready : std_logic; +signal io_ready : std_logic; +signal io_reading : std_logic; + + +signal break : std_logic; + +begin + zpu: zpu_core port map ( + clk => clk , + areset => areset, + enable => enable, + in_mem_busy => mem_busy, + mem_read => mem_read, + mem_write => mem_write, + out_mem_addr => mem_addr, + out_mem_writeEnable => mem_writeEnable, + out_mem_readEnable => mem_readEnable, + mem_writeMask => mem_writeMask, + interrupt => '0', + break => break); + + dram_imp: dram port map ( + clk => clk , + areset => areset, + mem_busy => dram_mem_busy, + mem_read => dram_mem_read, + mem_write => mem_write, + mem_addr => mem_addr(maxAddrBit downto 0), + mem_writeEnable => dram_mem_writeEnable, + mem_readEnable => dram_mem_readEnable, + mem_writeMask => mem_writeMask); + + + ioMap: zpu_io port map ( + clk => clk, + areset => areset, + busy => io_busy, + writeEnable => io_mem_writeEnable, + readEnable => io_mem_readEnable, + write => mem_write(wordSize-1 downto 0), + read => io_mem_read, + addr => mem_addr(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit) + ); + + dram_mem_writeEnable <= mem_writeEnable and not mem_addr(ioBit); + dram_mem_readEnable <= mem_readEnable and not mem_addr(ioBit); + io_mem_writeEnable <= mem_writeEnable and mem_addr(ioBit); + io_mem_readEnable <= mem_readEnable and mem_addr(ioBit); + mem_busy <= io_busy or dram_mem_busy or io_busy; + + + + -- Memory reads either come from IO or DRAM. We need to pick the right one. + memorycontrol: + process(dram_mem_read, dram_ready, io_ready, io_mem_read) + begin + mem_read <= (others => 'U'); + if dram_ready='1' then + mem_read <= dram_mem_read; + end if; + + if io_ready='1' then + mem_read <= io_mem_read; + end if; + end process; + + + io_ready <= (io_reading or io_mem_readEnable) and not io_busy; + + memoryControlSync: + process(clk, areset) + begin + if areset = '1' then + enable <= '0'; + io_reading <= '0'; + dram_ready <= '0'; + elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then + enable <= '1'; + io_reading <= io_busy or io_mem_readEnable; + dram_ready<=dram_mem_readEnable; + + end if; + end process; + + -- wiggle the clock @ 100MHz + clock : PROCESS + begin + clk <= '0'; + wait for 5 ns; + clk <= '1'; + wait for 5 ns; + areset <= '0'; + end PROCESS clock; + + +end behave; diff --git a/zpu/hdl/example_medium/zpu_config_trace.vhd b/zpu/hdl/example_medium/zpu_config_trace.vhd index d765d9a..a5b9192 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/example_medium/zpu_config_trace.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/example_medium/zpu_config_trace.vhd @@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ -library ieee;
-use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-package zpu_config is
- constant Generate_Trace : boolean := true;
- constant wordPower : integer := 5;
- -- during simulation, set this to '0' to get matching trace.txt
- constant DontCareValue : std_logic := '0';
- -- Clock frequency in MHz.
- constant ZPU_Frequency : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"64";
- constant maxAddrBitIncIO : integer := 27;
- constant maxAddrBitDRAM : integer := 16;
- constant maxAddrBitBRAM : integer := 16;
- constant spStart : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0) := x"001fff8";
-end zpu_config;
+library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; + +package zpu_config is + + constant Generate_Trace : boolean := true; + constant wordPower : integer := 5; + -- during simulation, set this to '0' to get matching trace.txt + constant DontCareValue : std_logic := '0'; + -- Clock frequency in MHz. + constant ZPU_Frequency : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"64"; + constant maxAddrBitIncIO : integer := 27; + constant maxAddrBitDRAM : integer := 16; + constant maxAddrBitBRAM : integer := 16; + constant spStart : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0) := x"001fff8"; + +end zpu_config; diff --git a/zpu/hdl/wishbone/wishbone_pkg.vhd b/zpu/hdl/wishbone/wishbone_pkg.vhd index 97240de..b6d30ee 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/wishbone/wishbone_pkg.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/wishbone/wishbone_pkg.vhd @@ -1,86 +1,86 @@ --- ZPU
--- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com
--- The FreeBSD license
--- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
--- are met:
--- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
--- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
--- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
--- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
--- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
--- provided with the distribution.
--- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation
--- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing
--- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project.
-library IEEE;
-use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
-package wishbone_pkg is
- type wishbone_bus_in is record
- adr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
- sel : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
- we : std_logic;
- dat : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Note! Data written with 'we'
- cyc : std_logic;
- stb : std_logic;
- end record;
- type wishbone_bus_out is record
- dat : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
- ack : std_logic;
- end record;
- type wishbone_bus is record
- insig : wishbone_bus_in;
- outsig : wishbone_bus_out;
- end record;
- component atomic32_access is
- port ( cpu_clk : in std_logic;
- areset : in std_logic;
- -- Wishbone from CPU interface
- wb_16_i : in wishbone_bus_in;
- wb_16_o : out wishbone_bus_out;
- -- Wishbone to FPGA registers and ethernet core
- wb_32_i : in wishbone_bus_out;
- wb_32_o : out wishbone_bus_in);
- end component;
- component eth_access_corr is
- port ( cpu_clk : in std_logic;
- areset : in std_logic;
- -- Wishbone from Wishbone MUX
- eth_raw_o : out wishbone_bus_out;
- eth_raw_i : in wishbone_bus_in;
- -- Wishbone ethernet core
- eth_slave_i : in wishbone_bus_out;
- eth_slave_o : out wishbone_bus_in);
- end component;
-end wishbone_pkg;
+-- ZPU +-- +-- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com +-- +-- The FreeBSD license +-- +-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions +-- are met: +-- +-- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +-- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +-- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +-- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +-- provided with the distribution. +-- +-- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE ZPU PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY +-- EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +-- THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A +-- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +-- ZPU PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, +-- INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +-- (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS +-- OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) +-- HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, +-- STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) +-- ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF +-- ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +-- +-- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation +-- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing +-- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project. + +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; + +package wishbone_pkg is + + type wishbone_bus_in is record + adr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + sel : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + we : std_logic; + dat : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Note! Data written with 'we' + cyc : std_logic; + stb : std_logic; + end record; + + type wishbone_bus_out is record + dat : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + ack : std_logic; + end record; + + type wishbone_bus is record + insig : wishbone_bus_in; + outsig : wishbone_bus_out; + end record; + + component atomic32_access is + port ( cpu_clk : in std_logic; + areset : in std_logic; + + -- Wishbone from CPU interface + wb_16_i : in wishbone_bus_in; + wb_16_o : out wishbone_bus_out; + -- Wishbone to FPGA registers and ethernet core + wb_32_i : in wishbone_bus_out; + wb_32_o : out wishbone_bus_in); + end component; + + component eth_access_corr is + port ( cpu_clk : in std_logic; + areset : in std_logic; + + -- Wishbone from Wishbone MUX + eth_raw_o : out wishbone_bus_out; + eth_raw_i : in wishbone_bus_in; + + -- Wishbone ethernet core + eth_slave_i : in wishbone_bus_out; + eth_slave_o : out wishbone_bus_in); + end component; + + +end wishbone_pkg; diff --git a/zpu/hdl/wishbone/zpu_system.vhd b/zpu/hdl/wishbone/zpu_system.vhd index 5b95a80..07c5bdc 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/wishbone/zpu_system.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/wishbone/zpu_system.vhd @@ -1,104 +1,104 @@ --- ZPU
--- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com
--- The FreeBSD license
--- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
--- are met:
--- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
--- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
--- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
--- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
--- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
--- provided with the distribution.
--- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation
--- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing
--- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project.
-library IEEE;
-use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
-library work;
-use work.wishbone_pkg.all;
-use work.zpupkg.all;
-use work.zpu_config.all;
-entity zpu_system is
- generic(
- simulate : boolean := false);
- port ( areset : in std_logic;
- cpu_clk : in std_logic;
- -- ZPU Control signals
- enable : in std_logic;
- interrupt : in std_logic;
- zpu_status : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
- -- wishbone interfaces
- zpu_wb_i : in wishbone_bus_out;
- zpu_wb_o : out wishbone_bus_in);
-end zpu_system;
-architecture behave of zpu_system is
-signal mem_req : std_logic;
-signal mem_we : std_logic;
-signal mem_ack : std_logic;
-signal mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal mem_write : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal out_mem_addr : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0);
-signal mem_writeMask : std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0);
- my_zpu_core:
- zpu_core port map (
- clk => cpu_clk,
- areset => areset,
- enable => enable,
- mem_req => mem_req,
- mem_we => mem_we,
- mem_ack => mem_ack,
- mem_read => mem_read,
- mem_write => mem_write,
- out_mem_addr => out_mem_addr,
- mem_writeMask => mem_writeMask,
- interrupt => interrupt,
- zpu_status => zpu_status,
- break => open);
- my_zpu_wb_bridge:
- zpu_wb_bridge port map (
- clk => cpu_clk,
- areset => areset,
- mem_req => mem_req,
- mem_we => mem_we,
- mem_ack => mem_ack,
- mem_read => mem_read,
- mem_write => mem_write,
- out_mem_addr => out_mem_addr,
- mem_writeMask => mem_writeMask,
- zpu_wb_i => zpu_wb_i,
- zpu_wb_o => zpu_wb_o);
-end behave;
+-- ZPU +-- +-- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com +-- +-- The FreeBSD license +-- +-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions +-- are met: +-- +-- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +-- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +-- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +-- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +-- provided with the distribution. +-- +-- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE ZPU PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY +-- EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +-- THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A +-- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +-- ZPU PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, +-- INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +-- (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS +-- OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) +-- HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, +-- STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) +-- ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF +-- ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +-- +-- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation +-- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing +-- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project. + +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.all; + +library work; +use work.wishbone_pkg.all; +use work.zpupkg.all; +use work.zpu_config.all; + +entity zpu_system is + generic( + simulate : boolean := false); + port ( areset : in std_logic; + cpu_clk : in std_logic; + + -- ZPU Control signals + enable : in std_logic; + interrupt : in std_logic; + + zpu_status : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); + + -- wishbone interfaces + zpu_wb_i : in wishbone_bus_out; + zpu_wb_o : out wishbone_bus_in); +end zpu_system; + +architecture behave of zpu_system is + +signal mem_req : std_logic; +signal mem_we : std_logic; +signal mem_ack : std_logic; +signal mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); +signal mem_write : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); +signal out_mem_addr : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0); +signal mem_writeMask : std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0); + + +begin + + my_zpu_core: + zpu_core port map ( + clk => cpu_clk, + areset => areset, + enable => enable, + mem_req => mem_req, + mem_we => mem_we, + mem_ack => mem_ack, + mem_read => mem_read, + mem_write => mem_write, + out_mem_addr => out_mem_addr, + mem_writeMask => mem_writeMask, + interrupt => interrupt, + zpu_status => zpu_status, + break => open); + + my_zpu_wb_bridge: + zpu_wb_bridge port map ( + clk => cpu_clk, + areset => areset, + mem_req => mem_req, + mem_we => mem_we, + mem_ack => mem_ack, + mem_read => mem_read, + mem_write => mem_write, + out_mem_addr => out_mem_addr, + mem_writeMask => mem_writeMask, + zpu_wb_i => zpu_wb_i, + zpu_wb_o => zpu_wb_o); + +end behave; diff --git a/zpu/hdl/wishbone/zpu_wb_bridge.vhd b/zpu/hdl/wishbone/zpu_wb_bridge.vhd index 226d839..086ae11 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/wishbone/zpu_wb_bridge.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/wishbone/zpu_wb_bridge.vhd @@ -1,83 +1,83 @@ --- ZPU
--- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com
--- The FreeBSD license
--- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
--- are met:
--- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
--- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
--- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
--- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
--- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
--- provided with the distribution.
--- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation
--- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing
--- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project.
-library IEEE;
-library work;
-use work.phi_config.all;
-use work.wishbone_pkg.all;
-use work.zpupkg.all;
-use work.zpu_config.all;
-entity zpu_wb_bridge is
- port ( -- Native ZPU interface
- clk : in std_logic;
- areset : in std_logic;
- mem_req : in std_logic;
- mem_we : in std_logic;
- mem_ack : out std_logic;
- mem_read : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- mem_write : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- out_mem_addr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0);
- mem_writeMask : in std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0);
- -- Wishbone from ZPU
- zpu_wb_i : in wishbone_bus_out;
- zpu_wb_o : out wishbone_bus_in);
-end zpu_wb_bridge;
-architecture behave of zpu_wb_bridge is
- mem_read <= zpu_wb_i.dat;
- mem_ack <= zpu_wb_i.ack;
- zpu_wb_o.adr <= "000000" & out_mem_addr(27) & out_mem_addr(24 downto 0);
- zpu_wb_o.dat <= mem_write;
- zpu_wb_o.sel <= mem_writeMask;
- zpu_wb_o.stb <= mem_req;
- zpu_wb_o.cyc <= mem_req;
- zpu_wb_o.we <= mem_we;
-end behave;
+-- ZPU +-- +-- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com +-- +-- The FreeBSD license +-- +-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions +-- are met: +-- +-- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +-- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +-- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +-- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +-- provided with the distribution. +-- +-- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE ZPU PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY +-- EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +-- THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A +-- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +-- ZPU PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, +-- INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +-- (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS +-- OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) +-- HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, +-- STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) +-- ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF +-- ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +-- +-- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation +-- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing +-- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project. + +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; + +library work; +use work.phi_config.all; +use work.wishbone_pkg.all; +use work.zpupkg.all; +use work.zpu_config.all; + +entity zpu_wb_bridge is + port ( -- Native ZPU interface + clk : in std_logic; + areset : in std_logic; + + mem_req : in std_logic; + mem_we : in std_logic; + mem_ack : out std_logic; + mem_read : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + mem_write : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + out_mem_addr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0); + mem_writeMask : in std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0); + + -- Wishbone from ZPU + zpu_wb_i : in wishbone_bus_out; + zpu_wb_o : out wishbone_bus_in); + +end zpu_wb_bridge; + +architecture behave of zpu_wb_bridge is + +begin + + mem_read <= zpu_wb_i.dat; + mem_ack <= zpu_wb_i.ack; + + zpu_wb_o.adr <= "000000" & out_mem_addr(27) & out_mem_addr(24 downto 0); + zpu_wb_o.dat <= mem_write; + zpu_wb_o.sel <= mem_writeMask; + zpu_wb_o.stb <= mem_req; + zpu_wb_o.cyc <= mem_req; + zpu_wb_o.we <= mem_we; + +end behave; + + + + + diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zpu4/core/zpu_config.vhd b/zpu/hdl/zpu4/core/zpu_config.vhd index 112dd01..5b3110c 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/zpu4/core/zpu_config.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/zpu4/core/zpu_config.vhd @@ -1,44 +1,44 @@ --- ZPU
--- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com
--- The FreeBSD license
--- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
--- are met:
--- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
--- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
--- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
--- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
--- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
--- provided with the distribution.
--- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation
--- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing
--- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project.
-library ieee;
-use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
-package zpu_config is
+-- ZPU +-- +-- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com +-- +-- The FreeBSD license +-- +-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions +-- are met: +-- +-- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +-- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +-- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +-- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +-- provided with the distribution. +-- +-- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE ZPU PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY +-- EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +-- THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A +-- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +-- ZPU PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, +-- INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +-- (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS +-- OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) +-- HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, +-- STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) +-- ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF +-- ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +-- +-- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation +-- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing +-- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project. + + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; +use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; + +package zpu_config is -- generate trace output or not. constant Generate_Trace : boolean := false; @@ -56,4 +56,4 @@ package zpu_config is constant spStart : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector((2**(maxAddrBitBRAM+1))-8, maxAddrBitIncIO+1); -end zpu_config;
+end zpu_config; diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zpu4/core/zpu_core.vhd b/zpu/hdl/zpu4/core/zpu_core.vhd index ff9449f..e2e4781 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/zpu4/core/zpu_core.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/zpu4/core/zpu_core.vhd @@ -1,68 +1,68 @@ --- ZPU
--- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com
--- Copyright 2008 alvieboy - Álvaro Lopes - alvieboy@alvie.com
--- The FreeBSD license
--- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
--- are met:
--- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
--- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
--- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
--- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
--- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
--- provided with the distribution.
--- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation
--- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing
--- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project.
+-- ZPU +-- +-- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com +-- Copyright 2008 alvieboy - Álvaro Lopes - alvieboy@alvie.com +-- +-- The FreeBSD license +-- +-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions +-- are met: +-- +-- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +-- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +-- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +-- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +-- provided with the distribution. +-- +-- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE ZPU PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY +-- EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +-- THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A +-- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +-- ZPU PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, +-- INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +-- (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS +-- OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) +-- HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, +-- STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) +-- ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF +-- ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +-- +-- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation +-- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing +-- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project. + library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; -use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-library work;
-use work.zpu_config.all;
-use work.zpupkg.all;
--- mem_writeEnable - set to '1' for a single cycle to send off a write request.
--- mem_write is valid only while mem_writeEnable='1'.
--- mem_readEnable - set to '1' for a single cycle to send off a read request.
--- mem_busy - It is illegal to send off a read/write request when mem_busy='1'.
--- Set to '0' when mem_read is valid after a read request.
--- If it goes to '1'(busy), it is on the cycle after mem_read/writeEnable
--- is '1'.
--- mem_addr - address for read/write request
--- mem_read - read data. Valid only on the cycle after mem_busy='0' after
--- mem_readEnable='1' for a single cycle.
--- mem_write - data to write
--- mem_writeMask - set to '1' for those bits that are to be written to memory upon
--- write request
--- break - set to '1' when CPU hits break instruction
--- interrupt - set to '1' until interrupts are cleared by CPU.
- -
-entity zpu_core is
+use ieee.numeric_std.all; + +library work; +use work.zpu_config.all; +use work.zpupkg.all; + + +-- mem_writeEnable - set to '1' for a single cycle to send off a write request. +-- mem_write is valid only while mem_writeEnable='1'. +-- mem_readEnable - set to '1' for a single cycle to send off a read request. +-- +-- mem_busy - It is illegal to send off a read/write request when mem_busy='1'. +-- Set to '0' when mem_read is valid after a read request. +-- If it goes to '1'(busy), it is on the cycle after mem_read/writeEnable +-- is '1'. +-- mem_addr - address for read/write request +-- mem_read - read data. Valid only on the cycle after mem_busy='0' after +-- mem_readEnable='1' for a single cycle. +-- mem_write - data to write +-- mem_writeMask - set to '1' for those bits that are to be written to memory upon +-- write request +-- break - set to '1' when CPU hits break instruction +-- interrupt - set to '1' until interrupts are cleared by CPU. + + + + +entity zpu_core is port ( clk : in std_logic; areset : in std_logic; @@ -77,10 +77,10 @@ entity zpu_core is interrupt : in std_logic; break : out std_logic ); -end zpu_core;
-architecture behave of zpu_core is
+end zpu_core; + +architecture behave of zpu_core is + type InsnType is ( State_AddTop, State_Dup, @@ -196,12 +196,12 @@ architecture behave of zpu_core is signal trace_sp : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto minAddrBit); signal trace_topOfStack : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); signal trace_topOfStackB : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); -
--- state machine.
+ +-- state machine. + +begin + + traceFileGenerate : if Generate_Trace generate trace_file : trace port map ( @@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@ begin end case; -- state end if; -- clk'event end process; -
-end behave;
+ + + +end behave; diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zpu4/core/zpu_core_small.vhd b/zpu/hdl/zpu4/core/zpu_core_small.vhd index 1df9546..757d056 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/zpu4/core/zpu_core_small.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/zpu4/core/zpu_core_small.vhd @@ -1,47 +1,47 @@ --- ZPU
--- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com
--- The FreeBSD license
--- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
--- are met:
--- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
--- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
--- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
--- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
--- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
--- provided with the distribution.
--- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation
--- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing
--- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project.
+-- ZPU +-- +-- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com +-- +-- The FreeBSD license +-- +-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions +-- are met: +-- +-- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +-- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +-- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +-- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +-- provided with the distribution. +-- +-- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE ZPU PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY +-- EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +-- THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A +-- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +-- ZPU PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, +-- INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +-- (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS +-- OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) +-- HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, +-- STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) +-- ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF +-- ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +-- +-- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation +-- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing +-- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project. + library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; -use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-library work;
-use work.zpu_config.all;
-use work.zpupkg.all;
-entity zpu_core is
+use ieee.numeric_std.all; + +library work; +use work.zpu_config.all; +use work.zpupkg.all; + + +entity zpu_core is port ( clk : in std_logic; -- asynchronous reset signal @@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ entity zpu_core is -- in simulation to stop simulation break : out std_logic ); -end zpu_core;
+end zpu_core; + + + architecture behave of zpu_core is -
+ signal memAWriteEnable : std_logic; signal memAAddr : unsigned(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit); signal memAWrite : unsigned(wordSize-1 downto 0); @@ -171,11 +171,11 @@ architecture behave of zpu_core is signal tOpcode_sel : index; -- signal inInterrupt : std_logic; -
+ + + +begin + -- generate a trace file. -- -- This is only used in simulation to see what instructions are @@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ begin end if; -- reset, enable end process; -
-end behave;
+ + + +end behave; diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zpu4/core/zpupkg.vhd b/zpu/hdl/zpu4/core/zpupkg.vhd index f6823f5..a6e749d 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/zpu4/core/zpupkg.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/zpu4/core/zpupkg.vhd @@ -1,47 +1,47 @@ --- ZPU
--- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com
--- The FreeBSD license
--- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
--- are met:
--- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
--- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
--- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
--- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
--- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
--- provided with the distribution.
--- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation
--- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing
--- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project.
+-- ZPU +-- +-- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com +-- +-- The FreeBSD license +-- +-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions +-- are met: +-- +-- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +-- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +-- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +-- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +-- provided with the distribution. +-- +-- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE ZPU PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY +-- EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +-- THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A +-- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +-- ZPU PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, +-- INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +-- (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS +-- OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) +-- HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, +-- STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) +-- ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF +-- ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +-- +-- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation +-- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing +-- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project. + library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; -use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-library work;
-use work.zpu_config.all;
- -package zpupkg is
+use ieee.numeric_std.all; + +library work; +use work.zpu_config.all; + + +package zpupkg is + -- This bit is set for read/writes to IO -- FIX!!! eventually this should be set to wordSize-1 so as to -- to make the address of IO independent of amount of memory @@ -215,4 +215,4 @@ package zpupkg is -end zpupkg;
+end zpupkg; diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/clocks.vhd b/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/clocks.vhd index a352b3c..704d790 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/clocks.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/clocks.vhd @@ -1,246 +1,246 @@ -library IEEE;
-library UNISIM;
-use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
-entity clocks is
- port ( areset : in std_logic;
- cpu_clk_p : in std_logic;
- sdr_clk_fb_p : in std_logic;
- cpu_clk : out std_logic;
- cpu_clk_2x : out std_logic;
- cpu_clk_4x : out std_logic;
- ddr_in_clk : out std_logic;
- ddr_in_clk_2x : out std_logic;
- locked : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0));
-end clocks;
-architecture behave of clocks is
-signal low : std_logic;
-signal cpu_clk_in : std_logic;
-signal sdr_clk_fb_in : std_logic;
-signal dcm_cpu1 : std_logic;
-signal dcm_cpu2 : std_logic;
-signal dcm_cpu2_dum : std_logic;
-signal dcm_cpu4 : std_logic;
-signal dcm_ddr2 : std_logic;
-signal dcm_ddr2_2x : std_logic;
-signal cpu_clk_int : std_logic;
-signal cpu_clk_2x_int : std_logic;
-signal cpu_clk_2x_dum_int : std_logic;
-signal cpu_clk_4x_int : std_logic;
-signal ddr_in_clk_int : std_logic;
-signal ddr_in_clk_2x_int : std_logic;
-signal dcm1_locked_del : std_logic;
-signal dcm2_locked_del : std_logic;
-signal dcm2_reset : std_logic;
-signal dcm3_reset : std_logic;
-signal locked_int : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
-signal del_addr : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
- low <= '0';
- del_addr <= "1111";
- cpu_clk <= cpu_clk_int;
- cpu_clk_2x <= cpu_clk_2x_int;
- cpu_clk_4x <= cpu_clk_4x_int;
- ddr_in_clk <= ddr_in_clk_int;
- ddr_in_clk_2x <= ddr_in_clk_2x_int;
- locked <= locked_int;
- IBUFG port map (
- O => cpu_clk_in,
- I => cpu_clk_p);
- IBUFG port map (
- O => sdr_clk_fb_in,
- I => sdr_clk_fb_p);
- dcm2_rst:
- SRL16 generic map (
- INIT => X"0000")
- port map (
- Q => dcm1_locked_del,
- A0 => del_addr(0),
- A1 => del_addr(1),
- A2 => del_addr(2),
- A3 => del_addr(3),
- CLK => cpu_clk_int,
- D => locked_int(0));
- dcm2_reset <= not(dcm1_locked_del);
- dcm3_rst:
- SRL16 generic map (
- INIT => X"0000")
- port map (
- Q => dcm2_locked_del,
- A0 => del_addr(0),
- A1 => del_addr(1),
- A2 => del_addr(2),
- A3 => del_addr(3),
- CLK => cpu_clk_int,
- D => locked_int(1));
- dcm3_reset <= not(dcm2_locked_del);
- cpu1_dcm:
- DCM generic map (
- CLKDV_DIVIDE => 2.0, -- Divide by: 1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,3.5,4.0,4.5,5.0,5.5,6.0,6.5
- -- 7.0,7.5,8.0,9.0,10.0,11.0,12.0,13.0,14.0,15.0 or 16.0
- CLKFX_DIVIDE => 1, -- Can be any interger from 1 to 32
- CLKFX_MULTIPLY => 4, -- Can be any integer from 1 to 32
- CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 => FALSE, -- TRUE/FALSE to enable CLKIN divide by two feature
- CLKIN_PERIOD => 15.625, -- Specify period of input clock
- CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT => "NONE", -- Specify phase shift of NONE, FIXED or VARIABLE
- CLK_FEEDBACK => "1X", -- Specify clock feedback of NONE, 1X or 2X
- -- an integer from 0 to 15
- DFS_FREQUENCY_MODE => "LOW", -- HIGH or LOW frequency mode for frequency synthesis
- DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE => "LOW", -- HIGH or LOW frequency mode for DLL
- DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION => TRUE, -- Duty cycle correction, TRUE or FALSE
- FACTORY_JF => X"8080", -- FACTORY JF Values
- PHASE_SHIFT => 0, -- Amount of fixed phase shift from -255 to 255
- STARTUP_WAIT => FALSE) -- Delay configuration DONE until DCM LOCK, TRUE/FALSE
- port map (
- CLK0 => dcm_cpu1, -- 0 degree DCM CLK ouptput
- CLK180 => open, -- 180 degree DCM CLK output
- CLK270 => open, -- 270 degree DCM CLK output
- CLK2X => dcm_cpu2, -- 2X DCM CLK output
- CLK2X180 => open, -- 2X, 180 degree DCM CLK out
- CLK90 => open, -- 90 degree DCM CLK output
- CLKDV => open, -- Divided DCM CLK out (CLKDV_DIVIDE)
- CLKFX => open, -- DCM CLK synthesis out (M/D)
- CLKFX180 => open, -- 180 degree CLK synthesis out
- LOCKED => locked_int(0), -- DCM LOCK status output
- PSDONE => open, -- Dynamic phase adjust done output
- STATUS => open, -- 8-bit DCM status bits output
- CLKFB => cpu_clk_int, -- DCM clock feedback
- CLKIN => cpu_clk_in, -- Clock input (from IBUFG, BUFG or DCM)
- PSCLK => low, -- Dynamic phase adjust clock input
- PSEN => low, -- Dynamic phase adjust enable input
- PSINCDEC => low, -- Dynamic phase adjust increment/decrement
- RST => areset); -- DCM asynchronous reset input
- cpu2_dcm:
- DCM generic map (
- CLKDV_DIVIDE => 2.0, -- Divide by: 1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,3.5,4.0,4.5,5.0,5.5,6.0,6.5
- -- 7.0,7.5,8.0,9.0,10.0,11.0,12.0,13.0,14.0,15.0 or 16.0
- CLKFX_DIVIDE => 1, -- Can be any interger from 1 to 32
- CLKFX_MULTIPLY => 4, -- Can be any integer from 1 to 32
- CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 => FALSE, -- TRUE/FALSE to enable CLKIN divide by two feature
- CLKIN_PERIOD => 7.8125, -- Specify period of input clock
- CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT => "NONE", -- Specify phase shift of NONE, FIXED or VARIABLE
- CLK_FEEDBACK => "1X", -- Specify clock feedback of NONE, 1X or 2X
- -- an integer from 0 to 15
- DFS_FREQUENCY_MODE => "LOW", -- HIGH or LOW frequency mode for frequency synthesis
- DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE => "LOW", -- HIGH or LOW frequency mode for DLL
- DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION => TRUE, -- Duty cycle correction, TRUE or FALSE
- FACTORY_JF => X"8080", -- FACTORY JF Values
- PHASE_SHIFT => 0, -- Amount of fixed phase shift from -255 to 255
- STARTUP_WAIT => FALSE) -- Delay configuration DONE until DCM LOCK, TRUE/FALSE
- port map (
- CLK0 => dcm_cpu2_dum, -- 0 degree DCM CLK ouptput
- CLK180 => open, -- 180 degree DCM CLK output
- CLK270 => open, -- 270 degree DCM CLK output
- CLK2X => dcm_cpu4, -- 2X DCM CLK output
- CLK2X180 => open, -- 2X, 180 degree DCM CLK out
- CLK90 => open, -- 90 degree DCM CLK output
- CLKDV => open, -- Divided DCM CLK out (CLKDV_DIVIDE)
- CLKFX => open, -- DCM CLK synthesis out (M/D)
- CLKFX180 => open, -- 180 degree CLK synthesis out
- LOCKED => locked_int(1), -- DCM LOCK status output
- PSDONE => open, -- Dynamic phase adjust done output
- STATUS => open, -- 8-bit DCM status bits output
- CLKFB => cpu_clk_2x_dum_int, -- DCM clock feedback
- CLKIN => cpu_clk_2x_int, -- Clock input (from IBUFG, BUFG or DCM)
- PSCLK => low, -- Dynamic phase adjust clock input
- PSEN => low, -- Dynamic phase adjust enable input
- PSINCDEC => low, -- Dynamic phase adjust increment/decrement
- RST => dcm2_reset); -- DCM asynchronous reset input
- ddr_read_dcm:
- DCM generic map (
- CLKDV_DIVIDE => 2.0, -- Divide by: 1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,3.5,4.0,4.5,5.0,5.5,6.0,6.5
- -- 7.0,7.5,8.0,9.0,10.0,11.0,12.0,13.0,14.0,15.0 or 16.0
- CLKFX_DIVIDE => 1, -- Can be any interger from 1 to 32
- CLKFX_MULTIPLY => 4, -- Can be any integer from 1 to 32
- CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 => FALSE, -- TRUE/FALSE to enable CLKIN divide by two feature
- CLKIN_PERIOD => 7.8125, -- Specify period of input clock
- CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT => "FIXED", -- Specify phase shift of NONE, FIXED or VARIABLE
--- CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT => "NONE", -- Specify phase shift of NONE, FIXED or VARIABLE
- CLK_FEEDBACK => "1X", -- Specify clock feedback of NONE, 1X or 2X
- -- an integer from 0 to 15
- DFS_FREQUENCY_MODE => "LOW", -- HIGH or LOW frequency mode for frequency synthesis
- DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE => "LOW", -- HIGH or LOW frequency mode for DLL
- DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION => TRUE, -- Duty cycle correction, TRUE or FALSE
- FACTORY_JF => X"8080", -- FACTORY JF Values
- PHASE_SHIFT => 103, -- Amount of fixed phase shift from -255 to 255
--- PHASE_SHIFT => 0, -- Amount of fixed phase shift from -255 to 255
- STARTUP_WAIT => FALSE) -- Delay configuration DONE until DCM LOCK, TRUE/FALSE
- port map (
- CLK0 => dcm_ddr2, -- 0 degree DCM CLK ouptput
- CLK180 => open, -- 180 degree DCM CLK output
- CLK270 => open, -- 270 degree DCM CLK output
- CLK2X => dcm_ddr2_2x, -- 2X DCM CLK output
- CLK2X180 => open, -- 2X, 180 degree DCM CLK out
- CLK90 => open, -- 90 degree DCM CLK output
- CLKDV => open, -- Divided DCM CLK out (CLKDV_DIVIDE)
- CLKFX => open, -- DCM CLK synthesis out (M/D)
- CLKFX180 => open, -- 180 degree CLK synthesis out
- LOCKED => locked_int(2), -- DCM LOCK status output
- PSDONE => open, -- Dynamic phase adjust done output
- STATUS => open, -- 8-bit DCM status bits output
- CLKFB => ddr_in_clk_int, -- DCM clock feedback
- CLKIN => sdr_clk_fb_in, -- Clock input (from IBUFG, BUFG or DCM)
- PSCLK => low, -- Dynamic phase adjust clock input
- PSEN => low, -- Dynamic phase adjust enable input
- PSINCDEC => low, -- Dynamic phase adjust increment/decrement
- RST => dcm3_reset); -- DCM asynchronous reset input
- cpu1:
- BUFG port map (
- I => dcm_cpu1,
- O => cpu_clk_int);
- cpu2:
- BUFG port map (
- I => dcm_cpu2,
- O => cpu_clk_2x_int);
- cpu2_dum:
- BUFG port map (
- I => dcm_cpu2_dum,
- O => cpu_clk_2x_dum_int);
- cpu4:
- BUFG port map (
- I => dcm_cpu4,
- O => cpu_clk_4x_int);
- ddr_clk:
- BUFG port map (
- I => dcm_ddr2,
- O => ddr_in_clk_int);
- ddr_clk_2x:
- BUFG port map (
- I => dcm_ddr2_2x,
- O => ddr_in_clk_2x_int);
+library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; + +library UNISIM; +use UNISIM.vcomponents.all; + +entity clocks is + port ( areset : in std_logic; + cpu_clk_p : in std_logic; + sdr_clk_fb_p : in std_logic; + cpu_clk : out std_logic; + cpu_clk_2x : out std_logic; + cpu_clk_4x : out std_logic; + ddr_in_clk : out std_logic; + ddr_in_clk_2x : out std_logic; + locked : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0)); +end clocks; + +architecture behave of clocks is + +signal low : std_logic; + +signal cpu_clk_in : std_logic; +signal sdr_clk_fb_in : std_logic; + +signal dcm_cpu1 : std_logic; +signal dcm_cpu2 : std_logic; +signal dcm_cpu2_dum : std_logic; +signal dcm_cpu4 : std_logic; +signal dcm_ddr2 : std_logic; +signal dcm_ddr2_2x : std_logic; + +signal cpu_clk_int : std_logic; +signal cpu_clk_2x_int : std_logic; +signal cpu_clk_2x_dum_int : std_logic; +signal cpu_clk_4x_int : std_logic; +signal ddr_in_clk_int : std_logic; +signal ddr_in_clk_2x_int : std_logic; + +signal dcm1_locked_del : std_logic; +signal dcm2_locked_del : std_logic; +signal dcm2_reset : std_logic; +signal dcm3_reset : std_logic; + +signal locked_int : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); +signal del_addr : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + +begin + + low <= '0'; + del_addr <= "1111"; + + cpu_clk <= cpu_clk_int; + cpu_clk_2x <= cpu_clk_2x_int; + cpu_clk_4x <= cpu_clk_4x_int; + ddr_in_clk <= ddr_in_clk_int; + ddr_in_clk_2x <= ddr_in_clk_2x_int; + locked <= locked_int; + + + CPU_IBUFG: + IBUFG port map ( + O => cpu_clk_in, + I => cpu_clk_p); + + SDR_FB_IBUFG: + IBUFG port map ( + O => sdr_clk_fb_in, + I => sdr_clk_fb_p); + + dcm2_rst: + SRL16 generic map ( + INIT => X"0000") + port map ( + Q => dcm1_locked_del, + A0 => del_addr(0), + A1 => del_addr(1), + A2 => del_addr(2), + A3 => del_addr(3), + CLK => cpu_clk_int, + D => locked_int(0)); + + dcm2_reset <= not(dcm1_locked_del); + + dcm3_rst: + SRL16 generic map ( + INIT => X"0000") + port map ( + Q => dcm2_locked_del, + A0 => del_addr(0), + A1 => del_addr(1), + A2 => del_addr(2), + A3 => del_addr(3), + CLK => cpu_clk_int, + D => locked_int(1)); + + dcm3_reset <= not(dcm2_locked_del); + + cpu1_dcm: + DCM generic map ( + CLKDV_DIVIDE => 2.0, -- Divide by: 1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,3.5,4.0,4.5,5.0,5.5,6.0,6.5 + -- 7.0,7.5,8.0,9.0,10.0,11.0,12.0,13.0,14.0,15.0 or 16.0 + CLKFX_DIVIDE => 1, -- Can be any interger from 1 to 32 + CLKFX_MULTIPLY => 4, -- Can be any integer from 1 to 32 + CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 => FALSE, -- TRUE/FALSE to enable CLKIN divide by two feature + CLKIN_PERIOD => 15.625, -- Specify period of input clock + CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT => "NONE", -- Specify phase shift of NONE, FIXED or VARIABLE + CLK_FEEDBACK => "1X", -- Specify clock feedback of NONE, 1X or 2X + DESKEW_ADJUST => "SYSTEM_SYNCHRONOUS", -- SOURCE_SYNCHRONOUS, SYSTEM_SYNCHRONOUS or + -- an integer from 0 to 15 + DFS_FREQUENCY_MODE => "LOW", -- HIGH or LOW frequency mode for frequency synthesis + DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE => "LOW", -- HIGH or LOW frequency mode for DLL + DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION => TRUE, -- Duty cycle correction, TRUE or FALSE + FACTORY_JF => X"8080", -- FACTORY JF Values + PHASE_SHIFT => 0, -- Amount of fixed phase shift from -255 to 255 + STARTUP_WAIT => FALSE) -- Delay configuration DONE until DCM LOCK, TRUE/FALSE + port map ( + CLK0 => dcm_cpu1, -- 0 degree DCM CLK ouptput + CLK180 => open, -- 180 degree DCM CLK output + CLK270 => open, -- 270 degree DCM CLK output + CLK2X => dcm_cpu2, -- 2X DCM CLK output + CLK2X180 => open, -- 2X, 180 degree DCM CLK out + CLK90 => open, -- 90 degree DCM CLK output + CLKDV => open, -- Divided DCM CLK out (CLKDV_DIVIDE) + CLKFX => open, -- DCM CLK synthesis out (M/D) + CLKFX180 => open, -- 180 degree CLK synthesis out + LOCKED => locked_int(0), -- DCM LOCK status output + PSDONE => open, -- Dynamic phase adjust done output + STATUS => open, -- 8-bit DCM status bits output + CLKFB => cpu_clk_int, -- DCM clock feedback + CLKIN => cpu_clk_in, -- Clock input (from IBUFG, BUFG or DCM) + PSCLK => low, -- Dynamic phase adjust clock input + PSEN => low, -- Dynamic phase adjust enable input + PSINCDEC => low, -- Dynamic phase adjust increment/decrement + RST => areset); -- DCM asynchronous reset input + + cpu2_dcm: + DCM generic map ( + CLKDV_DIVIDE => 2.0, -- Divide by: 1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,3.5,4.0,4.5,5.0,5.5,6.0,6.5 + -- 7.0,7.5,8.0,9.0,10.0,11.0,12.0,13.0,14.0,15.0 or 16.0 + CLKFX_DIVIDE => 1, -- Can be any interger from 1 to 32 + CLKFX_MULTIPLY => 4, -- Can be any integer from 1 to 32 + CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 => FALSE, -- TRUE/FALSE to enable CLKIN divide by two feature + CLKIN_PERIOD => 7.8125, -- Specify period of input clock + CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT => "NONE", -- Specify phase shift of NONE, FIXED or VARIABLE + CLK_FEEDBACK => "1X", -- Specify clock feedback of NONE, 1X or 2X + DESKEW_ADJUST => "SYSTEM_SYNCHRONOUS", -- SOURCE_SYNCHRONOUS, SYSTEM_SYNCHRONOUS or + -- an integer from 0 to 15 + DFS_FREQUENCY_MODE => "LOW", -- HIGH or LOW frequency mode for frequency synthesis + DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE => "LOW", -- HIGH or LOW frequency mode for DLL + DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION => TRUE, -- Duty cycle correction, TRUE or FALSE + FACTORY_JF => X"8080", -- FACTORY JF Values + PHASE_SHIFT => 0, -- Amount of fixed phase shift from -255 to 255 + STARTUP_WAIT => FALSE) -- Delay configuration DONE until DCM LOCK, TRUE/FALSE + port map ( + CLK0 => dcm_cpu2_dum, -- 0 degree DCM CLK ouptput + CLK180 => open, -- 180 degree DCM CLK output + CLK270 => open, -- 270 degree DCM CLK output + CLK2X => dcm_cpu4, -- 2X DCM CLK output + CLK2X180 => open, -- 2X, 180 degree DCM CLK out + CLK90 => open, -- 90 degree DCM CLK output + CLKDV => open, -- Divided DCM CLK out (CLKDV_DIVIDE) + CLKFX => open, -- DCM CLK synthesis out (M/D) + CLKFX180 => open, -- 180 degree CLK synthesis out + LOCKED => locked_int(1), -- DCM LOCK status output + PSDONE => open, -- Dynamic phase adjust done output + STATUS => open, -- 8-bit DCM status bits output + CLKFB => cpu_clk_2x_dum_int, -- DCM clock feedback + CLKIN => cpu_clk_2x_int, -- Clock input (from IBUFG, BUFG or DCM) + PSCLK => low, -- Dynamic phase adjust clock input + PSEN => low, -- Dynamic phase adjust enable input + PSINCDEC => low, -- Dynamic phase adjust increment/decrement + RST => dcm2_reset); -- DCM asynchronous reset input + + ddr_read_dcm: + DCM generic map ( + CLKDV_DIVIDE => 2.0, -- Divide by: 1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,3.5,4.0,4.5,5.0,5.5,6.0,6.5 + -- 7.0,7.5,8.0,9.0,10.0,11.0,12.0,13.0,14.0,15.0 or 16.0 + CLKFX_DIVIDE => 1, -- Can be any interger from 1 to 32 + CLKFX_MULTIPLY => 4, -- Can be any integer from 1 to 32 + CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 => FALSE, -- TRUE/FALSE to enable CLKIN divide by two feature + CLKIN_PERIOD => 7.8125, -- Specify period of input clock + CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT => "FIXED", -- Specify phase shift of NONE, FIXED or VARIABLE +-- CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT => "NONE", -- Specify phase shift of NONE, FIXED or VARIABLE + CLK_FEEDBACK => "1X", -- Specify clock feedback of NONE, 1X or 2X + DESKEW_ADJUST => "SYSTEM_SYNCHRONOUS", -- SOURCE_SYNCHRONOUS, SYSTEM_SYNCHRONOUS or + -- an integer from 0 to 15 + DFS_FREQUENCY_MODE => "LOW", -- HIGH or LOW frequency mode for frequency synthesis + DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE => "LOW", -- HIGH or LOW frequency mode for DLL + DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION => TRUE, -- Duty cycle correction, TRUE or FALSE + FACTORY_JF => X"8080", -- FACTORY JF Values + PHASE_SHIFT => 103, -- Amount of fixed phase shift from -255 to 255 +-- PHASE_SHIFT => 0, -- Amount of fixed phase shift from -255 to 255 + STARTUP_WAIT => FALSE) -- Delay configuration DONE until DCM LOCK, TRUE/FALSE + port map ( + CLK0 => dcm_ddr2, -- 0 degree DCM CLK ouptput + CLK180 => open, -- 180 degree DCM CLK output + CLK270 => open, -- 270 degree DCM CLK output + CLK2X => dcm_ddr2_2x, -- 2X DCM CLK output + CLK2X180 => open, -- 2X, 180 degree DCM CLK out + CLK90 => open, -- 90 degree DCM CLK output + CLKDV => open, -- Divided DCM CLK out (CLKDV_DIVIDE) + CLKFX => open, -- DCM CLK synthesis out (M/D) + CLKFX180 => open, -- 180 degree CLK synthesis out + LOCKED => locked_int(2), -- DCM LOCK status output + PSDONE => open, -- Dynamic phase adjust done output + STATUS => open, -- 8-bit DCM status bits output + CLKFB => ddr_in_clk_int, -- DCM clock feedback + CLKIN => sdr_clk_fb_in, -- Clock input (from IBUFG, BUFG or DCM) + PSCLK => low, -- Dynamic phase adjust clock input + PSEN => low, -- Dynamic phase adjust enable input + PSINCDEC => low, -- Dynamic phase adjust increment/decrement + RST => dcm3_reset); -- DCM asynchronous reset input + + cpu1: + BUFG port map ( + I => dcm_cpu1, + O => cpu_clk_int); + + cpu2: + BUFG port map ( + I => dcm_cpu2, + O => cpu_clk_2x_int); + + cpu2_dum: + BUFG port map ( + I => dcm_cpu2_dum, + O => cpu_clk_2x_dum_int); + + cpu4: + BUFG port map ( + I => dcm_cpu4, + O => cpu_clk_4x_int); + + ddr_clk: + BUFG port map ( + I => dcm_ddr2, + O => ddr_in_clk_int); + + ddr_clk_2x: + BUFG port map ( + I => dcm_ddr2_2x, + O => ddr_in_clk_2x_int); + end behave;
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/io.vhd b/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/io.vhd index a0e494a..159df6f 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/io.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/io.vhd @@ -1,112 +1,112 @@ -library ieee;
-use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use std.textio.all;
-library work;
-use work.zpu_config.all;
-use work.zpupkg.all;
-use work.txt_util.all;
-entity zpu_io is
- generic (
- log_file: string := "log.txt"
- );
- port(
- clk : in std_logic;
- areset : in std_logic;
- busy : out std_logic;
- writeEnable : in std_logic;
- readEnable : in std_logic;
- write : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- read : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- addr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit)
- );
-end zpu_io;
-architecture behave of zpu_io is
-signal timer_read : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
---signal timer_write : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-signal timer_we : std_logic;
-signal serving : std_logic;
-file l_file : TEXT open write_mode is log_file;
-constant lowAddrBits: std_logic_vector(minAddrBit-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
-constant tx_full: std_logic := '0';
-constant rx_empty: std_logic := '1';
- timerinst: timer port map (
- clk => clk,
- areset => areset,
- we => timer_we,
- din => write(7 downto 0),
- adr => addr(4 downto 2),
- dout => timer_read);
- busy <= writeEnable or readEnable;
- timer_we <= writeEnable and addr(12);
- process(areset, clk)
- variable taddr : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto 0);
- begin
- taddr := (others => '0');
- taddr(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit) := addr;
- if (areset = '1') then
--- timer_we <= '0';
- elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
--- timer_we <= '0';
- if writeEnable = '1' then
- -- external interface (fixed address)
- --<JK> extend compare to avoid waring messages
- if ("1" & addr & lowAddrBits)=x"80a000c" then
- report "Write to UART[0]" & " :0x" & hstr(write);
- -- Write to UART
- -- report "" & character'image(conv_integer(memBint)) severity note;
- print(l_file, character'val(to_integer(unsigned(write))));
- elsif addr(12)='1' then
- report "Write to TIMER" & " :0x" & hstr(write);
--- report "xxx" severity failure;
--- timer_we <= '1';
- else
- print(l_file, character'val(to_integer(unsigned(write))));
- report "Illegal IO write @" & "0x" & hstr(taddr) severity warning;
- end if;
- end if;
- read <= (others => '0');
- if (readEnable = '1') then
- --<JK> extend compare to avoid waring messages
- if ("1" & addr & lowAddrBits)=x"80a000c" then
- report "Read UART[0]";
- read(8) <= not tx_full; -- output fifo not full
- read(9) <= not rx_empty; -- receiver not empty
- elsif ("1" & addr & lowAddrBits)=x"80a0010" then
- report "Read UART[1]";
- read(8) <= not rx_empty; -- receiver not empty
- read(7 downto 0) <= (others => '0');
- elsif addr(12)='1' then
- report "Read TIMER";
- read(7 downto 0) <= timer_read;
- elsif addr(11)='1' then
- report "Read ZPU Freq";
- read(7 downto 0) <= ZPU_Frequency;
- else
- report "Illegal IO read @" & "0x" & hstr(taddr) severity warning;
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
-end behave;
+library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.numeric_std.all; + +use std.textio.all; + +library work; +use work.zpu_config.all; +use work.zpupkg.all; +use work.txt_util.all; + +entity zpu_io is + generic ( + log_file: string := "log.txt" + ); + port( + clk : in std_logic; + areset : in std_logic; + busy : out std_logic; + writeEnable : in std_logic; + readEnable : in std_logic; + write : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + read : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + addr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit) + ); +end zpu_io; + + +architecture behave of zpu_io is + + + +signal timer_read : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); +--signal timer_write : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); +signal timer_we : std_logic; + +signal serving : std_logic; + +file l_file : TEXT open write_mode is log_file; +constant lowAddrBits: std_logic_vector(minAddrBit-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); +constant tx_full: std_logic := '0'; +constant rx_empty: std_logic := '1'; + +begin + + + timerinst: timer port map ( + clk => clk, + areset => areset, + we => timer_we, + din => write(7 downto 0), + adr => addr(4 downto 2), + dout => timer_read); + + busy <= writeEnable or readEnable; + timer_we <= writeEnable and addr(12); + + process(areset, clk) + variable taddr : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto 0); + begin + taddr := (others => '0'); + taddr(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit) := addr; + + if (areset = '1') then +-- timer_we <= '0'; + elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then +-- timer_we <= '0'; + if writeEnable = '1' then + -- external interface (fixed address) + --<JK> extend compare to avoid waring messages + if ("1" & addr & lowAddrBits)=x"80a000c" then + report "Write to UART[0]" & " :0x" & hstr(write); + -- Write to UART + -- report "" & character'image(conv_integer(memBint)) severity note; + print(l_file, character'val(to_integer(unsigned(write)))); + elsif addr(12)='1' then + report "Write to TIMER" & " :0x" & hstr(write); +-- report "xxx" severity failure; +-- timer_we <= '1'; + else + print(l_file, character'val(to_integer(unsigned(write)))); + report "Illegal IO write @" & "0x" & hstr(taddr) severity warning; + end if; + + end if; + read <= (others => '0'); + if (readEnable = '1') then + --<JK> extend compare to avoid waring messages + if ("1" & addr & lowAddrBits)=x"80a000c" then + report "Read UART[0]"; + read(8) <= not tx_full; -- output fifo not full + read(9) <= not rx_empty; -- receiver not empty + elsif ("1" & addr & lowAddrBits)=x"80a0010" then + report "Read UART[1]"; + read(8) <= not rx_empty; -- receiver not empty + read(7 downto 0) <= (others => '0'); + elsif addr(12)='1' then + report "Read TIMER"; + read(7 downto 0) <= timer_read; + elsif addr(11)='1' then + report "Read ZPU Freq"; + read(7 downto 0) <= ZPU_Frequency; + else + report "Illegal IO read @" & "0x" & hstr(taddr) severity warning; + end if; + end if; + end if; + end process; + + +end behave; + diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/timer.vhd b/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/timer.vhd index be1dbb8..c60c172 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/timer.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/timer.vhd @@ -1,61 +1,61 @@ -library ieee;
-use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-entity timer is
- port(
- clk : in std_logic;
- areset : in std_logic;
- we : in std_logic;
- din : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- adr : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
- dout : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));
-end timer;
-architecture behave of timer is
-signal sample : std_logic;
-signal reset : std_logic;
-signal cnt : unsigned(63 downto 0);
-signal cnt_smp : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
- reset <= '1' when (we = '1' and din(0) = '1') else '0';
- sample <= '1' when (we = '1' and din(1) = '1') else '0';
- process(clk, areset) -- Carry generation
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- cnt <= (others => '0');
- cnt_smp <= (others => '0');
- elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
- cnt <= cnt + 1;
- if sample = '1' then
--- report "sampling" severity failure;
- cnt_smp <= std_logic_vector(cnt);
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- process(cnt_smp, adr)
- begin
- case adr is
- when "000" => dout <= cnt_smp(7 downto 0);
- when "001" => dout <= cnt_smp(15 downto 8);
- when "010" => dout <= cnt_smp(23 downto 16);
- when "011" => dout <= cnt_smp(31 downto 24);
- when "100" => dout <= cnt_smp(39 downto 32);
- when "101" => dout <= cnt_smp(47 downto 40);
- when "110" => dout <= cnt_smp(55 downto 48);
- when others => dout <= cnt_smp(63 downto 56);
- end case;
- end process;
-end behave;
+library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.numeric_std.all; + +entity timer is + port( + clk : in std_logic; + areset : in std_logic; + we : in std_logic; + din : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); + adr : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); + dout : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); +end timer; + + +architecture behave of timer is + +signal sample : std_logic; +signal reset : std_logic; + + +signal cnt : unsigned(63 downto 0); +signal cnt_smp : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); + +begin + + reset <= '1' when (we = '1' and din(0) = '1') else '0'; + sample <= '1' when (we = '1' and din(1) = '1') else '0'; + + process(clk, areset) -- Carry generation + begin + if areset = '1' then + cnt <= (others => '0'); + cnt_smp <= (others => '0'); + elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then + cnt <= cnt + 1; + if sample = '1' then +-- report "sampling" severity failure; + cnt_smp <= std_logic_vector(cnt); + end if; + end if; + end process; + + + process(cnt_smp, adr) + begin + case adr is + when "000" => dout <= cnt_smp(7 downto 0); + when "001" => dout <= cnt_smp(15 downto 8); + when "010" => dout <= cnt_smp(23 downto 16); + when "011" => dout <= cnt_smp(31 downto 24); + when "100" => dout <= cnt_smp(39 downto 32); + when "101" => dout <= cnt_smp(47 downto 40); + when "110" => dout <= cnt_smp(55 downto 48); + when others => dout <= cnt_smp(63 downto 56); + end case; + end process; + + +end behave; + diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/trace.vhd b/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/trace.vhd index 2413970..00ac3a8 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/trace.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/trace.vhd @@ -1,117 +1,117 @@ --- ZPU
--- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com
--- The FreeBSD license
--- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
--- are met:
--- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
--- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
--- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
--- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
--- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
--- provided with the distribution.
--- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation
--- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing
--- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project.
-library ieee;
-use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use std.textio.all;
-library work;
-use work.zpu_config.all;
-use work.zpupkg.all;
-use work.txt_util.all;
-entity trace is
- generic (
- log_file: string := "trace.txt"
- );
- port(
- clk : in std_logic;
- begin_inst : in std_logic;
- pc : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0);
- opcode : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- sp : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 2);
- memA : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- memB : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- busy : in std_logic;
- intSp : in std_logic_vector(stack_bits-1 downto 0)
- );
-end trace;
-architecture behave of trace is
-file l_file : TEXT open write_mode is log_file;
--- write data and control information to a file
-receive_data: process
-variable l: line;
-variable t : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-variable t2 : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0);
-variable counter : unsigned(63 downto 0);
- t:= (others => '0');
- t2:= (others => '0');
-counter := (others => '0');
- -- print header for the logfile
- print(l_file, "#pc,opcode,sp,top_of_stack ");
- print(l_file, "#----------");
- print(l_file, " ");
- wait until clk = '1';
- wait until clk = '0';
- while true loop
- counter := counter + 1;
- if begin_inst = '1' then
- t(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 2):=sp;
- t2:=pc;
- print(l_file, "0x" & hstr(t2) & " 0x" & hstr(opcode) & " 0x" & hstr(t) & " 0x" & hstr(memA) & " 0x" & hstr(memB) & " 0x" & hstr(intSp) & " 0x" & hstr(std_logic_vector(counter)));
- end if;
- wait until clk = '0';
- end loop;
- end process receive_data;
-end behave;
+-- ZPU +-- +-- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com +-- +-- The FreeBSD license +-- +-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions +-- are met: +-- +-- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +-- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +-- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +-- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +-- provided with the distribution. +-- +-- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE ZPU PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY +-- EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +-- THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A +-- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +-- ZPU PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, +-- INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +-- (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS +-- OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) +-- HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, +-- STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) +-- ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF +-- ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +-- +-- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation +-- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing +-- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project. + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.numeric_std.all; + +use std.textio.all; + +library work; +use work.zpu_config.all; +use work.zpupkg.all; +use work.txt_util.all; + + +entity trace is + generic ( + log_file: string := "trace.txt" + ); + port( + clk : in std_logic; + begin_inst : in std_logic; + pc : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0); + opcode : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); + sp : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 2); + memA : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + memB : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + busy : in std_logic; + intSp : in std_logic_vector(stack_bits-1 downto 0) + ); +end trace; + + +architecture behave of trace is + + +file l_file : TEXT open write_mode is log_file; + + +begin + + +-- write data and control information to a file + +receive_data: process + +variable l: line; +variable t : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); +variable t2 : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0); +variable counter : unsigned(63 downto 0); + + + +begin + + t:= (others => '0'); + t2:= (others => '0'); + +counter := (others => '0'); + -- print header for the logfile + print(l_file, "#pc,opcode,sp,top_of_stack "); + print(l_file, "#----------"); + print(l_file, " "); + + wait until clk = '1'; + wait until clk = '0'; + + while true loop + + counter := counter + 1; + if begin_inst = '1' then + t(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 2):=sp; + t2:=pc; + print(l_file, "0x" & hstr(t2) & " 0x" & hstr(opcode) & " 0x" & hstr(t) & " 0x" & hstr(memA) & " 0x" & hstr(memB) & " 0x" & hstr(intSp) & " 0x" & hstr(std_logic_vector(counter))); + end if; + + wait until clk = '0'; + + end loop; + + end process receive_data; + + + +end behave; + diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/txt_util.vhd b/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/txt_util.vhd index 3d5297a..6432294 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/txt_util.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/txt_util.vhd @@ -1,621 +1,621 @@ --- ZPU
--- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com
--- The FreeBSD license
--- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
--- are met:
--- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
--- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
--- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
--- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
--- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
--- provided with the distribution.
--- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation
--- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing
--- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project.
-library ieee;
-use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use std.textio.all;
-library work;
-package txt_util is
- -- prints a message to the screen
- procedure print(text: string);
- -- prints the message when active
- -- useful for debug switches
- procedure print(active: boolean; text: string);
- -- converts std_logic into a character
- function chr(sl: std_logic) return character;
- -- converts std_logic into a string (1 to 1)
- function str(sl: std_logic) return string;
- -- converts std_logic_vector into a string (binary base)
- function str(slv: std_logic_vector) return string;
- -- converts boolean into a string
- function str(b: boolean) return string;
- -- converts an integer into a single character
- -- (can also be used for hex conversion and other bases)
- function chr(int: integer) return character;
- -- converts integer into string using specified base
- function str(int: integer; base: integer) return string;
- -- converts integer to string, using base 10
- function str(int: integer) return string;
- -- convert std_logic_vector into a string in hex format
- function hstr(slv: std_logic_vector) return string;
- -- functions to manipulate strings
- -----------------------------------
- -- convert a character to upper case
- function to_upper(c: character) return character;
- -- convert a character to lower case
- function to_lower(c: character) return character;
- -- convert a string to upper case
- function to_upper(s: string) return string;
- -- convert a string to lower case
- function to_lower(s: string) return string;
- -- functions to convert strings into other formats
- --------------------------------------------------
- -- converts a character into std_logic
- function to_std_logic(c: character) return std_logic;
- -- converts a string into std_logic_vector
- function to_std_logic_vector(s: string) return std_logic_vector;
- -- file I/O
- -----------
- -- read variable length string from input file
- procedure str_read(file in_file: TEXT;
- res_string: out string);
- -- print string to a file and start new line
- procedure print(file out_file: TEXT;
- new_string: in string);
- -- print character to a file and start new line
- procedure print(file out_file: TEXT;
- char: in character);
-end txt_util;
-package body txt_util is
- -- prints text to the screen
- procedure print(text: string) is
- variable msg_line: line;
- begin
- write(msg_line, text);
- writeline(output, msg_line);
- end print;
- -- prints text to the screen when active
- procedure print(active: boolean; text: string) is
- begin
- if active then
- print(text);
- end if;
- end print;
- -- converts std_logic into a character
- function chr(sl: std_logic) return character is
- variable c: character;
- begin
- case sl is
- when 'U' => c:= 'U';
- when 'X' => c:= 'X';
- when '0' => c:= '0';
- when '1' => c:= '1';
- when 'Z' => c:= 'Z';
- when 'W' => c:= 'W';
- when 'L' => c:= 'L';
- when 'H' => c:= 'H';
- when '-' => c:= '-';
- end case;
- return c;
- end chr;
- -- converts std_logic into a string (1 to 1)
- function str(sl: std_logic) return string is
- variable s: string(1 to 1);
- begin
- s(1) := chr(sl);
- return s;
- end str;
- -- converts std_logic_vector into a string (binary base)
- -- (this also takes care of the fact that the range of
- -- a string is natural while a std_logic_vector may
- -- have an integer range)
- function str(slv: std_logic_vector) return string is
- variable result : string (1 to slv'length);
- variable r : integer;
- begin
- r := 1;
- for i in slv'range loop
- result(r) := chr(slv(i));
- r := r + 1;
- end loop;
- return result;
- end str;
- function str(b: boolean) return string is
- begin
- if b then
- return "true";
- else
- return "false";
- end if;
- end str;
- -- converts an integer into a character
- -- for 0 to 9 the obvious mapping is used, higher
- -- values are mapped to the characters A-Z
- -- (this is usefull for systems with base > 10)
- -- (adapted from Steve Vogwell's posting in comp.lang.vhdl)
- function chr(int: integer) return character is
- variable c: character;
- begin
- case int is
- when 0 => c := '0';
- when 1 => c := '1';
- when 2 => c := '2';
- when 3 => c := '3';
- when 4 => c := '4';
- when 5 => c := '5';
- when 6 => c := '6';
- when 7 => c := '7';
- when 8 => c := '8';
- when 9 => c := '9';
- when 10 => c := 'A';
- when 11 => c := 'B';
- when 12 => c := 'C';
- when 13 => c := 'D';
- when 14 => c := 'E';
- when 15 => c := 'F';
- when 16 => c := 'G';
- when 17 => c := 'H';
- when 18 => c := 'I';
- when 19 => c := 'J';
- when 20 => c := 'K';
- when 21 => c := 'L';
- when 22 => c := 'M';
- when 23 => c := 'N';
- when 24 => c := 'O';
- when 25 => c := 'P';
- when 26 => c := 'Q';
- when 27 => c := 'R';
- when 28 => c := 'S';
- when 29 => c := 'T';
- when 30 => c := 'U';
- when 31 => c := 'V';
- when 32 => c := 'W';
- when 33 => c := 'X';
- when 34 => c := 'Y';
- when 35 => c := 'Z';
- when others => c := '?';
- end case;
- return c;
- end chr;
- -- convert integer to string using specified base
- -- (adapted from Steve Vogwell's posting in comp.lang.vhdl)
- function str(int: integer; base: integer) return string is
- variable temp: string(1 to 10);
- variable num: integer;
- variable abs_int: integer;
- variable len: integer := 1;
- variable power: integer := 1;
- begin
- -- bug fix for negative numbers
- abs_int := abs(int);
- num := abs_int;
- while num >= base loop -- Determine how many
- len := len + 1; -- characters required
- num := num / base; -- to represent the
- end loop ; -- number.
- for i in len downto 1 loop -- Convert the number to
- temp(i) := chr(abs_int/power mod base); -- a string starting
- power := power * base; -- with the right hand
- end loop ; -- side.
- -- return result and add sign if required
- if int < 0 then
- return '-'& temp(1 to len);
- else
- return temp(1 to len);
- end if;
- end str;
- -- convert integer to string, using base 10
- function str(int: integer) return string is
- begin
- return str(int, 10) ;
- end str;
- -- converts a std_logic_vector into a hex string.
- function hstr(slv: std_logic_vector) return string is
- variable hexlen: integer;
- variable longslv : std_logic_vector(67 downto 0) := (others => '0');
- variable hex : string(1 to 16);
- variable fourbit : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
- begin
- hexlen := (slv'left+1)/4;
- if (slv'left+1) mod 4 /= 0 then
- hexlen := hexlen + 1;
- end if;
- longslv(slv'left downto 0) := slv;
- for i in (hexlen -1) downto 0 loop
- fourbit := longslv(((i*4)+3) downto (i*4));
- case fourbit is
- when "0000" => hex(hexlen -I) := '0';
- when "0001" => hex(hexlen -I) := '1';
- when "0010" => hex(hexlen -I) := '2';
- when "0011" => hex(hexlen -I) := '3';
- when "0100" => hex(hexlen -I) := '4';
- when "0101" => hex(hexlen -I) := '5';
- when "0110" => hex(hexlen -I) := '6';
- when "0111" => hex(hexlen -I) := '7';
- when "1000" => hex(hexlen -I) := '8';
- when "1001" => hex(hexlen -I) := '9';
- when "1010" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'A';
- when "1011" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'B';
- when "1100" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'C';
- when "1101" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'D';
- when "1110" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'E';
- when "1111" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'F';
- when "ZZZZ" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'z';
- when "UUUU" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'u';
- when "XXXX" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'x';
- when others => hex(hexlen -I) := '?';
- end case;
- end loop;
- return hex(1 to hexlen);
- end hstr;
- -- functions to manipulate strings
- -----------------------------------
- -- convert a character to upper case
- function to_upper(c: character) return character is
- variable u: character;
- begin
- case c is
- when 'a' => u := 'A';
- when 'b' => u := 'B';
- when 'c' => u := 'C';
- when 'd' => u := 'D';
- when 'e' => u := 'E';
- when 'f' => u := 'F';
- when 'g' => u := 'G';
- when 'h' => u := 'H';
- when 'i' => u := 'I';
- when 'j' => u := 'J';
- when 'k' => u := 'K';
- when 'l' => u := 'L';
- when 'm' => u := 'M';
- when 'n' => u := 'N';
- when 'o' => u := 'O';
- when 'p' => u := 'P';
- when 'q' => u := 'Q';
- when 'r' => u := 'R';
- when 's' => u := 'S';
- when 't' => u := 'T';
- when 'u' => u := 'U';
- when 'v' => u := 'V';
- when 'w' => u := 'W';
- when 'x' => u := 'X';
- when 'y' => u := 'Y';
- when 'z' => u := 'Z';
- when others => u := c;
- end case;
- return u;
- end to_upper;
- -- convert a character to lower case
- function to_lower(c: character) return character is
- variable l: character;
- begin
- case c is
- when 'A' => l := 'a';
- when 'B' => l := 'b';
- when 'C' => l := 'c';
- when 'D' => l := 'd';
- when 'E' => l := 'e';
- when 'F' => l := 'f';
- when 'G' => l := 'g';
- when 'H' => l := 'h';
- when 'I' => l := 'i';
- when 'J' => l := 'j';
- when 'K' => l := 'k';
- when 'L' => l := 'l';
- when 'M' => l := 'm';
- when 'N' => l := 'n';
- when 'O' => l := 'o';
- when 'P' => l := 'p';
- when 'Q' => l := 'q';
- when 'R' => l := 'r';
- when 'S' => l := 's';
- when 'T' => l := 't';
- when 'U' => l := 'u';
- when 'V' => l := 'v';
- when 'W' => l := 'w';
- when 'X' => l := 'x';
- when 'Y' => l := 'y';
- when 'Z' => l := 'z';
- when others => l := c;
- end case;
- return l;
- end to_lower;
- -- convert a string to upper case
- function to_upper(s: string) return string is
- variable uppercase: string (s'range);
- begin
- for i in s'range loop
- uppercase(i):= to_upper(s(i));
- end loop;
- return uppercase;
- end to_upper;
- -- convert a string to lower case
- function to_lower(s: string) return string is
- variable lowercase: string (s'range);
- begin
- for i in s'range loop
- lowercase(i):= to_lower(s(i));
- end loop;
- return lowercase;
- end to_lower;
--- functions to convert strings into other types
--- converts a character into a std_logic
-function to_std_logic(c: character) return std_logic is
- variable sl: std_logic;
- begin
- case c is
- when 'U' =>
- sl := 'U';
- when 'X' =>
- sl := 'X';
- when '0' =>
- sl := '0';
- when '1' =>
- sl := '1';
- when 'Z' =>
- sl := 'Z';
- when 'W' =>
- sl := 'W';
- when 'L' =>
- sl := 'L';
- when 'H' =>
- sl := 'H';
- when '-' =>
- sl := '-';
- when others =>
- sl := 'X';
- end case;
- return sl;
- end to_std_logic;
--- converts a string into std_logic_vector
-function to_std_logic_vector(s: string) return std_logic_vector is
- variable slv: std_logic_vector(s'high-s'low downto 0);
- variable k: integer;
- k := s'high-s'low;
- for i in s'range loop
- slv(k) := to_std_logic(s(i));
- k := k - 1;
- end loop;
- return slv;
-end to_std_logic_vector;
--- file I/O --
--- read variable length string from input file
-procedure str_read(file in_file: TEXT;
- res_string: out string) is
- variable l: line;
- variable c: character;
- variable is_string: boolean;
- begin
- readline(in_file, l);
- -- clear the contents of the result string
- for i in res_string'range loop
- res_string(i) := ' ';
- end loop;
- -- read all characters of the line, up to the length
- -- of the results string
- for i in res_string'range loop
- read(l, c, is_string);
- res_string(i) := c;
- if not is_string then -- found end of line
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
-end str_read;
--- print string to a file
-procedure print(file out_file: TEXT;
- new_string: in string) is
- variable l: line;
- begin
- write(l, new_string);
- writeline(out_file, l);
-end print;
--- print character to a file and start new line
-procedure print(file out_file: TEXT;
- char: in character) is
- variable l: line;
- begin
- write(l, char);
- writeline(out_file, l);
-end print;
--- appends contents of a string to a file until line feed occurs
--- (LF is considered to be the end of the string)
-procedure str_write(file out_file: TEXT;
- new_string: in string) is
- begin
- for i in new_string'range loop
- print(out_file, new_string(i));
- if new_string(i) = LF then -- end of string
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
-end str_write;
-end txt_util;
+-- ZPU +-- +-- Copyright 2004-2008 oharboe - Øyvind Harboe - oyvind.harboe@zylin.com +-- +-- The FreeBSD license +-- +-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions +-- are met: +-- +-- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +-- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +-- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following +-- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials +-- provided with the distribution. +-- +-- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE ZPU PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY +-- EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +-- THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A +-- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +-- ZPU PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, +-- INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +-- (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS +-- OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) +-- HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, +-- STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) +-- ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF +-- ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +-- +-- The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation +-- are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing +-- official policies, either expressed or implied, of the ZPU Project. + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use std.textio.all; + +library work; + +package txt_util is + + -- prints a message to the screen + procedure print(text: string); + + -- prints the message when active + -- useful for debug switches + procedure print(active: boolean; text: string); + + -- converts std_logic into a character + function chr(sl: std_logic) return character; + + -- converts std_logic into a string (1 to 1) + function str(sl: std_logic) return string; + + -- converts std_logic_vector into a string (binary base) + function str(slv: std_logic_vector) return string; + + -- converts boolean into a string + function str(b: boolean) return string; + + -- converts an integer into a single character + -- (can also be used for hex conversion and other bases) + function chr(int: integer) return character; + + -- converts integer into string using specified base + function str(int: integer; base: integer) return string; + + -- converts integer to string, using base 10 + function str(int: integer) return string; + + -- convert std_logic_vector into a string in hex format + function hstr(slv: std_logic_vector) return string; + + + -- functions to manipulate strings + ----------------------------------- + + -- convert a character to upper case + function to_upper(c: character) return character; + + -- convert a character to lower case + function to_lower(c: character) return character; + + -- convert a string to upper case + function to_upper(s: string) return string; + + -- convert a string to lower case + function to_lower(s: string) return string; + + + + -- functions to convert strings into other formats + -------------------------------------------------- + + -- converts a character into std_logic + function to_std_logic(c: character) return std_logic; + + -- converts a string into std_logic_vector + function to_std_logic_vector(s: string) return std_logic_vector; + + + + -- file I/O + ----------- + + -- read variable length string from input file + procedure str_read(file in_file: TEXT; + res_string: out string); + + -- print string to a file and start new line + procedure print(file out_file: TEXT; + new_string: in string); + + -- print character to a file and start new line + procedure print(file out_file: TEXT; + char: in character); + +end txt_util; + + + + +package body txt_util is + + + + + -- prints text to the screen + + procedure print(text: string) is + variable msg_line: line; + begin + write(msg_line, text); + writeline(output, msg_line); + end print; + + + + + -- prints text to the screen when active + + procedure print(active: boolean; text: string) is + begin + if active then + print(text); + end if; + end print; + + + -- converts std_logic into a character + + function chr(sl: std_logic) return character is + variable c: character; + begin + case sl is + when 'U' => c:= 'U'; + when 'X' => c:= 'X'; + when '0' => c:= '0'; + when '1' => c:= '1'; + when 'Z' => c:= 'Z'; + when 'W' => c:= 'W'; + when 'L' => c:= 'L'; + when 'H' => c:= 'H'; + when '-' => c:= '-'; + end case; + return c; + end chr; + + + + -- converts std_logic into a string (1 to 1) + + function str(sl: std_logic) return string is + variable s: string(1 to 1); + begin + s(1) := chr(sl); + return s; + end str; + + + + -- converts std_logic_vector into a string (binary base) + -- (this also takes care of the fact that the range of + -- a string is natural while a std_logic_vector may + -- have an integer range) + + function str(slv: std_logic_vector) return string is + variable result : string (1 to slv'length); + variable r : integer; + begin + r := 1; + for i in slv'range loop + result(r) := chr(slv(i)); + r := r + 1; + end loop; + return result; + end str; + + + function str(b: boolean) return string is + + begin + if b then + return "true"; + else + return "false"; + end if; + end str; + + + -- converts an integer into a character + -- for 0 to 9 the obvious mapping is used, higher + -- values are mapped to the characters A-Z + -- (this is usefull for systems with base > 10) + -- (adapted from Steve Vogwell's posting in comp.lang.vhdl) + + function chr(int: integer) return character is + variable c: character; + begin + case int is + when 0 => c := '0'; + when 1 => c := '1'; + when 2 => c := '2'; + when 3 => c := '3'; + when 4 => c := '4'; + when 5 => c := '5'; + when 6 => c := '6'; + when 7 => c := '7'; + when 8 => c := '8'; + when 9 => c := '9'; + when 10 => c := 'A'; + when 11 => c := 'B'; + when 12 => c := 'C'; + when 13 => c := 'D'; + when 14 => c := 'E'; + when 15 => c := 'F'; + when 16 => c := 'G'; + when 17 => c := 'H'; + when 18 => c := 'I'; + when 19 => c := 'J'; + when 20 => c := 'K'; + when 21 => c := 'L'; + when 22 => c := 'M'; + when 23 => c := 'N'; + when 24 => c := 'O'; + when 25 => c := 'P'; + when 26 => c := 'Q'; + when 27 => c := 'R'; + when 28 => c := 'S'; + when 29 => c := 'T'; + when 30 => c := 'U'; + when 31 => c := 'V'; + when 32 => c := 'W'; + when 33 => c := 'X'; + when 34 => c := 'Y'; + when 35 => c := 'Z'; + when others => c := '?'; + end case; + return c; + end chr; + + + + -- convert integer to string using specified base + -- (adapted from Steve Vogwell's posting in comp.lang.vhdl) + + function str(int: integer; base: integer) return string is + + variable temp: string(1 to 10); + variable num: integer; + variable abs_int: integer; + variable len: integer := 1; + variable power: integer := 1; + + begin + + -- bug fix for negative numbers + abs_int := abs(int); + + num := abs_int; + + while num >= base loop -- Determine how many + len := len + 1; -- characters required + num := num / base; -- to represent the + end loop ; -- number. + + for i in len downto 1 loop -- Convert the number to + temp(i) := chr(abs_int/power mod base); -- a string starting + power := power * base; -- with the right hand + end loop ; -- side. + + -- return result and add sign if required + if int < 0 then + return '-'& temp(1 to len); + else + return temp(1 to len); + end if; + + end str; + + + -- convert integer to string, using base 10 + function str(int: integer) return string is + + begin + + return str(int, 10) ; + + end str; + + + + -- converts a std_logic_vector into a hex string. + function hstr(slv: std_logic_vector) return string is + variable hexlen: integer; + variable longslv : std_logic_vector(67 downto 0) := (others => '0'); + variable hex : string(1 to 16); + variable fourbit : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + begin + hexlen := (slv'left+1)/4; + if (slv'left+1) mod 4 /= 0 then + hexlen := hexlen + 1; + end if; + longslv(slv'left downto 0) := slv; + for i in (hexlen -1) downto 0 loop + fourbit := longslv(((i*4)+3) downto (i*4)); + case fourbit is + when "0000" => hex(hexlen -I) := '0'; + when "0001" => hex(hexlen -I) := '1'; + when "0010" => hex(hexlen -I) := '2'; + when "0011" => hex(hexlen -I) := '3'; + when "0100" => hex(hexlen -I) := '4'; + when "0101" => hex(hexlen -I) := '5'; + when "0110" => hex(hexlen -I) := '6'; + when "0111" => hex(hexlen -I) := '7'; + when "1000" => hex(hexlen -I) := '8'; + when "1001" => hex(hexlen -I) := '9'; + when "1010" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'A'; + when "1011" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'B'; + when "1100" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'C'; + when "1101" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'D'; + when "1110" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'E'; + when "1111" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'F'; + when "ZZZZ" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'z'; + when "UUUU" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'u'; + when "XXXX" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'x'; + when others => hex(hexlen -I) := '?'; + end case; + end loop; + return hex(1 to hexlen); + end hstr; + + + + -- functions to manipulate strings + ----------------------------------- + + + -- convert a character to upper case + + function to_upper(c: character) return character is + + variable u: character; + + begin + + case c is + when 'a' => u := 'A'; + when 'b' => u := 'B'; + when 'c' => u := 'C'; + when 'd' => u := 'D'; + when 'e' => u := 'E'; + when 'f' => u := 'F'; + when 'g' => u := 'G'; + when 'h' => u := 'H'; + when 'i' => u := 'I'; + when 'j' => u := 'J'; + when 'k' => u := 'K'; + when 'l' => u := 'L'; + when 'm' => u := 'M'; + when 'n' => u := 'N'; + when 'o' => u := 'O'; + when 'p' => u := 'P'; + when 'q' => u := 'Q'; + when 'r' => u := 'R'; + when 's' => u := 'S'; + when 't' => u := 'T'; + when 'u' => u := 'U'; + when 'v' => u := 'V'; + when 'w' => u := 'W'; + when 'x' => u := 'X'; + when 'y' => u := 'Y'; + when 'z' => u := 'Z'; + when others => u := c; + end case; + + return u; + + end to_upper; + + + -- convert a character to lower case + + function to_lower(c: character) return character is + + variable l: character; + + begin + + case c is + when 'A' => l := 'a'; + when 'B' => l := 'b'; + when 'C' => l := 'c'; + when 'D' => l := 'd'; + when 'E' => l := 'e'; + when 'F' => l := 'f'; + when 'G' => l := 'g'; + when 'H' => l := 'h'; + when 'I' => l := 'i'; + when 'J' => l := 'j'; + when 'K' => l := 'k'; + when 'L' => l := 'l'; + when 'M' => l := 'm'; + when 'N' => l := 'n'; + when 'O' => l := 'o'; + when 'P' => l := 'p'; + when 'Q' => l := 'q'; + when 'R' => l := 'r'; + when 'S' => l := 's'; + when 'T' => l := 't'; + when 'U' => l := 'u'; + when 'V' => l := 'v'; + when 'W' => l := 'w'; + when 'X' => l := 'x'; + when 'Y' => l := 'y'; + when 'Z' => l := 'z'; + when others => l := c; + end case; + + return l; + + end to_lower; + + + + -- convert a string to upper case + + function to_upper(s: string) return string is + + variable uppercase: string (s'range); + + begin + + for i in s'range loop + uppercase(i):= to_upper(s(i)); + end loop; + return uppercase; + + end to_upper; + + + + -- convert a string to lower case + + function to_lower(s: string) return string is + + variable lowercase: string (s'range); + + begin + + for i in s'range loop + lowercase(i):= to_lower(s(i)); + end loop; + return lowercase; + + end to_lower; + + + +-- functions to convert strings into other types + + +-- converts a character into a std_logic + +function to_std_logic(c: character) return std_logic is + variable sl: std_logic; + begin + case c is + when 'U' => + sl := 'U'; + when 'X' => + sl := 'X'; + when '0' => + sl := '0'; + when '1' => + sl := '1'; + when 'Z' => + sl := 'Z'; + when 'W' => + sl := 'W'; + when 'L' => + sl := 'L'; + when 'H' => + sl := 'H'; + when '-' => + sl := '-'; + when others => + sl := 'X'; + end case; + return sl; + end to_std_logic; + + +-- converts a string into std_logic_vector + +function to_std_logic_vector(s: string) return std_logic_vector is + variable slv: std_logic_vector(s'high-s'low downto 0); + variable k: integer; +begin + k := s'high-s'low; + for i in s'range loop + slv(k) := to_std_logic(s(i)); + k := k - 1; + end loop; + return slv; +end to_std_logic_vector; + + + + + + +---------------- +-- file I/O -- +---------------- + + + +-- read variable length string from input file + +procedure str_read(file in_file: TEXT; + res_string: out string) is + + variable l: line; + variable c: character; + variable is_string: boolean; + + begin + + readline(in_file, l); + -- clear the contents of the result string + for i in res_string'range loop + res_string(i) := ' '; + end loop; + -- read all characters of the line, up to the length + -- of the results string + for i in res_string'range loop + read(l, c, is_string); + res_string(i) := c; + if not is_string then -- found end of line + exit; + end if; + end loop; + +end str_read; + + +-- print string to a file +procedure print(file out_file: TEXT; + new_string: in string) is + + variable l: line; + + begin + + write(l, new_string); + writeline(out_file, l); + +end print; + + +-- print character to a file and start new line +procedure print(file out_file: TEXT; + char: in character) is + + variable l: line; + + begin + + write(l, char); + writeline(out_file, l); + +end print; + + + +-- appends contents of a string to a file until line feed occurs +-- (LF is considered to be the end of the string) + +procedure str_write(file out_file: TEXT; + new_string: in string) is + begin + + for i in new_string'range loop + print(out_file, new_string(i)); + if new_string(i) = LF then -- end of string + exit; + end if; + end loop; + +end str_write; + + + + +end txt_util; + + + + diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/zpuio.vhd b/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/zpuio.vhd index 09a1ddd..2c7fd41 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/zpuio.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/zpuio.vhd @@ -1,232 +1,232 @@ -library IEEE;
-library work;
-use work.zpu_config.all;
-use work.zpupkg.all;
-entity zpuio is
- port ( areset : in std_logic;
- cpu_clk : in std_logic;
- clk_status : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
- cpu_din : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
- cpu_a : in std_logic_vector(20 downto 0);
- cpu_we : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
- cpu_re : in std_logic;
- cpu_dout : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0));
-end zpuio;
-architecture behave of zpuio is
-signal timer_read : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
---signal timer_write : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-signal timer_we : std_logic;
-signal io_busy : std_logic;
-signal io_read : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
---signal io_write : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-signal io_addr : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit);
-signal io_writeEnable : std_logic;
-signal Enable : std_logic;
-signal din : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-signal dout : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-signal adr : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-signal break : std_logic;
-signal we : std_logic;
-signal re : std_logic;
--- uart forwarding...
-signal uartTXPending : std_logic;
-signal uartTXCleared : std_logic;
-signal uartData : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-signal readingTimer : std_logic;
-signal mem_busy : std_logic;
-signal mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal mem_write : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal mem_addr : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0);
-signal mem_writeEnable : std_logic;
-signal mem_readEnable : std_logic;
-signal mem_writeMask: std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0);
-signal dram_mem_busy : std_logic;
-signal dram_mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal dram_mem_write : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal dram_mem_writeEnable : std_logic;
-signal dram_mem_readEnable : std_logic;
-signal dram_mem_writeMask: std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0);
---signal io_mem_read : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
---signal io_mem_writeEnable : std_logic;
---signal io_mem_readEnable : std_logic;
-signal io_readEnable : std_logic;
-signal dram_read : std_logic;
- io_addr <= mem_addr(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit);
- timerinst: timer port map (
- clk => cpu_clk,
- areset => areset,
- we => timer_we,
- din => mem_write(7 downto 0),
- adr => io_addr(4 downto 2),
- dout => timer_read);
- zpu: zpu_core port map (
- clk => cpu_clk ,
- areset => areset,
- in_mem_busy => mem_busy,
- mem_read => mem_read,
- mem_write => mem_write,
- out_mem_addr => mem_addr,
- out_mem_writeEnable => mem_writeEnable,
- out_mem_readEnable => mem_readEnable,
- mem_writeMask => mem_writeMask,
- interrupt => '0',
- break => break);
-ram_imp: dram port map (
- clk => cpu_clk ,
- areset => areset,
- mem_busy => dram_mem_busy,
- mem_read => dram_mem_read,
- mem_write => mem_write,
- mem_addr => mem_addr(maxAddrBit downto 0),
- mem_writeEnable => dram_mem_writeEnable,
- mem_readEnable => dram_mem_readEnable,
- mem_writeMask => mem_writeMask);
- fauxUart:
- process(cpu_clk, areset)
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- io_busy <= '0';
- uartTXPending <= '0';
- timer_we <= '0';
- io_busy <= '0';
- uartData <= x"58"; -- 'X'
- readingTimer <= '0';
- elsif (cpu_clk'event and cpu_clk = '1') then
- timer_we <= '0';
- io_busy <= '0';
- if uartTXCleared = '1' then
- uartTXPending <= '0';
- end if;
- if io_writeEnable = '1' then
- if io_addr=x"2028003" then
- -- Write to UART
- uartData <= mem_write(7 downto 0);
- uartTXPending <= '1';
- io_busy <= '1';
- elsif io_addr(12)='1' then
- timer_we <= '1';
- io_busy <= '1';
- else
--- report "Illegal IO write" severity failure;
- end if;
- end if;
- if (io_readEnable = '1') then
- if io_addr=x"2028003" then
- io_read <= (0=>'1', -- recieve empty
- 1 => uartTXPending, -- tx full
- others => '0');
- io_busy <= '1';
- elsif io_addr(12)='1' then
- readingTimer <= '1';
- io_busy <= '1';
- elsif io_addr(11)='1' then
- io_read <= ZPU_Frequency;
- io_busy <= '1';
- else
--- report "Illegal IO read" severity failure;
- end if;
- else
- if (readingTimer = '1') then
- readingTimer <= '0';
- io_read <= timer_read;
- io_busy <= '0';
- else
- io_read <= (others => '1');
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- forwardUARTOutputToARM:
- process(cpu_clk, areset)
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- uartTXCleared <= '0';
- elsif (cpu_clk = '1' and cpu_clk'event) then
- if cpu_we(0) = '1' and cpu_a(3 downto 1) = "000" then
- uartTXCleared <= cpu_din(0);
- else
- uartTXCleared <= uartTXCleared;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- cpu_dout(7 downto 0) <= uartData when (cpu_re = '1' and cpu_a(3 downto 1) = "001") else (others => 'Z');
- cpu_dout <= (0 => uartTXPending, others => '0') when (cpu_re = '1' and cpu_a(3 downto 1) = "000") else (others => 'Z');
- dram_mem_writeEnable <= mem_writeEnable and not mem_addr(ioBit);
- dram_mem_readEnable <= mem_readEnable and not mem_addr(ioBit);
- io_writeEnable <= mem_writeEnable and mem_addr(ioBit);
--- io_readEnable <= mem_readEnable and mem_addr(ioBit);
- mem_busy <= io_busy or dram_mem_busy or dram_read or io_readEnable;
- -- Memory reads either come from IO or DRAM. We need to pick the right one.
- memorycontrol:
- process(cpu_clk, areset)
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- dram_read <= '0';
- io_readEnable <= '0';
- elsif (cpu_clk'event and cpu_clk = '1') then
- mem_read <= (others => '0');
- if mem_addr(ioBit)='0' and mem_readEnable='1' then
- dram_read <= '1';
- end if;
- if dram_read='1' and dram_mem_busy='0' then
- dram_read <= '0';
- mem_read <= dram_mem_read;
- end if;
- if mem_addr(ioBit)='1' and mem_readEnable='1' then
- io_readEnable <= '1';
- end if;
- if io_readEnable='1' and io_busy='0' then
- io_readEnable <= '0';
- mem_read(7 downto 0) <= io_read;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
-end behave;
+library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; + +library work; +use work.zpu_config.all; +use work.zpupkg.all; + +entity zpuio is + port ( areset : in std_logic; + cpu_clk : in std_logic; + clk_status : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); + cpu_din : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + cpu_a : in std_logic_vector(20 downto 0); + cpu_we : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); + cpu_re : in std_logic; + cpu_dout : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)); +end zpuio; + +architecture behave of zpuio is + +signal timer_read : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); +--signal timer_write : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); +signal timer_we : std_logic; + + +signal io_busy : std_logic; +signal io_read : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); +--signal io_write : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); +signal io_addr : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit); +signal io_writeEnable : std_logic; +signal Enable : std_logic; + +signal din : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); +signal dout : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); +signal adr : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal break : std_logic; +signal we : std_logic; +signal re : std_logic; + + +-- uart forwarding... + +signal uartTXPending : std_logic; +signal uartTXCleared : std_logic; +signal uartData : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); + +signal readingTimer : std_logic; + + + + +signal mem_busy : std_logic; +signal mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); +signal mem_write : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); +signal mem_addr : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0); +signal mem_writeEnable : std_logic; +signal mem_readEnable : std_logic; +signal mem_writeMask: std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0); + +signal dram_mem_busy : std_logic; +signal dram_mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); +signal dram_mem_write : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); +signal dram_mem_writeEnable : std_logic; +signal dram_mem_readEnable : std_logic; +signal dram_mem_writeMask: std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0); + + + +--signal io_mem_read : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); +--signal io_mem_writeEnable : std_logic; +--signal io_mem_readEnable : std_logic; +signal io_readEnable : std_logic; + + +signal dram_read : std_logic; + + + +begin + + io_addr <= mem_addr(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit); + + timerinst: timer port map ( + clk => cpu_clk, + areset => areset, + we => timer_we, + din => mem_write(7 downto 0), + adr => io_addr(4 downto 2), + dout => timer_read); + + zpu: zpu_core port map ( + clk => cpu_clk , + areset => areset, + in_mem_busy => mem_busy, + mem_read => mem_read, + mem_write => mem_write, + out_mem_addr => mem_addr, + out_mem_writeEnable => mem_writeEnable, + out_mem_readEnable => mem_readEnable, + mem_writeMask => mem_writeMask, + interrupt => '0', + break => break); + + +ram_imp: dram port map ( + clk => cpu_clk , + areset => areset, + mem_busy => dram_mem_busy, + mem_read => dram_mem_read, + mem_write => mem_write, + mem_addr => mem_addr(maxAddrBit downto 0), + mem_writeEnable => dram_mem_writeEnable, + mem_readEnable => dram_mem_readEnable, + mem_writeMask => mem_writeMask); + + + + fauxUart: + process(cpu_clk, areset) + begin + if areset = '1' then + io_busy <= '0'; + uartTXPending <= '0'; + timer_we <= '0'; + io_busy <= '0'; + uartData <= x"58"; -- 'X' + readingTimer <= '0'; + elsif (cpu_clk'event and cpu_clk = '1') then + timer_we <= '0'; + io_busy <= '0'; + if uartTXCleared = '1' then + uartTXPending <= '0'; + end if; + + if io_writeEnable = '1' then + if io_addr=x"2028003" then + -- Write to UART + uartData <= mem_write(7 downto 0); + uartTXPending <= '1'; + io_busy <= '1'; + elsif io_addr(12)='1' then + timer_we <= '1'; + io_busy <= '1'; + else +-- report "Illegal IO write" severity failure; + end if; + end if; + if (io_readEnable = '1') then + if io_addr=x"2028003" then + io_read <= (0=>'1', -- recieve empty + 1 => uartTXPending, -- tx full + others => '0'); + io_busy <= '1'; + elsif io_addr(12)='1' then + readingTimer <= '1'; + io_busy <= '1'; + elsif io_addr(11)='1' then + io_read <= ZPU_Frequency; + io_busy <= '1'; + else +-- report "Illegal IO read" severity failure; + end if; + + else + if (readingTimer = '1') then + readingTimer <= '0'; + io_read <= timer_read; + io_busy <= '0'; + else + io_read <= (others => '1'); + end if; + end if; + end if; + end process; + + + forwardUARTOutputToARM: + process(cpu_clk, areset) + begin + if areset = '1' then + uartTXCleared <= '0'; + elsif (cpu_clk = '1' and cpu_clk'event) then + if cpu_we(0) = '1' and cpu_a(3 downto 1) = "000" then + uartTXCleared <= cpu_din(0); + else + uartTXCleared <= uartTXCleared; + end if; + end if; + end process; + + cpu_dout(7 downto 0) <= uartData when (cpu_re = '1' and cpu_a(3 downto 1) = "001") else (others => 'Z'); + cpu_dout <= (0 => uartTXPending, others => '0') when (cpu_re = '1' and cpu_a(3 downto 1) = "000") else (others => 'Z'); + + dram_mem_writeEnable <= mem_writeEnable and not mem_addr(ioBit); + dram_mem_readEnable <= mem_readEnable and not mem_addr(ioBit); + io_writeEnable <= mem_writeEnable and mem_addr(ioBit); +-- io_readEnable <= mem_readEnable and mem_addr(ioBit); + mem_busy <= io_busy or dram_mem_busy or dram_read or io_readEnable; + + -- Memory reads either come from IO or DRAM. We need to pick the right one. + memorycontrol: + process(cpu_clk, areset) + begin + if areset = '1' then + dram_read <= '0'; + io_readEnable <= '0'; + + + elsif (cpu_clk'event and cpu_clk = '1') then + mem_read <= (others => '0'); + if mem_addr(ioBit)='0' and mem_readEnable='1' then + dram_read <= '1'; + end if; + if dram_read='1' and dram_mem_busy='0' then + dram_read <= '0'; + mem_read <= dram_mem_read; + end if; + + if mem_addr(ioBit)='1' and mem_readEnable='1' then + io_readEnable <= '1'; + end if; + if io_readEnable='1' and io_busy='0' then + io_readEnable <= '0'; + mem_read(7 downto 0) <= io_read; + end if; + + end if; + end process; + + +end behave; diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zy2000/timer.vhd b/zpu/hdl/zy2000/timer.vhd index bff82f2..735d55c 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/zy2000/timer.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/zy2000/timer.vhd @@ -1,137 +1,137 @@ -library ieee;
-use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-entity timer is
- port(
- clk : in std_logic;
- areset : in std_logic;
- sample : in std_logic;
- reset : in std_logic;
- counter : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0));
-end timer;
-architecture behave of timer is
-signal c : std_logic_vector(1 to 7);
-signal cnt : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-signal cnt_smp : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
- counter <= cnt_smp;
- process(clk, areset) -- Carry generation
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- c <= "0000000";
- elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
- if reset = '1' then
- c <= "0000000";
- else
- if cnt(7 downto 0) = "11111110" then
- c(1) <= '1';
- else
- c(1) <= '0';
- end if;
- if cnt(15 downto 8) = "11111111" then
- c(2) <= '1';
- else
- c(2) <= '0';
- end if;
- if cnt(23 downto 16) = "11111111" and c(2) = '1' then
- c(3) <= '1';
- else
- c(3) <= '0';
- end if;
- if cnt(31 downto 24) = "11111111" and c(3) = '1' then
- c(4) <= '1';
- else
- c(4) <= '0';
- end if;
- if cnt(39 downto 32) = "11111111" and c(4) = '1' then
- c(5) <= '1';
- else
- c(5) <= '0';
- end if;
- if cnt(47 downto 40) = "11111111" and c(5) = '1' then
- c(6) <= '1';
- else
- c(6) <= '0';
- end if;
- if cnt(55 downto 48) = "11111111" and c(6) = '1' then
- c(7) <= '1';
- else
- c(7) <= '0';
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- process(clk, areset)
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- cnt <= (others=>'0');
- elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
- if reset = '1' then
- cnt <= (others=>'0');
- else
- cnt(7 downto 0) <= cnt(7 downto 0) + '1';
- if c(1) = '1' then
- cnt(15 downto 8) <= cnt(15 downto 8) + '1';
- else
- cnt(15 downto 8) <= cnt(15 downto 8);
- end if;
- if c(2) = '1' and c(1) = '1' then
- cnt(23 downto 16) <= cnt(23 downto 16) + '1';
- else
- cnt(23 downto 16) <= cnt(23 downto 16);
- end if;
- if c(3) = '1' and c(1) = '1' then
- cnt(31 downto 24) <= cnt(31 downto 24) + '1';
- else
- cnt(31 downto 24) <= cnt(31 downto 24);
- end if;
- if c(4) = '1' and c(1) = '1' then
- cnt(39 downto 32) <= cnt(39 downto 32) + '1';
- else
- cnt(39 downto 32) <= cnt(39 downto 32);
- end if;
- if c(5) = '1' and c(1) = '1' then
- cnt(47 downto 40) <= cnt(47 downto 40) + '1';
- else
- cnt(47 downto 40) <= cnt(47 downto 40);
- end if;
- if c(6) = '1' and c(1) = '1' then
- cnt(55 downto 48) <= cnt(55 downto 48) + '1';
- else
- cnt(55 downto 48) <= cnt(55 downto 48);
- end if;
- if c(7) = '1' and c(1) = '1' then
- cnt(63 downto 56) <= cnt(63 downto 56) + '1';
- else
- cnt(63 downto 56) <= cnt(63 downto 56);
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- process(clk, areset)
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- cnt_smp <= (others=>'0');
- elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
- if reset = '1' then
- cnt_smp <= (others=>'0');
- elsif sample = '1' then
- cnt_smp <= cnt;
- else
- cnt_smp <= cnt_smp;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
-end behave;
+library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; + +entity timer is + port( + clk : in std_logic; + areset : in std_logic; + sample : in std_logic; + reset : in std_logic; + counter : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0)); +end timer; + + +architecture behave of timer is + +signal c : std_logic_vector(1 to 7); + +signal cnt : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); +signal cnt_smp : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); + +begin + + counter <= cnt_smp; + + process(clk, areset) -- Carry generation + begin + if areset = '1' then + c <= "0000000"; + elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then + if reset = '1' then + c <= "0000000"; + else + if cnt(7 downto 0) = "11111110" then + c(1) <= '1'; + else + c(1) <= '0'; + end if; + if cnt(15 downto 8) = "11111111" then + c(2) <= '1'; + else + c(2) <= '0'; + end if; + if cnt(23 downto 16) = "11111111" and c(2) = '1' then + c(3) <= '1'; + else + c(3) <= '0'; + end if; + if cnt(31 downto 24) = "11111111" and c(3) = '1' then + c(4) <= '1'; + else + c(4) <= '0'; + end if; + if cnt(39 downto 32) = "11111111" and c(4) = '1' then + c(5) <= '1'; + else + c(5) <= '0'; + end if; + if cnt(47 downto 40) = "11111111" and c(5) = '1' then + c(6) <= '1'; + else + c(6) <= '0'; + end if; + if cnt(55 downto 48) = "11111111" and c(6) = '1' then + c(7) <= '1'; + else + c(7) <= '0'; + end if; + end if; + end if; + end process; + + process(clk, areset) + begin + if areset = '1' then + cnt <= (others=>'0'); + elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then + if reset = '1' then + cnt <= (others=>'0'); + else + cnt(7 downto 0) <= cnt(7 downto 0) + '1'; + if c(1) = '1' then + cnt(15 downto 8) <= cnt(15 downto 8) + '1'; + else + cnt(15 downto 8) <= cnt(15 downto 8); + end if; + if c(2) = '1' and c(1) = '1' then + cnt(23 downto 16) <= cnt(23 downto 16) + '1'; + else + cnt(23 downto 16) <= cnt(23 downto 16); + end if; + if c(3) = '1' and c(1) = '1' then + cnt(31 downto 24) <= cnt(31 downto 24) + '1'; + else + cnt(31 downto 24) <= cnt(31 downto 24); + end if; + if c(4) = '1' and c(1) = '1' then + cnt(39 downto 32) <= cnt(39 downto 32) + '1'; + else + cnt(39 downto 32) <= cnt(39 downto 32); + end if; + if c(5) = '1' and c(1) = '1' then + cnt(47 downto 40) <= cnt(47 downto 40) + '1'; + else + cnt(47 downto 40) <= cnt(47 downto 40); + end if; + if c(6) = '1' and c(1) = '1' then + cnt(55 downto 48) <= cnt(55 downto 48) + '1'; + else + cnt(55 downto 48) <= cnt(55 downto 48); + end if; + if c(7) = '1' and c(1) = '1' then + cnt(63 downto 56) <= cnt(63 downto 56) + '1'; + else + cnt(63 downto 56) <= cnt(63 downto 56); + end if; + end if; + end if; + end process; + + process(clk, areset) + begin + if areset = '1' then + cnt_smp <= (others=>'0'); + elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then + if reset = '1' then + cnt_smp <= (others=>'0'); + elsif sample = '1' then + cnt_smp <= cnt; + else + cnt_smp <= cnt_smp; + end if; + end if; + end process; + +end behave; + diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zy2000/trace.vhd b/zpu/hdl/zy2000/trace.vhd index bc5279f..ec6be57 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/zy2000/trace.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/zy2000/trace.vhd @@ -1,84 +1,84 @@ -library ieee;
-use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use std.textio.all;
-library work;
-use work.zpu_config.all;
-use work.zpupkg.all;
-use work.txt_util.all;
-entity trace is
- generic (
- log_file: string := "trace.txt"
- );
- port(
- clk : in std_logic;
- begin_inst : in std_logic;
- pc : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0);
- opcode : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- sp : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 2);
- memA : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- memB : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- busy : in std_logic;
- intSp : in std_logic_vector(stack_bits-1 downto 0)
- );
-end trace;
-architecture behave of trace is
-file l_file : TEXT open write_mode is log_file;
--- write data and control information to a file
-receive_data: process
-variable l: line;
-variable t : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-variable t2 : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0);
-variable counter : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
- t:= (others => '0');
- t2:= (others => '0');
-counter := (others => '0');
- -- print header for the logfile
- print(l_file, "#pc,opcode,sp,top_of_stack ");
- print(l_file, "#----------");
- print(l_file, " ");
- wait until clk = '1';
- wait until clk = '0';
- while true loop
- counter := counter + 1;
- if begin_inst = '1' then
- t(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 2):=sp;
- t2:=pc;
- print(l_file, "0x" & hstr(t2) & " 0x" & hstr(opcode) & " 0x" & hstr(t) & " 0x" & hstr(memA) & " 0x" & hstr(memB) & " 0x" & hstr(intSp) & " 0x" & hstr(counter));
- end if;
- wait until clk = '0';
- end loop;
- end process receive_data;
-end behave;
+library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +--use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; + +use std.textio.all; + +library work; +use work.zpu_config.all; +use work.zpupkg.all; +use work.txt_util.all; + + +entity trace is + generic ( + log_file: string := "trace.txt" + ); + port( + clk : in std_logic; + begin_inst : in std_logic; + pc : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0); + opcode : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); + sp : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 2); + memA : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + memB : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + busy : in std_logic; + intSp : in std_logic_vector(stack_bits-1 downto 0) + ); +end trace; + + +architecture behave of trace is + + +file l_file : TEXT open write_mode is log_file; + + +begin + + +-- write data and control information to a file + +receive_data: process + +variable l: line; +variable t : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); +variable t2 : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0); +variable counter : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); + + + +begin + + t:= (others => '0'); + t2:= (others => '0'); + +counter := (others => '0'); + -- print header for the logfile + print(l_file, "#pc,opcode,sp,top_of_stack "); + print(l_file, "#----------"); + print(l_file, " "); + + wait until clk = '1'; + wait until clk = '0'; + + while true loop + + counter := counter + 1; + if begin_inst = '1' then + t(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 2):=sp; + t2:=pc; + print(l_file, "0x" & hstr(t2) & " 0x" & hstr(opcode) & " 0x" & hstr(t) & " 0x" & hstr(memA) & " 0x" & hstr(memB) & " 0x" & hstr(intSp) & " 0x" & hstr(counter)); + end if; + + wait until clk = '0'; + + end loop; + + end process receive_data; + + + +end behave; + diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zy2000/txt_util.vhd b/zpu/hdl/zy2000/txt_util.vhd index d3bf01a..40d39b9 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/zy2000/txt_util.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/zy2000/txt_util.vhd @@ -1,587 +1,587 @@ -library ieee;
-use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use std.textio.all;
-library work;
-package txt_util is
- -- prints a message to the screen
- procedure print(text: string);
- -- prints the message when active
- -- useful for debug switches
- procedure print(active: boolean; text: string);
- -- converts std_logic into a character
- function chr(sl: std_logic) return character;
- -- converts std_logic into a string (1 to 1)
- function str(sl: std_logic) return string;
- -- converts std_logic_vector into a string (binary base)
- function str(slv: std_logic_vector) return string;
- -- converts boolean into a string
- function str(b: boolean) return string;
- -- converts an integer into a single character
- -- (can also be used for hex conversion and other bases)
- function chr(int: integer) return character;
- -- converts integer into string using specified base
- function str(int: integer; base: integer) return string;
- -- converts integer to string, using base 10
- function str(int: integer) return string;
- -- convert std_logic_vector into a string in hex format
- function hstr(slv: std_logic_vector) return string;
- -- functions to manipulate strings
- -----------------------------------
- -- convert a character to upper case
- function to_upper(c: character) return character;
- -- convert a character to lower case
- function to_lower(c: character) return character;
- -- convert a string to upper case
- function to_upper(s: string) return string;
- -- convert a string to lower case
- function to_lower(s: string) return string;
- -- functions to convert strings into other formats
- --------------------------------------------------
- -- converts a character into std_logic
- function to_std_logic(c: character) return std_logic;
- -- converts a string into std_logic_vector
- function to_std_logic_vector(s: string) return std_logic_vector;
- -- file I/O
- -----------
- -- read variable length string from input file
- procedure str_read(file in_file: TEXT;
- res_string: out string);
- -- print string to a file and start new line
- procedure print(file out_file: TEXT;
- new_string: in string);
- -- print character to a file and start new line
- procedure print(file out_file: TEXT;
- char: in character);
-end txt_util;
-package body txt_util is
- -- prints text to the screen
- procedure print(text: string) is
- variable msg_line: line;
- begin
- write(msg_line, text);
- writeline(output, msg_line);
- end print;
- -- prints text to the screen when active
- procedure print(active: boolean; text: string) is
- begin
- if active then
- print(text);
- end if;
- end print;
- -- converts std_logic into a character
- function chr(sl: std_logic) return character is
- variable c: character;
- begin
- case sl is
- when 'U' => c:= 'U';
- when 'X' => c:= 'X';
- when '0' => c:= '0';
- when '1' => c:= '1';
- when 'Z' => c:= 'Z';
- when 'W' => c:= 'W';
- when 'L' => c:= 'L';
- when 'H' => c:= 'H';
- when '-' => c:= '-';
- end case;
- return c;
- end chr;
- -- converts std_logic into a string (1 to 1)
- function str(sl: std_logic) return string is
- variable s: string(1 to 1);
- begin
- s(1) := chr(sl);
- return s;
- end str;
- -- converts std_logic_vector into a string (binary base)
- -- (this also takes care of the fact that the range of
- -- a string is natural while a std_logic_vector may
- -- have an integer range)
- function str(slv: std_logic_vector) return string is
- variable result : string (1 to slv'length);
- variable r : integer;
- begin
- r := 1;
- for i in slv'range loop
- result(r) := chr(slv(i));
- r := r + 1;
- end loop;
- return result;
- end str;
- function str(b: boolean) return string is
- begin
- if b then
- return "true";
- else
- return "false";
- end if;
- end str;
- -- converts an integer into a character
- -- for 0 to 9 the obvious mapping is used, higher
- -- values are mapped to the characters A-Z
- -- (this is usefull for systems with base > 10)
- -- (adapted from Steve Vogwell's posting in comp.lang.vhdl)
- function chr(int: integer) return character is
- variable c: character;
- begin
- case int is
- when 0 => c := '0';
- when 1 => c := '1';
- when 2 => c := '2';
- when 3 => c := '3';
- when 4 => c := '4';
- when 5 => c := '5';
- when 6 => c := '6';
- when 7 => c := '7';
- when 8 => c := '8';
- when 9 => c := '9';
- when 10 => c := 'A';
- when 11 => c := 'B';
- when 12 => c := 'C';
- when 13 => c := 'D';
- when 14 => c := 'E';
- when 15 => c := 'F';
- when 16 => c := 'G';
- when 17 => c := 'H';
- when 18 => c := 'I';
- when 19 => c := 'J';
- when 20 => c := 'K';
- when 21 => c := 'L';
- when 22 => c := 'M';
- when 23 => c := 'N';
- when 24 => c := 'O';
- when 25 => c := 'P';
- when 26 => c := 'Q';
- when 27 => c := 'R';
- when 28 => c := 'S';
- when 29 => c := 'T';
- when 30 => c := 'U';
- when 31 => c := 'V';
- when 32 => c := 'W';
- when 33 => c := 'X';
- when 34 => c := 'Y';
- when 35 => c := 'Z';
- when others => c := '?';
- end case;
- return c;
- end chr;
- -- convert integer to string using specified base
- -- (adapted from Steve Vogwell's posting in comp.lang.vhdl)
- function str(int: integer; base: integer) return string is
- variable temp: string(1 to 10);
- variable num: integer;
- variable abs_int: integer;
- variable len: integer := 1;
- variable power: integer := 1;
- begin
- -- bug fix for negative numbers
- abs_int := abs(int);
- num := abs_int;
- while num >= base loop -- Determine how many
- len := len + 1; -- characters required
- num := num / base; -- to represent the
- end loop ; -- number.
- for i in len downto 1 loop -- Convert the number to
- temp(i) := chr(abs_int/power mod base); -- a string starting
- power := power * base; -- with the right hand
- end loop ; -- side.
- -- return result and add sign if required
- if int < 0 then
- return '-'& temp(1 to len);
- else
- return temp(1 to len);
- end if;
- end str;
- -- convert integer to string, using base 10
- function str(int: integer) return string is
- begin
- return str(int, 10) ;
- end str;
- -- converts a std_logic_vector into a hex string.
- function hstr(slv: std_logic_vector) return string is
- variable hexlen: integer;
- variable longslv : std_logic_vector(67 downto 0) := (others => '0');
- variable hex : string(1 to 16);
- variable fourbit : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
- begin
- hexlen := (slv'left+1)/4;
- if (slv'left+1) mod 4 /= 0 then
- hexlen := hexlen + 1;
- end if;
- longslv(slv'left downto 0) := slv;
- for i in (hexlen -1) downto 0 loop
- fourbit := longslv(((i*4)+3) downto (i*4));
- case fourbit is
- when "0000" => hex(hexlen -I) := '0';
- when "0001" => hex(hexlen -I) := '1';
- when "0010" => hex(hexlen -I) := '2';
- when "0011" => hex(hexlen -I) := '3';
- when "0100" => hex(hexlen -I) := '4';
- when "0101" => hex(hexlen -I) := '5';
- when "0110" => hex(hexlen -I) := '6';
- when "0111" => hex(hexlen -I) := '7';
- when "1000" => hex(hexlen -I) := '8';
- when "1001" => hex(hexlen -I) := '9';
- when "1010" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'A';
- when "1011" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'B';
- when "1100" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'C';
- when "1101" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'D';
- when "1110" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'E';
- when "1111" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'F';
- when "ZZZZ" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'z';
- when "UUUU" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'u';
- when "XXXX" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'x';
- when others => hex(hexlen -I) := '?';
- end case;
- end loop;
- return hex(1 to hexlen);
- end hstr;
- -- functions to manipulate strings
- -----------------------------------
- -- convert a character to upper case
- function to_upper(c: character) return character is
- variable u: character;
- begin
- case c is
- when 'a' => u := 'A';
- when 'b' => u := 'B';
- when 'c' => u := 'C';
- when 'd' => u := 'D';
- when 'e' => u := 'E';
- when 'f' => u := 'F';
- when 'g' => u := 'G';
- when 'h' => u := 'H';
- when 'i' => u := 'I';
- when 'j' => u := 'J';
- when 'k' => u := 'K';
- when 'l' => u := 'L';
- when 'm' => u := 'M';
- when 'n' => u := 'N';
- when 'o' => u := 'O';
- when 'p' => u := 'P';
- when 'q' => u := 'Q';
- when 'r' => u := 'R';
- when 's' => u := 'S';
- when 't' => u := 'T';
- when 'u' => u := 'U';
- when 'v' => u := 'V';
- when 'w' => u := 'W';
- when 'x' => u := 'X';
- when 'y' => u := 'Y';
- when 'z' => u := 'Z';
- when others => u := c;
- end case;
- return u;
- end to_upper;
- -- convert a character to lower case
- function to_lower(c: character) return character is
- variable l: character;
- begin
- case c is
- when 'A' => l := 'a';
- when 'B' => l := 'b';
- when 'C' => l := 'c';
- when 'D' => l := 'd';
- when 'E' => l := 'e';
- when 'F' => l := 'f';
- when 'G' => l := 'g';
- when 'H' => l := 'h';
- when 'I' => l := 'i';
- when 'J' => l := 'j';
- when 'K' => l := 'k';
- when 'L' => l := 'l';
- when 'M' => l := 'm';
- when 'N' => l := 'n';
- when 'O' => l := 'o';
- when 'P' => l := 'p';
- when 'Q' => l := 'q';
- when 'R' => l := 'r';
- when 'S' => l := 's';
- when 'T' => l := 't';
- when 'U' => l := 'u';
- when 'V' => l := 'v';
- when 'W' => l := 'w';
- when 'X' => l := 'x';
- when 'Y' => l := 'y';
- when 'Z' => l := 'z';
- when others => l := c;
- end case;
- return l;
- end to_lower;
- -- convert a string to upper case
- function to_upper(s: string) return string is
- variable uppercase: string (s'range);
- begin
- for i in s'range loop
- uppercase(i):= to_upper(s(i));
- end loop;
- return uppercase;
- end to_upper;
- -- convert a string to lower case
- function to_lower(s: string) return string is
- variable lowercase: string (s'range);
- begin
- for i in s'range loop
- lowercase(i):= to_lower(s(i));
- end loop;
- return lowercase;
- end to_lower;
--- functions to convert strings into other types
--- converts a character into a std_logic
-function to_std_logic(c: character) return std_logic is
- variable sl: std_logic;
- begin
- case c is
- when 'U' =>
- sl := 'U';
- when 'X' =>
- sl := 'X';
- when '0' =>
- sl := '0';
- when '1' =>
- sl := '1';
- when 'Z' =>
- sl := 'Z';
- when 'W' =>
- sl := 'W';
- when 'L' =>
- sl := 'L';
- when 'H' =>
- sl := 'H';
- when '-' =>
- sl := '-';
- when others =>
- sl := 'X';
- end case;
- return sl;
- end to_std_logic;
--- converts a string into std_logic_vector
-function to_std_logic_vector(s: string) return std_logic_vector is
- variable slv: std_logic_vector(s'high-s'low downto 0);
- variable k: integer;
- k := s'high-s'low;
- for i in s'range loop
- slv(k) := to_std_logic(s(i));
- k := k - 1;
- end loop;
- return slv;
-end to_std_logic_vector;
--- file I/O --
--- read variable length string from input file
-procedure str_read(file in_file: TEXT;
- res_string: out string) is
- variable l: line;
- variable c: character;
- variable is_string: boolean;
- begin
- readline(in_file, l);
- -- clear the contents of the result string
- for i in res_string'range loop
- res_string(i) := ' ';
- end loop;
- -- read all characters of the line, up to the length
- -- of the results string
- for i in res_string'range loop
- read(l, c, is_string);
- res_string(i) := c;
- if not is_string then -- found end of line
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
-end str_read;
--- print string to a file
-procedure print(file out_file: TEXT;
- new_string: in string) is
- variable l: line;
- begin
- write(l, new_string);
- writeline(out_file, l);
-end print;
--- print character to a file and start new line
-procedure print(file out_file: TEXT;
- char: in character) is
- variable l: line;
- begin
- write(l, char);
- writeline(out_file, l);
-end print;
--- appends contents of a string to a file until line feed occurs
--- (LF is considered to be the end of the string)
-procedure str_write(file out_file: TEXT;
- new_string: in string) is
- begin
- for i in new_string'range loop
- print(out_file, new_string(i));
- if new_string(i) = LF then -- end of string
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
-end str_write;
-end txt_util;
+library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use std.textio.all; + +library work; + +package txt_util is + + -- prints a message to the screen + procedure print(text: string); + + -- prints the message when active + -- useful for debug switches + procedure print(active: boolean; text: string); + + -- converts std_logic into a character + function chr(sl: std_logic) return character; + + -- converts std_logic into a string (1 to 1) + function str(sl: std_logic) return string; + + -- converts std_logic_vector into a string (binary base) + function str(slv: std_logic_vector) return string; + + -- converts boolean into a string + function str(b: boolean) return string; + + -- converts an integer into a single character + -- (can also be used for hex conversion and other bases) + function chr(int: integer) return character; + + -- converts integer into string using specified base + function str(int: integer; base: integer) return string; + + -- converts integer to string, using base 10 + function str(int: integer) return string; + + -- convert std_logic_vector into a string in hex format + function hstr(slv: std_logic_vector) return string; + + + -- functions to manipulate strings + ----------------------------------- + + -- convert a character to upper case + function to_upper(c: character) return character; + + -- convert a character to lower case + function to_lower(c: character) return character; + + -- convert a string to upper case + function to_upper(s: string) return string; + + -- convert a string to lower case + function to_lower(s: string) return string; + + + + -- functions to convert strings into other formats + -------------------------------------------------- + + -- converts a character into std_logic + function to_std_logic(c: character) return std_logic; + + -- converts a string into std_logic_vector + function to_std_logic_vector(s: string) return std_logic_vector; + + + + -- file I/O + ----------- + + -- read variable length string from input file + procedure str_read(file in_file: TEXT; + res_string: out string); + + -- print string to a file and start new line + procedure print(file out_file: TEXT; + new_string: in string); + + -- print character to a file and start new line + procedure print(file out_file: TEXT; + char: in character); + +end txt_util; + + + + +package body txt_util is + + + + + -- prints text to the screen + + procedure print(text: string) is + variable msg_line: line; + begin + write(msg_line, text); + writeline(output, msg_line); + end print; + + + + + -- prints text to the screen when active + + procedure print(active: boolean; text: string) is + begin + if active then + print(text); + end if; + end print; + + + -- converts std_logic into a character + + function chr(sl: std_logic) return character is + variable c: character; + begin + case sl is + when 'U' => c:= 'U'; + when 'X' => c:= 'X'; + when '0' => c:= '0'; + when '1' => c:= '1'; + when 'Z' => c:= 'Z'; + when 'W' => c:= 'W'; + when 'L' => c:= 'L'; + when 'H' => c:= 'H'; + when '-' => c:= '-'; + end case; + return c; + end chr; + + + + -- converts std_logic into a string (1 to 1) + + function str(sl: std_logic) return string is + variable s: string(1 to 1); + begin + s(1) := chr(sl); + return s; + end str; + + + + -- converts std_logic_vector into a string (binary base) + -- (this also takes care of the fact that the range of + -- a string is natural while a std_logic_vector may + -- have an integer range) + + function str(slv: std_logic_vector) return string is + variable result : string (1 to slv'length); + variable r : integer; + begin + r := 1; + for i in slv'range loop + result(r) := chr(slv(i)); + r := r + 1; + end loop; + return result; + end str; + + + function str(b: boolean) return string is + + begin + if b then + return "true"; + else + return "false"; + end if; + end str; + + + -- converts an integer into a character + -- for 0 to 9 the obvious mapping is used, higher + -- values are mapped to the characters A-Z + -- (this is usefull for systems with base > 10) + -- (adapted from Steve Vogwell's posting in comp.lang.vhdl) + + function chr(int: integer) return character is + variable c: character; + begin + case int is + when 0 => c := '0'; + when 1 => c := '1'; + when 2 => c := '2'; + when 3 => c := '3'; + when 4 => c := '4'; + when 5 => c := '5'; + when 6 => c := '6'; + when 7 => c := '7'; + when 8 => c := '8'; + when 9 => c := '9'; + when 10 => c := 'A'; + when 11 => c := 'B'; + when 12 => c := 'C'; + when 13 => c := 'D'; + when 14 => c := 'E'; + when 15 => c := 'F'; + when 16 => c := 'G'; + when 17 => c := 'H'; + when 18 => c := 'I'; + when 19 => c := 'J'; + when 20 => c := 'K'; + when 21 => c := 'L'; + when 22 => c := 'M'; + when 23 => c := 'N'; + when 24 => c := 'O'; + when 25 => c := 'P'; + when 26 => c := 'Q'; + when 27 => c := 'R'; + when 28 => c := 'S'; + when 29 => c := 'T'; + when 30 => c := 'U'; + when 31 => c := 'V'; + when 32 => c := 'W'; + when 33 => c := 'X'; + when 34 => c := 'Y'; + when 35 => c := 'Z'; + when others => c := '?'; + end case; + return c; + end chr; + + + + -- convert integer to string using specified base + -- (adapted from Steve Vogwell's posting in comp.lang.vhdl) + + function str(int: integer; base: integer) return string is + + variable temp: string(1 to 10); + variable num: integer; + variable abs_int: integer; + variable len: integer := 1; + variable power: integer := 1; + + begin + + -- bug fix for negative numbers + abs_int := abs(int); + + num := abs_int; + + while num >= base loop -- Determine how many + len := len + 1; -- characters required + num := num / base; -- to represent the + end loop ; -- number. + + for i in len downto 1 loop -- Convert the number to + temp(i) := chr(abs_int/power mod base); -- a string starting + power := power * base; -- with the right hand + end loop ; -- side. + + -- return result and add sign if required + if int < 0 then + return '-'& temp(1 to len); + else + return temp(1 to len); + end if; + + end str; + + + -- convert integer to string, using base 10 + function str(int: integer) return string is + + begin + + return str(int, 10) ; + + end str; + + + + -- converts a std_logic_vector into a hex string. + function hstr(slv: std_logic_vector) return string is + variable hexlen: integer; + variable longslv : std_logic_vector(67 downto 0) := (others => '0'); + variable hex : string(1 to 16); + variable fourbit : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + begin + hexlen := (slv'left+1)/4; + if (slv'left+1) mod 4 /= 0 then + hexlen := hexlen + 1; + end if; + longslv(slv'left downto 0) := slv; + for i in (hexlen -1) downto 0 loop + fourbit := longslv(((i*4)+3) downto (i*4)); + case fourbit is + when "0000" => hex(hexlen -I) := '0'; + when "0001" => hex(hexlen -I) := '1'; + when "0010" => hex(hexlen -I) := '2'; + when "0011" => hex(hexlen -I) := '3'; + when "0100" => hex(hexlen -I) := '4'; + when "0101" => hex(hexlen -I) := '5'; + when "0110" => hex(hexlen -I) := '6'; + when "0111" => hex(hexlen -I) := '7'; + when "1000" => hex(hexlen -I) := '8'; + when "1001" => hex(hexlen -I) := '9'; + when "1010" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'A'; + when "1011" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'B'; + when "1100" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'C'; + when "1101" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'D'; + when "1110" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'E'; + when "1111" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'F'; + when "ZZZZ" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'z'; + when "UUUU" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'u'; + when "XXXX" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'x'; + when others => hex(hexlen -I) := '?'; + end case; + end loop; + return hex(1 to hexlen); + end hstr; + + + + -- functions to manipulate strings + ----------------------------------- + + + -- convert a character to upper case + + function to_upper(c: character) return character is + + variable u: character; + + begin + + case c is + when 'a' => u := 'A'; + when 'b' => u := 'B'; + when 'c' => u := 'C'; + when 'd' => u := 'D'; + when 'e' => u := 'E'; + when 'f' => u := 'F'; + when 'g' => u := 'G'; + when 'h' => u := 'H'; + when 'i' => u := 'I'; + when 'j' => u := 'J'; + when 'k' => u := 'K'; + when 'l' => u := 'L'; + when 'm' => u := 'M'; + when 'n' => u := 'N'; + when 'o' => u := 'O'; + when 'p' => u := 'P'; + when 'q' => u := 'Q'; + when 'r' => u := 'R'; + when 's' => u := 'S'; + when 't' => u := 'T'; + when 'u' => u := 'U'; + when 'v' => u := 'V'; + when 'w' => u := 'W'; + when 'x' => u := 'X'; + when 'y' => u := 'Y'; + when 'z' => u := 'Z'; + when others => u := c; + end case; + + return u; + + end to_upper; + + + -- convert a character to lower case + + function to_lower(c: character) return character is + + variable l: character; + + begin + + case c is + when 'A' => l := 'a'; + when 'B' => l := 'b'; + when 'C' => l := 'c'; + when 'D' => l := 'd'; + when 'E' => l := 'e'; + when 'F' => l := 'f'; + when 'G' => l := 'g'; + when 'H' => l := 'h'; + when 'I' => l := 'i'; + when 'J' => l := 'j'; + when 'K' => l := 'k'; + when 'L' => l := 'l'; + when 'M' => l := 'm'; + when 'N' => l := 'n'; + when 'O' => l := 'o'; + when 'P' => l := 'p'; + when 'Q' => l := 'q'; + when 'R' => l := 'r'; + when 'S' => l := 's'; + when 'T' => l := 't'; + when 'U' => l := 'u'; + when 'V' => l := 'v'; + when 'W' => l := 'w'; + when 'X' => l := 'x'; + when 'Y' => l := 'y'; + when 'Z' => l := 'z'; + when others => l := c; + end case; + + return l; + + end to_lower; + + + + -- convert a string to upper case + + function to_upper(s: string) return string is + + variable uppercase: string (s'range); + + begin + + for i in s'range loop + uppercase(i):= to_upper(s(i)); + end loop; + return uppercase; + + end to_upper; + + + + -- convert a string to lower case + + function to_lower(s: string) return string is + + variable lowercase: string (s'range); + + begin + + for i in s'range loop + lowercase(i):= to_lower(s(i)); + end loop; + return lowercase; + + end to_lower; + + + +-- functions to convert strings into other types + + +-- converts a character into a std_logic + +function to_std_logic(c: character) return std_logic is + variable sl: std_logic; + begin + case c is + when 'U' => + sl := 'U'; + when 'X' => + sl := 'X'; + when '0' => + sl := '0'; + when '1' => + sl := '1'; + when 'Z' => + sl := 'Z'; + when 'W' => + sl := 'W'; + when 'L' => + sl := 'L'; + when 'H' => + sl := 'H'; + when '-' => + sl := '-'; + when others => + sl := 'X'; + end case; + return sl; + end to_std_logic; + + +-- converts a string into std_logic_vector + +function to_std_logic_vector(s: string) return std_logic_vector is + variable slv: std_logic_vector(s'high-s'low downto 0); + variable k: integer; +begin + k := s'high-s'low; + for i in s'range loop + slv(k) := to_std_logic(s(i)); + k := k - 1; + end loop; + return slv; +end to_std_logic_vector; + + + + + + +---------------- +-- file I/O -- +---------------- + + + +-- read variable length string from input file + +procedure str_read(file in_file: TEXT; + res_string: out string) is + + variable l: line; + variable c: character; + variable is_string: boolean; + + begin + + readline(in_file, l); + -- clear the contents of the result string + for i in res_string'range loop + res_string(i) := ' '; + end loop; + -- read all characters of the line, up to the length + -- of the results string + for i in res_string'range loop + read(l, c, is_string); + res_string(i) := c; + if not is_string then -- found end of line + exit; + end if; + end loop; + +end str_read; + + +-- print string to a file +procedure print(file out_file: TEXT; + new_string: in string) is + + variable l: line; + + begin + + write(l, new_string); + writeline(out_file, l); + +end print; + + +-- print character to a file and start new line +procedure print(file out_file: TEXT; + char: in character) is + + variable l: line; + + begin + + write(l, char); + writeline(out_file, l); + +end print; + + + +-- appends contents of a string to a file until line feed occurs +-- (LF is considered to be the end of the string) + +procedure str_write(file out_file: TEXT; + new_string: in string) is + begin + + for i in new_string'range loop + print(out_file, new_string(i)); + if new_string(i) = LF then -- end of string + exit; + end if; + end loop; + +end str_write; + + + + +end txt_util; + + + + diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zy2000/zpu_config.vhd b/zpu/hdl/zy2000/zpu_config.vhd index 61949c5..c0df294 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/zy2000/zpu_config.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/zy2000/zpu_config.vhd @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ -library ieee;
-use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
-package zpu_config is
- -- generate trace output or not.
- constant Generate_Trace : boolean := false;
- constant wordPower : integer := 5;
- -- during simulation, set this to '0' to get matching trace.txt
- constant DontCareValue : std_logic := '0';
- -- Clock frequency in MHz.
- constant ZPU_Frequency : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"40";
- -- This is the msb address bit. bytes=2^(maxAddrBitIncIO+1)
- constant maxAddrBitIncIO : integer := 27;
- -- start byte address of stack.
- -- point to top of RAM - 2*words
- constant spStart : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0) := x"1fffff8";
-end zpu_config;
+library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; + +package zpu_config is + -- generate trace output or not. + constant Generate_Trace : boolean := false; + constant wordPower : integer := 5; + -- during simulation, set this to '0' to get matching trace.txt + constant DontCareValue : std_logic := '0'; + -- Clock frequency in MHz. + constant ZPU_Frequency : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"40"; + -- This is the msb address bit. bytes=2^(maxAddrBitIncIO+1) + constant maxAddrBitIncIO : integer := 27; + + -- start byte address of stack. + -- point to top of RAM - 2*words + constant spStart : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0) := x"1fffff8"; + +end zpu_config; diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zy2000/zpu_config_fast.vhd b/zpu/hdl/zy2000/zpu_config_fast.vhd index 61949c5..c0df294 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/zy2000/zpu_config_fast.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/zy2000/zpu_config_fast.vhd @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ -library ieee;
-use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
-package zpu_config is
- -- generate trace output or not.
- constant Generate_Trace : boolean := false;
- constant wordPower : integer := 5;
- -- during simulation, set this to '0' to get matching trace.txt
- constant DontCareValue : std_logic := '0';
- -- Clock frequency in MHz.
- constant ZPU_Frequency : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"40";
- -- This is the msb address bit. bytes=2^(maxAddrBitIncIO+1)
- constant maxAddrBitIncIO : integer := 27;
- -- start byte address of stack.
- -- point to top of RAM - 2*words
- constant spStart : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0) := x"1fffff8";
-end zpu_config;
+library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; + +package zpu_config is + -- generate trace output or not. + constant Generate_Trace : boolean := false; + constant wordPower : integer := 5; + -- during simulation, set this to '0' to get matching trace.txt + constant DontCareValue : std_logic := '0'; + -- Clock frequency in MHz. + constant ZPU_Frequency : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"40"; + -- This is the msb address bit. bytes=2^(maxAddrBitIncIO+1) + constant maxAddrBitIncIO : integer := 27; + + -- start byte address of stack. + -- point to top of RAM - 2*words + constant spStart : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0) := x"1fffff8"; + +end zpu_config; diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zy2000/zpupkg.vhd b/zpu/hdl/zy2000/zpupkg.vhd index 1a01563..a7e6cf1 100644 --- a/zpu/hdl/zy2000/zpupkg.vhd +++ b/zpu/hdl/zy2000/zpupkg.vhd @@ -1,168 +1,168 @@ -library IEEE;
-use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
-library work;
-use work.zpu_config.all;
-package zpupkg is
- -- This bit is set for read/writes to IO
- -- FIX!!! eventually this should be set to wordSize-1 so as to
- -- to make the address of IO independent of amount of memory
- -- reserved for CPU. Requires trivial tweaks in toolchain/runtime
- -- libraries.
- constant byteBits : integer := wordPower-3; -- # of bits in a word that addresses bytes
- constant maxAddrBit : integer := maxAddrBitIncIO-1;
- constant ioBit : integer := maxAddrBit+1;
- constant wordSize : integer := 2**wordPower;
- constant wordBytes : integer := wordSize/8;
- constant minAddrBit : integer := byteBits;
- -- configurable internal stack size. Probably going to be 16 after toolchain is done
- constant stack_bits : integer := 5;
- constant stack_size : integer := 2**stack_bits;
- component dualport_ram is
- port (clk : in std_logic;
- memAWriteEnable : in std_logic;
- memAAddr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit);
- memAWrite : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- memARead : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- memBWriteEnable : in std_logic;
- memBAddr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit);
- memBWrite : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- memBRead : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0));
- end component;
- component dram is
- port (clk : in std_logic;
- areset : in std_logic;
- mem_writeEnable : in std_logic;
- mem_readEnable : in std_logic;
- mem_addr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto 0);
- mem_write : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- mem_read : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- mem_busy : out std_logic;
- mem_writeMask : in std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0));
- end component;
- component trace is
- port(
- clk : in std_logic;
- begin_inst : in std_logic;
- pc : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0);
- opcode : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- sp : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto minAddrBit);
- memA : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- memB : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- busy : in std_logic;
- intSp : in std_logic_vector(stack_bits-1 downto 0)
- );
- end component;
- component zpu_core is
- port ( clk : in std_logic;
- areset : in std_logic;
- enable : in std_logic;
- mem_req : out std_logic;
- mem_we : out std_logic;
- mem_ack : in std_logic;
- mem_read : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- mem_write : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- out_mem_addr : out std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0);
- mem_writeMask: out std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0);
- interrupt : in std_logic;
- break : out std_logic;
- zpu_status : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0));
- end component;
- component timer is
- port(
- clk : in std_logic;
- areset : in std_logic;
- sample : in std_logic;
- reset : in std_logic;
- counter : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0));
- end component;
- component zpuio is
- port ( areset : in std_logic;
- cpu_clk : in std_logic;
- clk_status : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
- cpu_din : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
- cpu_a : in std_logic_vector(20 downto 0);
- cpu_we : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
- cpu_re : in std_logic;
- cpu_dout : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0));
- end component;
- -- opcode decode constants
- constant OpCode_Im : std_logic_vector(7 downto 7) := "1";
- constant OpCode_StoreSP : std_logic_vector(7 downto 5) := "010";
- constant OpCode_LoadSP : std_logic_vector(7 downto 5) := "011";
- constant OpCode_Emulate : std_logic_vector(7 downto 5) := "001";
- constant OpCode_AddSP : std_logic_vector(7 downto 4) := "0001";
- constant OpCode_Short : std_logic_vector(7 downto 4) := "0000";
- constant OpCode_Break : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000";
- constant OpCode_Shiftleft: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0001";
- constant OpCode_PushSP : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0010";
- constant OpCode_PushInt : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0011";
- constant OpCode_PopPC : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0100";
- constant OpCode_Add : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0101";
- constant OpCode_And : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0110";
- constant OpCode_Or : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0111";
- constant OpCode_Load : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1000";
- constant OpCode_Not : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1001";
- constant OpCode_Flip : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1010";
- constant OpCode_Nop : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1011";
- constant OpCode_Store : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1100";
- constant OpCode_PopSP : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1101";
- constant OpCode_Compare : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1110";
- constant OpCode_PopInt : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1111";
- constant OpCode_Lessthan : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(36, 6);
- constant OpCode_Lessthanorequal : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(37, 6);
- constant OpCode_Ulessthan : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(38, 6);
- constant OpCode_Ulessthanorequal : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(39, 6);
- constant OpCode_Swap : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(40, 6);
- constant OpCode_Mult : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(41, 6);
- constant OpCode_Lshiftright : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(42, 6);
- constant OpCode_Ashiftleft : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(43, 6);
- constant OpCode_Ashiftright : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(44, 6);
- constant OpCode_Call : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(45, 6);
- constant OpCode_Eq : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(46, 6);
- constant OpCode_Neq : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(47, 6);
- constant OpCode_Sub : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(49, 6);
- constant OpCode_Loadb : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(51, 6);
- constant OpCode_Storeb : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(52, 6);
- constant OpCode_Eqbranch : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(55, 6);
- constant OpCode_Neqbranch : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(56, 6);
- constant OpCode_Poppcrel : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(57, 6);
- constant OpCode_Pushspadd : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(61, 6);
- constant OpCode_Mult16x16 : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(62, 6);
- constant OpCode_Callpcrel : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(63, 6);
- constant OpCode_Size : integer := 8;
-end zpupkg;
+library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.all; + +library work; +use work.zpu_config.all; + +package zpupkg is + + -- This bit is set for read/writes to IO + -- FIX!!! eventually this should be set to wordSize-1 so as to + -- to make the address of IO independent of amount of memory + -- reserved for CPU. Requires trivial tweaks in toolchain/runtime + -- libraries. + + constant byteBits : integer := wordPower-3; -- # of bits in a word that addresses bytes + constant maxAddrBit : integer := maxAddrBitIncIO-1; + constant ioBit : integer := maxAddrBit+1; + constant wordSize : integer := 2**wordPower; + constant wordBytes : integer := wordSize/8; + constant minAddrBit : integer := byteBits; + -- configurable internal stack size. Probably going to be 16 after toolchain is done + constant stack_bits : integer := 5; + constant stack_size : integer := 2**stack_bits; + + component dualport_ram is + port (clk : in std_logic; + memAWriteEnable : in std_logic; + memAAddr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit); + memAWrite : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + memARead : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + memBWriteEnable : in std_logic; + memBAddr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit); + memBWrite : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + memBRead : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0)); + end component; + + component dram is + port (clk : in std_logic; + areset : in std_logic; + mem_writeEnable : in std_logic; + mem_readEnable : in std_logic; + mem_addr : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto 0); + mem_write : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + mem_read : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + mem_busy : out std_logic; + mem_writeMask : in std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0)); + end component; + + + component trace is + port( + clk : in std_logic; + begin_inst : in std_logic; + pc : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0); + opcode : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); + sp : in std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto minAddrBit); + memA : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + memB : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + busy : in std_logic; + intSp : in std_logic_vector(stack_bits-1 downto 0) + ); + end component; + + component zpu_core is + port ( clk : in std_logic; + areset : in std_logic; + enable : in std_logic; + mem_req : out std_logic; + mem_we : out std_logic; + mem_ack : in std_logic; + mem_read : in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + mem_write : out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0); + out_mem_addr : out std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0); + mem_writeMask: out std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0); + interrupt : in std_logic; + break : out std_logic; + zpu_status : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0)); + end component; + + + + component timer is + port( + clk : in std_logic; + areset : in std_logic; + sample : in std_logic; + reset : in std_logic; + counter : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0)); + end component; + + component zpuio is + port ( areset : in std_logic; + cpu_clk : in std_logic; + clk_status : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); + cpu_din : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + cpu_a : in std_logic_vector(20 downto 0); + cpu_we : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); + cpu_re : in std_logic; + cpu_dout : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)); + end component; + + + + + -- opcode decode constants + constant OpCode_Im : std_logic_vector(7 downto 7) := "1"; + constant OpCode_StoreSP : std_logic_vector(7 downto 5) := "010"; + constant OpCode_LoadSP : std_logic_vector(7 downto 5) := "011"; + constant OpCode_Emulate : std_logic_vector(7 downto 5) := "001"; + constant OpCode_AddSP : std_logic_vector(7 downto 4) := "0001"; + constant OpCode_Short : std_logic_vector(7 downto 4) := "0000"; + + constant OpCode_Break : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000"; + constant OpCode_Shiftleft: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0001"; + constant OpCode_PushSP : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0010"; + constant OpCode_PushInt : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0011"; + + constant OpCode_PopPC : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0100"; + constant OpCode_Add : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0101"; + constant OpCode_And : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0110"; + constant OpCode_Or : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0111"; + + constant OpCode_Load : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1000"; + constant OpCode_Not : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1001"; + constant OpCode_Flip : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1010"; + constant OpCode_Nop : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1011"; + + constant OpCode_Store : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1100"; + constant OpCode_PopSP : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1101"; + constant OpCode_Compare : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1110"; + constant OpCode_PopInt : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1111"; + + constant OpCode_Lessthan : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(36, 6); + constant OpCode_Lessthanorequal : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(37, 6); + constant OpCode_Ulessthan : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(38, 6); + constant OpCode_Ulessthanorequal : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(39, 6); + + constant OpCode_Swap : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(40, 6); + constant OpCode_Mult : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(41, 6); + + constant OpCode_Lshiftright : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(42, 6); + constant OpCode_Ashiftleft : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(43, 6); + constant OpCode_Ashiftright : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(44, 6); + constant OpCode_Call : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(45, 6); + + constant OpCode_Eq : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(46, 6); + constant OpCode_Neq : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(47, 6); + + constant OpCode_Sub : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(49, 6); + constant OpCode_Loadb : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(51, 6); + constant OpCode_Storeb : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(52, 6); + + constant OpCode_Eqbranch : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(55, 6); + constant OpCode_Neqbranch : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(56, 6); + constant OpCode_Poppcrel : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(57, 6); + + constant OpCode_Pushspadd : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(61, 6); + constant OpCode_Mult16x16 : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(62, 6); + constant OpCode_Callpcrel : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(63, 6); + + + + constant OpCode_Size : integer := 8; + + + +end zpupkg; |