path: root/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/zpuio.vhd
diff options
authorBert Lange <>2011-08-16 23:43:12 +0200
committerBert Lange <>2011-08-16 23:43:12 +0200
commitec177759929085f161b9a5c7c82016406d8867cb (patch)
tree1248124f0909a88dfff4059cc33f1556ee3bfcf7 /zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/zpuio.vhd
parentbb1b38ce7d74dbf5ff5bb57576011ed825a8330d (diff)
beautify indentation
Diffstat (limited to 'zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/zpuio.vhd')
1 files changed, 205 insertions, 219 deletions
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/zpuio.vhd b/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/zpuio.vhd
index 2c7fd41..9ca9050 100644
--- a/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/zpuio.vhd
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zpu4/src/zpuio.vhd
@@ -1,232 +1,218 @@
-library IEEE;
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library work;
use work.zpu_config.all;
use work.zpupkg.all;
entity zpuio is
- port ( areset : in std_logic;
- cpu_clk : in std_logic;
- clk_status : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
- cpu_din : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
- cpu_a : in std_logic_vector(20 downto 0);
- cpu_we : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
- cpu_re : in std_logic;
- cpu_dout : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0));
+ port (
+ areset : in std_logic;
+ cpu_clk : in std_logic;
+ clk_status : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+ cpu_din : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ cpu_a : in std_logic_vector(20 downto 0);
+ cpu_we : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ cpu_re : in std_logic;
+ cpu_dout : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)
+ );
end zpuio;
architecture behave of zpuio is
-signal timer_read : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
---signal timer_write : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-signal timer_we : std_logic;
-signal io_busy : std_logic;
-signal io_read : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
---signal io_write : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-signal io_addr : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit);
-signal io_writeEnable : std_logic;
-signal Enable : std_logic;
-signal din : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-signal dout : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-signal adr : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-signal break : std_logic;
-signal we : std_logic;
-signal re : std_logic;
--- uart forwarding...
-signal uartTXPending : std_logic;
-signal uartTXCleared : std_logic;
-signal uartData : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-signal readingTimer : std_logic;
-signal mem_busy : std_logic;
-signal mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal mem_write : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal mem_addr : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0);
-signal mem_writeEnable : std_logic;
-signal mem_readEnable : std_logic;
-signal mem_writeMask: std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0);
-signal dram_mem_busy : std_logic;
-signal dram_mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal dram_mem_write : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal dram_mem_writeEnable : std_logic;
-signal dram_mem_readEnable : std_logic;
-signal dram_mem_writeMask: std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0);
---signal io_mem_read : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
---signal io_mem_writeEnable : std_logic;
---signal io_mem_readEnable : std_logic;
-signal io_readEnable : std_logic;
-signal dram_read : std_logic;
+ signal timer_read : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal timer_we : std_logic;
+ --
+ signal io_busy : std_logic;
+ signal io_read : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal io_addr : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit);
+ signal io_writeEnable : std_logic;
+ signal Enable : std_logic;
+ --
+ signal din : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal dout : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal adr : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ signal break : std_logic;
+ signal we : std_logic;
+ signal re : std_logic;
+ --
+ -- uart forwarding...
+ signal uartTXPending : std_logic;
+ signal uartTXCleared : std_logic;
+ signal uartData : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ --
+ signal readingTimer : std_logic;
+ --
+ --
+ signal mem_busy : std_logic;
+ signal mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
+ signal mem_write : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
+ signal mem_addr : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0);
+ signal mem_writeEnable : std_logic;
+ signal mem_readEnable : std_logic;
+ signal mem_writeMask : std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0);
+ --
+ signal dram_mem_busy : std_logic;
+ signal dram_mem_read : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
+ signal dram_mem_write : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
+ signal dram_mem_writeEnable : std_logic;
+ signal dram_mem_readEnable : std_logic;
+ signal dram_mem_writeMask : std_logic_vector(wordBytes-1 downto 0);
+ --
+ signal io_readEnable : std_logic;
+ --
+ signal dram_read : std_logic;
- io_addr <= mem_addr(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit);
- timerinst: timer port map (
- clk => cpu_clk,
- areset => areset,
- we => timer_we,
- din => mem_write(7 downto 0),
- adr => io_addr(4 downto 2),
- dout => timer_read);
- zpu: zpu_core port map (
- clk => cpu_clk ,
- areset => areset,
- in_mem_busy => mem_busy,
- mem_read => mem_read,
- mem_write => mem_write,
- out_mem_addr => mem_addr,
- out_mem_writeEnable => mem_writeEnable,
- out_mem_readEnable => mem_readEnable,
- mem_writeMask => mem_writeMask,
- interrupt => '0',
- break => break);
-ram_imp: dram port map (
- clk => cpu_clk ,
- areset => areset,
- mem_busy => dram_mem_busy,
- mem_read => dram_mem_read,
- mem_write => mem_write,
- mem_addr => mem_addr(maxAddrBit downto 0),
- mem_writeEnable => dram_mem_writeEnable,
- mem_readEnable => dram_mem_readEnable,
- mem_writeMask => mem_writeMask);
- fauxUart:
- process(cpu_clk, areset)
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- io_busy <= '0';
- uartTXPending <= '0';
- timer_we <= '0';
- io_busy <= '0';
- uartData <= x"58"; -- 'X'
- readingTimer <= '0';
- elsif (cpu_clk'event and cpu_clk = '1') then
- timer_we <= '0';
- io_busy <= '0';
- if uartTXCleared = '1' then
- uartTXPending <= '0';
- end if;
- if io_writeEnable = '1' then
- if io_addr=x"2028003" then
- -- Write to UART
- uartData <= mem_write(7 downto 0);
- uartTXPending <= '1';
- io_busy <= '1';
- elsif io_addr(12)='1' then
- timer_we <= '1';
- io_busy <= '1';
- else
--- report "Illegal IO write" severity failure;
- end if;
- end if;
- if (io_readEnable = '1') then
- if io_addr=x"2028003" then
- io_read <= (0=>'1', -- recieve empty
- 1 => uartTXPending, -- tx full
- others => '0');
- io_busy <= '1';
- elsif io_addr(12)='1' then
- readingTimer <= '1';
- io_busy <= '1';
- elsif io_addr(11)='1' then
- io_read <= ZPU_Frequency;
- io_busy <= '1';
- else
--- report "Illegal IO read" severity failure;
- end if;
- else
- if (readingTimer = '1') then
- readingTimer <= '0';
- io_read <= timer_read;
- io_busy <= '0';
- else
- io_read <= (others => '1');
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- forwardUARTOutputToARM:
- process(cpu_clk, areset)
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- uartTXCleared <= '0';
- elsif (cpu_clk = '1' and cpu_clk'event) then
- if cpu_we(0) = '1' and cpu_a(3 downto 1) = "000" then
- uartTXCleared <= cpu_din(0);
- else
- uartTXCleared <= uartTXCleared;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- cpu_dout(7 downto 0) <= uartData when (cpu_re = '1' and cpu_a(3 downto 1) = "001") else (others => 'Z');
- cpu_dout <= (0 => uartTXPending, others => '0') when (cpu_re = '1' and cpu_a(3 downto 1) = "000") else (others => 'Z');
- dram_mem_writeEnable <= mem_writeEnable and not mem_addr(ioBit);
- dram_mem_readEnable <= mem_readEnable and not mem_addr(ioBit);
- io_writeEnable <= mem_writeEnable and mem_addr(ioBit);
--- io_readEnable <= mem_readEnable and mem_addr(ioBit);
- mem_busy <= io_busy or dram_mem_busy or dram_read or io_readEnable;
- -- Memory reads either come from IO or DRAM. We need to pick the right one.
- memorycontrol:
- process(cpu_clk, areset)
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- dram_read <= '0';
- io_readEnable <= '0';
- elsif (cpu_clk'event and cpu_clk = '1') then
- mem_read <= (others => '0');
- if mem_addr(ioBit)='0' and mem_readEnable='1' then
- dram_read <= '1';
- end if;
- if dram_read='1' and dram_mem_busy='0' then
- dram_read <= '0';
- mem_read <= dram_mem_read;
- end if;
- if mem_addr(ioBit)='1' and mem_readEnable='1' then
- io_readEnable <= '1';
- end if;
- if io_readEnable='1' and io_busy='0' then
- io_readEnable <= '0';
- mem_read(7 downto 0) <= io_read;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
-end behave;
+ io_addr <= mem_addr(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit);
+ timerinst : timer
+ port map (
+ clk => cpu_clk,
+ areset => areset,
+ we => timer_we,
+ din => mem_write(7 downto 0),
+ adr => io_addr(4 downto 2),
+ dout => timer_read
+ );
+ zpu : zpu_core
+ port map (
+ clk => cpu_clk ,
+ areset => areset,
+ in_mem_busy => mem_busy,
+ mem_read => mem_read,
+ mem_write => mem_write,
+ out_mem_addr => mem_addr,
+ out_mem_writeEnable => mem_writeEnable,
+ out_mem_readEnable => mem_readEnable,
+ mem_writeMask => mem_writeMask,
+ interrupt => '0',
+ break => break
+ );
+ ram_imp : dram
+ port map (
+ clk => cpu_clk,
+ areset => areset,
+ mem_busy => dram_mem_busy,
+ mem_read => dram_mem_read,
+ mem_write => mem_write,
+ mem_addr => mem_addr(maxAddrBit downto 0),
+ mem_writeEnable => dram_mem_writeEnable,
+ mem_readEnable => dram_mem_readEnable,
+ mem_writeMask => mem_writeMask
+ );
+ fauxUart : process(cpu_clk, areset)
+ begin
+ if areset = '1' then
+ io_busy <= '0';
+ uartTXPending <= '0';
+ timer_we <= '0';
+ io_busy <= '0';
+ uartData <= x"58"; -- 'X'
+ readingTimer <= '0';
+ elsif rising_edge(cpu_clk) then
+ timer_we <= '0';
+ io_busy <= '0';
+ if uartTXCleared = '1' then
+ uartTXPending <= '0';
+ end if;
+ if io_writeEnable = '1' then
+ if io_addr = x"2028003" then
+ -- Write to UART
+ uartData <= mem_write(7 downto 0);
+ uartTXPending <= '1';
+ io_busy <= '1';
+ elsif io_addr(12) = '1' then
+ timer_we <= '1';
+ io_busy <= '1';
+ else
+ -- report "Illegal IO write" severity failure;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if (io_readEnable = '1') then
+ if io_addr = x"2028003" then
+ io_read <= (0 => '1', -- recieve empty
+ 1 => uartTXPending, -- tx full
+ others => '0');
+ io_busy <= '1';
+ elsif io_addr(12) = '1' then
+ readingTimer <= '1';
+ io_busy <= '1';
+ elsif io_addr(11) = '1' then
+ io_read <= ZPU_Frequency;
+ io_busy <= '1';
+ else
+ -- report "Illegal IO read" severity failure;
+ end if;
+ else
+ if (readingTimer = '1') then
+ readingTimer <= '0';
+ io_read <= timer_read;
+ io_busy <= '0';
+ else
+ io_read <= (others => '1');
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ forwardUARTOutputToARM : process(cpu_clk, areset)
+ begin
+ if areset = '1' then
+ uartTXCleared <= '0';
+ elsif rising_edge(cpu_clkt) then
+ if cpu_we(0) = '1' and cpu_a(3 downto 1) = "000" then
+ uartTXCleared <= cpu_din(0);
+ else
+ uartTXCleared <= uartTXCleared;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ cpu_dout(7 downto 0) <= uartData when (cpu_re = '1' and cpu_a(3 downto 1) = "001") else (others => 'Z');
+ cpu_dout <= (0 => uartTXPending, others => '0') when (cpu_re = '1' and cpu_a(3 downto 1) = "000") else (others => 'Z');
+ dram_mem_writeEnable <= mem_writeEnable and not mem_addr(ioBit);
+ dram_mem_readEnable <= mem_readEnable and not mem_addr(ioBit);
+ io_writeEnable <= mem_writeEnable and mem_addr(ioBit);
+ mem_busy <= io_busy or dram_mem_busy or dram_read or io_readEnable;
+ -- Memory reads either come from IO or DRAM. We need to pick the right one.
+ memorycontrol : process(cpu_clk, areset)
+ begin
+ if areset = '1' then
+ dram_read <= '0';
+ io_readEnable <= '0';
+ elsif rising_edge(cpu_clk) then
+ mem_read <= (others => '0');
+ if mem_addr(ioBit) = '0' and mem_readEnable = '1' then
+ dram_read <= '1';
+ end if;
+ if dram_read = '1' and dram_mem_busy = '0' then
+ dram_read <= '0';
+ mem_read <= dram_mem_read;
+ end if;
+ if mem_addr(ioBit) = '1' and mem_readEnable = '1' then
+ io_readEnable <= '1';
+ end if;
+ if io_readEnable = '1' and io_busy = '0' then
+ io_readEnable <= '0';
+ mem_read(7 downto 0) <= io_read;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+end architecture behave;
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