path: root/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16
diff options
authorBert Lange <>2011-10-13 12:37:49 +0200
committerBert Lange <>2011-10-13 12:37:49 +0200
commit0bf783475d6610a14f71884737aeae33246bb9be (patch)
tree8545a4d2e76761131f4945db6eeca7b563f7161e /zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16
parentbf4405c61a9c010a8e888da678436a282b9551a3 (diff)
add: ZPU reference designs for zealot
Diffstat (limited to 'zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16')
11 files changed, 1600 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3855f16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# ise build stuff
+rm -rf build
+rm -f top.bit
+# modelsim compile stuff
+rm -rf work
+rm -rf zpu
+# modelsim simulation stuff
+rm -f vsim.wlf
+rm -f transcript
+rm -f zpu_trace.log
+rm -f zpu_med1_io.log
+rm -f zpu_small1_io.log
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..febf588
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# need project files:
+# need ModelSim tools:
+# vlib
+# vcom
+# vsim
+echo "###############"
+echo "compile zpu lib"
+echo "###############"
+vlib zpu
+vcom -work zpu ../../roms/hello_dbram.vhdl
+vcom -work zpu ../../roms/hello_bram.vhdl
+#vcom -work zpu ../../roms/dmips_dbram.vhdl
+#vcom -work zpu ../../roms/dmips_bram.vhdl
+vcom -work zpu ../../roms/rom_pkg.vhdl
+vcom -work zpu ../../zpu_pkg.vhdl
+vcom -work zpu ../../zpu_small.vhdl
+vcom -work zpu ../../zpu_medium.vhdl
+vcom -work zpu ../../helpers/zpu_small1.vhdl
+vcom -work zpu ../../helpers/zpu_med1.vhdl
+vcom -work zpu ../../devices/txt_util.vhdl
+vcom -work zpu ../../devices/phi_io.vhdl
+vcom -work zpu ../../devices/timer.vhdl
+vcom -work zpu ../../devices/rx_unit.vhdl
+vcom -work zpu ../../devices/tx_unit.vhdl
+vcom -work zpu ../../devices/br_gen.vhdl
+vcom -work zpu ../../devices/trace.vhdl
+echo "################"
+echo "compile work lib"
+echo "################"
+vlib work
+vcom top.vhd
+vcom top_tb.vhd
+echo "###################"
+echo "start simulator gui"
+echo "###################"
+vsim -gui top_tb -do simulation_config/
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/simulation_config/ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/simulation_config/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acc1710
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/simulation_config/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+run -all
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/simulation_config/ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/simulation_config/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a3731d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/simulation_config/
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+onerror {resume}
+quietly WaveActivateNextPane {} 0
+add wave -noupdate /top_tb/simulation_run
+add wave -noupdate /top_tb/tb_cpu_reset
+add wave -noupdate /top_tb/tb_sysclk_n
+add wave -noupdate /top_tb/tb_sysclk_p
+add wave -noupdate /top_tb/tb_user_clock
+add wave -noupdate -divider <NULL>
+add wave -noupdate /top_tb/top_i0/clk
+add wave -noupdate -divider <NULL>
+add wave -noupdate /top_tb/tb_gpio_button
+add wave -noupdate /top_tb/tb_gpio_header_ls
+add wave -noupdate /top_tb/tb_gpio_led
+add wave -noupdate /top_tb/tb_gpio_switch
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group USB/RS232 /top_tb/tb_usb_1_cts
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group USB/RS232 /top_tb/tb_usb_1_rts
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group USB/RS232 /top_tb/tb_usb_1_rx
+add wave -noupdate -expand -group USB/RS232 /top_tb/tb_usb_1_tx
+add wave -noupdate -group DDR2 /top_tb/tb_ddr2_a
+add wave -noupdate -group DDR2 /top_tb/tb_ddr2_ba
+add wave -noupdate -group DDR2 /top_tb/tb_ddr2_cas_b
+add wave -noupdate -group DDR2 /top_tb/tb_ddr2_ras_b
+add wave -noupdate -group DDR2 /top_tb/tb_ddr2_we_b
+add wave -noupdate -group DDR2 /top_tb/tb_ddr2_cke
+add wave -noupdate -group DDR2 /top_tb/tb_ddr2_clk_n
+add wave -noupdate -group DDR2 /top_tb/tb_ddr2_clk_p
+add wave -noupdate -group DDR2 /top_tb/tb_ddr2_dq
+add wave -noupdate -group DDR2 /top_tb/tb_ddr2_ldm
+add wave -noupdate -group DDR2 /top_tb/tb_ddr2_udm
+add wave -noupdate -group DDR2 /top_tb/tb_ddr2_ldqs_n
+add wave -noupdate -group DDR2 /top_tb/tb_ddr2_ldqs_p
+add wave -noupdate -group DDR2 /top_tb/tb_ddr2_udqs_n
+add wave -noupdate -group DDR2 /top_tb/tb_ddr2_udqs_p
+add wave -noupdate -group DDR2 /top_tb/tb_ddr2_odt
+add wave -noupdate -group {Flash memory} /top_tb/tb_flash_a
+add wave -noupdate -group {Flash memory} /top_tb/tb_flash_d
+add wave -noupdate -group {Flash memory} /top_tb/tb_fpga_d0_din_miso_miso1
+add wave -noupdate -group {Flash memory} /top_tb/tb_fpga_d1_miso2
+add wave -noupdate -group {Flash memory} /top_tb/tb_fpga_d2_miso3
+add wave -noupdate -group {Flash memory} /top_tb/tb_flash_we_b
+add wave -noupdate -group {Flash memory} /top_tb/tb_flash_oe_b
+add wave -noupdate -group {Flash memory} /top_tb/tb_flash_ce_b
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_clk0_m2c_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_clk0_m2c_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_clk1_m2c_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_clk1_m2c_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_iic_scl_main
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_iic_sda_main
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la00_cc_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la00_cc_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la01_cc_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la01_cc_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la02_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la02_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la03_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la03_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la04_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la04_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la05_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la05_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la06_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la06_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la07_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la07_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la08_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la08_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la09_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la09_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la10_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la10_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la11_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la11_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la12_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la12_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la13_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la13_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la14_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la14_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la15_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la15_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la16_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la16_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la17_cc_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la17_cc_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la18_cc_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la18_cc_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la19_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la19_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la20_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la20_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la21_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la21_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la22_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la22_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la23_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la23_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la24_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la24_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la25_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la25_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la26_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la26_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la27_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la27_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la28_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la28_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la29_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la29_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la30_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la30_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la31_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la31_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la32_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la32_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la33_n
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_la33_p
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_prsnt_m2c_l
+add wave -noupdate -group {FMC connector} /top_tb/tb_fmc_pwr_good_flash_rst_b
+add wave -noupdate -group {special FPGA pins} /top_tb/tb_fpga_awake
+add wave -noupdate -group {special FPGA pins} /top_tb/tb_fpga_cclk
+add wave -noupdate -group {special FPGA pins} /top_tb/tb_fpga_cmp_clk
+add wave -noupdate -group {special FPGA pins} /top_tb/tb_fpga_cmp_mosi
+add wave -noupdate -group {special FPGA pins} /top_tb/tb_fpga_hswapen
+add wave -noupdate -group {special FPGA pins} /top_tb/tb_fpga_init_b
+add wave -noupdate -group {special FPGA pins} /top_tb/tb_fpga_m0_cmp_miso
+add wave -noupdate -group {special FPGA pins} /top_tb/tb_fpga_m1
+add wave -noupdate -group {special FPGA pins} /top_tb/tb_fpga_mosi_csi_b_miso0
+add wave -noupdate -group {special FPGA pins} /top_tb/tb_fpga_onchip_term1
+add wave -noupdate -group {special FPGA pins} /top_tb/tb_fpga_onchip_term2
+add wave -noupdate -group {special FPGA pins} /top_tb/tb_fpga_vtemp
+add wave -noupdate -group {special FPGA pins} /top_tb/tb_spi_cs_b
+add wave -noupdate -group {Ethernet phy} /top_tb/tb_phy_col
+add wave -noupdate -group {Ethernet phy} /top_tb/tb_phy_crs
+add wave -noupdate -group {Ethernet phy} /top_tb/tb_phy_int
+add wave -noupdate -group {Ethernet phy} /top_tb/tb_phy_mdc
+add wave -noupdate -group {Ethernet phy} /top_tb/tb_phy_mdio
+add wave -noupdate -group {Ethernet phy} /top_tb/tb_phy_reset
+add wave -noupdate -group {Ethernet phy} /top_tb/tb_phy_rxclk
+add wave -noupdate -group {Ethernet phy} /top_tb/tb_phy_rxctl_rxdv
+add wave -noupdate -group {Ethernet phy} /top_tb/tb_phy_rxd
+add wave -noupdate -group {Ethernet phy} /top_tb/tb_phy_rxer
+add wave -noupdate -group {Ethernet phy} /top_tb/tb_phy_txclk
+add wave -noupdate -group {Ethernet phy} /top_tb/tb_phy_txctl_txen
+add wave -noupdate -group {Ethernet phy} /top_tb/tb_phy_txc_gtxclk
+add wave -noupdate -group {Ethernet phy} /top_tb/tb_phy_txd
+add wave -noupdate -group {Ethernet phy} /top_tb/tb_phy_txer
+TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree]
+WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 1} {1393701250 ps} 0} {{Cursor 2} {138750 ps} 0}
+configure wave -namecolwidth 150
+configure wave -valuecolwidth 100
+configure wave -justifyvalue left
+configure wave -signalnamewidth 1
+configure wave -snapdistance 10
+configure wave -datasetprefix 0
+configure wave -rowmargin 4
+configure wave -childrowmargin 2
+configure wave -gridoffset 0
+configure wave -gridperiod 1
+configure wave -griddelta 40
+configure wave -timeline 0
+configure wave -timelineunits ns
+WaveRestoreZoom {0 ps} {327615 ps}
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2f89415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# need project files:
+# top.xst
+# top.prj
+# top.ut
+# need Xilinx tools:
+# xst
+# ngdbuild
+# map
+# par
+# trce
+# bitgen
+echo "########################"
+echo "generate build directory"
+echo "########################"
+mkdir build
+cd build
+mkdir tmp
+echo "###############"
+echo "start processes"
+echo "###############"
+xst -ifn "../synthesis_config/top.xst" -ofn "top.syr"
+ngdbuild -dd _ngo -nt timestamp -uc ../synthesis_config/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16.ucf -p xc6slx16-csg324-2 top.ngc top.ngd
+map -p xc6slx16-csg324-2 -w -logic_opt off -ol high -t 1 -xt 0 -register_duplication off -global_opt off -mt off -ir off -pr off -lc off -power off -o top_map.ncd top.ngd top.pcf
+par -ol high -mt off top_map.ncd -w top.ncd top.pcf
+trce -v 3 -s 2 -n 3 -fastpaths -xml top.twx top.ncd -o top.twr top.pcf
+bitgen -f ../synthesis_config/top.ut top.ncd
+echo "###########"
+echo "get bitfile"
+echo "###########"
+cp top.bit ..
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/synthesis_config/top.prj b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/synthesis_config/top.prj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81d56ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/synthesis_config/top.prj
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+vhdl work ../top.vhd
+vhdl zpu ../../../zpu_pkg.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../zpu_small.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../zpu_medium.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../roms/rom_pkg.vhdl
+#vhdl zpu ../../../roms/hello_dbram.vhdl
+#vhdl zpu ../../../roms/hello_bram.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../roms/dmips_dbram.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../roms/dmips_bram.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../helpers/zpu_small1.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../helpers/zpu_med1.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../devices/txt_util.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../devices/phi_io.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../devices/timer.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../devices/rx_unit.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../devices/tx_unit.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../devices/br_gen.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../devices/trace.vhdl
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/synthesis_config/top.ut b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/synthesis_config/top.ut
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea9319f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/synthesis_config/top.ut
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+-g DebugBitstream:No
+-g Binary:no
+-g CRC:Enable
+-g Reset_on_err:No
+-g ConfigRate:2
+-g ProgPin:PullUp
+-g TckPin:PullUp
+-g TdiPin:PullUp
+-g TdoPin:PullUp
+-g TmsPin:PullUp
+-g UnusedPin:PullDown
+-g ExtMasterCclk_en:No
+-g SPI_buswidth:1
+-g multipin_wakeup:No
+-g StartUpClk:CClk
+-g DONE_cycle:4
+-g GTS_cycle:5
+-g GWE_cycle:6
+-g LCK_cycle:NoWait
+-g Security:None
+-g DonePipe:No
+-g DriveDone:No
+-g en_sw_gsr:No
+-g drive_awake:No
+-g sw_clk:Startupclk
+-g sw_gwe_cycle:5
+-g sw_gts_cycle:4
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/synthesis_config/top.xst b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/synthesis_config/top.xst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8952afe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/synthesis_config/top.xst
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+set -tmpdir "tmp"
+set -xsthdpdir "xst"
+-ifn ../synthesis_config/top.prj
+-ifmt mixed
+-ofn top
+-ofmt NGC
+-p xc6slx16-2-csg324
+-top top
+-opt_mode Speed
+-opt_level 1
+-power NO
+-iuc NO
+-keep_hierarchy No
+-netlist_hierarchy As_Optimized
+-rtlview Yes
+-glob_opt AllClockNets
+-read_cores YES
+-write_timing_constraints NO
+-cross_clock_analysis NO
+-hierarchy_separator /
+-bus_delimiter <>
+-case Maintain
+-slice_utilization_ratio 100
+-bram_utilization_ratio 100
+-dsp_utilization_ratio 100
+-lc Auto
+-reduce_control_sets Auto
+-fsm_extract YES -fsm_encoding Auto
+-safe_implementation No
+-fsm_style LUT
+-ram_extract Yes
+-ram_style Auto
+-rom_extract Yes
+-shreg_extract YES
+-rom_style Auto
+-auto_bram_packing NO
+-resource_sharing YES
+-async_to_sync NO
+-shreg_min_size 2
+-use_dsp48 Auto
+-iobuf YES
+-max_fanout 100000
+-bufg 16
+-register_duplication YES
+-register_balancing No
+-optimize_primitives NO
+-use_clock_enable Auto
+-use_sync_set Auto
+-use_sync_reset Auto
+-iob Auto
+-equivalent_register_removal YES
+-slice_utilization_ratio_maxmargin 5
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/synthesis_config/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16.ucf b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/synthesis_config/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16.ucf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c54705a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/synthesis_config/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16.ucf
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+# SPARTAN-6 SP601 Board Constraints File
+# Family: Spartan6
+# Device: XC6SLX16
+# Package: CSG324
+# Speed: -2
+# Bank Voltage
+# Bank 0: 2.5 V
+# Bank 1: 2.5 V
+# Bank 2: 2.5 V
+# Bank 3: 1.8 V
+# VCCAUX: 2.5 V
+# following pins are connected to VCC1V8/2:
+# N3, M5, C1
+## clock/timing constraints
+## pin placement constraints
+## 128 MB DDR2 Component Memory
+NET "DDR2_A<12>" LOC ="G6"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_A<11>" LOC ="D3"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_A<10>" LOC ="F4"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_A<9>" LOC ="D1"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_A<8>" LOC ="D2"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_A<7>" LOC ="H6"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_A<6>" LOC ="H3"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_A<5>" LOC ="H4"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_A<4>" LOC ="F3"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_A<3>" LOC ="L7"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_A<2>" LOC ="H5"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_A<1>" LOC ="J6"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_A<0>" LOC ="J7"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_DQ<15>" LOC ="U1"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_DQ<14>" LOC ="U2"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_DQ<13>" LOC ="T1"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_DQ<12>" LOC ="T2"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_DQ<11>" LOC ="N1"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_DQ<10>" LOC ="N2"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_DQ<9>" LOC ="M1"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_DQ<8>" LOC ="M3"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_DQ<7>" LOC ="J1"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_DQ<6>" LOC ="J3"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_DQ<5>" LOC ="H1"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_DQ<4>" LOC ="H2"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_DQ<3>" LOC ="K1"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_DQ<2>" LOC ="K2"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_DQ<1>" LOC ="L1"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_DQ<0>" LOC ="L2"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_BA<2>" LOC ="E1"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_BA<1>" LOC ="F1"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+NET "DDR2_BA<0>" LOC ="F2"; # | IOSTANDARD = SSTL18_II ;
+## Flash Memory
+NET "FLASH_A<0>" LOC = "K18";
+NET "FLASH_A<1>" LOC = "K17";
+NET "FLASH_A<2>" LOC = "J18";
+NET "FLASH_A<3>" LOC = "J16";
+NET "FLASH_A<4>" LOC = "G18";
+NET "FLASH_A<5>" LOC = "G16";
+NET "FLASH_A<6>" LOC = "H16";
+NET "FLASH_A<7>" LOC = "H15";
+NET "FLASH_A<8>" LOC = "H14";
+NET "FLASH_A<9>" LOC = "H13";
+NET "FLASH_A<10>" LOC = "F18";
+NET "FLASH_A<11>" LOC = "F17";
+NET "FLASH_A<12>" LOC = "K13";
+NET "FLASH_A<13>" LOC = "K12";
+NET "FLASH_A<14>" LOC = "E18";
+NET "FLASH_A<15>" LOC = "E16";
+NET "FLASH_A<16>" LOC = "G13";
+NET "FLASH_A<17>" LOC = "H12";
+NET "FLASH_A<18>" LOC = "D18";
+NET "FLASH_A<19>" LOC = "D17";
+NET "FLASH_A<20>" LOC = "G14";
+NET "FLASH_A<21>" LOC = "F14";
+NET "FLASH_A<22>" LOC = "C18";
+NET "FLASH_A<23>" LOC = "C17";
+NET "FLASH_A<24>" LOC = "F16";
+#NET "FLASH_D<0>" LOC = "R13" | SLEW = "SLOW" | DRIVE = 2;
+#NET "FLASH_D<1>" LOC = "T14" | SLEW = "SLOW" | DRIVE = 2;
+#NET "FLASH_D<2>" LOC = "V14" | SLEW = "SLOW" | DRIVE = 2;
+NET "FLASH_D<3>" LOC = "U5" | SLEW = "SLOW" | DRIVE = 2;
+NET "FLASH_D<4>" LOC = "V5" | SLEW = "SLOW" | DRIVE = 2;
+NET "FLASH_D<5>" LOC = "R3" | SLEW = "SLOW" | DRIVE = 2;
+NET "FLASH_D<6>" LOC = "T3" | SLEW = "SLOW" | DRIVE = 2;
+NET "FLASH_D<7>" LOC = "R5" | SLEW = "SLOW" | DRIVE = 2;
+NET "FLASH_OE_B" LOC = "L18";
+NET "FLASH_WE_B" LOC = "M16";
+NET "FLASH_CE_B" LOC = "L17";
+# FMC-Connector, Bank 0,2 (M2C = Mezzanine to Carrier, C2M = Carrier to Mezzanine)
+NET "FMC_CLK0_M2C_N" LOC = "A10";
+NET "FMC_CLK0_M2C_P" LOC = "C10";
+NET "FMC_CLK1_M2C_N" LOC = "V9" ;
+NET "FMC_CLK1_M2C_P" LOC = "T9" ;
+NET "FMC_LA00_CC_N" LOC = "C9" ;
+NET "FMC_LA00_CC_P" LOC = "D9" ;
+NET "FMC_LA01_CC_N" LOC = "C11";
+NET "FMC_LA01_CC_P" LOC = "D11";
+NET "FMC_LA02_N" LOC = "A15";
+NET "FMC_LA02_P" LOC = "C15";
+NET "FMC_LA03_N" LOC = "A13";
+NET "FMC_LA03_P" LOC = "C13";
+NET "FMC_LA04_N" LOC = "A16";
+NET "FMC_LA04_P" LOC = "B16";
+NET "FMC_LA05_N" LOC = "A14";
+NET "FMC_LA05_P" LOC = "B14";
+NET "FMC_LA06_N" LOC = "C12";
+NET "FMC_LA06_P" LOC = "D12";
+NET "FMC_LA07_N" LOC = "E8" ;
+NET "FMC_LA07_P" LOC = "E7" ;
+NET "FMC_LA08_N" LOC = "E11";
+NET "FMC_LA08_P" LOC = "F11";
+NET "FMC_LA09_N" LOC = "F10";
+NET "FMC_LA09_P" LOC = "G11";
+NET "FMC_LA10_N" LOC = "C8" ;
+NET "FMC_LA10_P" LOC = "D8" ;
+NET "FMC_LA11_N" LOC = "A12";
+NET "FMC_LA11_P" LOC = "B12";
+NET "FMC_LA12_N" LOC = "C6" ;
+NET "FMC_LA12_P" LOC = "D6" ;
+NET "FMC_LA13_N" LOC = "A11";
+NET "FMC_LA13_P" LOC = "B11";
+NET "FMC_LA14_N" LOC = "A2" ;
+NET "FMC_LA14_P" LOC = "B2" ;
+NET "FMC_LA15_N" LOC = "F9" ;
+NET "FMC_LA15_P" LOC = "G9" ;
+NET "FMC_LA16_N" LOC = "A7" ;
+NET "FMC_LA16_P" LOC = "C7" ;
+NET "FMC_LA17_CC_N" LOC = "T8" ;
+NET "FMC_LA17_CC_P" LOC = "R8" ;
+NET "FMC_LA18_CC_N" LOC = "T10";
+NET "FMC_LA18_CC_P" LOC = "R10";
+NET "FMC_LA19_N" LOC = "P7" ;
+NET "FMC_LA19_P" LOC = "N6" ;
+NET "FMC_LA20_N" LOC = "P8" ;
+NET "FMC_LA20_P" LOC = "N7" ;
+NET "FMC_LA21_N" LOC = "V4" ;
+NET "FMC_LA21_P" LOC = "T4" ;
+NET "FMC_LA22_N" LOC = "T7" ;
+NET "FMC_LA22_P" LOC = "R7" ;
+NET "FMC_LA23_N" LOC = "P6" ;
+NET "FMC_LA23_P" LOC = "N5" ;
+NET "FMC_LA24_N" LOC = "V8" ;
+NET "FMC_LA24_P" LOC = "U8" ;
+NET "FMC_LA25_N" LOC = "N11";
+NET "FMC_LA25_P" LOC = "M11";
+NET "FMC_LA26_N" LOC = "V7" ;
+NET "FMC_LA26_P" LOC = "U7" ;
+NET "FMC_LA27_N" LOC = "T11";
+NET "FMC_LA27_P" LOC = "R11";
+NET "FMC_LA28_N" LOC = "V11";
+NET "FMC_LA28_P" LOC = "U11";
+NET "FMC_LA29_N" LOC = "N8" ;
+NET "FMC_LA29_P" LOC = "M8" ;
+NET "FMC_LA30_N" LOC = "V12";
+NET "FMC_LA30_P" LOC = "T12";
+NET "FMC_LA31_N" LOC = "V6" ;
+NET "FMC_LA31_P" LOC = "T6" ;
+NET "FMC_LA32_N" LOC = "V15";
+NET "FMC_LA32_P" LOC = "U15";
+NET "FMC_LA33_N" LOC = "N9" ;
+NET "FMC_LA33_P" LOC = "M10";
+# special FPGA pins
+NET "FPGA_D0_DIN_MISO_MISO1" LOC = "R13" | DRIVE = 4; ## 8 on U17 (thru series R187 100 ohm), 33 on U10, 6 on J12
+NET "FPGA_D1_MISO2" LOC = "T14" | DRIVE = 4; ## 9 on U17 (thru series R186 100 ohm), 35 on U10, 3 on J12
+NET "FPGA_D2_MISO3" LOC = "V14" | DRIVE = 4; ## 1 on U17, 38 on U10, 2 on J12
+NET "FPGA_M1" LOC = "N12";
+## Pushbuttons, Bank 3, external Pulldown
+NET "GPIO_BUTTON<0>" LOC = "P4" ;
+NET "GPIO_BUTTON<1>" LOC = "F6" ;
+NET "GPIO_BUTTON<2>" LOC = "E4" ;
+NET "GPIO_BUTTON<3>" LOC = "F5" ;
+## 8 Pin GPIO Header J13, Bank 0,1,2
+## 4 GPIO LEDs, Bank 0
+NET "GPIO_LED<0>" LOC = "E13"| SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 4 ;
+NET "GPIO_LED<1>" LOC = "C14"| SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 4 ;
+NET "GPIO_LED<2>" LOC = "C4" | SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 4 ;
+NET "GPIO_LED<3>" LOC = "A4" | SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 4 ;
+## GPIO Dip Switches, Bank 0,2, external Pulldown
+NET "GPIO_SWITCH<0>" LOC = "D14";
+NET "GPIO_SWITCH<1>" LOC = "E12";
+NET "GPIO_SWITCH<2>" LOC = "F12";
+NET "GPIO_SWITCH<3>" LOC = "V13";
+## IIC Bus
+## 10/100/1000 Tri-Speed Ethernet PHY
+NET "PHY_COL" LOC = "L14";
+NET "PHY_CRS" LOC = "M13";
+NET "PHY_INT" LOC = "J13";
+NET "PHY_MDC" LOC = "N14" | SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 4;
+NET "PHY_MDIO" LOC = "P16" | SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 4;
+NET "PHY_RXD<0>" LOC = "M14";
+NET "PHY_RXD<1>" LOC = "U18";
+NET "PHY_RXD<2>" LOC = "U17";
+NET "PHY_RXD<3>" LOC = "T18";
+NET "PHY_RXD<4>" LOC = "T17";
+NET "PHY_RXD<5>" LOC = "N16";
+NET "PHY_RXD<6>" LOC = "N15";
+NET "PHY_RXD<7>" LOC = "P18";
+NET "PHY_RXER" LOC = "P17";
+NET "PHY_TXD<0>" LOC = "F8" | SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 4;
+NET "PHY_TXD<1>" LOC = "G8" | SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 4;
+NET "PHY_TXD<2>" LOC = "A6" | SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 4;
+NET "PHY_TXD<3>" LOC = "B6" | SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 4;
+NET "PHY_TXD<4>" LOC = "E6" | SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 4;
+NET "PHY_TXD<5>" LOC = "F7" | SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 4;
+NET "PHY_TXD<6>" LOC = "A5" | SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 4;
+NET "PHY_TXD<7>" LOC = "C5" | SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 4;
+## SPI x4 Flash
+NET "SPI_CS_B" LOC = "V3";
+## 200 MHz oscillator (differential)
+## this names are real net names
+NET "USB_1_CTS" LOC = "U10"| DRIVE = 4 | SLEW = SLOW; # RTS output
+NET "USB_1_RTS" LOC = "T5" ; # CTS input
+NET "USB_1_RX" LOC = "L12"| DRIVE = 4 | SLEW = SLOW; # TX data out
+NET "USB_1_TX" LOC = "K14"; # RX data in
+## 27 MHz
+# pins used for voltage termination
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/top.vhd b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/top.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..120b1cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/top.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,533 @@
+-- top module of
+-- SP601 evaluation board
+-- using following external connections:
+-- cpu_reset (SW9) reset
+-- LEDs output
+-- USB_UART communication
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+library zpu;
+use zpu.zpupkg.all; -- zpu_dbgo_t
+library unisim;
+use unisim.vcomponents.ibufgds;
+use unisim.vcomponents.dcm_sp;
+entity top is
+ port (
+ -- pragma translate_off
+ stop_simulation : out std_logic;
+ -- pragma translate_on
+ --
+ cpu_reset : in std_logic; -- SW9 pushbutton (active-high)
+ --
+ -- DDR2 memory 128 MB
+ ddr2_a : out std_logic_vector(12 downto 0);
+ ddr2_ba : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+ ddr2_cas_b : out std_logic;
+ ddr2_ras_b : out std_logic;
+ ddr2_we_b : out std_logic;
+ ddr2_cke : out std_logic;
+ ddr2_clk_n : out std_logic;
+ ddr2_clk_p : out std_logic;
+ ddr2_dq : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ ddr2_ldm : out std_logic;
+ ddr2_udm : out std_logic;
+ ddr2_ldqs_n : inout std_logic;
+ ddr2_ldqs_p : inout std_logic;
+ ddr2_udqs_n : inout std_logic;
+ ddr2_udqs_p : inout std_logic;
+ ddr2_odt : out std_logic;
+ --
+ -- flash memory
+ flash_a : out std_logic_vector(24 downto 0);
+ flash_d : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 3);
+ --
+ fpga_d0_din_miso_miso1 : inout std_logic; -- dual use
+ fpga_d1_miso2 : inout std_logic; -- dual use
+ fpga_d2_miso3 : inout std_logic; -- dual use
+ flash_we_b : out std_logic;
+ flash_oe_b : out std_logic;
+ flash_ce_b : out std_logic;
+ --
+ -- FMC connector
+ -- M2C Mezzanine to Carrier
+ -- C2M Carrier to Mezzanine
+ fmc_clk0_m2c_n : in std_logic;
+ fmc_clk0_m2c_p : in std_logic;
+ fmc_clk1_m2c_n : in std_logic;
+ fmc_clk1_m2c_p : in std_logic;
+ -- IIC addresses:
+ -- M24C08: 1010100..1010111
+ -- 2kb EEPROM on FMC card: 1010010
+ iic_scl_main : inout std_logic;
+ iic_sda_main : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la00_cc_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la00_cc_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la01_cc_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la01_cc_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la02_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la02_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la03_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la03_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la04_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la04_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la05_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la05_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la06_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la06_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la07_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la07_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la08_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la08_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la09_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la09_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la10_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la10_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la11_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la11_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la12_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la12_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la13_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la13_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la14_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la14_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la15_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la15_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la16_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la16_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la17_cc_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la17_cc_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la18_cc_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la18_cc_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la19_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la19_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la20_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la20_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la21_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la21_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la22_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la22_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la23_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la23_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la24_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la24_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la25_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la25_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la26_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la26_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la27_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la27_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la28_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la28_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la29_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la29_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la30_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la30_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la31_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la31_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la32_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la32_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la33_n : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la33_p : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_prsnt_m2c_l : in std_logic;
+ fmc_pwr_good_flash_rst_b : out std_logic; -- multiple destinations: 1 of Q2 (LED DS1 driver), U1 AB2 FPGA_PROG (through series R260 DNP), 44 of U25
+ --
+ fpga_awake : out std_logic;
+ fpga_cclk : out std_logic;
+ fpga_cmp_clk : in std_logic;
+ fpga_cmp_mosi : in std_logic;
+ --
+ fpga_hswapen : in std_logic;
+ fpga_init_b : out std_logic; -- low active
+ fpga_m0_cmp_miso : in std_logic; -- mode DIP switch SW1 active high
+ fpga_m1 : in std_logic; -- mode DIP switch SW1 active high
+ fpga_mosi_csi_b_miso0 : inout std_logic;
+ fpga_onchip_term1 : inout std_logic;
+ fpga_onchip_term2 : inout std_logic;
+ fpga_vtemp : in std_logic;
+ --
+ -- GPIOs
+ gpio_button : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- active high
+ gpio_header_ls : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ gpio_led : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ gpio_switch : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- active high
+ --
+ -- Ethernet Gigabit PHY,
+ -- default settings:
+ -- phy address = 0b00111
+ -- ANEG[3..0] = "1111"
+ -- ENA_XC = 1
+ -- DIS_125 = 1
+ -- HWCFG_MD[3..0] = "1111"
+ -- DIS_FC = 1
+ -- DIS_SLEEP = 1
+ -- SEL_BDT = 0
+ -- INT_POL = 1
+ -- 75/50Ohm = 0
+ phy_col : in std_logic;
+ phy_crs : in std_logic;
+ phy_int : in std_logic;
+ phy_mdc : out std_logic;
+ phy_mdio : inout std_logic;
+ phy_reset : out std_logic;
+ phy_rxclk : in std_logic;
+ phy_rxctl_rxdv : in std_logic;
+ phy_rxd : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ phy_rxer : in std_logic;
+ phy_txclk : in std_logic;
+ phy_txctl_txen : out std_logic;
+ phy_txc_gtxclk : out std_logic;
+ phy_txd : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ phy_txer : out std_logic;
+ --
+ --
+ spi_cs_b : out std_logic;
+ --
+ -- 200 MHz oscillator, jitter 50 ppm
+ sysclk_n : in std_logic;
+ sysclk_p : in std_logic;
+ --
+ -- RS232 via USB
+ usb_1_cts : out std_logic; -- function: RTS output
+ usb_1_rts : in std_logic; -- function: CTS input
+ usb_1_rx : out std_logic; -- function: TX data out
+ usb_1_tx : in std_logic; -- function: RX data in
+ --
+ -- 27 MHz, oscillator socket
+ user_clock : in std_logic;
+ --
+ -- user clock provided per SMA
+ user_sma_clock_p : in std_logic;
+ user_sma_clock_n : in std_logic
+ );
+end entity top;
+architecture rtl of top is
+ ---------------------------
+ -- type declarations
+ type zpu_type is (zpu_small, zpu_medium);
+ ---------------------------
+ -- constant declarations
+ constant zpu_flavour : zpu_type := zpu_medium; -- choose your flavour HERE
+ -- modify frequency here
+ constant clk_multiply : positive := 2; -- 2 for small, 2 for medium
+ constant clk_divide : positive := 5; -- 4 for small, 5 for medium
+ --
+ --
+ constant word_size_c : natural := 32; -- 32 bits data path
+ constant addr_w_c : natural := 18; -- 18 bits address space=256 kB, 128 kB I/O
+ --
+ constant clk_frequency : positive := 200; -- input frequency for correct calculation
+ ---------------------------
+ -- component declarations
+ component zpu_small1 is
+ generic (
+ word_size : natural := 32; -- 32 bits data path
+ d_care_val : std_logic := '0'; -- Fill value
+ clk_freq : positive := 50; -- 50 MHz clock
+ brate : positive := 115200; -- RS232 baudrate
+ addr_w : natural := 16; -- 16 bits address space=64 kB, 32 kB I/O
+ bram_w : natural := 15 -- 15 bits RAM space=32 kB
+ );
+ port (
+ clk_i : in std_logic; -- CPU clock
+ rst_i : in std_logic; -- Reset
+ break_o : out std_logic; -- Break executed
+ dbg_o : out zpu_dbgo_t; -- Debug info
+ rs232_tx_o : out std_logic; -- UART Tx
+ rs232_rx_i : in std_logic -- UART Rx
+ );
+ end component zpu_small1;
+ component zpu_med1 is
+ generic(
+ word_size : natural := 32; -- 32 bits data path
+ d_care_val : std_logic := '0'; -- Fill value
+ clk_freq : positive := 50; -- 50 MHz clock
+ brate : positive := 115200; -- RS232 baudrate
+ addr_w : natural := 18; -- 18 bits address space=256 kB, 128 kB I/O
+ bram_w : natural := 15 -- 15 bits RAM space=32 kB
+ );
+ port(
+ clk_i : in std_logic; -- CPU clock
+ rst_i : in std_logic; -- Reset
+ break_o : out std_logic; -- Break executed
+ dbg_o : out zpu_dbgo_t; -- Debug info
+ rs232_tx_o : out std_logic; -- UART Tx
+ rs232_rx_i : in std_logic -- UART Rx
+ );
+ end component zpu_med1;
+ ---------------------------
+ -- signal declarations
+ signal sys_clk : std_ulogic;
+ signal dcm_sp_i0_clk0 : std_ulogic;
+ signal dcm_sp_i0_clkfx : std_ulogic;
+ signal clk_fb : std_ulogic;
+ signal clk : std_ulogic;
+ --
+ signal reset_shift_reg : std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ signal reset_sync : std_ulogic;
+ --
+ signal zpu_i0_dbg : zpu_dbgo_t; -- Debug info
+ signal zpu_i0_break : std_logic;
+ -- default output drivers
+ -- to pass bitgen DRC
+ -- outputs used by design are commented
+ --
+ ddr2_a <= (others => '1');
+ ddr2_ba <= (others => '1');
+ ddr2_cas_b <= '1';
+ ddr2_ras_b <= '1';
+ ddr2_we_b <= '1';
+ ddr2_cke <= '0';
+ ddr2_clk_n <= '0';
+ ddr2_clk_p <= '1';
+ ddr2_dq <= (others => 'Z');
+ ddr2_ldm <= '0';
+ ddr2_udm <= '0';
+ ddr2_ldqs_n <= 'Z';
+ ddr2_ldqs_p <= 'Z';
+ ddr2_udqs_n <= 'Z';
+ ddr2_udqs_p <= 'Z';
+ ddr2_odt <= '1';
+ --
+ flash_a <= (others => '1');
+ flash_d <= (others => 'Z');
+ flash_we_b <= '1';
+ flash_oe_b <= '1';
+ flash_ce_b <= '1';
+ --
+ fpga_d0_din_miso_miso1 <= 'Z';
+ fpga_d1_miso2 <= 'Z';
+ fpga_d2_miso3 <= 'Z';
+ --
+ iic_scl_main <= 'Z';
+ iic_sda_main <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la00_cc_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la00_cc_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la01_cc_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la01_cc_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la02_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la02_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la03_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la03_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la04_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la04_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la05_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la05_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la06_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la06_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la07_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la07_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la08_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la08_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la09_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la09_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la10_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la10_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la11_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la11_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la12_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la12_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la13_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la13_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la14_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la14_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la15_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la15_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la16_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la16_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la17_cc_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la17_cc_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la18_cc_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la18_cc_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la19_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la19_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la20_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la20_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la21_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la21_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la22_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la22_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la23_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la23_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la24_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la24_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la25_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la25_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la26_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la26_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la27_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la27_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la28_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la28_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la29_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la29_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la30_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la30_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la31_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la31_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la32_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la32_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la33_n <= 'Z';
+ fmc_la33_p <= 'Z';
+ fmc_pwr_good_flash_rst_b <= '1';
+ --
+ fpga_awake <= '1';
+ fpga_cclk <= '1'; -- SPI clk
+ fpga_init_b <= '1';
+ fpga_mosi_csi_b_miso0 <= 'Z';
+ fpga_onchip_term1 <= 'Z';
+ fpga_onchip_term2 <= 'Z';
+ --
+ --gpio_led <= (others => '0');
+ gpio_header_ls <= (others => 'Z');
+ --
+ phy_mdc <= '0';
+ phy_mdio <= 'Z';
+ phy_reset <= '0';
+ phy_txc_gtxclk <= '0';
+ phy_txctl_txen <= '0';
+ phy_txd <= (others => '1');
+ phy_txer <= '0';
+ --
+ spi_cs_b <= '1';
+ --
+ --usb_1_rx <= '1'; -- function: TX data out
+ usb_1_cts <= '1'; -- function: RTS
+ -- global differential input buffer
+ ibufgds_i0 : ibufgds
+ generic map (
+ diff_term => true
+ )
+ port map (
+ i => sysclk_p,
+ ib => sysclk_n,
+ o => sys_clk
+ );
+ -- digital clock manager (DCM)
+ -- to generate higher/other system clock frequencys
+ dcm_sp_i0 : dcm_sp
+ generic map (
+ startup_wait => true, -- wait with DONE till locked
+ clkfx_multiply => clk_multiply,
+ clkfx_divide => clk_divide,
+ clk_feedback => "1X"
+ )
+ port map (
+ clkin => sys_clk,
+ clk0 => dcm_sp_i0_clk0,
+ clkfx => dcm_sp_i0_clkfx,
+ clkfb => clk_fb
+ );
+ clk_fb <= dcm_sp_i0_clk0;
+ clk <= dcm_sp_i0_clkfx;
+ -- reset synchronizer
+ -- generate synchronous reset
+ reset_synchronizer : process(clk, cpu_reset)
+ begin
+ if cpu_reset = '1' then
+ reset_shift_reg <= (others => '1');
+ elsif rising_edge(clk) then
+ reset_shift_reg <= reset_shift_reg(reset_shift_reg'high-1 downto 0) & '0';
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ reset_sync <= reset_shift_reg(reset_shift_reg'high);
+ -- select instance of zpu
+ zpu_i0_small : if zpu_flavour = zpu_small generate
+ zpu_i0 : zpu_small1
+ generic map (
+ addr_w => addr_w_c,
+ word_size => word_size_c,
+ clk_freq => clk_frequency * clk_multiply / clk_divide
+ )
+ port map (
+ clk_i => clk, -- : in std_logic; -- CPU clock
+ rst_i => reset_sync, -- : in std_logic; -- Reset
+ break_o => zpu_i0_break, -- : out std_logic; -- Break executed
+ dbg_o => zpu_i0_dbg, -- : out zpu_dbgo_t; -- Debug info
+ rs232_tx_o => usb_1_rx, -- : out std_logic; -- UART Tx
+ rs232_rx_i => usb_1_tx -- : in std_logic -- UART Rx
+ );
+ end generate zpu_i0_small;
+ zpu_i0_medium : if zpu_flavour = zpu_medium generate
+ zpu_i0 : zpu_med1
+ generic map (
+ addr_w => addr_w_c,
+ word_size => word_size_c,
+ clk_freq => clk_frequency * clk_multiply / clk_divide
+ )
+ port map (
+ clk_i => clk, -- : in std_logic; -- CPU clock
+ rst_i => reset_sync, -- : in std_logic; -- Reset
+ break_o => zpu_i0_break, -- : out std_logic; -- Break executed
+ dbg_o => zpu_i0_dbg, -- : out zpu_dbgo_t; -- Debug info
+ rs232_tx_o => usb_1_rx, -- : out std_logic; -- UART Tx
+ rs232_rx_i => usb_1_tx -- : in std_logic -- UART Rx
+ );
+ end generate zpu_i0_medium;
+ -- pragma translate_off
+ stop_simulation <= zpu_i0_break;
+ trace_mod : trace
+ generic map (
+ addr_w => addr_w_c,
+ word_size => word_size_c,
+ log_file => "zpu_trace.log"
+ )
+ port map (
+ clk_i => clk,
+ dbg_i => zpu_i0_dbg,
+ stop_i => zpu_i0_break,
+ busy_i => '0'
+ );
+ -- pragma translate_on
+ -- switch on all LEDs in case of break
+ process
+ begin
+ wait until rising_edge(clk);
+ if zpu_i0_break = '1' then
+ gpio_led <= (others => '1');
+ end if;
+ if reset_sync = '1' then
+ gpio_led <= (others => '0');
+ end if;
+ end process;
+end architecture rtl;
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/top_tb.vhd b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/top_tb.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b09b144
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/xilinx-sp601-xc6slx16/top_tb.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+-- testbench for
+-- SP601 evaluation board
+-- includes "model" for clock generation
+-- simulate press on cpu_reset as reset
+-- place models for external components (PHY, DDR2) in this file
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+entity top_tb is
+end entity top_tb;
+architecture testbench of top_tb is
+ ---------------------------
+ -- constant declarations
+ constant sys_clk_period : time := 1 sec / 200_000_000; -- 200 MHz
+ constant user_clk_period : time := 1 sec / 27_000_000; -- 27 MHz
+ ---------------------------
+ -- signal declarations
+ signal simulation_run : boolean := true;
+ signal tb_stop_simulation : std_logic;
+ --
+ signal tb_cpu_reset : std_logic; -- SW9 pushbutton (active-high)
+ --
+ -- DDR2 memory 128 MB
+ signal tb_ddr2_a : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0);
+ signal tb_ddr2_ba : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+ signal tb_ddr2_cas_b : std_logic;
+ signal tb_ddr2_ras_b : std_logic;
+ signal tb_ddr2_we_b : std_logic;
+ signal tb_ddr2_cke : std_logic;
+ signal tb_ddr2_clk_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_ddr2_clk_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_ddr2_dq : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ signal tb_ddr2_ldm : std_logic;
+ signal tb_ddr2_udm : std_logic;
+ signal tb_ddr2_ldqs_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_ddr2_ldqs_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_ddr2_udqs_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_ddr2_udqs_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_ddr2_odt : std_logic;
+ --
+ -- flash memory
+ signal tb_flash_a : std_logic_vector(24 downto 0);
+ signal tb_flash_d : std_logic_vector(7 downto 3);
+ signal tb_fpga_d0_din_miso_miso1 : std_logic; -- dual use
+ signal tb_fpga_d1_miso2 : std_logic; -- dual use
+ signal tb_fpga_d2_miso3 : std_logic; -- dual use
+ signal tb_flash_we_b : std_logic;
+ signal tb_flash_oe_b : std_logic;
+ signal tb_flash_ce_b : std_logic;
+ --
+ -- FMC connector
+ -- M2C Mezzanine to Carrier
+ -- C2M Carrier to Mezzanine
+ signal tb_fmc_clk0_m2c_n : std_logic := '1';
+ signal tb_fmc_clk0_m2c_p : std_logic := '0';
+ signal tb_fmc_clk1_m2c_n : std_logic := '1';
+ signal tb_fmc_clk1_m2c_p : std_logic := '0';
+ -- IIC addresses:
+ -- M24C08: 1010100..1010111
+ -- 2kb EEPROM on FMC card: 1010010
+ signal tb_iic_scl_main : std_logic;
+ signal tb_iic_sda_main : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la00_cc_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la00_cc_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la01_cc_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la01_cc_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la02_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la02_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la03_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la03_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la04_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la04_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la05_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la05_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la06_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la06_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la07_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la07_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la08_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la08_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la09_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la09_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la10_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la10_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la11_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la11_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la12_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la12_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la13_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la13_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la14_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la14_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la15_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la15_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la16_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la16_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la17_cc_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la17_cc_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la18_cc_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la18_cc_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la19_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la19_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la20_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la20_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la21_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la21_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la22_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la22_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la23_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la23_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la24_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la24_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la25_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la25_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la26_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la26_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la27_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la27_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la28_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la28_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la29_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la29_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la30_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la30_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la31_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la31_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la32_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la32_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la33_n : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_la33_p : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fmc_prsnt_m2c_l : std_logic := '0';
+ signal tb_fmc_pwr_good_flash_rst_b : std_logic; -- multiple destinations: 1 of Q2 (LED DS1 driver), U1 AB2 FPGA_PROG (through series R260 DNP), 44 of U25
+ --
+ signal tb_fpga_awake : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fpga_cclk : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fpga_cmp_clk : std_logic := '0';
+ signal tb_fpga_cmp_mosi : std_logic := '0';
+ signal tb_fpga_hswapen : std_logic := '0';
+ signal tb_fpga_init_b : std_logic; -- low active
+ signal tb_fpga_m0_cmp_miso : std_logic := '0'; -- mode DIP switch SW1 active high
+ signal tb_fpga_m1 : std_logic := '0'; -- mode DIP switch SW1 active high
+ signal tb_fpga_mosi_csi_b_miso0 : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fpga_onchip_term1 : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fpga_onchip_term2 : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fpga_vtemp : std_logic := '0';
+ --
+ -- GPIOs
+ signal tb_gpio_button : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- active high
+ signal tb_gpio_header_ls : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); --
+ signal tb_gpio_led : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ signal tb_gpio_switch : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- active high
+ --
+ -- Ethernet Gigabit PHY
+ signal tb_phy_col : std_logic := '0';
+ signal tb_phy_crs : std_logic := '0';
+ signal tb_phy_int : std_logic := '0';
+ signal tb_phy_mdc : std_logic;
+ signal tb_phy_mdio : std_logic;
+ signal tb_phy_reset : std_logic;
+ signal tb_phy_rxclk : std_logic := '0';
+ signal tb_phy_rxctl_rxdv : std_logic := '0';
+ signal tb_phy_rxd : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal tb_phy_rxer : std_logic := '0';
+ signal tb_phy_txclk : std_logic := '0';
+ signal tb_phy_txctl_txen : std_logic;
+ signal tb_phy_txc_gtxclk : std_logic;
+ signal tb_phy_txd : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal tb_phy_txer : std_logic;
+ --
+ --
+ signal tb_spi_cs_b : std_logic;
+ --
+ -- 200 MHz oscillator, jitter 50 ppm
+ signal tb_sysclk_n : std_logic := '1';
+ signal tb_sysclk_p : std_logic := '0';
+ --
+ -- RS232 via USB
+ signal tb_usb_1_cts : std_logic; -- function: RTS output
+ signal tb_usb_1_rts : std_logic := '0'; -- function: CTS input
+ signal tb_usb_1_rx : std_logic; -- function: TX data out
+ signal tb_usb_1_tx : std_logic := '0'; -- function: RX data in
+ --
+ -- 27 MHz, oscillator socket
+ signal tb_user_clock : std_logic := '0';
+ --
+ -- user clock provided per SMA
+ signal tb_user_sma_clock_p : std_logic := '0';
+ signal tb_user_sma_clock_n : std_logic := '0';
+ -- generate clocks
+ tb_sysclk_p <= not tb_sysclk_p after sys_clk_period / 2 when simulation_run;
+ tb_sysclk_n <= not tb_sysclk_n after sys_clk_period / 2 when simulation_run;
+ tb_user_clock <= not tb_user_clock after user_clk_period / 2 when simulation_run;
+ -- generate reset
+ tb_cpu_reset <= '1', '0' after 6.66 * sys_clk_period;
+ -- dut
+ top_i0 : entity
+ port map (
+ stop_simulation => tb_stop_simulation, -- : out std_logic;
+ --
+ cpu_reset => tb_cpu_reset, -- : in std_logic;
+ --
+ -- DDR2 memory 128 MB
+ ddr2_a => tb_ddr2_a, -- : out std_logic_vector(12 downto 0);
+ ddr2_ba => tb_ddr2_ba, -- : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+ ddr2_cas_b => tb_ddr2_cas_b, -- : out std_logic;
+ ddr2_ras_b => tb_ddr2_ras_b, -- : out std_logic;
+ ddr2_we_b => tb_ddr2_we_b, -- : out std_logic;
+ ddr2_cke => tb_ddr2_cke, -- : out std_logic;
+ ddr2_clk_n => tb_ddr2_clk_n, -- : out std_logic;
+ ddr2_clk_p => tb_ddr2_clk_p, -- : out std_logic;
+ ddr2_dq => tb_ddr2_dq, -- : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ ddr2_ldm => tb_ddr2_ldm, -- : out std_logic;
+ ddr2_udm => tb_ddr2_udm, -- : out std_logic;
+ ddr2_ldqs_n => tb_ddr2_ldqs_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ ddr2_ldqs_p => tb_ddr2_ldqs_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ ddr2_udqs_n => tb_ddr2_udqs_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ ddr2_udqs_p => tb_ddr2_udqs_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ ddr2_odt => tb_ddr2_odt, -- : out std_logic;
+ --
+ -- flash memory
+ flash_a => tb_flash_a, -- : out std_logic_vector(24 downto 0);
+ flash_d => tb_flash_d, -- : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 3);
+ -- --
+ fpga_d0_din_miso_miso1 => tb_fpga_d0_din_miso_miso1, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fpga_d1_miso2 => tb_fpga_d1_miso2, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fpga_d2_miso3 => tb_fpga_d2_miso3, -- : inout std_logic;
+ flash_we_b => tb_flash_we_b, -- : out std_logic;
+ flash_oe_b => tb_flash_oe_b, -- : out std_logic;
+ flash_ce_b => tb_flash_ce_b, -- : out std_logic;
+ --
+ -- FMC connector
+ -- M2C Mezzanine to Carrier
+ -- C2M Carrier to Mezzanine
+ fmc_clk0_m2c_n => tb_fmc_clk0_m2c_n, -- : in std_logic;
+ fmc_clk0_m2c_p => tb_fmc_clk0_m2c_p, -- : in std_logic;
+ fmc_clk1_m2c_n => tb_fmc_clk1_m2c_n, -- : in std_logic;
+ fmc_clk1_m2c_p => tb_fmc_clk1_m2c_p, -- : in std_logic;
+ iic_scl_main => tb_iic_scl_main, -- : inout std_logic;
+ iic_sda_main => tb_iic_sda_main, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la00_cc_n => tb_fmc_la00_cc_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la00_cc_p => tb_fmc_la00_cc_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la01_cc_n => tb_fmc_la01_cc_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la01_cc_p => tb_fmc_la01_cc_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la02_n => tb_fmc_la02_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la02_p => tb_fmc_la02_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la03_n => tb_fmc_la03_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la03_p => tb_fmc_la03_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la04_n => tb_fmc_la04_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la04_p => tb_fmc_la04_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la05_n => tb_fmc_la05_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la05_p => tb_fmc_la05_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la06_n => tb_fmc_la06_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la06_p => tb_fmc_la06_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la07_n => tb_fmc_la07_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la07_p => tb_fmc_la07_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la08_n => tb_fmc_la08_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la08_p => tb_fmc_la08_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la09_n => tb_fmc_la09_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la09_p => tb_fmc_la09_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la10_n => tb_fmc_la10_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la10_p => tb_fmc_la10_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la11_n => tb_fmc_la11_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la11_p => tb_fmc_la11_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la12_n => tb_fmc_la12_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la12_p => tb_fmc_la12_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la13_n => tb_fmc_la13_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la13_p => tb_fmc_la13_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la14_n => tb_fmc_la14_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la14_p => tb_fmc_la14_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la15_n => tb_fmc_la15_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la15_p => tb_fmc_la15_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la16_n => tb_fmc_la16_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la16_p => tb_fmc_la16_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la17_cc_n => tb_fmc_la17_cc_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la17_cc_p => tb_fmc_la17_cc_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la18_cc_n => tb_fmc_la18_cc_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la18_cc_p => tb_fmc_la18_cc_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la19_n => tb_fmc_la19_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la19_p => tb_fmc_la19_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la20_n => tb_fmc_la20_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la20_p => tb_fmc_la20_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la21_n => tb_fmc_la21_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la21_p => tb_fmc_la21_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la22_n => tb_fmc_la22_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la22_p => tb_fmc_la22_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la23_n => tb_fmc_la23_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la23_p => tb_fmc_la23_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la24_n => tb_fmc_la24_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la24_p => tb_fmc_la24_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la25_n => tb_fmc_la25_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la25_p => tb_fmc_la25_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la26_n => tb_fmc_la26_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la26_p => tb_fmc_la26_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la27_n => tb_fmc_la27_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la27_p => tb_fmc_la27_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la28_n => tb_fmc_la28_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la28_p => tb_fmc_la28_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la29_n => tb_fmc_la29_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la29_p => tb_fmc_la29_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la30_n => tb_fmc_la30_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la30_p => tb_fmc_la30_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la31_n => tb_fmc_la31_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la31_p => tb_fmc_la31_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la32_n => tb_fmc_la32_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la32_p => tb_fmc_la32_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la33_n => tb_fmc_la33_n, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_la33_p => tb_fmc_la33_p, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fmc_prsnt_m2c_l => tb_fmc_prsnt_m2c_l, -- : in std_logic;
+ fmc_pwr_good_flash_rst_b => tb_fmc_pwr_good_flash_rst_b, -- : out std_logic;
+ --
+ fpga_awake => tb_fpga_awake, -- : out std_logic;
+ fpga_cclk => tb_fpga_cclk, -- : out std_logic;
+ fpga_cmp_clk => tb_fpga_cmp_clk, -- : in std_logic;
+ fpga_cmp_mosi => tb_fpga_cmp_mosi, -- : in std_logic;
+ -- --
+ fpga_hswapen => tb_fpga_hswapen, -- : in std_logic;
+ fpga_init_b => tb_fpga_init_b, -- : out std_logic;
+ fpga_m0_cmp_miso => tb_fpga_m0_cmp_miso, -- : in std_logic;
+ fpga_m1 => tb_fpga_m1, -- : in std_logic;
+ fpga_mosi_csi_b_miso0 => tb_fpga_mosi_csi_b_miso0, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fpga_onchip_term1 => tb_fpga_onchip_term1, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fpga_onchip_term2 => tb_fpga_onchip_term2, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fpga_vtemp => tb_fpga_vtemp, -- : in std_logic;
+ --
+ -- GPIOs
+ gpio_button => tb_gpio_button, -- : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ gpio_header_ls => tb_gpio_header_ls, -- : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ gpio_led => tb_gpio_led, -- : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ gpio_switch => tb_gpio_switch, -- : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ --
+ -- Ethernet Gigabit PHY
+ phy_col => tb_phy_col, -- : in std_logic;
+ phy_crs => tb_phy_crs, -- : in std_logic;
+ phy_int => tb_phy_int, -- : in std_logic;
+ phy_mdc => tb_phy_mdc, -- : out std_logic;
+ phy_mdio => tb_phy_mdio, -- : inout std_logic;
+ phy_reset => tb_phy_reset, -- : out std_logic;
+ phy_rxclk => tb_phy_rxclk, -- : in std_logic;
+ phy_rxctl_rxdv => tb_phy_rxctl_rxdv, -- : in std_logic;
+ phy_rxd => tb_phy_rxd, -- : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ phy_rxer => tb_phy_rxer, -- : in std_logic;
+ phy_txclk => tb_phy_txclk, -- : in std_logic;
+ phy_txctl_txen => tb_phy_txctl_txen, -- : out std_logic;
+ phy_txc_gtxclk => tb_phy_txc_gtxclk, -- : out std_logic;
+ phy_txd => tb_phy_txd, -- : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ phy_txer => tb_phy_txer, -- : out std_logic;
+ --
+ --
+ spi_cs_b => tb_spi_cs_b, -- : out std_logic;
+ --
+ -- 200 MHz oscillator, jitter 50 ppm
+ sysclk_n => tb_sysclk_n, -- : in std_logic;
+ sysclk_p => tb_sysclk_p, -- : in std_logic;
+ --
+ -- RS232 via USB
+ usb_1_cts => tb_usb_1_cts, -- : out std_logic;
+ usb_1_rts => tb_usb_1_rts, -- : in std_logic;
+ usb_1_rx => tb_usb_1_rx, -- : out std_logic;
+ usb_1_tx => tb_usb_1_tx, -- : in std_logic;
+ --
+ -- 27 MHz, oscillator socket
+ user_clock => tb_user_clock, -- : in std_logic;
+ --
+ -- user clock provided per SMA
+ user_sma_clock_p => tb_user_sma_clock_p, -- : in std_logic;
+ user_sma_clock_n => tb_user_sma_clock_n -- : in std_logic
+ );
+ -- check for simulation stopping
+ process (tb_stop_simulation)
+ begin
+ if tb_stop_simulation = '1' then
+ report "Simulation end." severity note;
+ simulation_run <= false;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+end architecture testbench;
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud