path: root/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e
diff options
authorBert Lange <>2011-10-25 23:26:36 +0200
committerBert Lange <>2011-10-25 23:26:36 +0200
commitc883cd4a4e4fa1974e5d7d72a79240de88bd26da (patch)
treeff3c0f3f7aa62f809001ea9ac9130683ab98a49e /zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e
parent105f8b40509ea2657e36e13af76b7580029fd2e5 (diff)
add: GPIO module to zealot SoC
Diffstat (limited to 'zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e')
8 files changed, 858 insertions, 797 deletions
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/
index febf588..d525737 100755
--- a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ vcom -work zpu ../../helpers/zpu_med1.vhdl
vcom -work zpu ../../devices/txt_util.vhdl
vcom -work zpu ../../devices/phi_io.vhdl
vcom -work zpu ../../devices/timer.vhdl
+vcom -work zpu ../../devices/gpio.vhdl
vcom -work zpu ../../devices/rx_unit.vhdl
vcom -work zpu ../../devices/tx_unit.vhdl
vcom -work zpu ../../devices/br_gen.vhdl
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/simulation_config/ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/simulation_config/
index 7c5e18f..0d29e0a 100644
--- a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/simulation_config/
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/simulation_config/
@@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
-add wave tb_rot_center
-add wave tb_clk_50mhz
-add wave tb_rs232_dce*
-run -all
+run -all
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/simulation_config/ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/simulation_config/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12582ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/simulation_config/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+onerror {resume}
+quietly WaveActivateNextPane {} 0
+add wave -noupdate /top_tb/tb_rot_center
+add wave -noupdate /top_tb/tb_clk_50mhz
+add wave -noupdate /top_tb/tb_rs232_dce_rxd
+add wave -noupdate /top_tb/tb_rs232_dce_txd
+add wave -noupdate -divider Buttons
+add wave -noupdate /top_tb/tb_btn_east
+add wave -noupdate /top_tb/tb_btn_north
+add wave -noupdate /top_tb/tb_btn_south
+add wave -noupdate /top_tb/tb_btn_west
+add wave -noupdate -divider LEDs
+add wave -noupdate /top_tb/top_i0/led
+TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree]
+WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 1} {56714893 ps} 0}
+configure wave -namecolwidth 150
+configure wave -valuecolwidth 100
+configure wave -justifyvalue left
+configure wave -signalnamewidth 2
+configure wave -snapdistance 10
+configure wave -datasetprefix 0
+configure wave -rowmargin 4
+configure wave -childrowmargin 2
+configure wave -gridoffset 0
+configure wave -gridperiod 1
+configure wave -griddelta 40
+configure wave -timeline 0
+configure wave -timelineunits ns
+WaveRestoreZoom {0 ps} {151772250 ps}
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/synthesis_config/top.prj b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/synthesis_config/top.prj
index 81d56ef..965ae4c 100644
--- a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/synthesis_config/top.prj
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/synthesis_config/top.prj
@@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
-vhdl work ../top.vhd
-vhdl zpu ../../../zpu_pkg.vhdl
-vhdl zpu ../../../zpu_small.vhdl
-vhdl zpu ../../../zpu_medium.vhdl
-vhdl zpu ../../../roms/rom_pkg.vhdl
-#vhdl zpu ../../../roms/hello_dbram.vhdl
-#vhdl zpu ../../../roms/hello_bram.vhdl
-vhdl zpu ../../../roms/dmips_dbram.vhdl
-vhdl zpu ../../../roms/dmips_bram.vhdl
-vhdl zpu ../../../helpers/zpu_small1.vhdl
-vhdl zpu ../../../helpers/zpu_med1.vhdl
-vhdl zpu ../../../devices/txt_util.vhdl
-vhdl zpu ../../../devices/phi_io.vhdl
-vhdl zpu ../../../devices/timer.vhdl
-vhdl zpu ../../../devices/rx_unit.vhdl
-vhdl zpu ../../../devices/tx_unit.vhdl
-vhdl zpu ../../../devices/br_gen.vhdl
-vhdl zpu ../../../devices/trace.vhdl
+vhdl work ../top.vhd
+vhdl zpu ../../../zpu_pkg.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../zpu_small.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../zpu_medium.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../roms/rom_pkg.vhdl
+#vhdl zpu ../../../roms/hello_dbram.vhdl
+#vhdl zpu ../../../roms/hello_bram.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../roms/dmips_dbram.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../roms/dmips_bram.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../helpers/zpu_small1.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../helpers/zpu_med1.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../devices/txt_util.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../devices/phi_io.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../devices/timer.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../devices/gpio.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../devices/rx_unit.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../devices/tx_unit.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../devices/br_gen.vhdl
+vhdl zpu ../../../devices/trace.vhdl
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/synthesis_config/top.ut b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/synthesis_config/top.ut
index 06de8d5..4bf13c6 100644
--- a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/synthesis_config/top.ut
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/synthesis_config/top.ut
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
--g DebugBitstream:No
--g Binary:no
--g CRC:Enable
--g ConfigRate:1
--g ProgPin:PullUp
--g DonePin:PullUp
--g TckPin:PullUp
--g TdiPin:PullUp
--g TdoPin:PullUp
--g TmsPin:PullUp
--g UnusedPin:PullDown
--g DCMShutdown:Disable
--g StartUpClk:CClk
--g DONE_cycle:4
--g GTS_cycle:5
--g GWE_cycle:6
--g LCK_cycle:NoWait
--g Security:None
--g DonePipe:No
--g DriveDone:No
+-g DebugBitstream:No
+-g Binary:no
+-g CRC:Enable
+-g ConfigRate:1
+-g ProgPin:PullUp
+-g DonePin:PullUp
+-g TckPin:PullUp
+-g TdiPin:PullUp
+-g TdoPin:PullUp
+-g TmsPin:PullUp
+-g UnusedPin:PullDown
+-g DCMShutdown:Disable
+-g StartUpClk:CClk
+-g DONE_cycle:4
+-g GTS_cycle:5
+-g GWE_cycle:6
+-g LCK_cycle:NoWait
+-g Security:None
+-g DonePipe:No
+-g DriveDone:No
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/synthesis_config/top.xst b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/synthesis_config/top.xst
index fc7cc1d..d357860 100644
--- a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/synthesis_config/top.xst
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/synthesis_config/top.xst
@@ -1,56 +1,56 @@
-set -tmpdir "tmp"
-set -xsthdpdir "xst"
--ifn ../synthesis_config/top.prj
--ifmt mixed
--ofn top
--ofmt NGC
--p xc3s500e-4-fg320
--top top
--opt_mode Speed
--opt_level 1
--iuc NO
--keep_hierarchy No
--netlist_hierarchy As_Optimized
--rtlview Yes
--glob_opt AllClockNets
--read_cores YES
--write_timing_constraints NO
--cross_clock_analysis NO
--hierarchy_separator /
--bus_delimiter <>
--case Maintain
--slice_utilization_ratio 100
--bram_utilization_ratio 100
--verilog2001 YES
--fsm_extract YES -fsm_encoding Auto
--safe_implementation No
--fsm_style LUT
--ram_extract Yes
--ram_style Auto
--rom_extract Yes
--mux_style Auto
--decoder_extract YES
--priority_extract Yes
--shreg_extract YES
--shift_extract YES
--xor_collapse YES
--rom_style Auto
--auto_bram_packing NO
--mux_extract Yes
--resource_sharing YES
--async_to_sync NO
--mult_style Auto
--iobuf YES
--max_fanout 500
--bufg 24
--register_duplication YES
--register_balancing No
--slice_packing YES
--optimize_primitives NO
--use_clock_enable Yes
--use_sync_set Yes
--use_sync_reset Yes
--iob Auto
--equivalent_register_removal YES
--slice_utilization_ratio_maxmargin 5
+set -tmpdir "tmp"
+set -xsthdpdir "xst"
+-ifn ../synthesis_config/top.prj
+-ifmt mixed
+-ofn top
+-ofmt NGC
+-p xc3s500e-4-fg320
+-top top
+-opt_mode Speed
+-opt_level 1
+-iuc NO
+-keep_hierarchy No
+-netlist_hierarchy As_Optimized
+-rtlview Yes
+-glob_opt AllClockNets
+-read_cores YES
+-write_timing_constraints NO
+-cross_clock_analysis NO
+-hierarchy_separator /
+-bus_delimiter <>
+-case Maintain
+-slice_utilization_ratio 100
+-bram_utilization_ratio 100
+-verilog2001 YES
+-fsm_extract YES -fsm_encoding Auto
+-safe_implementation No
+-fsm_style LUT
+-ram_extract Yes
+-ram_style Auto
+-rom_extract Yes
+-mux_style Auto
+-decoder_extract YES
+-priority_extract Yes
+-shreg_extract YES
+-shift_extract YES
+-xor_collapse YES
+-rom_style Auto
+-auto_bram_packing NO
+-mux_extract Yes
+-resource_sharing YES
+-async_to_sync NO
+-mult_style Auto
+-iobuf YES
+-max_fanout 500
+-bufg 24
+-register_duplication YES
+-register_balancing No
+-slice_packing YES
+-optimize_primitives NO
+-use_clock_enable Yes
+-use_sync_set Yes
+-use_sync_reset Yes
+-iob Auto
+-equivalent_register_removal YES
+-slice_utilization_ratio_maxmargin 5
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/top.vhd b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/top.vhd
index 127f6a8..79668e5 100644
--- a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/top.vhd
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/top.vhd
@@ -1,419 +1,447 @@
--- top module of
--- Spartan-3E Starter Kit Board
--- using following external connections:
--- rotary pushbutton as reset
--- LEDs for output
--- RS232 (DCE, the left one)
-library ieee;
-use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-library zpu;
-use zpu.zpupkg.all; -- zpu_dbgo_t
-library unisim;
-use unisim.vcomponents.dcm_sp;
-entity top is
- port (
- -- pragma translate_off
- stop_simulation : out std_logic;
- -- pragma translate_on
- --
- -- Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
- ad_conv : out std_logic;
- -- Programmable Gain Amplifier (AMP)
- amp_cs : out std_logic; -- active low chip select
- amp_dout : in std_logic;
- amp_shdn : out std_logic; -- active high shutdown, reset
- -- Pushbuttons (BTN)
- btn_east : in std_logic;
- btn_north : in std_logic;
- btn_south : in std_logic;
- btn_west : in std_logic;
- -- Clock inputs (CLK)
- clk_50mhz : in std_logic;
- clk_aux : in std_logic;
- clk_sma : in std_logic;
- -- Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)
- dac_clr : out std_logic; -- async, active low reset input
- dac_cs : out std_logic; -- active low chip select, conv start with rising edge
- -- 1-Wire Secure EEPROM (DS)
- ds_wire : inout std_logic;
- -- Ethernet PHY (E)
- e_col : in std_logic; -- MII collision detect
- e_crs : in std_logic; -- carrier sense
- e_mdc : out std_logic; -- management clock
- e_mdio : inout std_logic; -- management data io
- e_rx_clk : in std_logic; -- receive clock 25MHz@100BaseTx or 2.5MHz@10Base-T
- e_rx_dv : in std_logic; -- receive data valid
- e_rxd : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
- e_rx_er : in std_logic;
- e_tx_clk : in std_logic; -- transmit clock 25MHz@100BaseTx or 2.5MHz@10Base-T
- e_tx_en : out std_logic; -- transmit enable
- e_txd : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
- e_tx_er : out std_logic;
- -- FPGA Configuration Mode, INIT_B Pins (FPGA)
- fpga_m0 : inout std_logic;
- fpga_m1 : inout std_logic;
- fpga_m2 : inout std_logic;
- fpga_init_b : inout std_logic;
- fpga_rdwr_b : in std_logic;
- fpga_hswap : in std_logic;
- -- FX2 Connector (FX2)
- fx2_clkin : inout std_logic;
- fx2_clkio : inout std_logic;
- fx2_clkout : inout std_logic;
- fx2_io : inout std_logic_vector(40 downto 1);
- -- These are shared connections with the FX2 connector
- --j1 : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
- --j2 : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
- --j4 : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
- --led : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- -- Character LCD (LCD)
- lcd_e : out std_logic;
- lcd_rs : out std_logic;
- lcd_rw : out std_logic;
- -- LCD data connections are shared with StrataFlash connections SF_D<11:8>
- --sf_d : inout std_ulogic_vector(11 downto 8);
- -- PS/2 Mouse/Keyboard Port (PS2)
- ps2_clk : inout std_logic;
- ps2_data : inout std_logic;
- -- Rotary Pushbutton Switch (ROT)
- rot_a : in std_logic;
- rot_b : in std_logic;
- rot_center : in std_logic;
- -- RS-232 Serial Ports (RS232)
- rs232_dce_rxd : in std_logic;
- rs232_dce_txd : out std_logic;
- rs232_dte_rxd : in std_logic;
- rs232_dte_txd : out std_logic;
- -- DDR SDRAM (SD) (I/O Bank 3, VCCO=2.5V)
- sd_a : out std_logic_vector(12 downto 0); -- address inputs
- sd_dq : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- data io
- sd_ba : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- bank address inputs
- sd_ras : out std_logic; -- command output
- sd_cas : out std_logic; -- command output
- sd_we : out std_logic; -- command output
- sd_udm : out std_logic; -- data mask
- sd_ldm : out std_logic; -- data mask
- sd_udqs : inout std_logic; -- data strobe
- sd_ldqs : inout std_logic; -- data strobe
- sd_cs : out std_logic; -- active low chip select
- sd_cke : out std_logic; -- active high clock enable
- sd_ck_n : out std_logic; -- differential clock
- sd_ck_p : out std_logic; -- differential clock
- -- Path to allow connection to top DCM connection
- sd_ck_fb : in std_logic;
- -- Intel StrataFlash Parallel NOR Flash (SF)
- sf_a : out std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); -- sf_a<24> = fx_io32
- sf_byte : out std_logic;
- sf_ce0 : out std_logic;
- sf_d : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 1);
- sf_oe : out std_logic;
- sf_sts : in std_logic;
- sf_we : out std_logic;
- -- STMicro SPI serial Flash (SPI)
- spi_mosi : out std_logic; -- master out slave in
- spi_miso : in std_logic; -- master in slave out
- spi_sck : out std_logic; -- clock
- spi_ss_b : out std_logic; -- active low slave select
- spi_alt_cs_jp11 : out std_logic;
- -- Slide Switches (SW)
- sw : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
- -- VGA Port (VGA)
- vga_blue : out std_logic;
- vga_green : out std_logic;
- vga_hsync : out std_logic;
- vga_red : out std_logic;
- vga_vsync : out std_logic;
- -- Xilinx CPLD (XC)
- xc_cmd : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
- xc_cpld_en : out std_logic;
- xc_d : inout std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
- xc_trig : in std_logic;
- xc_gck0 : inout std_logic;
- gclk10 : inout std_logic
- );
-end entity top;
-architecture rtl of top is
- ---------------------------
- -- type declarations
- type zpu_type is (zpu_small, zpu_medium);
- ---------------------------
- -- constant declarations
- constant zpu_flavour : zpu_type := zpu_medium; -- choose your flavour HERE
- -- modify frequency here
- constant clk_multiply : positive := 3; -- 2 for small, 3 for medium
- constant clk_divide : positive := 2; -- 1 for small, 2 for medium
- --
- constant word_size_c : natural := 32; -- 32 bits data path
- constant addr_w_c : natural := 18; -- 18 bits address space=256 kB, 128 kB I/O
- constant spi_ss_b_disable : std_ulogic := '1'; -- 1 = disable SPI serial flash
- constant dac_cs_disable : std_ulogic := '1'; -- 1 = disable DAC
- constant amp_cs_disable : std_ulogic := '1'; -- 1 = disable programmable pre-amplifier
- constant ad_conv_disable : std_ulogic := '0'; -- 0 = disable ADC
- constant sf_ce0_disable : std_ulogic := '1';
- constant fpga_init_b_disable : std_ulogic := '1'; -- 1 = disable pflatform flash PROM
- --
- -- connect ldc to fpga
- constant sf_ce0_lcd_to_fpga : std_ulogic := '1';
- --
- constant clk_frequency : positive := 50; -- input frequency for correct calculation
- ---------------------------
- -- component declarations
- component zpu_small1 is
- generic (
- word_size : natural := 32; -- 32 bits data path
- d_care_val : std_logic := '0'; -- Fill value
- clk_freq : positive := 50; -- 50 MHz clock
- brate : positive := 115200; -- RS232 baudrate
- addr_w : natural := 16; -- 16 bits address space=64 kB, 32 kB I/O
- bram_w : natural := 15 -- 15 bits RAM space=32 kB
- );
- port (
- clk_i : in std_logic; -- CPU clock
- rst_i : in std_logic; -- Reset
- break_o : out std_logic; -- Break executed
- dbg_o : out zpu_dbgo_t; -- Debug info
- rs232_tx_o : out std_logic; -- UART Tx
- rs232_rx_i : in std_logic -- UART Rx
- );
- end component zpu_small1;
- component zpu_med1 is
- generic(
- word_size : natural := 32; -- 32 bits data path
- d_care_val : std_logic := '0'; -- Fill value
- clk_freq : positive := 50; -- 50 MHz clock
- brate : positive := 115200; -- RS232 baudrate
- addr_w : natural := 18; -- 18 bits address space=256 kB, 128 kB I/O
- bram_w : natural := 15 -- 15 bits RAM space=32 kB
- );
- port(
- clk_i : in std_logic; -- CPU clock
- rst_i : in std_logic; -- Reset
- break_o : out std_logic; -- Break executed
- dbg_o : out zpu_dbgo_t; -- Debug info
- rs232_tx_o : out std_logic; -- UART Tx
- rs232_rx_i : in std_logic -- UART Rx
- );
- end component zpu_med1;
- ---------------------------
- -- signal declarations
- signal dcm_sp_i0_clk0 : std_ulogic;
- signal dcm_sp_i0_clkfx : std_ulogic;
- signal clk_fb : std_ulogic;
- signal clk : std_ulogic;
- --
- signal reset_shift_reg : std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
- signal reset_sync : std_ulogic;
- --
- signal zpu_i0_dbg : zpu_dbgo_t; -- Debug info
- signal zpu_i0_break : std_logic;
- ---------------------------
- -- alias declarations
- alias led : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) is fx2_io(20 downto 13);
- -- default output drivers
- -- to pass bitgen DRC
- -- outputs used by design are commented
- --
- ad_conv <= ad_conv_disable;
- amp_cs <= amp_cs_disable;
- amp_shdn <= '1';
- --
- dac_clr <= '0';
- dac_cs <= dac_cs_disable;
- --
- ds_wire <= 'Z';
- --
- e_txd(3 downto 0) <= (others => '1');
- e_tx_en <= '0';
- e_tx_er <= '0';
- e_mdc <= '1';
- e_mdio <= 'Z';
- --
- fpga_m0 <= 'Z';
- fpga_m1 <= 'Z';
- fpga_m2 <= 'Z';
- fpga_init_b <= fpga_init_b_disable;
- --
- fx2_clkin <= 'Z';
- fx2_clkio <= 'Z';
- fx2_clkout <= 'Z';
- fx2_io <= (others => 'Z');
- --
- lcd_e <= '0';
- lcd_rs <= '0';
- lcd_rw <= '0';
- --
- ps2_clk <= 'Z';
- ps2_data <= 'Z';
- --
- --rs232_dce_txd <= '1';
- rs232_dte_txd <= '1';
- --
- sd_a <= (others => '1');
- sd_dq <= (others => 'Z');
- sd_ba <= (others => '1');
- sd_ras <= '0';
- sd_cas <= '0';
- sd_we <= '0';
- sd_udm <= '1';
- sd_ldm <= '1';
- sd_udqs <= '1';
- sd_ldqs <= '1';
- sd_cs <= '1';
- sd_cke <= '1';
- sd_ck_n <= '0';
- sd_ck_p <= '1';
- --
- sf_a <= (others => '0');
- sf_byte <= '0';
- sf_ce0 <= sf_ce0_lcd_to_fpga;
- sf_d <= (others => 'Z');
- sf_oe <= '1';
- sf_we <= '0';
- --
- spi_mosi <= '0';
- spi_sck <= '0';
- spi_ss_b <= spi_ss_b_disable;
- spi_alt_cs_jp11 <= spi_ss_b_disable;
- --
- vga_red <= '0';
- vga_green <= '0';
- vga_blue <= '0';
- vga_hsync <= '0';
- vga_vsync <= '0';
- --
- xc_cmd <= "00";
- xc_d <= (others => 'Z');
- xc_cpld_en <= '0';
- xc_gck0 <= 'Z';
- gclk10 <= 'Z';
- -- led out
- --fx2_io(20 downto 13) <= (others => '0');
- -- digital clock manager (DCM)
- -- to generate higher/other system clock frequencys
- dcm_sp_i0 : dcm_sp
- generic map (
- startup_wait => true, -- wait with DONE till locked
- clkfx_multiply => clk_multiply,
- clkfx_divide => clk_divide,
- clk_feedback => "1X"
- )
- port map (
- clkin => clk_50mhz,
- clk0 => dcm_sp_i0_clk0,
- clkfx => dcm_sp_i0_clkfx,
- clkfb => clk_fb
- );
- clk_fb <= dcm_sp_i0_clk0;
- clk <= dcm_sp_i0_clkfx;
- -- reset synchronizer
- -- generate synchronous reset
- reset_synchronizer : process(clk, rot_center)
- begin
- if rot_center = '1' then
- reset_shift_reg <= (others => '1');
- elsif rising_edge(clk) then
- reset_shift_reg <= reset_shift_reg(reset_shift_reg'high-1 downto 0) & '0';
- end if;
- end process;
- reset_sync <= reset_shift_reg(reset_shift_reg'high);
- -- select instance of zpu
- zpu_i0_small : if zpu_flavour = zpu_small generate
- zpu_i0 : zpu_small1
- generic map (
- addr_w => addr_w_c,
- word_size => word_size_c,
- clk_freq => clk_frequency * clk_multiply / clk_divide
- )
- port map (
- clk_i => clk, -- : in std_logic; -- CPU clock
- rst_i => reset_sync, -- : in std_logic; -- Reset
- break_o => zpu_i0_break, -- : out std_logic; -- Break executed
- dbg_o => zpu_i0_dbg, -- : out zpu_dbgo_t; -- Debug info
- rs232_tx_o => rs232_dce_txd, -- : out std_logic; -- UART Tx
- rs232_rx_i => rs232_dce_rxd -- : in std_logic -- UART Rx
- );
- end generate zpu_i0_small;
- zpu_i0_medium : if zpu_flavour = zpu_medium generate
- zpu_i0 : zpu_med1
- generic map (
- addr_w => addr_w_c,
- word_size => word_size_c,
- clk_freq => clk_frequency * clk_multiply / clk_divide
- )
- port map (
- clk_i => clk, -- : in std_logic; -- CPU clock
- rst_i => reset_sync, -- : in std_logic; -- Reset
- break_o => zpu_i0_break, -- : out std_logic; -- Break executed
- dbg_o => zpu_i0_dbg, -- : out zpu_dbgo_t; -- Debug info
- rs232_tx_o => rs232_dce_txd, -- : out std_logic; -- UART Tx
- rs232_rx_i => rs232_dce_rxd -- : in std_logic -- UART Rx
- );
- end generate zpu_i0_medium;
- -- pragma translate_off
- stop_simulation <= zpu_i0_break;
- trace_mod : trace
- generic map (
- addr_w => addr_w_c,
- word_size => word_size_c,
- log_file => "zpu_trace.log"
- )
- port map (
- clk_i => clk,
- dbg_i => zpu_i0_dbg,
- stop_i => zpu_i0_break,
- busy_i => '0'
- );
- -- pragma translate_on
- -- switch on all LEDs in case of break
- process
- begin
- wait until rising_edge(clk);
- if zpu_i0_break = '1' then
- led <= (others => '1');
- end if;
- if reset_sync = '1' then
- led <= (others => '0');
- end if;
- end process;
-end architecture rtl;
+-- top module of
+-- Spartan-3E Starter Kit Board
+-- using following external connections:
+-- rotary pushbutton as reset
+-- LEDs for output
+-- RS232 (DCE, the left one)
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+library zpu;
+use zpu.zpupkg.all; -- zpu_dbgo_t
+library unisim;
+use unisim.vcomponents.dcm_sp;
+entity top is
+ port (
+ -- pragma translate_off
+ stop_simulation : out std_logic;
+ -- pragma translate_on
+ --
+ -- Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
+ ad_conv : out std_logic;
+ -- Programmable Gain Amplifier (AMP)
+ amp_cs : out std_logic; -- active low chip select
+ amp_dout : in std_logic;
+ amp_shdn : out std_logic; -- active high shutdown, reset
+ -- Pushbuttons (BTN)
+ btn_east : in std_logic;
+ btn_north : in std_logic;
+ btn_south : in std_logic;
+ btn_west : in std_logic;
+ -- Clock inputs (CLK)
+ clk_50mhz : in std_logic;
+ clk_aux : in std_logic;
+ clk_sma : in std_logic;
+ -- Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)
+ dac_clr : out std_logic; -- async, active low reset input
+ dac_cs : out std_logic; -- active low chip select, conv start with rising edge
+ -- 1-Wire Secure EEPROM (DS)
+ ds_wire : inout std_logic;
+ -- Ethernet PHY (E)
+ e_col : in std_logic; -- MII collision detect
+ e_crs : in std_logic; -- carrier sense
+ e_mdc : out std_logic; -- management clock
+ e_mdio : inout std_logic; -- management data io
+ e_rx_clk : in std_logic; -- receive clock 25MHz@100BaseTx or 2.5MHz@10Base-T
+ e_rx_dv : in std_logic; -- receive data valid
+ e_rxd : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ e_rx_er : in std_logic;
+ e_tx_clk : in std_logic; -- transmit clock 25MHz@100BaseTx or 2.5MHz@10Base-T
+ e_tx_en : out std_logic; -- transmit enable
+ e_txd : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ e_tx_er : out std_logic;
+ -- FPGA Configuration Mode, INIT_B Pins (FPGA)
+ fpga_m0 : inout std_logic;
+ fpga_m1 : inout std_logic;
+ fpga_m2 : inout std_logic;
+ fpga_init_b : inout std_logic;
+ fpga_rdwr_b : in std_logic;
+ fpga_hswap : in std_logic;
+ -- FX2 Connector (FX2)
+ fx2_clkin : inout std_logic;
+ fx2_clkio : inout std_logic;
+ fx2_clkout : inout std_logic;
+ fx2_io : inout std_logic_vector(40 downto 1);
+ -- These are shared connections with the FX2 connector
+ --j1 : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ --j2 : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ --j4 : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ --led : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ -- Character LCD (LCD)
+ lcd_e : out std_logic;
+ lcd_rs : out std_logic;
+ lcd_rw : out std_logic;
+ -- LCD data connections are shared with StrataFlash connections SF_D<11:8>
+ --sf_d : inout std_ulogic_vector(11 downto 8);
+ -- PS/2 Mouse/Keyboard Port (PS2)
+ ps2_clk : inout std_logic;
+ ps2_data : inout std_logic;
+ -- Rotary Pushbutton Switch (ROT)
+ rot_a : in std_logic;
+ rot_b : in std_logic;
+ rot_center : in std_logic;
+ -- RS-232 Serial Ports (RS232)
+ rs232_dce_rxd : in std_logic;
+ rs232_dce_txd : out std_logic;
+ rs232_dte_rxd : in std_logic;
+ rs232_dte_txd : out std_logic;
+ -- DDR SDRAM (SD) (I/O Bank 3, VCCO=2.5V)
+ sd_a : out std_logic_vector(12 downto 0); -- address inputs
+ sd_dq : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- data io
+ sd_ba : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- bank address inputs
+ sd_ras : out std_logic; -- command output
+ sd_cas : out std_logic; -- command output
+ sd_we : out std_logic; -- command output
+ sd_udm : out std_logic; -- data mask
+ sd_ldm : out std_logic; -- data mask
+ sd_udqs : inout std_logic; -- data strobe
+ sd_ldqs : inout std_logic; -- data strobe
+ sd_cs : out std_logic; -- active low chip select
+ sd_cke : out std_logic; -- active high clock enable
+ sd_ck_n : out std_logic; -- differential clock
+ sd_ck_p : out std_logic; -- differential clock
+ -- Path to allow connection to top DCM connection
+ sd_ck_fb : in std_logic;
+ -- Intel StrataFlash Parallel NOR Flash (SF)
+ sf_a : out std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); -- sf_a<24> = fx_io32
+ sf_byte : out std_logic;
+ sf_ce0 : out std_logic;
+ sf_d : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 1);
+ sf_oe : out std_logic;
+ sf_sts : in std_logic;
+ sf_we : out std_logic;
+ -- STMicro SPI serial Flash (SPI)
+ spi_mosi : out std_logic; -- master out slave in
+ spi_miso : in std_logic; -- master in slave out
+ spi_sck : out std_logic; -- clock
+ spi_ss_b : out std_logic; -- active low slave select
+ spi_alt_cs_jp11 : out std_logic;
+ -- Slide Switches (SW)
+ sw : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ -- VGA Port (VGA)
+ vga_blue : out std_logic;
+ vga_green : out std_logic;
+ vga_hsync : out std_logic;
+ vga_red : out std_logic;
+ vga_vsync : out std_logic;
+ -- Xilinx CPLD (XC)
+ xc_cmd : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ xc_cpld_en : out std_logic;
+ xc_d : inout std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+ xc_trig : in std_logic;
+ xc_gck0 : inout std_logic;
+ gclk10 : inout std_logic
+ );
+end entity top;
+architecture rtl of top is
+ ---------------------------
+ -- type declarations
+ type zpu_type is (zpu_small, zpu_medium);
+ ---------------------------
+ -- constant declarations
+ constant zpu_flavour : zpu_type := zpu_medium; -- choose your flavour HERE
+ -- modify frequency here
+ constant clk_multiply : positive := 3; -- 2 for small, 3 for medium
+ constant clk_divide : positive := 2; -- 1 for small, 2 for medium
+ --
+ constant word_size_c : natural := 32; -- 32 bits data path
+ constant addr_w_c : natural := 18; -- 18 bits address space=256 kB, 128 kB I/O
+ constant spi_ss_b_disable : std_ulogic := '1'; -- 1 = disable SPI serial flash
+ constant dac_cs_disable : std_ulogic := '1'; -- 1 = disable DAC
+ constant amp_cs_disable : std_ulogic := '1'; -- 1 = disable programmable pre-amplifier
+ constant ad_conv_disable : std_ulogic := '0'; -- 0 = disable ADC
+ constant sf_ce0_disable : std_ulogic := '1';
+ constant fpga_init_b_disable : std_ulogic := '1'; -- 1 = disable pflatform flash PROM
+ --
+ -- connect ldc to fpga
+ constant sf_ce0_lcd_to_fpga : std_ulogic := '1';
+ --
+ constant clk_frequency : positive := 50; -- input frequency for correct calculation
+ ---------------------------
+ -- component declarations
+ component zpu_small1 is
+ generic (
+ word_size : natural := 32; -- 32 bits data path
+ d_care_val : std_logic := '0'; -- Fill value
+ clk_freq : positive := 50; -- 50 MHz clock
+ brate : positive := 115200; -- RS232 baudrate
+ addr_w : natural := 16; -- 16 bits address space=64 kB, 32 kB I/O
+ bram_w : natural := 15 -- 15 bits RAM space=32 kB
+ );
+ port (
+ clk_i : in std_logic; -- CPU clock
+ rst_i : in std_logic; -- Reset
+ break_o : out std_logic; -- Break executed
+ dbg_o : out zpu_dbgo_t; -- Debug info
+ rs232_tx_o : out std_logic; -- UART Tx
+ rs232_rx_i : in std_logic; -- UART Rx
+ gpio_in : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ gpio_out : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ gpio_dir : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) -- 1 = in, 0 = out
+ );
+ end component zpu_small1;
+ component zpu_med1 is
+ generic(
+ word_size : natural := 32; -- 32 bits data path
+ d_care_val : std_logic := '0'; -- Fill value
+ clk_freq : positive := 50; -- 50 MHz clock
+ brate : positive := 115200; -- RS232 baudrate
+ addr_w : natural := 18; -- 18 bits address space=256 kB, 128 kB I/O
+ bram_w : natural := 15 -- 15 bits RAM space=32 kB
+ );
+ port(
+ clk_i : in std_logic; -- CPU clock
+ rst_i : in std_logic; -- Reset
+ break_o : out std_logic; -- Break executed
+ dbg_o : out zpu_dbgo_t; -- Debug info
+ rs232_tx_o : out std_logic; -- UART Tx
+ rs232_rx_i : in std_logic; -- UART Rx
+ gpio_in : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ gpio_out : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ gpio_dir : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) -- 1 = in, 0 = out
+ );
+ end component zpu_med1;
+ ---------------------------
+ -- signal declarations
+ signal dcm_sp_i0_clk0 : std_ulogic;
+ signal dcm_sp_i0_clkfx : std_ulogic;
+ signal clk_fb : std_ulogic;
+ signal clk : std_ulogic;
+ --
+ signal reset_shift_reg : std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ signal reset_sync : std_ulogic;
+ --
+ signal zpu_i0_dbg : zpu_dbgo_t; -- Debug info
+ signal zpu_i0_break : std_logic;
+ --
+ signal gpio_in : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ signal zpu_i0_gpio_out : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ signal zpu_i0_gpio_dir : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ ---------------------------
+ -- alias declarations
+ alias led : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) is fx2_io(20 downto 13);
+ -- default output drivers
+ -- to pass bitgen DRC
+ -- outputs used by design are commented
+ --
+ ad_conv <= ad_conv_disable;
+ amp_cs <= amp_cs_disable;
+ amp_shdn <= '1';
+ --
+ dac_clr <= '0';
+ dac_cs <= dac_cs_disable;
+ --
+ ds_wire <= 'Z';
+ --
+ e_txd(3 downto 0) <= (others => '1');
+ e_tx_en <= '0';
+ e_tx_er <= '0';
+ e_mdc <= '1';
+ e_mdio <= 'Z';
+ --
+ fpga_m0 <= 'Z';
+ fpga_m1 <= 'Z';
+ fpga_m2 <= 'Z';
+ fpga_init_b <= fpga_init_b_disable;
+ --
+ fx2_clkin <= 'Z';
+ fx2_clkio <= 'Z';
+ fx2_clkout <= 'Z';
+ fx2_io <= (others => 'Z');
+ --
+ lcd_e <= '0';
+ lcd_rs <= '0';
+ lcd_rw <= '0';
+ --
+ ps2_clk <= 'Z';
+ ps2_data <= 'Z';
+ --
+ --rs232_dce_txd <= '1';
+ rs232_dte_txd <= '1';
+ --
+ sd_a <= (others => '1');
+ sd_dq <= (others => 'Z');
+ sd_ba <= (others => '1');
+ sd_ras <= '0';
+ sd_cas <= '0';
+ sd_we <= '0';
+ sd_udm <= '1';
+ sd_ldm <= '1';
+ sd_udqs <= '1';
+ sd_ldqs <= '1';
+ sd_cs <= '1';
+ sd_cke <= '1';
+ sd_ck_n <= '0';
+ sd_ck_p <= '1';
+ --
+ sf_a <= (others => '0');
+ sf_byte <= '0';
+ sf_ce0 <= sf_ce0_lcd_to_fpga;
+ sf_d <= (others => 'Z');
+ sf_oe <= '1';
+ sf_we <= '0';
+ --
+ spi_mosi <= '0';
+ spi_sck <= '0';
+ spi_ss_b <= spi_ss_b_disable;
+ spi_alt_cs_jp11 <= spi_ss_b_disable;
+ --
+ vga_red <= '0';
+ vga_green <= '0';
+ vga_blue <= '0';
+ vga_hsync <= '0';
+ vga_vsync <= '0';
+ --
+ xc_cmd <= "00";
+ xc_d <= (others => 'Z');
+ xc_cpld_en <= '0';
+ xc_gck0 <= 'Z';
+ gclk10 <= 'Z';
+ -- led out
+ --fx2_io(20 downto 13) <= (others => '0');
+ -- digital clock manager (DCM)
+ -- to generate higher/other system clock frequencys
+ dcm_sp_i0 : dcm_sp
+ generic map (
+ startup_wait => true, -- wait with DONE till locked
+ clkfx_multiply => clk_multiply,
+ clkfx_divide => clk_divide,
+ clk_feedback => "1X"
+ )
+ port map (
+ clkin => clk_50mhz,
+ clk0 => dcm_sp_i0_clk0,
+ clkfx => dcm_sp_i0_clkfx,
+ clkfb => clk_fb
+ );
+ clk_fb <= dcm_sp_i0_clk0;
+ clk <= dcm_sp_i0_clkfx;
+ -- reset synchronizer
+ -- generate synchronous reset
+ reset_synchronizer : process(clk, rot_center)
+ begin
+ if rot_center = '1' then
+ reset_shift_reg <= (others => '1');
+ elsif rising_edge(clk) then
+ reset_shift_reg <= reset_shift_reg(reset_shift_reg'high-1 downto 0) & '0';
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ reset_sync <= reset_shift_reg(reset_shift_reg'high);
+ -- select instance of zpu
+ zpu_i0_small : if zpu_flavour = zpu_small generate
+ zpu_i0 : zpu_small1
+ generic map (
+ addr_w => addr_w_c,
+ word_size => word_size_c,
+ clk_freq => clk_frequency * clk_multiply / clk_divide
+ )
+ port map (
+ clk_i => clk, -- : in std_logic; -- CPU clock
+ rst_i => reset_sync, -- : in std_logic; -- Reset
+ break_o => zpu_i0_break, -- : out std_logic; -- Break executed
+ dbg_o => zpu_i0_dbg, -- : out zpu_dbgo_t; -- Debug info
+ rs232_tx_o => rs232_dce_txd, -- : out std_logic; -- UART Tx
+ rs232_rx_i => rs232_dce_rxd, -- : in std_logic -- UART Rx
+ gpio_in => gpio_in, -- : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ gpio_out => zpu_i0_gpio_out, -- : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ gpio_dir => zpu_i0_gpio_dir -- : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) -- 1 = in, 0 = out
+ );
+ end generate zpu_i0_small;
+ zpu_i0_medium : if zpu_flavour = zpu_medium generate
+ zpu_i0 : zpu_med1
+ generic map (
+ addr_w => addr_w_c,
+ word_size => word_size_c,
+ clk_freq => clk_frequency * clk_multiply / clk_divide
+ )
+ port map (
+ clk_i => clk, -- : in std_logic; -- CPU clock
+ rst_i => reset_sync, -- : in std_logic; -- Reset
+ break_o => zpu_i0_break, -- : out std_logic; -- Break executed
+ dbg_o => zpu_i0_dbg, -- : out zpu_dbgo_t; -- Debug info
+ rs232_tx_o => rs232_dce_txd, -- : out std_logic; -- UART Tx
+ rs232_rx_i => rs232_dce_rxd, -- : in std_logic -- UART Rx
+ gpio_in => gpio_in, -- : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ gpio_out => zpu_i0_gpio_out, -- : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ gpio_dir => zpu_i0_gpio_dir -- : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) -- 1 = in, 0 = out
+ );
+ end generate zpu_i0_medium;
+ -- pragma translate_off
+ stop_simulation <= zpu_i0_break;
+ trace_mod : trace
+ generic map (
+ addr_w => addr_w_c,
+ word_size => word_size_c,
+ log_file => "zpu_trace.log"
+ )
+ port map (
+ clk_i => clk,
+ dbg_i => zpu_i0_dbg,
+ stop_i => zpu_i0_break,
+ busy_i => '0'
+ );
+ -- pragma translate_on
+ -- assign GPIOs
+ -- no bidirectional pins (e.g. headers), so
+ -- gpio_dir is unused
+ gpio_in <= ((6) => rot_a,
+ (5) => rot_b,
+ (4) => rot_center,
+ --
+ (3) => btn_east,
+ (2) => btn_north,
+ (1) => btn_south,
+ (0) => btn_west,
+ others => '0');
+ -- switch on all LEDs in case of break
+ process
+ begin
+ wait until rising_edge(clk);
+ led <= zpu_i0_gpio_out(7 downto 0);
+ if zpu_i0_break = '1' then
+ led <= (others => '1');
+ end if;
+ end process;
+end architecture rtl;
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/top_tb.vhd b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/top_tb.vhd
index c774e89..d62bed9 100644
--- a/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/top_tb.vhd
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/fpga/digilent-starter-xc3s500e/top_tb.vhd
@@ -1,278 +1,281 @@
--- testbench for Digilent Spartan 3E Starter Board
--- includes "model" for clock generation
--- simulate press on Rotary Pushbutton Switch as reset
--- place models for external components (PHY, SDRAM) in this file
-library ieee;
-use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-entity top_tb is
-end entity top_tb;
-architecture testbench of top_tb is
- ---------------------------
- -- constant declarations
- constant clk_50mhz_period : time := 1 sec / 50_000_000; -- 50 MHz
- ---------------------------
- -- signal declarations
- signal simulation_run : boolean := true;
- signal tb_stop_simulation : std_logic;
- --
- -- Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
- signal tb_ad_conv : std_logic;
- -- Programmable Gain Amplifier (AMP)
- signal tb_amp_cs : std_logic; -- active low chip select
- signal tb_amp_dout : std_logic := '1';
- signal tb_amp_shdn : std_logic; -- active high shutdown, reset
- -- Pushbuttons (BTN)
- signal tb_btn_east : std_logic := '0';
- signal tb_btn_north : std_logic := '0';
- signal tb_btn_south : std_logic := '0';
- signal tb_btn_west : std_logic := '0';
- -- Clock inputs (CLK)
- signal tb_clk_50mhz : std_logic := '0';
- signal tb_clk_aux : std_logic := '0';
- signal tb_clk_sma : std_logic := '0';
- -- Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)
- signal tb_dac_clr : std_logic; -- async, active low reset input
- signal tb_dac_cs : std_logic; -- active low chip select, conv start with rising edge
- -- 1-Wire Secure EEPROM (DS)
- signal tb_ds_wire : std_logic;
- -- Ethernet PHY (E)
- signal tb_e_col : std_logic := '0'; -- MII collision detect
- signal tb_e_crs : std_logic := '0'; -- carrier sense
- signal tb_e_mdc : std_logic; -- management clock
- signal tb_e_mdio : std_logic; -- management data io
- signal tb_e_rx_clk : std_logic := '0'; -- receive clock 25MHz@100BaseTx or 2.5MHz@10Base-T
- signal tb_e_rx_dv : std_logic := '0'; -- receive data valid
- signal tb_e_rxd : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0');
- signal tb_e_rx_er : std_logic := '0';
- signal tb_e_tx_clk : std_logic := '0'; -- transmit clock 25MHz@100BaseTx or 2.5MHz@10Base-T
- signal tb_e_tx_en : std_logic; -- transmit enable
- signal tb_e_txd : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
- signal tb_e_tx_er : std_logic;
- -- FPGA Configuration Mode, INIT_B Pins (FPGA)
- signal tb_fpga_m0 : std_logic;
- signal tb_fpga_m1 : std_logic;
- signal tb_fpga_m2 : std_logic;
- signal tb_fpga_init_b : std_logic;
- signal tb_fpga_rdwr_b : std_logic := '0';
- signal tb_fpga_hswap : std_logic := '0';
- -- FX2 Connector (FX2)
- signal tb_fx2_clkin : std_logic;
- signal tb_fx2_clkio : std_logic;
- signal tb_fx2_clkout : std_logic;
- signal tb_fx2_io : std_logic_vector(40 downto 1);
- -- Character LCD (LCD)
- signal tb_lcd_e : std_logic;
- signal tb_lcd_rs : std_logic;
- signal tb_lcd_rw : std_logic;
- -- LCD data connections are shared with StrataFlash connections SF_D<11:8>
- -- PS/2 Mouse/Keyboard Port (PS2)
- signal tb_ps2_clk : std_logic;
- signal tb_ps2_data : std_logic;
- -- Rotary Pushbutton Switch (ROT)
- signal tb_rot_a : std_logic := '0';
- signal tb_rot_b : std_logic := '0';
- signal tb_rot_center : std_logic; -- use as reset
- -- RS-232 Serial Ports (RS232)
- signal tb_rs232_dce_rxd : std_logic := '1';
- signal tb_rs232_dce_txd : std_logic;
- signal tb_rs232_dte_rxd : std_logic := '1';
- signal tb_rs232_dte_txd : std_logic;
- -- DDR SDRAM (SD) (I/O Bank 3, VCCO=2.5V)
- signal tb_sd_a : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0); -- address inputs
- signal tb_sd_dq : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- data io
- signal tb_sd_ba : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- bank address inputs
- signal tb_sd_ras : std_logic; -- command output
- signal tb_sd_cas : std_logic; -- command output
- signal tb_sd_we : std_logic; -- command output
- signal tb_sd_udm : std_logic; -- data mask
- signal tb_sd_ldm : std_logic; -- data mask
- signal tb_sd_udqs : std_logic; -- data strobe
- signal tb_sd_ldqs : std_logic; -- data strobe
- signal tb_sd_cs : std_logic; -- active low chip select
- signal tb_sd_cke : std_logic; -- active high clock enable
- signal tb_sd_ck_n : std_logic; -- differential clock
- signal tb_sd_ck_p : std_logic; -- differential clock
- -- Path to allow connection to top DCM connection
- signal tb_sd_ck_fb : std_logic;
- -- Intel StrataFlash Parallel NOR Flash (SF)
- signal tb_sf_a : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); -- sf_a<24> = fx_io32 :-(
- signal tb_sf_byte : std_logic;
- signal tb_sf_ce0 : std_logic;
- signal tb_sf_d : std_logic_vector(15 downto 1);
- signal tb_sf_oe : std_logic;
- signal tb_sf_sts : std_logic := '0';
- signal tb_sf_we : std_logic;
- -- STMicro SPI serial Flash (SPI)
- signal tb_spi_mosi : std_logic; -- master out slave in
- signal tb_spi_miso : std_logic := '0'; -- master in slave out
- signal tb_spi_sck : std_logic; -- clock
- signal tb_spi_ss_b : std_logic; -- active low slave select
- signal tb_spi_alt_cs_jp11 : std_logic;
- -- Slide Switches (SW)
- signal tb_sw : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0');
- -- VGA Port (VGA)
- signal tb_vga_blue : std_logic;
- signal tb_vga_green : std_logic;
- signal tb_vga_hsync : std_logic;
- signal tb_vga_red : std_logic;
- signal tb_vga_vsync : std_logic;
- -- Xilinx CPLD (XC)
- signal tb_xc_cmd : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
- signal tb_xc_cpld_en : std_logic;
- signal tb_xc_d : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
- signal tb_xc_trig : std_logic := '0';
- signal tb_xc_gck0 : std_logic;
- signal tb_gclk10 : std_logic;
- -- generate clock
- tb_clk_50mhz <= not tb_clk_50mhz after clk_50mhz_period / 2 when simulation_run;
- -- generate reset
- tb_rot_center <= '1', '0' after 6.66 * clk_50mhz_period;
- -- clock feedback for SD-RAM (on board)
- tb_sd_ck_fb <= tb_sd_ck_p;
- -- dut
- top_i0 : entity
- port map (
- stop_simulation => tb_stop_simulation, -- : out std_logic;
- -- Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
- ad_conv => tb_ad_conv, -- : out std_logic;
- -- Programmable Gain Amplifier (AMP)
- amp_cs => tb_amp_cs, -- : out std_logic;
- amp_dout => tb_amp_dout, -- : in std_logic;
- amp_shdn => tb_amp_shdn, -- : out std_logic;
- -- Pushbuttons (BTN)
- btn_east => tb_btn_east, -- : in std_logic;
- btn_north => tb_btn_north, -- : in std_logic;
- btn_south => tb_btn_south, -- : in std_logic;
- btn_west => tb_btn_west, -- : in std_logic;
- -- Clock inputs (CLK)
- clk_50mhz => tb_clk_50mhz, -- : in std_logic;
- clk_aux => tb_clk_aux, -- : in std_logic;
- clk_sma => tb_clk_sma, -- : in std_logic;
- -- Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)
- dac_clr => tb_dac_clr, -- : out std_logic;
- dac_cs => tb_dac_cs, -- : out std_logic;
- -- 1-Wire Secure EEPROM (DS)
- ds_wire => tb_ds_wire, -- : inout std_logic;
- -- Ethernet PHY (E)
- e_col => tb_e_col, -- : in std_logic;
- e_crs => tb_e_crs, -- : in std_logic;
- e_mdc => tb_e_mdc, -- : out std_logic;
- e_mdio => tb_e_mdio, -- : inout std_logic;
- e_rx_clk => tb_e_rx_clk, -- : in std_logic;
- e_rx_dv => tb_e_rx_dv, -- : in std_logic;
- e_rxd => tb_e_rxd, -- : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
- e_rx_er => tb_e_rx_er, -- : in std_logic;
- e_tx_clk => tb_e_tx_clk, -- : in std_logic;
- e_tx_en => tb_e_tx_en, -- : out std_logic;
- e_txd => tb_e_txd, -- : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
- e_tx_er => tb_e_tx_er, -- : out std_logic;
- -- FPGA Configuration Mode, INIT_B Pins (FPGA)
- fpga_m0 => tb_fpga_m0, -- : inout std_logic;
- fpga_m1 => tb_fpga_m1, -- : inout std_logic;
- fpga_m2 => tb_fpga_m2, -- : inout std_logic;
- fpga_init_b => tb_fpga_init_b, -- : inout std_logic;
- fpga_rdwr_b => tb_fpga_rdwr_b, -- : in std_logic;
- fpga_hswap => tb_fpga_hswap, -- : in std_logic;
- -- FX2 Connector (FX2)
- fx2_clkin => tb_fx2_clkin, -- : inout std_logic;
- fx2_clkio => tb_fx2_clkio, -- : inout std_logic;
- fx2_clkout => tb_fx2_clkout, -- : inout std_logic;
- fx2_io => tb_fx2_io, -- : inout std_logic_vector(40 downto 1);
- -- Character LCD (LCD)
- lcd_e => tb_lcd_e, -- : out std_logic;
- lcd_rs => tb_lcd_rs, -- : out std_logic;
- lcd_rw => tb_lcd_rw, -- : out std_logic;
- -- LCD data connections are shared with StrataFlash connections SF_D<11:8>
- -- PS/2 Mouse/Keyboard Port (PS2)
- ps2_clk => tb_ps2_clk, -- : inout std_logic;
- ps2_data => tb_ps2_data, -- : inout std_logic;
- -- Rotary Pushbutton Switch (ROT)
- rot_a => tb_rot_a, -- : in std_logic;
- rot_b => tb_rot_b, -- : in std_logic;
- rot_center => tb_rot_center, -- : in std_logic;
- -- RS-232 Serial Ports (RS232)
- rs232_dce_rxd => tb_rs232_dce_rxd, -- : in std_logic;
- rs232_dce_txd => tb_rs232_dce_txd, -- : out std_logic;
- rs232_dte_rxd => tb_rs232_dte_rxd, -- : in std_logic;
- rs232_dte_txd => tb_rs232_dte_txd, -- : out std_logic;
- -- DDR SDRAM (SD) (I/O Bank 3, VCCO=2.5V)
- sd_a => tb_sd_a, -- : out std_logic_vector(12 downto 0);
- sd_dq => tb_sd_dq, -- : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
- sd_ba => tb_sd_ba, -- : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
- sd_ras => tb_sd_ras, -- : out std_logic;
- sd_cas => tb_sd_cas, -- : out std_logic;
- sd_we => tb_sd_we, -- : out std_logic;
- sd_udm => tb_sd_udm, -- : out std_logic;
- sd_ldm => tb_sd_ldm, -- : out std_logic;
- sd_udqs => tb_sd_udqs, -- : inout std_logic;
- sd_ldqs => tb_sd_ldqs, -- : inout std_logic;
- sd_cs => tb_sd_cs, -- : out std_logic;
- sd_cke => tb_sd_cke, -- : out std_logic;
- sd_ck_n => tb_sd_ck_n, -- : out std_logic;
- sd_ck_p => tb_sd_ck_p, -- : out std_logic;
- -- Path to allow connection to top DCM connection
- sd_ck_fb => tb_sd_ck_fb, -- : in std_logic;
- -- Intel StrataFlash Parallel NOR Flash (SF)
- sf_a => tb_sf_a, -- : out std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
- sf_byte => tb_sf_byte, -- : out std_logic;
- sf_ce0 => tb_sf_ce0, -- : out std_logic;
- sf_d => tb_sf_d, -- : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 1);
- sf_oe => tb_sf_oe, -- : out std_logic;
- sf_sts => tb_sf_sts, -- : in std_logic;
- sf_we => tb_sf_we, -- : out std_logic;
- -- STMicro SPI serial Flash (SPI)
- spi_mosi => tb_spi_mosi, -- : out std_logic;
- spi_miso => tb_spi_miso, -- : in std_logic;
- spi_sck => tb_spi_sck, -- : out std_logic;
- spi_ss_b => tb_spi_ss_b, -- : out std_logic;
- spi_alt_cs_jp11 => tb_spi_alt_cs_jp11, -- : out std_logic;
- -- Slide Switches (SW)
- sw => tb_sw, -- : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
- -- VGA Port (VGA)
- vga_blue => tb_vga_blue, -- : out std_logic;
- vga_green => tb_vga_green, -- : out std_logic;
- vga_hsync => tb_vga_hsync, -- : out std_logic;
- vga_red => tb_vga_red, -- : out std_logic;
- vga_vsync => tb_vga_vsync, -- : out std_logic;
- -- Xilinx CPLD (XC)
- xc_cmd => tb_xc_cmd, -- : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
- xc_cpld_en => tb_xc_cpld_en, -- : out std_logic;
- xc_d => tb_xc_d, -- : inout std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
- xc_trig => tb_xc_trig, -- : in std_logic;
- xc_gck0 => tb_xc_gck0, -- : inout std_logic;
- gclk10 => tb_gclk10 -- : inout std_logic
- );
- -- check for simulation stopping
- process (tb_stop_simulation)
- begin
- if tb_stop_simulation = '1' then
- report "Simulation end." severity note;
- simulation_run <= false;
- end if;
- end process;
-end architecture testbench;
+-- testbench for
+-- Digilent Spartan 3E Starter Board
+-- includes "model" for clock generation
+-- simulate press on Rotary Pushbutton Switch as reset
+-- place models for external components (PHY, SDRAM) in this file
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+entity top_tb is
+end entity top_tb;
+architecture testbench of top_tb is
+ ---------------------------
+ -- constant declarations
+ constant clk_50mhz_period : time := 1 sec / 50_000_000; -- 50 MHz
+ ---------------------------
+ -- signal declarations
+ signal simulation_run : boolean := true;
+ signal tb_stop_simulation : std_logic;
+ --
+ -- Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
+ signal tb_ad_conv : std_logic;
+ -- Programmable Gain Amplifier (AMP)
+ signal tb_amp_cs : std_logic; -- active low chip select
+ signal tb_amp_dout : std_logic := '1';
+ signal tb_amp_shdn : std_logic; -- active high shutdown, reset
+ -- Pushbuttons (BTN)
+ signal tb_btn_east : std_logic := '0';
+ signal tb_btn_north : std_logic := '0';
+ signal tb_btn_south : std_logic := '0';
+ signal tb_btn_west : std_logic := '0';
+ -- Clock inputs (CLK)
+ signal tb_clk_50mhz : std_logic := '0';
+ signal tb_clk_aux : std_logic := '0';
+ signal tb_clk_sma : std_logic := '0';
+ -- Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)
+ signal tb_dac_clr : std_logic; -- async, active low reset input
+ signal tb_dac_cs : std_logic; -- active low chip select, conv start with rising edge
+ -- 1-Wire Secure EEPROM (DS)
+ signal tb_ds_wire : std_logic;
+ -- Ethernet PHY (E)
+ signal tb_e_col : std_logic := '0'; -- MII collision detect
+ signal tb_e_crs : std_logic := '0'; -- carrier sense
+ signal tb_e_mdc : std_logic; -- management clock
+ signal tb_e_mdio : std_logic; -- management data io
+ signal tb_e_rx_clk : std_logic := '0'; -- receive clock 25MHz@100BaseTx or 2.5MHz@10Base-T
+ signal tb_e_rx_dv : std_logic := '0'; -- receive data valid
+ signal tb_e_rxd : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ signal tb_e_rx_er : std_logic := '0';
+ signal tb_e_tx_clk : std_logic := '0'; -- transmit clock 25MHz@100BaseTx or 2.5MHz@10Base-T
+ signal tb_e_tx_en : std_logic; -- transmit enable
+ signal tb_e_txd : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ signal tb_e_tx_er : std_logic;
+ -- FPGA Configuration Mode, INIT_B Pins (FPGA)
+ signal tb_fpga_m0 : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fpga_m1 : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fpga_m2 : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fpga_init_b : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fpga_rdwr_b : std_logic := '0';
+ signal tb_fpga_hswap : std_logic := '0';
+ -- FX2 Connector (FX2)
+ signal tb_fx2_clkin : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fx2_clkio : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fx2_clkout : std_logic;
+ signal tb_fx2_io : std_logic_vector(40 downto 1);
+ -- Character LCD (LCD)
+ signal tb_lcd_e : std_logic;
+ signal tb_lcd_rs : std_logic;
+ signal tb_lcd_rw : std_logic;
+ -- LCD data connections are shared with StrataFlash connections SF_D<11:8>
+ -- PS/2 Mouse/Keyboard Port (PS2)
+ signal tb_ps2_clk : std_logic;
+ signal tb_ps2_data : std_logic;
+ -- Rotary Pushbutton Switch (ROT)
+ signal tb_rot_a : std_logic := '0';
+ signal tb_rot_b : std_logic := '0';
+ signal tb_rot_center : std_logic; -- use as reset
+ -- RS-232 Serial Ports (RS232)
+ signal tb_rs232_dce_rxd : std_logic := '1';
+ signal tb_rs232_dce_txd : std_logic;
+ signal tb_rs232_dte_rxd : std_logic := '1';
+ signal tb_rs232_dte_txd : std_logic;
+ -- DDR SDRAM (SD) (I/O Bank 3, VCCO=2.5V)
+ signal tb_sd_a : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0); -- address inputs
+ signal tb_sd_dq : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- data io
+ signal tb_sd_ba : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- bank address inputs
+ signal tb_sd_ras : std_logic; -- command output
+ signal tb_sd_cas : std_logic; -- command output
+ signal tb_sd_we : std_logic; -- command output
+ signal tb_sd_udm : std_logic; -- data mask
+ signal tb_sd_ldm : std_logic; -- data mask
+ signal tb_sd_udqs : std_logic; -- data strobe
+ signal tb_sd_ldqs : std_logic; -- data strobe
+ signal tb_sd_cs : std_logic; -- active low chip select
+ signal tb_sd_cke : std_logic; -- active high clock enable
+ signal tb_sd_ck_n : std_logic; -- differential clock
+ signal tb_sd_ck_p : std_logic; -- differential clock
+ -- Path to allow connection to top DCM connection
+ signal tb_sd_ck_fb : std_logic;
+ -- Intel StrataFlash Parallel NOR Flash (SF)
+ signal tb_sf_a : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); -- sf_a<24> = fx_io32 :-(
+ signal tb_sf_byte : std_logic;
+ signal tb_sf_ce0 : std_logic;
+ signal tb_sf_d : std_logic_vector(15 downto 1);
+ signal tb_sf_oe : std_logic;
+ signal tb_sf_sts : std_logic := '0';
+ signal tb_sf_we : std_logic;
+ -- STMicro SPI serial Flash (SPI)
+ signal tb_spi_mosi : std_logic; -- master out slave in
+ signal tb_spi_miso : std_logic := '0'; -- master in slave out
+ signal tb_spi_sck : std_logic; -- clock
+ signal tb_spi_ss_b : std_logic; -- active low slave select
+ signal tb_spi_alt_cs_jp11 : std_logic;
+ -- Slide Switches (SW)
+ signal tb_sw : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ -- VGA Port (VGA)
+ signal tb_vga_blue : std_logic;
+ signal tb_vga_green : std_logic;
+ signal tb_vga_hsync : std_logic;
+ signal tb_vga_red : std_logic;
+ signal tb_vga_vsync : std_logic;
+ -- Xilinx CPLD (XC)
+ signal tb_xc_cmd : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ signal tb_xc_cpld_en : std_logic;
+ signal tb_xc_d : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+ signal tb_xc_trig : std_logic := '0';
+ signal tb_xc_gck0 : std_logic;
+ signal tb_gclk10 : std_logic;
+ -- generate clock
+ tb_clk_50mhz <= not tb_clk_50mhz after clk_50mhz_period / 2 when simulation_run;
+ -- generate reset
+ tb_rot_center <= '1', '0' after 6.66 * clk_50mhz_period;
+ -- clock feedback for SD-RAM (on board)
+ tb_sd_ck_fb <= tb_sd_ck_p;
+ -- simulate keypress
+ tb_btn_north <= '0', '1' after 55 us, '0' after 56 us;
+ -- dut
+ top_i0 : entity
+ port map (
+ stop_simulation => tb_stop_simulation, -- : out std_logic;
+ -- Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
+ ad_conv => tb_ad_conv, -- : out std_logic;
+ -- Programmable Gain Amplifier (AMP)
+ amp_cs => tb_amp_cs, -- : out std_logic;
+ amp_dout => tb_amp_dout, -- : in std_logic;
+ amp_shdn => tb_amp_shdn, -- : out std_logic;
+ -- Pushbuttons (BTN)
+ btn_east => tb_btn_east, -- : in std_logic;
+ btn_north => tb_btn_north, -- : in std_logic;
+ btn_south => tb_btn_south, -- : in std_logic;
+ btn_west => tb_btn_west, -- : in std_logic;
+ -- Clock inputs (CLK)
+ clk_50mhz => tb_clk_50mhz, -- : in std_logic;
+ clk_aux => tb_clk_aux, -- : in std_logic;
+ clk_sma => tb_clk_sma, -- : in std_logic;
+ -- Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)
+ dac_clr => tb_dac_clr, -- : out std_logic;
+ dac_cs => tb_dac_cs, -- : out std_logic;
+ -- 1-Wire Secure EEPROM (DS)
+ ds_wire => tb_ds_wire, -- : inout std_logic;
+ -- Ethernet PHY (E)
+ e_col => tb_e_col, -- : in std_logic;
+ e_crs => tb_e_crs, -- : in std_logic;
+ e_mdc => tb_e_mdc, -- : out std_logic;
+ e_mdio => tb_e_mdio, -- : inout std_logic;
+ e_rx_clk => tb_e_rx_clk, -- : in std_logic;
+ e_rx_dv => tb_e_rx_dv, -- : in std_logic;
+ e_rxd => tb_e_rxd, -- : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ e_rx_er => tb_e_rx_er, -- : in std_logic;
+ e_tx_clk => tb_e_tx_clk, -- : in std_logic;
+ e_tx_en => tb_e_tx_en, -- : out std_logic;
+ e_txd => tb_e_txd, -- : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ e_tx_er => tb_e_tx_er, -- : out std_logic;
+ -- FPGA Configuration Mode, INIT_B Pins (FPGA)
+ fpga_m0 => tb_fpga_m0, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fpga_m1 => tb_fpga_m1, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fpga_m2 => tb_fpga_m2, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fpga_init_b => tb_fpga_init_b, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fpga_rdwr_b => tb_fpga_rdwr_b, -- : in std_logic;
+ fpga_hswap => tb_fpga_hswap, -- : in std_logic;
+ -- FX2 Connector (FX2)
+ fx2_clkin => tb_fx2_clkin, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fx2_clkio => tb_fx2_clkio, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fx2_clkout => tb_fx2_clkout, -- : inout std_logic;
+ fx2_io => tb_fx2_io, -- : inout std_logic_vector(40 downto 1);
+ -- Character LCD (LCD)
+ lcd_e => tb_lcd_e, -- : out std_logic;
+ lcd_rs => tb_lcd_rs, -- : out std_logic;
+ lcd_rw => tb_lcd_rw, -- : out std_logic;
+ -- LCD data connections are shared with StrataFlash connections SF_D<11:8>
+ -- PS/2 Mouse/Keyboard Port (PS2)
+ ps2_clk => tb_ps2_clk, -- : inout std_logic;
+ ps2_data => tb_ps2_data, -- : inout std_logic;
+ -- Rotary Pushbutton Switch (ROT)
+ rot_a => tb_rot_a, -- : in std_logic;
+ rot_b => tb_rot_b, -- : in std_logic;
+ rot_center => tb_rot_center, -- : in std_logic;
+ -- RS-232 Serial Ports (RS232)
+ rs232_dce_rxd => tb_rs232_dce_rxd, -- : in std_logic;
+ rs232_dce_txd => tb_rs232_dce_txd, -- : out std_logic;
+ rs232_dte_rxd => tb_rs232_dte_rxd, -- : in std_logic;
+ rs232_dte_txd => tb_rs232_dte_txd, -- : out std_logic;
+ -- DDR SDRAM (SD) (I/O Bank 3, VCCO=2.5V)
+ sd_a => tb_sd_a, -- : out std_logic_vector(12 downto 0);
+ sd_dq => tb_sd_dq, -- : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ sd_ba => tb_sd_ba, -- : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ sd_ras => tb_sd_ras, -- : out std_logic;
+ sd_cas => tb_sd_cas, -- : out std_logic;
+ sd_we => tb_sd_we, -- : out std_logic;
+ sd_udm => tb_sd_udm, -- : out std_logic;
+ sd_ldm => tb_sd_ldm, -- : out std_logic;
+ sd_udqs => tb_sd_udqs, -- : inout std_logic;
+ sd_ldqs => tb_sd_ldqs, -- : inout std_logic;
+ sd_cs => tb_sd_cs, -- : out std_logic;
+ sd_cke => tb_sd_cke, -- : out std_logic;
+ sd_ck_n => tb_sd_ck_n, -- : out std_logic;
+ sd_ck_p => tb_sd_ck_p, -- : out std_logic;
+ -- Path to allow connection to top DCM connection
+ sd_ck_fb => tb_sd_ck_fb, -- : in std_logic;
+ -- Intel StrataFlash Parallel NOR Flash (SF)
+ sf_a => tb_sf_a, -- : out std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+ sf_byte => tb_sf_byte, -- : out std_logic;
+ sf_ce0 => tb_sf_ce0, -- : out std_logic;
+ sf_d => tb_sf_d, -- : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 1);
+ sf_oe => tb_sf_oe, -- : out std_logic;
+ sf_sts => tb_sf_sts, -- : in std_logic;
+ sf_we => tb_sf_we, -- : out std_logic;
+ -- STMicro SPI serial Flash (SPI)
+ spi_mosi => tb_spi_mosi, -- : out std_logic;
+ spi_miso => tb_spi_miso, -- : in std_logic;
+ spi_sck => tb_spi_sck, -- : out std_logic;
+ spi_ss_b => tb_spi_ss_b, -- : out std_logic;
+ spi_alt_cs_jp11 => tb_spi_alt_cs_jp11, -- : out std_logic;
+ -- Slide Switches (SW)
+ sw => tb_sw, -- : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ -- VGA Port (VGA)
+ vga_blue => tb_vga_blue, -- : out std_logic;
+ vga_green => tb_vga_green, -- : out std_logic;
+ vga_hsync => tb_vga_hsync, -- : out std_logic;
+ vga_red => tb_vga_red, -- : out std_logic;
+ vga_vsync => tb_vga_vsync, -- : out std_logic;
+ -- Xilinx CPLD (XC)
+ xc_cmd => tb_xc_cmd, -- : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ xc_cpld_en => tb_xc_cpld_en, -- : out std_logic;
+ xc_d => tb_xc_d, -- : inout std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+ xc_trig => tb_xc_trig, -- : in std_logic;
+ xc_gck0 => tb_xc_gck0, -- : inout std_logic;
+ gclk10 => tb_gclk10 -- : inout std_logic
+ );
+ -- check for simulation stopping
+ process (tb_stop_simulation)
+ begin
+ if tb_stop_simulation = '1' then
+ report "Simulation end." severity note;
+ simulation_run <= false;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+end architecture testbench;
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