path: root/zpu/hdl/tap/jtagx.vhd
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authorAlvaro <>2011-09-01 12:13:53 +0100
committerAlvaro <>2011-09-01 12:13:53 +0100
commit91e13ae045ee76c25b8883013d386beab3cb8086 (patch)
treeb09d846da68630a3424b291e81e401170a41caac /zpu/hdl/tap/jtagx.vhd
parent3941564bb9cb1fa9faa9a3461074d06f2ef0dbe0 (diff)
jtag: Apply Martin Strubel JTAG implementation for ZPUjtagdbg
The current JTAG debugging capable ZPU implementation (VHDL) consists of: - A generic, device independent JTAG module (tck, tms, tdi, tdo, trst) - A TAP module, defining JTAG instruction and data registers - A few control lines to/from the core (request, execute, acknowledge, ready) and: * An emulation instruction register * A data exchange register - An enhanced ZPU small core state machine
Diffstat (limited to 'zpu/hdl/tap/jtagx.vhd')
1 files changed, 254 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/tap/jtagx.vhd b/zpu/hdl/tap/jtagx.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89c2075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zpu/hdl/tap/jtagx.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+-- Simple JTAG controller, enhanced version
+-- $Id: jtag.vhdl 35 2008-09-05 23:31:00Z strubi $
+-- (c) 2005, 2006, 2011
+-- Martin Strubel // <>
+-- Functionality:
+-- This module implements a JTAG controller with a instruction register (IR)
+-- and a data register (DR).
+-- Data is clocked into the IR register MSB first,
+-- into the DR register LSB first.
+-- The reason for this inconsistent behaviour is, that this controller
+-- allows variable sizes of data registers, depending on the IR value.
+-- (Actually, the Blackfin CPU JTAG controller does it the same odd way)
+-- The IR and DR register size is specified in the parameters:
+-- IRSIZE (default 4)
+-- DRSIZE (default 8)
+-- All special functionality must be encoded outside this module, using
+-- the IR values.
+-- There is one exception: The Instruction "1111" is reserved for the
+-- IR_BYPASS mode. In this mode, the TDI bit is passed onto TDO with a delay
+-- of one bit, according to the JTAG standard.
+-- The design is tested using the JTAG library coming with the ICEbear
+-- USB JTAG adapter.
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+use IEEE.numeric_std.all; -- TO_INTEGER
+library work;
+use work.jtag.all;
+entity JtagController is
+ generic (IRSIZE : natural := 4;
+ DRSIZE : natural := 8);
+ port (
+ tck, -- Tap Clock
+ trst, -- Tap Reset
+ tms, -- Tap mode select
+ tdi : in std_logic; -- Tap data in
+ tdo : out std_logic; -- Tap data out
+ state : out jtag_state_type; -- JTAG machine state
+-- Data register input:
+ dr_in : in std_logic_vector (DRSIZE-1 downto 0);
+-- Configureable DR size:
+ msbpos : in bitpos_type;
+-- Data register output:
+ dr_out : out std_logic_vector (DRSIZE-1 downto 0);
+-- Instruction register:
+ ir_out : out std_logic_vector (IRSIZE-1 downto 0)
+ );
+end JtagController;
+architecture behaviour of JtagController is
+-- The only fixed instruction: All ones. Reserved for bypassing.
+ constant IR_BYPASS : std_logic_vector (IRSIZE-1 downto 0) :=
+ (others => '1');
+ signal mystate : jtag_state_type := TEST_LOGIC_RESET;
+ signal next_state : jtag_state_type;
+ signal s_dr : std_logic_vector (DRSIZE-1 downto 0);
+ signal s_ir : std_logic_vector (IRSIZE-1 downto 0) :=
+ (others => '1');
+ signal msb : bitpos_type;
+ -- Disabled: Buffered register
+ -- signal ir : std_logic_vector (IRSIZE-1 downto 0);
+ process (mystate, tms)
+ begin
+ case mystate is
+ when CAPTURE_DR =>
+ if (tms = '1') then
+ next_state <= EXIT1_DR;
+ else
+ next_state <= SHIFT_DR;
+ end if;
+ when CAPTURE_IR =>
+ if (tms = '1') then
+ next_state <= EXIT1_IR;
+ else
+ next_state <= SHIFT_IR;
+ end if;
+ when EXIT1_DR =>
+ if (tms = '1') then
+ next_state <= UPDATE_DR;
+ else
+ next_state <= PAUSE_DR;
+ end if;
+ when EXIT1_IR =>
+ if (tms = '1') then
+ next_state <= UPDATE_IR;
+ else
+ next_state <= PAUSE_IR;
+ end if;
+ when EXIT2_DR =>
+ if (tms = '1') then
+ next_state <= UPDATE_DR;
+ else
+ next_state <= SHIFT_DR;
+ end if;
+ when EXIT2_IR =>
+ if (tms = '1') then
+ next_state <= UPDATE_IR;
+ else
+ next_state <= SHIFT_IR;
+ end if;
+ when PAUSE_DR =>
+ if (tms = '1') then
+ next_state <= EXIT2_DR;
+ else
+ next_state <= PAUSE_DR;
+ end if;
+ when PAUSE_IR =>
+ if (tms = '1') then
+ next_state <= EXIT2_IR;
+ else
+ next_state <= PAUSE_IR;
+ end if;
+ when RUN_TEST_IDLE =>
+ if (tms = '1') then
+ next_state <= SELECT_DR;
+ else
+ next_state <= RUN_TEST_IDLE;
+ end if;
+ when SELECT_DR =>
+ if (tms = '1') then
+ next_state <= SELECT_IR;
+ else
+ next_state <= CAPTURE_DR;
+ end if;
+ when SELECT_IR =>
+ if (tms = '1') then
+ next_state <= TEST_LOGIC_RESET;
+ else
+ next_state <= CAPTURE_IR;
+ end if;
+ when SHIFT_DR =>
+ if (tms = '1') then
+ next_state <= EXIT1_DR;
+ else
+ next_state <= SHIFT_DR;
+ end if;
+ when SHIFT_IR =>
+ if (tms = '1') then
+ next_state <= EXIT1_IR;
+ else
+ next_state <= SHIFT_IR;
+ end if;
+ if (tms = '1') then
+ next_state <= TEST_LOGIC_RESET;
+ else
+ next_state <= RUN_TEST_IDLE;
+ end if;
+ when UPDATE_DR =>
+ if (tms = '1') then
+ next_state <= SELECT_DR;
+ else
+ next_state <= RUN_TEST_IDLE;
+ end if;
+ when UPDATE_IR =>
+ if (tms = '1') then
+ next_state <= SELECT_DR;
+ else
+ next_state <= RUN_TEST_IDLE;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ end case;
+ end process;
+-- When we're in BYPASS, use MSB 0
+ msb <= 0 when s_ir = IR_BYPASS else msbpos;
+ process (mystate, s_ir, s_dr)
+ begin
+ case mystate is
+ when SHIFT_IR =>
+ tdo <= s_ir(0); -- Shift out LSB
+ when SHIFT_DR =>
+ tdo <= s_dr(msb); -- Take MSB
+ when others =>
+ tdo <= '1';
+ end case;
+ end process;
+ process (tck, trst)
+ begin
+ if (trst = '0') then
+ mystate <= TEST_LOGIC_RESET;
+ elsif rising_edge(tck) then
+ mystate <= next_state; -- Advance to next state
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ process (tck)
+ begin
+ if rising_edge(tck) then
+-- takes effect when entering the concerning state
+ case next_state is
+ -- When resetting, go into BYPASS mode
+ s_ir <= (others => '1');
+ s_dr <= (others => '0');
+ when others =>
+ end case;
+-- Mystate is the current state, process takes effect on rising TCK when IN
+-- the concerning state.
+ case mystate is
+ when SHIFT_IR =>
+ s_ir <= tdi & s_ir(IRSIZE-1 downto 1); -- Shift in from MSB
+ when SHIFT_DR =>
+ s_dr <= s_dr(DRSIZE-2 downto 0) & tdi; -- likewise from LSB
+ when CAPTURE_DR =>
+-- We could move this BYPASS check to a higher level module. But since
+-- it's a reserved command, we leave it in here.
+ if (s_ir /= IR_BYPASS) then
+ s_dr <= dr_in; -- Latch!
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ -- always assign state to output
+ -- We assign nextstate which is valid on the rising_edge of tck
+ state <= next_state;
+ ir_out <= s_ir;
+ dr_out <= s_dr;
+end behaviour;
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