path: root/uc_str912/prj_blinky_simple_startup/str91x_lib/src/91x_mc.c
diff options
authorBert Lange <>2011-11-07 15:41:50 +0100
committerBert Lange <>2011-11-07 15:41:50 +0100
commitd190f1c37139ec38667a3d6e566dbe1b0549f84d (patch)
tree7885f39318cb7852afc24992dd08cb6bb953ac03 /uc_str912/prj_blinky_simple_startup/str91x_lib/src/91x_mc.c
parentacc2681723f43b3c8ccb29055bec9d63cb863c78 (diff)
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'uc_str912/prj_blinky_simple_startup/str91x_lib/src/91x_mc.c')
1 files changed, 932 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/uc_str912/prj_blinky_simple_startup/str91x_lib/src/91x_mc.c b/uc_str912/prj_blinky_simple_startup/str91x_lib/src/91x_mc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3ca96a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uc_str912/prj_blinky_simple_startup/str91x_lib/src/91x_mc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,932 @@
+/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2006 STMicroelectronics ********************
+* File Name : 91x_mc.c
+* Author : MCD Application Team
+* Date First Issued : 05/18/2006 : Version 1.0
+* Description : This file provides all the MC software functions.
+* History:
+* 05/24/2006 : Version 1.1
+* 05/18/2006 : Version 1.0
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "91x_mc.h"
+#include "91x_scu.h"
+/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define MC_ODCS_Set 0x0001
+#define MC_ODCS_Reset 0x00FE
+#define MC_CMS_Set 0x0004
+#define MC_CMS_Reset 0x00FB
+#define MC_CPC_Set 0x0008
+#define MC_CTC_Set 0x0010
+#define MC_PCE_Set 0x0020
+#define MC_PCE_Reset 0xFFDF
+#define MC_TCE_Set 0x0040
+#define MC_TCE_Reset 0x00BF
+#define MC_DTE_Set 0x0080
+#define MC_DTE_Reset 0x007F
+#define MC_TCB_Set 0x0004
+#define MC_TCB_Reset 0x00FB
+#define MC_STC_Set 0x0008
+#define MC_TES_Set 0x0010
+#define MC_TES_Reset 0x00EF
+#define MC_CCPT_Set 0x0020
+#define MC_CCPT_Reset 0x005F
+#define MC_DISEST_Set 0x0040
+#define MC_DISEST_Reset 0x003F
+#define MC_DTS_Set 0x0001
+#define MC_DTS_Reset 0x00FE
+#define MC_SDT_Set 0x0002
+#define MC_C0SE_Set 0x0004
+#define MC_C0SE_Reset 0x00FB
+#define MC_CUSE_Set 0x0008
+#define MC_CUSE_Reset 0x00F7
+#define MC_CVSE_Set 0x0010
+#define MC_CVSE_Reset 0x00EF
+#define MC_CWSE_Set 0x0020
+#define MC_CWSE_Reset 0x00D0
+#define MC_RSE_Set 0x0040
+#define MC_RSE_Reset 0x00BF
+#define MC_GPI_Set 0x0080
+#define MC_GPI_Reset 0x007F
+#define MC_PUH_Set 0x0020
+#define MC_PUH_Reset 0x005F
+#define MC_PUL_Set 0x0010
+#define MC_PUL_Reset 0x006F
+#define MC_PVH_Set 0x0008
+#define MC_PVH_Reset 0x0077
+#define MC_PVL_Set 0x0004
+#define MC_PVL_Reset 0x007B
+#define MC_PWH_Set 0x0002
+#define MC_PWH_Reset 0x007D
+#define MC_PWL_Set 0x0001
+#define MC_PWL_Reset 0x007E
+#define MC_ODS_Set 0x0040
+#define MC_ODS_Reset 0xFF3F
+#define MC_ESC_Clear 0x4321
+#define MC_PCR1_TIN_MASK 0xFFFC
+#define MC_OPR_Mask 0x0040
+#define MC_UDCS_Mask 0x0002
+/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+* Function Name : MC_DeInit
+* Description : Deinitializes MC peripheral registers to their default reset
+* values.
+* Input : None
+* Output : None
+* Return : None
+void MC_DeInit(void)
+ /* MC peripheral is under Reset */
+ SCU_APBPeriphReset(__MC, ENABLE);
+ /* MC peripheral Reset off */
+ SCU_APBPeriphReset(__MC, DISABLE);
+* Function Name : MC_Init
+* Description : Initializes the MC peripheral according to the specified
+* parameters in the MC_InitStruct .
+* Input : IMC_InitStruct: pointer to a MC_InitTypeDef structure that
+* contains the configuration information for the MC peripheral.
+* Output : None
+* Return : None
+void MC_Init(MC_InitTypeDef* MC_InitStruct)
+ /* Select the operating Mode */
+ if(MC_InitStruct->MC_OperatingMode == MC_SoftwareOperating_Mode)
+ {
+ /* Select the Data transfer Mode */
+ MC->PCR2 |= MC_DTS_Set;
+ /* Enable the registers Software Data Transfer */
+ MC->PCR2 |= MC_C0SE_Set | MC_CUSE_Set | MC_CVSE_Set | MC_CWSE_Set
+ |MC_RSE_Set;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Select the Data transfer Mode */
+ MC->PCR2 &= MC_DTS_Reset;
+ /* Disable the registers Software Data Transfer */
+ MC->PCR2 &= MC_C0SE_Reset | MC_CUSE_Reset | MC_CVSE_Reset | MC_CWSE_Reset
+ |MC_RSE_Reset;
+ }
+ /* Select the MC PWM counter Mode */
+ if(MC_InitStruct->MC_PWMMode == MC_PWMZeroCentered_Mode)
+ {
+ MC->PCR0 |= MC_CMS_Set;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MC->PCR0 &= MC_CMS_Reset;
+ }
+ /* Set the MC PWM counter Prescaler */
+ MC->CPRS = MC_InitStruct->MC_Prescaler;
+ /* Set the MC PWM Period */
+ MC->CMP0 = MC_InitStruct->MC_Period;
+ /* Set the MC PWM Repetition counter */
+ MC->REP = MC_InitStruct->MC_RepetitionCounter;
+ /* Set the Tacho Compare value */
+ MC->TCMP = MC_InitStruct->MC_TachoPeriod;
+ /* Set the Tacho Prescaler value */
+ MC->TPRS = MC_InitStruct->MC_TachoPrescaler;
+ /* Set the MC Tacho Input Polarity */
+ MC->PCR1 = (MC->PCR1 & MC_PCR1_TIN_MASK) | MC_InitStruct->MC_TachoPolarity;
+ /* Set the MC PWM Forced State */
+ MC->OPR |= MC_ODS_Set;
+ MC->OPR = (MC->OPR & MC_OPR_Mask) | MC_InitStruct->MC_ForcedPWMState;
+ /* Select the Tacho Mode */
+ if(MC_InitStruct->MC_TachoMode == MC_TachoOneShot_Mode)
+ {
+ MC->PCR1 |= MC_TCB_Set;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MC->PCR1 &= MC_TCB_Reset;
+ }
+ /* Select the Tacho Event Mode */
+ if(MC_InitStruct->MC_TachoEvent_Mode == MC_TachoEvent_Software_Mode)
+ {
+ MC->PCR1 |= MC_TES_Set;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MC->PCR1 &= MC_TES_Reset;
+ }
+ /* Enable or disable the emergency input */
+ if(MC_InitStruct->MC_Emergency == MC_Emergency_Enable)
+ {
+ MC->PCR1 &= MC_DISEST_Reset;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MC->PCR1 |= MC_DISEST_Set;
+ }
+/* Select the complementary Mode */
+ if(MC_InitStruct->MC_Complementary == MC_Complementary_Enable)
+ {
+ MC->DTG = MC_InitStruct->MC_DeadTime;
+ MC->PCR0 |= MC_ODCS_Set;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MC->PCR0 &= MC_ODCS_Reset;
+ }
+ /* Tacho Mode selection */
+ if(MC_InitStruct->MC_TachoMode == MC_TachoOneShot_Mode)
+ {
+ MC->PCR1 |= MC_TCB_Set;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MC->PCR1 &= MC_TCB_Reset;
+ }
+ switch(MC_InitStruct->MC_Channel)
+ {
+ /* Channel U configuration */
+ case MC_Channel_U:
+ {
+ MC->CMPU = MC_InitStruct->MC_PulseU;
+ if(MC_InitStruct->MC_PolarityUL == MC_Polarity_Inverted)
+ {
+ MC->PSR |= MC_PUL_Set;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MC->PSR &= MC_PUL_Reset;
+ }
+ if(MC_InitStruct->MC_PolarityUH == MC_Polarity_Inverted)
+ {
+ MC->PSR |= MC_PUH_Set;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MC->PSR &= MC_PUH_Reset;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Channel V configuration */
+ case MC_Channel_V:
+ {
+ MC->CMPV = MC_InitStruct->MC_PulseV;
+ if(MC_InitStruct->MC_PolarityVL == MC_Polarity_Inverted)
+ {
+ MC->PSR |= MC_PVL_Set;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MC->PSR &= MC_PVL_Reset;
+ }
+ if(MC_InitStruct->MC_PolarityVH == MC_Polarity_Inverted)
+ {
+ MC->PSR |= MC_PVH_Set;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MC->PSR &= MC_PVH_Reset;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Channel W configuration */
+ case MC_Channel_W:
+ {
+ MC->CMPW = MC_InitStruct->MC_PulseW;
+ if(MC_InitStruct->MC_PolarityWL == MC_Polarity_Inverted)
+ {
+ MC->PSR |= MC_PWL_Set;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MC->PSR &= MC_PWL_Reset;
+ }
+ if(MC_InitStruct->MC_PolarityWH == MC_Polarity_Inverted)
+ {
+ MC->PSR |= MC_PWH_Set;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MC->PSR &= MC_PWH_Reset;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /* All Channel Configuration */
+ case MC_Channel_ALL:
+ {
+ MC->CMPU = MC_InitStruct->MC_PulseU;
+ MC->CMPV = MC_InitStruct->MC_PulseV;
+ MC->CMPW = MC_InitStruct->MC_PulseW;
+ if(MC_InitStruct->MC_PolarityUL == MC_Polarity_Inverted)
+ {
+ MC->PSR |= MC_PUL_Set;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MC->PSR &= MC_PUL_Reset;
+ }
+ if(MC_InitStruct->MC_PolarityUH == MC_Polarity_Inverted)
+ {
+ MC->PSR |= MC_PUH_Set;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MC->PSR &= MC_PUH_Reset;
+ }
+ if(MC_InitStruct->MC_PolarityVL == MC_Polarity_Inverted)
+ {
+ MC->PSR |= MC_PVL_Set;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MC->PSR &= MC_PVL_Reset;
+ }
+ if(MC_InitStruct->MC_PolarityVH == MC_Polarity_Inverted)
+ {
+ MC->PSR |= MC_PVH_Set;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MC->PSR &= MC_PVH_Reset;
+ }
+ if(MC_InitStruct->MC_PolarityWL == MC_Polarity_Inverted)
+ {
+ MC->PSR |= MC_PWL_Set;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MC->PSR &= MC_PWL_Reset;
+ }
+ if(MC_InitStruct->MC_PolarityWH == MC_Polarity_Inverted)
+ {
+ MC->PSR |= MC_PWH_Set;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MC->PSR &= MC_PWH_Reset;
+ }
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+* Function Name : MC_StructInit
+* Description : Fills each MC_InitStruct member with its default value.
+* Input : MC_InitStruct : pointer to a MC_InitTypeDef structure which
+* will be initialized.
+* Output : None
+* Return : None.
+void MC_StructInit(MC_InitTypeDef* MC_InitStruct)
+ MC_InitStruct->MC_OperatingMode = MC_HardwareOperating_Mode;
+ MC_InitStruct->MC_TachoMode = MC_TachoContinuous_Mode;
+ MC_InitStruct->MC_TachoEvent_Mode = MC_TachoEvent_Hardware_Mode;
+ MC_InitStruct->MC_Prescaler = 0x00;
+ MC_InitStruct->MC_TachoPrescaler = 0x0000;
+ MC_InitStruct->MC_PWMMode = MC_PWMClassical_Mode;
+ MC_InitStruct->MC_Complementary = MC_Complementary_Enable;
+ MC_InitStruct->MC_Emergency = MC_Emergency_Disable;
+ MC_InitStruct->MC_ForcedPWMState = 0x003F;
+ MC_InitStruct->MC_Period = 0x0000;
+ MC_InitStruct->MC_TachoPeriod = 0x00FF;
+ MC_InitStruct->MC_Channel = MC_Channel_ALL;
+ MC_InitStruct->MC_PulseU = 0x0000;
+ MC_InitStruct->MC_PulseV = 0x0000;
+ MC_InitStruct->MC_PulseW = 0x0000;
+ MC_InitStruct->MC_PolarityUL = MC_Polarity_NonInverted;
+ MC_InitStruct->MC_PolarityUH = MC_Polarity_NonInverted;
+ MC_InitStruct->MC_PolarityVL = MC_Polarity_NonInverted;
+ MC_InitStruct->MC_PolarityVH = MC_Polarity_NonInverted;
+ MC_InitStruct->MC_PolarityWL = MC_Polarity_NonInverted;
+ MC_InitStruct->MC_PolarityWH = MC_Polarity_NonInverted;
+ MC_InitStruct->MC_TachoPolarity = MC_TachoEventEdge_RisingFalling;
+ MC_InitStruct->MC_DeadTime = 0x003F;
+ MC_InitStruct->MC_RepetitionCounter = 0x0000;
+* Function Name : MC_Cmd
+* Description : Enables or disables the MC peripheral.
+* Input : Newstate: new state of the MC peripheral.
+* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+* Output : None
+* Return : None
+void MC_Cmd(FunctionalState NewState)
+ if(NewState == ENABLE)
+ {
+ /* Enable the PWM counter */
+ MC->PCR0 |= MC_PCE_Set;
+ /* Enable the Tacho counter */
+ MC->PCR0 |= MC_TCE_Set;
+ /* Enable the Dead Time counter */
+ MC->PCR0 |= MC_DTE_Set;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable the PWM counter */
+ MC->PCR0 &= MC_PCE_Reset;
+ /* Disable the Tacho counter */
+ MC->PCR0 &= MC_TCE_Reset;
+ /* Disable the Dead counter */
+ MC->PCR0 &= MC_DTE_Reset;
+ }
+* Function Name : MC_ClearPWMCounter
+* Description : Clears the MC PWM counter.
+* Input : None
+* Output : None
+* Return : None
+void MC_ClearPWMCounter(void)
+/* Clear the PWM counter */
+ MC->PCR0 |= MC_CPC_Set;
+* Function Name : MC_ClearTachoCounter
+* Description : Clears the MC Tacho counter.
+* Input : None
+* Output : None
+* Return : None
+void MC_ClearTachoCounter(void)
+/* Clear the Tacho counter */
+ MC->PCR0 |= MC_CTC_Set;
+* Function Name : MC_CtrlPWMOutputs
+* Description : Enables or disables MC peripheral Main Outputs.
+* Input : Newstate: new state of the MC peripheral Main Outputs.
+* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+* Output : None
+* Return : None
+void MC_CtrlPWMOutputs(FunctionalState Newstate)
+ if(Newstate == ENABLE)
+ {
+ /* Enable the dead time generator data */
+ MC->OPR &= MC_ODS_Reset;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Enable the default state data */
+ MC->OPR |= MC_ODS_Set;
+ }
+* Function Name : MC_ITConfig
+* Description : Enables or disables the MC interrupts.
+* Input : - MC_IT: specifies the MC interrupts sources to be enabled
+* or disabled.
+* This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
+* - MC_IT_CMPW: Compare W Interrupt.
+* - MC_IT_CMPV: Compare V Interrupt.
+* - MC_IT_CMPU: Compare U Interrupt.
+* - MC_IT_ZPC: Zero of PWM counter Interrupt.
+* - MC_IT_ADT: Automatic Data Transfer Interrupt.
+* - MC_IT_OTC: Overflow of Tacho counter Interrupt.
+* - MC_IT_CPT: Capture of Tacho counter Interrupt.
+* - MC_IT_CM0: Compare 0 Interrupt.
+* - Newstate: new state of IMC interrupts.
+* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+* Output : None
+* Return : None
+void MC_ITConfig(u16 MC_IT, FunctionalState NewState)
+ if(NewState == ENABLE)
+ {
+ /* Enable the specific interrupt source */
+ MC->IMR |= MC_IT;
+ /* Enable the global peripheral interrupt sources */
+ MC->PCR2 |= MC_GPI_Set;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable the specific interrupt source */
+ MC->IMR &= ~MC_IT;
+ /* Disable the global peripheral interrupt sources */
+ MC->PCR2 &= MC_GPI_Reset;
+ }
+* Function Name : MC_SetPrescaler
+* Description : Sets the MC prescaler value.
+* Input : MC_Prescaler: MC prescaler new value.
+* Output : None
+* Return : None
+void MC_SetPrescaler(u8 MC_Prescaler)
+/* Set the Prescaler Register value */
+ MC->CPRS = MC_Prescaler;
+* Function Name : MC_SetPeriod
+* Description : Sets the MC period value.
+* Input : MC_Period: MC period new value.
+* Output : None
+* Return : None
+void MC_SetPeriod(u16 MC_Period)
+/* Set the Period Register value */
+ MC->CMP0 = MC_Period;
+* Function Name : MC_SetPulseU
+* Description : Sets the MC pulse U value.
+* Input : MC_PulseU: MC pulse U new value.
+* Output : None
+* Return : None
+void MC_SetPulseU(u16 MC_PulseU)
+/* Set the Pulse U Register value */
+ MC->CMPU = MC_PulseU;
+* Function Name : MC_SetPulseV
+* Description : Sets the MC pulse V value.
+* Input : MC_PulseV: MC pulse V new value.
+* Output : None
+* Return : None
+void MC_SetPulseV(u16 MC_PulseV)
+/* Set the Pulse V Register value */
+ MC->CMPV = MC_PulseV;
+* Function Name : MC_SetPulseW
+* Description : Sets the MC pulse W value.
+* Input : MC_PulseW: MC pulse W new value.
+* Output : None
+* Return : None
+void MC_SetPulseW(u16 MC_PulseW)
+/* Set the Pulse W Register value */
+ MC->CMPW = MC_PulseW;
+* Function Name : MC_PWMModeConfig
+* Description : Selects the MC PWM counter Mode.
+* Input : MC_PWMMode: MC PWM counter Mode.
+* Output : None
+* Return : None
+void MC_PWMModeConfig(u16 MC_PWMMode)
+ /* Select the MC PWM counter Mode */
+ if(MC_PWMMode == MC_PWMZeroCentered_Mode)
+ {
+ MC->PCR0 |= MC_CMS_Set;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MC->PCR0 &= MC_CMS_Reset;
+ }
+* Function Name : MC_SetDeadTime
+* Description : Sets the MC dead time value.
+* Input : MC_DeadTime: MC dead time new value.
+* Output : None
+* Return : None
+void MC_SetDeadTime(u16 MC_DeadTime)
+/* Set the dead time Register value */
+ MC->DTG = MC_DeadTime;
+* Function Name : MC_SetTachoCompare
+* Description : Sets the MC Tacho Compare Register value.
+* Input : MC_Compare: MC Tacho compare new value.
+* Output : None
+* Return : None
+void MC_SetTachoCompare(u8 MC_Compare)
+ /* Sets the Tacho Compare Register value */
+ MC->TCMP = MC_Compare;
+* Function Name : MC_EmergencyCmd
+* Description : Enables or disables the MC emergency feauture.
+* Input : Newstate: new state of the MC peripheral Emergency.
+* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+* Output : None
+* Return : None
+void MC_EmergencyCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
+ if(NewState == ENABLE)
+ {
+ /* Reset the DISEST Bit in the PCR1 Register to enable the emergency stop input */
+ MC->PCR1 &= MC_DISEST_Reset;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Set the DISEST Bit in the PCR1 Register to disable the emergency stop input */
+ MC->PCR1 |= MC_DISEST_Reset;
+ }
+* Function Name : MC_EmergencyClear
+* Description : Clears the MC Emergency Register.
+* Input : None
+* Output : None
+* Return : None
+void MC_EmergencyClear(void)
+/* Force PWM outputs in safe state (All OFF) */
+ MC->OPR |= MC_ODS_Set;
+/* Clear EST bit */
+ MC->ESC = MC_ESC_Clear;
+/* Re-enable protection */
+ MC->ESC = 0;
+/* Enables the Outputs */
+ MC->OPR &= MC_ODS_Reset;
+* Function Name : MC_GetPeriod
+* Description : Gets the MC period value.
+* Input : None
+* Output : None
+* Return : MC period value.
+u16 MC_GetPeriod(void)
+/* Return the PWM signal period value */
+ return MC->CMP0;
+* Function Name : MC_GetPulseU
+* Description : Gets the MC pulse U value.
+* Input : None
+* Output : None
+* Return : MC pulse U value.
+u16 MC_GetPulseU(void)
+/* Return the PWM pulse U Register value */
+ return MC->CMPU;
+* Function Name : MC_GetPulseV
+* Description : Gets the MC pulse V value.
+* Input : None
+* Output : None
+* Return : MC pulse V value.
+u16 MC_GetPulseV(void)
+/* Return the PWM pulse V Register value */
+ return MC->CMPV;
+* Function Name : MC_GetPulseW
+* Description : Gets the MC pulse W value.
+* Input : None
+* Output : None
+* Return : MC pulse W value.
+u16 MC_GetPulseW(void)
+/* Return the PWM pulse W Register value */
+ return MC->CMPW;
+* Function Name : MC_GetTachoCapture
+* Description : Gets the MC Tacho period value.
+* Input : None
+* Output : None
+* Return : MC Tacho capture value.
+u16 MC_GetTachoCapture(void)
+/* Return the Tacho Capture Register value */
+ return MC->TCPT;
+* Function Name : MC_ClearOnTachoCapture
+* Description : Enables or disables the the Clear on capture of tacho counter.
+* Input : Newstate: new state of the CCPT bit.
+* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+* Output : None
+* Return : None
+void MC_ClearOnTachoCapture(FunctionalState NewState)
+ if(NewState == ENABLE)
+ {
+ /* Enable the Clear on capture of tacho counter */
+ MC->PCR1 |= MC_CCPT_Set;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable the Clear on capture of tacho counter */
+ MC->PCR1 &= MC_CCPT_Reset;
+ }
+* Function Name : MC_ForceDataTransfer
+* Description : Sets the MC Outputs default states.
+* Input : MC_ForcedData: MC outputs new states.
+* Output : None
+* Return : None
+void MC_ForceDataTransfer(u8 MC_ForcedData)
+ /* Set the MC PWM Forced State */
+ MC->OPR |= MC_ODS_Set;
+ MC->OPR = (MC->OPR & MC_OPR_Mask) | MC_ForcedData;
+* Function Name : MC_PreloadConfig
+* Description : Enables the Software Data Transfer.
+* Input : None
+* Output : None
+* Return : None
+void MC_SoftwarePreloadConfig(void)
+ /* Set the SDT: Software Data Transfer bit */
+ MC->PCR2 |= MC_SDT_Set;
+* Function Name : MC_SoftwareTachoCapture
+* Description : Enables the Software Tacho Capture.
+* Input : None
+* Output : None
+* Return : None
+void MC_SoftwareTachoCapture(void)
+ /* Set the STC: Software Tacho Capture bit */
+ MC->PCR1 |= MC_STC_Set;
+* Function Name : MC_GetCountingStatus
+* Description : Checks whether the PWM Counter is counting Up or Down.
+* Input : None
+* Output : None
+* Return : The new state of the PWM Counter(DOWN or UP).
+CountingStatus MC_GetCountingStatus(void)
+ if((MC->PCR0 & MC_UDCS_Mask) != DOWN)
+ {
+ return UP;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return DOWN;
+ }
+* Function Name : MC_GetFlagStatus
+* Description : Checks whether the specified MC flag is set or not.
+* Input : MC_FLAG: specifies the flag to check.
+* This parameter can be one of the following values:
+* - MC_FLAG_CMPW: Compare W Flag.
+* - MC_FLAG_CMPV: Compare V Flag.
+* - MC_FLAG_CMPU: Compare U Flag.
+* - MC_FLAG_ZPC: Zero of PWM counter Flag.
+* - MC_FLAG_ADT: Automatic Data Transfer Flag.
+* - MC_FLAG_OTC: Overflow of Tacho counter Flag.
+* - MC_FLAG_CPT: Capture of Tacho counter Flag.
+* - MC_FLAG_CM0: Compare 0 Flag.
+* - MC_FLAG_EST: Emergency Stop Flag.
+* Output : None
+* Return : The new state of the MC_FLAG(SET or RESET).
+FlagStatus MC_GetFlagStatus(u16 MC_FLAG)
+ if((MC->IPR & MC_FLAG) != RESET)
+ {
+ return SET;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return RESET;
+ }
+* Function Name : MC_ClearFlag
+* Description : Clears the MC’s pending flags.
+* Input : MC_FLAG: specifies the flag to clear.
+* This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
+* - MC_FLAG_CMPW: Compare W Flag.
+* - MC_FLAG_CMPV: Compare V Flag.
+* - MC_FLAG_CMPU: Compare U Flag.
+* - MC_FLAG_ZPC: Zero of PWM counter Flag.
+* - MC_FLAG_ADT: Automatic Data Transfer Flag.
+* - MC_FLAG_OTC: Overflow of Tacho counter Flag.
+* - MC_FLAG_CPT: Capture of Tacho counter Flag.
+* - MC_FLAG_CM0: Compare 0 Flag.
+* Output : None
+* Return : None
+void MC_ClearFlag(u16 MC_FLAG)
+/* Clear the corresponding Flag */
+ MC->IPR &= ~MC_FLAG;
+* Function Name : MC_GetITStatus
+* Description : Checks whether the MC interrupt has occurred or not.
+* Input : MC_IT: specifies the MC interrupt source to check.
+* This parameter can be one of the following values:
+* - MC_IT_CMPW: Compare W Interrupt.
+* - MC_IT_CMPV: Compare V Interrupt.
+* - MC_IT_CMPU: Compare U Interrupt.
+* - MC_IT_ZPC: Zero of PWM counter Interrupt.
+* - MC_IT_ADT: Automatic Data Transfer Interrupt.
+* - MC_IT_OTC: Overflow of Tacho counter Interrupt.
+* - MC_IT_CPT: Capture of Tacho counter Interrupt.
+* - MC_IT_CM0: Compare 0 Interrupt.
+* Output : None
+* Return : The new state of the MC_IT(SET or RESET).
+ITStatus MC_GetITStatus(u16 MC_IT)
+ if((MC->IPR & MC_IT) && (MC->IMR & MC_IT))
+ {
+ return SET;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return RESET;
+ }
+* Function Name : MC_ClearITPendingBit
+* Description : Clears the IMC's interrupt pending bits.
+* Input : MC_IT: specifies the pending bit to clear.
+* This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
+* - MC_IT_CMPW: Compare W Interrupt.
+* - MC_IT_CMPV: Compare V Interrupt.
+* - MC_IT_CMPU: Compare U Interrupt.
+* - MC_IT_ZPC: Zero of PWM counter Interrupt.
+* - MC_IT_ADT: Automatic Data Transfer Interrupt.
+* - MC_IT_OTC: Overflow of Tacho counter Interrupt.
+* - MC_IT_CPT: Capture of Tacho counter Interrupt.
+* - MC_IT_CM0: Compare 0 Interrupt.
+* Output : None
+* Return : None
+void MC_ClearITPendingBit(u16 MC_IT)
+/* Clear the corresponding interrupt pending bit */
+ MC->IPR &= ~MC_IT;
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2006 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
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