path: root/misc/arm7/src/arm7wb.vhd
diff options
authorØyvind Harboe <>2011-03-01 20:52:55 +0100
committerØyvind Harboe <>2011-03-01 20:52:55 +0100
commit04772b6a0bbe7017f5f7b44cfa203c3f7efbff64 (patch)
treec6bd96afc27bce5b46895b037ec71b211d509465 /misc/arm7/src/arm7wb.vhd
parentb103d820a57859fc4aad48f50029e12cc1db7611 (diff)
whitespace fixes: use fromdos on all .vhd files
Signed-off-by: Øyvind Harboe <>
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/arm7/src/arm7wb.vhd')
1 files changed, 236 insertions, 236 deletions
diff --git a/misc/arm7/src/arm7wb.vhd b/misc/arm7/src/arm7wb.vhd
index 3366352..85f0ef7 100644
--- a/misc/arm7/src/arm7wb.vhd
+++ b/misc/arm7/src/arm7wb.vhd
@@ -1,236 +1,236 @@
-library IEEE;
-use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
-library work;
-use work.phi_config.all;
-use work.wishbone_pkg.all;
-entity arm7wb is
- generic(
- simulate_io_time : boolean := false);
- port ( areset : in std_logic;
- cpu_clk : in std_logic;
- cpu_clk_2x : in std_logic;
- cpu_a_p : in std_logic_vector(23 downto 1);
- cpu_wr_n_p : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
- cpu_cs_n_p : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 1);
- cpu_oe_n_p : in std_logic;
- cpu_d_p : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
- cpu_wait_n_p : out std_logic;
- arm7_debug : out std_logic;
- arm7_debug2 : out std_logic;
- wb_o : out wishbone_bus_in;
- wb_i : in wishbone_bus_out);
-end arm7wb;
-architecture behave of arm7wb is
-type cpu_state_type is (cpu_idle, cpu_cs, cpu_end);
--- Input simulated delay
-signal cpu_wr_n_p_del : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-signal cpu_a_p_del : std_logic_vector(23 downto 1);
-signal cpu_d_p_del : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-signal cpu_cs_n_p_del : std_logic_vector(3 downto 1);
-signal cpu_oe_n_p_del : std_logic;
--- Clock phase detect signals
-signal cpu_clk_toggle : std_logic;
-signal cpu_clk_smp1 : std_logic;
-signal cpu_clk_smp2 : std_logic;
-signal cpu_clk_phase : std_logic;
--- Internal version of control signal (for feedback)
-signal arm7_din_int : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-signal arm7_dout_int : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-signal arm7_a_int : std_logic_vector(23 downto 1);
-signal arm7_we_int : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-signal cyc_int : std_logic;
-signal we_int : std_logic;
-signal adr_reg : std_logic_vector(25 downto 24);
--- Input sampled
-signal cpu_a_smp : std_logic_vector(23 downto 1);
-signal cpu_d_smp : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-signal cpu_cs_n : std_logic_vector(3 downto 1);
-signal cpu_oe_n : std_logic;
-signal cpu_wr_n : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
--- Main FSM
-signal cpu_state : cpu_state_type;
-constant Clock_2_Out : time := 5.5 ns;
-constant Input_Setup : time := 2.5 ns;
- arm7_dout_int <= wb_i.dat(15 downto 0) when (arm7_a_int(1) = '0') else wb_i.dat(31 downto 16);
- arm7_debug <= cpu_oe_n;
- arm7_debug2 <= cpu_wr_n(0);
- -- Generate 64 MBytes address based on 3 CS_N signals from CPU
- -- Memory map FPGA internal
- -- 0x00000000 DDR 32 MBytes (CS_N2 and CS_N3)
- -- 0x00200000 FPGA/Ethernet (CS_N1)
- wb_o.adr(31 downto 26) <= "000000";
- wb_o.adr(25 downto 24) <= adr_reg;
- wb_o.adr(23 downto 1) <= arm7_a_int(23 downto 1);
- wb_o.adr(0) <= '0';
- wb_o.dat <= (x"0000" & arm7_din_int) when (arm7_a_int(1) = '0') else (arm7_din_int & x"0000");
- wb_o.sel <= ("00" & arm7_we_int) when (arm7_a_int(1) = '0') else (arm7_we_int & "00");
- wb_o.cyc <= cyc_int;
- wb_o.stb <= cyc_int;
- wb_o.we <= cpu_oe_n;
- iotimingon:
- if simulate_io_time generate
- begin
- cpu_wr_n_p_del <= transport "XX" after 0 ns, cpu_wr_n_p after Input_Setup;
- cpu_a_p_del <= transport "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" after 0 ns, cpu_a_p after Input_Setup;
- cpu_d_p_del <= transport "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" after 0 ns, cpu_d_p after Input_Setup;
- cpu_cs_n_p_del <= transport "XXX" after 0 ns, cpu_cs_n_p after Input_Setup;
- cpu_oe_n_p_del <= transport 'X' after 0 ns, cpu_oe_n_p after Input_Setup;
- end generate;
- iotimingoff:
- if not simulate_io_time generate
- begin
- cpu_wr_n_p_del <= cpu_wr_n_p;
- cpu_a_p_del <= cpu_a_p;
- cpu_d_p_del <= cpu_d_p;
- cpu_cs_n_p_del <= cpu_cs_n_p;
- cpu_oe_n_p_del <= cpu_oe_n_p;
- end generate;
- process(cpu_clk, areset) -- Toggle FF with 1x clock to find phase
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- cpu_clk_toggle <= '0';
- elsif (cpu_clk'event and cpu_clk = '1') then
- cpu_clk_toggle <= not(cpu_clk_toggle);
- end if;
- end process;
- process(cpu_clk_2x, areset) -- Find phase relationsship between 1x and 2x clock
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- cpu_clk_smp1 <= '0';
- cpu_clk_smp2 <= '1';
- cpu_clk_phase <= '0';
- elsif (cpu_clk_2x'event and cpu_clk_2x = '1') then
- cpu_clk_smp1 <= cpu_clk_toggle;
- cpu_clk_smp2 <= cpu_clk_smp1;
- if cpu_clk_smp1 = '1' and cpu_clk_smp2 = '0' then
- cpu_clk_phase <= '0';
- else
- cpu_clk_phase <= not(cpu_clk_phase);
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- process(cpu_clk_2x, areset) -- Sample input signals on 2x clock
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- cpu_d_smp <= "0000000000000000";
- cpu_cs_n <= "111";
- elsif (cpu_clk_2x = '1' and cpu_clk_2x'event) then
- cpu_d_smp <= cpu_d_p_del;
- cpu_cs_n <= cpu_cs_n_p_del;
- end if;
- end process;
- process(cpu_clk, areset) -- Sample input signals on 1x clock
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- cpu_a_smp <= "00000000000000000000000";
- cpu_oe_n <= '1';
- cpu_wr_n <= "11";
- elsif (cpu_clk = '1' and cpu_clk'event) then
- cpu_a_smp <= cpu_a_p_del;
- cpu_oe_n <= cpu_oe_n_p_del;
- cpu_wr_n <= cpu_wr_n_p_del;
- end if;
- end process;
- arm7_din_int <= cpu_d_smp;
- arm7_a_int <= cpu_a_smp;
- arm7_we_int <= not(cpu_wr_n);
- process(cpu_clk, areset)
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- cpu_state <= cpu_idle;
- cyc_int <= '0';
- we_int <= '0';
- adr_reg <= "00";
- cpu_d_p <= (others => 'Z');
- elsif (cpu_clk'event and cpu_clk = '1') then
- cyc_int <= '0';
- we_int <= '0';
- cpu_d_p <= (others => 'Z') after Clock_2_Out;
- case cpu_state is
- when cpu_idle =>
- if cpu_oe_n = '1' then
- we_int <= '1';
- end if;
- if cpu_cs_n(1) = '0' then
- cyc_int <= '1';
- adr_reg <= "10";
- cpu_state <= cpu_cs;
- end if;
- if cpu_cs_n(2) = '0' then
- cyc_int <= '1';
- adr_reg <= "00";
- cpu_state <= cpu_cs;
- end if;
- if cpu_cs_n(3) = '0' then
- cyc_int <= '1';
- adr_reg <= "01";
- cpu_state <= cpu_cs;
- end if;
- when cpu_cs =>
- if cpu_oe_n = '0' then
- cpu_d_p <= arm7_dout_int after Clock_2_Out;
- if wb_i.ack = '1' then
- cpu_state <= cpu_end;
- else
- cyc_int <= '1';
- end if;
- else
- if wb_i.ack = '0' then
- cyc_int <= '1';
- we_int <= '1';
- else
- cpu_state <= cpu_end;
- end if;
- end if;
- when others =>
- cpu_state <= cpu_idle;
- end case;
- end if;
- end process;
- process(cpu_clk_2x, areset)
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- cpu_wait_n_p <= '1';
- elsif (cpu_clk_2x'event and cpu_clk_2x = '1') then
- cpu_wait_n_p <= '1' after Clock_2_Out;
- if (cpu_state = cpu_cs and wb_i.ack = '0') then
- cpu_wait_n_p <= '0' after Clock_2_Out;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
-end behave;
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
+library work;
+use work.phi_config.all;
+use work.wishbone_pkg.all;
+entity arm7wb is
+ generic(
+ simulate_io_time : boolean := false);
+ port ( areset : in std_logic;
+ cpu_clk : in std_logic;
+ cpu_clk_2x : in std_logic;
+ cpu_a_p : in std_logic_vector(23 downto 1);
+ cpu_wr_n_p : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ cpu_cs_n_p : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 1);
+ cpu_oe_n_p : in std_logic;
+ cpu_d_p : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ cpu_wait_n_p : out std_logic;
+ arm7_debug : out std_logic;
+ arm7_debug2 : out std_logic;
+ wb_o : out wishbone_bus_in;
+ wb_i : in wishbone_bus_out);
+end arm7wb;
+architecture behave of arm7wb is
+type cpu_state_type is (cpu_idle, cpu_cs, cpu_end);
+-- Input simulated delay
+signal cpu_wr_n_p_del : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+signal cpu_a_p_del : std_logic_vector(23 downto 1);
+signal cpu_d_p_del : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+signal cpu_cs_n_p_del : std_logic_vector(3 downto 1);
+signal cpu_oe_n_p_del : std_logic;
+-- Clock phase detect signals
+signal cpu_clk_toggle : std_logic;
+signal cpu_clk_smp1 : std_logic;
+signal cpu_clk_smp2 : std_logic;
+signal cpu_clk_phase : std_logic;
+-- Internal version of control signal (for feedback)
+signal arm7_din_int : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+signal arm7_dout_int : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+signal arm7_a_int : std_logic_vector(23 downto 1);
+signal arm7_we_int : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+signal cyc_int : std_logic;
+signal we_int : std_logic;
+signal adr_reg : std_logic_vector(25 downto 24);
+-- Input sampled
+signal cpu_a_smp : std_logic_vector(23 downto 1);
+signal cpu_d_smp : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+signal cpu_cs_n : std_logic_vector(3 downto 1);
+signal cpu_oe_n : std_logic;
+signal cpu_wr_n : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+-- Main FSM
+signal cpu_state : cpu_state_type;
+constant Clock_2_Out : time := 5.5 ns;
+constant Input_Setup : time := 2.5 ns;
+ arm7_dout_int <= wb_i.dat(15 downto 0) when (arm7_a_int(1) = '0') else wb_i.dat(31 downto 16);
+ arm7_debug <= cpu_oe_n;
+ arm7_debug2 <= cpu_wr_n(0);
+ -- Generate 64 MBytes address based on 3 CS_N signals from CPU
+ -- Memory map FPGA internal
+ -- 0x00000000 DDR 32 MBytes (CS_N2 and CS_N3)
+ -- 0x00200000 FPGA/Ethernet (CS_N1)
+ wb_o.adr(31 downto 26) <= "000000";
+ wb_o.adr(25 downto 24) <= adr_reg;
+ wb_o.adr(23 downto 1) <= arm7_a_int(23 downto 1);
+ wb_o.adr(0) <= '0';
+ wb_o.dat <= (x"0000" & arm7_din_int) when (arm7_a_int(1) = '0') else (arm7_din_int & x"0000");
+ wb_o.sel <= ("00" & arm7_we_int) when (arm7_a_int(1) = '0') else (arm7_we_int & "00");
+ wb_o.cyc <= cyc_int;
+ wb_o.stb <= cyc_int;
+ wb_o.we <= cpu_oe_n;
+ iotimingon:
+ if simulate_io_time generate
+ begin
+ cpu_wr_n_p_del <= transport "XX" after 0 ns, cpu_wr_n_p after Input_Setup;
+ cpu_a_p_del <= transport "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" after 0 ns, cpu_a_p after Input_Setup;
+ cpu_d_p_del <= transport "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" after 0 ns, cpu_d_p after Input_Setup;
+ cpu_cs_n_p_del <= transport "XXX" after 0 ns, cpu_cs_n_p after Input_Setup;
+ cpu_oe_n_p_del <= transport 'X' after 0 ns, cpu_oe_n_p after Input_Setup;
+ end generate;
+ iotimingoff:
+ if not simulate_io_time generate
+ begin
+ cpu_wr_n_p_del <= cpu_wr_n_p;
+ cpu_a_p_del <= cpu_a_p;
+ cpu_d_p_del <= cpu_d_p;
+ cpu_cs_n_p_del <= cpu_cs_n_p;
+ cpu_oe_n_p_del <= cpu_oe_n_p;
+ end generate;
+ process(cpu_clk, areset) -- Toggle FF with 1x clock to find phase
+ begin
+ if areset = '1' then
+ cpu_clk_toggle <= '0';
+ elsif (cpu_clk'event and cpu_clk = '1') then
+ cpu_clk_toggle <= not(cpu_clk_toggle);
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ process(cpu_clk_2x, areset) -- Find phase relationsship between 1x and 2x clock
+ begin
+ if areset = '1' then
+ cpu_clk_smp1 <= '0';
+ cpu_clk_smp2 <= '1';
+ cpu_clk_phase <= '0';
+ elsif (cpu_clk_2x'event and cpu_clk_2x = '1') then
+ cpu_clk_smp1 <= cpu_clk_toggle;
+ cpu_clk_smp2 <= cpu_clk_smp1;
+ if cpu_clk_smp1 = '1' and cpu_clk_smp2 = '0' then
+ cpu_clk_phase <= '0';
+ else
+ cpu_clk_phase <= not(cpu_clk_phase);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ process(cpu_clk_2x, areset) -- Sample input signals on 2x clock
+ begin
+ if areset = '1' then
+ cpu_d_smp <= "0000000000000000";
+ cpu_cs_n <= "111";
+ elsif (cpu_clk_2x = '1' and cpu_clk_2x'event) then
+ cpu_d_smp <= cpu_d_p_del;
+ cpu_cs_n <= cpu_cs_n_p_del;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ process(cpu_clk, areset) -- Sample input signals on 1x clock
+ begin
+ if areset = '1' then
+ cpu_a_smp <= "00000000000000000000000";
+ cpu_oe_n <= '1';
+ cpu_wr_n <= "11";
+ elsif (cpu_clk = '1' and cpu_clk'event) then
+ cpu_a_smp <= cpu_a_p_del;
+ cpu_oe_n <= cpu_oe_n_p_del;
+ cpu_wr_n <= cpu_wr_n_p_del;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ arm7_din_int <= cpu_d_smp;
+ arm7_a_int <= cpu_a_smp;
+ arm7_we_int <= not(cpu_wr_n);
+ process(cpu_clk, areset)
+ begin
+ if areset = '1' then
+ cpu_state <= cpu_idle;
+ cyc_int <= '0';
+ we_int <= '0';
+ adr_reg <= "00";
+ cpu_d_p <= (others => 'Z');
+ elsif (cpu_clk'event and cpu_clk = '1') then
+ cyc_int <= '0';
+ we_int <= '0';
+ cpu_d_p <= (others => 'Z') after Clock_2_Out;
+ case cpu_state is
+ when cpu_idle =>
+ if cpu_oe_n = '1' then
+ we_int <= '1';
+ end if;
+ if cpu_cs_n(1) = '0' then
+ cyc_int <= '1';
+ adr_reg <= "10";
+ cpu_state <= cpu_cs;
+ end if;
+ if cpu_cs_n(2) = '0' then
+ cyc_int <= '1';
+ adr_reg <= "00";
+ cpu_state <= cpu_cs;
+ end if;
+ if cpu_cs_n(3) = '0' then
+ cyc_int <= '1';
+ adr_reg <= "01";
+ cpu_state <= cpu_cs;
+ end if;
+ when cpu_cs =>
+ if cpu_oe_n = '0' then
+ cpu_d_p <= arm7_dout_int after Clock_2_Out;
+ if wb_i.ack = '1' then
+ cpu_state <= cpu_end;
+ else
+ cyc_int <= '1';
+ end if;
+ else
+ if wb_i.ack = '0' then
+ cyc_int <= '1';
+ we_int <= '1';
+ else
+ cpu_state <= cpu_end;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ cpu_state <= cpu_idle;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ process(cpu_clk_2x, areset)
+ begin
+ if areset = '1' then
+ cpu_wait_n_p <= '1';
+ elsif (cpu_clk_2x'event and cpu_clk_2x = '1') then
+ cpu_wait_n_p <= '1' after Clock_2_Out;
+ if (cpu_state = cpu_cs and wb_i.ack = '0') then
+ cpu_wait_n_p <= '0' after Clock_2_Out;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+end behave;
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