markTestSkipped( "These tests required atleast PHP 5.1.3" ); } $this->tempDir = $this->createTempDir( __CLASS__ . sprintf( '_%03d_', ++$i ) ) . '/'; $this->basePath = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/data/'; } /** * tearDown * * @access public */ public function tearDown() { $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testElementGenerationLegend() { $chart = new ezcGraphPieChart(); $chart->data['sampleData'] = new ezcGraphArrayDataSet( array( 'sample 1' => 234, 'sample 2' => 21, 'sample 3' => 324, 'sample 4' => 120, 'sample 5' => 1 ) ); $chart->render( 500, 200 ); $legend = $this->getAttribute( $chart->legend, 'labels' ); $this->assertEquals( 5, count( $legend ), 'Count of legends items should be <5>' ); $this->assertEquals( 'sample 1', $legend[0]['label'], 'Label of first legend item should be .' ); $this->assertEquals( ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#CC0000' ), $legend[1]['color'], 'Default color for single label is wrong.' ); $this->assertEquals( ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#EDD400' ), $legend[2]['color'], 'Special color for single label is wrong.' ); } public function testInvalidDisplayType() { $chart = new ezcGraphPieChart(); $chart->data['sampleData'] = new ezcGraphArrayDataSet( array( 'sample 1' => 234, 'sample 2' => 21, 'sample 3' => 324, 'sample 4' => 120, 'sample 5' => 1 ) ); $chart->data['sampleData']->displayType = ezcGraph::LINE; try { $chart->render( 500, 200 ); } catch ( ezcGraphInvalidDisplayTypeException $e ) { return true; } $this->fail( 'Expected ezcGraphInvalidDisplayTypeException.' ); } public function testPieRenderPieSegments() { $chart = new ezcGraphPieChart(); $chart->data['sample'] = new ezcGraphArrayDataSet( array( 'Mozilla' => 4375, 'IE' => 345, 'Opera' => 1204, 'wget' => 231, 'Safari' => 987, ) ); $chart->data['sample']->highlight['wget'] = true; $mockedRenderer = $this->getMock( 'ezcGraphRenderer2d', array( 'drawPieSegment', ) ); $mockedRenderer ->expects( $this->at( 0 ) ) ->method( 'drawPieSegment' ) ->with( $this->equalTo( new ezcGraphBoundings( 80, 0, 400, 200 ) ), $this->equalTo( ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#4E9A06' ) ), $this->equalTo( 0., 1. ), $this->equalTo( 220.5, .1 ), $this->equalTo( 'Mozilla: 4375 (61.3%)' ), $this->equalTo( false ) ); $mockedRenderer ->expects( $this->at( 1 ) ) ->method( 'drawPieSegment' ) ->with( $this->equalTo( new ezcGraphBoundings( 80, 0, 400, 200 ) ), $this->equalTo( ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#CC0000' ) ), $this->equalTo( 220.5, .1 ), $this->equalTo( 238., 1. ), $this->equalTo( 'IE: 345 (4.8%)' ), $this->equalTo( false ) ); $mockedRenderer ->expects( $this->at( 2 ) ) ->method( 'drawPieSegment' ) ->with( $this->equalTo( new ezcGraphBoundings( 80, 0, 400, 200 ) ), $this->equalTo( ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#EDD400' ) ), $this->equalTo( 238., 1. ), $this->equalTo( 298.6, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 'Opera: 1204 (16.9%)' ), $this->equalTo( false ) ); $mockedRenderer ->expects( $this->at( 3 ) ) ->method( 'drawPieSegment' ) ->with( $this->equalTo( new ezcGraphBoundings( 80, 0, 400, 200 ) ), $this->equalTo( ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#75505B' ) ), $this->equalTo( 298.6, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 310., 1. ), $this->equalTo( 'wget: 231 (3.2%)' ), $this->equalTo( true ) ); $mockedRenderer ->expects( $this->at( 4 ) ) ->method( 'drawPieSegment' ) ->with( $this->equalTo( new ezcGraphBoundings( 80, 0, 400, 200 ) ), $this->equalTo( ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#F57900' ) ), $this->equalTo( 310., 1. ), $this->equalTo( 360., 1. ), $this->equalTo( 'Safari: 987 (13.8%)' ), $this->equalTo( false ) ); $chart->renderer = $mockedRenderer; $chart->render( 400, 200 ); } public function testRenderPieChartWithLotsOfLabels() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $chart = new ezcGraphPieChart(); $chart->data['Skien'] = new ezcGraphArrayDataSet( array( 'Norwegian' => 10, 'Dutch' => 3, 'German' => 2, 'French' => 2, 'Hindi' => 1, 'Taiwanese' => 1, 'Brazilian' => 1, 'Venezuelan' => 1, 'Japanese' => 1, 'Czech' => 1, 'Hungarian' => 1, 'Romanian' => 1 ) ); $chart->data['Skien']->highlight['Norwegian'] = true; $chart->driver = new ezcGraphGdDriver(); $chart->options->font->path = $this->basePath . 'font.ttf'; $chart->render( 500, 200, $filename ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testRenderPortraitPieChartWithLotsOfLabels() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $chart = new ezcGraphPieChart(); $chart->data['Skien'] = new ezcGraphArrayDataSet( array( 'Norwegian' => 10, 'Dutch' => 3, 'German' => 2, 'French' => 2, 'Hindi' => 1, 'Taiwanese' => 1, 'Brazilian' => 1, 'Venezuelan' => 1, 'Japanese' => 1, 'Czech' => 1, 'Hungarian' => 1, 'Romanian' => 1 ) ); $chart->data['Skien']->highlight['Norwegian'] = true; $chart->driver = new ezcGraphGdDriver(); $chart->options->font->path = $this->basePath . 'font.ttf'; $chart->render( 500, 500, $filename ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } } ?>