<?php /** * ezcGraphCairoOODriverTest * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * @package Graph * @version //autogen// * @subpackage Tests * @license http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Apache License, Version 2.0 */ /** * Tests for ezcGraph class. * * @package Graph * @subpackage Tests */ class ezcGraphCairoOODriverTest extends ezcTestImageCase { protected $driver; protected $tempDir; protected $basePath; protected $testFiles = array( 'png' => 'png.png', ); public static function suite() { return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( __CLASS__ ); } protected function setUp() { if ( !ezcBaseFeatures::hasExtensionSupport( 'cairo' ) ) { $this->markTestSkipped( 'This test needs pecl/cairo support.' ); } static $i = 0; $this->tempDir = $this->createTempDir( 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . sprintf( '_%03d_', ++$i ) ) . '/'; $this->basePath = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/data/'; $this->driver = new ezcGraphCairoOODriver(); $this->driver->options->width = 200; $this->driver->options->height = 100; $this->driver->options->font->path = $this->basePath . 'font.ttf'; } protected function tearDown() { unset( $this->driver ); if ( !$this->hasFailed() ) { $this->removeTempDir(); } } public function testRenderPngToOutput() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawLine( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 12, 45 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 134, 12 ), ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#3465A4' ) ); $this->assertEquals( $this->driver->getMimeType(), 'image/png', 'Wrong mime type returned.' ); ob_start(); // Suppress header already sent warning @$this->driver->renderToOutput(); file_put_contents( $filename, ob_get_clean() ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testGetResource() { $this->driver->drawLine( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 12, 45 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 134, 12 ), ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#3465A4' ) ); ob_start(); // Suppress header already sent warning @$this->driver->renderToOutput(); ob_end_clean(); $resource = $this->driver->getResource(); $this->assertTrue( $resource['surface'] instanceof CairoImageSurface ); $this->assertTrue( $resource['context'] instanceof CairoContext ); } public function testDrawLine() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawLine( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 12, 45 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 134, 12 ), ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#3465A4' ) ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawLineWithDifferentWidths() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawLine( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 12, 45 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 134, 12 ), ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#3465A4' ), 3 ); $this->driver->drawLine( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 12, 35 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 134, 2 ), ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#3465A4' ) ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawPolygonThreePointsFilled() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $return = $this->driver->drawPolygon( array( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 45, 12 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 122, 34 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 12, 71 ), ), ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#3465A4' ), true ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); $this->assertEquals( $return, array( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 45, 12 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 122, 34 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 12, 71 ), ), 'Expected point array as return value.' ); } public function testDrawTransparentPolygon() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawPolygon( array( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 45, 12 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 122, 34 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 12, 71 ), ), ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#3465A47F' ), true ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawPolygonThreePointsNotFilled() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawPolygon( array( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 45, 12 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 122, 34 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 12, 71 ), ), ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#3465A4' ), false ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawPolygonFivePoints() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawPolygon( array( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 45, 12 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 122, 34 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 12, 71 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 3, 45 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 60, 32 ), ), ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#3465A4' ), true ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawCircleSectorAcute() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $return = $this->driver->drawCircleSector( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 100, 50 ), 80, 40, 12.5, 25, ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#3465A4' ) ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); $this->assertEquals( $return, array( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 100., 50. ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 139., 54. ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 137., 58. ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 136., 58.5 ), ), 'Expected point array as return value.', 1. ); } public function testDrawCircleSectorAcuteNonFilled() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawCircleSector( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 100, 50 ), 80, 40, 12.5, 45, ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#3465A4' ), false ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawCircleSectorAcuteReverse() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawCircleSector( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 100, 50 ), 80, 40, 25, 12.5, ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#3465A4' ) ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawCircleSectorObtuse() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawCircleSector( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 100, 50 ), 80, 40, 25, 273, ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#3465A4' ) ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawCircularArcAcute() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->options->imageMapResolution = 90; $return = $this->driver->drawCircularArc( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 100, 50 ), 150, 80, 10, 12.5, 55, ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#3465A4' ) ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); $this->assertEquals( $return, array( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 173., 59. ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 143., 83. ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 153., 83. ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 183., 59. ), ), 'Expected point array as return value.', 1. ); } public function testDrawCircularArcAcuteReverse() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawCircularArc( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 100, 50 ), 150, 80, 10, 55, 12.5, ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#3465A4' ) ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawCircularArcObtuse() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawCircularArc( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 100, 50 ), 150, 70, 10, 25, 300, ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#3465A4' ) ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawCircularArcAcuteBorder() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawCircularArc( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 100, 50 ), 150, 80, 10, 12.5, 55, ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#3465A4' ), false ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 100 ); } public function testDrawCircleFilled() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->options->imageMapResolution = 90; $return = $this->driver->drawCircle( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 100, 50 ), 80, 40, ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#3465A4' ) ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); $this->assertEquals( $return, array( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 140., 50. ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 100., 70. ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 60., 50. ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 100., 30. ), ), 'Expected point array as return value.', 1. ); } public function testDrawCircleNonFilled() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawCircle( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 100, 50 ), 80, 40, ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#3465A4' ), false ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawImagePng() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawImage( $this->basePath . $this->testFiles['png'], new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 100, 50 ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawCircleRadialFill() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $return = $this->driver->drawCircle( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 100, 50 ), 80, 40, new ezcGraphRadialGradient( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 80, 40), 80, 40, ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#729FCF' ), ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#3465A4' ) ) ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawCircleLinearFill() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $return = $this->driver->drawCircle( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 100, 50 ), 80, 40, new ezcGraphLinearGradient( $start = new ezcGraphCoordinate( 80, 40 ), $end = new ezcGraphCoordinate( 130, 55 ), ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#82BFFF' ), ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#3465A4' ) ) ); $this->driver->drawCircle( $start, 2, 2, ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#CC0000' ) ); $this->driver->drawCircle( $end, 2, 2, ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#CC0000' ) ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawTextBoxShortString() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $return = $this->driver->drawTextBox( 'Short', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::LEFT ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); $this->assertEquals( $return, array( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10., 10. ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 160., 10. ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 160., 80. ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10., 80. ), ), 'Expected point array as return value.', 1. ); } public function testDrawTextBoxShortStringRotated10Degrees() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->options->font->border = ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#555555' ); $this->driver->options->font->background = ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#DDDDDD' ); $this->driver->options->font->minimizeBorder = true; $this->driver->options->font->padding = 2; $return = $this->driver->drawTextBox( 'Short', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::LEFT, new ezcGraphRotation( 10 ) ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawTextBoxShortStringRotated45Degrees() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->options->font->border = ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#555555' ); $this->driver->options->font->background = ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#DDDDDD' ); $this->driver->options->font->minimizeBorder = true; $this->driver->options->font->padding = 2; $return = $this->driver->drawTextBox( 'Short', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::LEFT, new ezcGraphRotation( 45, new ezcGraphCoordinate( 100, 50 ) ) ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawTextBoxShortStringRotated340Degrees() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->options->font->border = ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#555555' ); $this->driver->options->font->background = ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#DDDDDD' ); $this->driver->options->font->minimizeBorder = true; $this->driver->options->font->padding = 2; $return = $this->driver->drawTextBox( 'Short', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::LEFT, new ezcGraphRotation( 340, new ezcGraphCoordinate( 200, 100 ) ) ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawTextBoxLongString() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawTextBox( 'ThisIsAPrettyLongString', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::LEFT ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawTextBoxLongSpacedString() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawTextBox( 'This Is A Pretty Long String', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::LEFT ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawTextBoxManualBreak() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawTextBox( "New\nLine", new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::LEFT ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawTextBoxStringSampleRight() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawPolygon( array( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 20, 20 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 110, 20 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 110, 30 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 20, 30 ), ), ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#eeeeec' ), true ); $this->driver->drawTextBox( 'sample 4', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 21, 21 ), 88, 8, ezcGraph::RIGHT ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawTextBoxStringRight() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawTextBox( 'ThisIsAPrettyLongString', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::RIGHT ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawTextBoxLongSpacedStringRight() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawTextBox( 'This Is A Pretty Long String', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::RIGHT ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawTextBoxStringCenter() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawTextBox( 'ThisIsAPrettyLongString', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::CENTER ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawTextBoxLongSpacedStringCenter() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawTextBox( 'This Is A Pretty Long String', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::CENTER ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawTextBoxStringRightBottom() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawTextBox( 'ThisIsAPrettyLongString', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::RIGHT | ezcGraph::BOTTOM ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawTextBoxLongSpacedStringRightMiddle() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawTextBox( 'This Is A Pretty Long String', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::RIGHT | ezcGraph::MIDDLE ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawTextBoxStringCenterMiddle() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawTextBox( 'ThisIsAPrettyLongString', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::CENTER | ezcGraph::MIDDLE ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawTextBoxLongSpacedStringCenterBottom() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawTextBox( 'This Is A Pretty Long String', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::CENTER | ezcGraph::BOTTOM ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawSmallStringWithSpecialChars() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawPolygon( array( new ezcGraphCoordinate( 47, 54 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 47, 84 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 99, 84 ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( 99, 54 ), ), ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#DDDDDD' ), true ); $this->driver->drawTextBox( 'Safari (13.8%)', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 47, 54 ), 52, 30, ezcGraph::LEFT ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 100 ); } public function testDrawTooLongTextException() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; try { $this->driver->drawTextBox( 'This is very long text which is not supposed to fit in the bounding box.', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 1, 20, ezcGraph::LEFT ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); } catch ( ezcGraphFontRenderingException $e ) { return true; } $this->fail( 'Expected ezcGraphFontRenderingException.' ); } public function testDrawTextWithTextShadow() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->options->font->background = ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#DDDDDD' ); $this->driver->options->font->textShadow = true; $this->driver->drawTextBox( 'Some test string', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::LEFT | ezcGraph::MIDDLE ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawTextWithCustomTextShadow() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->options->font->background = ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#DDDDDD' ); $this->driver->options->font->textShadow = true; $this->driver->options->font->textShadowColor = '#888888'; $this->driver->drawTextBox( 'Some test string', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::LEFT | ezcGraph::MIDDLE ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawTextWithBackground() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->options->font->background = ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#DDDDDD' ); $this->driver->options->font->minimizeBorder = false; $this->driver->drawTextBox( 'Some test string', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::LEFT | ezcGraph::MIDDLE ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawTextWithBorder() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->options->font->border = ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#555555' ); $this->driver->options->font->minimizeBorder = false; $this->driver->drawTextBox( 'Some test string', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::LEFT | ezcGraph::MIDDLE ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawTextWithMinimizedBorderAndBackgroundTopLeft() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->options->font->border = ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#555555' ); $this->driver->options->font->background = ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#DDDDDD' ); $this->driver->options->font->minimizeBorder = true; $this->driver->options->font->padding = 2; $this->driver->drawTextBox( 'Some test string', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::LEFT | ezcGraph::TOP ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawRotatedTextWithMinimizedBorderAndBackgroundTopLeft() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->options->font->border = ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#555555' ); $this->driver->options->font->background = ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#DDDDDD' ); $this->driver->options->font->minimizeBorder = true; $this->driver->options->font->padding = 2; $this->driver->drawTextBox( 'Some test string', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::LEFT | ezcGraph::TOP, new ezcGraphRotation( 15 ) ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawTextWithMinimizedBorderAndBackgroundMiddleCenter() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->options->font->border = ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#555555' ); $this->driver->options->font->background = ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#DDDDDD' ); $this->driver->options->font->minimizeBorder = true; $this->driver->options->font->padding = 2; $this->driver->drawTextBox( 'Some test string', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::CENTER | ezcGraph::MIDDLE ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testDrawTextWithMinimizedBorderAndBackgroundBottomRight() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->options->font->border = ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#555555' ); $this->driver->options->font->background = ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#DDDDDD' ); $this->driver->options->font->minimizeBorder = true; $this->driver->options->font->padding = 2; $this->driver->drawTextBox( 'Some test string', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 150, 70, ezcGraph::RIGHT | ezcGraph::BOTTOM ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $filename ), 'No image was generated.' ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } public function testShortenStringMoreChars() { $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png'; $this->driver->drawTextBox( 'Teststring foo', new ezcGraphCoordinate( 10, 10 ), 24, 6, ezcGraph::LEFT ); $this->driver->render( $filename ); $this->assertImageSimilar( $filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . 'ezcGraphCairoDriverTest' . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000 ); } } ?>