* @TODO: Add example * * * @version //autogentag// * @package Graph * @mainclass */ class ezcGraphHorizontalRenderer extends ezcGraphRenderer2d implements ezcGraphHorizontalBarRenderer { /** * Draw horizontal bar * * Draws a horizontal bar as a data element in a line chart * * @param ezcGraphBoundings $boundings Chart boundings * @param ezcGraphContext $context Context of call * @param ezcGraphColor $color Color of line * @param ezcGraphCoordinate $position Position of data point * @param float $stepSize Space which can be used for bars * @param int $dataNumber Number of dataset * @param int $dataCount Count of datasets in chart * @param int $symbol Symbol to draw for line * @param float $axisPosition Position of axis for drawing filled lines * @return void */ public function drawHorizontalBar( ezcGraphBoundings $boundings, ezcGraphContext $context, ezcGraphColor $color, ezcGraphCoordinate $position, $stepSize, $dataNumber = 1, $dataCount = 1, $symbol = ezcGraph::NO_SYMBOL, $axisPosition = 0. ) { // Apply margin $margin = $stepSize * $this->options->barMargin; $padding = $stepSize * $this->options->barPadding; $barHeight = ( $stepSize - $margin ) / $dataCount - $padding; $offset = - $stepSize / 2 + $margin / 2 + ( $dataCount - $dataNumber - 1 ) * ( $padding + $barHeight ) + $padding / 2; $barPointArray = array( new ezcGraphCoordinate( $boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) * $axisPosition, $boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) * $position->y + $offset ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( $boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) * $position->x, $boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) * $position->y + $offset ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( $boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) * $position->x, $boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) * $position->y + $offset + $barHeight ), new ezcGraphCoordinate( $boundings->x0 + ( $boundings->width ) * $axisPosition, $boundings->y0 + ( $boundings->height ) * $position->y + $offset + $barHeight ), ); $this->addElementReference( $context, $this->driver->drawPolygon( $barPointArray, $color, true ) ); if ( $this->options->dataBorder > 0 ) { $darkened = $color->darken( $this->options->dataBorder ); $this->driver->drawPolygon( $barPointArray, $darkened, false, 1 ); } } /** * Draw bar * * Draws a bar as a data element in a line chart * * @param ezcGraphBoundings $boundings Chart boundings * @param ezcGraphContext $context Context of call * @param ezcGraphColor $color Color of line * @param ezcGraphCoordinate $position Position of data point * @param float $stepSize Space which can be used for bars * @param int $dataNumber Number of dataset * @param int $dataCount Count of datasets in chart * @param int $symbol Symbol to draw for line * @param float $axisPosition Position of axis for drawing filled lines * @return void */ public function drawBar( ezcGraphBoundings $boundings, ezcGraphContext $context, ezcGraphColor $color, ezcGraphCoordinate $position, $stepSize, $dataNumber = 1, $dataCount = 1, $symbol = ezcGraph::NO_SYMBOL, $axisPosition = 0. ) { throw new ezcBaseFunctionalityNotSupportedException( "A normal bar chart", "Only horizontal bar charts can be renderered with the ezcGraphHorizontalRenderer" ); } /** * Draw data line * * Draws a line as a data element in a line chart * * @param ezcGraphBoundings $boundings Chart boundings * @param ezcGraphContext $context Context of call * @param ezcGraphColor $color Color of line * @param ezcGraphCoordinate $start Starting point * @param ezcGraphCoordinate $end Ending point * @param int $dataNumber Number of dataset * @param int $dataCount Count of datasets in chart * @param int $symbol Symbol to draw for line * @param ezcGraphColor $symbolColor Color of the symbol, defaults to linecolor * @param ezcGraphColor $fillColor Color to fill line with * @param float $axisPosition Position of axis for drawing filled lines * @param float $thickness Line thickness * @return void */ public function drawDataLine( ezcGraphBoundings $boundings, ezcGraphContext $context, ezcGraphColor $color, ezcGraphCoordinate $start, ezcGraphCoordinate $end, $dataNumber = 1, $dataCount = 1, $symbol = ezcGraph::NO_SYMBOL, ezcGraphColor $symbolColor = null, ezcGraphColor $fillColor = null, $axisPosition = 0., $thickness = 1. ) { throw new ezcBaseFunctionalityNotSupportedException( "A normal line chart", "Only horizontal bar charts can be renderered with the ezcGraphHorizontalRenderer" ); } } ?>