array( 'strings' ), * 'options' => ezcGraphFontOptions, * ) * * @var array */ protected $strings = array(); public function __construct( array $options = array() ) { $this->options = new ezcGraphSvgDriverOptions( $options ); } protected function createDocument() { if ( $this->dom === null ) { $this->dom = new DOMDocument(); $svg = $this->dom->createElement( 'svg' ); $svg->setAttribute( 'xmlns', '' ); $svg->setAttribute( 'xmlns:xlink', '' ); $svg->setAttribute( 'width', $this->options->width ); $svg->setAttribute( 'height', $this->options->height ); $svg->setAttribute( 'version', '1.0' ); $svg->setAttribute( 'id', 'ezcGraph' ); $this->dom->appendChild( $svg ); $this->defs = $this->dom->createElement( 'defs' ); $this->defs = $svg->appendChild( $this->defs ); $this->elements = $this->dom->createElement( 'g' ); $this->elements->setAttribute( 'id', 'chart' ); $this->elements = $svg->appendChild( $this->elements ); } } /** * Draws a single polygon * * @param mixed $points * @param ezcGraphColor $color * @param mixed $filled * @return void */ public function drawPolygon( array $points, ezcGraphColor $color, $filled = true, $thickness = 1 ) { $this->createDocument(); $lastPoint = end( $points ); $pointString = sprintf( ' M %.4f,%.4f', $lastPoint->x, $lastPoint->y ); foreach ( $points as $point ) { $pointString .= sprintf( ' L %.4f,%.4f', $point->x, $point->y ); } $pointString .= ' z '; $path = $this->dom->createElement( 'path' ); $path->setAttribute( 'd', $pointString ); if ( $filled ) { $path->setAttribute( 'style', sprintf( 'fill: #%02x%02x%02x; fill-opacity: %.2f; stroke: none;', $color->red, $color->green, $color->blue, 1 - ( $color->alpha / 255 ) ) ); } else { $path->setAttribute( 'style', sprintf( 'fill: none; stroke: #%02x%02x%02x; stroke-width: %d; stroke-opacity: %.2f;', $color->red, $color->green, $color->blue, $thickness, 1 - ( $color->alpha / 255 ) ) ); } $this->elements->appendChild( $path ); } /** * Draws a single line * * @param ezcGraphCoordinate $start * @param ezcGraphCoordinate $end * @param ezcGraphColor $color * @return void */ public function drawLine( ezcGraphCoordinate $start, ezcGraphCoordinate $end, ezcGraphColor $color, $thickness = 1 ) { $this->createDocument(); $pointString = sprintf( ' M %.4f,%.4f L %.4f,%.4f', $start->x, $start->y, $end->x, $end->y ); $path = $this->dom->createElement( 'path' ); $path->setAttribute( 'd', $pointString ); $path->setAttribute( 'style', sprintf( 'fill: none; stroke: #%02x%02x%02x; stroke-width: %d; stroke-opacity: %.2f;', $color->red, $color->green, $color->blue, $thickness, 1 - ( $color->alpha / 255 ) ) ); $this->elements->appendChild( $path ); } protected function testFitStringInTextBox( $string, ezcGraphCoordinate $position, $width, $height, $size ) { // Tokenize String $tokens = preg_split( '/\s+/', $string ); $lines = array( array() ); $line = 0; foreach ( $tokens as $token ) { // Add token to tested line $selectedLine = $lines[$line]; $selectedLine[] = $token; // Assume characters have the same width as height $strWidth = $size * strlen( implode( ' ', $selectedLine ) ) * $this->options->assumedCharacterWidth; // Check if line is too long if ( $strWidth > $width ) { if ( count( $selectedLine ) == 1 ) { // Return false if one single word does not fit into one line return false; } else { // Put word in next line instead and reduce available height by used space $lines[++$line][] = $token; $height -= $size * ( 1 + $this->options->lineSpacing ); } } else { // Everything is ok - put token in this line $lines[$line][] = $token; } // Return false if text exceeds vertical limit if ( $size > $height ) { return false; } } // Check width of last line $strWidth = $size * strlen( implode( ' ', $selectedLine ) ) * $this->options->assumedCharacterWidth; if ( $strWidth > $width ) { return false; } // It seems to fit - return line array return $lines; } /** * Wrties text in a box of desired size * * @param mixed $string * @param ezcGraphCoordinate $position * @param mixed $width * @param mixed $height * @param ezcGraphColor $color * @return void */ public function drawTextBox( $string, ezcGraphCoordinate $position, $width, $height, $align ) { // Try to get a font size for the text to fit into the box $maxSize = min( $height, $this->options->font->maxFontSize ); $result = false; for ( $size = $maxSize; $size >= $this->options->font->minFontSize; --$size ) { $result = $this->testFitStringInTextBox( $string, $position, $width, $height, $size ); if ( $result !== false ) { break; } } if ( is_array( $result ) ) { $this->options->font->minimalUsedFont = $size; $this->strings[] = array( 'text' => $result, 'position' => $position, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'align' => $align, 'options' => $this->options->font, ); } } protected function drawAllTexts() { foreach ( $this->strings as $text ) { $size = $text['options']->minimalUsedFont; $font = $text['options']->font; $completeHeight = count( $text['text'] ) * $size + ( count( $text['text'] ) - 1 ) * $this->options->lineSpacing; // Calculate y offset for vertical alignement switch ( true ) { case ( $text['align'] & ezcGraph::BOTTOM ): $yOffset = $text['height'] - $completeHeight; break; case ( $text['align'] & ezcGraph::MIDDLE ): $yOffset = ( $text['height'] - $completeHeight ) / 2; break; case ( $text['align'] & ezcGraph::TOP ): default: $yOffset = 0; break; } // Render text with evaluated font size foreach ( $text['text'] as $line ) { $string = implode( ' ', $line ); $boundings = imagettfbbox( $size, 0, $font, $string ); $text['position']->y += $size; switch ( true ) { case ( $text['align'] & ezcGraph::LEFT ): $position = new ezcGraphCoordinate( $text['position']->x, $text['position']->y + $yOffset ); break; case ( $text['align'] & ezcGraph::RIGHT ): $position = new ezcGraphCoordinate( $text['position']->x + ( $text['width'] - $size * strlen( $string ) * $this->options->assumedCharacterWidth ), $text['position']->y + $yOffset ); break; case ( $text['align'] & ezcGraph::CENTER ): $position = new ezcGraphCoordinate( $text['position']->x + ( ( $text['width'] - $size * strlen( $string ) * $this->options->assumedCharacterWidth ) / 2 ), $text['position']->y + $yOffset ); break; } $textNode = $this->dom->createElement( 'text', $string ); $textNode->setAttribute( 'x', $position->x ); $textNode->setAttribute( 'text-length', ( $size * strlen( $string ) * $this->options->assumedCharacterWidth ) . 'px' ); $textNode->setAttribute( 'y', $position->y ); $textNode->setAttribute( 'style', sprintf( 'font-size: %dpx; font-family: sans-serif; fill: #%02x%02x%02x; fill-opacity: %.2f; stroke: none;', $size, $text['options']->color->red, $text['options']->color->green, $text['options']->color->blue, 1 - ( $text['options']->color->alpha / 255 ) ) ); $this->elements->appendChild( $textNode ); $text['position']->y += $size * $this->options->lineSpacing; } } } /** * Draws a sector of cirlce * * @param ezcGraphCoordinate $center * @param mixed $width * @param mixed $height * @param mixed $startAngle * @param mixed $endAngle * @param ezcGraphColor $color * @return void */ public function drawCircleSector( ezcGraphCoordinate $center, $width, $height, $startAngle, $endAngle, ezcGraphColor $color, $filled = true ) { $this->createDocument(); // Normalize angles if ( $startAngle > $endAngle ) { $tmp = $startAngle; $startAngle = $endAngle; $endAngle = $tmp; } // We need the radius $width /= 2; $height /= 2; $Xstart = $center->x + $width * cos( ( -$startAngle / 180 ) * M_PI ); $Ystart = $center->y + $height * sin( ( $startAngle / 180 ) * M_PI ); $Xend = $center->x + $width * cos( ( -( $endAngle ) / 180 ) * M_PI ); $Yend = $center->y + $height * sin( ( ( $endAngle ) / 180 ) * M_PI ); $arc = $this->dom->createElement( 'path' ); $arc->setAttribute('d', sprintf('M %.2f,%.2f L %.2f,%.2f A %.2f,%2f 0 %d,1 %.2f,%.2f z', // Middle $center->x, $center->y, // Startpoint $Xstart, $Ystart, // Radius $width, $height, // SVG-Stuff ( $endAngle - $startAngle ) > 180, // Endpoint $Xend, $Yend ) ); if ( $filled ) { $arc->setAttribute( 'style', sprintf( 'fill: #%02x%02x%02x; fill-opacity: %.2f; stroke: none;', $color->red, $color->green, $color->blue, 1 - ( $color->alpha / 255 ) ) ); } else { $arc->setAttribute( 'style', sprintf( 'fill: none; stroke: #%02x%02x%02x; stroke-width: %d; stroke-opacity: %.2f;', $color->red, $color->green, $color->blue, 1, // Line Thickness 1 - ( $color->alpha / 255 ) ) ); } $this->elements->appendChild( $arc ); } /** * Draws a circular arc * * @param ezcGraphCoordinate $center Center of ellipse * @param integer $width Width of ellipse * @param integer $height Height of ellipse * @param integer $size Height of border * @param float $startAngle Starting angle of circle sector * @param float $endAngle Ending angle of circle sector * @param ezcGraphColor $color Color of Border * @return void */ public function drawCircularArc( ezcGraphCoordinate $center, $width, $height, $size, $startAngle, $endAngle, ezcGraphColor $color ) { $this->createDocument(); // Normalize angles if ( $startAngle > $endAngle ) { $tmp = $startAngle; $startAngle = $endAngle; $endAngle = $tmp; } // We need the radius $width /= 2; $height /= 2; $Xstart = $center->x + $width * cos( ( -$startAngle / 180 ) * M_PI ); $Ystart = $center->y + $height * sin( ( $startAngle / 180 ) * M_PI ); $Xend = $center->x + $width * cos( ( -( $endAngle ) / 180 ) * M_PI ); $Yend = $center->y + $height * sin( ( ( $endAngle ) / 180 ) * M_PI ); $arc = $this->dom->createElement( 'path' ); $arc->setAttribute('d', sprintf(' M %.2f,%.2f A %.2f,%2f 0 %d,0 %.2f,%.2f L %.2f,%.2f A %.2f,%2f 0 %d,1 %.2f,%.2f z', // Endpoint low $Xend, $Yend + $size, // Radius $width, $height, // SVG-Stuff ( $endAngle - $startAngle ) > 180, // Startpoint low $Xstart, $Ystart + $size, // Startpoint $Xstart, $Ystart, // Radius $width, $height, // SVG-Stuff ( $endAngle - $startAngle ) > 180, // Endpoint $Xend, $Yend ) ); $arc->setAttribute( 'style', sprintf( 'fill: #%02x%02x%02x; fill-opacity: %.2f; stroke: none;', $color->red, $color->green, $color->blue, 1 - ( $color->alpha / 255 ) ) ); $this->elements->appendChild( $arc ); } /** * Draws a circle * * @param ezcGraphCoordinate $center * @param mixed $width * @param mixed $height * @param ezcGraphColor $color * @param bool $filled * * @return void */ public function drawCircle( ezcGraphCoordinate $center, $width, $height, ezcGraphColor $color, $filled = true ) { $this->createDocument(); $ellipse = $this->dom->createElement('ellipse'); $ellipse->setAttribute( 'cx', $center->x ); $ellipse->setAttribute( 'cy', $center->y ); $ellipse->setAttribute( 'rx', $width / 2 ); $ellipse->setAttribute( 'ry', $height / 2 ); if ( $filled ) { $ellipse->setAttribute( 'style', sprintf( 'fill: #%02x%02x%02x; fill-opacity: %.2f; stroke: none;', $color->red, $color->green, $color->blue, 1 - ( $color->alpha / 255 ) ) ); } else { $ellipse->setAttribute( 'style', sprintf( 'fill: none; stroke: #%02x%02x%02x; stroke-width: %d; stroke-opacity: %.2f;', $color->red, $color->green, $color->blue, 1, // Line Thickness 1 - ( $color->alpha / 255 ) ) ); } $this->elements->appendChild( $ellipse ); } /** * Draws a imagemap of desired size * * @param mixed $file * @param ezcGraphCoordinate $position * @param mixed $width * @param mixed $height * @return void */ public function drawImage( $file, ezcGraphCoordinate $position, $width, $height ) { $this->createDocument(); $image = $this->dom->createElement( 'image' ); $image->setAttribute( 'x', $position->x ); $image->setAttribute( 'y', $position->y ); $image->setAttribute( 'width', $width . 'px' ); $image->setAttribute( 'height', $height . 'px' ); $image->setAttribute( 'xlink:href', $file ); $this->elements->appendChild( $image ); } /** * Finally save image * * @param mixed $file * @return void */ public function render ( $file ) { $this->createDocument(); $this->drawAllTexts(); $this->dom->save( $file ); } } ?>