/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining * it with OpenSSL (or a modified version of that library), containing parts * covered by the terms of OpenSSL License and SSLeay License, the licensors * of this Program grant you additional permission to convey the resulting work. * */ #include "jconf.hpp" #include "params.hpp" #include "xmrstak/misc/console.hpp" #include "xmrstak/misc/jext.hpp" #include "xmrstak/misc/console.hpp" #include "xmrstak/misc/utility.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #define strcasecmp _stricmp #include #else #include #endif using namespace rapidjson; /* * This enum needs to match index in oConfigValues, otherwise we will get a runtime error */ enum configEnum { aPoolList, sCurrency, bTlsSecureAlgo, iCallTimeout, iNetRetry, iGiveUpLimit, iVerboseLevel, bPrintMotd, iAutohashTime, bFlushStdout, bDaemonMode, sOutputFile, iHttpdPort, sHttpLogin, sHttpPass, bPreferIpv4, bAesOverride, sUseSlowMem }; struct configVal { configEnum iName; const char* sName; Type iType; }; // Same order as in configEnum, as per comment above // kNullType means any type configVal oConfigValues[] = { { aPoolList, "pool_list", kArrayType }, { sCurrency, "currency", kStringType }, { bTlsSecureAlgo, "tls_secure_algo", kTrueType }, { iCallTimeout, "call_timeout", kNumberType }, { iNetRetry, "retry_time", kNumberType }, { iGiveUpLimit, "giveup_limit", kNumberType }, { iVerboseLevel, "verbose_level", kNumberType }, { bPrintMotd, "print_motd", kTrueType }, { iAutohashTime, "h_print_time", kNumberType }, { bFlushStdout, "flush_stdout", kTrueType}, { bDaemonMode, "daemon_mode", kTrueType }, { sOutputFile, "output_file", kStringType }, { iHttpdPort, "httpd_port", kNumberType }, { sHttpLogin, "http_login", kStringType }, { sHttpPass, "http_pass", kStringType }, { bPreferIpv4, "prefer_ipv4", kTrueType }, { bAesOverride, "aes_override", kNullType }, { sUseSlowMem, "use_slow_memory", kStringType } }; constexpr size_t iConfigCnt = (sizeof(oConfigValues)/sizeof(oConfigValues[0])); xmrstak::coin_selection coins[] = { // name, userpool, devpool, default_pool_suggestion { "aeon7", {cryptonight_aeon, cryptonight_lite, 7u}, {cryptonight_aeon, cryptonight_lite, 7u}, "mine.aeon-pool.com:5555" }, { "croat", {cryptonight_monero, cryptonight, 255u}, {cryptonight_monero, cryptonight_monero, 0u}, nullptr }, { "cryptonight", {cryptonight_monero, cryptonight, 255u}, {cryptonight_monero, cryptonight_monero, 0u}, nullptr }, { "cryptonight_heavy", {cryptonight_heavy, cryptonight_heavy, 0u}, {cryptonight_heavy, cryptonight_heavy, 0u}, nullptr }, { "cryptonight_lite", {cryptonight_aeon, cryptonight_lite, 255u}, {cryptonight_aeon, cryptonight_lite, 7u}, nullptr }, { "cryptonight_lite_v7", {cryptonight_lite, cryptonight_aeon, 255u}, {cryptonight_aeon, cryptonight_lite, 7u}, nullptr }, { "cryptonight_v7", {cryptonight_monero, cryptonight_monero, 0u}, {cryptonight_monero, cryptonight_monero, 0u}, nullptr }, { "edollar", {cryptonight_monero, cryptonight, 255u}, {cryptonight_monero, cryptonight_monero, 0u}, nullptr }, { "electroneum", {cryptonight_monero, cryptonight, 255u}, {cryptonight_monero, cryptonight_monero, 0u}, nullptr }, { "graft", {cryptonight_monero, cryptonight, 8u}, {cryptonight_monero, cryptonight_monero, 0u}, nullptr }, { "haven", {cryptonight_heavy, cryptonight, 2u}, {cryptonight_heavy, cryptonight_heavy, 0u}, nullptr }, { "intense", {cryptonight_monero, cryptonight, 4u}, {cryptonight_monero, cryptonight_monero, 0u}, nullptr }, { "karbo", {cryptonight_monero, cryptonight, 255u}, {cryptonight_monero, cryptonight_monero, 0u}, nullptr }, { "monero7", {cryptonight_monero, cryptonight_monero, 0u}, {cryptonight_monero, cryptonight_monero, 0u}, "pool.usxmrpool.com:3333" }, { "stellite", {cryptonight_monero, cryptonight, 3u}, {cryptonight_monero, cryptonight_monero, 0u}, nullptr }, { "sumokoin", {cryptonight_heavy, cryptonight_heavy, 0u}, {cryptonight_heavy, cryptonight_heavy, 0u}, nullptr } }; constexpr size_t coin_alogo_size = (sizeof(coins)/sizeof(coins[0])); inline bool checkType(Type have, Type want) { if(want == have) return true; else if(want == kNullType) return true; else if(want == kTrueType && have == kFalseType) return true; else if(want == kFalseType && have == kTrueType) return true; else return false; } struct jconf::opaque_private { Document jsonDoc; Document jsonDocPools; const Value* configValues[iConfigCnt]; //Compile time constant opaque_private() { } }; jconf::jconf() { prv = new opaque_private(); } uint64_t jconf::GetPoolCount() { if(prv->configValues[aPoolList]->IsArray()) return prv->configValues[aPoolList]->Size(); else return 0; } bool jconf::GetPoolConfig(size_t id, pool_cfg& cfg) { if(id >= GetPoolCount()) return false; typedef const Value* cval; cval jaddr, jlogin, jrigid, jpasswd, jnicehash, jtls, jtlsfp, jwt; const Value& oThdConf = prv->configValues[aPoolList]->GetArray()[id]; /* We already checked presence and types */ jaddr = GetObjectMember(oThdConf, "pool_address"); jlogin = GetObjectMember(oThdConf, "wallet_address"); jrigid = GetObjectMember(oThdConf, "rig_id"); jpasswd = GetObjectMember(oThdConf, "pool_password"); jnicehash = GetObjectMember(oThdConf, "use_nicehash"); jtls = GetObjectMember(oThdConf, "use_tls"); jtlsfp = GetObjectMember(oThdConf, "tls_fingerprint"); jwt = GetObjectMember(oThdConf, "pool_weight"); cfg.sPoolAddr = jaddr->GetString(); cfg.sWalletAddr = jlogin->GetString(); cfg.sRigId = jrigid->GetString(); cfg.sPasswd = jpasswd->GetString(); cfg.nicehash = jnicehash->GetBool(); cfg.tls = jtls->GetBool(); cfg.tls_fingerprint = jtlsfp->GetString(); cfg.raw_weight = jwt->GetUint64(); size_t dlt = wt_max - wt_min; if(dlt != 0) { /* Normalise weights between 0 and 9.8 */ cfg.weight = double(cfg.raw_weight - wt_min) * 9.8; cfg.weight /= dlt; } else /* Special case - user selected same weights for everything */ cfg.weight = 0.0; return true; } bool jconf::TlsSecureAlgos() { return prv->configValues[bTlsSecureAlgo]->GetBool(); } bool jconf::PreferIpv4() { return prv->configValues[bPreferIpv4]->GetBool(); } uint64_t jconf::GetCallTimeout() { return prv->configValues[iCallTimeout]->GetUint64(); } uint64_t jconf::GetNetRetry() { return prv->configValues[iNetRetry]->GetUint64(); } uint64_t jconf::GetGiveUpLimit() { return prv->configValues[iGiveUpLimit]->GetUint64(); } uint64_t jconf::GetVerboseLevel() { return prv->configValues[iVerboseLevel]->GetUint64(); } bool jconf::PrintMotd() { return prv->configValues[bPrintMotd]->GetBool(); } uint64_t jconf::GetAutohashTime() { return prv->configValues[iAutohashTime]->GetUint64(); } uint16_t jconf::GetHttpdPort() { if(xmrstak::params::inst().httpd_port == xmrstak::params::httpd_port_unset) return prv->configValues[iHttpdPort]->GetUint(); else return uint16_t(xmrstak::params::inst().httpd_port); } const char* jconf::GetHttpUsername() { return prv->configValues[sHttpLogin]->GetString(); } const char* jconf::GetHttpPassword() { return prv->configValues[sHttpPass]->GetString(); } bool jconf::DaemonMode() { return prv->configValues[bDaemonMode]->GetBool(); } const char* jconf::GetOutputFile() { return prv->configValues[sOutputFile]->GetString(); } void jconf::cpuid(uint32_t eax, int32_t ecx, int32_t val[4]) { memset(val, 0, sizeof(int32_t)*4); #ifdef _WIN32 __cpuidex(val, eax, ecx); #else __cpuid_count(eax, ecx, val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3]); #endif } bool jconf::check_cpu_features() { constexpr int AESNI_BIT = 1 << 25; constexpr int SSE2_BIT = 1 << 26; int32_t cpu_info[4]; bool bHaveSse2; cpuid(1, 0, cpu_info); bHaveAes = (cpu_info[2] & AESNI_BIT) != 0; bHaveSse2 = (cpu_info[3] & SSE2_BIT) != 0; return bHaveSse2; } jconf::slow_mem_cfg jconf::GetSlowMemSetting() { const char* opt = prv->configValues[sUseSlowMem]->GetString(); if(strcasecmp(opt, "always") == 0) return always_use; else if(strcasecmp(opt, "no_mlck") == 0) return no_mlck; else if(strcasecmp(opt, "warn") == 0) return print_warning; else if(strcasecmp(opt, "never") == 0) return never_use; else return unknown_value; } std::string jconf::GetMiningCoin() { if(xmrstak::params::inst().currency.length() > 0) return xmrstak::params::inst().currency; else return prv->configValues[sCurrency]->GetString(); } void jconf::GetAlgoList(std::string& list) { list.reserve(256); for(size_t i=0; i < coin_alogo_size; i++) { list += "\t- "; list += coins[i].coin_name; list += "\n"; } } bool jconf::IsOnAlgoList(std::string& needle) { std::transform(needle.begin(), needle.end(), needle.begin(), ::tolower); if(needle == "monero") { printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "You entered Monero as coin name. Monero will hard-fork the PoW.\nThis means it will stop being compatible with other cryptonight coins.\n" "Please use 'monero7' (support auto switch to new POW) if you want to mine Monero, \nor name the coin that you want to mine."); return false; } for(size_t i=0; i < coin_alogo_size; i++) { if(needle == coins[i].coin_name) return true; } return false; } const char* jconf::GetDefaultPool(const char* needle) { const char* default_example = "pool.example.com:3333"; for(size_t i=0; i < coin_alogo_size; i++) { if(strcmp(needle, coins[i].coin_name) == 0) { if(coins[i].default_pool != nullptr) return coins[i].default_pool; else return default_example; } } return default_example; } bool jconf::parse_file(const char* sFilename, bool main_conf) { FILE * pFile; char * buffer; size_t flen; pFile = fopen(sFilename, "rb"); if (pFile == NULL) { printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Failed to open config file %s.", sFilename); return false; } fseek(pFile,0,SEEK_END); flen = ftell(pFile); rewind(pFile); if(flen >= 64*1024) { fclose(pFile); printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Oversized config file - %s.", sFilename); return false; } if(flen <= 16) { fclose(pFile); printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "File is empty or too short - %s.", sFilename); return false; } buffer = (char*)malloc(flen + 3); if(fread(buffer+1, flen, 1, pFile) != 1) { free(buffer); fclose(pFile); printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Read error while reading %s.", sFilename); return false; } fclose(pFile); //Replace Unicode BOM with spaces - we always use UTF-8 unsigned char* ubuffer = (unsigned char*)buffer; if(ubuffer[1] == 0xEF && ubuffer[2] == 0xBB && ubuffer[3] == 0xBF) { buffer[1] = ' '; buffer[2] = ' '; buffer[3] = ' '; } buffer[0] = '{'; buffer[flen] = '}'; buffer[flen + 1] = '\0'; Document& root = main_conf ? prv->jsonDoc : prv->jsonDocPools; root.Parse(buffer, flen+2); free(buffer); if(root.HasParseError()) { printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "JSON config parse error in '%s' (offset %llu): %s", sFilename, int_port(root.GetErrorOffset()), GetParseError_En(root.GetParseError())); return false; } if(!root.IsObject()) { //This should never happen as we created the root ourselves printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Invalid config file '%s'. No root?", sFilename); return false; } if(main_conf) { for(size_t i = 2; i < iConfigCnt; i++) { if(oConfigValues[i].iName != i) { printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Code error. oConfigValues are not in order."); return false; } prv->configValues[i] = GetObjectMember(root, oConfigValues[i].sName); if(prv->configValues[i] == nullptr) { printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Invalid config file '%s'. Missing value \"%s\".", sFilename, oConfigValues[i].sName); return false; } if(!checkType(prv->configValues[i]->GetType(), oConfigValues[i].iType)) { printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Invalid config file '%s'. Value \"%s\" has unexpected type.", sFilename, oConfigValues[i].sName); return false; } } } else { for(size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if(oConfigValues[i].iName != i) { printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Code error. oConfigValues are not in order."); return false; } prv->configValues[i] = GetObjectMember(root, oConfigValues[i].sName); if(prv->configValues[i] == nullptr) { printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Invalid config file '%s'. Missing value \"%s\".", sFilename, oConfigValues[i].sName); return false; } if(!checkType(prv->configValues[i]->GetType(), oConfigValues[i].iType)) { printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Invalid config file '%s'. Value \"%s\" has unexpected type.", sFilename, oConfigValues[i].sName); return false; } } } return true; } bool jconf::parse_config(const char* sFilename, const char* sFilenamePools) { if(!check_cpu_features()) { printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "CPU support of SSE2 is required."); return false; } if(!parse_file(sFilename, true)) return false; if(!parse_file(sFilenamePools, false)) return false; size_t pool_cnt = prv->configValues[aPoolList]->Size(); if(pool_cnt == 0) { printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Invalid config file. pool_list must not be empty."); return false; } std::vector pool_weights; pool_weights.reserve(pool_cnt); const char* aPoolValues[] = { "pool_address", "wallet_address", "rig_id", "pool_password", "use_nicehash", "use_tls", "tls_fingerprint", "pool_weight" }; Type poolValTypes[] = { kStringType, kStringType, kStringType, kStringType, kTrueType, kTrueType, kStringType, kNumberType }; constexpr size_t pvcnt = sizeof(aPoolValues)/sizeof(aPoolValues[0]); for(uint32_t i=0; i < pool_cnt; i++) { const Value& oThdConf = prv->configValues[aPoolList]->GetArray()[i]; if(!oThdConf.IsObject()) { printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Invalid config file. pool_list must contain objects."); return false; } for(uint32_t j=0; j < pvcnt; j++) { const Value* v; if((v = GetObjectMember(oThdConf, aPoolValues[j])) == nullptr) { printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Invalid config file. Pool %u does not have the value %s.", i, aPoolValues[j]); return false; } if(!checkType(v->GetType(), poolValTypes[j])) { printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Invalid config file. Value %s for pool %u has unexpected type.", aPoolValues[j], i); return false; } } const Value* jwt = GetObjectMember(oThdConf, "pool_weight"); size_t wt; if(!jwt->IsUint64() || (wt = jwt->GetUint64()) == 0) { printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Invalid pool list for pool %u. Pool weight needs to be an integer larger than zero.", i); return false; } pool_weights.emplace_back(wt); } wt_max = *std::max_element(pool_weights.begin(), pool_weights.end()); wt_min = *std::min_element(pool_weights.begin(), pool_weights.end()); if(!prv->configValues[iCallTimeout]->IsUint64() || !prv->configValues[iNetRetry]->IsUint64() || !prv->configValues[iGiveUpLimit]->IsUint64()) { printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Invalid config file. call_timeout, retry_time and giveup_limit need to be positive integers."); return false; } if(prv->configValues[iCallTimeout]->GetUint64() < 2 || prv->configValues[iNetRetry]->GetUint64() < 2) { printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Invalid config file. call_timeout and retry_time need to be larger than 1 second."); return false; } if(!prv->configValues[iVerboseLevel]->IsUint64() || !prv->configValues[iAutohashTime]->IsUint64()) { printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Invalid config file. verbose_level and h_print_time need to be positive integers."); return false; } if(!prv->configValues[iHttpdPort]->IsUint() || prv->configValues[iHttpdPort]->GetUint() > 0xFFFF) { printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Invalid config file. httpd_port has to be in the range 0 to 65535."); return false; } if(prv->configValues[bAesOverride]->IsBool()) bHaveAes = prv->configValues[bAesOverride]->GetBool(); if(!bHaveAes) printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Your CPU doesn't support hardware AES. Don't expect high hashrates."); printer::inst()->set_verbose_level(prv->configValues[iVerboseLevel]->GetUint64()); if(GetSlowMemSetting() == unknown_value) { printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Invalid config file. use_slow_memory must be \"always\", \"no_mlck\", \"warn\" or \"never\""); return false; } #ifdef _WIN32 if(GetSlowMemSetting() == no_mlck) { printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "On Windows large pages need mlock. Please use another option."); return false; } #endif // _WIN32 if (prv->configValues[bFlushStdout]->IsBool()) { bool bflush = prv->configValues[bFlushStdout]->GetBool(); printer::inst()->set_flush_stdout(bflush); if (bflush) { printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Flush stdout forced."); } } std::string ctmp = GetMiningCoin(); std::transform(ctmp.begin(), ctmp.end(), ctmp.begin(), ::tolower); if(ctmp.length() == 0) { printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "You need to specify the coin that you want to mine."); return false; } for(size_t i=0; i < coin_alogo_size; i++) { if(ctmp == "monero") { printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "You entered Monero as coin name. Monero will hard-fork the PoW.\nThis means it will stop being compatible with other cryptonight coins.\n" "Please use monero7 (support auto switch to new POW) if you want to mine Monero, or name the coin that you want to mine."); return false; } if(ctmp == coins[i].coin_name) { currentCoin = coins[i]; break; } } if(currentCoin.GetDescription(1).GetMiningAlgo() == invalid_algo) { std::string cl; GetAlgoList(cl); printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Unrecognised coin '%s', your options are:\n%s", ctmp.c_str(), cl.c_str()); return false; } return true; }