#pragma once #include #include #include // Structures that we use to pass info between threads constructors are here just to make // the stack allocation take up less space, heap is a shared resouce that needs locks too of course struct pool_job { char sJobID[64]; uint8_t bWorkBlob[112]; uint64_t iTarget; uint32_t iWorkLen; uint32_t iResumeCnt; pool_job() : iWorkLen(0), iResumeCnt(0) {} pool_job(const char* sJobID, uint64_t iTarget, const uint8_t* bWorkBlob, uint32_t iWorkLen) : iTarget(iTarget), iWorkLen(iWorkLen), iResumeCnt(0) { assert(iWorkLen <= sizeof(pool_job::bWorkBlob)); memcpy(this->sJobID, sJobID, sizeof(pool_job::sJobID)); memcpy(this->bWorkBlob, bWorkBlob, iWorkLen); } }; struct job_result { uint8_t bResult[32]; char sJobID[64]; uint32_t iNonce; job_result() {} job_result(const char* sJobID, uint32_t iNonce, const uint8_t* bResult) : iNonce(iNonce) { memcpy(this->sJobID, sJobID, sizeof(job_result::sJobID)); memcpy(this->bResult, bResult, sizeof(job_result::bResult)); } }; enum ex_event_name { EV_INVALID_VAL, EV_SOCK_READY, EV_SOCK_ERROR, EV_POOL_HAVE_JOB, EV_MINER_HAVE_RESULT, EV_PERF_TICK, EV_RECONNECT, EV_SWITCH_POOL, EV_DEV_POOL_EXIT, EV_USR_HASHRATE, EV_USR_RESULTS, EV_USR_CONNSTAT, EV_HASHRATE_LOOP, EV_HTML_HASHRATE, EV_HTML_RESULTS, EV_HTML_CONNSTAT }; /* This is how I learned to stop worrying and love c++11 =). Ghosts of endless heap allocations have finally been exorcised. Thanks to the nifty magic of move semantics, string will only be allocated once on the heap. Considering that it makes a jorney across stack, heap alloced queue, to another stack before being finally processed I think it is kind of nifty, don't you? Also note that for non-arg events we only copy two qwords */ struct ex_event { ex_event_name iName; size_t iPoolId; union { pool_job oPoolJob; job_result oJobResult; std::string sSocketError; }; ex_event() { iName = EV_INVALID_VAL; iPoolId = 0;} ex_event(std::string&& err, size_t id) : iName(EV_SOCK_ERROR), iPoolId(id), sSocketError(std::move(err)) { } ex_event(job_result dat, size_t id) : iName(EV_MINER_HAVE_RESULT), iPoolId(id), oJobResult(dat) {} ex_event(pool_job dat, size_t id) : iName(EV_POOL_HAVE_JOB), iPoolId(id), oPoolJob(dat) {} ex_event(ex_event_name ev, size_t id = 0) : iName(ev), iPoolId(id) {} // Delete the copy operators to make sure we are moving only what is needed ex_event(ex_event const&) = delete; ex_event& operator=(ex_event const&) = delete; ex_event(ex_event&& from) { iName = from.iName; iPoolId = from.iPoolId; switch(iName) { case EV_SOCK_ERROR: new (&sSocketError) std::string(std::move(from.sSocketError)); break; case EV_MINER_HAVE_RESULT: oJobResult = from.oJobResult; break; case EV_POOL_HAVE_JOB: oPoolJob = from.oPoolJob; break; default: break; } } ex_event& operator=(ex_event&& from) { assert(this != &from); if(iName == EV_SOCK_ERROR) sSocketError.~basic_string(); iName = from.iName; iPoolId = from.iPoolId; switch(iName) { case EV_SOCK_ERROR: new (&sSocketError) std::string(); sSocketError = std::move(from.sSocketError); break; case EV_MINER_HAVE_RESULT: oJobResult = from.oJobResult; break; case EV_POOL_HAVE_JOB: oPoolJob = from.oPoolJob; break; default: break; } return *this; } ~ex_event() { if(iName == EV_SOCK_ERROR) sSocketError.~basic_string(); } };