/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining * it with OpenSSL (or a modified version of that library), containing parts * covered by the terms of OpenSSL License and SSLeay License, the licensors * of this Program grant you additional permission to convey the resulting work. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "executor.h" #include "jpsock.h" #include "minethd.h" #include "jconf.h" #include "console.h" #include "donate-level.h" #include "webdesign.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #define strncasecmp _strnicmp #endif // _WIN32 executor* executor::oInst = NULL; executor::executor() { my_thd = nullptr; } void executor::push_timed_event(ex_event&& ev, size_t sec) { std::unique_lock lck(timed_event_mutex); lTimedEvents.emplace_back(std::move(ev), sec_to_ticks(sec)); } void executor::ex_clock_thd() { size_t iSwitchPeriod = sec_to_ticks(iDevDonatePeriod); size_t iDevPortion = (size_t)floor(((double)iSwitchPeriod) * fDevDonationLevel); //No point in bothering with less than 10 sec if(iDevPortion < sec_to_ticks(10)) iDevPortion = 0; //Add 2 seconds to compensate for connect if(iDevPortion != 0) iDevPortion += sec_to_ticks(2); while (true) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(size_t(iTickTime))); push_event(ex_event(EV_PERF_TICK)); // Service timed events std::unique_lock lck(timed_event_mutex); std::list::iterator ev = lTimedEvents.begin(); while (ev != lTimedEvents.end()) { ev->ticks_left--; if(ev->ticks_left == 0) { push_event(std::move(ev->event)); ev = lTimedEvents.erase(ev); } else ev++; } lck.unlock(); if(iDevPortion == 0) continue; iSwitchPeriod--; if(iSwitchPeriod == 0) { push_event(ex_event(EV_SWITCH_POOL, usr_pool_id)); iSwitchPeriod = sec_to_ticks(iDevDonatePeriod); } else if(iSwitchPeriod == iDevPortion) { push_event(ex_event(EV_SWITCH_POOL, dev_pool_id)); } } } void executor::sched_reconnect() { iReconnectAttempts++; size_t iLimit = jconf::inst()->GetGiveUpLimit(); if(iLimit != 0 && iReconnectAttempts > iLimit) { printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Give up limit reached. Exitting."); exit(0); } long long unsigned int rt = jconf::inst()->GetNetRetry(); printer::inst()->print_msg(L1, "Pool connection lost. Waiting %lld s before retry (attempt %llu).", rt, int_port(iReconnectAttempts)); auto work = minethd::miner_work(); minethd::switch_work(work); push_timed_event(ex_event(EV_RECONNECT, usr_pool_id), rt); } void executor::log_socket_error(std::string&& sError) { vSocketLog.emplace_back(std::move(sError)); printer::inst()->print_msg(L1, "SOCKET ERROR - %s", vSocketLog.back().msg.c_str()); } void executor::log_result_error(std::string&& sError) { size_t i = 1, ln = vMineResults.size(); for(; i < ln; i++) { if(vMineResults[i].compare(sError)) { vMineResults[i].increment(); break; } } if(i == ln) //Not found vMineResults.emplace_back(std::move(sError)); else sError.clear(); } void executor::log_result_ok(uint64_t iActualDiff) { iPoolHashes += iPoolDiff; size_t ln = iTopDiff.size() - 1; if(iActualDiff > iTopDiff[ln]) { iTopDiff[ln] = iActualDiff; std::sort(iTopDiff.rbegin(), iTopDiff.rend()); } vMineResults[0].increment(); } jpsock* executor::pick_pool_by_id(size_t pool_id) { assert(pool_id != invalid_pool_id); if(pool_id == dev_pool_id) return dev_pool; else return usr_pool; } void executor::on_sock_ready(size_t pool_id) { jpsock* pool = pick_pool_by_id(pool_id); if(pool_id == dev_pool_id) { if(!pool->cmd_login("", "")) pool->disconnect(); current_pool_id = dev_pool_id; printer::inst()->print_msg(L1, "Dev pool logged in. Switching work."); return; } printer::inst()->print_msg(L1, "Connected. Logging in..."); if (!pool->cmd_login(jconf::inst()->GetWalletAddress(), jconf::inst()->GetPoolPwd())) { if(!pool->have_sock_error()) { log_socket_error(pool->get_call_error()); pool->disconnect(); } } else { iReconnectAttempts = 0; reset_stats(); } } void executor::on_sock_error(size_t pool_id, std::string&& sError) { jpsock* pool = pick_pool_by_id(pool_id); if(pool_id == dev_pool_id) { pool->disconnect(); if(current_pool_id != dev_pool_id) return; printer::inst()->print_msg(L1, "Dev pool connection error. Switching work."); on_switch_pool(usr_pool_id); return; } log_socket_error(std::move(sError)); pool->disconnect(); sched_reconnect(); } void executor::on_pool_have_job(size_t pool_id, pool_job& oPoolJob) { if(pool_id != current_pool_id) return; jpsock* pool = pick_pool_by_id(pool_id); minethd::miner_work oWork(oPoolJob.sJobID, oPoolJob.bWorkBlob, oPoolJob.iWorkLen, oPoolJob.iResumeCnt, oPoolJob.iTarget, pool_id != dev_pool_id && jconf::inst()->NiceHashMode(), pool_id); minethd::switch_work(oWork); if(pool_id == dev_pool_id) return; if(iPoolDiff != pool->get_current_diff()) { iPoolDiff = pool->get_current_diff(); printer::inst()->print_msg(L2, "Difficulty changed. Now: %llu.", int_port(iPoolDiff)); } printer::inst()->print_msg(L3, "New block detected."); } void executor::on_miner_result(size_t pool_id, job_result& oResult) { jpsock* pool = pick_pool_by_id(pool_id); if(pool_id == dev_pool_id) { //Ignore errors silently if(pool->is_running() && pool->is_logged_in()) pool->cmd_submit(oResult.sJobID, oResult.iNonce, oResult.bResult); return; } if (!pool->is_running() || !pool->is_logged_in()) { log_result_error("[NETWORK ERROR]"); return; } using namespace std::chrono; size_t t_start = time_point_cast(high_resolution_clock::now()).time_since_epoch().count(); bool bResult = pool->cmd_submit(oResult.sJobID, oResult.iNonce, oResult.bResult); size_t t_len = time_point_cast(high_resolution_clock::now()).time_since_epoch().count() - t_start; if(t_len > 0xFFFF) t_len = 0xFFFF; iPoolCallTimes.push_back((uint16_t)t_len); if(bResult) { uint64_t* targets = (uint64_t*)oResult.bResult; log_result_ok(jpsock::t64_to_diff(targets[3])); printer::inst()->print_msg(L3, "Result accepted by the pool."); } else { if(!pool->have_sock_error()) { printer::inst()->print_msg(L3, "Result rejected by the pool."); std::string error = pool->get_call_error(); if(strncasecmp(error.c_str(), "Unauthenticated", 15) == 0) { printer::inst()->print_msg(L2, "Your miner was unable to find a share in time. Either the pool difficulty is too high, or the pool timeout is too low."); pool->disconnect(); } log_result_error(std::move(error)); } else log_result_error("[NETWORK ERROR]"); } } void executor::on_reconnect(size_t pool_id) { jpsock* pool = pick_pool_by_id(pool_id); std::string error; if(pool_id == dev_pool_id) return; printer::inst()->print_msg(L1, "Connecting to pool %s ...", jconf::inst()->GetPoolAddress()); if(!pool->connect(jconf::inst()->GetPoolAddress(), error)) { log_socket_error(std::move(error)); sched_reconnect(); } } void executor::on_switch_pool(size_t pool_id) { if(pool_id == current_pool_id) return; jpsock* pool = pick_pool_by_id(pool_id); if(pool_id == dev_pool_id) { std::string error; // If it fails, it fails, we carry on on the usr pool // as we never receive further events printer::inst()->print_msg(L1, "Connecting to dev pool..."); const char* dev_pool_addr = jconf::inst()->GetTlsSetting() ? "donate.xmr-stak.net:6666" : "donate.xmr-stak.net:3333"; if(!pool->connect(dev_pool_addr, error)) printer::inst()->print_msg(L1, "Error connecting to dev pool. Staying with user pool."); } else { printer::inst()->print_msg(L1, "Switching back to user pool."); current_pool_id = pool_id; pool_job oPoolJob; if(!pool->get_current_job(oPoolJob)) { pool->disconnect(); return; } minethd::miner_work oWork(oPoolJob.sJobID, oPoolJob.bWorkBlob, oPoolJob.iWorkLen, oPoolJob.iResumeCnt, oPoolJob.iTarget, jconf::inst()->NiceHashMode(), pool_id); minethd::switch_work(oWork); if(dev_pool->is_running()) push_timed_event(ex_event(EV_DEV_POOL_EXIT), 5); } } void executor::ex_main() { assert(1000 % iTickTime == 0); minethd::miner_work oWork = minethd::miner_work(); pvThreads = minethd::thread_starter(oWork); telem = new telemetry(pvThreads->size()); current_pool_id = usr_pool_id; usr_pool = new jpsock(usr_pool_id, jconf::inst()->GetTlsSetting()); dev_pool = new jpsock(dev_pool_id, jconf::inst()->GetTlsSetting()); ex_event ev; std::thread clock_thd(&executor::ex_clock_thd, this); //This will connect us to the pool for the first time push_event(ex_event(EV_RECONNECT, usr_pool_id)); // Place the default success result at position 0, it needs to // be here even if our first result is a failure vMineResults.emplace_back(); // If the user requested it, start the autohash printer if(jconf::inst()->GetVerboseLevel() >= 4) push_timed_event(ex_event(EV_HASHRATE_LOOP), jconf::inst()->GetAutohashTime()); size_t cnt = 0, i; while (true) { ev = oEventQ.pop(); switch (ev.iName) { case EV_SOCK_READY: on_sock_ready(ev.iPoolId); break; case EV_SOCK_ERROR: on_sock_error(ev.iPoolId, std::move(ev.sSocketError)); break; case EV_POOL_HAVE_JOB: on_pool_have_job(ev.iPoolId, ev.oPoolJob); break; case EV_MINER_HAVE_RESULT: on_miner_result(ev.iPoolId, ev.oJobResult); break; case EV_RECONNECT: on_reconnect(ev.iPoolId); break; case EV_SWITCH_POOL: on_switch_pool(ev.iPoolId); break; case EV_DEV_POOL_EXIT: dev_pool->disconnect(); break; case EV_PERF_TICK: for (i = 0; i < pvThreads->size(); i++) telem->push_perf_value(i, pvThreads->at(i)->iHashCount.load(std::memory_order_relaxed), pvThreads->at(i)->iTimestamp.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)); if((cnt++ & 0xF) == 0) //Every 16 ticks { double fHps = 0.0; double fTelem; bool normal = true; for (i = 0; i < pvThreads->size(); i++) { fTelem = telem->calc_telemetry_data(2500, i); if(std::isnormal(fTelem)) { fHps += fTelem; } else { normal = false; break; } } if(normal && fHighestHps < fHps) fHighestHps = fHps; } break; case EV_USR_HASHRATE: case EV_USR_RESULTS: case EV_USR_CONNSTAT: print_report(ev.iName); break; case EV_HTML_HASHRATE: case EV_HTML_RESULTS: case EV_HTML_CONNSTAT: http_report(ev.iName); break; case EV_HASHRATE_LOOP: print_report(EV_USR_HASHRATE); push_timed_event(ex_event(EV_HASHRATE_LOOP), jconf::inst()->GetAutohashTime()); break; case EV_INVALID_VAL: default: assert(false); break; } } } inline const char* hps_format(double h, char* buf, size_t l) { if(std::isnormal(h) || h == 0.0) { snprintf(buf, l, " %03.1f", h); return buf; } else return " (na)"; } void executor::hashrate_report(std::string& out) { char num[32]; size_t nthd = pvThreads->size(); out.reserve(256 + nthd * 64); double fTotal[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; size_t i; out.append("HASHRATE REPORT\n"); out.append("| ID | 2.5s | 60s | 15m |"); if(nthd != 1) out.append(" ID | 2.5s | 60s | 15m |\n"); else out.append(1, '\n'); for (i = 0; i < nthd; i++) { double fHps[3]; fHps[0] = telem->calc_telemetry_data(2500, i); fHps[1] = telem->calc_telemetry_data(60000, i); fHps[2] = telem->calc_telemetry_data(900000, i); snprintf(num, sizeof(num), "| %2u |", (unsigned int)i); out.append(num); out.append(hps_format(fHps[0], num, sizeof(num))).append(" |"); out.append(hps_format(fHps[1], num, sizeof(num))).append(" |"); out.append(hps_format(fHps[2], num, sizeof(num))).append(1, ' '); fTotal[0] += fHps[0]; fTotal[1] += fHps[1]; fTotal[2] += fHps[2]; if((i & 0x1) == 1) //Odd i's out.append("|\n"); } if((i & 0x1) == 1) //We had odd number of threads out.append("|\n"); if(nthd != 1) out.append("-----------------------------------------------------\n"); else out.append("---------------------------\n"); out.append("Totals: "); out.append(hps_format(fTotal[0], num, sizeof(num))); out.append(hps_format(fTotal[1], num, sizeof(num))); out.append(hps_format(fTotal[2], num, sizeof(num))); out.append(" H/s\nHighest: "); out.append(hps_format(fHighestHps, num, sizeof(num))); out.append(" H/s\n"); } char* time_format(char* buf, size_t len, std::chrono::system_clock::time_point time) { time_t ctime = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(time); tm stime; /* * Oh for god's sake... this feels like we are back to the 90's... * and don't get me started on lack strcpy_s because NIH - use non-standard strlcpy... * And of course C++ implements unsafe version because... reasons */ #ifdef _WIN32 localtime_s(&stime, &ctime); #else localtime_r(&ctime, &stime); #endif // __WIN32 strftime(buf, len, "%F %T", &stime); return buf; } void executor::result_report(std::string& out) { char num[128]; char date[32]; out.reserve(1024); size_t iGoodRes = vMineResults[0].count, iTotalRes = iGoodRes; size_t ln = vMineResults.size(); for(size_t i=1; i < ln; i++) iTotalRes += vMineResults[i].count; out.append("RESULT REPORT\n"); if(iTotalRes == 0) { out.append("You haven't found any results yet.\n"); return; } double dConnSec; { using namespace std::chrono; dConnSec = (double)duration_cast(system_clock::now() - tPoolConnTime).count(); } snprintf(num, sizeof(num), " (%.1f %%)\n", 100.0 * iGoodRes / iTotalRes); out.append("Difficulty : ").append(std::to_string(iPoolDiff)).append(1, '\n'); out.append("Good results : ").append(std::to_string(iGoodRes)).append(" / "). append(std::to_string(iTotalRes)).append(num); if(iPoolCallTimes.size() != 0) { // Here we use iPoolCallTimes since it also gets reset when we disconnect snprintf(num, sizeof(num), "%.1f sec\n", dConnSec / iPoolCallTimes.size()); out.append("Avg result time : ").append(num); } out.append("Pool-side hashes : ").append(std::to_string(iPoolHashes)).append(2, '\n'); out.append("Top 10 best results found:\n"); for(size_t i=0; i < 10; i += 2) { snprintf(num, sizeof(num), "| %2llu | %16llu | %2llu | %16llu |\n", int_port(i), int_port(iTopDiff[i]), int_port(i+1), int_port(iTopDiff[i+1])); out.append(num); } out.append("\nError details:\n"); if(ln > 1) { out.append("| Count | Error text | Last seen |\n"); for(size_t i=1; i < ln; i++) { snprintf(num, sizeof(num), "| %5llu | %-32.32s | %s |\n", int_port(vMineResults[i].count), vMineResults[i].msg.c_str(), time_format(date, sizeof(date), vMineResults[i].time)); out.append(num); } } else out.append("Yay! No errors.\n"); } void executor::connection_report(std::string& out) { char num[128]; char date[32]; out.reserve(512); jpsock* pool = pick_pool_by_id(dev_pool_id + 1); out.append("CONNECTION REPORT\n"); out.append("Pool address : ").append(jconf::inst()->GetPoolAddress()).append(1, '\n'); if (pool->is_running() && pool->is_logged_in()) out.append("Connected since : ").append(time_format(date, sizeof(date), tPoolConnTime)).append(1, '\n'); else out.append("Connected since : \n"); size_t n_calls = iPoolCallTimes.size(); if (n_calls > 1) { //Not-really-but-good-enough median std::nth_element(iPoolCallTimes.begin(), iPoolCallTimes.begin() + n_calls/2, iPoolCallTimes.end()); out.append("Pool ping time : ").append(std::to_string(iPoolCallTimes[n_calls/2])).append(" ms\n"); } else out.append("Pool ping time : (n/a)\n"); out.append("\nNetwork error log:\n"); size_t ln = vSocketLog.size(); if(ln > 0) { out.append("| Date | Error text |\n"); for(size_t i=0; i < ln; i++) { snprintf(num, sizeof(num), "| %s | %-54.54s |\n", time_format(date, sizeof(date), vSocketLog[i].time), vSocketLog[i].msg.c_str()); out.append(num); } } else out.append("Yay! No errors.\n"); } void executor::print_report(ex_event_name ev) { std::string out; switch(ev) { case EV_USR_HASHRATE: hashrate_report(out); break; case EV_USR_RESULTS: result_report(out); break; case EV_USR_CONNSTAT: connection_report(out); break; default: assert(false); break; } printer::inst()->print_str(out.c_str()); } void executor::http_hashrate_report(std::string& out) { char num_a[32], num_b[32], num_c[32], num_d[32]; char buffer[4096]; size_t nthd = pvThreads->size(); out.reserve(4096); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), sHtmlCommonHeader, "Hashrate Report", "Hashrate Report"); out.append(buffer); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), sHtmlHashrateBodyHigh, (unsigned int)nthd + 3); out.append(buffer); double fTotal[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; for(size_t i=0; i < nthd; i++) { double fHps[3]; fHps[0] = telem->calc_telemetry_data(2500, i); fHps[1] = telem->calc_telemetry_data(60000, i); fHps[2] = telem->calc_telemetry_data(900000, i); num_a[0] = num_b[0] = num_c[0] ='\0'; hps_format(fHps[0], num_a, sizeof(num_a)); hps_format(fHps[1], num_b, sizeof(num_b)); hps_format(fHps[2], num_c, sizeof(num_c)); fTotal[0] += fHps[0]; fTotal[1] += fHps[1]; fTotal[2] += fHps[2]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), sHtmlHashrateTableRow, (unsigned int)i, num_a, num_b, num_c); out.append(buffer); } num_a[0] = num_b[0] = num_c[0] = num_d[0] ='\0'; hps_format(fTotal[0], num_a, sizeof(num_a)); hps_format(fTotal[1], num_b, sizeof(num_b)); hps_format(fTotal[2], num_c, sizeof(num_c)); hps_format(fHighestHps, num_d, sizeof(num_d)); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), sHtmlHashrateBodyLow, num_a, num_b, num_c, num_d); out.append(buffer); } void executor::http_result_report(std::string& out) { char date[128]; char buffer[4096]; out.reserve(4096); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), sHtmlCommonHeader, "Result Report", "Result Report"); out.append(buffer); size_t iGoodRes = vMineResults[0].count, iTotalRes = iGoodRes; size_t ln = vMineResults.size(); for(size_t i=1; i < ln; i++) iTotalRes += vMineResults[i].count; double fGoodResPrc = 0.0; if(iTotalRes > 0) fGoodResPrc = 100.0 * iGoodRes / iTotalRes; double fAvgResTime = 0.0; if(iPoolCallTimes.size() > 0) { using namespace std::chrono; fAvgResTime = ((double)duration_cast(system_clock::now() - tPoolConnTime).count()) / iPoolCallTimes.size(); } snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), sHtmlResultBodyHigh, iPoolDiff, iGoodRes, iTotalRes, fGoodResPrc, fAvgResTime, iPoolHashes, int_port(iTopDiff[0]), int_port(iTopDiff[1]), int_port(iTopDiff[2]), int_port(iTopDiff[3]), int_port(iTopDiff[4]), int_port(iTopDiff[5]), int_port(iTopDiff[6]), int_port(iTopDiff[7]), int_port(iTopDiff[8]), int_port(iTopDiff[9])); out.append(buffer); for(size_t i=1; i < vMineResults.size(); i++) { snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), sHtmlResultTableRow, vMineResults[i].msg.c_str(), int_port(vMineResults[i].count), time_format(date, sizeof(date), vMineResults[i].time)); out.append(buffer); } out.append(sHtmlResultBodyLow); } void executor::http_connection_report(std::string& out) { char date[128]; char buffer[4096]; out.reserve(4096); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), sHtmlCommonHeader, "Connection Report", "Connection Report"); out.append(buffer); jpsock* pool = pick_pool_by_id(dev_pool_id + 1); const char* cdate = "not connected"; if (pool->is_running() && pool->is_logged_in()) cdate = time_format(date, sizeof(date), tPoolConnTime); size_t n_calls = iPoolCallTimes.size(); unsigned int ping_time = 0; if (n_calls > 1) { //Not-really-but-good-enough median std::nth_element(iPoolCallTimes.begin(), iPoolCallTimes.begin() + n_calls/2, iPoolCallTimes.end()); ping_time = iPoolCallTimes[n_calls/2]; } snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), sHtmlConnectionBodyHigh, jconf::inst()->GetPoolAddress(), cdate, ping_time); out.append(buffer); for(size_t i=0; i < vSocketLog.size(); i++) { snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), sHtmlConnectionTableRow, time_format(date, sizeof(date), vSocketLog[i].time), vSocketLog[i].msg.c_str()); out.append(buffer); } out.append(sHtmlConnectionBodyLow); } void executor::http_report(ex_event_name ev) { assert(pHttpString != nullptr); switch(ev) { case EV_HTML_HASHRATE: http_hashrate_report(*pHttpString); break; case EV_HTML_RESULTS: http_result_report(*pHttpString); break; case EV_HTML_CONNSTAT: http_connection_report(*pHttpString); break; default: assert(false); break; } httpReady.set_value(); } void executor::get_http_report(ex_event_name ev_id, std::string& data) { std::lock_guard lck(httpMutex); assert(pHttpString == nullptr); assert(ev_id == EV_HTML_HASHRATE || ev_id == EV_HTML_RESULTS || ev_id == EV_HTML_CONNSTAT); pHttpString = &data; httpReady = std::promise(); std::future ready = httpReady.get_future(); push_event(ex_event(ev_id)); ready.wait(); pHttpString = nullptr; }