# Compile **xmr-stak** for MacOS ## Dependencies Assuming you already have [Homebrew](https://brew.sh) installed, the installation of dependencies is pretty straightforward and will generate the `xmr-stak` binary in the `bin/` directory. ### For NVIDIA GPUs ```shell brew tap caskroom/drivers brew cask install nvidia-cuda brew install hwloc libmicrohttpd gcc openssl cmake cmake . -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/opt/openssl -DOpenCL_ENABLE=OFF make install ``` [All available CMake options](compile.md#nvidia-build-options) ### For AMD GPUs > 🖐 We need help with AMD GPU compilation instructions. Please submit a PR if you managed to install [AMD APP SDK](http://developer.amd.com/amd-accelerated-parallel-processing-app-sdk/) and to compile `xmr-stak` on MacOS. ### For CPU-only mining ```shell brew install hwloc libmicrohttpd gcc openssl cmake cmake . -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/opt/openssl -DCUDA_ENABLE=OFF -DOpenCL_ENABLE=OFF make install ``` [All available CMake options](compile.md#cpu-build-options)