###### fireice-uk's and psychocrypt's # XMR-Stak - Monero/Aeon All-in-One Mining Software XMR-Stak is a universal Stratum pool miner. This miner supports CPUs, AMD and NVIDIA gpus and can be used to mine the crypto currency Monero and Aeon. ## HTML reports ## Overview * [Features](#features) * [Download](#download) * [Linux Portable Binary](doc/Linux_deployment.md) * [Usage](doc/usage.md) * [HowTo Compile](doc/compile.md) * [FAQ](doc/FAQ.md) * [Developer Donation](#default-developer-donation) * [Release Cheksums](#release-checksums) * [Developer PGP Key's](doc/pgp_keys.md) ## Features - support all common backends (CPU/x86, AMD-GPU and NVIDIA-GPU) - support all common OS (Linux, Windows and MacOS) - supports algorithm cryptonight for Monero (XMR) and cryptonight-light (AEON) - easy to use - guided start (no need to edit a config file for the first start) - auto configuration for each backend - open source software (GPLv3) - TLS support - HTML statistics - JSON API for monitoring ## Download You can find the latest releases and precompiled binaries on GitHub under [Releases](https://github.com/fireice-uk/xmr-stak/releases). If you are running on Linux (especially Linux VMs), checkout [Linux Portable Binary](doc/Linux_deployment.md). ## Default Developer Donation By default the miner will donate 2% of the hashpower (2 minute in 100 minutes) to my pool. If you want to change that, edit [donate-level.hpp](xmrstak/donate-level.hpp) before you build the binaries. If you want to donate directly to support further development, here is my wallet fireice-uk: ``` 4581HhZkQHgZrZjKeCfCJxZff9E3xCgHGF25zABZz7oR71TnbbgiS7sK9jveE6Dx6uMs2LwszDuvQJgRZQotdpHt1fTdDhk ``` psychocrypt: ``` 43NoJVEXo21hGZ6tDG6Z3g4qimiGdJPE6GRxAmiWwm26gwr62Lqo7zRiCJFSBmbkwTGNuuES9ES5TgaVHceuYc4Y75txCTU ``` ## Release Checksums Please use the [Developer PGP Key's](doc/pgp_keys.md) to verify the integrity of the precompiled binaries. ``` -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 XMR-Stak 2.1.0 Windows Build Checksums compiled by: psychocrypt $ sha1sum * 3f1634244ccd336f7df581e3c82e1c6ca38ce714 libeay32.dll 538f3bd9dfcafc379e912562bcf343333f5375c7 ssleay32.dll 152042d47afaf9a42d4330440c62d81082fc8e4e xmrstak_cuda_backend.dll 0effc72e21382d22a0b8221ee55e470093b39715 xmr-stak.exe 3b6ea8d155e89dc876bf6bb436d6826e33a62955 xmrstak_opencl_backend.dll $ sha3sum * 5aeefca7278be1b2706d99bf89fa23646931f881aff8bbca33654eb1 libeay32.dll 6b696caa620b0c6372881b11e503313152b5191c2d5497b26f81ab79 ssleay32.dll 3a0079c2e4f303a48c4c94817ace2c6de077b099c08d3e2e25d206f2 xmrstak_cuda_backend.dll 1623c54b05329dcd08e477cf9ba750c44a246227359cff42b1c5bb4d xmr-stak.exe 4826eb52a346e1ec5d979c745a4d642f13dd76e2a9a4b2f9d4bd149a xmrstak_opencl_backend.dll date Sat Dec 9 13:10:01 CET 2017 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2 iQEcBAEBCAAGBQJaK9N7AAoJEAUWOMCIZelDBesH/11/YJYV/a1545QcKlTVrSJS S51nGVlhn1Opi3FIUadaHf+INqJgQmE6+8PSaWo74WdX1TCaCgwszqI+o4EYEKZu /+/Lmc19++WCFSIV6RozEG/7bGuRO+R+xstm1yh/5Y3DrxJrZFq2fmRu/sodryz9 Iw8tBcUfZUz+M8OepeMUfmu3wqzbOEAJLEw2OSPwkHACTpVFc2n3MWMDxqrRb3GU YjZrxSMEGU/viSz88uGovbqVU53Ala6jCvqunDcibZ6BoXbSI4qgyUjCcc+uxm1k xnzF5fgwWHuXH4l3CXQcU/2y6I5in+rNvWT0/pMNSRp5kRDu0SSLYLK/FIIFhNQ= =KNpx -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- ```