$ifdesc) { if (!is_altq_capable(get_real_interface($if))) continue; $numberofinterfaces++; $iflist[$if] = $ifdesc; } $numberofconnections = intval($config['ezshaper']['step1']['numberofconnections']); if ($numberofconnections > ($numberofinterfaces/2)) { $savemsg=gettext("You have less interfaces than number of connections!"); $stepid--; return; } $cfgname = "traffic_shaper_wizard_dedicated.xml"; $fields =& $pkg['step'][1]['fields']['field']; /* unset($config['ezshaper']['step2']); $config['ezshaper']['step2'] = array(); write_config(); */ $fields = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $numberofconnections; $i++) { $field = array(); $linknum = $i+1; $ifsel = ($i * 2); $field['name'] = "Connection #{$linknum} parameters"; $field['type'] = "listtopic"; $fields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['displayname'] = "Local interface"; $field['name'] = "local{$i}interface"; $field['type'] = "select"; $field['options']['option'] = array(); $ifcnt = 0; foreach ($iflist as $ifname => $ifdescr) { if ($ifcnt == ($ifsel + 1)) $field['value'] = $ifname; $opts = array(); $opts['displayname'] = $ifdescr; $opts['name'] = $ifname; $opts['value'] = $ifname; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $ifcnt++; } $field['combinefieldsbegin'] = "true"; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step2->local{$i}interface"; $fields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['combinefieldsend'] = "true"; $field['dontdisplayname'] = "true"; $field['dontcombinecells'] = "true"; $field['name'] = "local{$i}downloadscheduler"; $field['type'] = "select"; $field['typehint'] = "Queueing discipline to apply on the download of this connection."; $field['options']['option'] = array(); $opts = array(); $opts['name'] = "HFSC"; $opts['value'] = "HFSC"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['name'] = "CBQ"; $opts['value'] = "CBQ"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['name'] = "PRIQ"; $opts['value'] = "PRIQ"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step2->local{$i}downloadscheduler"; $fields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['displayname'] = "WAN Interface"; $field['name'] = "conn{$i}interface"; $field['type'] = "select"; $field['options']['option'] = array(); $ifcnt = 0; foreach ($iflist as $ifname => $ifdescr) { if ($ifcnt == $ifsel) $field['value'] = $ifname; $opts = array(); $opts['displayname'] = $ifdescr; $opts['name'] = $ifname; $opts['value'] = $ifname; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $ifcnt++; } $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step2->conn{$i}interface"; $field['combinefieldsbegin'] = "true"; $fields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['name'] = "conn{$i}uploadscheduler"; $field['combinefieldsend'] = "true"; $field['dontdisplayname'] = "true"; $field['dontcombinecells'] = "true"; $field['type'] = "select"; $field['typehint'] = "Queueing discipline to apply on the upload of this connection."; $field['options']['option'] = array(); $opts = array(); $opts['name'] = "HFSC"; $opts['value'] = "HFSC"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['name'] = "CBQ"; $opts['value'] = "CBQ"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['name'] = "PRIQ"; $opts['value'] = "PRIQ"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step2->conn{$i}uploadscheduler"; $fields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['displayname'] = "Upload"; $field['name'] = "conn{$i}upload"; $field['type'] = "input"; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step2->conn{$i}upload"; $field['combinefieldsbegin'] = "true"; $fields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['combinefieldsend'] = "true"; $field['dontdisplayname'] = "true"; $field['dontcombinecells'] = "true"; $field['name'] = "conn{$i}uploadspeed"; $field['typehint'] = "Upload bandwidth on this connection."; $field['type'] = "select"; $field['options']['option'] = array(); $opts = array(); $opts['value'] = "Kb"; $opts['name'] = "Kbit/s"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['value'] = "Mb"; $opts['name'] = "Mbit/s"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['value'] = "Gb"; $opts['name'] = "Gbit/s"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step2->conn{$i}uploadspeed"; $fields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['displayname'] = "Download"; $field['name'] = "conn{$i}download"; $field['type'] = "input"; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step2->conn{$i}download"; $field['combinefieldsbegin'] = "true"; $fields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['combinefieldsend'] = "true"; $field['dontdisplayname'] = "true"; $field['dontcombinecells'] = "true"; $field['name'] = "conn{$i}downloadspeed"; $field['typehint'] = "Download bandwidth on this connection."; $field['type'] = "select"; $field['options']['option'] = array(); $opts = array(); $opts['value'] = "Kb"; $opts['name'] = "Kbit/s"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['value'] = "Mb"; $opts['name'] = "Mbit/s"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['value'] = "Gb"; $opts['name'] = "Gbit/s"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step2->conn{$i}downloadspeed"; $fields[] = $field; } $field = array(); $field['name'] = "Next"; $field['type'] = "submit"; $fields[] = $field; } function step2_stepsubmitphpaction() { global $config; global $stepid, $savemsg; $sumdownloads = 0; /* Input Validation */ $steps = intval($config['ezshaper']['step1']['numberofconnections']); for ($i = 0; $i < $steps; $i++) { for ($j = $i + 1; $j <= $steps; $j++) { if ($_POST["conn{$i}interface"] == $_POST["conn{$j}interface"] || $_POST["conn{$i}interface"] == $_POST["local{$j}interface"]) { $savemsg=gettext("You cannot select the same interface for connections {$i} and {$j}."); $stepid--; return; } if (!is_numeric($_POST["conn{$i}upload"])) { $savemsg = gettext("Upload bandwidth of connection {$i} is not valid."); $stepid--; return; } if (!is_numeric($_POST["conn{$i}download"])) { $savemsg = gettext("Download bandwidth of connection {$i} is not valid."); $stepid--; return; } $upbw = $_POST["conn{$i}upload"]; $downbw = $_POST["conn{$i}download"]; if ($upbw < 1 || $downbw < 1) { $savemsg = gettext("You cannot specify bandwidth smaller than 1!"); $stepid--; return; } if (intval($upbw) < 128 && $_POST["conn{$i}uploadspeed"] == "Kb" && trim($_POST["conn{$i}scheduler"]) == "CBQ") { $savemsg=gettext("Uploads smaller than 128Kbit/s is not supported for connection {$i} on CBQ scheduler."); $stepid--; return; } if ($_POST["local{$i}interface"] == $_POST["conn{$j}interface"] || $_POST["local{$i}interface"] == $_POST["local{$j}interface"]) { $savemsg=gettext("You cannot select the same interface for local and outside."); $stepid--; return; } } } /* This is necessary since the wizard expects pecnefined fields. */ unset($config['ezshaper']['step2']); $config['ezshaper']['step2'] = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $steps; $i++) { $config['ezshaper']['step2']["local{$i}downloadscheduler"] = $_POST["local{$i}downloadscheduler"]; $config['ezshaper']['step2']["local{$i}interface"] = $_POST["local{$i}interface"]; $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}uploadscheduler"] = $_POST["conn{$i}uploadscheduler"]; $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}upload"] = $_POST["conn{$i}upload"]; $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}uploadspeed"] = $_POST["conn{$i}uploadspeed"]; $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}download"] = $_POST["conn{$i}download"]; $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}downloadspeed"] = $_POST["conn{$i}downloadspeed"]; $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn${i}interface"] = $_POST["conn{$i}interface"]; } } function step3_stepbeforeformdisplay() { global $config, $pkg; global $stepid, $savemsg; $cfgname = "traffic_shaper_wizard_dedicated.xml"; $numberofconnections = intval($config['ezshaper']['step1']['numberofconnections']); $fields =& $pkg['step'][1]['fields']['field']; $voipfields =& $pkg['step'][2]['fields']['field']; $voipfields = array(); $enablefields = array(); $field = array(); $field['name'] = "Enable"; $field['type'] = "checkbox"; $field['typehint'] = "Prioritize Voice over IP traffic."; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step3->enable"; $field['descritpion'] = "This will raise the priority of VOIP traffic above all other traffic."; $voipfields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['name'] = "Next"; $field['type'] = "submit"; $voipfields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['name'] = "VOIP specific settings"; $field['type'] = "listtopic"; $voipfields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['name'] = "Provider"; $enablefields[] = "Provider"; $field['type'] = "select"; $field['description'] = "Choose Generic if your provider isn't listed."; $field['options']['option'] = array(); $opts = array(); $opts['name'] = "Generic (lowdelay)"; $opts['value'] = "Generic"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['name'] = "VoicePulse"; $opts['value'] = "VoicePulse"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['name'] = "Asterisk/Vonage"; $opts['value'] = "Asterisk"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['name'] = "PanasonicTDA"; $opts['value'] = "Panasonic"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step3->provider"; $voipfields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['name'] = "Address"; $enablefields[] = "Address"; $field['type'] = "inputalias"; $field['description'] = "(Optional) If this is chosen, the provider field will be overridden. This allows you to just provide the IP address of the VOIP adaptor to prioritize. NOTE: You can also use a Firewall Alias in this location."; $field['message'] = "IP Address field is non-blank and doesn't look like an IP address."; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step3->address"; $voipfields[] = $field; for ($i = 0; $i < $numberofconnections; $i++) { $connum = $i + 1; $field = array(); $field['name'] = "Connection #{$connum} parameters"; $field['type'] = "listtopic"; $voipfields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['displayname'] = "Upload"; $field['name'] = "conn{$i}upload"; $enablefields[] = "conn{$i}upload"; $field['type'] = "input"; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step3->conn{$i}upload"; $field['combinefieldsbegin'] = "true"; $voipfields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['combinefieldsend'] = "true"; $field['dontdisplayname'] = "true"; $field['dontcombinecells'] = "true"; $field['name'] = "conn{$i}uploadspeed"; $enablefields[] = "conn{$i}uploadspeed"; $field['typehint'] = "Upload bandwidth guarantee for VOIP phone(s) on connection {$i}."; $field['type'] = "select"; $field['options']['option'] = array(); $opts = array(); $opts['value'] = "Kb"; $opts['name'] = "Kbit/s"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['value'] = "Mb"; $opts['name'] = "Mbit/s"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['value'] = "Gb"; $opts['name'] = "Gbit/s"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step3->conn{$i}uploadspeed"; $voipfields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['displayname'] = "Download"; $field['name'] = "local{$i}download"; $enablefields[] = "local{$i}download"; $field['type'] = "input"; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step3->local{$i}download"; $field['combinefieldsbegin'] = "true"; $voipfields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['combinefieldsend'] = "true"; $field['dontdisplayname'] = "true"; $field['dontcombinecells'] = "true"; $field['name'] = "local{$i}downloadspeed"; $enablefields[] = "local{$i}downloadspeed"; $field['typehint'] = "Download bandwidth guarantee for VOIP phone(s) on connections."; $field['type'] = "select"; $field['options']['option'] = array(); $opts = array(); $opts['value'] = "Kb"; $opts['name'] = "Kbit/s"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['value'] = "Mb"; $opts['name'] = "Mbit/s"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['value'] = "Gb"; $opts['name'] = "Gbit/s"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step3->local{$i}downloadspeed"; $voipfields[] = $field; } $field = array(); $field['name'] = "Next"; $field['type'] = "submit"; $voipfields[] = $field; $voipfields[0]['enablefields'] = implode(",", $enablefields); } function step3_stepsubmitphpaction() { global $config; global $stepid, $savemsg; if (!$_POST['enable']) return; if($_POST['address']) { if(!is_ipaddroralias($_POST['address'])) { /* item is not an ip or alias. error out */ $savemsg=gettext("Address must be a valid IP address or Firewall Alias. Please correct this value to continue."); $stepid--; return; } } $steps = intval($config['ezshaper']['step1']['numberofconnections']); for ($i = 0; $i < $steps; $i++) { if (!is_numeric($_POST["conn{$i}upload"])) { $savemsg = gettext("Upload bandwidth of connection {$i} is not valid."); $stepid--; return; } $factor = wizard_get_bandwidthtype_scale($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}uploadspeed"]); $ifbw = $factor * floatval($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}upload"]); $factor = wizard_get_bandwidthtype_scale($_POST["conn{$i}uploadspeed"]); $input_bw = $factor * floatval($_POST["conn{$i}upload"]); if ((0.8 * $ifbw) < $input_bw) { $savemsg=gettext("You cannot set the VoIP upload bandwidth on connection {$i} higher than 80% of the connection."); $stepid--; return; } if (!is_numeric($_POST["local{$i}download"])) { $savemsg = gettext("Download bandwidth of connection {$i} is not valid."); $stepid--; return; } $factor = wizard_get_bandwidthtype_scale($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}downloadspeed"]); $ifbw = $factor * floatval($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}download"]); $factor = wizard_get_bandwidthtype_scale($_POST["local{$i}downloadspeed"]); $input_bw = $factor * floatval($_POST["local{$i}download"]); if ((0.8 * $ifbw) < $input_bw) { $savemsg=gettext("You cannot set the VoIP download bandwidth on connection {$i} higher than 80% of the connection."); $stepid--; return; } } for ($i = 0; $i < $steps; $i++) { $config['ezshaper']['step3']["local{$i}download"] = $_POST["local{$i}download"]; $config['ezshaper']['step3']["local{$i}downloadspeed"] = $_POST["local{$i}downloadspeed"]; $config['ezshaper']['step3']["conn{$i}upload"] = $_POST["conn{$i}upload"]; $config['ezshaper']['step3']["conn{$i}uploadspeed"] = $_POST["conn{$i}uploadspeed"]; } } function step4_stepsubmitphpaction() { global $config; global $stepid, $savemsg; if ( $_POST['enable'] ) { if(!$_POST['bandwidth']) { $savemsg="You need to specify a value for bandwidth!"; $stepid--; return; } if(!is_numeric($_POST['bandwidth'])) { $savemsg="The posted value is not a valid bandwidth."; $stepid--; return; } if ($_POST['bandwidthspeed'] <> "%") { $savemsg = gettext("Only percentage bandwidth specification is allowed."); $stepid--; return; } $bw = $_POST['bandwidth']; if($bw > 15 && $bw < 2) { $savemsg="Values should be between 2% and 15%!"; $stepid--; return; } if($_POST['address'] <> "" && !is_ipaddroralias($_POST['address'])) { /* item is not an ip or alias. error out */ $savemsg=gettext("Address must be a valid IP address or Firewall Alias. Please correct this value to continue."); $stepid--; } } } function step5_stepsubmitphpaction() { global $stepid, $savemsg; if ( $_POST['enable'] ) { if ($_POST['p2pcatchall']) { if(!is_numeric($_POST['bandwidth'])) { $savemsg="Posted value is not a valid bandwidth."; $stepid--; return; } if ($_POST['bandwidthspeed'] <> "%") { $savemsg = gettext("Only percentage bandwidth specification is allowed."); $stepid--; return; } $bw = $_POST['bandwidth']; if($bw > 15 && $bw < 2) { $savemsg="Values should be between 2% and 15%!"; $stepid--; return; } } } } function step8_stepsubmitphpaction() { global $g, $config; /* save the new configuration */ apply_all_choosen_items(); /* reset rrd queues */ system("rm -f /var/db/rrd/*queuedrops.rrd"); system("rm -f /var/db/rrd/*queues.rrd"); enable_rrd_graphing(); /* apply the new configuration to the system */ filter_configure(); /* And we're no longer dirty! */ clear_subsystem_dirty('shaper'); update_filter_reload_status("Initializing"); header("Location: status_filter_reload.php"); exit; } function apply_all_choosen_items() { global $config, $g, $altq_list_queues, $gamesplist; require_once("wizardapp.inc"); /* * Wipe previous config. * Doing it here makes sense since we can wipe the previous config only after * the user decides to do so, finishing the wizard. */ if(isset($config['shaper']['queue'])) unset($config['shaper']['queue']); /* XXX: This is ecnundant, because this should be handled by converter at startup. */ if(isset($config['shaper']['rule'])) unset($config['shaper']['rule']); foreach ($config['filter']['rule'] as $key => $rule) if ($rule['wizard'] == "yes") unset($config['filter']['rule'][$key]); /* restart the cached config */ unset($altq_list_queues); $altq_list_queues = array(); $steps = intval($config['ezshaper']['step1']['numberofconnections']); for ($i = 0; $i < $steps; $i++) { $tmppath = array(); $altq =& new altq_root_queue(); $altq->SetInterface($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}interface"]); $altq->SetScheduler($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}uploadscheduler"]); $altq->SetBandwidth(floatval($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}upload"])); $altq->SetBwscale($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}uploadspeed"]); $altq->SetEnabled("on"); $altq_list_queues[$altq->GetQname()] =& $altq; array_push($tmppath, $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}interface"]); $altq->SetLink($tmppath); $altq->wconfig(); $sched = $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}uploadscheduler"]; $voipbw =0; $voipbwunit = "Kb"; $voip = false; $penalty = false; $penaltybw = 0; $penaltybwunit = "Kb"; $p2p = false; $p2pcatchall = false; $p2pcatchbw = 0; $p2pcatchbwunit = "%"; $games = false; $otherpriority = false; $remainbw = 0; $factor = 0; $upfactor = wizard_get_bandwidthtype_scale($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}uploadspeed"]); $upbw = floatval($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}upload"]) * $upfactor; if ($config['ezshaper']['step3']['enable']) { $voip = true; $voipbw = $config['ezshaper']['step3']["conn{$i}upload"]; $voipbwunit = $config['ezshaper']['step3']["conn{$i}uploadspeed"]; if ($voipbwunit == "%") $factor = $upbw/100; else $factor = wizard_get_bandwidthtype_scale($voipbwunit); $remainbw += $voipbw * $factor; } if ($config['ezshaper']['step4']['enable']) { $penalty = true; $penaltybw = $config['ezshaper']['step4']['bandwidth']; $penaltybwunit = $config['ezshaper']['step4']['bandwidthunit']; if ($penaltybwunit == "%") $factor = $upbw/100; else $factor = wizard_get_bandwidthtype_scale($penaltybwunit); $remainbw += $penaltybw * $factor; } else { $penalty = false; $penaltybw = 0; } if ($config['ezshaper']['step5']['enable']) { $p2p = true; if ($config['ezshaper']['step5']['p2pcatchall']) { $p2pcatchall = true; $p2pcatchbw = $config['ezshaper']['step5']['bandwidth']; $p2pcatchbwunit = $config['ezshaper']['step5']['bandwidthunit']; if ($p2pcatchbwunit == "%") $factor = $upbw/100; else $factor = wizard_get_bandwidthtype_scale($p2pcatchbwunit); $remainbw += $p2pcatchbw * $factor; } else { $p2pcatchall = false; $p2pcatchbw = 0; } } else { $p2p = false; $p2pcatchall = false; $p2pcatchbw = 0; } if ($config['ezshaper']['step6']['enable']) { $games = true; } else { $games = false; } if ($config['ezshaper']['step7']['enable']) { $otherpriority = true; } else { $otherpriority = false; } $remainbw = round($remainbw / $upbw * 100, 2); if (intval($remainbw) > 0 && intval($remainbw) > 30) { $savemsg=gettext("Custom Bandwidths are greater than 30%. Please lower them for the wizard to continue."); header("Location: wizard.php?xml=traffic_shaper_wizard_dedicated.xml&stepid=2&message={$savemsg}"); exit; } else { $remainbw = 100 - $remainbw; } if ($sched != "PRIQ") { if ($sched == "CBQ") $q =& new cbq_queue(); else if ($sched == "HFSC") $q =& new hfsc_queue(); $tmpcf = array(); $tmpcf['name'] = "qInternet"; //$tmpcf['priority'] = 6; $tmpcf['ecn'] = "on"; $tmpcf['enabled'] = "on"; If ($sched == "CBQ") { $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = floatval($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}upload"]); $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}uploadspeed"]; } else if ($sched == "HFSC") { $tmpcf['upperlimit'] = "on"; $tmpcf['upperlimit3'] = floatval($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}upload"]) . $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}uploadspeed"]; $tmpcf['linkshare'] = "on"; $tmpcf['linkshare3'] = floatval($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}upload"]) . $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}uploadspeed"]; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = floatval($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}upload"]); $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}uploadspeed"]; } array_push($tmppath, "qInternet"); $qtmp =& $altq->add_queue($q, &$tmpcf, &$tmppath, $input_errors); //array_pop($tmppath); //echo "qInternet
"; //var_dump($input_errors); $qtmp->wconfig(); $altq =& $qtmp; } if ($sched == "PRIQ") $q =& new priq_queue(); else if ($sched == "CBQ") $q =& new cbq_queue(); else if ($sched == "HFSC") $q =& new hfsc_queue(); $tmpcf = array(); $tmpcf['name'] = "qACK"; $tmpcf['priority'] = 6; $tmpcf['ecn'] = "on"; $tmpcf['enabled'] = "on"; If ($sched == "CBQ") { $tmpcf['borrow'] = "on"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $remainbw * 0.2; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } else if ($sched == "HFSC") { $lkbw = 0.20 * $remainbw; $tmpcf['linkshare3'] = "{$lkbw}%"; $tmpcf['linkshare'] = "on"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $lkbw; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } array_push($tmppath, "qACK"); $qtmp =& $altq->add_queue($q, &$tmpcf, &$tmppath, $input_errors); array_pop($tmppath); //echo "qACK
"; //var_dump($input_errors); $qtmp->wconfig(); if ($sched == "PRIQ") $q =& new priq_queue(); else if ($sched == "CBQ") $q =& new cbq_queue(); else if ($sched == "HFSC") $q =& new hfsc_queue(); $tmpcf = array(); if ($p2pcatchall) $tmpcf['name'] = "qOthersDefault"; else $tmpcf['name'] = "qDefault"; $tmpcf['priority'] = 3; $tmpcf['enabled'] = "on"; if (!$p2pcatchall) $tmpcf['default'] = "on"; $tmpcf['ecn'] = "on"; if ($sched == "CBQ") { $tmpcf['borrow'] = "on"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $remainbw * 0.1; /* 10% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } else if ($sched == "HFSC") { $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $remainbw * 0.1; /* 10% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } array_push($tmppath, $tmpcf['name']); $qtmp =& $altq->add_queue($q, &$tmpcf, &$tmppath, $input_errors); array_pop($tmppath); //echo "qDefault
"; //var_dump($input_errors); $qtmp->wconfig(); if ($p2p) { if ($sched == "PRIQ") $q =& new priq_queue(); else if ($sched == "CBQ") $q =& new cbq_queue(); else if ($sched == "HFSC") $q =& new hfsc_queue(); $tmpcf = array(); $tmpcf['name'] = "qP2P"; $tmpcf['priority'] = 1; $tmpcf['ecn'] = "on"; $tmpcf['enabled'] = "on"; if ($p2pcatchall) { if ($sched == "CBQ") { $tmpcf['borrow'] = "on"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $p2pcatchbw; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = $p2pcatchbwunit; } else if ($sched == "HFSC") { $tmpcf['linkshare'] = "on"; $tmpcf['linkshare3'] = "{$p2pcatchbw}{$p2pcatchbwunit}"; $tmpcf['upperlimit'] = "on"; $tmpcf['upperlimit3'] = "{$p2pcatchbw}{$p2pcatchbwunit}"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $p2pcatchbw; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = $p2pcatchbwunit; } $tmpcf['default'] = "on"; } else { if ($sched == "CBQ") { $tmpcf['borrow'] = "on"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $remainbw * 0.05; /* 5% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } else if ($sched == "HFSC") { $tmpbw = $remainbw * 0.05; /* 5% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['linkshare'] = "on"; $tmpcf['linkshare3'] = "{$tmpbw}%"; $tmpcf['upperlimit'] = "on"; $tmpcf['upperlimit3'] = "{$tmpbw}%"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $tmpbw; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } } array_push($tmppath, "qP2P"); $qtmp =& $altq->add_queue($q, &$tmpcf, &$tmppath, $input_errors); array_pop($tmppath); //echo "qP2P
"; //var_dump($input_errors); $qtmp->wconfig(); } if ($voip) { if ($sched == "PRIQ") $q =& new priq_queue(); else if ($sched == "CBQ") $q =& new cbq_queue(); else if ($sched == "HFSC") $q =& new hfsc_queue(); $tmpcf = array(); $tmpcf['name'] = "qVoIP"; $tmpcf['priority'] = 7; $tmpcf['ecn'] = "on"; $tmpcf['enabled'] = "on"; if ($sched == "CBQ") { $tmpcf['borrow'] = "on"; if ($voipbw > 0) { $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $voipbw; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = $voipbwunit; } else { $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $remainbw * 0.2; /* 20% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } } else if ($sched == "HFSC") { if ($voipbw > 0) { $tmpcf['realtime3'] = "{$voipbw}{$voipbwunit}"; } else { $voipbw = $remainbw * 0.20; /* 20% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['realtime3'] = "{$voipbw}%"; } $tmpcf['realtime'] = "on"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = 32; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "Kb"; } array_push($tmppath, "qVoIP"); $qtmp =& $altq->add_queue($q, &$tmpcf, &$tmppath, $input_errors); array_pop($tmppath); //echo "qVoIP
"; //var_dump($input_errors); $qtmp->wconfig(); } if ($games) { if ($sched == "PRIQ") $q =& new priq_queue(); else if ($sched == "CBQ") $q =& new cbq_queue(); else if ($sched == "HFSC") $q =& new hfsc_queue(); $tmpcf = array(); $tmpcf['name'] = "qGames"; $tmpcf['priority'] = 5; $tmpcf['enabled'] = "on"; $tmpcf['ecn'] = "on"; if ($sched == "CBQ") { $tmpcf['borrow'] = "on"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $remainbw * 0.2; /* 20% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } else if ($sched == "HFSC") { $gamesbw = $remainbw * 0.2; /* 20% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['linkshare'] = "on"; $tmpcf['linkshare3'] = "{$gamesbw}%"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = "{$gamesbw}"; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } array_push($tmppath, "qGames"); $qtmp =& $altq->add_queue($q, &$tmpcf, &$tmppath, $input_errors); array_pop($tmppath); //echo "qGames
"; //var_dump($input_errors); $qtmp->wconfig(); } if ($otherpriority) { if ($sched == "PRIQ") $q =& new priq_queue(); else if ($sched == "CBQ") $q =& new cbq_queue(); else if ($sched == "HFSC") $q =& new hfsc_queue(); $tmpcf = array(); $tmpcf['name'] = "qOthersHigh"; $tmpcf['priority'] = 4; $tmpcf['ecn'] = "on"; $tmpcf['enabled'] = "on"; if ($sched == "CBQ") { $tmpcf['borrow'] = "on"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $remainbw * 0.1; /* 10% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } else if ($sched == "HFSC") { $tmpcf['linkshare'] = "on"; $otherbw = $remainbw * 0.1; /* 10% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['linkshare3'] = "{$otherbw}%"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $otherbw; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } array_push($tmppath, "qOthersHigh"); $qtmp =& $altq->add_queue($q, &$tmpcf, &$tmppath, $input_errors); array_pop($tmppath); //echo "qHigh
"; //var_dump($input_errors); $qtmp->wconfig(); if ($sched == "PRIQ") $q =& new priq_queue(); else if ($sched == "CBQ") $q =& new cbq_queue(); else if ($sched == "HFSC") $q =& new hfsc_queue(); $tmpcf = array(); $tmpcf['name'] = "qOthersLow"; $tmpcf['priority'] = 2; $tmpcf['ecn'] = "on"; $tmpcf['enabled'] = "on"; if ($sched == "CBQ") { $tmpcf['borrow'] = "on"; if ($penalty) { $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = $penaltybwunit; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $penaltybw; } else { $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $remainbw * 0.05; /* 5% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } } else if ($sched == "HFSC") { if ($penalty) { $tmpcf['linkshare3'] = "{$penaltybw}{$penaltybwunit}"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $penaltybw; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = $penaltybwunit; } else { $lsbw = $remainbw * 0.05; $tmpcf['linkshare3'] = "{$lsbw}%"; /* 5% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $lsbw; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } $tmpcf['linkshare'] = "on"; } array_push($tmppath, "qOthersLow"); $qtmp =& $altq->add_queue($q, &$tmpcf, &$tmppath, $input_errors); array_pop($tmppath); //echo "qLow
"; //var_dump($input_errors); $qtmp->wconfig(); } array_pop($tmppath); } if (!is_array($config['filter']['rule'])) $config['filter']['rule'] = array(); /* Rules */ if ($penalty) { if( is_ipaddr($config['ezshaper']['step4']['address']) || is_alias($config['ezshaper']['step4']['address'])) { $rule = array(); $rule['type'] = "match"; $rule['descr'] = gettext("Penalty Box"); $rule['direction'] = "out"; $rule['source']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['defaultqueue'] = "qOthersLow"; $rule['source']['address'] = $config['ezshaper']['step4']['address']; $rule['destination']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['floating'] = "yes"; $rule['wizard'] = "yes"; $rule['enabled'] = "on"; $config['filter']['rule'][] = $rule; } } /* If user specifies an IP, we don't bother with providers */ if ($voip) { if( is_ipaddr($config['ezshaper']['step3']['address']) || is_alias($config['ezshaper']['step3']['address'])) { /* create VOIP rules */ $rule = array(); $rule['type'] = "match"; $rule['descr'] = gettext("VOIP Adapter"); $rule['direction'] = "out"; $rule['protocol'] = "udp"; $rule['defaultqueue'] = "qVoIP"; $rule['source']['address'] = $config['ezshaper']['step3']['address']; $rule['destination']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['floating'] = "yes"; $rule['wizard'] = "yes"; $rule['enabled'] = "on"; $config['filter']['rule'][] = $rule; } elseif( $config['ezshaper']['step3']['provider'] == "Generic" ) { /* create VOIP rules */ $rule = array(); $rule['type'] = "match"; $rule['descr'] = "DiffServ/Lowdelay/Upload"; $rule['direction'] = "out"; $rule['protocol'] = "udp"; $rule['source']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['defaultqueue'] = "qVoIP"; $rule['destination']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['iptos'] = "lowdelay"; $rule['floating'] = "yes"; $rule['wizard'] = "yes"; $rule['enabled'] = "on"; $config['filter']['rule'][] = $rule; } else { /* loop through voiplist[] */ foreach ($voiplist[$config['ezshaper']['step3']['provider']] as $voip) { $rule = array(); $rule['type'] = "match"; $rule['defaultqueue'] = 'qVoIP'; $rule['direction'] = "out"; $rule['source']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['destination']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['descr'] = "m_voip {$voip[0]} outbound"; $rule['floating'] = "yes"; $rule['wizard'] = "yes"; $rule['enabled'] = "on"; $rule['destination']['port'] = $voip[2]."-".$voip[3]; if($voip[1] != '') $rule['protocol'] = $voip[1]; $config['filter']['rule'][] = $rule; } } } /* loop through p2plist[] */ if ($p2p) { foreach($config['ezshaper']['step5'] as $key => $val) { if (!is_array($p2plist[$key])) continue; foreach ($p2plist[$key] as $p2pclient) { $rule = array(); $rule['type'] = "match"; $rule['defaultqueue'] = 'qP2P'; $rule['direction'] = "out"; $rule['source']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['destination']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['descr'] = "m_P2P {$p2pclient[0]} outbound"; $rule['floating'] = "yes"; $rule['wizard'] = "yes"; $rule['destination']['port'] = $p2pclient[2]."-".$p2pclient[3]; if($p2pclient[1] != '') $rule['protocol'] = $p2pclient[1]; $config['filter']['rule'][] = $rule; } } } /* loop through gamesplist[] */ if ($games) { foreach($config['ezshaper']['step6'] as $key => $val) { if (!is_array($gamesplist[$key])) continue; foreach ($gamesplist[$key] as $Gameclient) { $rule = array(); $rule['type'] = "match"; $rule['defaultqueue'] = 'qGames'; if ($Gameclient[1] == "tcp") $rule['ackqueue'] = 'qACK'; $rule['direction'] = "out"; $rule['source']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['destination']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['floating'] = "yes"; $rule['wizard'] = "yes"; $rule['enabled'] = "on"; $rule['descr'] = "m_Game {$Gameclient[0]} outbound"; $rule['destination']['port'] = $Gameclient[2]."-".$Gameclient[3]; if($Gameclient[1] != '') $rule['protocol'] = $Gameclient[1]; $config['filter']['rule'][] = $rule; } } } /* loop through othersplist[] */ if ($otherpriority) { foreach($config['ezshaper']['step7'] as $key => $val) { if (!is_array($othersplist[$key])) continue; foreach ($othersplist[$key] as $otherclient) { $rule = array(); $rule['type'] = "match"; switch ($val) { case "H": $rule['defaultqueue'] = 'qOthersHigh'; /* posted value H or L */ if ($otherclient[1] == "tcp") $rule['ackqueue'] = 'qACK'; $loop = 0; break; case "L": $rule['defaultqueue'] = 'qOthersLow'; /* posted value H or L */ if ($otherclient[1] == "tcp") $rule['ackqueue'] = 'qACK'; $loop = 0; break; case "D": if ($p2pcatchall) { $loop = 0; $rule['defaultqueue'] = 'qOthersDefault'; if ($otherclient[1] == "tcp") $rule['ackqueue'] = 'qACK'; } else $loop = 1; /* It automitaclly goes to default queue */ break; default: $loop = 1; } if (!$loop) { $rule['direction'] = "out"; $rule['source']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['destination']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['floating'] = "yes"; $rule['wizard'] = "yes"; $rule['enabled'] = "on"; $rule['descr'] = "m_Other {$otherclient[0]} outbound"; if($otherclient[2] or $otherclient[3]) { $rule['destination']['port'] = $otherclient[2]."-".$otherclient[3]; } if($otherclient[1] != '') $rule['protocol'] = $otherclient[1]; $config['filter']['rule'][] = $rule; } } } } write_config(); } function wizard_get_bandwidthtype_scale($type = "b") { switch ($type) { case "Gb": $factor = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; break; case "Mb": $factor = 1024 * 1024; break; case "Kb": $factor = 1024; break; case "b": default: $factor = 1; break; } return intval($factor); } ?>