/* $Id$ */ /* part of pfSense (http://www.pfsense.org/) Copyright (C) 2010 Ermal Lui All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ 12 1 OpenVPN Wizard: Authentication Type Selection OpenVPN Remote Access Server Setup Wizard on listtopic Select an Authentication Backend Type select Type of Server authtype <br/><b>NOTE:</b> If you are unsure, leave this set to "Local User Aceess." ovpnserver->step1->type Next submit step1_submitphpaction(); /usr/local/www/wizards/openvpn_wizard.inc 2 OpenVPN Wizard: LDAP Server Selection OpenVPN Remote Access Server Setup Wizard on listtopic LDAP Authentication Server List authserv LDAP servers select ovpnserver->step2->authserv submit Add new LDAP server submit Next step2_stepbeforeformdisplay(); step2_submitphpaction(); enablechange(); /usr/local/www/wizards/openvpn_wizard.inc 3 OpenVPN Wizard: Add LDAP Server OpenVPN Remote Access Server Setup Wizard on listtopic LDAP Authentication Server Parameters name Name input ovpnserver->step2->authtype Descriptive server name, for your own reference. ip Hostname or IP address input ovpnserver->step2->ip Address of the LDAP server. port Port input 8 ovpnserver->step2->port LDAP Server port, leave blank for the default (389 for TCP, 636 for SSL). transport Transport select ovpnserver->step2->transport <br/>The protocol used by your LDAP server. It can either be standard TCP or SSL encrypted. scope Search Scope Level select ovpnserver->step2->scope basedn Search Scope Base DN input 40 ovpnserver->step2->basedn authscope Authentication Containers input 40 ovpnserver->step2->authscope Semi-Colon separated. This will be prepended to the search base dn above or you can specify full container path.<br/>EXAMPLE: CN=Users;DC=example<br/>EXAMPLE: CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com;OU=OtherUsers,DC=example,DC=com userdn LDAP Bind User DN input 20 If left blank, an anonymous bind will be done. ovpnserver->step2->userdn passdn LDAP Bind Password password 20 ovpnserver->step2->passdn If a user DN was supplied above, this password will also be used when performing a bind operation. nameattr User Naming Attribute input ovpnserver->step2->nameattr Typically "cn" (OpenLDAP, Novell eDirectory), "samAccountName" (Microsoft AD) groupattr Group Naming Attribute input ovpnserver->step2->groupattr Typically "cn" (OpenLDAP, Microsoft AD, and Novell eDirectory) memberattr Member Naming Attribute input ovpnserver->step2->memberattr Typically "member" (OpenLDAP), "memberOf" (Microsoft AD), "uniqueMember" (Novell eDirectory) submit Add new Server step3_submitphpaction(); enablechange(); /usr/local/www/wizards/openvpn_wizard.inc 4 OpenVPN Wizard: RADIUS Server Selection OpenVPN Remote Access Server Setup Wizard on listtopic RADIUS Authentication Server List authserv RADIUS servers select ovpnserver->step2->authserv submit Add new RADIUS server submit Next step4_stepbeforeformdisplay(); step4_submitphpaction(); enablechange(); /usr/local/www/wizards/openvpn_wizard.inc 5 OpenVPN Wizard: Add RADIUS Server OpenVPN Remote Access Server Setup Wizard on listtopic RADIUS Authentication Server Parameters name Name input ovpnserver->step2->authtype Descriptive name for the RADIUS server, for your reference. ip Hostname or IP address input ovpnserver->step2->ip Address of the RADIUS server. port Authentication Port input 8 ovpnserver->step2->port Port used by the RADIUS server for accepting Authentication requests, typically 1812. secret Shared Secret password 20 ovpnserver->step2->password Add new Server submit step5_submitphpaction(); /usr/local/www/wizards/openvpn_wizard.inc 6 OpenVPN Wizard: Certificate Authority Selection OpenVPN Remote Access Server Setup Wizard on Choose a Certificate Authority (CA) listtopic certca_selection certca Certificate Authority ovpnserver->step6->authcertca submit Add new CA Next submit step6_stepbeforeformdisplay(); step6_submitphpaction(); /usr/local/www/wizards/openvpn_wizard.inc 7 OpenVPN Wizard: Add Certificate Authority OpenVPN Remote Access Server Setup Wizard on Create a New Certificate Authority (CA) Certificate listtopic name Descriptive name A name for your reference, to identify this certificate. This is the same as common-name field for other Certificates. input ovpnserver->step6->certca keylength Key length <br/>Size of the key which will be generated. The larger the key, the more security is offers, but larger keys are generally slower to use. select 2048 ovpnserver->step6->keylength lifetime Lifetime input 10 3650 Lifetime in days. This is commonly set to 3650 (Approximately 10 years.) ovpnserver->step6->lifetime country Country Code Two-letter ISO country code (e.g. US, AU, CA) input 5 ovpnserver->step6->country state State or Province Full State of Province name, not abbreviated (e.g. Kentucky, Indiana, Ontario). input 30 ovpnserver->step6->state city City City or other Locality name (e.g. Louisville, Indianapolis, Toronto). input 30 ovpnserver->step6->city organization Organization Organization name, often the Company or Group name. input 30 ovpnserver->step6->organization email E-mail E-mail address for the Certificate contact. Often the e-mail of the person generating the certificate (i.e. You.) input 30 ovpnserver->step6->email Add new CA submit step7_submitphpaction(); /usr/local/www/wizards/openvpn_wizard.inc enablechange(); 8 OpenVPN Wizard: Server Certificate Selection OpenVPN Remote Access Server Setup Wizard on Choose a Server Certificate listtopic cert_selection certname Certificate ovpnserver->step9->authcertname submit Add new Certificate Next submit step8_stepbeforeformdisplay(); step8_submitphpaction(); /usr/local/www/wizards/openvpn_wizard.inc 9 OpenVPN Wizard: Add a Server Certificate OpenVPN Remote Access Server Setup Wizard on Create a New Server Certificate listtopic name Descriptive name A name for your reference, to identify this certificate. This is also known as the certificate's "Common Name." input ovpnserver->step9->certname keylength Key length <br/>Size of the key which will be generated. The larger the key, the more security is offers, but larger keys are generally slower to use. select 2048 ovpnserver->step9->keylength lifetime Lifetime Lifetime in days. This is commonly set to 3650 (Approximately 10 years.) input 10 3650 ovpnserver->step9->lifetime country Country Code Two-letter ISO country code (e.g. US, AU, CA) input 5 ovpnserver->step9->country state State or Province Full State of Province name, not abbreviated (e.g. Kentucky, Indiana, Ontario). input 30 ovpnserver->step9->state city City City or other Locality name (e.g. Louisville, Indianapolis, Toronto). input 30 ovpnserver->step9->city organization Organization Organization name, often the Company or Group name. input 30 ovpnserver->step9->organization email E-mail E-mail address for the Certificate contact. Often the e-mail of the person generating the certificate (i.e. You.) input 30 ovpnserver->step9->email Create new Certificate submit step9_stepbeforeformdisplay(); step9_submitphpaction(); /usr/local/www/wizards/openvpn_wizard.inc 10 OpenVPN Wizard: Server Setup OpenVPN Remote Access Server Setup Wizard on listtopic General OpenVPN Server Information interface interfaces_selection The interface where OpenVPN will listen for incoming connections (typically WAN.) Interface ovpnserver->step10->interface Protocol select ovpnserver->step10->protocol <br/>Protocol to use for OpenVPN connections. If you are unsure, leave this set to UDP. localport Local Port Local port upon which OpenVPN will listen for connections. The default port is 1194. Leave this blank unless you need to use a different port. input 10 ovpnserver->step10->localport description Description A name for this OpenVPN instance, for your reference. It can be set however you like, but is often used to distinguish the purpose of the service (e.g. "Remote Technical Staff"). input 30 ovpnserver->step10->descr listtopic Cryptographic Settings TLS Authentication checkbox on Enable authentication of TLS packets. ovpnserver->step10->tlsauth Generate TLS Key generatetlskey tlssharedkey on checkbox Automatically generate a shared TLS authentication key. ovpnserver->step10->gentlskey TLS Shared Key tlssharedkey Paste in a shared TLS key if one has already been generated. textarea 30 5 ovpnserver->step10->tlskey DH Parameters Length dhparameters select ovpnserver->step10->dhkey <br/>Length of Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange parameters, used for establishing a secure communications channel. As with other such settings, the larger values are more secure, but may be slower in operation. crypto select Encryption Algorithm ovpnserver->step10->crypto <br/>The method used to encrypt traffic between endpoints. This setting must match on the client and server side, but is otherwise set however you like. Certain algorithms will perform better on different hardware, depending on the availability of supported VPN accelerator chips. listtopic Tunnel Settings Tunnel Network tunnelnet input 20 ovpnserver->step10->tunnelnet This is the virtual network used for private communications between this server and client hosts expressed using CIDR notation (eg. The first network address will be assigned to the server virtual interface. The remaining network addresses can optionally be assigned to connecting clients. (see Address Pool) Redirect Gateway redirectgw checkbox Force all client generated traffic through the tunnel. ovpnserver->step10->rdrgw Local Network localnet input 20 ovpnserver->step10->localnet This is the network that will be accessible from the remote endpoint, expressed as a CIDR range. You may leave this blank if you don't want to add a route to the local network through this tunnel on the remote machine. This is generally set to your LAN network. Remote Network remotenet input 20 ovpnserver->step10->remotenet This is a network that will be routed through the tunnel, so that a site-to-site VPN can be established without manually changing the routing tables. Expressed as a CIDR range. If this is a site-to-site VPN, enter the remote LAN here. You may leave this blank if you don't want a site-to-site VPN. Concurrent Connections concurrentcon Specify the maximum number of clients allowed to concurrently connect to this server. input 10 ovpnserver->step10->concurrentcon Compression compression checkbox Compress tunnel packets using the LZO algorithm. ovpnserver->step10->compression Type-of-Service tos checkbox Set the TOS IP header value of tunnel packets to match the encapsulated packet value. ovpnserver->step10->tos Inter-Client Communication interclient checkbox Allow communication between clients connected to this server. ovpnserver->step10->interclient listtopic Client Settings Dynamic IP dynip checkbox on Allow connected clients to retain their connections if their IP address changes. ovpnserver->step10->dynip Address Pool addrpool checkbox on Provide a virtual adapter IP address to clients (see Tunnel Network). ovpnserver->step10->addrpool DNS Default Domain defaultdomain input Provide a default domain name to clients. ovpnserver->step10->defaultdomain DNS Server 1 dnsserver1 input ovpnserver->step10->dns1 DNS server to provide for connecting client systems. DNS Server 2 dnserver2 input ovpnserver->step10->dns2 DNS server to provide for connecting client systems. DNS Server 3 dnserver3 input ovpnserver->step10->dns3 DNS server to provide for connecting client systems. DNS Server 4 dnserver4 input ovpnserver->step10->dns4 DNS server to provide for connecting client systems. NTP Server ntpserver1 input ovpnserver->step10->ntp1 Network Time Protocol server to provide for connecting client systems. NTP Server 2 ntpserver2 input ovpnserver->step10->ntp2 Network Time Protocol server to provide for connecting client systems. nbtenable checkbox NetBIOS Options Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP. <br/>If this option is not set, all NetBIOS-over-TCP/IP options (including WINS) will be disabled. NetBIOS Node Type nbttype select ovpnserver->step10->nbttype <br/>Possible options: b-node (broadcasts), p-node (point-to-point name queries to a WINS server), m-node (broadcast then query name server), and h-node (query name server, then broadcast). NetBIOS Scope ID nbtscope input ovpnserver->step10->nbtscope A NetBIOS Scope ID provides an extended naming service for NetBIOS over TCP/IP. The NetBIOS scope ID isolates NetBIOS traffic on a single network to only those nodes with the same NetBIOS scope ID. WINS Server 1 winsserver1 input ovpnserver->step10->wins1 A Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) server to provide for connecting clients, which allows them to browse Windows shares. This is typically an Active Directory Domain Controller, designated WINS server, or Samba server. WINS Server 2 winsserver2 input ovpnserver->step10->wins2 A Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) server to provide for connecting clients, which allows them to browse Windows shares. This is typically an Active Directory Domain Controller, designated WINS server, or Samba server. Advanced textarea 30 5 Enter any additional options you would like to add to the OpenVPN server configuration here, separated by a semicolon. EXAMPLE: push "route" ovpnserver->step10->advanced Next submit step10_stepbeforeformdisplay(); step10_submitphpaction(); /usr/local/www/wizards/openvpn_wizard.inc 11 OpenVPN Wizard: Firewall Rule Configuration OpenVPN Remote Access Server Setup Wizard on listtopic Firewall Rule Configuration text Firewall Rules control what network traffic is permitted. You must add rules to allow traffic to the OpenVPN server's IP and port, as well as allowing traffic from connected clients through the tunnel. These rules can be automtically added here, or configured manually after completing the wizard. listtopic Traffic from clients to server ovpnrule Firewall Rule Add a rule to permit traffic from clients on the Internet to the OpenVPN server process. checkbox ovpnserver->step11->ovpnrule listtopic Traffic from clients through VPN ovpnallow OpenVPN rule Add a rule to allow all traffic from connected clients to pass across the VPN tunnel. checkbox ovpnserver->step11->ovpnallow Next submit 12 OpenVPN Wizard: Finished! OpenVPN Remote Access Server Setup Wizard on listtopic Configuration Complete! text Your configuration is now complete. text To be able to export client configurations, browse to System->Packages and install the OpenVPN Client Export package. submit Finish step12_submitphpaction(); /usr/local/www/wizards/openvpn_wizard.inc