$auth) { if ($auth['type'] != "ldap") continue; $found = true; $opts = array(); $opts['name'] = $auth['name']; $opts['value'] = $auth['name']; $fields[1]['options']['option'][] = $opts; } if ($found == false) { $stepid = 2; } } function step2_submitphpaction() { global $stepid; if (isset($_POST['next'])) { $_POST['uselist'] = ""; $stepid +=3; } } function step3_submitphpaction() { global $stepid, $savemsg, $config; /* Default LDAP port is 389 for TCP and 636 for SSL */ if (empty($_POST['port'])) { if ($_POST['transport'] == "tcp") $config['ovpnserver']['step2']['port'] = 389; elseif ($_POST['transport'] == "ssl") $config['ovpnserver']['step2']['port'] = 636; } elseif (!is_port($_POST['port'])) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please enter a valid port number."; } if (empty($_POST['name']) || empty($_POST['ip']) ||empty($_POST['transport']) || empty($_POST['scope']) || empty($_POST['basedn']) || empty($_POST['authscope']) || empty($_POST['nameattr'])) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please enter all information for authentication server."; } else if (count(($authcfg = auth_get_authserver($_POST['name']))) > 0) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please choose a different name because an authentication server with this name already exists."; } elseif (!is_fqdn($_POST['ip']) && !is_ipaddr($_POST['ip'])) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please enter a valid IP address or hostname for the authentication server."; } else { $config['ovpnserver']['step2']['uselist'] = "on"; $_POST['uselist'] = "on"; $stepid += 2; } } function step4_stepbeforeformdisplay() { global $pkg, $stepid; $fields =& $pkg['step'][3]['fields']['field']; $found = false; $authlist = auth_get_authserver_list(); $fields[1]['options']['option'] = array(); foreach ($authlist as $i => $auth) { if ($auth['type'] != "radius") continue; $found = true; $opts = array(); $opts['name'] = $auth['name']; $opts['value'] = $auth['name']; $fields[1]['options']['option'][] = $opts; } if ($found == false) $stepid = 4; } function step4_submitphpaction() { global $stepid; if (isset($_POST['next'])) { $_POST['uselist'] = ""; $stepid++; } } function step5_submitphpaction() { global $stepid, $savemsg, $config; /* Default RADIUS Auth port = 1812 */ if (empty($_POST['port'])) { $config['ovpnserver']['step2']['port'] = 1812; } elseif (!is_port($_POST['port'])) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please enter a valid port number."; } if (empty($_POST['name']) || empty($_POST['ip']) || empty($_POST['secret'])) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please enter all information for authentication server."; } else if (count(($authcfg = auth_get_authserver($_POST['name']))) > 0) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please choose a different name because an authentication server with this name already exists."; } elseif (!is_fqdn($_POST['ip']) && !is_ipaddr($_POST['ip'])) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please enter a valid IP address or hostname for the authentication server."; } else { $config['ovpnserver']['step2']['uselist'] = "on"; $_POST['uselist'] = "on"; } } function step6_stepbeforeformdisplay() { global $stepid, $config; if (count($config['ca']) < 1) { $stepid++; } } function step6_submitphpaction() { global $stepid, $config; if (isset($_POST['next'])) { $_POST['uselist'] = ""; $stepid++; } else { $config['ovpnserver']['step6']['uselist'] = "on"; $_POST['uselist'] = "on"; } } function step7_submitphpaction() { global $input_errors, $stepid, $savemsg, $_POST, $config; $canames = array(); $cacns = array(); if (is_array($config['ca'])) { foreach($config['ca'] as $ca) { $canames[] = $ca['descr']; $cainfo = cert_get_subject_hash($ca['crt']); $cacns[] = $cainfo["CN"]; } } if (empty($_POST['descr']) || empty($_POST['keylength']) || empty($_POST['lifetime']) || empty($_POST['country']) || empty($_POST['state']) || empty($_POST['city']) || empty($_POST['organization']) || empty($_POST['email'])) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please enter all information for the new Certificate Authority."; } elseif (has_special_chars($_POST['country']) || has_special_chars($_POST['state']) || has_special_chars($_POST['city']) || has_special_chars($_POST['organization'])) { $stepid--; $input_errors[] = "Please do not use special characters in Certificate field names."; } elseif (in_array($_POST['descr'], $canames) || in_array($_POST['descr'], $cacns)) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please enter a different name for the Certicicate Authority. A Certificate Authority with that name already exists."; } elseif (strlen($_POST['country']) != 2) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please enter only a two-letter ISO country code"; } else { $config['ovpnserver']['step6']['uselist'] = "on"; $_POST['uselist'] = "on"; } } function step8_stepbeforeformdisplay() { global $stepid, $config; if (count($config['cert']) < 1 || (count($config['cert']) == 1 && stristr($config['cert'][0]['descr'], "webconf"))) { $stepid++; } } function step8_submitphpaction() { global $stepid, $_POST; if (isset($_POST['next'])) { $_POST['uselist'] = ""; $stepid++; } } function step9_stepbeforeformdisplay() { global $config, $pkg, $stepid; $pconfig = $config['ovpnserver']; if (isset($pconfig['step6']['uselist'])) { $country = $pconfig['step6']['country']; $state = $pconfig['step6']['state']; $city = $pconfig['step6']['city']; $org = $pconfig['step6']['organization']; } else { $ca = lookup_ca($pconfig['step6']['authcertca']); $cavl = cert_get_subject_array($ca['crt']); $country = $cavl[0]['v']; $state = $cavl[1]['v']; $city = $cavl[2]['v']; $org = $cavl[3]['v']; } $fields =& $pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field']; foreach ($fields as $idx => $field) { switch ($field['name']) { case 'country': $fields[$idx]['value'] = $country; break; case 'state': $fields[$idx]['value'] = $state; break; case 'city': $fields[$idx]['value'] = $city; break; case 'organization': $fields[$idx]['value'] = $org; break; } } } function step9_submitphpaction() { global $input_errors, $stepid, $savemsg, $_POST, $config; $certnames = array(); $certcns = array(); if (is_array($config['cert'])) { foreach($config['cert'] as $cert) { $certnames[] = $cert['descr']; $certinfo = cert_get_subject_hash($cert['crt']); $certcns[] = $certinfo["CN"]; } } if (empty($_POST['descr']) || empty($_POST['keylength']) || empty($_POST['lifetime']) || empty($_POST['country']) || empty($_POST['state']) || empty($_POST['city']) || empty($_POST['organization']) || empty($_POST['email'])) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please enter all information for the new certificate."; } elseif (has_special_chars($_POST['country']) || has_special_chars($_POST['state']) || has_special_chars($_POST['city']) || has_special_chars($_POST['organization'])) { $stepid--; $input_errors[] = "Please do not use special characters in Certificate field names."; } elseif (in_array($_POST['descr'], $certnames) || in_array($_POST['descr'], $certcns)) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please enter a different name for the Certicicate. A Certificate with that name/common name already exists."; } elseif (strlen($_POST['country']) != 2) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please enter only a two-letter ISO country code"; } else { $config['ovpnserver']['step9']['uselist'] = "on"; $_POST['uselist'] = "on"; } } function step10_stepbeforeformdisplay() { global $pkg, $stepid, $netbios_nodetypes; foreach ($pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'] as $idx => $field) { if ($field['name'] == "crypto") { $pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'][$idx]['options']['option'] = array(); $cipherlist = openvpn_get_cipherlist(); foreach ($cipherlist as $name => $desc) { $opt = array(); $opt['name'] = $desc; $opt['value'] = $name; $pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'][$idx]['options']['option'][] = $opt; } } else if ($field['name'] == "engine") { $pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'][$idx]['options']['option'] = array(); $engines = openvpn_get_engines(); foreach ($engines as $name => $desc) { $opt = array(); $opt['name'] = $desc; $opt['value'] = $name; $pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'][$idx]['options']['option'][] = $opt; } } else if ($field['name'] == "nbttype") { $pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'][$idx]['options']['option'] = array(); foreach ($netbios_nodetypes as $type => $name) { $opt = array(); $opt['name'] = $name; $opt['value'] = $type; $pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'][$idx]['options']['option'][] = $opt; } } else if ($field['name'] == "localport") { $pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'][$idx]['value'] = openvpn_port_next('UDP'); } } } function step10_submitphpaction() { global $savemsg, $stepid; /* Default OpenVPN port to next available port if left empty. */ if (empty($_POST['localport'])) $pconfig["step10"]["localport"] = openvpn_port_next('UDP'); /* input validation */ if ($result = openvpn_validate_port($_POST['localport'], 'Local port')) $input_errors[] = $result; if ($result = openvpn_validate_cidr($_POST['tunnelnet'], 'Tunnel network')) $input_errors[] = $result; if ($result = openvpn_validate_cidr($_POST['localnet'], 'Local network')) $input_errors[] = $result; $portused = openvpn_port_used($_POST['protocol'], $_POST['localport']); if ($portused != 0) $input_errors[] = "The specified 'Local port' is in use. Please select another value"; if (!isset($_POST['generatetlskey']) && isset($_POST['tlsauthentication'])) if (!strstr($_POST['tlssharedkey'], "-----BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1-----") || !strstr($_POST['tlssharedkey'], "-----END OpenVPN Static key V1-----")) $input_errors[] = "The field 'TLS Authentication Key' does not appear to be valid"; if (!empty($_POST['dnsserver1']) && !is_ipaddr(trim($_POST['dnsserver1']))) $input_errors[] = "The field 'DNS Server #1' must contain a valid IP address"; if (!empty($_POST['dnsserver2']) && !is_ipaddr(trim($_POST['dnsserver2']))) $input_errors[] = "The field 'DNS Server #2' must contain a valid IP address"; if (!empty($_POST['dnsserver3']) && !is_ipaddr(trim($_POST['dnsserver3']))) $input_errors[] = "The field 'DNS Server #3' must contain a valid IP address"; if (!empty($_POST['dnsserver4']) && !is_ipaddr(trim($_POST['dnsserver4']))) $input_errors[] = "The field 'DNS Server #4' must contain a valid IP address"; if (!empty($_POST['ntpserver1']) && !is_ipaddr(trim($_POST['ntpserver1']))) $input_errors[] = "The field 'NTP Server #1' must contain a valid IP address"; if (!empty($_POST['ntpserver2']) && !is_ipaddr(trim($_POST['ntpserver2']))) $input_errors[] = "The field 'NTP Server #2' must contain a valid IP address"; if (!empty($_POST['winsserver1']) && !is_ipaddr(trim($_POST['winsserver1']))) $input_errors[] = "The field 'WINS Server #1' must contain a valid IP address"; if (!empty($_POST['winsserver2']) && !is_ipaddr(trim($_POST['winsserver2']))) $input_errors[] = "The field 'WINS Server #2' must contain a valid IP address"; if ($_POST['concurrentcon'] && !is_numeric($_POST['concurrentcon'])) $input_errors[] = "The field 'Concurrent connections' must be numeric."; if (empty($_POST['tunnelnet'])) $input_errors[] = "You must specify a 'Tunnel network'."; if (count($input_errors) > 0) { $savemsg = $input_errors[0]; $stepid = $stepid - 1; } } function step12_submitphpaction() { global $config; $pconfig = $config['ovpnserver']; if (!is_array($config['ovpnserver'])) { $message = "No configuration found please retry again."; header("Location:wizard.php?xml=openvpn_wizard.xml&stepid=1&message={$message}"); exit; } if ($pconfig['step1']['type'] == "local") { $auth = array(); $auth['name'] = "Local Database"; $auth['type'] = "local"; } else if (isset($pconfig['step2']['uselist'])) { $auth = array(); $auth['type'] = $pconfig['step1']['type']; $auth['refid'] = uniqid(); $auth['name'] = $pconfig['step2']['authtype']; if ($auth['type'] == "ldap") { $auth['host'] = $pconfig['step2']['ip']; $auth['ldap_port'] = $pconfig['step2']['port']; if ($pconfig['step1']['transport'] == "tcp") $auth['ldap_urltype'] = 'TCP - Standard'; else $auth['ldap_urltype'] = 'SSL - Encrypted'; $auth['ldap_protver'] = 3; $auth['ldap_scope'] = $pconfig['step2']['scope']; $auth['ldap_basedn'] = $pconfig['step2']['basedn']; $auth['ldap_authcn'] = $pconfig['step2']['authscope']; $auth['ldap_binddn'] = $pconfig['step2']['userdn']; $auth['ldap_bindpw'] = $pconfig['step2']['passdn']; $auth['ldap_attr_user'] = $pconfig['step1']['nameattr']; $auth['ldap_attr_member'] = $pconfig['step1']['memberattr']; $auth['ldap_attr_group'] = $pconfig['step1']['groupattr']; } else if ($auth['type'] == "radius") { $auth['host'] = $pconfig['step2']['ip']; $auth['radius_auth_port'] = $pconfig['step2']['port']; $auth['radius_secret'] = $pconfig['step2']['password']; $auth['radius_srvcs'] = "auth"; } if (!is_array($config['system']['authserver'])) $config['system']['authserver'] = array(); $config['system']['authserver'][] = $auth; } else if (!isset($pconfig['step2']['uselist']) && empty($pconfig['step2']['authserv'])) { $message = "Please choose an authentication server ."; header("Location:wizard.php?xml=openvpn_wizard.xml&stepid=1&message={$message}"); exit; } else if (!($auth = auth_get_authserver($pconfig['step2']['authserv']))) { $message = "Not a valid authentication server has been specified."; header("Location:wizard.php?xml=openvpn_wizard.xml&stepid=1&message={$message}"); exit; } if (isset($pconfig['step6']['uselist']) && !empty($pconfig['step6']['certca'])) { $ca = array(); $ca['refid'] = uniqid(); $ca['descr'] = $pconfig['step6']['certca']; $dn = array( 'countryName' => $pconfig['step6']['country'], 'stateOrProvinceName' => $pconfig['step6']['state'], 'localityName' => $pconfig['step6']['city'], 'organizationName' => $pconfig['step6']['organization'], 'emailAddress' => $pconfig['step6']['email'], 'commonName' => $pconfig['step6']['certca']); ca_create($ca, $pconfig['step6']['keylength'], $pconfig['step6']['lifetime'], $dn); if (!is_array($config['ca'])) $config['ca'] = array(); $config['ca'][] = $ca; } else if (!isset($pconfig['step6']['uselist']) && empty($pconfig['step6']['authcertca'])) { $message = "Please choose a Certificate Authority."; header("Location:wizard.php?xml=openvpn_wizard.xml&stepid=5&message={$message}"); exit; } else if (!($ca = lookup_ca($pconfig['step6']['authcertca']))) { $message = "Not a valid Certificate Authority specified."; header("Location:wizard.php?xml=openvpn_wizard.xml&stepid=5&message={$message}"); exit; } if (isset($pconfig['step9']['uselist'])) { $cert = array(); $cert['refid'] = uniqid(); $cert['descr'] = $pconfig['step9']['certname']; $dn = array( 'countryName' => $pconfig['step9']['country'], 'stateOrProvinceName' => $pconfig['step9']['state'], 'localityName' => $pconfig['step9']['city'], 'organizationName' => $pconfig['step9']['organization'], 'emailAddress' => $pconfig['step9']['email'], 'commonName' => $pconfig['step9']['certname']); cert_create($cert, $ca['refid'], $pconfig['step9']['keylength'], $pconfig['step9']['lifetime'], $dn); if (!is_array($config['cert'])) $config['cert'] = array(); $config['cert'][] = $cert; } else if (!isset($pconfig['step6']['uselist']) && empty($pconfig['step9']['authcertname'])) { $message = "Please choose a Certificate."; header("Location:wizard.php?xml=openvpn_wizard.xml&stepid=7&message={$message}"); exit; } else if (!($cert = lookup_cert($pconfig['step9']['authcertname']))) { $message = "Not a valid Certificate specified."; header("Location:wizard.php?xml=openvpn_wizard.xml&stepid=7&message={$message}"); exit; } $server = array(); $server['vpnid'] = openvpn_vpnid_next(); switch ($auth['type']) { case "ldap": $server['authmode'] = $auth['name']; $server['mode'] = "server_user"; break; case "radius": $server['authmode'] = $auth['name']; $server['mode'] = "server_user"; break; default: $server['authmode'] = "Local Database"; $server['mode'] = "server_tls_user"; break; } $server['caref'] = $ca['refid']; $server['certref'] = $cert['refid']; $server['protocol'] = $pconfig['step10']['protocol']; $server['interface'] = $pconfig['step10']['interface']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['localport'])) $server['local_port'] = $pconfig['step10']['localport']; if (strlen($pconfig['step10']['descr']) > 30) $pconfig['step10']['descr'] = substr($pconfig['step10']['descr'], 0, 30); $server['description'] = $pconfig['step10']['descr']; $server['custom_options'] = $pconfig['step10']['advanced']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['tlsauth'])) { if (isset($pconfig['step10']['gentlskey'])) $tlskey = openvpn_create_key(); else $tlskey = $pconfig['step10']['tlskey']; $server['tls'] = base64_encode($tlskey); } $server['dh_length'] = $pconfig['step10']['dhkey']; $server['tunnel_network'] = $pconfig['step10']['tunnelnet']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['rdrgw'])) $server['gwredir'] = $pconfig['step10']['rdrgw']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['localnet'])) $server['local_network'] = $pconfig['step10']['localnet']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['concurrentcon'])) $server['maxclients'] = $pconfig['step10']['concurrentcon']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['compression'])) $server['compression'] = $pconfig['step10']['compression']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['tos'])) $server['passtos'] = $pconfig['step10']['tos']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['interclient'])) $server['client2client'] = $pconfig['step10']['interclient']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['duplicate_cn'])) $server['duplicate_cn'] = $pconfig['step10']['duplicate_cn']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['dynip'])) $server['dynamic_ip'] = $pconfig['step10']['dynip']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['addrpool'])) $server['pool_enable'] = $pconfig['step10']['addrpool']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['defaultdomain'])) $server['dns_domain'] = $pconfig['step10']['defaultdomain']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['dns1'])) $server['dns_server1'] = $pconfig['step10']['dns1']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['dns2'])) $server['dns_server2'] = $pconfig['step10']['dns2']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['dns3'])) $server['dns_server3'] = $pconfig['step10']['dns3']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['dns4'])) $server['dns_server4'] = $pconfig['step10']['dns4']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['ntp1'])) $server['ntp_server1'] = $pconfig['step10']['ntp1']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['ntp2'])) $server['ntp_server2'] = $pconfig['step10']['ntp2']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['wins1'])) $server['wins_server1'] = $pconfig['step10']['wins1']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['wins2'])) $server['wins_server2'] = $pconfig['step10']['wins2']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['nbtenable'])) { $server['netbios_ntype'] = $pconfig['step10']['nbttype']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['nbtscope'])) $server['netbios_scope'] = $pconfig['step10']['nbtscope']; $server['netbios_enable'] = $pconfig['step10']['nbtenable']; } $server['crypto'] = $pconfig['step10']['crypto']; $server['engine'] = $pconfig['step10']['engine']; if (isset($pconfig['step11']['ovpnrule'])) { $rule = array(); $rule['descr'] = gettext("OpenVPN {$server['description']} wizard"); /* Ensure the rule descr is not too long for pf to handle */ if (strlen($rule['descr']) > 52) $rule['descr'] = substr($rule['descr'], 0, 52); $rule['direction'] = "in"; $rule['source']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['destination']['network'] = $server['interface'] . "ip"; $rule['destination']['port'] = $server['local_port']; $rule['interface'] = $server['interface']; $rule['protocol'] = $server['protocol']; $rule['type'] = "pass"; $rule['enabled'] = "on"; $config['filter']['rule'][] = $rule; } if (isset($pconfig['step11']['ovpnallow'])) { $rule = array(); $rule['descr'] = gettext("OpenVPN {$server['description']} wizard"); /* Ensure the rule descr is not too long for pf to handle */ if (strlen($rule['descr']) > 52) $rule['descr'] = substr($rule['descr'], 0, 52); $rule['source']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['destination']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['interface'] = "openvpn"; //$rule['protocol'] = $server['protocol']; $rule['type'] = "pass"; $rule['enabled'] = "on"; $config['filter']['rule'][] = $rule; } if (!is_array($config['openvpn']['openvpn-server'])) $config['openvpn']['openvpn-server'] = array(); $config['openvpn']['openvpn-server'][] = $server; openvpn_resync('server', $server); write_config(); header("Location: vpn_openvpn_server.php"); exit; } ?>