"; } if($_GET['act']=="edit"){ if (isset($id) && $a_csc[$id]) { $pconfig['custom_options'] = $a_csc[$id]['custom_options']; $pconfig['disable'] = $a_csc[$id]['disable']; $pconfig['common_name'] = $a_csc[$id]['common_name']; $pconfig['block'] = $a_csc[$id]['block']; $pconfig['description'] = $a_csc[$id]['description']; $pconfig['tunnel_network'] = $a_csc[$id]['tunnel_network']; $pconfig['gwredir'] = $a_csc[$id]['gwredir']; $pconfig['push_reset'] = $a_csc[$id]['push_reset']; $pconfig['dns_domain'] = $a_csc[$id]['dns_domain']; if ($pconfig['dns_domain']) $pconfig['dns_domain_enable'] = true; $pconfig['dns_server1'] = $a_csc[$id]['dns_server1']; $pconfig['dns_server2'] = $a_csc[$id]['dns_server2']; $pconfig['dns_server3'] = $a_csc[$id]['dns_server3']; $pconfig['dns_server4'] = $a_csc[$id]['dns_server4']; if ($pconfig['dns_server1'] || $pconfig['dns_server2'] || $pconfig['dns_server3'] || $pconfig['dns_server4']) $pconfig['dns_server_enable'] = true; $pconfig['ntp_server1'] = $a_csc[$id]['ntp_server1']; $pconfig['ntp_server2'] = $a_csc[$id]['ntp_server2']; if ($pconfig['ntp_server1'] || $pconfig['ntp_server2']) $pconfig['ntp_server_enable'] = true; $pconfig['netbios_enable'] = $a_csc[$id]['netbios_enable']; $pconfig['netbios_ntype'] = $a_csc[$id]['netbios_ntype']; $pconfig['netbios_scope'] = $a_csc[$id]['netbios_scope']; $pconfig['wins_server1'] = $a_csc[$id]['wins_server1']; $pconfig['wins_server2'] = $a_csc[$id]['wins_server2']; if ($pconfig['wins_server1'] || $pconfig['wins_server2']) $pconfig['wins_server_enable'] = true; $pconfig['nbdd_server1'] = $a_csc[$id]['nbdd_server1']; if ($pconfig['nbdd_server1']) $pconfig['nbdd_server_enable'] = true; } } if ($_POST) { unset($input_errors); $pconfig = $_POST; /* input validation */ if ($result = openvpn_validate_cidr($pconfig['tunnel_network'], 'Tunnel network')) $input_errors[] = $result; if ($pconfig['dns_server_enable']) { if (!empty($pconfig['dns_server1']) && !is_ipaddr(trim($pconfig['dns_server1']))) $input_errors[] = "The field 'DNS Server #1' must contain a valid IP address"; if (!empty($pconfig['dns_server2']) && !is_ipaddr(trim($pconfig['dns_server2']))) $input_errors[] = "The field 'DNS Server #2' must contain a valid IP address"; if (!empty($pconfig['dns_server3']) && !is_ipaddr(trim($pconfig['dns_server3']))) $input_errors[] = "The field 'DNS Server #3' must contain a valid IP address"; if (!empty($pconfig['dns_server4']) && !is_ipaddr(trim($pconfig['dns_server4']))) $input_errors[] = "The field 'DNS Server #4' must contain a valid IP address"; } if ($pconfig['ntp_server_enable']) { if (!empty($pconfig['ntp_server1']) && !is_ipaddr(trim($pconfig['ntp_server1']))) $input_errors[] = "The field 'NTP Server #1' must contain a valid IP address"; if (!empty($pconfig['ntp_server2']) && !is_ipaddr(trim($pconfig['ntp_server2']))) $input_errors[] = "The field 'NTP Server #2' must contain a valid IP address"; if (!empty($pconfig['ntp_server3']) && !is_ipaddr(trim($pconfig['ntp_server3']))) $input_errors[] = "The field 'NTP Server #3' must contain a valid IP address"; if (!empty($pconfig['ntp_server4']) && !is_ipaddr(trim($pconfig['ntp_server4']))) $input_errors[] = "The field 'NTP Server #4' must contain a valid IP address"; } if ($pconfig['netbios_enable']) { if ($pconfig['wins_server_enable']) { if (!empty($pconfig['wins_server1']) && !is_ipaddr(trim($pconfig['wins_server1']))) $input_errors[] = "The field 'WINS Server #1' must contain a valid IP address"; if (!empty($pconfig['wins_server2']) && !is_ipaddr(trim($pconfig['wins_server2']))) $input_errors[] = "The field 'WINS Server #2' must contain a valid IP address"; } if ($pconfig['nbdd_server_enable']) if (!empty($pconfig['nbdd_server1']) && !is_ipaddr(trim($pconfig['nbdd_server1']))) $input_errors[] = "The field 'NetBIOS Data Distribution Server #1' must contain a valid IP address"; } $reqdfields[] = 'common_name'; $reqdfieldsn[] = 'Common name'; do_input_validation($_POST, $reqdfields, $reqdfieldsn, &$input_errors); if (!$input_errors) { $csc = array(); $csc['custom_options'] = $pconfig['custom_options']; $csc['disable'] = $pconfig['disable']; $csc['common_name'] = $pconfig['common_name']; $csc['block'] = $pconfig['block']; $csc['description'] = $pconfig['description']; $csc['tunnel_network'] = $pconfig['tunnel_network']; $csc['gwredir'] = $pconfig['gwredir']; $csc['push_reset'] = $pconfig['push_reset']; if ($pconfig['dns_domain_enable']) $csc['dns_domain'] = $pconfig['dns_domain']; if ($pconfig['dns_server_enable']) { $csc['dns_server1'] = $pconfig['dns_server1']; $csc['dns_server2'] = $pconfig['dns_server2']; $csc['dns_server3'] = $pconfig['dns_server3']; $csc['dns_server4'] = $pconfig['dns_server4']; } if ($pconfig['ntp_server_enable']) { $csc['ntp_server1'] = $pconfig['ntp_server1']; $csc['ntp_server2'] = $pconfig['ntp_server2']; } $csc['netbios_enable'] = $pconfig['netbios_enable']; $csc['netbios_ntype'] = $pconfig['netbios_ntype']; $csc['netbios_scope'] = $pconfig['netbios_scope']; if ($pconfig['netbios_enable']) { if ($pconfig['wins_server_enable']) { $csc['wins_server1'] = $pconfig['wins_server1']; $csc['wins_server2'] = $pconfig['wins_server2']; } if ($pconfig['dns_server_enable']) $csc['nbdd_server1'] = $pconfig['nbdd_server1']; } if (isset($id) && $a_csc[$id]) $a_csc[$id] = $csc; else $a_csc[] = $csc; openvpn_resync_csc($csc); write_config(); header("Location: vpn_openvpn_csc.php"); exit; } } include("head.inc"); ?> ">
General information
/>   Disable this override
Set this option to disable this client specific override without removing it from the list.
Common name
Enter the client's X.509 common name here.
You may enter a description here for your reference (not parsed).
Connection blocking
/> Block this client connection based on its common name.
Don't use this option to permenently disable a client due to a compromised key or password. Use a CRL (certificate revocation list) instead.
Tunnel Settings
Tunnel Network
This is the virtual network used for private communications between this client and the server expressed using CIDR (eg. The first network address is assumed to be the server address and the second network address will be assigned to the client virtual interface.
Redirect Gateway
/> Force all client generated traffic through the tunnel.
Client Settings
Server Definitions
/> Prevent this client from receiving any server defined client settings.
DNS Default Domain
onClick="dns_domain_change()"> Provide a default domain name to clients
DNS Servers
onClick="dns_server_change()"> Provide a DNS server list to clients
Server #1: 
Server #2: 
Server #3: 
Server #4: 
NTP Servers
onClick="ntp_server_change()"> Provide a NTP server list to clients
Server #1: 
Server #2: 
NetBIOS Options
onClick="netbios_change()"> Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP
If this option is not set, all Netbios-over-TCP/IP options (includeing WINS) will be disabled.

Node Type: 
Possible options: b-node (broadcasts), p-node (point-to-point name queries to a WINS server), m-node (broadcast then query name server), and h-node (query name server, then broadcast).

Scope ID: 
A NetBIOS Scope ID provides an extended naming service for NetBIOS over TCP/IP. The NetBIOS scope ID isolates NetBIOS traffic on a single network to only those nodes with the same NetBIOS scope ID.
WINS Servers
onClick="wins_server_change()"> Provide a WINS server list to clients
Server #1: 
Server #2: 

Paste any additional options you would like to pass through to the OpenVPN server here seperated by a semicolon
EXAMPLE: push "route";
Disabled Common Name Description