You must apply the changes in order for them to take effect."); foreach ($a_phase1 as $ph1ent) if (isset($ph1ent['mobile'])) $ph1found = true; if ($pconfig['enable'] && !$ph1found) print_info_box_np("Support for IPsec Mobile clients is enabled but a Phase1 definition was not found.
Please click Create to define one.","create","Create Phase1"); ?>
IKE Extensions > Enable Support of Mobile Clients
Extended Authentication (Xauth)
User Authentication Source:  
Group Authentication Source:  
Client Configuration (mode-cfg)
Virtual Address Pool
onClick="pool_change()"> Provide a vitual IP address to clients

Network:  /
Network List > Provide a list of accessible networks to clients
DNS Default Domain
onClick="dns_domain_change()"> Provide a default domain name to clients

DNS Servers
onClick="dns_server_change()"> Provide a DNS server list to clients

Server #1: 
Server #2: 
Server #3: 
Server #4: 
WINS Servers
onClick="wins_server_change()"> Provide a WINS server list to clients

Server #1: 
Server #2: 
Phase2 PFS Group
onClick="pfs_group_change()"> Provide the Phase2 PFS group to clients ( overrides all mobile phase2 settings )

Login Banner
onClick="login_banner_change()"> Provide a login banner to clients