. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Manuel Kasper . All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* pfSense_BUILDER_BINARIES: pfSense_MODULE: auth */ ##|+PRIV ##|*IDENT=page-system-usermanager ##|*NAME=System: User Manager page ##|*DESCR=Allow access to the 'System: User Manager' page. ##|*MATCH=system_usermanager.php* ##|-PRIV require("certs.inc"); require("guiconfig.inc"); // start admin user code $pgtitle = array(gettext("System"),gettext("User Manager")); if (is_numericint($_GET['id'])) $id = $_GET['id']; if (isset($_POST['id']) && is_numericint($_POST['id'])) $id = $_POST['id']; if (!is_array($config['system']['user'])) $config['system']['user'] = array(); $a_user = &$config['system']['user']; if (isset($id) && $a_user[$id]) { $pconfig['usernamefld'] = $a_user[$id]['name']; $pconfig['descr'] = $a_user[$id]['descr']; $pconfig['expires'] = $a_user[$id]['expires']; $pconfig['groups'] = local_user_get_groups($a_user[$id]); $pconfig['utype'] = $a_user[$id]['scope']; $pconfig['uid'] = $a_user[$id]['uid']; $pconfig['authorizedkeys'] = base64_decode($a_user[$id]['authorizedkeys']); $pconfig['priv'] = $a_user[$id]['priv']; $pconfig['ipsecpsk'] = $a_user[$id]['ipsecpsk']; $pconfig['disabled'] = isset($a_user[$id]['disabled']); } if ($_GET['act'] == "deluser") { if (!$a_user[$id]) { pfSenseHeader("system_usermanager.php"); exit; } conf_mount_rw(); local_user_del($a_user[$id]); conf_mount_ro(); $userdeleted = $a_user[$id]['name']; unset($a_user[$id]); write_config(); $savemsg = gettext("User")." {$userdeleted} ". gettext("successfully deleted")."
"; } else if ($_GET['act'] == "delpriv") { if (!$a_user[$id]) { pfSenseHeader("system_usermanager.php"); exit; } $privdeleted = $priv_list[$a_user[$id]['priv'][$_GET['privid']]]['name']; unset($a_user[$id]['priv'][$_GET['privid']]); local_user_set($a_user[$id]); write_config(); $_GET['act'] = "edit"; $savemsg = gettext("Privilege")." {$privdeleted} ". gettext("successfully deleted")."
"; } else if ($_GET['act'] == "expcert") { if (!$a_user[$id]) { pfSenseHeader("system_usermanager.php"); exit; } $cert =& lookup_cert($a_user[$id]['cert'][$_GET['certid']]); $exp_name = urlencode("{$a_user[$id]['name']}-{$cert['descr']}.crt"); $exp_data = base64_decode($cert['crt']); $exp_size = strlen($exp_data); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$exp_name}"); header("Content-Length: $exp_size"); echo $exp_data; exit; } else if ($_GET['act'] == "expckey") { if (!$a_user[$id]) { pfSenseHeader("system_usermanager.php"); exit; } $cert =& lookup_cert($a_user[$id]['cert'][$_GET['certid']]); $exp_name = urlencode("{$a_user[$id]['name']}-{$cert['descr']}.key"); $exp_data = base64_decode($cert['prv']); $exp_size = strlen($exp_data); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$exp_name}"); header("Content-Length: $exp_size"); echo $exp_data; exit; } else if ($_GET['act'] == "delcert") { if (!$a_user[$id]) { pfSenseHeader("system_usermanager.php"); exit; } $certdeleted = lookup_cert($a_user[$id]['cert'][$_GET['certid']]); $certdeleted = $certdeleted['descr']; unset($a_user[$id]['cert'][$_GET['certid']]); write_config(); $_GET['act'] = "edit"; $savemsg = gettext("Certificate")." {$certdeleted} ". gettext("association removed.")."
"; } else if ($_GET['act'] == "new") { /* * set this value cause the text field is read only * and the user should not be able to mess with this * setting. */ $pconfig['utype'] = "user"; $pconfig['lifetime'] = 3650; } if ($_POST) { unset($input_errors); $pconfig = $_POST; /* input validation */ if (isset($id) && ($a_user[$id])) { $reqdfields = explode(" ", "usernamefld"); $reqdfieldsn = array(gettext("Username")); } else { if (empty($_POST['name'])) { $reqdfields = explode(" ", "usernamefld passwordfld1"); $reqdfieldsn = array( gettext("Username"), gettext("Password")); } else { $reqdfields = explode(" ", "usernamefld passwordfld1 name caref keylen lifetime"); $reqdfieldsn = array( gettext("Username"), gettext("Password"), gettext("Descriptive name"), gettext("Certificate authority"), gettext("Key length"), gettext("Lifetime")); } } do_input_validation($_POST, $reqdfields, $reqdfieldsn, $input_errors); if (preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]/", $_POST['usernamefld'])) $input_errors[] = gettext("The username contains invalid characters."); if (strlen($_POST['usernamefld']) > 16) $input_errors[] = gettext("The username is longer than 16 characters."); if (($_POST['passwordfld1']) && ($_POST['passwordfld1'] != $_POST['passwordfld2'])) $input_errors[] = gettext("The passwords do not match."); if (isset($id) && $a_user[$id]) $oldusername = $a_user[$id]['name']; else $oldusername = ""; /* make sure this user name is unique */ if (!$input_errors) { foreach ($a_user as $userent) { if ($userent['name'] == $_POST['usernamefld'] && $oldusername != $_POST['usernamefld']) { $input_errors[] = gettext("Another entry with the same username already exists."); break; } } } /* also make sure it is not reserved */ if (!$input_errors) { $system_users = explode("\n", file_get_contents("/etc/passwd")); foreach ($system_users as $s_user) { $ent = explode(":", $s_user); if ($ent[0] == $_POST['usernamefld'] && $oldusername != $_POST['usernamefld']) { $input_errors[] = gettext("That username is reserved by the system."); break; } } } /* * Check for a valid expirationdate if one is set at all (valid means, * DateTime puts out a time stamp so any DateTime compatible time * format may be used. to keep it simple for the enduser, we only * claim to accept MM/DD/YYYY as inputs. Advanced users may use inputs * like "+1 day", which will be converted to MM/DD/YYYY based on "now". * Otherwhise such an entry would lead to an invalid expiration data. */ if ($_POST['expires']){ try { $expdate = new DateTime($_POST['expires']); //convert from any DateTime compatible date to MM/DD/YYYY $_POST['expires'] = $expdate->format("m/d/Y"); } catch ( Exception $ex ) { $input_errors[] = gettext("Invalid expiration date format; use MM/DD/YYYY instead."); } } if (!empty($_POST['name'])) { $ca = lookup_ca($_POST['caref']); if (!$ca) $input_errors[] = gettext("Invalid internal Certificate Authority") . "\n"; } /* if this is an AJAX caller then handle via JSON */ if (isAjax() && is_array($input_errors)) { input_errors2Ajax($input_errors); exit; } if (!$input_errors) { conf_mount_rw(); $userent = array(); if (isset($id) && $a_user[$id]) $userent = $a_user[$id]; isset($_POST['utype']) ? $userent['scope'] = $_POST['utype'] : $userent['scope'] = "system"; /* the user name was modified */ if ($_POST['usernamefld'] <> $_POST['oldusername']) { $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] = $_POST['usernamefld']; local_user_del($userent); } /* the user password was mofified */ if ($_POST['passwordfld1']) local_user_set_password($userent, $_POST['passwordfld1']); $userent['name'] = $_POST['usernamefld']; $userent['descr'] = $_POST['descr']; $userent['expires'] = $_POST['expires']; $userent['authorizedkeys'] = base64_encode($_POST['authorizedkeys']); $userent['ipsecpsk'] = $_POST['ipsecpsk']; if($_POST['disabled']) $userent['disabled'] = true; else unset($userent['disabled']); if (isset($id) && $a_user[$id]) $a_user[$id] = $userent; else { if (!empty($_POST['name'])) { $cert = array(); $cert['refid'] = uniqid(); $userent['cert'] = array(); $cert['descr'] = $_POST['name']; $subject = cert_get_subject_array($ca['crt']); $dn = array( 'countryName' => $subject[0]['v'], 'stateOrProvinceName' => $subject[1]['v'], 'localityName' => $subject[2]['v'], 'organizationName' => $subject[3]['v'], 'emailAddress' => $subject[4]['v'], 'commonName' => $userent['name']); cert_create($cert, $_POST['caref'], $_POST['keylen'], (int)$_POST['lifetime'], $dn); if (!is_array($config['cert'])) $config['cert'] = array(); $config['cert'][] = $cert; $userent['cert'][] = $cert['refid']; } $userent['uid'] = $config['system']['nextuid']++; /* Add the user to All Users group. */ foreach ($config['system']['group'] as $gidx => $group) { if ($group['name'] == "all") { if (!is_array($config['system']['group'][$gidx]['member'])) $config['system']['group'][$gidx]['member'] = array(); $config['system']['group'][$gidx]['member'][] = $userent['uid']; break; } } $a_user[] = $userent; } local_user_set_groups($userent,$_POST['groups']); local_user_set($userent); write_config(); if(is_dir("/etc/inc/privhooks")) run_plugins("/etc/inc/privhooks"); conf_mount_ro(); pfSenseHeader("system_usermanager.php"); } } $closehead = false; include("head.inc"); ?> ">
0): $i = 0; foreach( $config['ca'] as $ca) { if (!$ca['prv']) continue; $i++; } ?> 0): ?> > >

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