Interface(s) $carpip) $interfaces[$cif] = $carpip." (".get_vip_descr($carpip).")"; $aliaslist = get_configured_ip_aliases_list(); foreach ($aliaslist as $aliasip => $aliasif) $interfaces[$aliasip] = $aliasip." (".get_vip_descr($aliasip).")"; $size = (count($interfaces) < 10) ? count($interfaces) : 10; ?>

Time servers \n"; echo " "; echo "\n prefer '; echo "\n noselect\n
\n\n"; } ?>
" OnClick="NewTimeServer()">

prefer option indicates that NTP should favor the use of this server more than all others.'); ?>
noselect option indicates that NTP should not use this server for time, but stats for this server will be collected and displayed.'); ?>
Orphan mode
NTP graphs >
Syslog logging ( System Logs > NTP"); ?>).

Statistics logging
"> -
Access restrictions
"> -
Leap seconds
"> -