. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* pfSense_BUILDER_BINARIES: /bin/rm pfSense_MODULE: interfaces */ ##|+PRIV ##|*IDENT=page-services-dhcpserver ##|*NAME=Services: DHCP server page ##|*DESCR=Allow access to the 'Services: DHCP server' page. ##|*MATCH=services_dhcp.php* ##|-PRIV require("guiconfig.inc"); if(!$g['services_dhcp_server_enable']) { Header("Location: /"); exit; } /* This function will remove entries from dhcpd.leases that would otherwise * overlap with static DHCP reservations. If we don't clean these out, * then DHCP will print a warning in the logs about a duplicate lease */ function dhcp_clean_leases() { global $g, $config; $leasesfile = "{$g['dhcpd_chroot_path']}/var/db/dhcpd.leases"; if (!file_exists($leasesfile)) return; /* Build list of static MACs */ $staticmacs = array(); foreach($config['interfaces'] as $ifname => $ifarr) if (is_array($config['dhcpd'][$ifname]['staticmap'])) foreach($config['dhcpd'][$ifname]['staticmap'] as $static) $staticmacs[] = $static['mac']; /* Read existing leases */ $leases_contents = explode("\n", file_get_contents($leasesfile)); $newleases_contents = array(); $i=0; while ($i < count($leases_contents)) { /* Find a lease definition */ if (substr($leases_contents[$i], 0, 6) == "lease ") { $templease = array(); $thismac = ""; /* Read to the end of the lease declaration */ do { if (substr($leases_contents[$i], 0, 20) == " hardware ethernet ") $thismac = substr($leases_contents[$i], 20, 17); $templease[] = $leases_contents[$i]; $i++; } while ($leases_contents[$i-1] != "}"); /* Check for a matching MAC address and if not present, keep it. */ if (! in_array($thismac, $staticmacs)) $newleases_contents = array_merge($newleases_contents, $templease); } else { /* It's a line we want to keep, copy it over. */ $newleases_contents[] = $leases_contents[$i]; $i++; } } /* Write out the new leases file */ $fd = fopen($leasesfile, 'w'); fwrite($fd, implode("\n", $newleases_contents)); fclose($fd); } $if = $_GET['if']; if (!empty($_POST['if'])) $if = $_POST['if']; /* if OLSRD is enabled, allow WAN to house DHCP. */ if($config['installedpackages']['olsrd']) { foreach($config['installedpackages']['olsrd']['config'] as $olsrd) { if($olsrd['enable']) { $is_olsr_enabled = true; break; } } } if (!$_GET['if']) $savemsg = "" . gettext("The DHCP Server can only be enabled on interfaces configured with static IP addresses") . ".

" . gettext("Only interfaces configured with a static IP will be shown") . ".

"; $iflist = get_configured_interface_with_descr(); /* set the starting interface */ if (!$if || !isset($iflist[$if])) { foreach ($iflist as $ifent => $ifname) { $oc = $config['interfaces'][$ifent]; if ((is_array($config['dhcpd'][$ifent]) && !isset($config['dhcpd'][$ifent]['enable']) && (!is_ipaddrv4($oc['ipaddr']))) || (!is_array($config['dhcpd'][$ifent]) && (!is_ipaddrv4($oc['ipaddr'])))) continue; $if = $ifent; break; } } $act = $_GET['act']; if (!empty($_POST['act'])) $act = $_POST['act']; if (is_array($config['dhcpd'][$if])){ $pool = $_GET['pool']; if (is_numeric($_POST['pool'])) $pool = $_POST['pool']; // If we have a pool but no interface name, that's not valid. Redirect away. if (is_numeric($pool) && empty($if)) { header("Location: services_dhcp.php"); exit; } if (!is_array($config['dhcpd'][$if]['pool'])) $config['dhcpd'][$if]['pool'] = array(); $a_pools = &$config['dhcpd'][$if]['pool']; if (is_numeric($pool) && $a_pools[$pool]) $dhcpdconf = &$a_pools[$pool]; elseif ($act == "newpool") $dhcpdconf = array(); else $dhcpdconf = &$config['dhcpd'][$if]; } if (is_array($dhcpdconf)) { // Global Options if (!is_numeric($pool) && !($act == "newpool")) { $pconfig['enable'] = isset($dhcpdconf['enable']); $pconfig['staticarp'] = isset($dhcpdconf['staticarp']); // No reason to specify this per-pool, per the dhcpd.conf man page it needs to be in every // pool and should be specified in every pool both nodes share, so we'll treat it as global $pconfig['failover_peerip'] = $dhcpdconf['failover_peerip']; $pconfig['dhcpleaseinlocaltime'] = $dhcpdconf['dhcpleaseinlocaltime']; if (!is_array($dhcpdconf['staticmap'])) $dhcpdconf['staticmap'] = array(); $a_maps = &$dhcpdconf['staticmap']; } else { // Options that exist only in pools $pconfig['descr'] = $dhcpdconf['descr']; } // Options that can be global or per-pool. if (is_array($dhcpdconf['range'])) { $pconfig['range_from'] = $dhcpdconf['range']['from']; $pconfig['range_to'] = $dhcpdconf['range']['to']; } $pconfig['deftime'] = $dhcpdconf['defaultleasetime']; $pconfig['maxtime'] = $dhcpdconf['maxleasetime']; $pconfig['gateway'] = $dhcpdconf['gateway']; $pconfig['domain'] = $dhcpdconf['domain']; $pconfig['domainsearchlist'] = $dhcpdconf['domainsearchlist']; list($pconfig['wins1'],$pconfig['wins2']) = $dhcpdconf['winsserver']; list($pconfig['dns1'],$pconfig['dns2']) = $dhcpdconf['dnsserver']; $pconfig['denyunknown'] = isset($dhcpdconf['denyunknown']); $pconfig['ddnsdomain'] = $dhcpdconf['ddnsdomain']; $pconfig['ddnsupdate'] = isset($dhcpdconf['ddnsupdate']); $pconfig['mac_allow'] = $dhcpdconf['mac_allow']; $pconfig['mac_deny'] = $dhcpdconf['mac_deny']; list($pconfig['ntp1'],$pconfig['ntp2']) = $dhcpdconf['ntpserver']; $pconfig['tftp'] = $dhcpdconf['tftp']; $pconfig['ldap'] = $dhcpdconf['ldap']; $pconfig['netboot'] = isset($dhcpdconf['netboot']); $pconfig['nextserver'] = $dhcpdconf['nextserver']; $pconfig['filename'] = $dhcpdconf['filename']; $pconfig['rootpath'] = $dhcpdconf['rootpath']; $pconfig['netmask'] = $dhcpdconf['netmask']; $pconfig['numberoptions'] = $dhcpdconf['numberoptions']; } $ifcfgip = $config['interfaces'][$if]['ipaddr']; $ifcfgsn = $config['interfaces'][$if]['subnet']; function validate_partial_mac_list($maclist) { $macs = explode(',', $maclist); // Loop through and look for invalid MACs. foreach ($macs as $mac) if (!is_macaddr($mac, true)) return false; return true; } if ($_POST) { unset($input_errors); $pconfig = $_POST; $numberoptions = array(); for($x=0; $x<99; $x++) { if(isset($_POST["number{$x}"]) && ctype_digit($_POST["number{$x}"])) { $numbervalue = array(); $numbervalue['number'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST["number{$x}"]); $numbervalue['type'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST["itemtype{$x}"]); $numbervalue['value'] = str_replace('"', '"', htmlspecialchars($_POST["value{$x}"])); $numberoptions['item'][] = $numbervalue; } } // Reload the new pconfig variable that the forum uses. $pconfig['numberoptions'] = $numberoptions; /* input validation */ if ($_POST['enable'] || is_numeric($pool) || $act == "newpool") { $reqdfields = explode(" ", "range_from range_to"); $reqdfieldsn = array(gettext("Range begin"),gettext("Range end")); do_input_validation($_POST, $reqdfields, $reqdfieldsn, $input_errors); if (($_POST['range_from'] && !is_ipaddrv4($_POST['range_from']))) $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid range must be specified."); if (($_POST['range_to'] && !is_ipaddrv4($_POST['range_to']))) $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid range must be specified."); if (($_POST['gateway'] && !is_ipaddrv4($_POST['gateway']))) $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid IP address must be specified for the gateway."); if (($_POST['wins1'] && !is_ipaddrv4($_POST['wins1'])) || ($_POST['wins2'] && !is_ipaddrv4($_POST['wins2']))) $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid IP address must be specified for the primary/secondary WINS servers."); $parent_ip = get_interface_ip($_POST['if']); if (is_ipaddrv4($parent_ip) && $_POST['gateway']) { $parent_sn = get_interface_subnet($_POST['if']); if(!ip_in_subnet($_POST['gateway'], gen_subnet($parent_ip, $parent_sn) . "/" . $parent_sn) && !ip_in_interface_alias_subnet($_POST['if'], $_POST['gateway'])) $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("The gateway address %s does not lie within the chosen interface's subnet."), $_POST['gateway']); } if (($_POST['dns1'] && !is_ipaddrv4($_POST['dns1'])) || ($_POST['dns2'] && !is_ipaddrv4($_POST['dns2']))) $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid IP address must be specified for the primary/secondary DNS servers."); if ($_POST['deftime'] && (!is_numeric($_POST['deftime']) || ($_POST['deftime'] < 60))) $input_errors[] = gettext("The default lease time must be at least 60 seconds."); if ($_POST['maxtime'] && (!is_numeric($_POST['maxtime']) || ($_POST['maxtime'] < 60) || ($_POST['maxtime'] <= $_POST['deftime']))) $input_errors[] = gettext("The maximum lease time must be at least 60 seconds and higher than the default lease time."); if (($_POST['ddnsdomain'] && !is_domain($_POST['ddnsdomain']))) $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid domain name must be specified for the dynamic DNS registration."); if ($_POST['domainsearchlist']) { $domain_array=preg_split("/[ ;]+/",$_POST['domainsearchlist']); foreach ($domain_array as $curdomain) { if (!is_domain($curdomain)) { $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid domain search list must be specified."); break; } } } // Validate MACs if (!empty($_POST['mac_allow']) && !validate_partial_mac_list($_POST['mac_allow'])) $input_errors[] = gettext("If you specify a mac allow list, it must contain only valid partial MAC addresses."); if (!empty($_POST['mac_deny']) && !validate_partial_mac_list($_POST['mac_deny'])) $input_errors[] = gettext("If you specify a mac deny list, it must contain only valid partial MAC addresses."); if (($_POST['ntp1'] && !is_ipaddrv4($_POST['ntp1'])) || ($_POST['ntp2'] && !is_ipaddrv4($_POST['ntp2']))) $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid IP address must be specified for the primary/secondary NTP servers."); if (($_POST['domain'] && !is_domain($_POST['domain']))) $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid domain name must be specified for the DNS domain."); if ($_POST['tftp'] && !is_ipaddrv4($_POST['tftp']) && !is_domain($_POST['tftp']) && !is_URL($_POST['tftp'])) $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid IP address or hostname must be specified for the TFTP server."); if (($_POST['nextserver'] && !is_ipaddrv4($_POST['nextserver']))) $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid IP address must be specified for the network boot server."); if(gen_subnet($ifcfgip, $ifcfgsn) == $_POST['range_from']) $input_errors[] = gettext("You cannot use the network address in the starting subnet range."); if(gen_subnet_max($ifcfgip, $ifcfgsn) == $_POST['range_to']) $input_errors[] = gettext("You cannot use the broadcast address in the ending subnet range."); // Disallow a range that includes the virtualip if (is_array($config['virtualip']['vip'])) { foreach($config['virtualip']['vip'] as $vip) { if($vip['interface'] == $if) if($vip['subnet'] && is_inrange_v4($vip['subnet'], $_POST['range_from'], $_POST['range_to'])) $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("The subnet range cannot overlap with virtual IP address %s."),$vip['subnet']); } } $noip = false; if(is_array($a_maps)) foreach ($a_maps as $map) if (empty($map['ipaddr'])) $noip = true; if ($_POST['staticarp'] && $noip) $input_errors[] = "Cannot enable static ARP when you have static map entries without IP addresses. Ensure all static maps have IP addresses and try again."; if(is_array($pconfig['numberoptions']['item'])) { foreach ($pconfig['numberoptions']['item'] as $numberoption) { if ( $numberoption['type'] == 'text' && strstr($numberoption['value'], '"') ) $input_errors[] = gettext("Text type cannot include quotation marks."); else if ( $numberoption['type'] == 'string' && !preg_match('/^"[^"]*"$/', $numberoption['value']) && !preg_match('/^[0-9a-f]{2}(?:\:[0-9a-f]{2})*$/i', $numberoption['value']) ) $input_errors[] = gettext("String type must be enclosed in quotes like \"this\" or must be a series of octets specified in hexadecimal, separated by colons, like 01:23:45:67:89:ab:cd:ef"); else if ( $numberoption['type'] == 'boolean' && $numberoption['value'] != 'true' && $numberoption['value'] != 'false' && $numberoption['value'] != 'on' && $numberoption['value'] != 'off' ) $input_errors[] = gettext("Boolean type must be true, false, on, or off."); else if ( $numberoption['type'] == 'unsigned integer 8' && (!is_numeric($numberoption['value']) || $numberoption['value'] < 0 || $numberoption['value'] > 255) ) $input_errors[] = gettext("Unsigned 8-bit integer type must be a number in the range 0 to 255."); else if ( $numberoption['type'] == 'unsigned integer 16' && (!is_numeric($numberoption['value']) || $numberoption['value'] < 0 || $numberoption['value'] > 65535) ) $input_errors[] = gettext("Unsigned 16-bit integer type must be a number in the range 0 to 65535."); else if ( $numberoption['type'] == 'unsigned integer 32' && (!is_numeric($numberoption['value']) || $numberoption['value'] < 0 || $numberoption['value'] > 4294967295) ) $input_errors[] = gettext("Unsigned 32-bit integer type must be a number in the range 0 to 4294967295."); else if ( $numberoption['type'] == 'signed integer 8' && (!is_numeric($numberoption['value']) || $numberoption['value'] < -128 || $numberoption['value'] > 127) ) $input_errors[] = gettext("Signed 8-bit integer type must be a number in the range -128 to 127."); else if ( $numberoption['type'] == 'signed integer 16' && (!is_numeric($numberoption['value']) || $numberoption['value'] < -32768 || $numberoption['value'] > 32767) ) $input_errors[] = gettext("Signed 16-bit integer type must be a number in the range -32768 to 32767."); else if ( $numberoption['type'] == 'signed integer 32' && (!is_numeric($numberoption['value']) || $numberoption['value'] < -2147483648 || $numberoption['value'] > 2147483647) ) $input_errors[] = gettext("Signed 32-bit integer type must be a number in the range -2147483648 to 2147483647."); else if ( $numberoption['type'] == 'ip-address' && !is_ipaddrv4($numberoption['value']) && !is_hostname($numberoption['value']) ) $input_errors[] = gettext("IP address or host type must be an IP address or host name."); } } if (!$input_errors) { /* make sure the range lies within the current subnet */ $subnet_start = ip2ulong(long2ip32(ip2long($ifcfgip) & gen_subnet_mask_long($ifcfgsn))); $subnet_end = ip2ulong(long2ip32(ip2long($ifcfgip) | (~gen_subnet_mask_long($ifcfgsn)))); if ((ip2ulong($_POST['range_from']) < $subnet_start) || (ip2ulong($_POST['range_from']) > $subnet_end) || (ip2ulong($_POST['range_to']) < $subnet_start) || (ip2ulong($_POST['range_to']) > $subnet_end)) { $input_errors[] = gettext("The specified range lies outside of the current subnet."); } if (ip2ulong($_POST['range_from']) > ip2ulong($_POST['range_to'])) $input_errors[] = gettext("The range is invalid (first element higher than second element)."); // TODO: Ensure range and pools do not overlap! // If we're editing the main range, check pools // If we're editing a pool, locate parent range and other pools. /* make sure that the DHCP Relay isn't enabled on this interface */ if (isset($config['dhcrelay']['enable']) && (stristr($config['dhcrelay']['interface'], $if) !== false)) $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("You must disable the DHCP relay on the %s interface before enabling the DHCP server."),$iflist[$if]); $dynsubnet_start = ip2ulong($_POST['range_from']); $dynsubnet_end = ip2ulong($_POST['range_to']); if (is_array($a_maps)) { foreach ($a_maps as $map) { if (empty($map['ipaddr'])) continue; if ((ip2ulong($map['ipaddr']) > $dynsubnet_start) && (ip2ulong($map['ipaddr']) < $dynsubnet_end)) { $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("The DHCP range cannot overlap any static DHCP mappings.")); break; } } } } } if (!$input_errors) { if (!is_numeric($pool)) { if ($act == "newpool") { $dhcpdconf = array(); } else { if (!is_array($config['dhcpd'][$if])) $config['dhcpd'][$if] = array(); $dhcpdconf = $config['dhcpd'][$if]; } } else { if (is_array($a_pools[$pool])) { $dhcpdconf = $a_pools[$pool]; } else { // Someone specified a pool but it doesn't exist. Punt. header("Location: services_dhcp.php"); exit; } } if (!is_array($dhcpdconf['range'])) $dhcpdconf['range'] = array(); // Global Options if (!is_numeric($pool) && !($act == "newpool")) { $dhcpdconf['enable'] = ($_POST['enable']) ? true : false; $dhcpdconf['staticarp'] = ($_POST['staticarp']) ? true : false; $previous = $dhcpdconf['failover_peerip']; if($previous <> $_POST['failover_peerip']) mwexec("/bin/rm -rf /var/dhcpd/var/db/*"); $dhcpdconf['failover_peerip'] = $_POST['failover_peerip']; $dhcpdconf['dhcpleaseinlocaltime'] = $_POST['dhcpleaseinlocaltime']; } else { // Options that exist only in pools $dhcpdconf['descr'] = $_POST['descr']; } // Options that can be global or per-pool. $dhcpdconf['range']['from'] = $_POST['range_from']; $dhcpdconf['range']['to'] = $_POST['range_to']; $dhcpdconf['defaultleasetime'] = $_POST['deftime']; $dhcpdconf['maxleasetime'] = $_POST['maxtime']; $dhcpdconf['netmask'] = $_POST['netmask']; unset($dhcpdconf['winsserver']); if ($_POST['wins1']) $dhcpdconf['winsserver'][] = $_POST['wins1']; if ($_POST['wins2']) $dhcpdconf['winsserver'][] = $_POST['wins2']; unset($dhcpdconf['dnsserver']); if ($_POST['dns1']) $dhcpdconf['dnsserver'][] = $_POST['dns1']; if ($_POST['dns2']) $dhcpdconf['dnsserver'][] = $_POST['dns2']; $dhcpdconf['gateway'] = $_POST['gateway']; $dhcpdconf['domain'] = $_POST['domain']; $dhcpdconf['domainsearchlist'] = $_POST['domainsearchlist']; $dhcpdconf['denyunknown'] = ($_POST['denyunknown']) ? true : false; $dhcpdconf['ddnsdomain'] = $_POST['ddnsdomain']; $dhcpdconf['ddnsupdate'] = ($_POST['ddnsupdate']) ? true : false; $dhcpdconf['mac_allow'] = $_POST['mac_allow']; $dhcpdconf['mac_deny'] = $_POST['mac_deny']; unset($dhcpdconf['ntpserver']); if ($_POST['ntp1']) $dhcpdconf['ntpserver'][] = $_POST['ntp1']; if ($_POST['ntp2']) $dhcpdconf['ntpserver'][] = $_POST['ntp2']; $dhcpdconf['tftp'] = $_POST['tftp']; $dhcpdconf['ldap'] = $_POST['ldap']; $dhcpdconf['netboot'] = ($_POST['netboot']) ? true : false; $dhcpdconf['nextserver'] = $_POST['nextserver']; $dhcpdconf['filename'] = $_POST['filename']; $dhcpdconf['rootpath'] = $_POST['rootpath']; // Handle the custom options rowhelper if(isset($dhcpdconf['numberoptions']['item'])) unset($dhcpdconf['numberoptions']['item']); $dhcpdconf['numberoptions'] = $numberoptions; if (is_numeric($pool) && is_array($a_pools[$pool])) { $a_pools[$pool] = $dhcpdconf; } elseif ($act == "newpool") { $a_pools[] = $dhcpdconf; } else { $config['dhcpd'][$if] = $dhcpdconf; } write_config(); $retval = 0; $retvaldhcp = 0; $retvaldns = 0; /* Stop DHCP so we can cleanup leases */ killbyname("dhcpd"); dhcp_clean_leases(); /* dnsmasq_configure calls dhcpd_configure */ /* no need to restart dhcpd twice */ if (isset($config['dnsmasq']['regdhcpstatic'])) { $retvaldns = services_dnsmasq_configure(); if ($retvaldns == 0) { clear_subsystem_dirty('hosts'); clear_subsystem_dirty('staticmaps'); } } else { $retvaldhcp = services_dhcpd_configure(); if ($retvaldhcp == 0) clear_subsystem_dirty('staticmaps'); } if($retvaldhcp == 1 || $retvaldns == 1) $retval = 1; $savemsg = get_std_save_message($retval); } } if ($act == "delpool") { if ($a_pools[$_GET['id']]) { unset($a_pools[$_GET['id']]); write_config(); header("Location: services_dhcp.php?if={$if}"); exit; } } if ($act == "del") { if ($a_maps[$_GET['id']]) { unset($a_maps[$_GET['id']]); write_config(); if(isset($config['dhcpd'][$if]['enable'])) { mark_subsystem_dirty('staticmaps'); if (isset($config['dnsmasq']['regdhcpstatic'])) mark_subsystem_dirty('hosts'); } header("Location: services_dhcp.php?if={$if}"); exit; } } $pgtitle = array(gettext("Services"),gettext("DHCP server")); $shortcut_section = "dhcp"; include("head.inc"); ?>
"; echo ""; exit; } ?>

" . gettext("You must apply the changes in order for them to take effect."));?>
$ifname) { $oc = $config['interfaces'][$ifent]; if ((is_array($config['dhcpd'][$ifent]) && !isset($config['dhcpd'][$ifent]['enable']) && (!is_ipaddrv4($oc['ipaddr']))) || (!is_array($config['dhcpd'][$ifent]) && (!is_ipaddrv4($oc['ipaddr'])))) continue; if ($ifent == $if) $active = true; else $active = false; $tab_array[] = array($ifname, $active, "services_dhcp.php?if={$ifent}"); $tabscounter++; } if ($tabscounter == 0) { echo "

"; include("fend.inc"); echo ""; echo ""; exit; } display_top_tabs($tab_array); ?>
In-use DHCP Pool Ranges:

"> -
"> -
"> -
"> -
"> -
"> -
"> -
  " onclick="enable_change(true)">


"" or $mapent['ipaddr'] <> ""): ?>
ARP Table Static Entry      