$g['captiveportal_element_sizelimit']) { $input_errors[] = "The total size of all files uploaded may not exceed " . format_bytes($g['captiveportal_element_sizelimit']) . "."; } if (!$input_errors) { $element = array(); $element['name'] = $name; $element['size'] = $size; $element['content'] = base64_encode(file_get_contents($_FILES['new']['tmp_name'])); $a_element[] = $element; cpelements_sort(); write_config(); captiveportal_write_elements(); header("Location: services_captiveportal_filemanager.php"); exit; } } } else { if (($_GET['act'] == "del") && $a_element[$_GET['id']]) { conf_mount_rw(); unlink_if_exists($g['captiveportal_path'] . "/" . $a_element[$id]['name']); unset($a_element[$_GET['id']]); write_config(); captiveportal_write_elements(); conf_mount_ro(); header("Location: services_captiveportal_filemanager.php"); exit; } } include("head.inc"); ?>
0): ?>
Name Size
Any files that you upload here with the filename prefix of captiveportal- will be made available in the root directory of the captive portal HTTP(S) server. You may reference them directly from your portal page HTML code using relative paths. Example: you've uploaded an image with the name 'captiveportal-test.jpg' using the file manager. Then you can include it in your portal page like this:

<img src="captiveportal-test.jpg" width=... height=...>

In addition, you can also upload .php files for execution. You can pass the filename to your custom page from the initial page by using text similar to:

<a href="/captiveportal-aup.php?redirurl=$PORTAL_REDIRURL$">Acceptable usage policy</a>

The total size limit for all files is .