"" ? false : true, "pkg_mgr.php"); $tab_array[] = array("Packages for any platform", $requested_version == "none" ? true : false, "pkg_mgr.php?ver=none"); /* $tab_array[] = array("Packages with a different version", $requested_version == "other" ? true : false, "pkg_mgr.php?ver=other"); */ $tab_array[] = array("Installed Packages", false, "pkg_mgr_installed.php"); display_top_tabs($tab_array); ?>
"; } else { $pfSense_installed_version = rtrim(file_get_contents("/etc/version")); $pkgs = array(); $instpkgs = array(); if($config['installedpackages']['package'] != "") foreach($config['installedpackages']['package'] as $instpkg) $instpkgs[] = $instpkg['name']; $pkg_names = array_keys($pkg_info); $pkg_keys = array(); foreach($pkg_names as $name) { if(!in_array($name, $instpkgs)) $pkg_keys[] = $name; } sort($pkg_keys); if(count($pkg_keys) != 0) { foreach($pkg_keys as $key) { $index = &$pkg_info[$key]; if(in_array($index['name'], $instpkgs)) continue; $dot = strpos($index['required_version'], "."); $index['major_version'] = substr($index['required_version'], 0, $dot); if ($version <> "HEAD" && $index['required_version'] == "HEAD" && $requested_version <> "other") { continue; } if (empty($index['required_version']) && $requested_version <> "none") { continue; } if($index['major_version'] > $major && $requested_version <> "other") { continue; } if(isset($index['major_version']) && $requested_version == "none") { continue; } if($index['major_version'] == $major && $requested_version == "other") { continue; } ?> '; } } ?>
Package Name Category Status Package Info Description
There are currently no packages available for installation.

Package Info"; } else { echo "No info, check the forum"; } ?>
There are currently no packages available for installation.