"") { require_once($pkg['include_file']); } if (!isset($pkg['adddeleteeditpagefields'])) $only_edit = true; else $only_edit = false; $package_name = $pkg['menu'][0]['name']; $section = $pkg['menu'][0]['section']; $config_path = $pkg['configpath']; $name = $pkg['name']; $title = $pkg['title']; $pgtitle = $title; $id = $_GET['id']; if (isset($_POST['id'])) $id = $_POST['id']; if($pkg['custom_php_global_functions'] <> "") eval($pkg['custom_php_global_functions']); // grab the installedpackages->package_name section. if(!is_array($config['installedpackages'][xml_safe_fieldname($pkg['name'])]['config'])) $config['installedpackages'][xml_safe_fieldname($pkg['name'])]['config'] = array(); $a_pkg = &$config['installedpackages'][xml_safe_fieldname($pkg['name'])]['config']; if($_GET['savemsg'] <> "") $savemsg = $_GET['savemsg']; if($pkg['custom_php_command_before_form'] <> "") eval($pkg['custom_php_command_before_form']); if ($_POST) { if($_POST['act'] == "del") { if($pkg['custom_delete_php_command']) { if($pkg['custom_php_command_before_form'] <> "") eval($pkg['custom_php_command_before_form']); eval($pkg['custom_delete_php_command']); } write_config($pkg['delete_string']); // resync the configuration file code if defined. if($pkg['custom_php_resync_config_command'] <> "") { if($pkg['custom_php_command_before_form'] <> "") eval($pkg['custom_php_command_before_form']); eval($pkg['custom_php_resync_config_command']); } } else { if($pkg['custom_add_php_command']) { if($pkg['donotsave'] <> "" or $pkg['preoutput'] <> "") { ?>
"; eval($pkg['custom_add_php_command']); if($pkg['preoutput']) echo ""; } } // donotsave is enabled. lets simply exit. if($pkg['donotsave'] <> "") exit; $firstfield = ""; $rows = 0; $input_errors = array(); $reqfields = array(); $reqfieldsn = array(); foreach ($pkg['fields']['field'] as $field) { if (($field['type'] == 'input') && isset($field['required'])) { $reqfields[] = $field['fieldname']; $reqfieldsn[] = $field['fielddescr']; } } do_input_validation($_POST, $reqfields, $reqfieldsn, &$input_errors); if ($pkg['custom_php_validation_command']) eval($pkg['custom_php_validation_command']); // store values in xml configration file. if (!$input_errors) { $pkgarr = array(); foreach ($pkg['fields']['field'] as $fields) { if($fields['type'] == "rowhelper") { // save rowhelper items. for($x=0; $x<99; $x++) { // XXX: this really should be passed from the form. // XXX: this really is not helping embedded platforms. foreach($fields['rowhelper']['rowhelperfield'] as $rowhelperfield) { if($firstfield == "") { $firstfield = $rowhelperfield['fieldname']; } else { if($firstfield == $rowhelperfield['fieldname']) $rows++; } $comd = "\$value = \$_POST['" . $rowhelperfield['fieldname'] . $x . "'];"; eval($comd); if($value <> "") { $comd = "\$pkgarr['row'][" . $x . "]['" . $rowhelperfield['fieldname'] . "'] = \"" . $value . "\";"; //echo($comd . "=$pgtitle?>
\n"; if($type == "input") { echo "\n"; } else if($type == "checkbox") { if($value) echo "\n"; else echo "\n"; } else if($type == "password") { echo "\n"; } else if($type == "textarea") { echo "\n"; } else if($type == "select") { echo "\n"; } } function fixup_string($string) { global $config; // fixup #1: $myurl -> http[s]://ip_address:port/ $https = ""; $port = $config['system']['webguiport']; if($port <> "443" and $port <> "80") $urlport = ":" . $port; else $urlport = ""; if($config['system']['webguiproto'] == "https") $https = "s"; $myurl = "http" . $https . "://" . getenv("HTTP_HOST") . $urlport; $newstring = str_replace("\$myurl", $myurl, $string); $string = $newstring; // fixup #2: $wanip $curwanip = get_current_wan_address(); $newstring = str_replace("\$wanip", $curwanip, $string); $string = $newstring; // fixup #3: $lanip $lancfg = $config['interfaces']['lan']; $lanip = $lancfg['ipaddr']; $newstring = str_replace("\$lanip", $lanip, $string); $string = $newstring; // fixup #4: fix'r'up here. return $newstring; } /* * Parse templates if they are defined */ function parse_package_templates() { global $pkg, $config; $rows = 0; if($pkg['templates']['template'] <> "") foreach($pkg['templates']['template'] as $pkg_template_row) { $filename = $pkg_template_row['filename']; $template_text = $pkg_template_row['templatecontents']; $firstfield = ""; /* calculate total row helpers count */ foreach ($pkg['fields']['field'] as $fields) { if($fields['type'] == "rowhelper") { // save rowhelper items. $row_helper_total_rows = 0; for($x=0; $x<99; $x++) { // XXX: this really should be passed from the form. foreach($fields['rowhelper']['rowhelperfield'] as $rowhelperfield) { if($firstfield == "") { $firstfield = $rowhelperfield['fieldname']; } else { if($firstfield == $rowhelperfield['fieldname']) $rows++; } $comd = "\$value = \$_POST['" . $rowhelperfield['fieldname'] . $x . "'];"; $value = ""; eval($comd); if($value <> "") { //$template_text = str_replace($fieldname . "_fieldvalue", $fieldvalue, $template_text); } else { $row_helper_total_rows = $rows; break; } } } } } /* replace $domain_total_rows with total rows */ $template_text = str_replace("$domain_total_rows", $row_helper_total_rows, $template_text); /* change fields defined as fieldname_fieldvalue to their value */ foreach ($pkg['fields']['field'] as $fields) { if($fields['type'] == "rowhelper") { // save rowhelper items. for($x=0; $x<99; $x++) { // XXX: this really should be passed from the form. $row_helper_data = ""; $isfirst = 0; foreach($fields['rowhelper']['rowhelperfield'] as $rowhelperfield) { if($firstfield == "") { $firstfield = $rowhelperfield['fieldname']; } else { if($firstfield == $rowhelperfield['fieldname']) $rows++; } $comd = "\$value = \$_POST['" . $rowhelperfield['fieldname'] . $x . "'];"; eval($comd); if($value <> "") { if($isfirst == 1) $row_helper_data .= " " ; $row_helper_data .= $value; $isfirst = 1; } $sep = ""; ereg($rowhelperfield['fieldname'] . "_fieldvalue\[(.*)\]", $template_text, $sep); foreach ($sep as $se) $seperator = $se; if($seperator <> "") { $row_helper_data = ereg_replace(" ", $seperator, $row_helper_data); $template_text = ereg_replace("\[" . $seperator . "\]", "", $template_text); } $template_text = str_replace($rowhelperfield['fieldname'] . "_fieldvalue", $row_helper_data, $template_text); } } } else { $fieldname = $fields['fieldname']; $fieldvalue = $_POST[$fieldname]; $template_text = str_replace($fieldname . "_fieldvalue", $fieldvalue, $template_text); } } /* replace cr's */ $template_text = str_replace("\\n", "\n", $template_text); /* write out new template file */ $fout = fopen($filename,"w"); fwrite($fout, $template_text); fclose($fout); } } ?>