/* $Id$ */ /* * sorttable.js - Renders standard HTML tables into sortable tables. * * Based on "sorttable" by Stuart Langridge, published under the MIT licence. * Modified and extended by Daniel Berlin. * * Usage: * - All rows (except for those with class "sort_footer") should NOT contain s with * the "colspan" property set. Otherwise sorting might not work correctly. * * <-- Add class "sortable" * <-- The first row will automatically * be treated as the header line * * <-- Class "sort_ignore" prevents * sorting by this column * * * * * * * * * * * <-- Class "sort_footer" excludes this line * from sorting (may appear several times) * <-- In the footer(s), "colspan" is harmless * *
1Hello World...
2Bye World...
*/ var ts_CASE_SENSITIVE = false; // <-- Set this to true to do case-sensitive sorting /*** Main ***/ var ts_SORT_FUNCTION; var ts_COLUMN_INDEX; new ts_EventHandler( window, "load", function() { if(! document.getElementsByTagName) return; // Find all tables with class "sortable" and make them sortable var tabs = document.getElementsByTagName("table"); for(var i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) if(ts_hasClass(tabs[i], "sortable")) ts_tableMakeSortable(tabs[i]); } ); /*** Event Handlers ***/ // Make the table sortable function ts_tableMakeSortable(table) { if(table.rows && table.rows.length > 0) { var firstRow = table.rows[0]; } if(! firstRow) return; // We have a first row: assume it's the header for(var i = 0; i < firstRow.cells.length; i++) { var cell = firstRow.cells[i]; // Ignore header cells with class "sort_ignore" if(ts_hasClass(cell, "sort_ignore")) continue; // Make it clickable new ts_EventHandler(cell, "click", ts_tableResort, cell); ts_setCursor(cell, "pointer"); cell.innerHTML = ts_getInnerText(cell) + '   '; } } // Re-Sort the table function ts_tableResort() { // Note: 'this' refers to the cell, the user clicked on var tab = ts_getParentByTag(this, "table"); if(tab.rows.length <= 1) return; var txt = ts_getInnerText(tab.rows[1].cells[this.cellIndex]); // Determine, how we sort (the order of tests matters): // 1. Case (in)sensitive (default) ts_SORT_FUNCTION = ts_CASE_SENSITIVE ? ts_sortCaseSensitive : ts_sortCaseInsensitive; // 2. Date // TODO: this needs to be extended to match a wider range of dates if(txt.match(/^\d\d[\/-]\d\d[\/-]\d\d\d\d$/)) ts_SORT_FUNCTION = ts_sortDate; if(txt.match(/^\d\d[\/-]\d\d[\/-]\d\d$/) ) ts_SORT_FUNCTION = ts_sortDate; // 3. Currency // Note: commented out, because we don't need it //var regexp = new RegExp("^\s*[$" + String.fromCharCode(163, 165, 8364) + "]"); //if(regexp.test(txt)) ts_SORT_FUNCTION = ts_sortCurrency; // 4. Numeric if(txt.match(/^\s*[\d\.]+\s*$/)) ts_SORT_FUNCTION = ts_sortNumeric; // 5. IP-Address if(txt.match(/^\s*[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\s*$/)) ts_SORT_FUNCTION = ts_sortIpAddress; ts_COLUMN_INDEX = this.cellIndex; var bodyRows = new Array(); var bottomRows = new Array(); for(var i = 1; i < tab.rows.length; i++) if(ts_hasClass(tab.rows[i], "sort_footer")) bottomRows.push(tab.rows[i]); else bodyRows.push(tab.rows[i]); bodyRows.sort(ts_sort); var span = ts_getChildByTagAndClass(this, "span", "sortarrow"); if(span.getAttribute("sortdir") == "down") { var arrow = "  ↑"; span.setAttribute("sortdir", "up"); bodyRows.reverse(); } else { var arrow = "  ↓"; span.setAttribute("sortdir", "down"); } // We appendChild rows that already exist to the , // so it moves them rather than creating new ones: // 1. Append body-rows in sorted order for(i = 0; i < bodyRows.length; i++) tab.tBodies[0].appendChild(bodyRows[i]); // 2. Append bottom line(s) in original order to the end for(i = 0; i < bottomRows.length; i++) tab.tBodies[0].appendChild(bottomRows[i]); // Delete any other arrows there may be showing var spans = document.getElementsByTagName("span"); for(var i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) if(ts_hasClass(spans[i], "sortarrow") && ts_getParentByTag(spans[i], "table") == tab) spans[i].innerHTML = '   '; span.innerHTML = arrow; } /*** Sort Functions ***/ function ts_sort(a, b) { if(typeof a.cells[ts_COLUMN_INDEX] == "undefined" || typeof b.cells[ts_COLUMN_INDEX] == "undefined") return 0; return ts_SORT_FUNCTION( ts_getInnerText(a.cells[ts_COLUMN_INDEX]), ts_getInnerText(b.cells[ts_COLUMN_INDEX]) ); } // 1.1. Case insensitive function ts_sortCaseInsensitive(a, b) { return ts_sortCaseSensitive( a.toLowerCase(), b.toLowerCase() ); } // 1.2. Case sensitive function ts_sortCaseSensitive(a, b) { if(a == b) return 0; if(a < b) return -1; return 1; } // 2. Date // TODO: this needs to be extended to match a wider range of dates function ts_sortDate(a, b) { var d1, d2; // Y2k note: two digit years < 50 are treated as 20xx, >= 50 are treated as 19xx if(a.length == 10) d1 = a.substr(6, 4) + a.substr(3, 2) + a.substr(0, 2); else { var yr = a.substr(6, 2); if(parseInt(yr) < 50) yr = "20" + yr; else yr = "19" + yr; d1 = yr + a.substr(3, 2) + a.substr(0, 2); } if(b.length == 10) d2 = b.substr(6, 4) + b.substr(3, 2) + b.substr(0, 2); else { var yr = b.substr(6, 2); if(parseInt(yr) < 50) yr = "20" + yr; else yr = "19" + yr; d2 = yr + b.substr(3, 2) + b.substr(0, 2); } if(d1 == d2) return 0; if(d1 < d2) return -1; return 1; } // 3. Currency // Note: commented out, because we don't need it /* function ts_sortCurrency(a, b) { a = a.replace(/[^0-9.]/g, ""); b = b.replace(/[^0-9.]/g, ""); return parseFloat(a) - parseFloat(b); } */ // 4. Numeric function ts_sortNumeric(a, b) { a = parseFloat(a); if(isNaN(a)) a = 0; b = parseFloat(b); if(isNaN(b)) b = 0; return a - b; } // 5. IP-Address function ts_sortIpAddress(a, b) { var oa = a.split("."); var ob = b.split("."); for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if(parseInt(oa[i]) < parseInt(ob[i])) return -1; if(parseInt(oa[i]) > parseInt(ob[i])) return 1; } return 0; } /*** Internal Functions ***/ // Get a parentNode by it's tagName property function ts_getParentByTag(element, pTag) { if(typeof element != "object") return null; else if(element.nodeType == 1 && element.tagName.toLowerCase() == pTag.toLowerCase()) return element; else return ts_getParentByTag(element.parentNode, pTag); } // Get a childnode by it's tagName property and class function ts_getChildByTagAndClass(element, pTag, pClass) { if(typeof element != "object") return null; var childs = element.childNodes; for(var i = 0; i < childs.length; i++) if(childs[i].nodeType == 1 /* ELEMENT_NODE */ && childs[i].tagName.toLowerCase() == pTag.toLowerCase() && ts_hasClass(childs[i], pClass) >= 0) return childs[i]; return null; } // Determine, whether an element has a specific class in it's className function ts_hasClass(element, eClass) { if(! element.className) return false; if(element.className) var classes = element.className.split(/\s+/g); else if(element.hasAttribute && element.hasAttribute("class")) var classes = element.getAttribute("class").split(/\s+/g); else return false; for(var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) if(classes[i] == eClass) return true; return false; } // Get an element's innerText property function ts_getInnerText(element) { if(typeof element == "string") return element; else if (typeof element == "undefined") return ""; if(element.innerText) return element.innerText; var str = ""; var childs = element.childNodes; var l = childs.length; for(var i = 0; i < l; i++) { switch(childs[i].nodeType) { case 1: // ELEMENT_NODE str += ts_getInnerText(childs[i]); break; case 3: // TEXT_NODE str += childs[i].nodeValue; break; } } return str; } /* Class to add an event handler to an element * - element to add the event handler to (Object) * - event to listen on (String) * - function to execute if an event fires (Function) * [] - context to execute the handler in (Object) */ function ts_EventHandler(element, event, handler, context) { var self = this; this.context = typeof(context) == "object" ? context : null; event = event.toLowerCase(); if(event.substring(0, 2) == "on") event = event.substring(2); var evHandler = this.context ? function(ev) { handler.call(self.context, ev); } : function(ev) { handler (ev); } // W3C DOM, Level 2 (Event Specification) if(element.addEventListener) { element.addEventListener(event, evHandler, false); return true; } // Microsoft Event Model else if(element.attachEvent) return element.attachEvent("on" + event, evHandler); else return false; } // Set an element's cursor-style function ts_setCursor (element, type) { if (! type) type = "auto"; /*@cc_on // MSIE <= 5.5 @if (@_jscript_version <= 5.5) if (type == "pointer") type = "hand"; @end @*/ element.style.cursor = type; }