. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* make sure nothing is cached */ if (!$omit_nocacheheaders) { header("Expires: 0"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); } /* parse the configuration and include all configuration functions */ require_once("config.inc"); require_once("functions.inc"); $d_natconfdirty_path = $g['varrun_path'] . "/nat.conf.dirty"; $d_filterconfdirty_path = $g['varrun_path'] . "/filter.conf.dirty"; $d_ipsecconfdirty_path = $g['varrun_path'] . "/ipsec.conf.dirty"; $d_shaperconfdirty_path = $g['varrun_path'] . "/shaper.conf.dirty"; $d_pptpuserdirty_path = $g['varrun_path'] . "/pptpd.user.dirty"; $d_hostsdirty_path = $g['varrun_path'] . "/hosts.dirty"; $d_staticmapsdirty_path = $g['varrun_path'] . "/staticmaps.dirty"; $d_staticroutesdirty_path = $g['varrun_path'] . "/staticroutes.dirty"; $d_aliasesdirty_path = $g['varrun_path'] . "/aliases.dirty"; $d_proxyarpdirty_path = $g['varrun_path'] . "/proxyarp.dirty"; $d_fwupenabled_path = $g['varrun_path'] . "/fwup.enabled"; $d_firmwarelock_path = $g['varrun_path'] . "/firmware.lock"; $d_sysrebootreqd_path = $g['varrun_path'] . "/sysreboot.reqd"; $d_passthrumacsdirty_path = $g['varrun_path'] . "/passthrumacs.dirty"; $d_allowedipsdirty_path = $g['varrun_path'] . "/allowedips.dirty"; $d_ovpnclidirty_path = $g['varrun_path'] . "/ovpnclient.dirty"; if (file_exists($d_firmwarelock_path)) { if (!$d_isfwfile) { header("Location: system_firmware.php"); exit; } else { return; } } /* some well knows ports */ $wkports = array(3389 => "MS RDP", 21 => "FTP", 22 => "SSH", 23 => "Telnet", 25 => "SMTP", 53 => "DNS", 80 => "HTTP", 110 => "POP3", 143 => "IMAP", 443 => "HTTPS"); $iptos = array("lowdelay", "throughput", "reliability", "mincost", "congestion"); /* TCP flags */ $tcpflags = array("fin", "syn", "rst", "psh", "ack", "urg"); $specialnets = array("lan" => "LAN net", "pptp" => "PPTP clients"); for ($i = 1; isset($config['interfaces']['opt' . $i]); $i++) { $specialnets['opt' . $i] = $config['interfaces']['opt' . $i]['descr'] . " net"; } $medias = array("auto" => "autoselect", "100full" => "100BASE-TX full-duplex", "100half" => "100BASE-TX half-duplex", "10full" => "10BASE-T full-duplex", "10half" => "10BASE-T half-duplex"); /* platforms that support firmware updating */ $fwupplatforms = array('pfSense', 'net45xx', 'net48xx', 'generic-pc', 'wrap'); /* IPsec defines */ $my_identifier_list = array('myaddress' => 'My IP address', 'address' => 'IP address', 'fqdn' => 'Domain name', 'user_fqdn' => 'User FQDN'); $p1_ealgos = array('des' => 'DES', '3des' => '3DES', 'blowfish' => 'Blowfish', 'cast128' => 'CAST128'); $p2_ealgos = array('des' => 'DES', '3des' => '3DES', 'blowfish' => 'Blowfish', 'cast128' => 'CAST128', 'rijndael' => 'Rijndael (AES)'); $p1_halgos = array('sha1' => 'SHA1', 'md5' => 'MD5'); $p2_halgos = array('hmac_sha1' => 'SHA1', 'hmac_md5' => 'MD5'); $p2_protos = array('esp' => 'ESP', 'ah' => 'AH'); $p2_pfskeygroups = array('0' => 'off', '1' => '1', '2' => '2', '5' => '5'); function do_input_validation($postdata, $reqdfields, $reqdfieldsn, $input_errors) { /* check for bad control characters */ foreach ($postdata as $pn => $pd) { if (is_string($pd) && preg_match("/[\\x00-\\x08\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e-\\x1f]/", $pd)) { $input_errors[] = "The field '" . $pn . "' contains invalid characters."; } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($reqdfields); $i++) { if (!$_POST[$reqdfields[$i]]) { $input_errors[] = "The field '" . $reqdfieldsn[$i] . "' is required."; } } } function print_input_errors($input_errors) { echo "

\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
"; echo "

The following input errors were detected:

    \n"; foreach ($input_errors as $ierr) { echo "
  • " . htmlspecialchars($ierr) . "
  • \n"; } echo "
"; echo "

"; } function exec_rc_script($scriptname) { global $d_sysrebootreqd_path; if (file_exists($d_sysrebootreqd_path)) return 0; exec($scriptname . " >/dev/null 2>&1", $execoutput, $retval); return $retval; } function exec_rc_script_async($scriptname) { global $d_sysrebootreqd_path; if (file_exists($d_sysrebootreqd_path)) return 0; exec("nohup " . $scriptname . " >/dev/null 2>&1 &", $execoutput, $retval); return $retval; } function verify_gzip_file($fname) { $returnvar = mwexec("/usr/bin/gunzip -S \"\" -t " . escapeshellarg($fname)); if ($returnvar != 0) return 0; else return 1; } function print_info_box_np($msg) { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
"; echo $msg; echo "

"; } function print_info_box($msg) { echo "

"; print_info_box_np($msg); echo "

"; } function format_bytes($bytes) { if ($bytes >= 1073741824) { return sprintf("%.2f GB", $bytes/1073741824); } else if ($bytes >= 1048576) { return sprintf("%.2f MB", $bytes/1048576); } else if ($bytes >= 1024) { return sprintf("%.0f KB", $bytes/1024); } else { return sprintf("%d bytes", $bytes); } } function get_std_save_message($ok) { global $d_sysrebootreqd_path; if ($ok == 0) { if (file_exists($d_sysrebootreqd_path)) return "The changes have been saved. You must reboot your firewall for changes to take effect."; else return "The changes have been applied successfully."; } else { return "ERROR: the changes could not be applied (error code $ok)."; } } function pprint_address($adr) { global $specialnets; if (isset($adr['any'])) { $padr = "*"; } else if ($adr['network']) { $padr = $specialnets[$adr['network']]; } else { $padr = $adr['address']; } if (isset($adr['not'])) $padr = "! " . $padr; return $padr; } function pprint_port($port) { global $wkports; $pport = ""; if (!$port) echo "*"; else { $srcport = explode("-", $port); if ((!$srcport[1]) || ($srcport[0] == $srcport[1])) { $pport = $srcport[0]; if ($wkports[$srcport[0]]) { $pport .= " (" . $wkports[$srcport[0]] . ")"; } } else $pport .= $srcport[0] . " - " . $srcport[1]; } return $pport; } /* sort by interface only, retain the original order of rules that apply to the same interface */ function filter_rules_sort() { global $g, $config; /* mark each rule with the sequence number (to retain the order while sorting) */ for ($i = 0; isset($config['filter']['rule'][$i]); $i++) $config['filter']['rule'][$i]['seq'] = $i; function filtercmp($a, $b) { if ($a['interface'] == $b['interface']) return $a['seq'] - $b['seq']; else return -strcmp($a['interface'], $b['interface']); } usort($config['filter']['rule'], "filtercmp"); /* strip the sequence numbers again */ for ($i = 0; isset($config['filter']['rule'][$i]); $i++) unset($config['filter']['rule'][$i]['seq']); } function nat_rules_sort() { global $g, $config; function natcmp($a, $b) { if ($a['external-address'] == $b['external-address']) { if ($a['protocol'] == $b['protocol']) { if ($a['external-port'] == $b['external-port']) { return 0; } else { return ($a['external-port'] - $b['external-port']); } } else { return strcmp($a['protocol'], $b['protocol']); } } else if (!$a['external-address']) return 1; else if (!$b['external-address']) return -1; else return ipcmp($a['external-address'], $b['external-address']); } usort($config['nat']['rule'], "natcmp"); } function nat_1to1_rules_sort() { global $g, $config; function nat1to1cmp($a, $b) { return ipcmp($a['external'], $b['external']); } usort($config['nat']['onetoone'], "nat1to1cmp"); } function nat_server_rules_sort() { global $g, $config; function natservercmp($a, $b) { return ipcmp($a['ipaddr'], $b['ipaddr']); } usort($config['nat']['servernat'], "natservercmp"); } function nat_out_rules_sort() { global $g, $config; function natoutcmp($a, $b) { return strcmp($a['source']['network'], $b['source']['network']); } usort($config['nat']['advancedoutbound']['rule'], "natoutcmp"); } function pptpd_users_sort() { global $g, $config; function usercmp($a, $b) { return strcasecmp($a['name'], $b['name']); } usort($config['pptpd']['user'], "usercmp"); } function staticroutes_sort() { global $g, $config; function staticroutecmp($a, $b) { return strcmp($a['network'], $b['network']); } usort($config['staticroutes']['route'], "staticroutecmp"); } function hosts_sort() { global $g, $config; function hostcmp($a, $b) { return strcasecmp($a['host'], $b['host']); } usort($config['dnsmasq']['hosts'], "hostcmp"); } function staticmaps_sort($if) { global $g, $config; function staticmapcmp($a, $b) { return ipcmp($a['ipaddr'], $b['ipaddr']); } usort($config['dhcpd'][$if]['staticmap'], "staticmapcmp"); } function aliases_sort() { global $g, $config; function aliascmp($a, $b) { return strcmp($a['name'], $b['name']); } usort($config['aliases']['alias'], "aliascmp"); } function ipsec_mobilekey_sort() { global $g, $config; function mobilekeycmp($a, $b) { return strcmp($a['ident'][0], $b['ident'][0]); } usort($config['ipsec']['mobilekey'], "mobilekeycmp"); } function proxyarp_sort() { global $g, $config; function proxyarpcmp($a, $b) { if (isset($a['network'])) list($ast,$asn) = explode("/", $a['network']); else if (isset($a['range'])) { $ast = $a['range']['from']; $asn = 32; } if (isset($b['network'])) list($bst,$bsn) = explode("/", $b['network']); else if (isset($b['range'])) { $bst = $b['range']['from']; $bsn = 32; } if (ipcmp($ast, $bst) == 0) return ($asn - $bsn); else return ipcmp($ast, $bst); } usort($config['proxyarp']['proxyarpnet'], "proxyarpcmp"); } function passthrumacs_sort() { global $g, $config; function passthrumacscmp($a, $b) { return strcmp($a['mac'], $b['mac']); } usort($config['captiveportal']['passthrumac'],"passthrumacscmp"); } function allowedips_sort() { global $g, $config; function allowedipscmp($a, $b) { return strcmp($a['ip'], $b['ip']); } usort($config['captiveportal']['allowedip'],"allowedipscmp"); } function wol_sort() { global $g, $config; function wolcmp($a, $b) { return strcmp($a['descr'], $b['descr']); } usort($config['wol']['wolentry'], "wolcmp"); } function gentitle($pgname) { global $config; return $config['system']['hostname'] . "." . $config['system']['domain'] . " - " . $pgname; } ?>