"") { mwexec("killall -9 pfctl php"); exit; } read_altq_config(); $qlist =& get_unique_queue_list(); if (!is_array($qlist)) $qlist = array(); $tree = ""; if ($_GET) { if ($_GET['queue']) $qname = trim($_GET['queue']); if ($_GET['interface']) $interface = trim($_GET['interface']); if ($_GET['action']) $action = $_GET['action']; switch ($action) { case "delete": $altq =& $altq_list_queues[$interface]; $qtmp =& $altq->find_queue("", $qname); if ($qtmp) { $qtmp->delete_queue(); write_config(); touch($d_shaperconfdirty_path); } header("Location: firewall_shaper_queues.php"); exit; break; case "add": /* * XXX: WARNING: This returns the first it finds. * Maybe the user expects something else?! */ foreach ($altq_list_queues as $altq) { $qtmp =& $altq->find_queue("", $qname); if ($qtmp) { $copycfg = array(); $qtmp->copy_queue($interface, &$copycfg); $aq =& $altq_list_queues[$interface]; if ($qname == $qtmp->GetInterface()) { $config['shaper']['queue'][] = $copycfg; } else if ($aq) { $tmp1 =& $qtmp->find_parentqueue($interface, $qname); if ($tmp1) $tmp =& $aq->find_queue($interface, $tmp1->GetQname()); if ($tmp) $link =& get_reference_to_me_in_config($tmp->GetLink()); else $link =& get_reference_to_me_in_config($aq->GetLink()); $link['queue'][] = $copycfg; } else { $newroot = array(); $newroot['name'] = $interface; $newroot['interface'] = $interface; $newroot['scheduler'] = $altq->GetScheduler(); $newroot['queue'] = array(); $newroot['queue'][] = $copycfg; $config['shaper']['queue'][] = $newroot; } write_config(); touch($d_shaperconfdirty_path); break; } } header("Location: firewall_shaper_queues.php?queue=".$qname."&action=show"); exit; break; case "show": $iflist = get_interface_list(); foreach ($iflist as $if) { $altq = $altq_list_queues[$if['friendly']]; if ($altq) { $qtmp =& $altq->find_queue("", $qname); if ($qtmp) $output .= $qtmp->build_shortform(); else $output .= build_iface_without_this_queue($if['friendly'], $qname); } else $output .= build_iface_without_this_queue($if['friendly'], $qname); } break; } } if ($_POST['apply']) { write_config(); $retval = 0; $savemsg = get_std_save_message($retval); /* Setup pf rules since the user may have changed the optimization value */ config_lock(); $retval = filter_configure(); config_unlock(); if (stristr($retval, "error") <> true) $savemsg = get_std_save_message($retval); else $savemsg = $retval; /* reset rrd queues */ system("rm -f /var/db/rrd/*queuedrops.rrd"); system("rm -f /var/db/rrd/*queues.rrd"); enable_rrd_graphing(); unlink($d_shaperconfdirty_path); } $pgtitle = "Firewall: Shaper: By Queues View"; include("head.inc"); ?>

You must apply the changes in order for them to take effect.");?>
" . $qname . "
"; echo ""; echo $output; echo "
"; ?>