"") { $reqdfields = explode(" ", "name aliasimport"); $reqdfieldsn = array(gettext("Name"),gettext("Aliases")); do_input_validation($_POST, $reqdfields, $reqdfieldsn, $input_errors); if (is_validaliasname($_POST['name']) == false) $input_errors[] = gettext("The alias name may only consist of the characters") . " a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _."; /* check for name duplicates */ if (is_alias($_POST['name'])) $input_errors[] = gettext("An alias with this name already exists."); /* Check for reserved keyword names */ foreach($reserved_keywords as $rk) if ($rk == $_POST['name']) $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("Cannot use a reserved keyword as alias name %s"), $rk); /* check for name interface description conflicts */ foreach($config['interfaces'] as $interface) { if($interface['descr'] == $_POST['name']) { $input_errors[] = gettext("An interface description with this name already exists."); break; } } if ($_POST['aliasimport']) { $tocheck = explode("\n", $_POST['aliasimport']); $imported_ips = array(); $imported_descs = array(); $desc_len_err_found = false; $desc_fmt_err_found = false; foreach ($tocheck as $impline) { $implinea = explode(" ",trim($impline),2); $impip = $implinea[0]; $impdesc = trim($implinea[1]); if (strlen($impdesc) < 200) { if (strpos($impdesc, "||") === false) { if (is_iprange($impip)) { list($startip, $endip) = explode('-', $impip); $rangesubnets = ip_range_to_subnet_array($startip, $endip); $imported_ips = array_merge($imported_ips, $rangesubnets); $rangedescs = array_fill(0, count($rangesubnets), $impdesc); $imported_descs = array_merge($imported_descs, $rangedescs); } else if (!is_ipaddr($impip) && !is_subnet($impip) && !empty($impip)) { $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("%s is not an IP address. Please correct the error to continue"), $impip); } elseif (!empty($impip)) { $imported_ips[] = $impip; $imported_descs[] = $impdesc; } } else { if (!$desc_fmt_err_found) { $input_errors[] = gettext("Descriptions may not contain double vertical bar ||."); $desc_fmt_err_found = true; } } } else { if (!$desc_len_err_found) { /* Note: The 200 character limit is just a practical check to avoid accidents */ /* if the user pastes a large number of IP addresses without line breaks. */ $input_errors[] = gettext("Descriptions must be less than 200 characters long."); $desc_fmt_err_found = true; } } } unset($desc_len_err_found, $desc_fmt_err_found); } if (!$input_errors && is_array($imported_ips)) { $alias = array(); $alias['address'] = implode(" ", $imported_ips); $alias['detail'] = implode("||", $imported_descs); $alias['name'] = $_POST['name']; $alias['type'] = "network"; $alias['descr'] = $_POST['descr']; unset($imported_ips, $imported_descs); $a_aliases[] = $alias; // Sort list $a_aliases = msort($a_aliases, "name"); if (write_config()) mark_subsystem_dirty('aliases'); pfSenseHeader("firewall_aliases.php"); exit; } } include("head.inc"); ?>

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