Information about listening sockets for both IPv4 and IPv6.
For explanation about the meaning of the information listed for each socket click here.
To show information about both listening and connected sockets click this.
$table) { $elements = ($tabindex == 0 ? 7 : 7); $name = ($tabindex == 0 ? 'IPv4' : 'IPv6'); ?>
$line) { if ($i == 0) $class = 'listhdrr'; else $class = 'listlr'; if (trim($line) == "") continue; print("\n"); $j = 0; foreach (explode(' ', $line) as $entry) { if ($entry == '' || $entry == "ADDRESS") continue; if ($i == 0) print("\n"); else print("\n"); if ($i > 0) $class = 'listr'; $j++; } print("\n"); }?>

Socket information explanation
This page show the output for the commands: "sockstat -4lL" and "sockstat -6lL".
Or in case of showing all sockets the output for: "sockstat -4" and "sockstat -6".

The information listed for each socket is:
USER The user who owns the socket.
COMMAND The command which holds the socket.
PID The process ID of the command which holds the socket.
FD The file descriptor number of the socket.
PROTO The transport protocol associated with the socket for Internet sockets, or the type of socket (stream or data-gram) for UNIX sockets.
ADDRESS (UNIX sockets only) For bound sockets, this is the file-name of the socket. For other sockets, it is the name, PID and file descriptor number of the peer, or ``(none)'' if the socket is neither bound nor connected.
LOCAL ADDRESS (Internet sockets only) The address the local end of the socket is bound to (see getsockname(2)).
FOREIGN ADDRESS (Internet sockets only) The address the foreign end of the socket is bound to (see getpeername(2)).