PASSED'; $replacements[1] = 'FAILED'; $replacements[2] = 'Warning'; ksort($patterns); ksort($replacements); return preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $string); } // Edits smartd.conf file, adds or removes email for failed disk reporting function update_email($email) { // Did they pass an email? if(!empty($email)) { // Put it in the smartd.conf file shell_exec("/usr/bin/sed -i old 's/^DEVICESCAN.*/DEVICESCAN -H -m " . $email . "/' /usr/local/etc/smartd.conf"); } // Nope else { // Remove email flags in smartd.conf shell_exec("/usr/bin/sed -i old 's/^DEVICESCAN.*/DEVICESCAN/' /usr/local/etc/smartd.conf"); } } function smartmonctl($action) { global $start_script; shell_exec($start_script . $action); } // What page, aka. action is being wanted // If they "get" a page but don't pass all arguments, smartctl will throw an error $action = (isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : $_GET['action']); switch($action) { // Testing devices case 'test': { $test = $_POST['testType']; $output = add_colors(shell_exec($smartctl . " -t " . $test . " /dev/" . $_POST['device'])); echo '
' . $output . '
'; break; } // Info on devices case 'info': { $type = $_POST['type']; $output = add_colors(shell_exec($smartctl . " -" . $type . " /dev/" . $_POST['device'])); echo "
"; break; } // View logs case 'logs': { $type = $_POST['type']; $output = add_colors(shell_exec($smartctl . " -l " . $type . " /dev/" . $_POST['device'])); echo "
"; break; } // Abort tests case 'abort': { $output = shell_exec($smartctl . " -X /dev/" . $_POST['device']); echo "
"; break; } // Config changes, users email in xml config and write changes to smartd.conf case 'config': { if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { // DOES NOT WORK YET... if($_POST['testemail']) { // FIXME shell_exec($smartd . " -M test -m " . $config['system']['smartmonemail']); $savemsg = "Email sent to " . $config['system']['smartmonemail']; smartmonctl("stop"); smartmonctl("start"); } else { $config['system']['smartmonemail'] = $_POST['smartmonemail']; write_config(); // Don't know what all this means, but it addes the config changed header when config is saved $retval = 0; config_lock(); if(stristr($retval, "error") <> true) $savemsg = get_std_save_message($retval); else $savemsg = $retval; config_unlock(); if($_POST['email']) { // Write the changes to the smartd.conf file update_email($_POST['smartmonemail']); } // Send sig HUP to smartd, rereads the config file shell_exec("/usr/bin/killall -HUP smartd"); } } // Was the config changed? if so , print the message if ($savemsg) print_info_box($savemsg); // Get users email from the xml file $pconfig['smartmonemail'] = $config['system']['smartmonemail']; ?>
Email Adress
Test email
  Send test email to
Info type Info
SMART Capabilities
Device: /dev/
Perform Self Tests
Test type Offline
Conveyance (ATA Disks Only)
Device: /dev/
View Logs
Log type Error
Self Test
Device: /dev/
Abort tests
Device: /dev/
Back'; } ?>
" . $ulmsg . "

\n"; ?>