" . gettext("Enter 0 (zero) for no count limit.");?>

" . gettext("Note:") . " " . gettext("This option does not affect the level of detail when downloading the packet capture.");?>

   "; else { echo " "; } if (file_exists($fp.$fn) and $processisrunning != true) { echo ""; echo "  (" . gettext("The packet capture file was last updated:") . " " . date("F jS, Y g:i:s a.", filemtime($fp.$fn)) . ")"; } ?>
"; if ($processisrunning == true) echo("" . gettext("Packet Capture is running.") . "
"); if ($do_tcpdump) { if ($port != "") { $searchport = "and port ".$port; if($host <> "") $searchport = "and port ".$port; else $searchport = "port ".$port; } else { $searchport = ""; } if ($host != "") { $searchhost = "host " . $host; } else { $searchhost = ""; } if ($count != "0" ) { $searchcount = "-c " . $count; } else { $searchcount = ""; } $selectedif = convert_friendly_interface_to_real_interface_name($selectedif); if ($action == gettext("Start")) { echo("" . gettext("Packet Capture is running.") . "
"); mwexec_bg ("/usr/sbin/tcpdump -i $selectedif $searchcount -s $packetlength -w $fp$fn $searchhost $searchport"); } else { //action = stop echo("" . gettext("Packet Capture stopped.") . "

" . gettext("Packets Captured:") . "

"); ?>