"Actions", 'interface' => "Interfaces", 'proto' => "Protocols", 'srcip' => "Source IPs", 'dstip' => "Destination IPs", 'srcport' => "Source Ports", 'dstport' => "Destination Ports"); $summary = array(); foreach (array_keys($fields) as $f) { $summary[$f] = array(); } $totals = array(); function cmp($a, $b) { if ($a == $b) { return 0; } return ($a < $b) ? 1 : -1; } function stat_block($summary, $stat, $num) { global $gotlines, $fields; uasort($summary[$stat] , 'cmp'); print ''; print ""; $k = array_keys($summary[$stat]); $total = 0; $numentries = 0; for ($i=0; $i < $num; $i++) { if ($k[$i]) { $total += $summary[$stat][$k[$i]]; $numentries++; $outstr = $k[$i]; if (is_ipaddr($outstr)) { $outstr = " {$outstr}"; } elseif (substr_count($outstr, '/') == 1) { list($proto, $port) = explode('/', $outstr); $service = getservbyport($port, strtolower($proto)); if ($service) $outstr .= ": {$service}"; } print "\n"; } } $leftover = $gotlines - $total; if ($leftover > 0) { print "\n"; } print '
{$fields[$stat]} data
'; } function pie_block($summary, $stat, $num) { global $gotlines, $fields; uasort($summary[$stat] , 'cmp'); $k = array_keys($summary[$stat]); $total = 0; $numentries = 0; print "\n"; print ""; print ""; print "
\n"; print "
"; } foreach ($filterlog as $fe) { $specialfields = array('srcport', 'dstport'); foreach (array_keys($fields) as $field) { if (!in_array($field, $specialfields)) $summary[$field][$fe[$field]]++; } /* Handle some special cases */ if ($fe['srcport']) $summary['srcport'][$fe['proto'].'/'.$fe['srcport']]++; else $summary['srcport'][$fe['srcport']]++; if ($fe['dstport']) $summary['dstport'][$fe['proto'].'/'.$fe['dstport']]++; else $summary['dstport'][$fe['dstport']]++; } include("head.inc"); ?>
Normal View | Dynamic View | Summary View

This is a firewall log summary, of the last lines of the firewall log (Max ).
NOTE: IE8 users must enable compatibility view.
"; stat_block($summary, $field , $entriesperblock); echo "

"; } ?>