: " /> " />
= 10000) break; $line_split = preg_split("/\s+/", $line); $iface = array_shift($line_split); $proto = array_shift($line_split); $state = array_pop($line_split); $info = implode(" ", $line_split); // We may want to make this optional, with a large state table, this could get to be expensive. $iface = convert_real_interface_to_friendly_descr($iface); /* break up info and extract $srcip and $dstip */ $ends = preg_split("/\?/", $info); if (strstr($info, "[")) { // IPv6 $parts = explode("[", $ends[0]); if (strstr($info, "->")) { $srcip = trim($parts[0]); } else { $dstip = trim($parts[0]); } $parts = explode("[", $ends[count($ends) - 1]); if (strstr($info, "->")) { $dstip = trim($parts[0]); } else { $srcip = trim($parts[0]); } } else { // IPv4 $parts = explode(":", $ends[0]); if (strstr($info, "->")) { $srcip = trim($parts[0]); } else { $dstip = trim($parts[0]); } $parts = explode(":", $ends[count($ends) - 1]); if (strstr($info, "->")) { $dstip = trim($parts[0]); } else { $srcip = trim($parts[0]); } } ?>
Router -> Destination");?>